READING CHAPTER 8 SECTION 2 "Throwing Exceptions" - throw an exception - syntax throw ; - - can be: new Exception("") - where can be accessed by the Throwable instance method getMessage() - catch type is simply Exception - can use any Exception subclass - typically use the most specific Exception subclass - multiple catch blocks - only one will be executed for a given exception - checked in sequence - the first type that matches is executed - all others are ignored - should put most specialized closest to the top - if no matching catch block is found, the system will handle - reserved word finally - used to designate code that must always be executed, regardless of whether or not an exception is thrown - useful if need to execute cleanup code - syntax: try { // exception-throwing block } catch ( ) { // catch block } finally { // finally block } Quick Check 1. line 5 should say "throws new Exception", not "catch new Exception" line 7 the catch statment does not specify the type and an identifier for the exception caught line 10 the finally statement does specify an exception, where it should not 2. Cannot convert to int DONE 3. "No negative"