DBASE IV Programming / Edition 1

DBASE IV Programming / Edition 1

by Sumant S. Pendharkar, Richard A. Biegel, McGraw-Hill Staff

dBASE IV Programming offers a comprehensive, semester-long introduction to today's most widely used business database management system. Using a project-centered organization supplemented by hundreds of exercises and examples, dBASE IV Programming moves from an introduction to the dBASE IV Version 2.0 programming environment through all of the important features of… See more details below


dBASE IV Programming offers a comprehensive, semester-long introduction to today's most widely used business database management system. Using a project-centered organization supplemented by hundreds of exercises and examples, dBASE IV Programming moves from an introduction to the dBASE IV Version 2.0 programming environment through all of the important features of dBASE IV programming. With its hands-on approach, dBASE IV Programming builds student confidence by moving form simple skills to the creation of complex, multi-user systems.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
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Product dimensions:
9.00(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.87(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction to the dBASE IV Programming Environment. Database Files and INdexes. dBASE IV Language Elements. Program Flow and Control. Modular Programming. Programming with Menus. Query-by-Example. Screen Forms. Reports and Labels. Multi-User Programming.

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