OBJECT REFERENCES EXAMPLE 1. Consider the following code: int w = 10; int c = 5; w = w - 1; c = c + 1; w = w - 1; System.out.println(w); System.out.println(c); // a) What is output here? c = w; w--; c++; w--; System.out.println(w); System.out.println(c); // b) What is output here? Suppose we have a Student class. Every Student object has an energy level. A Student can do two activities: she can study, which decreases her energy level by one, or he can drink beer, which increases his energy level by one. When we make a new Student, we specify her energy level. Each student can also complain, i.e., report his energy level. 2. Consider the following code: Student wade = new Student(10); Student carl = new Student(5); wade.study(); carl.drinkBeer(); wade.study(); wade.complain(); carl.complain(); // a) What is output here? carl = wade; wade.study(); carl.drinkBeer(); wade.study(); wade.complain(); carl.complain(); // b) What is output here? 3. What differentiates objects and primitives?