SQL Bible

SQL Bible

3.7 4
by Alex Kriegel, Boris M. Trukhnov

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Harness SQL for Oracle 11g, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Combining theory with everyday practicality, this deޮitive volume is packed with up-to-date information, new features, and explanations you need to get the very most out of SQL and its latest standard. The book is unique in that every chapter highlights how the new SQL standard

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Harness SQL for Oracle 11g, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Combining theory with everyday practicality, this deޮitive volume is packed with up-to-date information, new features, and explanations you need to get the very most out of SQL and its latest standard. The book is unique in that every chapter highlights how the new SQL standard applies to the three major databases, Oracle 11g, IBM DB2 9.5, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The result is a comprehensive, useful, and real-world reference for all SQL users, from beginners to experienced developers.

  • Learn the basics of SQL and relational databases
  • Explore tables, views, sequences, and other database objects
  • Examine transactions and locking in multiuser environments
  • Review functions mandated by the SQL standard and the three major vendors
  • Access metadata information and implement database security
  • Go beyond SQL to XML integration, OLAP business intelligence, and more

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Find downloadable code examples, a full book description, and more at wiley.com/go/SQLBible2.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Bible Series, #742
Product dimensions:
9.34(w) x 9.70(h) x 1.82(d)

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