Visual Basic 4 Database how-to: The Definitive Database Problem-Solver

Visual Basic 4 Database how-to: The Definitive Database Problem-Solver

by Stuart Bloom, Don Kiely

Presented in award-winning How-To format, more than 80 step-by-step solutions explains how to use VB4 to create a full-featured database for Windows. From the fundamentals to the latest features, this complete, easy-to-use guide provides the information and resources needed to write high-quality front ends for many different types of database maintenance systems.

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    Presented in award-winning How-To format, more than 80 step-by-step solutions explains how to use VB4 to create a full-featured database for Windows. From the fundamentals to the latest features, this complete, easy-to-use guide provides the information and resources needed to write high-quality front ends for many different types of database maintenance systems.

    • Covers SQL, OLE, ODBC, Crystal Reports, and connecting to different database file formats.
    • Shows how to write high-end apps for popular programs such as Access, Paradox, FoxPro, Btrieve, and dBase
    • Teaches how to secure data from prying eyes and other forms of electronic snooping

    Editorial Reviews

    A book/CD-ROM guide to using the latest version of Visual Basic to create a database for Windows, featuring some 80 step-by-step solutions to real-life problems in using SQL and DDE, setting up ODBC servers, securing data, managing indexes and queries, creating encrypted databases, connecting to other database files with OLE, and writing applications for popular programs including Paradox and dBASE. The CD-ROM contains complete source code. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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    7.00(w) x 9.00(h) x (d)

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