The Rise and Fall of Multiprocessor Papers in the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)

Mark D. Hill and Ravi Rajwar

Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Filed at

29 March 2001

Several researchers have anecdotally noted that the number of multiprocessor papers appears to be in decline (despite industry's continued interest in the subject).

To examine this hypothesis we placed papers from the first 28 ISCA (1973-2001) into categories. Any selection of and assignment to categories is somewhat subjective and error-prone. We attempted to be generous to the multiprocessor category. For ISCA 2001, for example, we included a paper on compiler/verification techniques (A Simple Method for Automatically Extracting Formal Specifications from FLASH Cache Coherence Protocol Code) and another on a parallel implementation of the sequential programming model (Removing Architectural Bottlenecks to the Scalability of Speculative Parallelization). Additional categories were dataflow, fault tolerance, interconnection networks, and other.

Below we present ISCA multiprocessor paper data in histogram form and then give tabular data for all categories. We find that:

As a research community, we should reflect on whether such trends are deliberate and appropriate or the result of unintended consequences. Several researchers predict an inflection point in multiprocessing due to the the ubiquitous parallelism offered by multithreading and chip multiprocessing. Perhaps we need to expand the normal science needed to accelerate this inflection point [c.f., Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962].

[Addendum by Mark Hill, 02/01/2002: For more statistics, please see]

ISCA Paper Categories (Absolute)

ISCA Paper Categories (Relative)

             Total   MP
ISCA#  Year  Papers  Papers     Histogram

  1    1973    28    5 (17%)    *****
  2    1974    38    2 ( 5%)    **
  -    1975    -- No ISCA --
  3    1976    40    8 (20%)    ********
  4    1977    27   10 (37%)    **********
  5    1978    38    7 (18%)    *******
  6    1979    27    6 (22%)    ******
  7    1980    40   11 (28%)    ***********
  8    1981    41   15 (37%)    ***************
  9    1982    35    9 (26%)    *********
 10    1983    54   19 (35%)    *******************
 11    1984    46   16 (35%)    ****************
 12    1985    51   25 (49%)    *************************
 13    1986    50   19 (38%)    *******************
 14    1987    35   10 (29%)    **********
 15    1988    50   21 (42%)    *********************
 16    1989    46   14 (30%)    **************
 17    1990    34   15 (44%)    ***************
 18    1991    38   12 (32%)    ************
 19    1992    39   14 (36%)    **************
 20    1993    32   15 (47%)    ***************
 21    1994    34   12 (35%)    ************
 22    1995    37   13 (35%)    *************
 23    1996    28   11 (39%)    ***********
 24    1997    30    8 (27%)    ********
 25    1998    33    7 (21%)    *******
 26    1999    26    5 (19%)    *****
 27    2000    29    3 (10%)    ***
 28    2001    24    2 ( 8%)    **


There are roughly 5 categories:

1. Others: everything not in the remaining categories. Also included in
this category are uniprocessor memory systems, I/O and disk subsystems,
programming languages, and special/general purpose uniprocessor
architectures (eg. superscalar, multiscalar, and SMT processors).

2. Multiprocessors (MP): anything to do with multiple processors and
a shared-memory, message passing or some other parallel programming
model. Thus array processors and such also find themselves in
this category. We have also counted the 2000 and 2001 papers on
"speculative parallelization of sequential code and running it on a
shared-memory system" in this category, although strictly speaking
they should be in the "Others" category similar to the Multiscalar
and other such paradigms.

3. Dataflow 
4. Fault tolerance (Fault Tol.)
5. Interconnection networks (ICN)

            Total    Others     Multi.       Data    Fault    ICN
                                Proc         Flow    Tol.
ISCA01:1973   28      18 (63%)    5 (17%)      0       4       1
ISCA02:1974   38      35 (92%)    2 ( 5%)      1       0       0       
ISCA03:1976   40      28 (70%)    8 (20%)      1       0       3       
ISCA04:1977   27      15 (56%)   10 (37%)      0       0       2       
ISCA05:1978   38      24 (63%)    7 (18%)      1       4       2       
ISCA06:1979   27      14 (52%)    6 (22%)      0       1       6       
ISCA07:1980   40      20 (50%)   11 (28%)      1       3       5       
ISCA08:1981   41      16 (39%)   15 (37%)      3       1       6       
ISCA09:1982   35      14 (40%)    9 (26%)      2       3       7       
ISCA10:1983   54      20 (37%)   19 (35%)      8       4       3       
ISCA11:1984   46      19 (41%)   16 (35%)      1       6       4       
ISCA12:1985   51      17 (33%)   25 (49%)      3       2       4       
ISCA13:1986   50      23 (46%)   19 (38%)      5       1       2       
ISCA14:1987   35      19 (54%)   10 (29%)      3       0       3       
ISCA15:1988   50      20 (40%)   21 (42%)      2       2       5       
ISCA16:1989   46      22 (48%)   14 (30%)      5       0       5       
ISCA17:1990   34      16 (47%)   15 (44%)      1       0       2       
ISCA18:1991   38      22 (58%)   12 (32%)      1       0       3       
ISCA19:1992   39      19 (49%)   14 (36%)      2       0       4       
ISCA20:1993   32      14 (47%)   15 (47%)      0       2       1       
ISCA21:1994   34      17 (50%)   12 (35%)      0       4       1       
ISCA22:1995   37      17 (46%)   13 (35%)      2       2       3       
ISCA23:1996   28      15 (54%)   11 (39%)      0       0       2       
ISCA24:1997   30      18 (60%)    8 (27%)      0       1       3       
ISCA25:1998   33      25 (76%)    7 (21%)      0       0       1       
ISCA26:1999   26      20 (77%)    5 (19%)      0       0       1       
ISCA27:2000   29      25 (86%)    3 (10%)      0       1       0       
ISCA28:2001   24      21 (88%)    2 ( 8%)      0       0       1
            ----     ---        ---          ---     ---     ---
            1030     553 (54%)  314 (30%)     42      41      80