Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administrator's Guidebook

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administrator's Guidebook

5.0 1
by Carl H. Speshock

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administrators Guidebook is a start-to-finish guide to every technical and business skill DBAs need to maximize SQL Server performance, security, and scalability. Coverage includes planning, design, installation, optimization, automation, clustering, technical writing, data modeling, and more. Also included: practical helpSee more details below


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administrators Guidebook is a start-to-finish guide to every technical and business skill DBAs need to maximize SQL Server performance, security, and scalability. Coverage includes planning, design, installation, optimization, automation, clustering, technical writing, data modeling, and more. Also included: practical help for DBAs migrating from Oracle or Sybase - plus expert guidance for managers who hire DBAs. The CD-ROM includes an extensive library of support documents and scripts.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
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7.02(w) x 9.24(h) x 0.95(d)

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