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PLEASE NOTE: I provide NO WARRANTY, express, implied, or otherwise, to the fitness of application nor to the safety of the following programs/source code.  Use at your own risk.  I am placing these here for the public because I feel they are useful and safe, but you never know.  Also, I retain copyright on the files, though you may copy freely and modify as long as I (Nick Pongratz) am given credit for my code.  I will probably be licensing these (or updates of these) under a GPL- or BSD-style license in the future, in which case all code will respectively be retroactively licensed.


20010625 - version 0.51b
Download source: [.tar.gz]
This program is provided mainly for the bioCVG Working Group to aid in analysis of DNA sequences.  It is a very simple program: it converts ASCII sequences into user-defined values and outputs to a file.  Also included is a sample configuration file and a random DNA file creator.


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