BMRB: BioMagResBank
  • Database programming. Oracle and Windows application programming.
  • Built several data processing tools by C/C++, JAVA and CGI.
  • Improved online search engine tools.

    Entry Tracking System Presentation

CS-764 and CS-564:Advanced Database Management
  • Designed and built an online query system by SQL. Using mySQL and Apache.
  • Implemented Minibase: a database engine developed in UW-Madison. Buffer manager, heap file page, B+ tree, sort merge.
  • Sybase SQL
CS-640:Network Programming
  • Implemented server, client and switch for network communications: client and server can send and receive packets via switch forwarding under LINUX.
  • Implemented a multicast protocol: any host can dynamically communicate with a certain group of hosts.
CS-760: Artificial Inteligence
  • Implemented Naive Bayes, kNN, Decision Trees and Neural Networks machine learning systems: different algorithms for predicting future event occurrence based on large amount of sampled data.
  • Review on logic programming including FOIL: for detecting underlying logical relations from samples.
CS-838: Advanced Bio-informatics
  • Implemented MEME (Multiple Expectation Maximization for Motif Elicitation) algorithm to predict motifs (matching gene patterns with similar length) in E. coli proteins: find the longest common subsequence in gene sequences.
CS-536: Compiler
  • Implemented a compiler: Symbol table, abstract syntax tree and code generator.
CS-537: Operating System
  • Implemented an I/O Manager: File Manager, File Table, Directory and Disk.