Java & BAPI Technology for SAP

Java & BAPI Technology for SAP

by Anil Thakur

As a programmer, you need to know how to get the most out of using Java in the SAP environment. This book will show you how to tie key corporate data through the Internet; create, change, and display information via Java applets or executable code; and how Java and SAP interrelate. Java & BAPI Technology for SAP is a solid reference for beginning and intermediate… See more details below


As a programmer, you need to know how to get the most out of using Java in the SAP environment. This book will show you how to tie key corporate data through the Internet; create, change, and display information via Java applets or executable code; and how Java and SAP interrelate. Java & BAPI Technology for SAP is a solid reference for beginning and intermediate users who are seeking help in this booming area.

Product Details

Premier Press
Publication date:
Prima Tech's Sap Book Series
Product dimensions:
7.71(w) x 9.44(h) x 1.32(d)

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