1) A literal constant has no type until it is stored as data. (F) 2) Unary operators have only one operand, while binary operators have two. (T) 3) Integer division is when you divide two ints and the result gets rounded up. (F) 4) An operator is allowed to have different meanings depending on its operands. (T) 5) An arithmetic expression is anything that evaluates to a number. (T) 6) You can automatically convert from int to short, but you have to do a cast in order to go the other way. (F) 7) The two operands of a binary operator must always be the same type. (F) 8) The result of an operator usually has the type of the wider operand. (T) 9) Aliasing occurs when you assign one double to be equal to another. (F) 10) A string in Java is a primitive type that holds a sequence of characters. (F) 11) Putting one string on the end of another is called concatenation. (T) 12) Methods of the int class can convert an int to a String and vice versa. (F) 13) Standard input and output use the System.in and System.out objects. (T) 14) There is always only one semicolon per statement. (T) 15) Escape sequences are used to print "special" characters in a string. (T) 16) In order to read a line from the console, you need a BufferedReader object. (T) 17) In order to calculate a square root, you need to construct a Math object. (F) 18) You are allowed to assign a narrower value into a wider type. (T) 19) When an I/O routine fails, an error called an IOException is thrown. (T) 20) A variable represents a memory location in which to store a value. (T) 21) Both primitive and reference variables have types. (T) 22) You should always evaluate an arithmetic expression from left to right. (F) 23) After assignment, variables on the right and left side have equal values. (F) 24) Some methods in the wrapper classes are static, so you can use them without ever creating objects of those classes. (T)