- showMessageDialog method - intended for displaying short one-line messages - not general purpose output mechanism - standard outpt window - window w/ black background - appearance varies with development tool used - function always the same - System.out - output multiple lines of text - output numerical values via conversion to text - System class - useful class data values - instance of PrintStream class named out - refer to with class name System.out - PrintStream object tied to standard output window - text sent to System.out appears in standard output window - standard output: technique of displaying data via System.out - use print method to output a value - continue printing from end of currently displayed output - sending numerical values as parameters - does necessary type conversion implicitly for any primitive - println - print an argument and skip to next line - typical to use one for each line of output Quick Check: 1. System.out.print("I Love Java"); 2. System.out.println("Shopping List"); System.out.println("\tApple"); System.out.println("\tBanana"); System.out.println("\tLowfat Milk");