Welcome to CS 302, Lectures 10 and 21!

General Course Info.

Meeting times:

Lecture 10: MWF 1:20pm-2:10pm
Lecture 21: MW 5:00pm-6:15pm

Course instructor: Marina Polishchuk
Email: mpoli@cs.wisc.edu
Office: 1302 CS
Office Hours:
Monday, 6:15pm-7:15pm, 1302CS
Wednesday, 4:00pm-5:00pm, 1302 CS
***cancelled office hours will appear here***

Course text: Cay Horstmann, Java Concepts, 4th Edition


There are three exams in this course: two midterms and a final.

If you have a conflict with regard to one or more of the exam times, or if you need special accommodations to be made for the exam, inform me ASAP. There are no makeups given for missed exams. The last day for alternate exam requests is this Friday, January 28th.

The exams are identical for all sections of CS 302. Here is the Exam Coverage.

Getting Help:

Aside from my office hours, there are also CS302 consultants on duty in 1370CS to answer questions and provide general help with your projects. Their hours are posted here.

Staying on top of things:

Check the Course Syllabus for the latest due dates, reading assignments, and other changes. Changes may also be communicated through the course email list, which is archived here: section 10, section 21.


Reading Assignments

Programming Assignments

CodeLab Exercises

Handouts and Notes


Note: the purpose of these examples is twofold: both to give you additional exposure to the course material as well as to allow you to download existing .java files, modify them, and experiment with the way the code works.

End of Midterm 2 new material (you should still remember everything below this line).

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