The Assembly Process

A computer understands machine code.

People (and compilers) write assembly language.

  assembly     -----------------       machine
  source  -->  |  assembler    | -->   code
  code         -----------------

An assembler is a program (a very deterministic program). It translates each instruction to its machine code.

In the past, there was a one-to-one correspondence between assembly language instructions and machine language instructions.

This is no longer the case. Assemblers are now-a-days made more powerful, and can "rework" code.

The Translation of MAL to TAL

There are lots of MAL instructions that have no direct TAL equivalent. They will be translated (composed, synthesized) into one or more TAL instructions.

How to determine whether an instruction is a TAL instruction or not: look in the list of TAL instructions. If the instruction is there, then it is a TAL instruction!

The assembler takes (non MIPS) MAL instructions and synthesizes them with 1 or more MIPS instructions.

Multiplication and Division Instructions

    mul $8, $17, $20
    mult  $17, $20
    mflo  $8

Why? 32-bit multiplication produces a 64-bit result. To deal with this larger result, the MIPS architecture has 2 registers that hold results for integer multiplication and division. They are called HI and LO. Each is a 32 bit register.

mult places the least significant 32 bits of its result into LO, and the most significant into HI.

Then, more TAL instructions are needed to move data into or out of registers HI and LO:

    operation of mflo,  mtlo,  mfhi,  mthi
                 |||                  |||
                 ||-- register lo     ||- register hi
                 |--- from            |-- to
                 ---- move            --- move

Data is moved into or out of register HI or LO.

One operand is needed to tell where the data is coming from or going to.

Integer division also uses register HI and LO, since it generates both a quotient and remainder as a result.

  div $rd, $rs, $rt     # MAL
  div  $rs, $rt         # TAL
  mflo $rd          # quotient in register LO
  rem $rd, $rs, $rt     # MAL
  div  $rs, $rt         # TAL
  mfhi $rd          # remainder in register HI

Load and Store Instructions

    lw  $8, label
    la  $8, label
    lw $8, 0($8)
which becomes
    lui $8, 0xMSpart of label      # label represents an address
    ori $8, $8, 0xLSpart of label
    lw $8, 0($8)
    lui $8, 0xMSpart of label
    lw $8, 0xLSpart of label($8)
Note that this 2-instruction sequence only works if the most significant bit of the LSpart of label is a 0.

Instructions with Immediates

Instructions with immediates are synthesized with instructions that must have an immediate value as the last operand.

    add $sp, $sp, 4
    addi $sp, $sp, 4

An add instruction requires 3 operands in registers. addi has one operand that must be an immediate.

These instructions are classified as immediate instructions. On the MIPS, they include: addi, addiu, andi, lui, ori, xori.

Instructions with Too Few Operands

 add $12, $18
is expanded back out to be
   add $12, $12, $18

I/O Instructions

putc $18
   li $2, 11         # MAL
   move $4, $18      # MAL
which becomes
          addi $2, $0, 11
	  add  $4, $18, $0
getc $11
   li $2, 12
   move $11, $2
which becomes
          addi $2, $0, 12
	  add  $11, $2, $0
puts $13
   li $2, 4
   move $4, $13
which becomes
          addi $2, $0, 4
	  add  $4, $13, $0
   li  $2, 10
which becomes
          addi $2, $0, 10
Summary of MAL-->TAL

        MAL                             TAL
        ---                             ---

        move $4, $3                     add $4, $3, $0

        add $4, $3, 15 # not $15        addi $4, $3, 15
                                        # also andi, ori, etc.

        mul $8, $9, $10                 mult $9, $10  # $HI || $LO <-- product
                                                      # never overflow
                                        mflo $8       # $8 <-- $LO
                                                      # ignore $HI!

        div $8, $9, $10                 div $9, $10   # $LO <-- quotient
                                                      # $HI <-- remainder
                                        mflo $8

        rem $8, $9, $10                 div $9, $10
                                        mfhi $8

        bltz,bgez,blez,bgtz,beqz,bnez,  bltz,bgez,blez,bgtz,
        blt,bge,ble,bgt,beq,bne         beq,bne
        beqz $4, loop                   beq $4, $0, loop

        blt $4, $5, target              slt $at, $4, $5 # $at is 1 if $4 < $5
                                                        # $at is 0 otherwise
                                        bne $at, $0, target

        I/O instructions:

        put,puts,putc,                  Really "procedure call to OS"
        get,getc,done                   Assume  $2 <-- call type
                                        Assume  $4 <-- input parameters

        putc $12                        addi $2, $0, 11 # putc is syscall 11
                                                        # see p. 262
                                        add $4, $12, $0 # char to putc
                                        syscall         # call OS

        done                            addi $2, $0, 10 # done is syscall 10


The assembler's job is to

  1. assign addresses
  2. generate machine code

A modern assembler will

A simple assembler will make 2 complete passes over the data to complete this task.
Pass 1: create complete symbol table generate machine code for instructions other than branches, jumps, jal, la, etc. (those instructions that rely on an address for their machine code).
Pass 2: complete machine code for instructions that did not get finished in pass 1.

A symbol table is a table, listing address assignments (made by the assembler) for all labels.

The assembler starts at the top of the source code program, and scans. It looks for

An important detail: there are separate memory spaces for data and instructions. The assembler allocates each in sequential order as it scans through the source code program.

The starting addresses are fixed -- any program will be assembled to have data and instructions that start at the same, fixed address.

EXAMPLE (given in little endian order)

a1: .word 3
a2: .byte '\n'
a3: .space 5

       address     contents
     0x00001000    0x00000003
     0x00001004    0x??????0a
     0x00001008    0x????????
     0x0000100c    0x????????  (the 3 MSbytes are not part of the declaration)

Note: Our assembler (in the 354 simulator) will align data to word addresses unless you specify otherwise!

Machine Code Generation

Simple example of machine code generation for simple instruction:

     assembly language:      addi  $8, $20, 15

                              ^     ^   ^    ^
			      |     |   |    |

			    opcode rt   rs  immediate

     machine code format
      31                      15             0
      | opcode |  rs  |  rt  |  immediate     |

       opcode is 6 bits -- it is defined to be 001000

       rs is 5 bits,    encoding of 20, 10100
       rt is 5 bits,    encoding of  8, 01000
      so, the 32-bit instruction for addi $8, $20, 15  is
       001000 10100 01000 0000000000001111

       0010 0010 1000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111
     0x  2    2   8    8    0    0    0    f

A Detailed MIPS R2000 Assembly Example

The Source Code:

a1: .word 3
a2: .word 16:4
a3: .word 5

__start: la $6, a2              # MAL code fragment
loop:    lw $7, 4($6)
         mult $9, $10
         b loop

The Symbol Table:

    symbol      address
    a1         0040 0000
    a2         0040 0004
    a3         0040 0014
    __start    0080 0000
    loop       0080 0008

Memory Map of the Data Section:

address     contents
	    hex          binary
0040 0000   0000 0003    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 
0040 0004   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0008   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 000c   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0010   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0014   0000 0005    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101

Translation to TAL Code:

__start: lui $6, 0x0040      # la $6, a2
         ori $6, $6, 0x0004
loop:    lw $7, 4($6)
         mult $9, $10
         beq $0, $0, loop    # b loop
         ori $2, $0, 10      # done

Memory Map of the Text Section: memory map of text section

address      contents
	     hex          binary
0080 0000    3c06 0040    0011 1100 0000 0110 0000 0000 0100 0000 (lui)
0080 0004    34c6 0004    0011 0100 1100 0110 0000 0000 0000 0100 (ori)
0080 0008    8cc7 0004    1000 1100 1100 0111 0000 0000 0000 0100 (lw)
0080 000c    012a 0018    0000 0001 0010 1010 0000 0000 0001 1000 (mult)
0080 0010    1000 fffd    0001 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101 (beq)
0080 0014    3402 000a    0011 0100 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 1010 (ori)
0080 0018    0000 000c    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 (syscall)

The Process of Assembly:

The assembler starts at the beginning of the ASCII source code. It scans for tokens, and takes action based on those tokens.

Branch Offset Computation

At execution time (for a taken branch):

     contents of PC + sign extended offset field | 00 --> PC

The PC points to the instruction after the beq when the offset is added.

At assembly time: (for the beq in the above example)

    byte offset = target addr - ( 4 + beq addr )

		= 00800008 - ( 00000004 + 00800010 )  (hex)

                    (ordered to give POSITIVE result)
		 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0100
	      -  0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000
		 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 (byte offset)

		    (compute the additive inverse)
		 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0011
	       +                                       1
		 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0100  (-12)

		 we have 16 bit offset field.
		 throw away least significant 2 bits
		   (they should always be 0, and they are added
		    back at execution time)

	 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0100 (byte offset)
	                  11 1111 1111 1111 01   (offset field)

Jump Target Computation

At execution time:

     most significant 4 bits of PC || target field | 00 --> PC
					(26 bits)

at assembly time, to get the target field:

What remains is 26 bits, and it goes in the target field.

An example of machine code generated for a jump instruction:

      j   L2
  L2: # another instruction here

Assume that the j instruction is to be placed at address 0x0100acc0
Assume that the assembler assigns address 0x0100ff04 for label L2

Then, when the assembler is generating machine code for the j instruction,

  1. The assembler checks that the most significant 4 bits of the address of the jump instruction is the same as the most significant 4 bits of the address for the target (L2).
    	    instruction address        0000 0001 0000 0000 (m.s. 16 bits)
    	    L2 address                 0000 0001 0000 0000 (m.s. 16 bits)
    These 4 bits ARE the same, so procede.
  2. Extract bits 27..2 of the target address for the machine code.
    	    L2  0000 0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0100
  3. The machine code for the j instruction:
              000010     0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 01
    	  op code       26-bit partial address
    	  Given in hexadecimal:
              0000 1000 0100 0000 0011 1111 1100 0001
    	  0x 0    8    4    0    3    f    c    1

In the first step, if the address of the jump instruction and the target address differ in their 4 most significant bits, then the assembler must translate to different TAL code.

One possible translation:

     j  L3     # assume j will be placed at address 0x0400 0088
  L3:          # assume L3 is at address 0xab00 0040
      la   $1, L3
      jr   $1
which in TAL, would be
          lui  $1, 0xab00
	  ori  $1, $1, 0x0040
	  jr   $1
More Complete Picture of Assembly

C.f., Larus's appendix to:

%T Computer Organization and Design:  The Hardware and Software Interface
%A John L. Hennessy
%A David A. Patterson
%I Morgan Kaufmann
%C San Mateo, California
%D 2nd Edition, 1997
%Y topic: CS552

Linkers and Loaders
Morgan Kaufmann

To eventually run (execute) a program, the following things
are done:
  1.  write source code
  2.  assemble source code, producing machine code
  [show left half of picture below]
  3.  link and load machine code
  4.  set PC to point to address of first instruction within code.
      (This is a jump to the first instruction in the program)

We've talked about steps 1. and 2.

A picture

        ---- assembler

        ==== linker

        **** loader
                                obj of libs
        src1 ----->  obj1  =====+     ||
                                V     VV
        src2 ----->  obj2  ======>  linker ------> executable ******> a process
        src3 ----->  obj3  =====+

  linking and loading

Big Picture
    object file
        header          -- start / size of other parts
        text            -- ML
        data            -- static data
        relocation info -- instrn & data w/ abs addrs
        symbol table    -- addr of external labels
        debugging info

        search libs
        relocate code/data
        resolve extern refs

        create address spaces for text & data
        copy text & data in memory
        init stack and copy args
        init regs (maybe)
        jump to startup routine (& then addr of __start)

Assembly just produces enough information about what goes where
in memory to make the code run.  It does not actually put the
stuff in memory.  Linking and loading puts all the stuff into
memory at the right places.

WHAT goes into memory?
  the data is put into the correct locations
  the code is put into the correct locations

WHERE are the correct locations?

  Exactly where the assembler assigns them.

  For example,

  The data section starts at 0x10010000 for the MIPS RISC processor.

  So, if we had source code with,

    a1:  .word 15
    a2.  .word -2

    then the assembler needs to specify that memory will need to be
    initially set up with

    address        contents
    0x10010000     0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111
    0x10010004     1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110

  Like the data, the code needs to be placed starting at a specific
  location to make it work.

Here are some difficulties with this simplistic model.

Consider the case where the assembly language code is split
across 2 files.  Each is assembled separately.

file 1:

         a1:  .word 15
         a2:  .word -2

         __start: la  $t0, a1
                  add  $t1, $t0, $s3
                  jal  proc5

file 2:

         a3:  .word 0

         proc5:   lw   $t6, a1
                  sub  $t2, $t0, $s4
                  jr   $ra

Problems with this
 1.  Each file is assembled to start its data section and also its
     code section at the same location as the other file.

     a1 (in file1) is supposed to be placed at 0x10010000
     a3 (in file2) is supposed to be placed at 0x10010000

     __start (in file1) is placed at location 0x00400000
     proc5   (in file1) is placed at location 0x00400000

 2.  When assembling file 1, symbol proc5 is never defined
     (given an address).  That is because the label (symbol)
     is defined in file 2.  The address assigned to proc5
     is NEEDED to produce the machine code for the jal instruction
     in file 1.

     This same problem presents itself in the lw instruction
     in file 2.  The address assigned to a1 is unknown when
     assembling file 2.  This is because the symbol a1 is defined
     (and given and address) in file 1.

     The real problem here is that there are ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES
     needed to produce the machine code.

Solutions to the problems

1.  A really BAD solution that no one would ever implement.
    Define the problem away, by not allowing separate files to
    contain assembly language source code.

    A single program (all code and data) MUST be all in one file.

    Why is this bad?

2.  Allow the step of linking and loading to
    -- relocate pieces of data and code sections
    -- finish the machine code where symbols were left undefined

    To accomodate linking and loading, the information produced
    by the assembler must include:
      -> symbol table
      -> machine code that is finished
      -> list of all locations within the code that require
         absolute addresses for their resolution.

      This last one is something new, not discussed yet.


  Have the assembler
   -> start both data and code sections at address 0, for all files.
   -> keep track of the size of every data and code section.
   -> keep track of all absolute addresses within the file.

  Linking and loading will:
   -> assign starting addresses for all data and code sections,
      based on their sizes.  The blocks of data and code go at
      non-overlapping locations.
   -> fix ALL absolute addresses in the code
   -> place the fixed-up code and data in memory at the locations

Larus' example



main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i;
  int sum = 0;

  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++) sum += i * i;
  printf ("The sum from 0 .. 100 is %d\n", sum);


        .align  2
        .globl  main
        .ent    main 2
        subu    $sp, 32
        sw      $31, 20($sp)
        sd      $4, 32($sp)
        sw      $0, 24($sp)
        sw      $0, 28($sp)
        lw      $14, 28($sp)
        mul     $15, $14, $14
        lw      $24, 24($sp)
        addu    $25, $24, $15
        sw      $25, 24($sp)
        addu    $8, $14, 1
        sw      $8, 28($sp)
        ble     $8, 100, loop
        la      $4, str
        lw      $5, 24($sp)
        jal     printf
        move    $2, $0
        lw      $31, 20($sp)
        addu    $sp, 32
        j       $31
        .end    main
        .end    main

        .align  0
        .asciiz "The sum from 0 .. 100 is %d\n"


addiu   sp,sp,-32
sw      ra,20(sp)
sw      a0,32(sp)
sw      a1,36(sp)
sw      zero,24(sp)
sw      zero,28(sp)
lw      t6,28(sp)
lw      t8,24(sp)
multu   t6,t6
addiu   t0,t6,1
slti    at,t0,101
sw      t0,28(sp)
mflo    t7
addu    t9,t8,t7
bne     at,zero,-9
sw      t9,24(sp)
lui     a0,4096
lw      a1,24(sp)
jal     1048812
addiu   a0,a0,1072
lw      ra,20(sp)
addiu   sp,sp,32
jr      ra
move    v0,zero



Copyright © Karen Miller, 2006