The MAL Instruction Set

Format Effect Notes
la R, label R ← label M[i] = contents of the (aligned)
li R, constant R ← constant word of memory beginning at location i.
lw R, address R ← M[address] m[i] i= contents of the byte of memory at location i.
lb R, address R ← (m[address]7)24 || m[address] The memory address can take several forms:
lbu R, address R ← 024 || m[address]

label – absolute address

sw R, address R → M[address]

(Rb) – base address

sb R, address [R]7..0 → m[address]

I (Rb) – base displacement

add D, S1, S2 D ← S1 + S2 D specifies a general register
sub D, S1, S2 D ← S1 – S2 where the result is placed.
mul D, S1, S2 D ← S1 * S2  
div D, S1, S2 D ← S1 / S2 (integer division) S1 is the contents of a general register.
rem D, S1, S2 D ← S1 % S2 (remainder)  
and D, S1, S2 D ← S1 AND S2 S2 can be either the contents of a
or D, S1, S2 D ← S1 OR S2 general register or a constant.
xor D, S1, S2 D ← S1 XOR S2  
nor D, S1, S2 D ← S1 NOR S2 If S1 is not present, then S1 is the same as D.
not D, S1 D ← NOT S1  
move D, S2 D ← S2  
sll Rd, Rt, AMT Rd ← [Rt]31 – AMT..0 || 0AMT AMT may be either a general register or a constant.
srl Rd, Rt, AMT Rd ← 0AMT || [Rt]31..AMT 0 ≤ AMT < 32.
sra Rd, Rt, AMT Rd ← ([Rt]31)AMT || [Rt]31..AMT  
l.s F, address F ← M[address] F specifies a floating point register
s.s F, address F ← M[address] where the result is placed.
li.s F, constant F ← constant  
mov.s F, F1 F ← F1 W specifies a floating point register
add.s F, F1, F2 D ← F1 + F2 whose content is to be interpreted as
sub.s F, F1, F2 D ← F1 – F2 a two’s compliment integer.
mul.s F, F1, F2 D ← F1 * F2  
div.s F, F1, F2 D ← F1 / F2 F1, F2, and G each specify a floating point
cvt.s.w G, W G ← W register whose content is to be interpreted
cvt.w.s W, G W ← G as a single-precision floating point number.
mfc0 R, C R ← C R is a general register.
mtc0 R, C R → C F is a floating point register.
mfc1 R, F R ← F C is a control register.
mtc1 R, F R → F  
b label PC ← label General Notes
beq Rs, Rt, label if (Rs = Rt), then PC ← label (1) R, Rb, Rd, and Rt are the contents of a general register.
bne Rs, Rt, label if (Rs ≠ Rt), then PC ← label (2) || (parallel lines symbol) indicates concatenation of bit fields.
blt Rs, Rt, label if (Rs < Rt), then PC ← label (3) Superscripts indicate repetitions of a binary value.
bgt Rs, Rt, label if (Rs > Rt), then PC ← label (4) Subscripts indicate bit positions (Little-Endian) of sub-field.
ble Rs, Rt, label if (Rs ≤ Rt), then PC ← label  
bge Rs, Rt, label if (Rs = Rt), then PC ← label Adapted from:
bltz R, label if (Rs < 0), then PC ← label Goodman, James, and Karen Miller.
bgtz R, label if (Rs > 0), then PC ← label

A Programmer’s View of Computer Architecture.

blez R, label if (Rs ≤ 0), then PC ← label

New York: Oxford UP, Incorporated, 1993. 390-91.

bgez R, label if (Rs ≥ 0), then PC ← label Layout by Joe Kohlmann.
bnez R, label if (Rs ≠ 0), then PC ← label  
beqz R, label if (Rs = 0), then PC ← label  
j address PC ← address Address may be a label or a register.
jr R PC ← R  
jal address R31 ← PC + 4; PC ← address  
jalr Rd, Rs Rd ← PC + 4; PC ← Rs  
getc R R ← 024 || input7..0 S may be either a general register or a label.
putc R R7..0 → output If S is a general register, effective address is
puts S Print string beginning at effective address contents of S; if S is a label, effective address is S.

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