READING CHAPTER 10 SECTION 2 - arrays can also store objects - declare an array of objects - use the name of the class [] = new [[] = new (); - after an element is added, that array index points to an object - accessing members and methods of an object in an array [].; - use indexed expression to refer to an object instead of a variable - remove an object from an array - set that element to null - pack the array so that real elements occur at the beginning and null elements occur at the end - move each subsequent element over one: better if objects are ordered - move the last real element into the hole: better if objects are not ordered - if allow null references, search routine must account for this - either skip null references - or stop when hit first one - assigning the array element to null does not actually erase the object - automatically deallocated during garbage collection when no more references point to it Quick Check: 1. a and d are invalid 2. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (friend[i].getAge() > 20) { System.out.println(friend[i].getName()); } }