Multimedia Systems And Content-Based Image Retrieval

Multimedia Systems And Content-Based Image Retrieval

by Sagarmay Deb

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Multimedia systems and content-based image retrieval are very important areas of research in computer technology. Numerous research works are being done in these fields at present. These two areas are changing our life-styles because they together cover creation, maintenance, accessing and retrieval of video, audio, image, textual and graphic data. But still

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Multimedia systems and content-based image retrieval are very important areas of research in computer technology. Numerous research works are being done in these fields at present. These two areas are changing our life-styles because they together cover creation, maintenance, accessing and retrieval of video, audio, image, textual and graphic data. But still several important issues in these areas remain unresolved and further research works are needed to be done for better techniques and applications. Multimedia Systems and Content-Based Image Retrieval addresses these unresolved issues and highlights current research.

Product Details

IGI Global
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Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.94(d)

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