Expert Oracle JDBC Programming / Edition 1

Expert Oracle JDBC Programming / Edition 1

4.0 1
by R.M. Menon

JDBC is the most commonly used API in Java to access and manipulate data in a database. Oracle is one of the most popular and scalable databases in the world. This book is a must-have for any developer building an application that employs JDBC on Oracle database. Unlike other JDBC books, this book has been written to complement not rehash the contents of Oracle

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JDBC is the most commonly used API in Java to access and manipulate data in a database. Oracle is one of the most popular and scalable databases in the world. This book is a must-have for any developer building an application that employs JDBC on Oracle database. Unlike other JDBC books, this book has been written to complement not rehash the contents of Oracle JDBC documentation and the JDBC specification.

The book teaches you not just how to write JDBC code, but how to write effective JDBC code in a step-by-step fashion. This book does not assume any prior knowledge of JDBC, though it does assume basic knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL. It covers JDBC with a focus on writing high-performing, scalable and secure applications for Oracle 10g and 9i.

Product Details

Publication date:
OakTable Press Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 7.50(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Performance toolkit1
Ch. 2Oracle fundamentals33
Ch. 3Introduction to JDBC79
Ch. 4Transactions115
Ch. 5Statement and PreparedStatement139
Ch. 6CallableStatement187
Ch. 7Result sets explored209
Ch. 8Oracle objects : an objective analysis277
Ch. 9Using weakly typed struct objects323
Ch. 10Using strongly typed interfaces with JPublisher345
Ch. 11Using Oracle collections and references387
Ch. 12Using LOBs and BFILEs447
Ch. 13Statement caching495
Ch. 14Connection pooling and caching529
Ch. 15Security-related issues575
Ch. 16Locking-related issues599
Ch. 17Selected PL/SQL techniques629

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