Songs arranged according to Song Number

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Here is a list of songs arranged according to the song number (as specified in the original ITRANS Song Book). Click on one of the entries below to get all the songs in the specified range:
0-99, 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, 400-499
500-599, 600-699, 700-799, 800-899, 900-999
1000-1099, 1100-1199, 1200-1299
8000-8099, 8100-8199, 8200-8258
9000-9099, 8100-8199, 9200-9219

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to