Obs. or dial.

[Etymology] [Quotations] [Date chart]

[for earlier ido, ydo, ydon done; see A- particle. Still in common use in s.w. dialects; see ‘Exmoor Scolding’.] 

    Done. dead for ado: dead for done, dead and done with, dead ‘for good.’ once for ado: once for done, once for all.
  1554 Interlude of Youth in Hazlitt Dodsley II. 16 Youth, I pray thee have ado, And to the tavern let us go. a1638 MEDE Wks. III. ix. 599 If the Cæsarean state may revive..how shall we ever know when it is dead for adoe? 1642 ROGERS Naaman 849 Be persuaded to settle once for adoe upon the promise.

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