vo rulaataa hai rulaae mujhe jii bhar ke

Song Title: vo rulaataa hai rulaae mujhe jii bhar ke
Movie Name: Sharmaate Sharmaate
Singer(s): Mitaalee Mukherjee
Music Director(s):

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v:að ,l:at:a hò ,l:aO m:ØJ:ð j:i B:r kñ kdi
v:að m:ðri AaúK: hò m:òø us:kað ,l:aU÷ kós:ð

ASkaðø kñ m:aðt:i hm:n:ð ep:raðO t:m:am: rat:
Ek b:ðv:fa kñ y:ad m:ðø raðO t:m:am: rat:

Oðs:i eg:ri z:hn: p:ð y:adaðø ki eb:j:el:y:aö
b:òYð rhð K:y:al:aðø m:ðø K:aðO t:m:am: rat:

khn:ð l:g:ð v:að s:Øn:kñ m:ðra hal:-O-edl: ki b:s:,
Et:n:i s:i b:at: p:ð Vy:a raðO t:m:am: rat:

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The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .