MAL Code

Time to write some MIPS assembly language code. Here are examples, to guide this effort.

Conditional Execution

Conditional execution is the equivalent of a high level language if statement. Sometimes an instruction (or a set of instructions) should be executed, and sometimes it (they) should not.

general format of Pascal if-then-else

   if (condition) then

general format of C or JAVA if-then-else

   if (condition)

If statement example:

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    # if (count < 0)
    #     count = count + 1;
          lw   $8, count
          bltz $8, ifstuff
          b    endif
ifstuff:  add  $8, $8, 1
endif:    sw   $8, count
          # next program instruction goes here


          lw   $8, count
          bgez $8, endif
          add  $8, $8, 1
endif:    sw   $8, count
          # next program instruction goes here

And, if variable count is already in register $8, and intended to be re-used, then count does not need to be loaded and stored:

          bgez $8, endif
          add  $8, $8, 1
endif:    # next program instruction goes here

Examples of compound conditional:

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     if ( (x < y) || (w == z) ) {
    #         a = a + 1;
    #     }
               lw   $8, x
               lw   $9, y
               lw   $10, w
               lw   $11, z
               blt  $8, $9, increment       # no need to check second
               bne  $10, $11, no_increment  # condition if first is True
increment:     lw   $12, a
               add  $12, $12, 1
               sw   $12, a
no_increment:  # next program instruction goes here

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     if ( (x < y) && (w == z) ) {
    #         a = a + 1;
    #     }
               lw   $8, x
               lw   $9, y
               lw   $10, w
               lw   $11, z
               bge  $8, $9, no_increment    # must check second
               bne  $10, $11, no_increment  # condition if first is True
               lw   $12, a
               add  $12, $12, 1
               sw   $12, a
no_increment:  # next program instruction goes here


Structured loops can be built out of IF's and GOTO's.

while loop example:

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     while (count > 0) {
    #         a = a % count;
    #         count--;
    #     }
    #  Assume that $8 has variable count
    #              $9 has variable a
 while:      blez  $8, endwhile
             rem   $9, $9, count
             sub   $8, $8, 1
             b     while
 endwhile:   # next program instruction goes here

do while loop example:

(NOTE: This example shows an implementation of nonsense code.)

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     /* do statement while expression is TRUE */
    #     /*   when expression is FALSE, exit loop */
    #     do {
    #         if (aa < bb)
    #             aa++;
    #         if (aa > bb)
    #             aa--; 
    #     } while( aa != bb); 
    #  Assume that $8 has variable aa
    #              $9 has variable bb

 repeat:    bge $8, $9, secondif
            add $8, $8, 1
 secondif:  ble $8, $9, until
            sub $8, $8, 1
 until:     bne $8, $9, repeat

while loop example:

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     while ( (count < limit) && (c==d) ) {
    #         /* loop's code goes here */
    #     {
    #  Assume that $8 has variable count
    #              $9 has variable limit
    #              $10 has variable c
    #              $11 has variable d

 while:     bge  $8, $9, endwhile
            bne  $10, $11, endwhile
            # loop's code goes here

            b    while

for loop example:

    # MAL code fragment for the C or Java code:
    #     for ( i = 3; i <= 100; i++) {
    #         a = a + i;
    #     }
    #  Assume that $8 is the loop induction variable i
    #              $9 has variable a
    #              $10 is the constant value 100

           li   $10, 100       # set constant
           li   $8, 3          # initialize loop induction variable
  for:     bgt  $8, $10, endfor
           add  $9, $9, $8
           add  $8, $8, 1      # increment loop induction variable
           b    for

Putting this all together, we can write programs. Here is a sample MAL program.

#  this simple MAL program reads in 2 characters, figures
#  out which one is alphabetically first, and prints it out.

#  register assignments
#   $8 --  the first character typed by the user
#   $9 --  the second character typed by the user
#  $10 --  temporary
#  $11 --  holds the value of the larger character
#  $13 --  the address of the newline character constant
#  $14 --  newline character (a constant)

newline:  .byte  '\n'

__start:      getc $8                       # get 2 characters
              getc $9

              la   $13, newline             # print out newline
              lb   $14, ($13)
              putc $14

              sub  $10, $9, $8              # figure out which is larger
              bgez $10, secondlarger
              add  $11, $8, $0
              b    printresult

secondlarger: add  $11, $9, $0

printresult:  putc $11

There are several things to notice about this program.

A program example that prints the alphabet:

# MAL program to print out the alphabet

str1:    .asciiz "The alphabet:\n"

# register assignments
#   $8 -- the ASCII character code to be printed
#   $9 -- the ASCII code for 'z', the ending character

__start:   la $10, str1
           puts $10
           add $8, $0, 97       # $8 gets ASCII code for 'a'
                                #   could be   li $8, 97
           add $9, $0, 122      # $9 gets ASCII code for 'z'
                                #   could be   li $9, 122
while:     bgt $8, $9, all_done
           putc $8
           add $8, $8, 1
           b while

all_done:  li   $10, '\n'       # print newline character
           putc $10

A program example that reads characters that form an integer, and then prints them back out:

# a MAL program to print out the ? of a user-entered integer.

# prompts
str1:       .asciiz   "Enter an integer: "
str2:       .asciiz   "The result is  "
str_error:  .asciiz   "\nInput error detected. Quitting.\n"
newline:    .byte     '\n'

# variables
int_array:  .word 0:20     # array to hold integer for printing


__start:   la   $8, str1           # print prompt
           puts $8

           lb   $10, newline       # read characters and calculate
           li   $11, 57            #   the integer represented
           li   $12, 48
           getc $9
get_chars: beq  $9, $10, got_int   # newline char terminates loop
           bgt  $9, $11, int_error
           blt  $9, $12, int_error
           sub  $13, $9, 48        # convert char to digit
           mul  $14, $14, 10       # int = int * 10 + digit
           add  $14, $14, $13
           getc $9
           b    get_chars

int_error: la   $8, str_error
           puts $8
           j    end_program


#  $14 -- the integer to be printed
#  $15 -- base address of array holding the integer
#  $16 -- running address of array element 
#  $17 -- single digit of the integer
#  $18 -- single character of the integer
print_int: la $8, str2
           puts $8

           la   $15, int_array
           move $16, $15
more_digits: rem $17, $14, 10
           sw  $17, ($16)
	   add $16, $16, 4
           div $14, $14, 10
           bgtz $14, more_digits

           sub $16, $16, 4
           bge  $16, $15 more_chars   # test for result = 0
           putc '0'
           putc $10                   # print newline

more_chars: lw  $18, ($16)
           add  $18, $18, 48
           putc $18
           sub $16, $16, 4
           bge  $16, $15, more_chars

end_program: putc $10

Style conventions

Assembly language source code tends to follow style conventions. Follow these:

Copyright © Karen Miller, 2006