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Marc Orr
morr [at] |
I've graduated. I'm now a software engineer at Google in Seattle.
I earned my PhD, with a focus in computer architecture, in December of 2016. My advisor was David Wood. My work explored ways to make general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) easier to program. To test many of my ideas, I used gem5, which is a cycle-level simulator that models a computer. I helped bring up the first version of gem5-gpu, which integrates gpgpu-sim into gem5; this makes it possible to model CPUs and GPUs in the same system. I also spent a lot of time at AMD Research, where I made large contributions to a similar tool that adds a proprietary GPU model to gem5—an open source version is now available.
- Gravel: Fine-Grain GPU-Initiated Network Messages
Marc S. Orr, Shuai Che, Bradford M. Beckmann, Mark Oskin, Steven K. Reinhardt, and David A. Wood
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC17), 2017.
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- Lazy Release Consistency for GPUs
Johnathan Alsop, Marc S. Orr, Bradford M. Beckmann, and David A. Wood
The 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-49), 2016.
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Talk: pptx
- Synchronization Using Remote-Scope Promotion
Marc S. Orr, Shuai Che, Ayse Yilmazer, Bradford M. Beckmann, Mark D. Hill, and David A. Wood
The 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-20), 2015.
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Talk: pptx
- Fine-grain Task Aggregation and Coordination on GPUs
Marc S. Orr, Bradford M. Beckmann, Steven K. Reinhardt, and David A. Wood
The 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-41), 2014.
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Talk: pptx
- gem5-gpu: A Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Simulator
Jason Power, Joel Hestness, Marc S. Orr, Mark D. Hill, and David A. Wood
Computer Architecture Letters. vol 13, no. 1. Jan-June 2014.
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