Advanced Microsoft Office Access and Excel 2003 / Edition 1

Advanced Microsoft Office Access and Excel 2003 / Edition 1

by Philip A. Koneman

For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.

Master the How and Why of Office 2003! Students master the "How and Why" of performing tasks in Office and gain a greater understanding of how to use the individual applications together to solve

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For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.

Master the How and Why of Office 2003! Students master the "How and Why" of performing tasks in Office and gain a greater understanding of how to use the individual applications together to solve business problems.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Grauer Exploring Office 2003 Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
8.76(w) x 10.92(h) x 0.76(d)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Using Excel to Model Data and Make Decisions

Using Excel for What-If Analysis

Using Function to Calculate Consulting Revenue and Expenses

Analyzing Utilization Data

Chapter 2 - Using Queries and SQL to Manage and Analyze Data

Access Tables, Relationships, and Query Tables

Using Structured Query Language (SQL)

Linking an Excel Workbook and Creating a Table with a Make-Table Query

Importing Records from Excel and Creating an Archive Table

Using Access Queries to Analyze Consulting Profitability

Summarize Data on Multiple Fields Using Crosstab Queries

Chapter 3 - XML in Microsoft Office 2003

XML and Markup Languages

Using XML

XML and Microsoft Excel 2003

XML and Microsoft Access 2003

Creating a Query to Export Data as XML

Put It All Together: Using XML to Display Consulting Revenue Summaries on the Web

Chapter 4 - Learning to Program with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Visual Basic for Applications

VBA in Excel and Access

Modules and Procedures

Display Messages Using VBA

Variables and Constants

User Input

Perform Calculations with Variables and Constants and Format Results

Chapter 5 - Using Programming Structures in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Programming Structures

Repetition Structures

Anticipate and Trap Errors

Chapter 6 - Customizing Excel with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Develop Custom Applications in Excel Using a Software Development Cycle

Objects and the Excel Object Model

Visual Basic Forms

Plan and Design a Data Entry Form

Use Functions

Initialize, Display and Close Forms

Chapter 7 - Customizing Access Databases Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Create Custom Forms in Access

Access Modules

Use the Active Data Object (ADO) and Recordset Objects

Perform Calculations with Procedures

Use Procedures to Calculate Federal and State Payroll Withholding Taxes

Create Additional Procedures to Add Functionality to the Application

Export Data as XML

Chapter 8 - Summarizing and Reporting Data in Excel and Access

Excel Lists, PivotTable Reports, and PivotChart Reports

Group Data in Excel PivotTable and PivotChart Reports

Summarize and Report Data in Microsoft Access

Chapter 9 - Use Smart Tags in Office 2003

Use HTML Data in Excel and Access

Publish Excel Worksheets and Workbooks to the Web

Data Access Pages

Appendix -- Data Normalization

Database Design

Normalization and the Normal Forms

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