Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide

Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide

by Vinod Krishnan

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Oracle ADF is an end-to-end framework which makes application development simple by providing infrastructure services as well as visual and declarative development right away.

"Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide" guides any user with programming skills to be able to quickly learn the options and ways to develop rich Internet applications

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Oracle ADF is an end-to-end framework which makes application development simple by providing infrastructure services as well as visual and declarative development right away.

"Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide" guides any user with programming skills to be able to quickly learn the options and ways to develop rich Internet applications using ADF 11gR2. Containing all the skills that a new user has to use to build an application in ADF 11gR2, this book is designed in such a way so that it enhances the practical feel of developing applications in ADF 11gR2.

Starting with the installation and configuration of Oracle ADF 11g RD we will then work through topics such as working with the Model Layer and Model Data followed by displaying and binding the data. Later we will look at Navigations and Flows within applications as well as their layout, look, and feel. "Oracle ADF 11g R2 Development Beginner's Guide" will conclude with us looking at the security and deployment of the applications which have been created.

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Packt Publishing
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7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.69(d)

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