Here is a list of paper I wrote or co-authored for my research in States and Korea.
- ManKyu Sung "
Scalable, Controllable, Efficient and Convincing Crowd Simulation",Ph.D thesis, Dec 2005.
- ManKyu Sung and Stephen Chenney and Michael Gleicher, "
Detecting collision between motions", Dept. of Computer Sciences Technical Report CS-TR-2005-1529, Sep 2005.
- ManKyu Sung and Lucas Kovar and Michael Gleicher, "
Fast and accurate Motion Synthesis for Crowds", ACM SIGGRAPH/ EUROGRAPHICS Symposium for Computer Animation 2005.
- ManKyu Sung , Michael Gleicher and Stephen Chenney
" Scalable behaviors for Crowd Simulation", Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 23, no. 3 (Proceedings of the Eurographics Annual Conference), 2004, pp 519-528
- ManKyu Sung and ByungTae Jang, "
The Script Based Virtual Actor Control for Interactive Drama ", 1999 IEEE International Conference on
System, Man and Cybernetics, Tokyo, Japan 1999.
- JyHyung Lee, ManKyu Sung and
ChanJong Park, " Tiny
Immersive Virtual Reality System with Avatar Control", ICAT'98, Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
- ManKyu Sung, ChanJong Park and DongHyun Kim "The Real-time Motion Generation of Human-Avatars in
Networked Virtual Environment",
Annual Conference of VRSJ(Virtual Reality Society of Japan), Nagoya,
Japan, 1997
- SangWon Ghyme, ManKyu Sung, ChanJong
Park and DongHyun Kim "The
Real-time Motion Generation of Human-Avatars ", 97 Human Interface Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 1997
- ManKyu Sung and ChanJong Park, "
The Modeling and Simulation of Avatar's Behavior and Interaction in
Virtual Environment ",
IASTED International Conference Modeling and Simulation, USA, 1998
- ManKyu Sung and ChanJong Park,"
The Avatar Navigation of Distributed Virtual Environment By Using Multi-view
client ", APCHI98, Yokohama,
Japan, 1998
- KeHyun Kim, JuWan Kim, JungDan Choi
and ManKyu Sung," Application
of GIS to Water Quality Management ", GIS/LIS, Nashvill, USA, 1995
- ManKyu Sung and ChanJong Park, "The
Network Architecture and Protocol for Avatar Interaction in Distributed
Virtual Environment ",
Journal of Korea Computer Graphics Society, Vol 4, No.1 , March,
- ManKyu Sung, JeongDan Choi, ChanSu Lee and SangWon Kim " The Technology of Building Multi-user
Virtual World and Avatar Processing ", The Special Issue of Virtual Reality in Software Technology
Survey, Vol 2, No 2, June, 1998
![](mankyu's Home Page_files/game.jpg) We can visualize simulations with Unreal game engine, which is very fast and efficient