Formatted File Input Recall, we can open a file for reading by using: fileID = fopen(filename,'r'); Then, we can use fscanf to read in a formatted file: A = fscanf(fileID, formatSpec) Reads and converts data from text file into array A using formatSpec formatSpec similar to fprintf, additionally: Use * to skip field read in Can match specific text (e.g., '\nN=' ) If it cannot match formatSpec to the data, it reads only the portion that matches and stops processing Can also call with a third argument: A = fscanf(fileID, formatSpec, sizeA) sizeA indicates # elements to read into A, Can be scalar int or [m, n] or Inf (reads to end of file) 1 reads 1 scalar number or 1 string Note: if data is in rows × cols in the file, read it in [cols, rows] and transpose results This happens due to MATLAB reading in column major order (columns first) See the provided code at the beginning of Homework 6 Show example for measurement data.