Image Mosaics

Homework 3, CS 766, Spring 1999
Mike Wade


Image Registration

Computing the Projection

Image Warping


Once we have warped ImageA (denoted warpedA), we wish to composite it with ImageB. This is done using the following algorithm: where wA = dB / (dA + dB), and wB = dA / (dA + dB), where d is the Euclidean distance between the pixel and the center of the correpsonding image, as demonstrated in figure 1:
Figure 1: The distances used for defining the weighting scheme of overlapping regions


Figure 2: The original images. Registered points are shown in red
Figure 3: The composited images

Discussion of Results

Figure 4: The distances used for the improved definition of the weighting scheme of overlapping regions

Hooray! Brand new, working results

Figure 5: The well-blended mosaiced images. Click on the figure to see the full version