AA n pl. -S rough, cindery lava AAH v -ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise AAL n pl. -S an East Indian shrub AALII n pl. -S a tropical tree AARDVARK n pl. -S an African mammal AARDWOLF n pl. -WOLVES an African mammal AARGH interj -- used to express disgust AARRGH interj aargh AARRGHH interj aargh AASVOGEL n pl. -S a vulture AB n pl. -S an abdominal muscle ABA n pl. -S a sleeveless garment worn by Arabs ABACA n pl. -S a Philippine plant ABACK adv toward the back ABACUS n pl. -CI or -CUSES a calculating device ABAFT adv toward the stern ABAKA n pl. -S abaca ABALONE n pl. -S an edible shellfish ABAMP n pl. -S abampere ABAMPERE n pl. -S a unit of electric current ABANDON v -ED, -ING, -S to leave or give up completely ABAPICAL adj directed away from the apex ABASE v ABASED, ABASING, ABASES to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem ABASEDLY adv ABASER n pl. -S one that abases ABASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make ashamed or embarrassed ABASIA n pl. -S a defect in muscular coordination in walking ABASING present participle of abase ABATE v ABATED, ABATING, ABATES to reduce in degree or intensity ABATABLE adj ABATER n pl. -S one that abates ABATIS n pl. ABATISES a barrier made of felled trees ABATOR n pl. -S one that unlawfully seizes an inheritance ABATTIS n pl. -TISES abatis ABATTOIR n pl. -S a slaughterhouse ABAXIAL adj situated away from the axis ABAXILE adj abaxial ABBA n pl. -S father -- used as a title of honor ABBACY n pl. -CIES the office of an abbot ABBATIAL adj pertaining to an abbot ABBE n pl. -S an abbot ABBESS n pl. -ES the female superior of a convent of nuns ABBEY n pl. -BEYS a monastery or convent ABBOT n pl. -S the superior of a monastery ABBOTCY n pl. -CIES abbacy ABDICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to give up formally ABDOMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA the body cavity containing the viscera ABDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to abduct ABDUCENS n pl. -CENTES a cranial nerve ABDUCENT adj serving to abduct ABDUCING present participle of abduce ABDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to draw away from the original position ABDUCTOR n pl. -ES or -S an abducent muscle ABEAM adv at right angles to the keel of a ship ABED adv in bed ABELE n pl. -S a Eurasian tree ABELIA n pl. -S an Asian or Mexican shrub ABELIAN adj being a commutative group in mathematics ABELMOSK n pl. -S a tropical herb ABERRANT n pl. -S a deviant ABET v ABETTED, ABETTING, ABETS to encourage and support ABETMENT n pl. -S the act of abetting ABETTAL n pl. -S abetment ABETTED past tense of abet ABETTER n pl. -S abettor ABETTING present participle of abet ABETTOR n pl. -S one that abets ABEYANCE n pl. -S temporary inactivity ABEYANCY n pl. -CIES abeyance ABEYANT adj marked by abeyance ABFARAD n pl. -S a unit of capacitance ABHENRY n pl. -RIES or -RYS a unit of inductance ABHOR v -HORRED, -HORRING, -HORS to loathe ABHORRER n pl. -S one that abhors ABIDANCE n pl. -S the act of abiding ABIDE v ABODE or ABIDED, ABIDING, ABIDES to accept without objection ABIDER n pl. -S one that abides ABIGAIL n pl. -S a lady's maid ABILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being able to do something ABIOSIS n pl. -OSES absence of life ABIOTIC adj ABJECT adj sunk to a low condition ABJECTLY adv ABJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to renounce under oath ABJURER n pl. -S one that abjures ABLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to remove by cutting ABLATION n pl. -S surgical removal of a bodily part ABLATIVE n pl. -S a grammatical case ABLAUT n pl. -S a patterned change in root vowels of verb forms ABLAZE adj being on fire ABLE adj ABLER, ABLEST having sufficient power, skill, or resources ABLE n pl. -S a communications code word for the letter A ABLEGATE n pl. -S a papal envoy ABLER comparative of able ABLEST superlative of able ABLINGS adv ablins ABLINS adv perhaps ABLOOM adj blooming ABLUENT n pl. -S a cleansing agent ABLUSH adj blushing ABLUTED adj washed clean ABLUTION n pl. -S a washing ABLY adv in an able manner ABMHO n pl. -MHOS a unit of electrical conductance ABNEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to deny to oneself ABNORMAL n pl. -S a mentally deficient person ABOARD adv into, in, or on a ship, train, or airplane ABODE v ABODED, ABODING, ABODES to forebode ABOHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistance ABOIDEAU n pl. -DEAUS or -DEAUX a type of dike ABOIL adj boiling ABOITEAU n pl. -TEAUS or -TEAUX aboideau ABOLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to do away with ABOLLA n pl. -LAE a cloak worn in ancient Rome ABOMA n pl. -S a South American snake ABOMASAL adj pertaining to the abomasum ABOMASUM n pl. -SA the fourth stomach of a ruminant ABOMASUS n pl. -MASI abomasum ABOON adv above ABORAL adj situated away from the mouth ABORALLY adv ABORNING adv while being born ABORT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring forth a fetus prematurely ABORTER n pl. -S one that aborts ABORTION n pl. -S induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus ABORTIVE adj failing to succeed ABOUGHT past tense of aby and abye ABOULIA n pl. -S abulia ABOULIC adj ABOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to have a large number or amount ABOUT adv approximately ABOVE n pl. -S something that is above (in a higher place) ABRACHIA n pl. -S a lack of arms ABRADANT n pl. -S an abrasive ABRADE v ABRADED, ABRADING, ABRADES to wear away by friction ABRADER n pl. -S a tool for abrading ABRASION n pl. -S the act of abrading ABRASIVE n pl. -S an abrading substance ABREACT v -ED, -ING, -S to release repressed emotions by reliving the original traumatic experience ABREAST adv side by side ABRI n pl. -S a bomb shelter ABRIDGE v ABRIDGED, ABRIDGING, ABRIDGES to reduce the length of ABRIDGER n pl. -S one that abridges ABROACH adj astir ABROAD adv out of one's own country ABROGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to abolish by authoritative action ABROSIA n pl. -S a fasting from food ABRUPT adj -RUPTER, -RUPTEST rudely brief ABRUPTLY adv ABSCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form an abscess (a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue) ABSCISE v -SCISED, -SCISING, -SCISES to cut off ABSCISIN n pl. -S a regulatory substance found in plants ABSCISSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE a particular geometric coordinate ABSCOND v -ED, -ING, -S to depart suddenly and secretly ABSEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to rappel ABSENCE n pl. -S the state of being away ABSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to take or keep away ABSENTEE n pl. -S one that is not present ABSENTER n pl. -S one that absents himself ABSENTLY adv in an inattentive manner ABSINTH n pl. -S absinthe ABSINTHE n pl. -S a bitter liqueur ABSOLUTE adj -LUTER, -LUTEST free from restriction ABSOLUTE n pl. -S something that is absolute ABSOLVE v -SOLVED, -SOLVING, -SOLVES to free from the consequences of an action ABSOLVER n pl. -S one that absolves ABSONANT adj unreasonable ABSORB v -ED, -ING, -S to take up or in ABSORBER n pl. -S one that absorbs ABSTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to refrain voluntarily ABSTERGE v -STERGED, -STERGING, -STERGES to cleanse by wiping ABSTRACT adj -STRACTER, -STRACTEST difficult to understand ABSTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take away ABSTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to form by cutting off ABSTRUSE adj -STRUSER, -STRUSEST difficult to understand ABSURD adj -SURDER, -SURDEST ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable ABSURDLY adv ABSURD n pl. -S the condition in which man exists in an irrational and meaningless universe ABUBBLE adj bubbling ABULIA n pl. -S loss of will power ABULIC adj ABUNDANT adj present in great quantity ABUSE v ABUSED, ABUSING, ABUSES to use wrongly or improperly ABUSABLE adj ABUSER n pl. -S one that abuses ABUSIVE adj characterized by wrong or improper use ABUT v ABUTTED, ABUTTING, ABUTS to touch along a border ABUTILON n pl. -S a flowering plant ABUTMENT n pl. -S something that abuts ABUTTAL n pl. -S an abutment ABUTTED past tense of abut ABUTTER n pl. -S one that abuts ABUTTING present participle of abut ABUZZ adj buzzing ABVOLT n pl. -S a unit of electromotive force ABWATT n pl. -S a unit of power ABY v ABOUGHT, ABYING, ABYS to pay the penalty for ABYE v ABOUGHT, ABYING, ABYES to aby ABYSM n pl. -S an abyss ABYSMAL adj immeasurably deep ABYSS n pl. -ES a bottomless chasm ABYSSAL adj ACACIA n pl. -S a flowering tree or shrub ACADEME n pl. -S a place of instruction ACADEMIA n pl. -S scholastic life or environment ACADEMIC n pl. -S a college student or teacher ACADEMY n pl. -MIES a secondary school ACAJOU n pl. -S a tropical tree ACALEPH n pl. -LEPHAE or -LEPHS a jellyfish ACALEPHE n pl. -S acaleph ACANTHUS n pl. -THI or -THUSES a prickly herb ACAPNIA n pl. -S a lack of carbon dioxide in blood and tissues ACARI pl. of acarus ACARID n pl. -S a type of arachnid ACARIDAN n pl. -S acarid ACARINE n pl. -S acarid ACAROID adj resembling an acarid ACARPOUS adj not producing fruit ACARUS n pl. -RI a mite ACAUDAL adj having no tail ACAUDATE adj acaudal ACAULINE adj having no stem ACAULOSE adj acauline ACAULOUS adj acauline ACCEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to consent ACCEDER n pl. -S one that accedes ACCENT v -ED, -ING, -S to pronounce with prominence ACCENTOR n pl. -S a songbird ACCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S to receive willingly ACCEPTEE n pl. -S one that is accepted ACCEPTER n pl. -S one that accepts ACCEPTOR n pl. -S accepter ACCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to get at ACCIDENT n pl. -S an unexpected or unintentional occurrence ACCIDIA n pl. -S acedia ACCIDIE n pl. -S acedia ACCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to shout approval of ACCOLADE n pl. -S an expression of praise ACCORD v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into agreement ACCORDER n pl. -S one that accords ACCOST v -ED, -ING, -S to approach and speak to first ACCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to give an explanation ACCOUTER v -ED, -ING, -S to equip ACCOUTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to accouter ACCREDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to give official authorization to ACCRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to grow together ACCRUAL n pl. -S the act of accruing ACCRUE v -CRUED, -CRUING, -CRUES to come as an increase or addition ACCURACY n pl. -CIES the quality of being accurate ACCURATE adj free from error ACCURSED adj damnable ACCURST adj accursed ACCUSAL n pl. -S the act of accusing ACCUSANT n pl. -S an accuser ACCUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES to make an assertion against ACCUSER n pl. -S one that accuses ACCUSTOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make familiar ACE v ACED, ACING, ACES to score a point against in a single stroke ACEDIA n pl. -S apathy ACELDAMA n pl. -S a place of bloodshed ACENTRIC adj having no center ACEQUIA n pl. -S an irrigation ditch or canal ACERATE adj acerose ACERATED adj acerose ACERB adj ACERBER, ACERBEST sour ACERBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to make sour ACERBIC adj acerb ACERBITY n pl. -TIES sourness ACEROLA n pl. -S a West Indian shrub ACEROSE adj needle-shaped ACEROUS adj acerose ACERVATE adj growing in compact clusters ACERVULI n/pl spore-producing organs of certain fungi ACESCENT n pl. -S something that is slightly sour ACETA pl. of acetum ACETAL n pl. -S a flammable liquid ACETAMID n pl. -S an amide of acetic acid ACETATE n pl. -S a salt of acetic acid ACETATED adj ACETIC adj pertaining to vinegar ACETIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into vinegar ACETIN n pl. -S a chemical compound ACETONE n pl. -S a flammable liquid ACETONIC adj ACETOSE adj acetous ACETOUS adj tasting like vinegar ACETOXYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ACETUM n pl. -TA vinegar ACETYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ACETYLIC adj ACHE v ACHED, ACHING, ACHES to suffer a dull, continuous pain ACHENE n pl. -S a type of fruit ACHENIAL adj ACHIER comparative of achy ACHIEST superlative of achy ACHIEVE v ACHIEVED, ACHIEVING, ACHIEVES to carry out successfully ACHIEVER n pl. -S one that achieves ACHILLEA n pl. -S yarrow ACHINESS n pl. -ES the state of being achy ACHING present participle of ache ACHINGLY adv in an aching manner ACHIOTE n pl. -S a yellowish red dye ACHOLIA n pl. -S a lack of bile ACHOO interj ahchoo ACHROMAT n pl. -S a type of lens ACHROMIC adj having no color ACHY adj ACHIER, ACHIEST aching ACICULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a needlelike part or process ACICULAR adj ACICULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a bristlelike part ACID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ACIDEMIA n pl. -S a condition of increased acidity of the blood ACIDHEAD n pl. -S one who uses LSD ACIDIC adj sour ACIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into an acid ACIDITY n pl. -TIES sourness ACIDLY adv sourly ACIDNESS n pl. -ES acidity ACIDOSIS n pl. -DOSES an abnormal condition of the blood ACIDOTIC adj ACIDURIA n pl. -S a condition of having excessive amounts of acid in the urine ACIDY adj sour ACIERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to turn into steel ACIFORM adj needle-shaped ACING present participle of ace ACINUS n pl. -NI a small, saclike division of a gland ACINAR, ACINIC, ACINOSE, ACINOUS adj ACKEE n pl. -S akee ACLINIC adj having no inclination ACME n pl. -S the highest point ACMATIC, ACMIC adj ACNE n pl. -S a skin disease ACNED adj ACNODE n pl. -S an element of a mathematical set that is isolated from the other elements ACOCK adj cocked ACOLD adj cold ACOLYTE n pl. -S an assistant ACONITE n pl. -S a poisonous herb ACONITIC adj ACONITUM n pl. -S aconite ACORN n pl. -S the fruit of the oak tree ACOUSTIC n pl. -S a hearing aid ACQUAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to know ACQUEST n pl. -S something acquired ACQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to come into possession of ACQUIRER n pl. -S one that acquires ACQUIT v -QUITTED, -QUITTING, -QUITS to free or clear from a charge of fault or crime ACRASIA n pl. -S a lack of self-control ACRASIN n pl. -S a substance secreted by the cells of a slime mold ACRE n pl. -S a unit of area ACREAGE n pl. -S area in acres ACRED adj owning many acres ACRID adj -RIDER, -RIDEST sharp and harsh to the taste or smell ACRIDINE n pl. -S a chemical compound ACRIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being acrid ACRIDLY adv in an acrid manner ACRIMONY n pl. -NIES sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper ACROBAT n pl. -S one skilled in feats of agility and balance ACRODONT n pl. -S an animal having rootless teeth ACROGEN n pl. -S a plant growing at the apex only ACROLECT n pl. -S a high form of a language ACROLEIN n pl. -S a flammable liquid ACROLITH n pl. -S a type of statue ACROMION n pl. -MIA the outward end of the shoulder blade ACROMIAL adj ACRONIC adj occurring at sunset ACRONYM n pl. -S a word formed from the initials of a compound term or series of words ACROSOME n pl. -S a thin sac at the head of a sperm ACROSS prep from one side of to the other ACROSTIC n pl. -S a poem in which certain letters taken in order form a word or phrase ACROTISM n pl. -S weakness of the pulse ACROTIC adj ACRYLATE n pl. -S an acrylic ACRYLIC n pl. -S a type of resin ACT v -ED, -ING, -S to do something ACTA n/pl recorded proceedings ACTABLE adj suitable for performance on the stage ACTIN n pl. -S a protein in muscle tissue ACTINAL adj having tentacles ACTING n pl. -S the occupation of an actor ACTINIA n pl. -IAE or -IAS a marine animal ACTINIAN n pl. -S actinia ACTINIC adj pertaining to actinism ACTINIDE n pl. -S any of a series of radioactive elements ACTINISM n pl. -S the property of radiant energy that effects chemical changes ACTINIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element ACTINOID n pl. -S an actinide ACTINON n pl. -S an isotope of radon ACTION n pl. -S the process of acting ACTIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to set in motion ACTIVE n pl. -S a participating member of an organization ACTIVELY adv with activity ACTIVISM n pl. -S a doctrine that emphasizes direct and decisive action ACTIVIST n pl. -S an advocate of activism ACTIVITY n pl. -TIES brisk action or movement ACTIVIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to activate ACTOR n pl. -S a theatrical performer ACTORISH adj ACTRESS n pl. -ES a female actor ACTRESSY adj ACTUAL adj existing in fact ACTUALLY adv ACTUARY n pl. -ARIES a statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums ACTUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to set into action or motion ACTUATOR n pl. -S one that actuates ACUATE adj sharp ACUITY n pl. -ITIES sharpness ACULEATE adj having a sting ACULEUS n pl. -LEI a sharp-pointed part ACUMEN n pl. -S mental keenness ACUTANCE n pl. -S a measure of photographic clarity ACUTE adj ACUTER, ACUTEST marked by sharpness or severity ACUTELY adv ACUTE n pl. -S a type of accent mark ACYCLIC adj not cyclic ACYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ACYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to introduce acyl into ACYLOIN n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AD n pl. -S an advertisement ADAGE n pl. -S a traditional saying expressing a common observation ADAGIAL adj ADAGIO n pl. -GIOS a musical composition or movement played in a slow tempo ADAMANCE n pl. -S adamancy ADAMANCY n pl. -CIES unyielding hardness ADAMANT n pl. -S an extremely hard substance ADAMSITE n pl. -S a lung-irritating gas ADAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to make suitable ADAPTER n pl. -S one that adapts ADAPTION n pl. -S the act of adapting ADAPTIVE adj ADAPTOR n pl. -S adapter ADAXIAL adj situated on the same side as ADD v -ED, -ING, -S to combine or join so as to bring about an increase ADDABLE adj ADDAX n pl. -ES a large antelope ADDEDLY adv additionally ADDEND n pl. -S a number to be added to another ADDENDUM n pl. -DA something added or to be added ADDER n pl. -S a venomous snake ADDIBLE adj capable of being added ADDICT v -ED, -ING, -S to devote or surrender to something habitually or compulsively ADDITION n pl. -S something added ADDITIVE n pl. -S a substance added to another to impart desirable qualities ADDITORY adj making an addition ADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuse ADDRESS v -DRESSED or -DREST, -DRESSING, -DRESSES to speak to ADDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to bring forward as evidence ADDUCENT adj serving to adduct ADDUCER n pl. -S one that adduces ADDUCING present participle of adduce ADDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to draw toward the main axis ADDUCTOR n pl. -S an adducent muscle ADEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to take away ADENINE n pl. -S an alkaloid ADENITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of a lymph node ADENOID n pl. -S an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx ADENOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of glandular origin ADENOSIS n pl. -NOSES abnormal growth of glandular tissue ADENYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ADEPT adj ADEPTER, ADEPTEST highly skilled ADEPTLY adv ADEPT n pl. -S an adept person ADEQUACY n pl. -CIES the state of being adequate ADEQUATE adj sufficient for a specific requirement ADHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to become or remain attached or close to something ADHEREND n pl. -S the surface to which an adhesive adheres ADHERENT n pl. -S a supporter ADHERER n pl. -S one that adheres ADHERING present participle of adhere ADHESION n pl. -S the act of adhering ADHESIVE n pl. -S a substance that causes adhesion ADHIBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to take or let in ADIEU n pl. ADIEUS or ADIEUX a farewell ADIOS interj -- used to express farewell ADIPOSE n pl. -S animal fat ADIPIC adj ADIPOSIS n pl. -POSES obesity ADIPOUS adj pertaining to adipose ADIT n pl. -S an entrance ADJACENT adj next to ADJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to lie next to ADJOINT n pl. -S a type of mathematical matrix ADJOURN v -ED, -ING, -S to suspend until a later time ADJUDGE v -JUDGED, -JUDGING, -JUDGES to determine judicially ADJUNCT n pl. -S something attached in a subordinate position ADJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to command solemnly ADJURER n pl. -S one that adjures ADJUROR n pl. -S adjurer ADJUST v -ED, -ING, -S to bring to a more satisfactory state ADJUSTER n pl. -S one that adjusts ADJUSTOR n pl. -S adjuster ADJUTANT n pl. -S an assistant ADJUVANT n pl. -S an assistant ADMAN n pl. -MEN a man employed in the advertising business ADMASS adj pertaining to a society strongly influenced by advertising ADMIRAL n pl. -S a high-ranking naval officer ADMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval ADMIRER n pl. -S one that admires ADMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to allow to enter ADMITTER n pl. -S one that admits ADMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mix ADMONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to reprove mildly or kindly ADNATE adj joined to another part or organ ADNATION n pl. -S the state of being adnate ADNEXA n/pl conjoined anatomical parts ADNEXAL adj ADNOUN n pl. -S an adjective when used as a noun ADO n pl. ADOS bustling excitement ADOBE n pl. -S an unburnt, sun-dried brick ADOBO n pl. -BOS a Philippine dish of fish or meat ADONIS n pl. -ISES a handsome young man ADOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to take into one's family by legal means ADOPTEE n pl. -S one that is adopted ADOPTER n pl. -S one that adopts ADOPTION n pl. -S the act of adopting ADOPTIVE adj ADORABLE adj worthy of being adored ADORABLY adv ADORE v ADORED, ADORING, ADORES to love deeply ADORER n pl. -S one that adores ADORN v -ED, -ING, -S to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive ADORNER n pl. -S one that adorns ADOWN adv downward ADOZE adj dozing ADRENAL n pl. -S an endocrine gland ADRIFT adj drifting ADROIT adj ADROITER, ADROITEST skillful ADROITLY adv ADSCRIPT n pl. -S a distinguishing symbol written after another character ADSORB v -ED, -ING, -S to gather on a surface in a condensed layer ADSORBER n pl. -S one that absorbs ADULARIA n pl. -S a mineral ADULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to praise excessively ADULATOR n pl. -S one that adulates ADULT n pl. -S a fully developed individual ADULTERY n pl. -TERIES voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse ADULTLY adv in a manner typical of an adult ADUMBRAL adj shadowy ADUNC adj bent inward ADUNCATE adj adunc ADUNCOUS adj adunc ADUST adj scorched ADVANCE v -VANCED, -VANCING, -VANCES to move or cause to move ahead ADVANCER n pl. -S one that advances ADVECT v -ED, -ING, -S to convey or transport by the flow of a fluid ADVENT n pl. -S arrival ADVERB n pl. -S a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb ADVERSE adj acting in opposition ADVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to call attention ADVICE n pl. -S recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct ADVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to give advice to ADVISEE n pl. -S one that is advised ADVISER n pl. -S one that advises ADVISING present participle of advise ADVISOR n pl. -S adviser ADVISORY n pl. -RIES a report giving information ADVOCACY n pl. -CIES the act of advocating ADVOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to speak in favor of ADVOWSON n pl. -S the right of presenting a nominee to a vacant church office ADYNAMIA n pl. -S lack of physical strength ADYNAMIC adj ADYTUM n pl. -TA an inner sanctuary in an ancient temple ADZ n pl. -ES a cutting tool ADZE n pl. -S adz ADZUKI n pl. -S a type of bean AE adj one AECIA pl. of aecium AECIAL adj pertaining to an aecium AECIDIAL adj pertaining to an aecium AECIDIUM n pl. -IA an aecium AECIUM n pl. -IA a spore-producing organ of certain fungi AEDES n pl. AEDES any of a genus of mosquitoes AEDILE n pl. -S a magistrate of ancient Rome AEDINE adj pertaining to an aedes AEGIS n pl. -GISES protection AENEOUS adj having a greenish gold color AENEUS adj aeneous AEOLIAN adj eolian AEON n pl. -S eon AEONIAN adj eonian AEONIC adj eonian AEQUORIN n pl. -S a protein secreted by jellyfish AERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to supply with air AERATION n pl. -S the act of aerating AERATOR n pl. -S one that aerates AERIAL n pl. -S an antenna AERIALLY adv in a manner pertaining to the air AERIE n pl. -S a bird's nest built high on a mountain or cliff AERIED adj AERIER comparative of aery AERIES pl. of aery AERIEST superlative of aery AERIFORM adj having the form of air AERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to aerate AERILY adv in an aery manner AERO adj pertaining to aircraft AEROBE n pl. -S an organism that requires oxygen to live AEROBIC adj AEROBICS n/pl exercises for conditioning the heart and lungs by increasing oxygen consumption AEROBIUM n pl. -BIA aerobe AERODUCT n pl. -S a type of jet engine AERODYNE n pl. -S an aircraft that is heavier than air AEROFOIL n pl. -S airfoil AEROGEL n pl. -S a highly porous solid AEROGRAM n pl. -S an airmail letter AEROLITE n pl. -S a meteorite containing more stone than iron AEROLITH n pl. -S aerolite AEROLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the atmosphere AERONAUT n pl. -S one who operates an airship AERONOMY n pl. -MIES the study of the upper atmosphere AEROSAT n pl. -S a satellite for use in air-traffic control AEROSOL n pl. -S a gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles AEROSTAT n pl. -S an aircraft that is lighter than air AERUGO n pl. -GOS a green film that forms on copper AERY adj AERIER, AERIEST airy AERY n pl. AERIES aerie AESTHETE n pl. -S esthete AESTIVAL adj estival AETHER n pl. -S the upper region of the atmosphere AETHERIC adj AFAR n pl. -S a great distance AFEARD adj afraid AFEARED adj afeard AFEBRILE adj having no fever AFF adv off AFFABLE adj easy to talk to AFFABLY adv AFFAIR n pl. -S anything done or to be done AFFAIRE n pl. -S a brief amorous relationship AFFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to give a false appearance of AFFECTER n pl. -S one that affects AFFERENT n pl. -S a nerve that conveys impulses toward a nerve center AFFIANCE v -ANCED, -ANCING, -ANCES to betroth AFFIANT n pl. -S one who makes a written declaration under oath AFFICHE n pl. -S a poster AFFINAL adj related by marriage AFFINE n pl. -S a relative by marriage AFFINED adj closely related AFFINELY adv in the manner of a type of mathematical mapping AFFINITY n pl. -TIES a natural attraction or inclination AFFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to state positively AFFIRMER n pl. -S one that affirms AFFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to attach AFFIXAL adj pertaining to a prefix or suffix AFFIXER n pl. -S one that affixes AFFIXIAL adj affixal AFFLATUS n pl. -ES a creative inspiration AFFLICT v -ED, -ING, -S to distress with mental or physical pain AFFLUENT n pl. -S a stream that flows into another AFFLUX n pl. -ES a flowing toward a point AFFORD v -ED, -ING, -S to have sufficient means for AFFOREST v -ED, -ING, -S to convert into forest AFFRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to frighten AFFRAYER n pl. -S one that affrays AFFRIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to frighten AFFRONT v -ED, -ING, -S to insult openly AFFUSION n pl. -S an act of pouring a liquid on AFGHAN n pl. -S a woolen blanket or shawl AFGHANI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Afghanistan AFIELD adv in the field AFIRE adj being on fire AFLAME adj flaming AFLOAT adj floating AFLUTTER adj nervously excited AFOOT adv on foot AFORE adv before AFOUL adj entangled AFRAID adj filled with apprehension AFREET n pl. -S an evil spirit in Arabic mythology AFRESH adv anew AFRIT n pl. -S afreet AFT adv toward the stern AFTER prep behind in place or order AFTERS n/pl dessert AFTERTAX adj remaining after payment of taxes AFTMOST adj nearest the stern AFTOSA n pl. -S a disease of hoofed mammals AG adj pertaining to agriculture AGA n pl. -S a high-ranking Turkish military officer AGAIN adv once more AGAINST prep in opposition to AGALLOCH n pl. -S the fragrant wood of a tropical tree AGALWOOD n pl. -S agalloch AGAMA n pl. -S a tropical lizard AGAMETE n pl. -S an asexual reproductive cell AGAMIC adj asexual AGAMOUS adj agamic AGAPE n pl. -PAE or -PAI the love of God for mankind AGAPEIC adj AGAR n pl. -S a viscous substance obtained from certain seaweeds AGARIC n pl. -S any of a family of fungi AGAROSE n pl. -S a sugar obtained from agar AGATE n pl. -S a variety of quartz AGATOID adj AGATIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause to resemble agate AGAVE n pl. -S a tropical plant AGAZE adj gazing AGE v AGED, AGING or AGEING, AGES to grow old AGEDLY adv oldly AGEDNESS n pl. -ES oldness AGEE adv to one side AGEING n pl. -S aging AGEISM n pl. -S discrimination based on age AGEIST n pl. -S an advocate of ageism AGELESS adj never growing old AGELONG adj lasting for a long time AGENCY n pl. -CIES an organization that does business for others AGENDA n pl. -S a list of things to be done AGENDUM n pl. -S an item on an agenda AGENE n pl. -S a chemical compound used in bleaching flour AGENESIA n pl. -S agenesis AGENESIS n pl. AGENESES absence or imperfect development of a bodily part AGENETIC adj AGENIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to treat with agene AGENT n pl. -S one who is authorized to act for another AGENTIAL adj AGENTING n pl. -S the business or activities of an agent AGENTIVE n pl. -S a word part that denotes the doer of an action AGENTRY n pl. -RIES the office or duties of an agent AGER n pl. -S one that ages AGERATUM n pl. -S a flowering plant AGGADIC adj haggadic AGGER n pl. -S a mound of earth used as a fortification AGGIE n pl. -S a type of playing marble AGGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES to fill with detrital material AGGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to commit the first act of hostility AGGRIEVE v -GRIEVED, -GRIEVING, -GRIEVES to distress AGGRO n pl. -GROS a rivalry or grievance AGHA n pl. -S aga AGHAST adj shocked by something horrible AGILE adj able to move quickly and easily AGILELY adv AGILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being agile AGIN prep against AGING n pl. -S the process of growing old AGINNER n pl. -S one that is against change AGIO n pl. AGIOS a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another AGIOTAGE n pl. -S the business of a broker AGISM n pl. -S ageism AGIST v -ED, -ING, -S to feed and take care of for a fee, as livestock AGITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to move with a violent, irregular action AGITABLE adj AGITATO adj fast and stirring -- used as a musical direction AGITATOR n pl. -S one that agitates AGITPROP n pl. -S pro-Communist propaganda AGLARE adj glaring AGLEAM adj gleaming AGLEE adv agley AGLET n pl. -S a metal sheath at the end of a lace AGLEY adv awry AGLIMMER adj glimmering AGLITTER adj glittering AGLOW adj glowing AGLY adv agley AGLYCON n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AGLYCONE n pl. -S aglycon AGMA n pl. -S eng AGMINATE adj clustered together AGNAIL n pl. -S a piece of loose skin at the base of a fingernail AGNATE n pl. -S a relative on the father's side AGNATIC adj AGNATION n pl. -S the relationship of agnates AGNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to acknowledge AGNOMEN n pl. -MINA or -MENS an additional name given to an ancient Roman AGNOSIA n pl. -S loss of ability to recognize familiar objects AGNOSTIC n pl. -S one who disclaims any knowledge of God AGO adv in the past AGOG adv in a state of eager curiosity AGON n pl. -S or -ES the dramatic conflict between the main characters in a Greek play AGONAL adj pertaining to agony AGONE adv ago AGONES a pl. of agon AGONIC adj not forming an angle AGONIES pl. of agony AGONISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to agonize AGONIST n pl. -S one that is engaged in a struggle AGONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to suffer extreme pain AGONY n pl. -NIES extreme pain AGORA n pl. -RAS or -RAE a marketplace in ancient Greece AGORA n pl. AGOROT or AGOROTH a monetary unit of Israel AGOUTI n pl. -S or -ES a burrowing rodent AGOUTY n pl. -TIES agouti AGRAFE n pl. -S agraffe AGRAFFE n pl. -S an ornamental clasp AGRAPHA n/pl the sayings of Jesus not found in the Bible AGRAPHIA n pl. -S a mental disorder marked by inability to write AGRAPHIC adj AGRARIAN n pl. -S one who favors equal distribution of land AGRAVIC adj pertaining to a condition of no gravitation AGREE v AGREED, AGREEING, AGREES to have the same opinion AGRESTAL adj growing wild AGRESTIC adj rural AGRIA n pl. -S severe pustular eruption AGRIMONY n pl. -NIES a perennial herb AGROLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of soils in relation to crops AGRONOMY n pl. -MIES the application of scientific principles to the cultivation of land AGROUND adv on the ground AGRYPNIA n pl. -S insomnia AGUE n pl. -S a malarial fever AGUELIKE, AGUISH adj AGUISHLY adv AGUEWEED n pl. -S a flowering plant AH interj -- used to express delight, relief, or contempt AHA interj -- used to express surprise, triumph, or derision AHCHOO interj -- used to represent the sound of a sneeze AHEAD adv at or to the front AHEM interj -- used to attract attention AHIMSA n pl. -S the Hindu principle of nonviolence AHOLD n pl. -S a hold or grasp of something AHORSE adv on a horse AHOY interj -- used in hailing a ship or person AHULL adj abandoned and flooded, as a ship AI n pl. -S a three-toed sloth AIBLINS adv ablins AID v -ED, -ING, -S to help AIDE n pl. -S an assistant AIDER n pl. -S one that aids AIDFUL adj helpful AIDLESS adj helpless AIDMAN n pl. -MEN a corpsman AIGLET n pl. -S aglet AIGRET n pl. -S aigrette AIGRETTE n pl. -S a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament AIGUILLE n pl. -S a sharp, pointed mountain peak AIKIDO n pl. -DOS a Japanese art of self-defense AIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cause pain or discomfort to AILERON n pl. -S a movable control surface on an airplane wing AILMENT n pl. -S a physical or mental disorder AIM v -ED, -ING, -S to direct toward a specified object or goal AIMER n pl. -S one that aims AIMFUL adj full of purpose AIMFULLY adv AIMLESS adj lacking direction or purpose AIN n pl. -S ayin AINSELL n pl. -S own self AIOLI n pl. -S garlic mayonnaise AIR adv AIRER, AIREST early AIR v -ED, -ING, -S to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) AIRBOAT n pl. -S a boat used in swampy areas AIRBORNE adj flying AIRBOUND adj stopped up by air AIRBRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to apply in a fine spray by compressed air, as paint AIRBURST n pl. -S an explosion in the air AIRBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a passenger airplane AIRCHECK n pl. -S a recording made from a radio broadcast AIRCOACH n pl. -ES the cheaper class of accommodations in commercial aircraft AIRCRAFT n pl. AIRCRAFT any machine or device capable of flying AIRCREW n pl. -S the crew of an aircraft AIRDATE n pl. -S the scheduled date of a broadcast AIRDROME n pl. -S an airport AIRDROP v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS to drop from an aircraft AIRER n pl. -S a frame on which to dry clothes AIRFARE n pl. -S payment for travel by airplane AIRFIELD n pl. -S an airport AIRFLOW n pl. -S a flow of air AIRFOIL n pl. -S a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control AIRFRAME n pl. -S the framework and external covering of an airplane AIRGLOW n pl. -S a glow in the upper atmosphere AIRHEAD n pl. -S a stupid person AIRHOLE n pl. -S a hole to let air in or out AIRIER comparative of airy AIRIEST superlative of airy AIRILY adv in an airy manner AIRINESS n pl. -ES the state of being airy AIRING n pl. -S an exposure to the air AIRLESS adj having no air AIRLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by airplane AIRLIKE adj resembling air AIRLINE n pl. -S an air transportation system AIRLINER n pl. -S a large passenger aircraft AIRMAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to send mail by airplane AIRMAN n pl. -MEN an aviator AIRN n pl. -S iron AIRPARK n pl. -S a small airport AIRPLANE n pl. -S a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers AIRPLAY n pl. -PLAYS the playing of a record on a radio program AIRPORT n pl. -S a tract of land maintained for the landing and takeoff of aircraft AIRPOST n pl. -S a system of conveying mail by airplane AIRPOWER n pl. -S the military strength of a nation's air force AIRPROOF v -ED, -ING, -S to make impermeable to air AIRSCAPE n pl. -S a view of the earth from an aircraft or a high position AIRSCREW n pl. -S an airplane propeller AIRSHED n pl. -S the air supply of a given region AIRSHIP n pl. -S a lighter-than-air aircraft having propulsion and steering systems AIRSICK adj nauseated from flying in an airplane AIRSPACE n pl. -S the portion of the atmosphere above a particular land area AIRSPEED n pl. -S the speed of an aircraft with relation to the air AIRSTRIP n pl. -S a runway AIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to guide AIRTH v -ED, -ING, -S to airt AIRTIGHT adj not allowing air to escape or enter AIRTIME n pl. -S the time when a broadcast begins AIRWARD adv toward the sky AIRWAVE n pl. -S the medium of radio and television transmission AIRWAY n pl. -WAYS a passageway in which air circulates AIRWISE adj skillful in aviation AIRWOMAN n pl. -WOMEN a female aviator AIRY adj AIRIER, AIRIEST having the nature of air AISLE n pl. -S a passageway between sections of seats AISLED adj AISLEWAY n pl. -WAYS an aisle AIT n pl. -S a small island AITCH n pl. -ES the letter H AIVER n pl. -S a draft horse AJAR adj partly open AJEE adv agee AJIVA n pl. -S inanimate matter AJOWAN n pl. -S the fruit of an Egyptian plant AJUGA n pl. -S a flowering plant AKEE n pl. -S a tropical tree AKELA n pl. -S a leader of a cub scout pack AKENE n pl. -S achene AKIMBO adj having hands on hips and elbows bent outward AKIN adj related by blood AKVAVIT n pl. -S aquavit AL n pl. -S an East Indian tree ALA n pl. ALAE a wing or winglike part ALACK interj -- used to express sorrow or regret ALACRITY n pl. -TIES cheerful promptness ALAE pl. of ala ALAMEDA n pl. -S a shaded walkway ALAMO n pl. -MOS a softwood tree ALAMODE n pl. -S a silk fabric ALAN n pl. -S a large hunting dog ALAND n pl. -S alan ALANE adj alone ALANG adv along ALANIN n pl. -S alanine ALANINE n pl. -S an amino acid ALANT n pl. -S alan ALANYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALAR adj pertaining to wings ALARM v -ED, -ING, -S to frighten by a sudden revelation of danger ALARMISM n pl. -S the practice of alarming others needlessly ALARMIST n pl. -S one who alarms others needlessly ALARUM v -ED, -ING, -S to alarm ALARY adj alar ALAS interj -- used to express sorrow or regret ALASKA n pl. -S a heavy fabric ALASTOR n pl. -S an avenging deity in Greek tragedy ALATE n pl. -S a winged insect ALATED adj having wings ALATION n pl. -S the state of having wings ALB n pl. -S a long-sleeved vestment ALBA n pl. -S the white substance of the brain ALBACORE n pl. -S a marine food fish ALBATA n pl. -S an alloy of copper, nickel, and zinc ALBEDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by it ALBEIT conj although ALBICORE n pl. -S albacore ALBINAL adj albinic ALBINIC adj pertaining to albinism ALBINISM n pl. -S the condition of being an albino ALBINO n pl. -NOS an organism lacking normal pigmentation ALBITE n pl. -S a mineral ALBITIC adj ALBIZIA n pl. -S a tropical tree ALBIZZIA n pl. -S albizia ALBUM n pl. -S a book for preserving photographs or stamps ALBUMEN n pl. -S the white of an egg ALBUMIN n pl. -S a simple protein ALBUMOSE n pl. -S a proteose ALBURNUM n pl. -S sapwood ALCADE n pl. -S alcalde ALCAHEST n pl. -S alkahest ALCAIC n pl. -S a type of verse form ALCAIDE n pl. -S the commander of a Spanish fortress ALCALDE n pl. -S the mayor of a Spanish town ALCAYDE n pl. -S alcaide ALCAZAR n pl. -S a Spanish fortress or palace ALCHEMY n pl. -MIES a medieval form of chemistry ALCHEMIC adj ALCHYMY n pl. -MIES alchemy ALCID n pl. -S a diving seabird ALCIDINE adj pertaining to a family of seabirds ALCOHOL n pl. -S a flammable liquid ALCOVE n pl. -S a recessed section of a room ALCOVED adj ALDEHYDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ALDER n pl. -S a shrub or small tree ALDERFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insect ALDERMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a municipal legislative body ALDOL n pl. -S a chemical compound ALDOLASE n pl. -S an enzyme ALDOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar ALDRIN n pl. -S an insecticide ALE n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage ALEATORY adj pertaining to luck ALEC n pl. -S a herring ALEE adv toward the side of a vessel sheltered from the wind ALEF n pl. -S aleph ALEGAR n pl. -S sour ale ALEHOUSE n pl. -S a tavern where ale is sold ALEMBIC n pl. -S an apparatus formerly used in distilling ALENCON n pl. -S a needlepoint lace ALEPH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter ALERT adj ALERTER, ALERTEST ready for sudden action ALERTLY adv ALERT v -ED, -ING, -S to warn ALEURON n pl. -S aleurone ALEURONE n pl. -S protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants ALEVIN n pl. -S a young fish ALEWIFE n pl. -WIVES a marine fish ALEXIA n pl. -S a cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read ALEXIN n pl. -S a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria ALEXINE n pl. -S alexin ALFA n pl. -S a communications code word for the letter A ALFAKI n pl. -S alfaqui ALFALFA n pl. -S a plant cultivated for use as hay and forage ALFAQUI n pl. -S a teacher of Muslim law ALFAQUIN n pl. -S alfaqui ALFORJA n pl. -S a leather bag ALFRESCO adv outdoors ALGA n pl. -GAE or -GAS any of a group of primitive aquatic plants ALGAL adj ALGAROBA n pl. -S the mesquite ALGEBRA n pl. -S a branch of mathematics ALGERINE n pl. -S a woolen fabric ALGICIDE n pl. -S a substance used to kill algae ALGID adj cold ALGIDITY n pl. -TIES coldness ALGIN n pl. -S a viscous substance obtained from certain algae ALGINATE n pl. -S a chemical salt ALGOID adj resembling algae ALGOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of algae ALGOR n pl. -S coldness ALGORISM n pl. -S the Arabic system of arithmetic notation ALGUM n pl. -S almug ALIAS n pl. -ES an assumed name ALIBI v -BIED, -BIING, -BIES or -BIS to make excuses for oneself ALIBLE adj nourishing ALIDAD n pl. -S alidade ALIDADE n pl. -S a device used in angular measurement ALIEN v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer to another, as property ALIENAGE n pl. -S the state of being foreign ALIENATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make indifferent or unfriendly ALIENEE n pl. -S one to whom property is transferred ALIENER n pl. -S alienor ALIENISM n pl. -S alienage ALIENIST n pl. -S a physician who treats mental disorders ALIENLY adv in a foreign manner ALIENOR n pl. -S one that transfers property ALIF n pl. -S an Arabic letter ALIFORM adj shaped like a wing ALIGHT v ALIGHTED or ALIT, ALIGHTING, ALIGHTS to come down from something ALIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in a straight line ALIGNER n pl. -S one that aligns ALIKE adj having close resemblance ALIMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to nourish ALIMONY n pl. -NIES an allowance paid to a woman by her divorced husband ALINE v ALINED, ALINING, ALINES to align ALINER n pl. -S aligner ALIPED n pl. -S an animal having a membrane connecting the toes ALIQUANT adj not dividing evenly into another number ALIQUOT n pl. -S a number that divides evenly into another ALIST adj leaning to one side ALIT a past tense of alight ALIUNDE adv from a source extrinsic to the matter at hand ALIVE adj having life ALIYA n pl. -S aliyah ALIYAH n pl. -YAHS or -YOS or -YOT the immigration of Jews to Israel ALIZARIN n pl. -S a red dye ALKAHEST n pl. -S the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists ALKALI n pl. -LIES or -LIS a type of chemical compound ALKALIC adj ALKALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to alkalize ALKALIN adj alkaline ALKALINE adj containing an alkali ALKALISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to alkalize ALKALIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to convert into an alkali ALKALOID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ALKANE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ALKANET n pl. -S a European plant ALKENE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ALKIES pl. of alky ALKINE n pl. -S alkyne ALKOXIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical salt ALKOXY adj containing a univalent radical composed of alkyl united with oxygen ALKY n pl. -KIES one who is habitually drunk ALKYD n pl. -S a synthetic resin ALKYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALKYLIC adj ALKYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to combine with alkyl ALKYNE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ALL n pl. -S everything that one has ALLANITE n pl. -S a mineral ALLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce in intensity or severity ALLAYER n pl. -S one that allays ALLEE n pl. -S a tree-lined walkway ALLEGE v -LEGED, -LEGING, -LEGES to assert without proof or before proving ALLEGER n pl. -S one that alleges ALLEGORY n pl. -RIES a story presenting a moral principle ALLEGRO n pl. -GROS a musical passage played in rapid tempo ALLELE n pl. -S any of several forms of a gene ALLELIC adj ALLELISM n pl. -S the state of possessing alleles ALLELUIA n pl. -S a song of praise to God ALLERGEN n pl. -S a substance capable of inducing an allergy ALLERGIC adj pertaining to allergy ALLERGIN n pl. -S allergen ALLERGY n pl. -GIES a state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things ALLEY n pl. -LEYS a narrow passageway ALLEYWAY n pl. -WAYS an alley ALLHEAL n pl. -S a medicinal herb ALLIABLE adj capable of being allied ALLIANCE n pl. -S an association formed to further the common interests of its members ALLICIN n pl. -S a liquid compound ALLIED past tense of ally ALLIES present 3d person sing. of ally ALLIUM n pl. -S a bulbous herb ALLOBAR n pl. -S a change in barometric pressure ALLOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to set apart for a particular purpose ALLOD n pl. -S allodium ALLODIUM n pl. -DIA land held in absolute ownership ALLODIAL adj ALLOGAMY n pl. -MIES fertilization of a flower by pollen from another ALLONGE n pl. -S an addition to a document ALLONYM n pl. -S the name of one person assumed by another ALLOPATH n pl. -S one who treats diseases by producing effects incompatible with those of the disease ALLOT v -LOTTED, -LOTTING, -LOTS to give as a share or portion ALLOTTEE n pl. -S one to whom something is allotted ALLOTTER n pl. -S one that allots ALLOTTING present participle of allot ALLOTYPE n pl. -S a type of antibody ALLOTYPY n pl. -TYPIES the condition of being an allotype ALLOVER n pl. -S a fabric having a pattern extending over the entire surface ALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to put no obstacle in the way of ALLOXAN n pl. -S a chemical compound ALLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to combine to form an alloy (a homogenous mixture of metals) ALLSEED n pl. -S a plant having many seeds ALLSPICE n pl. -S a tropical tree ALLUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to make an indirect reference ALLURE v -LURED, -LURING, -LURES to attract with something desirable ALLURER n pl. -S one that allures ALLUSION n pl. -S the act of alluding ALLUSIVE adj ALLUVIA a pl. of alluvium ALLUVIAL n pl. -S soil composed of alluvium ALLUVION n pl. -S alluvium ALLUVIUM n pl. -VIA or -VIUMS detrital material deposited by running water ALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to unite in a formal relationship ALLYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALLYLIC adj ALMA n pl. -S almah ALMAGEST n pl. -S a medieval treatise on astrology or alchemy ALMAH n pl. -S an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally ALMANAC n pl. -S an annual publication containing general information ALME n pl. -S almah ALMEH n pl. -S almah ALMEMAR n pl. -S a bema ALMIGHTY adj having absolute power over all ALMNER n pl. -S almoner ALMOND n pl. -S the edible nut of a small tree ALMONER n pl. -S one that distributes alms ALMONRY n pl. -RIES a place where alms are distributed ALMOST adv very nearly ALMS n pl. ALMS money or goods given to the poor ALMSMAN n pl. -MEN one who receives alms ALMUCE n pl. -S a hooded cape ALMUD n pl. -S a Spanish unit of capacity ALMUDE n pl. -S almud ALMUG n pl. -S a precious wood mentioned in the Bible ALNICO n pl. -COES a magnetic alloy ALODIUM n pl. -DIA allodium ALODIAL adj ALOE n pl. -S an African plant ALOETIC adj ALOFT adv in or into the air ALOGICAL adj being outside the bounds of that to which logic can apply ALOHA n pl. -S love -- used as a greeting or farewell ALOIN n pl. -S a laxative ALONE adj apart from others ALONG adv onward ALOOF adj distant in interest or feeling ALOOFLY adv ALOPECIA n pl. -S baldness ALOPECIC adj ALOUD adv audibly ALOW adv in or to a lower position ALP n pl. -S a high mountain ALPACA n pl. -S a ruminant mammal ALPHA n pl. -S a Greek letter ALPHABET v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in the customary order of the letters of a language ALPHORN n pl. -S a wooden horn used by Swiss herdsmen ALPHOSIS n pl. -SISES lack of skin pigmentation ALPHYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALPINE n pl. -S a plant native to high mountain regions ALPINELY adv in a lofty manner ALPINISM n pl. -S mountain climbing ALPINIST n pl. -S a mountain climber ALREADY adv by this time ALRIGHT adj satisfactory ALSIKE n pl. -S a European clover ALSO adv in addition ALT n pl. -S a high-pitched musical note ALTAR n pl. -S a raised structure used in worship ALTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make different ALTERANT n pl. -S something that alters ALTERER n pl. -S one that alters ALTHAEA n pl. -S althea ALTHEA n pl. -S a flowering plant ALTHO conj although ALTHORN n pl. -S a brass wind instrument ALTHOUGH conj despite the fact that ALTITUDE n pl. -S the vertical elevation of an object above a given level ALTO n pl. -TOS a low female singing voice ALTOIST n pl. -S one who plays the alto saxophone ALTRUISM n pl. -S selfless devotion to the welfare of others ALTRUIST n pl. -S one that practices altruism ALUDEL n pl. -S a pear-shaped vessel ALULA n pl. -LAE a tuft of feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing ALULAR adj ALUM n pl. -S a chemical compound ALUMIN n pl. -S alumina ALUMINA n pl. -S an oxide of aluminum ALUMINE n pl. -S alumina ALUMINUM n pl. -S a metallic element ALUMINIC adj ALUMNA n pl. -NAE a female graduate ALUMNUS n pl. -NI a male graduate ALUMROOT n pl. -S a flowering plant ALUNITE n pl. -S a mineral ALVEOLAR n pl. -S a sound produced with the tongue touching a place just behind the front teeth ALVEOLUS n pl. -LI a small anatomical cavity ALVINE adj pertaining to the abdomen and lower intestines ALWAY adv always ALWAYS adv at all times ALYSSUM n pl. -S a flowering plant AM present 1st person sing. of be AMA n pl. -S amah AMADAVAT n pl. -S an Asian songbird AMADOU n pl. -S a substance prepared from fungi for use as tinder AMAH n pl. -S an Oriental nurse AMAIN adv with full strength AMALGAM n pl. -S an alloy of mercury with another metal AMANDINE adj prepared with almonds AMANITA n pl. -S any of a genus of poisonous fungi AMANITIN n pl. -S a chemical compound AMARANTH n pl. -S a flowering plant AMARELLE n pl. -S a variety of sour cherry AMARETTI n/pl macaroons made with bitter almonds AMARETTO n pl. -TOS a kind of liqueur AMARNA adj pertaining to a certain historical period of ancient Egypt AMASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to gather AMASSER n pl. -S one that amasses AMATEUR n pl. -S one that engages in an activity for pleasure AMATIVE adj amorous AMATOL n pl. -S a powerful explosive AMATORY adj pertaining to sexual love AMAZE v AMAZED, AMAZING, AMAZES to overwhelm with surprise or wonder AMAZEDLY adv AMAZON n pl. -S a tall, powerful woman AMBAGE n pl. -S a winding path AMBARI n pl. -S ambary AMBARY n pl. -RIES an East Indian plant AMBEER n pl. -S tobacco juice AMBER n pl. -S a fossil resin AMBERINA n pl. -S a type of glassware AMBEROID n pl. -S ambroid AMBERY n pl. -BERIES ambry AMBIANCE n pl. -S ambience AMBIENCE n pl. -S the character, mood, or atmosphere of a place or situation AMBIENT n pl. -S ambience AMBIT n pl. -S the external boundary of something AMBITION v -ED, -ING, -S to seek with eagerness AMBIVERT n pl. -S a person whose personality type is intermediate between introvert and extravert AMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to saunter AMBLER n pl. -S one that ambles AMBO n pl. AMBOS or AMBONES a pulpit in an early Christian church AMBOINA n pl. -S amboyna AMBOYNA n pl. -S the mottled wood of an Indonesian tree AMBRIES pl. of ambry AMBROID n pl. -S a synthetic amber AMBROSIA n pl. -S the food of the Greek and Roman gods AMBRY n pl. -BRIES a recess in a church wall for sacred vessels AMBSACE n pl. -S bad luck AMBULANT adj ambulating AMBULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to move or walk about AMBUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to attack from a concealed place AMBUSHER n pl. -S one that ambushes AMEBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE amoeba AMEBAN, AMEBIC, AMEBOID adj AMEBEAN adj alternately responding AMEER n pl. -S amir AMEERATE n pl. -S amirate AMELCORN n pl. -S a variety of wheat AMEN n pl. -S a word used at the end of a prayer to express agreement AMENABLE adj capable of being persuaded AMENABLY adv AMEND v -ED, -ING, -S to improve AMENDER n pl. -S one that amends AMENITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being pleasant or agreeable AMENT n pl. -S a mentally deficient person AMENTIA n pl. -S mental deficiency AMERCE v AMERCED, AMERCING, AMERCES to punish by imposing an arbitrary fine AMERCER n pl. -S one that amerces AMESACE n pl. -S ambsace AMETHYST n pl. -S a variety of quartz AMI n pl. -S a friend AMIA n pl. -S a freshwater fish AMIABLE adj having a pleasant disposition AMIABLY adv AMIANTUS n pl. -ES a variety of asbestos AMICABLE adj friendly AMICABLY adv AMICE n pl. -S a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders AMICUS n pl. AMICI one not party to a lawsuit but permitted by the court to advise it AMID n pl. -S amide AMIDASE n pl. -S an enzyme AMIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMIDIC adj AMIDIN n pl. -S the soluble matter of starch AMIDINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMIDO adj containing an amide united with an acid radical AMIDOGEN n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical AMIDOL n pl. -S a chemical compound AMIDONE n pl. -S a chemical compound AMIDSHIP adv toward the middle of a ship AMIDST prep in the midst of AMIE n pl. -S a female friend AMIGA n pl. -S a female friend AMIGO n pl. -GOS a friend AMIN n pl. -S amine AMINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMINIC adj AMINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being an amine AMINO adj containing an amine united with a nonacid radical AMIR n pl. -S a Muslim prince or governor AMIRATE n pl. -S the rank of an amir AMISS adj being out of proper order AMITIES pl. of amity AMITOSIS n pl. -TOSES a type of cell division AMITOTIC adj AMITROLE n pl. -S an herbicide AMITY n pl. -TIES friendship AMMETER n pl. -S an instrument for measuring amperage AMMINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMMINO adj pertaining to an ammine AMMO n pl. -MOS ammunition AMMOCETE n pl. -S the larva of a lamprey AMMONAL n pl. -S a powerful explosive AMMONIA n pl. -S a pungent gas AMMONIAC n pl. -S a gum resin AMMONIC adj pertaining to ammonia AMMONIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to treat with ammonia AMMONITE n pl. -S the coiled shell of an extinct mollusk AMMONIUM n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical AMMONO adj containing ammonia AMMONOID n pl. -S ammonite AMNESIA n pl. -S loss of memory AMNESIAC n pl. -S one suffering from amnesia AMNESIC n pl. -S amnesiac AMNESTIC adj pertaining to amnesia AMNESTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to pardon AMNION n pl. -NIONS or -NIA a membranous sac enclosing an embryo AMNIC, AMNIONIC, AMNIOTIC adj AMNIOTE n pl. -S a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage AMOEBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE a unicellular microscopic organism AMOEBAN, AMOEBIC, AMOEBOID adj AMOEBEAN adj amebean AMOK n pl. -S a murderous frenzy AMOLE n pl. -S a plant root used as a substitute for soap AMONG prep in the midst of AMONGST prep among AMORAL adj lacking a sense of right and wrong AMORALLY adv AMORETTO n pl. -TI or -TOS a cupid AMORINO n pl. -NI an amoretto AMORIST n pl. -S a lover AMOROSO adv tenderly -- used as a musical direction AMOROUS adj pertaining to love AMORT adj being without life AMORTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to amortize AMORTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to liquidate gradually, as a debt AMOSITE n pl. -S a type of asbestos AMOTION n pl. -S the removal of a corporate officer from his office AMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to combine to yield a sum AMOUR n pl. -S a love affair AMP n pl. -S ampere AMPERAGE n pl. -S the strength of an electric current expressed in amperes AMPERE n pl. -S a unit of electric current strength AMPHIBIA n/pl organisms adapted for life both on land and in water AMPHIOXI n/pl lancelets AMPHIPOD n pl. -S a small crustacean AMPHORA n pl. -RAE or -RAS a narrow-necked jar used in ancient Greece AMPHORAL adj AMPLE adj -PLER, -PLEST abundant AMPLY adv AMPLEXUS n pl. -ES the mating embrace of frogs AMPLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make larger or more powerful AMPOULE n pl. -S ampule AMPUL n pl. -S ampule AMPULE n pl. -S a small glass vial AMPULLA n pl. -LAE a globular bottle used in ancient Rome AMPULLAR adj AMPUTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to cut off by surgical means AMPUTEE n pl. -S one that has had a limb amputated AMREETA n pl. -S amrita AMRITA n pl. -S a beverage that bestows immortality in Hindu mythology AMTRAC n pl. -S a military vehicle equipped to move on land and water AMTRACK n pl. -S amtrac AMU n pl. -S a unit of mass AMUCK n pl. -S amok AMULET n pl. -S an object worn to protect against evil or injury AMUSE v AMUSED, AMUSING, AMUSES to occupy pleasingly AMUSABLE adj AMUSEDLY adv AMUSER n pl. -S one that amuses AMUSIA n pl. -S the inability to recognize musical sounds AMUSIVE adj amusing AMYGDALA n pl. -LAE an almond-shaped anatomical part AMYGDALE n pl. -S amygdule AMYGDULE n pl. -S a small gas bubble in lava AMYL n pl. -S a univalent radical AMYLASE n pl. -S an enzyme AMYLENE n pl. -S a flammable liquid AMYLIC adj pertaining to amyl AMYLOGEN n pl. -S amylose AMYLOID n pl. -S a hard protein deposit resulting from degeneration of tissue AMYLOSE n pl. -S the relatively soluble component of starch AMYLUM n pl. -S starch AN indefinite article -- used before words beginning with a vowel sound ANA n pl. -S a collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject ANABAENA n pl. -S a freshwater alga ANABAS n pl. -ES a freshwater fish ANABASIS n pl. -ASES a military advance ANABATIC adj pertaining to rising wind currents ANABLEPS n pl. -ES a freshwater fish ANABOLIC adj pertaining to a process by which food is built up into protoplasm ANACONDA n pl. -S a large snake ANADEM n pl. -S a wreath for the head ANAEMIA n pl. -S anemia ANAEMIC adj ANAEROBE n pl. -S an organism that does not require oxygen to live ANAGLYPH n pl. -S a type of carved ornament ANAGOGE n pl. -S a spiritual interpretation of words ANAGOGIC adj ANAGOGY n pl. -GIES anagoge ANAGRAM v -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to transpose the letters of a word or phrase to form a new one ANAL adj pertaining to the anus ANALCIME n pl. -S analcite ANALCITE n pl. -S a mineral ANALECTA n/pl analects ANALECTS n/pl selections from a literary work or group of works ANALEMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of graduated scale ANALGIA n pl. -S inability to feel pain ANALITY n pl. -TIES a type of psychological state ANALLY adv at or through the anus ANALOG n pl. -S analogue ANALOGIC adj pertaining to an analogy ANALOGUE n pl. -S something that bears an analogy to something else ANALOGY n pl. -GIES resemblance in some respects between things otherwise unlike ANALYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to analyze ANALYSER n pl. -S analyzer ANALYSIS n pl. -YSES the separation of a whole into its parts ANALYST n pl. -S one that analyzes ANALYTIC adj pertaining to analysis ANALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to subject to analysis ANALYZER n pl. -S one that analyzes ANANKE n pl. -S a compelling necessity in ancient Greek religion ANAPAEST n pl. -S anapest ANAPEST n pl. -S a type of metrical foot ANAPHASE n pl. -S a stage of mitosis ANAPHOR n pl. -S a word or phrase that takes reference from a preceding word or phrase ANAPHORA n pl. -S the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive verses or sentences ANARCH n pl. -S an advocate of anarchy ANARCHY n pl. -CHIES absence of government ANARCHIC adj ANASARCA n pl. -S a form of dropsy ANATASE n pl. -S a mineral ANATHEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a formal ecclesiastical ban or curse ANATOMY n pl. -MIES the structure of an organism ANATOMIC adj ANATOXIN n pl. -S a toxoid ANATTO n pl. -TOS annatto ANCESTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to be an ancestor (a person from whom one is descended) of ANCESTRY n pl. -TRIES a line or body of ancestors ANCHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to secure by means of an anchor (a device for holding a floating vessel in place) ANCHORET n pl. -S a recluse ANCHOVY n pl. -VIES a small food fish ANCHUSA n pl. -S a hairy-stemmed plant ANCHUSIN n pl. -S a red dye ANCIENT adj -CIENTER, -CIENTEST of or pertaining to time long past ANCIENT n pl. -S one who lived in ancient times ANCILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a helper ANCON n pl. -ES the elbow ANCONAL, ANCONEAL, ANCONOID adj ANCONE n pl. -S ancon ANCRESS n pl. -ES a female recluse AND n pl. -S an added condition or stipulation ANDANTE n pl. -S a moderately slow musical passage ANDESITE n pl. -S a volcanic rock ANDESYTE n pl. -S andesite ANDIRON n pl. -S a metal support for holding wood in a fireplace ANDROGEN n pl. -S a male sex hormone ANDROID n pl. -S a synthetic man ANE n pl. -S one ANEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to approach ANECDOTE n pl. -DOTES or -DOTA a brief story ANECHOIC adj neither having nor producing echoes ANELE v ANELED, ANELING, ANELES to anoint ANEMIA n pl. -S a disorder of the blood ANEMIC adj ANEMONE n pl. -S a flowering plant ANEMOSIS n pl. -MOSES separation of rings of growth in timber due to wind ANENST prep anent ANENT prep in regard to ANERGIA n pl. -S anergy ANERGY n pl. -GIES lack of energy ANERGIC adj ANEROID n pl. -S a type of barometer ANESTRUS n pl. -TRI a period of sexual dormancy ANETHOL n pl. -S anethole ANETHOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound ANEURIN n pl. -S thiamine ANEURISM n pl. -S aneurysm ANEURYSM n pl. -S an abnormal blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel ANEW adv once more ANGA n pl. -S any of the eight practices of yoga ANGAKOK n pl. -S an Eskimo medicine man ANGARIA n pl. -S angary ANGARY n pl. -RIES the right of a warring state to seize neutral property ANGEL v -ED, -ING, -S to support financially ANGELIC adj pertaining to an angel (a winged celestial being) ANGELICA n pl. -S an aromatic herb ANGELUS n pl. -ES a Roman Catholic prayer ANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to make angry ANGERLY adv in an angry manner ANGINA n pl. -S a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain ANGINAL, ANGINOSE, ANGINOUS adj ANGIOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor composed of blood or lymph vessels ANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to fish with a hook and line ANGLEPOD n pl. -S a flowering plant ANGLER n pl. -S one that angles ANGLICE adv in readily understood English ANGLING n pl. -S the sport of fishing ANGORA n pl. -S the long, silky hair of a domestic goat ANGRY adj -GRIER, -GRIEST feeling strong displeasure or hostility ANGRILY adv ANGST n pl. -S a feeling of anxiety or dread ANGSTROM n pl. -S a unit of length ANGUINE adj resembling a snake ANGUISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to suffer extreme pain ANGULAR adj having sharp corners ANGULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to make angular ANGULOSE adj angular ANGULOUS adj angular ANHINGA n pl. -S an aquatic bird ANI n pl. -S a tropical American bird ANIL n pl. -S a West Indian shrub ANILE adj resembling an old woman ANILIN n pl. -S aniline ANILINE n pl. -S a chemical compound ANILITY n pl. -TIES the state of being anile ANIMA n pl. -S the soul ANIMAL n pl. -S a living organism typically capable of voluntary motion and sensation ANIMALIC adj ANIMALLY adv physically ANIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to give life to ANIMATER n pl. -S animator ANIMATO adv in a lively manner -- used as a musical direction ANIMATOR n pl. -S one that animates ANIME n pl. -S a resin obtained from a tropical tree ANIMI n pl. -S anime ANIMISM n pl. -S the belief that souls may exist apart from bodies ANIMIST n pl. -S an adherent of animism ANIMUS n pl. -ES a feeling of hostility ANION n pl. -S a negatively charged ion ANIONIC adj ANISE n pl. -S a North African plant ANISEED n pl. -S the seed of the anise used as a flavoring ANISETTE n pl. -S a liqueur flavored with aniseed ANISIC adj pertaining to an anise ANISOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound ANKERITE n pl. -S a mineral ANKH n pl. -S an Egyptian symbol of enduring life ANKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to walk ANKLET n pl. -S an ornament for the ankle ANKUS n pl. -ES an elephant goad ANKUSH n pl. -ES ankus ANKYLOSE v -LOSED, -LOSING, -LOSES to unite or grow together, as the bones of a joint ANLACE n pl. -S a medieval dagger ANLAGE n pl. -GEN or -GES the initial cell structure from which an embryonic organ develops ANLAS n pl. -ES anlace ANNA n pl. -S a former coin of India and Pakistan ANNAL n pl. -S a record of a single year ANNALIST n pl. -S a historian ANNATES n/pl the first year's revenue of a bishop paid to the pope ANNATTO n pl. -TOS a yellowish-red dye ANNEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to toughen ANNEALER n pl. -S one that anneals ANNELID n pl. -S any of a phylum of segmented worms ANNEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to add or attach ANNEXE n pl. -S something added or attached ANNOTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to furnish with critical or explanatory notes ANNOUNCE v -NOUNCED, -NOUNCING, -NOUNCES to make known publicly ANNOY v -ED, -ING, -S to be troublesome to ANNOYER n pl. -S one that annoys ANNUAL n pl. -S a publication issued once a year ANNUALLY adv once a year ANNUITY n pl. -TIES an allowance or income paid at regular intervals ANNUL v -NULLED, -NULLING, -NULS to make or declare void or invalid ANNULAR adj shaped like a ring ANNULATE adj composed of or furnished with rings ANNULET n pl. -S a small ring ANNULI a pl. of annulus ANNULLED past tense of annul ANNULLING present participle of annul ANNULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a ring or ringlike part ANNULOSE adj ANOA n pl. -S a wild ox ANODE n pl. -S a positively charged electrode ANODAL, ANODIC adj ANODALLY adv ANODIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to coat with a protective film by chemical means ANODYNE n pl. -S a medicine that relieves pain ANODYNIC adj ANOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to apply oil to as a sacred rite ANOINTER n pl. -S one that anoints ANOLE n pl. -S a tropical lizard ANOLYTE n pl. -S the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode ANOMALY n pl. -LIES a deviation from the common rule, type, or form ANOMIE n pl. -S a collapse of the social structures governing a given society ANOMIC adj ANOMY n pl. -MIES anomie ANON adv at another time ANONYM n pl. -S a false or assumed name ANOOPSIA n pl. -S a visual defect ANOPIA n pl. -S anoopsia ANOPSIA n pl. -S anoopsia ANORAK n pl. -S a parka ANORETIC n pl. -S anorexic ANOREXIA n pl. -S loss of appetite ANOREXIC n pl. -S one affected with anorexia ANOREXY n pl. -OREXIES anorexia ANORTHIC adj denoting a certain type of crystal system ANOSMIA n pl. -S loss of the sense of smell ANOSMIC adj ANOTHER adj one more ANOVULAR adj not involving ovulation ANOXEMIA n pl. -S a disorder of the blood ANOXEMIC adj ANOXIA n pl. -S absence of oxygen ANOXIC adj ANSA n pl. -SAE the projecting part of Saturn's rings ANSATE adj having a handle ANSATED adj ansate ANSERINE n pl. -S a chemical compound ANSEROUS adj silly ANSWER v -ED, -ING, -S to say, write, or act in return ANSWERER n pl. -S one that answers ANT n pl. -S a small insect ANTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a pilaster formed at the termination of a wall ANTACID n pl. -S a substance that neutralizes acid ANTALGIC n pl. -S an anodyne ANTBEAR n pl. -S an aardvark ANTE v ANTED or ANTEED, ANTEING, ANTES to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker ANTEATER n pl. -S any of several mammals that feed on ants ANTECEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to precede ANTED a past tense of ante ANTEDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to be of an earlier date than ANTEFIX n pl. -FIXES or -FIXA an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof ANTELOPE n pl. -S a ruminant mammal ANTENNA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a metallic device for sending or receiving radio waves ANTENNAL adj ANTEPAST n pl. -S an appetizer ANTERIOR adj situated in or toward the front ANTEROOM n pl. -S a waiting room ANTETYPE n pl. -S an earlier form ANTEVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to displace by tipping forward ANTHELIA n/pl halolike areas seen in the sky opposite the sun ANTHELIX n pl. -LICES or -LIXES the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear ANTHEM v -ED, -ING, -S to praise in a song ANTHEMIA n/pl decorative floral patterns used in Greek art ANTHER n pl. -S the pollen-bearing part of a stamen ANTHERAL adj ANTHERID n pl. -S a male reproductive organ of certain plants ANTHESIS n pl. -THESES the full bloom of a flower ANTHILL n pl. -S a mound formed by ants in building their nest ANTHODIA n/pl flower heads of certain plants ANTHOID adj resembling a flower ANTHRAX n pl. -THRACES an infectious disease ANTI n pl. -S one that is opposed ANTIAIR adj directed against attacking aircraft ANTIAR n pl. -S an arrow poison ANTIARIN n pl. -S antiar ANTIATOM n pl. -S an atom comprised of antiparticles ANTIBIAS adj opposed to bias ANTIBODY n pl. -BODIES a body protein that produces immunity against certain microorganisms or toxins ANTIBOSS adj opposed to bosses ANTIBUG adj effective against bugs ANTIC v -TICKED, -TICKING, -TICS to act in a clownish manner ANTICAR adj opposed to cars ANTICITY adj opposed to cities ANTICK v -ED, -ING, -S to antic ANTICLY adv in a clownish manner ANTICOLD adj effective against the common cold ANTICULT adj opposed to cults ANTIDORA n/pl holy breads ANTIDOTE v -DOTED, -DOTING, -DOTES to counteract the effects of a poison with a remedy ANTIDRUG adj opposed to illicit drugs ANTIFAT adj preventing the formation of fat ANTIFLU adj combating the flu ANTIFOAM adj reducing or preventing foam ANTIFUR adj opposed to the wearing of animal furs ANTIGAY adj opposed to homosexuals ANTIGEN n pl. -S a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies ANTIGENE n pl. -S antigen ANTIGUN adj opposed to guns ANTIHERO n pl. -ROES a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities ANTIJAM adj blocking interfering signals ANTIKING n pl. -S a usurping king ANTILEAK adj preventing leaks ANTILEFT adj opposed to leftism ANTILIFE adj opposed to life ANTILOCK adj designed to prevent the wheels of a vehicle from locking ANTILOG n pl. -S the number corresponding to a given logarithm ANTILOGY n pl. -GIES a contradiction in terms or ideas ANTIMALE adj opposed to men ANTIMAN adj antimale ANTIMASK n pl. -S a comic performance between the acts of a masque ANTIMERE n pl. -S a part of an organism symmetrical with a part on the opposite side of the main axis ANTIMONY n pl. -NIES a metallic element ANTING n pl. -S the deliberate placing, by certain birds, of living ants among the feathers ANTINODE n pl. -S a region between adjacent nodes ANTINOMY n pl. -MIES a contradiction between two seemingly valid principles ANTINUKE adj opposing the use of nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons ANTIPHON n pl. -S a psalm or hymn sung responsively ANTIPILL adj opposing the use of contraceptive pills ANTIPODE n pl. -S an exact opposite ANTIPOLE n pl. -S the opposite pole ANTIPOPE n pl. -S one claiming to be pope in opposition to the one chosen by church law ANTIPORN adj opposed to pornography ANTIPOT adj opposing the use of pot (marijuana) ANTIPYIC n pl. -S a medicine that prevents the formation of pus ANTIQUE v -TIQUED, -TIQUING, -TIQUES to give an appearance of age to ANTIQUER n pl. -S one that antiques ANTIRAPE adj concerned with preventing rape ANTIRED adj opposed to communism ANTIRIOT adj designed to prevent or end riots ANTIROCK adj opposed to rock music ANTIROLL adj designed to reduce roll ANTIRUST n pl. -S something that prevents rust ANTISAG adj designed to prevent sagging ANTISERA n/pl serums that contain antibodies ANTISEX adj opposed to sexual activity ANTISHIP adj designed for use against ships ANTISKID adj designed to prevent skidding ANTISLIP adj designed to prevent slipping ANTISMOG adj designed to reduce pollutants that cause smog ANTISMUT adj opposed to pornography ANTISNOB adj opposed to snobbery ANTISTAT adj designed to prevent the buildup of static electricity ANTITANK adj designed to combat tanks ANTITAX adj opposing taxes ANTITYPE n pl. -S an opposite type ANTIWAR adj opposing war ANTIWEAR adj designed to reduce the effects of long or hard use ANTIWEED adj concerned with the destruction of weeds ANTLER n pl. -S the horn of an animal of the deer family ANTLERED adj ANTLIKE adj resembling an ant ANTLION n pl. -S a predatory insect ANTONYM n pl. -S a word opposite in meaning to another ANTONYMY n pl. -MIES the state of being an antonym ANTRA a pl. of antrum ANTRAL adj pertaining to an antrum ANTRE n pl. -S a cave ANTRORSE adj directed forward or upward ANTRUM n pl. -TRA or -TRUMS a cavity in a bone ANTSY adj -SIER, -SIEST fidgety ANURAL adj anurous ANURAN n pl. -S a frog or toad ANURESIS n pl. -RESES inability to urinate ANURETIC adj ANURIA n pl. -S absence of urine ANURIC adj ANUROUS adj having no tail ANUS n pl. -ES the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal ANVIL v -VILED, -VILING, -VILS or -VILLED, -VILLING, -VILS to shape on an anvil (a heavy iron block) ANVILTOP n pl. -S an anvil-shaped cloud mass ANXIETY n pl. -ETIES painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind ANXIOUS adj full of anxiety ANY adj one, no matter which ANYBODY n pl. -BODIES a person of some importance ANYHOW adv in any way ANYMORE adv at the present time ANYONE pron any person ANYPLACE adv in any place ANYTHING n pl. -S a thing of any kind ANYTIME adv at any time ANYWAY adv in any way ANYWAYS adv anyway ANYWHERE n pl. -S any place ANYWISE adv in any way AORIST n pl. -S a verb tense AORISTIC adj AORTA n pl. -TAS or -TAE a main artery AORTAL, AORTIC adj AOUDAD n pl. -S a wild sheep APACE adv swiftly APACHE n pl. -S a Parisian gangster APAGOGE n pl. -S establishment of a thesis by showing its contrary to be absurd APAGOGIC adj APANAGE n pl. -S appanage APAREJO n pl. -JOS a type of saddle APART adv not together APATETIC adj having coloration serving as natural camouflage APATHY n pl. -THIES lack of emotion APATITE n pl. -S a mineral APE v APED, APING, APES to mimic APEAK adv in a vertical position APEEK adv apeak APELIKE adj resembling an ape (a large, tailless primate) APER n pl. -S one that apes APERCU n pl. -S a brief summary APERIENT n pl. -S a mild laxative APERITIF n pl. -S an alcoholic drink taken before a meal APERTURE n pl. -S an opening APERY n pl. -ERIES the act of aping APETALY n pl. -ALIES the state of having no petals APEX n pl. APEXES or APICES the highest point APHAGIA n pl. -S inability to swallow APHANITE n pl. -S an igneous rock APHASIA n pl. -S loss of the ability to use words APHASIAC n pl. -S one suffering from aphasia APHASIC n pl. -S aphasiac APHELION n pl. -ELIA or -ELIONS the point in a planetary orbit farthest from the sun APHELIAN adj APHESIS n pl. -ESES the loss of an unstressed vowel from the beginning of a word APHETIC adj APHID n pl. -S any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects APHIDIAN n pl. -S an aphid APHIS n pl. APHIDES an aphid APHOLATE n pl. -S a chemical used to control houseflies APHONIA n pl. -S loss of voice APHONIC n pl. -S one affected with aphonia APHORISE v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES to aphorize APHORISM n pl. -S a brief statement of a truth or principle APHORIST n pl. -S one that aphorizes APHORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to write or speak in aphorisms APHOTIC adj lacking light APHTHA n pl. -THAE a small blister in the mouth or stomach APHTHOUS adj APHYLLY n pl. -LIES the state of being leafless APIAN adj pertaining to bees APIARIAN n pl. -S an apiarist APIARIST n pl. -S a person who raises bees APIARY n pl. -ARIES a place where bees are kept APICAL n pl. -S a sound articulated with the apex (tip) of the tongue APICALLY adv at or toward the apex APICES a pl. of apex APICULUS n pl. -LI a sharp point at the end of a leaf APIECE adv for each one APIMANIA n pl. -S an excessive interest in bees APING present participle of ape APIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of bees APISH adj slavishly or foolishly imitative APISHLY adv APLASIA n pl. -S defective development of an organ or part APLASTIC adj not plastic APLENTY adj being in sufficient quantity APLITE n pl. -S a fine-grained rock APLITIC adj APLOMB n pl. -S self-confidence APNEA n pl. -S temporary cessation of respiration APNEAL, APNEIC adj APNOEA n pl. -S apnea APNOEAL, APNOEIC adj APOAPSIS n pl. -APSIDES the high point in an orbit APOCARP n pl. -S a fruit having separated carpels APOCARPY n pl. -PIES the state of being an apocarp APOCOPE n pl. -S an omission of the last sound of a word APOCOPIC adj APOCRINE adj pertaining to a type of gland APOD n pl. -S an apodal animal APODAL adj having no feet or footlike appendages APODOSIS n pl. -OSES the main clause of a conditional sentence APODOUS adj apodal APOGAMY n pl. -MIES a form of plant reproduction APOGAMIC adj APOGEE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth APOGEAL, APOGEAN, APOGEIC adj APOLLO n pl. -LOS a handsome young man APOLOG n pl. -S apologue APOLOGAL adj pertaining to an apologue APOLOGIA n pl. -GIAS or -GIAE a formal justification or defense APOLOGUE n pl. -S an allegory APOLOGY n pl. -GIES an expression of regret for some error or offense APOLUNE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the moon APOMICT n pl. -S an organism produced by apomixis APOMIXIS n pl. -MIXES a type of reproductive process APOPHONY n pl. -NIES ablaut APOPHYGE n pl. -S a concave curve in a column APOPLEXY n pl. -PLEXIES a sudden loss of sensation and muscular control APORT adv on or toward the left side of a ship APOSPORY n pl. -RIES a type of reproduction without spore formation APOSTACY n pl. -CIES apostasy APOSTASY n pl. -SIES an abandonment of one's faith or principles APOSTATE n pl. -S one who commits apostasy APOSTIL n pl. -S a marginal note APOSTLE n pl. -S a disciple sent forth by Christ to preach the gospel APOTHECE n pl. -S a spore-producing organ of certain fungi APOTHEGM n pl. -S a maxim APOTHEM n pl. -S the perpendicular from the center to any side of a regular polygon APPAL v -PALLED, -PALLING, -PALS to appall APPALL v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with horror or dismay APPANAGE n pl. -S land or revenue granted to a member of a royal family APPARAT n pl. -S a political organization APPAREL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to provide with outer garments APPARENT adj easily seen APPEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to make an earnest request APPEALER n pl. -S one that appeals APPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to come into view APPEASE v -PEASED, -PEASING, -PEASES to bring to a state of peace or contentment APPEASER n pl. -S one that appeases APPEL n pl. -S a feint in fencing APPELLEE n pl. -S the defendant in a type of judicial proceeding APPELLOR n pl. -S a confessed criminal who accuses an accomplice APPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to add as a supplement APPENDIX n pl. -DIXES or -DICES a collection of supplementary material at the end of a book APPESTAT n pl. -S the mechanism in the central nervous system that regulates appetite APPETENT adj marked by strong desire APPETITE n pl. -S a desire for food or drink APPLAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to express approval by clapping the hands APPLAUSE n pl. -S the sound made by persons applauding APPLE n pl. -S an edible fruit APPLIED past tense of apply APPLIER n pl. -S one that applies APPLIQUE v -QUED, -QUEING, -QUES to apply as a decoration to a larger surface APPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to bring into contact with something APPOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to name or assign to a position or office APPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to place side by side APPOSER n pl. -S one that apposes APPOSITE adj relevant APPRAISE v -PRAISED, -PRAISING, -PRAISES to set a value on APPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to notify APPRISER n pl. -S one that apprises APPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to appraise APPRIZER n pl. -S one that apprizes APPROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to come near or nearer to APPROVAL n pl. -S the act of approving APPROVE v -PROVED, -PROVING, -PROVES to regard favorably APPROVER n pl. -S one that approves APPULSE n pl. -S the approach of one moving body toward another APRAXIA n pl. -S loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements APRACTIC, APRAXIC adj APRES prep after APRICOT n pl. -S an edible fruit APRON v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with an apron (a garment worn to protect one's clothing) APROPOS adj relevant APROTIC adj being a type of solvent APSE n pl. -S a domed, semicircular projection of a building APSIDAL adj APSIS n pl. -SIDES an apse APT adj APTER, APTEST suitable APTERAL adj apterous APTERIUM n pl. -RIA a bare area of skin between feathers APTEROUS adj having no wings APTERYX n pl. -ES the kiwi APTITUDE n pl. -S an ability APTLY adv in an apt manner APTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being apt APYRASE n pl. -S an enzyme APYRETIC adj having no fever AQUA n pl. AQUAE or AQUAS water AQUACADE n pl. -S a swimming and diving exhibition AQUANAUT n pl. -S a scuba diver trained to live in underwater installations AQUARIA a pl. of aquarium AQUARIAL adj pertaining to an aquarium AQUARIAN n pl. -S a member of the old sects that used water rather than wine in religious ceremonies AQUARIST n pl. -S one who keeps an aquarium AQUARIUM n pl. -IUMS or -IA a water-filled enclosure in which aquatic animals are kept AQUATIC n pl. -S an organism living or growing in or near water AQUATINT v -ED, -ING, -S to etch, using a certain process AQUATONE n pl. -S a type of printing process AQUAVIT n pl. -S a Scandinavian liquor AQUEDUCT n pl. -S a water conduit AQUEOUS adj pertaining to water AQUIFER n pl. -S a water-bearing rock formation AQUILINE adj curving like an eagle's beak AQUIVER adj quivering AR n pl. -S the letter R ARABESK n pl. -S a design of intertwined floral figures ARABIC adj derived from gum arabic ARABICA n pl. -S an evergreen shrub that produces coffee beans ARABIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause to acquire Arabic customs ARABLE n pl. -S land suitable for cultivation ARACEOUS adj belonging to the arum family of plants ARACHNID n pl. -S any of a class of segmented invertebrate animals ARAK n pl. -S arrack ARAMID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ARANEID n pl. -S a spider ARAPAIMA n pl. -S a large food fish ARAROBA n pl. -S a Brazilian tree ARB n pl. -S a type of stock trader ARBALEST n pl. -S a type of crossbow ARBALIST n pl. -S arbalest ARBELEST n pl. -S arbalest ARBITER n pl. -S one chosen or appointed to judge a disputed issue ARBITRAL adj ARBOR n pl. -ES a tree ARBOR n pl. -S a shady garden shelter ARBOREAL adj living in trees ARBORED adj having trees ARBORETA n/pl places for the study and exhibition of trees ARBORIST n pl. -S a tree specialist ARBORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to form many branches ARBOROUS adj pertaining to trees ARBOUR n pl. -S a shady garden shelter ARBOURED adj ARBUSCLE n pl. -S a dwarf tree ARBUTE n pl. -S an evergreen tree ARBUTEAN adj ARBUTUS n pl. -ES an evergreen tree ARC v ARCED, ARCING, ARCS or ARCKED, ARCKING, ARCS to move in a curved course ARCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to provide with an arcade (a series of arches) ARCADIA n pl. -S a region of simple pleasure and quiet ARCADIAN n pl. -S one who lives in an arcadia ARCADING n pl. -S an arcade ARCANE adj mysterious ARCANUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS a mystery ARCATURE n pl. -S a small arcade ARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bend like an arch (a curved structure spanning an opening) ARCHAIC adj pertaining to an earlier time ARCHAISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to archaize ARCHAISM n pl. -S an archaic word, idiom, or expression ARCHAIST n pl. -S one that archaizes ARCHAIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to use archaisms ARCHDUKE n pl. -S an Austrian prince ARCHER n pl. -S one that shoots with a bow and arrow ARCHERY n pl. -CHERIES the sport of shooting with a bow and arrow ARCHIL n pl. -S orchil ARCHINE n pl. -S a Russian unit of linear measure ARCHING n pl. -S a series of arches ARCHIVE v -CHIVED, -CHIVING, -CHIVES to file in an archive (a place where records are kept) ARCHIVAL adj ARCHLY adv slyly ARCHNESS n pl. -ES slyness ARCHON n pl. -S a magistrate of ancient Athens ARCHWAY n pl. -WAYS a passageway under an arch ARCIFORM adj having the form of an arch ARCKED a past tense of arc ARCKING a present participle of arc ARCO adv with the bow -- used as a direction to players of stringed instruments ARCSINE n pl. -S the inverse function to the sine ARCTIC n pl. -S a warm, waterproof overshoe ARCUATE adj curved like a bow ARCUATED adj arcuate ARCUS n pl. -ES an arch-shaped cloud ARDEB n pl. -S an Egyptian unit of capacity ARDENCY n pl. -CIES ardor ARDENT adj characterized by intense emotion ARDENTLY adv ARDOR n pl. -S intensity of emotion ARDOUR n pl. -S ardor ARDUOUS adj involving great labor or hardship ARE n pl. -S a unit of surface measure AREA n pl. -S a particular extent of space or surface AREAL adj AREALLY adv AREA n pl. AREAE a section of the cerebral cortex having a specific function AREAWAY n pl. -WAYS a sunken area leading to a basement entrance ARECA n pl. -S a tropical tree AREIC adj pertaining to a region of the earth contributing little surface drainage ARENA n pl. -S an enclosed area for contests ARENITE n pl. -S rock made up chiefly of sand grains ARENOSE adj sandy ARENOUS adj arenose AREOLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a small space in a network of leaf veins AREOLAR, AREOLATE adj AREOLE n pl. -S areola AREOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the planet Mars ARETE n pl. -S a sharp mountain ridge ARETHUSA n pl. -S a flowering plant ARF n pl. -S a barking sound ARGAL n pl. -S argol ARGALA n pl. -S a type of stork ARGALI n pl. -S a wild sheep ARGENT n pl. -S silver ARGENTAL, ARGENTIC adj ARGENTUM n pl. -S silver ARGIL n pl. -S a white clay ARGINASE n pl. -S an enzyme ARGININE n pl. -S an amino acid ARGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to argue ARGOL n pl. -S a crust deposited in wine casks during aging ARGON n pl. -S a gaseous element ARGONAUT n pl. -S a marine mollusk ARGOSY n pl. -SIES a large merchant ship ARGOT n pl. -S a specialized vocabulary ARGOTIC adj ARGUABLE adj capable of being argued about ARGUABLY adv ARGUE v -GUED, -GUING, -GUES to present reasons for or against ARGUER n pl. -S one that argues ARGUFIER n pl. -S one that argufies ARGUFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to argue stubbornly ARGUING present participle of argue ARGUMENT n pl. -S a discussion involving differing points of view ARGUS n pl. -ES an East Indian pheasant ARGYLE n pl. -S a knitting pattern ARGYLL n pl. -S argyle ARHAT n pl. -S a Buddhist who has attained nirvana ARIA n pl. -S an elaborate melody for a single voice ARID adj -IDER, -IDEST extremely dry ARIDLY adv ARIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being arid ARIDNESS n pl. -ES aridity ARIEL n pl. -S an African gazelle ARIETTA n pl. -S a short aria ARIETTE n pl. -S arietta ARIGHT adv rightly; correctly ARIL n pl. -S an outer covering of certain seeds ARILED, ARILLATE, ARILLOID adj ARILLODE n pl. -S a type of aril ARIOSE adj characterized by melody ARIOSO n pl. -SOS or -SI a musical passage resembling an aria ARISE v AROSE, ARISEN, ARISING, ARISES to get up ARISTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a bristlelike structure or appendage ARISTATE adj ARISTO n pl. -TOS an aristocrat ARK n pl. -S a large boat ARKOSE n pl. -S a type of sandstone ARKOSIC adj ARLES n/pl money paid to bind a bargain ARM v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with weapons ARMADA n pl. -S a fleet of warships ARMAGNAC n pl. -S a French brandy ARMAMENT n pl. -S a military force equipped for war ARMATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to furnish with armor ARMBAND n pl. -S a band worn around an arm (an upper appendage of the human body) ARMCHAIR n pl. -S a chair with armrests ARMER n pl. -S one that arms ARMET n pl. -S a medieval helmet ARMFUL n pl. ARMFULS or ARMSFUL as much as the arm can hold ARMHOLE n pl. -S an opening for the arm in a garment ARMIES pl. of army ARMIGER n pl. -S one who carries the armor of a knight ARMIGERO n pl. -GEROS armiger ARMILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a thin membrane around the stem of certain fungi ARMING n pl. -S the act of one that arms ARMLESS adj having no arms ARMLET n pl. -S an armband ARMLIKE adj resembling an arm ARMLOAD n pl. -S an armful ARMLOCK n pl. -S a hold in wrestling ARMOIRE n pl. -S a large, ornate cabinet ARMONICA n pl. -S a type of musical instrument ARMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with armor (a defensive covering) ARMORER n pl. -S one that makes or repairs armor ARMORIAL n pl. -S a treatise on heraldry ARMORY n pl. -MORIES a place where weapons are stored ARMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to armor ARMOURER n pl. -S armorer ARMOURY n pl. -MOURIES armory ARMPIT n pl. -S the hollow under the arm at the shoulder ARMREST n pl. -S a support for the arm ARMSFUL a pl. of armful ARMURE n pl. -S a woven fabric ARMY n pl. -MIES a large body of men trained and armed for war ARMYWORM n pl. -S a destructive moth larva ARNATTO n pl. -TOS annatto ARNICA n pl. -S a perennial herb ARNOTTO n pl. -TOS a tropical tree AROID n pl. -S a flowering plant AROINT v -ED, -ING, -S to drive away AROMA n pl. -S a pleasant odor AROMATIC n pl. -S a fragrant plant or substance AROSE past tense of arise AROUND prep on all sides of AROUSAL n pl. -S the act of arousing AROUSE v AROUSED, AROUSING, AROUSES to stimulate AROUSER n pl. -S one that arouses AROYNT v -ED, -ING, -S to aroint ARPEGGIO n pl. -GIOS a technique of playing a musical chord ARPEN n pl. -S arpent ARPENT n pl. -S an old French unit of area ARQUEBUS n pl. -ES an early portable firearm ARRACK n pl. -S an Oriental liquor ARRAIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to call before a court of law to answer an indictment ARRANGE v -RANGED, -RANGING, -RANGES to put in definite or proper order ARRANGER n pl. -S one that arranges ARRANT adj outright ARRANTLY adv ARRAS n pl. ARRAS a tapestry ARRASED adj ARRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to place in proper or desired order ARRAYAL n pl. -S the act of arraying ARRAYER n pl. -S one that arrays ARREAR n pl. -S an unpaid and overdue debt ARREST v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and hold by legal authority ARRESTEE n pl. -S one that is arrested ARRESTER n pl. -S one that arrests ARRESTOR n pl. -S arrester ARRHIZAL adj rootless ARRIS n pl. -RISES a ridge formed by the meeting of two surfaces ARRIVAL n pl. -S the act of arriving ARRIVE v -RIVED, -RIVING, -RIVES to reach a destination ARRIVER n pl. -S one that arrives ARROBA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of weight ARROGANT adj overly convinced of one's own worth or importance ARROGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to claim or take without right ARROW v -ED, -ING, -S to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) ARROWY adj moving swiftly ARROYO n pl. -ROYOS a brook or creek ARSENAL n pl. -S a collection or supply of weapons ARSENATE n pl. -S a chemical salt ARSENIC n pl. -S a metallic element ARSENIDE n pl. -S an arsenic compound ARSENITE n pl. -S a chemical salt ARSENO adj containing a certain bivalent chemical radical ARSENOUS adj pertaining to arsenic ARSES pl. of arsis ARSHIN n pl. -S archine ARSINE n pl. -S a poisonous gas ARSINO adj containing a certain univalent chemical radical ARSIS n pl. ARSES the unaccented part of a musical measure ARSON n pl. -S the malicious or fraudulent burning of property ARSONOUS adj ARSONIST n pl. -S one that commits arson ART n pl. -S an esthetically pleasing and meaningful arrangement of elements ARTAL a pl. of rotl ARTEFACT n pl. -S artifact ARTEL n pl. -S a collective farm in Russia ARTERIAL n pl. -S a type of highway ARTERY n pl. -TERIES a vessel that carries blood away from the heart ARTFUL adj crafty ARTFULLY adv ARTICLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to charge with specific offenses ARTIER comparative of arty ARTIEST superlative of arty ARTIFACT n pl. -S an object made by man ARTIFICE n pl. -S a clever stratagem ARTILY adv in an arty manner ARTINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being arty ARTISAN n pl. -S a trained or skilled workman ARTIST n pl. -S one who practices one of the fine arts ARTISTE n pl. -S a skilled public performer ARTISTIC adj characteristic of art ARTISTRY n pl. -RIES artistic quality or workmanship ARTLESS adj lacking cunning or guile ARTSY adj -SIER, -SIEST arty ARTWORK n pl. -S illustrative or decorative work in printed matter ARTY adj ARTIER, ARTIEST showily or pretentiously artistic ARUGOLA n pl. -S arugula ARUGULA n pl. -S a European annual herb ARUM n pl. -S a flowering plant ARUSPEX n pl. -PICES haruspex ARVAL adj pertaining to plowed land ARVO n pl. -VOS afternoon ARYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ARYTHMIA n pl. -S an irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat ARYTHMIC adj AS adv to the same degree ASANA n pl. -S a posture in yoga ASARUM n pl. -S a perennial herb ASBESTOS n pl. -ES a mineral ASBESTIC adj ASBESTUS n pl. -ES asbestos ASCARID n pl. -S a parasitic worm ASCARIS n pl. -RIDES ascarid ASCEND v -ED, -ING, -S to go or move upward ASCENDER n pl. -S one that ascends ASCENT n pl. -S the act of ascending ASCESIS n pl. -CESES the conduct of an ascetic ASCETIC n pl. -S one who practices extreme self-denial for religious reasons ASCI pl. of ascus ASCIDIAN n pl. -S a small marine animal ASCIDIUM n pl. -DIA a flask-shaped plant appendage ASCITES n pl. ASCITES accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen ASCITIC adj ASCOCARP n pl. -S a spore-producing organ of certain fungi ASCORBIC adj relieving scurvy ASCOT n pl. -S a broad neck scarf ASCRIBE v -CRIBED, -CRIBING, -CRIBES to attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin ASCUS n pl. ASCI a spore sac in certain fungi ASDIC n pl. -S sonar ASEA adv at sea ASEPSIS n pl. -SEPSES the condition of being aseptic ASEPTIC adj free from germs ASEXUAL adj occurring or performed without sexual action ASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to convert into ash (the residue of a substance that has been burned) ASHAMED adj feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace ASHCAN n pl. -S a metal receptacle for garbage ASHEN adj consisting of ashes ASHFALL n pl. -S a deposit of volcanic ash ASHIER comparative of ashy ASHIEST superlative of ashy ASHINESS n pl. -ES the condition of being ashy ASHLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to build with squared stones ASHLER v -ED, -ING, -S to ashlar ASHLESS adj having no ashes ASHMAN n pl. -MEN one who collects and removes ashes ASHORE adv toward or on the shore ASHPLANT n pl. -S a walking stick ASHRAM n pl. -S a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage ASHTRAY n pl. -TRAYS a receptacle for tobacco ashes ASHY adj ASHIER, ASHIEST covered with ashes ASIDE n pl. -S a comment by an actor intended to be heard by the audience but not the other actors ASININE adj obstinately stupid or silly ASK v -ED, -ING, -S to put a question to ASKANCE adv with a side glance ASKANT adv askance ASKER n pl. -S one that asks ASKESIS n pl. ASKESES ascesis ASKEW adv to one side ASKING n pl. -S the act of one who asks ASKOS n pl. ASKOI an oil jar used in ancient Greece ASLANT adj slanting ASLEEP adj sleeping ASLOPE adj sloping ASOCIAL adj avoiding the company of others ASP n pl. -S a venomous snake ASPARKLE adj sparkling ASPECT n pl. -S appearance of something to the eye or mind ASPEN n pl. -S any of several poplars ASPER n pl. -S a Turkish money of account ASPERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make uneven ASPERGES n pl. ASPERGES a Roman Catholic rite ASPERITY n pl. -TIES acrimony ASPERSE v -PERSED, -PERSING, -PERSES to spread false charges against ASPERSER n pl. -S one that asperses ASPERSOR n pl. -S asperser ASPHALT v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with asphalt (a substance used for paving and roofing) ASPHERIC adj varying slightly from an exactly spherical shape ASPHODEL n pl. -S a flowering plant ASPHYXIA n pl. -S unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen ASPHYXY n pl. -PHYXIES asphyxia ASPIC n pl. -S the asp ASPIRANT n pl. -S one that aspires ASPIRATA n pl. -TAE a type of plosive ASPIRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to pronounce with an initial release of breath ASPIRE v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES to have an earnest desire or ambition ASPIRER n pl. -S an aspirant ASPIRIN n pl. -S a pain reliever ASPIRING present participle of aspire ASPIS n pl. -PISES aspic ASPISH adj resembling an asp ASQUINT adv with a sidelong glance ASRAMA n pl. -S ashram ASS n pl. -ES a hoofed mammal ASSAGAI v -GAIED, -GAIING, -GAIS to pierce with a light spear ASSAI n pl. -S a tropical tree ASSAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to attack ASSAILER n pl. -S one that assails ASSASSIN n pl. -S a murderer ASSAULT v -ED, -ING, -S to attack ASSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to attempt ASSAYER n pl. -S one that assays ASSEGAI v -GAIED, -GAIING, -GAIS to assagai ASSEMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to come or bring together ASSEMBLY n pl. -BLIES the act of assembling ASSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to express agreement ASSENTER n pl. -S one that assents ASSENTOR n pl. -S assenter ASSERT v -ED, -ING, -S to state positively ASSERTER n pl. -S one that asserts ASSERTOR n pl. -S asserter ASSESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to estimate the value of for taxation ASSESSOR n pl. -S one that assesses ASSET n pl. -S a useful quality or thing ASSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to set apart for a particular purpose ASSIGNAT n pl. -S one of the notes issued as currency by the French revolutionary government ASSIGNEE n pl. -S one to whom property or right is legally transferred ASSIGNER n pl. -S one that assigns ASSIGNOR n pl. -S one who legally transfers property or right ASSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to give aid or support to ASSISTER n pl. -S one that assists ASSISTOR n pl. -S assister ASSIZE n pl. -S a session of a legislative or judicial body ASSLIKE adj resembling an ass ASSOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to pardon ASSONANT n pl. -S a word or syllable that resembles another in sound ASSORT v -ED, -ING, -S to distribute into groups according to kind or class ASSORTER n pl. -S one that assorts ASSUAGE v -SUAGED, -SUAGING, -SUAGES to make less severe ASSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to take on ASSUMER n pl. -S one that assumes ASSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to insure ASSURED n pl. -S an insured person ASSURER n pl. -S one that assures ASSURING present participle of assure ASSUROR n pl. -S assurer ASSWAGE v -SWAGED, -SWAGING, -SWAGES to assuage ASTASIA n pl. -S inability to stand resulting from muscular incoordination ASTATIC adj unstable ASTATINE n pl. -S a radioactive element ASTER n pl. -S a flowering plant ASTERIA n pl. -S a gemstone cut to exhibit asterism ASTERISK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with an asterisk (a star-shaped printing mark) ASTERISM n pl. -S a property of certain minerals of showing a starlike luminous figure ASTERN adv at or toward the rear of a ship ASTERNAL adj not connected to the sternum ASTEROID n pl. -S a type of celestial body ASTHENIA n pl. -S lack of strength ASTHENIC n pl. -S a slender, lightly muscled person ASTHENY n pl. -NIES asthenia ASTHMA n pl. -S a respiratory disease ASTIGMIA n pl. -S a visual defect ASTILBE n pl. -S an Asian perennial ASTIR adj moving about ASTOMOUS adj having no stomata ASTONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to fill with sudden wonder or surprise ASTONY v -TONIED, -TONYING, -TONIES to astonish ASTOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to amaze ASTRAGAL n pl. -S a convex molding ASTRAL n pl. -S a type of oil lamp ASTRALLY adv in a stellar manner ASTRAY adv off the right course ASTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to restrict ASTRIDE adv with one leg on each side ASTRINGE v -TRINGED, -TRINGING, -TRINGES to bind or draw together ASTUTE adj shrewd ASTUTELY adv ASTYLAR adj having no columns ASUNDER adv into pieces ASWARM adj swarming ASWIRL adj swirling ASWOON adj swooning ASYLUM n pl. -LUMS or -LA an institution for the care of the mentally ill ASYNDETA n/pl omissions of certain conjunctions AT prep in the position of ATABAL n pl. -S a type of drum ATACTIC adj showing no regularity of structure ATAGHAN n pl. -S yataghan ATALAYA n pl. -S a watchtower ATAMAN n pl. -S a hetman ATAMASCO n pl. -COS a flowering plant ATAP n pl. -S the nipa palm tree ATARAXIA n pl. -S peace of mind ATARAXIC n pl. -S a tranquilizing drug ATARAXY n pl. -RAXIES ataraxia ATAVIC adj pertaining to a remote ancestor ATAVISM n pl. -S the reappearance of a genetic characteristic after several generations of absence ATAVIST n pl. -S an individual displaying atavism ATAXIA n pl. -S loss of muscular coordination ATAXIC n pl. -S one suffering from ataxia ATAXY n pl. ATAXIES ataxia ATE n pl. -S blind impulse or reckless ambition that drives one to ruin ATECHNIC adj lacking technical knowledge ATELIC adj pertaining to a type of verb form ATELIER n pl. -S a workshop or studio ATEMOYA n pl. -S a fruit of a hybrid tropical tree ATHANASY n pl. -SIES immortality ATHEISM n pl. -S the belief that there is no God ATHEIST n pl. -S a believer in atheism ATHELING n pl. -S an Anglo-Saxon prince or nobleman ATHENEUM n pl. -S a literary institution ATHEROMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a disease of the arteries ATHETOID adj affected with a type of nervous disorder ATHIRST adj having a strong desire ATHLETE n pl. -S one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility ATHLETIC adj ATHODYD n pl. -S a type of jet engine ATHWART adv from side to side ATILT adj being in a tilted position ATINGLE adj tingling ATLAS n pl. ATLANTES or ATLASES a male figure used as a supporting column ATLATL n pl. -S a device for throwing a spear or dart ATMA n pl. -S atman ATMAN n pl. -S the individual soul in Hinduism ATOLL n pl. -S a ring-shaped coral island ATOM n pl. -S the smallest unit of an element ATOMIC, ATOMICAL adj ATOMICS n/pl the science dealing with atoms ATOMIES pl. of atomy ATOMISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to atomize ATOMISER n pl. -S atomizer ATOMISM n pl. -S the theory that the universe is composed of simple, indivisible, minute particles ATOMIST n pl. -S an adherent of atomism ATOMIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to reduce to a fine spray ATOMIZER n pl. -S a device for atomizing liquids ATOMY n pl. -MIES a tiny particle ATONAL adj lacking tonality ATONALLY adv ATONE v ATONED, ATONING, ATONES to make amends or reparation ATONABLE adj ATONER n pl. -S one that atones ATONIC n pl. -S an unaccented syllable or word ATONING present participle of atone ATONY n pl. -NIES muscular weakness ATOP adj being on or at the top ATOPY n pl. -PIES a type of allergy ATOPIC adj ATRAZINE n pl. -S an herbicide ATREMBLE adj trembling ATRESIA n pl. -S absence or closure of a natural bodily passage ATRIA a pl. of atrium ATRIAL adj pertaining to an atrium ATRIP adj aweigh ATRIUM n pl. ATRIA or ATRIUMS the main room of an ancient Roman house ATROCITY n pl. -TIES a heinous act ATROPHIA n pl. -S a wasting away of the body or any of its parts ATROPHIC adj ATROPHY v -PHIED, -PHYING, -PHIES to waste away ATROPIN n pl. -S atropine ATROPINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid ATROPISM n pl. -S atropine poisoning ATT n pl. ATT a monetary unit of Laos ATTABOY interj -- used to express encouragement or approval ATTACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to connect as an associated part ATTACHE n pl. -S a diplomatic official ATTACHER n pl. -S one that attaches ATTACK v -ED, -ING, -S to set upon violently ATTACKER n pl. -S one that attacks ATTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to gain or achieve by mental or physical effort ATTAINER n pl. -S one that attains ATTAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to disgrace ATTAR n pl. -S a fragrant oil ATTEMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to modify the temperature of ATTEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to make an effort to do or accomplish ATTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to be present at ATTENDEE n pl. -S an attender ATTENDER n pl. -S one that attends ATTENT adj heedful ATTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to affirm to be true or genuine ATTESTER n pl. -S one that attests ATTESTOR n pl. -S attester ATTIC n pl. -S a story or room directly below the roof of a house ATTICISM n pl. -S a concise and elegant expression ATTICIST n pl. -S one who uses atticisms ATTIRE v -TIRED, -TIRING, -TIRES to clothe ATTITUDE n pl. -S a state of mind with regard to some matter ATTORN v -ED, -ING, -S to acknowledge a new owner as one's landlord ATTORNEY n pl. -NEYS a lawyer ATTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to approach or adhere ATTRITE adj attrited ATTRITED adj worn down by rubbing ATTUNE v -TUNED, -TUNING, -TUNES to bring into harmony ATWAIN adv in two ATWEEN prep between ATWITTER adj twittering ATYPIC adj atypical ATYPICAL adj not typical AUBADE n pl. -S a morning song AUBERGE n pl. -S an inn AUBRETIA n pl. -S aubrieta AUBRIETA n pl. -S a flowering plant AUBURN n pl. -S a reddish brown color AUCTION v -ED, -ING, -S to sell publicly to the highest bidder AUCUBA n pl. -S a shrub of the dogwood family AUDACITY n pl. -TIES boldness AUDAD n pl. -S aoudad AUDIAL adj aural AUDIBLE n pl. -S a type of play in football AUDIBLY adv in a way so as to be heard AUDIENCE n pl. -S a group of listeners or spectators AUDIENT n pl. -S one that hears AUDILE n pl. -S one whose mental imagery is chiefly auditory AUDING n pl. -S the process of hearing, recognizing, and interpreting a spoken language AUDIO n pl. -DIOS sound reception or transmission AUDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to examine with intent to verify AUDITION v -ED, -ING, -S to give a trial performance AUDITIVE n pl. -S an auditory AUDITOR n pl. -S one that audits AUDITORY n pl. -RIES a group of listeners AUGEND n pl. -S a number to which another is to be added AUGER n pl. -S a tool for boring AUGHT n pl. -S a zero AUGITE n pl. -S a mineral AUGITIC adj AUGMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to increase AUGUR v -ED, -ING, -S to foretell from omens AUGURAL adj pertaining to augury AUGURER n pl. -S one that augurs AUGURY n pl. -RIES the practice of auguring AUGUST adj -GUSTER, -GUSTEST inspiring reverence or admiration AUGUSTLY adv AUK n pl. -S a diving seabird AUKLET n pl. -S a small auk AULD adj AULDER, AULDEST old AULIC adj pertaining to a royal court AUNT n pl. -S the sister of one's father or mother AUNTHOOD n pl. -S the state of being an aunt AUNTIE n pl. -S aunt AUNTIES pl. of aunty AUNTLIKE adj resembling an aunt AUNTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or suggesting an aunt AUNTY n pl. AUNTIES aunt AURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE an invisible emanation AURAL adj pertaining to the sense of hearing AURALLY adv AURAR pl. of eyrir AURATE adj having ears AURATED adj aurate AUREATE adj golden AUREI pl. of aureus AUREOLA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a halo AUREOLE v -OLED, -OLING, -OLES to surround with a halo AURES pl. of auris AUREUS n pl. -REI a gold coin of ancient Rome AURIC adj pertaining to gold AURICLE n pl. -S an ear or ear-shaped part AURICLED adj AURICULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE an auricle AURIFORM adj ear-shaped AURIS n pl. AURES the ear AURIST n pl. -S a specialist in diseases of the ear AUROCHS n pl. -ES an extinct European ox AURORA n pl. -RAS or -RAE the rising light of the morning AURORAL, AUROREAN adj AUROUS adj pertaining to gold AURUM n pl. -S gold AUSFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to subject steel to a strengthening process AUSPEX n pl. -PICES a soothsayer of ancient Rome AUSPICE n pl. -S a favorable omen AUSTERE adj -TERER, -TEREST grave in disposition or appearance AUSTRAL n pl. -ES or -S a former monetary unit of Argentina AUSUBO n pl. -BOS a tropical tree AUTACOID n pl. -S a hormone AUTARCHY n pl. -CHIES absolute rule or power AUTARKY n pl. -KIES national economic self-sufficiency AUTARKIC adj AUTECISM n pl. -S the development of the entire life cycle of a parasitic fungus on a single host AUTEUR n pl. -S the creator of a film AUTHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to write AUTISM n pl. -S extreme withdrawal into fantasy AUTISTIC adj AUTO v -ED, -ING, -S to ride in an automobile AUTOBAHN n pl. -BAHNS or -BAHNEN a German superhighway AUTOBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a bus AUTOCADE n pl. -S a procession of automobiles AUTOCOID n pl. -S autacoid AUTOCRAT n pl. -S an absolute ruler AUTODYNE n pl. -S a type of electrical circuit AUTOGAMY n pl. -MIES fertilization of a flower by its own pollen AUTOGENY n pl. -NIES the production of living organisms from inanimate matter AUTOGIRO n pl. -ROS a type of airplane AUTOGYRO n pl. -ROS autogiro AUTOLYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to autolyze AUTOLYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to break down tissue by the action of self-contained enzymes AUTOMAN n pl. -MEN an automobile maker AUTOMATA n/pl robots AUTOMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to convert to a system of automatic control AUTOMEN n pl. of automan AUTONOMY n pl. -MIES the state of being self-governing AUTOPSIC adj pertaining to an autopsy AUTOPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to examine a dead body to determine the cause of death AUTOSOME n pl. -S a type of chromosome AUTOTOMY n pl. -MIES the shedding of a damaged body part AUTOTYPE n pl. -S a type of photographic process AUTOTYPY n pl. -TYPIES autotype AUTUMN n pl. -S a season of the year AUTUMNAL adj AUTUNITE n pl. -S a mineral AUXESIS n pl. AUXESES an increase in cell size without cell division AUXETIC n pl. -S a substance that promotes auxesis AUXIN n pl. -S a substance used to regulate plant growth AUXINIC adj AVA adv at all AVADAVAT n pl. -S a small songbird AVAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to be of use or advantage to AVANT adj culturally or stylistically new AVARICE n pl. -S greed AVAST interj -- used as a command to stop AVATAR n pl. -S the incarnation of a Hindu deity AVAUNT interj -- used as an order of dismissal AVE n pl. -S an expression of greeting or farewell AVELLAN adj having the four arms shaped like filberts -- used of a heraldic cross AVELLANE adj avellan AVENGE v AVENGED, AVENGING, AVENGES to exact retribution for AVENGER n pl. -S one that avenges AVENS n pl. -ES a perennial herb AVENTAIL n pl. -S ventail AVENUE n pl. -S a wide street AVER v AVERRED, AVERRING, AVERS to declare positively AVERAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to calculate the arithmetic mean of AVERMENT n pl. -S the act of averring AVERRED past tense of aver AVERRING present participle of aver AVERSE adj opposed; reluctant AVERSELY adv AVERSION n pl. -S a feeling of repugnance AVERSIVE adj AVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn away AVGAS n pl. -GASES or -GASSES gasoline for airplanes AVIAN n pl. -S a bird AVIANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make less severe by repeated culture in a chick embryo, as a virus AVIARIST n pl. -S the keeper of an aviary AVIARY n pl. -ARIES a large enclosure for live birds AVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to fly an aircraft AVIATION n pl. -S the act of aviating AVIATOR n pl. -S one that aviates AVIATRIX n pl. -TRICES or -TRIXES a female aviator AVICULAR adj pertaining to birds AVID adj eager AVIDIN n pl. -S a protein found in egg white AVIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being avid AVIDLY adv in an avid manner AVIDNESS n pl. -ES avidity AVIFAUNA n pl. -NAS or -NAE the bird life of a particular region AVIGATOR n pl. -S one that navigates aircraft AVION n pl. -S an airplane AVIONICS n/pl the science of electronics applied to aviation AVIONIC adj AVISO n pl. -SOS advice AVO n pl. AVOS a monetary unit of Macao AVOCADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES the edible fruit of a tropical tree AVOCET n pl. -S a shore bird AVODIRE n pl. -S an African tree AVOID v -ED, -ING, -S to keep away from AVOIDER n pl. -S one that avoids AVOSET n pl. -S avocet AVOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to affirm AVOUCHER n pl. -S one that avouches AVOW v -ED, -ING, -S to declare openly AVOWABLE adj AVOWABLY, AVOWEDLY adv AVOWAL n pl. -S an open declaration AVOWER n pl. -S one that avows AVULSE v AVULSED, AVULSING, AVULSES to tear off forcibly AVULSION n pl. -S the act of avulsing AW interj -- used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief AWA adv away AWAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to wait for AWAITER n pl. -S one that awaits AWAKE v AWAKED or AWOKE, AWOKEN, AWAKING, AWAKES to wake up AWAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to awake AWAKENER n pl. -S one that awakens AWAKING present participle of awake AWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to grant as due or merited AWARDEE n pl. -S one that is awarded something AWARDER n pl. -S one that awards AWARE adj having perception or knowledge AWASH adj covered with water AWAY adv from a certain place AWAYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being distant AWE v AWED, AWING or AWEING, AWES to inspire with awe (reverential fear) AWEARY adj weary AWEATHER adv toward the windward side of a vessel AWED past tense of awe AWEE adv awhile AWEIGH adj hanging just clear of the bottom -- used of an anchor AWELESS adj lacking awe AWESOME adj inspiring awe AWFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST extremely bad or unpleasant AWFULLY adv AWHILE adv for a short time AWHIRL adj whirling AWING a present participle of awe AWKWARD adj -WARDER, -WARDEST lacking skill, dexterity, or grace AWL n pl. -S a pointed tool for making small holes AWLESS adj aweless AWLWORT n pl -S an aquatic plant AWMOUS n pl. AWMOUS alms AWN n pl. -S a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses AWNED, AWNLESS, AWNY adj AWNING n pl. -S a rooflike canvas cover AWNINGED adj AWOKE a past tense of awake AWOKEN a past participle of awake AWOL n pl. -S one who is absent without leave AWRY adv with a turn or twist to one side AX v -ED, -ING, -ES to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) AXAL adj axial AXE v AXED, AXING, AXES to ax AXEL n pl. -S a jump in figure skating AXEMAN n pl. -MEN axman AXENIC adj free from germs AXES pl. of axis AXIAL adj pertaining to or forming an axis AXIALLY adv AXIALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being axial AXIL n pl. -S the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem AXILE adj axial AXILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS the armpit AXILLAR n pl. -S a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing AXILLARY n pl. -LARIES an axillar AXING present participle of axe AXIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of values and value judgments AXIOM n pl. -S a self-evident truth AXION n pl. -S a hypothetical subatomic particle AXIS n pl. AXES a straight line about which a body rotates AXISED adj AXIS n pl. AXISES an Asian deer AXITE n pl. -S a fiber of an axon AXLE n pl. -S a shaft upon which a wheel revolves AXLED adj AXLETREE n pl. -S a type of axle AXLIKE adj resembling an ax AXMAN n pl. -MEN one who wields an ax AXOLOTL n pl. -S a salamander of Mexico and western United States AXON n pl. -S the central process of a neuron AXONAL, AXONIC adj AXONE n pl. -S axon AXONEMAL adj pertaining to an axoneme AXONEME n pl. -S a part of a cilium AXOPLASM n pl. -S the protoplasm of an axon AXSEED n pl. -S a European herb AY n pl. AYS aye AYAH n pl. -S a native maid or nurse in India AYE n pl. -S an affirmative vote AYIN n pl. -S a Hebrew letter AYURVEDA n pl. -S a Hindu system of medicine AZALEA n pl. -S a flowering shrub AZAN n pl. -S a Muslim call to prayer AZIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AZIDO adj AZIMUTH n pl. -S an angle of horizontal deviation AZINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AZLON n pl. -S a textile fiber AZO adj containing nitrogen AZOIC adj pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life AZOLE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AZON n pl. -S a radio-controlled aerial bomb AZONAL adj pertaining to a type of a soil group AZONIC adj not restricted to any particular zone AZOTE n pl. -S nitrogen AZOTED adj AZOTEMIA n pl. -S an excess of nitrogenous substances in the blood AZOTEMIC adj AZOTH n pl. -S mercury AZOTIC adj pertaining to azote AZOTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to azotize AZOTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to treat with nitrogen AZOTURIA n pl. -S an excess of nitrogenous substances in the urine AZURE n pl. -S a blue color AZURITE n pl. -S a mineral AZYGOS n pl. -ES an azygous anatomical part AZYGOUS adj not being one of a pair BA n pl. -S the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology BAA v -ED, -ING, -S to bleat BAAL n pl. -S or -IM a false god BAALISM n pl. -S the worship of a baal BAAS n pl. -ES master; boss BAASKAAP n pl. -S the policy of domination by white people in South Africa BABA n pl. -S a rum cake BABASSU n pl. -S a palm tree BABBITT v -ED, -ING, -S to line with babbitt (an alloy of tin, copper, and antimony) BABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to talk idly or excessively BABBLER n pl. -S one that babbles BABBLING n pl. -S idle talk BABE n pl. -S a baby BABEL n pl. -S confusion BABESIA n pl. -S a parasitic protozoan BABICHE n pl. -S rawhide thongs BABIED past tense of baby BABIES present 3d person sing. of baby BABIRUSA n pl. -S a wild pig BABKA n pl. -S a coffee cake BABOO n pl. -BOOS a Hindu gentleman BABOOL n pl. -S babul BABOON n pl. -S a large ape BABU n pl. -S baboo BABUL n pl. -S a North African tree BABUSHKA n pl. -S a woman's scarf BABY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to coddle BABYHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a baby (an infant) BABYISH adj resembling a baby BACALAO n pl. -LAOS codfish BACCA n pl. -CAE a berry BACCARA n pl. -S baccarat BACCARAT n pl. -S a card game BACCATE adj pulpy like a berry BACCATED adj baccate BACCHANT n pl. -S or -ES a carouser BACCHIC adj riotous BACCHIUS n pl. -CHII a type of metrical foot BACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to live as a bachelor BACHELOR n pl. -S an unmarried man BACILLAR adj rod-shaped BACILLUS n pl. -LI any of a class of rod-shaped bacteria BACK v -ED, -ING, -S to support BACKACHE n pl. -S a pain in the back BACKBEAT n pl. -S a type of rhythm in music BACKBEND n pl. -S an acrobatic feat BACKBITE v -BIT, -BITTEN, -BITING, -BITES to slander BACKBONE n pl. -S the spine BACKCAST n pl. -S a backward movement in casting a fishing line BACKCHAT n pl. -S repartee BACKDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to predate BACKDOOR adj secretive BACKDROP n pl. -S a stage setting BACKER n pl. -S a supporter BACKFILL v -ED, -ING, -S to refill BACKFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES to result in undesirable consequences BACKFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to retrofit BACKFLOW n pl. -S a flowing back toward a source BACKHAND v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with the back of the hand BACKHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to return after delivering a load BACKHOE n pl. -S an excavating machine BACKING n pl. -S support BACKLAND n pl. -S a region remote from cities BACKLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause a reaction BACKLESS adj having no back BACKLIST v -ED, -ING, -S to include in a publisher's list of older book titles BACKLIT adj illuminated from behind BACKLOG v -LOGGED, -LOGGING, -LOGS to accumulate BACKMOST adj hindmost BACKOUT n pl. -S a reversal of launching procedures BACKPACK v -ED, -ING, -S to hike with a pack on one's back BACKREST n pl. -S a back support BACKROOM adj made or operating inconspicuously BACKRUSH n pl. -ES the seaward return of water from a wave BACKSAW n pl. -S a type of saw BACKSEAT n pl. -S a rear seat BACKSET n pl. -S a setback BACKSIDE n pl. -S the hind part BACKSLAP v -SLAPPED, -SLAPPING, -SLAPS to show much approval BACKSLID past tense of backslide (to revert to sin) BACKSPIN n pl. -S a backward rotation BACKSTAY n pl. -STAYS a support for a mast BACKSTOP v -STOPPED, -STOPPING, -STOPS to bolster BACKUP n pl. -S a substitute BACKWARD adv toward the back BACKWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to spray water backward BACKWOOD adj uncouth BACKWRAP n pl. -S a wraparound garment that fastens in the back BACKYARD n pl. -S an area at the rear of a house BACON n pl. -S a side of a pig cured and smoked BACTERIA n/pl microscopic organisms BACTERIN n pl. -S a vaccine prepared from dead bacteria BACULINE adj pertaining to a rod BACULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a bone in the penis of many mammals BAD adj BADDER, BADDEST very good BAD adj WORSE, WORST not good in any way BAD n pl. -S something that is bad BADDIE n pl. -S a bad person BADDY n pl. -DIES baddie BADE past tense of bid BADGE v BADGED, BADGING, BADGES to supply with an insignia BADGER v -ED, -ING, -S to harass BADGERLY adj bothersome BADGING present participle of badge BADINAGE v -NAGED, -NAGING, -NAGES to banter BADLAND n pl. -S a barren, hilly area BADLY adv in a bad manner BADMAN n pl. -MEN an outlaw BADMOUTH v -ED, -ING, -S to criticize BADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being bad BAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to strike under a golf ball BAFFIES pl. of baffy BAFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to confuse BAFFLER n pl. -S one that baffles BAFFY n pl. -FIES a wooden golf club BAG v BAGGED, BAGGING, BAGS to put into a bag (a flexible container) BAGASS n pl. -ES bagasse BAGASSE n pl. -S crushed sugarcane BAGEL n pl. -S a ring-shaped roll BAGFUL n pl. BAGFULS or BAGSFUL as much as a bag can hold BAGGAGE n pl. -S luggage BAGGED past tense of bag BAGGER n pl. -S one that bags BAGGIE n pl. -S the stomach BAGGING n pl. -S material for making bags BAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST loose-fitting BAGGILY adv BAGHOUSE n pl. -S a facility for removing particulates from exhaust gases BAGMAN n pl. -MEN a traveling salesman BAGNIO n pl. -NIOS a brothel BAGPIPE n pl. -S a wind instrument BAGPIPER n pl. -S one that plays bagpipes BAGSFUL a pl. of bagful BAGUET n pl. -S baguette BAGUETTE n pl. -S a rectangular gem BAGWIG n pl. -S a type of wig BAGWORM n pl. -S the larva of certain moths BAH interj -- an exclamation of disgust BAHADUR n pl. -S a Hindu title of respect BAHT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Thailand BAIDARKA n pl. -S bidarka BAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer property temporarily BAILABLE adj BAILEE n pl. -S a person to whom property is bailed BAILER n pl. -S bailor BAILEY n pl. -LEYS an outer castle wall BAILIE n pl. -S a Scottish magistrate BAILIFF n pl. -S a court officer BAILMENT n pl. -S the act of bailing BAILOR n pl. -S a person who bails property to another BAILOUT n pl. -S the act of parachuting from an aircraft BAILSMAN n pl. -MEN one who provides security for another BAIRN n pl. -S a child BAIRNISH adj BAIRNLY adj -LIER, -LIEST childish BAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to lure BAITER n pl. -S one that baits BAITH adj both BAIZA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Oman BAIZE n pl. -S a green, woolen fabric BAKE v BAKED, BAKING, BAKES to prepare food in an oven BAKEMEAT n pl. -S a pastry BAKER n pl. -S one that bakes BAKERY n pl. -ERIES a place where baked goods are sold BAKESHOP n pl. -S a bakery BAKING n pl. -S a quantity baked BAKLAVA n pl. -S a Turkish pastry BAKLAWA n pl. -S baklava BAKSHISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to give a tip BAL n pl. -S a balmoral BALANCE v -ANCED, -ANCING, -ANCES to weigh BALANCER n pl. -S one that balances BALAS n pl. -ES a red variety of spinel BALATA n pl. -S a tropical tree BALBOA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Panama BALCONY n pl. -NIES an elevated platform BALD adj BALDER, BALDEST lacking hair BALD v -ED, -ING, -S to become bald BALDHEAD n pl. -S a bald person BALDIES pl. of baldy BALDISH adj somewhat bald BALDLY adv in a plain and blunt manner BALDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being bald BALDPATE n pl. -S a baldhead BALDRIC n pl. -S a shoulder belt BALDRICK n pl. -S baldric BALDY n pl. BALDIES a bald person BALE v BALED, BALING, BALES to form into tightly compressed bundles BALEEN n pl. -S whalebone BALEFIRE n pl. -S a bonfire BALEFUL adj menacing BALER n pl. -S one that bales BALING present participle of bale BALISAUR n pl. -S a long-tailed badger BALK v -ED, -ING, -S to stop short and refuse to proceed BALKER n pl. -S one that balks BALKLINE n pl. -S the starting line in track events BALKY adj BALKIER, BALKIEST stubborn BALKILY adv BALL v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a ball (a spherical object) BALLAD n pl. -S a narrative poem or song BALLADIC adj BALLADE n pl. -S a type of poem BALLADRY n pl. -RIES ballad poetry BALLAST v -ED, -ING, -S to stabilize BALLER n pl. -S one that balls BALLET n pl. -S a classical dance form BALLETIC adj BALLGAME n pl. -S a game played with a ball BALLHAWK n pl. -S a very good defensive ballplayer BALLIES pl. of bally BALLISTA n pl. -TAE an ancient weapon BALLON n pl. -S lightness of movement BALLONET n pl. -S a small balloon BALLONNE n pl. -S a ballet jump BALLOON v -ED, -ING, -S to swell out BALLOT v -ED, -ING, -S to vote BALLOTER n pl. -S one that ballots BALLPARK n pl. -S a facility in which ballgames are played BALLROOM n pl. -S a large room for dancing BALLUTE n pl. -S a small inflatable parachute BALLY n pl. -LIES a noisy uproar BALLYHOO v -ED, -ING, -S to promote by uproar BALLYRAG v -RAGGED, -RAGGING, -RAGS to bullyrag BALM n pl. -S a fragrant resin BALMLIKE adj BALMORAL n pl. -S a type of shoe BALMY adj BALMIER, BALMIEST mild BALMILY adv BALNEAL adj pertaining to baths BALONEY n pl. -NEYS bologna BALSA n pl. -S a tropical tree BALSAM v -ED, -ING, -S to anoint with balsam (an aromatic, resinous substance) BALSAMIC adj containing balsam BALUSTER n pl. -S a railing support BAM v BAMMED, BAMMING, BAMS to strike with a dull resounding noise BAMBINO n pl. -NOS or -NI a baby BAMBOO n pl. -BOOS a tropical grass BAN n pl. BANI a monetary unit of Romania BAN v BANNED, BANNING, BANS to prohibit BANAL adj ordinary BANALLY adv BANALITY n pl. -TIES something banal BANALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make banal BANANA n pl. -S an edible fruit BANAUSIC adj practical BANCO n pl. -COS a bet in certain gambling games BAND v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with flexible strips of material BANDAGE v -DAGED, -DAGING, -DAGES to cover a wound with a strip of cloth BANDAGER n pl. -S one that bandages BANDANA n pl. -S bandanna BANDANNA n pl. -S a large, colored handkerchief BANDBOX n pl. -ES a lightweight box BANDEAU n pl. -DEAUX or -DEAUS a headband BANDER n pl. -S one that bands BANDEROL n pl. -S a streamer BANDIED past tense of bandy BANDIES present 3d person sing. of bandy BANDIT n pl. -DITS or -DITTI a robber BANDITRY n pl. -TRIES robbery by bandits BANDOG n pl. -S a watchdog BANDORA n pl. -S bandore BANDORE n pl. -S an ancient lute BANDSMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a musical band BANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to throw to and fro BANE v BANED, BANING, BANES to kill with poison BANEFUL adj poisonous BANG v -ED, -ING, -S to hit sharply BANGER n pl. -S a sausage BANGKOK n pl. -S a straw hat BANGLE n pl. -S a bracelet BANGTAIL n pl. -S a racehorse BANI pl. of ban BANIAN n pl. -S a Hindu merchant BANING present participle of bane BANISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expel BANISHER n pl. -S one that banishes BANISTER n pl. -S a handrail BANJAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to damage or ruin BANJO n pl. -JOS or -JOES a musical instrument BANJOIST n pl. -S one who plays the banjo BANK v -ED, -ING, -S to keep money in a bank (an institution dealing in money matters) BANKABLE adj BANKBOOK n pl. -S a depositor's book BANKCARD n pl. -S a credit card issued by a bank BANKER n pl. -S one who works in a bank BANKERLY adj BANKING n pl. -S the business of a bank BANKNOTE n pl. -S a promissory note BANKROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply the capital for BANKRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to impoverish BANKSIA n pl. -S an Australian plant BANKSIDE n pl. -S the slope of a river bank BANNED past tense of ban BANNER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a banner (a type of flag) BANNERET n pl. -S a small banner BANNEROL n pl. -S a banderol BANNET n pl. -S a bonnet BANNING present participle of ban BANNOCK n pl. -S a type of cake BANNS n/pl a marriage notice BANQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to feast BANSHEE n pl. -S a female spirit BANSHIE n pl. -S banshee BANTAM n pl. -S a small fowl BANTENG n pl. -S a wild ox BANTER v -ED, -ING, -S to exchange mildly teasing remarks BANTERER n pl. -S one that banters BANTLING n pl. -S a very young child BANTY n pl. -TIES a bantam BANYAN n pl. -S an East Indian tree BANZAI n pl. -S a Japanese battle cry BAOBAB n pl. -S a tropical tree BAP n pl. -S a small bun or roll BAPTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to baptize BAPTISIA n pl. -S a flowering plant BAPTISM n pl. -S a Christian ceremony BAPTIST n pl. -S one who baptizes BAPTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to administer baptism to BAPTIZER n pl. -S a baptist BAR v BARRED, BARRING, BARS to exclude BARATHEA n pl. -S a silk fabric BARB v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a barb (a sharp projection) BARBAL adj pertaining to the beard BARBARIC adj uncivilized BARBASCO n pl. -COS or -COES a tropical tree BARBATE adj bearded BARBE n pl. -S a medieval cloth headdress BARBECUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to cook over live coals or an open fire BARBEL n pl. -S an organ of a fish BARBELL n pl. -S an exercise apparatus BARBEQUE v -QUED, -QUING, -QUES barbecue BARBER v -ED, -ING, -S to cut hair BARBERRY n pl. -RIES a shrub BARBET n pl. -S a tropical bird BARBETTE n pl. -S a platform BARBICAN n pl. -S an outer fortification BARBICEL n pl. -S a part of a feather BARBITAL n pl. -S a sedative BARBLESS adj having no barbs BARBULE n pl. -S a small barb BARBUT n pl. -S a type of helmet BARBWIRE n pl. -S barbed wire BARCHAN n pl. -S a type of sand dune BARD v -ED, -ING, -S to armor a horse BARDE v BARDED, BARDING, BARDES to bard BARDIC adj poetic BARE adj BARER, BAREST naked BARE v BARED, BARING, BARES to expose BAREBACK adv without a saddle BAREBOAT n pl. -S a pleasure boat rented without personnel BAREFIT adj barefoot BAREFOOT adj being without shoes BAREGE n pl. -S a sheer fabric BAREHEAD adv without a hat BARELY adv scarcely BARENESS n pl. -ES the state of being bare BARER comparative of bare BARESARK n pl. -S an ancient warrior BAREST superlative of bare BARF v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit BARFLY n pl. -FLIES a drinker who frequents bars BARGAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to discuss terms for selling or buying BARGE v BARGED, BARGING, BARGES to move by barge (a long, large boat) BARGEE n pl. -S a bargeman BARGELLO n pl. -LOS a needlepoint stitch that makes a zigzag pattern BARGEMAN n pl. -MEN the master or a crew member of a barge BARGHEST n pl. -S a goblin BARGING present participle of barge BARGUEST n pl. -S barghest BARHOP v -HOPPED, -HOPPING, -HOPS to visit a number of bars during an evening BARIC adj pertaining to barium BARILLA n pl. -S a chemical compound BARING present participle of bare BARITE n pl. -S a mineral BARITONE n pl. -S a male singing voice BARIUM n pl. -S a metallic element BARK v -ED, -ING, -S to cry like a dog BARKEEP n pl. -S a bartender BARKER n pl. -S one that barks BARKLESS adj having no bark; unable to bark BARKY adj BARKIER, BARKIEST covered with bark (tough outer covering of a root or stem) BARLEDUC n pl. -S a fruit jam BARLESS adj having no restraints BARLEY n pl. -LEYS a cereal grass BARLOW n pl. -S a jackknife BARM n pl. -S the foam on malt liquors BARMAID n pl. -S a female bartender BARMAN n pl. -MEN a male bartender BARMIE adj barmy BARMY adj BARMIER, BARMIEST full of barm; frothy BARN n pl. -S a large storage building BARNACLE n pl. -S a shellfish BARNLIKE adj resembling a barn BARNY adj BARNIER, BARNIEST resembling a barn in size, shape, or smell BARNYARD n pl. -S a yard near a barn BAROGRAM n pl. -S a barometric reading BARON n pl. -S a lower member of nobility BARONAGE n pl. -S the rank of a baron BARONESS n pl. -ES the wife of a baron BARONET n pl. -S the holder of a rank below that of a baron BARONG n pl. -S a broad knife BARONIAL adj pertaining to a baron BARONNE n pl. -S a baroness BARONY n pl. -ONIES the domain of a baron BAROQUE n pl. -S an ornate object BAROUCHE n pl. -S a type of carriage BARQUE n pl. -S a sailing vessel BARRABLE adj capable of being barred BARRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to shout boisterously BARRAGE v -RAGED, -RAGING, -RAGES to subject to a massive attack BARRANCA n pl. -S a steep ravine BARRANCO n pl. -COS barranca BARRATER n pl. -S barrator BARRATOR n pl. -S one who commits barratry BARRATRY n pl. -TRIES fraud committed by a master or crew of a ship BARRE v BARRED, BARRING, BARRES to play a type of guitar chord BARRED past tense of bar BARREL v -RELED, -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS to move fast BARREN adj -RENER, -RENEST unproductive BARRENLY adv BARREN n pl. -S a tract of barren land BARRET n pl. -S a flat cap BARRETOR n pl. -S barrator BARRETRY n pl. -TRIES barratry BARRETTE n pl. -S a hair clip BARRIER n pl. -S an obstacle BARRING present participle of bar and barre BARRIO n pl. -RIOS a district BARROOM n pl. -S a room where liquor is sold BARROW n pl. -S a type of cart BARSTOOL n pl. -S a stool in a barroom BARTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to tend a barroom BARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to trade BARTERER n pl. -S one that barters BARTISAN n pl. -S bartizan BARTIZAN n pl. -S a small turret BARWARE n pl. -S barroom equipment BARYE n pl. -S a unit of pressure BARYON n pl. -S a type of subatomic particle BARYONIC adj BARYTA n pl. -S a compound of barium BARYTIC adj BARYTE n pl. -S barite BARYTONE n pl. -S baritone BASAL adj pertaining to the foundation BASALLY adv BASALT n pl. -S a volcanic rock BASALTIC adj BASALTES n pl. BASALTES unglazed stoneware BASCULE n pl. -S a type of seesaw BASE adj BASER, BASEST morally low BASE v BASED, BASING, BASES to found BASEBALL n pl. -S a type of ball BASEBORN adj of low birth BASED past tense of base BASELESS adj having no foundation BASELINE n pl. -S a line at either end of a court in certain sports BASELY adv in a base manner BASEMAN n pl. -MEN a certain player in baseball BASEMENT n pl. -S the part of a building below ground level BASENESS n pl. -ES the state of being base BASENJI n pl. -S a barkless dog BASER comparative of base BASES pl. of basis BASEST superlative of base BASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to smash BASHAW n pl. -S a pasha BASHER n pl. -S one that bashes BASHFUL adj shy; timid BASHLYK n pl. -S a cloth hood BASIC n pl. -S a fundamental BASICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being alkaline BASIDIUM n pl. -IA a structure on a fungus BASIDIAL adj BASIFIER n pl. -S one that basifies BASIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to alkalize BASIL n pl. -S an aromatic herb BASILAR adj basal BASILARY adj basilar BASILIC adj pertaining to a basilica BASILICA n pl. -CAS or -CAE an ancient Roman building BASILISK n pl. -S a fabled serpent BASIN n pl. -S a large bowl BASINAL, BASINED adj BASINET n pl. -S a medieval helmet BASINFUL n pl. -S as much as a basin can hold BASING present participle of base BASION n pl. -S a part of the skull BASIS n pl. BASES the foundation of something BASK v -ED, -ING, -S to lie in a pleasant warmth BASKET n pl. -S a wooden container BASKETRY n pl. -RIES basket weaving BASMATI n pl. -S aromatic, long-grain rice BASOPHIL n pl. -S a type of cell BASQUE n pl. -S a bodice BASS n pl. -ES an edible fish BASSET v -SETED, -SETING, -SETS or -SETTED, -SETTING, -SETS to outcrop BASSI a pl. of basso BASSINET n pl. -S a basket used as a baby's crib BASSIST n pl. -S a person who plays a double bass BASSLY adv in a low-pitched manner BASSNESS n pl. -ES the state of being low in pitch BASSO n pl. -SOS or -SI a low-pitched singer BASSOON n pl. -S a low-pitched instrument BASSWOOD n pl. -S a linden tree BASSY adj low in pitch BAST n pl. -S a woody fiber BASTARD n pl. -S an illegitimate child BASTARDY n pl. -TARDIES the state of being a bastard BASTE v BASTED, BASTING, BASTES to sew loosely together BASTER n pl. -S one that bastes BASTILE n pl. -S bastille BASTILLE n pl. -S a prison BASTING n pl. -S the thread used by a baster BASTION n pl. -S a fortified place BAT v BATTED, BATTING, BATS to hit a baseball BATBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who minds baseball equipment BATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring together BATCHER n pl. -S one that batches BATE v BATED, BATING, BATES to reduce the force of BATEAU n pl. BATEAUX a flat-bottomed boat BATFISH n pl. -ES a batlike fish BATFOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to catch birds at night BATH n pl. -S a washing BATHE v BATHED, BATHING, BATHES to wash BATHER n pl. -S one that bathes BATHETIC adj trite BATHING present participle of bathe BATHLESS adj not having had a bath BATHMAT n pl. -S a mat used in a bathroom BATHOS n pl. -ES triteness BATHROBE n pl. -S a housecoat BATHROOM n pl. -S a room in which to bathe BATHTUB n pl. -S a tub in which to bathe BATHYAL adj pertaining to deep water BATIK n pl. -S a dyeing process BATING present participle of bate BATISTE n pl. -S a sheer fabric BATLIKE adj resembling a bat (a flying mammal) BATMAN n pl. -MEN an orderly BATON n pl. -S a short rod BATSMAN n pl. -MEN one who bats BATT n pl. -S a sheet of cotton BATTALIA n pl. -S a military unit BATTEAU n pl. -TEAUX bateau BATTED past tense of bat BATTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with strips of wood BATTENER n pl. -S one that battens BATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to beat repeatedly BATTERIE n pl. -S a ballet movement BATTERY n pl. -TERIES a device for generating an electric current BATTIER comparative of batty BATTIEST superlative of batty BATTIK n pl. -S batik BATTING n pl. -S a batt BATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to fight BATTLER n pl. -S one that battles BATTU adj pertaining to a ballet movement BATTUE n pl. -S a type of hunt BATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST crazy BATWING adj shaped like a bat's wing BAUBEE n pl. -S bawbee BAUBLE n pl. -S a cheap trinket BAUD n pl. -S a unit of data transmission speed BAUDEKIN n pl. -S a brocaded fabric BAUDRONS n pl. -ES a cat BAUHINIA n pl. -S a small tropical tree BAULK v -ED, -ING, -S to balk BAULKY adj BAULKIER, BAULKIEST balky BAUSOND adj having white marks BAUXITE n pl. -S an ore of aluminum BAUXITIC adj BAWBEE n pl. -S a Scottish coin BAWCOCK n pl. -S a fine fellow BAWD n pl. -S a madam BAWDIER comparative of bawdy BAWDIES pl. of bawdy BAWDIEST superlative of bawdy BAWDILY adv in a bawdy manner BAWDRIC n pl. -S baldric BAWDRY n pl. -RIES obscenity BAWDY adj BAWDIER, BAWDIEST obscene BAWDY n pl. BAWDIES obscene language BAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry loudly BAWLER n pl. -S one that bawls BAWSUNT adj bausond BAWTIE n pl. -S a dog BAWTY n pl. -TIES bawtie BAY v -ED, -ING, -S to howl BAYADEER n pl. -S bayadere BAYADERE n pl. -S a dancing girl BAYAMO n pl. -MOS a strong wind BAYARD n pl. -S a horse BAYBERRY n pl. -RIES a berry tree BAYMAN n pl. -MEN a person who fishes on a bay BAYONET v -NETED, -NETING, -NETS or -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS to stab with a dagger-like weapon BAYOU n pl. -S a marshy body of water BAYWOOD n pl. -S a coarse mahogany BAZAAR n pl. -S a marketplace BAZAR n pl. -S bazaar BAZOO n pl. -ZOOS the mouth BAZOOKA n pl. -S a small rocket launcher BDELLIUM n pl. -S a gum resin BE v present sing. 1st person -AM, 2d -ARE or -ART, 3d -IS, past sing. 1st and 3d persons -WAS, 2d -WERE or -WAST or -WERT, past participle BEEN, present participle BEING to have actuality BEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to drive ashore BEACHBOY n pl. -BOYS a male beach attendant BEACHY adj BEACHIER, BEACHIEST sandy or pebbly BEACON v -ED, -ING, -S to warn or guide BEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with beads (round pieces of glass) BEADIER comparative of beady BEADIEST superlative of beady BEADILY adv in a beady manner BEADING n pl. -S beaded material BEADLE n pl. -S a parish official BEADLIKE adj beady BEADMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman BEADROLL n pl. -S a list of names BEADSMAN n pl. -MEN one who prays for another BEADWORK n pl. -S beading BEADY adj BEADIER, BEADIEST resembling beads BEAGLE n pl. -S a small hound BEAK n pl. -S a bird's bill BEAKED, BEAKLESS, BEAKLIKE adj BEAKER n pl. -S a large cup BEAKY adj BEAKIER, BEAKIEST resembling a beak BEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to emit in beams (rays of light) BEAMIER comparative of beamy BEAMIEST superlative of beamy BEAMILY adv in a beamy manner BEAMISH adj cheerful BEAMLESS adj having no beam BEAMLIKE adj resembling a beam BEAMY adj BEAMIER, BEAMIEST beaming BEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head BEANBAG n pl. -S a small cloth bag BEANBALL n pl. -S a baseball thrown at the head BEANERY n pl. -ERIES a cheap restaurant BEANIE n pl. -S a small cap BEANLIKE adj resembling a bean BEANO n pl. BEANOS a form of bingo BEANPOLE n pl. -S a thin pole BEAR v BORE, BORNE or BORN, BEARING, BEARS to endure BEARABLE adj BEARABLY adv BEARCAT n pl. -S a small mammal BEARD v -ED, -ING, -S to oppose boldly BEARER n pl. -S one that bears BEARHUG n pl. -S a rough tight embrace BEARING n pl. -S demeanor BEARISH adj resembling a bear (a large mammal) BEARLIKE adj bearish BEARSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a bear BEARWOOD n pl. -S a small tree of the buckthorn family BEAST n pl. -S an animal BEASTIE n pl. -S a tiny animal BEASTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST resembling a beast BEAT v BEAT, BEATEN, BEATING, BEATS to strike repeatedly BEATABLE adj BEATER n pl. -S one that beats BEATIFIC adj blissful BEATIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make happy BEATING n pl. -S a defeat BEATLESS adj having no rhythm BEATNIK n pl. -S a nonconformist BEAU n pl. BEAUX or BEAUS a boyfriend BEAUISH adj BEAUCOUP adj many or much BEAUT n pl. -S something beautiful BEAUTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make beautiful BEAUTY n pl. -TIES one that is lovely BEAUX a pl. of beau BEAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to work hard BEBEERU n pl. -S a tropical tree BEBLOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with blood BEBOP n pl. -S a type of jazz BEBOPPER n pl. -S one that likes bebop BECALM v -ED, -ING, -S to make calm BECAME past tense of become BECAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to put a cap on BECARPET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a carpet BECAUSE conj for the reason that BECHALK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with chalk BECHAMEL n pl. -S a white sauce BECHANCE v -CHANCED, -CHANCING, -CHANCES to befall BECHARM v -ED, -ING, -S to hold under a spell BECK v -ED, -ING, -S to beckon BECKET n pl. -S a securing rope BECKON v -ED, -ING, -S to signal by sign or gesture BECKONER n pl. -S one that beckons BECLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to clamor loudly BECLASP v -ED, -ING, -S to embrace BECLOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to place a cloak on BECLOG v -CLOGGED, -CLOGGING, -CLOGS to clog thoroughly BECLOTHE v -CLOTHED, -CLOTHING, -CLOTHES to clothe BECLOUD v -ED, -ING, -S to make cloudy BECLOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to appear ridiculous BECOME v -CAME, -COMING, -COMES to come to be BECOMING n pl. -S a process of change BECOWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to accuse of cowardice BECRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to crawl over BECRIME v -CRIMED, -CRIMING, -CRIMES to make guilty of a crime BECROWD v -ED, -ING, -S to crowd closely BECRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a crust BECUDGEL v -GELLED, -GELLING, -GELS or -GELED, -GELING, -GELS to cudgel thoroughly BECURSE v -CURSED or -CURST, -CURSING, -CURSES to curse severely BED v BEDDED, BEDDING, BEDS to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) BEDABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to soil BEDAMN v -ED, -ING, -S to swear at BEDARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to darken BEDAUB v -ED, -ING, -S to besmear BEDAZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to confuse BEDBUG n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect BEDCHAIR n pl. -S a chair near a bed BEDCOVER n pl. -S a cover for a bed BEDDABLE adj suitable for taking to bed BEDDED past tense of bed BEDDER n pl. -S one that makes up beds BEDDING n pl. -S material for making up a bed BEDEAFEN v -ED, -ING, -S to deafen BEDECK v -ED, -ING, -S to clothe with finery BEDEL n pl. -S an English university officer BEDELL n pl. -S bedel BEDEMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman BEDESMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman BEDEVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to harass BEDEW v -ED, -ING, -S to wet with dew BEDFAST adj confined to bed BEDFRAME n pl. -S the frame of a bed BEDGOWN n pl. -S a dressing gown BEDIAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to ornament with a kind of design BEDIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to bedeck BEDIM v -DIMMED, -DIMMING, -DIMS to make dim BEDIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to dimple BEDIRTY v -DIRTIED, -DIRTYING, -DIRTIES to make dirty BEDIZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to dress gaudily BEDLAM n pl. -S confusion BEDLAMP n pl. -S a lamp near a bed BEDLESS adj having no bed BEDLIKE adj resembling a bed BEDMAKER n pl. -S one that makes beds BEDMATE n pl. -S a bed companion BEDOTTED adj covered with dots BEDOUIN n pl. -S a nomadic Arab BEDPAN n pl. -S a toilet pan BEDPLATE n pl. -S a frame support BEDPOST n pl. -S a post of a bed BEDQUILT n pl. -S a quilt for a bed BEDRAIL n pl. -S a board at the side of a bed BEDRAPE v -DRAPED, -DRAPING, -DRAPES to drape BEDRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to drench thoroughly BEDRID adj bedfast BEDRIVEL v -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS or -ELED, -ELING, -ELS to cover with saliva BEDROCK n pl. -S the rock under soil BEDROLL n pl. -S a portable roll of bedding BEDROOM n pl. -S a room for sleeping BEDRUG v -DRUGGED, -DRUGGING, -DRUGS to make sleepy BEDSHEET n pl. -S a sheet for a bed BEDSIDE n pl. -S the side of a bed BEDSONIA n pl. -S a virus BEDSORE n pl. -S a type of sore BEDSTAND n pl. -S a table next to a bed BEDSTEAD n pl. -S a support for a bed BEDSTRAW n pl. -S a woody herb BEDTICK n pl. -S the cloth case of a mattress BEDTIME n pl. -S a time for going to bed BEDU n pl. BEDU a bedouin BEDUIN n pl. -S bedouin BEDUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to render speechless BEDUNCE v -DUNCED, -DUNCING, -DUNCES to make a dunce of BEDWARD adv toward bed BEDWARDS adv bedward BEDWARF v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to appear small by comparison BEE n pl. -S a winged insect BEEBEE n pl. -S a pellet BEEBREAD n pl. -S a pollen mixture BEECH n pl. -ES a type of tree BEECHEN adj BEECHNUT n pl. -S the nut of a beech BEECHY adj BEECHIER, BEECHIEST abounding in beeches BEEF n pl. BEEFS or BEEVES a steer or cow fattened for food BEEF v -ED, -ING, -S to add bulk to BEEFALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES the offspring of an American buffalo and domestic cattle BEEFCAKE n pl. -S pictures of male physiques BEEFIER comparative of beefy BEEFIEST superlative of beefy BEEFILY adv in a beefy manner BEEFLESS adj being without beef BEEFWOOD n pl. -S a hardwood tree BEEFY adj BEEFIER, BEEFIEST brawny BEEHIVE n pl. -S a hive for bees BEELIKE adj resembling a bee BEELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to go quickly in a direct course BEEN past participle of be BEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to honk a horn BEEPER n pl. -S a signaling device BEER n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage BEERY adj BEERIER, BEERIEST affected by beer BEESWAX n pl. -ES a type of wax BEESWING n pl. -S a crust that forms on old wines BEET n pl. -S a garden plant BEETLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to jut out BEETLER n pl. -S one that operates a cloth-finishing machine BEETROOT n pl. -S the root of the beet BEEVES a pl. of beef BEEYARD n pl. -S an apiary BEEZER n pl. -S the nose BEFALL v -FELL, -FALLEN, -FALLING, -FALLS to happen to BEFINGER v -ED, -ING, -S to touch all over BEFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to be suitable to BEFLAG v -FLAGGED, -FLAGGING, -FLAGS to deck with flags BEFLEA v -ED, -ING, -S to infest with fleas BEFLECK v -ED, -ING, -S to fleck BEFLOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with flowers BEFOG v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS to envelop in fog BEFOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to deceive BEFORE adv previously BEFOUL v -ED, -ING, -S to foul BEFOULER n pl. -S one that befouls BEFRET v -FRETTED, -FRETTING, -FRETS to gnaw BEFRIEND v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a friend to BEFRINGE v -FRINGED, -FRINGING, -FRINGES to border with a fringe BEFUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuse BEG v BEGGED, BEGGING, BEGS to plead BEGALL v -ED, -ING, -S to make sore by rubbing BEGAN past tense of begin BEGAZE v -GAZED, -GAZING, -GAZES to gaze at BEGET v -GOT or -GAT, -GOTTEN, -GETTING, -GETS to cause to exist BEGETTER n pl. -S one that begets BEGGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to impoverish BEGGARLY adj very poor BEGGARY n pl. -GARIES extreme poverty BEGGED past tense of beg BEGGING present participle of beg BEGIN v GAN, -GUN, -GINNING, -GINS to start BEGINNER n pl. -S one that begins BEGIRD v -GIRT or -GIRDED, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to surround BEGIRDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to surround BEGLAD v -GLADDED, -GLADDING, -GLADS to gladden BEGLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to dazzle with glamor BEGLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make gloomy BEGONE interj -- used as an order of dismissal BEGONIA n pl. -S a tropical herb BEGORAH interj begorra BEGORRA interj -- used as a mild oath BEGORRAH interj begorra BEGOT a past tense of beget BEGOTTEN past participle of beget BEGRIM v -GRIMMED, -GRIMMING, -GRIMS to begrime BEGRIME v -GRIMED, -GRIMING, -GRIMES to dirty BEGROAN v -ED, -ING, -S to groan at BEGRUDGE v -GRUDGED, -GRUDGING, -GRUDGES to concede reluctantly BEGUILE v -GUILED, -GUILING, -GUILES to deceive BEGUILER n pl. -S one that beguiles BEGUINE n pl. -S a lively dance BEGULF v -ED, -ING, -S to engulf BEGUM n pl. -S a Muslim lady of high rank BEGUN past participle of begin BEHALF n pl. -HALVES interest, support, or benefit BEHAVE v -HAVED, -HAVING, -HAVES to act properly BEHAVER n pl. -S one that behaves BEHAVIOR n pl. -S demeanor BEHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to cut off the head of BEHELD past tense of behold BEHEMOTH n pl. -S a large beast BEHEST n pl. -S a command BEHIND n pl. -S the buttocks BEHOLD v -HELD, -HOLDING, -HOLDS to view BEHOLDEN adj indebted BEHOLDER n pl. -S one that beholds BEHOOF n pl. -HOOVES use, advantage, or benefit BEHOOVE v -HOOVED, -HOOVING, -HOOVES to be proper for BEHOVE v -HOVED, -HOVING, -HOVES to behoove BEHOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to howl at BEIGE n pl. -S a tan color BEIGNET n pl. -S a type of fritter or doughnut BEIGY adj of the color beige BEING n pl. -S something that exists BEJABERS interj bejesus BEJEEZUS interj bejesus BEJESUS interj -- used as a mild oath BEJEWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to adorn with jewels BEJUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to jumble BEKISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with kisses BEKNIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to raise to knighthood BEKNOT v -KNOTTED, -KNOTTING, -KNOTS to tie in knots BEL n pl. -S a unit of power BELABOR v -ED, -ING, -S to discuss for an absurd amount of time BELABOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to belabor BELACED adj adorned with lace BELADY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to apply the title of lady to BELATED adj late or too late BELAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to praise BELAY v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten a rope BELCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expel gas through the mouth BELCHER n pl. -S one that belches BELDAM n pl. -S an old woman BELDAME n pl. -S beldam BELEAP v -LEAPT or -LEAPED, -LEAPING, -LEAPS to leap upon BELFRY n pl. -FRIES a bell tower BELFRIED adj BELGA n pl. -S a former Belgian monetary unit BELIE v BELIED, BELYING, BELIES to misrepresent BELIEF n pl. -S acceptance of the truth or actuality of something BELIER n pl. -S one that belies BELIEVE v -LIEVED, -LIEVING, -LIEVES to accept as true or real BELIEVER n pl. -S one that believes BELIKE adv perhaps BELIQUOR v -ED, -ING, -S to soak with liquor BELITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to disparage BELIVE adv in due time BELL v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a bell (a ringing device) BELLBIRD n pl. -S a tropical bird BELLBOY n pl. -BOYS a hotel's errand boy BELLE n pl. -S an attractive woman BELLEEK n pl. -S a very thin translucent porcelain BELLHOP n pl. -S a bellboy BELLIED past tense of belly BELLIES present 3d person sing. of belly BELLMAN n pl. -MEN a town crier BELLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to shout in a deep voice BELLOWER n pl. -S one that bellows BELLPULL n pl. -S a cord pulled to ring a bell BELLWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant BELLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to swell out BELLYFUL n pl. -S an excessive amount BELONG v -ED, -ING, -S to be a member of BELOVED n pl. -S one who is loved BELOW n pl. -S something that is beneath BELT v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a belt (a strap or band worn around the waist) BELTER n pl. -S one that belts BELTING n pl. -S material for belts BELTLESS adj having no belt BELTLINE n pl. -S the waistline BELTWAY n pl. -WAYS a highway around an urban area BELUGA n pl. -S a white sturgeon BELYING present participle of belie BEMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS a platform in a synagogue BEMADAM v -ED, -ING, -S to call by the title of madam BEMADDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to madden BEMATA a pl. of bema BEMEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to debase BEMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to mix together BEMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to soil with mud BEMIST v -ED, -ING, -S to envelop in a mist BEMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mix thoroughly BEMOAN v -ED, -ING, -S to lament BEMOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to mock BEMUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuse completely BEMURMUR v -ED, -ING, -S to murmur at BEMUSE v -MUSED, -MUSING, -MUSES to confuse BEMUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to muzzle BEN n pl. -S an inner room BENAME v -NAMED, -NEMPT or -NEMPTED, -NAMING, -NAMES to name BENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to take a player out of a game BENCHER n pl. -S a magistrate BEND v BENT or BENDED, BENDING, BENDS to curve BENDABLE adj BENDAY v -ED, -ING, -S to reproduce using a certain process BENDEE n pl. -S bendy BENDER n pl. -S one that bends BENDWAYS adv bendwise BENDWISE adv diagonally BENDY n pl. -DYS okra BENE n pl. -S benne BENEATH prep under BENEDICK n pl. -S benedict BENEDICT n pl. -S a newly married man BENEFIC adj kindly BENEFICE v -FICED, -FICING, -FICES to endow with land BENEFIT v -FITED, -FITING, -FITS or -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to be helpful or useful to BENEMPT a past participle of bename BENEMPTED a past participle of bename BENIGN adj kind BENIGNLY adv BENISON n pl. -S a blessing BENJAMIN n pl. -S benzoin BENNE n pl. -S the sesame plant BENNET n pl. -S a perennial herb BENNI n pl. -S benne BENNY n pl. -NIES an amphetamine tablet BENOMYL n pl. -S a chemical compound BENT n pl. -S an inclination BENTHAL adj benthic BENTHIC adj pertaining to oceanic depths BENTHOS n pl. -ES benthic sea life BENTWOOD n pl. -S wood bent for use in furniture BENUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to make numb BENZAL adj pertaining to a certain chemical group BENZENE n pl. -S a volatile liquid BENZIDIN n pl. -S a hydrocarbon BENZIN n pl. -S benzine BENZINE n pl. -S a volatile liquid BENZOATE n pl. -S a chemical salt BENZOIN n pl. -S a gum resin BENZOIC adj BENZOL n pl. -S a benzene BENZOLE n pl. -S benzol BENZOYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical BENZYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical BENZYLIC adj BEPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to tinge BEPIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to cover with pimples BEQUEATH v -ED, -ING, -S to grant by testament BEQUEST n pl. -S a legacy BERAKE v -RAKED, -RAKING, -RAKES to rake all over BERASCAL v -ED, -ING, -S to accuse of being a rascal BERATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to scold severely BERBERIN n pl. -S a medicinal alkaloid BERBERIS n pl. -ES a barberry BERCEUSE n pl. -S a lullaby BERDACHE n pl. -S an American Indian male transvestite BEREAVE v -REAVED or -REFT, -REAVING, -REAVES to deprive BEREAVER n pl. -S one that bereaves BERET n pl. -S a soft, flat cap BERETTA n pl. -S biretta BERG n pl. -S an iceberg BERGAMOT n pl. -S a citrus tree BERGERE n pl. -S an upholstered armchair BERHYME v -RHYMED, -RHYMING, -RHYMES to compose in rhyme BERIBERI n pl. -S a thiamine deficiency disease BERIME v -RIMED, -RIMING, -RIMES to berhyme BERINGED adj adorned with rings BERLIN n pl. -S a type of carriage BERLINE n pl. -S a limousine BERM n pl. -S a ledge BERME n pl. -S berm BERMUDAS n/pl knee-length walking shorts BERNICLE n pl. -S a wild goose BEROBED adj wearing a robe BEROUGED adj obviously or thickly rouged BERRETTA n pl. -S biretta BERRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to produce berries (fleshy fruits) BERSEEM n pl. -S a clover BERSERK n pl. -S a fierce warrior BERTH v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a mooring BERTHA n pl. -S a wide collar BERYL n pl. -S a green mineral BERYLINE adj BESCORCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to scorch BESCOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to scour thoroughly BESCREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to screen BESEECH v -SOUGHT or -SEECHED, -SEECHING, -SEECHES to implore BESEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to be suitable BESET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to assail BESETTER n pl. -S one that besets BESHADOW v -ED, -ING, -S to cast a shadow on BESHAME v -SHAMED, -SHAMING, -SHAMES to put to shame BESHIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to break into small pieces BESHOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to shout at BESHREW v -ED, -ING, -S to curse BESHROUD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover BESIDE prep next to BESIDES adv in addition BESIEGE v -SIEGED, -SIEGING, -SIEGES to surround BESIEGER n pl. -S one that besieges BESLAVED adj filled with slaves BESLIME v -SLIMED, -SLIMING, -SLIMES to cover with slime BESMEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to smear over BESMILE v -SMILED, -SMILING, -SMILES to smile on BESMIRCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dirty BESMOKE v -SMOKED, -SMOKING, -SMOKES to soil with smoke BESMOOTH v -ED, -ING, -S to smooth BESMUDGE v -SMUDGED, -SMUDGING, -SMUDGES to smudge BESMUT v -SMUTTED, -SMUTTING, -SMUTS to blacken with smut BESNOW v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with snow BESOM n pl. -S a broom BESOOTHE v SOOTHED, -SOOTHING, -SOOTHES to soothe BESOT v -SOTTED, -SOTTING, -SOTS to stupefy BESOUGHT a past tense of beseech BESPEAK v -SPOKE or -SPAKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS to claim in advance BESPOUSE v -SPOUSED, -SPOUSING, -SPOUSES to marry BESPREAD v -SPREAD, -SPREADING, -SPREADS to spread over BESPRENT adj sprinkled over BEST v -ED, -ING, -S to outdo BESTEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to help BESTIAL adj pertaining to beasts BESTIARY n pl. -ARIES a collection of animal fables BESTIR v -STIRRED, -STIRRING, -STIRS to rouse BESTOW v -ED, -ING, -S to present as a gift BESTOWAL n pl. -S a gift BESTREW v STREWED, -STREWN, -STREWING, -STREWS to scatter BESTRIDE v -STRODE or -STRID, -STRIDDEN, -STRIDING, -STRIDES to straddle BESTROW v STROWED, -STROWN, -STROWING, -STROWS to bestrew BESTUD v -STUDDED, -STUDDING, -STUDS to dot BESWARM v -ED, -ING, -S to swarm all over BET v BET or BETTED, BETTING, BETS to wager BETA n pl. -S a Greek letter BETAINE n pl. -S an alkaloid BETAKE v TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to cause to go BETATRON n pl. -S an electron accelerator BETATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to tatter BETAXED adj burdened with taxes BETEL n pl. -S a climbing plant BETELNUT n pl. -S a seed chewed as a stimulant BETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter BETHANK v -ED, -ING, -S to thank BETHEL n pl. -S a holy place BETHESDA n pl. -S a chapel BETHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS to consider BETHORN v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with thorns BETHUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to thump soundly BETIDE v -TIDED, -TIDING, -TIDES to befall BETIME adv betimes BETIMES adv soon BETISE n pl. -S stupidity BETOKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to indicate BETON n pl. -S a type of concrete BETONY n pl. -NIES a European herb BETOOK past tense of betake BETRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to aid an enemy of BETRAYAL n pl. -S the act of betraying BETRAYER n pl. -S one that betrays BETROTH v -ED, -ING, -S to engage to marry BETTA n pl. -S a freshwater fish BETTED a past tense of bet BETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to improve BETTING present participle of bet BETTOR n pl. -S one that bets BETWEEN prep in the space that separates BETWIXT prep between BEUNCLED adj having many uncles BEVATRON n pl. -S a proton accelerator BEVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to cut at an angle BEVELER n pl. -S one that bevels BEVELLER n pl. -S beveler BEVELLING a present participle of bevel BEVERAGE n pl. -S a liquid for drinking BEVIES pl. of bevy BEVOMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit all over BEVOR n pl. -S a piece of armor for the lower face BEVY n pl. BEVIES a group BEWAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to lament BEWAILER n pl. -S one that bewails BEWARE v -WARED, -WARING, -WARES to be careful BEWEARY v -WEARIED, -WEARYING, -WEARIES to make weary BEWEEP v -WEPT, -WEEPING, -WEEPS to lament BEWIG v -WIGGED, -WIGGING, -WIGS to adorn with a wig BEWILDER v -ED, -ING, -S to confuse BEWINGED adj having wings BEWITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to affect by witchcraft or magic BEWORM v -ED, -ING, -S to infest with worms BEWORRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to worry BEWRAP v -WRAPPED or -WRAPT, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to wrap completely BEWRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to divulge BEWRAYER n pl. -S one that bewrays BEY n pl. BEYS a Turkish ruler BEYLIC n pl. -S the domain of a bey BEYLIK n pl. -S beylic BEYOND n pl. -S something that lies farther ahead BEZANT n pl. -S a coin of ancient Rome BEZAZZ n pl. -ES pizazz BEZEL n pl. -S a slanted surface BEZIL n pl. -S bezel BEZIQUE n pl. -S a card game BEZOAR n pl. -S a gastric mass BEZZANT n pl. -S bezant BHAKTA n pl. -S one who practices bhakti BHAKTI n pl. -S a selfless devotion to a deity in Hinduism BHANG n pl. -S the hemp plant BHARAL n pl. -S a goatlike Asian mammal BHEESTIE n pl. -S bheesty BHEESTY n pl. -TIES a water carrier BHISTIE n pl. -S bheesty BHOOT n pl. -S bhut BHUT n pl. -S a small whirlwind BI n pl. -S a bisexual BIACETYL n pl. -S a chemical flavor enhancer BIALI n pl. -S bialy BIALY n pl. -ALYS an onion roll BIANNUAL adj occurring twice a year BIAS v -ASED, -ASING, -ASES or -ASSED, -ASSING, -ASSES to prejudice BIASEDLY adv BIASNESS n pl. -ES the state of being slanted BIATHLON n pl. -S an athletic contest BIAXAL adj biaxial BIAXIAL adj having two axes BIB v BIBBED, BIBBING, BIBS to tipple BIBASIC adj dibasic BIBB n pl. -S a mast support BIBBED past tense of bib BIBBER n pl. -S a tippler BIBBERY n pl. -BERIES the act of bibbing BIBBING present participle of bib BIBCOCK n pl. -S a type of faucet BIBELOT n pl. -S a trinket BIBLE n pl. -S an authoritative publication BIBLICAL adj BIBLESS adj having no bib (a cloth covering) BIBLIKE adj resembling a bib BIBLIST n pl. -S one who takes the words of the Bible literally BIBULOUS adj given to drinking BICARB n pl. -S sodium bicarbonate BICAUDAL adj having two tails BICE n pl. -S a blue or green pigment BICEPS n pl. -ES an arm muscle BICHROME adj two-colored BICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to argue BICKERER n pl. -S one that bickers BICOLOR n pl. -S something having two colors BICOLOUR n pl. -S bicolor BICONVEX adj convex on both sides BICORN adj having two horns BICORNE n pl. -S a type of hat BICRON n pl. -S one billionth of a meter BICUSPID n pl. -S a tooth BICYCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to ride a bicycle (a two-wheeled vehicle) BICYCLER n pl. -S one that bicycles BICYCLIC adj having two cycles BICYCLING present participle of bicycle BID v BADE, BIDDEN, BIDDING, BIDS to make a bid (an offer of a price) BIDARKA n pl. -S an Eskimo canoe BIDARKEE n pl. -S bidarka BIDDABLE adj obedient BIDDABLY adv BIDDEN past participle of bid BIDDER n pl. -S one that bids BIDDING n pl. -S a command BIDDY n pl. -DIES a hen BIDE v BIDED or BODE, BIDING, BIDES to wait BIDENTAL adj having two teeth BIDER n pl. -S one that bides BIDET n pl. -S a low basin used for washing BIDING present participle of bide BIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to shelter BIENNALE n pl. -S a biennial show BIENNIAL n pl. -S an event that occurs every two years BIENNIUM n pl. -NIA or -NIUMS a period of two years BIER n pl. -S a coffin stand BIFACE n pl. -S a stone tool having a cutting edge BIFACIAL adj having two faces BIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to hit BIFFIN n pl. -S a cooking apple BIFFY n pl. -FIES a toilet BIFID adj divided into two parts BIFIDLY adv BIFIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being bifid BIFILAR adj having two threads BIFLEX adj bent in two places BIFOCAL n pl. -S a type of lens BIFOLD adj twofold BIFORATE adj having two perforations BIFORKED adj divided into two branches BIFORM adj having two forms BIFORMED adj biform BIG adj BIGGER, BIGGEST of considerable size BIG n pl. -S an individual or organization of importance BIGAMIES pl. of bigamy BIGAMIST n pl. -S one who commits bigamy BIGAMOUS adj guilty of bigamy BIGAMY n pl. -MIES the crime of being married to two people simultaneously BIGARADE n pl. -S a citrus tree BIGAROON n pl. -S a type of cherry BIGEMINY n pl. -NIES the state of having a double pulse BIGEYE n pl. -S a marine fish BIGFOOT n pl. -FEET or -FOOTS a large hairy humanlike creature BIGGER comparative of big BIGGEST superlative of big BIGGETY adj biggity BIGGIE n pl. -S one that is big BIGGIN n pl. -S a house BIGGING n pl. -S biggin BIGGISH adj somewhat big BIGGITY adj conceited BIGHEAD n pl. -S a disease of animals BIGHORN n pl. -S a wild sheep BIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a loop of rope BIGLY adv in a big manner BIGMOUTH n pl. -S a talkative person BIGNESS n pl. -ES the state of being big BIGNONIA n pl. -S a climbing plant BIGOT n pl. -S a prejudiced person BIGOTED adj intolerant BIGOTRY n pl. -RIES prejudice BIGWIG n pl. -S an important person BIHOURLY adj occurring every two hours BIJOU n pl. -JOUX or -JOUS a jewel BIJUGATE adj two-paired BIJUGOUS adj bijugate BIKE v BIKED, BIKING, BIKES to bicycle BIKER n pl. -S one that bikes BIKEWAY n pl. -WAYS a route for bikes BIKIE n pl. -S biker BIKING present participle of bike BIKINI n pl. -S a type of bathing suit BIKINIED adj BILABIAL n pl. -S a sound articulated with both lips BILANDER n pl. -S a small ship BILAYER n pl. -S a film with two molecular layers BILBERRY n pl. -RIES an edible berry BILBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a finely tempered sword BILBOA n pl. -S bilbo BILE n pl. -S a fluid secreted by the liver BILGE v BILGED, BILGING, BILGES to spring a leak BILGY adj BILGIER, BILGIEST smelling like seepage BILIARY adj pertaining to bile BILINEAR adj pertaining to two lines BILIOUS adj pertaining to bile BILK v -ED, -ING, -S to cheat BILKER n pl. -S one that bilks BILL v -ED, -ING, -S to present a statement of costs to BILLABLE adj BILLBUG n pl. -S a weevil BILLER n pl. -S one that bills BILLET v -ED, -ING, -S to lodge soldiers BILLETER n pl. -S one that billets BILLFISH n pl. -ES a fish with long, slender jaws BILLFOLD n pl. -S a wallet BILLHEAD n pl. -S a letterhead BILLHOOK n pl. -S a cutting tool BILLIARD n pl. -S a carom shot in billiards (a table game) BILLIE n pl. -S a comrade BILLIES pl. of billy BILLING n pl. -S the relative position in which a performer is listed BILLION n pl. -S a number BILLON n pl. -S an alloy of silver and copper BILLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to swell BILLOWY adj -LOWIER, -LOWIEST swelling; surging BILLY n pl. -LIES a short club BILLYCAN n pl. -S a pot for heating water BILOBATE adj having two lobes BILOBED adj bilobate BILSTED n pl. -S a hardwood tree BILTONG n pl. -S dried and cured meat BIMA n pl. -S bema BIMAH n pl. -S bema BIMANOUS adj two-handed BIMANUAL adj done with two hands BIMBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a disreputable person BIMENSAL adj occurring every two months BIMESTER n pl. -S a two-month period BIMETAL n pl. -S something composed of two metals BIMETHYL n pl. -S ethane BIMODAL adj having two statistical modes BIMORPH n pl. -S a device consisting of two crystals cemented together BIN v BINNED, BINNING, BINS to store in a large receptacle BINAL adj twofold BINARY n pl. -RIES a combination of two things BINATE adj growing in pairs BINATELY adv BINAURAL adj hearing with both ears BIND v BOUND, BINDING, BINDS to tie or secure BINDABLE adj BINDER n pl. -S one that binds BINDERY n pl. -ERIES a place where books are bound BINDI n pl. -S a dot worn on the forehead by women in India BINDING n pl. -S the cover and fastenings of a book BINDLE n pl. -S a bundle BINDWEED n pl. -S a twining plant BINE n pl. -S a twining plant stem BINGE v BINGED, BINGEING BINGING, BINGES to indulge in something without restraint BINGER n pl. -S one that binges BINGO n pl. -GOS a game of chance BINIT n pl. -S a unit of computer information BINNACLE n pl. -S a compass stand BINNED past tense of bin BINNING present participle of bin BINOCLE n pl. -S a binocular BINOCS n/pl binoculars BINOMIAL n pl. -S an algebraic expression BINT n pl. -S a woman BIO n pl. BIOS a biography BIOASSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to test a substance (as a drug) BIOCHIP n pl. -S a hypothetical computer component that uses proteins to store or process data BIOCIDE n pl. -S a substance destructive to living organisms BIOCIDAL adj BIOCLEAN adj free of harmful organisms BIOCYCLE n pl. -S a life-supporting region BIOETHIC adj pertaining to ethical questions arising from advances in biology BIOGAS n pl. -GASES or -GASSES fuel gas produced by organic waste BIOGEN n pl. -S a hypothetical protein molecule BIOGENIC adj produced by living organisms BIOGENY n pl. -NIES the development of life from preexisting life BIOHERM n pl. -S a mass of marine fossils BIOLOGIC n pl. -S a drug obtained from an organic source BIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of life BIOLYSIS n pl. -YSES death BIOLYTIC adj BIOMASS n pl. -ES an amount of living matter BIOME n pl. -S an ecological community BIOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the statistical study of biological data BIONICS n/pl a science joining biology and electronics BIONIC adj BIONOMY n pl. -MIES ecology BIONOMIC adj BIONT n pl. -S a living organism BIONTIC adj BIOPIC n pl. -S a biographical movie BIOPLASM n pl. -S living matter BIOPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to examine tissue BIOPSIC, BIOPTIC adj BIOSCOPE n pl. -S an early movie projector BIOSCOPY n pl. -PIES a type of medical examination BIOTA n pl. -S the flora and fauna of a region BIOTECH n pl. -S applied biological science BIOTIC adj pertaining to life BIOTICAL adj biotic BIOTICS n/pl a life science BIOTIN n pl. -S a B vitamin BIOTITE n pl. -S a form of mica BIOTITIC adj BIOTOPE n pl. -S a stable habitat BIOTOXIN n pl. -S poison made by a plant or animal BIOTRON n pl. -S a climate control chamber BIOTYPE n pl. -S a group of genetically similar organisms BIOTYPIC adj BIOVULAR adj derived from two ova BIPACK n pl. -S a pair of films BIPAROUS adj producing offspring in pairs BIPARTED adj having two parts BIPARTY adj of two parties BIPED n pl. -S a two-footed animal BIPEDAL adj BIPHASIC adj having two phases BIPHENYL n pl. -S a hydrocarbon BIPLANE n pl. -S a type of airplane BIPOD n pl. -S a two-legged support BIPOLAR adj having two poles BIRACIAL adj including members of two races BIRADIAL adj having dual symmetry BIRAMOSE adj biramous BIRAMOUS adj divided into two branches BIRCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whip BIRCHEN adj made of birch wood BIRD v -ED, -ING, -S to hunt birds (winged, warm-blooded vertebrates) BIRDBATH n pl. -S a bath for birds BIRDCAGE n pl. -S a cage for birds BIRDCALL n pl. -S the call of a bird BIRDER n pl. -S a bird hunter BIRDFARM n pl. -S an aircraft carrier BIRDIE v BIRDIED, BIRDIEING, BIRDIES to shoot in one stroke under par in golf BIRDING n pl. -S bird-watching BIRDLIKE adj resembling a bird BIRDLIME v -LIMED, -LIMING, -LIMES to trap small birds BIRDMAN n pl. -MEN one who keeps birds BIRDSEED n pl. -S a mixture of seeds used for feeding birds BIRDSEYE n pl. -S a flowering plant BIRDSHOT n pl. -S small shot for shooting birds BIRDSONG n pl. -S the song of a bird BIREME n pl. -S an ancient galley BIRETTA n pl. -S a cap worn by clergymen BIRK n pl. -S a birch tree BIRKIE n pl. -S a lively person BIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to rotate a floating log BIRLE v BIRLED, BIRLING, BIRLES to carouse BIRLER n pl. -S one that birls BIRLING n pl. -S a lumberjack's game BIRR n pl. BIRROTCH a monetary unit of Ethiopia BIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a whirring noise BIRRETTA n pl. -S biretta BIRSE n pl. -S a bristle BIRTH v -ED, -ING, -S to originate BIRTHDAY n pl. -DAYS an anniversary of a birth BIS adv twice BISCUIT n pl. -S a small cake of shortened bread BISE n pl. -S a cold wind BISECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut into two parts BISECTOR n pl. -S something that bisects BISEXUAL n pl. -S one who is attracted to both sexes BISHOP v -ED, -ING, -S to appoint as a bishop (the head of a diocese) BISK n pl. -S bisque BISMUTH n pl. -S a metallic element BISNAGA n pl. -S a type of cactus BISON n pl. -S an ox-like animal BISQUE n pl. -S a thick soup BISTATE adj pertaining to two states BISTER n pl. -S a brown pigment BISTERED adj BISTORT n pl. -S a perennial herb with roots used as astringents BISTOURY n pl. -RIES a surgical knife BISTRE n pl. -S bister BISTRED adj BISTRO n pl. -TROS a small tavern BISTROIC adj BIT v BITTED, BITTING, BITS to restrain BITABLE adj capable of being bitten BITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to complain BITCHERY n pl. -ERIES bitchy behavior BITCHY adj BITCHIER, BITCHIEST malicious BITCHILY adv BITE v BIT, BITTEN, BITING, BITES to seize with the teeth BITEABLE adj BITER n pl. -S one that bites BITEWING n pl. -S a dental X-ray film BITING present participle of bite BITINGLY adv sarcastically BITSTOCK n pl. -S a brace on a drill BITSY adj tiny BITT v -ED, -ING, -S to secure a cable BITTED past tense of bit BITTEN a past participle of bite BITTER adj -TERER, -TEREST having a disagreeable taste BITTERLY adv BITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make bitter BITTERN n pl. -S a wading bird BITTIER comparative of bitty BITTIEST superlative of bitty BITTING n pl. -S an indentation in a key BITTOCK n pl. -S a small amount BITTY adj -TIER, -TIEST fragmented BITUMEN n pl. -S an asphalt BIUNIQUE adj being a type of correspondence between two sets BIVALENT n pl. -S a pair of chromosomes BIVALVE n pl. -S a bivalved mollusk BIVALVED adj having a two-valved shell BIVINYL n pl. -S a flammable gas used in making synthetic rubber BIVOUAC v -OUACKED, -OUACKING, -OUACKS or -OUACS to make a camp BIWEEKLY n pl. -LIES a publication issued every two weeks BIYEARLY adj occurring every two years BIZ n pl. BIZZES business BIZARRE n pl. -S a strangely striped flower BIZE n pl. -S bise BIZNAGA n pl. -S bisnaga BIZONE n pl. -S two combined zones BIZONAL adj BLAB v BLABBED, BLABBING, BLABS to talk idly BLABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to blab BLABBY adj talkative BLACK adj BLACKER, BLACKEST being of the darkest color BLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to make black BLACKBOY n pl. -BOYS an Australian plant BLACKCAP n pl. -S a small European bird BLACKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make black BLACKFIN n pl. -S a food fish BLACKFLY n pl. -FLIES a biting fly BLACKGUM n pl. -S a tupelo BLACKING n pl. -S black shoe polish BLACKISH adj somewhat black BLACKLEG n pl. -S a cattle disease BLACKLY adv in a black manner BLACKOUT n pl. -S a power failure BLACKTOP v -TOPPED, -TOPPING, -TOPS to pave with asphalt BLADDER n pl. -S a saclike receptacle BLADDERY adj BLADE n pl. -S a cutting edge BLADED adj BLAE adj bluish-black BLAH n pl. -S nonsense BLAIN n pl. -S a blister BLAM n pl. -S the sound of a gunshot BLAMABLE adj being at fault BLAMABLY adv BLAME v BLAMED, BLAMING, BLAMES to find fault with BLAMEFUL adj blamable BLAMER n pl. -S one that blames BLAMING present participle of blame BLANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whiten BLANCHER n pl. -S a whitener BLAND adj BLANDER, BLANDEST soothing BLANDLY adv BLANDISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to coax by flattery BLANK adj BLANKER, BLANKEST empty BLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to delete BLANKET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover uniformly BLANKLY adv in a blank manner BLARE v BLARED, BLARING, BLARES to sound loudly BLARNEY v -NEYED, -NEYING, -NEYS to beguile with flattery BLASE adj indifferent BLAST v -ED, -ING, -S to use an explosive BLASTEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a region of embryonic cells BLASTER n pl. -S one that blasts BLASTIE n pl. -S a dwarf BLASTIER comparative of blasty BLASTIEST superlative of blasty BLASTING n pl. -S the act of one that blasts BLASTOFF n pl. -S the launching of a rocket BLASTOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor BLASTULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE an early embryo BLASTY adj BLASTIER, BLASTIEST gusty BLAT v BLATTED, BLATTING, BLATS to bleat BLATANCY n pl. -CIES something blatant BLATANT adj obvious BLATE adj timid BLATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk foolishly BLATTED past tense of blat BLATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to chatter BLATTING present participle of blat BLAUBOK n pl. -S an extinct antelope BLAW v BLAWED, BLAWN, BLAWING, BLAWS to blow BLAZE v BLAZED, BLAZING, BLAZES to burn brightly BLAZER n pl. -S a lightweight jacket BLAZON v -ED, -ING, -S to proclaim BLAZONER n pl. -S one that blazons BLAZONRY n pl. -RIES a great display BLEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whiten BLEACHER n pl. -S one that bleaches BLEAK adj BLEAKER, BLEAKEST dreary BLEAK n pl. -S a freshwater fish BLEAKISH adj somewhat bleak BLEAKLY adv in a bleak manner BLEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to dim BLEARY adj BLEARIER, BLEARIEST dimmed BLEARILY adv BLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the cry of a sheep BLEATER n pl. -S one that bleats BLEB n pl. -S a blister BLEBBY adj BLEED v BLED, BLEEDING, BLEEDS to lose blood BLEEDER n pl. -S one that bleeds BLEEDING n pl. -S the act of losing blood BLEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to blip BLELLUM n pl. -S a babbler BLEMISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mar BLENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to flinch BLENCHER n pl. -S one that blenches BLEND v BLENDED or BLENT, BLENDING, BLENDS to mix smoothly and inseparably together BLENDE n pl. -S a shiny mineral BLENDER n pl. -S one that blends BLENNY n pl. -NIES a marine fish BLENT a past tense of blend BLESBOK n pl. -S a large antelope BLESBUCK n pl. -S blesbok BLESS v BLESSED or BLEST, BLESSING, BLESSES to sanctify BLESSED adj -EDER, -EDEST holy BLESSER n pl. -S one that blesses BLESSING n pl. -S a prayer BLEST a past tense of bless BLET n pl. -S a decay of fruit BLETHER v -ED, -ING, -S to blather BLEW past tense of blow BLIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause decay BLIGHTER n pl. -S one that blights BLIGHTY n pl. BLIGHTIES a wound causing one to be sent home to England BLIMEY interj -- used as an expression of surprise BLIMP n pl. -S a nonrigid aircraft BLIMPISH adj BLIMY interj blimey BLIN n pl. BLINI or BLINIS a blintze BLIND adj BLINDER, BLINDEST sightless BLIND v -ED, -ING, -S to make sightless BLINDAGE n pl. -S a protective screen BLINDER n pl. -S an obstruction to sight BLINDLY adv in a blind manner BLINI a pl. of blin BLINIS a pl. of blin BLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to open and shut the eyes BLINKARD n pl. -S one who habitually blinks BLINKER v -ED, -ING, -S to put blinders on BLINTZ n pl. -ES blintze BLINTZE n pl. -S a thin pancake BLIP v BLIPPED, BLIPPING, BLIPS to remove sound from a recording BLISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to experience or produce ecstasy BLISSFUL adj very happy BLISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to cause blisters (skin swellings) BLISTERY adj having blisters BLITE n pl. -S an annual herb BLITHE adj BLITHER, BLITHEST merry BLITHELY adv BLITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to blather BLITZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to subject to a sudden attack BLIZZARD n pl. -S a heavy snowstorm BLOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to swell BLOATER n pl. -S a smoked herring BLOB v BLOBBED, BLOBBING, BLOBS to splotch BLOC n pl. -S a coalition BLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to obstruct BLOCKADE v -ADED, -ADING, -ADES to block BLOCKAGE n pl. -S the act of blocking BLOCKER n pl. -S one that blocks BLOCKISH adj blocky BLOCKY adj BLOCKIER, BLOCKIEST short and stout BLOKE n pl. -S a fellow BLOND adj BLONDER, BLONDEST light-colored BLOND n pl. -S a blond person BLONDE n pl. -S blond BLONDISH adj somewhat blond BLOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) BLOODFIN n pl. -S a freshwater fish BLOODIED past tense of bloody BLOODIER comparative of bloody BLOODIES present 3d person sing. of bloody BLOODIEST superlative of bloody BLOODILY adv in a bloody manner BLOODING n pl. -S a fox hunting ceremony BLOODRED adj of the color of blood BLOODY adj BLOODIER, BLOODIEST stained with blood BLOODY v BLOODIED, BLOODYING, BLOODIES to make bloody BLOOEY adj being out of order BLOOIE adj blooey BLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to bear flowers BLOOMER n pl. -S a blooming plant BLOOMERY n pl. -ERIES a furnace for smelting iron BLOOMY adj BLOOMIER, BLOOMIEST covered with flowers BLOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to hit a short fly ball BLOOPER n pl. -S a public blunder BLOSSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to bloom BLOSSOMY adj having blossoms BLOT v BLOTTED, BLOTTING, BLOTS to spot or stain BLOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mark with large spots BLOTCHY adj BLOTCHIER, BLOTCHIEST blotched BLOTLESS adj spotless BLOTTED past tense of blot BLOTTER n pl. -S a piece of ink-absorbing paper BLOTTIER comparative of blotty BLOTTIEST superlative of blotty BLOTTING present participle of blot BLOTTO adj drunk BLOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST spotty BLOUSE v BLOUSED, BLOUSING, BLOUSES to hang loosely BLOUSON n pl. -S a woman's garment BLOUSY adj BLOUSIER, BLOUSIEST blowsy BLOUSILY adv BLOVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to speak pompously BLOW v BLEW, BLOWED, BLOWING, BLOWS to damn BLOW v BLEW, BLOWN, BLOWING, BLOWS to drive or impel by a current of air BLOWBACK n pl. -S an escape of gases BLOWBALL n pl. -S a fluffy seed ball BLOWBY n pl. -BYS leakage of exhaust fumes BLOWDOWN n pl. -S a tree blown down by the wind BLOWER n pl. -S one that blows BLOWFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish BLOWFLY n pl. -FLIES a type of fly BLOWGUN n pl. -S a tube through which darts may be blown BLOWHARD n pl. -S a braggart BLOWHOLE n pl. -S an air or gas vent BLOWIER comparative of blowy BLOWIEST superlative of blowy BLOWN past participle of blow BLOWOFF n pl. -S the expelling of gas BLOWOUT n pl. -S a sudden rupture BLOWPIPE n pl. -S a blowgun BLOWSED adj blowsy BLOWSY adj -SIER, -SIEST slovenly BLOWSILY adv BLOWTUBE n pl. -S a blowgun BLOWUP n pl. -S an explosion BLOWY adj BLOWIER, BLOWIEST windy BLOWZED adj blowzy BLOWZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST blowsy BLOWZILY adv BLUB v BLUBBED, BLUBBING, BLUBS to blubber BLUBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to weep noisily BLUBBERY adj fat; swollen BLUCHER n pl. -S a half boot BLUDGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with a club BLUDGER n pl. -S a loafer or shirker BLUE adj BLUER, BLUEST having the color of the clear sky BLUE v BLUED, BLUEING BLUING, BLUES to make blue BLUEBALL n pl. -S a medicinal herb BLUEBELL n pl. -S a flowering plant BLUEBILL n pl. -S the scaup duck BLUEBIRD n pl. -S a songbird BLUEBOOK n pl. -S an examination booklet BLUECAP n pl. -S a flowering plant BLUECOAT n pl. -S a police officer BLUED past tense of blue BLUEFIN n pl. -S a large tuna BLUEFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish BLUEGILL n pl. -S an edible sunfish BLUEGUM n pl. -S a timber tree BLUEHEAD n pl. -S a marine fish BLUEING n pl. -S bluing BLUEISH adj bluish BLUEJACK n pl. -S an oak tree BLUEJAY n pl. -JAYS a corvine bird BLUELINE n pl. -S a line that divides a hockey rink BLUELY adv in a blue manner BLUENESS n pl. -ES the state of being blue BLUENOSE n pl. -S a puritanical person BLUER comparative of blue BLUESIER comparative of bluesy BLUESIEST superlative of bluesy BLUESMAN n pl. -MEN one who plays the blues BLUEST superlative of blue BLUESTEM n pl. -S a prairie grass BLUESY adj BLUESIER, BLUESIEST resembling the blues (a musical form) BLUET n pl. -S a meadow flower BLUETICK n pl. -S a hunting dog BLUEWEED n pl. -S a bristly weed BLUEWOOD n pl. -S a shrub BLUEY n pl. BLUEYS a bag of clothing carried in travel BLUFF adj BLUFFER, BLUFFEST having a broad front BLUFFLY adv BLUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to mislead BLUFFER n pl. -S one that bluffs BLUING n pl. -S a fabric coloring BLUISH adj somewhat blue BLUME v BLUMED, BLUMING, BLUMES to blossom BLUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to make a mistake BLUNGE v BLUNGED, BLUNGING, BLUNGES to mix clay with water BLUNGER n pl. -S one that blunges BLUNT adj BLUNTER, BLUNTEST not sharp or pointed BLUNTLY adv BLUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to make blunt BLUR v BLURRED, BLURRING, BLURS to make unclear BLURB v -ED, -ING, -S to praise in a publicity notice BLURRY adj -RIER, -RIEST unclear BLURRILY adv BLURT v -ED, -ING, -S to speak abruptly BLURTER n pl. -S one that blurts BLUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to become red BLUSHER n pl. -S one that blushes BLUSHFUL adj of a red color BLUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to blow violently BLUSTERY adj windy BLYPE n pl. -S a shred BO n pl. BOS a pal BOA n pl. -S a large snake BOAR n pl. -S a male pig BOARD v -ED, -ING, -S to take meals for a fixed price BOARDER n pl. -S one that boards BOARDING n pl. -S a surface of wooden boards BOARDMAN n pl. -MEN a board member BOARFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish BOARISH adj swinish; coarse BOART n pl. -S bort BOAST v -ED, -ING, -S to brag BOASTER n pl. -S one that boasts BOASTFUL adj given to boasting BOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by boat (watercraft) BOATABLE adj BOATBILL n pl. -S a wading bird BOATEL n pl. -S a waterside hotel BOATER n pl. -S one that boats BOATFUL n pl. -S as much as a boat can hold BOATHOOK n pl. -S a pole with a metal hook for use aboard a boat BOATING n pl. -S the sport of traveling by boat BOATLIKE adj resembling a boat BOATLOAD n pl. -S the amount that a boat holds BOATMAN n pl. -MEN one who works on boats BOATSMAN n pl. -MEN boatman BOATYARD n pl. -S a marina BOB v BOBBED, BOBBING, BOBS to move up and down BOBBER n pl. -S one that bobs BOBBERY n pl. -BERIES a disturbance BOBBIES pl. of bobby BOBBIN n pl. -S a thread holder BOBBINET n pl. -S a machine-made net BOBBING present participle of bob BOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to fumble BOBBY n pl. -BIES a police officer BOBCAT n pl. -S a lynx BOBECHE n pl. -S a glass collar on a candle holder BOBOLINK n pl. -S a songbird BOBSLED v -SLEDDED, -SLEDDING, -SLEDS to ride on a bobsled (a racing sled) BOBSTAY n pl. -STAYS a steadying rope BOBTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cut short BOBWHITE n pl. -S a game bird BOCACCIO n pl. -CIOS a rockfish BOCCE n pl. -S boccie BOCCI n pl. -S boccie BOCCIA n pl. -S boccie BOCCIE n pl. -S an Italian bowling game BOCK n pl. -S a dark beer BOD n pl. -S a body BODE v BODED, BODING, BODES to be an omen of BODEGA n pl. -S a grocery store BODEMENT n pl. -S an omen BODHRAN n pl. -S an Irish drum BODICE n pl. -S a corset BODIED past tense of body BODIES present 3d person sing. of body BODILESS adj lacking material form BODILY adj of the body BODING n pl. -S an omen BODINGLY adv ominously BODKIN n pl. -S a sharp instrument BODY v BODIED, BODYING, BODIES to give form to BODYSUIT n pl. -S a one-piece garment for the torso BODYSURF v -ED, -ING, -S to ride a wave without a surfboard BODYWORK n pl. -S a vehicle body BOEHMITE n pl. -S a mineral BOFF n pl. -S a hearty laugh BOFFIN n pl. -S a scientific expert BOFFO n pl. -FOS a boff BOFFOLA n pl. -S a boff BOG v BOGGED, BOGGING, BOGS to impede BOGAN n pl. -S a backwater or tributary BOGBEAN n pl. -S a marsh plant BOGEY v -GEYED, -GEYING, -GEYS to shoot in one stroke over par in golf BOGEYMAN n pl. -MEN a terrifying creature BOGGED past tense of bog BOGGIER comparative of boggy BOGGIEST superlative of boggy BOGGING present participle of bog BOGGISH adj boggy BOGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to hesitate BOGGLER n pl. -S one that causes another to boggle BOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST marshy BOGIE n pl. -S bogy BOGIES pl. of bogy BOGLE n pl. -S a bogy BOGUS adj not genuine; fake BOGWOOD n pl. -S preserved tree wood BOGY n pl. -GIES a goblin BOGYISM n pl. -S behavior characteristic of a bogy BOGYMAN n pl. -MEN bogeyman BOHEA n pl. -S a black tea BOHEMIA n pl. -S a community of bohemians BOHEMIAN n pl. -S an unconventional person BOHUNK n pl. -S an unskilled laborer BOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to vaporize liquid BOILABLE adj BOILER n pl. -S a vessel for boiling BOILOFF n pl. -S the vaporization of a liquid BOING interj -- used to express the sound of reverberation or vibration BOISERIE n pl. -S wood paneling on a wall BOITE n pl. -S a nightclub BOLA n pl. -S a throwing weapon BOLAR adj pertaining to bole BOLAS n pl. -ES bola BOLD adj BOLDER, BOLDEST daring BOLDLY adv BOLD n pl. -S boldface BOLDFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to print in thick type BOLDNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being bold BOLE n pl. -S a fine clay BOLERO n pl. -ROS a Spanish dance BOLETE n pl. -S boletus BOLETUS n pl. -TUSES or -TI a fungus BOLIDE n pl. -S an exploding meteor BOLIVAR n pl. -S or -ES a monetary unit of Venezuela BOLIVIA n pl. -S a soft fabric BOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to form pods BOLLARD n pl. -S a thick post on a ship or wharf BOLLIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bungle BOLLOCKS n/pl testicles BOLLOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bollix BOLLWORM n pl. -S the larva of a certain moth BOLO n pl. -LOS a machete BOLOGNA n pl. -S a seasoned sausage BOLONEY n pl. -NEYS bologna BOLSHIE n pl. -S a Bolshevik BOLSHY n pl. -SHIES bolshie BOLSON n pl. -S a flat arid valley BOLSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to support BOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to sift BOLTER n pl. -S a sifting machine BOLTHEAD n pl. -S a matrass BOLTHOLE n pl. -S a place or way of escape BOLTONIA n pl. -S a perennial herb BOLTROPE n pl. -S a rope sewn to a sail BOLUS n pl. -ES a large pill BOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) BOMBARD v -ED, -ING, -S to bomb BOMBAST n pl. -S pompous language BOMBAX adj pertaining to a family of tropical trees BOMBE n pl. -S a frozen dessert BOMBER n pl. -S one that bombs BOMBESIN n pl. -S a combination of amino acids BOMBING n pl. -S an attack with bombs BOMBLOAD n pl. -S the quantity of bombs being carried BOMBYCID n pl. -S a moth BOMBYX n pl. -ES a silkworm BONACI n pl. -S an edible fish BONANZA n pl. -S a rich mine BONBON n pl. -S a sugared candy BOND v -ED, -ING, -S to join together BONDABLE adj BONDAGE n pl. -S slavery BONDER n pl. -S one that bonds BONDING n pl. -S the formation of a close personal relationship BONDMAID n pl. -S a female slave BONDMAN n pl. -MEN a male slave BONDSMAN n pl. -MEN bondman BONDUC n pl. -S a prickly seed BONE v BONED, BONING, BONES to debone BONEFISH n pl. -ES a slender marine fish BONEHEAD n pl. -S a stupid person BONELESS adj having no bones (hard connective tissue) BONEMEAL n pl. -S fertilizer or feed made from crushed bone BONER n pl. -S a blunder BONESET n pl. -S a perennial herb BONEY adj BONIER, BONIEST bony BONEYARD n pl. -S a junkyard BONFIRE n pl. -S an open fire BONG v -ED, -ING, -S to make a deep, ringing sound BONGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a small drum BONGOIST n pl. -S a bongo player BONHOMIE n pl. -S friendliness BONIER comparative of bony or boney BONIEST superlative of bony or boney BONIFACE n pl. -S an innkeeper BONINESS n pl. -ES the state of being bony BONING present participle of bone BONITA n pl. -S bonito BONITO n pl. -TOS or -TOES a marine food fish BONK v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head with a hollow blow BONKERS adj crazy BONNE n pl. -S a housemaid BONNET v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a bonnet (a type of hat) BONNIE adj bonny BONNOCK n pl. -S bannock BONNY adj -NIER, -NIEST pretty BONNILY adv BONSAI n pl. BONSAI a potted shrub that has been dwarfed BONSPELL n pl. -S bonspiel BONSPIEL n pl. -S a curling match or tournament BONTEBOK n pl. -S an antelope BONUS n pl. -ES an additional payment BONY adj BONIER, BONIEST full of bones BONZE n pl. -S a Buddhist monk BONZER adj very good BOO v -ED, -ING, -S to cry ``boo'' BOOB v -ED, -ING, -S to make a foolish mistake BOOBISH adj doltish BOOBOO n pl. -BOOS a mistake BOOBY n pl. -BIES a dolt BOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to take bribes BOODLER n pl. -S one that boodles BOOGER n pl. -S a bogeyman BOOGEY v -GEYED, -GEYING, -GEYS boogie BOOGIE v -GIED, -GYING, -GIES to dance to rock music BOOGY v -GIED, -GYING, -GIES boogie BOOGYMAN n pl. -MEN bogeyman BOOHOO v -ED, -ING, -S to weep noisily BOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to engage services BOOKABLE adj BOOKCASE n pl. -S a case which holds books (literary volumes) BOOKEND n pl. -S a support for a row of books BOOKER n pl. -S one that books BOOKFUL n pl. -S as much as a book can hold BOOKIE n pl. -S a bet taker BOOKING n pl. -S an engagement BOOKISH adj pertaining to books BOOKLET n pl. -S a small book BOOKLICE n/pl wingless insects that damage books BOOKLORE n pl. -S book learning BOOKMAN n pl. -MEN a scholar BOOKMARK n pl. -S a marker for finding a place in a book BOOKRACK n pl. -S a support for an open book BOOKREST n pl. -S a bookrack BOOKSHOP n pl. -S a store where books are sold BOOKWORM n pl. -S an avid book reader BOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make a deep, resonant sound BOOMBOX n pl. -ES a portable radio and tape or compact disc player BOOMER n pl. -S one that booms BOOMIER comparative of boomy BOOMIEST superlative of boomy BOOMKIN n pl. -S a bumkin BOOMLET n pl. -S a small increase in prosperity BOOMTOWN n pl. -S a prospering town BOOMY adj BOOMIER, BOOMIEST prospering BOON n pl. -S a timely benefit BOONDOCK adj pertaining to a backwoods area BOONIES n/pl a backwoods area BOOR n pl. -S a rude person BOORISH adj rude BOOST v -ED, -ING, -S to support BOOSTER n pl. -S one that boosts BOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to load a program into a computer BOOTABLE adj BOOTEE n pl. -S a baby's sock BOOTERY n pl. -ERIES a shoe store BOOTH n pl. -S a small enclosure BOOTIE n pl. -S bootee BOOTIES pl. of booty BOOTJACK n pl. -S a device for pulling off boots BOOTLACE n pl. -S a shoelace BOOTLEG v -LEGGED, -LEGGING, -LEGS to smuggle BOOTLESS adj useless BOOTLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to flatter servilely BOOTY n pl. -TIES a rich gain or prize BOOZE v BOOZED, BOOZING, BOOZES to drink liquor excessively BOOZER n pl. -S one that boozes BOOZY adj BOOZIER, BOOZIEST drunken BOOZILY adv BOP v BOPPED, BOPPING, BOPS to hit or strike BOPEEP n pl. -S a game of peekaboo BOPPER n pl. -S a bebopper BORA n pl. -S a cold wind BORACES a pl. of borax BORACIC adj boric BORACITE n pl. -S a mineral BORAGE n pl. -S a medicinal herb BORAL n pl. -S a mixture of boron carbide and aluminum BORANE n pl. -S a chemical compound BORATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to mix with borax or boric acid BORAX n pl. -RAXES or -RACES a white crystalline compound BORDEAUX n pl. BORDEAUX a red or white wine BORDEL n pl. -S a brothel BORDELLO n pl. -LOS a brothel BORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to put a border (an edge) on BORDERER n pl. -S one that borders BORDURE n pl. -S a border around a shield BORE v BORED, BORING, BORES to pierce with a rotary tool BOREAL adj pertaining to the north BORECOLE n pl. -S kale BORED past tense of bore BOREDOM n pl. -S tedium BOREEN n pl. -S a lane in Ireland BOREHOLE n pl. -S a hole bored in the earth BORER n pl. -S one that bores BORESOME adj tedious BORIC adj pertaining to boron BORIDE n pl. -S a boron compound BORING n pl. -S an inner cavity BORINGLY adv tediously BORN adj having particular qualities from birth BORNE a past participle of bear BORNEOL n pl. -S an alcohol BORNITE n pl. -S an ore of copper BORON n pl. -S a nonmetallic element BORONIC adj BOROUGH n pl. -S an incorporated town BORROW v -ED, -ING, -S to take on loan BORROWER n pl. -S one that borrows BORSCH n pl. -ES borscht BORSCHT n pl. -S a beet soup BORSHT n pl. -S borscht BORSTAL n pl. -S a reformatory BORT n pl. -S a low-quality diamond BORTY adj BORTZ n pl. -ES bort BORZOI n pl. -S a Russian hound BOSCAGE n pl. -S a thicket BOSCHBOK n pl. -S bushbuck BOSH n pl. -ES nonsense BOSHBOK n pl. -S bushbuck BOSHVARK n pl. -S a wild hog BOSK n pl. -S a small wooded area BOSKAGE n pl. -S boscage BOSKER adj fine; very good BOSKET n pl. -S a thicket BOSKY adj BOSKIER, BOSKIEST wooded; bushy BOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to embrace BOSOMY adj swelling outward BOSON n pl. -S a subatomic particle BOSQUE n pl. -S bosk BOSQUET n pl. -S bosket BOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to supervise BOSSDOM n pl. -S the domain of a political boss BOSSIER comparative of bossy BOSSIES pl. of bossy BOSSISM n pl. -S control by political bosses BOSSY adj BOSSIER, BOSSIEST domineering BOSSILY adv BOSSY n pl. BOSSIES a cow BOSTON n pl. -S a card game BOSUN n pl. -S a boatswain BOT n pl. -S the larva of a botfly BOTA n pl. -S a leather bottle BOTANIC adj pertaining to botany BOTANICA n pl. -S a shop that sells herbs and magic charms BOTANIES pl. of botany BOTANISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to botanize BOTANIST n pl. -S one skilled in botany BOTANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to study plants BOTANY n pl. -NIES the science of plants BOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bungle BOTCHER n pl. -S one that botches BOTCHERY n pl. -ERIES something botched BOTCHY adj BOTCHIER, BOTCHIEST badly done BOTCHILY adv BOTEL n pl. -S boatel BOTFLY n pl. -FLIES a type of fly BOTH adj being the two BOTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to annoy BOTHRIUM n pl. -RIA or -RIUMS a groove on a tapeworm BOTHY n pl. BOTHIES a hut in Scotland BOTONEE adj having arms ending in a trefoil -- used of a heraldic cross BOTONNEE adj botonee BOTRYOID adj resembling a cluster of grapes BOTRYOSE adj botryoid BOTRYTIS n pl. -TISES a plant disease BOTT n pl. -S bot BOTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to put into a bottle (a rigid container) BOTTLER n pl. -S one that bottles BOTTLING n pl. -S a bottled beverage BOTTOM v -ED, -ING, -S to comprehend BOTTOMER n pl. -S one that bottoms BOTTOMRY n pl. -RIES a maritime contract BOTULIN n pl. -S a nerve poison BOTULISM n pl. -S botulin poisoning BOUBOU n pl. -S a long flowing garment BOUCHEE n pl. -S a small patty shell BOUCLE n pl. -S a knitted fabric BOUDOIR n pl. -S a woman's bedroom BOUFFANT n pl. -S a woman's hairdo BOUFFE n pl. -S a comic opera BOUGH n pl. -S a tree branch BOUGHED adj BOUGHPOT n pl. -S a large vase BOUGHT past tense of buy BOUGHTEN adj purchased BOUGIE n pl. -S a wax candle BOUILLON n pl. -S a clear broth BOULDER n pl. -S a large rock BOULDERY adj BOULE n pl. -S buhl BOULLE n pl. -S buhl BOUNCE v BOUNCED, BOUNCING, BOUNCES to spring back BOUNCER n pl. -S one that bounces BOUNCY adj BOUNCIER, BOUNCIEST tending to bounce BOUNCILY adv BOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to leap BOUNDARY n pl. -ARIES a dividing line BOUNDEN adj obliged BOUNDER n pl. -S one that bounds BOUNTY n pl. -TIES a reward BOUNTIED adj BOUQUET n pl. -S a bunch of flowers BOURBON n pl. -S a whiskey BOURDON n pl. -S a part of a bagpipe BOURG n pl. -S a medieval town BOURGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to burgeon BOURN n pl. -S a stream BOURNE n pl. -S bourn BOURREE n pl. -S an old French dance BOURRIDE n pl. -S a fish stew BOURSE n pl. -S a stock exchange BOURTREE n pl. -S a European tree BOUSE v BOUSED, BOUSING, BOUSES to haul by means of a tackle BOUSOUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS bouzouki BOUSY adj boozy BOUT n pl. -S a contest BOUTIQUE n pl. -S a small shop BOUTON n pl. -S an enlarged end of a nerve fiber BOUVIER n pl. -S a large dog BOUZOUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS a stringed musical instrument BOVID n pl. -S a bovine BOVINE n pl. -S an ox-like animal BOVINELY adv stolidly BOVINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being a bovine BOW v -ED, -ING, -S to bend forward BOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to disbowel BOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to embower BOWERY n -ERIES a colonial Dutch farm BOWFIN n pl. -S a freshwater fish BOWFRONT adj having a curved front BOWHEAD n pl. -S an arctic whale BOWING n pl. -S the technique of managing the bow of a stringed instrument BOWINGLY adv in a bowing manner BOWKNOT n pl. -S a type of knot BOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to play at bowling BOWLDER n pl. -S boulder BOWLEG n pl. -S an outwardly curved leg BOWLER n pl. -S one that bowls BOWLESS adj being without an archery bow BOWLFUL n pl. -S as much as a bowl can hold BOWLIKE adj curved BOWLINE n pl. -S a type of knot BOWLING n pl. -S a game in which balls are rolled at objects BOWLLIKE adj concave BOWMAN n pl. -MEN an archer BOWPOT n pl. -S boughpot BOWSE v BOWSED, BOWSING, BOWSES to bouse BOWSHOT n pl. -S the distance an arrow is shot BOWSPRIT n pl. -S a ship's spar BOWWOW v -ED, -ING, -S to bark like a dog BOWYER n pl. -S a maker of archery bows BOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to put in a box (a rectangular container) BOXBERRY n pl. -RIES an evergreen plant BOXBOARD n pl. -S stiff paperboard BOXCAR n pl. -S a roofed freight car BOXER n pl. -S one that packs boxes BOXFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish BOXFUL n pl. -S as much as a box can hold BOXHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to veer a ship around BOXIER comparative of boxy BOXIEST superlative of boxy BOXINESS n pl. -ES the state of being boxy BOXING n pl. -S a casing BOXLIKE adj resembling a box BOXTHORN n pl. -S a thorny shrub BOXWOOD n pl. -S an evergreen shrub BOXY adj BOXIER, BOXIEST resembling a box BOY n pl. BOYS a male child BOYAR n pl. -S a former Russian aristocrat BOYARD n pl. -S boyar BOYARISM n pl. -S the rule of boyars BOYCHICK n pl. -S boychik BOYCHIK n pl. -S a young man BOYCOTT v -ED, -ING, -S to refuse to buy BOYHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a boy BOYISH adj resembling a boy BOYISHLY adv BOYLA n pl. -S a witch doctor BOYO n pl. BOYOS a boy BOZO n pl. -ZOS a fellow BRA n pl. -S a brassiere BRABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to quarrel noisily BRABBLER n pl. -S one that brabbles BRACE v BRACED, BRACING, BRACES to support BRACELET n pl. -S a wrist ornament BRACER n pl. -S one that braces BRACERO n pl. -ROS a Mexican laborer BRACH n pl. -ES or -S a hound bitch BRACHET n pl. -S a brach BRACHIAL n pl. -S a part of the arm BRACHIUM n pl. -IA the upper part of arm BRACING n pl. -S a brace or reinforcement BRACIOLA n pl. -S a thin slice of meat BRACIOLE n pl. -S braciola BRACKEN n pl. -S a large fern BRACKET v -ED, -ING, -S to classify BRACKISH adj salty BRACONID n pl. -S any of a family of flies BRACT n pl. -S a leaflike plant part BRACTEAL, BRACTED adj BRACTLET n pl. -S a small bract BRAD v BRADDED, BRADDING, BRADS to fasten with thin nails BRADAWL n pl. -S a type of awl BRADOON n pl. -S bridoon BRAE n pl. -S a hillside BRAG adj BRAGGER, BRAGGEST first-rate BRAG v BRAGGED, BRAGGING, BRAGS to speak vainly of one's deeds BRAGGART n pl. -S one who brags BRAGGER n pl. -S a braggart BRAGGEST superlative of brag BRAGGING present participle of brag BRAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST tending to brag BRAHMA n pl. -S a large domestic fowl BRAID v -ED, -ING, -S to weave together BRAIDER n pl. -S one that braids BRAIDING n pl. -S something made of braided material BRAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to haul in a sail BRAILLE v BRAILLED, BRAILLING, BRAILLES to write in braille (raised writing for the blind) BRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head BRAINIER comparative of brainy BRAINIEST superlative of brainy BRAINILY adv in a brainy manner BRAINISH adj impetuous BRAINPAN n pl. -S the skull BRAINY adj BRAINIER, BRAINIEST smart BRAISE v BRAISED, BRAISING, BRAISES to cook in fat BRAIZE n pl. -S a marine fish BRAKE v BRAKED, BRAKING, BRAKES to slow down or stop BRAKEAGE n pl. -S the act of braking BRAKEMAN n pl. -MEN a trainman BRAKING present participle of brake BRAKY adj BRAKIER, BRAKIEST abounding in shrubs or ferns BRALESS adj wearing no bra BRAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to gather berries BRAMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST prickly BRAN v BRANNED, BRANNING, BRANS to soak in water mixed with bran (the outer coat of cereals) BRANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to form branches (offshoots) BRANCHIA n pl. -CHIAE a respiratory organ of aquatic animals BRANCHY adj BRANCHIER, BRANCHIEST having many branches BRAND v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with a hot iron BRANDER n pl. -S one that brands BRANDISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wave menacingly BRANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to mix with brandy (a liquor) BRANK n pl. -S a device used to restrain the tongue BRANNED past tense of bran BRANNER n pl. -S one that brans BRANNING present participle of bran BRANNY adj -NIER, -NIEST containing bran BRANT n pl. -S a wild goose BRANTAIL n pl. -S a singing bird BRASH adj BRASHER, BRASHEST rash; hasty BRASHLY adv BRASH n pl. -ES a mass of fragments BRASHY adj BRASHIER, BRASHIEST brash BRASIER n pl. -S brazier BRASIL n pl. -S brazil BRASILIN n pl. -S brazilin BRASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to coat with brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) BRASSAGE n pl. -S a fee for coining money BRASSARD n pl. -S an insignia BRASSART n pl. -S brassard BRASSICA n pl. -S a tall herb BRASSIE n pl. -S a golf club BRASSISH adj resembling brass BRASSY adj BRASSIER, BRASSIEST resembling brass BRASSILY adv BRAT n pl. -S a spoiled child BRATTISH adj BRATTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to partition BRATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to clatter BRATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST resembling a brat BRAUNITE n pl. -S a mineral BRAVA n pl. -S a shout of approval BRAVADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES false bravery BRAVE adj BRAVER, BRAVEST showing courage BRAVELY adv BRAVE v BRAVED, BRAVING, BRAVES to face with courage BRAVER n pl. -S one that braves BRAVERY n pl. -ERIES courage BRAVEST superlative of brave BRAVI a pl. of bravo BRAVING present participle of brave BRAVO n pl. -VOS or -VOES or> -VI a hired killer BRAVO v -ED, -ING, -ES to applaud by shouting ``bravo'' BRAVURA n pl. -RAS or -RE fine musical technique BRAW adj BRAWER, BRAWEST splendid BRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to fight BRAWLER n pl. -S a fighter BRAWLIE adv splendidly BRAWLY adj BRAWLIER, BRAWLIEST inclined to brawl BRAWN n pl. -S muscular strength BRAWNY adj BRAWNIER, BRAWNIEST muscular BRAWNILY adv BRAWS n/pl fine clothes BRAXY n pl. BRAXIES a fever of sheep BRAY v BRAYED, BRAYING, BRAYS to utter a harsh cry BRAYER n pl. -S a roller used to spread ink BRAZA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of length BRAZE v BRAZED, BRAZING, BRAZES to solder together BRAZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to face boldly BRAZENLY adv boldly BRAZER n pl. -S one that brazes BRAZIER n pl. -S one who works in brass BRAZIL n pl. -S a dyewood BRAZILIN n pl. -S a chemical compound BRAZING present participle of braze BREACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to break through BREACHER n pl. -S one that breaches BREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with crumbs of bread (a baked foodstuff made from flour) BREADBOX n pl. -ES a container for bread BREADNUT n pl. -S a tropical fruit BREADTH n pl. -S width BREADY adj resembling or characteristic of bread BREAK v BROKE, BROKEN, BREAKING, BREAKS to reduce to fragments BREAKAGE n pl. -S the act of breaking BREAKER n pl. -S one that breaks BREAKING n pl. -S the change of a pure vowel to a diphthong BREAKOUT n pl. -S an escape BREAKUP n pl. -S the act of breaking up BREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to clean a ship's bottom BREAST v -ED, -ING, -S to confront boldly BREATH n pl. -S air inhaled and exhaled BREATHE v BREATHED, BREATHING, BREATHES to inhale and exhale air BREATHER n pl. -S one that breathes BREATHY adj BREATHIER, BREATHIEST marked by loud breathing BRECCIA n pl. -S a type of rock BRECCIAL adj BRECHAM n pl. -S a collar for a horse BRECHAN n pl. -S brecham BRED past tense of breed BREDE n pl. -S a braid BREE n pl. -S broth BREECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to clothe with breeches (trousers) BREED v BRED, BREEDING, BREEDS to cause to give birth BREEDER n pl. -S one that breeds BREEDING n pl. -S upbringing BREEKS n/pl breeches BREEZE v BREEZED, BREEZING, BREEZES to move swiftly BREEZY adj BREEZIER, BREEZIEST windy BREEZILY adv BREGMA n pl. -MATA a junction point of the skull BREGMATE adj BREN n pl. -S a submachine gun BRENT n pl. -S brant BRETHREN a pl. of brother BREVE n pl. -S a symbol used to indicate a short vowel BREVET v -VETED, -VETING, -VETS or -VETTED, -VETTING, -VETS to confer an honorary rank upon BREVETCY n pl. -CIES an honorary rank BREVIARY n pl. -RIES a prayer book BREVIER n pl. -S a size of type BREVITY n pl. -TIES shortness of duration BREW v -ED, -ING, -S to make beer or the like BREWAGE n pl. -S a brewed beverage BREWER n pl. -S one that brews BREWERY n pl. -ERIES a place for brewing BREWING n pl. -S a quantity brewed at one time BREWIS n pl. BREWISES broth BRIAR n pl. -S brier BRIARY adj BRIARD n pl. -S a large dog BRIBE v BRIBED, BRIBING, BRIBES to practice bribery BRIBABLE adj BRIBEE n pl. -S one that is bribed BRIBER n pl. -S one that bribes BRIBERY n pl. -ERIES an act of influencing corruptly BRIBING present participle of bribe BRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to build with bricks (blocks of clay) BRICKBAT n pl. -S a piece of brick BRICKLE n pl. -S a brittle candy BRICKY adj BRICKIER, BRICKIEST made of bricks BRICOLE n pl. -S a cushion shot in billiards BRIDAL n pl. -S a wedding BRIDALLY adv in a manner befitting a bride BRIDE n pl. -S a woman just married or about to be married BRIDGE v BRIDGED, BRIDGING, BRIDGES to connect BRIDGING n pl. -S a bracing BRIDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to control with a restraint BRIDLER n pl. -S one that bridles BRIDOON n pl. -S a device used to control a horse BRIE n pl. -S bree BRIEF adj BRIEFER, BRIEFEST short BRIEF v -ED, -ING, -S to summarize BRIEFER n pl. -S one that briefs BRIEFING n pl. -S a short lecture BRIEFLY adv in a brief manner BRIER n pl. -S a thorny shrub BRIERY adj BRIG n pl. -S a two-masted ship BRIGADE v -GADED, -GADING, -GADES to group together BRIGAND n pl. -S a bandit BRIGHT adj BRIGHTER, BRIGHTEST emitting much light BRIGHTLY adv BRIGHT n pl. -S a light-hued tobacco BRIGHTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make bright BRILL n pl. -S an edible flatfish BRIM v BRIMMED, BRIMMING, BRIMS to fill to the top BRIMFUL adj ready to overflow BRIMFULL adj brimful BRIMLESS adj having no brim (an upper edge) BRIMMED past tense of brim BRIMMER n pl. -S a brimming cup or glass BRIMMING present participle of brim BRIN n pl. -S a rib of a fan BRINDED adj brindled BRINDLE n pl. -S a brindled color BRINDLED adj streaked BRINE v BRINED, BRINING, BRINES to treat with brine (salted water) BRINER n pl. -S one that brines BRING v BROUGHT, BRINGING, BRINGS to take with oneself to a place BRINGER n pl. -S one that brings BRINIER comparative of briny BRINIES pl. of briny BRINIEST superlative of briny BRINING present participle of brine BRINISH adj resembling brine BRINK n pl. -S an extreme edge BRINY adj BRINIER, BRINIEST salty BRINY n pl. BRINIES the sea BRIO n pl. BRIOS liveliness BRIOCHE n pl. -S a rich roll BRIONY n pl. -NIES bryony BRIQUET v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETS to mold into small bricks BRIS n pl. BRISSES a Jewish circumcision rite BRISANCE n pl. -S the shattering effect of an explosive BRISANT adj BRISK adj BRISKER, BRISKEST lively BRISK v -ED, -ING, -S to make brisk BRISKET n pl. -S the breast of an animal BRISKLY adv in a brisk manner BRISLING n pl. -S a small herring BRISSES pl. of bris BRISTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to rise stiffly BRISTLY adj -TLIER, -TLIEST stiffly erect BRISTOL n pl. -S a smooth cardboard BRIT n pl. -S a young herring BRITCHES n/pl breeches; trousers BRITSKA n pl. -S an open carriage BRITT n pl. -S brit BRITTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST likely to break BRITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to become brittle BRITTLY adv in a brittle manner BRITZKA n pl. -S britska BRITZSKA n pl. -S britska BRO n pl. BROS a brother BROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to pierce so as to withdraw a liquid BROACHER n pl. -S one that broaches BROAD adj BROADER, BROADEST wide BROAD n pl. -S an expansion of a river BROADAX n pl. -ES a broad-edged ax BROADAXE n pl. -S broadax BROADEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make broad BROADISH adj somewhat broad BROADLY adv in a broad manner BROCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to weave with a raised design BROCATEL n pl. -S a heavy fabric BROCCOLI n pl. -S a vegetable related to the cabbage BROCHE adj brocaded BROCHURE n pl. -S a pamphlet BROCK n pl. -S a badger BROCKAGE n pl. -S an imperfectly minted coin BROCKET n pl. -S a small, red deer BROCOLI n pl. -S broccoli BROGAN n pl. -S a heavy shoe BROGUE n pl. -S an Irish accent BROGUERY n pl. -ERIES the use of an Irish accent BROGUISH adj resembling a brogue BROIDER v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with needlework BROIDERY n pl. -DERIES the act of broidering BROIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cook by direct heat BROILER n pl. -S a device for broiling BROKAGE n pl. -S the business of a broker BROKE past tense of break BROKEN adj shattered BROKENLY adv BROKER v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a broker (an agent who buys and sells stocks) BROKING n pl. -S brokerage BROLLY n pl. -LIES an umbrella BROMAL n pl. -S a medicinal liquid BROMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to combine with bromine BROME n pl. -S a tall grass BROMELIN n pl. -S an enzyme BROMIC adj containing bromine BROMID n pl. -S bromide BROMIDE n pl. -S a bromine compound BROMIDIC adj commonplace; trite BROMIN n pl. -S bromine BROMINE n pl. -S a volatile liquid element BROMISM n pl. -S a diseased condition of the skin BROMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to treat with bromine or a bromide BROMO n pl. -MOS a medicinal compound BRONC n pl. -S bronco BRONCHI pl. of bronchus BRONCHIA n/pl the main air passages of the lungs BRONCHO n pl. -CHOS bronco BRONCHUS n pl. -CHI a tracheal branch BRONCO n pl. -COS a wild horse BRONZE v BRONZED, BRONZING, BRONZES to make brown or tan BRONZER n pl. -S one that bronzes BRONZING n pl. -S a brownish coloring BRONZY adj BRONZIER, BRONZIEST of a brownish color BROO n pl. BROOS a bree BROOCH n pl. -ES a decorative pin BROOD v -ED, -ING, -S to ponder gloomily BROODER n pl. -S one that broods BROODY adj BROODIER, BROODIEST tending to brood BROODILY adv BROOK v -ED, -ING, -S to tolerate BROOKIE n pl. -S a brook trout BROOKITE n pl. -S a mineral BROOKLET n pl. -S a small brook or creek BROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to sweep BROOMY adj BROOMIER, BROOMIEST abounding in broom (a type of shrub) BROS pl. of bro BROSE n pl. -S a porridge BROSY adj smeared with brose BROTH n pl. -S a thin clear soup BROTHEL n pl. -S a house of prostitution BROTHER n pl. -S or BRETHREN a male sibling BROTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to treat like a brother BROTHY adj resembling broth BROUGHAM n pl. -S a type of carriage BROUGHT past tense of bring BROUHAHA n pl. -S an uproar BROW n pl. -S the forehead BROWED adj BROWBAND n pl. -S a band designed to cross the forehead BROWBEAT v -BEAT, BEATEN, BEATING, BEATS to intimidate BROWLESS adj lacking eyebrows BROWN adj BROWNER, BROWNEST of a dark color BROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to make brown BROWNIE n pl. -S a small sprite BROWNIER comparative of browny BROWNIEST superlative of browny BROWNISH adj somewhat brown BROWNOUT n pl. -S a power reduction BROWNY adj BROWNIER, BROWNIEST somewhat brown BROWSE v BROWSED, BROWSING, BROWSES to look at casually BROWSER n pl. -S one that browses BRR interj brrr BRRR interj -- used to indicate that one feels cold BRUCELLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS any of a genus of harmful bacteria BRUCIN n pl. -S brucine BRUCINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid BRUGH n pl. -S a borough BRUIN n pl. -S a bear BRUISE v BRUISED, BRUISING, BRUISES to injure without breaking the surface of the skin BRUISER n pl. -S a big, husky man BRUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to spread news of BRUITER n pl. -S one that bruits BRULOT n pl. -S a biting fly BRULYIE n pl. -S a noisy quarrel BRULZIE n pl. -S brulyie BRUMAL adj wintry BRUMBY n pl. -BIES a wild horse BRUME n pl. -S fog BRUMOUS adj BRUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to eat a late morning meal BRUNET n pl. -S a dark-haired male BRUNETTE n pl. -S a dark-haired female BRUNIZEM n pl. -S a prairie soil BRUNT n pl. -S the main impact BRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch lightly BRUSHER n pl. -S one that brushes BRUSHIER comparative of brushy BRUSHIEST superlative of brushy BRUSHOFF n pl. -S an abrupt dismissal BRUSHUP n pl. -S a quick review BRUSHY adj BRUSHIER, BRUSHIEST shaggy; rough BRUSK adj BRUSKER, BRUSKEST brusque BRUSQUE adj BRUSQUER, BRUSQUEST abrupt in manner BRUT adj very dry BRUTAL adj cruel; savage BRUTALLY adv BRUTE v BRUTED, BRUTING, BRUTES to shape a diamond by rubbing it with another diamond BRUTELY adv in a brutal manner BRUTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make brutal BRUTING present participle of brute BRUTISH adj brutal BRUTISM n pl. -S the state of being brutal BRUXISM n pl. -S a nervous grinding of the teeth BRYOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of mosses BRYONY n pl. -NIES a climbing plant BRYOZOAN n pl. -S a type of small aquatic animal BUB n pl. -S young fellow BUBAL n pl. -S a large antelope BUBALE n pl. -S bubal BUBALINE adj pertaining to the bubal BUBALIS n pl. -LISES bubal BUBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to form bubbles (bodies of gas contained within a liquid) BUBBLER n pl. -S a drinking fountain BUBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST full of bubbles BUBBLY n pl. -BLIES champagne BUBINGA n pl. -S an African tree BUBO n pl. -BOES a swelling of a lymph gland BUBOED adj BUBONIC adj pertaining to a bubo BUCCAL adj pertaining to the cheek BUCCALLY adv BUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to leap forward and upward suddenly BUCKAROO n pl. -ROOS a cowboy BUCKAYRO n pl. -ROS buckaroo BUCKBEAN n pl. -S a marsh plant BUCKEEN n pl. -S a poor man who acts as if wealthy BUCKER n pl. -S a bucking horse BUCKEROO n pl. -ROOS buckaroo BUCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to hurry BUCKEYE n pl. -S a nut-bearing tree BUCKISH adj foppish BUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to bend under pressure BUCKLER v -ED, -ING, -S to shield BUCKO n pl. BUCKOES a bully BUCKRAM v -ED, -ING, -S to stiffen BUCKSAW n pl. -S a wood-cutting saw BUCKSHEE n pl. -S something extra obtained free BUCKSHOT n pl. -S a large lead shot BUCKSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a male deer BUCKTAIL n pl. -S a fishing lure BUCOLIC n pl. -S a pastoral poem BUD v BUDDED, BUDDING, BUDS to put forth buds (undeveloped plant parts) BUDDER n pl. -S one that buds BUDDIED past tense of buddy BUDDIES present 3d person sing. of buddy BUDDING n pl. -S a type of asexual reproduction BUDDLE n pl. -S an apparatus on which crushed ore is washed BUDDLEIA n pl. -S a tropical shrub BUDDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to become close friends BUDGE v BUDGED, BUDGING, BUDGES to move slightly BUDGER n pl. -S one that budges BUDGET v -ED, -ING, -S to estimate expenditures BUDGETER n pl. -S one that budgets BUDGIE n pl. -S a small parrot BUDGING present participle of budge BUDLESS adj being without buds BUDLIKE adj resembling a bud BUDWORM n pl. -S a caterpillar that eats buds BUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to polish BUFFABLE adj BUFFALO n pl. -LOES or -LOS an ox-like animal BUFFALO v -ED, -ING, -ES to intimidate BUFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to cushion BUFFET v -ED, -ING, -S to hit sharply BUFFETER n pl. -S one that buffets BUFFI a pl. of buffo BUFFIER comparative of buffy BUFFIEST superlative of buffy BUFFO n pl. -FI or -FOS an operatic clown BUFFOON n pl. -S a clown BUFFY adj BUFFIER, BUFFIEST of a yellowish-brown color BUG v BUGGED, BUGGING, BUGS to annoy BUGABOO n pl. -BOOS a bugbear BUGBANE n pl. -S a perennial herb BUGBEAR n pl. -S an object or source of dread BUGEYE n pl. -S a small boat BUGGED past tense of bug BUGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to damn BUGGERY n pl. -GERIES sodomy BUGGING present participle of bug BUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST infested with bugs BUGGY n pl. -GIES a light carriage BUGHOUSE n pl. -S an insane asylum BUGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to play a bugle (a brass wind instrument) BUGLER n pl. -S one that plays a bugle BUGLOSS n pl. -ES a coarse plant BUGSEED n pl. -S an annual herb BUGSHA n pl. -S buqsha BUHL n pl. -S a style of furniture decoration BUHLWORK n pl. -S buhl BUHR n pl. -S a heavy stone BUILD v BUILT or BUILDED, BUILDING, BUILDS to construct BUILDER n pl. -S one that builds BUILDING n pl. -S something that is built BUILDUP n pl. -S an accumulation BUILT a past tense of build BUIRDLY adj burly BULB n pl. -S an underground bud BULBAR, BULBED adj BULBEL n pl. -S bulbil BULBIL n pl. -S a small bulb BULBLET n pl. -S a small bulb BULBOUS adj bulb-shaped; bulging BULBUL n pl. -S a songbird BULGE v BULGED, BULGING, BULGES to swell out BULGER n pl. -S a golf club BULGUR n pl. -S crushed wheat BULGY adj BULGIER, BULGIEST bulging BULIMIA n pl. -S insatiable appetite BULIMIC, BULIMIAC adj BULIMIC n pl. -S one afflicted by bulimia BULK v -ED, -ING, -S to gather into a mass BULKAGE n pl. -S a peristaltic stimulant BULKHEAD n pl. -S an upright partition in a ship BULKY adj BULKIER, BULKIEST massive BULKILY adv BULL v -ED, -ING, -S to push ahead BULLA n pl. -LAE a large blister BULLACE n pl. -S a purple plum BULLATE adj having a blistered appearance BULLBAT n pl. -S a nocturnal bird BULLDOG v -DOGGED, -DOGGING, -DOGS to throw a steer BULLDOZE v -DOZED, -DOZING, -DOZES to bully BULLET v -ED, -ING, -S to move swiftly BULLETIN v -ED, -ING, -S to issue a news item BULLFROG n pl. -S a large frog BULLHEAD n pl. -S a freshwater catfish BULLHORN n pl. -S an electric megaphone BULLIED past tense of bully BULLIER comparative of bully BULLIES present 3d person sing. of bully BULLIEST superlative of bully BULLION n pl. -S uncoined gold or silver BULLISH adj stubborn BULLNECK n pl. -S a thick neck BULLNOSE n pl. -S a disease of swine BULLOCK n pl. -S a castrated bull BULLOCKY adj BULLOUS adj resembling bullae BULLPEN n pl. -S an enclosure for bulls BULLPOUT n pl. -S a bullhead BULLRING n pl. -S a bullfight arena BULLRUSH n pl. -ES bulrush BULLSHOT n pl. -S a drink made of vodka and bouillon BULLWEED n pl. -S knapweed BULLWHIP v -WHIPPED, -WHIPPING, -WHIPS to strike with a long whip BULLY adj -LIER, -LIEST wonderful BULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to treat abusively BULLYBOY n pl. -BOYS a ruffian BULLYRAG v -RAGGED, -RAGGING, -RAGS to bully BULRUSH n pl. -ES a tall marsh plant BULWARK v -ED, -ING, -S to fortify with a defensive wall BUM adj BUMMER, BUMMEST of little value; worthless BUM v BUMMED, BUMMING, BUMS to live idly BUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to bungle BUMBLER n pl. -S one that bumbles BUMBLING n pl. -S an instance of clumsiness BUMBOAT n pl. -S a boat used to peddle wares to larger ships BUMF n pl. -S paperwork BUMKIN n pl. -S a ship's spar BUMMED past tense of bum BUMMER n pl. -S one that bums BUMMEST superlative of bum BUMMING present participle of bum BUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to knock against BUMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to fill to the brim BUMPH n pl. -S bumf BUMPKIN n pl. -S an unsophisticated rustic BUMPY adj BUMPIER, BUMPIEST of uneven surface BUMPILY adv BUN n pl. -S a small bread roll BUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to group together BUNCHY adj BUNCHIER, BUNCHIEST clustered BUNCHILY adv BUNCO v -ED, -ING, -S to swindle BUNCOMBE n pl. -S nonsense BUND n pl. -S a political association BUNDIST n pl. -S a member of a bund BUNDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to fasten a group of objects together BUNDLER n pl. -S one that bundles BUNDLING n pl. -S a former courtship custom BUNDT n pl. -S a type of cake pan BUNG v -ED, -ING, -S to plug with a cork or stopper BUNGALOW n pl. -S a small cottage BUNGEE n pl. -S an elasticized cord BUNGHOLE n pl. -S a hole in a keg or barrel BUNGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to work, make, or do clumsily BUNGLER n pl. -S one that bungles BUNGLING n pl. -S an instance of clumsiness BUNION n pl. -S a painful swelling of the foot BUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to go to bed BUNKER v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a large bin BUNKMATE n pl. -S a person with whom sleeping quarters are shared BUNKO v -ED, -ING, -S to bunco BUNKUM n pl. -S nonsense BUNN n pl. -S bun BUNNY n pl. -NIES a rabbit BUNRAKU n pl. -S a Japanese puppet show BUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to butt BUNTER n pl. -S one that bunts BUNTING n pl. -S a fabric used for flags BUNTLINE n pl. -S a rope used to haul up a sail BUNYA n pl. -S an evergreen tree BUOY v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with a buoy (a warning float) BUOYAGE n pl. -S a group of buoys BUOYANCE n pl. -S buoyancy BUOYANCY n pl. -CIES the tendency to float BUOYANT adj having buoyancy BUPPIE n pl. -S a black professional person working in a city BUQSHA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Yemen BUR v BURRED, BURRING, BURS to burr BURA n pl. -S buran BURAN n pl. -S a violent windstorm BURBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to speak quickly and excitedly BURBLER n pl. -S one that burbles BURBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST burbling BURBOT n pl. -S a freshwater fish BURBS n/pl the suburbs BURD n pl. -S a maiden BURDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to load heavily BURDENER n pl. -S one that burdens BURDIE n pl. -S burd BURDOCK n pl. -S a coarse weed BUREAU n pl. -REAUS or -REAUX a chest of drawers BURET n pl. -S burette BURETTE n pl. -S a measuring tube BURG n pl. -S a city or town BURGAGE n pl. -S a feudal tenure BURGEE n pl. -S a small flag BURGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to develop rapidly BURGER n pl. -S a hamburger BURGESS n pl. -ES a citizen of an English borough BURGH n pl. -S a Scottish borough BURGHAL adj BURGHER n pl. -S a citizen of a borough BURGLAR n pl. -S one who commits burglary BURGLARY n pl. -GLARIES a felonious theft BURGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to commit burglary BURGONET n pl. -S an open helmet BURGOO n pl. -GOOS a thick oatmeal BURGOUT n pl. -S burgoo BURGRAVE n pl. -S a German nobleman BURGUNDY n pl. -DIES a red wine BURIAL n pl. -S the act of burying BURIED past tense of bury BURIER n pl. -S one that buries BURIES present 3d person sing. of bury BURIN n pl. -S an engraving tool BURKE v BURKED, BURKING, BURKES to murder by suffocation BURKER n pl. -S one that burkes BURKITE n pl. -S a burker BURL v -ED, -ING, -S to finish cloth by removing lumps BURLAP n pl. -S a coarse fabric BURLER n pl. -S one that burls BURLESK n pl. -S a type of stage show BURLEY n pl. -LEYS a light tobacco BURLY adj -LIER, -LIEST heavy and muscular BURLILY adv BURN v BURNED or BURNT, BURNING, BURNS to destroy by fire BURNABLE n pl. -S something that can be burned BURNER n pl. -S one that burns BURNET n pl. -S a perennial herb BURNIE n pl. -S a brooklet BURNING n pl. -S the firing of ceramic materials BURNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to polish BURNOOSE n pl. -S a hooded cloak BURNOUS n pl. -ES burnoose BURNOUT n pl. -S a destructive fire BURNT a past tense of burn BURP v -ED, -ING, -S to belch BURR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a rough edge from BURRED past tense of bur BURRER n pl. -S one that burrs BURRIER comparative of burry BURRIEST superlative of burry BURRING present participle of bur BURRITO n pl. -TOS a tortilla rolled around a filling BURRO n pl. -ROS a small donkey BURROW v -ED, -ING, -S to dig a hole or tunnel in the ground BURROWER n pl. -S one that burrows BURRY adj -RIER, -RIEST prickly BURSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE a bodily pouch BURSAL adj BURSAR n pl. -S a college treasurer BURSARY n pl. -RIES a college treasury BURSATE adj pertaining to a bursa BURSE n pl. -S a small bag or pouch BURSEED n pl. -S a coarse weed BURSERA adj designating a family of shrubs and trees BURSITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of a bursa BURST v BURST or BURSTED, BURSTING, BURSTS to break open suddenly or violently BURSTER n pl. -S one that bursts BURSTONE n pl. -S a heavy stone BURTHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to burden BURTON n pl. -S a hoisting tackle BURWEED n pl. -S a coarse weed BURY v BURIED, BURYING, BURIES to put in the ground and cover with earth BUS v BUSED, BUSING, BUSES or BUSSED, BUSSING, BUSSES to transport by bus (a large motor vehicle) BUSBAR n pl. -S a type of electrical conductor BUSBOY n pl. -BOYS a waiter's assistant BUSBY n pl. -BIES a tall fur hat BUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with bushes (shrubs) BUSHBUCK n pl. -S a small antelope BUSHEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to mend clothing BUSHELER n pl. -S one that bushels BUSHER n pl. -S a minor league baseball player BUSHFIRE n pl. -S a fire in a wooded area BUSHGOAT n pl. -S a bushbuck BUSHIDO n pl. -DOS the code of the samurai BUSHIER comparative of bushy BUSHIEST superlative of bushy BUSHILY adv in a bushy manner BUSHING n pl. -S a lining for a hole BUSHLAND n pl. -S unsettled forest land BUSHLESS adj having no bushes BUSHLIKE adj resembling a bush BUSHMAN n pl. -MEN a woodsman BUSHPIG n pl. -S a wild African pig BUSHTIT n pl. -S a titmouse BUSHWA n pl. -S nonsense BUSHWAH n pl. -S bushwa BUSHY adj BUSHIER, BUSHIEST covered with bushes BUSIED past tense of busy BUSIER comparative of busy BUSIES present 3d person sing. of busy BUSIEST superlative of busy BUSILY adv in a busy manner BUSINESS n pl. -ES an occupation, profession, or trade BUSING n pl. -S the act of transporting by bus BUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare BUSKER n pl. -S a roaming entertainer BUSKIN n pl. -S a high shoe BUSKINED adj BUSLOAD n pl. -S a load that fills a bus BUSMAN n pl. -MEN a bus operator BUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to kiss BUSSED a past tense of bus BUSSES a present 3d person sing. of bus BUSSING n pl. -S busing BUST v -ED, -ING, -S to burst BUSTARD n pl. -S a game bird BUSTER n pl. -S one that breaks up something BUSTIC n pl. -S a tropical tree BUSTIER n pl. -S a woman's undergarment BUSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to move energetically BUSTLINE n pl. -S the distance around the bust (the upper torso of a woman) BUSTY adj BUSTIER, BUSTIEST full-bosomed BUSULFAN n pl. -S a medicine BUSY adj BUSIER, BUSIEST occupied BUSY v BUSIED, BUSYING, BUSIES to make busy BUSYBODY n pl. -BODIES a nosy person BUSYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being busy BUSYWORK n pl. -S active but valueless work BUT n pl. -S a flatfish BUTANE n pl. -S a flammable gas BUTANOL n pl. -S a flammable alcohol BUTANONE n pl. -S a flammable ketone BUTCH n pl. -ES a lesbian with mannish traits BUTCHER v -ED, -ING, -S to slaughter BUTCHERY n pl. -ERIES wanton or cruel killing BUTE n pl. BUTE a pain-relieving drug BUTENE n pl. -S butylene BUTEO n pl. -TEOS a hawk BUTLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to serve as a butler BUTLER n pl. -S a male servant BUTLERY n pl. -LERIES a storage room BUTLES present 3d person sing. of butle BUTLING present participle of butle BUTT v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with the head BUTTALS n/pl boundary lines BUTTE n pl. -S an isolated hill BUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to spread with butter (a milk product) BUTTERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST containing butter BUTTERY n pl. -TERIES a wine cellar BUTTIES pl. of butty BUTTOCK n pl. -S either of the two rounded parts of the rump BUTTON v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a button (a small disk) BUTTONER n pl. -S one that buttons BUTTONY adj resembling a button BUTTRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to prop up BUTTY n pl. -TIES a fellow workman BUTUT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Gambia BUTYL n pl. -S a hydrocarbon radical BUTYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to add a butyl to BUTYLENE n pl. -S a gaseous hydrocarbon BUTYRAL n pl. -S a chemical compound BUTYRATE n pl. -S a chemical salt BUTYRIC adj derived from butter BUTYRIN n pl. -S a chemical compound BUTYROUS adj resembling butter BUTYRYL n pl. -S a radical of butyric acid BUXOM adj -OMER, -OMEST healthily plump BUXOMLY adv BUY v BOUGHT, BUYING, BUYS to purchase BUYABLE adj BUYBACK n pl. -S the repurchase by a corporation of its own stock BUYER n pl. -S one that buys BUYOUT n pl. -S the purchase of a business BUZUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS bouzouki BUZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a vibrating sound BUZZARD n pl. -S a large bird of prey BUZZER n pl. -S a signaling device BUZZWIG n pl. -S a large, thick wig BUZZWORD n pl. -S a word used to impress someone BWANA n pl. -S master; boss BY n pl. BYS a pass in certain card games BYE n pl. -S a side issue BYELAW n pl. -S bylaw BYGONE n pl. -S a past occurrence BYLAW n pl. -S a secondary law BYLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to write under a byline (a line giving the author's name) BYLINER n pl. -S one that writes under a byline BYNAME n pl. -S a secondary name BYPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to avoid by going around BYPAST adj past; gone by BYPATH n pl. -S an indirect road BYPLAY n pl. -PLAYS secondary action BYRE n pl. -S a cowshed BYRL v -ED, -ING, -S to birle BYRNIE n pl. -S an armored shirt BYROAD n pl. -S a side road BYSSUS n pl. BYSSUSES or BYSSI a fine linen BYSTREET n pl. -S a side street BYTALK n pl. -S small talk BYTE n pl. -S a group of adjacent binary digits BYWAY n pl. -WAYS a side road BYWORD n pl. -S a well-known saying BYWORK n pl. -S work done during leisure time BYZANT n pl. -S bezant CAB v CABBED, CABBING, CABS to take or drive a taxicab CABAL v -BALLED, -BALLING, -BALS to conspire CABALA n pl. -S an occult or secret doctrine CABALISM n pl. -S adherence to a cabala CABALIST n pl. -S one who practices cabalism CABALLED past tense of cabal CABALLING present participle of cabal CABANA n pl. -S a small cabin CABARET n pl. -S a music hall CABBAGE v -BAGED, -BAGING, -BAGES to steal CABBALA n pl. -S cabala CABBALAH n pl. -S cabala CABBED past tense of cab CABBIE n pl. -S cabby CABBING present participle of cab CABBY n pl. -BIES a driver of a cab CABER n pl. -S a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength CABERNET n pl. -S a dry red wine CABESTRO n pl. -TROS a lasso CABEZON n pl. -S a large, edible fish CABEZONE n pl. -S cabezon CABILDO n pl. -DOS a town council CABIN v -ED, -ING, -S to live in a cabin (a roughly built house) CABINET n pl. -S a piece of furniture with shelves and drawers CABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to fasten with a cable (a heavy rope) CABLET n pl. -S a small cable CABLEWAY n pl. -WAYS a suspended cable CABLING present participle of cable CABMAN n pl. -MEN a driver of a cab CABOB n pl. -S kabob CABOCHED adj full-faced -- used of an animal's head in heraldry CABOCHON n pl. -S a precious stone CABOMBA n pl. -S an aquatic plant CABOODLE n pl. -S a collection CABOOSE n pl. -S the last car of a freight train CABOSHED adj caboched CABOTAGE n pl. -S coastal trade CABRESTA n pl. -S cabestro CABRESTO n pl. -TOS cabestro CABRETTA n pl. -S a soft leather CABRILLA n pl. -S a sea bass CABRIOLE n pl. -S a curved furniture leg CABSTAND n pl. -S a place where cabs await hire CACA n pl. -S excrement CACAO n pl. -CAOS a tropical tree CACHALOT n pl. -S a large whale CACHE v CACHED, CACHING, CACHES to store in a hiding place CACHEPOT n pl. -S an ornamental container for a flowerpot CACHET v -ED, -ING, -S to print a design on an envelope CACHEXIA n pl. -S general ill health CACHEXIC adj CACHEXY n pl. -CHEXIES cachexia CACHING present participle of cache CACHOU n pl. -S catechu CACHUCHA n pl. -S a Spanish dance CACIQUE n pl. -S a tropical oriole CACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to make the sound of a hen CACKLER n pl. -S one that cackles CACODYL n pl. -S a poisonous liquid CACOMIXL n pl. -S a raccoon-like mammal CACTUS n pl. -TI or -TUSES a plant native to arid regions CACTOID adj CAD n pl. -S an ungentlemanly man CADASTER n pl. -S a public record of land ownership CADASTRE n pl. -S cadaster CADAVER n pl. -S a corpse CADDICE n pl. -S caddis CADDIE v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to serve as a golfer's assistant CADDIS n pl. -DISES a coarse woolen fabric CADDISH adj resembling a cad CADDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to caddie CADE n pl. -S a European shrub CADELLE n pl. -S a small, black beetle CADENCE v -DENCED, -DENCING, -DENCES to make rhythmic CADENCY n pl. -CIES a rhythm CADENT adj having rhythm CADENZA n pl. -S an elaborate musical passage CADET n pl. -S a student at a military school CADGE v CADGED, CADGING, CADGES to get by begging CADGER n pl. -S one that cadges CADGY adj cheerful CADI n pl. -S a Muslim judge CADMIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CADMIC adj CADRE n pl. -S a nucleus of trained personnel CADUCEUS n pl. -CEI a heraldic wand or staff CADUCEAN adj CADUCITY n pl. -TIES senility CADUCOUS adj transitory; perishable CAECUM n pl. -CA cecum CAECAL adj CAECALLY adv CAEOMA n pl. -S a spore-forming organ of a fungus CAESAR n pl. -S an emperor CAESIUM n pl. -S cesium CAESTUS n pl. -ES cestus CAESURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE a pause in a line of verse CAESURAL, CAESURIC adj CAFE n pl. -S a small restaurant CAFF n pl. -S a cafe CAFFEIN n pl. -S caffeine CAFFEINE n pl. -S a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant CAFTAN n pl. -S a full-length tunic CAGE v CAGED, CAGING, CAGES to confine CAGEFUL n pl. -S the number held in a cage (an enclosure) CAGELING n pl. -S a caged bird CAGER n pl. -S a basketball player CAGEY adj CAGIER, CAGIEST shrewd CAGIER comparative of cagy CAGIEST superlative of cagy CAGILY adv in a cagey manner CAGINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being cagey CAGING present participle of cage CAGY adj CAGIER, CAGIEST cagey CAHIER n pl. -S a notebook CAHOOT n pl. -S partnership CAHOW n pl. -S a sea bird CAID n pl. -S a Muslim leader CAIMAN n pl. -S a tropical reptile CAIN n pl. -S kain CAIQUE n pl. -S a long, narrow rowboat CAIRD n pl. -S a gypsy CAIRN n pl. -S a mound of stones set up as a memorial CAIRNED, CAIRNY adj CAISSON n pl. -S a watertight chamber CAITIFF n pl. -S a despicable person CAJAPUT n pl. -S cajeput CAJEPUT n pl. -S an Australian tree CAJOLE v -JOLED, -JOLING, -JOLES to persuade by flattery CAJOLER n pl. -S one that cajoles CAJOLERY n pl. -ERIES persuasion by flattery CAJOLING present participle of cajole CAJON n pl. -ES a steep-sided canyon CAJUPUT n pl. -S cajeput CAKE v CAKED, CAKING, CAKES to form into a hardened mass CAKEWALK v -ED, -ING, -S to step stylishly CAKEY adj CAKIER, CAKIEST tending to form lumps CAKY adj CAKIER, CAKIEST cakey CALABASH n pl. -ES a gourd CALADIUM n pl. -S a tropical plant CALAMAR n pl. -S calamary CALAMARI n pl. -S squid used as food CALAMARY n pl. -MARIES a squid CALAMI pl. of calamus CALAMINE v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES to apply an ointment for skin ailments CALAMINT n pl. -S a perennial herb CALAMITE n pl. -S an extinct treelike plant CALAMITY n pl. -TIES a grievous misfortune CALAMUS n pl. -MI a marsh plant CALANDO adj gradually diminishing CALASH n pl. -ES a light carriage CALATHOS n pl. -THI a fruit basket CALATHUS n pl. -THI calathos CALCANEA n/pl calcanei CALCANEI n/pl bones of the heel CALCAR n pl. -CARIA an anatomical projection CALCAR n pl. -S a type of oven CALCEATE adj wearing shoes CALCES a pl. of calx CALCIC adj pertaining to lime or calcium CALCIFIC adj containing salts of calcium CALCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to harden CALCINE v -CINED, -CINING, -CINES to reduce to a calx by heat CALCITE n pl. -S a mineral CALCITIC adj CALCIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CALCSPAR n pl. -S a calcite CALCTUFA n pl. -S a mineral deposit CALCTUFF n pl. -S calctufa CALCULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a branch of mathematics CALDARIA n/pl rooms for taking hot baths CALDERA n pl. -S a large crater CALDRON n pl. -S a large kettle or boiler CALECHE n pl. -S calash CALENDAL adj pertaining to calends CALENDAR v -ED, -ING, -S to schedule CALENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to smooth by pressing between rollers CALENDS n pl. CALENDS the first day of the Roman month CALESA n pl. -S a calash CALF n pl. CALVES or CALFS a young cow or bull CALFLIKE adj CALFSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a calf CALIBER n pl. -S the diameter of a gun barrel CALIBRE n pl. -S caliber CALIBRED adj CALICES pl. of calix CALICHE n pl. -S a mineral deposit CALICLE n pl. -S a cup-shaped, anatomical structure CALICO n pl. -COES or -COS a cotton fabric CALIF n pl. -S caliph CALIFATE n pl. -S the domain of a calif CALIPASH n pl. -ES an edible part of a turtle CALIPEE n pl. -S an edible part of a turtle CALIPER v -ED, -ING, -S to use a type of measuring device CALIPH n pl. -S a Muslim leader CALIPHAL adj CALISAYA n pl. -S the medicinal bark of the cinchona CALIX n pl. -LICES a cup CALK v -ED, -ING, -S to caulk CALKER n pl. -S one that calks CALKIN n pl. -S a gripping projection on a horseshoe CALL v -ED, -ING, -S to summon CALLABLE adj CALLA n pl. -S a tropical plant CALLALOO n pl. -LOOS a crabmeat soup CALLAN n pl. -S callant CALLANT n pl. -S a lad CALLBACK n pl. -S a recall of a defective product CALLBOY n pl. -BOYS a bellboy CALLER n pl. -S one that calls CALLET n pl. -S a prostitute CALLING n pl. -S a vocation or profession CALLIOPE n pl. -S a keyboard musical instrument CALLIPEE n pl. -S calipee CALLIPER v -ED, -ING, -S to caliper CALLOSE n pl. -S a part of a plant cell wall CALLOUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make or become hard CALLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST immature CALLUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form a hard growth CALM adj CALMER, CALMEST free from agitation CALMLY adv CALM v -ED, -ING, -S to make calm CALMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being calm CALO n pl. CALO a Spanish argot used by Chicano youths CALOMEL n pl. -S a chemical compound used as a purgative CALORIC n pl. -S heat CALORIE n pl. -S a unit of heat CALORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to coat steel with aluminum CALORY n pl. -RIES calorie CALOTTE n pl. -S a skullcap CALOTYPE n pl. -S a kind of photograph CALOYER n pl. -S a monk of the Eastern Church CALPAC n pl. -S a sheepskin hat CALPACK n pl. -S calpac CALQUE v CALQUED, CALQUING, CALQUES to model a word's meaning upon that of an analogous word in another language CALTHROP n pl. -S caltrop CALTRAP n pl. -S caltrop CALTROP n pl. -S a spiny plant CALUMET n pl. -S a ceremonial pipe CALUMNY n pl. -NIES a false and malicious accusation CALUTRON n pl. -S a device used for separating isotopes CALVADOS n pl. -ES a dry apple brandy CALVARIA n pl. -S the dome of the skull CALVARY n pl. -RIES a representation of the Crucifixion CALVE v CALVED, CALVING, CALVES to give birth to a calf CALVES a pl. of calf CALX n pl. -ES or CALCES a mineral residue CALYCATE adj calycine CALYCEAL adj calycine CALYCES a pl. of calyx CALYCINE adj pertaining to a calyx CALYCLE n pl. -S an outer calyx CALYCULI n/pl small, cup-shaped structures CALYPSO n pl. -SOS or -SOES an improvised song CALYPTER n pl. -S calyptra CALYPTRA n pl. -S a hood-shaped organ of flowers CALYX n pl. -LYXES or -LYCES the outer protective covering of a flower CALZONE n pl. -S a turnover with a savory filling CAM n pl. -S a rotating or sliding piece of machinery CAMAIL n pl. -S a piece of armor for the neck CAMAILED adj CAMAS n pl. -ES camass CAMASS n pl. -ES a perennial herb CAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to arch slightly CAMBIA a pl. of cambium CAMBIAL adj pertaining to cambium CAMBISM n pl. -S the theory and practice of exchange in commerce CAMBIST n pl. -S a dealer in bills of exchange CAMBIUM n pl. -BIUMS or -BIA a layer of plant tissue CAMBOGIA n pl. -S a gum resin CAMBRIC n pl. -S a fine linen CAME n pl. -S a leaden window rod CAMEL n pl. -S a large, humped mammal CAMELEER n pl. -S a camel driver CAMELIA n pl. -S camellia CAMELLIA n pl. -S a tropical shrub CAMEO v -ED, -ING, -S to portray in sharp, delicate relief CAMERA n pl. -ERAS or -ERAE a judge's chamber CAMERAL adj CAMION n pl. -S a military truck CAMISA n pl. -S a shirt or chemise CAMISADE n pl. -S camisado CAMISADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES an attack made at night CAMISE n pl. -S a loose shirt or gown CAMISIA n pl. -S camise CAMISOLE n pl. -S a brief negligee CAMLET n pl. -S a durable fabric CAMOMILE n pl. -S a medicinal herb CAMORRA n pl. -S an unscrupulous secret society CAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to live in the open CAMPAGNA n pl. -PAGNE a flat, open plain CAMPAIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct a series of operations to reach a specific goal CAMPER n pl. -S one that camps CAMPFIRE n pl. -S an outdoor fire CAMPHENE n pl. -S camphine CAMPHINE n pl. -S an explosive liquid CAMPHIRE n pl. -S a flowering plant CAMPHOL n pl. -S borneol CAMPHOR n pl. -S a volatile compound CAMPI pl. of campo CAMPIER comparative of campy CAMPIEST superlative of campy CAMPILY adv in a campy manner CAMPING n pl. -S the act of living outdoors CAMPION n pl. -S an herb CAMPO n pl. -PI an open space in a town CAMPO n pl. -POS a level, grassy plain CAMPONG n pl. -S kampong CAMPOREE n pl. -S a gathering of Boy Scouts CAMPSITE n pl. -S an area suitable for camping CAMPUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to restrict a student to the school grounds CAMPY adj CAMPIER, CAMPIEST comically exaggerated CAMSHAFT n pl. -S a shaft fitted with cams CAN v CANNED, CANNING, CANS to put in a can (a cylindrical container) CAN v CANST, COULD, COULDEST, COULDST present sing. 2d person CAN or CANST, past sing. 2d person COULD, COULDEST, or COULDST -- used as an auxiliary to express ability CANAILLE n pl. -S the common people CANAKIN n pl. -S cannikin CANAL v -NALLED, -NALLING, -NALS or -NALED, -NALING, -NALS to dig an artificial waterway through CANALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to canalize CANALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to canal CANALLED a past tense of canal CANALLER n pl. -S a freight boat CANALLING a present participle of canal CANAPE n pl. -S a food served before a meal CANARD n pl. -S a false story CANARY n pl. -NARIES a songbird CANASTA n pl. -S a card game CANCAN n pl. -S a dance marked by high kicking CANCEL v -CELED, -CELING, -CELS or -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to annul CANCELER n pl. -S one that cancels CANCER n pl. -S a malignant growth CANCHA n pl. -S a jai alai court CANCROID n pl. -S a skin cancer CANDELA n pl. -S a unit of luminous intensity CANDENT adj glowing CANDID adj -DIDER, -DIDEST frank and sincere CANDID n pl. -S an unposed photograph CANDIDA n pl. -S a parasitic fungus CANDIDLY adv in a candid manner CANDIED past tense of candy CANDIES present 3d person sing. of candy CANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to examine eggs in front of a light CANDLER n pl. -S one that candles CANDOR n pl. -S frankness; sincerity CANDOUR n pl. -S candor CANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to coat with sugar CANE v CANED, CANING, CANES to beat with a rod CANELLA n pl. -S a medicinal tree bark CANEPHOR n pl. -S a Greek maiden bearing a basket on her head CANER n pl. -S one that canes CANEWARE n pl. -S a yellowish stoneware CANFIELD n pl. -S a card game CANFUL n pl. CANFULS or CANSFUL as much as a can holds CANGUE n pl. -S an ancient Chinese punishing device CANID n pl. -S a dog CANIKIN n pl. -S cannikin CANINE n pl. -S a dog CANING present participle of cane CANINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being a canine CANISTER n pl. -S a small, metal box CANITIES n pl. CANITIES the turning gray of the hair CANKER v -ED, -ING, -S to affect with ulcerous sores CANNA n pl. -S a tropical plant CANNABIC adj pertaining to cannabis CANNABIN n pl. -S a resin extracted from cannabis CANNABIS n pl. -BISES hemp CANNED past tense of can CANNEL n pl. -S an oily, compact coal CANNELON n pl. -S a stuffed roll CANNER n pl. -S one that cans food CANNERY n pl. -NERIES a place where food is canned CANNIBAL n pl. -S one who eats his own kind CANNIE adj -NIER, -NIEST canny CANNIER comparative of canny CANNIEST superlative of canny CANNIKIN n pl. -S a small can or cup CANNILY adv in a canny manner CANNING n pl. -S the business of preserving food in airtight containers CANNOLI n/pl a tube of pastry CANNON v -ED, -ING, -S to fire a cannon (a heavy firearm) CANNONRY n pl. -RIES artillery CANNOT the negative form of can CANNULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a tube inserted into a bodily cavity CANNULAR adj CANNY adj -NIER, -NIEST prudent CANOE v -NOED, -NOEING, -NOES to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) CANOEIST n pl. -S one who canoes CANOLA n pl. CANOLA an oil from the seeds of a kind of herb CANON n pl. -S a law decreed by a church council CANONIC adj CANONESS n pl. -ES a woman who lives according to a canon CANONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to canonize CANONIST n pl. -S a specialist in canon law CANONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to declare to be a saint CANONRY n pl. -RIES a clerical office CANOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to caress CANOPY v -PIED, -PYING, -PIES to cover from above CANOROUS adj melodic CANSFUL a pl. of canful CANSO n pl. -SOS a love song CANST a present 2d person sing. of can CANT v -ED, -ING, -S to tilt or slant CANTALA n pl. -S a tropical plant CANTATA n pl. -S a vocal composition CANTDOG n pl. -S a device used to move logs CANTEEN n pl. -S a small container for carrying water CANTER v -ED, -ING, -S to ride a horse at a moderate pace CANTHUS n pl. -THI a corner of the eye CANTHAL adj CANTIC adj slanted CANTICLE n pl. -S a hymn CANTINA n pl. -S a saloon CANTLE n pl. -S the rear part of a saddle CANTO n pl. -TOS a division of a long poem CANTON v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into cantons (districts) CANTONAL adj pertaining to a canton CANTOR n pl. -S a religious singer CANTRAIP n pl. -S cantrip CANTRAP n pl. -S cantrip CANTRIP n pl. -S a magic spell CANTUS n pl. CANTUS a style of church music CANTY adj cheerful CANULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE cannula CANULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to insert a canula into CANVAS v -ED, -ING, -ES to canvass CANVASER n pl. -S one that canvases CANVASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to examine thoroughly CANYON n pl. -S a deep valley with steep sides CANZONA n pl. -S canzone CANZONE n pl. -NI or -NES a form of lyric poetry CANZONET n pl. -S a short song CAP v CAPPED, CAPPING, CAPS to provide with a cap (a type of head covering) CAPABLE adj -BLER, -BLEST having ability CAPABLY adv CAPACITY n pl. -TIES the ability to receive or contain CAPE n pl. -S a sleeveless garment CAPED adj CAPELAN n pl. -S capelin CAPELET n pl. -S a small cape CAPELIN n pl. -S a small, edible fish CAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic CAPERER n pl. -S one that capers CAPESKIN n pl. -S a soft leather CAPEWORK n pl. -S a bullfighting technique CAPFUL n pl. -S as much as a cap can hold CAPH n pl. -S kaph CAPIAS n pl. -ES a judicial writ CAPITA pl. of caput CAPITAL n pl. -S the upper part of a column CAPITATE adj head-shaped CAPITOL n pl. -S a building occupied by a state legislature CAPITULA n/pl flower clusters CAPLESS adj being without a cap CAPLET n pl. -S a coated tablet CAPLIN n pl. -S capelin CAPMAKER n pl. -S one that makes caps CAPO n pl. -POS a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments CAPON n pl. -S a gelded rooster CAPONATA n pl. -S a relish made with eggplant CAPONIER n pl. -S a type of defense CAPONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to geld a rooster CAPORAL n pl. -S a coarse tobacco CAPOTE n pl. -S a hooded cloak or overcoat CAPOUCH n pl. -ES capuche CAPPED past tense of cap CAPPER n pl. -S a capmaker CAPPING n pl. -S a wax covering in a honeycomb CAPRIC adj pertaining to a goat CAPRICCI n/pl caprices CAPRICE n pl. -S a whim CAPRIFIG n pl. -S a European tree CAPRINE adj capric CAPRIOLE v -OLED, -OLING, -OLES to leap CAPRIS n/pl pants for women CAPROCK n pl. -S an overlying rock layer CAPSICIN n pl. -S a liquid used as a flavoring CAPSICUM n pl. -S a tropical herb CAPSID n pl. -S the outer shell of a virus particle CAPSIDAL adj CAPSIZE v -SIZED, -SIZING, -SIZES to overturn CAPSOMER n pl. -S a protein forming the capsid CAPSTAN n pl. -S a machine used to hoist weights CAPSTONE n pl. -S the top stone of a structure CAPSULAR adj enclosed and compact CAPSULE v -SULED, -SULING, -SULES to condense into a brief form CAPTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to lead or command CAPTAN n pl. -S a fungicide CAPTION v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a title CAPTIOUS adj tending to find fault CAPTIVE n pl. -S a prisoner CAPTOR n pl. -S one who takes or holds a captive CAPTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to take by force or cunning CAPTURER n pl. -S one that captures CAPUCHE n pl. -S a hood or cowl CAPUCHED adj CAPUCHIN n pl. -S a long-tailed monkey CAPUT n pl. CAPITA a head or head-like part CAPYBARA n pl. -S a large rodent CAR n pl. -S an automobile CARABAO n pl. -BAOS a water buffalo CARABID n pl. -S a predatory beetle CARABIN n pl. -S carbine CARABINE n pl. -S carbine CARACAL n pl. -S an African lynx CARACARA n pl. -S a large hawk CARACK n pl. -S carrack CARACOL v -COLLED, -COLLING, -COLS to caracole CARACOLE v -COLED, -COLING, -COLES to perform a half turn on a horse CARACUL n pl. -S karakul CARAFE n pl. -S a glass bottle CARAGANA n pl. -S an Asian shrub CARAGEEN n pl. -S an edible seaweed CARAMBA interj -- used to express surprise or dismay CARAMEL n pl. -S a chewy candy CARANGID n pl. -S a marine fish CARAPACE n pl. -S a hard, protective outer covering CARAPAX n pl. -ES carapace CARASSOW n pl. -S curassow CARAT n pl. -S a unit of weight for gems CARATE n pl. -S a tropical skin disease CARAVAN v -VANED, -VANING, -VANS or -VANNED, -VANNING, -VANS to travel in a group CARAVEL n pl. -S a small sailing ship CARAWAY n pl. -WAYS an herb used in cooking CARB n pl. -S a carburetor CARBAMIC adj pertaining to a type of acid CARBAMYL n pl. -S a chemical radical CARBARN n pl. -S a garage for buses CARBARYL n pl. -S an insecticide CARBIDE n pl. -S a carbon compound CARBINE n pl. -S a light rifle CARBINOL n pl. -S an alcohol CARBO n pl. -S a carbohydrate CARBOLIC n pl. -S an acidic compound CARBON n pl. -S a nonmetallic element CARBONIC adj CARBONYL n pl. -S a chemical compound CARBORA n pl. -S a wood-boring worm CARBOXYL n pl. -S a univalent acid radical CARBOY n pl. -BOYS a large bottle CARBOYED adj CARBURET v -RETED, -RETING, -RETS or -RETTED, -RETTING, -RETS to combine chemically with carbon CARCAJOU n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal CARCANET n pl. -S a jeweled necklace CARCASE n pl. -S carcass CARCASS n pl. -ES the body of a dead animal CARCEL n pl. -S a unit of illumination CARD v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a card (a stiff piece of paper) CARDAMOM n pl. -S a tropical herb CARDAMON n pl. -S cardamom CARDAMUM n pl. -S cardamom CARDCASE n pl. -S a case for holding cards CARDER n pl. -S one that does carding CARDIA n pl. -DIAS or -DIAE an opening of the esophagus CARDIAC n pl. -S a person with a heart disorder CARDIGAN n pl. -S a type of sweater CARDINAL n pl. -S a bright red bird CARDING n pl. -S the process of combing and cleaning cotton fibers; cleaned and combed fibers CARDIOID n pl. -S a heart-shaped curve CARDITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the heart CARDITIC adj CARDOON n pl. -S a perennial plant CARE v CARED, CARING, CARES to be concerned or interested CAREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to lurch while moving CAREENER n pl. -S one that careens CAREER v -ED, -ING, -S to go at full speed CAREERER n pl. -S one that careers CAREFREE adj being without worry or anxiety CAREFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST cautious CARELESS adj inattentive; negligent CARER n pl. -S one that cares CARESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch lovingly CARESSER n pl. -S one that caresses CARET n pl. -S a proofreaders' symbol CARETAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to take care of someone else's house or land CAREWORN adj haggard CAREX n pl. CARICES a marsh plant CARFARE n pl. -S payment for a bus or car ride CARFUL n pl. -S as much as a car can hold CARGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES conveyed merchandise CARHOP n pl. -S a waitress at a drive-in restaurant CARIBE n pl. -S the piranha CARIBOU n pl. -S a large deer CARICES pl. of carex CARIES n pl. CARIES tooth decay CARIED adj CARILLON v -LONNED, -LONNING, -LONS to play a set of bells CARINA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a carinate anatomical part CARINAL adj CARINATE adj shaped like the keel of a ship CARING present participle of care CARIOCA n pl. -S a South American dance CARIOLE n pl. -S a small, open carriage CARIOUS adj decayed CARITAS n -ES love for all people CARK v -ED, -ING, -S to worry CARL n pl. -S a peasant CARLE n pl. -S carl CARLESS adj being without a car CARLIN n pl. -S an old woman CARLINE n pl. -S carling CARLING n pl. -S a beam supporting a ship's deck CARLISH adj resembling a carl CARLOAD n pl. -S as much as a car can hold CARMAKER n pl. -S an automobile manufacturer CARMAN n pl. -MEN a streetcar driver CARMINE n pl. -S a vivid red color CARN n pl. -S cairn CARNAGE n pl. -S great and bloody slaughter CARNAL adj pertaining to bodily appetites CARNALLY adv CARNAUBA n pl. -S a palm tree CARNET n pl. -S an official permit CARNEY n pl. -NEYS carny CARNIE n pl. -S carny CARNIES pl. of carny CARNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to form into flesh CARNIVAL n pl. -S a traveling amusement show CARNY n pl. -NIES a carnival CAROACH n pl. -ES caroche CAROB n pl. -S an evergreen tree CAROCH n pl. -ES caroche CAROCHE n pl. -S a stately carriage CAROL v -OLED, -OLING, -OLS or -OLLED, -OLLING, -OLS to sing joyously CAROLER n pl. -S one that carols CAROLI a pl. of carolus CAROLLED a past tense of carol CAROLLER n pl. -S caroler CAROLLING a present participle of carol CAROLUS n pl. -LUSES or -LI an old English coin CAROM v -ED, -ING, -S to collide with and rebound CAROTENE n pl. -S a plant pigment CAROTID n pl. -S an artery in the neck CAROTIN n pl. -S carotene CAROUSAL n pl. -S a boisterous drinking party CAROUSE v -ROUSED, -ROUSING, -ROUSES to engage in a carousal CAROUSEL n pl. -S an amusement park ride CAROUSER n pl. -S one that carouses CAROUSING present participle of carouse CARP v -ED, -ING, -S to find fault unreasonably CARPAL n pl. -S carpale CARPALE n pl. -LIA a bone of the wrist CARPEL n pl. -S a simple pistil CARPER n pl. -S one that carps CARPET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover a floor with a heavy fabric CARPI pl. of carpus CARPING n pl. -S the act of one who carps CARPOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to take turns driving a group of commuters CARPORT n pl. -S a shelter for a car CARPUS n pl. -PI the wrist CARR n pl. -S a marsh CARRACK n pl. -S a type of merchant ship CARREL n pl. -S a desk in a library stack for solitary study CARRELL n pl. -S carrel CARRIAGE n pl. -S a wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle CARRIED past tense of carry CARRIER n pl. -S one that carries CARRIES present 3d person sing. of carry CARRIOLE n pl. -S cariole CARRION n pl. -S dead and putrefying flesh CARRITCH n pl. -ES a religious handbook CARROCH n pl. -ES caroche CARROM v -ED, -ING, -S to carom CARROT n pl. -S an edible orange root CARROTIN n pl. -S carotene CARROTY adj -ROTIER, -ROTIEST resembling a carrot in color CARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to convey from one place to another CARRYALL n pl. -S a light covered carriage CARRYON n pl. -S a small piece of luggage CARRYOUT n pl. -S a take-out order of food CARSE n pl. -S low, fertile land along a river CARSICK adj nauseated from riding in a car CART v -ED, -ING, -S to convey in a cart (a two-wheeled vehicle) CARTABLE adj CARTAGE n pl. -S the act of carting CARTE n pl. -S a menu CARTEL n pl. -S a business organization CARTER n pl. -S one that carts CARTLOAD n pl. -S as much as a cart can hold CARTON v -ED, -ING, -S to pack in a cardboard box CARTOON v -ED, -ING, -S to sketch a cartoon (a humorous representation) of CARTOONY adj resembling a cartoon CARTOP adj able to fit on top of a car CARTOUCH n pl. -ES a scroll-like tablet CARUNCLE n pl. -S a fleshy outgrowth CARVE v CARVED, CARVING, CARVES to form by cutting CARVEL n pl. -S caravel CARVEN adj carved CARVER n pl. -S one that carves CARVING n pl. -S a carved figure or design CARWASH n pl. -ES an establishment equipped to wash automobiles CARYATIC adj resembling a caryatid CARYATID n pl. -S or -ES a sculptured female figure used as a column CARYOTIN n pl. -S karyotin CASA n pl. -S a dwelling CASABA n pl. -S a variety of melon CASAVA n pl. -S cassava CASBAH n pl. -S the old section of a North African city CASCABEL n pl. -S the rear part of a cannon CASCABLE n pl. -S cascabel CASCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to fall like a waterfall CASCARA n pl. -S a medicinal tree bark CASE v CASED, CASING, CASES to put in a case (a container or receptacle) CASEASE n pl. -S an enzyme CASEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to become cheesy CASEBOOK n pl. -S a law textbook CASED past tense of case CASEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to caseate CASEIN n pl. -S a milk protein CASEIC adj CASELOAD n pl. -S the number of cases being handled CASEMATE n pl. -S a bombproof shelter CASEMENT n pl. -S a type of window CASEOSE n pl. -S a proteose CASEOUS adj cheesy CASERN n pl. -S a barracks for soldiers CASERNE n pl. -S casern CASETTE n pl. -S cassette CASEWORK n pl. -S a form of social work CASEWORM n pl. -S an insect larva CASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to convert into cash (ready money) CASHABLE adj CASHAW n pl. -S cushaw CASHBOOK n pl. -S a book of monetary records CASHBOX n pl. -ES a container for money CASHEW n pl. -S a nut-bearing tree CASHIER v -ED, -ING, -S to dismiss in disgrace CASHLESS adj having no cash CASHMERE n pl. -S a fine wool CASHOO n pl. -SHOOS catechu CASIMERE n pl. -S a woolen fabric CASIMIRE n pl. -S casimere CASING n pl. -S a protective outer covering CASINO n pl. -NOS or -NI a gambling room CASITA n pl. -S a small house CASK v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a cask (a strong barrel) CASKET v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a casket (a burial case) CASKY adj resembling a cask CASQUE n pl. -S a helmet CASQUED adj CASSABA n pl. -S casaba CASSATA n pl. -S an Italian ice cream CASSAVA n pl. -S a tropical plant CASSETTE n pl. -S a small case containing audiotape or videotape CASSIA n pl. -S a variety of cinnamon CASSINO n pl. -NOS a card game CASSIS n pl. -SISES a European bush CASSOCK n pl. -S a long garment worn by clergymen CAST v CAST, CASTING, CASTS to throw with force CASTABLE adj CASTANET n pl. -S a rhythm instrument CASTAWAY n pl. -WAYS an outcast CASTE n pl. -S a system of distinct social classes CASTEISM n pl. -S the use of a caste system CASTER n pl. -S a small, swiveling wheel CASTING n pl. -S something made in a mold CASTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make a certain move in chess CASTOFF n pl. -S a discarded person or thing CASTOR n pl. -S caster CASTRATE v -TRATED, -TRATING, -TRATES to remove the testes of CASTRATO n pl. -TI a singer castrated in boyhood CASUAL n pl. -S one who works occasionally CASUALLY adv informally CASUALTY n pl. -TIES a victim of war or disaster CASUIST n pl. -S one who resolves ethical problems CASUS n pl. CASUS a legal occurrence or event CAT v CATTED, CATTING, CATS to hoist an anchor to the cathead CATACOMB n pl. -S an underground cemetery CATALASE n pl. -S an enzyme CATALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow CATALOG v -ED, -ING, -S to classify information descriptively CATALPA n pl. -S a tree CATALYST n pl. -S a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction CATALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to act as a catalyst CATAMITE n pl. -S a boy used in sodomy CATAPULT v -ED, -ING, -S to hurl through the air CATARACT n pl. -S a tremendous waterfall CATARRH n pl. -S inflammation of a mucous membrane CATAWBA n pl. -S a variety of fox grape CATBIRD n pl. -S a songbird CATBOAT n pl. -S a small sailboat CATBRIER n pl. -S a thorny vine CATCALL v -ED, -ING, -S to deride by making shrill sounds CATCH v CAUGHT, CATCHING, CATCHES to capture after pursuit CATCHALL n pl. -S a container for odds and ends CATCHER n pl. -S one that catches CATCHFLY n pl. -FLIES an insect-catching plant CATCHUP n pl. -S ketchup CATCHY adj CATCHIER, CATCHIEST pleasing and easily remembered CATCLAW n pl. -S a flowering shrub CATE n pl. -S a choice food CATECHIN n pl. -S a chemical used in dyeing CATECHOL n pl. -S a chemical used in photography CATECHU n pl. -S a resin used in tanning CATEGORY n pl. -RIES a division in any system of classification CATENA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a closely linked series CATENARY n pl. -NARIES a mathematical curve CATENATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to link together CATENOID n pl. -S a geometric surface CATER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide food and service for CATERAN n pl. -S a brigand CATERER n pl. -S one that caters CATERESS n pl. -ES a woman who caters CATFACE n pl. -S a deformity of fruit CATFALL n pl. -S an anchor line CATFIGHT n pl. -S a fight between two women CATFISH n pl. -ES a scaleless, large-headed fish CATGUT n pl. -S a strong cord CATHEAD n pl. -S a beam projecting from a ship's bow CATHECT v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with psychic energy CATHEDRA n pl. -DRAS or -DRAE a bishop's throne CATHETER n pl. -S a medical instrument CATHEXIS n pl. -THEXES the concentration of psychic energy on a person or idea CATHODE n pl. -S a negatively charged electrode CATHODAL, CATHODIC adj CATHOLIC n pl. -S a member of the early Christian church CATHOUSE n pl. -S a brothel CATION n pl. -S a positively charged ion CATIONIC adj CATKIN n pl. -S a flower cluster CATLIKE adj resembling a cat; stealthy; silent CATLIN n pl. -S catling CATLING n pl. -S a surgical knife CATMINT n pl. -S catnip CATNAP v -NAPPED, -NAPPING, -NAPS to doze CATNAPER n pl. -S one that steals cats CATNIP n pl. -S an aromatic herb CATSPAW n pl. -S a light wind CATSUP n pl. -S ketchup CATTAIL n pl. -S a marsh plant CATTALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES catalo CATTED past tense of cat CATTERY n pl. -TERIES an establishment for breeding cats CATTIE n pl. -S an Asian unit of weight CATTIER comparative of catty CATTIEST superlative of catty CATTILY adv in a catty manner CATTING present participle of cat CATTISH adj catty CATTLE n /pl domesticated bovines CATTLEYA n pl. -S a tropical orchid CATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST catlike; spiteful CATWALK n pl. -S a narrow walkway CAUCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to hold a political meeting CAUDAD adv toward the tail CAUDAL adj taillike CAUDALLY adv CAUDATE n pl. -S a basal ganglion of the brain CAUDATED adj having a tail CAUDEX n pl. -DICES or -DEXES the woody base of some plants CAUDILLO n pl. -LLOS a military dictator CAUDLE n pl. -S a warm beverage CAUGHT past tense of catch CAUL n pl. -S a fetal membrane CAULD n pl. -S cold CAULDRON n pl. -S caldron CAULES pl. of caulis CAULICLE n pl. -S a small stem CAULINE adj pertaining to a stem CAULIS n pl. -LES a plant stem CAULK v -ED, -ING, -S to make the seams of a ship watertight CAULKER n pl. -S one that caulks CAULKING n pl. -S the material used to caulk CAUSABLE adj capable of being caused CAUSAL n pl. -S a word expressing cause or reason CAUSALLY adv by way of causing CAUSE v CAUSED, CAUSING, CAUSES to bring about CAUSER n pl. -S one that causes CAUSERIE n pl. -S an informal conversation CAUSEWAY v -ED, -ING, -S to build a causeway (a raised roadway) over CAUSEY n pl. -SEYS a paved road CAUSING present participle of cause CAUSTIC n pl. -S a corrosive substance CAUTERY n pl. -TERIES something used to destroy tissue CAUTION v -ED, -ING, -S to warn CAUTIOUS adj exercising prudence to avoid danger CAVALERO n pl. -ROS a horseman CAVALIER v -ED, -ING, -S to behave haughtily CAVALLA n pl. -S a large food fish CAVALLY n pl. -LIES cavalla CAVALRY n pl. -RIES a mobile army unit CAVATINA n pl. -NAS or -NE a simple song CAVE v CAVED, CAVING, CAVES to hollow out CAVEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to enter a type of legal notice CAVEATOR n pl. -S one that files a caveat CAVED past tense of cave CAVEFISH n pl. -ES a sightless fish CAVELIKE adj resembling a cave (an underground chamber) CAVEMAN n pl. -MEN a cave dweller CAVER n pl. -S one that caves CAVERN v -ED, -ING, -S to hollow out CAVETTO n pl. -TOS or -TI a concave molding CAVIAR n pl. -S the roe of sturgeon CAVIARE n pl. -S caviar CAVICORN adj having hollow horns CAVIE n pl. -S a hencoop CAVIES pl of cavy CAVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to carp CAVILER n pl. -S one that cavils CAVILLER n pl. -S caviler CAVILLING a present participle of cavil CAVING n pl. -S the sport of exploring caves CAVITARY adj pertaining to the formation of cavities in tissue CAVITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to form cavities CAVITY n pl. -TIES an unfilled space within a mass CAVITIED adj CAVORT v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic CAVORTER n pl. -S one that cavorts CAVY n pl. -VIES a short-tailed rodent CAW v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the sound of a crow CAY n pl. CAYS a small low island CAYENNE n pl. -S a hot seasoning CAYENNED adj CAYMAN n pl. -S caiman CAYUSE n pl. -S an Indian pony CAZIQUE n pl. -S cacique CEASE v CEASED, CEASING, CEASES to stop CEBID n pl. -S ceboid CEBOID n pl. -S one of a family of monkeys CECUM n pl. CECA a bodily cavity with one opening CECAL adj CECALLY adv CEDAR n pl. -S an everygreen tree CEDARN adj CEDE v CEDED, CEDING, CEDES to yield CEDER n pl. -S one that cedes CEDI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Ghana CEDILLA n pl. -S a pronunciation mark CEDING present participle of cede CEDULA n pl. -S a Philippine tax CEE n pl. -S the letter C CEIBA n pl. -S a tropical tree CEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a ceiling CEILER n pl. -S one that ceils CEILING n pl. -S the overhead lining of a room CEINTURE n pl. -S a belt for the waist CEL n pl. -S a sheet of celluloid used in animation CELADON n pl. -S a pale green color CELEB n pl. -S a celebrity; a famous person CELERIAC n pl. -S a variety of celery CELERITY n pl. -TIES swiftness CELERY n pl. -ERIES a plant with edible stalks CELESTA n pl. -S a keyboard instrument CELESTE n pl. -S celesta CELIAC n pl. -S one that has a chronic nutritional disturbance CELIBACY n pl. -CIES abstention from sexual intercourse CELIBATE n pl. -S one who lives a life of celibacy CELL v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a honeycomb CELLA n pl. -LAE the interior of an ancient temple CELLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to store in an underground room CELLARER n pl. -S the steward of a monastery CELLARET n pl. -S a cabinet for wine bottles CELLIST n pl. -S one who plays the cello CELLMATE n pl. -S one of two or more prisoners sharing a cell CELLO n pl. -LOS or -LI a stringed muscial instrument CELLULAR adj pertaining to a cell (a basic unit of life) CELLULE n pl. -S a small cell CELOM n pl. -LOMS or -LOMATA coelom CELOSIA n pl. -S a flowering plant CELT n pl. -S a primitive ax CEMBALO n pl. -LI or -LOS a harpsichord CEMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to bind firmly CEMENTER n pl. -S one that cements CEMENTUM n pl. -TA the hard tissue covering the roots of the teeth CEMETERY n pl. -TERIES a burial ground CENACLE n pl. -S a small dining room CENOBITE n pl. -S a member of a religious order CENOTAPH n pl. -S an empty tomb CENOTE n pl. -S a sinkhole in limestone CENSE v CENSED, CENSING, CENSES to perfume with incense CENSER n pl. -S a vessel for burning incense CENSOR v -ED, -ING, -S to delete an objectionable word or passage CENSUAL adj pertaining to the act of censusing CENSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to criticize severely CENSURER n pl. -S one that censures CENSUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to take an official count of CENT n pl. -S the 100th part of a dollar CENTAL n pl. -S a unit of weight CENTARE n pl. -S a measure of land area CENTAUR n pl. -S a mythological creature CENTAURY n pl. -RIES a medicinal herb CENTAVO n pl. -VOS a coin of various Spanish-American nations CENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to place at the center (the midpoint) CENTESIS n pl. -TESES a surgical puncture CENTIARE n pl. -S centare CENTILE n pl. -S a value of a statistical variable CENTIME n pl. -S the 100th part of a franc CENTIMO n pl. -MOS any of various small coins CENTNER n pl. -S a unit of weight CENTO n pl. -TONES or -TOS a literary work made up of parts from other works CENTRA a pl. of centrum CENTRAL adj -TRALER, -TRALEST situated at, in, or near the center CENTRAL n pl. -S a telephone exchange CENTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to center CENTRIC adj situated at the center CENTRING n pl. -S a temporary framework for an arch CENTRISM n pl. -S moderate political philosophy CENTRIST n pl. -S an advocate of centrism CENTROID n pl. -S the center of mass of an object CENTRUM n pl. -TRUMS or -TRA the body of a vertebra CENTUM n pl. -S one hundred CENTUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to increase a hundredfold CENTURY n pl. -RIES a period of 100 years CEORL n pl. -S a freeman of low birth CEORLISH adj CEP n pl. -S cepe CEPE n pl. -S a large mushroom CEPHALAD adv toward the head CEPHALIC adj pertaining to the head CEPHALIN n pl. -S a bodily chemical CEPHEID n pl. -S a giant star CERAMAL n pl. -S a heat-resistant alloy CERAMIC n pl. -S an item made of baked clay CERAMIST n pl. -S one who makes ceramics CERASTES n pl. CERASTES a venomous snake CERATE n pl. -S a medicated ointment CERATED adj covered with wax CERATIN n pl. -S keratin CERATOID adj hornlike CERCARIA n pl. -IAE or -IAS a parasitic worm CERCIS n pl. -CISES a shrub CERCUS n pl. CERCI a sensory appendage of an insect CERE v CERED, CERING, CERES to wrap in a waxy cloth CEREAL n pl. -S a food made from grain CEREBRAL n pl. -S a kind of consonant CEREBRUM n pl. -BRUMS or -BRA a part of the brain CEREBRIC adj CERED past tense of cere CEREMENT n pl. -S a waxy cloth CEREMONY n pl. -NIES a formal observance CEREUS n pl. -ES a tall cactus CERIA n pl. -S a chemical compound CERIC adj containing cerium CERING present participle of cere CERIPH n pl. -S serif CERISE n pl. -S a red color CERITE n pl. -S a mineral CERIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CERMET n pl. -S ceramal CERNUOUS adj drooping or nodding CERO n pl. CEROS a large food fish CEROTIC adj pertaining to beeswax CEROTYPE n pl. -S a process of engraving using wax CEROUS adj pertaining to cerium CERTAIN adj -TAINER, -TAINEST absolutely confident CERTES adv in truth CERTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to confirm CERULEAN n pl. -S a blue color CERUMEN n pl. -S a waxy secretion of the ear CERUSE n pl. -S a lead compound CERUSITE n pl. -S a lead ore CERVELAS n pl. -ES cervelat CERVELAT n pl. -S a smoked sausage CERVICAL adj pertaining to the cervix CERVID adj of the deer family CERVINE adj pertaining to deer CERVIX n pl. -VICES or -VIXES the neck CESAREAN n pl. -S a method of child delivery CESARIAN n pl. -S cesarean CESIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to tax or assess CESSION n pl. -S the act of ceding CESSPIT n pl. -S a cesspool CESSPOOL n pl. -S a covered well or pit for sewage CESTA n pl. -S a basket used in jai alai CESTI pl. of cestus CESTODE n pl. -S a tapeworm CESTOID n pl. -S cestode CESTOS n pl. -TOI cestus CESTUS n pl. -ES a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers CESTUS n pl. -TI a belt or girdle CESURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE caesura CETACEAN n pl. -S an aquatic mammal CETANE n pl. -S a diesel fuel CETE n pl. -S a group of badgers CETOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of whales CEVICHE n pl. -S seviche CHABLIS n pl. CHABLIS a dry white wine CHABOUK n pl. -S a type of whip CHABUK n pl. -S chabouk CHACMA n pl. -S a large baboon CHACONNE n pl. -S an ancient dance CHAD n pl. -S a scrap of paper CHADLESS adj CHADAR n pl. -DARS or -DRI chador CHADARIM a pl. of cheder CHADOR n pl. -DORS or -DRI a large shawl CHAETA n pl. -TAE a bristle or seta CHAETAL adj CHAFE v CHAFED, CHAFING, CHAFES to warm by rubbing CHAFER n pl. -S a large beetle CHAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to poke fun at CHAFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to bargain or haggle CHAFFY adj CHAFFIER, CHAFFIEST worthless CHAFING present participle of chafe CHAGRIN v -GRINED, -GRINING, -GRINS or -GRINNED, -GRINNING, -GRINS to humiliate CHAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to bind with a chain (a series of connected rings) CHAINE n pl. -S a series of ballet turns CHAINMAN n pl. -MEN a surveyor's assistant who uses a measuring chain CHAINSAW v -SAWED, -SAWING, -SAWS to cut with a chain saw CHAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to install in office CHAIRMAN n pl. -MEN the presiding officer of a meeting CHAIRMAN v -MANED, -MANING, -MANS or -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to act as chairman of CHAISE n pl. -S a light carriage CHAKRA n pl. -S a body center in yoga CHALAH n pl. CHALAHS, -LOTH or -LOT challah CHALAZA n pl. -ZAS or -ZAE a band of tissue in an egg CHALAZAL adj CHALAZIA n/pl tumors of the eyelid CHALCID n pl. -S a tiny fly CHALDRON n pl. -S a unit of dry measure CHALEH n pl. -S challah CHALET n pl. -S a Swiss cottage CHALICE n pl. -S a drinking cup CHALICED adj CHALK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with chalk (a soft limestone) CHALKY adj CHALKIER, CHALKIEST resembling chalk CHALLA n pl. -S challah CHALLAH n pl. -LAHS, -LOTH, or -LOT a kind of bread CHALLIE n pl. -S challis CHALLIES pl. of chally CHALLIS n pl. -LISES a light fabric CHALLOT a pl. of challah CHALLOTH a pl. of challah CHALLY n pl. -LIES challis CHALONE n pl. -S a hormone CHALOT a pl. of chalah CHALOTH a pl. of chalah CHALUTZ n pl. -LUTZIM halutz CHAM n pl. -S a khan CHAMADE n pl. -S a signal made with a drum CHAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a chamber (a room) CHAMBRAY n pl. -BRAYS a fine fabric CHAMFER v -ED, -ING, -S to groove CHAMFRON n pl. -S armor for a horse's head CHAMISE n pl. -S chamiso CHAMISO n pl. -SOS a flowering shrub CHAMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to chamois CHAMOIS n pl. -OIX a soft leather CHAMOIS v -ED, -ING, -ES to prepare leather like chamois CHAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to chew noisily CHAMPAC n pl. -S champak CHAMPAK n pl. -S an East Indian tree CHAMPER n pl. -S one that champs CHAMPION v -ED, -ING, -S to defend or support CHAMPY adj broken up by the trampling of beasts CHANCE v CHANCED, CHANCING, CHANCES to risk CHANCEL n pl. -S an area around a church altar CHANCERY n pl. -CERIES a court of public record CHANCIER comparative of chancy CHANCIEST superlative of chancy CHANCILY adv in a chancy manner CHANCING present participle of chance CHANCRE n pl. -S a hard-based sore CHANCY adj CHANCIER, CHANCIEST risky CHANDLER n pl. -S a dealer in provisions CHANFRON n pl. -S chamfron CHANG n pl. -S a cattie CHANGE v CHANGED, CHANGING, CHANGES to make different CHANGER n pl. -S one that changes CHANNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to direct along some desired course CHANSON n pl. -S a song CHANT v -ED, -ING, -S to sing CHANTAGE n pl. -S blackmail CHANTER n pl. -S one that chants CHANTEY n pl. -TEYS a sailor's song CHANTIES pl. of chanty CHANTOR n pl. -S chanter CHANTRY n pl. -TRIES an endowment given to a church CHANTY n pl. -TIES chantey CHAO n pl. CHAO a monetary unit of Vietnam CHAOS n pl. -ES a state of total disorder; a confused mass CHAOTIC adj CHAP v CHAPPED CHAPT, CHAPPING, CHAPS to split, crack, or redden CHAPATI n pl. -S an unleavened bread of India CHAPATTI n pl. -S chapati CHAPBOOK n pl. -S a small book of popular tales CHAPE n pl. -S a part of a scabbard CHAPEAU n pl. -PEAUX or -PEAUS a hat CHAPEL n pl. -S a place of worship CHAPERON v -ED, -ING, -S to accompany CHAPITER n pl. -S the capital of a column CHAPLAIN n pl. -S a clergyman attached to a chapel CHAPLET n pl. -S a wreath for the head CHAPMAN n pl. -MEN a peddler CHAPPATI n pl. -S a round, flat, unleavened bread of India CHAPPED a past tense of chap CHAPPING present participle of chap CHAPT a past tense of chap CHAPTER v -ED, -ING, -S to divide a book into chapters (main sections) CHAQUETA n pl. -S a jacket worn by cowboys CHAR v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS to burn slightly CHARACID n pl. -S characin CHARACIN n pl. -S a tropical fish CHARADE n pl. -S a word represented by pantomime CHARAS n pl. -ES hashish CHARCOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to blacken with charcoal (a dark, porous carbon) CHARD n pl. -S a variety of beet CHARE v CHARED, CHARING, CHARES to do small jobs CHARGE v CHARGED, CHARGING, CHARGES to accuse formally CHARGER n pl. -S one that charges CHARIER comparative of chary CHARIEST superlative of chary CHARILY adv in a chary manner CHARING present participle of chare CHARIOT v -ED, -ING, -S to ride in a chariot (a type of cart) CHARISM n pl. -S charisma CHARISMA n pl. -MATA a special magnetic appeal CHARITY n pl. -TIES something given to the needy CHARK v -ED, -ING, -S to char CHARKA n pl. -S charkha CHARKHA n pl. -S a spinning wheel CHARLADY n pl. -DIES a cleaning woman CHARLEY n pl. -LEYS charlie CHARLIE n pl. -LIES a fool CHARLOCK n pl. -S a troublesome weed CHARM v -ED, -ING, -S to attract irresistibly CHARMER n pl. -S one that charms CHARMING adj -INGER, -INGEST pleasing CHARNEL n pl. -S a room where corpses are placed CHARPAI n pl. -S charpoy CHARPOY n pl. -POYS a bed used in India CHARQUI n pl. -S a type of meat CHARQUID adj CHARR n pl. -S a small-scaled trout CHARRED past tense of char CHARRIER comparative of charry CHARRIEST superlative of charry CHARRING present participle of char CHARRO n pl. -ROS a cowboy CHARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST resembling charcoal CHART v -ED, -ING, -S to map out CHARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to lease or hire CHARTIST n pl. -S a stock market specialist CHARY adj CHARIER, CHARIEST cautious CHASE v CHASED, CHASING, CHASES to pursue CHASER n pl. -S one that chases CHASING n pl. -S a design engraved on metal CHASM n pl. -S a deep cleft in the earth CHASMAL, CHASMED, CHASMIC, CHASMY adj CHASSE v CHASSED, CHASSEING, CHASSES to perform a dance movement CHASSEUR n pl. -S a cavalry soldier CHASSIS n pl. CHASSIS the frame of a car CHASTE adj CHASTER, CHASTEST morally pure CHASTELY adv CHASTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to chastise CHASTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to discipline by punishment CHASTITY n pl. -TIES moral purity CHASUBLE n pl. -S a sleeveless vestment CHAT v CHATTED, CHATTING, CHATS to converse informally CHATCHKA n pl. -S a knickknack CHATCHKE n pl. -S chatchka CHATEAU n pl. -TEAUX or -TEAUS a large country house CHATTED past tense of chat CHATTEL n pl. -S a slave CHATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk rapidly and trivially CHATTERY adj CHATTING present participle of chat CHATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST talkative CHATTILY adv CHAUFER n pl. -S chauffer CHAUFFER n pl. -S a small furnace CHAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to chant CHAUNTER n pl. -S one that chaunts CHAUSSES n/pl medieval armor CHAW v -ED, -ING, -S to chew CHAWER n pl. -S one that chaws CHAY n pl. CHAYS the root of an East Indian herb CHAYOTE n pl. -S a tropical vine CHAZAN n pl. CHAZANS or CHAZANIM a cantor CHAZZAN n pl. -ZANS or -ZANIM chazan CHAZZEN n pl. -ZENS or -ZENIM chazan CHEAP adj CHEAPER, CHEAPEST inexpensive CHEAP n pl. -S a market CHEAPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make cheap CHEAPIE n pl. -S one that is cheap CHEAPISH adj somewhat cheap CHEAPLY adv in a cheap manner CHEAPO n pl. CHEAPOS a cheapie CHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to defraud CHEATER n pl. -S one that cheats CHEBEC n pl. -S a small bird CHECHAKO n pl. -KOS a newcomer CHECK v -ED, -ING, -S to inspect CHECKER v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with squares CHECKOFF n pl. -S a method of collecting union dues CHECKOUT n pl. -S a test of a machine CHECKROW v -ED, -ING, -S to plant in rows which divide the land into squares CHECKUP n pl. -S an examination CHEDDAR n pl. -S a type of cheese CHEDDITE n pl. -S chedite CHEDER n pl. CHADARIM or CHEDERS heder CHEDITE n pl. -S an explosive CHEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to speak impudently to CHEEKFUL n pl. -S the amount held in one's cheek CHEEKY adj CHEEKIER, CHEEKIEST impudent CHEEKILY adv CHEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp CHEEPER n pl. -S one that cheeps CHEER v -ED, -ING, -S to applaud with shouts of approval CHEERER n pl. -S one that cheers CHEERFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST full of spirits CHEERIER comparative of cheery CHEERIEST superlative of cheery CHEERILY adv in a cheery manner CHEERIO n pl. -IOS a greeting CHEERLED past tense of cheerlead CHEERLY adv cheerily CHEERO n pl. CHEEROS cheerio CHEERY adj CHEERIER, CHEERIEST cheerful CHEESE v CHEESED, CHEESING, CHEESES to stop CHEESY adj CHEESIER, CHEESIEST resembling cheese (a food made from milk curds) CHEESILY adv CHEETAH n pl. -S a swift-running wildcat CHEF v CHEFFED, CHEFFING, CHEFS to work as a chef (a chief cook) CHEFDOM n pl. -S the status or function of a chef CHEGOE n pl. -S chigoe CHELA n pl. -LAE a pincerlike claw CHELA n pl. -S a pupil of a guru CHELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to combine a metal ion with a compound CHELATOR n pl. -S one that chelates CHELIPED n pl. -S a leg bearing a large chela in decapod crustaceans CHELOID n pl. -S keloid CHEMIC n pl. -S a chemist CHEMICAL n pl. -S a substance obtained by a process of chemistry CHEMISE n pl. -S a loose dress CHEMISM n pl. -S chemical attraction CHEMIST n pl. -S one versed in chemistry CHEMURGY n pl. -GIES a branch of applied chemistry CHENILLE n pl. -S a soft fabric CHENOPOD n pl. -S a flowering plant CHEQUE n pl. -S a written order directing a bank to pay money CHEQUER v -ED, -ING, -S to checker CHERISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to hold dear CHEROOT n pl. -S a square-cut cigar CHERRY n pl. -RIES a fruit CHERT n pl. -S a compact rock CHERTY adj CHERTIER, CHERTIEST resembling chert CHERUB n pl. -UBS or -UBIM or -UBIMS an angel CHERUBIC adj CHERVIL n pl. -S an aromatic herb CHESS n pl. -ES a weed CHESSMAN n pl. -MEN one of the pieces used in chess (a board game for two players) CHEST n pl. -S a part of the body CHESTED adj CHESTFUL n pl. -S as much as a chest or box can hold CHESTNUT n pl. -S an edible nut CHESTY adj CHESTIER, CHESTIEST proud CHETAH n pl. -S cheetah CHETH n pl. -S heth CHETRUM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Bhutan CHEVALET n pl. -S a part of a stringed instrument CHEVERON n pl. -S chevron CHEVIED past tense of chevy CHEVIES present 3d person sing. of chevy CHEVIOT n pl. -S a coarse fabric CHEVRE n pl. -S a cheese made from goat's milk CHEVRON n pl. -S a V-shaped pattern CHEVY v CHEVIED, CHEVYING, CHEVIES to chase about CHEW v -ED, -ING, -S to crush or grind with the teeth CHEWABLE adj CHEWER n pl. -S one that chews CHEWINK n pl. -S a common finch CHEWY adj CHEWIER, CHEWIEST not easily chewed CHEZ prep at the home of CHI n pl. -S a Greek letter CHIA n pl. -S a Mexican herb CHIAO n pl. CHIAO a monetary unit of China CHIASM n pl. -S chiasma CHIASMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS an anatomical junction CHIASMAL, CHIASMIC adj CHIASMUS n pl. -MI a reversal of word order between parallel phrases CHIASTIC adj CHIAUS n pl. -ES a Turkish messenger CHIBOUK n pl. -S a tobacco pipe CHIC adj CHICER, CHICEST smartly stylish CHIC n pl. -S elegance CHICANE v -CANED, -CANING, -CANES to trick CHICANER n pl. -S one that chicanes CHICANO n pl. -NOS an American of Mexican descent CHICCORY n pl. -RIES chicory CHICHI n pl. -S elaborate ornamentation CHICK n pl. -S a young bird CHICKEE n pl. -S a stilt house of the Seminole Indians CHICKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to lose one's nerve CHICKORY n pl. -RIES chicory CHICKPEA n pl. -S an Asian herb CHICLE n pl. -S a tree gum CHICLY adv in an elegant manner CHICNESS n pl. -ES elegance CHICO n pl. -COS a prickly shrub CHICORY n pl. -RIES a perennial herb CHIDE v CHIDED or CHID, CHIDDEN, CHIDING, CHIDES to scold CHIDER n pl. -S one that chides CHIEF adj CHIEFER, CHIEFEST highest in authority CHIEF n pl. -S the person highest in authority CHIEFDOM n pl. -S the domain of a chief CHIEFLY adv above all CHIEL n pl. -S chield CHIELD n pl. -S a young man CHIFFON n pl. -S a sheer fabric CHIGETAI n pl. -S a wild ass CHIGGER n pl. -S a parasitic mite CHIGNON n pl. -S a woman's hairdo CHIGOE n pl. -S a tropical flea CHILD n pl. CHILDREN a young person CHILDBED n pl. -S the state of a woman giving birth CHILDE n pl. -S a youth of noble birth CHILDING adj pregnant CHILDISH adj resembling a child CHILDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST resembling a child CHILDREN pl. of child CHILE n pl. -S chili CHILI n pl. -ES a hot pepper CHILIAD n pl. -S a group of one thousand CHILIASM n pl. -S a religious doctrine CHILIAST n pl. -S a supporter of chiliasm CHILIDOG n pl. -S a hot dog topped with chili CHILL adj CHILLER, CHILLEST cool CHILL v -ED, -ING, -S to make cold CHILLER n pl. -S one that chills CHILLI n pl. -ES chili CHILLUM n pl. -S a part of a water pipe CHILLY adj CHILLIER, CHILLIEST cool CHILLILY adv CHILOPOD n pl. -S a multi-legged insect CHIMAERA n pl. -S a marine fish CHIMAR n pl. -S chimere CHIMB n pl. -S the rim of a cask CHIMBLEY n pl. -BLEYS chimley CHIMBLY n pl. -BLIES chimley CHIME v CHIMED, CHIMING, CHIMES to ring harmoniously CHIMER n pl. -S one that chimes CHIMERA n pl. -S an imaginary monster CHIMERE n pl. -S a bishop's robe CHIMERIC adj imaginary; unreal CHIMING present participle of chime CHIMLA n pl. -S chimley CHIMLEY n pl. -LEYS a chimney CHIMNEY n pl. -NEYS a flue CHIMP n pl. -S a chimpanzee CHIN v CHINNED, CHINNING, CHINS to hold with the chin (the lower part of the face) CHINA n pl. -S fine porcelain ware CHINBONE n pl. -S the lower jaw CHINCH n pl. -ES a bedbug CHINCHY adj CHINCHIER, CHINCHIEST stingy CHINE v CHINED, CHINING, CHINES to cut through the backbone of CHINK v -ED, -ING, -S to fill cracks or fissures in CHINKY adj CHINKIER, CHINKIEST full of cracks CHINLESS adj lacking a chin CHINNED past tense of chin CHINNING present participle of chin CHINO n pl. -NOS a strong fabric CHINONE n pl. -S quinone CHINOOK n pl. -S a warm wind CHINTS n pl. -ES chintz CHINTZ n pl. -ES a cotton fabric CHINTZY adj CHINTZIER, CHINTZIEST gaudy; cheap CHIP v CHIPPED, CHIPPING, CHIPS to break a small piece from CHIPMUCK n pl. -S a chipmunk CHIPMUNK n pl. -S a small rodent CHIPPED past tense of chip CHIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp CHIPPIE n pl. -S chippy CHIPPING present participle of chip CHIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST belligerent CHIPPY n pl. -PIES a prostitute CHIRAL adj pertaining to an asymmetrical molecule CHIRK adj CHIRKER, CHIRKEST cheerful CHIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a shrill noise CHIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp CHIRO n pl. -ROS a marine fish CHIRP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a short, shrill sound CHIRPER n pl. -S one that chirps CHIRPY adj CHIRPIER, CHIRPIEST cheerful CHIRPILY adv CHIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a harsh, vibrant sound CHIRRE v CHIRRED, CHIRRING, CHIRRES to chirr CHIRRUP v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp repeatedly CHIRRUPY adj CHISEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to use a chisel (a cutting tool) CHISELER n pl. -S one that chisels CHIT n pl. -S a short letter CHITAL n pl. CHITAL an Asian deer CHITCHAT v -CHATTED, -CHATTING, -CHATS to indulge in small talk CHITIN n pl. -S the main component of insect shells CHITLIN n pl. -S chitling CHITLING n pl. -S a part of the small intestine of swine CHITON n pl. -S a tunic worn in ancient Greece CHITOSAN n pl. -S a compound derived from chitin CHITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to twitter CHITTY n pl. -TIES a chit CHIVALRY n pl. -RIES knightly behavior and skill CHIVAREE v -REED, -REEING, -REES to perform a mock serenade CHIVARI v -RIED, -RIING, -RIES to chivaree CHIVE n pl. -S an herb used as a seasoning CHIVVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to chevy CHIVY v CHIVIED, CHIVYING, CHIVIES to chevy CHLAMYS n pl. -MYSES or -MYDES a garment worn in ancient Greece CHLOASMA n pl. -MATA a skin discoloration CHLORAL n pl. -S a chemical compound CHLORATE n pl. -S a chemical salt CHLORDAN n pl. -S a toxic compound of chlorine CHLORIC adj pertaining to chlorine CHLORID n pl. -S chloride CHLORIDE n pl. -S a chlorine compound CHLORIN n pl. -S chlorine CHLORINE n pl. -S a gaseous element CHLORITE n pl. -S a mineral group CHLOROUS adj pertaining to chlorine CHOANA n pl. -NAE a funnel-shaped opening CHOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with a wedge of wood or metal CHOCKFUL adj full to the limit CHOICE adj CHOICER, CHOICEST of fine quality CHOICELY adv CHOICE n pl. -S one that is chosen CHOIR v -ED, -ING, -S to sing in unison CHOIRBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who sings in a choir (a body of church singers) CHOKE v CHOKED, CHOKING, CHOKES to impede the breathing of CHOKER n pl. -S one that chokes CHOKEY adj CHOKIER, CHOKIEST choky CHOKING present participle of choke CHOKY adj CHOKIER, CHOKIEST tending to cause choking CHOLATE n pl. -S a chemical salt CHOLENT n pl. -S a traditional Jewish stew CHOLER n pl. -S anger CHOLERA n pl. -S an acute disease CHOLERIC adj bad-tempered CHOLINE n pl. -S a B vitamin CHOLLA n pl. -S a treelike cactus CHOLO n pl. -LOS a pachuco CHOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to champ CHOMPER n pl. -S one that chomps CHON n pl. CHON a monetary unit of South Korea CHOOK n pl. -S a chicken CHOOSE v CHOSE, CHOSEN, CHOOSING, CHOOSES to take by preference CHOOSER n pl. -S one that chooses CHOOSEY adj CHOOSIER, CHOOSIEST choosy CHOOSING present participle of choose CHOOSY adj CHOOSIER, CHOOSIEST hard to please CHOP v CHOPPED, CHOPPING, CHOPS to sever with a sharp tool CHOPIN n pl. -S chopine CHOPINE n pl. -S a type of shoe CHOPPED past tense of chop CHOPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by helicopter CHOPPING present participle of chop CHOPPY adj CHOPPIER, CHOPPIEST full of short, rough waves CHOPPILY adv CHORAGUS n pl. -GI or -GUSES the leader of a chorus or choir CHORAGIC adj CHORAL n pl. -S chorale CHORALE n pl. -S a hymn that is sung in unison CHORALLY adv harmoniously CHORD v -ED, -ING, -S to play a chord (a combination of three or more musical tones) CHORDAL adj pertaining to a chord CHORDATE n pl. -S any of a large phylum of animals CHORE v CHORED, CHORING, CHORES to do small jobs CHOREA n pl. -S a nervous disorder CHOREAL, CHOREIC adj CHOREGUS n pl. -GI or -GUSES choragus CHOREMAN n pl. -MEN a menial worker CHOREOID adj resembling chorea CHORIAL adj pertaining to the chorion CHORIAMB n pl. -S a type of metrical foot CHORIC adj pertaining to a chorus CHORINE n pl. -S a chorus girl CHORING present participle of chore CHORIOID n pl. -S choroid CHORION n pl. -S an embryonic membrane CHORIZO n pl. -ZOS a highly seasoned sausage CHOROID n pl. -S a membrane of the eye CHORTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to chuckle with glee CHORTLER n pl. -S one that chortles CHORUS v -RUSED, -RUSING, -RUSES or -RUSSED, -RUSSING, -RUSSES to sing in unison CHOSE n pl. -S an item of personal property CHOSEN past participle of choose CHOTT n pl. -S a saline lake CHOUGH n pl. -S a crow-like bird CHOUSE v CHOUSED, CHOUSING, CHOUSES to swindle CHOUSER n pl. -S one that chouses CHOUSH n pl. -ES chiaus CHOUSING present participle of chouse CHOW v -ED, -ING, -S to eat CHOWCHOW n pl. -S a relish of mixed pickles in mustard CHOWDER v -ED, -ING, -S to make a thick soup of CHOWSE v CHOWSED, CHOWSING, CHOWSES to chouse CHOWTIME n pl. -S mealtime CHRESARD n pl. -S the available water of the soil CHRISM n pl. -S a consecrated oil CHRISMAL adj CHRISMON n pl. -MA or -MONS a Christian monogram CHRISOM n pl. -S chrism CHRISTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to baptise CHRISTIE n pl. -S christy CHRISTY n pl. -TIES a skiing turn CHROMA n pl. -S the purity of a color CHROMATE n pl. -S a chemical salt CHROME v CHROMED, CHROMING, CHROMES to plate with chromium CHROMIC adj pertaining to chromium CHROMIDE n pl. -S a tropical fish CHROMING n pl. -S a chromium ore CHROMITE n pl. -S a chromium ore CHROMIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CHROMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to chrome CHROMO n pl. -MOS a type of color picture CHROMOUS adj pertaining to chromium CHROMYL n pl. -S a bivalent radical CHRONAXY n pl. -AXIES the time required to excite a nerve cell electrically CHRONIC n pl. -S one that suffers from a long-lasting disease CHRONON n pl. -S a hypothetical unit of time CHTHONIC adj pertaining to the gods of the underworld CHUB n pl. -S a freshwater fish CHUBASCO n pl. -COS a violent thunderstorm CHUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST plump CHUBBILY adv CHUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to throw CHUCKIES pl. of chucky CHUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to laugh quietly CHUCKLER n pl. -S one that chuckles CHUCKY n pl. CHUCKIES a little chick CHUDDAH n pl. -S chuddar CHUDDAR n pl. -S a large, square shawl CHUDDER n pl. -S chuddar CHUFA n pl. -S a European sedge CHUFF adj CHUFFER, CHUFFEST gruff CHUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to chug CHUFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST plump CHUG v CHUGGED, CHUGGING, CHUGS to move with a dull explosive sound CHUGALUG v -LUGGED, -LUGGING, -LUGS to drink without pause CHUGGER n pl. -S one that chugs CHUKAR n pl. -S a game bird CHUKKA n pl. -S a type of boot CHUKKAR n pl. -S a chukker CHUKKER n pl. -S a period of play in polo CHUM v CHUMMED, CHUMMING, CHUMS to be close friends with someone CHUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST friendly CHUMMILY adv CHUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to munch CHUMSHIP n pl. -S friendship CHUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a dull explosive sound CHUNKY adj CHUNKIER, CHUNKIEST stocky CHUNKILY adv CHUNTER v -ED, -ING, -S to mutter CHURCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring to church (a building for Christian worship) CHURCHLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to a church CHURCHY adj CHURCHIER, CHURCHIEST churchly CHURL n pl. -S a rude person CHURLISH adj CHURN v -ED, -ING, -S to stir briskly in order to make butter CHURNER n pl. -S one that churns CHURNING n pl. -S the butter churned at one time CHURR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a vibrant sound CHUTE v CHUTED, CHUTING, CHUTES to convey by chute (a vertical passage) CHUTIST n pl. -S a parachutist CHUTNEE n pl. -S chutney CHUTNEY n pl. -NEYS a sweet and sour sauce CHUTZPA n pl. -S chutzpah CHUTZPAH n pl. -S supreme self-confidence CHYLE n pl. -S a digestive fluid CHYLOUS adj CHYME n pl. -S semi-digested food CHYMIC n pl. -S chemic CHYMIST n pl. -S chemist CHYMOSIN n pl. -S rennin CHYMOUS adj pertaining to chyme CIAO interj -- used as an expression of greeting and farewell CIBOL n pl. -S a variety of onion CIBORIUM n pl. -RIA a vessel for holding holy bread CIBOULE n pl. -S cibol CICADA n pl. -DAS or -DAE a winged insect CICALA n pl. -LAS or -LE cicada CICATRIX n pl. -TRICES or -TRIXES scar tissue CICELY n pl. -LIES a fragrant herb CICERO n pl. -ROS a unit of measure in printing CICERONE n pl. -NES or -NI a tour guide CICHLID n pl. -LIDS or -LIDAE a tropical fish CICISBEO n pl. -BEI or -BEOS a lover of a married woman CICOREE n pl. -S a perennial herb CIDER n pl. -S the juice pressed from apples CIGAR n pl. -S a roll of tobacco leaf for smoking CIGARET n pl. -S a narrow roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking CILANTRO n pl. -TROS an herb used in cooking CILIA pl. of cilium CILIARY adj pertaining to cilia CILIATE n pl. -S one of a class of ciliated protozoans CILIATED adj having cilia CILICE n pl. -S a coarse cloth CILIUM n pl. CILIA a short, hairlike projection CIMBALOM n pl. -S a Hungarian dulcimer CIMEX n pl. -MICES a bedbug CINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to girth CINCHONA n pl. -S a Peruvian tree CINCTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to gird or encircle CINDER v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to cinders (ashes) CINDERY adj containing cinders CINE n pl. -S a motion picture CINEAST n pl. -S a devotee of motion pictures CINEASTE n pl. -S cineast CINEMA n pl. -S a motion-picture theater CINEOL n pl. -S a liquid used as an antiseptic CINEOLE n pl. -S cineol CINERARY adj used for cremated ashes CINERIN n pl. -S a compound used in insecticides CINGULUM n pl. -LA an anatomical band or girdle CINNABAR n pl. -S the principal ore of mercury CINNAMON n pl. -S a spice obtained from tree bark CINNAMIC adj CINNAMYL n pl. -S a chemical used to make soap CINQUAIN n pl. -S a stanza of five lines CINQUE n pl. -S the number five CION n pl. -S a cutting from a plant or tree CIOPPINO n pl. -NOS a spicy fish stew CIPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to solve problems in arithmetic CIPHONY n pl. -NIES the electronic scrambling of voice transmissions CIPOLIN n pl. -S a type of marble CIRCA prep about; around CIRCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to move or revolve around CIRCLER n pl. -S one that circles CIRCLET n pl. -S a small ring or ring-shaped object CIRCLING present participle of circle CIRCUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to move around CIRCUITY n pl. -ITIES lack of straightforwardness CIRCULAR n pl. -S a leaflet intended for wide distribution CIRCUS n pl. -ES a public entertainment CIRCUSY adj CIRE n pl. -S a highly glazed finish for fabrics CIRQUE n pl. -S a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountain CIRRATE adj having cirri CIRRI pl. of cirrus CIRRIPED n pl. -S any of an order of crustaceans CIRROSE adj cirrous CIRROUS adj having cirri CIRRUS n pl. -RI a tendril or similar part CIRSOID adj varicose CIS adj having certain atoms on the same side of the molecule CISCO n pl. -COS or -COES a freshwater fish CISLUNAR adj situated between the earth and the moon CISSOID n pl. -S a type of geometric curve CISSY n pl. -SIES sissy CIST n pl. -S a prehistoric stone coffin CISTERN n pl. -S a water tank CISTERNA n pl. -NAE a fluid-containing sac CISTRON n pl. -S a segment of DNA CISTUS n pl. -ES a flowering shrub CITABLE adj citeable CITADEL n pl. -S a fortress or stronghold CITATION n pl. -S the act of citing CITATORY adj CITATOR n pl. -S one that cites CITE v CITED, CITING, CITES to quote as an authority or example CITEABLE adj suitable for citation CITER n pl. -S one that cites CITHARA n pl. -S an ancient stringed instrument CITHER n pl. -S cittern CITHERN n pl. -S cittern CITHREN n pl. -S cittern CITIED adj having cities CITIES pl. of city CITIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to urbanize CITING present participle of cite CITIZEN n pl. -S a resident of a city or town CITOLA n pl. -S a cittern CITOLE n pl. -S citola CITRAL n pl. -S a lemon flavoring CITRATE n pl. -S a salt of citric acid CITRATED adj CITREOUS adj having a lemonlike color CITRIC adj derived from citrus fruits CITRIN n pl. -S a citric vitamin CITRINE n pl. -S a variety of quartz CITRININ n pl. -S an antibiotic CITRON n pl. -S a lemonlike fruit CITROUS adj pertaining to a citrus tree CITRUS n pl. -ES any of a genus of tropical, fruit-bearing trees CITRUSY adj CITTERN n pl. -S a pear-shaped guitar CITY n pl. CITIES a large town CITYFIED adj having the customs and manners of city people CITYWARD adv toward the city CITYWIDE adj including all parts of a city CIVET n pl. -S a catlike mammal CIVIC adj pertaining to a city CIVICISM n pl. -S a system of govermment based upon individual rights CIVICS n/pl the science of civic affairs CIVIE n pl. -S civvy CIVIL adj pertaining to citizens CIVILIAN n pl. -S a nonmilitary person CIVILISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to civilize CIVILITY n pl. -TIES courtesy; politeness CIVILIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to bring out of savagery CIVILLY adv politely CIVISM n pl -S good citizenship CIVVY n pl. -VIES a civilian CLABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to curdle CLACH n pl. -S clachan CLACHAN n pl. -S a hamlet CLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to make an abrupt, dry sound CLACKER n pl. -S one that clacks CLAD v CLAD, CLADDING, CLADS to coat one metal over another CLADDING n pl. -S something that overlays CLADE n pl. -S a group of biological taxa CLADIST n pl. -S a taxonomist who uses clades in classifying life-forms CLADODE n pl. -S a leaflike part of a stem CLAG v CLAGGED, CLAGGING, CLAGS to clog CLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to demand as one's due CLAIMANT n pl. -S one that asserts a right or title CLAIMER n pl. -S one that claims CLAM v CLAMMED, CLAMMING, CLAMS to dig for clams (bivalve mollusks) CLAMANT adj noisy CLAMBAKE n pl. -S a beach picnic CLAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to climb awkwardly CLAMMED past tense of clam CLAMMER n pl. -S one that clams CLAMMING present particple of clam CLAMMY adj CLAMMIER, CLAMMIEST cold and damp CLAMMILY adv CLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to make loud outcries CLAMORER n pl. -S one that clamors CLAMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to clamor CLAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a clamp (a securing device) CLAMPER n pl. -S a device worn on shoes to prevent slipping on ice CLAMWORM n pl. -S a marine worm CLAN n pl. -S a united group of families CLANG v -ED, -ING, -S to ring loudly CLANGER n pl. -S a blunder CLANGOR v -ED, -ING, -S to clang repeatedly CLANGOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to clangor CLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sharp, metallic sound CLANNISH adj characteristic of a clan CLANSMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a clan CLAP v CLAPPED CLAPT, CLAPPING, CLAPS to strike one palm against the other CLAPPER n pl. -S one that claps CLAPTRAP n pl. -S pretentious language CLAQUE n pl. -S a group of hired applauders CLAQUER n pl. -S claqueur CLAQUEUR n pl. -S a member of a claque CLARENCE n pl. -S a closed carriage CLARET n pl. -S a dry red wine CLARIES pl. of clary CLARIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make clear CLARINET n pl. -S a woodwind instrument CLARION v -ED, -ING, -S to proclaim by blowing a medieval trumpet CLARITY n pl. -TIES the state of being clear CLARKIA n pl. -S an annual herb CLARO n pl. -ROS or -ROES a mild cigar CLARY n pl. CLARIES an aromatic herb CLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to conflict or disagree CLASHER n pl. -S one that clashes CLASP v CLASPED CLASPT, CLASPING, CLASPS to embrace tightly CLASPER n pl. -S one that clasps CLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to classify CLASSER n pl. -S one that classes CLASSES pl. of classis CLASSIC n pl. -S a work of enduring excellence CLASSICO adj made from grapes grown in a certain part of Italy CLASSIER comparative of classy CLASSIEST superlative of classy CLASSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to arrange according to characteristics CLASSILY adj in a classy manner CLASSIS n pl. CLASSES a governing body in certain churches CLASSISM n pl. -S discrimination based on social class CLASSIST n pl. -S an advocate of classism CLASSY adj CLASSIER, CLASSIEST stylish; elegant CLAST n pl. -S a fragment of rock CLASTIC n pl. -S a rock made up of other rocks CLATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a rattling noise CLATTERY adj having a rattling noise CLAUCHT a past tense of cleek CLAUGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to clutch CLAUSE n pl. -S a distinct part of a composition CLAUSAL adj CLAUSTRA n/pl basal ganglia in the brain CLAVATE adj shaped like a club CLAVE n pl. -S one of a pair of percussion sticks CLAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to gossip CLAVI pl. of clavus CLAVICLE n pl. -S a bone of the shoulder CLAVIER n pl. -S a keyboard instrument CLAVUS n pl. -VI a horny thickening of the skin CLAW v -ED, -ING, -S to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) CLAWER n pl. -S one that claws CLAWLESS adj having no claws CLAWLIKE adj resembling a claw CLAXON n pl. -S klaxon CLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with clay (a fine-grained, earthy material) CLAYBANK n pl. -S a yellow-brown color CLAYEY adj CLAYIER, CLAYIEST resembling clay CLAYISH adj resembling or containing clay CLAYLIKE adj resembling clay CLAYMORE n pl. -S a type of sword CLAYPAN n pl. -S a shallow natural depression CLAYWARE n pl. -S pottery CLEAN adj CLEANER, CLEANEST free from dirt or stain CLEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to rid of dirt or stain CLEANER n pl. -S one that cleans CLEANLY adj -LIER, -LIEST habitually clean CLEANSE v CLEANSED, CLEANSING, CLEANSES to clean CLEANSER n pl. -S one that cleanses CLEANUP n pl. -S an act of cleaning CLEAR adj CLEARER, CLEAREST clean and pure CLEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove obstructions CLEARER n pl. -S one that clears CLEARING n pl. -S an open space CLEARLY adv in a clear manner CLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to strengthen with a strip of wood or iron CLEAVAGE n pl. -S the act of cleaving CLEAVE v CLEAVED, CLEFT, CLOVE or CLAVE, CLOVEN, CLEAVING, CLEAVES to split or divide CLEAVER n pl. -S a heavy knife CLEEK v CLAUGHT or CLEEKED, CLEEKING, CLEEKS to clutch CLEF n pl. -S a musical symbol CLEFT v -ED, -ING, -S to insert a scion into the stock of a plant CLEIDOIC adj enclosed in a shell CLEMATIS n pl. -TISES a flowering vine CLEMENCY n pl. -CIES mercy CLEMENT adj merciful CLENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grasp firmly CLENCHER n pl. -S one that clenches CLEOME n pl. -S a tropical plant CLEPE v CLEPED or CLEPT, CLEPING, CLEPES to call by name CLERGY n pl. -GIES the body of persons ordained for religious service CLERIC n pl. -S a member of the clergy CLERICAL n pl. -S a cleric CLERID n pl. -S a predatory beetle CLERIHEW n pl. -S a humorous poem CLERISY n pl. -SIES the well-educated class CLERK v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as a clerk (an office worker) CLERKDOM n pl. -S the status or function of a clerk CLERKISH adj resembling or suitable to a clerk CLERKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to a clerk CLEVEITE n pl. -S a radioactive mineral CLEVER adj -ERER, -EREST mentally keen CLEVERLY adv CLEVIS n pl. -ISES a metal fastening device CLEW v -ED, -ING, -S to roll into a ball CLICHE n pl. -S a trite expression CLICHED adj CLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a short, sharp sound CLICKER n pl. -S one that clicks CLIENT n pl. -S a customer CLIENTAL adj CLIFF n pl. -S a high, steep face of rock CLIFFY adj CLIFFIER, CLIFFIEST abounding in cliffs CLIFT n pl. -S cliff CLIMATE n pl. -S the weather conditions characteristic of an area CLIMATAL, CLIMATIC adj CLIMAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to reach a high or dramatic point CLIMB v CLIMBED or CLOMB, CLIMBING, CLIMBS to ascend CLIMBER n pl. -S one that climbs CLIME n pl. -S climate CLINAL adj pertaining to a cline CLINALLY adv in a clinal manner CLINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to settle a matter decisively CLINCHER n pl. -S a decisive fact or remark CLINE n pl. -S a series of changes within a species CLING v -ED, -ING, -S to make a high-pitched ringing sound CLING v CLUNG, CLINGING, CLINGS to adhere closely CLINGER n pl. -S one that clings CLINGY adj CLINGIER, CLINGIEST adhesive CLINIC n pl. -S a medical facility CLINICAL adj CLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a soft, sharp, ringing sound CLINKER v -ED, -ING, -S to form fused residue in burning CLIP v CLIPPED, CLIPT, CLIPPING, CLIPS to trim by cutting CLIPPER n pl. -S one that clips CLIPPING n pl. -S something that is clipped out or off CLIPT a past participle of clip CLIQUE v CLIQUED, CLIQUING, CLIQUES to form a clique (an exclusive group of persons) CLIQUEY adj CLIQUIER, CLIQUIEST inclined to form cliques CLIQUISH adj cliquey CLIQUY adj CLIQUIER, CLIQUIEST cliquey CLITELLA n/pl regions in the body walls of certain annelids CLITIC n pl. -S a word pronounced as part of a neighboring word CLITORIS n pl. -RISES or -RIDES a sex organ CLITORAL, CLITORIC adj CLIVERS n pl. CLIVERS an annual herb CLIVIA n pl. -S a flowering plant CLOACA n pl. -ACAE or -ACAS a sewer CLOACAL adj CLOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to conceal CLOBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to trounce CLOCHARD n pl. -S a vagrant CLOCHE n pl. -S a bell-shaped hat CLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to time with a stopwatch CLOCKER n pl. -S one that clocks CLOD n pl. -S a dolt CLODDISH adj CLODDY adj -DIER, -DIEST lumpy CLODPATE n pl. -S a stupid person CLODPOLE n pl. -S clodpate CLODPOLL n pl. -S clodpate CLOG v CLOGGED, CLOGGING, CLOGS to block up or obstruct CLOGGER n pl. -S one that clogs CLOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST clogging or able to clog CLOISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to seclude CLOMB a past tense of climb CLOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to walk heavily and clumsily CLON n pl. -S a group of asexually derived organisms clonal adj CLONALLY adv CLONE v CLONED, CLONING, CLONES to reproduce by asexual means CLONER n pl. -S one that clones CLONIC adj pertaining to clonus CLONING n pl. -S a technique for reproducing by asexual means CLONISM n pl. -S the condition of having clonus CLONK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a dull thumping sound CLONUS n pl. -ES a form of muscular spasm CLOOT n pl. -S a cloven hoof CLOP v CLOPPED, CLOPPING, CLOPS to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement CLOQUE n pl. -S a fabric with an embossed design CLOSE adj CLOSER, CLOSEST near CLOSELY adv CLOSE v CLOSED, CLOSING, CLOSES to block against entry or passage CLOSABLE adj CLOSEOUT n pl. -S a clearance sale CLOSER n pl. -S one that closes CLOSEST superlative of close CLOSET v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose in a private room CLOSING n pl. -S a concluding part CLOSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to cloture CLOT v CLOTTED, CLOTTING, CLOTS to form into a clot (a thick mass) CLOTH n pl. -S fabric CLOTHE v CLOTHED CLAD, CLOTHING, CLOTHES to provide with clothing CLOTHIER n pl. -S one who makes or sells clothing CLOTHING n pl. -S wearing apparel CLOTTED past tense of clot CLOTTING present participle of clot CLOTTY adj tending to clot CLOTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to end a debate by calling for a vote CLOUD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with clouds (masses of visible vapor) CLOUDLET n pl. -S a small cloud CLOUDY adj CLOUDIER, CLOUDIEST overcast with clouds CLOUDILY adv CLOUGH n pl. -S a ravine CLOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to knock or bump CLOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with the hand CLOUTER n pl. -S one that clouts CLOVE n pl. -S a spice CLOVEN adj split; divided CLOVER n pl. -S a plant CLOWDER n pl. -S a group of cats CLOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to act like a clown (a humorous performer) CLOWNERY n pl. -ERIES clownish behavior CLOWNISH adj resembling or befitting a clown CLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to gratify beyond desire CLOZE n pl. -S a test of reading comprehension CLUB v CLUBBED, CLUBBING, CLUBS to form a club (an organized group of persons) CLUBABLE adj sociable CLUBBER n pl. -S a member of a club CLUBBING present participle of club CLUBBISH adj clubby CLUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST characteristic of a club CLUBFOOT n pl. -FEET a deformed foot CLUBHAND n pl. -S a deformed hand CLUBHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to put a vessel about CLUBMAN n pl. -MEN a male member of a club CLUBROOM n pl. -S a room for a club's meetings CLUBROOT n pl. -S a plant disease CLUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to make the sound of a hen CLUE v CLUED, CLUEING CLUING, CLUES to give guiding information CLUELESS adj hopelessly confused or ignorant CLUMBER n pl. -S a stocky spaniel CLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a thick mass CLUMPISH adj resembling a clump (a thick mass) CLUMPY adj CLUMPIER, CLUMPIEST lumpy CLUMSY adj -SIER, -SIEST awkward CLUMSILY adv CLUNG past tense of cling CLUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to thump CLUNKER n pl. -S a jalopy CLUNKY adj CLUNKIER, CLUNKIEST clumsy in style CLUPEID n pl. -S a fish of the herring family CLUPEOID n pl. -S a clupeid CLUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a cluster (a group of similar objects) CLUSTERY adj pertaining to a cluster CLUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grasp and hold tightly CLUTCHY adj tending to clutch CLUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to pile in a disorderly state CLUTTERY adj characterized by disorder CLYPEUS n pl. CLYPEI a shield-like structure CLYPEAL, CLYPEATE adj CLYSTER n pl. -S an enema COACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to tutor or train COACHER n pl. -S one that coaches COACHMAN n pl. -MEN one who drives a coach or carriage COACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act together COACTION n pl. -S joint action COACTIVE adj mutually active COACTOR n pl. -S a fellow actor in a production COADMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to admire together COADMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to admit several things equally COAEVAL n pl. -S coeval COAGENCY n pl. -CIES a joint agency COAGENT n pl. -S a person, force, or other agent working together with another COAGULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a clot COAL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with coal (a carbon fuel) COALA n pl. -S koala COALBIN n pl. -S a bin for storing coal COALBOX n pl. -ES a box for storing coal COALER n pl. -S one that supplies coal COALESCE v -ALESCED, -ALESCING, -ALESCES to blend COALFISH n pl. -ES a blackish fish COALHOLE n pl. -S a compartment for storing coal COALIER comparative of coaly COALIEST superlative of coaly COALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into coal COALLESS adj lacking coal COALPIT n pl. -S a pit from which coal is obtained COALSACK n pl. -S a dark region of the Milky Way COALSHED n pl. -S a shed for storing coal COALY adj COALIER, COALIEST containing coal COALYARD n pl. -S a yard for storing coal COAMING n pl. -S a raised border COANCHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to present televised news reports jointly COANNEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to annex jointly COAPPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to appear together or at the same time COAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to fit together and make fast COARSE adj COARSER, COARSEST rough COARSELY adv COARSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make coarse COASSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to assist jointly COASSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to assume together COAST v -ED, -ING, -S to slide down a hill COASTAL adj pertaining to or located near a seashore COASTER n pl. -S a sled COASTING n pl. -S coastal trade COAT v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a coat (an outer garment) COATEE n pl. -S a small coat COATER n pl. -S one that coats COATI n pl. -S a tropical mammal COATING n pl. -S a covering layer COATLESS adj lacking a coat COATRACK n pl. -S a rack or stand for coats COATROOM n pl. -S a room for storing coats COATTAIL n pl. -S the back lower portion of a coat COATTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to attend together COATTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to attest jointly COAUTHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to write together COAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cajole COAXAL adj coaxial COAXER n pl. -S one that coaxes COAXIAL adj having a common axis COB n pl. -S a corncob COBALT n pl. -S a metallic element COBALTIC adj COBB n pl. -S a sea gull COBBER n pl. -S a comrade COBBIER comparative of cobby COBBIEST superlative of cobby COBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to mend COBBLER n pl. -S a mender of shoes COBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST stocky COBIA n pl. -S a large game fish COBLE n pl. -S a small fishing boat COBNUT n pl. -S an edible nut COBRA n pl. -S a venomous snake COBWEB v -WEBBED, -WEBBING, -WEBS to cover with cobwebs (spider webs) COBWEBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST covered with cobwebs COCA n pl. -S a South American shrub COCAIN n pl. -S cocaine COCAINE n pl. -S a narcotic alkaloid COCCAL adj pertaining to a coccus COCCI pl. of coccus COCCIC adj coccal COCCID n pl. -S an insect COCCIDIA n/pl parasitic protozoans COCCOID n pl. -S a spherical cell or body COCCUS n pl. COCCI a spherical bacterium COCCOUS adj COCCYX n pl. -CYGES or -CYXES a bone of the spine COCHAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to serve jointly as chairman of COCHIN n pl. -S a large domestic chicken COCHLEA n pl. -CHLEAE or -CHLEAS a part of the ear COCHLEAR adj COCINERA n pl. -S a cook COCK v -ED, -ING, -S to tilt to one side COCKADE n pl. -S an ornament worn on a hat COCKADED adj COCKAPOO n pl. -POOS a hybrid between a cocker spaniel and a poodle COCKATOO n pl. -TOOS a parrot COCKBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to raise the yardarm on a ship COCKBOAT n pl. -S a small boat COCKCROW n pl. -S daybreak COCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to pamper COCKEREL n pl. -S a young rooster COCKEYE n pl. -S a squinting eye COCKEYED adj COCKIER comparative of cocky COCKIEST superlative of cocky COCKILY adv in a cocky manner COCKISH adj cocky COCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to wrinkle or pucker COCKLIKE adj resembling a rooster COCKLOFT n pl. -S a small attic COCKNEY n pl. -NEYS a resident of the East End of London COCKPIT n pl. -S a pilot's compartment in certain airplanes COCKSHUT n pl. -S the close of day COCKSHY n pl. -SHIES a target in a throwing contest COCKSPUR n pl. -S a thorny plant COCKSURE adj certain COCKTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to drink alcoholic beverages COCKUP n pl. -S a turned-up part of something COCKY adj COCKIER, COCKIEST arrogantly self-confident COCO n pl. -COS a tall palm tree COCOA n pl. -S chocolate COCOANUT n pl. -S coconut COCOBOLA n pl. -S cocobolo COCOBOLO n pl. -LOS a tropical tree COCOMAT n pl. -S a matting made from coir COCONUT n pl. -S the fruit of the coco COCOON v -ED, -ING, -S to wrap or envelop tightly COCOTTE n pl. -S a prostitute COCOYAM n pl. -S a tropical tuber COCREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to create together COD v CODDED, CODDING, CODS to fool CODA n pl. -S a passage at the end of a musical composition CODABLE adj capable of being coded CODDED past tense of cod CODDER n pl. -S a cod fisherman CODDING present participle of cod CODDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to pamper CODDLER n pl. -S one that coddles CODE v CODED, CODING, CODES to convert into symbols CODEBOOK n pl. -S a book listing words and their coded equivalents CODEBTOR n pl. -S one that shares a debt CODEC n pl. -S an integrated circuit CODED past tense of code CODEIA n pl. -S codeine CODEIN n pl. -S codeine CODEINA n pl. -S codeine CODEINE n pl. -S a narcotic alkaloid CODELESS adj being without a set of laws CODEN n pl. -S a coding classification CODER n pl. -S one that codes CODERIVE v -RIVED, -RIVING, -RIVES to derive jointly CODESIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to design jointly CODEX n pl. -DICES an ancient manuscript CODFISH n pl. -ES the cod (a marine food fish) CODGER n pl. -S an old man CODICES pl. of codex CODICIL n pl. -S a supplement to a will CODIFIER n pl. -S one that codifies CODIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to arrange or systematize CODING present participle of code CODIRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to direct jointly CODLIN n pl. -S codling CODLING n pl. -S an unripe apple CODON n pl. -S a triplet of nucleotides (basic components of DNA) CODPIECE n pl. -S a cover for the crotch in men's breeches CODRIVE v -DROVE, -DRIVEN, -DRIVING, -DRIVES to work as a codriver CODRIVER n pl. -S one who takes turns driving a vehicle COED n pl. -S a female student COEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to edit with another person COEDITOR n pl. -S one that coedits COEFFECT n pl. -S an accompanying effect COELIAC adj celiac COELOM n pl. -LOMS or -LOMATA a body cavity in some animals COELOMIC adj COELOME n pl. -S coelom COEMBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES to embody jointly COEMPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to employ together COEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to buy up the entire supply of a product COENACT v -ED, -ING, -S to enact jointly or at the same time COENAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to inflame with mutual love COENDURE v -DURED, -DURING, -DURES to endure together COENURE n pl. -S coenurus COENURUS n pl. -RI a tapeworm larva COENZYME n pl. -S a substance necessary for the functioning of certain enzymes COEQUAL n pl. -S one who is equal with another COEQUATE v -QUATED, -QUATING, -QUATES to equate with something else COERCE v -ERCED, -ERCING, -ERCES to compel by force or threat COERCER n pl. -S one that coerces COERCION n pl. -S the act of coercing COERCIVE adj serving to coerce COERECT v -ED, -ING, -S to erect together COESITE n pl. -S a type of silica COEVAL n pl. -S one of the same era or period as another COEVALLY adv contemporarily COEVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to evolve together COEXERT v -ED, -ING, -S to exert jointly COEXIST v -ED, -ING, -S to exist together COEXTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to extend through the same space or time as another COFACTOR n pl. -S a coenzyme COFF v COFT, COFFING, COFFS to buy COFFEE n pl. -S an aromatic, mildly stimulating beverage COFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a strongbox COFFIN v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a coffin (a burial case) COFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to chain slaves together COFFRET n pl. -S a small strongbox COFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to found jointly COFT past tense of coff COG v COGGED, COGGING, COGS to cheat at dice COGENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being cogent COGENT adj convincing COGENTLY adv COGGED past tense of cog COGGING present participle of cog COGITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to ponder COGITO n pl. -TOS a philosophical principle COGNAC n pl. -S a brandy COGNATE n pl. -S one that is related to another COGNISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to cognize COGNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to become aware of in one's mind COGNIZER n pl. -S one that cognizes COGNOMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA a family name COGNOVIT n pl. -S a written admission of liability COGON n pl. -S a tall tropical grass COGWAY n pl. -WAYS a railway operating on steep slopes COGWHEEL n pl. -S a toothed wheel COHABIT v -ED, -ING, -S to live together as man and wife while unmarried COHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to head jointly COHEIR n pl. -S a joint heir COHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to stick together COHERENT adj sticking together COHERER n pl. -S a device used to detect radio waves COHERING present participle of cohere COHESION n pl. -S the act or state of cohering COHESIVE adj COHO n pl. -HOS a small salmon COHOBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to distill again COHOG n pl. -S a quahog COHOLDER n pl. -S an athlete who holds a record with another COHORT n pl. -S a companion or associate COHOSH n pl. -ES a medicinal plant COHOST v -ED, -ING, -S to host jointly COHUNE n pl. -S a palm tree COIF v -ED, -ING, -S to style the hair COIFFE v COIFFED, COIFFING, COIFFES to coif COIFFEUR n pl. -S a male hairdresser COIFFURE v -FURED, -FURING, -FURES to coif COIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to quoin COIGNE v COIGNED, COIGNING, COIGNES to quoin COIL v -ED, -ING, -S to wind in even rings COILER n pl. -S one that coils COIN v -ED, -ING, -S to make coins (metal currency) COINABLE adj COINAGE n pl. -S the act of making coins COINCIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES to be in the same place COINER n pl. -S one that coins COINFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to infer jointly COINHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to inhere jointly COINMATE n pl. -S a fellow inmate COINSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to insure with another COINTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to bury together COINVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to invent together COIR n pl. -S a fiber obtained from coconut husks COISTREL n pl. -S a knave COISTRIL n pl. -S coistrel COITION n pl. -S coitus COITUS n pl. -ES sexual intercourse COITAL adj COITALLY adv COJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to join together COKE v COKED, COKING, COKES to change into a carbon fuel COKEHEAD n pl. -S a cocaine addict COL n pl. -S a depression between two mountains COLA n pl. -S a carbonated beverage COLANDER n pl. -S a kitchen utensil for draining off liquids COLD adj COLDER, COLDEST having little or no warmth COLD n pl. -S the relative lack of heat; a chill COLDCOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to knock unconscious COLDISH adj somewhat cold COLDLY adv in a cold manner COLDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being cold COLE n pl. -S a plant of the cabbage family COLEAD v -LED, -LEADING, -LEADS to lead jointly COLEADER n pl. -S one that coleads COLESEED n pl. -S colza COLESLAW n pl. -S a salad made of shredded raw cabbage COLESSEE n pl. -S a joint lessee COLESSOR n pl. -S a joint lessor COLEUS n pl. -ES a tropical plant COLEWORT n pl. -S cole COLIC n pl. -S acute abdominal pain COLICIN n pl. -S an antibacterial substance COLICINE n pl. -S colicin COLICKY adj pertaining to or associated with colic COLIES pl. of coly COLIFORM n pl. -S a bacillus of the colon COLIN n pl. -S the bobwhite COLINEAR adj lying in the same straight line COLISEUM n pl. -S a large structure for public entertainment COLISTIN n pl. -S an antibiotic COLITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the colon COLITIC adj COLLAGE v -LAGED, -LAGING, -LAGES to arrange materials in a collage (a kind of artistic composition) COLLAGEN n pl. -S a protein COLLAPSE v -LAPSED, -LAPSING, -LAPSES to crumble suddenly COLLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a collar (something worn around the neck) COLLARD n pl. -S a variety of kale COLLARET n pl. -S a small collar COLLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to compare critically COLLATOR n pl. -S one that collates COLLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring together in a group COLLEEN n pl. -S an Irish girl COLLEGE n pl. -S a school of higher learning COLLEGER n pl. -S a student supported by funds from his college COLLEGIA n/pl soviet executive councils COLLET v -ED, -ING, -S to set a gem in a rim or ring COLLIDE v -LIDED, -LIDING, -LIDES to come together with violent impact COLLIDER n pl. -S a type of particle accelerator COLLIE n pl. -S a large dog COLLIED past tense of colly COLLIER n pl. -S a coal miner COLLIERY n pl. -LIERIES a coal mine COLLIES present 3d person sing. of colly COLLINS n pl. -ES an alcoholic beverage COLLOGUE v -LOGUED, -LOGUING, -LOGUES to conspire COLLOID n pl. -S a type of chemical suspension COLLOP n pl. -S a small portion of meat COLLOQUY n pl. -QUIES a conversation COLLUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to conspire COLLUDER n pl. -S one that colludes COLLUVIA n/pl rock debris COLLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to blacken with coal dust COLLYRIA n/pl medicinal lotions COLOBOMA n pl. -MATA a lesion of the eye COLOBUS n pl. -BI a long-tailed monkey COLOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to place two or more housing units in close proximity COLOG n pl. -S the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number COLOGNE n pl. -S a scented liquid COLOGNED adj COLON n pl. -ES a monetary unit of Costa Rica COLON n pl. -S a section of the large intestine COLONE n pl. -S colon COLONEL n pl. -S a military officer COLONI pl. of colonus COLONIAL n pl. -S a citizen of a colony COLONIC n pl. -S irrigation of the colon COLONIES pl. of colony COLONISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to colonize COLONIST n pl. -S one who settles a colony COLONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to establish a colony COLONUS n pl. -NI a freeborn serf COLONY n pl. -NIES a group of emigrants living in a new land COLOPHON n pl. -S an inscription placed at the end of a book COLOR v -ED, -ING, -S to give color (a visual attribute of objects) to COLORADO adj of medium strength and color -- used of cigars COLORANT n pl. -S a pigment or dye COLORED adj having color COLORER n pl. -S one that colors COLORFUL adj full of color COLORING n pl. -S appearance in regard to color COLORISM n pl. -S coloring COLORIST n pl. -S a person skilled in the use of color COLORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to give color to a black-and-white film COLORMAN n pl. -MEN a sportscaster who provides commentary during a game COLOSSAL adj gigantic COLOSSUS n pl. -LOSSI or -LOSSUSES a gigantic statue COLOTOMY n pl. -MIES a surgical incision of the colon COLOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to color COLOURER n pl. -S colorer COLPITIS n pl. -TISES a vaginal inflammation COLT n pl. -S a young male horse COLTISH adj COLTER n pl. -S a blade on a plow COLUBRID n pl. -S any of a large family of snakes COLUGO n pl. -GOS a small mammal COLUMBIC adj pertaining to niobium COLUMEL n pl. -S a small column-like anatomical part COLUMN n pl. -S a vertical cylindrical support COLUMNAL, COLUMNAR, COLUMNED adj COLURE n pl. -S an astronomical circle COLY n pl. COLIES an African bird COLZA n pl. -S a plant of the cabbage family COMA n pl. -MAE a tuft of silky hairs COMA n pl. -S a condition of prolonged unconsciousness COMAKE v -MADE, -MAKING, -MAKES to serve as comaker for another's loan COMAKER n pl. -S one who assumes financial responsibility for another's default COMAL adj comose COMANAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to manage jointly COMATE n pl. -S a companion COMATIC adj having blurred vision as a result of coma COMATIK n pl. -S komatik COMATOSE adj affected with coma COMATULA n pl. -LAE a marine animal COMB v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) COMBAT v -BATED, -BATING, -BATS or -BATTED, -BATTING, -BATS to fight against COMBATER n pl. -S one that combats COMBE n pl. -S a narrow valley COMBER n pl. -S one that combs COMBINE v -BINED, -BINING, -BINES to blend COMBINER n pl. -S one that combines COMBINGS n/pl hair removed by a comb COMBINING present participle of combine COMBLIKE adj resembling a comb COMBO n pl. -BOS a small jazz band COMBUST v -ED, -ING, -S to burn COME v CAME, COMING, COMES or COMETH to move toward something or someone COMEBACK n pl. -S a return to former prosperity COMEDIAN n pl. -S a humorous entertainer COMEDIC adj pertaining to comedy COMEDIES pl. of comedy COMEDO n pl. -DOS or -DONES a skin blemish COMEDOWN n pl. -S a drop in status COMEDY n pl. -DIES a humorous play, movie, or other work COMELY adj -LIER, -LIEST pleasing to look at COMELILY adv COMEMBER n pl. -S one that shares membership COMER n pl. -S one showing great promise COMET n pl. -S a celestial body COMETARY adj COMETH a present 3d person sing. of come COMETHER n pl. -S an affair or matter COMETIC adj pertaining to a comet COMFIER comparative of comfy COMFIEST superlative of comfy COMFIT n pl. -S a candy COMFORT v -ED, -ING, -S to soothe in time of grief COMFREY n pl. -FREYS a coarse herb COMFY adj -FIER, -FIEST comfortable COMIC n pl. -S a comedian COMICAL adj funny COMING n pl. -S arrival COMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to blend thoroughly COMITIA n pl. COMITIA a public assembly in ancient Rome COMITIAL adj COMITY n pl. -TIES civility COMIX n/pl comic books or strips COMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a fragment of a few words or feet in ancient prosody COMMAND v -ED, -ING, -S to direct with authority COMMANDO n pl. -DOES or -DOS a military unit COMMATA a pl. of comma COMMENCE v -MENCED, -MENCING, -MENCES to begin COMMEND v -ED, -ING, -S to praise COMMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to remark COMMERCE v -MERCED, -MERCING, -MERCES to commune COMMIE n pl. -S a Communist COMMIES pl. of commy COMMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to do, perform, or perpetrate COMMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mix together COMMODE n pl. -S a cabinet COMMON adj -MONER, -MONEST ordinary COMMON n pl. -S a tract of publicly used land COMMONER n pl. -S one of the common people COMMONLY adv in a common manner COMMOVE v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES to move violently COMMUNAL adj belonging to a community; public COMMUNE v -MUNED, -MUNING, -MUNES to converse intimately COMMUTE v -MUTED, -MUTING, -MUTES to exchange COMMUTER n pl. -S one that commutes COMMY n pl. -MIES commie COMOSE adj bearing a tuft of silky hairs COMOUS adj comose COMP v -ED, -ING, -S to play a jazz accompaniment COMPACT adj -PACTER, -PACTEST closely and firmly united COMPACT v -ED, -ING, -S to pack closely together COMPADRE n pl. -S a close friend COMPANY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to associate with COMPARE v -PARED, -PARING, -PARES to represent as similar COMPARER n pl. -S one that compares COMPART v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into parts COMPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go around COMPEER v -ED, -ING, -S to equal or match COMPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to urge forcefully COMPEND n pl. -S a brief summary COMPERE v -PERED, -PERING, -PERES to act as master of ceremonies COMPETE v -PETED, -PETING, -PETES to vie COMPILE v -PILED, -PILING, -PILES to collect into a volume COMPILER n pl. -S one that compiles COMPLAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to express discontent COMPLEAT adj highly skilled COMPLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to weave together COMPLETE adj -PLETER, -PLETEST having all necessary parts COMPLETE v -PLETED, -PLETING, -PLETES to bring to an end COMPLEX adj -PLEXER, -PLEXEST complicated COMPLEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to make complex COMPLICE n pl. -S an associate COMPLIED past tense of comply COMPLIER n pl. -S one that complies COMPLIES present 3d person sing. of comply COMPLIN n pl. -S compline COMPLINE n pl. -S the last liturgical prayer of the day COMPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to conspire COMPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to obey COMPO n pl. -POS a mixed substance COMPONE adj compony COMPONY adj composed of squares of alternating colors COMPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct oneself in a certain way COMPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to form the substance of COMPOSER n pl. -S one that writes music COMPOST v -ED, -ING, -S to fertilize COMPOTE n pl. -S fruit stewed in syrup COMPOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to add to COMPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to compact COMPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to include or contain COMPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to comprise COMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to count COMPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to calculate COMPUTER n pl. -S a machine that computes automatically COMRADE n pl. -S a close friend COMTE n pl. -S a French nobleman CON v CONNED, CONNING, CONS to study carefully CONATION n pl. -S the inclination to act purposefully CONATIVE adj CONATUS n pl. CONATUS an effort CONCAVE v -CAVED, -CAVING, -CAVES to make concave (curving inward) CONCEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to keep from sight or discovery CONCEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to acknowledge as true CONCEDER n pl. -S one that concedes CONCEIT v -ED, -ING, -S to imagine CONCEIVE v -CEIVED, -CEIVING, -CEIVES to understand CONCENT n pl. -S harmony CONCEPT n pl. -S a general idea CONCERN v -ED, -ING, -S to be of interest to CONCERT v -ED, -ING, -S to plan CONCERTO n pl. -TOS or -TI a musical composition CONCH n pl. -S or -ES a marine mollusk CONCHA n pl. -CHAE an anatomical shell-like structure CONCHAL adj CONCHIE n pl. -S conchy CONCHOID n pl. -S a type of geometric curve CONCHY n pl. -CHIES a conscientious objector CONCISE adj -CISER, -CISEST succinct CONCLAVE n pl. -S a secret meeting CONCLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to finish CONCOCT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare by combining ingredients CONCORD n pl. -S a state of agreement CONCRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to solidify CONCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS to agree CONCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to injure the brain by a violent blow CONDEMN v -ED, -ING, -S to criticize severely CONDENSE v -DENSED, -DENSING, -DENSES to compress CONDIGN adj deserved; appropriate CONDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES an individually owned unit in a multiunit structure CONDOLE v -DOLED, -DOLING, -DOLES to mourn CONDOLER n pl. -S one that condoles CONDOM n pl. -S a prophylactic CONDONE v -DONED, -DONING, -DONES to forgive or overlook CONDONER n pl. -S one that condones CONDOR n pl. -S or -ES a coin of Chile CONDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to contribute to a result CONDUCER n pl. -S one that conduces CONDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to lead or guide CONDUIT n pl. -S a channel or pipe for conveying fluids CONDYLE n pl. -S a protuberance on a bone CONDYLAR adj CONE v CONED, CONING, CONES to shape like a cone (a geometric solid) CONELRAD n pl. -S a system of defense in the event of air attack CONENOSE n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect CONEPATE n pl. -S a skunk CONEPATL n pl. -S conepate CONEY n pl. -NEYS cony CONFAB v -FABBED, -FABBING, -FABS to chat CONFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare from various ingredients CONFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to bestow CONFEREE n pl. -S one upon whom something is conferred CONFERVA n pl. -VAE or -VAS a freshwater alga CONFESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to acknowledge or disclose CONFETTO n pl. -TI a bonbon CONFIDE v -FIDED, -FIDING, -FIDES to reveal in trust or confidence CONFIDER n pl. -S one that confides CONFINE v -FINED, -FINING, -FINES to shut within an enclosure CONFINER n pl. -S one that confines CONFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to assure the validity of CONFIT n pl. -S meat cooked and preserved in its own fat CONFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to blend CONFLICT v -ED, -ING, -S to come into opposition CONFLUX n pl. -ES a flowing together of streams CONFOCAL adj having the same focus or foci CONFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to become the same or similar CONFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to confuse CONFRERE n pl. -S a colleague CONFRONT v -ED, -ING, -S to face defiantly CONFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to mix up mentally CONFUTE v -FUTED, -FUTING, -FUTES to disprove CONFUTER n pl. -S one that confutes CONGA v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a conga (Latin American dance) CONGE n pl. -S permission to depart CONGEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to change from a fluid to a solid CONGEE v -GEED, -GEEING, -GEES to bow politely CONGENER n pl. -S one of the same kind or class CONGER n pl. -S a marine eel CONGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to fill to excess CONGIUS n pl. -GII an ancient unit of measure CONGLOBE v -GLOBED, -GLOBING, -GLOBES to become a globule CONGO n pl. -GOES an eellike amphibian CONGO n pl. -GOS congou CONGOU n pl. -S a Chinese tea CONGRATS n/pl congratulations CONGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to assemble together CONI pl. of conus CONIC n pl. -S a geometric curve CONICAL adj shaped like a cone CONICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being conical CONIDIUM n pl. -NIDIA a fungus spore CONIDIAL, CONIDIAN adj CONIES pl. of cony CONIFER n pl. -S an evergreen tree CONIINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid CONIN n pl. -S coniine CONINE n pl. -S coniine CONING present participle of cone CONIOSIS n pl. -OSES an infection caused by the inhalation of dust CONIUM n pl. -S a poisonous herb CONJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to join together CONJOINT adj CONJUGAL adj pertaining to marriage CONJUNCT n pl. -S one that is joined with another CONJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to summon a spirit CONJURER n pl. -S a sorcerer CONJUROR n pl. -S conjurer CONK v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head CONKER n pl. -S a chestnut used in a British game CONKY adj full of a tree fungus CONN v -ED, -ING, -S to direct the steering of a ship CONNATE adj innate CONNECT v -ED, -ING, -S to join together CONNED past tense of con CONNER n pl. -S one that cons CONNING present participle of con CONNIVE v -NIVED, -NIVING, -NIVES to feign ignorance of wrongdoing CONNIVER n pl. -S one that connives CONNOTE v -NOTED, -NOTING, -NOTES to imply another meaning besides the literal one CONODONT n pl. -S a fossil CONOID n pl. -S a geometric solid CONOIDAL adj CONQUER v -ED, -ING, -S to overcome by force CONQUEST n pl. -S the act of conquering CONQUIAN n pl. -S a card game CONSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to permit or approve CONSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to protect from loss or depletion CONSIDER v -ED, -ING, -S to think about CONSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to give over to another's care CONSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to be made up or composed CONSOL n pl. -S a government bond CONSOLE v -SOLED, -SOLING, -SOLES to comfort CONSOLER n pl. -S one that consoles CONSOMME n pl. -S a clear soup CONSORT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep company CONSPIRE v -SPIRED, -SPIRING, -SPIRES to plan secretly with another CONSTANT n pl. -S something that does not vary CONSTRUE v -STRUED, -STRUING, -STRUES to interpret CONSUL n pl. -S an official serving abroad CONSULAR adj CONSULT v -ED, -ING, -S to ask an opinion of CONSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to use up CONSUMER n pl. -S one that consumes CONTACT v -ED, -ING, -S to communicate with CONTAGIA n/pl causative agents of infectious diseases CONTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hold within CONTE n pl. -S a short story CONTEMN v -ED, -ING, -S to scorn CONTEMPT n pl. -S the feeling of one who views something as mean, vile, or worthless CONTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to vie CONTENT v -ED, -ING, -S to satisfy CONTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to compete for CONTEXT n pl. -S the part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears CONTINUA n/pl mathematical sets CONTINUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to go on with CONTINUO n pl. -UOS a type of instrumental part CONTO n pl. -TOS a Portuguese money of account CONTORT v -ED, -ING, -S to twist out of shape CONTOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to make the outline of CONTRA n pl. -S a Nicaraguan revolutionary CONTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to decrease in size or volume CONTRAIL n pl. -S a visible trail of water vapor from an aircraft CONTRARY n pl. -TRARIES an opposite CONTRAST v -ED, -ING, -S to place in opposition to set off differences CONTRITE adj deeply sorry for one's sins CONTRIVE v -TRIVED, -TRIVING, -TRIVES to devise CONTROL v -TROLLED, -TROLLING, -TROLS to exercise authority over CONTUSE v -TUSED, -TUSING, -TUSES to bruise CONUS n pl. CONI an anatomical part in mammals CONVECT v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer heat by a process of circulation CONVENE v -VENED, -VENING, -VENES to assemble CONVENER n pl. -S one that convenes CONVENOR n pl. -S convener CONVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to convene CONVERGE v -VERGED, -VERGING, -VERGES to come together CONVERSE v -VERSED, -VERSING, -VERSES to speak together CONVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to change into another form CONVEX n pl. -ES a surface or body that is convex (curving outward) CONVEXLY adv in a convex manner CONVEY v -ED, -ING, -S to transport CONVEYER n pl. -S one that conveys CONVEYOR n pl. -S conveyer CONVICT v -ED, -ING, -S to prove guilty CONVINCE v -VINCED, -VINCING, -VINCES to cause to believe something CONVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES to cause to assemble CONVOKER n pl. -S one that convokes CONVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to roll together CONVOY v -ED, -ING, -S to escort CONVULSE v -VULSED, -VULSING, -VULSES to shake violently CONY n pl. CONIES a rabbit COO v COOED, COOING, COOS to make the sound of a dove COOCH n pl. -ES a sinuous dance COOCOO adj crazy COOEE v COOEED, COOEEING, COOEES to cry out shrilly COOER n pl. -S one that coos COOEY v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS to cooee COOF n pl. -S a dolt COOINGLY adv in the manner of cooing doves; affectionately COOK v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare food by heating COOKABLE adj COOKBOOK n pl. -S a book of recipes COOKER n pl. -S one that cooks COOKERY n pl. -ERIES the art of cooking COOKEY n pl. -EYS cookie COOKIE n pl. -S a small, flat cake COOKING n pl. -S the act of one that cooks COOKLESS adj having no person that cooks COOKOUT n pl. -S a meal eaten and prepared outdoors COOKSHOP n pl. -S a shop that sells cooked food COOKTOP n pl. -S a counter-top cooking apparatus COOKWARE n pl. -S utensils used in cooking COOKY n pl. COOKIES cookie COOL adj COOLER, COOLEST moderately cold COOL v -ED, -ING, -S to make less warm COOLANT n pl. -S a fluid used to cool engines COOLDOWN n pl. -S a gradual return of physiological functions to normal levels after strenuous exercise COOLER n pl. -S something that cools COOLIE n pl. -S an Oriental laborer COOLIES pl. of cooly COOLISH adj somewhat cool COOLLY adv in a cool manner COOLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being cool COOLTH n pl. -S coolness COOLY n pl. COOLIES coolie COOMB n pl. -S combe COOMBE n pl. -S combe COON n pl. -S a raccoon COONCAN n pl. -S conquian COONSKIN n pl. -S the pelt of a raccoon COONTIE n pl. -S a tropical plant COOP v -ED, -ING, -S to confine COOPER v -ED, -ING, -S to make or mend barrels COOPERY n pl. -ERIES the trade of coopering COOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to elect or appoint COOPTION n pl. -S the act of coopting COOT n pl. -S an aquatic bird COOTER n pl. -S a turtle COOTIE n pl. -S a body louse COP v COPPED, COPPING, COPS to steal COPAIBA n pl. -S a resin COPAL n pl. -S a resin COPALM n pl. -S a hardwood tree COPARENT n pl. -S a fellow parent COPASTOR n pl. -S one that shares the duties of a pastor COPATRON n pl. -S a fellow patron COPE v COPED, COPING, COPES to contend or strive COPECK n pl. -S kopeck COPEMATE n pl. -S an antagonist COPEN n pl. -S a blue color COPEPOD n pl. -S a minute crustacean COPER n pl. -S a horse dealer COPIED past tense of copy COPIER n pl. -S one that copies COPIES present 3d person sing. of copy COPIHUE n -pl. -S a climbing vine COPILOT n pl. -S an assistant pilot COPING n pl. -S the top part of a wall COPIOUS adj abundant COPLANAR adj lying in the same plane COPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to plot together COPPED past tense of cop COPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with copper (a metallic element) COPPERAH n pl. -S copra COPPERAS n pl. -ES a compound used in making inks COPPERY adj resembling copper COPPICE v -PICED, -PICING, -PICES to cause to grow in the form of a coppice (a thicket) COPPING present participle of cop COPPRA n pl. -S copra COPRA n pl. -S dried coconut meat COPRAH n pl. -S copra COPREMIA n pl. -S a form of blood poisoning COPREMIC adj COPRINCE n pl. -S one of two princes ruling jointly COPSE n pl. -S a coppice COPTER n pl. -S a helicopter COPULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE something that links COPULAR adj COPULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to engage in coitus COPURIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to become purified with another substance COPY v COPIED, COPYING, COPIES to imitate COPYBOOK n pl. -S a book used in teaching penmanship COPYBOY n pl. -BOYS an office boy COPYCAT v -CATTED, -CATTING, -CATS to imitate COPYDESK n pl. -S an editor's desk in a newspaper office COPYEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare copy for the printer COPYHOLD n pl. -S a type of ownership of land COPYIST n pl. -S an imitator COPYREAD v -READ, -READING, -READS to copyedit COQUET v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETS to flirt COQUETRY n pl. -TRIES flirtatious behavior COQUETTE v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETTES to coquet COQUILLE n pl. -S a cooking utensil COQUINA n pl. -S a small marine clam COQUITO n pl. -TOS a palm tree COR interj -- used to express surprise, admiration, or irritation CORACLE n pl. -S a small boat CORACOID n pl. -S a bone of the shoulder girdle CORAL n pl. -S a mass of marine animal skeletons CORANTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES courante CORBAN n pl. -S an offering to God CORBEIL n pl. -S a sculptured fruit basket CORBEL v -BELED, -BELING, -BELS or -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS to provide a wall with a bracket CORBIE n pl. -S a raven or crow CORBINA n pl. -S a food and game fish CORBY n pl. CORBIES corbie CORD v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a cord (a thin rope) CORDAGE n pl. -S the amount of wood in an area CORDATE adj heart-shaped CORDELLE v -DELLED, -DELLING, -DELLES to tow a boat with a cordelle (a towrope) CORDER n pl. -S one that cords CORDIAL n pl. -S a liqueur CORDING n pl. -S the ribbed surface of cloth CORDITE n pl. -S an explosive powder CORDLESS adj having no cord CORDLIKE adj resembling a cord CORDOBA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Nicaragua CORDON v -ED, -ING, -S to form a barrier around CORDOVAN n pl. -S a fine leather CORDUROY v -ED, -ING, -S to build a type of road CORDWAIN n pl. -S cordovan CORDWOOD n pl. -S wood used for fuel CORE v CORED, CORING, CORES to remove the core (the central part) of COREDEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to redeem jointly COREIGN n pl. -S a joint reign CORELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to place into mutual or reciprocal relation CORELESS adj having no core COREMIUM n pl. -MIA an organ of certain fungi CORER n pl. -S a utensil for coring apples CORF n pl. CORVES a wagon used in a mine CORGI n pl. -S a short-legged dog CORING present participle of core CORIUM n pl. -RIA a skin layer CORK v -ED, -ING, -S to stop up CORKAGE n pl. -S a charge for wine in a restaurant CORKER n pl. -S one that corks CORKIER comparative of corky CORKIEST superlative of corky CORKLIKE adj resembling cork (a porous tree bark) CORKWOOD n pl. -S a small tree CORKY adj CORKIER, CORKIEST corklike CORM n pl. -S a stem of certain plants CORMOID, CORMOUS, CORMLIKE adj CORMEL n pl. -S a small corm CORN v -ED, -ING, -S to preserve with salt CORNBALL n pl. -S a hick CORNCAKE n pl. -S a cake made of cornmeal CORNCOB n pl. -S the woody core of an ear of corn CORNCRIB n pl. -S a building in which corn is stored CORNEA n pl. -S a part of the eye CORNEAL adj CORNEL n pl. -S a hardwood tree or shrub CORNEOUS adj of a hornlike texture CORNER v -ED, -ING, -S to gain control of CORNET n pl. -S a trumpetlike instrument CORNETCY n -CIES a rank in the British cavalry CORNFED adj fed on corn CORNHUSK n pl. -S the husk covering an ear of corn CORNICE v -NICED, -NICING, -NICES to decorate with a molding CORNICHE n pl. -S a road built along a cliff CORNICLE n pl. -S a part of an aphid CORNIER comparative of corny CORNIEST superlative of corny CORNILY adv in a corny manner CORNMEAL n pl. -S meal made from corn CORNPONE adj having simple, folksy qualities CORNROW v -ED, -ING, -S to braid hair tightly in rows close to the scalp CORNU n pl. -NUA a hornlike bone formation CORNUAL adj CORNUS n pl. -ES a cornel CORNUTE adj horn-shaped CORNUTED adj cornute CORNUTO n pl. -TOS the husband of an unfaithful wife CORNY adj CORNIER, CORNIEST trite CORODY n pl. -DIES an allowance of food or clothes COROLLA n pl. -S a protective covering of a flower CORONA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a luminous circle around a celestial body CORONACH n pl. -S a dirge CORONAL n pl. -S a wreath worn on the head CORONARY n pl. -NARIES an artery supplying blood to the heart CORONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to crown CORONEL n pl. -S coronal CORONER n pl. -S an officer who investigates questionable deaths CORONET n pl. -S a small crown CORONOID adj crown-shaped COROTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to rotate together CORPORA pl. of corpus CORPORAL n pl. -S a military rank CORPS n pl. CORPS a military unit CORPSE n pl. -S a dead body CORPSMAN n pl. -MEN an enlisted man trained in first aid CORPUS n pl. -PORA a human or animal body CORRADE v -RADED, -RADING, -RADES to erode CORRAL v -RALLED, -RALLING, -RALS to place livestock in a corral (an enclosure) CORRECT adj -RECTER, -RECTEST free from error CORRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to make free from error CORRIDA n pl. -S a bullfight CORRIDOR n pl. -S a narrow hallway CORRIE n pl. -S a cirque CORRIVAL n pl. -S a rival or opponent CORRODE v -RODED, -RODING, -RODES to eat away gradually CORRODY n pl. -DIES corody CORRUPT adj -RUPTER, -RUPTEST dishonest and venal CORRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to subvert the honesty or integrity of CORSAC n pl. -S an Asian fox CORSAGE n pl. -S a small bouquet of flowers CORSAIR n pl. -S a pirate CORSE n pl. -S a corpse CORSELET n pl. -S a piece of body armor CORSET v -ED, -ING, -S to fit with a corset (a supporting undergarment) CORSETRY n pl. -RIES the work of making corsets CORSLET n pl. -S corselet CORTEGE n pl. -S a retinue CORTEX n pl. -TICES or -TEXES the outer layer of an organ CORTICAL adj CORTIN n pl. -S a hormone CORTISOL n pl. -S a hormone CORULER n pl. -S one that rules jointly CORUNDUM n pl. -S a hard mineral CORVEE n pl. -S an obligation to perform feudal service CORVES pl. of corf CORVET n pl. -S corvette CORVETTE n pl. -S a small, swift warship CORVINA n pl. -S corbina CORVINE adj pertaining or belonging to the crow family of birds CORY n pl. CORY a former monetary unit of Guinea CORYBANT n pl. -BANTS or -BANTES a reveler CORYMB n pl. -S a flower cluster CORYMBED adj CORYPHEE n pl. -S a ballet dancer CORYZA n pl. -S a head cold CORYZAL adj COS n pl. -ES a variety of lettuce COSCRIPT v -ED, -ING, -S to collaborate in preparing a script for COSEC n pl. -S cosecant COSECANT n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle COSET n pl. -S a mathematical subset COSEY n pl. -SEYS a cozy COSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bludgeon COSHER v -ED, -ING, -S to coddle COSIE n pl. -S a cozy COSIED past tense of cosy COSIER comparative of cosy COSIES present 3d person sing. of cosy COSIEST superlative of cosy COSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to sign jointly COSIGNER n pl. -S one that cosigns COSILY adv in a cosy manner COSINE n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle COSINESS n pl. -ES coziness COSMETIC n pl. -S a beauty preparation COSMIC adj pertaining to the cosmos COSMICAL adj cosmic COSMISM n pl. -S a philosophical theory COSMIST n pl. -S a supporter of cosmism COSMOS n pl. -ES the universe regarded as an orderly system COSS n pl. COSS kos COSSACK n pl. -S a Russian cavalryman COSSET v -ED, -ING, -S to fondle COST v COST COSTED, COSTING, COSTS to estimate a price for production of COSTA n pl. -TAE a rib COSTAL adj COSTAR v -STARRED, -STARRING, -STARS to star with another actor COSTARD n pl. -S a large cooking apple COSTATE adj having a rib or ribs COSTER n pl. -S a hawker of fruit or vegetables COSTIVE adj constipated COSTLESS adj free of charge COSTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST expensive COSTMARY n pl. -MARIES an herb used in salads COSTREL n pl. -S a flask COSTUME v -TUMED, -TUMING, -TUMES to supply with a costume (a style of dress) COSTUMER n pl. -S one that costumes COSTUMEY adj of or pertaining to a costume COSTUMING present participle of costume COSY adj COSIER, COSIEST cozy COSY v COSIED, COSYING, COSIES cozy COT n pl. -S a light, narrow bed COTAN n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle COTE v COTED, COTING, COTES to pass by COTEAU n pl. -TEAUX the higher ground of a region COTENANT n pl. -S one who is a tenant with another in the same place COTERIE n pl. -S a clique COTHURN n pl. -S a buskin worn by ancient Roman actors COTHURNI n/pl cothurns COTIDAL adj indicating coincidence of the tides COTILLON n pl. -S a ballroom dance COTING present participle of cote COTQUEAN n pl. -S a vulgar woman COTTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a short surplice COTTAGE n pl. -S a small house COTTAGEY adj COTTAGER n pl. -S one that lives in a cottage COTTAR n pl. -S cotter COTTER n pl. -S a pin or wedge used for fastening parts together COTTERED adj COTTIER n pl. -S cotter COTTON v -ED, -ING, -S to take a liking COTTONY adj resembling cotton (a soft, fibrous material) COTYLOID adj cup-shaped COTYPE n pl. -S a taxonomic type COUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put into words COUCHANT adj lying down COUCHER n pl. -S one that couches COUCHING n pl. -S a form of embroidery COUDE adj pertaining to a type of telescope COUGAR n pl. -S a mountain lion COUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to expel air from the lungs noisily COUGHER n pl. -S one that coughs COULD past tense of can COULDEST a past 2d person sing. of can COULDST a past 2d person sing. of can COULEE n pl. -S a small ravine COULIS n pl. -LISES a thick sauce of pureed vegetable or fruit COULISSE n pl. -S a side scene of a theatre stage COULOIR n pl. -S a deep gorge or gully COULOMB n pl. -S an electrical measure COULTER n pl. -S colter COUMARIN n pl. -S a chemical compound COUMARIC adj COUMAROU n pl. -S the seed of a tropical tree COUNCIL n pl. -S a group of persons appointed for a certain function COUNSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to advise COUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to list or mention the units of one by one to ascertain the total COUNTER v -ED, -ING, -S to oppose COUNTESS n pl. -ES a noblewoman COUNTIAN n pl. -S a resident of a county COUNTRY n pl. -TRIES the territory of a nation COUNTY n pl. -TIES an administrative division of a state COUP v -ED, -ING, -S to overturn COUPE n pl. -S an automobile with two doors COUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to unite in pairs COUPLER n pl. -S one that couples COUPLET n pl. -S a pair of successive lines of verse COUPLING n pl. -S a joining device COUPON n pl. -S a certificate entitling the holder to certain benefits COURAGE n pl. -S the quality that enables one to face danger fearlessly; spirit COURANT n pl. -S courante COURANTE n pl. -S an old, lively dance COURANTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES courante COURIER n pl. -S a messenger COURLAN n pl. -S a wading bird COURSE v COURSED, COURSING, COURSES to cause hounds to chase game COURSER n pl. -S one that courses COURSING n pl. -S the pursuit of game by hounds COURT v -ED, -ING, -S to woo COURTER n pl. -S one that courts COURTESY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to curtsy COURTIER n pl. -S one who attends a royal court COURTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST stately COUSCOUS n pl. -ES a North African cereal COUSIN n pl. -S a child of one's aunt or uncle COUSINLY adj COUSINRY n pl. -RIES cousins collectively COUTEAU n pl. -TEAUX a knife COUTER n pl. -S a piece of armor for the elbow COUTH adj COUTHER, COUTHEST sophisticated COUTH n pl. -S refinement COUTHIE adj COUTHIER, COUTHIEST friendly COUTURE n pl. -S the business of dressmaking COUVADE n pl. -S a primitive birth ritual COVALENT adj sharing electron pairs COVE v COVED, COVING, COVES to curve over or inward COVEN n pl. -S a group of witches COVENANT v -ED, -ING, -S to enter into a binding agreement COVER v -ED, -ING, -S to place something over or upon COVERAGE n pl. -S the extent to which something is covered COVERALL n pl. -S a one-piece work garment COVERER n pl. -S one that covers COVERING n pl. -S something that covers COVERLET n pl. -S a bed covering COVERLID n pl. -S a coverlet COVERT n pl. -S a hiding place COVERTLY adv secretly COVERUP n pl. -S something used to conceal improper activity COVET v -ED, -ING, -S to desire greatly COVETER n pl. -S one that covets COVETOUS adj excessively desirous COVEY n pl. -EYS a flock of birds COVIN n pl. -S a conspiracy to defraud COVING n pl. -S a concave molding COW n pl. -S or KINE a farm animal COW v -ED, -ING, -S to intimidate COWAGE n pl. -S a tropical vine COWARD n pl. -S one who lacks courage COWARDLY adj lacking courage COWBANE n pl. -S a poisonous plant COWBELL n pl. -S a bell around a cow's neck COWBERRY n pl. -RIES a pasture shrub COWBIND n pl. -S a species of bryony COWBIRD n pl. -S a blackbird COWBOY n pl. -BOYS a ranch worker COWEDLY adv in a cowed manner COWER v -ED, -ING, -S to cringe COWFISH n pl. -ES an aquatic mammal COWFLAP n pl. -S cowflop COWFLOP n pl. -S a cowpat COWGIRL n pl. -S a female ranch worker COWHAGE n pl. -S cowage COWHAND n pl. -S a cowboy COWHERB n pl. -S an annual herb COWHERD n pl. -S one who tends cattle COWHIDE v -HIDED, -HIDING, -HIDES to flog with a leather whip COWIER comparative of cowy COWIEST superlative of cowy COWINNER n pl. -S one of two or more winners COWL v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a hood COWLICK n pl. -S a lock of unruly hair COWLING n pl. -S a covering for an aircraft engine COWMAN n pl. -MEN one who owns cattle COWORKER n pl. -S a fellow worker COWPAT n pl. -S a dropping of cow dung COWPEA n pl. -S a black-eyed pea COWPIE n pl. -S a cowpat COWPLOP n pl. -S a cowpat COWPOKE n pl. -S a cowboy COWPOX n pl. -ES a cattle disease COWRIE n pl. -S cowry COWRITE v -WROTE, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES to collaborate in writing COWRY n pl. -RIES a glossy seashell COWSHED n pl. -S a shelter for cows COWSKIN n pl. -S the hide of a cow COWSLIP n pl. -S a flowering plant COWY adj COWIER, COWIEST suggestive of a cow COX v -ED, -ING, -ES to coxswain COXA n pl. COXAE the hip or hip joint COXAL adj COXALGIA n pl. -S pain in the hip COXALGIC adj COXALGY n pl. -GIES coxalgia COXCOMB n pl. -S a conceited dandy COXITIS n pl. COXITIDES inflammation of the hip joint COXSWAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to steer a racing rowboat COY adj COYER, COYEST shy COY v -ED, -ING, -S to caress COYDOG n pl. -S a hybrid between a coyote and a wild dog COYISH adj somewhat coy COYLY adv in a coy manner COYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being coy COYOTE n pl. -S a small wolf COYPOU n pl. -S a coypu COYPU n pl. -S an aquatic rodent COZ n pl. COZES or COZZES a cousin COZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to deceive COZENAGE n pl. -S the practice of cozening COZENER n pl. -S one that cozens COZEY n pl. -ZEYS a cozy COZIE n pl. -S a cozy COZIED past tense of cozy COZIER comparative of cozy COZIES present 3d person sing. of cozy COZIEST superlative of cozy COZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being cozy COZY adj COZIER, COZIEST snug and comfortable COZILY adv COZY v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES to attempt to get on friendly terms COZZES a pl. of coz CRAAL v -ED, -ING, -S to kraal CRAB v CRABBED, CRABBING, CRABS to complain CRABBER n pl. -S one that crabs CRABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST grumpy CRABBILY adv CRABMEAT n pl. -S the edible part of a crab CRABWISE adv sideways CRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to break without dividing into parts CRACKER n pl. -S a thin, crisp biscuit CRACKING n pl. -S a chemical process CRACKLE v -LED, -LING, -ES to make a succession of snapping sounds CRACKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST brittle CRACKNEL n pl. -S a hard, crisp biscuit CRACKPOT n pl. -S an eccentric person CRACKUP n pl. -S a collision CRACKY interj -- used to express surprise CRADLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to nurture during infancy CRADLER n pl. -S one that cradles CRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to make by hand CRAFTY adj CRAFTIER, CRAFTIEST skillful in deceiving CRAFTILY adv CRAG n pl. -S a large jagged rock CRAGGED adj CRAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST full of crags CRAGGILY adv CRAGSMAN n pl. -MEN one who climbs crags CRAKE n pl. -S a small, harsh-voiced bird CRAM v CRAMMED, CRAMMING, CRAMS to fill or pack tightly CRAMBE n pl. -S an annual herb CRAMBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a word game CRAMMED past tense of cram CRAMMER n pl. -S one that crams CRAMMING present participle of cram CRAMOISY n pl. -SIES crimson cloth CRAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain or confine CRAMPIT n pl. -S a piece of equipment used in curling CRAMPON n pl. -S a device for raising heavy objects CRAMPOON n pl. -S crampon CRANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to craunch CRANE v CRANED, CRANING, CRANES to stretch out one's neck CRANIA a pl. of cranium CRANIAL adj pertaining to the skull CRANIATE n pl. -S one that has a skull CRANING present participle of crane CRANIUM n pl. -NIUMS or -NIA the skull CRANK adj CRANKER, CRANKEST lively CRANK v -ED, -ING, -S to start manually CRANKIER comparative of cranky CRANKIEST superlative of cranky CRANKILY adv in a cranky manner CRANKISH adj eccentric CRANKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to crinkle CRANKLY adv in a crank manner CRANKOUS adj cranky CRANKPIN n pl. -S the handle of a crank CRANKY adj CRANKIER, CRANKIEST grumpy CRANNIED adj having crannies CRANNIES pl. of cranny CRANNOG n pl. -S an artificial island CRANNOGE n pl. -S crannog CRANNY n pl. -NIES a crevice CRANNIED adj CRAP v CRAPPED, CRAPPING, CRAPS to throw a 2, 3, or 12 in a dice game CRAPE v CRAPED, CRAPING, CRAPES to crepe CRAPPIE n pl. -S an edible fish CRAPPING present participle of crap CRAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST markedly inferior in quality CRASES pl. of crasis CRASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to collide noisily CRASHER n pl. -S one that crashes CRASIS n pl. CRASES a vowel contraction CRASS adj CRASSER, CRASSEST grossly vulgar or stupid CRASSLY adv CRATCH n pl. -ES a manger CRATE v CRATED, CRATING, CRATES to put in a packing box CRATER v -ED, -ING, -S to form cavities in a surface CRATON n pl. -S a part of the earth's crust CRATONIC adj CRAUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to crunch CRAVAT n pl. -S a necktie CRAVE v CRAVED, CRAVING, CRAVES to desire greatly CRAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make cowardly CRAVENLY adv in a cowardly manner CRAVER n pl. -S one that craves CRAVING n pl. -S a great desire CRAW n pl. -S the stomach of an animal CRAWDAD n pl. -S a crayfish CRAWFISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to back out or retreat CRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to move with the body on or near the ground CRAWLER n pl. -S one that crawls CRAWLWAY n pl. -WAYS a small, low tunnel CRAWLY adj CRAWLIER, CRAWLIEST creepy CRAYFISH n pl. -ES a crustacean CRAYON v -ED, -ING, -S to use a drawing implement CRAZE v CRAZED, CRAZING, CRAZES to make insane CRAZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST insane CRAZILY adv CRAZY n pl. -ZIES a crazy person CREAK v -ED, -ING, -S to squeak CREAKY adj CREAKIER, CREAKIEST creaking CREAKILY adv CREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to form cream (a part of milk) CREAMER n pl. -S a cream pitcher CREAMERY n pl. -ERIES a dairy CREAMY adj CREAMIER, CREAMIEST rich in cream CREAMILY adv CREASE v CREASED, CREASING, CREASES to make a fold or winkle in CREASER n pl. -S one that creases CREASY adj CREASIER, CREASIEST having folds or wrinkles CREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to cause to exist CREATIN n pl. -S creatine CREATINE n pl. -S a chemical compound CREATION n pl. -S something created CREATIVE adj having the ability to create CREATOR n pl. -S one that creates CREATURE n pl. -S a living being CRECHE n pl. -S a day nursery CREDAL adj pertaining to a creed CREDENCE n pl. -S belief CREDENDA n/pl articles of faith CREDENT adj believing CREDENZA n pl. -S a piece of furniture CREDIBLE adj believable CREDIBLY adv CREDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to accept as true CREDITOR n pl. -S one to whom money is owed CREDO n pl. -DOS a creed CREED n pl. -S a statement of belief CREEDAL adj CREEK n pl. -S a watercourse smaller than a river CREEL v -ED, -ING, -S to put fish in a creel (a fish basket) CREEP v CREPT, CREEPING, CREEPS to crawl CREEPAGE n pl. -S gradual movement CREEPER n pl. -S one that creeps CREEPIE n pl. -S a low stool CREEPY adj CREEPIER, CREEPIEST repugnant CREEPILY adv CREESE n pl. -S kris CREESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grease CREMAINS n/pl the ashes of a cremated body CREMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to reduce to ashes by burning CREMATOR n pl. -S one that cremates CREME n pl. -S cream CRENATE adj having an edge with rounded projections CRENATED adj crenate CRENEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to provide with crenelles CRENELLE n pl. -S a rounded projection CREODONT n pl. -S an extinct carnivore CREOLE n pl. -S a type of mixed language CREOLISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to creolize CREOLIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause a language to become a creole CREOSOL n pl. -S a chemical compound CREOSOTE v -SOTED, -SOTING, -SOTES to treat with a wood preservative CREPE v CREPED, CREPING, CREPES to frizz the hair CREPEY adj CREPIER, CREPIEST crinkly CREPON n pl. -S a crinkled fabric CREPT past tense of creep CREPY adj CREPIER, CREPIEST crepey CRESCENT n pl. -S the figure of the moon in its first or last quarter CRESCIVE adj increasing CRESOL n pl. -S a chemical disinfectant CRESS n pl. -ES a plant used in salads CRESSET n pl. -S a metal cup for burning oil CREST v -ED, -ING, -S to reach a crest (a peak) CRESTAL adj pertaining to a crest (a peak) CRESTING n pl. -S a decorative coping CRESYL n pl. -S tolyl CRESYLIC adj pertaining to cresol CRETIC n pl. -S a type of metrical foot CRETIN n pl. -S an idiot CRETONNE n pl. -S a heavy fabric CREVALLE n pl. -S a food and game fish CREVASSE v -VASSED, -VASSING, -VASSES to fissure CREVICE n pl. -S a cleft CREVICED adj CREW v -ED, -ING, -S to serve aboard a ship CREWEL n pl. -S a woolen yarn CREWLESS adj without any crewmen CREWMAN n pl. -MEN one who serves on a ship CREWMATE n pl. -S a fellow crewman CREWNECK n pl. -S a sweater with a collarless neckline CRIB v CRIBBED, CRIBBING, CRIBS to confine closely CRIBBAGE n pl. -S a card game CRIBBER n pl. -S one that cribs CRIBBING n pl. -S a supporting framework CRIBBLED adj covered with dots CRIBROUS adj pierced with small holes CRIBWORK n pl. -S a framework of logs CRICETID n pl. -S a small rodent CRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to cause a spasm of the neck CRICKET v -ED, -ING, -S to play cricket (a ball game) CRICKEY interj -- used as a mild oath CRICOID n pl. -S a cartilage of the larynx CRIED past tense of cry CRIER n pl. -S one that cries CRIES present 3d person sing. of cry CRIKEY interj -- used as a mild oath CRIME n pl. -S a violation of the law CRIMINAL n pl. -S one who has committed a crime CRIMMER n pl. -S krimmer CRIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to pleat CRIMPER n pl. -S one that crimps CRIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinkle CRIMPY adj CRIMPIER, CRIMPIEST wavy CRIMSON v -ED, -ING, -S to make crimson (a red color) CRINGE v CRINGED, CRINGING, CRINGES to shrink in fear CRINGER n pl. -S one that cringes CRINGLE n pl. -S a small loop of rope CRINITE n pl. -S a fossil crinoid CRINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to wrinkle CRINKLY adj -KLIER, -KLIEST crinkled CRINOID n pl. -S a marine animal CRINUM n pl. -S a tropical herb CRIOLLO n pl. -LLOS a person of Spanish ancestry CRIPE interj -- used as a mild oath CRIPES interj -- used as a mild oath CRIPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to disable or impair CRIPPLER n pl. -S one that cripples CRIS n pl. -ES kris CRISIS n pl. CRISES a crucial turning point CRISIC adj CRISP adj CRISPER, CRISPEST brittle CRISP v -ED, -ING, -S to make crisp CRISPATE adj curled CRISPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make crisp CRISPER n pl. -S one that crisps CRISPLY adv in a crisp manner CRISPY adj CRISPIER, CRISPIEST crisp CRISPILY adv CRISSUM n pl. CRISSA a region of feathers on a bird CRISSAL adj CRISTA n pl. -TAE a part of a cell CRISTATE adj having a projection on the head CRITERIA n/pl standards of judgment CRITIC n pl. -S one who judges the merits of something CRITICAL adj CRITIQUE v -TIQUED, -TIQUING, -TIQUES to judge as a critic CRITTER n pl. -S a creature CRITTUR n pl. -S critter CROAK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a low, hoarse sound CROAKER n pl. -S one that croaks CROAKY adj CROAKIER, CROAKIEST low and hoarse CROAKILY adv CROC n pl. -S a crocodile CROCEIN n pl. -S a red dye CROCEINE n pl. -S crocein CROCHET v -ED, -ING, -S to do a type of needlework CROCI a pl. of crocus CROCINE adj pertaining to the crocus CROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to stain or soil CROCKERY n pl. -ERIES pottery CROCKET n pl. -S an architectural ornament CROCOITE n pl. -S a mineral CROCUS n pl. -CUSES or -CI a flowering plant CROFT n pl. -S a small tenant farm CROFTER n pl. -S a tenant farmer CROJIK n pl. -S a triangular sail CROMLECH n pl. -S a dolmen CRONE n pl. -S a withered old woman CRONY n pl. CRONIES a close friend CRONYISM n pl. -S a kind of political favoritism CROOK v -ED, -ING, -S to bend CROOKED adj -EDER, -EDEST dishonest CROOKERY n pl. -ERIES crooked activity CROON v -ED, -ING, -S to sing softly CROONER n pl. -S one that croons CROP v CROPPED, CROPPING, CROPS to cut off short CROPLAND n pl. -S farmland CROPLESS adj being without crops (agricultural produce) CROPPED past tense of crop CROPPER n pl. -S one that crops CROPPIE n pl. -S crappie CROPPING present participle of crop CROQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to drive a ball away in a certain game CROQUIS n pl. CROQUIS a sketch CRORE n pl. -S a monetary unit of India CROSIER n pl. -S a bishop's staff CROSS adj CROSSER, CROSSEST ill-tempered CROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to intersect CROSSARM n pl. -S a horizontal bar CROSSBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to fasten with crossarms CROSSBOW n pl. -S a kind of weapon CROSSCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut across CROSSE n pl. -S a lacrosse stick CROSSER n pl. -S one that crosses CROSSING n pl. -S an intersection CROSSLET n pl. -S a heraldic symbol CROSSLY adv in a cross manner CROSSTIE n pl. -S a transverse beam CROSSWAY n pl. -WAYS a road that crosses another road CROTCH n pl. -ES an angle formed by two diverging parts CROTCHED adj CROTCHET n pl. -S a small hook CROTON n pl. -S a tropical plant CROUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stoop CROUP n pl. -S a disease of the throat CROUPE n pl. -S the rump of certain animals CROUPIER n pl. -S an attendant in a casino CROUPOUS adj pertaining to croup CROUPY adj CROUPIER, CROUPIEST affected with croup CROUPILY adv CROUSE adj lively CROUSELY adv CROUTON n pl. -S a small cube of toasted bread CROW v -ED, -ING, -S to boast CROWBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to use a steel bar as a lever CROWD v -ED, -ING, -S to press into an insufficient space CROWDER n pl. -S one that crowds CROWDIE n pl. -S crowdy CROWDY n pl. -DIES porridge CROWER n pl. -S one that crows CROWFOOT n pl. -FOOTS or -FEET a flowering plant CROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) CROWNER n pl. -S a coroner CROWNET n pl. -S a coronet CROWSTEP n pl. -S a step on top of a wall CROZE n pl. -S a tool used in barrel-making CROZER n pl. -S a croze CROZIER n pl. -S crosier CRUCES a pl. of crux CRUCIAL adj of supreme importance CRUCIAN n pl. -S a European fish CRUCIATE adj cross-shaped CRUCIBLE n pl. -S a heat-resistant vessel CRUCIFER n pl. -S one who carries a cross CRUCIFIX n pl. -ES a cross bearing an image of Christ CRUCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to put to death on a cross CRUCK n pl. -S a curved roof timber CRUD v CRUDDED, CRUDDING, CRUDS to curd CRUDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST filthy; contemptible CRUDE adj CRUDER, CRUDEST unrefined CRUDELY adv CRUDE n pl. -S unrefined petroleum CRUDITES n/pl pieces of raw vegetables served with a dip CRUDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being crude CRUEL adj CRUELER, CRUELEST CRUELLER, CRUELLEST indifferent to the pain of others CRUELLY adv CRUELTY n pl. -TIES a cruel act CRUET n pl. -S a glass bottle CRUISE v CRUISED, CRUISING, CRUISES to sail about touching at several ports CRUISER n pl. -S a boat that cruises CRUISING n pl. -S the act of driving around in search of fun CRULLER n pl. -S a small sweet cake CRUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to break into crumbs (small pieces) CRUMBER n pl. -S one that crumbs CRUMBIER comparative of crumby CRUMBIEST superlative of crumby CRUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to break into small pieces CRUMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST easily crumbled CRUMBUM n pl. -S a despicable person CRUMBY adj CRUMBIER, CRUMBIEST full of crumbs CRUMHORN n pl. -S a double-reed woodwind instrument CRUMMIE n pl. -S a cow with crooked horns CRUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST of little or no value CRUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to crunch CRUMPET n pl. -S a small cake cooked on a griddle CRUMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinkle CRUMPLY adj -PLIER, -PLIEST easily wrinkled CRUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to chew with a crackling sound CRUNCHER n pl. -S one that crunches CRUNCHY adj CRUNCHIER, CRUNCHIEST crisp CRUNODE n pl. -S a point at which a curve crosses itself CRUNODAL adj CRUOR n pl. -S clotted blood CRUPPER n pl. -S the rump of a horse CRURAL adj pertaining to the thigh or leg CRUS n pl. CRURA a part of the leg CRUSADE v -SADED, -SADING, -SADES to engage in a holy war CRUSADER n pl. -S one that crusades CRUSADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS an old Portuguese coin CRUSE n pl. -S a small bottle CRUSET n pl. -S a melting pot CRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to press or squeeze out of shape CRUSHER n pl. -S one that crushes CRUSILY adj covered with crosslets CRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to form a crust (a hardened outer surface) CRUSTAL adj pertaining to the earth's crust CRUSTOSE adj forming a thin, brittle crust CRUSTY adj CRUSTIER, CRUSTIEST surly CRUSTILY adv CRUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to prop up or support CRUX n pl. CRUXES or CRUCES a basic or decisive point CRUZADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS crusado CRUZEIRO n pl. -ROS a monetary unit of Brazil CRWTH n pl. -S an ancient stringed musical instrument CRY v CRIED, CRYING, CRIES to weep CRYINGLY adv CRYBABY n pl. -BIES a person who cries easily CRYOGEN n pl. -S a substance for producing low temperatures CRYOGENY n pl. -NIES a branch of physics CRYOLITE n pl. -S a mineral CRYONICS n/pl the practice of freezing dead bodies for future revival CRYONIC adj CRYOSTAT n pl. -S a refrigerating device CRYOTRON n pl. -S an electronic device CRYPT n pl. -S a burial vault CRYPTAL adj CRYPTIC adj mysterious CRYPTO n pl. -TOS one who belongs secretly to a group CRYSTAL n pl. -S a transparent mineral CTENIDIA n/pl comblike anatomical structures CTENOID adj comblike CUB n pl. -S the young of certain animals CUBAGE n pl. -S cubature CUBATURE n pl. -S cubical content CUBBISH adj resembling a cub CUBBY n pl. -BIES a small, enclosed space CUBE v CUBED, CUBING, CUBES to form into a cube (a regular solid) CUBEB n pl. -S a woody vine CUBER n pl. -S one that cubes CUBIC n pl. -S a mathematical equation or expression CUBICAL adj shaped like a cube CUBICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being cubical CUBICLE n pl. -S a small chamber CUBICLY adv in the form of a cube CUBICULA n/pl burial chambers CUBIFORM adj shaped like a cube CUBING present participle of cube CUBISM n pl. -S a style of art CUBISTIC adj CUBIST n pl. -S an adherent of cubism CUBIT n pl. -S an ancient measure of length CUBITAL adj CUBOID n pl. -S a bone of the foot CUBOIDAL adj CUCKOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to make a cuckold (a cornuto) of CUCKOO v -ED, -ING, -S to repeat monotonously CUCUMBER n pl. -S a garden vegetable CUCURBIT n pl. -S a gourd CUD n pl. -S a portion of food to be chewed again CUDBEAR n pl. -S a red dye CUDDIE n pl. -S cuddy CUDDIES pl. of cuddy CUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to hug tenderly CUDDLER n pl. -S one that cuddles CUDDLY adj -DLIER, -DLIEST fit for cuddling CUDDY n pl. -DIES a donkey CUDGEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to beat with a heavy club CUDGELER n pl. -S one that cudgels CUDWEED n pl. -S a perennial herb CUE v CUED, CUING or CUEING, CUES to give a signal to an actor CUESTA n pl. -S a type of land elevation CUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a cuff (a part of a sleeve) CUFFLESS adj having no cuff CUIF n pl. -S coof CUING a present participle of cue CUIRASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with a type of armor CUISH n pl. -ES cuisse CUISINE n pl. -S a style of cooking CUISSE n pl. -S a piece of armor for the thigh CUITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to coax CUKE n pl. -S a cucumber CULCH n pl. -ES an oyster bed CULET n pl. -S a piece of armor for the lower back CULEX n pl. CULICES a mosquito CULICID n pl. -S a culicine CULICINE n pl. -S a mosquito CULINARY adj pertaining to cookery CULL v -ED, -ING, -S to select from others CULLAY n pl. -LAYS quillai CULLER n pl. -S one that culls CULLET n pl. -S broken glass gathered for remelting CULLIED past tense of cully CULLIES present 3d person sing. of cully CULLION n pl. -S a vile fellow CULLIS n pl. -LISES a gutter in a roof CULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to trick CULM v -ED, -ING, -S to form a hollow stem CULOTTE n pl. -S a divided skirt CULPA n pl. -PAE negligence for which one is liable CULPABLE adj deserving blame or censure CULPABLY adv CULPRIT n pl. -S one that is guilty CULT n pl. -S a religious society CULTISH adj CULTCH n pl. -ES culch CULTI a pl. of cultus CULTIC adj pertaining to a cult CULTIGEN n pl. -S a cultivar CULTISH adj pertaining to a cult CULTISM n pl. -S devotion to a cult CULTIST n pl. -S a member of a cult CULTIVAR n pl. -S a variety of plant originating under cultivation CULTLIKE adj resembling a cult CULTRATE adj sharp-edged and pointed CULTURAL adj produced by breeding CULTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to make fit for raising crops CULTUS n pl. -TUSES or -TI a cult CULVER n pl. -S a pigeon CULVERIN n pl. -S a medieval musket CULVERT n pl. -S a conduit CUM prep together with CUMARIN n pl. -S coumarin CUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to hinder CUMBERER n pl. -S one that cumbers CUMBROUS adj unwieldy CUMIN n pl. -S a plant used in cooking CUMMER n pl. -S a godmother CUMMIN n pl. -S cumin CUMQUAT n pl. -S kumquat CUMSHAW n pl. -S a gift CUMULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to heap CUMULUS n pl. -LI a type of cloud CUMULOUS adj CUNDUM n pl. -S condom CUNEAL adj cuneate CUNEATE adj wedge-shaped; triangular CUNEATED adj cuneate CUNEATIC adj cuneate CUNIFORM n pl. -S wedge-shaped writing characters CUNNER n pl. -S a marine fish CUNNING adj -NINGER, -NINGEST crafty CUNNING n pl. -S skill in deception CUP v CUPPED, CUPPING, CUPS to place in a cup (a small, open container) CUPBOARD n pl. -S a cabinet CUPCAKE n pl. -S a small cake CUPEL v -PELED, -PELING, -PELS or -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to refine gold or silver in a cuplike vessel CUPELER n pl. -S cupeller CUPELLER n pl. -S one that cupels CUPFUL n pl. CUPFULS or CUPSFUL as much as a cup can hold CUPID n pl. -S a naked, winged representation of the Roman god of love CUPIDITY n pl. -TIES greed; lust CUPLIKE adj resembling a cup CUPOLA v -ED, -ING, -S to shape like a dome CUPPA n pl. -S a cup of tea CUPPED past tense of cup CUPPER n pl. -S one that performs cupping CUPPING n pl. -S an archaic medical process CUPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST cuplike CUPREOUS adj containing copper CUPRIC adj containing copper CUPRITE n pl. -S an ore of copper CUPROUS adj containing copper CUPRUM n pl. -S copper CUPSFUL a pl. of cupful CUPULA n pl. -LAE a cup-shaped anatomical structure CUPULAR adj cupulate CUPULATE adj cup-shaped CUPULE n pl. -S a cup-shaped anatomical structure CUR n pl. -S a mongrel dog CURABLE adj capable of being cured CURABLY adv CURACAO n pl. -S a type of liqueur CURACOA n pl. -S curacao CURACY n pl. -CIES the office of a curate CURAGH n pl. -S currach CURARA n pl. -S curare CURARE n pl. -S an arrow poison CURARI n pl. -S curare CURARINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid CURARIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to poison with curare CURASSOW n pl. -S a turkey-like bird CURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to act as curator of CURATIVE n pl. -S something that cures CURATOR n pl. -S a museum manager CURB v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain CURBABLE adj CURBER n pl. -S one that curbs CURBING n pl. -S a concrete border along a street CURBSIDE n pl. -S the side of a pavement bordered by a curbing CURCH n pl. -ES a kerchief CURCULIO n pl. -LIOS a weevil CURCUMA n pl. -S a tropical plant CURD v -ED, -ING, -S to curdle CURDIER comparative of curdy CURDIEST superlative of curdy CURDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to congeal CURDLER n pl. -S one that curdles CURDY adj CURDIER, CURDIEST curdled CURE v CURED, CURING, CURES to restore to health CURELESS adj not curable CURER n pl. -S one that cures CURET n pl. -S a surgical instrument CURETTE v -RETTED, -RETTING, -RETTES to treat with a curet CURF n pl. -S an incision made by a cutting tool CURFEW n pl. -S a regulation concerning the hours which one may keep CURIA n pl. -RIAE a court of justice CURIAL adj CURIE n pl. -S a unit of radioactivity CURING present participle of cure CURIO n pl. -RIOS an unusual art object CURIOSA n/pl pornographic books CURIOUS adj -OUSER, -OUSEST eager for information CURITE n pl. -S a radioactive mineral CURIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element CURL v -ED, -ING, -S to form into ringlets CURLER n pl. -S one that curls CURLEW n pl. -S a shore bird CURLICUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to decorate with curlicues (fancy spiral figures) CURLING n pl. -S a game played on ice CURLY adj CURLIER, CURLIEST tending to curl CURLILY adv CURLYCUE n pl. -S curlicue CURN n pl. -S grain CURR v -ED, -ING, -S to purr CURRACH n pl. -S a coracle CURRAGH n pl. -S currach CURRAN n pl. -S curn CURRANT n pl. -S an edible berry CURRENCY n pl. -CIES money CURRENT n pl. -S a continuous flow CURRICLE n pl. -S a light carriage CURRIE v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to prepare food a certain way CURRIED past tense of curry CURRIER n pl. -S one that curries leather CURRIERY n pl. -ERIES the shop of a currier CURRISH adj resembling a cur CURRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to prepare leather for use or sale CURRYING present participle of currie CURSE v CURSED CURST, CURSING, CURSES to wish evil upon CURSED adj CURSEDER, CURSEDEST wicked CURSEDLY adv CURSER n pl. -S one that curses CURSING present participle of curse CURSIVE n pl. -S a style of print CURSOR n pl. -S a light indicator on a computer display CURSORY adj hasty and superficial CURST a past tense of curse CURT adj CURTER, CURTEST abrupt CURTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cut short CURTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a hanging piece of fabric CURTAL n pl. -S an animal with a clipped tail CURTALAX n pl. -ES a cutlass CURTATE adj shortened CURTESY n pl. -SIES a type of legal tenure CURTLY adv in a curt manner CURTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being curt CURTSEY v -ED, -ING, -S to curtsy CURTSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to bow politely CURULE adj of the highest rank CURVE v CURVED, CURVING, CURVES to deviate from straightness CURVEDLY adv CURVET v -VETED, -VETING, -VETS or -VETTED, -VETTING, -VETS to prance CURVEY adj CURVIER, CURVIEST curvy CURVING present participle of curve CURVY adj CURVIER, CURVIEST curved CUSCUS n pl. -ES an arboreal mammal CUSEC n pl. -S a volumetric unit of flow of liquids CUSHAT n pl. -S a pigeon CUSHAW n pl. -S a variety of squash CUSHIER comparative of cushy CUSHIEST superlative of cushy CUSHILY adv in a cushy manner CUSHION v -ED, -ING, -S to pad with soft material CUSHIONY adj soft CUSHY adj CUSHIER, CUSHIEST easy CUSK n pl. -S a marine food fish CUSP n pl. -S a pointed end CUSPATE, CUSPATED, CUSPED adj CUSPID n pl. -S a pointed tooth CUSPIDAL adj having a cusp CUSPIDOR n pl. -S a spittoon CUSPIS n pl. -PIDES a cusp CUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to curse CUSSEDLY adv in a cranky manner CUSSER n pl. -S one that cusses CUSSO n pl. -SOS an Ethiopian tree CUSSWORD n pl. -S a profane or obscene word CUSTARD n pl. -S a thick, soft dessert CUSTARDY adj CUSTODES pl. of custos CUSTODY n pl. -DIES guardianship CUSTOM n pl. -S a habitual practice CUSTOMER n pl. -S one who buys something CUSTOS n pl. -TODES a guardian or keeper CUSTUMAL n pl. -S a written record of laws and customs CUT v CUT, CUTTING, CUTS to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument CUTAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a type of coat CUTBACK n pl. -S a reduction CUTBANK n pl. -S a steep stream bank CUTCH n pl. -ES catechu CUTCHERY n pl. -CHERIES a judicial office in India CUTDOWN n pl. -S a reduction CUTE adj CUTER, CUTEST pleasingly attractive CUTELY adv CUTENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being cute CUTES a pl. of cutis CUTESIE adj -SIER, -SIEST cutesy CUTEST superlative of cute CUTESY adj -SIER, -SIEST self-consciously cute CUTEY n pl. -TEYS cutie CUTGRASS n pl. -ES a swamp grass CUTICLE n pl. -S the epidermis CUTICULA n pl. -LAE the outer hard covering of an insect CUTIE n pl. -S a cute person CUTIN n pl. -S a waxy substance found on plants CUTINISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to cutinize CUTINIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to become coated with cutin CUTIS n pl. -TES or -TISES the corium CUTLAS n pl. -ES cutlass CUTLASS n pl. -ES a short sword CUTLER n pl. -S one who sells and repairs cutting tools CUTLERY n pl. -LERIES the occupation of a cutler CUTLET n pl. -S a slice of meat CUTLINE n pl. -S a caption CUTOFF n pl. -S the point at which something terminates CUTOUT n pl. -S something cut out CUTOVER n pl. -S land cleared of trees CUTPURSE n pl. -S a pickpocket CUTTABLE adj capable of being cut CUTTAGE n pl. -S a means of plant propagation CUTTER n pl. -S one that cuts CUTTIES pl. of cutty CUTTING n pl. -S a section cut from a plant CUTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to fold cloth in a particular fashion CUTTY n pl. -TIES a thickset girl CUTUP n pl. -S a mischievous person CUTWATER n pl. -S the front part of a ship's prow CUTWORK n pl. -S a type of embroidery CUTWORM n pl. -S a caterpillar CUVETTE n pl. -S a small tube or vessel CWM n pl. -S a cirque CYAN n pl. -S a blue color CYANAMID n pl. -S a chemical compound CYANATE n pl. -S a chemical salt CYANIC adj blue or bluish CYANID n pl. -S a compound of cyanogen CYANIDE v -NIDED, -NIDING, -NIDES to treat an ore with cyanid CYANIN n pl. -S cyanine CYANINE n pl. -S a blue dye CYANITE n pl. -S a mineral CYANITIC adj CYANO adj pertaining to cyanogen CYANOGEN n pl. -S a reactive compound of carbon and nitrogen CYANOSIS n pl. -NOSES bluish discoloration of the skin CYANOSED, CYANOTIC adj CYBORG n pl. -S a human linked to a mechanical device for life support CYCAD n pl. -S a tropical plant CYCAS n pl. -ES a tropical plant CYCASIN n pl. -S a sugar derivative CYCLAMEN n pl. -S a flowering plant CYCLASE n pl. -S an enzyme CYCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to ride a bicycle CYCLECAR n pl. -S a type of motor vehicle CYCLER n pl. -S a cyclist CYCLERY n pl. -RIES a bicycle shop CYCLIC adj moving in complete circles CYCLICLY adv CYCLICAL n pl. -S a stock whose earnings fluctuate widely with variations in the economy CYCLING n pl. -S the act of riding a bicycle CYCLIST n pl. -S one who rides a bicycle CYCLITOL n pl. -S a chemical compound CYCLIZE v -CLIZED, -CLIZING, -CLIZES to form one or more rings in a chemical compound CYCLO n pl. -CLOS a three-wheeled motor vehicle CYCLOID n pl. -S a geometric curve CYCLONE n pl. -S a rotating system of winds CYCLONAL, CYCLONIC adj CYCLOPS n pl. CYCLOPS a freshwater animal CYCLOSIS n pl. -CLOSES the circulation of protoplasm within a cell CYDER n pl. -S cider CYESIS n pl. CYESES pregnancy CYGNET n pl. -S a young swan CYLINDER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a cylinder (a chamber in an engine) CYLIX n pl. CYLICES kylix CYMA n pl. -MAS or -MAE a curved molding CYMAR n pl. -S simar CYMATIUM n pl. -TIA a cyma CYMBAL n pl. -S a percussion instrument CYMBALER n pl. -S one that plays the cymbals CYMBALOM n pl. -S cimbalom CYMBIDIA n/pl tropical orchids CYMBLING n pl. -S cymling CYME n pl. -S a flower cluster CYMENE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon CYMLIN n pl. -S cymling CYMLING n pl. -S a variety of squash CYMOGENE n pl. -S a volatile compound CYMOID adj resembling a cyma CYMOL n pl. -S cymene CYMOSE adj resembling a cyme CYMOSELY adv CYMOUS adj cymose CYNIC n pl. -S a cynical person CYNICAL adj distrusting the motives of others CYNICISM n pl. -S cynical quality CYNOSURE n pl. -S a center of attraction CYPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to cipher CYPRES n pl. -ES a legal doctrine CYPRESS n pl. -ES a thin fabric CYPRIAN n pl. -S a prostitute CYPRINID n pl. -S a small freshwater fish CYPRUS n pl. -ES cypress CYPSELA n pl. -LAE an achene in certain plants CYST n pl. -S a sac CYSTEIN n pl. -S cysteine CYSTEINE n pl. -S an amino acid CYSTIC adj pertaining to a cyst CYSTINE n pl. -S an amino acid CYSTITIS n pl. -TITIDES inflammation of the urinary bladder CYSTOID n pl. -S a cyst-like structure CYTASTER n pl. -S a structure formed in a cell during mitosis CYTIDINE n pl. -S a compound containing cytosine CYTOGENY n pl. -NIES the formation of cells CYTOKINE n pl. -S a kind of substance secreted by cells of the immune system CYTOLOGY n pl. -GIES a study of cells CYTON n pl. -S the body of a nerve cell CYTOSINE n pl. -S a component of DNA and RNA CYTOSOL n pl. -S the fluid portion of cell material CZAR n pl. -S an emperor or king CZARDAS n pl. CZARDAS a Hungarian dance CZARDOM n pl. -S the domain of a czar CZAREVNA n pl. -S the daughter of a czar CZARINA n pl. -S the wife of a czar CZARISM n pl. -S autocratic government CZARIST n pl. -S a supporter of czarism CZARITZA n pl. -S a czarina DA prep of; from -- used in names DAB v DABBED, DABBING, DABS to touch lightly DABBER n pl. -S one that dabs DABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to splash DABBLER n pl. -S one that dabbles DABBLING n pl. -S a superficial interest DABCHICK n pl. -S a small grebe DABSTER n pl. -S a bungler DACE n pl. -S a freshwater fish DACHA n pl. -S a Russian cottage DACKER v -ED, -ING, -S to waver DACOIT n pl. -S a bandit in India DACOITY n pl. -COITIES robbery by dacoits DACTYL n pl. -S a type of metrical foot DACTYLIC n pl. -S a verse consisting of dactyls DACTYLUS n pl. -LI a leg joint of certain insects DAD n pl. -S father DADA n pl. -S an artistic and literary movement DADAISM n pl. -S the dada movement DADAIST n pl. -S a follower of dadaism DADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to diddle DADDY n pl. -DIES father DADO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to set into a groove DAEDAL adj skillful DAEMON n pl. -S demon DAEMONIC adj DAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to thrust aside DAFFODIL n pl. -S a flowering plant DAFFY adj -FIER -FIEST silly DAFFILY adv DAFT adj DAFTER, DAFTEST insane DAFTLY adv DAFTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being daft DAG n pl. -S a hanging end or shred DAGGA n pl. -S marijuana DAGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to stab with a small knife DAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to drag in mud DAGLOCK n pl. -S a dirty or tangled lock of wool DAGOBA n pl. -S a Buddhist shrine DAGWOOD n pl. -S a large sandwich DAH n pl. -S a dash in Morse code DAHABEAH n pl. -S a large passenger boat DAHABIAH n pl. -S dahabeah DAHABIEH n pl. -S dahabeah DAHABIYA n pl. -S dahabeah DAHL n pl. -S dal DAHLIA n pl. -S a flowering plant DAHOON n pl. -S an evergreen tree DAIKER v -ED, -ING, -S to dacker DAIKON n pl. -S a Japanese radish DAILY n pl. -LIES a newspaper published every weekday DAIMEN adj occasional DAIMIO n pl. -MIOS a former Japanese nobleman DAIMON n pl. -S or -ES an attendant spirit DAIMONIC adj DAIMYO n pl. -MYOS daimio DAINTY adj -TIER -TIEST delicately pretty DAINTILY adv DAINTY n pl. -TIES something delicious DAIQUIRI n pl. -S a cocktail DAIRY n pl. DAIRIES an establishment dealing in milk products DAIRYING n pl. -S the business of a dairy DAIRYMAN n pl. -MEN a man who works in or owns a dairy DAIS n pl. -ISES a raised platform DAISHIKI n pl. -S dashiki DAISY n pl. -SIES a flowering plant DAISIED adj DAK n pl. -S transportation by relays of men and horses DAKERHEN n pl. -S a European bird DAKOIT n pl. -S dacoit DAKOITY n pl. -TIES dacoity DAL n pl. -S a dish of lentils and spices in India DALAPON n pl. -S an herbicide used on unwanted grasses DALASI n pl. DALASI or DALASIS a unit of Gambian currency DALE n pl. -S a valley DALEDH n pl. -S daleth DALESMAN n pl. -MEN one living in a dale DALETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter DALLES n/pl rapids DALLIER n pl. -S one that dallies DALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to waste time DALMATIC n pl. -S a wide-sleeved vestment DALTON n pl. -S a unit of atomic mass DALTONIC adj pertaining to a form of color blindness DAM v DAMMED, DAMMING, DAMS to build a barrier to obstruct the flow of water DAMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to injure DAMAGER n pl. -S one that damages DAMAN n pl. -S a small mammal DAMAR n pl. -S dammar DAMASK v -ED, -ING, -S to weave with elaborate design DAME n pl. -S a matron DAMEWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant DAMMAR n pl. -S a hard resin DAMMED past tense of dam DAMMER n pl. -S dammar DAMMING present participle of dam DAMN v -ED, -ING, -S to curse DAMNABLE adj detestable DAMNABLY adv DAMNDEST n pl. -S utmost DAMNED adj DAMNEDER, DAMNEDEST or DAMNDEST damnable DAMNER n pl. -S one that damns DAMNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause loss or damage to DAMOSEL n pl. -S damsel DAMOZEL n pl. -S damsel DAMP adj DAMPER, DAMPEST moist DAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to lessen in intensity DAMPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to moisten DAMPENER n pl. -S one that dampens DAMPER n pl. -S one that damps DAMPING n pl. -S the ability of a device to prevent instability DAMPISH adj somewhat damp DAMPLY adv in a damp manner DAMPNESS n pl. -ES the state of being damp DAMSEL n pl. -S a maiden DAMSON n pl. -S a small purple plum DANCE v DANCED, DANCING, DANCES to move rhythmically to music DANCER n pl. -S one that dances DANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to stroll DANDIER comparative of dandy DANDIES pl. of dandy DANDIEST superlative of dandy DANDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause to resemble a dandy DANDILY adv in a dandy manner DANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to fondle DANDLER n pl. -S one that dandles DANDRIFF n pl. -S dandruff DANDRUFF n pl. -S a scurf that forms on the scalp DANDY adj -DIER -DIEST fine DANDY n pl. -DIES a man who is overly concerned about his appearance DANDYISH adj suggestive of a dandy DANDYISM n pl. -S the style or conduct of a dandy DANEGELD n pl. -S an annual tax in medieval England DANEWEED n pl. -S a danewort DANEWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant DANG v -ED, -ING, -S to damn DANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to endanger DANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to hang loosely DANGLER n pl. -S one that dangles DANIO n pl. -NIOS an aquarium fish DANISH n pl. DANISH a pastry of raised dough DANK adj DANKER, DANKEST unpleasantly damp DANKLY adv DANKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dank DANSEUR n pl. -S a male ballet dancer DANSEUSE n pl. -S a female ballet dancer DAP v DAPPED, DAPPING, DAPS to dip lightly or quickly into water DAPHNE n pl. -S a flowering shrub DAPHNIA n pl. -S a minute crustacean DAPPED past tense of dap DAPPER adj -PERER -PEREST looking neat and trim DAPPERLY adv DAPPING present participle of dap DAPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to mark with spots DAPSONE n pl. -S a medicinal substance DARB n pl. -S something considered extraordinary DARBIES n/pl handcuffs DARE v DARED or DURST, DARING, DARES to have the necessary courage DAREFUL adj brave DARER n pl. -S one that dares DARESAY v to venture to say -- DARESAY is the only form of this verb; it is not conjugated DARIC n pl. -S an ancient Persian coin DARING n pl. -S bravery DARINGLY adv in a brave manner DARIOLE n pl. -S a type of pastry filled with cream, custard, or jelly DARK adj DARKER, DARKEST having little or no light DARK v -ED, -ING, -S to darken DARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make dark DARKENER n pl. -S one that darkens DARKISH adj somewhat dark DARKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to become dark DARKLY adv -LIER -LIEST in a dark manner DARKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dark DARKROOM n pl. -S a room in which film is processed DARKSOME adj dark DARLING n pl. -S a much-loved person DARN v -ED, -ING, -S to mend with interlacing stitches DARNDEST n pl. -S damndest DARNED adj DARNEDER, DARNEDEST or DARNDEST damned DARNEL n pl. -S an annual grass DARNER n pl. -S one that darns DARNING n pl. -S things to be darned DARSHAN n pl. -S a Hindu blessing DART v -ED, -ING, -S to move suddenly or swiftly DARTER n pl. -S one that darts DARTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to dart repeatedly DASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike violently DASHEEN n pl. -S a tropical plant DASHER n pl. -S one that dashes DASHI n pl. -S a fish broth DASHIER comparative of dashy DASHIEST superlative of dashy DASHIKI n pl. -S an African tunic DASHPOT n pl. -S a shock absorber DASHY adj DASHIER, DASHIEST stylish DASSIE n pl. -S a hyrax DASTARD n pl. -S a base coward DASYURE n pl. -S a flesh-eating mammal DATA a pl. of datum DATABANK n pl. -S a database DATABASE n pl. -S a collection of data in a computer DATABLE adj capable of being dated DATARY n pl. -RIES a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church DATCHA n pl. -S dacha DATE v DATED, DATING, DATES to determine or record the date of DATEABLE adj DATEDLY adv in an old-fashioned manner DATELESS adj having no date DATELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to provide a news story with its date and place of origin DATER n pl. -S one that dates DATING present participle of date DATIVE n pl. -S a grammatical case DATIVAL adj DATIVELY adv DATO n pl. DATOS datto DATTO n pl. -TOS a Philippine tribal chief DATUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS something used as a basis for calculating DATURA n pl. -S a flowering plant DATURIC adj DAUB v -ED, -ING, -S to smear DAUBE n pl. -S a braised meat stew DAUBER n pl. -S one that daubs DAUBERY n pl. -ERIES a bad or inexpert painting DAUBRY n pl. -RIES daubery DAUBY adj DAUBIER, DAUBIEST smeary DAUGHTER n pl. -S a female child DAUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to dander DAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to intimidate DAUNTER n pl. -S one that daunts DAUPHIN n pl. -S the eldest son of a French king DAUPHINE n pl. -S the wife of a dauphin DAUT v -ED, -ING, -S to fondle DAUTIE n pl. -S a small pet DAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to utter Jewish prayers DAVIT n pl. -S a hoisting device on a ship DAVY n pl. -VIES a safety lamp DAW v DAWED, DAWEN, DAWING, DAWS to dawn DAWDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to waste time DAWDLER n pl. -S one that dawdles DAWEN past participle of daw DAWK n pl. -S dak DAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to begin to grow light in the morning DAWNLIKE adj suggestive of daybreak DAWT v -ED, -ING, -S to daut DAWTIE n pl. -S dautie DAY n pl. DAYS the time between sunrise and sunset DAYBED n pl. -S a couch that can be converted into a bed DAYBOOK n pl. -S a diary DAYBREAK n pl. -S the first appearance of light in the morning DAYDREAM v -DREAMED or -DREAMT, -DREAMING, -DREAMS to fantasize DAYFLY n pl. -FLIES a mayfly DAYGLOW n pl. -S airglow seen during the day DAYLIGHT v -LIGHTED or -LIT, -LIGHTING, -LIGHTS to illuminate with the light of day DAYLILY n pl. -LILIES a flowering plant DAYLONG adj lasting all day DAYMARE n pl. -S a nightmarish fantasy experienced while awake DAYROOM n pl. -S a room for reading and recreation DAYSIDE n pl. -S the sun side of a planet or the moon DAYSMAN n pl. -MEN an arbiter DAYSTAR n pl. -S a planet visible in the east just before sunrise DAYTIME n pl. -S day DAYWORK n pl. -S work done on a daily basis DAZE v DAZED, DAZING, DAZES to stun DAZEDLY adv DAZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to blind by bright light DAZZLER n pl. -S one that dazzles DE prep of; from -- used in names DEACON v -ED, -ING, -S to read a hymn aloud DEACONRY n pl. -RIES a clerical office DEAD adj DEADER, DEADEST deprived of life DEAD n pl. -S the period of greatest intensity DEADBEAT n pl. -S a loafer DEADBOLT n pl. -S a lock for a door DEADEN v -ED, -ING, -S to diminish the sensitivity or vigor of DEADENER n pl. -S one that deadens DEADEYE n pl. -S an expert marksman DEADFALL n pl. -S a type of animal trap DEADHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to travel without freight DEADLIER comparative of deadly DEADLIEST superlative of deadly DEADLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to execute a type of lift in weight lifting DEADLINE n pl. -S a time limit DEADLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to come to a standstill DEADLY adj -LIER -LIEST fatal DEADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dead DEADPAN v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS to act without emotion DEADWOOD n pl. -S a reinforcement in a ship's keel DEAERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to remove air or gas from DEAF adj DEAFER, DEAFEST lacking the sense of hearing DEAFEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make deaf DEAFISH adj somewhat deaf DEAFLY adv in a deaf manner DEAFNESS n pl. -ES the state of being deaf DEAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove air from DEAL v DEALT, DEALING, DEALS to trade or do business DEALATE n pl. -S an insect divested of its wings DEALATED adj DEALER n pl. -S one that deals DEALFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish DEALING n pl. -S a business transaction DEALT past tense of deal DEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as dean (the head of a faculty) DEANERY n pl. -ERIES the office of a dean DEANSHIP n pl. -S deanery DEAR adj DEARER, DEAREST greatly loved DEAR n pl. -S a loved one DEARIE n pl. -S deary DEARIES pl. of deary DEARLY adv in a dear manner DEARNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dear DEARTH n pl. -S scarcity DEARY n pl. DEARIES darling DEASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove ash from DEASIL adv clockwise DEATH n pl. -S the end of life DEATHBED n pl. -S the bed on which a person dies DEATHCUP n pl. -S a poisonous mushroom DEATHFUL adj fatal DEATHLY adj fatal DEATHY adj deathly DEAVE v DEAVED, DEAVING, DEAVES to deafen DEB n pl. -S a debutante DEBACLE n pl. -S a sudden collapse DEBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to exclude DEBARK v -ED, -ING, -S to unload from a ship DEBASE v -BASED, -BASING, -BASES to lower in character, quality, or value DEBASER n pl. -S one that debases DEBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to argue about DEBATER n pl. -S one that debates DEBAUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to corrupt DEBEAK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the tip of the upper beak of DEBILITY n pl. -TIES weakness DEBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to charge with a debt DEBONAIR adj suave DEBONE v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES to remove the bones from DEBONER n pl. -S a bone remover DEBOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to march into the open DEBOUCHE n pl. -S an opening for the passage of troops DEBRIDE v -BRIDED, -BRIDING, -BRIDES to remove dead tissue surgically DEBRIEF v -ED, -ING, -S to question after a mission DEBRIS n pl. DEBRIS fragments or scattered remains DEBRUISE v -BRUISED, -BRUISING, -BRUISES to cross a coat of arms DEBT n pl. -S something that is owed DEBTLESS adj DEBTOR n pl. -S one who owes something to another DEBUG v -BUGGED, -BUGGING, -BUGS to remove bugs from DEBUGGER n pl. -S one that debugs DEBUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to expose the sham or falseness of DEBUNKER n pl. -S one that debunks DEBUT v -ED, -ING, -S to make one's first public appearance DEBUTANT n pl. -S one who is debuting DEBYE n pl. -S a unit of measure for electric dipole moments DECADE n pl. -S a period of ten years DECADAL adj DECADENT n pl. -S one in a state of mental or moral decay DECAF n pl. -S decaffeinated coffee DECAGON n pl. -S a ten-sided polygon DECAGRAM n pl. -S dekagram DECAL n pl. -S a picture or design made to be transferred from specially prepared paper DECALOG n pl. -S the Ten Commandments DECAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to depart from a camping ground DECANAL adj pertaining to a dean DECANE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon DECANT v -ED, -ING, -S to pour from one container into another DECANTER n pl. -S a decorative bottle DECAPOD n pl. -S a ten-legged crustacean DECARE n pl. -S dekare DECAY v -ED, -ING, -S to decompose DECAYER n pl. -S one that decays DECEASE v -CEASED, -CEASING, -CEASES to die DECEDENT n pl. -S a deceased person DECEIT n pl. -S the act of deceiving DECEIVE v -CEIVED, -CEIVING, -CEIVES to mislead by falsehood DECEIVER n pl. -S one that deceives DECEMVIR n pl. -VIRS or -VIRI one of a body of ten Roman magistrates DECENARY n pl. -RIES a tithing DECENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being decent DECENNIA n/pl decades DECENT adj -CENTER -CENTEST conforming to recognized standards of propriety DECENTLY adv DECENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to put out of center DECENTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to decenter DECERN v -ED, -ING, -S to decree by judicial sentence DECIARE n pl. -S a metric unit of area DECIBEL n pl. -S a unit of sound intensity DECIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES to make a choice or judgment DECIDER n pl. -S one that decides DECIDUA n pl. -UAS or -UAE a mucous membrane of the uterus DECIDUAL adj DECIGRAM n pl. -S one tenth of a gram DECILE n pl. -S a statistical interval DECIMAL n pl. -S a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten DECIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to destroy a large part of DECIPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the meaning of DECISION n pl. -S the act of deciding DECISIVE adj conclusive DECK v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn DECKEL n pl. -S deckle DECKER n pl. -S something having a specified number of levels, floors, or layers DECKHAND n pl. -S a seaman who performs manual duties DECKING n pl. -S material for a ship's deck DECKLE n pl. -S a frame used in making paper by hand DECLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to speak formally DECLARE v -CLARED, -CLARING, -CLARES to make known clearly DECLARER n pl. -S one that declares DECLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to lower in status DECLASSE adj lowered in status DECLINE v -CLINED, -CLINING, -CLINES to refuse DECLINER n pl. -S one that declines DECO n pl. DECOS a decorative style DECOCT v -ED, -ING, -S to extract the flavor of by boiling DECODE v -CODED, -CODING, -CODES to convert a coded message into plain language DECODER n pl. -S one that decodes DECOLOR v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of color DECOLOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to decolor DECOR n pl. -S style or mode of decoration DECORATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to adorn DECOROUS adj proper DECORUM n pl. -S conformity to social conventions DECOUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to disconnect DECOY v -ED, -ING, -S to lure into a trap DECOYER n pl. -S one that decoys DECREASE v -CREASED, -CREASING, -CREASES to diminish DECREE v -CREED, -CREEING, -CREES to order or establish by law or edict DECREER n pl. -S one that decrees DECREPIT adj worn out by long use DECRETAL n pl. -S a papal edict DECRIAL n pl. -S the act of decrying DECRIED past tense of decry DECRIER n pl. -S one that decries DECROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of a crown; depose DECRY v -CRIED, -CRYING, -CRIES to denounce DECRYPT v -ED, -ING, -S to decode DECUMAN adj extremely large DECUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to increase tenfold DECURIES pl. of decury DECURION n pl. -S a commander of a decury DECURVE v -CURVED, -CURVING, -CURVES to curve downward DECURY n pl. -RIES a group of ten soldiers in ancient Rome DEDAL adj daedal DEDANS n pl. DEDANS a gallery for tennis spectators DEDICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to set apart for some special use DEDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to infer DEDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to subtract DEE n pl. -S the letter D DEED v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer by deed (a legal document) DEEDLESS adj being without deeds DEEDY adj DEEDIER, DEEDIEST industrious DEEJAY n pl. -JAYS a disc jockey DEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to hold as an opinion DEEMSTER n pl. -S a judicial officer of the Isle of Man DEEP adj DEEPER, DEEPEST extending far down from a surface DEEP n pl. -S a place or thing of great depth DEEPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make deep DEEPENER n pl. -S one that deepens DEEPLY adv at or to a great depth DEEPNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being deep DEER n pl. -S a ruminant mammal DEERLIKE adj DEERFLY n pl. -FLIES a bloodsucking fly DEERSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a deer DEERWEED n pl. -S a bushlike herb DEERYARD n pl. -S an area where deer herd in winter DEET n pl. -S an insect repellent DEEWAN n pl. -S dewan DEFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to mar the appearance of DEFACER n pl. -S one that defaces DEFAME v -FAMED, -FAMING, -FAMES to attack the good name of DEFAMER n pl. -S one that defames DEFANG v -ED, -ING, -S to make harmless DEFAT v -FATTED, -FATTING, -FATS to remove fat from DEFAULT v -ED, -ING, -S to fail to do something required DEFEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to win victory over DEFEATER n pl. -S one that defeats DEFECATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to discharge feces DEFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to desert an allegiance DEFECTOR n pl. -S one that defects DEFENCE n pl. -S something that defends DEFEND v -ED, -ING, -S to protect DEFENDER n pl. -S one that defends DEFENSE v -FENSED, -FENSING, -FENSES to guard against a specific attack DEFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to postpone DEFERENT n pl. -S an imaginary circle around the earth DEFERRAL n pl. -S the act of deferring DEFERRED past tense of defer DEFERRER n pl. -S one that defers DEFERRING present participle of defer DEFI n pl. -S a challenge DEFIANCE n pl. -S bold opposition DEFIANT adj showing defiance DEFICIT n pl. -S a shortage DEFIED past tense of defy DEFIER n pl. -S one that defies DEFIES present 3d person sing. of defy DEFILADE v -LADED, -LADING, -LADES to shield from enemy fire DEFILE v -FILED, -FILING, -FILES to make dirty DEFILER n pl. -S one that defiles DEFINE v -FINED, -FINING, -FINES to state the meaning of DEFINER n pl. -S one that defines DEFINITE adj known for certain DEFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to release the air or gas from DEFLATER n pl. -S one that deflates DEFLATOR n pl. -S one that deflates DEFLEA v -ED, -ING, -S to rid of fleas DEFLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn aside DEFLEXED adj bent downward DEFLOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of flowers DEFOAM v -ED, -ING, -S to remove foam from DEFOAMER n pl. -S one that defoams DEFOCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to cause to go out of focus DEFOG v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS to remove fog from DEFOGGER n pl. -S one that defogs DEFORCE v -FORCED, -FORCING, -FORCES to withhold by force DEFOREST v -ED, -ING, -S to clear of forests DEFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to spoil the form of DEFORMER n pl. -S one that deforms DEFRAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to swindle DEFRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to pay DEFRAYAL n pl. -S the act of defraying DEFRAYER n pl. -S one that defrays DEFROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to unfrock DEFROST v -ED, -ING, -S to remove frost from DEFT adj DEFTER, DEFTEST skillful DEFTLY adv DEFTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being deft DEFUNCT adj deceased DEFUND v -ED, -ING, -S to withdraw funding from DEFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to remove the fuse from DEFUZE v -FUZED, -FUZING, -FUZES to defuse DEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to resist openly and boldly DEGAGE adj free and relaxed in manner DEGAME n pl. -S a tropical tree DEGAMI n pl. -S degame DEGAS v -GASSED, -GASSING, -GASSES or -GASES to remove gas from DEGASSER n pl. -S one that degasses DEGAUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to demagnetize DEGERM v -ED, -ING, -S to remove germs from DEGLAZE v -GLAZED, -GLAZING, -GLAZES to remove the glaze from DEGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES to debase DEGRADER n pl. -S one that degrades DEGREASE v -GREASED, -GREASING, -GREASES to remove the grease from DEGREE n pl. -S one of a series of stages DEGREED adj DEGUM v -GUMMED, -GUMMING, -GUMS to free from gum DEGUST v -ED, -ING, -S to taste with pleasure DEHISCE v -HISCED, -HISCING, -HISCES to split open DEHORN v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of horns DEHORNER n pl. -S one that dehorns DEHORT v -ED, -ING, -S to try to dissuade DEI prep of; from -- used in names DEICE v -ICED, -ICING, -ICES to free from ice DEICER n pl. -S one that deices DEICIDE n pl. -S the killing of a god DEICIDAL adj DEICING present participle of deice DEICTIC adj proving directly DEIFIC adj godlike DEIFICAL adj deific DEIFIED past tense of deify DEIFIER n pl. -S one that deifies DEIFORM adj having the form of a god DEIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make a god of DEIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to lower oneself to do something DEIL n pl. -S the devil DEIONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to remove ions from DEISM n pl. -S a religious philosophy DEIST n pl. -S an adherent of deism DEISTIC adj DEITY n pl. -TIES a god or goddess DEIXIS n pl. DEIXISES the specifying function of some words DEJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to depress DEJECTA n/pl excrements DEJEUNER n pl. -S a late breakfast DEKAGRAM n pl. -S a measure equal to ten grams DEKARE n pl. -S a measure equal to ten ares DEKE v DEKED, DEKING, DEKES to feint in hockey DEKKO n pl. -KOS a look DEL n pl. -S an operator in differential calculus DELAINE n pl. -S a wool fabric DELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to accuse DELATION n pl. -S the act of delating DELATOR n pl. -S one that delates DELAY v -ED, -ING, -S to put off to a later time DELAYER n pl. -S one that delays DELE v DELED, DELEING, DELES to delete DELEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove lead from DELEAVE v -LEAVED, -LEAVING, -LEAVES to separate the copies of DELEGACY n pl. -CIES the act of delegating DELEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to appoint as one's representative DELETE v -LETED, -LETING, -LETES to remove written or printed matter DELETION n pl. -S the act of deleting DELF n pl. -S delft DELFT n pl. -S an earthenware DELI n pl. DELIS a delicatessen DELICACY n pl. -CIES a choice food DELICATE n pl. -S a delicacy DELICT n pl. -S an offense against civil law DELIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to give great pleasure to DELIME v -LIMED, -LIMING, -LIMES to free from lime DELIMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to mark the boundaries of DELIRIUM n pl. -IUMS or -IA wild excitement DELIST v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a list DELIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to take to the intended recipient DELIVERY n pl. -ERIES the act of delivering DELL n pl. -S a small, wooded valley DELLY n pl. DELLIES deli DELOUSE v -LOUSED, -LOUSING, -LOUSES to remove lice from DELOUSER n pl. -S one that gets rid of lice DELPHIC n pl. -S ambiguous DELTA n pl. -S an alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river DELTAIC, DELTIC adj DELTOID n pl. -S a shoulder muscle DELUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to mislead the mind or judgment of DELUDER n pl. -S one that deludes DELUGE v -UGED, -UGING, -UGES to flood DELUSION n pl. -S the act of deluding DELUSIVE adj tending to delude DELUSORY adj delusive DELUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to lessen the sheen of DELUXE adj of special elegance or luxury DELVE v DELVED, DELVING, DELVES to search in depth DELVER n pl. -S one that delves DEMAGOG v -ED, -ING, -S to behave like a demagog (a leader who appeals to emotions and prejudices) DEMAGOGY n pl. -GOGIES the rule of a demagog DEMAND v -ED, -ING, -S to ask for with authority DEMANDER n pl. -S one that demands DEMARCHE n pl. -S a procedure DEMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to delimit DEMAST v -ED, -ING, -S to strip masts from DEME n pl. -S a Greek district DEMEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct oneself in a particular manner DEMEANOR n pl. -S the manner in which one conducts oneself DEMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to make insane DEMENTIA n pl. -S mental illness DEMERARA n pl. -S a coarse light-brown sugar DEMERGE v -MERGED, -MERGING, -MERGES to remove a division from a corporation DEMERGER v -ED, -ING, -S to demerge DEMERIT v -ED, -ING, -S to lower in rank or status DEMERSAL adj found at the bottom of the sea DEMESNE n pl. -S the legal possession of land as one's own DEMETON n pl. -S an insecticide DEMIES pl. of demy DEMIGOD n pl. -S a lesser god DEMIJOHN n pl. -S a narrow-necked jug DEMILUNE n pl. -S a half-moon DEMIREP n pl. -S a prostitute DEMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to bequeath DEMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to resign DEMIURGE n pl. -S a magistrate of ancient Greece DEMIVOLT n pl. -S a half turn made by a horse DEMO n pl. DEMOS a demonstration DEMOB v -MOBBED, -MOBBING, -MOBS to discharge from military service DEMOCRAT n pl. -S one who believes in political and social equality DEMODE adj demoded DEMODED adj out-of-date DEMOLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to destroy DEMON n pl. -S an evil spirit DEMONESS n pl. -ES a female demon DEMONIAC n pl. -S one regarded as possessed by a demon DEMONIAN adj demonic DEMONIC adj characteristic of a demon DEMONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to demonize DEMONISM n pl. -S belief in demons DEMONIST n pl. -S one who believes in demons DEMONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make a demon of DEMOS n pl. -ES the people of an ancient Greek state DEMOTE v -MOTED, -MOTING, -MOTES to lower in rank or grade DEMOTIC adj pertaining to a simplified form of ancient Egyptian writing DEMOTICS n/pl the study of people in society DEMOTING present participle of demote DEMOTION n pl. -S the act of demoting DEMOTIST n pl. -S a student of demotic writings DEMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a mounting DEMPSTER n pl. -S a deemster DEMUR v -MURRED, -MURRING, -MURS to object DEMURE adj -MURER -MUREST shy and modest DEMURELY adv DEMURRAL n pl. -S the act of demurring DEMURRED past tense of demur DEMURRER n pl. -S one that demurs DEMURRING present participle of demur DEMY n pl. -MIES a size of paper DEN v DENNED, DENNING, DENS to live in a lair DENARIUS n pl. DENARII a coin of ancient Rome DENARY adj containing ten DENATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to deprive of natural qualities DENAZIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to rid of Nazism DENDRITE n pl. -S a branched part of a nerve cell DENDROID adj shaped like a tree DENDRON n pl. -S a dendrite DENE n pl. -S a valley DENGUE n pl. -S a tropical disease DENIABLE adj capable of being denied DENIABLY adv DENIAL n pl. -S the act of denying DENIED past tense of deny DENIER n pl. -S one that denies DENIES present 3d person sing. of deny DENIM n pl. -S a durable fabric DENIZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make a citizen of DENNED past tense of den DENNING present participle of den DENOTE v -NOTED, -NOTING, -NOTES to indicate DENOTIVE adj DENOUNCE v -NOUNCED, -NOUNCING, -NOUNCES to condemn openly DENSE adj DENSER, DENSEST compact DENSELY adv DENSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make denser DENSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being dense DENT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a depression in DENTAL n pl. -S a dentally produced sound DENTALIA n/pl mollusks with long, tapering shells DENTALLY adv with the tip of the tongue against the upper front teeth DENTATE adj having teeth DENTATED adj dentate DENTICLE n pl. -S a small tooth DENTIL n pl. -S a small rectangular block DENTILED adj DENTIN n pl. -S the hard substance forming the body of a tooth DENTINAL adj DENTINE n pl. -S dentin DENTIST n pl. -S one who treats the teeth DENTOID adj resembling a tooth DENTURE n pl. -S a set of teeth DENTURAL adj DENUDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to denude DENUDE v -NUDED, -NUDING, -NUDES to strip of all covering DENUDER n pl. -S one that denudes DENY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to declare to be untrue DEODAND n pl. -S property forfeited to the crown under a former English law DEODAR n pl. -S an East Indian cedar DEODARA n pl. -S deodar DEONTIC adj pertaining to moral obligation DEORBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to come out of an orbit DEOXY adj having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived DEPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to depict DEPART v -ED, -ING, -S to go away DEPARTEE n pl. -S one that departs DEPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to rely DEPERM v -ED, -ING, -S to demagnetize DEPICT v -ED, -ING, -S to portray DEPICTER n pl. -S one that depicts DEPICTOR n pl. -S depicter DEPILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to remove hair from DEPLANE v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES to get off an airplane DEPLETE v -PLETED, -PLETING, -PLETES to lessen or exhaust the supply of DEPLORE v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES to regret strongly DEPLORER n pl. -S one that deplores DEPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to position troops for battle DEPLUME v -PLUMED, -PLUMING, -PLUMES to deprive of feathers DEPOLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove the gloss or polish of DEPONE v -PONED, -PONING, -PONES to testify under oath DEPONENT n pl. -S one that depones DEPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to expel from a country DEPORTEE n pl. -S one who is deported DEPOSAL n pl. -S the act of deposing DEPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to remove from office DEPOSER n pl. -S one that deposes DEPOSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to place DEPOT n pl. -S a railroad or bus station DEPRAVE v -PRAVED, -PRAVING, -PRAVES to corrupt in morals DEPRAVER n pl. -S one that depraves DEPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make sad DEPRIVAL n pl. -S the act of depriving DEPRIVE v -PRIVED, -PRIVING, -PRIVES to take something away from DEPRIVER n pl. -S one that deprives DEPSIDE n pl. -S an aromatic compound DEPTH n pl. -S deepness DEPURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to free from impurities DEPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to delegate DEPUTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to appoint as a deputy DEPUTY n pl. -TIES one appointed to act for another DERAIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to dispute a claim DERAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to run off the rails of a track DERANGE v -RANGED, -RANGING, -RANGES to disorder DERAT v -RATTED, -RATTING, -RATS to rid of rats DERATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to lower the rated capability of DERAY n pl. -RAYS disorderly revelry DERBY n pl. -BIES a type of hat DERE adj dire DERELICT n pl. -S something abandoned DERIDE v -RIDED, -RIDING, -RIDES to ridicule DERIDER n pl. -S one that derides DERINGER n pl. -S a short-barreled pistol DERISION n pl. -S the act of deriding DERISIVE adj expressing derision DERISORY adj derisive DERIVATE n pl. -S something derived DERIVE v -RIVED, -RIVING, -RIVES to obtain or receive from a source DERIVER n pl. -S one that derives DERM n pl. -S derma DERMA n pl. -S a layer of the skin DERMAL adj DERMIS n pl. -MISES derma DERMIC adj DERMOID n pl. -S a cystic tumor DERNIER adj last DEROGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to detract DERRICK n pl. -S a hoisting apparatus DERRIERE n pl. -S the buttocks DERRIS n pl. -RISES a climbing plant DERRY n pl. -RIES a meaningless word used in the chorus of old songs DERVISH n pl. -ES a member of a Muslim religious order DES prep of the -- used in names DESALT v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the salt from DESALTER n pl. -S one that desalts DESAND v -ED, -ING, -S to remove sand from DESCANT v -ED, -ING, -S to sing DESCEND v -ED, -ING, -S to come or go down DESCENT n pl. -S the act of descending DESCRIBE v -SCRIBED, -SCRIBING, -SCRIBES to give a verbal account of DESCRIER n pl. -S one that descries DESCRY v -SCRIED, -SCRYING, -SCRIES to discern DESELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to dismiss from a training program DESERT v -ED, -ING, -S to abandon DESERTER n pl. -S one that deserts DESERTIC adj arid and barren DESERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to be entitled to or worthy of DESERVER n pl. -S one that deserves DESEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to castrate or spay DESIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to conceive and plan out DESIGNEE n pl. -S one who is designated DESIGNER n pl. -S one that designs DESILVER v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the silver from DESINENT adj terminating DESIRE v -SIRED, -SIRING, -SIRES to wish for DESIRER n pl. -S one that desires DESIROUS adj desiring DESIST v -ED, -ING, -S to cease doing something DESK n pl. -S a writing table DESKMAN n pl. -MEN one who works at a desk DESKTOP n pl. -S the top of a desk DESMAN n pl. -S an aquatic mammal DESMID n pl. -S a freshwater alga DESMOID n pl. -S a very hard tumor DESOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to lay waste DESORB v -ED, -ING, -S to remove by the reverse of absorption DESOXY adj deoxy DESPAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to lose all hope DESPATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dispatch DESPISE v -SPISED, -SPISING, -SPISES to loathe DESPISER n pl. -S one that despises DESPITE v -SPITED, -SPITING, -SPITES to treat with contempt DESPOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to plunder DESPOND v -ED, -ING, -S to lose spirit or hope DESPOT n pl. -S a tyrant DESPOTIC adj DESSERT n pl. -S something served as the last course of a meal DESTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to remove stain from DESTINE v -TINED, -TINING, -TINES to determine beforehand DESTINY n pl. -NIES the fate or fortune to which one is destined DESTRIER n pl. -S a war horse DESTROY v -ED, -ING, -S to damage beyond repair or renewal DESTRUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to destroy DESUGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove sugar from DESULFUR v -ED, -ING, -S to free from sulfur DETACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to unfasten and separate DETACHER n pl. -S one that detaches DETAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to report with complete particulars DETAILER n pl. -S one that details DETAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hold in custody DETAINEE n pl. -S one who is detained DETAINER n pl. -S the unlawful withholding of another's property DETASSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to remove tassels from DETECT v -ED, -ING, -S to discover or perceive DETECTER n pl. -S detector DETECTOR n pl. -S one that detects DETENT n pl. -S a locking or unlocking mechanism DETENTE n pl. -S an easing of international tension DETER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to stop from proceeding DETERGE v -TERGED, -TERGING, -TERGES to cleanse DETERGER n pl. -S one that deterges DETERRED past tense of deter DETERRER n pl. -S one that deters DETERRING present participle of deter DETEST v -ED, -ING, -S to dislike intensely DETESTER n pl. -S one that detests DETHRONE v -THRONED, -THRONING, -THRONES to remove from a throne DETICK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove ticks from DETICKER n pl. -S one that deticks DETINUE n pl. -S an action to recover property wrongfully detained DETONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to cause to explode DETOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to take an indirect route DETOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to detoxify DETOXIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to remove a toxin from DETRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take away DETRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to get off a railroad train DETRITUS n pl. DETRITUS particles of rock DETRITAL adj DETRUDE v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES to thrust out DEUCE v DEUCED, DEUCING, DEUCES to bring a tennis score to a tie DEUCEDLY adv extremely DEUTERIC adj pertaining to heavy hydrogen DEUTERON n pl. -S an atomic particle DEUTZIA n pl. -S an ornamental shrub DEV n pl. -S deva DEVA n pl. -S a Hindu god DEVALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to lessen the worth of DEVEIN v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the dorsal vein from DEVEL v -ED, -ING, -S to strike forcibly DEVELOP v -ED, -ING, -S to bring to a more advanced or effective state DEVELOPE v -OPED, -OPING, -OPES to develop DEVERBAL adj derived from a verb DEVEST v -ED, -ING, -S to divest DEVIANCE n pl. -S the behavior of a deviant DEVIANCY n pl. -CIES deviance DEVIANT n pl. -S one that deviates from a norm DEVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to turn aside from a course or norm DEVIATOR n pl. -S one that deviates DEVICE n pl. -S something devised or constructed for a specific purpose DEVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to prepare food with pungent seasoning DEVILISH adj fiendish DEVILKIN n pl. -S a small demon DEVILLED a past tense of devil DEVILLING a present participle of devil DEVILRY n pl. -RIES deviltry DEVILTRY n pl. -TRIES mischief DEVIOUS adj indirect DEVISAL n pl. -S the act of devising DEVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to form in the mind DEVISEE n pl. -S one to whom a will is made DEVISER n pl. -S one that devises DEVISING present participle of devise DEVISOR n pl. -S one who makes a will DEVOICE v -VOICED, -VOICING, -VOICES to unvoice DEVOID adj completely lacking DEVOIR n pl. -S an act of civility or respect DEVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to transfer from one person to another DEVON n pl. -S one of a breed of small, hardy cattle DEVOTE v -VOTED, -VOTING, -VOTES to give oneself wholly to DEVOTEE n pl. -S an ardent follower or supporter DEVOTION n pl. -S the act of devoting DEVOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to eat up voraciously DEVOURER n pl. -S one that devours DEVOUT adj -VOUTER -VOUTEST pious DEVOUTLY adv DEW v -ED, -ING, -S to wet with dew (condensed moisture) DEWAN n pl. -S an official in India DEWAR n pl. -S a double-walled flask DEWATER v -ED, -ING, -S to remove water from DEWAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove wax from DEWBERRY n pl. -RIES an edible berry DEWCLAW n pl. -S a vestigial toe DEWDROP n pl. -S a drop of dew DEWFALL n pl. -S the formation of dew DEWIER comparative of dewy DEWIEST superlative of dewy DEWILY adv in a dewy manner DEWINESS n pl. -ES the state of being dewy DEWLAP n pl. -S a fold of loose skin under the neck DEWLESS adj having no dew DEWOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the wool from DEWORM v -ED, -ING, -S to rid of worms DEWORMER n pl. -S one that deworms DEWY adj DEWIER, DEWIEST moist with dew DEX n pl. -ES a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant DEXIE n pl. -S a tablet of dex DEXIES pl. of dexy DEXTER adj situated on the right DEXTRAL adj pertaining to the right DEXTRAN n pl. -S a substance used as a blood plasma substitute DEXTRIN n pl. -S a substance used as an adhesive DEXTRINE n pl. -S dextrin DEXTRO adj turning to the right DEXTROSE n pl. -S a form of glucose DEXTROUS adj adroit DEXY n pl. DEXIES dexie DEY n pl. DEYS a former North African ruler DEZINC v -ZINCKED, -ZINCKING, -ZINCS or -ZINCED, -ZINCING, -ZINCS to remove zinc from DHAK n pl. -S an Asian tree DHAL n pl. -S dal DHARMA n pl. -S conformity to Hindu law DHARMIC adj DHARNA n pl. -S a form of protest in India DHOBI n pl. -S a person who does laundry in India DHOLE n pl. -S a wild dog of India DHOOLY n pl. -LIES dooly DHOORA n pl. -S durra DHOOTI n pl. -S dhoti DHOOTIE n pl. -S dhoti DHOTI n pl. -S a loincloth worn by Hindu men DHOURRA n pl. -S durra DHOW n pl. -S an Arabian sailing vessel DHURNA n pl. -S dharna DHURRIE n pl. -S a cotton rug made in India DHUTI n pl. -S dhoti DIABASE n pl. -S an igneous rock DIABASIC adj DIABETES n pl. DIABETES a metabolic disorder DIABETIC n pl. -S one who has diabetes DIABLERY n pl. -RIES sorcery DIABOLIC adj devilish DIABOLO n pl. -LOS a game requiring manual dexterity DIACETYL n pl. -S biacetyl DIACID n pl. -S a type of acid DIACIDIC adj DIACONAL adj pertaining to a deacon DIADEM v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with a crown DIAGNOSE v -NOSED, -NOSING, -NOSES to recognize a disease by its signs and symptoms DIAGONAL n pl. -S an oblique line DIAGRAM v -GRAMED, -GRAMING, -GRAMS or -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to illustrate by a diagram (a graphic design) DIAGRAPH n pl. -S a drawing device DIAL v DIALED, DIALING, DIALS or DIALLED, DIALLING, DIALS to manipulate a calibrated disk DIALECT n pl. -S a regional variety of a language DIALER n pl. -S one that dials DIALING n pl. -S the measurement of time by sundials DIALIST n pl. -S a dialer DIALLAGE n pl. -S a mineral DIALLED a past tense of dial DIALLEL adj pertaining to a genetic crossing DIALLER n pl. -S dialer DIALLING n pl. -S dialing DIALLIST n pl. -S dialist DIALOG v -ED, -ING, -S to dialogue DIALOGER n pl. -S one that dialogs DIALOGIC adj conversational DIALOGUE v -LOGUED, -LOGUING, -LOGUES to carry on a conversation DIALYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to dialyze DIALYSER n pl. -S dialyzer DIALYSIS n pl. -YSES the separation of substances in a solution by diffusion through a membrane DIALYTIC adj pertaining to dialysis DIALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to subject to dialysis DIALYZER n pl. -S an apparatus used for dialysis DIAMANTE n pl. -S a sparkling decoration DIAMETER n pl. -S a straight line passing through the center of a circle and ending at the periphery DIAMIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound DIAMIN n pl. -S diamine DIAMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound DIAMOND v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with diamonds (precious gems) DIANTHUS n pl. -ES an ornamental herb DIAPASON n pl. -S a burst of harmonious sound DIAPAUSE v -PAUSED, -PAUSING, -PAUSES to undergo dormancy DIAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to put a diaper (a baby's breechcloth) on DIAPHONE n pl. -S a low-pitched foghorn DIAPHONY n pl. -NIES organum DIAPIR n pl. -S a bend in a layer of rock DIAPIRIC adj DIAPSID adj pertaining to a type of reptile DIARCHY n pl. -CHIES a government with two rulers DIARCHIC adj DIARIES pl. of diary DIARIST n pl. -S one who keeps a diary DIARRHEA n pl. -S an intestinal disorder DIARY n pl. -RIES a personal journal DIASPORA n pl. -S migration DIASPORE n pl. -S a mineral DIASTASE n pl. -S an enzyme DIASTEM n pl. -S an interruption in the deposition of sediment DIASTEMA n pl. -MATA a space between teeth DIASTER n pl. -S a stage in mitosis DIASTRAL adj DIASTOLE n pl. -S the normal rhythmical dilation of the heart DIATOM n pl. -S any of a class of algae DIATOMIC adj composed of two atoms DIATONIC adj pertaining to a type of musical scale DIATRIBE n pl. -S a bitter and abusive criticism DIATRON n pl. -S a circuitry design that uses diodes DIAZEPAM n pl. -S a tranquilizer DIAZIN n pl. -S diazine DIAZINE n pl. -S a chemical compound DIAZINON n pl. -S an insecticide DIAZO adj containing a certain chemical group DIAZOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound DIB v DIBBED, DIBBING, DIBS to fish by letting the bait bob lightly on the water DIBASIC adj having two replaceable hydrogen atoms DIBBER n pl. -S a planting implement DIBBING present participle of dib DIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to dib DIBBLER n pl. -S one that dibbles DIBBUK n pl. -BUKS or -BUKIM dybbuk DICAST n pl. -S a judge of ancient Athens DICASTIC adj DICE v DICED, DICING, DICES to cut into small cubes DICENTRA n pl. -S a perennial herb DICER n pl. -S a device that dices food DICEY adj DICIER, DICIEST dangerous DICHASIA n/pl flower clusters DICHOTIC adj affecting the two ears differently DICHROIC adj having two colors DICIER comparative of dicey DICIEST superlative of dicey DICING present participle of dice DICK n pl. -S a detective DICKENS n pl. -ES devil DICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to bargain DICKEY n pl. -EYS a blouse front DICKIE n pl. -S dickey DICKY adj DICKIER, DICKIEST poor in condition DICKY n pl. DICKIES dickey DICLINY n pl. -NIES the state of having stamens and pistils in separate flowers DICOT n pl. -S a plant with two seed leaves DICOTYL n pl. -S dicot DICROTAL adj dicrotic DICROTIC adj having a double pulse beat DICTA a pl. of dictum DICTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to read aloud for recording DICTATOR n pl. -S one that dictates DICTIER comparative of dicty DICTIEST superlative of dicty DICTION n pl. -S choice and use of words in speech or writing DICTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS an authoritative statement DICTY adj -TIER -TIEST snobbish DICYCLIC adj having two maxima of population each year DICYCLY n pl. -CLIES the state of being dicyclic DID a past tense of do DIDACT n pl. -S a didactic person DIDACTIC adj instructive DIDACTYL adj having two digits at the end of each limb DIDAPPER n pl. -S a dabchick DIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to swindle DIDDLER n pl. -S one that diddles DIDDLEY n pl. -DLIES -DLEYS diddly DIDDLY n pl. -DLIES the least amount DIDIE n pl. -S didy DIDIES pl. of didy DIDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES a mischievous act DIDST a past tense of do DIDY n pl. -DIES a diaper DIDYMIUM n pl. -S a mixture of rare-earth elements DIDYMOUS adj occurring in pairs DIDYNAMY n pl. -MIES the state of having four stamens in pairs of unequal length DIE v DIED, DIEING, DIES to cut with a die (a device for shaping material) DIE v DIED, DYING, DIES to cease living DIEBACK n pl. -S a gradual dying of plant shoots DIECIOUS adj dioicous DIED past tense of die DIEHARD n pl. -S a stubborn person DIEL adj involving a full day DIELDRIN n pl. -S an insecticide DIEMAKER n pl. -S one that makes dies DIENE n pl. -S a chemical compound DIERESIS n pl. DIERESES the separation of two vowels into two syllables DIERETIC adj DIESEL v -ED, -ING, -S to continue running after the ignition is turned off DIESIS n pl. DIESES a reference mark in printing DIESTER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound DIESTOCK n pl. -S a frame for holding dies DIESTRUM n pl. -S diestrus DIESTRUS n pl. -ES a period of sexual inactivity DIET v -ED, -ING, -S to regulate one's daily sustenance DIETARY n pl. -ETARIES a system of dieting DIETER n pl. -S one that diets DIETETIC adj pertaining to diet DIETHER n pl. -S a chemical compound DIFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to be unlike DIFFRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to separate into parts DIFFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to spread widely or thinly DIFFUSER n pl. -S one that diffuses DIFFUSOR n pl. -S diffuser DIG v DUG or DIGGED, DIGGING, DIGS to break up, turn over, or remove earth DIGAMIES pl. of digamy DIGAMIST n pl. -S one who practices digamy DIGAMMA n pl. -S a Greek letter DIGAMY n pl. -MIES a second legal marriage DIGAMOUS adj DIGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to render food usable for the body DIGESTER n pl. -S an apparatus in which substances are softened or decomposed DIGESTOR n pl. -S digester DIGGED a past tense of dig DIGGER n pl. -S one that digs DIGGING present participle of dig DIGGINGS n/pl an excavation site DIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn DIGIT n pl. -S a finger or toe DIGITAL n pl. -S a piano key DIGITATE adj having digits DIGITIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to put data into digital notation DIGLOT n pl. -S a bilingual book or edition DIGNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to add dignity to DIGNITY n pl. -TIES stateliness and nobility of manner DIGOXIN n pl. -S a drug to improve heart function DIGRAPH n pl. -S a pair of letters representing a single speech sound DIGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to stray from the main topic DIHEDRAL n pl. -S a dihedron DIHEDRON n pl. -S a figure formed by two intersecting planes DIHYBRID n pl. -S an offspring of parents differing in two pairs of genes DIHYDRIC adj containing two hydroxyl radicals DIKDIK n pl. -S a small antelope DIKE v DIKED, DIKING, DIKES to furnish with an embankment DIKER n pl. -S one that dikes DIKTAT n pl. -S a harsh settlement imposed on a defeated nation DILATANT n pl. -S a dilator DILATATE adj dilated DILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to make wider or larger DILATER n pl. -S dilator DILATION n pl. -S the act of dilating DILATIVE adj tending to dilate DILATOR n pl. -S one that dilates DILATORY adj tending to delay DILDO n pl. -DOS an object used as a penis substitute DILDOE n pl. -S dildo DILEMMA n pl. -S a perplexing situation DILEMMIC adj DILIGENT adj persevering DILL n pl. -S an annual herb DILLED adj flavored with dill DILLY n pl. DILLIES something remarkable DILUENT n pl. -S a diluting substance DILUTE v -LUTED, -LUTING, -LUTES to thin or reduce the concentration of DILUTER n pl. -S one that dilutes DILUTION n pl. -S the act of diluting DILUTIVE adj tending to dilute DILUTOR n pl. -S diluter DILUVIA a pl. of diluvium DILUVIAL adj pertaining to a flood DILUVIAN adj diluvial DILUVION n pl. -S diluvium DILUVIUM n pl. -VIA or -VIUMS coarse rock material deposited by glaciers DIM adj DIMMER, DIMMEST obscure DIM v DIMMED, DIMMING, DIMS to make dim DIME n pl. -S a coin of the United States DIMER n pl. -S a molecule composed of two identical molecules DIMERIC adj dimerous DIMERISM n pl. -S the state of being dimerous DIMERIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to form a dimer DIMEROUS adj composed of two parts DIMETER n pl. -S a verse of two metrical feet DIMETHYL n pl. -S ethane DIMETRIC adj pertaining to a type of crystal system DIMINISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to lessen DIMITY n pl. -TIES a cotton fabric DIMLY adv in a dim manner DIMMABLE adj capable of being dimmed DIMMED past tense of dim DIMMER n pl. -S a device for varying the intensity of illumination DIMMEST superlative of dim DIMMING present participle of dim DIMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dim DIMORPH n pl. -S either of two distinct forms DIMOUT n pl. -S a condition of partial darkness DIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to mark with indentations DIMPLY adj -PLIER -PLIEST dimpled DIMWIT n pl. -S a dunce DIN v DINNED, DINNING, DINS to make a loud noise DINAR n pl. -S an ancient gold coin of Muslim areas DINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to tingle DINE v DINED, DINING, DINES to eat dinner DINER n pl. -S one that dines DINERIC adj pertaining to the interface between two immiscible liquids DINERO n pl. -ROS a former silver coin of Peru DINETTE n pl. -S a small dining room DING v -ED, -ING, -S to ring DINGBAT n pl. -S a typographical ornament DINGDONG v -ED, -ING, -S to make a ringing sound DINGE n pl. -S the condition of being dingy DINGER n pl. -S a home run DINGEY n pl. -GEYS dinghy DINGHY n pl. -GHIES a small boat DINGIER comparative of dingy DINGIES pl. of dingy DINGIEST superlative of dingy DINGILY adv in a dingy manner DINGLE n pl. -S a dell DINGO n pl. -GOES a wild dog of Australia DINGUS n pl. -ES a doodad DINGY adj -GIER -GIEST grimy DINGY n pl. -GIES dinghy DINING present participle of dine DINITRO adj containing two nitro groups DINK v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn DINKEY n pl. -KEYS a small locomotive DINKIER comparative of dinky DINKIES pl. of dinky DINKIEST superlative of dinky DINKLY adv neatly DINKUM n pl. -S the truth DINKY adj -KIER -KIEST small DINKY n pl. -KIES dinkey DINNED past tense of din DINNER n pl. -S the main meal of the day DINNING present participle of din DINOSAUR n pl. -S one of a group of extinct reptiles DINT v -ED, -ING, -S to dent DIOBOL n pl. -S a coin of ancient Greece DIOBOLON n pl. -S diobol DIOCESAN n pl. -S a bishop DIOCESE n pl. -S an ecclesiastical district DIODE n pl. -S a type of electron tube DIOECISM n pl. -S the state of being dioicous DIOECY n pl. DIOECIES dioecism DIOICOUS adj unisexual DIOL n pl. -S a chemical compound DIOLEFIN n pl. -S a hydrocarbon DIOPSIDE n pl. -S a mineral DIOPTASE n pl. -S a mineral DIOPTER n pl. -S a measure of refractive power DIOPTRAL adj DIOPTRE n pl. -S diopter DIOPTRIC adj aiding the vision by refraction DIORAMA n pl. -S a three-dimensional exhibit DIORAMIC adj DIORITE n pl. -S an igneous rock DIORITIC adj DIOXAN n pl. -S dioxane DIOXANE n pl. -S a flammable liquid DIOXID n pl. -S dioxide DIOXIDE n pl. -S a type of oxide DIOXIN n pl. -S a toxic solid hydrocarbon DIP v DIPPED or DIPT, DIPPING, DIPS to immerse briefly into a liquid DIPHASE adj having two phases DIPHASIC adj diphase DIPHENYL n pl. -S biphenyl DIPLEGIA n pl. -S paralysis of the same part on both sides of the body DIPLEX adj pertaining to the simultaneous transmission or reception of two radio signals DIPLEXER n pl. -S a coupling device DIPLOE n pl. -S a bony tissue of the cranium DIPLOIC adj DIPLOID n pl. -S a cell having the basic chromosome number doubled DIPLOIDY n pl. -DIES the condition of being a diploid DIPLOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a certificate of an academic degree DIPLOMA v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a diploma DIPLOMAT n pl. -S a governmental official DIPLONT n pl. -S an organism having a particular chromosomal structure DIPLOPIA n pl. -S double vision DIPLOPIC adj DIPLOPOD n pl. -S a multi-legged insect DIPLOSIS n pl. -LOSES a method of chromosome formation DIPNET v -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS to scoop fish with a type of net DIPNOAN n pl. -S a lungfish DIPODY n pl. -DIES a dimeter DIPODIC adj DIPOLE n pl. -S a pair of equal and opposite electric charges DIPOLAR adj DIPPABLE adj capable of being dipped DIPPED a past tense of dip DIPPER n pl. -S one that dips DIPPING present participle of dip DIPPY adj -PIER -PIEST foolish DIPSAS n pl. DIPSADES a fabled serpent DIPSO n pl. -SOS a person who craves alcoholic liquors DIPSTICK n pl. -S a measuring rod DIPT a past tense of dip DIPTERA pl. of dipteron DIPTERAL adj having two rows or columns DIPTERAN n pl. -S a two-winged fly DIPTERON n pl. -TERA dipteran DIPTYCA n pl. -S diptych DIPTYCH n pl. -S an ancient writing tablet DIQUAT n pl. -S an herbicide DIRDUM n pl. -S blame DIRE adj DIRER, DIREST disastrous DIRECT adj -RECTER -RECTEST straightforward DIRECTLY adv DIRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to control or conduct the affairs of DIRECTOR n pl. -S one that directs DIREFUL adj dreadful DIRELY adv in a dire manner DIRENESS n pl. -ES the state of being dire DIRER comparative of dire DIREST superlative of dire DIRGE n pl. -S a funeral song DIRGEFUL adj DIRHAM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Morocco DIRIMENT adj nullifying DIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to stab with a small knife DIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to tremble DIRNDL n pl. -S a woman's dress DIRT n pl. -S earth or soil DIRTBAG n pl. -S a dirty or contemptible person DIRTY adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST unclean DIRTILY adv DIRTY v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES to make dirty DIS v DISSED, DISSING, DISSES to insult or criticize DISABLE v -ABLED, -ABLING, -ABLES to render incapable or unable DISABUSE v -ABUSED, -ABUSING, -ABUSES to free from false or mistaken ideas DISAGREE v -AGREED, -AGREEING, -AGREES to differ in opinion DISALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to refuse to allow DISANNUL v -NULLED, -NULLING, -NULS to annul DISARM v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of weapons DISARMER n pl. -S one that disarms DISARRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to disorder DISASTER n pl. -S a calamity DISAVOW v -ED, -ING, -S to disclaim responsibility for DISBAND v -ED, -ING, -S to break up DISBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to expel from the legal profession DISBOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to confess DISBOUND adj not having a binding DISBOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to remove the intestines of DISBUD v -BUDDED, -BUDDING, -BUDS to remove buds from DISBURSE v -BURSED, -BURSING, -BURSES to pay out DISC v -ED, -ING, -S to disk DISCANT v -ED, -ING, -S to descant DISCARD v -ED, -ING, -S to throw away DISCASE v -CASED, -CASING, -CASES to remove the case of DISCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S to debate DISCERN v -ED, -ING, -S to perceive DISCI a pl. of discus DISCIPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to cause to become a follower DISCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to renounce any claim to or connection with DISCLIKE adj disklike DISCLOSE v -CLOSED, -CLOSING, -CLOSES to reveal DISCO v -ED, -ING, -S to dance at a discotheque DISCOID n pl. -S a disk DISCOLOR v -ED, -ING, -S to alter the color of DISCORD v -ED, -ING, -S to disagree DISCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce the price of DISCOVER v -ED, -ING, -S to gain sight or knowledge of DISCREET adj -CREETER -CREETEST tactful DISCRETE adj separate DISCROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of a crown DISCUS n pl. -CUSES or -CI a disk hurled in athletic competition DISCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to talk over or write about DISDAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to scorn DISEASE v -EASED, -EASING, -EASES to make unhealthy DISENDOW v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of endowment DISEUSE n pl. -S a female entertainer DISFAVOR v -ED, -ING, -S to regard with disapproval DISFROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to unfrock DISGORGE v -GORGED, -GORGING, -GORGES to vomit DISGRACE v -GRACED, -GRACING, -GRACES to bring shame or discredit upon DISGUISE v -GUISED, -GUISING, -GUISES to alter the appearance of DISGUST v -ED, -ING, -S to cause nausea or loathing in DISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put into a dish (a concave vessel) DISHELM v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of a helmet DISHERIT v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of an inheritance DISHEVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to make messy DISHFUL n pl. -S as much as a dish can hold DISHIER comparative of dishy DISHIEST superlative of dishy DISHLIKE adj resembling a dish DISHONOR v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of honor DISHPAN n pl. -S a pan for washing dishes DISHRAG n pl. -S a cloth for washing dishes DISHWARE n pl. -S tableware used in serving food DISHY adj DISHIER, DISHIEST attractive DISINTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to exhume DISJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to disperse DISJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to separate DISJOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to put out of order DISJUNCT n pl. -S an alternative in a logical disjunction DISK v -ED, -ING, -S to break up land with a type of farm implement DISKETTE n pl. -S a floppy disk for a computer DISKLIKE adj resembling a disk (a flat, circular plate) DISLIKE v -LIKED, -LIKING, -LIKES to regard with aversion DISLIKER n pl. -S one that dislikes DISLIMN v -ED, -ING, -S to make dim DISLODGE v -LODGED, -LODGING, -LODGES to remove from a firm position DISLOYAL adj not loyal DISMAL adj -MALER -MALEST cheerless and depressing DISMALLY adv DISMAL n pl. -S a track of swampy land DISMAST v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the mast of DISMAY v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of courage or resolution DISME n pl. -S a former coin of the United States DISMISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to permit or cause to leave DISMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to get down from an elevated position DISOBEY v -ED, -ING, -S to fail to obey DISOMIC adj having a number of chromosomes duplicated DISORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to put out of order DISOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to deny the ownership of DISPART v -ED, -ING, -S to separate DISPATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to send off with speed DISPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to drive off in various directions DISPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to squander DISPENSE v -PENSED, -PENSING, -PENSES to distribute DISPERSE v -PERSED, -PERSING, -PERSES to scatter DISPIRIT v -ED, -ING, -S to lower in spirit DISPLACE v -PLACED, -PLACING, -PLACES to remove from the usual or proper place DISPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to dislodge DISPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to make evident or obvious DISPLODE v -PLODED, -PLODING, -PLODES to explode DISPLUME v -PLUMED, -PLUMING, -PLUMES to deplume DISPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to amuse oneself DISPOSAL n pl. -S the act of disposing DISPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to put in place DISPOSER n pl. -S one that disposes DISPREAD v -SPREAD, -SPREADING, -SPREADS to spread out DISPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to disdain DISPROOF n pl. -S the act of disproving DISPROVE v -PROVED, -PROVEN, -PROVING, -PROVES to refute DISPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to argue about DISPUTER n pl. -S one that disputes DISQUIET v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of quiet, rest, or peace DISRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to lower in rating or rank DISROBE v -ROBED, -ROBING, -ROBES to undress DISROBER n pl. -S one that disrobes DISROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to uproot DISRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to throw into confusion DISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to dis DISSAVE v -SAVED, -SAVING, -SAVES to use savings for current expenses DISSEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to unseat DISSECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut apart for scientific examination DISSED past tense of dis or diss DISSEISE v -SEISED, -SEISING, -SEISES to deprive DISSEIZE v -SEIZED, -SEIZING, -SEIZES to disseise DISSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to disagree DISSERT v -ED, -ING, -S to discuss in a learned or formal manner DISSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to treat badly DISSEVER v -ED, -ING, -S to sever DISSING present participle of dis or diss DISSOLVE v -SOLVED, -SOLVING, -SOLVES to make into a solution DISSUADE v -SUADED, -SUADING, -SUADES to persuade not to do something DISTAFF n pl. -TAFFS or -TAVES a type of staff DISTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to stain DISTAL adj located far from the point of origin DISTALLY adv DISTANCE v -TANCED, -TANCING, -TANCES to leave behind DISTANT adj far off or apart DISTASTE v -TASTED, -TASTING, -TASTES to dislike DISTAVES a pl. of distaff DISTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to swell DISTENT adj distended DISTICH n pl. -S a couplet DISTIL v -TILLED, -TILLING, -TILS to distill DISTILL v -ED, -ING, -S to extract by vaporization and condensation DISTINCT adj -TINCTER -TINCTEST clearly different DISTOME n pl. -S a parasitic flatworm DISTORT v -ED, -ING, -S to twist or bend out of shape DISTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to divert the attention of DISTRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and hold property as security DISTRAIT adj absentminded DISTRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause anxiety or suffering to DISTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into localities DISTRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to have no trust in DISTURB v -ED, -ING, -S to interrupt the quiet, rest, or peace of DISULFID n pl. -S a chemical compound DISUNION n pl. -S the state of being disunited DISUNITE v -UNITED, -UNITING, -UNITES to separate DISUNITY n pl. -TIES lack of unity DISUSE v -USED, -USING, -USES to stop using DISVALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to treat as of little value DISYOKE v -YOKED, -YOKING, -YOKES to free from a yoke DIT n pl. -S a dot in Morse code DITA n pl. -S a Philippine tree DITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dig a long, narrow excavation in the ground DITCHER n pl. -S one that ditches DITE n pl. -S a small amount DITHEISM n pl. -S belief in two coequal gods DITHEIST n pl. -S an adherent of ditheism DITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to act nervously or indecisively DITHERER n pl. -S one that dithers DITHERY adj nervously excited DITHIOL adj containing two chemical groups both of which include sulfur and hydrogen DITSY adj -SIER -SIEST silly, eccentric DITTANY n pl. -NIES a perennial herb DITTO v -ED, -ING, -S to repeat DITTY n pl. -TIES a short, simple song DITZ n pl. -ES a ditsy person DITZY adj -ZIER -ZIEST ditsy DIURESIS n pl. DIURESES excessive discharge of urine DIURETIC n pl. -S a drug which increases urinary discharge DIURNAL n pl. -S a diary DIURON n pl. -S an herbicide DIVA n pl. -S a distinguished female operatic singer DIVAGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to wander DIVALENT adj having a valence of two DIVAN n pl. -S a sofa or couch DIVE v DIVED or DOVE, DIVING, DIVES to plunge headfirst into water DIVEBOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to drop bombs on a target from a diving airplane DIVER n pl. -S one that dives DIVERGE v -VERGED, -VERGING, -VERGES to move in different directions from a common point DIVERSE adj different DIVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn aside DIVERTER n pl. -S one that diverts DIVEST v -ED, -ING, -S to strip or deprive of anything DIVIDE v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES to separate into parts, areas, or groups DIVIDEND n pl. -S a quantity to be divided DIVIDER n pl. -S one that divides DIVIDING present participle of divide DIVIDUAL adj capable of being divided DIVINE adj -VINER -VINEST pertaining to or characteristic of a god DIVINELY adv DIVINE v -VINED, -VINING, -VINES to foretell by occult means DIVINER n pl. -S one that divines DIVING present participle of dive DIVINING present participle of divine DIVINISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to divinize DIVINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being divine DIVINIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to make divine DIVISION n pl. -S the act of dividing DIVISIVE adj causing disunity or dissension DIVISOR n pl. -S a number by which a dividend is divided DIVORCE v -VORCED, -VORCING, -VORCES to terminate the marriage contract between DIVORCEE n pl. -S a divorced woman DIVORCER n pl. -S one that divorces DIVORCING present participle of divorce DIVOT n pl. -S a piece of turf DIVULGE v -VULGED, -VULGING, -VULGES to reveal DIVULGER n pl. -S one that divulges DIVVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to divide DIWAN n pl. -S dewan DIXIT n pl. -S a statement DIZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to dress in fine clothes DIZYGOUS adj developed from two fertilized ova DIZZY adj -ZIER -ZIEST having a sensation of whirling DIZZILY adv DIZZY v -ZIED, -ZYING, -ZIES to make dizzy DJEBEL n pl. -S jebel DJELLABA n pl. -S a long hooded garment DJIN n pl. -S jinni DJINN n pl. -S jinni DJINNI n pl. DJINN jinni DJINNY n pl. DJINN jinni DO n pl. DOS the first tone of the diatonic musical scale DO v DID or DIDST, DONE, DOING, present sing. 2d person DO, DOEST or DOST, 3d person DOES, DOETH or DOTH to begin and carry through to completion DOABLE adj able to be done DOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to dote DOBBER n pl. -S a float for a fishing line DOBBIN n pl. -S a farm horse DOBBY n pl. -BIES a fool DOBIE n pl. -S adobe DOBIES pl. of doby DOBLA n pl. -S a former gold coin of Spain DOBLON n pl. -S or -ES a former gold coin of Spain and Spanish America DOBRA n pl. -S a former gold coin of Portugal DOBSON n pl. -S an aquatic insect larva DOBY n pl. -BIES dobie DOC n pl. -S doctor DOCENT n pl. -S a college or university lecturer DOCETIC adj pertaining to a religious doctrine DOCILE adj easily trained DOCILELY adv DOCILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being docile DOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into a dock (a wharf) DOCKAGE n pl. -S a charge for the use of a dock DOCKER n pl. -S a dock worker DOCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with an identifying statement DOCKHAND n pl. -S a docker DOCKLAND n pl. -S the part of a port occupied by docks DOCKSIDE n pl. -S the area adjacent to a dock DOCKYARD n pl. -S a shipyard DOCTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to treat medically DOCTORAL adj pertaining to a doctor DOCTRINE n pl. -S a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated DOCUMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to support by conclusive information or evidence DODDER v -ED, -ING, -S to totter DODDERER n pl. -S one that dodders DODDERY adj feeble DODGE v DODGED, DODGING, DODGES to evade DODGEM n pl. -S an amusement park ride DODGER n pl. -S one that dodges DODGERY n pl. -ERIES evasion DODGING present participle of dodge DODGY adj DODGIER, DODGIEST evasive DODO n pl. -DOES or -DOS an extinct flightless bird DODOISM n pl. -S a stupid remark DOE n pl. -S a female deer DOER n pl. -S one that does something DOES a present 3d person sing. of do DOESKIN n pl. -S the skin of a doe DOEST a present 2d person sing. of do DOETH a present 3d person sing. of do DOFF v -ED, -ING, -S to take off DOFFER n pl. -S one that doffs DOG v DOGGED, DOGGING, DOGS to follow after like a dog (a domesticated, carnivorous mammal) DOGBANE n pl. -S a perennial herb DOGBERRY n pl. -RIES a wild berry DOGCART n pl. -S a one-horse carriage DOGDOM n pl. -S the world of dogs DOGE n pl. -S the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa DOGEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to turn down a corner of a page DOGEDOM n pl. -S the domain of a doge DOGESHIP n pl. -S the office of a doge DOGEY n pl. -GEYS dogie DOGFACE n pl. -S a soldier in the U.S. Army DOGFIGHT v -FOUGHT, -FIGHTING, -FIGHTS to engage in an aerial battle DOGFISH n pl. -ES a small shark DOGGED past tense of dog DOGGEDLY adv stubbornly DOGGER n pl. -S a fishing vessel DOGGEREL n pl. -S trivial, awkwardly written verse DOGGERY n pl. -GERIES surly behavior DOGGIE n pl. -S doggy DOGGIER comparative of doggy DOGGIES pl. of doggy DOGGIEST superlative of doggy DOGGING present participle of dog DOGGISH adj doglike DOGGO adv in hiding DOGGONE adj -GONER -GONEST damned DOGGONE v -GONED, -GONING, -GONES to damn DOGGONED adj -GONEDER -GONEDEST damned DOGGONING present participle of doggone DOGGREL n pl. -S doggerel DOGGY adj -GIER -GIEST resembling or suggestive of a dog DOGGY n pl. -GIES a small dog DOGHOUSE n pl. -S a shelter for a dog DOGIE n pl. -S a stray calf DOGIES pl. of dogy DOGLEG v -LEGGED, -LEGGING, -LEGS to move along a bent course DOGLIKE adj resembling a dog DOGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a principle or belief put forth as authoritative DOGMATIC adj DOGNAP v -NAPED, -NAPING, -NAPS or -NAPPED, -NAPPING, -NAPS to steal a dog DOGNAPER n pl. -S one that dognaps DOGSBODY n pl. -BODIES a menial worker DOGSLED n pl. -S a sled drawn by dogs DOGTOOTH n pl. -TEETH a cuspid DOGTROT v -TROTTED, -TROTTING, -TROTS to move at a steady trot DOGVANE n pl. -S a small vane DOGWATCH n pl. -ES a short period of watch duty on a ship DOGWOOD n pl. -S a tree DOGY n pl. -GIES dogie DOILED adj dazed DOILY n pl. -LIES a small napkin DOING n pl. -S an action DOIT n pl. -S a former Dutch coin DOITED adj old and feeble DOJO n pl. -JOS a school that teaches judo or karate DOL n pl. -S a unit of pain intensity DOLCE n pl. -CI a soft-toned organ stop DOLDRUMS n/pl a state of inactivity or stagnation DOLE v DOLED, DOLING, DOLES to distribute in small portions DOLEFUL adj -FULLER -FULLEST mournful DOLERITE n pl. -S a variety of basalt DOLESOME adj doleful DOLING present participle of dole DOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to dress stylishly DOLLAR n pl. -S a monetary unit of the United States DOLLIED past tense of dolly DOLLIES present 3d person sing. of dolly DOLLISH adj pretty DOLLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to dispense in small amounts DOLLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to move on a wheeled platform DOLMA n pl. -MAS or -MADES a stuffed grape leaf DOLMAN n pl. -S a Turkish robe DOLMEN n pl. -S a prehistoric monument DOLOMITE n pl. -S a mineral DOLOR n pl. -S grief DOLOROSO adj having a mournful musical quality DOLOROUS adj mournful DOLOUR n pl. -S dolor DOLPHIN n pl. -S a marine mammal DOLT n pl. -S a stupid person DOLTISH adj DOM n pl. -S a title given to certain monks DOMAIN n pl. -S an area of control DOMAL adj domical DOME v DOMED, DOMING, DOMES to cover with a dome (a rounded roof) DOMELIKE adj resembling a dome DOMESDAY n pl. -DAYS doomsday DOMESTIC n pl. -S a household servant DOMIC adj domical DOMICAL adj shaped like a dome DOMICIL v -ED, -ING, -S to domicile DOMICILE v -CILED, -CILING, -CILES to establish in a residence DOMINANT n pl. -S a controlling genetic character DOMINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to control DOMINE n pl. -S master DOMINEER v -ED, -ING, -S to tyrannize DOMING present participle of dome DOMINICK n pl. -S one of an American breed of chickens DOMINIE n pl. -S a clergyman DOMINION n pl. -S supreme authority DOMINIUM n pl. -S the right of ownership and control of property DOMINO n pl. -NOES or -NOS a small mask DON v DONNED, DONNING, DONS to put on DONA n pl. -S a Spanish lady DONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to contribute DONATION n pl. -S something donated DONATIVE n pl. -S a donation DONATOR n pl. -S a donor DONE past participle of do DONEE n pl. -S a recipient of a gift DONENESS n pl. -ES the state of being cooked enough DONG n pl. -S a deep sound like that of a large bell DONGA n pl. -S a gully in a veldt DONGOLA n pl. -S a type of leather DONJON n pl. -S the main tower of a castle DONKEY n pl. -KEYS the domestic ass DONNA n pl. DONNAS or DONNE an Italian lady DONNED past tense of don DONNEE n pl. -S the set of assumptions upon which a story proceeds DONNERD adj donnered DONNERED adj dazed DONNERT adj donnered DONNIKER n pl. -S a bathroom or privy DONNING present participle of don DONNISH adj scholarly DONOR n pl. -S one that donates DONSIE adj unlucky DONSY adj donsie DONUT n pl. -S doughnut DONZEL n pl. -S a young squire DOODAD n pl. -S an article whose name is unknown or forgotten DOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to draw or scribble aimlessly DOODLER n pl. -S one that doodles DOOFUS n pl. -ES a stupid or foolish person DOOLEE n pl. -S a stretcher for the sick or wounded DOOLIE n pl. -S doolee DOOLY n pl. -LIES doolee DOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to destine to an unhappy fate DOOMFUL adj ominous DOOMSDAY n pl. -DAYS judgment day DOOMSTER n pl. -S a judge DOOMY adj doomful DOOMILY adv DOOR n pl. -S a movable barrier at an entranceway DOORBELL n pl. -S a bell at a door DOORJAMB n pl. -S a vertical piece at the side of a doorway DOORKNOB n pl. -S a handle for opening a door DOORLESS adj having no door DOORMAN n pl. -MEN the door attendant of a building DOORMAT n pl. -S a mat placed in front of a door DOORNAIL n pl. -S a large-headed nail DOORPOST n pl. -S a doorjamb DOORSILL n pl. -S the sill of a door DOORSTEP n pl. -S a step leading to a door DOORSTOP n pl. -S an object used for holding a door open DOORWAY n pl. -WAYS the entranceway to a room or building DOORYARD n pl. -S a yard in front of a house DOOZER n pl. -S an extraordinary one of its kind DOOZIE n pl. -S doozy DOOZY n pl. -ZIES doozer DOPA n pl. -S a drug to treat Parkinson's disease DOPAMINE n pl. -S a form of dopa used to stimulate the heart DOPANT n pl. -S an impurity added to a pure substance DOPE v DOPED, DOPING, DOPES to give a narcotic to DOPEHEAD n pl. -S a drug addict DOPER n pl. -S one that dopes DOPESTER n pl. -S one who predicts the outcomes of contests DOPEY adj DOPIER, DOPIEST lethargic; stupid DOPIER comparative of dopy DOPIEST superlative of dopy DOPINESS n pl. -ES the state of being dopey DOPING present participle of dope DOPY adj DOPIER, DOPIEST dopey DOR n pl. -S a black European beetle DORADO n pl. -DOS a marine fish DORBUG n pl. -S a dor DORE adj gilded DORHAWK n pl. -S a nocturnal bird DORIES pl. of dory DORK n pl. -S a stupid or foolish person DORKY adj DORKIER, DORKIEST stupid, foolish DORM n pl. -S a dormitory DORMANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being dormant DORMANT adj lying asleep DORMER n pl. -S a type of window DORMICE pl. of dormouse DORMIE adj being ahead by as many holes in golf as remain to be played DORMIENT adj dormant DORMIN n pl. -S a plant hormone DORMOUSE n pl. -MICE a small rodent DORMY adj dormie DORNECK n pl. -S dornick DORNICK n pl. -S a heavy linen fabric DORNOCK n pl. -S dornick DORP n pl. -S a village DORPER n pl. -S one of a breed of mutton-producing sheep DORR n pl. -S dor DORSA pl. of dorsum DORSAD adv dorsally DORSAL n pl. -S a dorsally located anatomical part DORSALLY adv toward the back DORSEL n pl. -S a dossal DORSER n pl. -S dosser DORSUM n pl. -SA the back DORTY adj sullen DORY n pl. -RIES a flat-bottomed boat DOSAGE n pl. -S the amount of medicine to be given DOSE v DOSED, DOSING, DOSES to give a specified quantity of medicine to DOSER n pl. -S one that doses DOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to sleep in any convenient place DOSSAL n pl. -S an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar DOSSEL n pl. -S dossal DOSSER n pl. -S a basket carried on the back DOSSERET n pl. -S a block resting on the capital of a column DOSSIER n pl. -S a file of papers on a single subject DOSSIL n pl. -S a cloth roll for wiping ink DOST a present 2d person sing. of do DOT v DOTTED, DOTTING, DOTS to cover with dots (tiny round marks) DOTAGE n pl. -S a state of senility DOTAL adj pertaining to a dowry DOTARD n pl. -S a senile person DOTARDLY adj DOTATION n pl. -S an endowment DOTE v DOTED, DOTING, DOTES to show excessive affection DOTER n pl. -S one that dotes DOTH a present 3d person sing. of do DOTIER comparative of doty DOTIEST superlative of doty DOTING present participle of dote DOTINGLY adv in an excessively affectionate manner DOTTED past tense of dot DOTTEL n pl. -S dottle DOTTER n pl. -S one that dots DOTTEREL n pl. -S a shore bird DOTTIER comparative of dotty DOTTIEST superlative of dotty DOTTILY adv in a dotty manner DOTTING present participle of dot DOTTLE n pl. -S a mass of half-burnt pipe tobacco DOTTREL n pl. -S dotterel DOTTY adj -TIER -TIEST crazy DOTY adj DOTIER, DOTIEST stained by decay DOUBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to make twice as great DOUBLER n pl. -S one that doubles DOUBLET n pl. -S a close-fitting jacket DOUBLING present participle of double DOUBLOON n pl. -S a former Spanish gold coin DOUBLURE n pl. -S the lining of a book cover DOUBLY adv to twice the degree DOUBT v -ED, -ING, -S to be uncertain about DOUBTER n pl. -S one that doubts DOUBTFUL adj uncertain DOUCE adj sedate DOUCELY adv DOUCEUR n pl. -S a gratuity DOUCHE v DOUCHED, DOUCHING, DOUCHES to cleanse with a jet of water DOUGH n pl. -S a flour mixture DOUGHBOY n pl. -BOYS an infantryman DOUGHIER comparative of doughy DOUGHIEST superlative of doughy DOUGHNUT n pl. -S a ring-shaped cake DOUGHT a past tense of dow DOUGHTY adj -TIER -TIEST courageous DOUGHY adj DOUGHIER, DOUGHIEST resembling dough DOUM n pl. -S an African palm tree DOUMA n pl. -S duma DOUPIONI n pl. -S a silk yarn DOUR adj DOURER, DOUREST sullen DOURA n pl. -S durra DOURAH n pl. -S durra DOURINE n pl. -S a disease of horses DOURLY adv in a dour manner DOURNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dour DOUSE v DOUSED, DOUSING, DOUSES to plunge into water DOUSER n pl. -S one that douses DOUX adj very sweet -- used of champagne DOUZEPER n pl. -S one of twelve legendary knights DOVE n pl. -S a bird of the pigeon family DOVECOT n pl. -S dovecote DOVECOTE n pl. -S a roost for domesticated pigeons DOVEKEY n pl. -KEYS dovekie DOVEKIE n pl. -S a seabird DOVELIKE adj resembling or suggestive of a dove DOVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to daven DOVETAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to fit together closely DOVISH adj not warlike DOW v DOWED or DOUGHT, DOWING, DOWS to prosper DOWABLE adj entitled to an endowment DOWAGER n pl. -S a dignified elderly woman DOWDY adj DOWDIER, DOWDIEST lacking in stylishness or neatness DOWDILY adv DOWDYISH adj DOWDY n pl. DOWDIES a dowdy woman DOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to fasten with wooden pins DOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a dowry DOWERY n pl. -ERIES dowry DOWIE adj dreary DOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to fall DOWNBEAT n pl. -S the first beat of a musical measure DOWNCAST n pl. -S an overthrow or ruin DOWNCOME n pl. -S downfall DOWNER n pl. -S a depressant drug DOWNFALL n pl. -S a sudden fall DOWNHAUL n pl. -S a rope for hauling down sails DOWNHILL n pl. -S a downward slope DOWNIER comparative of downy DOWNIEST superlative of downy DOWNLAND n pl. -S a rolling treeless upland DOWNLINK n pl. -S a communications channel from a spacecraft DOWNLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer data from a large computer to a smaller one DOWNPIPE n pl. -S a pipe for draining water from a roof DOWNPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to de-emphasize DOWNPOUR n pl. -S a heavy rain DOWNSIDE n pl. -S a negative aspect DOWNSIZE v -SIZED, -SIZING, -SIZES to produce in a smaller size DOWNTICK n pl. -S a stock market transaction DOWNTIME n pl. -S the time when a machine or factory is inactive DOWNTOWN n pl. -S the business district of a city DOWNTROD adj oppressed DOWNTURN n pl. -S a downward turn DOWNWARD adv from a higher to a lower place DOWNWASH n pl. -ES a downward deflection of air DOWNWIND adv in the direction that the wind blows DOWNY adj DOWNIER, DOWNIEST soft DOWRY n pl. -RIES the money or property a wife brings to her husband at marriage DOWSABEL n pl. -S a sweetheart DOWSE v DOWSED, DOWSING, DOWSES to search for underground water with a divining rod DOWSER n pl. -S one that dowses DOXIE n pl. -S doxy DOXOLOGY n pl. -GIES a hymn or verse of praise to God DOXY n pl. DOXIES a doctrine DOYEN n pl. -S the senior member of a group DOYENNE n pl. -S a female doyen DOYLEY n pl. -LEYS doily DOYLY n pl. -LIES doily DOZE v DOZED, DOZING, DOZES to sleep lightly DOZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to stun DOZENTH n pl. -S twelfth DOZER n pl. -S one that dozes DOZIER comparative of dozy DOZIEST superlative of dozy DOZILY adv in a dozy manner DOZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being dozy DOZING present participle of doze DOZY adj DOZIER, DOZIEST drowsy DRAB adj DRABBER, DRABBEST cheerless DRAB v DRABBED, DRABBING, DRABS to consort with prostitutes DRABBET n pl. -S a coarse linen fabric DRABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to draggle DRABLY adv in a drab manner DRABNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being drab DRACAENA n pl. -S a tropical plant DRACHM n pl. -S a unit of weight DRACHMA n pl. -MAS, -MAE or -MAI a monetary unit of Greece DRACONIC adj pertaining to a dragon DRAFF n pl. -S the damp remains of malt after brewing DRAFFISH adj draffy DRAFFY adj DRAFFIER, DRAFFIEST worthless DRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to conscript for military service DRAFTEE n pl. -S one that is drafted DRAFTER n pl. -S one that drafts DRAFTING n pl. -S mechanical drawing DRAFTY adj DRAFTIER, DRAFTIEST having or exposed to currents of air DRAFTILY adv DRAG v DRAGGED, DRAGGING, DRAGS to pull along the ground DRAGEE n pl. -S a sugarcoated candy DRAGGER n pl. -S one that drags DRAGGIER comparative of draggy DRAGGIEST superlative of draggy DRAGGING present participle of drag DRAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to make wet and dirty DRAGGY adj -GIER -GIEST sluggish DRAGLINE n pl. -S a line used for dragging DRAGNET n pl. -S a net for trawling DRAGOMAN n pl. -MANS or -MEN an interpreter in Near Eastern countries DRAGON n pl. -S a mythical, serpentlike monster DRAGONET n pl. -S a marine fish DRAGOON v -ED, -ING, -S to harass by the use of troops DRAGROPE n pl. -S a rope used for dragging DRAGSTER n pl. -S a vehicle used in drag racing DRAIL n pl. -S a heavy fishhook DRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to draw off a liquid DRAINAGE n pl. -S the act of draining DRAINER n pl. -S one that drains DRAKE n pl. -S a male duck DRAM v DRAMMED, DRAMMING, DRAMS to tipple DRAMA n pl. -S a composition written for theatrical performance DRAMATIC adj pertaining to drama DRAMEDY n pl. -DIES a sitcom having dramatic scenes DRAMMED past tense of dram DRAMMING present participle of dram DRAMMOCK n pl. -S raw oatmeal mixed with cold water DRAMSHOP n pl. -S a barroom DRANK past tense of drink DRAPE v DRAPED, DRAPING, DRAPES to arrange in graceful folds DRAPABLE adj DRAPER n pl. -S a dealer in cloth DRAPERY n pl. -ERIES cloth arranged in graceful folds DRAPEY adj characterized by graceful folds DRAPING present participle of drape DRASTIC adj extremely severe DRAT v DRATTED, DRATTING, DRATS to damn DRAUGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to draft DRAUGHTY adj DRAUGHTIER, DRAUGHTIEST drafty DRAVE a past tense of drive DRAW v DREW, DRAWN, DRAWING, DRAWS to move by pulling DRAWABLE adj DRAWBACK n pl. -S a hindrance DRAWBAR n pl. -S a railroad coupler DRAWBORE n pl. -S a hole for joining a mortise and tenon DRAWDOWN n pl. -S a lowering of a water level DRAWEE n pl. -S the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn DRAWER n pl. -S one that draws DRAWING n pl. -S a portrayal in lines of a form or figure DRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged DRAWLER n pl. -S one that drawls DRAWLY adj DRAWLIER, DRAWLIEST marked by drawling DRAWN past participle of draw DRAWTUBE n pl. -S a tube that slides within another tube DRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by dray (a low, strong cart) DRAYAGE n pl. -S transportation by dray DRAYMAN n pl. -MEN one who drives a dray DREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to fear greatly DREADFUL n pl. -S a publication containing sensational material DREAM v DREAMED or DREAMT, DREAMING, DREAMS to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) DREAMER n pl. -S one that dreams DREAMFUL adj dreamy DREAMT a past tense of dream DREAMY adj DREAMIER, DREAMIEST full of dreams DREAMILY adv DREAR n pl. -S the state of being dreary DREARY adj DREARIER, DREARIEST dismal DREARILY adv DREARY n pl. DREARIES a dismal person DRECK n pl. -S rubbish DRECKY adj DREDGE v DREDGED, DREDGING, DREDGES to clear with a dredge (a machine for scooping mud) DREDGER n pl. -S one that dredges DREDGING n pl. -S matter that is dredged up DREE v DREED, DREEING, DREES to suffer DREG n pl. -S the sediment of liquors DREGGISH adj DREGGY adj -GIER -GIEST full of dregs DREICH adj dreary DREIDEL n pl. -S a spinning toy DREIDL n pl. -S dreidel DREIGH adj dreich DREK n pl. -S dreck DRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wet thoroughly DRENCHER n pl. -S one that drenches DRESS v DRESSED or DREST, DRESSING, DRESSES to put clothes on DRESSAGE n pl. -S the training of a horse in obedience and deportment DRESSER n pl. -S one that dresses DRESSING n pl. -S material applied to cover a wound DRESSY adj DRESSIER, DRESSIEST stylish DRESSILY adv DREST a past tense of dress DREW past tense of draw DRIB v DRIBBED, DRIBBING, DRIBS to drip DRIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to drivel DRIBBLER n pl. -S one that dribbles DRIBBLET n pl. -S driblet DRIBBLING present participle of dribble DRIBBLY adj tending to dribble DRIBLET n pl. -S a small drop of liquid DRIED past tense of dry DRIEGH adj dreary DRIER n pl. -S one that dries DRIES present 3d person sing. of dry DRIEST a superlative of dry DRIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to move along in a current DRIFTAGE n pl. -S the act of drifting DRIFTER n pl. -S one that drifts DRIFTPIN n pl. -S a metal rod for securing timbers DRIFTY adj DRIFTIER, DRIFTIEST full of drifts (masses of wind-driven snow) DRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to bore a hole in DRILLER n pl. -S one that drills DRILLING n pl. -S a heavy twilled cotton fabric DRILY adv dryly DRINK v DRANK, DRUNK, DRINKING, DRINKS to swallow liquid DRINKER n pl. -S one that drinks DRIP v DRIPPED or DRIPT, DRIPPING, DRIPS to fall in drops DRIPLESS adj designed not to drip DRIPPER n pl. -S something from which a liquid drips DRIPPING n pl. -S juice drawn from meat during cooking DRIPPY adj -PIER -PIEST very wet DRIPT a past tense of drip DRIVE v DROVE or DRAVE, DRIVEN, DRIVING, DRIVES to urge or propel forward DRIVABLE adj DRIVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to let saliva flow from the mouth DRIVELER n pl. -S one that drivels DRIVEN past participle of drive DRIVER n pl. -S one that drives DRIVEWAY n pl. -WAYS a private road providing access to a building DRIVING n pl. -S management of a motor vehicle DRIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to rain lightly DRIZZLY adj -ZLIER, -ZLIEST characterized by light rain DROGUE n pl. -S a sea anchor DROIT n pl. -S a legal right DROLL adj DROLLER, DROLLEST comical DROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to jest DROLLERY n pl. -ERIES something droll DROLLY adv in a droll manner DROMON n pl. -S dromond DROMOND n pl. -S a large fast-sailing medieval galley DRONE v DRONED, DRONING, DRONES to make a continuous low sound DRONER n pl. -S one that drones DRONGO n pl. -GOS a tropical bird DRONING present participle of drone DRONISH adj habitually lazy DROOL v -ED, -ING, -S to drivel DROOP v -ED, -ING, -S to hang downward DROOPY adj DROOPIER, DROOPIEST drooping DROOPILY adv DROP v DROPPED or DROPT, DROPPING, DROPS to fall in drops (globules) DROPHEAD n pl. -S a convertible car DROPKICK n pl. -S a type of kick in football DROPLET n pl. -S a tiny drop DROPOUT n pl. -S one who quits school prematurely DROPPED past tense of drop DROPPER n pl. -S a tube for dispensing liquid in drops DROPPING n pl. -S something that has been dropped DROPSHOT n pl. -S a type of shot in tennis DROPSY n pl. -SIES an excessive accumulation of serous fluid DROPSIED adj DROPT a past tense of drop DROPWORT n pl. -S a perennial herb DROSERA n pl. -S a sundew DROSHKY n pl. -KIES an open carriage DROSKY n pl. -KIES droshky DROSS n pl. -ES waste matter DROSSY adj DROSSIER, DROSSIEST worthless DROUGHT n pl. -S a dry period DROUGHTY adj DROUGHTIER, DROUGHTIEST dry DROUK v -ED, -ING, -S to drench DROUTH n pl. -S drought DROUTHY adj DROUTHIER, DROUTHIEST droughty DROVE v DROVED, DROVING, DROVES to drive cattle or sheep DROVER n pl. -S a driver of cattle or sheep DROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to suffocate in water DROWND v -ED, -ING, -S to drown DROWNER n pl. -S one that drowns DROWSE v DROWSED, DROWSING, DROWSES to doze DROWSY adj DROWSIER, DROWSIEST sleepy DROWSILY adv DRUB v DRUBBED, DRUBBING, DRUBS to beat severely DRUBBER n pl. -S one that drubs DRUBBING n pl. -S a severe beating DRUDGE v DRUDGED, DRUDGING, DRUDGES to do hard, menial, or tedious work DRUDGER n pl. -S one that drudges DRUDGERY n pl. -ERIES hard, menial, or tedious work DRUDGING present participle of drudge DRUG v DRUGGED, DRUGGING, DRUGS to affect with a drug (a medicinal substance) DRUGGET n pl. -S a coarse woolen fabric DRUGGIE n pl. -S a drug addict DRUGGIST n pl. -S a pharmacist DRUGGY adj -GIER -GIEST affected by drugs DRUID n pl. -S one of an ancient Celtic order of priests DRUIDIC adj DRUIDESS n pl. -ES a female druid DRUIDISM n pl. -S the religious system of the druids DRUM v DRUMMED, DRUMMING, DRUMS to beat a drum (a percussion instrument) DRUMBEAT n pl. -S the sound of a drum DRUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to move slowly DRUMFIRE n pl. -S heavy, continuous gunfire DRUMFISH n pl. -ES a fish that makes a drumming sound DRUMHEAD n pl. -S the material stretched over the end of a drum DRUMLIER comparative of drumly DRUMLIEST superlative of drumly DRUMLIKE adj resembling the head of a drum DRUMLIN n pl. -S a long hill of glacial drift DRUMLY adj -LIER -LIEST dark and gloomy DRUMMED past tense of drum DRUMMER n pl. -S one that drums DRUMMING present participle of drum DRUMROLL n pl. -S a roll played on a drum DRUNK adj DRUNKER, DRUNKEST intoxicated DRUNK n pl. -S a drunken person DRUNKARD n pl. -S one who is habitually drunk DRUNKEN adj drunk DRUPE n pl. -S a fleshy fruit DRUPELET n pl. -S a small drupe DRUSE n pl. -S a crust of small crystals lining a rock cavity DRUTHERS n/pl one's preference DRY adj DRIER, DRIEST or DRYER, DRYEST having no moisture DRY n pl. DRYS a prohibitionist DRY v DRIED, DRYING, DRIES to make dry DRYABLE adj DRYAD n pl. -S or -ES a nymph of the woods DRYADIC adj DRYER n pl. -S drier DRYISH adj somewhat dry DRYLAND adj relating to an arid region DRYLOT n pl. -S an enclosure for livestock DRYLY adv in a dry manner DRYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dry DRYPOINT n pl. -S a method of engraving DRYSTONE adj constructed of stone without mortar DRYWALL n pl. -S board used instead of plaster in walls DUAD n pl. -S a pair DUAL n pl. -S a linguistic form DUALISM n pl. -S a philosophical theory DUALIST n pl. -S an adherent of dualism DUALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being twofold DUALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make twofold DUALLY adv in two ways DUB v DUBBED, DUBBING, DUBS to confer knighthood on DUBBER n pl. -S one that dubs DUBBIN n pl. -S material for softening and waterproofing leather DUBBING n pl. -S dubbin DUBIETY n pl. -ETIES the state of being dubious DUBIOUS adj doubtful DUBONNET n pl. -S a red color DUCAL adj pertaining to a duke (a high-ranking nobleman) DUCALLY adv DUCAT n pl. -S any of several gold coins formerly used in Europe DUCE n pl. DUCES or DUCI a leader DUCHESS n pl. -ES the wife or widow of a duke DUCHY n pl. DUCHIES the domain of a duke DUCI a pl. of duce DUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to lower quickly DUCKBILL n pl. -S a platypus DUCKER n pl. -S one that ducks DUCKIE adj ducky DUCKIER comparative of ducky DUCKIES pl. of ducky DUCKIEST superlative of ducky DUCKLING n pl. -S a young duck DUCKPIN n pl. -S a type of bowling pin DUCKTAIL n pl. -S a style of haircut DUCKWALK v -ED, -ING, -S to walk in a squatting position DUCKWEED n pl. -S an aquatic plant DUCKY adj DUCKIER, DUCKIEST excellent DUCKY n pl. DUCKIES a darling DUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to convey through a duct (a tubular passage) DUCTAL adj made up of ducts DUCTILE adj easily molded or shaped DUCTING n pl. -S a system of ducts DUCTLESS adj being without a duct DUCTULE n pl. -S a small duct DUCTWORK n pl. -S a system of ducts DUD n pl. -S a bomb that fails to explode DUDDIE adj ragged DUDDY adj duddie DUDE v DUDED, DUDING, DUDES to dress up in flashy clothes DUDEEN n pl. -S a short tobacco pipe DUDGEON n pl. -S a feeling of resentment DUDING present participle of dude DUDISH adj resembling a dude (a dandy) DUDISHLY adv in the manner of a dude DUE n pl. -S something that is owed DUECENTO n pl. -TOS the thirteenth century DUEL v DUELED, DUELING, DUELS or DUELLED, DUELLING, DUELS to fight formally DUELER n pl. -S one that duels DUELIST n pl. -S a dueler DUELLED a past tense of duel DUELLER n pl. -S dueler DUELLI a pl. of duello DUELLING a present participle of duel DUELLIST n pl. -S duelist DUELLO n pl. -LOS or -LI the art of dueling; a duel DUENDE n pl. -S charisma DUENESS n pl. -ES the state of being owed DUENNA n pl. -S a governess DUET v DUETTED, DUETTING, DUETS to perform a duet (a musical composition for two) DUETTIST n pl. -S a participant in a duet DUFF n pl. -S a thick pudding DUFFEL n pl. -S a coarse woolen fabric DUFFER n pl. -S a clumsy person DUFFLE n pl. -S duffel DUG n pl. -S the teat or udder of a female mammal DUGONG n pl. -S an aquatic mammal DUGOUT n pl. -S a canoe made by hollowing out a log DUI a pl. of duo DUIKER n pl. -S a small antelope DUIT n pl. -S doit DUKE v DUKED, DUKING, DUKES to fight DUKEDOM n pl. -S a duchy DULCET n pl. -S a soft-toned organ stop DULCETLY adv melodiously DULCIANA n pl. -S a soft-toned organ stop DULCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to sweeten DULCIMER n pl. -S a stringed instrument DULCINEA n pl. -S a sweetheart DULIA n pl. -S veneration of saints DULL adj DULLER, DULLEST mentally slow DULL v -ED, -ING, -S to make less sharp DULLARD n pl. -S a dolt DULLISH adj somewhat dull DULLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dull DULLY adv in a dull manner DULNESS n pl. -ES dullness DULSE n pl. -S an edible seaweed DULY adv rightfully DUMA n pl. -S a Russian council DUMB adj DUMBER, DUMBEST incapable of speech DUMBLY adv DUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to make silent DUMBBELL n pl. -S a weight lifted for muscular exercise DUMBCANE n pl. -S a tropical plant DUMBHEAD n pl. -S a stupid person DUMBNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dumb DUMDUM n pl. -S a type of bullet DUMFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to astonish DUMKA n pl. -KY a Slavic folk ballad DUMMKOPF n pl. -S a dolt DUMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to make a representation of DUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to let fall heavily DUMPCART n pl. -S a type of cart DUMPER n pl. -S one that dumps DUMPIER comparative of dumpy DUMPIEST superlative of dumpy DUMPILY adv in a dumpy manner DUMPING n pl. -S the selling of large quantities of goods at below the market price DUMPISH adj sad DUMPLING n pl. -S a ball of dough cooked with stew or soup DUMPY adj DUMPIER, DUMPIEST short and thick DUN adj DUNNER, DUNNEST of a dull brown color DUN v DUNNED, DUNNING, DUNS to make demands upon for payment of a debt DUNAM n pl. -S a unit of land measure in Israel DUNCE n pl. -S a stupid person DUNCICAL, DUNCISH adj DUNCH n pl. -ES a push DUNE n pl. -S a hill of sand DUNELIKE adj DUNELAND n pl. -S an area having many dunes DUNG v -ED, -ING, -S to fertilize with manure DUNGAREE n pl. -S a coarse cotton fabric DUNGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to confine in a dungeon (an underground prison) DUNGHILL n pl. -S a heap of manure DUNGY adj DUNGIER, DUNGIEST filthy DUNITE n pl. -S an igneous rock DUNITIC adj DUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to dip into liquid DUNKER n pl. -S one that dunks DUNLIN n pl. -S a wading bird DUNNAGE n pl. -S packing material used to protect cargo DUNNED past tense of dun DUNNER comparative of dun DUNNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dun DUNNEST superlative of dun DUNNING present participle of dun DUNNITE n pl. -S an explosive DUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a heavy blow DUO n pl. DUOS or DUI an instrumental duet DUODENUM n pl. -DENA or -DENUMS the first portion of the small intestine DUODENAL adj DUOLOG n pl. -S duologue DUOLOGUE n pl. -S a conversation between two persons DUOMO n pl. -MOS or -MI a cathedral DUOPOLY n pl. -LIES the market condition existing when there are two sellers only DUOPSONY n pl. -NIES the market condition existing when there are two buyers only DUOTONE n pl. -S an illustration in two tones DUP v DUPPED, DUPPING, DUPS to open DUPE v DUPED, DUPING, DUPES to deceive DUPABLE adj DUPER n pl. -S one that dupes DUPERY n pl. -ERIES the act of duping DUPING present participle of dupe DUPLE adj having two parts or elements DUPLEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to make duple DUPLEXER n pl. -S an electronic switching device DUPPED past tense of dup DUPPING present participle of dup DURA n pl. -S durra DURABLE adj able to withstand wear or decay DURABLY adv DURABLES n/pl durable goods DURAL adj of the dura mater (a brain membrane) DURAMEN n pl. -S the central wood of a tree DURANCE n pl. -S restraint by or as if by physical force DURATION n pl. -S continuance in time DURATIVE n pl. -S a type of verb DURBAR n pl. -S the court of a native ruler in India DURE v DURED, DURING, DURES to endure DURESS n pl. -ES compulsion by threat DURIAN n pl. -S an East Indian tree DURING prep throughout the duration of DURION n pl. -S durian DURMAST n pl. -S a European oak DURN v -ED, -ING, -S to damn DURNED adj DURNEDER, DURNEDEST or DURNDEST damned DURO n pl. -ROS a Spanish silver dollar DUROC n pl. -S a large red hog DURR n pl. -S durra DURRA n pl. -S a cereal grain DURRIE n pl. -S dhurrie DURST a past tense of dare DURUM n pl. -S a kind of wheat DUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to become dark DUSKISH adj dusky DUSKY adj DUSKIER, DUSKIEST somewhat dark DUSKILY adv DUST v -ED, -ING, -S to make free of dust (minute particles of matter) DUSTBIN n pl. -S a trash can DUSTER n pl. -S one that dusts DUSTHEAP n pl. -S a pile of trash DUSTIER comparative of dusty DUSTIEST superative of dusty DUSTILY adv in a dusty manner DUSTLESS adj being without dust DUSTLIKE adj resembling dust DUSTMAN n pl. -MEN a trashman DUSTOFF n pl. -S a military helicopter for evacuating the wounded DUSTPAN n pl. -S a pan for holding swept dust DUSTRAG n pl. -S a rag used for dusting DUSTUP n pl. -S an argument DUSTY adj DUSTIER, DUSTIEST full of dust DUTCH adv with each person paying for himself DUTCHMAN n pl. -MEN something used to hide structural defects DUTEOUS adj dutiful DUTIABLE adj subject to import tax DUTIFUL adj obedient DUTY n pl. -TIES a moral or legal obligation DUUMVIR n pl. -VIRS or -VIRI a magistrate of ancient Rome DUVET n pl. -S a down-filled bed covering DUVETINE n pl. -S duvetyn DUVETYN n pl. -S a soft fabric DUVETYNE n pl. -S duvetyn DUXELLES n pl. DUXELLES a garnish or sauce with minced mushrooms DWARF adj DWARFER, DWARFEST extremely small DWARF n pl. DWARFS or DWARVES an extremely small person DWARF v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to appear small DWARFISH adj resembling a dwarf DWARFISM n pl. -S a condition of stunted growth DWARVES a pl. of dwarf DWEEB n pl. -S an unattractive or inept person DWELL v DWELT or DWELLED, DWELLING, DWELLS to reside DWELLER n pl. -S one that dwells DWELLING n pl. -S a place of residence DWELT a past tense of dwell DWINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to decrease steadily DWINE v DWINED, DWINING, DWINES to pine or waste away DYABLE adj dyeable DYAD n pl. -S a pair of units DYADIC n pl. -S a sum of mathematical dyads DYARCHY n pl. -CHIES diarchy DYARCHIC adj DYBBUK n pl. -BUKS or -BUKIM a wandering soul in Jewish folklore DYE v DYED, DYEING, DYES to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) DYEABLE adj capable of being dyed DYEING n pl. -S something colored with a dye DYER n pl. -S one that dyes DYESTUFF n pl. -S a dye DYEWEED n pl. -S a shrub that yields a yellow dye DYEWOOD n pl. -S a wood from which a dye is extracted DYING n pl. -S a passing out of existence DYKE v DYKED, DYKING, DYKES to dike DYNAMIC n pl. -S a physical force DYNAMISM n pl. -S a theory that explains the universe in terms of force or energy DYNAMIST n pl. -S an adherent of dynamism DYNAMITE v -MITED, -MITING, -MITES to blow up with a powerful explosive DYNAMO n pl. -MOS a generator DYNAST n pl. -S a ruler DYNASTY n pl. -TIES a succession of rulers from the same line of descent DYNASTIC adj DYNATRON n pl. -S a type of electron tube DYNE n pl. -S a unit of force DYNEIN n pl. DYNEIN an enzyme involved in cell movement DYNEL n pl. -S a synthetic fiber DYNODE n pl. -S a type of electrode DYSGENIC adj causing the deterioration of hereditary qualities DYSLEXIA n pl. -S impairment of the ability to read DYSLEXIC n pl. -S one who is affected with dyslexia DYSPEPSY n pl. -SIES indigestion DYSPNEA n pl. -S labored breathing DYSPNEAL, DYSPNEIC adj DYSPNOEA n pl. -S dyspnea DYSPNOIC adj DYSTAXIA n pl. -S a form of muscular tremor DYSTOCIA n pl. -S difficult labor and delivery in childbirth DYSTONIA n pl. -S a condition of disordered tonicity of muscle tissue DYSTONIC adj DYSTOPIA n pl. -S a wretched place DYSURIA n pl. -S painful urination DYSURIC adj DYVOUR n pl. -S one who is bankrupt EACH adj being one of two or more distinct individuals EAGER adj -GERER, -GEREST impatiently longing EAGERLY adv EAGER n pl. -S eagre EAGLE n pl. -S a large bird of prey EAGLET n pl. -S a young eagle EAGRE n pl. -S a tidal flood EANLING n pl. -S yeanling EAR v -ED, -ING, -S to form the fruiting head of a cereal EARACHE n pl. -S a pain in the ear (an organ of hearing) EARDROP n pl. -S an earring EARDRUM n pl. -S the tympanic membrane EARED adj having ears EARFLAP n pl. -S a part of a cap designed to cover the ears EARFUL n pl. -S a flow of information EARING n pl. -S a line on a ship EARL n pl. -S a British nobleman EARLAP n pl. -S an earflap EARLDOM n pl. -S the rank of an earl EARLESS adj lacking ears EARLIER comparative of early EARLIEST superlative of early EARLOBE n pl. -S a part of the ear EARLOCK n pl. -S a curl of hair by the ear EARLSHIP n pl. -S earldom EARLY adv -LIER, -LIEST near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events EARMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to designate for a specific use EARMUFF n pl. -S one of a pair of ear coverings EARN v -ED, -ING, -S to gain or deserve for one's labor or service EARNER n pl. -S one that earns EARNEST n pl. -S a down payment EARNINGS n/pl something earned EARPHONE n pl. -S a listening device worn over the ear EARPIECE n pl. -S an earphone EARPLUG n pl. -S a plug for the ear EARRING n pl. -S an ornament for the earlobe EARSHOT n pl. -S the range within which sound can be heard EARSTONE n pl. -S an otolith EARTH v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with earth (soil) EARTHEN adj made of earth EARTHIER comparative of earthy EARTHIEST superlative of earthy EARTHILY adv in an earthy manner EARTHLY adj -LIER, -LIEST worldly EARTHMAN n pl. -MEN a person from the planet earth EARTHNUT n pl. -S a European herb EARTHPEA n pl. -S a twining plant EARTHSET n pl. -S the setting of the earth as seen from the moon EARTHY adj EARTHIER, EARTHIEST composed of, resembling, or suggestive of earth EARWAX n pl. -ES cerumen EARWIG v -WIGGED, -WIGGING, -WIGS to insinuate against in secret EARWORM n pl. -S a bollworm EASE v EASED, EASING, EASES to give rest or relief to EASEFUL adj restful EASEL n pl. -S a three-legged frame EASEMENT n pl. -S relief EASIER comparative of easy EASIES pl. of easy EASIEST superlative of easy EASILY adv without difficulty EASINESS n pl. -ES the state of being easy EASING present participle of ease EAST n pl. -S a cardinal point of the compass EASTER n pl. -S a wind or storm from the east EASTERLY n pl. -LIES a wind from the east EASTERN adj being to, toward, or in the east EASTING n pl. -S a movement toward the east EASTWARD n pl. -S a direction toward the east EASY adj EASIER, EASIEST not difficult EASY n pl. EASIES a communications code word for the letter E EAT v ATE or ET, EATEN, EATING, EATS to consume food EATABLE n pl. -S an edible EATER n pl. -S one that eats EATERY n pl. -ERIES a lunchroom EATH adj easy EATING n pl. -S the act of consuming food EAU n pl. EAUX water EAVE n pl. -S the lower projecting edge of a roof EAVED adj EBB v -ED, -ING, -S to recede EBBET n pl. -S a common green newt EBON n pl. -S ebony EBONIES pl. of ebony EBONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to ebonize EBONITE n pl. -S a hard rubber EBONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to stain black in imitation of ebony EBONY n pl. -NIES a hard, heavy wood ECARTE n pl. -S a card game ECAUDATE adj having no tail ECBOLIC n pl. -S a type of drug ECCLESIA n pl. -SIAE an assembly in ancient Greece ECCRINE adj producing secretions externally ECDYSIS n pl. -DYSES the shedding of an outer layer of skin ECDYSIAL adj ECDYSON n pl. -S ecdysone ECDYSONE n pl. -S an insect hormone ECESIS n pl. -SISES the establishment of a plant or animal in a new environment ECHARD n pl. -S the water in the soil not available to plants ECHE v ECHED, ECHING, ECHES to increase ECHELLE n pl. -S a device for spreading light into its component colors ECHELON v -ED, -ING, -S to group in a particular formation ECHIDNA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a spiny anteater ECHINATE adj spiny ECHING present participle of eche ECHINOID n pl. -S a spiny marine animal ECHINUS n pl. -NI echinoid ECHO n pl. ECHOES or ECHOS a repetition of sound by reflection of sound waves ECHO v -ED, -ING, -ES to produce an echo ECHOER n pl. -S one that echoes ECHOEY adj full of echoes ECHOGRAM n pl. -S a record produced by a device that uses ultrasonic waves ECHOIC adj resembling an echo ECHOISM n pl. -S the formation of words in imitation of sounds ECHOLESS adj producing no echo ECLAIR n pl. -S a type of pastry ECLAT n pl. -S brilliance ECLECTIC n pl. -S one who draws his beliefs from various sources ECLIPSE v ECLIPSED, ECLIPSING, ECLIPSES to obscure ECLIPSIS n pl. ECLIPSES or ECLIPSISES an ellipsis ECLIPTIC n pl. -S an astronomical plane ECLOGITE n pl. -S a type of rock ECLOGUE n pl. -S a pastoral poem ECLOSION n pl. -S the emergence of an insect larva from an egg ECOCIDE n pl. -S the destruction of the natural environment ECOCIDAL adj ECOFREAK n pl. -S a zealous environmentalist ECOLOGY n pl. -GIES an environmental science ECOLOGIC adj ECONOBOX n pl. -ES a small economical car ECONOMIC adj pertaining to financial matters ECONOMY n pl. -MIES thrift ECOTONE n pl. -S a type of ecological zone ECOTONAL adj ECOTYPE n pl. -S a subspecies adapted to specific environmental conditions ECOTYPIC adj ECRASEUR n pl. -S a surgical instrument ECRU n pl. -S a yellowish brown color ECSTASY n pl. -SIES a state of exaltation ECSTATIC n pl. -S one that is subject to ecstasies ECTASIS n pl. -TASES the lengthening of a usually short syllable ECTATIC adj ECTHYMA n pl. -MATA a virus disease ECTODERM n pl. -S the outermost germ layer of an embryo ECTOMERE n pl. -S a cell that develops into ectoderm ECTOPIA n pl. -S congenital displacement of parts or organs ECTOPIC adj ECTOSARC n pl. -S the outermost layer of protoplasm of certain protozoans ECTOZOAN n pl. -S ectozoon ECTOZOON n pl. -ZOA a parasite on the body of an animal ECTYPE n pl. -S a copy ECTYPAL adj ECU n pl. -S an old French coin ECUMENIC adj universal ECZEMA n pl. -S a skin disease ED n pl. ED education EDACIOUS adj voracious EDACITY n pl. -TIES gluttony EDAPHIC adj pertaining to the soil EDDO n pl. -DOES a tropical plant EDDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to move against the main current EDEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA an excessive accumulation of serous fluid EDENIC adj pertaining to a paradise EDENTATE n pl. -S a toothless mammal EDGE v EDGED, EDGING, EDGES to provide with an edge (a bounding or dividing line) EDGELESS adj lacking an edge EDGER n pl. -S a tool used to trim a lawn's edge EDGEWAYS adv edgewise EDGEWISE adv sideways EDGIER comparative of edgy EDGIEST superlative of edgy EDGILY adv in an edgy manner EDGINESS n pl. -ES the state of being edgy EDGING n pl. -S something that forms or serves as an edge EDGY adj EDGIER, EDGIEST tense, nervous, or irritable EDH n pl. -S an Old English letter EDIBLE n pl. -S something fit to be eaten EDICT n pl. -S an authoritative order having the force of law EDICTAL adj EDIFICE n pl. -S a building EDIFIER n pl. -S one that edifies EDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to enlighten EDILE n pl. -S aedile EDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to correct and prepare for publication EDITABLE adj EDITION n pl. -S a particular series of printed material EDITOR n pl. -S one that edits EDITRESS n pl. -ES a female editor EDUCABLE n pl. -S a mildly retarded person EDUCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to teach EDUCATOR n pl. -S one that educates EDUCE v EDUCED, EDUCING, EDUCES to draw forth or bring out EDUCIBLE adj EDUCT n pl. -S something educed EDUCTION n pl. -S the act of educing EDUCTIVE adj EDUCTOR n pl. -S one that educes EEL n pl. -S a snakelike fish EELGRASS n pl. -ES an aquatic plant EELIER comparative of eely EELIEST superlative of eely EELLIKE adj resembling an eel EELPOUT n pl. -S a marine fish EELWORM n pl. -S a small roundworm EELY adj EELIER, EELIEST resembling an eel EERIE adj -RIER, -RIEST weird EERILY adv EERINESS n pl. -ES the state of being eerie EERY adj -RIER, -RIEST eerie EF n pl. -S the letter F EFF n pl. -S ef EFFABLE adj capable of being uttered or expressed EFFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to rub or wipe out EFFACER n pl. -S one that effaces EFFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring about EFFECTER n pl. -S effector EFFECTOR n pl. -S a bodily organ that responds to a nerve impulse EFFENDI n pl. -S a Turkish title of respect EFFERENT n pl. -S an organ or part conveying nervous impulses to an effector EFFETE adj exhausted of vigor or energy EFFETELY adv EFFICACY n pl. -CIES effectiveness EFFIGIAL adj resembling an effigy EFFIGY n pl. -GIES a likeness or representation EFFLUENT n pl. -S an outflow EFFLUVIA n/pl byproducts in the form of waste EFFLUX n pl. -ES an outflow EFFORT n pl. -S a deliberate exertion EFFULGE v -FULGED, -FULGING, -FULGES to shine forth EFFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to pour forth EFFUSION n pl. -S an outpouring of emotion EFFUSIVE adj pouring forth EFT n pl. -S a newt EFTSOON adv soon afterward EFTSOONS adv eftsoon EGAD interj -- used as a mild oath EGADS interj egad EGAL adj equal EGALITE n pl. -S equality EGER n pl. -S eagre EGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to discharge from the body EGESTA n/pl egested matter EGESTION n pl. -S the act of egesting EGESTIVE adj EGG v -ED, -ING, -S to incite or urge EGGAR n pl. -S egger EGGCUP n pl. -S a cup from which an egg is eaten EGGER n pl. -S a kind of moth EGGHEAD n pl. -S an intellectual EGGLESS adj lacking eggs EGGNOG n pl. -S a beverage EGGPLANT n pl. -S a perennial herb yielding edible fruit EGGSHELL n pl. -S the hard exterior of a bird's egg EGGY adj containing eggs EGIS n pl. EGISES aegis EGLATERE n pl. -S a wild rose EGLOMISE adj made of glass with a painted picture on the back EGO n pl. EGOS the conscious self EGOISM n pl. -S extreme devotion to self-interest EGOIST n pl. -S one who practices egoism EGOISTIC adj EGOLESS adj not characterized by egoism EGOMANIA n pl. -S extreme egotism EGOTISM n pl. -S self-conceit EGOTIST n pl. -S a conceited person EGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go out EGRET n pl. -S a wading bird EGYPTIAN n pl. -S a typeface with squared serifs EH interj -- used to express doubt or surprise EIDE pl. of eidos EIDER n pl. -S a large sea duck EIDETIC adj pertaining to vivid recall EIDOLIC adj pertaining to an eidolon EIDOLON n pl. -LONS or -LA a phantom EIDOS n pl. EIDE an essence EIGHT n pl. -S a number EIGHTEEN n pl. -S a number EIGHTH n pl. -S one of eight equal parts EIGHTHLY adv in the eighth place EIGHTVO n pl. -VOS octavo EIGHTY n pl. EIGHTIES a number EIKON n pl. -S or -ES icon EINKORN n pl. -S a variety of wheat EINSTEIN n pl. -S a very intelligent person EIRENIC adj irenic EISWEIN n pl. -S a sweet German wine EITHER adj being one or the other EJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to throw out forcibly EJECTA n/pl ejected material EJECTION n pl. -S the act of ejecting EJECTIVE n pl. -S a sound produced with air compressed above the closed glottis EJECTOR n pl. -S one that ejects EKE v EKED, EKING, EKES to supplement with great effort EKISTICS n/pl a science dealing with human habitats EKISTIC adj EKPWELE n pl. -S a former monetary unit of Equatorial Guinea EKTEXINE n pl. -S an outer layer of the exine EKUELE n pl. EKUELE ekpwele EL n pl. -S an elevated railroad or train ELAIN n pl. -S olein ELAN n pl. -S enthusiasm ELAND n pl. -S a large antelope ELAPHINE adj pertaining to a genus of deer ELAPID n pl. -S a venomous snake ELAPINE adj pertaining to a family of snakes ELAPSE v ELAPSED, ELAPSING, ELAPSES to pass away ELASTASE n pl. -S an enzyme ELASTIC n pl. -S a stretchable material ELASTIN n pl. -S a bodily protein ELATE v ELATED, ELATING, ELATES to raise the spirits of ELATEDLY adv ELATER n pl. -S a click beetle ELATERID n pl. -S an elater ELATERIN n pl. -S a chemical compound ELATING present participle of elate ELATION n pl. -S a feeling of great joy ELATIVE n pl. -S an adjectival form in some languages ELBOW v -ED, -ING, -S to jostle ELD n pl. -S old age ELDER n pl. -S an older person ELDERLY n pl. -LIES a rather old person ELDEST adj oldest ELDRESS n pl. -ES a female elder (a church officer) ELDRICH adj eldritch ELDRITCH adj weird ELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to select by vote for an office ELECTEE n pl. -S a person who has been elected ELECTION n pl. -S the act of electing ELECTIVE n pl. -S an optional course of study ELECTOR n pl. -S one that elects ELECTRET n pl. -S a type of nonconductor ELECTRIC n pl. -S something run by electricity ELECTRO v -ED, -ING, -S to make a metallic copy of a page of type for printing ELECTRON n pl. -S an elementary particle ELECTRUM n pl. -S an alloy of gold and silver ELEGANCE n pl. -S tasteful opulence ELEGANCY n pl. -CIES elegance ELEGANT adj tastefully opulent ELEGIAC n pl. -S a type of verse ELEGIES pl. of elegy ELEGISE v -GISED, -GISING, -GISES to elegize ELEGIST n pl. -S one that writes elegies ELEGIT n pl. -S a type of judicial writ ELEGIZE v -GIZED, -GIZING, -GIZES to write an elegy ELEGY n pl. -GIES a mournful poem for one who is dead ELEMENT n pl. -S a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means ELEMI n pl. -S a fragrant resin ELENCHUS n pl. -CHI a logical refutation ELENCHIC, ELENCTIC adj ELEPHANT n pl. -S a large mammal ELEVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to raise ELEVATED n pl. -S a railway that operates on a raised structure ELEVATOR n pl. -S one that elevates ELEVEN n pl. -S a number ELEVENTH n pl. -S one of eleven equal parts ELEVON n pl. -S a type of airplane control surface ELF n pl. ELVES a small, often mischievous fairy ELFLIKE adj ELFIN n pl. -S an elf ELFISH adj resembling an elf ELFISHLY adv ELFLOCK n pl. -S a lock of tangled hair ELHI adj pertaining to school grades 1 through 12 ELICIT v -ED, -ING, -S to educe ELICITOR n pl. -S one that elicits ELIDE v ELIDED, ELIDING, ELIDES to omit ELIDIBLE adj ELIGIBLE n pl. -S one that is qualified to be chosen ELIGIBLY adv in a qualified manner ELINT n pl. -S the gathering of intelligence by electronic devices ELISION n pl. -S the act of eliding ELITE n pl. -S a socially superior group ELITISM n pl. -S belief in rule by an elite ELITIST n pl. -S an adherent of elitism ELIXIR n pl. -S a medicinal beverage ELK n pl. -S a large deer ELKHOUND n pl. -S a hunting dog ELL n pl. -S the letter L ELLIPSE n pl. -S a type of plane curve ELLIPSIS n pl. -LIPSES an omission of a word or words in a sentence ELLIPTIC adj having the shape of an ellipse ELM n pl. -S a deciduous tree ELMY adj -MIER, -MIEST abounding in elms ELODEA n pl. -S an aquatic herb ELOIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to remove to a distant place ELOIGNER n pl. -S one that eloigns ELOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to eloign ELOINER n pl. -S one that eloins ELONGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to lengthen ELOPE v ELOPED, ELOPING, ELOPES to run off secretly to be married ELOPER n pl. -S one that elopes ELOQUENT adj fluent and convincing in speech ELSE adv in a different place, time, or way ELUANT n pl. -S a solvent ELUATE n pl. -S the material obtained by eluting ELUDE v ELUDED, ELUDING, ELUDES to evade ELUDER n pl. -S one that eludes ELUENT n pl. -S eluant ELUSION n pl. -S the act of eluding ELUSIVE adj tending to elude ELUSORY adj elusive ELUTE v ELUTED, ELUTING, ELUTES to remove by means of a solvent ELUTION n pl. -S the act of eluting ELUVIA a pl. of eluvium ELUVIAL adj pertaining to an eluvium ELUVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to undergo a transfer of materials in the soil ELUVIUM n pl. -VIA or -VIUMS a soil deposit ELVER n pl. -S a young eel ELVES pl. of elf ELVISH adj elfish ELVISHLY adv ELYSIAN adj delightful ELYTRON n pl. -TRA a hardened forewing of certain insects ELYTROID, ELYTROUS adj ELYTRUM n pl. -TRA elytron EM n pl. -S the letter M EMACIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make thin EMANATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to send forth EMANATOR n pl. -S one that emanates EMBALM v -ED, -ING, -S to treat so as to protect from decay EMBALMER n pl. -S one that embalms EMBANK v -ED, -ING, -S to confine or protect with a raised structure EMBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to imprison EMBARGO v -ED, -ING, -ES to restrain trade by a governmental order EMBARK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a start EMBARRED past tense of embar EMBARRING present participle of embar EMBASSY n pl. -SIES the headquarters of an ambassador EMBATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to prepare for battle EMBAY v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose in a bay EMBED v -BEDDED, -BEDDING, -BEDS to fix firmly into a surrounding mass EMBER n pl. -S a glowing fragment from a fire EMBEZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to appropriate fraudulently to one's own use EMBITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make bitter EMBLAZE v -BLAZED, -BLAZING, -BLAZES to set on fire EMBLAZER n pl. -S one that emblazes EMBLAZON v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with brilliant colors EMBLEM v -ED, -ING, -S to represent with an emblem (a graphical symbol) EMBODIER n pl. -S one that embodies EMBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES to provide with a body EMBOLDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to instill with courage EMBOLI pl. of embolus EMBOLIES pl. of emboly EMBOLISM n pl. -S the obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus EMBOLIC adj EMBOLUS n pl. -LI an abnormal particle circulating in the blood EMBOLY n pl. -LIES a phase of embryonic growth EMBORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a border EMBOSK v -ED, -ING, -S to conceal with foliage EMBOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to embrace EMBOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to decorate with raised designs EMBOSSER n pl. -S one that embosses EMBOW v -ED, -ING, -S to arch EMBOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to disbowel EMBOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to surround with foliage EMBRACE v -BRACED, -BRACING, -BRACES to hug EMBRACER n pl. -S one that embraces EMBROIL v -ED, -ING, -S to involve in conflict EMBROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to make brown EMBRUE v -BRUED, -BRUING, -BRUES to imbrue EMBRUTE v -BRUTED, -BRUTING, -BRUTES to imbrute EMBRYO n pl. -BRYOS an organism in its early stages of development EMBRYOID n pl. -S a mass of tissue that resembles an embryo EMBRYON n pl. -S an embryo EMCEE v -CEED, -CEEING, -CEES to serve as master of ceremonies EME n pl. -S an uncle EMEER n pl. -S emir EMEERATE n pl. -S emirate EMEND v -ED, -ING, -S to correct EMENDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to emend EMENDER n pl. -S one that emends EMERALD n pl. -S a green gem EMERGE v EMERGED, EMERGING, EMERGES to come out into view EMERGENT n pl. -S a type of aquatic plant EMERIES pl. of emery EMERITA n pl. -TAE a retired woman who retains an honorary title EMERITUS n pl. -TI a retired person who retains an honorary title EMEROD n pl. -S a tumor EMEROID n pl. -S emerod EMERSED adj standing out of water EMERSION n pl. -S the act of emerging EMERY n pl. -ERIES a granular corundum EMESIS n pl. EMESES the act of vomiting EMETIC n pl. -S a substance which induces vomiting EMETIN n pl. -S emetine EMETINE n pl. -S an alkaloid EMEU n pl. -S emu EMEUTE n pl. -S a riot EMF n pl. -S a difference in electric potential EMIC adj relating to a type of linguistic analysis EMIGRANT n pl. -S one that emigrates EMIGRATE v -GRATED, -GRATING, -GRATES to leave one country or region to settle in another EMIGRE n pl. -S an emigrant EMINENCE n pl. -S high station or rank EMINENCY n pl. -CIES eminence EMINENT adj of high station or rank EMIR n pl. -S an Arab chieftain or prince EMIRATE n pl. -S the rank of an emir EMISSARY n pl. -SARIES a person sent on a mission EMISSION n pl. -S the act of emitting EMISSIVE adj EMIT v EMITTED, EMITTING, EMITS to send forth EMITTER n pl. -S one that emits EMMER n pl. -S a type of wheat EMMET n pl. -S an ant EMODIN n pl. -S a chemical compound EMOTE v EMOTED, EMOTING, EMOTES to express emotion in an exaggerated manner EMOTER n pl. -S one that emotes EMOTION n pl. -S an affective state of consciousness EMOTIVE adj pertaining to emotion EMPALE v -PALED, -PALING, -PALES to impale EMPALER n pl. -S one that empales EMPANADA n pl. -S a pastry turnover EMPANEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to impanel EMPATHY n pl. -THIES imaginative identification with another's thoughts and feelings EMPATHIC adj EMPEROR n pl. -S the ruler of an empire EMPERY n pl. -PERIES absolute dominion EMPHASIS n pl. -PHASES special significance imparted to something EMPHATIC adj strongly expressive EMPIRE n pl. -S a major political unit EMPIRIC n pl. -S one who relies on practical experience EMPLACE v -PLACED, -PLACING, -PLACES to position EMPLANE v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES to enplane EMPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to hire EMPLOYE n pl. -S employee EMPLOYEE n pl. -S a person who is employed EMPLOYER n pl. -S one that employs EMPOISON v -ED, -ING, -S to embitter EMPORIUM n pl. -RIUMS or -RIA a trading or market center EMPOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to give legal power to EMPRESS n pl. -ES a female ruler of an empire EMPRISE n pl. -S an adventurous undertaking EMPRIZE n pl. -S emprise EMPTIED past tense of empty EMPTIER n pl. -S one that empties EMPTIES present 3d person sing. of empty EMPTIEST superlative of empty EMPTILY adv in an empty manner EMPTINGS n/pl emptins EMPTINS n/pl a liquid leavening EMPTY adj -TIER, -TIEST containing nothing EMPTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to remove the contents of EMPURPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to tinge with purple EMPYEMA n pl. -EMATA or -EMAS a collection of pus in a body cavity EMPYEMIC adj EMPYREAL adj pertaining to the sky EMPYREAN n pl. -S the highest heaven EMU n pl. -S a large, flightless bird EMULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to try to equal or surpass EMULATOR n pl. -S one that emulates EMULOUS adj eager to equal or surpass another EMULSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make into an emulsion EMULSION n pl. -S a type of liquid mixture EMULSIVE adj EMULSOID n pl. -S a liquid dispersed in another liquid EMYD n pl. -S a freshwater tortoise EMYDE n pl. -S emyd EN n pl. -S the letter N ENABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to make possible ENABLER n pl. -S one that enables ENACT v -ED, -ING, -S to make into a law ENACTIVE adj having the power to enact ENACTOR n pl. -S one that enacts ENACTORY adj pertaining to the enactment of law ENAMEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to cover with a hard, glossy surface ENAMELER n pl. -S one that enamels ENAMINE n pl. -S a type of amine ENAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to inspire with love ENAMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to enamor ENATE n pl. -S a relative on the mother's side ENATIC adj ENATION n pl. -S an outgrowth from the surface of an organ ENCAENIA n/pl annual university ceremonies ENCAGE v -CAGED, -CAGING, -CAGES to confine in a cage ENCAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to set up a camp ENCASE v -CASED, -CASING, -CASES to enclose in a case ENCASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cash ENCEINTE n pl. -S an encircling fortification ENCHAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to bind with chains ENCHANT v -ED, -ING, -S to delight ENCHASE v -CHASED, -CHASING, -CHASES to place in an ornamental setting ENCHASER n pl. -S one that enchases ENCHORIC adj belonging to a particular country ENCINA n pl. -S an evergreen oak ENCINAL adj ENCIPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to write in characters of hidden meaning ENCIRCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to form a circle around ENCLASP v -ED, -ING, -S to embrace ENCLAVE n pl. -S a territorial unit enclosed within foreign territory ENCLITIC n pl. -S a word pronounced as part of the preceding word ENCLOSE v -CLOSED, -CLOSING, -CLOSES to close in on all sides ENCLOSER n pl. -S one that encloses ENCODE v -CODED, -CODING, -CODES to put into code ENCODER n pl. -S one that encodes ENCOMIUM n pl. -MIUMS or -MIA a eulogy ENCORE v -CORED, -CORING, -CORES to call for the reappearance of a performer ENCROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to advance beyond the proper limits ENCRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a crust ENCRYPT v -ED, -ING, -S to encipher ENCUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to hinder in action or movement ENCYCLIC n pl. -S a letter addressed by the pope to the bishops of the world ENCYST v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose in a cyst END v -ED, -ING, -S to terminate ENDAMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to damage ENDAMEBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE a parasitic ameba ENDANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to imperil ENDARCH adj formed from the center outward ENDARCHY n pl. -CHIES the condition of being endarch ENDBRAIN n pl. -S a part of the brain ENDEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to make dear or beloved ENDEAVOR v -ED, -ING, -S to make an effort ENDEMIAL adj peculiar to a country or people ENDEMIC n pl. -S an endemial disease ENDEMISM n pl. -S the state of being endemial ENDER n pl. -S one that ends something ENDERMIC adj acting by absorption through the skin ENDEXINE n pl. -S an inner layer of the exine ENDGAME n pl. -S the last stage of a chess game ENDING n pl. -S a termination ENDITE v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES to indite ENDIVE n pl. -S an herb cultivated as a salad plant ENDLEAF n pl. -LEAVES an endpaper ENDLESS adj enduring forever ENDLONG adv lengthwise ENDMOST adj farthest ENDNOTE n pl. -S a note placed at the end of the text ENDOCARP n pl. -S the inner layer of a pericarp ENDOCAST n pl. -S a cast of the cranial cavity ENDODERM n pl. -S the innermost germ layer of an embryo ENDOGAMY n pl. -MIES marriage within a particular group ENDOGEN n pl. -S a type of plant ENDOGENY n pl. -NIES growth from within ENDOPOD n pl. -S a branch of a crustacean limb ENDORSE v -DORSED, -DORSING, -DORSES to sign the back of a negotiable document ENDORSEE n pl. -S one to whom a document is transferred by endorsement ENDORSER n pl. -S one that endorses ENDORSING present participle of endorse ENDORSOR n pl. -S endorser ENDOSARC n pl. -S a portion of a cell ENDOSMOS n pl. -ES a form of osmosis ENDOSOME n pl. -S a cellular particle ENDOSTEA n/pl bone membranes ENDOW v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with something ENDOWER n pl. -S one that endows ENDOZOIC adj involving passage through an animal ENDPAPER n pl. -S a sheet of paper used in bookbinding ENDPLATE n pl. -S a type of nerve terminal ENDPOINT n pl. -S either of two points that mark the end of a line segment ENDRIN n pl. -S an insecticide ENDUE v -DUED, -DUING, -DUES to provide with some quality or gift ENDURE v -DURED, -DURING, -DURES to last ENDURO n pl. -DUROS a long race ENDWAYS adv endwise ENDWISE adv lengthwise ENEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a liquid injected into the rectum ENEMY n pl. -MIES one that is antagonistic toward another ENERGID n pl. -S a nucleus and the body of cytoplasm with which it interacts ENERGIES pl. of energy ENERGISE v -GISED, -GISING, -GISES to energize ENERGIZE v -GIZED, -GIZING, -GIZES to give energy to ENERGY n -GIES the capacity for vigorous activity ENERVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to deprive of strength or vitality ENFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to write on the front of ENFEEBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to make feeble ENFEOFF v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with a feudal estate ENFETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to enchain ENFEVER v -ED, -ING, -S to fever ENFILADE v -LADED, -LADING, -LADES to direct heavy gunfire along the length of ENFLAME v -FLAMED, -FLAMING, -FLAMES to inflame ENFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to envelop ENFOLDER n pl. -S one that enfolds ENFORCE v -FORCED, -FORCING, -FORCES to compel obedience to ENFORCER n pl. -S one that enforces ENFRAME v -FRAMED, -FRAMING, -FRAMES to frame ENG n pl. -S a phonetic symbol ENGAGE v -GAGED, -GAGING, -GAGES to employ ENGAGER n pl. -S one that engages ENGENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into existence ENGILD v -ED, -ING, -S to brighten ENGINE v -GINED, -GINING, -GINES to equip with machinery ENGINEER v -ED, -ING, -S to carry through or manage by contrivance ENGINERY n pl. -RIES machinery ENGINING present participle of engine ENGINOUS adj ingenious ENGIRD v -GIRT or -GIRDED, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to gird ENGIRDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to engird ENGLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause a billiard ball to spin around its vertical axis ENGLUT v -GLUTTED, -GLUTTING, -GLUTS to gulp down ENGORGE v -GORGED, -GORGING, -GORGES to fill with blood ENGRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to graft for propagation ENGRAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to ornament the edge of with curved indentations ENGRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to ingrain ENGRAM n pl. -S the durable mark caused by a stimulus upon protoplasm ENGRAMME n pl. -S engram ENGRAVE v -GRAVED, -GRAVING, -GRAVES to form by incision ENGRAVER n pl. -S one that engraves ENGROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to occupy completely ENGULF v -ED, -ING, -S to surround completely ENHALO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to surround with a halo ENHANCE v -HANCED, -HANCING, -HANCES to raise to a higher degree ENHANCER n pl. -S one that enhances ENIGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA something that is hard to understand or explain ENISLE v -ISLED, -ISLING, -ISLES to isolate ENJAMBED adj marked by the continuation of a sentence from one line of a poem to the next ENJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to command ENJOINER n pl. -S one that enjoins ENJOY v -ED, -ING, -S to receive pleasure from ENJOYER n pl. -S one that enjoys ENKINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to set on fire ENLACE v -LACED, -LACING, -LACES to bind with laces ENLARGE v -LARGED, -LARGING, -LARGES to make or become larger ENLARGER n pl. -S a device used to enlarge photographs ENLIST v -ED, -ING, -S to engage for military service ENLISTEE n pl. -S one that is enlisted ENLISTER n pl. -S one that enlists ENLIVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make lively ENMESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to ensnare or entangle in a net ENMITY n pl. -TIES hostility ENNEAD n pl. -S a group of nine ENNEADIC adj ENNEAGON n pl. -S a nonagon ENNOBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to make noble ENNOBLER n pl. -S one that ennobles ENNUI n pl. -S a feeling of weariness and discontent ENNUYE adj oppressed with ennui ENNUYEE adj ennuye ENOKI n pl. -S a small white edible mushroom ENOL n pl. -S a chemical compound ENOLIC adj ENOLASE n pl. -S an enzyme ENOLOGY n pl. -GIES oenology ENORM adj enormous ENORMITY n pl. -TIES a grave offense against decency ENORMOUS adj huge ENOSIS n pl. -SISES union ENOUGH n pl. -S a sufficient supply ENOUNCE v ENOUNCED, ENOUNCING, ENOUNCES to announce ENOW n pl. -S enough ENPLANE v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES to board an airplane ENQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to inquire ENQUIRY n pl. -RIES inquiry ENRAGE v -RAGED, -RAGING, -RAGES to make very angry ENRAPT adj rapt ENRAVISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to delight greatly ENRICH v -ED, -ING, -ES to add desirable elements to ENRICHER n pl. -S one that enriches ENROBE v -ROBED, -ROBING, -ROBES to dress ENROBER n pl. -S one that enrobes ENROL v -ROLLED, -ROLLING, -ROLS to enroll ENROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to enter the name of in a register, record, or roll ENROLLEE n pl. -S one that is enrolled ENROLLER n pl. -S one that enrolls ENROLLING present participle of enrol ENROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to implant ENS n pl. ENTIA an entity ENSAMPLE n pl. -S an example ENSCONCE v -SCONCED, -SCONCING, -SCONCES to settle securely or comfortably ENSCROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to write on a scroll ENSEMBLE n pl. -S a group of complementary parts ENSERF v -ED, -ING, -S to make a serf of ENSHEATH v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose in a sheath ENSHRINE v -SHRINED, -SHRINING, -SHRINES to place in a shrine ENSHROUD v -ED, -ING, -S to conceal ENSIFORM adj sword-shaped ENSIGN n pl. -S a navy officer ENSIGNCY n pl. -CIES the rank of an ensign ENSILAGE v -LAGED, -LAGING, -LAGES to ensile ENSILE v -SILED, -SILING, -SILES to store in a silo ENSKY v -SKIED or -SKYED, -SKYING, -SKIES to raise to the skies ENSLAVE v -SLAVED, -SLAVING, -SLAVES to make a slave of ENSLAVER n pl. -S one that enslaves ENSNARE v -SNARED, -SNARING, -SNARES to trap ENSNARER n pl. -S one that ensnares ENSNARL v -ED, -ING, -S to tangle ENSORCEL v -ED, -ING, -S to bewitch ENSOUL v -ED, -ING, -S to endow with a soul ENSPHERE v -SPHERED, -SPHERING, -SPHERES to enclose in a sphere ENSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES to occur afterward or as a result ENSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to make certain ENSURER n pl. -S one that ensures ENSWATHE v -SWATHED, -SWATHING, -SWATHES to swathe ENTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs ENTAILER n pl. -S one that entails ENTAMEBA n pl. -BAE or -BAS endameba ENTANGLE v -TANGLED, -TANGLING, -TANGLES to tangle ENTASIA n pl. -S spasmodic contraction of a muscle ENTASIS n pl. -TASES a slight convexity in a column ENTASTIC adj ENTELLUS n pl. -ES a hanuman ENTENTE n pl. -S an agreement between nations ENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to come or go into ENTERA a pl. of enteron ENTERAL adj enteric ENTERER n pl. -S one that enters ENTERIC adj pertaining to the enteron ENTERON n pl. -TERONS or -TERA the alimentary canal ENTHALPY n pl. -PIES a thermodynamic measure of heat ENTHETIC adj introduced from outside ENTHRAL v -THRALLED, -THRALLING, -THRALS to enthrall ENTHRALL v -ED, -ING, -S to charm ENTHRONE v -THRONED, -THRONING, -THRONES to place on a throne ENTHUSE v -THUSED, -THUSING, -THUSES to show enthusiasm ENTIA pl. of ens ENTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to allure ENTICER n pl. -S one that entices ENTIRE n pl. -S the whole of something ENTIRELY adv completely ENTIRETY n pl. -TIES completeness ENTITLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to give a title to ENTITY n pl. -TIES something that has a real existence ENTODERM n pl. -S endoderm ENTOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to entrap ENTOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a tomb ENTOPIC adj situated in the normal place ENTOZOA a pl. of entozoan and pl. of entozoon ENTOZOAL adj entozoic ENTOZOAN n pl. -ZOANS or -ZOA an entozoic parasite ENTOZOIC adj living within an animal ENTOZOON n pl. -ZOA entozoan ENTRAILS n/pl the internal organs ENTRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to board a train ENTRANCE v -TRANCED, -TRANCING, -TRANCES to fill with delight or wonder ENTRANT n pl. -S one that enters ENTRAP v -TRAPPED, -TRAPPING, -TRAPS to trap ENTREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to ask for earnestly ENTREATY n pl. -TREATIES an earnest request ENTREE n pl. -S the principal dish of a meal ENTRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to establish firmly ENTREPOT n pl. -S a warehouse ENTRESOL n pl. -S a mezzanine ENTRIES pl. of entry ENTROPY n pl. -PIES a thermodynamic measure of disorder ENTROPIC adj ENTRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to give over for safekeeping ENTRY n pl. -TRIES a place of entrance ENTRYWAY n pl. -WAYS a passage serving as an entrance ENTWINE v -TWINED, -TWINING, -TWINES to twine around ENTWIST v -ED, -ING, -S to twist together ENURE v -URED, -URING, -URES to inure ENURESIS n pl. -SISES involuntary urination ENURETIC n pl. -S one who is affected with enuresis ENVELOP v -ED, -ING, -S to cover completely ENVELOPE n pl. -S a paper container ENVENOM v -ED, -ING, -S to put venom into ENVIABLE adj desirable ENVIABLY adv ENVIED past tense of envy ENVIER n pl. -S one that envies ENVIES present 3d person sing. of envy ENVIOUS adj resentful and desirous of another's possessions or qualities ENVIRON v -ED, -ING, -S to encircle ENVISAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to form a mental image of ENVISION v -ED, -ING, -S to envisage ENVOI n pl. -S the closing of a poem or prose work ENVOY n pl. -VOYS a representative ENVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to be envious of ENWHEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to encircle ENWIND v -WOUND, -WINDING, -WINDS to wind around ENWOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose as if in a womb ENWRAP v -WRAPPED, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to envelop ENZOOTIC n pl. -S a type of animal disease ENZYM n pl. -S enzyme ENZYME n pl. -S a complex protein ENZYMIC adj EOBIONT n pl. -S a type of basic organism EOHIPPUS n pl. -ES an extinct horse EOLIAN adj pertaining to the wind EOLIPILE n pl. -S a type of engine EOLITH n pl. -S a prehistoric stone tool EOLITHIC adj EOLOPILE n pl. -S eolipile EON n pl. -S an indefinitely long period of time EONIAN adj everlasting EONISM n pl. -S adoption of the dress and mannerisms of the opposite sex EOSIN n pl. -S a red dye EOSINIC adj EOSINE n pl. -S eosin EPACT n pl. -S the difference between the lengths of the solar and lunar years EPARCH n pl. -S the head of an eparchy EPARCHY n pl. -CHIES a district of modern Greece EPAULET n pl. -S a shoulder ornament EPAZOTE n pl. -S an herb of the goosefoot family EPEE n pl. -S a type of sword EPEEIST n pl. -S one who fences with an epee EPEIRIC adj pertaining to vertical movement of the earth's crust EPENDYMA n pl. -S a membrane lining certain body cavities EPERGNE n pl. -S an ornamental dish EPHA n pl. -S ephah EPHAH n pl. -S a Hebrew unit of dry measure EPHEBE n pl. -S ephebus EPHEBIC adj EPHEBOS n pl. -BOI ephebus EPHEBUS n pl. -BI a young man of ancient Greece EPHEDRA n pl. -S a desert shrub EPHEDRIN n pl. -S an alkaloid used to treat allergies EPHEMERA n pl. -ERAS or -ERAE something of very short life or duration EPHOD n pl. -S an ancient Hebrew vestment EPHOR n pl. -ORS or -ORI a magistrate of ancient Greece EPHORAL adj EPHORATE n pl. -S the office of ephor EPIBLAST n pl. -S the ectoderm EPIBOLY n pl. -LIES the growth of one part around another EPIBOLIC adj EPIC n pl. -S a long narrative poem EPICAL adj EPICALLY adv EPICALYX n pl. -LYXES or -LYCES a set of bracts close to and resembling a calyx EPICARP n pl. -S the outer layer of a pericarp EPICEDIA n/pl funeral songs EPICENE n pl. -S one having both male and female characteristics EPICLIKE adj resembling an epic EPICOTYL n pl. -S a part of a plant embryo EPICURE n pl. -S a gourmet EPICYCLE n pl. -S a circle that rolls on the circumference of another circle EPIDEMIC n pl. -S a rapid spread of a disease EPIDERM n pl. -S the outer layer of skin EPIDOTE n pl. -S a mineral EPIDOTIC adj EPIDURAL adj situated on the membrane that encloses the brain EPIFAUNA n pl. -FAUNAE or -FAUNAS fauna living on a hard sea floor EPIFOCAL adj pertaining to the point of origin of an earthquake EPIGEAL adj epigeous EPIGEAN adj epigeous EPIGEIC adj epigeous EPIGENE adj occurring near the surface of the earth EPIGENIC adj pertaining to change in the mineral character of a rock EPIGEOUS adj growing on or close to the ground EPIGON n pl. -S epigone EPIGONE n pl. -S an inferior imitator EPIGONIC adj EPIGONUS n pl. -NI epigone EPIGRAM n pl. -S a brief, witty remark EPIGRAPH n pl. -S an engraved inscription EPIGYNY n pl. -NIES the state of having floral organs near the top of the ovary EPILEPSY n pl. -SIES a disorder of the nervous system EPILOG n pl. -S a concluding section EPILOGUE v -LOGUED, -LOGUING, -LOGUES to provide with a concluding section EPIMER n pl. -S a type of sugar compound EPIMERIC adj EPIMERE n pl. -S a part of an embryo EPIMYSIA n/pl muscle sheaths EPINAOS n pl. -NAOI a rear vestibule EPINASTY n pl. -TIES a downward bending of plant parts EPIPHANY n pl. -NIES an appearance of a deity EPIPHYTE n pl. -S a plant growing upon another plant EPISCIA n pl. -S a tropical herb EPISCOPE n pl. -S a type of projector EPISODE n pl. -S an incident in the course of a continuous experience EPISODIC adj EPISOME n pl. -S a genetic determinant EPISOMAL adj EPISTASY n pl. -SIES a suppression of genetic effect EPISTLE n pl. -S a long or formal letter EPISTLER n pl. -S one that writes epistles EPISTOME n pl. -S a structure covering the mouth of various invertebrates EPISTYLE n pl. -S a part of a classical building EPITAPH n pl. -S an inscription on a tomb EPITASIS n pl. -ASES the main part of a classical drama EPITAXY n pl. -TAXIES a type of crystalline growth EPITAXIC adj EPITHET n pl. -S a term used to characterize a person or thing EPITOME n pl. -S a typical or ideal example EPITOMIC adj EPITOPE n pl. -S a region on the surface of an antigen EPIZOA pl. of epizoon EPIZOIC adj living on the body of an animal EPIZOISM n pl. -S the state of being epizoic EPIZOITE n pl. -S an epizoic organism EPIZOON n pl. -ZOA an epizoic parasite EPIZOOTY n pl. -TIES a type of animal disease EPOCH n pl. -S a particular period of time EPOCHAL adj EPODE n pl. -S a type of poem EPONYM n pl. -S the person for whom something is named EPONYMIC adj EPONYMY n pl. -MIES the derivation of an eponymic name EPOPEE n pl. -S an epic poem EPOPOEIA n pl. -S epopee EPOS n pl. -ES an epic poem EPOXIDE n pl. -S an epoxy compound EPOXY v EPOXIED EPOXYED, EPOXYING, EPOXIES to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) EPSILON n pl. -S a Greek letter EQUABLE adj not changing or varying greatly EQUABLY adv EQUAL adj having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another EQUAL v EQUALED, EQUALING, EQUALS or EQUALLED, EQUALLING, EQUALS to be equal to EQUALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to equalize EQUALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being equal EQUALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make equal EQUALLED a past tense of equal EQUALLING a past participle of equal EQUALLY adv in an equal manner EQUATE v EQUATED, EQUATING, EQUATES to make equal EQUATION n pl. -S the act of equating EQUATOR n pl. -S a great circle of spherical celestial bodies EQUERRY n pl. -RIES an officer in charge of the care of horses EQUID n pl. -S an animal of the horse family EQUINE n pl. -S a horse EQUINELY adv in a horselike manner EQUINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being like a horse EQUINOX n pl. -ES a point on the celestial sphere EQUIP v EQUIPPED, EQUIPPING, EQUIPS to provide with whatever is needed EQUIPAGE n pl. -S a carriage EQUIPPER n pl. -S one that equips EQUIPPING present participle of equip EQUISETA n/pl rushlike plants EQUITANT adj overlapping EQUITES n/pl a privileged military class of ancient Rome EQUITY n pl. -TIES fairness or impartiality EQUIVOKE n pl. -S a play on words ER interj -- used to express hesitation ERA n pl. -S an epoch ERADIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to radiate ERASE v ERASED, ERASING, ERASES to rub or scrape out ERASABLE adj ERASER n pl. -S one that erases ERASION n pl. -S an erasure ERASURE n pl. -S the act of erasing ERBIUM n pl. -S a metallic element ERE prep previous to; before ERECT v -ED, -ING, -S to build ERECTER n pl. -S erector ERECTILE adj capable of being raised upright ERECTION n pl. -S the act of erecting ERECTIVE adj tending to erect ERECTLY adv in an upright manner ERECTOR n pl. -S one that erects ERELONG adv soon EREMITE n pl. -S a hermit EREMITIC adj EREMURUS n pl. -URI a perennial herb ERENOW adv before this time EREPSIN n pl. -S a mixture of enzymes in the small intestine ERETHISM n pl. -S abnormal irritability ERETHIC adj EREWHILE adv some time ago ERG n pl. -S a unit of work or energy ERGASTIC adj constituting the nonliving by-products of protoplasmic activity ERGATE n pl. -S a worker ant ERGATIVE adj pertaining to a type of language ERGO conj therefore ERGODIC adj pertaining to the probability that any state will recur ERGOT n pl. -S a fungus ERGOTIC adj ERGOTISM n pl. -S poisoning produced by eating ergot-infected grain ERICA n pl. -S a shrub of the heath family ERICOID adj resembling heath ERIGERON n pl. -S an herb ERINGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS eryngo ERISTIC n pl. -S an expert in debate ERLKING n pl. -S an evil spirit of Germanic folklore ERMINE n pl. -S the fur of certain weasels ERMINED adj ERN n pl. -S erne ERNE n pl. -S a sea eagle ERODE v ERODED, ERODING, ERODES to wear away by constant friction ERODENT adj erosive ERODIBLE adj erosible ERODING present participle of erode EROGENIC adj arousing sexual desire EROS n pl. -ES sexual desire EROSE adj uneven EROSELY adv EROSIBLE adj capable of being eroded EROSION n pl. -S the act of eroding EROSIVE adj causing erosion EROTIC n pl. -S an amatory poem EROTICAL adj EROTICA n/pl literature or art dealing with sexual love EROTISM n pl. -S sexual excitement EROTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to give a sexual meaning to ERR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a mistake ERRANCY n pl. -CIES an instance of erring ERRAND n pl. -S a short trip made for a particular purpose ERRANT n pl. -S a wanderer ERRANTLY adv in a wandering manner ERRANTRY n pl. -RIES the state of wandering ERRATA n pl. -S a list of printing errors ERRATIC n pl. -S an eccentric person ERRATUM n pl. -TA a printing error ERRHINE n pl. -S a substance that promotes nasal discharge ERRINGLY adv in a mistaken manner ERROR n pl. -S a mistake ERS n pl. -ES ervil ERSATZ n pl. -ES a substitute ERST adv formerly ERUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to belch ERUCTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to eruct ERUDITE adj scholarly ERUGO n pl. -GOS aerugo ERUMPENT adj bursting forth ERUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to burst forth ERUPTION n pl. -S the act of erupting ERUPTIVE n pl. -S a type of rock ERVIL n pl. -S a European vetch ERYNGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS a medicinal herb ERYTHEMA n pl. -S a redness of the skin ERYTHRON n pl. -S a bodily organ consisting of the red blood cells ES n pl. ESES ess ESCALADE v -LADED, -LADING, -LADES to enter by means of ladders ESCALATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to increase ESCALLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to scallop ESCALOP v -ED, -ING, -S to escallop ESCAPADE n pl. -S a reckless adventure ESCAPE v -CAPED, -CAPING, -CAPES to get away ESCAPEE n pl. -S one that has escaped ESCAPER n pl. -S one that escapes ESCAPING present participle of escape ESCAPISM n pl. -S the avoidance of reality by diversion of the mind ESCAPIST n pl. -S one given to escapism ESCAR n pl. -S esker ESCARGOT n pl. -S an edible snail ESCAROLE n pl. -S a variety of endive ESCARP v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to slope steeply ESCHALOT n pl. -S a shallot ESCHAR n pl. -S a hard, dry scab ESCHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to confiscate ESCHEW v -ED, -ING, -S to avoid ESCHEWAL n pl. -S the act of eschewing ESCOLAR n pl. -S a food fish ESCORT v -ED, -ING, -S to accompany ESCOT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide support for ESCROW v -ED, -ING, -S to place in the custody of a third party ESCUAGE n pl. -S scutage ESCUDO n pl. -DOS a monetary unit of Portugal ESCULENT n pl. -S something that is edible ESERINE n pl. -S a toxic alkaloid ESKAR n pl. -S esker ESKER n pl. -S a narrow ridge of gravel and sand ESOPHAGI n/pl tubes connecting the mouth to the stomach ESOTERIC adj designed for a select few ESPALIER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a trellis ESPANOL n pl. -ES a native of Spain ESPARTO n pl. -TOS a perennial grass ESPECIAL adj special ESPIAL n pl. -S the act of espying ESPIED past tense of espy ESPIEGLE adj playful ESPIES present 3d person sing. of espy ESPOUSAL n pl. -S a marriage ceremony ESPOUSE v -POUSED, -POUSING, -POUSES to marry ESPOUSER n pl. -S one that espouses ESPRESSO n pl. -SOS a strong coffee ESPRIT n pl. -S spirit ESPY v -PIED, -PYING, -PIES to catch sight of ESQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to escort ESS n pl. -ES the letter S ESSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to try ESSAYER n pl. -S one that essays ESSAYIST n pl. -S a writer of essays (prose compositions) ESSENCE n pl. -S a fundamental nature or quality ESSOIN n pl. -S an excuse ESSONITE n pl. -S a variety of garnet ESTANCIA n pl. -S a cattle ranch ESTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to provide with landed property ESTEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to have a high opinion of ESTER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ESTERASE n pl. -S a type of enzyme ESTERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into an ester ESTHESIA n pl. -S the ability to receive sensation ESTHESIS n pl. -THESISES or -THESES esthesia ESTHETE n pl. -S an esthetic person ESTHETIC adj keenly appreciative of the beautiful ESTIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to make an approximate judgment of ESTIVAL adj pertaining to summer ESTIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to spend the summer ESTOP v -TOPPED, -TOPPING, -TOPS to impede by estoppel ESTOPPEL n pl. -S a legal restraint preventing a person from contradicting his own previous statement ESTOVERS n/pl necessities allowed by law ESTRAGON n pl. -S tarragon ESTRAL adj estrous ESTRANGE v -TRANGED, -TRANGING, -TRANGES to alienate ESTRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to stray ESTREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to copy from court records for use in prosecution ESTRIN n pl. -S estrone ESTRIOL n pl. -S an estrogen ESTROGEN n pl. -S a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus ESTRONE n pl. -S an estrogen ESTROUS adj pertaining to estrus ESTRUAL adj estrous ESTRUM n pl. -S estrus ESTRUS n pl. -ES the period of heat in female mammals ESTUARY n pl. -ARIES an inlet of the sea at a river's lower end ESURIENT adj greedy ET a past tense of eat ETA n pl. -S a Greek letter ETAGERE n pl. -S an ornamental stand ETALON n pl. -S an optical instrument ETAMIN n pl. -S etamine ETAMINE n pl. -S a loosely woven fabric ETAPE n pl. -S a warehouse ETATISM n pl. -S state socialism ETATIST adj ETCETERA n pl. -S a number of additional items ETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to engrave with acid ETCHANT n pl. -S a substance used in etching ETCHER n pl. -S one that etches ETCHING n pl. -S an etched design ETERNAL n pl. -S something lasting forever ETERNE adj everlasting ETERNISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to eternize ETERNITY n pl. -TIES infinite time ETERNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to make everlasting ETESIAN n pl. -S an annually recurring wind ETH n pl. -S edh ETHANE n pl. -S a gaseous hydrocarbon ETHANOL n pl. -S an alcohol ETHENE n pl. -S ethylene ETHEPHON n pl. -S a synthetic plant growth regulator ETHER n pl. -S a volatile liquid used as an anesthetic ETHERIC adj ETHEREAL adj airy ETHERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into ether ETHERISH adj resembling ether ETHERIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to treat with ether ETHIC n pl. -S a body of moral principles ETHICAL n pl. -S a drug sold by prescription only ETHICIAN n pl. -S an ethicist ETHICIST n pl. -S a specialist in ethics ETHICIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to make ethical ETHINYL n pl. -S ethynyl ETHION n pl. -S a pesticide ETHMOID n pl. -S a bone of the nasal cavity ETHNARCH n pl. -S the ruler of a people or province ETHNIC n pl. -S a member of a particular ethnos ETHNICAL adj ETHNOS n pl. -ES a group of people who share a common and distinctive culture ETHOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of animal behavior ETHOS n pl. -ES the fundamental character of a culture ETHOXY n pl. -OXIES ethoxyl ETHOXYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical ETHYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical ETHYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to introduce the ethyl group into ETHYLENE n pl. -S a flammable gas ETHYLIC adj pertaining to ethyl ETHYNE n pl. -S a flammable gas ETHYNYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical ETIC adj relating to a type of linguistic analysis ETIOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to whiten ETIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the causes of diseases ETNA n pl. -S a container for heating liquids ETOILE n pl. -S a star ETOUFFEE n pl. -S a Cajun stew ETUDE n pl. -S a piece of music for the practice of a point of technique ETUI n pl. -S a case for holding small articles ETWEE n pl. -S etui ETYMON n pl. -MA or -MONS the earliest known form of a word EUCAINE n pl. -S an anesthetic EUCALYPT n pl. -S an evergreen tree EUCHARIS n pl. -RISES a flowering plant EUCHRE v -CHRED, -CHRING, -CHRES to prevent from winning three tricks in euchre (a card game) EUCLASE n pl. -S a mineral EUCRITE n pl. -S a type of meteorite EUCRITIC adj EUDAEMON n pl. -S eudemon EUDEMON n pl. -S a good spirit EUGENIA n pl. -S a tropical evergreen tree EUGENICS n/pl the science of hereditary improvement EUGENIC adj EUGENIST n pl. -S a student of eugenics EUGENOL n pl. -S an aromatic liquid EUGLENA n pl. -S a freshwater protozoan EULACHAN n pl. -S eulachon EULACHON n pl. -S a marine food fish EULOGIA n pl. -GIAE holy bread EULOGIA n pl. -S a blessing EULOGIES pl. of eulogy EULOGISE v -GISED, -GISING, -GISES to eulogize EULOGIST n pl. -S one that eulogizes EULOGIUM n pl. -GIA or -GIUMS a eulogy EULOGIZE v -GIZED, -GIZING, -GIZES to praise highly EULOGY n pl. -GIES a formal expression of high praise EUNUCH n pl. -S a castrated man EUONYMUS n pl. -ES any of a genus of shrubs or small trees EUPATRID n pl. -RIDS or -RIDAE an aristocrat of ancient Athens EUPEPSIA n pl. -S good digestion EUPEPTIC adj EUPEPSY n pl. -SIES eupepsia EUPHENIC adj dealing with biological improvement EUPHONY n pl. -NIES pleasant sound EUPHONIC adj EUPHORIA n pl. -S a feeling of well-being EUPHORIC adj EUPHOTIC adj pertaining to the upper layer of a body of water EUPHRASY n pl. -SIES an annual herb EUPHROE n pl. -S a device used to adjust a shipboard awning EUPHUISM n pl. -S an artificially elegant style of speech or writing EUPHUIST n pl. -S one given to euphuism EUPLOID n pl. -S a cell having three or more identical genomes EUPLOIDY n pl. -DIES the state of being a euploid EUPNEA n pl. -S normal breathing EUPNEIC adj EUPNOEA n pl. -S eupnea EUPNOEIC adj EUREKA interj -- used to express triumph upon discovering something EURIPUS n pl. -PI a swift sea channel EURO n pl. EUROS a large kangaroo EUROKY n pl. -KIES the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions EUROKOUS adj EUROPIUM n pl. -S a metallic element EURYBATH n pl. -S an organism that can live in a wide range of water depths EURYOKY n pl. -KIES euroky EURYTHMY n pl. -MIES harmony of movement or structure EUSTACY n pl. -CIES a worldwide change in sea level EUSTATIC adj EUSTELE n pl. -S a plant part EUTAXY n pl. -TAXIES good order EUTECTIC n pl. -S an alloy that has the lowest possible melting point EUTROPHY n pl. -PHIES healthful nutrition EUXENITE n pl. -S a mineral EVACUANT n pl. -S a cathartic medicine EVACUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to remove from a dangerous area EVACUEE n pl. -S one that is evacuated EVADE v EVADED, EVADING, EVADES to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit EVADABLE, EVADIBLE adj EVADER n pl. -S one that evades EVALUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to determine the value of EVANESCE v -NESCED, -NESCING, -NESCES to fade away EVANGEL n pl. -S a preacher of the gospel EVANISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to vanish EVASION n pl. -S the act of evading EVASIVE adj tending to evade EVE n pl. -S evening EVECTION n pl. -S irregularity in the moon's motion EVEN adj EVENER, EVENEST flat and smooth EVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make even EVENER n pl. -S one that evens EVENFALL n pl. -S twilight EVENING n pl. -S the latter part of the day and early part of the night EVENLY adv in an even manner EVENNESS n pl. -ES the state of being even EVENSONG n pl. -S an evening prayer service EVENT n pl. -S something that occurs EVENTFUL adj momentous EVENTIDE n pl. -S evening EVENTUAL adj occurring at a later time EVER adv at all times EVERMORE adv forever EVERSION n pl -S the act of everting EVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn outward or inside out EVERTOR n pl. -S a muscle that turns a part outward EVERY adj each without exception EVERYDAY adj ordinary EVERYMAN n pl. -MEN the typical or ordinary man EVERYONE pron every person EVERYWAY adv in every way EVICT v -ED, -ING, -S to expel by legal process EVICTEE n pl. -S one that is evicted EVICTION n pl. -S the act of evicting EVICTOR n pl. -S one that evicts EVIDENCE v -DENCED, -DENCING, -DENCES to indicate clearly EVIDENT adj clear to the vision or understanding EVIL adj EVILER, EVILEST or EVILLER, EVILLEST morally bad EVIL n pl. -S something that is evil EVILDOER n pl. -S one that does evil EVILLER a comparative of evil EVILLEST a superlative of evil EVILLY adv in an evil manner EVILNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being evil EVINCE v EVINCED, EVINCING, EVINCES to show clearly EVINCIVE adj EVITE v EVITED, EVITING, EVITES to avoid EVITABLE adj EVOCABLE adj capable of being evoked EVOCATOR n pl. -S one that evokes EVOKE v EVOKED, EVOKING, EVOKES to call forth EVOKER n pl. -S an evocator EVOLUTE n pl. -S a type of geometric curve EVOLVE v EVOLVED, EVOLVING, EVOLVES to develop EVOLVER n pl. -S one that evolves EVONYMUS n pl. -ES euonymus EVULSION n pl. -S the act of pulling out EVZONE n pl. -S a Greek soldier EWE n pl. -S a female sheep EWER n pl. -S a large pitcher EX n pl. -ES the letter X EXACT adj -ACTER, -ACTEST precise EXACT v -ED, -ING, -S to force the payment or yielding of EXACTA n pl. -S a type of horse racing bet EXACTER n pl. -S one that exacts EXACTION n pl. -S the act of exacting EXACTLY adv in an exact manner EXACTOR n pl. -S exacter EXALT v -ED, -ING, -S to raise EXALTER n pl. -S one that exalts EXAM n pl. -S an examination EXAMEN n pl. -S a critical study EXAMINE v -INED, -INING, -INES to inspect EXAMINEE n pl. -S one that is taking an examination EXAMINER n pl. -S one that examines EXAMINING present participle of examine EXAMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to show by representation EXANTHEM n pl. -S a skin eruption EXARCH n pl. -S the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire EXARCHAL adj EXARCHY n pl. -CHIES the domain of an exarch EXCAVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to dig out EXCEED v -ED, -ING, -S to go beyond EXCEEDER n pl. -S one that exceeds EXCEL v -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to surpass others EXCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S to leave out EXCERPT v -ED, -ING, -S to pick out a passage from for quoting EXCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to eliminate the position of EXCHANGE v -CHANGED, -CHANGING, -CHANGES to give and receive reciprocally EXCIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES to excise EXCIMER n pl. -S a dimer that exists in an excited state EXCIPLE n pl. -S a rim around the hymenium of various lichens EXCISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to remove by cutting out EXCISION n pl. -S the act of excising EXCITANT n pl. -S a stimulant EXCITE v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES to arouse the emotions of EXCITER n pl. -S one that excites EXCITON n pl. -S a phenomenon occurring in an excited crystal EXCITOR n pl. -S exciter EXCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to cry out suddenly EXCLAVE n pl. -S a portion of a country which is isolated in foreign territory EXCLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to shut out EXCLUDER n pl. -S one that excludes EXCRETA n/pl excreted matter EXCRETAL adj EXCRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to separate and eliminate from an organic body EXCRETER n pl. -S one that excretes EXCURSUS n pl. -ES a long appended exposition of a topic EXCUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES to apologize for EXCUSER n pl. -S one that excuses EXEC n pl. -S an executive officer EXECRATE v -CRATED, -CRATING, -CRATES to curse EXECUTE v -CUTED, -CUTING, -CUTES to carry out EXECUTER n pl. -S executor EXECUTOR n pl. -S one that executes EXEDRA n pl. -DRAE a curved outdoor bench EXEGESIS n pl. -GESES critical explanation or analysis EXEGETIC adj EXEGETE n pl. -S one skilled in exegesis EXEMPLAR n pl. -S one that is worthy of being copied EXEMPLUM n pl. -PLA an example EXEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to free from an obligation required of others EXEQUY n pl. -QUIES a funeral procession EXEQUIAL adj EXERCISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to make use of EXERGUE n pl. -S a space on a coin EXERGUAL adj EXERT v -ED, -ING, -S to put into action EXERTION n pl. -S the act of exerting EXERTIVE adj tending to exert EXEUNT v they leave the stage =m used as a stage direction EXHALANT n pl. -S something that exhales EXHALE v -HALED, -HALING, -HALES to expel air or vapor EXHALENT n pl. -S exhalant EXHAUST v -ED, -ING, -S to use up EXHIBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to present for public viewing EXHORT v -ED, -ING, -S to advise urgently EXHORTER n pl. -S one that exhorts EXHUME v -HUMED, -HUMING, -HUMES to dig out of the earth EXHUMER n pl. -S one that exhumes EXIGENCE n pl. -S exigency EXIGENCY n pl. -CIES urgency EXIGENT adj urgent EXIGIBLE adj liable to be demanded EXIGUITY n pl. -ITIES the state of being exiguous EXIGUOUS adj meager EXILE v -ILED, -ILING, -ILES to banish from one's own country EXILIAN adj exilic EXILIC adj pertaining to exile (banishment from one's own country) EXILING present participle of exile EXIMIOUS adj excellent EXINE n pl. -S the outer layer of certain spores EXIST v -ED, -ING, -S to be EXISTENT n pl. -S something that exists EXIT v -ED, -ING, -S to go out EXITLESS adj lacking a way out EXOCARP n pl. -S the epicarp EXOCRINE n pl. -S an external secretion EXODERM n pl. -S the ectoderm EXODOS n pl. -DOI a concluding dramatic scene EXODUS n pl. -ES a movement away EXOERGIC adj releasing energy EXOGAMY n pl. -MIES marriage outside of a particular group EXOGAMIC adj EXOGEN n pl. -S a type of plant EXON n pl. -S a sequence in the genetic code EXONIC adj EXONUMIA n/pl numismatic items other than coins or paper money EXORABLE adj persuadable EXORCISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to free of an evil spirit EXORCISM n pl. -S the act of exorcising EXORCIST n pl. -S one who practices exorcism EXORCIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to exorcise EXORDIUM n pl. -DIUMS or -DIA a beginning EXORDIAL adj EXOSMOSE n pl. -S a form of osmosis EXOSMIC adj EXOSPORE n pl. -S the outer coat of a spore EXOTERIC adj suitable for the public EXOTIC n pl. -S something from another part of the world EXOTICA n/pl things excitingly different or unusual EXOTISM n pl. -S an exotic EXOTOXIN n pl. -S an excreted toxin EXOTOXIC adj EXPAND v -ED, -ING, -S to increase in size or volume EXPANDER n pl. -S one that expands EXPANDOR n pl. -S a type of transducer EXPANSE n pl. -S a wide, continuous area EXPAT n pl. -S an expatriate person EXPECT v -ED, -ING, -S to anticipate EXPEDITE v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES to speed up the progress of EXPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to force out EXPELLEE n pl. -S a deportee EXPELLER n pl. -S one that expels EXPELLING present participle of expel EXPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to use up EXPENDER n pl. -S one that expends EXPENSE v -PENSED, -PENSING, -PENSES to charge with costs EXPERT v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as an authority EXPERTLY adv skillfully EXPIABLE adj capable of being expiated EXPIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to atone for EXPIATOR n pl. -S one that expiates EXPIRE v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES to come to an end EXPIRER n pl. -S one that expires EXPIRY n pl. -RIES a termination EXPLAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to make plain or understandable EXPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium EXPLICIT n pl. -S a statement formerly used at the close of a book EXPLODE v -PLODED, -PLODING, -PLODES to blow up EXPLODER n pl. -S one that explodes EXPLOIT v -ED, -ING, -S to take advantage of EXPLORE v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES to travel through for the purpose of discovery EXPLORER n pl. -S one that explores EXPO n pl. -POS a public exhibition EXPONENT n pl. -S one who expounds EXPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to send to other countries for commercial purposes EXPORTER n pl. -S one that exports EXPOSAL n pl. -S an exposure EXPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to lay open to view EXPOSER n pl. -S one that exposes EXPOSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to expound EXPOSURE n pl. -S the act of exposing EXPOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to explain in detail EXPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to set forth in words EXPRESSO n pl. -SOS espresso EXPULSE v -PULSED, -PULSING, -PULSES to expel EXPUNGE v -PUNGED, -PUNGING, -PUNGES to delete EXPUNGER n pl. -S one that expunges EXSCIND v -ED, -ING, -S to cut out EXSECANT n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle EXSECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut out EXSERT v -ED, -ING, -S to thrust out EXTANT adj still in existence EXTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to stretch out to full length EXTENDER n pl. -S a substance added to another substance EXTENSOR n pl. -S a muscle that extends a limb EXTENT n pl. -S the range over which something extends EXTERIOR n pl. -S a part or surface that is outside EXTERN n pl. -S a nonresident of an institution EXTERNAL n pl. -S an exterior EXTERNE n pl. -S extern EXTINCT v -ED, -ING, -S to extinguish EXTOL v -TOLLED, -TOLLING, -TOLS to praise highly EXTOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to extol EXTOLLER n pl. -S one that extols EXTOLLING present participle of extol EXTORT v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation EXTORTER n pl. -S one that extorts EXTRA n pl. -S something additional EXTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to pull or draw out EXTRADOS n pl. -ES the outer curve of an arch EXTREMA pl. of extremum EXTREME adj -TREMER, -TREMEST existing in a very high degree EXTREME n pl. -S the highest degree EXTREMUM n pl. -MA a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function EXTRORSE adj facing outward EXTRUDE v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES to force, thrust, or push out EXTRUDER n pl. -S one that extrudes EXTUBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to remove a tube from EXUDATE n pl. -S an exuded substance EXUDE v -UDED, -UDING, -UDES to ooze forth EXULT v -ED, -ING, -S to rejoice greatly EXULTANT adj exulting EXURB n pl. -S a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city EXURBAN adj EXURBIA n pl. -S an exurb EXUVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to molt EXUVIUM n pl. -VIAE or -VIA the molted covering of an animal EXUVIAL adj EYAS n pl. -ES a young hawk EYE n pl. EYES, EYEN or EYNE the organ of sight EYE v EYED, EYING or EYEING, EYES to watch closely EYEABLE adj EYEBALL v -ED, -ING, -S to eye EYEBAR n pl. -S a metal bar with a loop at one or both ends EYEBEAM n pl. -S a glance EYEBOLT n pl. -S a type of bolt or screw EYEBROW n pl. -S the ridge over the eye EYECUP n pl. -S a cup used for applying lotions to the eyes EYED past tense of eye EYEDNESS n pl. -ES preference for the use of one eye over the other EYEDROPS n/pl a medicated solution for the eyes applied in drops EYEFUL n pl. -S a complete view EYEGLASS n pl. -ES a lens used to aid vision EYEHOLE n pl. -S a small opening EYEHOOK n pl. -S a type of hook EYELASH n pl. -ES a hair growing on the edge of an eyelid EYELESS adj lacking eyes EYELET v -LETTED, -LETTING, -LETS to make a small hole in EYELID n pl. -S the lid of skin that can be closed over an eyeball EYELIKE adj resembling an eye EYELINER n pl. -S makeup for the eyes EYEN a pl. of eye EYEPIECE n pl. -S the lens or lens group nearest the eye in an optical instrument EYEPOINT n pl. -S the point at which an eye is placed in using an optical instrument EYER n pl. -S one that eyes EYESHADE n pl. -S a visor for shading the eyes EYESHOT n pl. -S the range of vision EYESIGHT n pl. -S the ability to see EYESOME adj pleasant to look at EYESORE n pl. -S something offensive to the sight EYESPOT n pl. -S a simple visual organ of lower animals EYESTALK n pl. -S a stalklike structure with an eye at its tip EYESTONE n pl. -S a disk used to remove foreign matter from the eye EYETOOTH n pl. -TEETH a cuspid EYEWASH n pl. -ES an eye lotion EYEWATER n pl. -S an eyewash EYEWEAR n pl. EYEWEAR devices worn on or over the eyes EYEWINK n pl. -S a wink of the eye EYING a present participle of eye EYNE a pl. of eye EYRA n pl. -S a wild cat of tropical America EYRE n pl. -S a journey EYRIE n pl. -S aerie EYRIR n pl. AURAR a monetary unit of Iceland EYRY n pl. -RIES aerie FA n pl. -S the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale FABLE v -BLED -BLING, -BLES to compose or tell fictitious tales FABLER n pl. -S one that fables FABLIAU n pl. -AUX a short metrical tale popular in medieval France FABLING present participle of fable FABRIC n pl. -S a woven, felted, or knitted material FABULAR adj legendary FABULIST n pl. -S a liar FABULOUS adj almost unbelievable FACADE n pl. -S the front of a building FACE v FACED FACING, FACES to oppose or meet defiantly FACEABLE adj FACEDOWN adv with the front part down FACELESS adj lacking personal distinction or identity FACER n pl. -S one that faces FACET v -ETED -ETING, -ETS or -ETTED, -ETTING, -ETS to cut small plane surfaces on FACETE adj witty FACETELY adv FACETIAE n/pl witty sayings or writings FACETTED a past tense of facet FACETTING a present participle of facet FACEUP adv with the front part up FACIA n pl. -S fascia FACIAL n pl. -S a treatment for the face FACIALLY adv with respect to the face FACIEND n pl. -S a number to be multiplied by another FACIES n pl. FACIES general appearance FACILE adj easily achieved or performed FACILELY adv FACILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being facile FACING n pl. -S a lining at the edge of a garment FACT n pl. -S something known with certainty FACTFUL adj FACTION n pl. -S a clique within a larger group FACTIOUS adj promoting dissension FACTOID n pl. -S a brief news item FACTOR v -ED -ING, -S to express as a product of two or more quantities FACTORY n pl. -RIES a building or group of buildings in which goods are manufactured FACTOTUM n pl. -S a person employed to do many kinds of work FACTUAL adj pertaining to facts FACTURE n pl. -S the act of making something FACULA n pl. -LAE an unusually bright spot on the sun's surface FACULAR adj FACULTY n pl. -TIES an inherent power or ability FAD n pl. -S a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity FADABLE adj capable of fading FADDIER comparative of faddy FADDIEST superlative of faddy FADDISH adj inclined to take up fads FADDISM n pl. -S inclination to take up fads FADDIST n pl. -S a faddish person FADDY adj -DIER, -DIEST faddish FADE v FADED FADING, FADES to lose color or brightness FADEDLY adv FADEAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a type of pitch in baseball FADELESS adj not fading FADER n pl. -S one that fades FADGE v FADGED FADGING, FADGES to succeed FADING n pl. -S an Irish dance FADO n pl. -DOS a Portuguese folk song FAECES n/pl feces FAECAL adj FAENA n pl. -S a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight FAERIE n pl. -S a fairy FAERY n pl. -ERIES faerie FAG v FAGGED FAGGING, FAGS to make weary by hard work FAGGOT v -ED -ING, -S to fagot FAGIN n pl. -S a person who instructs others in crime FAGOT v -ED -ING, -S to bind together into a bundle FAGOTER n pl. -S one that fagots FAGOTING n pl. -S a type of embroidery FAHLBAND n pl. -S a band or stratum of rock impregnated with metallic sulfides FAIENCE n pl. -S a variety of glazed pottery FAIL v -ED -ING, -S to be unsuccessful in an attempt FAILING n pl. -S a minor fault or weakness FAILLE n pl. -S a woven fabric FAILURE n pl. -S the act of failing FAIN adj FAINER, FAINEST glad FAINEANT n pl. -S a lazy person FAINT adj FAINTER, FAINTEST lacking strength or vigor FAINT v -ED -ING, -S to lose consciousness FAINTER n pl. -S one that faints FAINTISH adj somewhat faint FAINTLY adv in a faint manner FAIR adj FAIRER, FAIREST free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice FAIR v -ED -ING, -S to make smooth FAIRIES pl. of fairy FAIRING n pl. -S a structure on an aircraft serving to reduce drag FAIRISH adj moderately good FAIRLEAD n pl. -S a device used to hold a ship's rigging in place FAIRLY adv in a fair manner FAIRNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being fair FAIRWAY n pl. -WAYS the mowed part of a golf course between tee and green FAIRY n pl. FAIRIES an imaginary supernatural being FAIRYISM n pl. -S the quality of being like a fairy FAITH v -ED -ING, -S to believe or trust FAITHFUL n pl. -S a loyal follower or member FAITOUR n pl. -S an impostor FAJITA n pl. -S marinated and grilled beef, chicken, or shrimp served with a flour tortilla FAKE v FAKED FAKING, FAKES to contrive and present as genuine FAKEER n pl. -S fakir FAKER n pl. -S one that fakes FAKERY n pl. -ERIES the practice of faking FAKEY adj not genuine; phony FAKING present participle of fake FAKIR n pl. -S a Hindu ascetic FALAFEL n pl. FALAFEL ground spiced vegetables formed into patties FALBALA n pl. -S a trimming for a woman's garment FALCATE adj curved and tapering to a point FALCATED adj falcate FALCES pl. of falx FALCHION n pl. -S a broad-bladed sword FALCON n pl. -S a bird of prey FALCONER n pl. -S one that hunts with hawks FALCONET n pl. -S a small falcon FALCONRY n pl. -RIES the sport of hunting with falcons FALDERAL n pl. -S nonsense FALDEROL n pl. -S falderal FALL v FELL, FALLEN, FALLING, FALLS to descend under the force of gravity FALLACY n pl. -CIES a false idea FALLAL n pl. -S a showy article of dress FALLAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a shot in basketball FALLBACK n pl. -S an act of retreating FALLEN past participle of fall FALLER n pl. -S one that falls FALLFISH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish FALLIBLE adj capable of erring FALLIBLY adv FALLOFF n pl. -S a decline in quantity or quality FALLOUT n pl. -S radioactive debris resulting from a nuclear explosion FALLOW v -ED -ING, -S to plow and leave unseeded FALSE adj FALSER, FALSEST contrary to truth or fact FALSELY adv FALSETTO n pl. -TOS an artificially high voice FALSIE n pl. -S a pad worn within a brassiere FALSIFY v -FIED -FYING, -FIES to represent falsely FALSITY n pl. -TIES something false FALTBOAT n pl. -S a collapsible boat resembling a kayak FALTER v -ED -ING, -S to hesitate FALTERER n pl. -S one that falters FALX n pl. FALCES a sickle-shaped structure FAME v FAMED FAMING, FAMES to make famous FAMELESS adj not famous FAMILIAL adj pertaining to a family FAMILIAR n pl. -S a close friend or associate FAMILISM n pl. -S a social structure in which the family takes precedence over the individual FAMILY n pl. -LIES a group of persons related by blood or marriage FAMINE n pl. -S a widespread scarcity of food FAMING present participle of fame FAMISH v -ED -ING, -ES to suffer extreme hunger FAMOUS adj well-known FAMOUSLY adv FAMULUS n pl. -LI a servant or attendant FAN v FANNED FANNING, FANS to cool or refresh with a fan (a device for putting air into motion) FANATIC n pl. -S a zealot FANCIED past tense of fancy FANCIER n pl. -S one that has a special liking for something FANCIES present 3d person sing. of fancy FANCIFUL adj unrealistic FANCIFY v -FIED -FYING, -FIES to make fancy FANCY adj -CIER, -CIEST ornamental FANCILY adv FANCY v -CIED -CYING, -CIES to take a liking to FANDANGO n pl. -GOS a lively Spanish dance FANDOM n pl. -S an aggregate of enthusiastic devotees FANE n pl. -S a temple FANEGA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of dry measure FANEGADA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of area FANFARE n pl. -S a short, lively musical flourish FANFARON n pl. -S a braggart FANFOLD v -ED -ING, -S to fold paper like a fan FANG n pl. -S a long, pointed tooth FANGED, FANGLESS, FANGLIKE adj FANGA n pl. -S fanega FANION n pl. -S a small flag FANJET n pl. -S a type of jet engine FANLIGHT n pl. -S a type of window FANLIKE adj resembling a fan FANNED past tense of fan FANNER n pl. -S one that fans FANNING present participle of fan FANNY n pl. -NIES the buttocks FANO n pl. FANOS a fanon FANON n pl. -S a cape worn by the pope FANTAIL n pl. -S a fan-shaped tail or end FANTASIA n pl. -S a free-form musical composition FANTASIE n pl. -S a fantasia FANTASIED past tense of fantasy FANTASIES present 3d person sing. of fantasy FANTASM n pl. -S phantasm FANTAST n pl. -S an impractical person FANTASY v -SIED -SYING, -SIES to imagine FANTOD n pl. -S an emotional outburst FANTOM n pl. -S phantom FANUM n pl. -S fanon FANWISE adj spread out like an open fan FANWORT n pl. -S an aquatic plant FANZINE n pl. -S a magazine written by and for enthusiastic devotees FAQIR n pl. -S fakir FAQUIR n pl. -S fakir FAR adv FARTHER, FARTHEST or FURTHER, FURTHEST at or to a great distance FARAD n pl. -S a unit of electrical capacitance FARADAIC adj faradic FARADAY n pl. -DAYS a unit of electricity FARADIC adj pertaining to a type of electric current FARADISE v -DISED -DISING, -DISES to faradize FARADISM n pl. -S the use of faradic current for therapeutic purposes FARADIZE v -DIZED -DIZING, -DIZES to treat by faradism FARAWAY adj distant FARCE v FARCED FARCING, FARCES to fill out with witty material FARCER n pl. -S farceur FARCEUR n pl. -S a joker FARCI adj stuffed with finely chopped meat FARCICAL adj absurd FARCIE adj farci FARCING present participle of farce FARCY n pl. -CIES a disease of horses FARD v -ED -ING, -S to apply cosmetics to FARDEL n pl. -S a bundle FARE v FARED FARING, FARES to get along FARER n pl. -S a traveler FAREWELL v -ED -ING, -S to say goodby FARFAL n pl. -S farfel FARFEL n pl. -S noodles in the form of small pellets or granules FARINA n pl. -S a fine meal made from cereal grain FARING present participle of fare FARINHA n pl. -S a meal made from the root of the cassava FARINOSE adj resembling farina FARL n pl. -S a thin oatmeal cake FARLE n pl. -S farl FARM v -ED -ING, -S to manage and cultivate as a farm (a tract of land devoted to agriculture) FARMABLE adj FARMER n pl. -S one that farms FARMHAND n pl. -S a farm laborer FARMING n pl. -S the business of operating a farm FARMLAND n pl. -S cultivated land FARMWIFE n pl. -WIVES a farmer's wife FARMWORK n pl. -S labor done on a farm FARMYARD n pl. -S an area surrounded by farm buildings FARNESOL n pl. -S an alcohol used in perfumes FARNESS n pl. -ES the state of being far off or apart FARO n pl. FAROS a card game FAROUCHE adj sullenly shy FARRAGO n pl. -GOES a confused mixture FARRIER n pl. -S one that shoes horses FARRIERY n pl. -ERIES the trade of a farrier FARROW v -ED -ING, -S to give birth to a litter of pigs FARSIDE n pl. -S the farther side FARTHER a comparative of far FARTHEST a superlative of far FARTHING n pl. -S a former British coin FASCES n pl. FASCES an ancient Roman symbol of power FASCIA n pl. -CIAE or -CIAS a broad and distinct band of color FASCIAL, FASCIATE adj FASCICLE n pl. -S a small bundle FASCINE n pl. -S a bundle of sticks used in building fortifications FASCISM n pl. -S an oppressive political system FASCIST n pl. -S an advocate of fascism FASH v -ED -ING, -ES to annoy FASHION v -ED -ING, -S to give a particular shape or form to FASHIOUS adj annoying FAST adj FASTER, FASTEST moving or able to move quickly FAST v -ED -ING, -S to abstain from eating FASTBACK n pl. -S a type of automobile roof FASTBALL n pl. -S a type of pitch in baseball FASTEN v -ED -ING, -S to secure FASTENER n pl. -S one that fastens FASTING n pl. -S abstention from eating FASTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being fast FASTUOUS adj arrogant FAT adj FATTER, FATTEST having an abundance of flesh FAT v FATTED FATTING, FATS to make fat FATAL adj causing or capable of causing death FATALISM n pl. -S the doctrine that all events are predetermined FATALIST n pl. -S a believer in fatalism FATALITY n pl. -TIES a death resulting from an unexpected occurrence FATALLY adv in a fatal manner FATBACK n pl. -S a marine fish FATBIRD n pl. -S a wading bird FATE v FATED FATING, FATES to destine FATEFUL adj decisively important FATHEAD n pl. -S a dolt FATHER v -ED -ING, -S to cause to exist FATHERLY adj paternal FATHOM v -ED -ING, -S to understand FATIDIC adj pertaining to prophecy FATIGUE v -TIGUED -TIGUING, -TIGUES to weary FATING present participle of fate FATLESS adj having no fat FATLIKE adj resembling fat FATLING n pl. -S a young animal fattened for slaughter FATLY adv in the manner of one that is fat FATNESS n pl. -ES the state of being fat FATSTOCK n pl. -S livestock that is fat and ready for market FATTED past tense of fat FATTEN v -ED -ING, -S to make fat FATTENER n pl. -S one that fattens FATTER comparative of fat FATTEST superlative of fat FATTIER comparative of fatty FATTIES pl. of fatty FATTIEST superlative of fatty FATTILY adv in a fatty manner FATTING present participle of fat FATTISH adj somewhat fat FATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST greasy; oily FATTY n pl. -TIES one that is fat FATUITY n pl. -ITIES something foolish or stupid FATUOUS adj smugly stupid FATWA n pl. -S an Islamic legal decree FATWOOD n pl. -S wood used for kindling FAUBOURG n pl. -S a suburb FAUCAL n pl. -S a sound produced in the fauces FAUCES n/pl the passage from the mouth to the pharynx FAUCET n pl. -S a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe FAUCIAL adj pertaining to the fauces FAUGH interj -- used to express disgust FAULD n pl. -S a piece of armor below the breastplate FAULT v -ED -ING, -S to criticize FAULTY adj FAULTIER, FAULTIEST imperfect FAULTILY adv FAUN n pl. -S a woodland deity of Roman mythology FAUNLIKE adj FAUNA n pl. -NAS or -NAE the animal life of a particular region FAUNAL adj FAUNALLY adv FAUTEUIL n pl. -S an armchair FAUVE n pl. -S a fauvist FAUVISM n pl. -S a movement in painting FAUVIST n pl. -S an advocate of fauvism FAUX adj not genuine; fake FAVA n pl. -S the edible seed of a climbing vine FAVE n pl. -S a favorite FAVELA n pl. -S a slum area FAVELLA n pl. -S favela FAVISM n pl. -S an acute anemia FAVONIAN adj pertaining to the west wind FAVOR v -ED -ING, -S to regard with approval FAVORER n pl. -S one that favors FAVORITE n pl. -S a person or thing preferred above all others FAVOUR v -ED -ING, -S to favor FAVOURER n pl. -S favorer FAVUS n pl. -ES a skin disease FAWN v -ED -ING, -S to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor FAWNER n pl. -S one that fawns FAWNLIKE adj resembling a young deer FAWNY adj FAWNIER, FAWNIEST of a yellowish-brown color FAX v -ED -ING, -ES to transmit and reproduce by electronic means FAY v -ED -ING, -S to join closely FAYALITE n pl. -S a mineral FAZE v FAZED FAZING, FAZES to disturb the composure of FAZENDA n pl. -S a Brazilian plantation FEAL adj loyal FEALTY n pl. -TIES loyalty FEAR v -ED -ING, -S to be afraid of FEARER n pl. -S one that fears FEARFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST afraid FEARLESS adj unafraid FEARSOME adj frightening FEASANCE n pl. -S the performance of a condition, obligation, or duty FEASE v FEASED FEASING, FEASES to faze FEASIBLE adj capable of being done FEASIBLY adv FEAST v -ED -ING, -S to eat sumptuously FEASTER n pl. -S one that feasts FEASTFUL adj festive FEAT adj FEATER, FEATEST skillful FEAT n pl. -S a notable act or achievement FEATHER v -ED -ING, -S to cover with feathers (horny structures that form the principal covering of birds) FEATHERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST resembling feathers FEATLY adj -LIER, -LIEST graceful FEATURE v -TURED -TURING, -TURES to give special prominence to FEAZE v FEAZED FEAZING, FEAZES to faze FEBRIFIC adj feverish FEBRILE adj feverish FECAL adj pertaining to feces FECES n/pl bodily waste discharged through the anus FECIAL n pl. -S fetial FECK n pl. -S value FECKLESS adj worthless FECKLY adv almost FECULA n pl. -LAE fecal matter FECULENT adj foul with impurities FECUND adj fruitful FED n pl. -S a federal agent FEDAYEE n pl. -YEEN an Arab commando FEDERACY n pl. -CIES an alliance FEDERAL n pl. -S a supporter of a type of central government FEDERATE v -ATED -ATING, -ATES to unite in an alliance FEDORA n pl. -S a type of hat FEE v FEED FEEING, FEES to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to FEEBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST weak FEEBLY adv FEEBLISH adj somewhat feeble FEED v FED FEEDING, FEEDS to give food to FEEDABLE adj FEEDBACK n pl. -S the return of a portion of the output to the input FEEDBAG n pl. -S a bag for feeding horses FEEDBOX n pl. -ES a box for animal feed FEEDER n pl. -S one that feeds FEEDHOLE n pl. -S one of a series of holes in paper tape FEEDLOT n pl. -S a plot of land on which livestock is fattened FEEL v FELT FEELING, FEELS to perceive through the sense of touch FEELER n pl. -S a tactile organ FEELESS adj requiring no fee FEELING n pl. -S the function or power of perceiving by touch FEET pl. of foot FEETLESS adj FEEZE v FEEZED FEEZING, FEEZES to faze FEH n pl. -S peh FEIGN v -ED -ING, -S to pretend FEIGNER n pl. -S one that feigns FEIJOA n pl. -S a green edible fruit FEINT v -ED -ING, -S to make a deceptive movement FEIRIE adj nimble FEIST n pl. -S a small dog of mixed breed FEISTY adj FEISTIER, FEISTIEST full of nervous energy FELAFEL n pl. FELAFEL falafel FELDSHER n pl. -S a medical worker in Russia FELDSPAR n pl. -S a mineral FELICITY n pl. -TIES happiness FELID n pl. -S a feline FELINE n pl. -S an animal of the cat family FELINELY adv in a catlike manner FELINITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being catlike FELL adj FELLER, FELLEST cruel FELL v -ED -ING, -S to cause to fall FELLA n pl. -S a man or boy FELLABLE adj capable of being felled FELLAH n pl. -LAHS, -LAHIN, or -LAHEEN a peasant or laborer in Arab countries FELLATE v -LATED -LATING, -LATES to perform fellatio FELLATIO n pl. -TIOS oral stimulation of the penis FELLATOR n pl. -S one that fellates FELLER n pl. -S one that fells FELLIES pl. of felly FELLNESS n pl. -ES extreme cruelty FELLOE n pl. -S the rim of a wheel FELLOW v -ED -ING, -S to produce an equal to FELLOWLY adj friendly FELLY n pl. -LIES a felloe FELON n pl. -S a person who has committed a felony FELONRY n pl. -RIES the whole class of felons FELONY n pl. -NIES a grave crime FELSITE n pl. -S an igneous rock FELSITIC adj FELSPAR n pl. -S feldspar FELSTONE n pl. -S felsite FELT v -ED -ING, -S to mat together FELTING n pl. -S felted material FELTLIKE adj like a cloth made from wool FELUCCA n pl. -S a swift sailing vessel FELWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant FEM n pl. -S a passive homosexual FEMALE n pl. -S an individual that bears young or produces ova FEME n pl. -S a wife FEMINACY n pl. -CIES the state of being a female FEMINIE n/pl women collectively FEMININE n pl. -S a word or form having feminine gender FEMINISE v -NISED -NISING, -NISES to feminize FEMINISM n pl. -S a doctrine advocating rights for women equal to those of men FEMINIST n pl. -S a supporter of feminism FEMINITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being womanly FEMINIZE v -NIZED -NIZING, -NIZES to make womanly FEMME n pl. -S a woman FEMORAL adj pertaining to the femur FEMUR n pl. -MURS or -MORA a bone of the leg FEN n pl. -S a marsh FENAGLE v -GLED -GLING, -GLES to finagle FENCE v FENCED FENCING, FENCES to practice the art of fencing FENCER n pl. -S one that fences FENCEROW n pl. -S the land occupied by a fence FENCIBLE n pl. -S a soldier enlisted for home service only FENCING n pl. -S the art of using a sword in attack and defense FEND v -ED -ING, -S to ward off FENDER n pl. -S a metal guard over the wheel of a motor vehicle FENDERED adj FENESTRA n pl. -TRAE a small anatomical opening FENLAND n pl. -S marshy ground FENNEC n pl. -S an African fox FENNEL n pl. -S a perennial herb FENNY adj marshy FENTHION n pl. -S an insecticide FENURON n pl. -S an herbicide FEOD n pl. -S a fief FEODARY n pl. -RIES a vassal FEOFF v -ED -ING, -S to grant a fief to FEOFFEE n pl. -S one to whom a fief is granted FEOFFER n pl. -S one that grants a fief to another FEOFFOR n pl. -S feoffer FER prep for FERACITY n pl. -TIES the state of being fruitful FERAL adj wild FERBAM n pl. -S a fungicide FERE n pl. -S a companion FERETORY n pl. -RIES a receptacle in which sacred relics are kept FERIA n pl. -RIAS or -RIAE a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated FERIAL adj FERINE adj feral FERITY n pl. -TIES wildness FERLIE n pl. -S a strange sight FERLY n pl. -LIES ferlie FERMATA n pl. -TAS or -TE the sustaining of a musical note, chord, or rest beyond its written time value FERMENT v -ED -ING, -S to undergo a type of chemical reaction FERMI n pl. -S a unit of length FERMION n pl. -S a type of atomic particle FERMIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element FERN n pl. -S a flowerless vascular plant FERNLESS, FERNLIKE adj FERNERY n pl. -ERIES a place in which ferns are grown FERNY adj FERNIER, FERNIEST abounding in ferns FEROCITY n pl. -TIES fierceness FERRATE n pl. -S a chemical salt FERREL v -RELED -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS ferrule FERREOUS adj containing iron FERRET v -ED -ING, -S to search out by careful investigation FERRETER n pl. -S one that ferrets FERRETY adj suggestive of a ferret (a polecat) FERRIAGE n pl. -S transportation by ferry FERRIC adj pertaining to iron FERRIED past tense of ferry FERRIES present 3d person sing. of ferry FERRITE n pl. -S a magnetic substance FERRITIC adj FERRITIN n pl. -S a protein that contains iron FERROUS adj pertaining to iron FERRULE v -RULED -RULING, -RULES to furnish with a metal ring or cap to prevent splitting FERRUM n pl. -S iron FERRY v -RIED -RYING, -RIES to transport by ferry (a type of boat) FERRYMAN n pl. -MEN one who operates a ferry FERTILE adj capable of reproducing FERULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a flat piece of wood FERULE v -ULED -ULING, -ULES to ferrule FERVENCY n pl. -CIES fervor FERVENT adj marked by fervor FERVID adj fervent FERVIDLY adv FERVOR n pl. -S great warmth or intensity FERVOUR n pl. -S fervor FESCUE n pl. -S a perennial grass FESS v -ED -ING, -ES to confess FESSE n pl. -S a horizontal band across the middle of a heraldic shield FESSWISE adv horizontally FESTAL adj festive FESTALLY adv FESTER v -ED -ING, -S to generate pus FESTIVAL n pl. -S a day or time of celebration FESTIVE adj of or befitting a festival FESTOON v -ED -ING, -S to hang decorative chains or strips on FET v FETTED FETTING, FETS to fetch FETA n pl. -S a Greek cheese FETAL adj pertaining to a fetus FETATION n pl. -S the development of a fetus FETCH v -ED -ING, -ES to go after and bring back FETCHER n pl. -S one that fetches FETE v FETED FETING, FETES to honor with a celebration FETERITA n pl. -S a cereal grass FETIAL n pl. -S a priest of ancient Rome FETIALIS n pl. -LES fetial FETICH n pl. -ES fetish FETICIDE n pl. -S the killing of a fetus FETID adj having an offensive odor FETIDLY adv FETING present participle of fete FETISH n pl. -ES an object believed to have magical power FETLOCK n pl. -S a joint of a horse's leg FETOLOGY n pl. -GIES the branch of medicine dealing with the fetus FETOR n pl. -S an offensive odor FETTED past tense of fet FETTER v -ED -ING, -S to shackle FETTERER n pl. -S one that fetters FETTING present participle of fet FETTLE v -TLED -TLING, -TLES to cover the hearth of with fettling FETTLING n pl. -S loose material thrown on the hearth of a furnace to protect it FETUS n pl. -ES the unborn organism carried within the womb in the later stages of its development FEU v -ED -ING, -S to grant land to under Scottish feudal law FEUAR n pl. -S one granted land under Scottish feudal law FEUD v -ED -ING, -S to engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) FEUDAL adj pertaining to a political and economic system of medieval Europe FEUDALLY adv FEUDARY n pl. -RIES a vassal FEUDIST n pl. -S one that feuds FEVER v -ED -ING, -S to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) FEVERFEW n pl. -S a perennial herb FEVERISH adj having a fever FEVEROUS adj feverish FEW adj FEWER, FEWEST amounting to or consisting of a small number FEWNESS n pl. -ES the state of being few FEWTRILS n/pl things of little value FEY adj FEYER, FEYEST crazy FEYLY adv FEYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being fey FEZ n pl. FEZZES or FEZES a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East FEZZED adj FIACRE n pl. -S a small carriage FIANCE n pl. -S a man engaged to be married FIANCEE n pl. -S a woman engaged to be married FIAR n pl. -S the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law FIASCO n pl. -COES or -CHI a wine bottle FIASCO n pl. -COES or -COS a complete failure FIAT n pl. -S an authoritative order FIB v FIBBED FIBBING, FIBS to tell a trivial lie FIBBER n pl. -S one that fibs FIBER n pl. -S a thread or threadlike object or structure FIBERED adj FIBERIZE v -IZED -IZING, -IZES to break into fibers FIBRANNE n pl. -S a fabric made of spun-rayon yarn FIBRE n pl. -S fiber FIBRIL n pl. -S a small fiber FIBRILLA n pl. -LAE a fibril FIBRIN n pl. -S an insoluble protein FIBROID n pl. -S a fibroma FIBROIN n pl. -S an insoluble protein FIBROMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a benign tumor composed of fibrous tissue FIBROSIS n pl. -BROSES the development of excess fibrous tissue in a bodily organ FIBROTIC adj FIBROUS adj containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers FIBULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a bone of the leg FIBULAR adj FICE n pl. -S a feist FICHE n pl. -S a sheet of microfilm FICHU n pl. -S a woman's scarf FICIN n pl. -S an enzyme FICKLE adj -LER, -LEST not constant or loyal FICKLY adv FICO n pl. -COES something of little worth FICTILE adj moldable FICTION n pl. -S a literary work whose content is produced by the imagination FICTIVE adj imaginary FICUS n pl. -ES a tropical tree FID n pl. -S a square bar used as a support for a topmast FIDDLE v -DLED -DLING, -DLES to play a violin FIDDLER n pl. -S one that fiddles FIDDLY adj intricately difficult to handle FIDEISM n pl. -S reliance on faith rather than reason FIDEIST n pl. -S a believer in fideism FIDELITY n pl. -TIES loyalty FIDGE v FIDGED FIDGING, FIDGES to fidget FIDGET v -ED -ING, -S to move nervously or restlessly FIDGETER n pl. -S one that fidgets FIDGETY adj nervously restless FIDGING present participle of fidge FIDO n pl. -DOS a defective coin FIDUCIAL adj based on faith or trust FIE interj -- used to express disapproval FIEF n pl. -S a feudal estate FIEFDOM n pl. -S a fief FIELD v -ED -ING, -S to play as a fielder FIELDER n pl. -S one that catches or picks up a ball in play FIEND n pl. -S a demon FIENDISH adj extremely wicked or cruel FIERCE adj FIERCER, FIERCEST violently hostile or aggressive FIERCELY adv FIERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST intensely hot FIERILY adv FIESTA n pl. -S a festival FIFE v FIFED FIFING, FIFES to play a fife (a high-pitched flute) FIFER n pl. -S one that plays a fife FIFTEEN n pl. -S a number FIFTH n pl. -S one of five equal parts FIFTHLY adv in the fifth place FIFTIETH n pl. -S one of fifty equal parts FIFTY n pl. -TIES a number FIFTYISH adj being about fifty years old FIG v FIGGED FIGGING, FIGS to adorn FIGEATER n pl. -S a large beetle FIGHT v FOUGHT FIGHTING, FIGHTS to attempt to defeat an adversary FIGHTER n pl. -S one that fights FIGHTING n pl. -S the act of one that fights FIGMENT n pl. -S a product of mental invention FIGULINE n pl. -S a piece of pottery FIGURAL adj consisting of human or animal form FIGURANT n pl. -S a ballet dancer who dances only in groups FIGURATE adj having a definite shape FIGURE v -URED -URING, -URES to compute FIGURER n pl. -S one that figures FIGURINE n pl. -S a small statue FIGURING present participle of figure FIGWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant FIL n pl. -S a coin of Iraq and Jordan FILA pl. of filum FILAGREE v -GREED -GREEING, -GREES to filigree FILAMENT n pl. -S a very thin thread or threadlike structure FILAR adj pertaining to a thread FILAREE n pl. -S a European weed FILARIA n pl. -IAE a parasitic worm FILARIAL, FILARIAN adj FILARIID n pl. -S filaria FILATURE n pl. -S the reeling of silk from cocoons FILBERT n pl. -S the edible nut of a European shrub FILCH v -ED -ING, -ES to steal FILCHER n pl. -S one that filches FILE v FILED FILING, FILES to arrange in order for future reference FILEABLE adj FILEFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish FILEMOT adj of a brownish yellow color FILER n pl. -S one that files FILET v -ED -ING, -S to fillet FILIAL adj pertaining to a son or daughter FILIALLY adv FILIATE v -ATED -ATING, -ATES to bring into close association FILIBEG n pl. -S a pleated skirt worn by Scottish Highlanders FILICIDE n pl. -S the killing of one's child FILIFORM adj shaped like a filament FILIGREE v -GREED -GREEING, -GREES to adorn with intricate ornamental work FILING n pl. -S a particle removed by a file FILISTER n pl. -S a groove on a window frame FILL v -ED -ING, -S to put as much as can be held into FILLE n pl. -S a girl FILLER n pl. -S one that fills FILLET v -ED -ING, -S to cut boneless slices from FILLIES pl. of filly FILLING n pl. -S that which is used to fill something FILLIP v -ED -ING, -S to strike sharply FILLO n pl. -LOS phyllo FILLY n pl. -LIES a young female horse FILM v -ED -ING, -S to make a motion picture FILMABLE adj FILMCARD n pl. -S a fiche FILMDOM n pl. -S the motion-picture industry FILMER n pl. -S one that films FILMGOER n pl. -S one that goes to see motion pictures FILMIC adj pertaining to motion pictures FILMIER comparative of filmy FILMIEST superlative of filmy FILMILY adv in a filmy manner FILMLAND n pl. -S filmdom FILMSET v -SET -SETTING, -SETS to photoset FILMY adj FILMIER, FILMIEST resembling or covered with film; hazy FILO n pl. FILOS phyllo FILOSE adj resembling a thread FILTER v -ED -ING, -S to pass through a filter (a device for removing suspended matter) FILTERER n pl. -S one that filters FILTH n pl. -S foul or dirty matter FILTHY adj FILTHIER, FILTHIEST offensively dirty FILTHILY adv FILTRATE v -TRATED -TRATING, -TRATES to filter FILUM n pl. -LA a threadlike anatomical structure FIMBLE n pl. -S the male hemp plant FIMBRIA n pl. -BRIAE a fringe or fringe-like structure FIMBRIAL adj FIN v FINNED FINNING, FINS to equip with fins (external paddle-like structures) FINABLE adj subject to the payment of a fine FINAGLE v -GLED -GLING, -GLES to obtain by trickery FINAGLER n pl. -S one that finagles FINAL n pl. -S the last examination of an academic course FINALE n pl. -S a close or termination of something FINALIS n pl. -LES a type of tone in medieval music FINALISM n pl. -S the doctrine that all events are determined by ultimate purposes FINALIST n pl. -S a contestant who reaches the last part of a competition FINALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being conclusive FINALIZE v -IZED -IZING, -IZES to put into finished form FINALLY adv at the end FINANCE v -NANCED -NANCING, -NANCES to supply the money for FINBACK n pl. -S the rorqual FINCH n pl. -ES a small bird FIND v FOUND FINDING, FINDS to come upon after a search FINDABLE adj FINDER n pl. -S one that finds FINDING n pl. -S something that is found FINE adj FINER, FINEST of excellent quality FINE v FINED FINING, FINES to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) FINEABLE adj finable FINELY adv in a fine manner FINENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being fine FINER comparative of fine FINERY n pl. -ERIES elaborate adornment FINESPUN adj developed with extreme care FINESSE v FINESSED FINESSING, FINESSES to bring about by adroit maneuvering FINEST superlative of fine FINFISH n pl. -ES a true fish FINFOOT n pl. -S an aquatic bird FINGER v -ED -ING, -S to touch with the fingers (the terminating members of the hand) FINGERER n pl. -S one that fingers FINIAL n pl. -S a crowning ornament FINIALED adj FINICAL adj finicky FINICKIN adj finicky FINICKY adj -ICKIER, -ICKIEST difficult to please FINIKIN adj finicky FINIKING adj finicky FINING n pl. -S the clarifying of wines FINIS n pl. -NISES the end FINISH v -ED -ING, -ES to bring to an end FINISHER n pl. -S one that finishes FINITE n pl. -S something that is finite (having definite limits) FINITELY adv to a finite extent FINITUDE n pl. -S the state of being finite FINK v -ED -ING, -S to inform to the police FINLESS adj having no fins FINLIKE adj resembling a fin FINMARK n pl. -S a monetary unit of Finland FINNED past tense of fin FINNICKY adj -NICKIER, -NICKIEST finicky FINNIER comparative of finny FINNIEST superlative of finny FINNING present participle of fin FINNMARK n pl. -S finmark FINNY adj -NIER, -NIEST having or characterized by fins FINO n pl. -NOS a very dry sherry FINOCHIO n pl. -CHIOS a perennial herb FIORD n pl. -S fjord FIPPLE n pl. -S a plug of wood at the mouth of certain wind instruments FIQUE n pl. -S a tropical plant FIR n pl. -S an evergreen tree FIRE v FIRED FIRING, FIRES to project by discharging from a gun FIREABLE adj FIREARM n pl. -S a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder FIREBACK n pl. -S a cast-iron plate along the back of a fireplace FIREBALL n pl. -S a luminous meteor FIREBASE n pl. -S a military base from which fire is directed against the enemy FIREBIRD n pl. -S a brightly colored bird FIREBOAT n pl. -S a boat equipped with fire-fighting apparatus FIREBOMB v -ED -ING, -S to attack with incendiary bombs FIREBOX n pl. -ES a chamber in which fuel is burned FIREBRAT n pl. -S a small, wingless insect FIREBUG n pl. -S an arsonist FIRECLAY n pl. -CLAYS a heat-resistant clay FIRED past tense of fire FIREDAMP n pl. -S a combustible gas FIREDOG n pl. -S an andiron FIREFANG v -ED -ING, -S to decompose by oxidation FIREFLY n pl. -FLIES a luminous insect FIREHALL n pl. -S a fire station FIRELESS adj having no fire FIRELIT adj lighted by firelight FIRELOCK n pl. -S a type of gun FIREMAN n pl. -MEN a man employed to extinguish fires FIREPAN n pl. -S an open pan for holding live coals FIREPINK n pl. -S a flowering plant FIREPLUG n pl. -S a hydrant FIREPOT n pl. -S a clay pot filled with burning items FIRER n pl. -S one that fires FIREROOM n pl. -S a room containing a ship's boilers FIRESIDE n pl. -S the area immediately surrounding a fireplace FIRETRAP n pl. -S a building that is likely to catch on fire FIREWEED n pl. -S a perennial herb FIREWOOD n pl. -S wood used as fuel FIREWORK n pl. -S a device for producing a striking display of light or a loud noise FIREWORM n pl. -S a glowworm FIRING n pl. -S the process of maturing ceramic products by heat FIRKIN n pl. -S a British unit of capacity FIRM adj FIRMER, FIRMEST unyielding to pressure FIRM v -ED -ING, -S to make firm FIRMAN n pl. -S an edict issued by a Middle Eastern sovereign FIRMER n pl. -S a woodworking tool FIRMLY adv in a firm manner FIRMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being firm FIRMWARE n pl. -S computer programs permanently stored on a microchip FIRN n pl. -S neve FIRRY adj abounding in firs FIRST n pl. -S something that precedes all others FIRSTLY adv before all others FIRTH n pl. -S an inlet of the sea FISC n pl. -S a state or royal treasury FISCAL n pl. -S a public prosecutor FISCALLY adv with regard to financial matters FISH v -ED -ING, -ES to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) FISHABLE adj suitable for fishing FISHBOLT n pl. -S a type of bolt FISHBONE n pl. -S a bone of a fish FISHBOWL n pl. -S a bowl in which live fish are kept FISHER n pl. -S one that fishes FISHERY n pl. -ERIES a place for catching fish FISHEYE n pl. -S a suspicious stare FISHGIG n pl. -S a pronged implement for spearing fish FISHHOOK n pl. -S a barbed hook for catching fish FISHIER comparative of fishy FISHIEST superlative of fishy FISHILY adv in a fishy manner FISHING n pl. -S the occupation or pastime of catching fish FISHLESS adj having no fish FISHLIKE adj resembling a fish FISHLINE n pl. -S a line used in fishing FISHMEAL n pl. -S ground dried fish FISHNET n pl. -S a net for catching fish FISHPOLE n pl. -S a fishing rod FISHPOND n pl. -S a pond abounding in edible fish FISHTAIL v -ED -ING, -S to have the rear end of a moving vehicle slide from side to side FISHWAY n pl. -WAYS a device for enabling fish to pass around a dam FISHWIFE n pl. -WIVES a woman who sells fish FISHWORM n pl. -S a worm used as bait FISHY adj FISHIER, FISHIEST of or resembling fish FISSATE adj deeply split FISSILE adj capable of being split FISSION v -ED -ING, -S to split into parts FISSIPED n pl. -S a mammal that has separated toes FISSURE v -SURED -SURING, -SURES to split FIST v -ED -ING, -S to strike with the fist (the hand closed tightly) FISTFUL n pl. -S a handful FISTIC adj pertaining to pugilism FISTNOTE n pl. -S a part of a text to which attention is drawn by an index mark FISTULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound FISTULAR adj FIT adj FITTER, FITTEST healthy FIT v FITTED FITTING, FITS to bring to a required form and size FITCH n pl. -ES a polecat FITCHEE adj fitchy FITCHET n pl. -S a fitch FITCHEW n pl. -S a fitch FITCHY adj having the arms ending in a point -- used of a heraldic cross FITFUL adj recurring irregularly FITFULLY adv FITLY adv in a fit manner FITMENT n pl. -S equipment FITNESS n pl. -ES the state of being fit FITTABLE adj capable of being fitted FITTED past tense of fit FITTER n pl. -S one that fits FITTEST superlative of fit FITTING n pl. -S a small often standardized accessory part FIVE n pl. -S a number FIVEFOLD adj five times as great FIVEPINS n/pl a bowling game FIVER n pl. -S a five-dollar bill FIX v FIXED or FIXT, FIXING, FIXES to repair FIXABLE adj FIXATE v -ATED -ATING, -ATES to make stable or stationary FIXATIF n pl. -S fixative FIXATION n pl. -S the act of fixating FIXATIVE n pl. -S a substance for preserving paintings or drawings FIXEDLY adv firmly FIXER n pl. -S one that fixes FIXINGS n/pl accompaniments to the main dish of a meal FIXIT adj involved with fixing things FIXITY n pl. -TIES stability FIXT a past tense of fix FIXTURE n pl. -S a permanent part or appendage of a house FIXURE n pl. -S firmness FIZ n pl. FIZZES a hissing or sputtering sound FIZGIG n pl. -S fishgig FIZZ v -ED -ING, -ES to make a hissing or sputtering sound FIZZER n pl. -S one that fizzes FIZZES pl. of fiz FIZZLE v -ZLED -ZLING, -ZLES to fizz FIZZY adj FIZZIER, FIZZIEST fizzing FJELD n pl. -S a high, barren plateau FJORD n pl. -S a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs FLAB n pl. -S flabby body tissue FLABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST flaccid FLABBILY adv FLABELLA n/pl fan-shaped anatomical structures FLACCID adj lacking firmness FLACK v -ED -ING, -S to work as a press agent FLACKERY n pl. -ERIES publicity FLACON n pl. -S a small stoppered bottle FLAG v FLAGGED FLAGGING, FLAGS to mark with a flag (a piece of cloth used as a symbol) FLAGELLA n/pl long, slender plant shoots FLAGGER n pl. -S one that flags FLAGGING n pl. -S a type of pavement FLAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST drooping FLAGLESS adj having no flag FLAGMAN n pl. -MEN one who carries a flag FLAGON n pl. -S a large bulging bottle FLAGPOLE n pl. -S a pole on which a flag is displayed FLAGRANT adj extremely or deliberately conspicuous FLAGSHIP n pl. -S a ship bearing the flag of a fleet FLAIL v -ED -ING, -S to swing freely FLAIR n pl. -S a natural aptitude FLAK n pl. FLAK antiaircraft fire FLAKE v FLAKED FLAKING, FLAKES to peel off in flakes (flat, thin pieces) FLAKER n pl. -S one that flakes FLAKEY adj FLAKIER, FLAKIEST flaky FLAKEY n pl. -S FLAKY adj FLAKIER, FLAKIEST resembling flakes FLAKILY adv FLAM v FLAMMED FLAMMING, FLAMS to deceive FLAMBE v -BEED -BEING, -BES to douse with a liqueur and ignite FLAMBEAU n pl. -BEAUX or -BEAUS a flaming torch FLAMBEE adj flaming FLAME v FLAMED FLAMING, FLAMES to burn brightly FLAMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINES a priest of ancient Rome FLAMENCO n pl. -COS a strongly rhythmic style of dancing FLAMEOUT n pl. -S a failure of a jet engine in flight FLAMER n pl. -S one that flames FLAMIER comparative of flamy FLAMIEST superlative of flamy FLAMINES a pl. of flamen FLAMING present participle of flame FLAMINGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a wading bird FLAMMED past tense of flam FLAMMING present participle of flam FLAMY adj FLAMIER, FLAMIEST flaming FLAN n pl. -S or -ES a type of custard FLANCARD n pl. -S a piece of armor for the side of a horse FLANERIE n pl. -S idleness FLANEUR n pl. -S an idler FLANGE v FLANGED FLANGING, FLANGES to provide with a protecting rim FLANGER n pl. -S one that flanges FLANK v -ED -ING, -S to be located at the side of FLANKEN n/pl beef cut from the sides that is boiled with vegetables FLANKER n pl. -S one that flanks FLANNEL v -NELED -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to cover with flannel (a soft fabric) FLAP v FLAPPED FLAPPING, FLAPS to wave up and down FLAPJACK n pl. -S a pancake FLAPLESS adj having no flap (a flat appendage) FLAPPED past tense of flap FLAPPER n pl. -S one that flaps FLAPPING present participle of flap FLAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST flapping FLARE v FLARED FLARING, FLARES to burn with a bright, wavering light FLASH v -ED -ING, -ES to send forth a sudden burst of light FLASHER n pl. -S one that flashes FLASHGUN n pl. -S a photographic apparatus FLASHING n pl. -S sheet metal used in waterproofing a roof FLASHY adj FLASHIER, FLASHIEST gaudy FLASHILY adv FLASK n pl. -S a narrow-necked container FLASKET n pl. -S a small flask FLAT adj FLATTER, FLATTEST having a smooth or even surface FLAT v FLATTED FLATTING, FLATS to flatten FLATBED n pl. -S a type of truck or trailer FLATBOAT n pl. -S a flat-bottomed boat FLATCAP n pl. -S a type of hat FLATCAR n pl. -S a railroad car without sides or roof FLATFISH n pl. -ES any of an order of marine fishes FLATFOOT n pl. -FEET a foot condition FLATFOOT v -ED -ING, -S to walk with a dragging gait FLATHEAD n pl. -S a marine food fish FLATIRON n pl. -S a device for pressing clothes FLATLAND n pl. -S land lacking significant variation in elevation FLATLET n pl. -S a type of apartment FLATLING adv with a flat side or edge FLATLONG adv flatling FLATLY adv in a flat manner FLATMATE n pl. -S one with whom an apartment is shared FLATNESS n pl. -ES the state of being flat FLATTED past tense of flat FLATTEN v -ED -ING, -S to make or become flat FLATTER v -ED -ING, -S to praise excessively FLATTERY n pl. -TERIES the act of flattering FLATTEST superlative of flat FLATTING present participle of flat FLATTISH adj somewhat flat FLATTOP n pl. -S an aircraft carrier FLATUS n pl. -ES intestinal gas FLATWARE n pl. -S tableware that is fairly flat FLATWASH n pl. -ES flatwork FLATWAYS adv flatwise FLATWISE adv with the flat side in a particular position FLATWORK n pl. -S laundry that can be ironed mechanically FLATWORM n pl. -S a flat-bodied worm FLAUNT v -ED -ING, -S to exhibit in a gaudy manner FLAUNTER n pl. -S one that flaunts FLAUNTY adj FLAUNTIER, FLAUNTIEST gaudy FLAUTIST n pl. -S flutist FLAVANOL n pl. -S flavonol FLAVIN n pl. -S a yellow pigment FLAVINE n pl. -S flavin FLAVONE n pl. -S a chemical compound FLAVONOL n pl. -S a derivative of flavone FLAVOR v -ED -ING, -S to give flavor (distinctive taste) to FLAVORER n pl. -S one that flavors FLAVORY adj full of flavor FLAVOUR v -ED -ING, -S to flavor FLAVOURY adj flavory FLAW v -ED -ING, -S to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in FLAWLESS adj having no flaw FLAWY adj FLAWIER, FLAWIEST full of flaws FLAX n pl. -ES an annual herb FLAXEN adj of a pale yellow color FLAXSEED n pl. -S the seed of flax FLAXY adj FLAXIER, FLAXIEST flaxen FLAY v -ED -ING, -S to strip off the skin of FLAYER n pl. -S one that flays FLEA n pl. -S a parasitic insect FLEABAG n pl. -S an inferior hotel FLEABANE n pl. -S a flowering plant FLEABITE n pl. -S the bite of a flea FLEAM n pl. -S a surgical instrument FLEAPIT n pl. -S a run-down movie theater FLEAWORT n pl. -S a European herb FLECHE n pl. -S a steeple FLECK v -ED -ING, -S to mark with flecks (tiny streaks or spots) FLECKY adj flecked FLECTION n pl. -S the act of bending FLED past tense of flee FLEDGE v FLEDGED FLEDGING, FLEDGES to furnish with feathers FLEDGY adj FLEDGIER, FLEDGIEST covered with feathers FLEE v FLED FLEEING, FLEES to run away FLEECE v FLEECED FLEECING, FLEECES to remove the coat of wool from FLEECER n pl. -S one that fleeces FLEECH v -ED -ING, -ES to coax FLEECING present participle of fleece FLEECY adj FLEECIER, FLEECIEST woolly FLEECILY adv FLEER v -ED -ING, -S to deride FLEET adj FLEETER, FLEETEST swift FLEETLY adv FLEET v -ED -ING, -S to move swiftly FLEISHIG adj made of meat or meat products FLEMISH v -ED -ING, -ES to coil rope in a certain manner FLENCH v -ED -ING, -ES to flense FLENSE v FLENSED FLENSING, FLENSES to strip the blubber or skin from FLENSER n pl. -S one that flenses FLESH v -ED -ING, -ES to plunge into the flesh (soft body tissue) FLESHER n pl. -S one that removes flesh from animal hides FLESHIER comparative of fleshy FLESHIEST superlative of fleshy FLESHING n pl. -S the distribution of the lean and fat on an animal FLESHLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to the body FLESHPOT n pl. -S a pot for cooking meat FLESHY adj FLESHIER, FLESHIEST having much flesh FLETCH v -ED -ING, -ES to fledge FLETCHER n pl. -S one that makes arrows FLEURY adj having the arms terminating in three leaves -- used of a heraldic cross FLEW n pl. -S a fishing net FLEX v -ED -ING, -ES to bend FLEXAGON n pl. -S a folded paper construction FLEXIBLE adj capable of being bent FLEXIBLY adv FLEXILE adj flexible FLEXION n pl. -S flection FLEXOR n pl. -S a muscle that serves to bend a bodily part FLEXTIME n pl. -S a system that allows flexible working hours FLEXUOSE adj flexuous FLEXUOUS adj winding FLEXURE n pl. -S the act of bending FLEXURAL adj FLEY v -ED -ING, -S to frighten FLIC n pl. -S a Parisian policeman FLICHTER v -ED -ING, -S to flicker FLICK v -ED -ING, -S to strike with a quick, light blow FLICKER v -ED -ING, -S to move waveringly FLICKERY adj flickering FLIED a past tense of fly FLIER n pl. -S one that flies FLIES present 3d person sing. of fly FLIEST superlative of fly FLIGHT v -ED -ING, -S to fly in a flock FLIGHTY adj FLIGHTIER, FLIGHTIEST fickle FLIMFLAM v -FLAMMED -FLAMMING, -FLAMS to swindle FLIMSY adj -SIER, -SIEST lacking solidity or strength FLIMSILY adv FLIMSY n pl. -SIES a thin paper FLINCH v -ED -ING, -ES to shrink back involuntarily FLINCHER n pl. -S one that flinches FLINDER n pl. -S a small fragment FLING v FLUNG FLINGING, FLINGS to throw with force FLINGER n pl. -S one that flings FLINKITE n pl. -S a mineral FLINT v -ED -ING, -S to provide with flint (a spark-producing rock) FLINTY adj FLINTIER, FLINTIEST resembling flint FLINTILY adv FLIP adj FLIPPER, FLIPPEST flippant FLIP v FLIPPED FLIPPING, FLIPS to throw with a brisk motion FLIPPANT adj impudent FLIPPED past tense of flip FLIPPER n pl. -S a broad, flat limb adapted for swimming FLIPPEST superlative of flip FLIPPING present participle of flip FLIPPY adj flaring at the bottom FLIRT v -ED -ING, -S to behave amorously without serious intent FLIRTER n pl. -S one that flirts FLIRTY adj FLIRTIER, FLIRTIEST given to flirting FLIT v FLITTED FLITTING, FLITS to move lightly and swiftly FLITCH v -ED -ING, -ES to cut into strips FLITE v FLITED FLITING, FLITES to quarrel FLITTED past tense of flit FLITTER v -ED -ING, -S to flutter FLITTING present participle of flit FLIVVER n pl. -S an old, battered car FLOAT v -ED -ING, -S to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid FLOATAGE n pl. -S flotage FLOATEL n pl. -S a houseboat used as a hotel FLOATER n pl. -S one that floats FLOATY adj FLOATIER, FLOATIEST tending to float FLOC v FLOCCED FLOCCING, FLOCS to aggregate into floccules FLOCCI pl. of floccus FLOCCOSE adj having woolly tufts FLOCCULE n pl. -S a tuft-like mass FLOCCULI n/pl small, loosely aggregated masses FLOCCUS n pl. FLOCCI a floccule FLOCK v -ED -ING, -S to gather or move in a crowd FLOCKING n pl. -S a velvety design in short fibers on cloth or paper FLOCKY adj FLOCKIER, FLOCKIEST woolly FLOE n pl. -S a large mass of floating ice FLOG v FLOGGED FLOGGING, FLOGS to beat with a whip or rod FLOGGER n pl. -S one that flogs FLOGGING n pl. -S a whipping FLOKATI n pl. -S a Greek handwoven rug FLONG n pl. -S a sheet of a certain type of paper FLOOD v -ED -ING, -S to inundate FLOODER n pl. -S one that floods FLOODLIT adj illuminated by floodlights FLOODWAY n pl. -WAYS an overflow channel FLOOEY adj awry FLOOIE adj flooey FLOOR v -ED -ING, -S to provide with a floor (the level base of a room) FLOORAGE n pl. -S floor space FLOORER n pl. -S one that floors FLOORING n pl. -S a floor FLOOSIE n pl. -S floozy FLOOSY n pl. -SIES floozy FLOOZIE n pl. -S floozy FLOOZY n pl. -ZIES a prostitute FLOP v FLOPPED FLOPPING, FLOPS to fall heavily and noisily FLOPOVER n pl. -S a defect in television reception FLOPPER n pl. -S one that flops FLOPPING present participle of flop FLOPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST soft and flexible FLOPPILY adv FLOPPY n pl. -PIES a type of computer disk FLORA n pl. -RAS or -RAE the plant life of a particular region FLORAL adj pertaining to flowers FLORALLY adv FLORAL n pl. -S a design in which flowers predominate FLORENCE n pl. -S florin FLORET n pl. -S a small flower FLORID adj ruddy FLORIDLY adv FLORIGEN n pl. -S a plant hormone FLORIN n pl. -S a former gold coin of Europe FLORIST n pl. -S a grower or seller of flowers FLORUIT n pl. -S a period of flourishing FLOSS v -ED -ING, -ES to clean between the teeth with a strong thread FLOSSIE n pl. -S a floozy FLOSSY adj FLOSSIER, FLOSSIEST resembling floss (a soft, light fiber) FLOSSILY adv FLOTA n pl. -S a fleet of Spanish ships FLOTAGE n pl. -S the act of floating FLOTILLA n pl. -S a fleet of ships FLOTSAM n pl. -S floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo FLOUNCE v FLOUNCED FLOUNCING, FLOUNCES to move with exaggerated motions FLOUNCY adj FLOUNCIER, FLOUNCIEST flouncing FLOUNDER v -ED -ING, -S to struggle clumsily FLOUR v -ED -ING, -S to cover with flour (a finely ground meal of grain) FLOURISH v -ED -ING, -ES to thrive FLOURY adj resembling flour FLOUT v -ED -ING, -S to treat with contempt FLOUTER n pl. -S one that flouts FLOW v -ED -ING, -S to move steadily and smoothly along FLOWAGE n pl. -S the act of flowing FLOWER v -ED -ING, -S to put forth flowers (reproductive structures of seed-bearing plants) FLOWERER n pl. -S a plant that flowers at a certain time FLOWERET n pl. -S a floret FLOWERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST abounding in flowers FLOWN a past participle of fly FLU n pl. -S a virus disease FLUB v FLUBBED FLUBBING, FLUBS to bungle FLUBBER n pl. -S one that flubs FLUBDUB n pl. -S pretentious nonsense FLUE n pl. -S an enclosed passageway for directing a current FLUED adj FLUENCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being fluent FLUENT adj spoken or written with effortless ease FLUENTLY adv FLUERICS n/pl fluidics FLUERIC adj FLUFF v -ED -ING, -S to make fluffy FLUFFY adj FLUFFIER, FLUFFIEST light and soft FLUFFILY adv FLUID n pl. -S a substance that tends to flow FLUIDAL adj FLUIDICS n/pl a branch of mechanical engineering FLUIDIC adj FLUIDISE v -ISED -ISING, -ISES to fluidize FLUIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being able to flow FLUIDIZE v -IZED -IZING, -IZES to cause to flow like a fluid FLUIDLY adv with fluidity FLUIDRAM n pl. -S a unit of liquid capacity FLUKE v FLUKED FLUKING, FLUKES to obtain by chance FLUKEY adj FLUKIER, FLUKIEST fluky FLUKY adj FLUKIER, FLUKIEST happening by or depending on chance FLUME v FLUMED FLUMING, FLUMES to convey by means of an artificial water channel FLUMMERY n pl. -MERIES a sweet dessert FLUMMOX v -ED -ING, -ES to confuse FLUMP v -ED -ING, -S to fall heavily FLUNG past tense of fling FLUNK v -ED -ING, -S to fail an examination or course FLUNKER n pl. -S one that flunks FLUNKEY n pl. -KEYS flunky FLUNKY n pl. -KIES a servile follower FLUOR n pl. -S fluorite FLUORIC adj FLUORENE n pl. -S a chemical compound FLUORID n pl. -S fluoride FLUORIDE n pl. -S a compound of fluorine FLUORIN n pl. -S fluorine FLUORINE n pl. -S a gaseous element FLUORITE n pl. -S a mineral FLURRY v -RIED -RYING, -RIES to confuse FLUSH adj FLUSHER, FLUSHEST ruddy FLUSH v -ED -ING, -ES to blush FLUSHER n pl. -S one that flushes FLUSTER v -ED -ING, -S to put into a state of nervous confusion FLUTE v FLUTED FLUTING, FLUTES to play on a flute (a woodwind instrument) FLUTER n pl. -S a flutist FLUTEY adj FLUTIER, FLUTIEST fluty FLUTIER comparative of fluty FLUTIEST superlative of fluty FLUTING n pl. -S a series of parallel grooves FLUTIST n pl. -S one who plays the flute FLUTTER v -ED -ING, -S to wave rapidly and irregularly FLUTTERY adj marked by fluttering FLUTY adj FLUTIER, FLUTIEST resembling a flute in sound FLUVIAL adj pertaining to a river FLUX v -ED -ING, -ES to melt FLUXGATE n pl. -S a device to measure a magnetic field FLUXION n pl. -S the act of flowing FLUYT n pl. -S a type of ship FLY adj FLIER, FLIEST clever FLY v FLEW, FLOWN, FLYING, FLIES to move through the air FLY v FLIED FLYING, FLIES to hit a ball high into the air in baseball FLYABLE adj suitable for flying FLYAWAY n pl. -AWAYS one that is elusive FLYBELT n pl. -S an area infested with tsetse flies FLYBLOW v -BLEW, -BLOWN, -BLOWING, -BLOWS to taint FLYBOAT n pl. -S a small, fast boat FLYBOY n pl. -BOYS a pilot in an air force FLYBY n pl. -BYS a flight of aircraft close to a specified place FLYER n pl. -S flier FLYING n pl. -S the operation of an aircraft FLYLEAF n pl. -LEAVES a blank leaf at the beginning or end of a book FLYLESS adj free of flies (winged insects) FLYMAN n pl. -MEN a stage worker in a theater FLYOFF n pl. -S a competitive testing of model aircraft FLYOVER n pl. -S a flight of aircraft over a specific location FLYPAPER n pl. -S paper designed to catch or kill flies FLYPAST n pl. -S a flyby FLYSCH n pl. -ES a sandstone deposit FLYSPECK v -ED -ING, -S to mark with minute spots FLYTE v FLYTED FLYTING, FLYTES to flite FLYTIER n pl. -S a maker of fishing flies FLYTING n pl. -S a dispute in verse form FLYTRAP n pl. -S a trap for catching flies FLYWAY n pl. -WAYS an established air route of migratory birds FLYWHEEL n pl. -S a heavy disk used in machinery FOAL v -ED -ING, -S to give birth to a horse FOAM v -ED -ING, -S to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) FOAMABLE adj FOAMER n pl. -S one that foams FOAMIER comparative of foamy FOAMIEST superlative of foamy FOAMILY adv in a foamy manner FOAMLESS adj being without foam FOAMLIKE adj resembling foam FOAMY adj FOAMIER, FOAMIEST covered with foam FOB v FOBBED FOBBING, FOBS to deceive FOCACCIA n pl. -S bread seasoned with herbs and olive oil FOCAL adj pertaining to a focus FOCALISE v -ISED -ISING, -ISES to focalize FOCALIZE v -IZED -IZING, -IZES to focus FOCALLY adv with regard to focus FOCUS n pl. -CUSES or -CI a point at which rays converge or from which they diverge FOCUS v -CUSED -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to bring to a focus FOCUSER n pl. -S one that focuses FODDER v -ED -ING, -S to feed with coarse food FODGEL adj plump FOE n pl. -S an enemy FOEHN n pl. -S a warm, dry wind FOEMAN n pl. -MEN an enemy in war FOETAL adj fetal FOETID adj fetid FOETOR n pl. -S fetor FOETUS n pl. -ES fetus FOG v FOGGED, FOGGING, FOGS to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) FOGBOUND adj surrounded by fog FOGBOW n pl. -S a nebulous arc of light sometimes seen in a fog FOGDOG n pl. -S a fogbow FOGEY n pl. -GEYS fogy FOGFRUIT n pl. -S a flowering plant FOGGAGE n pl. -S a second growth of grass FOGGED past tense of fog FOGGER n pl. -S one that fogs FOGGING present participle of fog FOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST filled with fog FOGGILY adv FOGHORN n pl. -S a horn sounded in a fog to give warning FOGIE n pl. -S fogy FOGLESS adj having no fog FOGY n pl. -GIES an old-fashioned person FOGYISH adj FOGYISM n pl. -S old-fashioned behavior FOH interj faugh FOHN n pl. -S foehn FOIBLE n pl. -S a minor weakness FOIL v -ED -ING, -S to prevent the success of FOILABLE adj FOILSMAN n pl. -MEN a fencer FOIN v -ED -ING, -S to thrust with a pointed weapon FOISON n pl. -S strength FOIST v -ED -ING, -S to force upon slyly FOLACIN n pl. -S a B vitamin FOLATE n pl. -S folacin FOLD v -ED -ING, -S to lay one part over another part of FOLDABLE adj FOLDAWAY adj designed to fold out of the way FOLDBOAT n pl. -S a faltboat FOLDER n pl. -S one that folds FOLDEROL n pl. -S falderal FOLDOUT n pl. -S a gatefold FOLIA a pl. of folium FOLIAGE n pl. -S the growth of leaves of a plant FOLIAGED adj FOLIAR adj pertaining to a leaf FOLIATE v -ATED -ATING, -ATES to hammer into thin plates FOLIO v -ED -ING, -S to number the pages of FOLIOSE adj having leaves FOLIOUS adj foliose FOLIUM n pl. -LIA or -LIUMS a thin layer FOLK n pl. -S a people or tribe FOLKIE n pl. -S a performer of folk music FOLKISH adj characteristic of the common people FOLKLIFE n pl. -LIVES the traditions, skills, and products of a people FOLKLIKE adj folkish FOLKLORE n pl. -S the lore of a people FOLKMOOT n pl. -S a general assembly of the people in early England FOLKMOT n pl. -S folkmoot FOLKMOTE n pl. -S folkmoot FOLKSY adj FOLKSIER, FOLKSIEST friendly FOLKSILY adv FOLKTALE n pl. -S a tale forming part of the oral tradition of a people FOLKWAY n pl. -WAYS a traditional custom of a people FOLKY n pl. FOLKIES folkie FOLLES pl. of follis FOLLICLE n pl. -S a small bodily cavity FOLLIES pl. of folly FOLLIS n pl. -LES a coin of ancient Rome FOLLOW v -ED -ING, -S to come or go after FOLLOWER n pl. -S one that follows FOLLY n pl. -LIES a foolish idea or action FOMENT v -ED -ING, -S to promote the development of FOMENTER n pl. -S one that foments FOMITE n pl. -S an inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms FON n pl. -S foehn FOND adj FONDER, FONDEST having an affection FOND v -ED -ING, -S to display affection FONDANT n pl. -S a soft, creamy candy FONDLE v -DLED -DLING, -DLES to caress FONDLER n pl. -S one that fondles FONDLING n pl. -S one that is fondled FONDLY adv in a fond manner FONDNESS n pl. -ES affection FONDU n pl. -S fondue FONDUE n pl. -S a dish of melted cheese FONT n pl. -S a receptacle for the water used in baptism FONTAL adj FONTANEL n pl. -S a space in the fetal and infantile skull FONTINA n pl. -S an Italian cheese FOOD n pl. -S a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth FOODLESS adj FOODIE n pl. -S an enthusiast of foods and their preparation FOODWAYS n/pl the eating habits of a people FOOFARAW n pl. -S excessive ornamentation FOOL v -ED -ING, -S to deceive FOOLERY n pl. -ERIES foolish behavior or speech FOOLFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish FOOLISH adj -ISHER, -ISHEST lacking good sense or judgment FOOLSCAP n pl. -S a paper size FOOT n pl. FEET the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves FOOT v -ED -ING, -S to walk FOOTAGE n pl. -S a length or quantity expressed in feet FOOTBALL n pl. -S a type of ball FOOTBATH n pl. -S a bath for the feet FOOTBOY n pl. -BOYS a serving boy FOOTER n pl. -S one that walks FOOTFALL n pl. -S the sound of a footstep FOOTGEAR n pl. -S footwear FOOTHILL n pl. -S a low hill at the foot of higher hills FOOTHOLD n pl. -S a secure support for the feet FOOTIE n pl. -S footsie FOOTIER comparative of footy FOOTIEST superlative of footy FOOTING n pl. -S a foothold FOOTLE v -TLED -TLING, -TLES to waste time FOOTLER n pl. -S one that footles FOOTLESS adj having no feet FOOTLIKE adj resembling a foot FOOTLING present participle of footle FOOTMAN n pl. -MEN a male servant FOOTMARK n pl. -S a mark left by the foot on a surface FOOTNOTE v -NOTED -NOTING, -NOTES to furnish with explanatory notes FOOTPACE n pl. -S a walking pace FOOTPAD n pl. -S one who robs a pedestrian FOOTPATH n pl. -S a path for pedestrians FOOTRACE n pl. -S a race run on foot FOOTREST n pl. -S a support for the feet FOOTROPE n pl. -S a rope used in sailing FOOTSIE n pl. -S a flirting game played with the feet FOOTSLOG v -SLOGGED -SLOGGING, -SLOGS to march through mud FOOTSORE adj having sore or tired feet FOOTSTEP n pl. -S a step with the foot FOOTSY n pl. -SIES footsie FOOTWALL n pl. -S the layer of rock beneath a vein of ore FOOTWAY n pl. -WAYS a footpath FOOTWEAR n pl. -S wearing apparel for the feet FOOTWORK n pl. -S the use of the feet FOOTWORN adj footsore FOOTY adj -TIER, -TIEST paltry FOOZLE v -ZLED -ZLING, -ZLES to bungle FOOZLER n pl. -S one that foozles FOP v FOPPED FOPPING, FOPS to deceive FOPPERY n pl. -PERIES foppish behavior FOPPISH adj characteristic of a dandy FOR prep directed or sent to FORA a pl. of forum FORAGE v -AGED -AGING, -AGES to search about FORAGER n pl. -S one that forages FORAM n pl. -S a marine rhizopod FORAMEN n pl. -MINA or -MENS a small anatomical opening FORAY v -ED -ING, -S to raid FORAYER n pl. -S one that forays FORB n pl. -S an herb other than grass FORBAD a past tense of forbid FORBADE a past tense of forbid FORBEAR v -BORE, -BORNE, -BEARING, -BEARS to refrain from FORBID v -BADE or -BAD, -BIDDEN, -BIDDING, -BIDS to command not to do something FORBIDAL n pl. -S the act of forbidding FORBODE v -BODED -BODING, -BODES to forebode FORBORE past tense of forbear FORBORNE past participle of forbear FORBY prep close by FORBYE prep forby FORCE v FORCED FORCING, FORCES to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength FORCEDLY adv FORCEFUL adj strong FORCEPS n pl. -CIPES an instrument for seizing and holding objects FORCER n pl. -S one that forces FORCIBLE adj effected by force FORCIBLY FORCING present participle of force FORCIPES pl. of forceps FORD v -ED -ING, -S to cross by wading FORDABLE adj FORDLESS adj unable to be forded FORDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES to destroy FORE n pl. -S the front part of something FOREARM v -ED -ING, -S to arm in advance FOREBAY n pl. -BAYS a reservoir from which water is taken to run equipment FOREBEAR n pl. -S an ancestor FOREBODE v -BODED -BODING, -BODES to indicate in advance FOREBODY n pl. -BODIES the forward part of a ship FOREBOOM n pl. -S the boom of a ship's foremast FOREBY prep forby FOREBYE prep forby FORECAST v -ED -ING, -S to estimate or calculate in advance FOREDATE v -DATED -DATING, -DATES to antedate FOREDECK n pl. -S the forward part of a ship's deck FOREDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES to fordo FOREDOOM v -ED -ING, -S to doom in advance FOREFACE n pl. -S the front part of the head of a quadruped FOREFEEL v -FELT -FEELING, -FEELS to have a premonition of FOREFEND v -ED -ING, -S to forfend FOREFOOT n pl. -FEET one of the front feet of an animal FOREGO v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES to go before FOREGOER n pl. -S one that foregoes FOREGUT n pl. -S the front part of the embryonic alimentary canal FOREHAND n pl. -S a type of tennis stroke FOREHEAD n pl. -S the part of the face above the eyes FOREHOOF n pl. -HOOFS or -HOOVES the hoof of a forefoot FOREIGN adj situated outside a place or country FOREKNOW v -KNEW, -KNOWN, -KNOWING, -KNOWS to know in advance FORELADY n pl. -DIES a woman who supervises workers FORELAND n pl. -S a projecting mass of land FORELEG n pl. -S one of the front legs of an animal FORELIMB n pl. -S a foreleg FORELOCK v -ED -ING, -S to fasten with a linchpin FOREMAN n pl. -MEN a man who supervises workers FOREMAST n pl. -S the forward mast of a ship FOREMILK n pl. -S the milk secreted immediately after childbirth FOREMOST adj first in position FORENAME n pl. -S a first name FORENOON n pl. -S the period of daylight before noon FORENSIC n pl -S an argumentative exercise FOREPART n pl. -S the front part FOREPAST adj already in the past FOREPAW n pl. -S the paw of a foreleg FOREPEAK n pl. -S the forward part of a ship's hold FOREPLAY n pl. -PLAYS erotic stimulation preceding sexual intercourse FORERANK n pl. -S the first rank FORERUN v -RAN -RUNNING, -RUNS to run in advance of FORESAID adj previously said FORESAIL n pl. -S the lowest sail on a foremast FORESEE v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES to see in advance FORESEER n pl. -S one that foresees FORESHOW v -SHOWED, -SHOWN, -SHOWING, -SHOWS to show in advance FORESIDE n pl. -S the front side FORESKIN n pl. -S the prepuce FOREST v -ED -ING, -S to convert into a forest (a densely wooded area) FORESTAL adj of or pertaining to a forest FORESTAY n pl. -STAYS a wire or rope used to support a foremast FORESTER n pl. -S one skilled in forestry FORESTRY n pl. -RIES the science of planting and managing forests FORETELL v -TOLD -TELLING, -TELLS to tell of or about in advance FORETIME n pl. -S the past FORETOP n pl. -S a forelock FOREVER n pl. -S an indefinite length of time FOREWARN v -ED -ING, -S to warn in advance FOREWENT past tense of forego FOREWING n pl. -S an anterior wing of an insect FOREWORD n pl. -S an introductory statement FOREWORN adj forworn FOREYARD n pl. -S the lowest yard on a foremast FORFEIT v -ED -ING, -S to lose as a penalty FORFEND v -ED -ING, -S to protect FORGAT a past tense of forget FORGAVE past tense of forgive FORGE v FORGED FORGING, FORGES to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes FORGER n pl. -S one that forges FORGERY n pl. -ERIES the act of forging FORGET v -GOT or -GAT, -GOTTEN, -GETTING, -GETS to fail to remember FORGING n pl. -S a forgery FORGIVE v -GAVE, -GIVEN, -GIVING, -GIVES to pardon FORGIVER n pl. -S one that forgives FORGO v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES to refrain from FORGOER n pl. -S one that forgoes FORGOT a past tense of forget FORGOTTEN past participle of forget FORINT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Hungary FORJUDGE v -JUDGED -JUDGING, -JUDGES to deprive by judgment of a court FORK v -ED -ING, -S to work with a fork (a pronged implement) FORKEDLY adv FORKBALL n pl. -S a breaking pitch in baseball FORKER n pl. -S one that forks FORKFUL n pl. FORKFULS or FORKSFUL as much as a fork will hold FORKIER comparative of forky FORKIEST superlative of forky FORKLESS adj having no fork FORKLIFT v -ED -ING, -S to raise or transport by means of a forklift (a machine with projecting prongs) FORKLIKE adj resembling a fork FORKSFUL a pl. of forkful FORKY adj FORKIER, FORKIEST resembling a fork FORLORN adj -LORNER, -LORNEST dreary FORM v -ED -ING, -S to produce FORMABLE adj FORMAL n pl. -S a social event that requires evening dress FORMALIN n pl. -S an aqueous solution of formaldehyde FORMALLY adv in a prescribed or customary manner FORMANT n pl. -S a characteristic component of the quality of a speech sound FORMAT v -MATTED -MATTING, -MATS to produce in a specified style FORMATE n pl. -S a chemical salt FORME n pl. -S an assemblage of printing type secured in a metal frame FORMEE adj having the arms narrow at the center and expanding toward the ends -- used of a heraldic cross FORMER n pl. -S one that forms FORMERLY adv previously FORMFUL adj exhibiting good form FORMIC adj pertaining to ants FORMLESS adj lacking structure FORMOL n pl. -S formalin FORMULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE an exact method for doing something FORMWORK n pl. -S a set of forms to hold concrete until it sets FORMYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical FORNIX n pl. -NICES an arched anatomical structure FORNICAL adj FORRADER adv further ahead FORRIT adv toward the front FORSAKE v -SOOK, -SAKEN, -SAKING, -SAKES to quit or leave entirely FORSAKER n pl. -S one that forsakes FORSOOTH adv in truth FORSPENT adj worn out FORSWEAR v -SWORE, -SWORN, -SWEARING, -SWEARS to deny under oath FORT n pl. -S a fortified enclosure or structure FORTE n pl. -S a strong point FORTES pl. of fortis FORTH adv onward in time, place, or order FORTIES pl. of forty FORTIETH n pl. -S one of forty equal parts FORTIFY v -FIED -FYING, -FIES to strengthen against attack FORTIS n pl. -TES a consonant pronounced with relatively strong release of breath FORTRESS v -ED -ING, -ES to fortify FORTUITY n pl. -ITIES an accidental occurrence FORTUNE v -TUNED -TUNING, -TUNES to endow with wealth FORTY n pl. -TIES a number FORTYISH adj being about forty years old FORUM n pl. -RUMS or -RA a public meeting place FORWARD adj -WARDER, -WARDEST being at or near a point in advance FORWARD v -ED -ING, -S to help onward FORWENT past tense of forgo FORWHY adv for what reason FORWORN adj worn out FORZANDO n pl. -DOS sforzato FOSS n pl. -ES fosse FOSSA n pl. -S a catlike mammal FOSSA n pl. -SAE an anatomical depression FOSSATE adj FOSSE n pl. -S a ditch FOSSETTE n pl. -S a small fossa FOSSICK v -ED -ING, -S to search for gold FOSSIL n pl. -S the remains of an animal or plant preserved in the earth's crust FOSTER v -ED -ING, -S to promote the growth of FOSTERER n pl. -S one that fosters FOU adj drunk FOUETTE n pl. -S a movement in ballet FOUGHT past tense of fight FOUGHTEN adj exhausted especially from fighting FOUL adj FOULER, FOULEST offensive to the senses FOUL v -ED -ING, -S to make foul FOULARD n pl. -S a soft fabric FOULING n pl. -S a deposit or crust FOULLY adv in a foul manner FOULNESS n pl. -ES the state of being foul FOUND v -ED -ING, -S to establish FOUNDER v -ED -ING, -S to become disabled FOUNDRY n pl. -RIES an establishment in which metal is cast FOUNT n pl. -S a fountain FOUNTAIN v -ED -ING, -S to flow like a fountain (a spring of water) FOUR n pl. -S a number FOURCHEE adj having the end of each arm forked -- used of a heraldic cross FOURFOLD adj four times as great FOURGON n pl. -S a wagon for carrying baggage FOURPLEX n pl. -ES quadplex FOURSOME n pl. -S a group of four FOURTEEN n pl. -S a number FOURTH n pl. -S one of four equal parts FOURTHLY adv in the fourth place FOVEA n pl. -VEAE or -VEAS a shallow anatomical depression FOVEAL, FOVEATE, FOVEATED adj FOVEOLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a small fovea FOVEOLAR adj FOVEOLE n pl. -S a foveola FOVEOLET n pl. -S a foveola FOWL v -ED -ING, -S to hunt birds FOWLER n pl. -S one that fowls FOWLING n pl. -S the hunting of birds FOWLPOX n pl. -ES a virus disease of poultry FOX v -ED -ING, -ES to outwit FOXFIRE n pl. -S a glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood FOXFISH n pl. -ES a large shark FOXGLOVE n pl. -S a flowering plant FOXHOLE n pl. -S a small pit used for cover in a battle area FOXHOUND n pl. -S a hunting dog FOXHUNT v -ED -ING, -S to hunt with hounds for a fox FOXIER comparative of foxy FOXIEST superlative of foxy FOXILY adv in a foxy manner FOXINESS n pl. -ES the state of being foxy FOXING n pl. -S a piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe FOXLIKE adj resembling a fox (a carnivorous mammal) FOXSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a fox FOXTAIL n pl. -S the tail of a fox FOXTROT v -TROTTED -TROTTING, -TROTS to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) FOXY adj FOXIER, FOXIEST crafty FOY n pl. FOYS a farewell feast or gift FOYER n pl. -S an entrance room or hall FOZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being fozy FOZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST too ripe FRABJOUS adj splendid FRACAS n pl. -ES a brawl FRACTAL n pl. -S a complex geometric curve FRACTED adj broken FRACTI pl. of fractus FRACTION v -ED -ING, -S to divide into portions FRACTUR n pl. -S fraktur FRACTURE v -TURED -TURING, -TURES to break FRACTUS n pl. -TI a ragged cloud FRAE prep from FRAENUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS frenum FRAG v FRAGGED FRAGGING, FRAGS to injure with a type of grenade FRAGGING n pl. -S the act of one that frags FRAGILE adj easily broken or damaged FRAGMENT v -ED -ING, -S to break into pieces FRAGRANT adj having a pleasant odor FRAIL adj FRAILER, FRAILEST fragile FRAILLY adv FRAIL n pl. -S a basket for holding dried fruits FRAILTY n pl. -TIES a weakness of character FRAISE n pl. -S a barrier of pointed stakes FRAKTUR n pl. -S a style of type FRAME v FRAMED FRAMING, FRAMES to construct by putting together the various parts FRAMABLE adj FRAMER n pl. -S one that frames FRAMING n pl. -S framework FRANC n pl. -S a monetary unit of France FRANCIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element FRANK adj FRANKER, FRANKEST honest and unreserved in speech FRANK v -ED -ING, -S to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery FRANKER n pl. -S one that franks FRANKLIN n pl. -S a medieval English landowner FRANKLY adv in a frank manner FRANTIC adj wildly excited FRAP v FRAPPED FRAPPING, FRAPS to bind firmly FRAPPE n pl. -S a partly frozen drink FRASS n pl. -ES debris made by insects FRAT n pl. -S a college fraternity FRATER n pl. -S a comrade FRAUD n pl. -S trickery FRAUGHT v -ED -ING, -S to load down FRAULEIN n pl. -S a German governess FRAY v -ED -ING, -S to wear off by rubbing FRAYING n pl. -S something worn off by rubbing FRAZIL n pl. -S tiny ice crystals formed in supercooled waters FRAZZLE v -ZLED -ZLING, -ZLES to fray FREAK v -ED -ING, -S to streak with color FREAKIER comparative of freaky FREAKIEST superlative of freaky FREAKILY adv in a freaky manner FREAKISH adj unusual FREAKOUT n pl. -S an event marked by wild excitement FREAKY adj FREAKIER, FREAKIEST freakish FRECKLE v -LED -LING, -LES to mark with freckles (small, brownish spots) FRECKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST marked with freckles FREE adj FREER, FREEST not subject to restriction or control FREE v FREED FREEING, FREES to make free FREEBASE v -BASED -BASING, -BASES to use a form of cocaine that is inhaled FREEBEE n pl. -S freebie FREEBIE n pl. -S something given or received without charge FREEBOOT v -ED -ING, -S to plunder FREEBORN adj born free FREED past tense of free FREEDMAN n pl. -MEN a man who has been freed from slavery FREEDOM n pl. -S the state of being free FREEFORM adj having a free flowing design or shape FREEHAND adj drawn by hand without mechanical aids FREEHOLD n pl. -S a form of tenure of real property FREELOAD v -ED -ING, -S to live at the expense of others FREELY adv in a free manner FREEMAN n pl. -MEN one who is free FREENESS n pl. -ES freedom FREER n pl. -S one that frees FREESIA n pl. -S an African herb FREEST superlative of free FREEWAY n pl. -WAYS an express highway FREEWILL adj voluntary FREEZE v FROZE, FROZEN, FREEZING, FREEZES to become hardened into a solid body by loss of heat FREEZER n pl. -S an apparatus for freezing food FREIGHT v -ED -ING, -S to load with goods for transportation FREMD adj strange FREMITUS n pl. -ES a palpable vibration FRENA a pl. of frenum FRENCH v -ED -ING, -ES to cut into thin strips before cooking FRENETIC n pl. -S a frantic person FRENULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a frenum FRENUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS a connecting fold of membrane FRENZILY adv in a frantic manner FRENZY v -ZIED -ZYING, -ZIES to make frantic FREQUENT adj -QUENTER, -QUENTEST occurring again and again FREQUENT v -ED -ING, -S to be in or at often FRERE n pl. -S brother FRESCO v -ED -ING, -ES or -S to paint on a surface of plaster FRESCOER n pl. -S one that frescoes FRESH adj FRESHER, FRESHEST new FRESH v -ED -ING, -ES to freshen FRESHEN v -ED -ING, -S to make or become fresh FRESHET n pl. -S a sudden overflow of a stream FRESHLY adv in a fresh manner FRESHMAN n pl. -MEN a first-year student FRESNEL n pl. -S a unit of frequency FRET v FRETTED FRETTING, FRETS to worry FRETFUL adj inclined to fret FRETLESS adj having no fretwork FRETSAW n pl. -S a narrow-bladed saw FRETSOME adj fretful FRETTED past tense of fret FRETTER n pl. -S one that frets FRETTING present participle of fret FRETTY adj -TIER, -TIEST fretful FRETWORK n pl. -S ornamental work consisting of interlacing parts FRIABLE adj easily crumbled FRIAR n pl. -S a member of a religious order FRIARLY adj FRIARY n pl. -ARIES a monastery of friars FRIBBLE v -BLED -BLING, -BLES to act foolishly FRIBBLER n pl. -S one that fribbles FRICANDO n pl. -DOES a roasted loin of veal FRICTION n pl. -S the rubbing of one body against another FRIDGE n pl. -S a refrigerator FRIED past tense of fry FRIEND v -ED -ING, -S to enter into a warm association with FRIENDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST inclined to approve, help, or support FRIENDLY n pl. -LIES one who is friendly FRIER n pl. -S fryer FRIES present 3d person sing. of fry FRIEZE n pl. -S a coarse woolen fabric FRIGATE n pl. -S a sailing vessel FRIGHT v -ED -ING, -S to frighten FRIGHTEN v -ED -ING, -S to make afraid FRIGID adj very cold FRIGIDLY adv FRIJOL n pl. -ES a bean used as food FRIJOLE n pl. -S frijol FRILL v -ED -ING, -S to provide with a frill (an ornamental ruffled edge) FRILLER n pl. -S one that frills FRILLING n pl. -S an arrangement of frills FRILLY adj FRILLIER, FRILLIEST having frills FRINGE v FRINGED FRINGING, FRINGES to provide with a fringe (an ornamental border) FRINGY adj FRINGIER, FRINGIEST resembling a fringe FRIPPERY n pl. -PERIES excessive ornamentation FRISE n pl. -S frieze FRISETTE n pl. -S frizette FRISEUR n pl. -S a hairdresser FRISK v -ED -ING, -S to move or leap about playfully FRISKER n pl. -S one that frisks FRISKET n pl. -S a frame used to protect paper in a printing press FRISKY adj FRISKIER, FRISKIEST lively and playful FRISKILY adv FRISSON n pl. -S a shudder FRIT v FRITTED FRITTING, FRITS to fuse into a vitreous substance FRITH n pl. -S firth FRITT v -ED -ING, -S to frit FRITTATA n pl. -S an unfolded omelet with chopped vegetables or meat FRITTED past tense of frit FRITTER v -ED -ING, -S to squander little by little FRITTING present participle of frit FRITZ n pl. -ES a nonfunctioning state FRIVOL v -OLED -OLING, -OLS or -OLLED, -OLLING, -OLS to behave playfully FRIVOLER n pl. -S one that frivols FRIZ v -ED -ING, -ES to frizz FRIZER n pl. -S frizzer FRIZETTE n pl. -S a frizzed fringe of hair FRIZZ v -ED -ING, -ES to form into small, tight curls FRIZZER n pl. -S one that frizzes FRIZZIER comparative of frizzy FRIZZIEST superlative of frizzy FRIZZILY adv in a frizzy manner FRIZZLE v -ZLED -ZLING, -ZLES to frizz FRIZZLER n pl. -S one that frizzles FRIZZLY adj -ZLIER, -ZLIEST frizzy FRIZZY adj FRIZZIER, FRIZZIEST tightly curled FRO adv away FROCK v -ED -ING, -S to clothe in a long, loose outer garment FROE n pl. -S a cleaving tool FROG v FROGGED FROGGING, FROGS to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) FROGEYE n pl. -S a plant disease FROGEYED adj FROGFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish FROGGED past tense of frog FROGGING present participle of frog FROGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST abounding in frogs FROGLIKE adj resembling a frog FROGMAN n pl. -MEN a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming FROLIC v -ICKED -ICKING, -ICS to play and run about merrily FROLICKY adj FROM prep starting at FROMAGE n pl. -S cheese FROMENTY n pl. -TIES frumenty FROND n pl. -S a type of leaf FRONDED, FRONDOSE adj FRONDEUR n pl. -S a rebel FRONS n pl. FRONTES the upper anterior portion of an insect's head FRONT adj FRONTER articulated at the front of the oral passage FRONT v -ED -ING, -S to provide with a front (a forward part) FRONTAGE n pl. -S the front of a building or lot FRONTAL n pl. -S a bone of the skull FRONTES pl. of frons FRONTIER n pl. -S a border between two countries FRONTLET n pl. -S a decorative band worn across the forehead FRONTON n pl. -S a jai alai arena FRORE adj frozen FROSH n pl. FROSH a freshman FROST v -ED -ING, -S to cover with frost (a deposit of minute ice crystals) FROSTBIT adj injured by extreme cold FROSTED n pl. -S a type of milk shake FROSTING n pl. -S icing FROSTY adj FROSTIER, FROSTIEST covered with frost FROSTILY adv FROTH v -ED -ING, -S to foam FROTHY adj FROTHIER, FROTHIEST foamy FROTHILY adv FROTTAGE n pl. -S masturbation by rubbing against another person FROTTEUR n pl. -S one who practices frottage FROUFROU n pl. -S a rustling sound FROUNCE v FROUNCED FROUNCING, FROUNCES to pleat FROUZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST frowzy FROW n pl. -S froe FROWARD adj disobedient FROWN v -ED -ING, -S to contract the brow in displeasure FROWNER n pl. -S one that frowns FROWST v -ED -ING, -S to lounge in a stuffy room FROWSTY adj -TIER, -TIEST musty FROWSY adj -SIER, -SIEST frowzy FROWZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST unkempt FROWZILY adv FROZE past tense of freeze FROZEN adj very cold FROZENLY adv FRUCTIFY v -FIED -FYING, -FIES to bear fruit FRUCTOSE n pl. -S a sugar found in various fruits FRUG v FRUGGED FRUGGING, FRUGS to perform a type of vigorous dance FRUGAL adj thrifty FRUGALLY adv FRUIT v -ED -ING, -S to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) FRUITAGE n pl. -S the process of bearing fruit FRUITER n pl. -S one that grows or sells fruit FRUITFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST producing abundantly FRUITIER comparative of fruity FRUITIEST superlative of fruity FRUITION n pl. -S the accomplishment of something desired FRUITLET n pl. -S a small fruit FRUITY adj FRUITIER, FRUITIEST suggestive of fruit FRUITILY adv FRUMENTY n pl. -TIES a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar FRUMP n pl. -S a dowdy woman FRUMPISH adj FRUMPY adj FRUMPIER, FRUMPIEST dowdy FRUMPILY adv FRUSTULE n pl. -S the shell of a diatom FRUSTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS a part of a conical solid FRY v FRIED FRYING, FRIES to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil FRYER n pl. -S one that fries FRYPAN n pl. -S a pan for frying food FUB v FUBBED FUBBING, FUBS to fob FUBSY adj FUBSIER, FUBSIEST chubby and somewhat squat FUCHSIA n pl. -S a flowering shrub FUCHSIN n pl. -S a red dye FUCHSINE n pl. -S fuchsin FUCI a pl. of fucus FUCOID n pl. -S a brown seaweed FUCOIDAL adj FUCOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar FUCOUS adj of or pertaining to fucoids FUCUS n pl. -CI or -CUSES any of a genus of brown algae FUD n pl. -S an old-fashioned person FUDDLE v -DLED -DLING, -DLES to confuse FUDGE v FUDGED FUDGING, FUDGES to falsify FUEHRER n pl. -S fuhrer FUEL v -ELED -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to provide with fuel (material used to produce energy) FUELER n pl. -S one that fuels FUELLER n pl. -S fueler FUELLING a present participle of fuel FUELWOOD n pl. -S firewood FUG v FUGGED FUGGING, FUGS to make stuffy and odorous FUGACITY n pl. -TIES lack of enduring qualities FUGAL adj being in the style of a fugue FUGALLY adv FUGATO n pl. -TOS a fugal composition FUGGED past tense of fug FUGGING present participle of fug FUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST stuffy and odorous FUGGILY adv FUGIO n pl. -GIOS a former coin of the United States FUGITIVE n pl. -S one who flees FUGLE v -GLED -GLING, -GLES to lead FUGLEMAN n pl. -MEN a leader FUGU n pl. -S a toxin-containing fish FUGUE v FUGUED FUGUING, FUGUES to compose a fugue (a type of musical composition) FUGUIST n pl. -S one who composes fugues FUHRER n pl. -S a leader FUJI n pl. -S a silk fabric FULCRUM n pl. -CRUMS or -CRA a support for a lever FULFIL v -FILLED -FILLING, -FILS to fulfill FULFILL v -ED -ING, -S to bring about the accomplishment of FULGENT adj shining brightly FULGID adj fulgent FULHAM n pl. -S a loaded die FULL adj FULLER, FULLEST filled completely FULL v -ED -ING, -S to shrink and thicken, as cloth FULLAM n pl. -S fulham FULLBACK n pl. -S an offensive back in football FULLER v -ED -ING, -S to groove with a type of hammer FULLERY n pl. -ERIES a place for fulling cloth FULLFACE n pl. -S a heavy-faced type FULLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being full FULLY adv in a full manner FULMAR n pl. -S an arctic seabird FULMINE v -MINED -MINING, -MINES to explode loudly FULMINIC adj highly explosive FULNESS n pl. -ES fullness FULSOME adj repulsive FULVOUS adj of a brownish yellow color FUMARASE n pl. -S an enzyme FUMARATE n pl. -S a chemical salt FUMARIC adj pertaining to a certain acid FUMAROLE n pl. -S a hole from which volcanic vapors issue FUMATORY n pl. -RIES a fumigation chamber FUMBLE v -BLED -BLING, -BLES to handle clumsily FUMBLER n pl. -S one that fumbles FUME v FUMED FUMING, FUMES to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) FUMELESS adj having no fumes FUMELIKE adj resembling fumes FUMER n pl. -S one that fumes FUMET n pl. -S the odor of meat while cooking FUMETTE n pl. -S fumet FUMIER comparative of fumy FUMIEST superlative of fumy FUMIGANT n pl. -S a substance used in fumigating FUMIGATE v -GATED -GATING, -GATES to subject to fumes in order to destroy pests FUMING present participle of fume FUMINGLY adv angrily FUMITORY n pl. -RIES a climbing plant FUMULUS n pl. -LI a thin cloud FUMY adj FUMIER, FUMIEST producing or full of fumes FUN adj FUNNER, FUNNEST providing enjoyment FUN v FUNNED FUNNING, FUNS to act playfully FUNCTION v -ED -ING, -S to be in action FUNCTOR n pl. -S one that functions FUND v -ED -ING, -S to provide money for FUNDUS n pl. -DI the inner basal surface of a bodily organ FUNDIC adj FUNERAL n pl. -S a ceremony held for a dead person FUNERARY adj pertaining to a funeral FUNEREAL adj funerary FUNEST adj portending death or evil FUNFAIR n pl. -S an amusement park FUNGAL n pl. -S a fungus FUNGI a pl. of fungus FUNGIBLE n pl. -S something that may be exchanged for an equivalent unit of the same class FUNGIC adj fungous FUNGO n pl. -GOES a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball FUNGOID n pl. -S a growth resembling a fungus FUNGOUS adj pertaining to a fungus FUNGUS n pl. -GI or -GUSES any of a major group of lower plants FUNICLE n pl. -S a cordlike anatomical structure FUNICULI n/pl funicles FUNK v -ED -ING, -S to shrink back in fear FUNKER n pl. -S one that funks FUNKIA n pl. -S a flowering plant FUNKY adj FUNKIER, FUNKIEST having an offensive odor FUNNED past tense of fun FUNNEL v -NELED -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to pass through a funnel (a cone-shaped utensil) FUNNER comparative of fun FUNNEST superlative of fun FUNNING present participle of fun FUNNY adj -NIER, -NIEST causing laughter or amusement FUNNILY adv FUNNY n pl. -NIES a comic strip FUNNYMAN n pl. -MEN a comedian FUR v FURRED FURRING, FURS to cover with fur (a dressed animal pelt) FURAN n pl. -S a flammable liquid FURANE n pl. -S furan FURANOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar FURBELOW v -ED -ING, -S to decorate with ruffles FURBISH v -ED -ING, -ES to polish FURCATE v -CATED -CATING, -CATES to divide into branches FURCRAEA n pl. -S a tropical plant FURCULA n pl. -LAE a forked bone FURCULAR adj FURCULUM n pl. -LA a furcula FURFUR n pl. -ES dandruff FURFURAL n pl. -S a chemical compound FURFURAN n pl. -S furan FURIBUND adj furious FURIES pl. of fury FURIOSO adv with great force -- used as a musical direction FURIOUS adj extremely angry FURL v -ED -ING, -S to roll up FURLABLE adj FURLER n pl. -S one that furls FURLESS adj having no fur FURLONG n pl. -S a unit of distance FURLOUGH v -ED -ING, -S to grant a leave of absence to FURMENTY n pl. -TIES frumenty FURMETY n pl. -TIES frumenty FURMITY n pl. -TIES frumenty FURNACE v -NACED -NACING, -NACES to subject to heat FURNISH v -ED -ING, -ES to equip FUROR n pl. -S an uproar FURORE n pl. -S furor FURRED past tense of fur FURRIER n pl. -S one that deals in furs FURRIERY n pl. -ERIES the business of a furrier FURRIEST superlative of furry FURRILY adv in a furry manner FURRINER n pl. -S a foreigner FURRING n pl. -S a trimming or lining of fur FURROW v -ED -ING, -S to make furrows (narrow depressions) in FURROWER n pl. -S one that furrows FURROWY adj marked by furrows FURRY adj -RIER, -RIEST covered with fur FURTHER v -ED -ING, -S to help forward FURTHEST a superlative of far FURTIVE adj stealthy FURUNCLE n pl. -S a painful swelling of the skin FURY n pl. -RIES violent anger FURZE n pl. -S a spiny shrub FURZY adj FURZIER, FURZIEST abounding in furze FUSAIN n pl. -S a fine charcoal used in drawing FUSCOUS adj of a dusky color FUSE v FUSED FUSING, FUSES to equip with a fuse (a detonating device) FUSEE n pl. -S a large-headed friction match FUSEL n pl. -S an oily liquid FUSELAGE n pl. -S the body of an airplane FUSELESS adj lacking a fuse FUSIBLE adj capable of being melted FUSIBLY adv FUSIFORM adj tapering toward each end FUSIL n pl. -S a type of musket FUSILE adj formed by melting FUSILEER n pl. -S fusilier FUSILIER n pl. -S a soldier armed with a fusil FUSILLI n pl. -S spiral-shaped pasta FUSING present participle of fuse FUSION n pl. -S the act of melting together FUSS v -ED -ING, -ES to be overly concerned with small details FUSSER n pl. -S one that fusses FUSSPOT n pl. -S a fusser FUSSY adj FUSSIER, FUSSIEST overly concerned with small details FUSSILY adv FUSTIAN n pl. -S a cotton fabric FUSTIC n pl. -S a tropical tree FUSTY adj -TIER, -TIEST musty FUSTILY adv FUTHARC n pl. -S futhark FUTHARK n pl. -S an ancient alphabet FUTHORC n pl. -S futhark FUTHORK n pl. -S futhark FUTILE adj having no useful result FUTILELY adv FUTILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being futile FUTON n pl. -S a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed FUTTOCK n pl. -S a curved timber in the frame of a wooden ship FUTURE n pl. -S the time yet to come FUTURAL adj FUTURISM n pl. -S an artistic and literary movement FUTURIST n pl. -S an advocate of futurism FUTURITY n pl. -TIES the future FUTZ v -ED -ING, -ES to spend time aimlessly FUZE v FUZED FUZING, FUZES to fuse FUZEE n pl. -S fusee FUZIL n pl. -S fusil FUZING present participle of fuze FUZZ v -ED -ING, -ES to become fuzzy FUZZY adj FUZZIER, FUZZIEST blurry FUZZILY adv FYCE n pl. -S feist FYKE n pl. -S a bag-shaped fishnet FYLFOT n pl. -S a swastika FYTTE n pl. -S a division of a poem or song GAB v GABBED, GABBING, GABS to chatter GABBARD n pl. -S a barge GABBART n pl. -S gabbard GABBED past tense of gab GABBER n pl. -S one that gabs GABBIER comparative of gabby GABBIEST superlative of gabby GABBING present participle of gab GABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to jabber GABBLER n pl. -S one that gabbles GABBRO n pl. -BROS a type of rock GABBROIC, GABBROID adj GABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST talkative GABELLE n pl. -S a tax on salt GABELLED adj GABFEST n pl. -S an informal gathering for general talk GABIES pl. of gaby GABION n pl. -S a type of basket GABLE v GABLED, GABLING, GABLES to form a triangular section of a wall GABOON n pl. -S a spittoon GABY n pl. -BIES a dolt GAD v GADDED, GADDING, GADS to roam about restlessly GADABOUT n pl. -S one that gads about GADARENE adj headlong GADDED past tense of gad GADDER n pl. -S one that gads about GADDI n pl. -S a hassock GADDING present participle of gad GADFLY n pl. -FLIES a biting fly GADGET n pl. -S a mechanical device GADGETY adj GADGETRY n pl. -RIES the devising or constructing of gadgets GADI n pl. -S gaddi GADID n pl. -S gadoid GADOID n pl. -S a type of fish GADROON v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with bands of fluted or reeded molding GADWALL n pl. -S a wild duck GADZOOKS interj -- used as a mild oath GAE v GAED, GANE or GAEN, GAEING or GAUN, GAES to go GAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to catch a fish with a sharp hook GAFFE n pl. -S a social blunder GAFFER n pl. -S an old man GAG v GAGGED, GAGGING, GAGS to stop up the mouth GAGA adj crazy GAGAKU n pl. -S ancient court music of Japan GAGE v GAGED, GAGING, GAGES to pledge as security GAGER n pl. -S gauger GAGGED past tense of gag GAGGER n pl. -S one that gags GAGGING present participle of gag GAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to cackle GAGING present participle of gage GAGMAN n pl. -MEN one who writes jokes GAGSTER n pl. -S a gagman GAHNITE n pl. -S a mineral GAIETY n pl. -ETIES festive activity GAIJIN n pl. GAIJIN a foreigner in Japan GAILY adv in a gay manner GAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to acquire GAINABLE adj GAINER n pl. -S one that gains GAINFUL adj profitable GAINLESS adj profitless GAINLY adj -LIER, -LIEST graceful GAINSAY v -SAID, -SAYING, -SAYS to deny GAINST prep against GAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to train a horse to move in a particular way GAITER n pl. -S a covering for the lower leg GAL n pl. -S a girl GALA n pl. -S a celebration GALABIA n pl. -S djellaba GALABIEH n pl. -S djellaba GALABIYA n pl. -S djellaba GALACTIC adj pertaining to a galaxy GALAGO n pl. -GOS a small primate GALAH n pl. -S a cockatoo GALANGAL n pl. -S a medicinal plant GALATEA n pl. -S a strong cotton fabric GALAVANT v -ED, -ING, -S to gad about GALAX n pl. -ES an evergreen herb GALAXY n pl. -AXIES a large system of celestial bodies GALBANUM n pl. -S a gum resin GALE n pl. -S a strong wind GALEA n pl. -LEAE or -LEAS a helmet-shaped anatomical part GALEATE, GALEATED adj GALENA n pl. -S the principal ore of lead GALENIC adj GALENITE n pl. -S galena GALERE n pl. -S a group of people having a common quality GALILEE n pl. -S a type of porch GALIOT n pl. -S galliot GALIPOT n pl. -S a type of turpentine GALIVANT v -ED, -ING, -S to gad about GALL v -ED, -ING, -S to vex or irritate GALLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to court a woman GALLATE n pl. -S a chemical salt GALLEASS n pl. -ES a large war galley GALLEIN n pl. -S a green dye GALLEON n pl. -S a large sailing vessel GALLERIA n pl. -S a roofed promenade or court GALLERY v -LERIED, -LERYING, -LERIES to provide with a long covered area GALLET v -ED, -ING, -S to fill in mortar joints with stone chips GALLETA n pl. -S a perennial grass GALLEY n pl. -LEYS a long, low medieval ship GALLFLY n pl. -FLIES a small insect GALLIARD n pl. -S a lively dance GALLIASS n pl. -ES galleass GALLIC adj containing gallium GALLICAN adj pertaining to a French religious movement GALLIED past tense of gally GALLIES present 3d person sing. of gally GALLIOT n pl. -S a small galley GALLIPOT n pl. -S a small earthen jar GALLIUM n pl. -S a metallic element GALLNUT n pl. -S an abnormal swelling of plant tissue GALLON n pl. -S a unit of liquid measure GALLOON n pl. -S an ornamental braid GALLOOT n pl. -S galoot GALLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to ride a horse at full speed GALLOPER n pl. -S one that gallops GALLOUS adj containing gallium GALLOWS n pl. -ES a structure used for hanging a condemned person GALLUS n pl. -ES a suspender for trousers GALLUSED adj GALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to frighten GALOOT n pl. -S an awkward or uncouth person GALOP v -ED, -ING, -S to dance a galop (a lively round dance) GALOPADE n pl. -S a lively round dance GALORE n pl. -S abundance GALOSH n pl. -ES an overshoe GALOSHED adj GALOSHE n pl. -S galosh GALUMPH v -ED, -ING, -S to move clumsily GALVANIC adj pertaining to a direct electric current GALYAC n pl. -S galyak GALYAK n pl. -S a fur made from lambskin GAM v GAMMED, GAMMING, GAMS to visit socially GAMA n pl. -S a pasture grass GAMASHES n/pl boots worn by horseback riders GAMAY n pl. -MAYS a red grape GAMB n pl. -S a leg GAMBA n pl. -S a bass viol GAMBADE n pl. -S a gambado GAMBADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS a leap made by a horse GAMBE n pl. -S gamb GAMBESON n pl. -S a medieval coat GAMBIA n pl. -S gambier GAMBIER n pl. -S an extract obtained from an Asian vine GAMBIR n pl. -S gambier GAMBIT n pl. -S a type of chess opening GAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to play a game of chance for money or valuables GAMBLER n pl. -S one that gambles GAMBOGE n pl. -S a gum resin GAMBOL v -BOLED, -BOLING, -BOLS or -BOLLED, -BOLLING, -BOLS to leap about playfully GAMBREL n pl. -S a part of a horse's leg GAMBUSIA n pl. -S a small fish GAME adj GAMER, GAMEST plucky GAME v GAMED, GAMING, GAMES to gamble GAMECOCK n pl. -S a rooster trained for fighting GAMELAN n pl. -S a type of orchestra GAMELIKE adj similar to a game (a contest governed by a set of rules) GAMELY adv in a game manner GAMENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being game GAMER comparative of game GAMER n pl. -S a player who relishes competition GAMESMAN n pl. -MEN one who plays games GAMESOME adj playful GAMEST superlative of game GAMESTER n pl. -S a gambler GAMETE n pl. -S a mature reproductive cell GAMETIC adj GAMEY adj GAMIER, GAMIEST gamy GAMIC adj requiring fertilization GAMIER comparative of gamy GAMIEST superlative of gamy GAMILY adv in a game manner GAMIN n pl. -S an urchin GAMINE n pl. -S a tomboy GAMINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being gamy GAMING n pl. -S the practice of gambling GAMMA n pl. -S a Greek letter GAMMADIA n/pl Greek ornamental designs GAMMED past tense of gam GAMMER n pl. -S an old woman GAMMIER comparative of gammy GAMMIEST superlative of gammy GAMMING present participle of gam GAMMON v -ED, -ING, -S to mislead by deceptive talk GAMMONER n pl. -S one that gammons GAMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST lame GAMODEME n pl. -S a somewhat isolated breeding community of organisms GAMP n pl. -S a large umbrella GAMUT n pl. -S an entire range GAMY adj GAMIER, GAMIEST plucky GAN past tense of gin GANACHE n pl. -S creamy chocolate mixture GANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to wander GANE a past participle of gae GANEF n pl. -S a thief GANEV n pl. -S ganef GANG v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a gang (a group) GANGER n pl. -S a foreman of a gang of laborers GANGLAND n pl. -S the criminal underworld GANGLIA a pl. of ganglion GANGLIAL adj gangliar GANGLIAR adj pertaining to a ganglion GANGLIER comparative of gangly GANGLIEST superlative of gangly GANGLING adj awkwardly tall and lanky GANGLION n pl. -GLIA or -GLIONS a group of nerve cells GANGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST gangling GANGPLOW n pl. -S an agricultural implement GANGREL n pl. -S a vagabond GANGRENE v -GRENED, -GRENING, -GRENES to suffer the loss of tissue in part of the body GANGSTER n pl. -S a member of a criminal gang GANGUE n pl. -S the worthless rock in which valuable minerals are found GANGWAY n pl. -WAYS a passageway GANISTER n pl. -S a type of rock GANJA n pl. -S cannabis used for smoking GANJAH n pl. -S ganja GANNET n pl. -S a large seabird GANOF n pl. -S ganef GANOID n pl. -S a type of fish GANTLET v -ED, -ING, -S to overlap railroad tracks GANTLINE n pl. -S a rope on a ship GANTLOPE n pl. -S a former military punishment GANTRY n pl. -TRIES a structure for supporting railroad signals GANYMEDE n pl. -S a youth who serves liquors GAOL v -ED, -ING, -S to jail GAOLER n pl. -S jailer GAP v GAPPED, GAPPING, GAPS to make an opening in GAPE v GAPED, GAPING, GAPES to stare with open mouth GAPER n pl. -S one that gapes GAPESEED n pl. -S something that causes wonder GAPEWORM n pl. -S a worm that causes a disease of young birds GAPING present participle of gape GAPINGLY adv in a gaping manner GAPOSIS n pl. -SISES a gap in a row of buttons or snaps GAPPED past tense of gap GAPPING present participle of gap GAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST having openings GAPY adj infested with gapeworms GAR v GARRED, GARRING, GARS to cause or compel GARAGE v -RAGED, -RAGING, -RAGES to put in a garage (a car shelter) GARB v -ED, -ING, -S to clothe GARBAGE n pl. -S food waste GARBANZO n pl. -ZOS a chickpea GARBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to distort the meaning of GARBLER n pl. -S one that garbles GARBLESS adj being without clothing GARBOARD n pl. -S a plank on a ship's bottom GARBOIL n pl. -S turmoil GARCON n pl. -S a waiter GARDANT adj turned directly toward the observer -- used of a heraldic animal GARDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to cultivate a plot of ground GARDENER n pl. -S one that gardens GARDENIA n pl. -S a tropical shrub or tree GARDYLOO interj -- used as a warning cry GARFISH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish GARGANEY n pl. -NEYS a small duck GARGET n pl. -S mastitis of domestic animals GARGETY adj GARGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to rinse the mouth or throat GARGLER n pl. -S one that gargles GARGOYLE n pl. -S an ornamental figure GARIGUE n pl. -S a low scrubland GARISH adj gaudy GARISHLY adv GARLAND v -ED, -ING, -S to deck with wreaths of flowers GARLIC n pl. -S an herb used in cooking GARLICKY adj GARMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to clothe GARNER v -ED, -ING, -S to gather and store GARNET n pl. -S a mineral GARNI adj garnished GARNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to decorate GAROTE v GAROTED, GAROTING, GAROTES to garrote GAROTTE v GAROTTED, GAROTTING, GAROTTES to garrote GAROTTER n pl. -S one that garottes GARPIKE n pl. -S a garfish GARRED past tense of gar GARRET n pl. -S an attic GARRING present participle of gar GARRISON v -ED, -ING, -S to assign to a military post GARRON n pl. -S a small, sturdy horse GARROTE v -ROTED, -ROTING, -ROTES to execute by strangling GARROTER n pl. -S one that garrotes GARROTTE v -ROTTED, -ROTTING, -ROTTES to garrote GARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with an elastic band GARTH n pl. -S a yard or garden GARVEY n pl. -VEYS a small scow GAS v GASSED, GASSING, GASES or GASSES to supply with gas (a substance capable of indefinite expansion) GASALIER n pl. -S gaselier GASBAG n pl. -S a bag for holding gas GASCON n pl. -S a boaster GASELIER n pl. -S a gaslight chandelier GASEOUS adj pertaining to gas GASH adj GASHER, GASHEST knowing GASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a long deep cut in GASHOUSE n pl. -S a gasworks GASIFIED past tense of gasify GASIFIER n pl. -S one that gasifies GASIFORM adj having the form of gas GASIFY v -IFIED, -IFYING, -IFIES to convert into gas GASKET n pl. -S packing for making something fluid-tight GASKIN n pl. -S a part of a horse's leg GASKING n pl. -S a gasket GASLESS adj having no gas GASLIGHT n pl. -S light made by burning gas GASLIT adj illuminated by gaslight GASMAN n pl. -MEN an employee of a gas company GASOGENE n pl. -S gazogene GASOHOL n pl. -S a fuel mixture of gasoline and ethyl alcohol GASOLENE n pl. -S gasoline GASOLIER n pl. -S gaselier GASOLINE n pl. -S a liquid fuel GASP v -ED, -ING, -S to breathe convulsively GASPER n pl. -S a cigarette GASSED past tense of gas GASSER n pl. -S one that gasses GASSES a present 3d person sing. of gas GASSING n pl. -S a poisoning by noxious gas GASSY adj -SIER, -SIEST containing gas GASSILY adv GAST v -ED, -ING, -S to scare GASTER n pl. -S the enlarged part of the abdomen in some insects GASTIGHT adj not allowing gas to escape or enter GASTNESS n pl. -ES fright GASTRAEA n pl. -S a type of metazoan GASTRAL adj pertaining to the stomach GASTREA n pl. -S gastraea GASTRIC adj pertaining to the stomach GASTRIN n pl. -S a hormone GASTRULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a metazoan embryo GASWORKS n pl. GASWORKS a factory where gas is produced GAT n pl. -S a pistol GATE v GATED, GATING, GATES to supply with a gate (a movable barrier) GATEAU n pl. -TEAUX a rich layer cake GATEFOLD n pl. -S a folded insert in a book or magazine GATELESS adj lacking a gate GATELIKE adj resembling a gate GATEMAN n pl. -MEN a person in charge of a gate GATEPOST n pl. -S a post from which a gate is hung GATEWAY n pl. -WAYS a passage that may be closed by a gate GATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to bring together into one place or group GATHERER n pl. -S one that gathers GATING present participle of gate GATOR n pl. -S an alligator GAUCHE adj GAUCHER, GAUCHEST lacking social grace GAUCHELY adv GAUCHO n pl. -CHOS a cowboy of the South American pampas GAUD n pl. -S a showy ornament GAUDERY n pl. -ERIES finery GAUDY adj GAUDIER, GAUDIEST tastelessly showy GAUDILY adv GAUDY n pl. -DIES a festival GAUFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to goffer GAUGE v GAUGED, GAUGING, GAUGES to measure precisely GAUGER n pl. -S one that gauges GAULT n pl. -S a heavy, thick clay soil GAUM v -ED, -ING, -S to smear GAUN present participle of gae GAUNT adj GAUNTER, GAUNTEST emaciated GAUNTLY adv GAUNTLET v -ED, -ING, -S to gantlet GAUNTRY n pl. -TRIES gantry GAUR n pl. -S a wild ox GAUSS n pl. -ES a unit of magnetic induction GAUZE n pl. -S a transparent fabric GAUZY adj GAUZIER, GAUZIEST resembling gauze GAUZILY adv GAVAGE n pl. -S introduction of material into the stomach by a tube GAVE past tense of give GAVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to signal for attention or order by use of a gavel (a small mallet) GAVELOCK n pl. -S a crowbar GAVIAL n pl. -S a large reptile GAVOT n pl. -S a French dance GAVOTTE v -VOTTED, -VOTTING, -VOTTES to dance a gavot GAWK v -ED, -ING, -S to stare stupidly GAWKER n pl. -S one that gawks GAWKIER comparative of gawky GAWKIES pl. of gawky GAWKISH adj gawky GAWKY adj GAWKIER, GAWKIEST awkward GAWKILY adv GAWKY n pl. GAWKIES an awkward person GAWP v -ED, -ING, -S to stare stupidly GAWPER n pl. -S one that gawps GAWSIE adj well-fed and healthy looking GAWSY adj gawsie GAY adj GAYER, GAYEST merry GAY n pl. GAYS a homosexual GAYAL n pl. -S a domesticated ox GAYETY n pl. -ETIES gaiety GAYLY adv in a gay manner GAYNESS n pl. -ES gaiety GAYWINGS n pl. GAYWINGS a perennial herb GAZABO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a fellow GAZANIA n pl. -S a South African herb GAZAR n pl. -S silky sheer fabric GAZE v GAZED, GAZING, GAZES to look intently GAZEBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a roofed structure open on the sides GAZELLE n pl. -S a small antelope GAZER n pl. -S one that gazes GAZETTE v -ZETTED, -ZETTING, -ZETTES to announce in an official journal GAZING present participle of gaze GAZOGENE n pl. -S an apparatus for carbonating liquids GAZPACHO n pl. -CHOS a cold, spicy soup GAZUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to cheat by raising the price originally agreed upon GAZUMPER n pl. -S one that gazumps GEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with gears (toothed machine parts) GEARBOX n pl. -ES an automotive transmission GEARCASE n pl. -S a casing for gears GEARING n pl. -S a system of gears GEARLESS adj being without gears GECK v -ED, -ING, -S to mock GECKO n pl. GECKOS or GECKOES a small lizard GED n pl. -S a food fish GEE v GEED, GEEING, GEES to turn to the right GEEGAW n pl. -S gewgaw GEEK n pl. -S a carnival performer GEEKY adj GEEKIER, GEEKIEST socially awkward or unappealing GEEPOUND n pl. -S a unit of mass GEESE pl. of goose GEEST n pl. -S old alluvial matter GEEZ interj jeez GEEZER n pl. -S an eccentric man GEISHA n pl. -S a Japanese girl trained to entertain GEL v GELLED, GELLING, GELS to become like jelly GELABLE adj GELADA n pl. -S a baboon GELANT n pl. -S gellant GELATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to gel GELATI a pl. of gelato GELATIN n pl. -S a glutinous substance GELATINE n pl. -S gelatin GELATING present participle of gelate GELATION n pl. -S the process of gelling GELATO n pl. -TI or -TOS Italian ice cream GELD v -ED, -ING, -S to castrate GELDER n pl. -S one that gelds GELDING n pl. -S a castrated animal GELEE n pl. -S a cosmetic gel GELID adj icy GELIDLY adv GELIDITY n pl. -TIES iciness GELLANT n pl. -S a substance used to produce gelling GELLED past tense of gel GELLING present participle of gel GELSEMIA n/pl medicinal plant roots GELT n pl. -S money GEM v GEMMED, GEMMING, GEMS to adorn with gems (precious stones) GEMINAL adj of or pertaining to two substituents on the same atom GEMINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to arrange in pairs GEMLIKE adj resembling a gem GEMMA n pl. -MAE an asexual reproductive structure GEMMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to produce gemmae GEMMED past tense of gem GEMMIER comparative of gemmy GEMMIEST superlative of gemmy GEMMILY adv in a manner suggesting a gem GEMMING present participle of gem GEMMULE n pl. -S a small gemma GEMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST resembling a gem GEMOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of gems GEMOT n pl. -S a public meeting in Anglo-Saxon England GEMOTE n pl. -S gemot GEMSBOK n pl. -S a large antelope GEMSBUCK n pl. -S gemsbok GEMSTONE n pl. -S a precious stone GEN n pl. -S information obtained from study GENDARME n pl. -S a policeman GENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to engender GENE n pl. -S a hereditary unit GENERA a pl. of genus GENERAL n pl. -S a military officer GENERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to bring into existence GENERIC n pl. -S a type of drug GENEROUS adj willing to give GENESIS n pl. GENESES an origin GENET n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal GENETIC adj pertaining to genetics GENETICS n/pl the science of heredity GENETTE n pl. -S genet GENEVA n pl. -S a liquor GENIAL adj having a pleasant or friendly manner GENIALLY adv GENIC adj pertaining to genes GENIE n pl. -S jinni GENII a pl. of genius GENIP n pl. -S a tropical tree GENIPAP n pl. -S a tropical tree GENITAL adj pertaining to reproduction GENITALS n/pl the sexual organs GENITIVE n pl. -S a grammatical case GENITOR n pl. -S a male parent GENITURE n pl. -S birth GENIUS n pl. GENIUSES or GENII an exceptional natural aptitude GENOA n pl. -S a triangular sail GENOCIDE n pl. -S the deliberate extermination of a national or racial group GENOISE n pl. -S a rich spongecake GENOM n pl. -S genome GENOME n pl. -S a haploid set of chromosomes GENOMIC adj GENOTYPE n pl. -S the genetic constitution of an organism GENRE n pl. -S a type or kind GENRO n pl. -ROS a group of elder statesmen in Japan GENS n pl. GENTES a type of clan GENSENG n pl. -S ginseng GENT n pl. -S a gentleman GENTEEL adj -TEELER, -TEELEST well-bred or refined GENTES pl. of gens GENTIAN n pl. -S a flowering plant GENTIL adj kind GENTILE n pl. -S a non-Jewish person GENTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST mild GENTLY adv GENTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to tame GENTOO n pl. -S a type of penguin GENTRICE n pl. -S good breeding GENTRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to renew a decayed urban area so as to attract middle-class residents GENTRY n pl. -TRIES people of high social class GENU n pl. GENUA the knee GENUINE adj authentic GENUS n pl. GENERA or GENUSES a kind, sort, or class GEODE n pl. -S a type of rock GEODESIC n pl. -S a geometric line GEODESY n pl. -SIES geographical surveying GEODETIC adj pertaining to geodesy GEODIC adj of or pertaining to a geode GEODUCK n pl. -S a large, edible clam GEOGNOSY n pl. -SIES a branch of geology GEOID n pl. -S a hypothetical surface of the earth GEOIDAL adj GEOLOGER n pl. -S a specialist in geology GEOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science that deals with the origin and structure of the earth GEOLOGIC adj GEOMANCY n pl. -CIES a method of foretelling the future by geographical features GEOMETER n pl. -S a specialist in geometry GEOMETRY n pl. -TRIES a branch of mathematics GEOPHAGY n pl. -GIES the practice of eating earthy substances GEOPHONE n pl. -S a device that detects vibrations in the earth GEOPHYTE n pl. -S a plant having underground buds GEOPONIC adj pertaining to farming GEOPROBE n pl. -S a spacecraft for exploring space near the earth GEORGIC n pl. -S a poem about farming GEOTAXIS n pl. -TAXES the movement of an organism in response to gravity GERAH n pl. -S a Hebrew unit of weight GERANIAL n pl. -S citral GERANIOL n pl. -S an alcohol used in perfumes GERANIUM n pl. -S a flowering plant GERARDIA n pl. -S an herb GERBERA n pl. -S an herb GERBIL n pl. -S a burrowing rodent GERBILLE n pl. -S gerbil GERENT n pl. -S a ruler or manager GERENUK n pl. -S a long-necked antelope GERM n pl. -S a microorganism that causes disease GERMAN n pl. -S an elaborate dance GERMANE adj relevant GERMANIC adj containing germanium (a metallic element) GERMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA something that serves as an origin GERMFREE adj free from germs GERMIER comparative of germy GERMIEST superlative of germy GERMINA a pl. of germen GERMINAL adj being in the earliest stage of development GERMY adj GERMIER, GERMIEST full of germs GERONTIC adj pertaining to old age GERUND n pl. -S a verbal noun GESNERIA adj designating a type of flowering plant GESSO n pl. -SOES a plaster mixture GESSOED adj having gesso as a coating or constituent part GEST n pl. -S a feat GESTALT n pl. -STALTS or -STALTEN a unified whole GESTAPO n pl. -POS a secret-police organization GESTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to carry in the uterus during pregnancy GESTE n pl. -S gest GESTIC adj pertaining to bodily motion GESTICAL adj gestic GESTURAL adj pertaining to or consisting of gestures (expressive bodily motions) GESTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to express by bodily motion GESTURER n pl. -S one that gestures GET n pl. GITTIN a divorce under Jewish law GET v GOT, GOTTEN, GETTING, GETS to obtain or acquire GETABLE, GETTABLE adj GETA n pl. -S a Japanese wooden clog GETAWAY n pl. -AWAYS an escape GETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to purify with a chemically active substance GETTING present participle of get GETUP n pl. -S a costume GEUM n pl. -S a perennial herb GEWGAW n pl. -S a showy trinket GEY adv very GEYSER n pl. -S a spring that ejects jets of hot water and steam GHARIAL n pl. -S a large reptile GHARRI n pl. -S gharry GHARRY n pl. -RIES a carriage used in India GHAST adj ghastly GHASTFUL adj frightful GHASTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST terrifying GHAT n pl. -S a passage leading down to a river GHAUT n pl. -S ghat GHAZI n pl. -S or -ES a Muslim war hero GHEE n pl. -S a kind of liquid butter made in India GHERAO v -ED, -ING, -ES to coerce by physical means GHERKIN n pl. -S a small cucumber GHETTO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to isolate in a slum GHI n pl. -S ghee GHIBLI n pl. -S a hot desert wind GHILLIE n pl. -S a type of shoe GHOST v -ED, -ING, -S to haunt GHOSTING n pl. -S a false image on a television screen GHOSTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST spectral GHOSTY adj GHOSTIER, GHOSTIEST ghostly GHOUL n pl. -S a demon GHOULISH adj GHOULIE n pl. -S a ghoul GHYLL n pl. -S a ravine GIANT n pl. -S a person or thing of great size GIANTESS n pl. -ES a female giant GIANTISM n pl. -S the condition of being a giant GIAOUR n pl. -S a non-Muslim GIB v GIBBED, GIBBING, GIBS to fasten with a wedge of wood or metal GIBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to jabber GIBBET v -BETED, -BETING, -BETS or -BETTED, -BETTING, -BETS to execute by hanging GIBBING present participle of gib GIBBON n pl. -S an arboreal ape GIBBOSE adj gibbous GIBBOUS adj irregularly rounded GIBBSITE n pl. -S a mineral GIBE v GIBED, GIBING, GIBES to jeer GIBINGLY adv GIBER n pl. -S one that gibes GIBLET n pl. -S an edible part of a fowl GIBSON n pl. -S a martini served with a tiny onion GID n pl. -S a disease of sheep GIDDAP interj -- used as a command to a horse to go faster GIDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST dizzy GIDDILY adv GIDDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to make giddy GIDDYAP interj giddap GIDDYUP interj giddap GIE v GIED, GIEN, GIEING, GIES to give GIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to present with a gift (something given without charge) GIFTEDLY adv in a talented manner GIFTLESS adj being without a gift GIFTWARE n pl. -S wares suitable for gifts GIG v GIGGED, GIGGING, GIGS to catch fish with a pronged spear GIGA n pl. GIGHE a gigue GIGABIT n pl. -S a unit of information GIGABYTE n pl. -S 1,073,741,824 bytes GIGANTIC adj huge GIGAS adj pertaining to variations in plant development GIGATON n pl. -S a unit of weight GIGAWATT n pl. -S a unit of power GIGGED past tense of gig GIGGING present participle of gig GIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to laugh in a silly manner GIGGLER n pl. -S one that giggles GIGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST tending to giggle GIGHE pl. of giga GIGLET n pl. -S a playful girl GIGLOT n pl. -S giglet GIGOLO n pl. -LOS a man supported financially by a woman GIGOT n pl. -S a leg of lamb GIGUE n pl. -S a lively dance GILBERT n pl. -S a unit of magnetomotive force GILD v GILDED or GILT, GILDING, GILDS to cover with a thin layer of gold GILDER n pl. -S one that gilds GILDHALL n pl. -S a town hall GILDING n pl. -S the application of gilt GILL v -ED, -ING, -S to catch fish with a type of net GILLER n pl. -S one that gills GILLIE n pl. -S ghillie GILLNET v -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS to gill GILLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to transport on a type of wagon GILT n pl. -S the gold with which something is gilded GILTHEAD n pl. -S a marine fish GIMBAL v -BALED, -BALING, -BALS or -BALLED, -BALLING, -BALS to support on a set of rings GIMCRACK n pl. -S a gewgaw GIMEL n pl. -S a Hebrew letter GIMLET n -ED, -ING, -S to pierce with a boring tool GIMMAL n pl. -S a pair of interlocked rings GIMME n pl. -S something easily won GIMMICK v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a gimmick (a novel or tricky feature) GIMMICKY adj having or being like a gimmick GIMMIE n pl. -MIES an easy golf putt conceded to an opponent GIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to limp GIMPIER comparative of gimpy GIMPIEST superlative of gimpy GIMPY adj GIMPIER, GIMPIEST limping GIN v GAN, GUNNEN, GINNING, GINS to begin GIN v GINNED, GINNING, GINS to remove seeds from cotton GINGAL n pl. -S jingal GINGALL n pl. -S jingal GINGELEY n pl. -LEYS gingelly GINGELI n pl. -S gingelly GINGELIES pl. of gingely GINGELLI n pl. -S gingelly GINGELLY n pl. -LIES the sesame seed or its oil GINGELY n pl. -LIES gingelly GINGER v -ED, -ING, -S to flavor with ginger (a pungent spice) GINGERLY adv in a careful manner GINGERY adj having the characteristics of ginger GINGHAM n pl. -S a cotton fabric GINGILI n pl. GINGILIS gingelly GINGILLI n pl. -S gingelly GINGIVA n pl. -VAE the fleshy tissue that surrounds the teeth GINGIVAL adj GINGKO n pl. -KOES ginkgo GINK n pl. -S a fellow GINKGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS an ornamental tree GINNED past tense of gin GINNER n pl. -S one that gins cotton GINNING n pl. -S cotton as it comes from a gin GINNY adj GINNIER, GINNIEST affected with gin (a strong liquor) GINSENG n pl. -S a perennial herb GIP v GIPPED, GIPPING, GIPS to gyp GIPON n pl. -S jupon GIPPER n pl. -S one that gips GIPPING present participle of gip GIPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to gypsy GIRAFFE n pl. -S a long-necked mammal GIRASOL n pl. -S a variety of opal GIRASOLE n pl. -S girasol GIRD v GIRDED or GIRT, GIRDING, GIRDS to surround GIRDER n pl. -S a horizontal support GIRDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to encircle with a belt GIRDLER n pl. -S one that girdles GIRL n pl. -S a female child GIRLHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a girl GIRLIE pl. -S a publication featuring scantily clothed women GIRLISH adj of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a girl GIRLY pl. -S girlie GIRN v -ED, -ING, -S to snarl GIRO n pl. -ROS an autogiro GIRON n pl. -S gyron GIROSOL n pl. -S girasol GIRSH n pl. -ES qursh GIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to gird GIRTH v -ED, -ING, -S to encircle GISARME n pl. -S a medieval weapon GISMO n pl. -MOS a gadget GIST n pl. -S the main point of a matter GIT n pl. -S a foolish person GITANO n pl. -NOS a Spanish gypsy GITTERN n pl. -S a medieval guitar GIVE v GAVE, GIVEN, GIVING, GIVES to transfer freely to another's possession GIVEABLE adj GIVEAWAY n pl. -AWAYS something given away free of charge GIVEBACK n pl. -S a worker's benefit given back to management GIVEN n pl. -S something assigned as a basis for a calculation GIVER n pl. -S one that gives GIVING present participle of give GIZMO n pl. -MOS gismo GIZZARD n pl. -S a digestive organ GJETOST n pl. -S a hard brown cheese GLABELLA n pl. -BELLAE the smooth area between the eyebrows GLABRATE adj glabrous GLABROUS adj smooth GLACE v -CEED, -CEING, -CES to cover with icing GLACIAL adj of or pertaining to glaciers GLACIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to cover with glaciers GLACIER n pl. -S a huge mass of ice GLACIS n pl. -CISES a slope GLAD adj GLADDER, GLADDEST feeling pleasure GLAD v GLADDED, GLADDING, GLADS to gladden GLADDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make glad GLADDER comparative of glad GLADDEST superlative of glad GLADDING present participle of glad GLADE n pl. -S an open space in a forest GLADIATE adj shaped like a sword GLADIER comparative of glady GLADIEST superlative of glady GLADIOLA n pl. -S a flowering plant GLADIOLI n/pl segments of the sternum GLADLY adv -LIER, -LIEST in a glad manner GLADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being glad GLADSOME adj -SOMER, -SOMEST glad GLADY adj GLADIER, GLADIEST having glades GLAIKET adj glaikit GLAIKIT adj foolish GLAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with egg white GLAIRE v GLAIRED, GLAIRING, GLAIRES to glair GLAIRY adj GLAIRIER, GLAIRIEST resembling egg white GLAIVE n pl. -S a sword GLAIVED adj GLAMOR n pl. -S alluring attractiveness GLAMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to bewitch GLANCE v GLANCED, GLANCING, GLANCES to look quickly GLANCER n pl. -S one that glances GLAND n pl. -S a secreting organ GLANDERS n/pl a disease of horses GLANDULE n pl. -S a small gland GLANS n pl. GLANDES the tip of the penis or clitoris GLARE v GLARED, GLARING, GLARES to shine with a harshly brilliant light GLARY adj GLARIER, GLARIEST glaring GLASNOST n pl. -S a Soviet policy of open political discussion GLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to encase in glass (a transparent substance) GLASSFUL n pl. -FULS as much as a drinking glass will hold GLASSIE n pl. -S a type of playing marble GLASSIER comparative of glassy GLASSIEST superlative of glassy GLASSILY adv in a glassy manner GLASSINE n pl. -S a type of paper GLASSMAN n pl. -MEN a glazier GLASSY adj GLASSIER, GLASSIEST resembling glass GLAUCOMA n pl. -S a disease of the eye GLAUCOUS adj bluish green GLAZE v GLAZED, GLAZING, GLAZES to fit windows with glass panes GLAZER n pl. -S a glazier GLAZIER n pl. -S one that glazes GLAZIERY n pl. -ZIERIES the work of a glazier GLAZING n pl. -S glaziery GLAZY adj GLAZIER, GLAZIEST covered with a smooth, glossy coating GLEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to shine with a soft radiance GLEAMER n pl. -S one that gleams GLEAMY adj GLEAMIER, GLEAMIEST gleaming GLEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to gather little by little GLEANER n pl. -S one that gleans GLEANING n pl. -S something that is gleaned GLEBA n pl. -BAE a spore-bearing mass of some fungi GLEBE n pl. -S the soil or earth GLED n pl. -S glede GLEDE n pl. -S a bird of prey GLEE n pl. -S an unaccompanied song GLEED n pl. -S a glowing coal GLEEFUL adj merry GLEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to gibe GLEEMAN n pl. -MEN a minstrel GLEESOME adj gleeful GLEET v -ED, -ING, -S to discharge mucus from the urethra GLEETY adj GLEETIER, GLEETIEST resembling mucus GLEG adj alert GLEGLY adv GLEGNESS n pl. -ES alertness GLEN n pl. -S a small valley GLENLIKE adj GLENOID adj having the shallow or slightly cupped form of a bone socket GLEY n pl. GLEYS a clay soil layer GLEYED adj GLEYING n pl. -S development of gley GLIA n pl. -S supporting tissue that binds nerve tissue GLIADIN n pl. -S a simple protein GLIADINE n pl. -S gliadin GLIAL adj pertaining to the supporting tissue of the central nervous system GLIB adj GLIBBER, GLIBBEST fluent GLIBLY adv GLIBNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being glib GLIDE v GLIDED, GLIDING, GLIDES to move effortlessly GLIDER n pl. -S a type of aircraft GLIFF n pl. -S a brief moment GLIM n pl. -S a light or lamp GLIME v GLIMED, GLIMING, GLIMES to glance slyly GLIMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to shine faintly or unsteadily GLIMPSE v GLIMPSED, GLIMPSING, GLIMPSES to see for an instant GLIMPSER n pl. -S one that glimpses GLINT v -ED, -ING, -S to glitter GLIOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor GLISSADE v -SADED, -SADING, -SADES to perform a gliding dance step GLISTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to shine by reflection GLISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to glisten GLITCH n pl. -ES a malfunction GLITCHY adj characterized by glitches GLITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to sparkle GLITTERY adj glittering GLITZ n pl. -ES gaudy showiness GLITZY adj GLITZIER, GLITZIEST showy GLOAM n pl. -S twilight GLOAMING n pl. -S twilight GLOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to regard with great or excessive satisfaction GLOATER n pl. -S one that gloats GLOB n pl. -S a rounded mass GLOBAL adj spherical GLOBALLY adv GLOBATE adj spherical GLOBATED adj spherical GLOBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST full of globs GLOBE v GLOBED, GLOBING, GLOBES to form into a perfectly round body GLOBIN n pl. -S a simple protein GLOBOID n pl. -S a spheroid GLOBOSE adj spherical GLOBOUS adj spherical GLOBULAR adj spherical GLOBULE n pl. -S a small spherical mass GLOBULIN n pl. -S a simple protein GLOCHID n pl. -S a barbed hair on some plants GLOGG n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage GLOM v GLOMMED, GLOMMING, GLOMS to steal GLOMUS n pl. -MERA a type of vascular tuft GLONOIN n pl. -S nitroglycerin GLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to become dark GLOOMFUL adj gloomy GLOOMING n pl. -S gloaming GLOOMY adj GLOOMIER, GLOOMIEST dismally dark GLOOMILY adv GLOP v GLOPPED, GLOPPING, GLOPS to cover with glop (a messy mass or mixture) GLOPPY adj being or resembling glop GLORIA n pl. -S a halo GLORIED past tense of glory GLORIES present 3d person sing. of glory GLORIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to bestow honor or praise on GLORIOLE n pl. -S a halo GLORIOUS adj magnificent GLORY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to rejoice proudly GLOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make lustrous GLOSSA n pl. -SAE or -SAS the tongue GLOSSAL adj GLOSSARY n pl. -RIES a list of terms and their definitions GLOSSEME n pl. -S the smallest linguistic unit that signals a meaning GLOSSER n pl. -S one that glosses GLOSSIER comparative of glossy GLOSSIES pl. of glossy GLOSSINA n pl. -S a tsetse fly GLOSSY adj GLOSSIER, GLOSSIEST lustrous GLOSSILY adv GLOSSY n pl. GLOSSIES a type of photograph GLOST n pl. -S pottery that has been coated with a glassy surface GLOTTIS n pl. -TISES or -TIDES the opening between the vocal cords GLOTTAL, GLOTTIC adj GLOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to scowl GLOVE v GLOVED, GLOVING, GLOVES to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) GLOVER n pl. -S a maker or seller of gloves GLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to emit light and heat GLOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to scowl GLOWFLY n pl. -FLIES a firefly GLOWWORM n pl. -S a luminous insect GLOXINIA n pl. -S a tropical plant GLOZE v GLOZED, GLOZING, GLOZES to explain away GLUCAGON n pl. -S a hormone GLUCAN n pl. -S a polymer of glucose GLUCINUM n pl. -S a metallic element GLUCINIC adj GLUCOSE n pl. -S a sugar GLUCOSIC adj GLUE v GLUED, GLUING or GLUEING, GLUES to fasten with glue (an adhesive substance) GLUELIKE adj resembling glue GLUEPOT n pl. -S a pot for melting glue GLUER n pl. -S one that glues GLUEY adj GLUIER, GLUIEST resembling glue GLUILY adv GLUG v GLUGGED, GLUGGING, GLUGS to make a gurgling sound GLUING present participle of glue GLUM adj GLUMMER, GLUMMEST being in low spirits GLUMLY adv GLUME n pl. -S a bract on grassy plants GLUMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being glum GLUMPY adj GLUMPIER, GLUMPIEST glum GLUMPILY adv GLUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to frown GLUON n pl. -S a hypothetical massless particle binding quarks together GLUT v GLUTTED, GLUTTING, GLUTS to feed or fill to excess GLUTEAL adj of or pertaining to the buttock muscles GLUTEI pl. of gluteus GLUTELIN n pl. -S a plant protein GLUTEN n pl. -S a tough elastic plant protein substance GLUTEUS n pl. -TEI a buttock muscle GLUTTED past tense of glut GLUTTING present participle of glut GLUTTON n pl. -S a person who eats to excess GLUTTONY n pl. -TONIES excessive eating GLYCAN n pl. -S a carbohydrate GLYCERIN n pl. -S a glycerol GLYCERIC adj GLYCEROL n pl. -S a syrupy alcohol GLYCERYL n pl. -S a radical derived from glycerol GLYCIN n pl. -S a compound used in photography GLYCINE n pl. -S an amino acid GLYCOGEN n pl. -S a carbohydrate GLYCOL n pl. -S an alcohol GLYCOLIC adj GLYCONIC n pl. -S a type of verse line GLYCOSYL n pl. -S a radical derived from glucose GLYCYL n pl. -S a radical derived from glycine GLYPH n pl. -S an ornamental groove GLYPHIC adj GLYPTIC n pl. -S the art or process of engraving on gems GNAR v GNARRED, GNARRING, GNARS to snarl GNARL v -ED, -ING, -S to twist into a state of deformity GNARLY adj GNARLIER, GNARLIEST gnarled GNARR v -ED, -ING, -S to gnar GNARRED past tense of gnar GNARRING present participle of gnar GNASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grind the teeth together GNAT n pl. -S a small winged insect GNATHAL adj gnathic GNATHIC adj of or pertaining to the jaw GNATHION n pl. -S the tip of the chin GNATHITE n pl. -S a jawlike appendage of an insect GNATLIKE adj resembling a gnat GNATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST infested with gnats GNAW v GNAWED, GNAWN, GNAWING, GNAWS to wear away by persistent biting GNAWABLE adj GNAWER n pl. -S one that gnaws GNAWING n pl. -S a persistent dull pain GNAWN a past participle of gnaw GNEISS n pl. -ES a type of rock GNEISSIC adj GNOCCHI n/pl dumplings made of pasta GNOME n pl. -S a dwarf GNOMIC adj resembling or containing aphorisms GNOMICAL adj gnomic GNOMISH adj resembling a gnome GNOMIST n pl. -S a writer of aphorisms GNOMON n pl. -S a part of a sundial GNOMONIC adj GNOSIS n pl. GNOSES mystical knowledge GNOSTIC adj possessing knowledge GNU n pl. -S a large antelope GO v WENT, GONE, GOING, GOES to move along GOA n pl. -S an Asian gazelle GOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick) GOADLIKE adj resembling a goad GOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to score a goal (a point-scoring play in some games) GOALIE n pl. -S a player who defends against goals GOALLESS adj having no goal GOALPOST n pl. -S a post that marks a boundary of the scoring area in some games GOALWARD adv toward a goal (a point-scoring area) GOANNA n pl. -S a large monitor lizard GOAT n pl. -S a horned mammal GOATEE n pl. -S a small pointed beard GOATEED adj GOATFISH n pl. -ES a tropical fish GOATHERD n pl. -S one who tends goats GOATISH adj resembling a goat GOATLIKE adj goatish GOATSKIN n pl. -S the hide of a goat GOB v GOBBED, GOBBING, GOBS to fill a mine pit with waste material GOBAN n pl. -S gobang GOBANG n pl. -S a Japanese game GOBBED past tense of gob GOBBET n pl. -S a piece of raw meat GOBBING present participle of gob GOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to eat hastily GOBBLER n pl. -S a male turkey GOBIES pl. of goby GOBIOID n pl. -S a fish of the goby family GOBLET n pl. -S a drinking vessel GOBLIN n pl. -S an evil or mischievous creature GOBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a device used to shield a microphone from extraneous sounds GOBONEE adj gobony GOBONY adj compony GOBY n pl. GOBIES a small fish GOD v GODDED, GODDING, GODS to treat as a god (a supernatural being) GODCHILD n pl. -CHILDREN one whom a person sponsors at baptism GODDAM v -DAMMED, -DAMMING, -DAMS goddamn GODDAMN v -ED, -ING, -S to damn GODDED past tense of god GODDESS n pl. -ES a female god GODDING present participle of god GODET n pl. -S insert of cloth in a seam GODHEAD n pl. -S godhood GODHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a god GODLESS adj worshiping no god GODLIER comparative of godly GODLIEST superlative of godly GODLIKE adj divine GODLING n pl. -S a lesser god GODLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pious GODLILY adv GODOWN n pl. -S an oriental warehouse GODROON n pl. -S gadroon GODSEND n pl. -S an unexpected boon GODSHIP n pl. -S the rank of a god GODSON n pl. -S a male godchild GODWIT n pl. -S a wading bird GOER n pl. -S one that goes GOETHITE n pl. -S an ore of iron GOFER n pl. -S an employee who runs errands GOFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to press ridges or pleats into GOGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to stare with wide eyes GOGGLER n pl. -S one that goggles GOGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST wide-eyed GOGLET n pl. -S a long-necked jar GOGO n pl. -GOS a discotheque GOING n pl. -S an advance toward an objective GOITER n pl. -S an enlargement of the thyroid gland GOITROUS adj GOITRE n pl. -S goiter GOLCONDA n pl. -S a source of great wealth GOLD adj GOLDER, GOLDEST golden GOLD n pl. -S a precious metallic element GOLDARN n pl. -S an expression of anger GOLDBUG n pl. -S a gold beetle GOLDEN adj -ENER, -ENEST of the color of gold GOLDENLY adv GOLDEYE n pl. -S a freshwater fish GOLDFISH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish GOLDURN n pl. -S goldarn GOLEM n pl. -S a legendary creature GOLF v -ED, -ING, -S to play golf (a type of ball game) GOLFER n pl. -S one that golfs GOLFING n pl. -S the game of golf GOLGOTHA n pl. -S a place of burial GOLIARD n pl. -S a wandering student GOLLIWOG n pl. -S a grotesque doll GOLLY interj -- used as a mild oath GOLLYWOG n pl. -S golliwog GOLOSH n pl. -ES galosh GOLOSHE n pl. -S galosh GOMBO n pl. -BOS gumbo GOMBROON n pl. -S a kind of Persian pottery GOMERAL n pl. -S a fool GOMEREL n pl. -S gomeral GOMERIL n pl. -S gomeral GOMUTI n pl. -S a palm tree GONAD n pl. -S a sex gland GONADAL, GONADIAL, GONADIC adj GONDOLA n pl. -S a long, narrow boat GONE adj departed GONEF n pl. -S ganef GONENESS n pl. -ES a state of exhaustion GONER n pl. -S one who is in a hopeless situation GONFALON n pl. -S a banner GONFANON n pl. -S gonfalon GONG v -ED, -ING, -S to make the sound of a gong (a disk-shaped percussion instrument) GONGLIKE adj resembling a gong GONIA pl. of gonion and of gonium GONIDIUM n pl. -IA an asexual reproductive cell GONIDIAL, GONIDIC adj GONIF n pl. -S ganef GONIFF n pl. -S ganef GONION n pl. -NIA a part of the lower jaw GONIUM n pl. -NIA an immature reproductive cell GONOCYTE n pl. -S a cell that produces gametes GONOF n pl. -S ganef GONOPH n pl. -S ganef GONOPORE n pl. -S a genital pore GONZO adj bizarre GOO n pl. GOOS a sticky or viscid substance GOOBER n pl. -S a peanut GOOD adj BETTER, BEST having positive or desirable qualities GOOD n pl. -S something that is good GOODBY n pl. -BYS goodbye GOODBYE n pl. -S a concluding remark or gesture at parting GOODIE n pl. -S goody GOODIES pl. of goody GOODISH adj somewhat good GOODLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of pleasing appearance GOODMAN n pl. -MEN the master of a household GOODNESS n pl. -ES the state of being good GOODWIFE n pl. -WIVES the mistress of a household GOODWILL n pl. -S an attitude of friendliness GOODY n pl. GOODIES a desirable food GOOEY adj GOOIER, GOOIEST sticky or viscid GOOF v -ED, -ING, -S to blunder GOOFBALL n pl. -S a sleeping pill GOOFY adj GOOFIER, GOOFIEST silly GOOFILY adv GOOGLY n pl. -GLIES a type of bowled ball in cricket GOOGOL n pl. -S an enormous number GOOIER comparative of gooey GOOIEST superlative of gooey GOOK n pl. -S goo GOOKY adj GOOMBAH n pl. -S an older man who is a friend GOOMBAY n pl. -BAYS calypso music of the Bahamas GOON n pl. -S a hired thug GOONEY n pl. -NEYS an albatross GOONIE n pl. -S gooney GOONY n pl. -NIES gooney GOOP n pl. -S goo, gunk GOOPY adj GOOPIER, GOOPIEST sticky, gooey GOORAL n pl. -S goral GOOSE n pl. GEESE a swimming bird GOOSE v GOOSED, GOOSING, GOOSES to poke between the buttocks GOOSEY adj GOOSIER, GOOSIEST goosy GOOSY adj GOOSIER, GOOSIEST resembling a goose GOPHER n pl. -S a burrowing rodent GOR interj -- used as a mild oath GORAL n pl. -S a goat antelope GORBELLY n pl. -LIES a potbelly GORBLIMY interj blimey GORCOCK n pl. -S the male red grouse GORE v GORED, GORING, GORES to pierce with a horn or tusk GORGE v GORGED, GORGING, GORGES to stuff with food GORGEDLY adv GORGEOUS adj beautiful GORGER n pl. -S one that gorges GORGERIN n pl. -S a part of a column GORGET n pl. -S a piece of armor for the throat GORGETED adj GORGING present participle of gorge GORGON n pl. -S an ugly woman GORHEN n pl. -S the female red grouse GORIER comparative of gory GORIEST superlative of gory GORILLA n pl. -S a large ape GORILY adv in a gory manner GORINESS n pl. -ES the state of being gory GORING present participle of gore GORMAND n pl. -S gourmand GORMLESS adj stupid GORP n pl. -S a snack for quick energy GORSE n pl. -S furze GORSY adj GORSIER, GORSIEST abounding in gorse GORY adj GORIER, GORIEST bloody GOSH interj -- used as an exclamation of surprise GOSHAWK n pl. -S a large hawk GOSLING n pl. -S a young goose GOSPEL n pl. -S the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation GOSPELER n pl. -S one that teaches the gospel GOSPORT n pl. -S a communication device in an airplane GOSSAMER n pl. -S a fine film of cobwebs GOSSAN n pl. -S a type of decomposed rock GOSSIP v -SIPED, -SIPING, -SIPS or -SIPPED, -SIPPING, -SIPS to talk idly about the affairs of others GOSSIPER n pl. -S one that gossips GOSSIPRY n pl. -RIES the practice of gossiping GOSSIPY adj inclined to gossip GOSSOON n pl. -S a boy GOSSYPOL n pl. -S a toxic pigment GOT past tense of get GOTHIC n pl. -S a style of printing GOTHITE n pl. -S goethite GOTTEN past participle of get GOUACHE n pl. -S a method of painting GOUGE v GOUGED, GOUGING, GOUGES to cut or scoop out GOUGER n pl. -S one that gouges GOULASH n pl. -ES a beef stew GOURAMI n pl. -S or -ES a food fish GOURD n pl. -S a hard-shelled fruit GOURDE n pl. -S a monetary unit of Haiti GOURMAND n pl. -S one who loves to eat GOURMET n pl. -S a connoisseur of fine food and drink GOUT n pl. -S a metabolic disease GOUTY adj GOUTIER, GOUTIEST affected with gout GOUTILY adv GOVERN v -ED, -ING, -S to rule or direct GOVERNOR n pl. -S one that governs GOWAN n pl. -S a daisy GOWANED, GOWANY adj GOWD n pl. -S gold GOWK n pl. -S a fool GOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) GOWNSMAN n pl. -MEN a professional or academic person GOX n pl. -ES gaseous oxygen GRAAL n pl. -S grail GRAB v GRABBED, GRABBING, GRABS to grasp suddenly GRABBER n pl. -S one that grabs GRABBIER comparative of grabby GRABBIEST superlative of grabby GRABBING present participle of grab GRABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to grope GRABBLER n pl. -S one that grabbles GRABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST tending to grab GRABEN n pl. -S a depression of the earth's crust GRACE v GRACED, GRACING, GRACES to give beauty to GRACEFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST having beauty of form or movement GRACILE adj gracefully slender GRACILIS n pl. -LES a thigh muscle GRACING present participle of grace GRACIOSO n pl. -SOS a clown in Spanish comedy GRACIOUS adj marked by kindness and courtesy GRACKLE n pl. -S a blackbird GRAD n pl. -S a graduate GRADATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to change by degrees GRADE v GRADED, GRADING, GRADES to arrange in steps or degrees GRADABLE adj GRADER n pl. -S one that grades GRADIENT n pl. -S a rate of inclination GRADIN n pl. -S gradine GRADINE n pl. -S one of a series of steps GRADING present participle of grade GRADUAL n pl. -S a hymn sung in alternate parts GRADUAND n pl. -S one who is about to graduate GRADUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to receive an academic degree or diploma GRADUS n pl. -ES a dictionary of prosody GRAECIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to grecize GRAFFITO n pl. -TI an inscription or drawing made on a rock or wall GRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to unite with a growing plant by insertion GRAFTAGE n pl. -S the process of grafting GRAFTER n pl. -S one that grafts GRAHAM n pl. -S whole-wheat flour GRAIL n pl. -S the object of a long quest GRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to form into small particles GRAINER n pl. -S one that grains GRAINY adj GRAINIER, GRAINIEST granular GRAM pl. -S a unit of mass and weight GRAMA n pl. -S a pasture grass GRAMARY n pl. -RIES gramarye GRAMARYE n pl. -S occult learning; magic GRAMERCY n pl. -CIES an expression of gratitude GRAMMAR n pl. -S the study of the formal features of a language GRAMME n pl. -S gram GRAMP n pl. -S grandfather GRAMPUS n pl. -ES a marine mammal GRAN n pl. -S a grandmother GRANA pl. of granum GRANARY n pl. -RIES a storehouse for grain GRAND adj GRANDER, GRANDEST large and impressive GRAND n pl. -S a type of piano GRANDAD n pl. -S granddad GRANDAM n pl. -S a grandmother GRANDAME n pl. -S grandam GRANDDAD n pl. -S a grandfather GRANDDAM n pl. -S the female parent of an animal with offspring GRANDEE n pl. -S man of high social position GRANDEUR n pl. -S the state of being grand GRANDKID n pl. -S the child of one's son or daughter GRANDLY adv in a grand manner GRANDMA n pl. -S a grandmother GRANDPA n pl. -S a grandfather GRANDSIR n pl. -S a grandfather GRANDSON n pl. -S a son of one's son or daughter GRANGE n pl. -S a farm GRANGER n pl. -S a farmer GRANITA n pl. -S an iced dessert GRANITE n pl. -S a type of rock GRANITIC adj GRANNIE n pl. -S granny GRANNY n pl. -NIES a grandmother GRANOLA n pl. -S a breakfast cereal GRANT v -ED, -ING, -S to bestow upon GRANTEE n pl. -S one to whom something is granted GRANTER n pl. -S one that grants GRANTOR n pl. -S granter GRANULAR adj composed of granules GRANULE n pl. -S a small particle GRANUM n pl. GRANA a part of a plant chloroplast GRAPE n pl. -S an edible berry GRAPERY n pl. -ERIES a vinery GRAPEY adj GRAPIER, GRAPIEST grapy GRAPH v -ED, -ING, -S to represent by means of a diagram GRAPHEME n pl. -S a unit of a writing system GRAPHIC n pl. -S a product of the art of representation GRAPHITE n pl. -S a variety of carbon GRAPIER comparative of grapy GRAPIEST superlative of grapy GRAPLIN n pl. -S a grapnel GRAPLINE n pl. -S graplin GRAPNEL n pl. -S a type of anchor GRAPPA n pl. -S an Italian brandy GRAPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to struggle or contend GRAPPLER n pl. -S one that grapples GRAPY adj GRAPIER, GRAPIEST resembling grapes GRASP v -ED, -ING, -S to seize firmly with the hand GRASPER n pl. -S one that grasps GRASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with grass (herbaceous plants) GRASSY adj GRASSIER, GRASSIEST of, resembling, or pertaining to grass GRASSILY adv GRAT past tense of greet (to weep) GRATE v GRATED, GRATING, GRATES to reduce to shreds by rubbing GRATEFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST deeply thankful GRATER n pl. -S one that grates GRATIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to satisfy GRATIN n pl. -S a type of food crust GRATINE adj covered with a crust GRATINEE adj gratine GRATING n pl. -S a network of bars covering an opening GRATIS adj free of charge GRATUITY n pl. -ITIES a gift of money GRAUPEL n pl. -S precipitation consisting of granular snow pellets GRAVAMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA the most serious part of an accusation GRAVE adj GRAVER, GRAVEST extremely serious GRAVE v GRAVED, GRAVEN, GRAVING, GRAVES to engrave GRAVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to pave with gravel (a mixture of rock fragments) GRAVELLY adj containing gravel GRAVELY adv in a grave manner GRAVEN past participle of grave GRAVER n pl. -S an engraver GRAVEST superlative of grave GRAVID adj pregnant GRAVIDLY adv GRAVIDA n pl. -DAS or -DAE a pregnant woman GRAVIES pl. of gravy GRAVING present participle of grave GRAVITAS n pl. -ES reserved, dignified behavior GRAVITON n pl. -S a hypothetical particle GRAVITY n pl. -TIES the force of attraction toward the earth's center GRAVLAKS n pl. GRAVLAKS gravlax GRAVLAX n pl. GRAVLAX cured salmon GRAVURE n pl. -S a printing process GRAVY n pl. -VIES a sauce of the fat and juices from cooked meat GRAY adj GRAYER, GRAYEST of a color between white and black GRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to make gray GRAYBACK n pl. -S a gray bird GRAYFISH n pl. -ES a dogfish GRAYISH adj somewhat gray GRAYLAG n pl. -S a wild goose GRAYLING n pl. -S a food fish GRAYLY adv in a gray manner GRAYMAIL n pl. -S pressure on an official to reveal sensitive information GRAYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being gray GRAYOUT n pl. -S a temporary blurring of vision GRAZE v GRAZED, GRAZING, GRAZES to feed on growing grass GRAZABLE adj GRAZER n pl. -S one that grazes GRAZIER n pl. -S one that grazes cattle GRAZING n pl. -S land used for the feeding of animals GRAZIOSO adj graceful in style GREASE v GREASED, GREASING, GREASES to smear with grease (a lubricating substance) GREASER n pl. -S one that greases GREASY adj GREASIER, GREASIEST containing or resembling grease GREASILY adv GREAT adj GREATER, GREATEST large GREAT n pl. -S a distinguished or outstanding person GREATEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make greater GREATLY adv in a great manner GREAVE n pl. -S a piece of armor for the leg GREAVED adj GREBE n pl. -S a diving bird GRECIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to provide with a Greek style GREE v GREED, GREEING, GREES to agree GREED n pl. -S excessive desire for gain or wealth GREEDY adj GREEDIER, GREEDIEST marked by greed GREEDILY adv GREEGREE n pl. -S grigri GREEK n pl. GREEK something unintelligible GREEN adj GREENER, GREENEST of the color of growing foliage GREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to become green GREENBUG n pl. -S a green aphid GREENERY n pl. -ERIES green vegetation GREENFLY n pl. -FLIES a green aphid GREENIE n pl. -S an amphetamine pill GREENIER comparative of greeny GREENIEST superlative of greeny GREENING n pl. -S a variety of apple GREENISH adj somewhat green GREENLET n pl. -S a vireo GREENLY adv in a green manner GREENTH n pl. -S verdure GREENWAY n pl. -WAYS piece of undeveloped land in a city GREENY adj GREENIER, GREENIEST somewhat green GREET v -ED, -ING, -S to address in a friendly and courteous way GREET v GRAT, GRUTTEN, GREETING, GREETS to weep GREETER n pl. -S one that greets GREETING n pl. -S a salutation GREGO n pl. -GOS a hooded coat GREIGE n pl. -S fabric in an unfinished state GREISEN n pl. -S a type of rock GREMIAL n pl. -S a lap cloth used by a bishop during a service GREMLIN n pl. -S a mischievous creature GREMMIE n pl. -S an inexperienced surfer GREMMY n pl. -MIES gremmie GRENADE n pl. -S an explosive device GREW past tense of grow GREWSOME adj -SOMER, -SOMEST gruesome GREY adj GREYER, GREYEST gray GREY v -ED, -ING, -S to gray GREYHEN n pl. -S the female black grouse GREYISH adj grayish GREYLAG n pl. -S graylag GREYLY adv grayly GREYNESS n pl. -ES grayness GRIBBLE n pl. -S a marine isopod GRID n pl. -S a grating GRIDDER n pl. -S a football player GRIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to cook on a flat pan GRIDE v GRIDED, GRIDING, GRIDES to scrape harshly GRIDIRON n pl. -S a grate for broiling food GRIDLOCK n pl. -S a traffic jam GRIEF n pl. -S intense mental distress GRIEVANT n pl. -S one that submits a complaint for arbitration GRIEVE v GRIEVED, GRIEVING, GRIEVES to feel grief GRIEVER n pl. -S one that grieves GRIEVOUS adj causing grief GRIFF n pl. -S griffe GRIFFE n pl. -S the offspring of a black person and a mulatto GRIFFIN n pl. -S a mythological creature GRIFFON n pl. -S griffin GRIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to swindle GRIFTER n pl. -S a swindler GRIG n pl. -S a lively person GRIGRI n pl. -S a fetish or amulet GRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to broil on a gridiron GRILLADE n pl. -S a dish of grilled meat GRILLAGE n pl. -S a framework of timber GRILLE n pl. -S a grating GRILLER n pl. -S one that grills GRILSE n pl. -S a young salmon GRIM adj GRIMMER, GRIMMEST stern and unrelenting GRIMACE v -MACED, -MACING, -MACES to contort the facial features GRIMACER n pl. -S one that grimaces GRIME v GRIMED, GRIMING, GRIMES to make dirty GRIMIER comparative of grimy GRIMIEST superlative of grimy GRIMILY adv in a grimy manner GRIMING present participle of grime GRIMLY adv in a grim manner GRIMMER comparative of grim GRIMMEST superlative of grim GRIMNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being grim GRIMY adj GRIMIER, GRIMIEST dirty GRIN v GRINNED, GRINNING, GRINS to smile broadly GRINCH n pl. -ES one who spoils the fun of others GRIND v GROUND or GRINDED, GRINDING, GRINDS to wear, smooth, or sharpen by friction GRINDER n pl. -S one that grinds GRINDERY n pl. -ERIES a place where tools are ground GRINNED past tense of grin GRINNER n pl. -S one that grins GRINNING present participle of grin GRIOT n pl. -S a tribal entertainer in West Africa GRIP v GRIPPED or GRIPT, GRIPPING, GRIPS to grasp GRIPE v GRIPED, GRIPING, GRIPES to grasp GRIPER n pl. -S one that gripes GRIPEY adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST gripy GRIPIER comparative of gripy GRIPIEST superlative of gripy GRIPING present participle of gripe GRIPMAN n pl. -MEN a cable car operator GRIPPE n pl. -S a virus disease GRIPPED a past tense of grip GRIPPER n pl. -S one that grips GRIPPIER comparative of grippy GRIPPIEST superlative of grippy GRIPPING present participle of grip GRIPPLE adj greedy GRIPPY adj GRIPPIER, GRIPPIEST affected with the grippe GRIPSACK n pl. -S a valise GRIPT a past tense of grip GRIPY adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST causing sharp pains in the bowels GRISEOUS adj grayish GRISETTE n pl. -S a young French working-class girl GRISKIN n pl. -S the lean part of a loin of pork GRISLY adj -LIER, -LIEST horrifying GRISON n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal GRIST n pl. -S grain for grinding GRISTLE n pl. -S the tough part of meat GRISTLY adj -TLIER, -TLIEST containing gristle GRIT v GRITTED, GRITTING, GRITS to press the teeth together GRITH n pl. -S sanctuary for a limited period of time GRITTY adj -TIER, -TIEST plucky GRITTILY adv GRIVET n pl. -S a small monkey GRIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to complain GRIZZLER n pl. -S one that grizzles GRIZZLY adj -ZLIER, -ZLIEST grayish GRIZZLY n pl. -ZLIES a large bear GROAN v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a low, mournful sound GROANER n pl. -S one that groans GROAT n pl. -S an old English coin GROCER n pl. -S a dealer in foodstuffs and household supplies GROCERY n pl. -CERIES a grocer's store GROG n pl. -S a mixture of liquor and water GROGGERY n pl. -GERIES a barroom GROGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST dazed GROGGILY adv GROGRAM n pl. -S a coarse silk fabric GROGSHOP n pl. -S a groggery GROIN v -ED, -ING, -S to build with intersecting arches GROMMET n pl. -S a reinforcing ring of metal GROMWELL n pl. -S an herb GROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to clean and care for GROOMER n pl. -S one that grooms GROOVE v GROOVED, GROOVING, GROOVES to form a groove (a long, narrow depression) GROOVER n pl. -S one that grooves GROOVY adj GROOVIER, GROOVIEST marvelous GROPE v GROPED, GROPING, GROPES to feel about with the hands GROPER n pl. -S one that gropes GROSBEAK n pl. -S a finch GROSCHEN n pl. GROSCHEN an Austrian coin GROSS adj GROSSER, GROSSEST flagrant GROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to earn exclusive of deductions GROSSER n pl. -S a product yielding a large volume of business GROSSLY adv in a gross manner GROSZ n pl. GROSZY a Polish coin GROSZE n pl. GROSZY grosz GROT n pl. -S a grotto GROTTO n pl. -TOES or -TOS a cave GROTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST wretched GROUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to complain GROUCHY adj GROUCHIER, GROUCHIEST ill-tempered GROUND v -ED, -ING, -S to place on a foundation GROUNDER n pl. -S a type of batted baseball GROUP v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in a group (an assemblage of persons or things) GROUPER n pl. -S a food fish GROUPIE n pl. -S a female follower of rock groups GROUPING n pl. -S a set of objects GROUPOID n pl. -S a type of mathematical set GROUSE v GROUSED, GROUSING, GROUSES to complain GROUSER n pl. -S one that grouses GROUT v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with a thin mortar GROUTER n pl. -S one that grouts GROUTY adj GROUTIER, GROUTIEST surly GROVE n pl. -S a small forested area GROVED adj GROVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to crawl in an abject manner GROVELER n pl. -S one that grovels GROW v GREW, GROWN, GROWING, GROWS to cultivate GROWABLE adj GROWER n pl. -S one that grows GROWL v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a deep, harsh sound GROWLER n pl. -S one that growls GROWLY adj GROWLIER, GROWLIEST deep and harsh in speech GROWN adj mature GROWNUP n pl. -S a mature person GROWTH n pl. -S development GROWTHY adj GROWTHIER, GROWTHIEST fast-growing GROYNE n pl. -S a structure built to protect a shore from erosion GRUB v GRUBBED, GRUBBING, GRUBS to dig GRUBBER n pl. -S one that grubs GRUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST dirty GRUBBILY adv GRUBWORM n pl. -S the larva of some insects GRUDGE v GRUDGED, GRUDGING, GRUDGES to be unwilling to give or admit GRUDGER n pl. -S one that grudges GRUE n pl. -S a shudder of fear GRUEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to disable by hard work GRUELER n pl. -S one that gruels GRUELING n pl. -S an exhausting experience GRUELLED a past tense of gruel GRUELLER n pl. -S grueler GRUELLING present participle of gruel GRUESOME adj -SOMER, -SOMEST repugnant GRUFF adj GRUFFER, GRUFFEST low and harsh in speech GRUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to utter in a gruff voice GRUFFIER comparative of gruffy GRUFFIEST superlative of gruffy GRUFFILY adv in a gruffy manner GRUFFISH adj somewhat gruff GRUFFLY adv in a gruff manner GRUFFY adj GRUFFIER, GRUFFIEST gruff GRUGRU n pl. -S a palm tree GRUIFORM adj designating an order of birds GRUM adj GRUMMER, GRUMMEST morose GRUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to mutter in discontent GRUMBLY adj GRUMBLER n pl. -S one that grumbles GRUME n pl. -S a thick, viscid substance GRUMMER comparative of grum GRUMMEST superlative of grum GRUMMET n pl. -S grommet GRUMOSE adj grumous GRUMOUS adj consisting of clustered grains GRUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to complain GRUMPHIE n pl. -S a pig GRUMPHY n pl. GRUMPHIES grumphie GRUMPISH adj grumpy GRUMPY adj GRUMPIER, GRUMPIEST ill-tempered GRUMPILY adv GRUNGE n pl. -S dirt GRUNGY adj -GIER, -GIEST dirty GRUNION n pl. -S a small food fish GRUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a deep, guttural sound GRUNTER n pl. -S one that grunts GRUNTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to put in a good humor GRUSHIE adj thriving GRUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grudge GRUTTEN past participle of greet (to weep) GRUYERE n pl. -S a Swiss cheese GRYPHON n pl. -S griffin GUACHARO n pl. -ROS or -ROES a tropical bird GUACO n pl. -COS a tropical plant GUAIAC n pl. -S guaiacum GUAIACOL n pl. -S a chemical compound GUAIACUM n pl. -S a medicinal resin GUAIOCUM n pl. -S guaiacum GUAN n pl. -S a large bird GUANACO n pl. -COS a South American mammal GUANASE n pl. -S an enzyme GUANAY n pl. -NAYS a Peruvian cormorant GUANIDIN n pl. -S a chemical compound GUANIN n pl. -S guanine GUANINE n pl. -S a chemical compound GUANO n pl. -NOS the accumulated excrement of sea birds GUAR n pl. -S a drought-tolerant legume GUARANI n pl. -NIS or -NIES a monetary unit of Paraguay GUARANTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to assume responsibility for the quality of GUARD v -ED, -ING, -S to protect GUARDANT n pl. -S a guardian GUARDER n pl. -S one that guards GUARDIAN n pl. -S one that guards GUAVA n pl. -S a tropical shrub GUAYULE n pl. -S a shrub that is a source of rubber GUCK n pl. -S a messy substance GUDE n pl. -S good GUDGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to dupe GUENON n pl. -S a long-tailed monkey GUERDON v -ED, -ING, -S to reward GUERIDON n pl. -S a small stand or table GUERILLA n pl. -S a member of a small independent band of soldiers GUERNSEY n pl. -SEYS a woolen shirt GUESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form an opinion from little or no evidence GUESSER n pl. -S one that guesses GUEST v -ED, -ING, -S to appear as a visitor GUFF n pl. -S foolish talk GUFFAW v -ED, -ING, -S to laugh loudly GUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to gurgle GUGLET n pl. -S goglet GUID n pl. -S good GUIDANCE n pl. -S advice GUIDE v GUIDED, GUIDING, GUIDES to show the way to GUIDABLE adj GUIDER n pl. -S one that guides GUIDEWAY n pl. -WAYS a track for controlling the line of motion of something GUIDON n pl. -S a small flag GUILD n pl. -S an association of people of the same trade GUILDER n pl. -S a monetary unit of the Netherlands GUILE v GUILED, GUILING, GUILES to beguile GUILEFUL adj cunning GUILT n pl. -S the fact of having committed an offense GUILTY adj GUILTIER, GUILTIEST worthy of blame for an offense GUILTILY adv GUIMPE n pl. -S a short blouse GUINEA n pl. -S a former British coin GUIPURE n pl. -S a type of lace GUIRO n pl. -ROS a percussion instrument GUISARD n pl. -S a masker GUISE v GUISED, GUISING, GUISES to disguise GUITAR n pl. -S a stringed musical instrument GUITGUIT n pl. -S a tropical American bird GUL n pl. -S a design in oriental carpets GULAG n pl. -S a forced-labor camp GULAR adj of or pertaining to the throat GULCH n pl. -ES a deep, narrow ravine GULDEN n pl. -S a guilder GULES n pl. GULES the color red GULF v -ED, -ING, -S to swallow up GULFIER comparative of gulfy GULFIEST superlative of gulfy GULFLIKE adj resembling a deep chasm GULFWEED n pl. -S a brownish seaweed GULFY adj GULFIER, GULFIEST full of whirlpools GULL v -ED, -ING, -S to deceive GULLABLE adj gullible GULLABLY adv GULLET n pl. -S the throat GULLEY n pl. -LEYS a ravine GULLIBLE adj easily deceived GULLIBLY adv GULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to form ravines by the action of water GULOSITY n pl. -TIES gluttony GULP v -ED, -ING, -S to swallow rapidly GULPER n pl. -S one that gulps GULPY adj GULPIER, GULPIEST marked by gulping GUM v GUMMED, GUMMING, GUMS to smear, seal, or clog with gum (a sticky, viscid substance) GUMBO n pl. -BOS the okra plant GUMBOIL n pl. -S an abscess in the gum GUMBOOT n pl. -S a rubber boot GUMBOTIL n pl. -S a sticky clay GUMDROP n pl. -S a chewy candy GUMLESS adj having no gum GUMLIKE adj resembling gum GUMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a soft tumor GUMMED past tense of gum GUMMER n pl. -S one that gums GUMMIER comparative of gummy GUMMIEST superlative of gummy GUMMING present participle of gum GUMMITE n pl. -S a mixture of various minerals GUMMOSE adj gummy GUMMOSIS n pl. -MOSES a disease of plants GUMMOUS adj gummy GUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST resembling gum GUMPTION n pl. -S shrewdness GUMSHOE v -SHOED, -SHOEING, -SHOES to investigate stealthily GUMTREE n pl. -S a tree that yields gum GUMWEED n pl. -S a plant covered with a gummy substance GUMWOOD n pl. -S the wood of a gumtree GUN v GUNNED, GUNNING, GUNS to shoot with a gun (a portable firearm) GUNBOAT n pl. -S an armed vessel GUNDOG n pl. -S a hunting dog GUNFIGHT v -FOUGHT, -FIGHTING, -FIGHTS to fight with guns GUNFIRE n pl. -S the firing of guns GUNFLINT n pl. -S the flint in a flintlock GUNFOUGHT past tense of gunfight GUNITE n pl. -S a mixture of cement, sand, and water GUNK n pl. -S filthy, sticky, or greasy matter GUNKY adj GUNKHOLE v -HOLED, -HOLING, -HOLES to make a series of short boat trips GUNLESS adj having no gun GUNLOCK n pl. -S the mechanism which ignites the charge of a gun GUNMAN n pl. -MEN one who is armed with a gun GUNMETAL n pl. -S a dark gray color GUNNED past tense of gun GUNNEL n pl. -S a marine fish GUNNEN past participle of gin GUNNER n pl. -S one that operates a gun GUNNERY n pl. -NERIES the use of guns GUNNING n pl. -S the sport of hunting with a gun GUNNY n pl. -NIES a coarse fabric GUNNYBAG n pl. -S a bag made of gunny GUNPAPER n pl. -S a type of explosive paper GUNPLAY n pl. -PLAYS the shooting of guns GUNPOINT n pl. -S the point or aim of a gun GUNROOM n pl. -S a room on a British warship GUNSEL n pl. -S a gunman GUNSHIP n pl. -S an armed helicopter GUNSHOT n pl. -S a projectile fired from a gun GUNSMITH n pl. -S one who makes or repairs firearms GUNSTOCK n pl. -S the rear wooden part of a rifle GUNWALE n pl. -S the upper edge of a ship's side GUPPY n pl. -PIES a small, tropical fish GURGE v GURGED, GURGING, GURGES to swirl GURGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to flow unevenly GURGLET n pl. -S goglet GURNARD n pl. -S a marine fish GURNET n pl. -S a gurnard GURNEY n pl. -NEYS a wheeled cot GURRY n pl. -RIES fish offal GURSH n pl. -ES qursh GURU n pl. -S a Hindu spiritual teacher GURUSHIP n pl. -S the office of a guru GUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to flow forth forcefully GUSHER n pl. -S a gushing oil well GUSHY adj GUSHIER, GUSHIEST overly sentimental GUSHILY adv GUSSET v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a reinforcing piece of material GUSSIE v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES gussy GUSSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to dress up in fine or showy clothes GUST v -ED, -ING, -S to blow in gusts (sudden blasts of wind) GUSTABLE n pl. -S a savory food GUSTIER comparative of gusty GUSTIEST superlative of gusty GUSTILY adv in a gusty manner GUSTLESS adj having no gusts GUSTO n pl. -TOES vigorous enjoyment GUSTY adj GUSTIER, GUSTIEST blowing in gusts GUT v GUTTED, GUTTING, GUTS to remove the guts (intestines) of GUTLESS adj lacking courage GUTLIKE adj resembling guts GUTSILY adv in a gutsy manner GUTSY adj GUTSIER, GUTSIEST brave GUTTA n pl. -TAE a drop of liquid GUTTATE adj resembling a drop GUTTATED adj guttate GUTTED past tense of gut GUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to form channels for draining off water GUTTERY adj marked by extreme vulgarity or indecency GUTTIER comparative of gutty GUTTIEST superlative of gutty GUTTING present participle of gut GUTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to eat rapidly GUTTLER n pl. -S one that guttles GUTTURAL n pl. -S a throaty sound GUTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST marked by courage GUV n pl. -S a governor GUY v -ED, -ING, -S to ridicule GUYLINE n pl. -S a rope, chain or wire used as a brace GUYOT n pl. -S a flat-topped seamount GUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to drink rapidly GUZZLER n pl. -S one that guzzles GWEDUC n pl. -S geoduck GWEDUCK n pl. -S geoduck GYBE v GYBED, GYBING, GYBES to shift from side to side while sailing GYM n pl. -S a room for athletic activities GYMKHANA n pl. -S an athletic meet GYMNASIA n/pl gyms GYMNAST n pl. -S one who is skilled in physical exercises GYNAECEA n/pl gynecia GYNAECIA n/pl gynecia GYNANDRY n pl. -DRIES the condition of having both male and female sexual organs GYNARCHY n pl. -CHIES government by women GYNECIC adj pertaining to women GYNECIUM n pl. -CIA the pistil of a flower GYNECOID adj resembling a woman GYNIATRY n pl. -TRIES the treatment of women's diseases GYNOECIA n/pl gynecia GYP v GYPPED, GYPPING, GYPS to swindle GYPLURE n pl. -S a synthetic attractant to trap gypsy moths GYPPER n pl. -S one that gyps GYPSEIAN adj of or pertaining to gypsies GYPSEOUS adj containing gypsum GYPSTER n pl. -S one that gyps GYPSUM n pl. -S a mineral GYPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to live like a gypsy (a wanderer) GYPSYDOM n pl. -S the realm of gypsies GYPSYISH adj resembling a gypsy GYPSYISM n pl. -S the mode of life of gypsies GYRAL adj gyratory GYRALLY adv GYRASE n pl. -S an enzyme GYRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to revolve or rotate GYRATION n pl. -S the act of gyrating GYRATOR n pl. -S one that gyrates GYRATORY adj moving in a circle or spiral GYRE v GYRED, GYRING, GYRES to move in a circle or spiral GYRENE n pl. -S a marine GYRI pl. of gyrus GYRING present participle of gyre GYRO n pl. -ROS a gyroscope GYROIDAL adj spiral in arrangement GYRON n pl. -S a heraldic design GYROSE adj marked with wavy lines GYROSTAT n pl. -S a type of stabilizing device GYRUS n pl. -RI a ridge in the brain GYVE v GYVED, GYVING, GYVES to shackle HA n pl. -S a sound of surprise HAAF n pl. -S a deep-sea fishing ground HAAR n pl. -S a fog HABANERA n pl. -S a Cuban dance HABDALAH n pl. -S a Jewish ceremony HABILE adj skillful HABIT v -ED, -ING, -S to clothe or dress HABITAN n pl. -S a French settler HABITANT n pl. -S an inhabitant HABITAT n pl. -S the natural environment of an organism HABITUAL adj occurring frequently or constantly HABITUDE n pl. -S a usual course of action HABITUE n pl. -S a frequent customer HABITUS n pl. HABITUS bodily build and constitution HABOOB n pl. -S a violent sandstorm HABU n pl. -S a poisonous snake HACEK n pl. -S a mark placed over a letter to modify it HACHURE v -CHURED, -CHURING, -CHURES to make a hatching on a map HACIENDA n pl. -S an estate HACK v -ED, -ING, -S to cut or chop roughly HACKBUT n pl. -S a type of gun HACKEE n pl. -S a chipmunk HACKER n pl. -S one that hacks HACKIE n pl. -S a taxicab driver HACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to hack HACKLER n pl. -S one that hackles HACKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST jagged HACKMAN n pl. -MEN a hackie HACKNEY v -NEYED, -NEYING, -NEYS to make common HACKSAW n pl. -S a type of saw HACKWORK n pl. -S artistic work done according to formula HAD a past tense of have HADAL adj pertaining to deep parts of the ocean HADARIM a pl. of heder HADDEST a past 2d person sing. of have HADDOCK n pl. -S a food fish HADE v HADED, HADING, HADES to incline HADITH n pl. HADITH or HADITHS a record of the sayings of Muhammed HADJ n pl. -ES a pilgrimage to Mecca HADJEE n pl. -S hadji HADJI n pl. -S one who has made a hadj HADRON n pl. -S an elementary particle HADRONIC adj HADST a past 2d person sing. of have HAE v HAED, HAEN, HAEING, HAES to have HAEM n pl. -S heme HAEMAL adj hemal HAEMATAL adj hemal HAEMATIC n pl. -S hematic HAEMATIN n pl. -S hematin HAEMIC adj hemic HAEMIN n pl. -S hemin HAEMOID adj hemoid HAEN past participle of hae HAERES n pl. -REDES heres HAET n pl. -S a small amount HAFFET n pl. -S the cheekbone and temple HAFFIT n pl. -S haffet HAFIZ n pl. HAFIS a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart HAFNIUM n pl. -S a metallic element HAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a handle HAFTARA n pl. -RAS, -ROT or -ROTH haphtara HAFTARAH n pl. -RAHS, -ROT or -ROTH haphtara HAFTER n pl. -S one that hafts HAFTORAH n pl. -RAHS, -ROT or -ROTH haphtara HAG v HAGGED, HAGGING, HAGS to hack HAGADIC adj haggadic HAGADIST n pl. -S a haggadic scholar HAGBERRY n pl. -RIES a small cherry HAGBORN adj born of a witch HAGBUSH n pl. -ES a large tree HAGBUT n pl. -S hackbut HAGDON n pl. -S a seabird HAGFISH n pl. -ES an eellike fish HAGGADA n pl. -DAS, -DOT or -DOTH haggadah HAGGADAH n pl. -DAHS, -DOT or -DOTH a biblical narrative HAGGADIC adj HAGGARD n pl. -S an adult hawk HAGGED past tense of hag HAGGING present participle of hag HAGGIS n pl. -GISES a Scottish dish HAGGISH adj resembling a hag HAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to bargain HAGGLER n pl. -S one that haggles HAGRIDE v -RODE, -RIDDEN, -RIDING, -RIDES to harass HAH n pl. -S ha HAHA n pl. -S a fence set in a ditch HAHNIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element HAIK n pl. HAIKS or HAIKA an outer garment worn by Arabs HAIKU n pl. HAIKU a Japanese poem HAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to welcome HAILER n pl. -S one that hails HAIR n pl. -S a threadlike growth HAIRBALL n pl. -S a ball of hair HAIRBAND n pl. -S a headband HAIRCAP n pl. -S a hat HAIRCUT n pl. -S a cutting of the hair HAIRDO n pl. -DOS a style of wearing the hair HAIRED adj having hair HAIRIER comparative of hairy HAIRIEST superlative of hairy HAIRLESS adj having no hair HAIRLIKE adj resembling a hair HAIRLINE n pl. -S a very thin line HAIRLOCK n pl. -S a lock of hair HAIRNET n pl. -S a net worn to keep the hair in place HAIRPIN n pl. -S a hair fastener HAIRWORK n pl. -S the making of articles from hair HAIRWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm HAIRY adj HAIRIER, HAIRIEST covered with hair HAJ n pl. -ES hadj HAJI n pl. -S hadji HAJJ n pl. -ES hadj HAJJI n pl. -S hadji HAKE n pl. -S a marine fish HAKEEM n pl. -S hakim HAKIM n pl. -S a Muslim physician HALACHA n pl. -CHAS or -CHOT halakah HALAKAH n pl. -KAHS or -KOTH the legal part of the Talmud HALAKHA n pl. -KHAS or -KHOT halakah HALAKIC adj pertaining to the halakah HALAKIST n pl. -S a halakic writer HALAKOTH a pl. of halakah HALALA n pl. -S a Saudi Arabian coin HALALAH n pl. -S halala HALATION n pl. -S a blurring of light in photographs HALAVAH n pl. -S halvah HALAZONE n pl. -S a disinfectant for drinking water HALBERD n pl. -S an axlike weapon of the 15th and 16th centuries HALBERT n pl. -S halberd HALCYON n pl. -S a mythical bird HALE adj HALER, HALEST healthy HALE v HALED, HALING, HALES to compel to go HALENESS n pl. -ES the state of being hale HALER n pl. -LERS or -LERU a coin of the Czech Republic HALEST superlative of hale HALF n pl. HALVES one of two equal parts HALFBACK n pl. -S a football player HALFBEAK n pl. -S a marine fish HALFLIFE n pl. -LIVES a measure of radioactive decay HALFNESS n pl. -ES the state of being half HALFTIME n pl. -S an intermission in a football game HALFTONE n pl. -S a shade between light and dark HALFWAY adj being in the middle HALIBUT n pl. -S a flatfish HALID n pl. -S halide HALIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound HALIDOM n pl. -S something holy HALIDOME n pl. -S halidom HALING present participle of hale HALITE n pl. -S a mineral HALITUS n pl. -ES an exhalation HALL n pl. -S a large room for assembly HALLAH n pl. -LAHS, -LOTH or -LOT challah HALLEL n pl. -S a chant of praise HALLIARD n pl. -S halyard HALLMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with an official stamp HALLO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to shout HALLOA v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HALLOO v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HALLOT a pl. of hallah HALLOTH a pl. of hallah HALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make holy HALLOWER n pl. -S one that hallows HALLUX n pl. -LUCES the big toe HALLWAY n pl. -WAYS a hall HALM n pl. -S haulm HALMA n pl. -S a board game HALO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to form a halo (a ring of light) HALOGEN n pl. -S a nonmetallic element HALOID n pl. -S a chemical salt HALOLIKE adj resembling a halo HALT v -ED, -ING, -S to stop HALTER v -ED, -ING, -S to put restraint upon HALTERE n pl. -S a pair of wings of an insect HALTLESS adj not hesitant HALUTZ n pl. -LUTZIM an Israeli farmer HALVA n pl. -S halvah HALVAH n pl. -S a Turkish confection HALVE v HALVED, HALVING, HALVES to divide into two equal parts HALVERS n pl. HALVERS half shares HALVES pl. of half HALVING present participle of halve HALYARD n pl. -S a line used to hoist a sail HAM v HAMMED, HAMMING, HAMS to overact HAMADA n pl. -S hammada HAMAL n pl. -S a porter in eastern countries HAMARTIA n pl. -S a defect of character HAMATE n pl. -S a wrist bone HAMAUL n pl. -S hamal HAMBONE v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES to overact HAMBURG n pl. -S a patty of ground beef HAME n pl. -S a part of a horse collar HAMLET n pl. -S a small town HAMMADA n pl. -S a desert plateau of bedrock HAMMAL n pl. -S hamal HAMMED past tense of ham HAMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to strike repeatedly HAMMERER n pl. -S one that hammers HAMMIER comparative of hammy HAMMIEST superlative of hammy HAMMILY adv in a hammy manner HAMMING present participle of ham HAMMOCK n pl. -S a hanging cot HAMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST overly theatrical HAMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to hinder HAMPERER n pl. -S one that hampers HAMSTER n pl. -S a burrowing rodent HAMULUS n pl. -LI a small hook HAMULAR, HAMULATE, HAMULOSE, HAMULOUS adj HAMZA n pl. -S an Arabic diacritical mark HAMZAH n pl. -S hamza HANAPER n pl. -S a wicker receptacle HANCE n pl. -S a side of an arch HAND v -ED, -ING, -S to present with the hand (the end of the forearm) HANDBAG n pl. -S a small carrying bag HANDBALL n pl. -S a small rubber ball HANDBELL n pl. -S a small bell with a handle HANDBILL n pl. -S a circular HANDBOOK n pl. -S a manual HANDCAR n pl. -S a hand-operated railroad car HANDCART n pl. -S a cart pushed by hand HANDCUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to fetter with restraining cuffs HANDFAST v -ED, -ING, -S to grip securely HANDFUL n pl. HANDFULS or HANDSFUL as much as the hand can hold HANDGRIP n pl. -S a grip by the hand or hands HANDGUN n pl. -S a small firearm HANDHELD n pl. -S something held in the hand HANDHOLD n pl. -S a handgrip HANDICAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to hinder HANDIER comparative of handy HANDIEST superlative of handy HANDILY adv in a handy manner HANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to touch with the hands HANDLER n pl. -S one that handles HANDLESS adj having no hands HANDLIKE adj resembling a hand HANDLING n pl. -S the manner in which something is handled HANDLIST n pl. -S a reference list HANDLOOM n pl. -S a manually operated loom HANDMADE adj made by hand HANDMAID n pl. -S a female servant HANDOFF n pl. -S a play in football HANDOUT n pl. -S something given out free HANDOVER n pl. -S an instance of giving up control HANDPICK v -ED, -ING, -S to choose carefully HANDRAIL n pl. -S a railing used for support HANDSAW n pl. -S a saw used manually HANDSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to give a gift to HANDSET n pl. -S a type of telephone HANDSEWN adj sewn by hand HANDSFUL a pl. of handful HANDSOME adj -SOMER, -SOMEST attractive HANDWORK n pl. -S manual labor HANDWRIT adj written by hand HANDY adj HANDIER, HANDIEST convenient for handling HANDYMAN n pl. -MEN a man who does odd jobs HANG v HUNG or HANGED, HANGING, HANGS to attach from above only HANGABLE adj HANGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to place in an aircraft shelter HANGBIRD n pl. -S a type of bird HANGDOG n pl. -S a sneaky person HANGER n pl. -S one that hangs HANGFIRE n pl. -S a delay in detonation HANGING n pl. -S an execution by strangling with a suspended noose HANGMAN n pl. -MEN an executioner HANGNAIL n pl. -S an agnail HANGNEST n pl. -S a hangbird HANGOUT n pl. -S a place often visited HANGOVER n pl. -S the physical effects following a drinking binge HANGTAG n pl. -S a type of tag used commercially HANGUL pl. -S the Korean alphabetic script HANGUP n pl. -S an inhibition or obsession HANIWA n/pl Japanese clay sculptures HANK v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten a sail HANKER v -ED, -ING, -S to long for HANKERER n pl. -S one that hankers HANKIE n pl. -S hanky HANKY n pl. -KIES a handkerchief HANSA n pl. -S hanse HANSE n pl. -S a guild of merchants HANSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to handsel HANSOM n pl. -S a light carriage HANT v -ED, -ING, -S to haunt HANTLE n pl. -S a large amount HANUMAN n pl. -S an East Indian monkey HAO n pl. HAO a monetary unit of Vietnam HAP v HAPPED, HAPPING, HAPS to happen HAPAX n pl. -ES a word that occurs only once HAPHTARA n pl. -RAS, -ROT or -ROTH a biblical selection HAPLESS adj luckless HAPLITE n pl. -S aplite HAPLOID n pl. -S a cell having only one set of chromosomes HAPLOIDY n pl. -DIES the state of being a haploid HAPLONT n pl. -S an organism having a particular chromosomal structure HAPLOPIA n pl. -S normal vision HAPLOSIS n pl. -LOSES the halving of the chromosome number HAPLY adv by chance HAPPED past tense of hap HAPPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to occur HAPPING present participle of hap HAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST marked by joy HAPPILY adv HAPTEN n pl. -S a substance similar to an antigen HAPTENIC adj HAPTENE n pl. -S hapten HAPTIC adj pertaining to the sense of touch HAPTICAL adj haptic HARANGUE v -RANGUED, -RANGUING, -RANGUES to deliver a tirade to HARASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to bother persistently HARASSER n pl. -S one that harasses HARBOR v -ED, -ING, -S to shelter HARBORER n pl. -S one that harbors HARBOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to harbor HARD adj HARDER, HARDEST firm and unyielding HARDBACK n pl. -S a hardcover book HARDBALL n pl. -S baseball HARDBOOT n pl. -S a horseman HARDCASE adj tough HARDCORE adj unyielding HARDEDGE n pl. -S a geometric painting HARDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make hard HARDENER n pl. -S one that hardens HARDHACK n pl. -S a woody plant HARDHAT n pl. -S a conservative HARDHEAD n pl. -S a practical person HARDIER comparative of hardy HARDIES pl. of hardy HARDIEST superlative of hardy HARDILY adv in a hardy manner HARDLINE adj unyielding HARDLY adv scarcely HARDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being hard HARDNOSE n pl. -S a stubborn person HARDPAN n pl. -S a layer of hard subsoil HARDS n/pl the coarse refuse of flax HARDSET adj rigid HARDSHIP n pl. -S a difficult, painful condition HARDTACK n pl. -S a hard biscuit HARDTOP n pl. -S a type of car HARDWARE n pl. -S metal goods HARDWIRE v -WIRED, -WIRING, -WIRES to permanently connect electronic components HARDWOOD n pl. -S the hard, compact wood of various trees HARDY adj -DIER, -DIEST very sturdy HARDY n pl. -DIES a blacksmith's chisel HARE v HARED, HARING, HARES to run HAREBELL n pl. -S a perennial herb HAREEM n pl. -S harem HARELIKE adj resembling a hare (a long-eared mammal) HARELIP n pl. -S a deformity of the upper lip HAREM n pl. -S the section of a Muslim household reserved for women HARIANA n pl. -S a breed of cattle HARICOT n pl. -S the seed of various string beans HARIJAN n pl. -S an outcaste in India HARING present participle of hare HARK v -ED, -ING, -S to listen to HARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to hearken HARKENER n pl. -S one that harkens HARL n pl. -S a herl HARLOT n pl. -S a prostitute HARLOTRY n pl. -RIES prostitution HARM v -ED, -ING, -S to injure HARMER n pl. -S one that harms HARMFUL adj capable of harming HARMIN n pl. -S harmine HARMINE n pl. -S an alkaloid used as a stimulant HARMLESS adj not harmful HARMONIC n pl. -S an overtone HARMONY n pl. -NIES agreement HARNESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to put tackle on a draft animal HARP v -ED, -ING, -S to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) HARPER n pl. -S a harpist HARPIES pl. of harpy HARPIN n pl. -S harping HARPING n pl. -S a wooden plank used in shipbuilding HARPIST n pl. -S one that plays the harp HARPOON v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a harpoon HARPY n pl. -PIES a shrewish person HARRIDAN n pl. -S a haggard woman HARRIED past tense of harry HARRIER n pl. -S a hunting dog HARRIES present 3d person sing. of harry HARROW v -ED, -ING, -S to break up and level soil HARROWER n pl. -S one that harrows HARRUMPH v -ED, -ING, -S to make a guttural sound HARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to pillage HARSH adj HARSHER, HARSHEST severe HARSHLY adv HARSHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make harsh HARSLET n pl. -S haslet HART n pl. -S a male deer HARTAL n pl. -S a stoppage of work HARUMPH v -ED, -ING, -S harrumph HARUSPEX n pl. -PICES a soothsayer of ancient Rome HARVEST v -ED, -ING, -S to gather a crop HAS a present 3d person sing. of have HASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mince HASHEESH n pl. -ES hashish HASHHEAD n pl. -S a hashish addict HASHISH n pl. -ES a mild narcotic HASLET n pl. -S the edible viscera of an animal HASP v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a clasp HASSEL n pl. -S an argument HASSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to argue HASSOCK n pl. -S a footstool HAST a present 2d person sing. of have HASTATE adj triangular HASTE v HASTED, HASTING, HASTES to hasten HASTEFUL adj hasty HASTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to hurry HASTENER n pl. -S one that hastens HASTING present participle of haste HASTY adj HASTIER, HASTIEST speedy HASTILY adv HAT v HATTED, HATTING, HATS to provide with a hat (a covering for the head) HATABLE adj hateable HATBAND n pl. -S a band worn on a hat HATBOX n pl. -ES a box for a hat HATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring forth young from an egg HATCHECK adj pertaining to the checking of hats HATCHEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to separate flax fibers with a comb HATCHER n pl. -S one that hatches HATCHERY n pl. -ERIES a place for hatching eggs HATCHET n pl. -S a small ax HATCHING n pl. -S a series of lines used to show shading HATCHWAY n pl. -WAYS an opening in the deck of a ship HATE v HATED, HATING, HATES to despise HATEABLE adj meriting hatred HATEFUL adj detestable HATER n pl. -S one that hates HATFUL n pl. HATSFUL or HATFULS as much as a hat can hold HATH a present 3d person sing. of have HATING present participle of hate HATLESS adj lacking a hat HATLIKE adj resembling a hat HATMAKER n pl. -S one that makes hats HATPIN n pl. -S a pin for securing a hat HATRACK n pl. -S a rack for hats HATRED n pl. -S intense dislike or aversion HATSFUL a pl. of hatful HATTED past tense of hat HATTER n pl. -S a hatmaker HATTERIA n pl. -S a reptile HATTING present participle of hat HAUBERK n pl. -S a coat of armor HAUGH n pl. -S a low-lying meadow HAUGHTY adj -TIER, -TIEST arrogant HAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to pull with force HAULAGE n pl. -S the act of hauling HAULER n pl. -S one that hauls HAULIER n pl. -S hauler HAULM n pl. -S a plant stem HAULMY adj HAULMIER, HAULMIEST having haulms HAULYARD n pl. -S halyard HAUNCH n pl. -ES the hindquarter HAUNCHED adj HAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to visit frequently HAUNTER n pl. -S one that haunts HAUSEN n pl. -S a Russian sturgeon HAUSFRAU n pl. -FRAUS or -FRAUEN a housewife HAUT adj haute HAUTBOIS n pl. HAUTBOIS hautboy HAUTBOY n pl. -BOYS an oboe HAUTE adj high-class HAUTEUR n pl. -S haughty manner or spirit HAVARTI n pl. -S a Danish cheese HAVDALAH n pl. -S habdalah HAVE n pl. -S a wealthy person HAVE v past 2d person sing. HAD, HADDEST or HADST, present participle HAVING, present 2d person sing. HAVE or HAST, 3d person sing. HAS or HATH to be in possession of HAVELOCK n pl. -S a covering for a cap HAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to shelter HAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to hem and haw HAVEREL n pl. -S a fool HAVING present participle of have HAVIOR n pl. -S behavior HAVIOUR n pl. -S havior HAVOC v -OCKED, -OCKING, -OCS to destroy HAVOCKER n pl. -S one that havocs HAW v -ED, -ING, -S to turn left HAWFINCH n pl. -ES a Eurasian finch HAWK v -ED, -ING, -S to peddle HAWKBILL n pl. -S a sea turtle HAWKER n pl. -S one that hawks HAWKEY n pl. -EYS a hawkie HAWKEYED adj having keen sight HAWKIE n pl. -S a white-faced cow HAWKING n pl. -S falconry HAWKISH adj warlike HAWKLIKE adj resembling a hawk (a bird of prey) HAWKMOTH n pl. -S a large moth HAWKNOSE n pl. -S a large, curved nose HAWKSHAW n pl. -S a detective HAWKWEED n pl. -S a weedlike herb HAWSE n pl. -S a part of a ship's bow HAWSER n pl. -S a mooring rope HAWTHORN n pl. -S a thorny shrub HAY v -ED, -ING, -S to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) HAYCOCK n pl. -S a pile of hay HAYER n pl. -S one that hays HAYFIELD n pl. -S a field where grasses for hay are grown HAYFORK n pl. -S a tool for pitching hay HAYING n pl. -S the season for harvesting hay HAYLAGE n pl. -S a type of hay HAYLOFT n pl. -S a loft for hay storage HAYMAKER n pl. -S one that makes hay HAYMOW n pl. -S a hayloft HAYRACK n pl. -S a frame used in hauling hay HAYRICK n pl. -S a haystack HAYRIDE n pl. -S a wagon ride HAYSEED n pl. -S a bumpkin HAYSTACK n pl. -S a pile of hay HAYWARD n pl. -S an officer who tends cattle HAYWIRE n pl. -S wire used in baling hay HAZAN n pl. HAZANIM or HAZANS a cantor HAZARD v -ED, -ING, -S to venture HAZE v HAZED, HAZING, HAZES to subject to a humiliating initiation HAZEL n pl. -S a shrub HAZELHEN n pl. -S a European grouse HAZELLY adj yellowish brown HAZELNUT n pl. -S an edible nut HAZER n pl. -S one that hazes HAZIER comparative of hazy HAZIEST superlative of hazy HAZILY adv in a hazy manner HAZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being hazy HAZING n pl. -S an attempt to embarrass or ridicule HAZY adj HAZIER, HAZIEST unclear HAZZAN n pl. HAZZANIM or HAZZANS hazan HE n pl. -S a male person HEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to be chief of HEADACHE n pl. -S a pain inside the head HEADACHY adj -ACHIER, -ACHIEST having a headache HEADBAND n pl. -S a band worn on the head HEADER n pl. -S a grain harvester HEADFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish HEADGATE n pl. -S a gate to control the flow of water HEADGEAR n pl. -S a covering for the head HEADHUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to seek out, decapitate, and preserve the heads of enemies HEADIER comparative of heady HEADIEST superlative of heady HEADILY adv in a heady manner HEADING n pl. -S a title HEADLAMP n pl. -S a light on the front of a car HEADLAND n pl. -S a cliff HEADLESS adj lacking a head HEADLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to provide with a title HEADLOCK n pl. -S a wrestling hold HEADLONG adj rash; impetuous HEADMAN n pl. -MEN a foreman HEADMOST adj foremost HEADNOTE n pl. -S a prefixed note HEADPIN n pl. -S a bowling pin HEADRACE n pl. -S a water channel HEADREST n pl. -S a support for the head HEADROOM n pl. -S clear vertical space HEADSAIL n pl. -S a type fo sail HEADSET n pl. -S a pair of earphones HEADSHIP n pl. -S the position of a leader HEADSMAN n pl. -MEN an executioner HEADSTAY n pl. -STAYS a support for a ship's foremast HEADWAY n pl. -WAYS forward movement HEADWIND n pl. -S an oncoming wind HEADWORD n pl. -S a word put at the beginning HEADWORK n pl. -S mental work HEADY adj HEADIER, HEADIEST intoxicating HEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to make sound or whole HEALABLE adj HEALER n pl. -S one that heals HEALTH n pl. -S the physical condition of an organism HEALTHY adj HEALTHIER, HEALTHIEST having good health HEAP v -ED, -ING, -S to pile up HEAR v HEARD, HEARING, HEARS to perceive by the ear HEARABLE adj HEARER n pl. -S one that hears HEARING n pl. -S a preliminary examination HEARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to listen to HEARSAY n pl. -SAYS secondhand information HEARSE v HEARSED, HEARSING, HEARSES to transport in a hearse (a vehicle for conveying corpses) HEART v -ED, -ING, -S to hearten HEARTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to give courage to HEARTH n pl. -S the floor of a fireplace HEARTY adj HEARTIER, HEARTIEST very friendly HEARTILY adv HEARTY n pl. HEARTIES a comrade HEAT v HEATED or HET, HEATING, HEATS to make hot HEATABLE adj HEATEDLY adv in an inflamed or excited manner HEATER n pl. -S an apparatus for heating HEATH n pl. -S an evergreen shrub HEATHEN n pl. -S an uncivilized person HEATHER n pl. -S an evergreen shrub HEATHERY adj HEATHY adj HEATHIER, HEATHIEST abounding in heath HEATLESS adj having no warmth HEAUME n pl. -S a medieval helmet HEAVE v HEAVED HOVE, HEAVING, HEAVES to lift forcefully HEAVEN n pl. -S the sky HEAVENLY adj -LIER, -LIEST full of beauty and peace HEAVER n pl. -S one that heaves HEAVIER comparative of heavy HEAVIES pl. of heavy HEAVING present participle of heave HEAVY adj HEAVIER, HEAVIEST having much weight HEAVILY adv HEAVY n pl. HEAVIES a villain HEAVYSET adj solidly built; stocky HEBDOMAD n pl. -S the number seven HEBETATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to make dull HEBETIC adj pertaining to puberty HEBETUDE n pl. -S mental dullness HEBRAIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make Hebrew HECATOMB n pl. -S a great sacrifice or slaughter HECK n pl. -S hell HECKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to harass a speaker HECKLER n pl. -S one that heckles HECTARE n pl. -S a unit of area HECTIC adj filled with turmoil HECTICLY adv HECTICAL adj hectic HECTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to bully HEDDLE n pl. -S a part of a loom HEDER n pl. HEDERS or HADARIM a Jewish school HEDGE v HEDGED, HEDGING, HEDGES to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) HEDGEHOG n pl. -S a small mammal HEDGEHOP v -HOPPED, -HOPPING, -HOPS to fly near the ground HEDGEPIG n pl. -S a hedgehog HEDGER n pl. -S one that hedges HEDGEROW n pl. -S a row of bushes HEDGING present participle of hedge HEDGY adj HEDGIER, HEDGIEST abounding in hedges HEDONIC adj pertaining to pleasure HEDONICS n/pl a branch of psychology HEDONISM n pl. -S the pursuit of pleasure HEDONIST n pl. -S a follower of hedonism HEED v -ED, -ING, -S to pay attention to HEEDER n pl. -S one that heeds HEEDFUL adj paying close attention HEEDLESS adj paying little or no attention HEEHAW v -ED, -ING, -S to guffaw HEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) HEELBALL n pl. -S a composition used for polishing HEELER n pl. -S one that puts heels on shoes HEELING n pl. -S the act of inclining laterally HEELLESS adj lacking heels HEELPOST n pl. -S a post fitted to the end of something HEELTAP n pl. -S material put on the heel of a shoe HEEZE v HEEZED, HEEZING, HEEZES to hoist HEFT v -ED, -ING, -S to lift up HEFTER n pl. -S one that hefts HEFTY adj HEFTIER, HEFTIEST heavy HEFTILY adv HEGARI n pl. -S a grain HEGEMONY n pl. -NIES great authority HEGIRA n pl. -S an exodus HEGUMEN n pl. -S the head of a monastery HEGUMENE n pl. -S the head of a nunnery HEGUMENY n pl. -NIES the office of a hegumen HEH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter HEIFER n pl. -S a young cow HEIGH interj -- used to attract attention HEIGHT n pl. -S the highest point HEIGHTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to raise HEIGHTH n pl. -S height HEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to salute HEIMISH adj homelike HEINIE n pl. -S the buttocks HEINOUS adj very wicked HEIR v -ED, -ING, -S to inherit HEIRDOM n pl. -S heirship HEIRESS n pl. -ES a female inheritor HEIRLESS adj having no inheritors HEIRLOOM n pl. -S an inherited possession HEIRSHIP n pl. -S the right to inheritance HEISHI n/pl tiny beads made from shells HEIST v -ED, -ING, -S to steal HEISTER n pl. -S one that heists HEJIRA n pl. -S hegira HEKTARE n pl. -S hectare HELD past tense of hold HELIAC adj heliacal HELIACAL adj pertaining to the sun HELIAST n pl. -S an Athenian judge HELICAL adj shaped like a helix HELICES a pl. of helix HELICITY n pl. -TIES a component of a particle's spin HELICOID n pl. -S a type of geometrical surface HELICON n pl. -S a large bass tuba HELICOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by helicopter HELILIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by helicopter HELIO n pl. -LIOS a signaling mirror HELIPAD n pl. -S a heliport HELIPORT n pl. -S an airport for helicopters HELISTOP n pl. -S a heliport HELIUM n pl. -S a gaseous element HELIX n pl. -LIXES or -LICES something spiral in form HELL v -ED, -ING, -S to behave raucously HELLBENT adj stubbornly determined HELLBOX n pl. -ES a printer's receptacle HELLCAT n pl. -S a shrewish person HELLER n pl. -S a hellion HELLERI n pl. -ES a tropical fish HELLERY n pl. -LERIES rough play HELLFIRE n pl. -S the torment of hell HELLHOLE n pl. -S a horrible place HELLION n pl. -S a troublesome person HELLISH adj horrible HELLKITE n pl. -S a cruel person HELLO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to greet HELLUVA adj disagreeable HELM v -ED, -ING, -S to steer a ship HELMET v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a helmet (a protective covering for the head) HELMINTH n pl. -S a worm HELMLESS adj lacking a helm (a steering system) HELMSMAN n pl. -MEN one that steers a ship HELO n pl. HELOS a helicopter HELOT n pl. -S a slave or serf HELOTAGE n pl. -S helotism HELOTISM n pl. -S slavery or or serfdom HELOTRY n pl. -RIES helotism HELP v HELPED or HOLP, HELPED or HOLPEN, HELPING, HELPS to give assistance to HELPABLE adj HELPER n pl. -S one that helps HELPFUL adj being of service or assistance HELPING n pl. -S a portion of food HELPLESS adj defenseless HELPMATE n pl. -S a helpful companion HELPMEET n pl. -S a helpmate HELVE v HELVED, HELVING, HELVES to provide with a handle HEM v HEMMED, HEMMING, HEMS to provide with an edge HEMAGOG n pl. -S an agent that promotes blood flow HEMAL adj pertaining to the blood HEMATAL adj hemal HEMATEIN n pl. -S a chemical compound HEMATIC n pl. -S a medicine for a blood disease HEMATIN n pl. -S heme HEMATINE n pl. -S hematin HEMATITE n pl. -S an ore of iron HEMATOID adj resembling blood HEMATOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a swelling filled with blood HEME n pl. -S a component of hemoglobin HEMIC adj hemal HEMIN n pl. -S a chloride of heme HEMIOLA n pl. -S a rhythmic alteration in music HEMIOLIA n pl. -S hemiola HEMIPTER n pl. -S an insect HEMLINE n pl. -S the bottom edge of a garment HEMLOCK n pl. -S a poisonous herb HEMMED past tense of hem HEMMER n pl. -S one that hems HEMMING present participle of hem HEMOCOEL n pl. -S a body cavity HEMOCYTE n pl. -S a blood cell HEMOID adj hemal HEMOLYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to break down red blood cells HEMOSTAT n pl. -S an instrument for reducing bleeding HEMP n pl. -S a tall herb HEMPEN adj made of hemp HEMPIE adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST hempy HEMPIER comparative of hempy HEMPIEST superlative of hempy HEMPLIKE adj resembling hemp HEMPSEED n pl. -S the seed of hemp HEMPWEED n pl. -S a climbing plant HEMPY adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST mischievous HEN n pl. -S a female chicken HENBANE n pl. -S a poisonous herb HENBIT n pl. -S a perennial herb HENCE adv consequently HENCHMAN n pl. -MEN an unscrupulous supporter HENCOOP n pl. -S a cage for hens HENEQUEN n pl. -S a fiber used to make ropes HENEQUIN n pl. -S henequen HENHOUSE n pl. -S a shelter for poultry HENIQUEN n pl. -S henequen HENLIKE adj resembling a hen HENNA v -ED, -ING, -S to dye with a reddish coloring HENNERY n pl. -NERIES a poultry farm HENPECK v -ED, -ING, -S to dominate by nagging HENRY n pl. -RIES or -RYS a unit of inductance HENT v -ED, -ING, -S to grasp HEP adj hip HEPARIN n pl. -S a biochemical HEPATIC n pl. -S a drug acting on the liver HEPATICA n pl. -CAS or -CAE a perennial herb HEPATIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to convert tissue into a firm mass HEPATOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of the liver HEPCAT n pl. -S a jazz enthusiast HEPTAD n pl. -S a group of seven HEPTAGON n pl. -S a seven-sided polygon HEPTANE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon used as a solvent HEPTARCH n pl. -S one of a group of seven rulers HEPTOSE n pl. -S a chemical compound HER pron the objective or possessive case of the pronoun she HERALD v -ED, -ING, -S to proclaim HERALDIC adj pertaining to heraldry HERALDRY n pl. -RIES the art or science of armorial bearings HERB n pl. -S a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem HERBAGE n pl. -S nonwoody plant life HERBAL n pl. -S a book about herbs and plants HERBARIA n/pl collections of dried plants HERBED adj flavored with herbs HERBIER comparative of herby HERBIEST superlative of herby HERBLESS adj lacking herbs HERBLIKE adj resembling an herb HERBY adj HERBIER, HERBIEST abounding in herbs HERCULES n pl. -LESES any man of great size and strength HERD v -ED, -ING, -S to bring together in a herd (a group of animals) HERDER n pl. -S one who tends a herd HERDIC n pl. -S a type of carriage HERDLIKE adj resembling a herd HERDMAN n pl. -MEN herdsman HERDSMAN n pl. -MEN a herder HERE n pl. -S this place HEREAT adj at this time HEREAWAY adv in this vicinity HEREBY adv by this means HEREDES pl. of heres HEREDITY n pl. -TIES the genetic transmission of chracteristics HEREIN adv in this HEREINTO adv into this place HEREOF adv of this HEREON adv on this HERES n pl. HEREDES an heir HERESY n pl. -SIES a belief contrary to a church doctrine HERETIC n pl. -S one that upholds heresy HERETO adv to this matter HERETRIX n pl. -TRIXES or -TRICES heritrix HEREUNTO adv hereto HEREUPON adv immediately following this HEREWITH adv along with this HERIOT n pl. -S a feudal tribute or payment HERITAGE n pl. -S something that is inherited HERITOR n pl. -S one that inherits HERITRIX n pl. -TRIXES or -TRICES a female heritor HERL n pl. -S a feathered fishing lure HERM n pl. -S a type of statue HERMA n pl. -MAE or -MAI a herm HERMAEAN adj HERMETIC adj airtight HERMIT n pl. -S a recluse HERMITIC adj HERMITRY n pl. -RIES the state of being a hermit HERN n pl. -S a heron HERNIA n pl. -NIAS or -NIAE the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall HERNIAL adj HERNIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to protrude through an abnormal bodily opening HERO n pl. -ROES or -ROS a hoagie HEROIC n pl. -S an epic verse HEROICAL adj courageous; noble HEROIN n pl. -S an addictive narcotic HEROINE n pl. -S a brave woman HEROISM n pl. -S heroic behavior HEROIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make heroic HERON n pl. -S a wading bird HERONRY n pl. -RIES a place where herons breed HERPES n pl. HERPES a skin infection HERPETIC adj HERRING n pl. -S a food fish HERRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to harry HERS pron the possessive case of the pronoun she HERSELF pron a form of the 3d person sing. feminine pronoun HERSTORY n pl. -RIES history with a feminist viewpoint HERTZ n pl. -ES a unit of frequency HESITANT adj tending to hesitate HESITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to hold back in uncertainty HESSIAN n pl. -S a coarse cloth HESSITE n pl. -S a mineral HEST n pl. -S a command HET n pl. -S heth HETAERA n pl. -RAE or -RAS a concubine HETAERIC adj HETAIRA n pl. -RAI or -RAS hetaera HETERO n pl. -EROS a heterosexual HETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter HETMAN n pl. -S a cossack leader HEUCH n pl. -S heugh HEUGH n pl. -S a steep cliff HEW v HEWED, HEWN, HEWING, HEWS to cut with an ax HEWABLE adj HEWER n pl. -S one that hews HEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cast an evil spell upon HEXAD n pl. -S a group of six HEXADIC adj HEXADE n pl. -S hexad HEXAGON n pl. -S a polygon having six sides HEXAGRAM n pl. -S a six-pointed star HEXAMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound HEXANE n pl. -S a volatile liquid HEXAPLA n pl. -S an edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns HEXAPLAR adj HEXAPOD n pl. -S a six-legged insect HEXAPODY n pl. -DIES a line of verse with six feet HEXARCHY n pl. -CHIES a group of six separate states HEXER n pl. -S one that hexes HEXEREI n pl. -S witchcraft HEXONE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon solvent HEXOSAN n pl. -S a carbohydrate HEXOSE n pl. -S a simple sugar HEXYL n pl. -S a hydrocarbon radical HEY interj -- used to attract attention HEYDAY n pl. -DAYS the period of one's greatest success HEYDEY n pl. -DEYS heyday HI interj -- used as a greeting HIATUS n pl. -ES a gap or missing section HIATAL adj HIBACHI n pl. -S a cooking device HIBERNAL adj pertaining to winter HIBISCUS n pl. -ES a tropical plant HIC interj -- used to represent a hiccup HICCOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to hiccup HICCUP v -CUPED, -CUPING, -CUPS or -CUPPED, -CUPPING, -CUPS to make a peculiar-sounding, spasmodic inhalation HICK n pl. -S a rural person HICKISH adj HICKEY n pl. HICKEYS or HICKIES a gadget HICKORY n pl. -RIES a hardwood tree HID a past tense of hide HIDABLE adj able to be hidden HIDALGO n pl. -GOS a minor Spanish nobleman HIDDEN adj concealed; obscure HIDDENLY adv HIDE v HID, HIDDEN, HIDING, HIDES to conceal HIDE v HIDED, HIDING, HIDES to flog HIDEAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a hideout HIDELESS adj lacking a skin HIDEOUS adj very ugly HIDEOUT n pl. -S a place of refuge HIDER n pl. -S one that hides HIDING n pl. -S a beating HIDROSIS n pl. -DROSES abnormal perspiration HIDROTIC n pl. -S a drug that induces perspiration HIE v HIED, HIEING or HYING, HIES to hurry HIEMAL adj pertaining to winter HIERARCH n pl. -S a religious leader HIERATIC adj pertaining to priests HIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to haggle HIGGLER n pl. -S one that higgles HIGH adj HIGHER, HIGHEST reaching far upward HIGH n pl. -S a high level HIGHBALL v -ED, -ING, -S to go at full speed HIGHBORN adj of noble birth HIGHBOY n pl. -BOYS a tall chest of drawers HIGHBRED adj highborn HIGHBROW n pl. -S a person who has superior tastes HIGHBUSH adj forming a tall bush HIGHJACK v -ED, -ING, -S to hijack HIGHLAND n pl. -S an elevated region HIGHLIFE n pl. -S the lifestyle of fashionable society HIGHLY adv to a high degree HIGHNESS n pl. -ES the state of being high HIGHROAD n pl. -S a highway HIGHSPOT n pl. -S an event of major importance HIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to command HIGHTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to retreat rapidly HIGHTH n pl. -S height HIGHWAY n pl. -WAYS a main road HIJACK v -ED, -ING, -S to seize a vehicle while in transit HIJACKER n pl. -S one that hijacks HIJINKS n/pl mischievous fun HIKE v HIKED, HIKING, HIKES to walk a long distance HIKER n pl. -S one that hikes HILA pl. of hilum HILAR adj pertaining to a hilum HILARITY n pl. -TIES noisy merriment HILDING n pl. -S a vile person HILI pl. of hilus HILL v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a hill (a rounded elevation) HILLER n pl. -S one that hills HILLIER comparative of hilly HILLIEST superlative of hilly HILLO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to hallo HILLOA v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HILLOCK n pl. -S a small hill HILLOCKY adj HILLSIDE n pl. -S the side of a hill HILLTOP n pl. -S the top of a hill HILLY adj HILLIER, HILLIEST abounding in hills HILT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a hilt (a handle for a weapon) HILTLESS adj having no hilt HILUM n pl. HILA a small opening in a bodily organ HILUS n pl. HILI hilum HIM pron the objective case of the pronoun he HIMATION n pl. -MATIA or -MATIONS a loose outer garment HIMSELF pron a form of the 3d person sing. masculine pronoun HIN n pl. -S a Hebrew unit of liquid measure HIND n pl. -S a female red deer HINDER v -ED, -ING, -S to impede HINDERER n pl. -S one that hinders HINDGUT n pl. -S the rear part of the alimentary canal HINDMOST adj farthest to the rear HINGE v HINGED, HINGING, HINGES to attach a jointed device HINGER n pl. -S one that hinges HINNY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to whinny HINT v -ED, -ING, -S to suggest indirectly HINTER n pl. -S one that hints HIP adj HIPPER, HIPPEST aware of the most current styles and trends HIP v HIPPED, HIPPING, HIPS to build a type of roof HIPBONE n pl. -S a pelvic bone HIPLESS adj lacking a hip (the pelvic joint) HIPLIKE adj suggestive of a hip HIPLINE n pl. -S the distance around the hips HIPNESS n pl. -ES the state of being hip HIPPARCH n pl. -S a cavalry commander in ancient Greece HIPPED past tense of hip HIPPER comparative of hip HIPPEST superlative of hip HIPPIE n pl. -S a nonconformist HIPPIER comparative of hippy HIPPIEST superlative of hippy HIPPING present participle of hip HIPPISH adj depressed; sad HIPPO n pl. -POS a hippopotamus HIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST having big hips HIPSHOT adj lame; awkward HIPSTER n pl. -S one that is hip HIRABLE adj available for hire HIRAGANA n pl. -S a Japanese cursive script HIRCINE adj pertaining to a goat HIRE v HIRED, HIRING, HIRES to engage the services of for payment HIREABLE adj HIRELING n pl. -S one that works for money only HIRER n pl. -S one that hires HIRING present participle of hire HIRPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to limp HIRSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to herd sheep HIRSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to slide along HIRSUTE adj hairy HIRUDIN n pl. -S an anticoagulant HIS pron the possessive form of the pronoun he HISN pron his HISPID adj covered with stiff hairs HISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a sibilant sound HISSELF pron himself HISSER n pl. -S one that hisses HISSING n pl. -S an object of scorn HISSY n pl. HISSIES a tantrum HIST v -ED, -ING, -S to hoist HISTAMIN n pl. -S an amine released in allergic reactions HISTIDIN n pl. -S an amino acid HISTOGEN n pl. -S interior plant tissue HISTOID adj pertaining to connective tissue HISTONE n pl. -S a simple protein HISTORIC adj important in history HISTORY n pl. -RIES a chronological record of past events HIT v HIT, HITTING, HITS to strike forcibly HITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to fasten with a knot or hook HITCHER n pl. -S one that hitches HITHER adv toward this place HITHERTO adv up to now HITLESS adj being without a hit HITTER n pl. -S one that hits HITTING present participle of hit HIVE v HIVED, HIVING, HIVES to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) HIVELESS adj lacking a hive HIZZONER n pl. -S -- used as a title for a mayor HM interj hmm HMM interj -- used to express thoughtful consideration HO interj -- used to express surprise HOACTZIN n pl. -S or -ES hoatzin HOAGIE n pl. -S a long sandwich HOAGY n pl. -GIES hoagie HOAR n pl. -S a white coating HOARD v -ED, -ING, -S to gather and store away HOARDER n pl. -S one that hoards HOARDING n pl. -S something hoarded HOARIER comparative of hoary HOARIEST superlative of hoary HOARILY adv in a hoary manner HOARSE adj HOARSER, HOARSEST low and rough in sound HOARSELY adv HOARSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make hoarse HOARY adj HOARIER, HOARIEST white with age HOATZIN n pl. -S or -ES a tropical bird HOAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to deceive HOAXER n pl. -S one that hoaxes HOB v HOBBED, HOBBING, HOBS to furnish with hobnails HOBBIES pl. of hobby HOBBIT n pl. -S a fictitious creature that lives underground HOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to limp HOBBLER n pl. -S one that hobbles HOBBY n pl. -BIES a recreational pastime HOBBYIST n pl. -S one that pursues a hobby HOBLIKE adj suggestive of an elf HOBNAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to put hobnails (short nails with a broad head) on a shoe sole HOBNOB v -NOBBED, -NOBBING, -NOBS to associate in a friendly way HOBO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) HOBOISM n pl. -S the state of being a hobo HOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to pawn HOCKER n pl. -S one that hocks HOCKEY n pl. -EYS a game played on ice HOCKSHOP n pl. -S a pawnshop HOCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to deceive or cheat HOD n pl. -S a portable trough HODAD n pl. -S a nonsurfer HODADDY n pl. -DIES hodad HODDEN n pl. -S a coarse cloth HODDIN n pl. -S hodden HOE v HOED, HOEING, HOES to use a hoe (a gardening tool) HOECAKE n pl. -S a cornmeal cake HOEDOWN n pl. -S a square dance HOELIKE adj resembling a hoe HOER n pl. -S one that hoes HOG v HOGGED, HOGGING, HOGS to take more than one's share HOGAN n pl. -S a Navaho Indian dwelling HOGBACK n pl. -S a sharp ridge HOGFISH n pl. -ES a tropical fish HOGG n pl. -S a young sheep HOGGED past tense of hog HOGGER n pl. -S one that hogs HOGGET n pl. -S a young unshorn sheep HOGGING present participle of hog HOGGISH adj coarsely selfish HOGLIKE adj hoggish HOGMANAY n pl. -NAYS a Scottish celebration HOGMANE n pl. -S hogmanay HOGMENAY n pl. -NAYS hogmanay HOGNOSE n pl. -S a nonvenomous snake HOGNUT n pl. -S a hickory nut HOGSHEAD n pl. -S a large cask HOGTIE v -TIED, -TIEING or -TYING, -TIES to tie together the legs of HOGWASH n pl. -ES meaningless talk HOGWEED n pl. -S a coarse plant HOICK v -ED, -ING, -S to change directions abruptly HOIDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to hoyden HOISE v HOISED, HOISING, HOISES to hoist HOIST v -ED, -ING, -S to haul up by some mechanical means HOISTER n pl. -S one that hoists HOKE v HOKED, HOKING, HOKES to give false value to HOKEY adj HOKIER, HOKIEST false; contrived HOKILY adv HOKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being hokey HOKKU n pl. HOKKU haiku HOKUM n pl. -S nonsense HOKYPOKY n pl. -KIES trickery HOLARD n pl. -S the total quantity of water in the soil HOLD v HELD, HOLDEN, HOLDING, HOLDS to maintain possession of HOLDABLE adj HOLDALL n pl. -S a carrying case HOLDBACK n pl. -S a restraining device HOLDEN a past participle of hold HOLDER n pl. -S one that holds HOLDFAST n pl. -S a fastening device HOLDING n pl. -S something held HOLDOUT n pl. -S one who delays signing a contract HOLDOVER n pl. -S something left over HOLDUP n pl. -S a delay HOLE v HOLED, HOLING, HOLES to make a hole (a cavity in a solid) HOLELESS adj lacking a hole HOLEY adj full of holes HOLIBUT n pl. -S halibut HOLIDAY v -ED, -ING, -S to take a vacation HOLIER comparative of holy HOLIES pl. of holy HOLIEST superlative of holy HOLILY adv in a holy manner HOLINESS n pl. -ES the state of being holy HOLING present participle of hole HOLISM n pl. -S a philosophical theory HOLIST n pl. -S one who adheres to the theory of holism HOLISTIC adj HOLK v -ED, -ING, -S to howk HOLLA v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HOLLAND n pl. -S a cotton fabric HOLLER v -ED, -ING, -S to yell HOLLIES pl. of holly HOLLO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to hallo HOLLOA v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HOLLOO v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HOLLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST not solid HOLLOWLY adv HOLLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make hollow HOLLY n pl. -LIES a tree HOLM n pl. -S an island in a river HOLMIUM n pl. -S a metallic element HOLMIC adj HOLOGAMY n pl. -MIES the state of having gametes of the same size and form as other cells HOLOGRAM n pl. -S a three-dimensional photograph HOLOGYNY n pl. -NIES a trait transmitted solely in the female line HOLOTYPE n pl. -S an animal or plant specimen HOLOZOIC adj eating solid foods HOLP a past tense of help HOLPEN a past participle of help HOLS n/pl a vacation HOLSTEIN n pl. -S a breed of cattle HOLSTER n pl. -S a case for a pistol HOLT n pl. -S a grove HOLY adj -LIER, -LIEST having a divine nature or origin HOLY n pl. -LIES a holy place HOLYDAY n pl. -DAYS a religious holiday HOLYTIDE n pl. -S a time of religious observance HOMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to pay tribute to HOMAGER n pl. -S a feudal vassal HOMBRE n pl. -S a fellow HOMBURG n pl. -S a felt hat HOME v HOMED, HOMING, HOMES to return to one's home (place of residence) HOMEBODY n pl. -BODIES one who likes to stay at home HOMEBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy or man from one's neighborhood HOMEBRED n pl. -S a native athlete HOMED past tense of home HOMELAND n pl. -S one's native land HOMELESS adj lacking a home HOMELIKE adj suggestive of a home HOMELY adj -LIER, -LIEST unattractive HOMEMADE adj made at home HOMEOBOX n pl. -ES a short DNA sequence HOMEOTIC adj being a gene producing a shift in development HOMEPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to assign a ship to a port HOMER v -ED, -ING, -S to hit a home run HOMEROOM n pl. -S the classroom where pupils report before classes begin HOMESICK adj longing for home HOMESITE n pl. -S a location for a house HOMESPUN n pl. -S a loosely woven fabric HOMESTAY n pl. -STAYS a period during which a visitor in a foreign country lives with a local family HOMETOWN n pl. -S the town of one's birth or residence HOMEWARD adv toward home HOMEWORK n pl. -S work done at home HOMEY adj HOMIER, HOMIEST homelike HOMICIDE n pl. -S the killing of one person by another HOMIER comparative of homy HOMIEST superlative of homy HOMILIST n pl. -S one that delivers a homily HOMILY n pl. -LIES a sermon HOMINES a pl. of homo HOMINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being homey HOMING present participle of home HOMINIAN n pl. -S a hominid HOMINID n pl. -S a manlike creature HOMINIES pl. of hominy HOMININE adj characteristic of man HOMINIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to alter the environment to conform with evolving man HOMINOID n pl. -S a manlike animal HOMINY n pl. -NIES hulled, dried corn HOMMOCK n pl. -S a ridge in an ice field HOMMOS n pl. -ES hummus HOMO n pl. HOMINES or HOMOS a member of the genus that includes modern man HOMOGAMY n pl. -MIES the bearing of sexually similar flowers HOMOGENY n pl. -NIES correspondence in form or structure HOMOGONY n pl. -NIES the condition of having flowers with uniform stamens and pistils HOMOLOG n pl. -S something that exhibits homology HOMOLOGY n pl. -GIES similarity in structure HOMONYM n pl. -S a namesake HOMONYMY n pl. -MIES the condition of having the same name HOMOSEX n pl. -ES homosexuality HOMY adj HOMIER, HOMIEST homey HON n pl. -S a honeybun HONAN n pl. -S a fine silk HONCHO v -ED, -ING, -S to take charge of HONDA n pl. -S a part of a lariat HONDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to haggle HONE v HONED, HONING, HONES to sharpen HONER n pl. -S one that hones HONEST adj -ESTER, -ESTEST truthful HONESTLY adv HONESTY n pl. -TIES the quality of being honest HONEWORT n pl. -S a perennial herb HONEY v -EYED or -IED, -EYING, -EYS to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) HONEYBEE n pl. -S a type of bee HONEYBUN n pl. -S a sweetheart HONEYDEW n pl. -S a sweet fluid HONEYFUL adj containing much honey HONG n pl. -S a Chinese factory HONIED a past tense of honey HONING present participle of hone HONK v -ED, -ING, -S to emit a cry like that of a goose HONKER n pl. -S one that honks HONOR v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with respect HONORAND n pl. -S an honoree HONORARY n pl. -ARIES an honor society HONOREE n pl. -S one that receives an honor HONORER n pl. -S one that honors HONOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to honor HONOURER n pl. -S honorer HOOCH n pl. -ES cheap whiskey HOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a hood (a covering for the head) HOODIE n pl. -S a gray crow of Europe HOODLESS adj lacking a hood HOODLIKE adj resembling a hood HOODLUM n pl. -S a thug HOODOO v -ED, -ING, -S to bring bad luck to HOODWINK v -ED, -ING, -S to trick HOODY adj -IER, -IEST resembling a hoodlum HOOEY n pl. -EYS something false or nonsensical HOOF n pl. HOOVES or HOOFS the hard covering on the feet of certain animals HOOF v -ED, -ING, -S to dance HOOFBEAT n pl. -S the sound of hooves striking the ground HOOFER n pl. -S a professional dancer HOOFLESS adj lacking hooves HOOFLIKE adj resembling a hoof HOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) HOOKA n pl. -S hookah HOOKAH n pl. -S a water pipe HOOKER n pl. -S a prostitute HOOKEY n pl. -EYS hooky HOOKIER comparative of hooky HOOKIES pl. of hooky HOOKIEST superlative of hooky HOOKLESS adj lacking a hook HOOKLET n pl. -S a small hook HOOKLIKE adj resembling a hook HOOKNOSE n pl. -S an aquiline nose HOOKUP n pl. -S an electrical assemblage HOOKWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm HOOKY adj HOOKIER, HOOKIEST full of hooks HOOKY n pl. HOOKIES truancy HOOLIE adj easy; slow HOOLIGAN n pl. -S a hoodlum HOOLY adj hoolie HOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a hoop (a circular band of metal) HOOPER n pl. -S one that hoops HOOPLA n pl. -S commotion HOOPLESS adj lacking a hoop HOOPLIKE adj suggestive of a hoop HOOPOE n pl. -S a European bird HOOPOO n pl. -POOS hoopoe HOOPSTER n pl. -S a basketball player HOORAH v -ED, -ING, -S to hurrah HOORAY v -ED, -ING, -S to hurrah HOOSEGOW n pl. -S a jail HOOSGOW n pl. -S hoosegow HOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to cry like an owl HOOTCH n pl. -ES hooch HOOTER n pl. -S one that hoots HOOTY adj HOOTIER, HOOTIEST sounding like the cry of an owl HOOVED adj having hooves HOOVES a pl. of hoof HOP v HOPPED, HOPPING, HOPS to move by jumping on one foot HOPE v HOPED, HOPING, HOPES to have a desire or expectation HOPEFUL n pl. -S one that seems promising HOPELESS adj despairing HOPER n pl. -S one that hopes HOPHEAD n pl. -S a drug addict HOPING present participle of hope HOPLITE n pl. -S a foot soldier of ancient Greece HOPLITIC adj HOPPED past tense of hop HOPPER n pl. -S one that hops HOPPING n pl. -S a going from one place to another of the same kind HOPPING present participle of hop HOPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to hobble HOPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST having the taste of hops (catkins of a particular vine) HOPSACK n pl. -S a coarse fabric HOPTOAD n pl. -S a toad HORA n pl. -S an Israeli dance HORAH n pl. -S hora HORAL adj hourly HORARY adj hourly HORDE v HORDED, HORDING, HORDES to gather in a large group HORDEIN n pl. -S a simple protein HORIZON n pl. -S the line where the sky seems to meet the earth HORMONE n pl. -S a secretion of the endocrine organs HORMONAL, HORMONIC adj HORN v -ED, -ING, -S to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) HORNBEAM n pl. -S a small tree HORNBILL n pl. -S a large-billed bird HORNBOOK n pl. -S a primer HORNET n pl. -S a stinging insect HORNFELS n pl. HORNFELS a silicate rock HORNIER comparative of horny HORNIEST superlative of horny HORNILY adv in a horny manner HORNIST n pl. -S a French horn player HORNITO n pl. -TOS a mound of volcanic matter HORNLESS adj lacking a horn HORNLIKE adj resembling a horn HORNPIPE n pl. -S a musical instrument HORNPOUT n pl. -S a catfish HORNTAIL n pl. -S a wasplike insect HORNWORM n pl. -S the larva of a hawkmoth HORNWORT n pl. -S an aquatic herb HORNY adj HORNIER, HORNIEST hornlike in hardness HOROLOGE n pl. -S a timepiece HOROLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of measuring time HORRENT adj bristling; standing erect HORRIBLE n pl. -S something that causes horror HORRIBLY adv dreadfully HORRID adj repulsive HORRIDLY adv HORRIFIC adj causing horror HORRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause to feel horror HORROR n pl. -S a feeling of intense fear or repugnance HORSE v HORSED, HORSING, HORSES to provide with a horse (a large, hoofed mammal) HORSECAR n pl. -S a streetcar drawn by a horse HORSEFLY n pl. -FLIES a large fly HORSEMAN n pl. -MEN one who rides a horse HORSEPOX n pl. -ES a skin disease of horses HORSEY adj HORSIER, HORSIEST horsy HORSIER comparative of horsy HORSIEST superlative of horsy HORSILY adv in a horsy manner HORSING present participle of horse HORST n pl. -S a portion of the earth's crust HORSTE n pl. -S horst HORSY adj HORSIER, HORSIEST resembling a horse HOSANNA v -ED, -ING, -S to praise HOSANNAH interj -- used to express praise to God HOSE n pl. HOSEN stockings or socks HOSE v HOSED, HOSING, HOSES to spray with water HOSEL n pl. -S a part of a golf club HOSEPIPE n pl. -S a flexible tube for conveying fluids HOSIER n pl. -S one that makes hose HOSIERY n pl. -SIERIES hose HOSING present participle of hose HOSPICE n pl. -S a shelter HOSPITAL n pl. -S a medical institution HOSPITIA n/pl places of shelter HOSPODAR n pl. -S a governor of a region under Turkish rule HOST v -ED, -ING, -S to entertain socially HOSTA n pl. -S a plantain lily HOSTAGE n pl. -S a person held as security HOSTEL v -ED, -ING, -S to stay at inns overnight while traveling HOSTELER n pl. -S an innkeeper HOSTELRY n pl. -RIES an inn HOSTESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to act as a hostess (a woman who entertains socially) HOSTILE n pl. -S an unfriendly person HOSTLER n pl. -S a person who tends horses or mules HOSTLY adj pertaining to one who hosts HOT adj HOTTER, HOTTEST having a high temperature HOT v HOTTED, HOTTING, HOTS to heat HOTBED n pl. -S a bed of rich soil HOTBLOOD n pl. -S a thoroughbred horse HOTBOX n pl. -ES an overheated bearing of a railroad car HOTCAKE n pl. -S a pancake HOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wiggle HOTCHPOT n pl. -S the combining of properties in order to divide them equally among heirs HOTDOG v -DOGGED, -DOGGING, -DOGS to perform in a showy manner HOTEL n pl. -S a public lodging HOTELDOM n pl. -S hotels and hotel workers HOTELIER n pl. -S a hotel manager HOTELMAN n pl. -MEN a hotelier HOTFOOT v -FOOTED, -FOOTING, -FOOTS to hurry HOTHEAD n pl. -S a quick-tempered person HOTHOUSE n pl. -S a heated greenhouse HOTLINE n pl. -S a direct communications system for immediate contact HOTLY adv in a hot manner HOTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being hot HOTPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to subject to heat and pressure HOTROD n pl. -S a car modified for high speeds HOTSHOT n pl. -S a showily skillful person HOTSPUR n pl. -S a hothead HOTTED past tense of hot HOTTER comparative of hot HOTTEST superlative of hot HOTTING present participle of hot HOTTISH adj somewhat hot HOUDAH n pl. -S howdah HOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to pursue relentlessly HOUNDER n pl. -S one that hounds HOUR n pl. -S a period of sixty minutes HOURI n pl. -S a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief HOURLY adj occurring every hour HOUSE v HOUSED, HOUSING, HOUSES to lodge in a house (a building in which people live) HOUSEBOY n pl. -BOYS a male servant HOUSEFLY n pl. -FLIES a common fly HOUSEFUL n pl. -S as much as a house will hold HOUSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to administer the Eucharist to HOUSEMAN n pl. -MEN a male servant HOUSER n pl. -S one who organizes housing projects HOUSESIT v -SAT, -SITTING, -SITS to occupy a dwelling while the tenants are away HOUSETOP n pl. -S the roof of a house HOUSING n pl. -S any dwelling place HOVE a past tense of heave HOVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to live in a small, miserable dwelling HOVER v -ED, -ING, -S to hang suspended in the air HOVERER n pl. -S something that hovers HOW n pl. -S a method of doing something HOWBEIT adv nevertheless HOWDAH n pl. -S a seat on an elephant or camel for riders HOWDIE n pl. -S a midwife HOWDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to greet with the words ``how do you do'' HOWE n pl. -S a valley HOWEVER adv nevertheless HOWF n pl. -S a place frequently visited HOWFF n pl. -S howf HOWITZER n pl. -S a short cannon HOWK v -ED, -ING, -S to dig HOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry like a dog HOWLER n pl. -S one that howls HOWLET n pl. -S an owl HOY n pl. HOYS a heavy barge or scow HOYA n pl. -S a flowering plant HOYDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to act like a tomboy HOYLE n pl. -S a rule book HUARACHE n pl. -S a flat-heeled sandal HUARACHO n pl. -CHOS huarache HUB n pl. -S the center of a wheel HUBBLY adj having an uneven surface HUBBUB n pl. -S an uproar HUBBY n pl. -BIES a husband HUBCAP n pl. -S a covering for the hub of a wheel HUBRIS n pl. -BRISES arrogance HUCK n pl. -S a durable fabric HUCKLE n pl. -S the hip HUCKSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to peddle HUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to crowd together HUDDLER n pl. -S one that huddles HUE n pl. -S color HUED, HUELESS adj HUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to breathe heavily HUFFISH adj sulky HUFFY adj HUFFIER, HUFFIEST easily offended HUFFILY adv HUG v HUGGED, HUGGING, HUGS to clasp tightly in the arms HUGE adj HUGER, HUGEST very large HUGELY adj HUGENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being huge HUGEOUS adj huge HUGER comparative of huge HUGEST superlative of huge HUGGABLE adj cuddlesome HUGGED past tense of hug HUGGER n pl. -S one that hugs HUGGING present participle of hug HUH interj -- used to express surprise HUIC interj -- used to encourage hunting hounds HUIPIL n pl. -S or -ES an embroidered blouse or dress of Mexico HUISACHE n pl. -S a flowering plant HULA n pl. -S a Hawaiian dance HULK v -ED, -ING, -S to appear impressively large HULKY adj HULKIER, HULKIEST massive HULL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the shell from a seed HULLER n pl. -S one that hulls HULLO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to hallo HULLOA v -ED, -ING, -S to hallo HUM v HUMMED, HUMMING, HUMS to sing without opening the lips or saying words HUMAN n pl. -S a person HUMANE adj -MANER, -MANEST compassionate HUMANELY adv HUMANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to humanize HUMANISM n pl. -S the quality of being human HUMANIST n pl. -S one who studies human nature HUMANITY n pl. -TIES the human race HUMANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make human HUMANLY adv in a human manner HUMANOID n pl. -S something having human form HUMATE n pl. -S a chemical salt HUMBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST modest HUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to reduce the pride of HUMBLER n pl. -S one that humbles HUMBLEST superlative of humble HUMBLING present participle of humble HUMBLY adv in a humble manner HUMBUG v -BUGGED, -BUGGING, -BUGS to deceive HUMDRUM n pl. -S a dull, boring person HUMERAL n pl. -S a bone of the shoulder HUMERUS n pl. -MERI the large bone of the upper arm HUMIC adj derived from humus HUMID adj having much humidity HUMIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make humid HUMIDITY n pl. -TIES moisture of the air HUMIDLY adv in a humid manner HUMIDOR n pl. -S a cigar case HUMIFIED adj converted into humus HUMILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being humble HUMMABLE adj capable of being hummed HUMMED past tense of hum HUMMER n pl. -S one that hums HUMMING present participle of hum HUMMOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to form into hummocks (small rounded hills) HUMMOCKY adj abounding in hummocks HUMMUS n pl. -ES a paste of pureed chickpeas and tahini HUMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to indulge HUMORAL adj pertaining to bodily fluids HUMORFUL adj humorous HUMORIST n pl. -S a humorous writer or entertainer HUMOROUS adj funny; witty HUMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to humor HUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) HUMPBACK n pl. -S a humped back HUMPH v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a grunt HUMPLESS adj lacking a hump HUMPY adj HUMPIER, HUMPIEST full of humps HUMUS n pl. -ES decomposed organic matter HUMVEE n pl. -S a type of motor vehicle HUN n pl. -S a barbarous, destructive person HUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to arch forward HUNDRED n pl. -S a number HUNG a past tense of hang HUNGER v -ED, -ING, -S to crave HUNGOVER adj suffering from a hangover HUNGRY adj -GRIER, -GRIEST wanting food HUNGRILY adv HUNH interj -- used to ask for a repetition of an utterance HUNK n pl. -S a large piece HUNKER v -ED, -ING, -S to squat HUNKY adj HUNKIER, HUNKIEST muscular and attractive HUNNISH adj resembling a hun HUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to pursue for food or sport HUNTABLE adj HUNTEDLY adv HUNTER n pl. -S one that hunts HUNTING n pl. -S an instance of searching HUNTRESS n pl. -ES a female hunter HUNTSMAN n pl. -MEN a hunter HUP interj -- used to mark a marching cadence HURDIES n/pl the buttocks HURDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to jump over HURDLER n pl. -S one that hurdles HURDS n/pl hards HURL v -ED, -ING, -S to throw with great force HURLER n pl. -S one that hurls HURLEY n pl. -LEYS hurling HURLING n pl. -S an Irish game HURLY n pl. -LIES commotion HURRAH v -ED, -ING, -S to cheer HURRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to hurrah HURRIER n pl. -S one that hurries HURRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to move swiftly HURST n pl. -S a small hill HURT v HURT, HURTING, HURTS to injure HURTER n pl. -S one that hurts HURTFUL adj causing injury HURTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to rush violently HURTLESS adj harmless HUSBAND v -ED, -ING, -S to spend wisely HUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to quiet HUSHEDLY adv HUSHABY v go to sleep -- used imperatively to soothe a child HUSHFUL adj quiet HUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the husk (the outer covering) from HUSKER n pl. -S one that husks HUSKIER comparative of husky HUSKIES pl. of husky HUSKIEST superlative of husky HUSKILY adv in a husky manner HUSKING n pl. -S a gathering of families to husk corn HUSKLIKE adj resembling a husk HUSKY adj -KIER, -KIEST hoarse HUSKY n pl. -KIES an Eskimo dog HUSSAR n pl. -S a cavalry soldier HUSSY n pl. -SIES a lewd woman HUSTINGS n pl. HUSTINGS a British court HUSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to hurry HUSTLER n pl. -S one that hustles HUSWIFE n pl. -WIFES or -WIVES a sewing kit HUT v HUTTED, HUTTING, HUTS to live in a hut (a simple shelter) HUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to store away HUTLIKE adj resembling a hut HUTMENT n pl. -S a group of huts HUTTED past tense of hut HUTTING present participle of hut HUTZPA n pl. -S chutzpah HUTZPAH n pl. -S chutzpah HUZZA v -ED, -ING, -S to cheer HUZZAH v -ED, -ING, -S to huzza HWAN n pl. HWAN a monetary unit of South Korea HYACINTH n pl. -S a flowering plant HYAENA n pl. -S hyena HYAENIC adj HYALIN n pl. -S hyaline HYALINE n pl. -S a transparent substance HYALITE n pl. -S a colorless opal HYALOGEN n pl. -S a substance found in animal cells HYALOID n pl. -S a membrane of the eye HYBRID n pl. -S the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents HYBRIS n pl. -BRISES hubris HYDATID n pl. -S a cyst caused by a tapeworm HYDRA n pl. -DRAS or -DRAE a freshwater polyp HYDRACID n pl. -S an acid HYDRAGOG n pl. -S a purgative causing watery discharges HYDRANT n pl. -S an outlet from a water main HYDRANTH n pl. -S the oral opening of a hydra HYDRASE n pl. -S an enzyme HYDRATE v -DRATED, -DRATING, -DRATES to combine with water HYDRATOR n pl. -S one that hydrates HYDRIA n pl. -DRIAE a water jar HYDRIC adj pertaining to moisture HYDRID n pl. -S hydride HYDRIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound HYDRO n pl. -DROS electricity produced by waterpower HYDROGEL n pl. -S a colloid HYDROGEN n pl. -S a gaseous element HYDROID n pl. -S a polyp HYDROMEL n pl. -S a mixture of honey and water HYDRONIC adj pertaining to heating and cooling by water HYDROPIC adj affected with hydropsy HYDROPS n pl. -ES hydropsy HYDROPSY n pl. -SIES dropsy HYDROSKI n pl. -S a plate attached to a seaplane to facilitate takeoffs and landings HYDROSOL n pl. -S an aqueous solution of a colloid HYDROUS adj containing water HYDROXY adj containing hydroxyl HYDROXYL n pl. -S the radical or group containing oxygen and hydrogen HYENA n pl. -S a wolflike mammal HYENIC, HYENINE, HYENOID adj HYETAL adj pertaining to rain HYGEIST n pl. -S an expert in hygiene HYGIEIST n pl. -S hygeist HYGIENE n pl. -S the science of health HYGIENIC adj HYING present participle of hie HYLA n pl. -S a tree frog HYLOZOIC adj pertaining to the doctrine that life and matter are inseparable HYMEN n pl. -S a vaginal membrane HYMENAL adj HYMENEAL n pl. -S a wedding song or poem HYMENIUM n pl. -NIA or -NIUMS a layer in certain fungi HYMENIAL adj HYMN v -ED, -ING, -S to sing a hymn (a song of praise to God) HYMNAL n pl. -S a book of hymns HYMNARY n pl. -RIES a hymnal HYMNBOOK n pl. -S a hymnal HYMNIST n pl. -S one who composes hymns HYMNLESS adj lacking a hymn HYMNLIKE adj resembling a hymn HYMNODY n pl. -DIES the singing of hymns HYOID n pl. -S a bone of the tongue HYOIDAL, HYOIDEAN adj HYOSCINE n pl. -S a sedative HYP n pl. -S hypochondria HYPE v HYPED, HYPING, HYPES to promote extravagantly HYPER adj very excitable HYPERGOL n pl. -S a rocket fuel HYPERON n pl. -S an atomic particle HYPEROPE n pl. -S a farsighted person HYPHA n pl. -PHAE a threadlike element of a fungus HYPHAL adj HYPHEMIA n pl. -S deficiency of blood HYPHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to connect words or syllables with a hyphen (a mark of punctuation) HYPING present participle of hype HYPNIC adj pertaining to sleep HYPNOID adj pertaining to hypnosis or sleep HYPNOSIS n pl. -NOSES an artificially induced state resembling sleep HYPNOTIC n pl. -S a sleep-inducing drug HYPO v -ED, -ING, -S to inject with a hypodermic needle HYPOACID adj having a lower than normal degree of acidity HYPODERM n pl. -S a skin layer HYPOGEA pl. of hypogeum HYPOGEAL adj underground HYPOGEAN adj hypogeal HYPOGENE adj formed underground HYPOGEUM n pl. -GEA an underground chamber HYPOGYNY n pl. -NIES the condition of having flowers with organs situated below the ovary HYPONEA n pl. -S hyponoia HYPONOIA n pl. -S dulled mental activity HYPOPNEA n pl. -S abnormally shallow breathing HYPOPYON n pl. -S an accumulation of pus in the eye HYPOTHEC n pl. -S a type of mortgage HYPOXIA n pl. -S a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue HYPOXIC adj HYRACOID n pl. -S a hyrax HYRAX n pl. -RAXES or -RACES a small, harelike mammal HYSON n pl. -S a Chinese tea HYSSOP n pl. -S a medicinal herb HYSTERIA n pl. -S uncontrollable excitement or fear HYSTERIC n pl. -S one who is subject to fits of hysteria HYTE adj insane IAMB n pl. -S a type of metrical foot IAMBIC n pl. -S an iamb IAMBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BI an iamb IATRIC adj pertaining to medicine IATRICAL adj iatric IBEX n pl. IBEXES or IBICES a wild goat IBIDEM adv in the same place IBIS n pl. IBISES a wading bird IBOGAINE n pl. -S an alkaloid used as an antidepressant ICE v ICED, ICING, ICES to cover with ice (frozen water) ICEBERG n pl. -S a large floating body of ice ICEBLINK n pl. -S a glare over an ice field ICEBOAT n pl. -S a vehicle that sails on ice ICEBOUND adj surrounded by ice ICEBOX n pl. -ES a cabinet for cooling food ICECAP n pl. -S a covering of ice and snow ICED past tense of ice ICEFALL n pl. -S a kind of frozen waterfall ICEHOUSE n pl. -S a building for storing ice ICEKHANA n pl. -S an automotive event held on a frozen lake ICELESS adj having no ice ICELIKE adj resembling ice ICEMAN n pl. -MEN a man who supplies ice ICH n pl. ICHS a disease of certain fishes ICHNITE n pl. -S a fossil footprint ICHOR n pl. -S a watery discharge from a wound ICHOROUS adj ICHTHYIC adj pertaining to fishes ICICLE n pl. -S a hanging spike of ice ICICLED adj ICIER comparative of icy ICIEST superlative of icy ICILY adv in an icy manner ICINESS n pl. -ES the state of being icy ICING n pl. -S a sweet mixture for covering cakes ICK interj -- used to express disgust ICKER n pl. -S a head of grain ICKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being icky ICKY adj ICKIER, ICKIEST repulsive ICKILY adv ICON n pl. -S or -ES a representation ICONIC, ICONICAL adj ICTERIC n pl. -S a remedy for icterus ICTERUS n pl. -ES a diseased condition of the liver ICTUS n pl. -ES a recurring stress or beat in a poetical form ICTIC adj ICY adj ICIER, ICIEST covered with ice ID n pl. -S a part of the psyche IDEA n pl. -S a conception existing in the mind IDEALESS adj IDEAL n pl. -S a standard of perfection IDEALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to idealize IDEALISM n pl. -S the pursuit of noble goals IDEALIST n pl. -S an adherent of idealism IDEALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being perfect; something idealized IDEALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to regard as perfect IDEALLY adv perfectly IDEALOGY n pl. -GIES ideology IDEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to form an idea IDEATION n pl. -S the act of ideating IDEATIVE adj pertaining to ideation IDEM adj the same IDENTIC adj identical IDENTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to establish the identity of IDENTITY n pl. -TIES the essential character of a person or thing IDEOGRAM n pl. -S a type of written symbol IDEOLOGY n pl. -GIES a systematic body of ideas IDES n pl. IDES a certain day in the ancient Roman calendar IDIOCY n pl. -CIES the condition of being an idiot IDIOLECT n pl. -S one's speech pattern IDIOM n pl. -S an expression peculiar to a language IDIOT n pl. -S a mentally deficient person IDIOTIC adj IDIOTISM n pl. -S idiocy IDLE adj IDLER, IDLEST inactive IDLE v IDLED, IDLING, IDLES to pass time idly IDLENESS n pl. -ES the state of being idle IDLER n pl. -S one that idles IDLESSE n pl. -S idleness IDLEST superlative of idle IDLING present participle of idle IDLY adv in an idle manner IDOCRASE n pl. -S a mineral IDOL n pl. -S an object of worship IDOLATER n pl. -S one that worships idols IDOLATOR n pl. -S idolater IDOLATRY n pl. -TRIES the worship of idols IDOLISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to idolize IDOLISER n pl. -S one that idolises IDOLISM n pl. -S idolatry IDOLIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to worship IDOLIZER n pl. -S one that idolizes IDONEITY n pl. -TIES the state of being idoneous IDONEOUS adj suitable IDYL n pl. -S a poem or prose work depicting scenes of rural simplicity IDYLIST n pl. -S a writer of idyls IDYLL n pl. -S idyl IDYLLIC adj IDYLLIST n pl. -S idylist IF n pl. -S a possibility IFF conj if and only if IFFINESS n pl. -ES the state of being iffy IFFY adj IFFIER, IFFIEST full of uncertainty IGLOO n pl. -LOOS an Eskimo dwelling IGLU n pl. -S igloo IGNATIA n pl. -S a medicinal seed IGNEOUS adj pertaining to fire IGNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to burn IGNITE v -NITED, -NITING, -NITES to set on fire IGNITER n pl. -S one that ignites IGNITION n pl. -S the act of igniting IGNITOR n pl. -S igniter IGNITRON n pl. -S a type of rectifier tube IGNOBLE adj of low character IGNOBLY adv IGNOMINY n pl. -NIES disgrace or dishonor IGNORANT adj having no knowledge IGNORE v -NORED, -NORING, -NORES to refuse to notice IGNORER n pl. -S one that ignores IGUANA n pl. -S a tropical lizard IGUANIAN n pl. -S a lizard related to the iguana IHRAM n pl. -S the garb worn by Muslim pilgrims IKAT n pl. -S a fabric of tie-dyed yarns IKEBANA n pl. -S the Japanese art of flower arranging IKON n pl. -S icon ILEA pl. of ileum ILEAC adj pertaining to the ileum ILEAL adj ileac ILEITIS n pl. ILEITIDES inflammation of the ileum ILEUM n pl. ILEA a part of the small intestine ILEUS n pl. -ES intestinal obstruction ILEX n pl. -ES a holly ILIA pl. of ilium ILIAC adj pertaining to the ilium ILIAD n pl. -S a long poem ILIAL adj iliac ILIUM n pl. ILIA a bone of the pelvis ILK n pl. -S a class or kind ILKA adj each ILL n pl. -S an evil ILLATION n pl. -S the act of inferring ILLATIVE n pl. -S a word or phrase introducing an inference ILLEGAL n pl. -S a person who enters a country without authorization ILLICIT adj not permitted ILLINIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element ILLIQUID adj not readily convertible into cash ILLITE n pl. -S a group of minerals ILLITIC adj ILLNESS n pl. -ES sickness ILLOGIC n pl. -S absence of logic ILLUME v -LUMED, -LUMING, -LUMES to illuminate ILLUMINE v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES to illuminate ILLUSION n pl. -S a false perception ILLUSIVE adj illusory ILLUSORY adj based on illusion ILLUVIUM n pl. -VIA or -VIUMS a type of material accumulated in soil ILLUVIAL adj ILLY adv badly ILMENITE n pl. -S a mineral IMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to imagine IMAGER n pl. -S one that images IMAGERY n pl. -ERIES mental pictures IMAGINAL adj pertaining to an imago IMAGINE v -INED, -INING, -INES to form a mental picture of IMAGINER n pl. -S one that imagines IMAGING n pl. -S the process of producing an image IMAGING present participle of image IMAGINING present participle of imagine IMAGISM n pl. -S a movement in poetry IMAGIST n pl. -S an adherent of imagism IMAGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS an adult insect IMAM n pl. -S a Muslim priest IMAMATE n pl. -S the office of an imam IMARET n pl. -S a Turkish inn IMAUM n pl. -S imam IMBALM v -ED, -ING, -S to embalm IMBALMER n pl. -S embalmer IMBARK v -ED, -ING, -S to embark IMBECILE n pl. -S a mentally deficient person IMBED v -BEDDED, -BEDDING, -BEDS to embed IMBIBE v -BIBED, -BIBING, -BIBES to drink IMBIBER n pl. -S one that imbibes IMBITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to embitter IMBLAZE v -BLAZED, -BLAZING, -BLAZES to emblaze IMBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES to embody IMBOLDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to embolden IMBOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to embosom IMBOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to embower IMBROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to embrown IMBRUE v -BRUED, -BRUING, -BRUES to stain IMBRUTE v -BRUTED, -BRUTING, -BRUTES to make brutal IMBUE v -BUED, -BUING, -BUES to make thoroughly wet IMID n pl. -S imide IMIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound IMIDIC adj IMIDO adj containing an imide IMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound IMINO adj containing an imine IMITABLE adj capable of being imitated IMITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to behave in the same way as IMITATOR n pl. -S one that imitates IMMANE adj great in size IMMANENT adj existing within IMMATURE n pl. -S an individual that is not fully grown or developed IMMENSE adj -MENSER, -MENSEST great in size IMMERGE v -MERGED, -MERGING, -MERGES to immerse IMMERSE v -MERSED, -MERSING, -MERSES to plunge into a liquid IMMESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to enmesh IMMIES pl. of immy IMMINENT adj ready to take place IMMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to blend IMMIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to mix in IMMOBILE adj incapable of being moved IMMODEST adj not modest IMMOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to kill as a sacrifice IMMORAL adj contrary to established morality IMMORTAL n pl. -S one who is not subject to death IMMOTILE adj lacking mobility IMMUNE n pl. -S one who is protected from a disease IMMUNISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to immunize IMMUNITY n pl. -TIES the state of being protected from a disease IMMUNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to protect from a disease IMMURE v -MURED, -MURING, -MURES to imprison IMMY n pl. -MIES a type of playing marble IMP v -ED, -ING, -S to graft feathers onto a bird's wing IMPACT v -ED, -ING, -S to pack firmly together IMPACTER n pl. -S one that impacts IMPACTOR n pl. -S impacter IMPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to paint or depict IMPAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to make worse IMPAIRER n pl. -S one that impairs IMPALA n pl. -S an African antelope IMPALE v -PALED, -PALING, -PALES to pierce with a pointed object IMPALER n pl. -S one that impales IMPANEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to enter on a list for jury duty IMPARITY n pl. -TIES lack of equality IMPARK v -ED, -ING, -S to confine in a park IMPART v -ED, -ING, -S to make known IMPARTER n pl. -S one that imparts IMPASSE n pl. -S a road or passage having no exit IMPASTE v -PASTED, -PASTING, -PASTES to make into a paste IMPASTO n pl. -TOS a painting technique IMPAVID adj brave IMPAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to pawn IMPEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to charge with misconduct in office IMPEARL v -ED, -ING, -S to make pearly IMPEDE v -PEDED, -PEDING, -PEDES to obstruct the progress of IMPEDER n pl. -S one that impedes IMPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to force into action IMPELLER n pl. -S one that impels IMPELLOR n pl. -S impeller IMPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to be imminent IMPERIA a pl. of imperium IMPERIAL n pl. -S an emperor or empress IMPERIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to place in jeopardy IMPERIUM n pl. -RIUMS or -RIA absolute power IMPETIGO n pl. -GOS a skin disease IMPETUS n pl. -ES an impelling force IMPHEE n pl. -S an African grass IMPI n pl. -S a body of warriors IMPIETY n pl. -TIES lack of piety IMPING n pl. -S the process of grafting IMPINGE v -PINGED, -PINGING, -PINGES to collide IMPINGER n pl. -S one that impinges IMPIOUS adj not pious IMPISH adj mischievous IMPISHLY adv IMPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to set securely IMPLEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to sue in a court of law IMPLEDGE v -PLEDGED, -PLEDGING, -PLEDGES to pawn IMPLICIT adj implied IMPLIED past tense of imply IMPLIES present 3d person sing. of imply IMPLODE v -PLODED, -PLODING, -PLODES to collapse inward IMPLORE v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES to beg for urgently IMPLORER n pl. -S one that implores IMPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to indicate or suggest indirectly IMPOLICY n pl. -CIES an unwise course of action IMPOLITE adj not polite IMPONE v -PONED, -PONING, -PONES to wager IMPOROUS adj extremely dense IMPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into a country from abroad IMPORTER n pl. -S one that imports IMPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to establish as compulsory IMPOSER n pl. -S one that imposes IMPOST v -ED, -ING, -S to determine customs duties IMPOSTER n pl. -S impostor IMPOSTOR n pl. -S one that poses as another for deceptive purposes IMPOTENT n pl. -S one that is powerless IMPOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and retain in legal custody IMPOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to empower IMPREGN v -ED, -ING, -S to make pregnant IMPRESA n pl. -S a type of emblem IMPRESE n pl. -S impresa IMPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to affect strongly IMPREST n pl. -S a loan or advance of money IMPRIMIS adv in the first place IMPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to produce a mark by pressure IMPRISON v -ED, -ING, -S to confine IMPROPER adj not proper IMPROV n pl. -S improvisation IMPROVE v -PROVED, -PROVING, -PROVES to make better IMPROVER n pl. -S one that improves IMPUDENT adj offensively bold or disrespectful IMPUGN v -ED, -ING, -S to make insinuations against IMPUGNER n pl. -S one that impugns IMPULSE v -PULSED, -PULSING, -PULSES to give impetus to IMPUNITY n pl. -TIES exemption from penalty IMPURE adj not pure IMPURELY adv IMPURITY n pl. -TIES something that is impure IMPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to credit to a person or a cause IMPUTER n pl. -S one that imputes IN v INNED, INNING, INS to harvest INACTION n pl. -S lack of action INACTIVE adj not active INANE adj INANER, INANEST nonsensical INANELY adv INANE n pl. -S empty space INANITY n pl. -TIES something that is inane INAPT adj not apt INAPTLY adv INARABLE adj not arable INARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to graft with in a certain way INARM v -ED, -ING, -S to encircle with the arms INBEING n pl. -S the state of being inherent INBOARD n pl. -S a type of boat motor INBORN adj existing in one from birth INBOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to put a basketball in play from out of bounds INBOUNDS adj being within certain boundaries INBRED n pl. -S a product of inbreeding INBREED v -BRED, -BREEDING, -BREEDS to breed closely related stock INBUILT adj forming an integral part of a structure INBURST n pl. -S the act of bursting inward INBY adv inward INBYE adv inby INCAGE v -CAGED, -CAGING, -CAGES to encage INCANT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter ritually INCASE v -CASED, -CASING, -CASES to encase INCENSE v -CENSED, -CENSING, -CENSES to make angry INCENTER n pl. -S the point where the three lines bisecting the angles of a triangle meet INCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S to take in INCEPTOR n pl. -S one that incepts INCEST n pl. -S sexual intercourse between closely related persons INCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move very slowly INCHMEAL adv little by little INCHOATE adj being in an early stage INCHWORM n pl. -S a type of worm INCIDENT n pl. -S an event INCIPIT n pl. -S the opening words of a text INCISAL adj being the cutting edge of a tooth INCISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to cut into INCISION n pl. -S the act of incising INCISIVE adj penetrating INCISOR n pl. -S a cutting tooth INCISORY adj adapted for cutting INCISURE n pl. -S a notch or cleft of a body part INCITANT n pl. -S something that incites INCITE v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES to arouse to action INCITER n pl. -S one that incites INCIVIL adj discourteous INCLASP v -ED, -ING, -S to enclasp INCLINE v -CLINED, -CLINING, -CLINES to slant INCLINER n pl. -S one that inclines INCLIP v -CLIPPED, -CLIPPING, -CLIPS to clasp INCLOSE v -CLOSED, -CLOSING, -CLOSES to enclose INCLOSER n pl. -S one that incloses INCLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to have as a part INCOG n pl. -S a disguised person INCOME n pl. -S a sum of money earned regularly INCOMER n pl. -S one that comes in INCOMING n pl. -S an arrival INCONNU n pl. -S a large food fish INCONY adj pretty INCORPSE v -CORPSED, -CORPSING, -CORPSES to become combined with INCREASE v -CREASED, -CREASING, -CREASES to make or become greater INCREATE adj not created INCROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to inbreed INCRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to encrust INCUBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to warm eggs for hatching INCUBUS n pl. -BI or -BUSES a demon INCUDAL adj pertaining to the incus INCUDATE adj incudal INCUDES pl. of incus INCULT adj uncultivated INCUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to encumber INCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS to bring upon oneself INCURVE v -CURVED, -CURVING, -CURVES to curve inward INCUS n pl. INCUDES a bone in the middle ear INCUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES to mark by stamping INDABA n pl. -S a meeting of South African tribes INDAGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to investigate INDAMIN n pl. -S indamine INDAMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound INDEBTED adj beholden INDECENT adj -CENTER, -CENTEST not decent INDEED adv in truth INDENE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon INDENT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut or tear irregularly INDENTER n pl. -S one that indents INDENTOR n pl. -S indenter INDEVOUT adj not devout INDEX n pl. INDEXES or INDICES a type of reference guide at the end of a book INDEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to provide with an index INDEXER n pl. -S one that indexes INDEXING n pl. -S the linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels INDICAN n pl. -S a chemical compound INDICANT n pl. -S something that indicates INDICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to point out INDICES a pl. of index INDICIA n pl. -S a distinctive mark INDICIUM n pl. -S an indicia INDICT v -ED, -ING, -S to charge with a crime INDICTEE n pl. -S one that is indicted INDICTER n pl. -S one that indicts INDICTOR n pl. -S indicter INDIE n pl. -S a person who is independent INDIGEN n pl. -S indigene INDIGENE n pl. -S a native INDIGENT n pl. -S a needy person INDIGN adj disgraceful INDIGNLY adv INDIGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a blue dye INDIGOID n pl. -S a blue dye INDIRECT adj not direct INDITE v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES to write or compose INDITER n pl. -S one that indites INDIUM n pl. -S a metallic element INDOCILE adj not docile INDOL n pl. -S indole INDOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound INDOLENT adj lazy INDOOR adj pertaining to the interior of a building INDOORS adv in or into a house INDORSE v -DORSED, -DORSING, -DORSES to endorse INDORSEE n pl. -S endorsee INDORSER n pl. -S endorser INDORSING present participle of indorse INDORSOR n pl. -S endorsor INDOW v -ED, -ING, -S to endow INDOXYL n pl. -S a chemical compound INDRAFT n pl. -S an inward flow or current INDRAWN adj drawn in INDRI n pl. -S a short-tailed lemur INDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to influence into doing something INDUCER n pl. -S one that induces INDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into military service INDUCTEE n pl. -S one that is inducted INDUCTOR n pl. -S one that inducts INDUE v -DUED, -DUING, -DUES to endue INDULGE v -DULGED, -DULGING, -DULGES to yield to the desire of INDULGER n pl. -S one that indulges INDULIN n pl. -S induline INDULINE n pl. -S a blue dye INDULT n pl. -S a privilege granted by the pope INDURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to make hard INDUSIUM n pl. -SIA an enclosing membrane INDUSIAL adj INDUSTRY n pl. -TRIES a group of productive enterprises INDWELL v -DWELT, -DWELLING, -DWELLS to live within INEARTH v -ED, -ING, -S to bury INEDIBLE adj not fit to be eaten INEDITA n/pl unpublished literary works INEDITED adj not published INEPT adj not suitable INEPTLY adv INEQUITY n pl. -TIES unfairness INERRANT adj free from error INERT n pl. -S something that lacks active properties INERTIA n pl. -TIAS or -TIAE the tendency of a body to resist acceleration INERTIAL adj INERTLY adv inactively INEXACT adj not exact INEXPERT n pl. -S a novice INFALL n pl. -S movement under the influence of gravity toward a celestial object INFAMOUS adj having a vile reputation INFAMY n pl. -MIES the state of being infamous INFANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being an infant INFANT n pl. -S a child in the earliest stages of life INFANTA n pl. -S a daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese monarch INFANTE n pl. -S a younger son of a Spanish or Portuguese monarch INFANTRY n pl. -TRIES a branch of the army composed of foot soldiers INFARCT n pl. -S an area of dead or dying tissue INFARE n pl. -S a reception for newlyweds INFAUNA n pl. -NAS or -NAE fauna living on a soft sea floor INFAUNAL adj INFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to contaminate with disease-producing germs INFECTER n pl. -S one that infects INFECTOR n pl. -S infecter INFECUND adj barren INFEOFF v -ED, -ING, -S to enfeoff INFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to reach or derive by reasoning INFERIOR n pl. -S one of lesser rank INFERNAL adj pertaining to hell INFERNO n pl. -NOS a place that resembles or suggests hell INFERRED past tense of infer INFERRER n pl. -S one that infers INFERRING present participle of infer INFEST v -ED, -ING, -S to overrun in large numbers INFESTER n pl. -S one that infests INFIDEL n pl. -S one who has no religious faith INFIELD n pl. -S a part of a baseball field INFIGHT v -FOUGHT, -FIGHTING, -FIGHTS to contend with others within the same group INFINITE n pl. -S something that has no limits INFINITY n pl. -TIES the state of having no limits INFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to weaken or destroy the validity of INFIRMLY adv in a feeble manner INFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to implant INFIXION n pl. -S the act of infixing INFLAME v -FLAMED, -FLAMING, -FLAMES to set on fire INFLAMER n pl. -S one that inflames INFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to cause to expand by filling with gas or air INFLATER n pl. -S one that inflates INFLATOR n pl. -S inflater INFLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to bend INFLEXED adj bent inward INFLICT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to be endured; impose INFLIGHT adj done during an air voyage INFLOW n pl. -S the act of flowing in INFLUENT n pl. -S a tributary INFLUX n pl. -ES a flowing in INFO n pl. -FOS information INFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to fold inward INFOLDER n pl. -S one that infolds INFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with information INFORMAL adj marked by the absence of formality or ceremony INFORMER n pl. -S one that informs INFOUGHT past tense of infight INFRA adv below INFRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to break a legal rule INFRARED n pl. -S a part of the invisible spectrum INFRINGE v -FRINGED, -FRINGING, -FRINGES to violate an oath or a law INFRUGAL adj not frugal INFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to permeate with something INFUSER n pl. -S one that infuses INFUSION n pl. -S the act of infusing INFUSIVE adj capable of infusing INGATE n pl. -S a channel by which molten metal enters a mold INGATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to gather in INGENUE n pl. -S a naive young woman INGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to take into the body INGESTA n/pl ingested material INGLE n pl. -S a fire INGOING adj entering INGOT v -ED, -ING, -S to shape into a convenient form for storage INGRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to engraft INGRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to impress firmly on the mind INGRATE n pl. -S an ungrateful person INGRESS n pl. -ES the act of entering INGROUP n pl. -S a group united by common interests INGROWN adj grown into the flesh INGROWTH n pl. -S growth inward INGUINAL adj pertaining to the groin INGULF v -ED, -ING, -S to engulf INHABIT v -ED, -ING, -S to live in INHALANT n pl. -S something that is inhaled INHALE v -HALED, -HALING, -HALES to take into the lungs INHALER n pl. -S one that inhales INHAUL n pl. -S a line for bringing in a sail INHAULER n pl. -S an inhaul INHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to be inherent INHERENT adj existing in something as an essential characteristic INHERIT v -ED, -ING, -S to receive by legal succession INHESION n pl. -S the state of inhering INHIBIN n pl. -S a human hormone INHIBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain or hold back INHUMAN adj lacking desirable human qualities INHUMANE adj not humane INHUME v -HUMED, -HUMING, -HUMES to bury INHUMER n pl. -S one that inhumes INIMICAL adj unfriendly INION n pl. INIA a part of the skull INIQUITY n pl. -TIES a gross injustice INITIAL v -TIALED, -TIALING, -TIALS or -TIALLED, -TIALLING, -TIALS to mark with the first letters of one's name INITIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to originate INJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to force a fluid into INJECTOR n pl. -S one that injects INJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to do or cause injury to INJURER n pl. -S one that injures INJURY n pl. -RIES harm inflicted or suffered INK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) INKBERRY n pl. -RIES a small shrub INKBLOT n pl. -S a blotted pattern of spilled ink INKER n pl. -S one that inks INKHORN n pl. -S a small container for ink INKIER comparative of inky INKIEST superlative of inky INKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being inky INKJET adj being a high-speed printing process using jets of ink INKLE n pl. -S a tape used for trimming INKLESS adj being without ink INKLIKE adj resembling ink INKLING n pl. -S a slight suggestion INKPOT n pl. -S an inkwell INKSTAND n pl. -S an inkwell INKSTONE n pl. -S a stone on which dry ink and water are mixed INKWELL n pl. -S a small container for ink INKWOOD n pl. -S an evergreen tree INKY adj INKIER, INKIEST resembling ink INLACE v -LACED, -LACING, -LACES to enlace INLAID past tense of inlay INLAND n pl. -S the interior of a region INLANDER n pl. -S one living in the interior of a region INLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to set into a surface INLAYER n pl. -S one that inlays INLET v -LET, -LETTING, -LETS to insert INLIER n pl. -S a type of rock formation INLY adv inwardly INMATE n pl. -S one who is confined to an institution INMESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to enmesh INMOST adj farthest within INN v -ED, -ING, -S to put up at an inn (a public lodging house) INNARDS n/pl the internal organs INNATE adj inborn INNATELY adv INNED past tense of in INNER n pl. -S something that is within INNERLY adv inwardly INNERVE v -NERVED, -NERVING, -NERVES to stimulate INNING n pl. -S a division of a baseball game INNLESS adj having no inns INNOCENT adj -CENTER, -CENTEST free from guilt or sin INNOCENT n pl. -S an innocent person INNOVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to introduce something new INNUENDO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to make a derogatory implication INOCULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS the material used in an inoculation INOSITE n pl. -S inositol INOSITOL n pl. -S an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue INPHASE adj having matching electrical phases INPOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to pour in INPUT v -PUTTED, -PUTTING, -PUTS to enter data into a computer INQUEST n pl. -S a legal inquiry INQUIET v -ED, -ING, -S to disturb INQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to ask about INQUIRER n pl. -S one that inquires INQUIRY n pl. -RIES a question INRO n pl. INRO a Japanese ornamental container INROAD n pl. -S a hostile invasion INRUSH n pl. -ES a rushing in INSANE adj -SANER, -SANEST mentally unsound INSANELY adv INSANITY n pl. -TIES the state of being insane; something utterly foolish INSCAPE n pl. -S the inner essential quality of something INSCRIBE v -SCRIBED, -SCRIBING, -SCRIBES to write or engrave as a lasting record INSCROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to enscroll INSCULP v -ED, -ING, -S to engrave INSEAM n pl. -S an inner seam INSECT n pl. -S any of a class of small invertebrate animals INSECTAN adj pertaining to insects INSECURE adj unsafe INSERT v -ED, -ING, -S to put in INSERTER n pl. -S one that inserts INSET v -SETTED, -SETTING, -SETS to insert INSETTER n pl. -S one that inserts INSHEATH v -ED, -ING, -S to ensheath INSHORE adj near the shore INSHRINE v -SHRINED, -SHRINING, -SHRINES to enshrine INSIDE n pl. -S something that lies within INSIDER n pl. -S an accepted member of a clique INSIGHT n pl. -S a perception of the inner nature of things INSIGNE n pl. INSIGNIA an insignia INSIGNIA n pl. -S an emblem of authority or honor INSIPID adj dull and uninteresting INSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to be resolute on some matter INSISTER n pl. -S one that insists INSNARE v -SNARED, -SNARING, -SNARES to ensnare INSNARER n pl. -S ensnarer INSOFAR adv to such an extent INSOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to expose to sunlight INSOLE n pl. -S the inner sole of a boot or shoe INSOLENT n pl. -S an extremely rude person INSOMNIA n pl. -S chronic inability to sleep INSOMUCH adv to such a degree INSOUL v -ED, -ING, -S to ensoul INSPAN v -SPANNED, -SPANNING, -SPANS to harness or yoke to a vehicle INSPECT v -ED, -ING, -S to look carefully at or over INSPHERE v -SPHERED, -SPHERING, -SPHERES to ensphere INSPIRE v -SPIRED, -SPIRING, -SPIRES to animate the mind or emotions of INSPIRER n pl. -S one that inspires INSPIRIT v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with spirit or life INSTABLE adj unstable INSTAL v -STALLED, -STALLING, -STALS to install INSTALL v -ED, -ING, -S to place in position for use INSTANCE v -STANCED, -STANCING, -STANCES to cite as an example INSTANCY n pl. -CIES urgency INSTANT n pl. -S a very short time INSTAR v -STARRED, -STARRING, -STARS to adorn with stars INSTATE v -STATED, -STATING, -STATES to place in office INSTEAD adv as a substitute or equivalent INSTEP n pl. -S a part of the foot INSTIL v -STILLED, -STILLING, -STILS to instill INSTILL v -ED, -ING, -S to infuse slowly INSTINCT n pl. -S an inborn behavioral pattern INSTROKE n pl. -S an inward stroke INSTRUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with knowledge INSULANT n pl. -S an insulating material INSULAR n pl. -S an islander INSULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to separate with nonconducting material INSULIN n pl. -S a hormone INSULT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat offensively INSULTER n pl. -S one that insults INSURANT n pl. -S one who is insured INSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to guarantee against loss INSURED n pl. -S one who is insured INSURER n pl. -S one that insures INSURING present participle of insure INSWATHE v -SWATHED, -SWATHING, -SWATHES to enswathe INSWEPT adj narrowed in front INTACT adj not damaged in any way INTAGLIO n pl. -GLIOS or -GLI an incised or sunken design INTAGLIO v -ED, -ING, -S to engrave in intaglio INTAKE n pl. -S the act of taking in INTARSIA n pl. -S a decorative technique INTEGER n pl. -S a whole number INTEGRAL n pl. -S a total unit INTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to have as a specific aim or purpose INTENDED n pl. -S one's spouse to-be INTENDER n pl. -S one that intends INTENSE adj -TENSER, -TENSEST existing in an extreme degree INTENT n pl. -S a purpose INTENTLY adv in an unwavering manner INTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to bury INTERACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act on each other INTERAGE adj including persons of various ages INTERBED v -BEDDED, -BEDDING, -BEDS to insert between other layers INTERCOM n pl. -S a type of communication system INTERCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to alternate camera shots INTEREST v -ED, -ING, -S to engage the attention of INTERIM n pl. -S an interval INTERIOR n pl. -S the inside INTERLAP v -LAPPED, -LAPPING, -LAPS to lap one over another INTERLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to place between INTERMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to stop temporarily INTERMIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to mix together INTERN v -ED, -ING, -S to confine during a war INTERNAL n pl. -S an inner attribute INTERNE n pl. -S a recent medical school graduate on a hospital staff INTERNEE n pl. -S one who has been interned INTERRED past tense of inter INTERREX n pl. -REGES a type of sovereign INTERRING present participle of inter INTERROW adj existing between rows INTERSEX n pl. -ES a person having characteristics of both sexes INTERTIE n pl. -S a type of electrical connection INTERVAL n pl. -S a space of time between periods or events INTERWAR adj happening between wars INTHRAL v -THRALLED, -THRALLING, -THRALS to enthrall INTHRALL v -ED, -ING, -S to enthrall INTHRONE v -THRONED, -THRONING, -THRONES to enthrone INTI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Peru INTIMA n pl. -MAE or -MAS the innermost layer of an organ INTIMAL adj INTIMACY n pl. -CIES the state of being closely associated INTIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to make known indirectly INTIME adj cozy INTIMIST n pl. -S a writer or artist who deals with deep personal experiences INTINE n pl. -S the inner wall of a spore INTITLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to entitle INTITULE v -ULED, -ULING, -ULES to entitle INTO prep to the inside of INTOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to entomb INTONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to intone INTONE v -TONED, -TONING, -TONES to speak in a singing voice INTONER n pl. -S one that intones INTORT v -ED, -ING, -S to twist inward INTOWN adj located in the center of a city INTRADAY adj occurring within a single day INTRADOS n pl. -ES the inner curve of an arch INTRANT n pl. -S an entrant INTREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to entreat INTRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to entrench INTREPID adj fearless INTRIGUE v -TRIGUED, -TRIGUING, -TRIGUES to arouse the curiosity of INTRO n pl. -TROS an introduction INTROFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to increase the wetting properties of INTROIT n pl. -S music sung at the beginning of a worship service INTROMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to put in INTRON n pl. -S an intervening sequence in the genetic code INTRORSE adj facing inward INTRUDE v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES to thrust or force oneself in INTRUDER n pl. -S one that intrudes INTRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to entrust INTUBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to insert a tube into INTUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to know without conscious reasoning INTURN n pl. -S a turning inward INTURNED adj INTWINE v -TWINED, -TWINING, -TWINES to entwine INTWIST v -ED, -ING, -S to entwist INULASE n pl. -S an enzyme INULIN n pl. -S a chemical compound INUNDANT adj inundating INUNDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to overwhelm with water INURBANE adj not urbane INURE v -URED, -URING, -URES to accustom to accept something undesirable INURN v -ED, -ING, -S to put in an urn INUTILE adj useless INVADE v -VADED, -VADING, -VADES to enter for conquest or plunder INVADER n pl. -S one that invades INVALID v -ED, -ING, -S to disable physically INVAR n pl. -S an iron-nickel alloy INVASION n pl. -S the act of invading INVASIVE adj INVECTED adj edged by convex curves INVEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to protest angrily INVEIGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to induce by guile or flattery INVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to devise originally INVENTER n pl. -S inventor INVENTOR n pl. -S one that invents INVERITY n pl. -TIES lack of truth INVERSE n pl. -S something that is opposite INVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn upside down INVERTER n pl. -S one that inverts INVERTOR n pl. -S a type of electrical device INVEST v -ED, -ING, -S to commit something of value for future profit INVESTOR n pl. -S one that invests INVIABLE adj not viable INVIABLY adv INVIRILE adj not virile INVISCID adj not viscid INVITAL adj not vital INVITE v -VITED, -VITING, -VITES to request the presence of INVITEE n pl. -S one that is invited INVITER n pl. -S one that invites INVITING present participle of invite INVOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to invoke INVOICE v -VOICED, -VOICING, -VOICES to bill INVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES to appeal to for aid INVOKER n pl. -S one that invokes INVOLUTE v -LUTED, -LUTING, -LUTES to roll or curl up INVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to contain or include as a part INVOLVER n pl. -S one that involves INWALL v -ED, -ING, -S to surround with a wall INWARD adv toward the inside INWARDLY adv on the inside INWARDS adv inward INWEAVE v -WOVE or -WEAVED, -WOVEN, -WEAVING, -WEAVES to weave together INWIND v -WOUND, -WINDING, -WINDS to enwind INWRAP v -WRAPPED, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to enwrap IODATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to iodize IODATION n pl. -S the act of iodating IODIC adj pertaining to iodine IODID n pl. -S iodide IODIDE n pl. -S a compound of iodine IODIN n pl. -S iodine IODINATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to iodize IODINE n pl. -S a nonmetallic element IODISE v -DISED, -DISING, -DISES iodize IODISM n pl. -S iodine poisoning IODIZE v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES to treat with iodine IODIZER n pl. -S one that iodizes IODOFORM n pl. -S an iodine compound IODOPHOR n pl. -S an iodine compound IODOPSIN n pl. -S a pigment in the retina IODOUS adj pertaining to iodine IOLITE n pl. -S a mineral ION n pl. -S an electrically charged atom IONIC n pl. -S a style of type IONICITY n pl. -TIES the state of existing as or like an ion IONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to ionize IONIUM n pl. -S an isotope of thorium IONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to convert into ions IONIZER n pl. -S one that ionizes IONOGEN n pl. -S a compound capable of forming ions IONOMER n pl. -S a type of plastic IONONE n pl. -S a chemical compound IOTA n pl. -S a Greek letter IOTACISM n pl. -S excessive use of the letter iota IPECAC n pl. -S a medicinal plant IPOMOEA n pl. -S a flowering plant IRACUND adj easily angered IRADE n pl. -S a decree of a Muslim ruler IRATE adj IRATER, IRATEST angry IRATELY adv IRE v IRED, IRING, IRES to anger IREFUL adj angry IREFULLY adv IRELESS adj not angry IRENIC adj peaceful in purpose IRENICAL adj irenic IRENICS n/pl a branch of theology IRID n pl. -S a plant of the iris family IRIDES a pl. of iris IRIDIC adj pertaining to iridium IRIDIUM n pl. -S a metallic element IRING present participle of ire IRIS n pl. IRISES or IRIDES a part of the eye IRIS v -ED, -ING, -ES to give the form of a rainbow to IRITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the iris IRITIC adj IRK v -ED, -ING, -S to annoy or weary IRKSOME adj tending to irk IROKO n pl. -KOS a large African tree IRON v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with iron (a metallic element) IRONBARK n pl. -S a timber tree IRONCLAD n pl. -S an armored warship IRONE n pl. -S an aromatic oil IRONER n pl. -S a machine for pressing clothes IRONIC adj pertaining to irony IRONICAL adj ironic IRONIES pl. of irony IRONING n pl. -S clothes pressed or to be pressed IRONIST n pl. -S one who uses irony IRONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to mix with nutritional iron IRONLIKE adj resembling iron IRONNESS n pl. -ES the state of being iron IRONSIDE n pl. -S a man of great strength IRONWARE n pl. -S articles made of iron IRONWEED n pl. -S a shrub IRONWOOD n pl. -S a hardwood tree IRONWORK n pl. -S objects made of iron IRONY n pl. -NIES the use of words to express the opposite of what is literally said IRREAL adj not real IRRIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to supply with water by artificial means IRRITANT n pl. -S something that irritates IRRITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to excite to impatience or anger IRRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to rush in forcibly IS present 3d person sing. of be ISAGOGE n pl. -S a type of introduction to a branch of study ISAGOGIC n pl. -S a branch of theology ISARITHM n pl. -S an isopleth ISATIN n pl. -S a chemical compound ISATINIC adj ISATINE n pl. -S isatin ISBA n pl. -S a Russian log hut ISCHEMIA n pl. -S a type of anemia ISCHEMIC adj ISCHIUM n pl. -CHIA a pelvic bone ISCHIAL adj ISLAND v -ED, -ING, -S to make into an island (a land area entirely surrounded by water) ISLANDER n pl. -S one that lives on an island ISLE v ISLED, ISLING, ISLES to place on an isle (a small island) ISLELESS adj lacking an isle ISLET n pl. -S a small island ISLING present participle of isle ISM n pl. -S a distinctive theory or doctrine ISOBAR n pl. -S a type of atom ISOBARIC adj ISOBARE n pl. -S isobar ISOBATH n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points of equal water depth ISOCHEIM n pl. -S a type of isotherm ISOCHIME n pl. -S isocheim ISOCHOR n pl. -S isochore ISOCHORE n pl. -S a curve used to show a relationship between pressure and temperature ISOCHRON n pl. -S a line on a chart connecting points representing the same time ISOCLINE n pl. -S a type of rock formation ISOCRACY n pl. -CIES a form of government ISODOSE adj pertaining to zones that receive equal doses of radiation ISOGAMY n pl. -MIES the fusion of two similar gametes ISOGENIC adj genetically similar ISOGENY n pl. -NIES the state of being of similar origin ISOGLOSS n pl. -ES a line on a map between linguistically varied areas ISOGON n pl. -S a polygon having equal angles ISOGONAL n pl. -S isogone ISOGONE n pl. -S a line on a map used to show characteristics of the earth's magnetic field ISOGONIC n pl. -S isogone ISOGONY n pl. -NIES an equivalent relative growth of parts ISOGRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transplant from one individual to another of the same species ISOGRAM n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points of equal value ISOGRAPH n pl. -S a line on a map indicating areas that are linguistically similar ISOGRIV n pl. -S a line drawn on a map such that all points have equal grid variation ISOHEL n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points receiving equal sunshine ISOHYET n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points having equal rainfall ISOLABLE adj capable of being isolated ISOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to set apart from others ISOLATOR n pl. -S one that isolates ISOLEAD n pl. -S a line on a ballistic graph ISOLINE n pl. -S an isogram ISOLOG n pl. -S isologue ISOLOGUE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ISOMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound ISOMERIC adj ISOMETRY n pl. -TRIES equality of measure ISOMORPH n pl. -S something similar to something else in form ISONOMY n pl. -MIES equality of civil rights ISONOMIC adj ISOPACH n pl. -S an isogram connecting points of equal thickness ISOPHOTE n pl. -S a curve on a chart joining points of equal light intensity ISOPLETH n pl. -S a type of isogram ISOPOD n pl. -S a kind of crustacean ISOPODAN n pl. -S an isopod ISOPRENE n pl. -S a volatile liquid ISOSPIN n pl. -S a type of quantum number ISOSPORY n pl. -RIES the condition of producing sexual or asexual spores of but one kind ISOSTASY n pl. -SIES the state of balance in the earth's crust ISOTACH n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points of equal wind velocity ISOTHERE n pl. -S a type of isotherm ISOTHERM n pl. -S a line on a map connecting points of equal mean temperature ISOTONE n pl. -S a type of atom ISOTONIC adj of equal tension ISOTOPE n pl. -S a form of an element ISOTOPIC adj ISOTOPY n pl. -PIES the state of being an isotope ISOTROPY n pl. -PIES the state of being identical in all directions ISOTYPE n pl. -S a type of diagram ISOTYPIC adj ISOZYME n pl. -S a type of enzyme ISOZYMIC adj ISSEI n pl. -S a Japanese immigrant to the United States ISSUABLE adj authorized for issuing ISSUABLY adv ISSUANCE n pl. -S the act of issuing ISSUANT adj coming forth ISSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES to come forth ISSUER n pl. -S one that issues ISTHMI a pl. of isthmus ISTHMIAN n pl. -S a native of an isthmus ISTHMIC adj pertaining to an isthmus ISTHMOID adj isthmic ISTHMUS n pl. -MUSES or -MI a strip of land connecting two larger land masses ISTLE n pl. -S a strong fiber IT pron the 3d person sing. neuter pronoun ITALIC n pl. -S a style of print ITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to have an uneasy or tingling skin sensation ITCHING n pl. -S an uneasy or tingling skin sensation ITCHY adj ITCHIER, ITCHIEST causing an itching sensation ITCHILY adv ITEM v -ED, -ING, -S to itemize ITEMISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES itemize ITEMIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to set down the particulars of ITEMIZER n pl. -S one that itemizes ITERANCE n pl. -S repetition ITERANT adj repeating ITERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to repeat ITERUM adv again; once more ITHER adj other ITS pron the possessive form of the pronoun it ITSELF pron a reflexive form of the pronoun it IVIED adj covered with ivy IVORY n pl. -RIES a hard white substance found in elephant tusks IVY n pl. IVIES a climbing vine IVYLIKE adj IWIS adv certainly IXIA n pl. -S a flowering plant IXODID n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect IXORA n pl. -S a flowering plant IXTLE n pl. -S istle IZAR n pl. -S an outer garment worn by Muslim women IZZARD n pl. -S the letter Z JAB v JABBED, JABBING, JABS to poke sharply JABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk rapidly JABBERER n pl. -S one that jabbers JABBING present participle of jab JABIRU n pl. -S a wading bird JABOT n pl. -S a decoration on a shirt JACAL n pl. -ES or -S a hut JACAMAR n pl. -S a tropical bird JACANA n pl. -S a wading bird JACINTH n pl. -S a variety of zircon JACINTHE n pl. -S an orange color JACK v -ED, -ING, -S to raise with a type of lever JACKAL n pl. -S a doglike mammal JACKAROO n pl. -ROOS jackeroo JACKASS n pl. -ES a male donkey JACKBOOT n pl. -S a heavy boot JACKDAW n pl. -S a crowlike bird JACKER n pl. -S one that jacks JACKEROO n pl. -ROOS an inexperienced ranch hand JACKET v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a jacket (a short coat) JACKFISH n pl. -ES a food fish JACKIES pl. of jacky JACKLEG n pl. -S an unskilled worker JACKPOT n pl. -S a top prize or reward JACKROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to rob a drunken or sleeping person JACKSTAY n pl. -STAYS a rope on a ship JACKY n pl. JACKIES a sailor JACOBIN n pl. -S a pigeon JACOBUS n pl. -ES an old English coin JACONET n pl. -S a cotton cloth JACQUARD n pl. -S a fabric of intricate weave JACULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to throw JADE v JADED, JADING, JADES to weary JADEDLY adv JADEITE n pl. -S a mineral JADITIC adj JADISH adj worn-out JADISHLY adv JAEGER n pl. -S a hunter JAG v JAGGED, JAGGING, JAGS to cut unevenly JAGER n pl. -S jaeger JAGG v -ED, -ING, -S to jag JAGGARY n pl. -RIES jaggery JAGGED adj -GEDER, -GEDEST having a sharply uneven edge or surface JAGGEDLY adv JAGGER n pl. -S one that jags JAGGERY n pl. -GERIES a coarse, dark sugar JAGGHERY n pl. -GHERIES jaggery JAGGING present participle of jag JAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST jagged JAGLESS adj smooth and even JAGRA n pl. -S jaggery JAGUAR n pl. -S a large feline animal JAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to put in jail (a place of confinement) JAILBAIT n pl. JAILBAIT a girl under the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse constitutes statutory rape JAILBIRD n pl. -S a prisoner JAILER n pl. -S a keeper of a jail JAILOR n pl. -S jailer JAKE adj all right; fine JAKES n/pl an outhouse JALAP n pl. -S a Mexican plant JALAPIC adj JALAPENO n pl. -NOS a hot pepper JALAPIN n pl. -S a medicinal substance contained in jalap JALOP n pl. -S jalap JALOPPY n pl. -PIES jalopy JALOPY n pl. -LOPIES a decrepit car JALOUSIE n pl. -S a type of window JAM v JAMMED, JAMMING, JAMS to force together tightly JAMB v -ED, -ING, -S to jam JAMBE n pl. -S a jambeau JAMBEAU n pl. -BEAUX a piece of armor for the leg JAMBOREE n pl. -S a noisy celebration JAMMED past tense of jam JAMMER n pl. -S one that jams JAMMIES n/pl pajamas JAMMING present participle of jam JAMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST sticky with jam (boiled fruit and sugar) JANE n pl. -S a girl or woman JANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to make a harsh, metallic sound JANGLER n pl. -S one that jangles JANGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST jangling JANIFORM adj hypocritical JANISARY n pl. -SARIES janizary JANITOR n pl. -S a maintenance man JANIZARY n pl. -ZARIES a Turkish soldier JANTY adj jaunty JAPAN v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS to coat with a glossy, black lacquer JAPANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to make Japanese JAPANNER n pl. -S one that japans JAPANNING present participle of japan JAPE v JAPED, JAPING, JAPES to mock JAPER n pl. -S one that japes JAPERY n pl. -ERIES mockery JAPING present participle of jape JAPINGLY adv in a japing manner JAPONICA n pl. -S an Asian shrub JAR v JARRED, JARRING, JARS to cause to shake JARFUL n pl. JARFULS or JARSFUL the quantity held by a jar (a cylindrical container) JARGON v -ED, -ING, -S to speak or write an obscure and often pretentious kind of language JARGONEL n pl. -S a variety of pear JARGOON n pl. -S a variety of zircon JARHEAD n pl. -S a marine soldier JARINA n pl. -S the hard seed of a palm tree JARL n pl. -S a Scandinavian nobleman JARLDOM n pl. -S the domain of a jarl JAROSITE n pl. -S a mineral JAROVIZE v -VIZED, -VIZING, -VIZES to hasten the flowering of a plant JARRAH n pl. -S an evergreen tree JARRED past tense of jar JARRING present participle of jar JARSFUL a pl. of jarful JARVEY n pl. -VEYS the driver of a carriage for hire JASMIN n pl. -S jasmine JASMINE n pl. -S a climbing shrub JASPER n pl. -S a variety of quartz JASPERY adj JASSID n pl. -S any of a family of plant pests JATO n pl. -TOS a takeoff aided by jet propulsion JAUK v -ED, -ING, -S to dawdle JAUNCE v JAUNCED, JAUNCING, JAUNCES to prance JAUNDICE v -DICED, -DICING, -DICES to prejudice unfavorably JAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a pleasure trip JAUNTY adj -TIER, -TIEST having a lively and self-confident manner JAUNTILY adv JAUP v -ED, -ING, -S to splash JAVA n pl. -S coffee JAVELIN v -ED, -ING, -S to pierce with a javelin (a light spear) JAVELINA n pl. -S a peccary JAW v -ED, -ING, -S to jabber JAWAN n pl. -S a soldier of India JAWBONE v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES to attempt to convince JAWBONER n pl. -S one that jawbones JAWLIKE adj resembling the jaw (the framework of the mouth) JAWLINE n pl. -S the outline of the lower jaw JAY n pl. JAYS a corvine bird JAYBIRD n pl. -S a jay JAYGEE n pl. -S a military officer JAYVEE n pl. -S a junior varsity player JAYWALK v -ED, -ING, -S to cross a street recklessly JAZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to enliven JAZZER n pl. -S one that jazzes JAZZLIKE adj resembling a type of music JAZZMAN n pl. -MEN a type of musician JAZZY adj JAZZIER, JAZZIEST lively JAZZILY adv JEALOUS adj resentful of another's advantages JEALOUSY n pl. -SIES a jealous feeling JEAN n pl. -S a durable cotton fabric JEBEL n pl. -S a mountain JEE v JEED, JEEING, JEES to gee JEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by a small type of motor vehicle JEEPERS interj -- used as a mild oath JEEPNEY n pl. -NEYS a Philippine jitney JEER v -ED, -ING, -S to mock JEERER n pl. -S one that jeers JEEZ interj -- used as a mild oath JEFE n pl. -S a chief JEHAD n pl. -S jihad JEHU n pl. -S a fast driver JEJUNA pl. of jejunum JEJUNAL adj pertaining to the jejunum JEJUNE adj uninteresting; childish JEJUNELY adv JEJUNITY n pl. -TIES something that is jejune JEJUNUM n pl. -NA a part of the small intestine JELL v -ED, -ING, -S to congeal JELLABA n pl. -S djellaba JELLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to jelly JELLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to make into a jelly (a soft, semisolid substance) JELUTONG n pl. -S a tropical tree JEMADAR n pl. -S an officer in the army of India JEMIDAR n pl. -S jemadar JEMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to jimmy JENNET n pl. -S a small horse JENNY n pl. -NIES a female donkey JEON n pl. JEON a monetary unit of South Korea JEOPARD v -ED, -ING, -S to imperil JEOPARDY n pl. -DIES risk of loss or injury JERBOA n pl. -S a small rodent JEREED n pl. -S a wooden javelin JEREMIAD n pl. -S a tale of woe JERID n pl. -S jereed JERK v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a sharp, sudden motion JERKER n pl. -S one that jerks JERKIES pl. of jerky JERKIN n pl. -S a sleeveless jacket JERKY adj JERKIER, JERKIEST characterized by jerking movements JERKILY adv JERKY n pl. -KIES dried meat JEROBOAM n pl. -S a wine bottle JERREED n pl. -S jereed JERRICAN n pl. -S jerrycan JERRID n pl. -S jereed JERRY n pl. -RIES a German soldier JERRYCAN n pl. -S a fuel container JERSEY n pl. -SEYS a close-fitting knitted shirt JERSEYED adj JESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to fasten straps around the legs of a hawk JESSANT adj shooting forth JESSE v JESSED, JESSING, JESSES to jess JEST v -ED, -ING, -S to joke JESTER n pl. -S one that jests JESTFUL adj tending to jest JESTING n pl. -S the act of one who jests JET v JETTED, JETTING, JETS to spurt forth in a stream JETBEAD n pl. -S an ornamental shrub JETE n pl. -S a ballet leap JETLIKE adj resembling a jet airplane JETLINER n pl. -S a type of aircraft JETON n pl. -S jetton JETPORT n pl. -S a type of airport JETSAM n pl. -S goods cast overboard JETSOM n pl. -S jetsam JETTED past tense of jet JETTIED past tense of jetty JETTIER comparative of jetty JETTIES present 3d person sing. of jetty JETTIEST superlative of jetty JETTING present participle of jet JETTISON v -ED, -ING, -S to cast overboard JETTON n pl. -S a piece used in counting JETTY adj -TIER, -TIEST having the color jet black JETTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to jut JEU n pl. JEUX a game JEWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to adorn or equip with jewels (precious stones) JEWELER n pl. -S a dealer or maker of jewelry JEWELLER n pl. -S jeweler JEWELLING a present participle of jewel JEWELRY n pl. -RIES an article or articles for personal adornment JEWFISH n pl. -ES a large marine fish JEZAIL n pl. -S a type of firearm JEZEBEL n pl. -S a scheming, wicked woman JIAO n pl. JIAO chiao JIB v JIBBED, JIBBING, JIBS to refuse to proceed further JIBB v -ED, -ING, -S to shift from side to side while sailing JIBBER n pl. -S a horse that jibs JIBBING present participle of jib JIBBOOM n pl. -S a ship's spar JIBE v JIBED, JIBING, JIBES to gibe JIBINGLY adv JIBER n pl. -S one that jibes JICAMA n pl. -S a tropical plant with edible roots JIFF n pl. -S jiffy JIFFY n pl. -FIES a short time JIG v JIGGED, JIGGING, JIGS to bob JIGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to jerk up and down JIGGERED adj damned JIGGING present participle of jig JIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to shake lightly JIGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST unsteady JIGSAW v -SAWED, -SAWN, -SAWING, -SAWS to cut with a type of saw JIHAD n pl. -S a Muslim holy war JILL n pl. -S a unit of liquid measure JILLION n pl. -S a very large number JILT v -ED, -ING, -S to reject a lover JILTER n pl. -S one that jilts JIMINY interj -- used to express surprise JIMJAMS n/pl violent delirium JIMMINY interj jiminy JIMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to pry open with a crowbar JIMP adj JIMPER, JIMPEST natty JIMPLY adv JIMPY adj jimp JIN n pl. -S jinn JINGAL n pl. -S a heavy musket JINGALL n pl. -S jingal JINGKO n pl. -KOES ginkgo JINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to make a tinkling sound JINGLER n pl. -S one that jingles JINGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST jingling JINGO n pl. -GOES a zealous patriot JINGOISH adj JINGOISM n pl. -S the spirit or policy of jingoes JINGOIST n pl. -S a jingo JINK v -ED, -ING, -S to move quickly out of the way JINKER n pl. -S one that jinks JINN n pl. -S a supernatural being in Muslim mythology JINNEE n pl. JINN jinn JINNI n pl. JINN jinn JINX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring bad luck to JIPIJAPA n pl. -S a tropical plant JITNEY n pl. -NEYS a small bus JITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to fidget JITTERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST extremely nervous JIUJITSU n pl. -S jujitsu JIUJUTSU n pl. -S jujitsu JIVE v JIVED, JIVING, JIVES to play jazz or swing music JIVEASS adj insincere, phony JIVER n pl. -S one that jives JIVEY adj JIVIER, JIVIEST jazzy, lively JNANA n pl. -S knowledge acquired through meditation JO n pl. JOES a sweetheart JOANNES n pl. JOANNES johannes JOB v JOBBED, JOBBING, JOBS to work by the piece JOBBER n pl. -S a pieceworker JOBBERY n pl. -BERIES corruption in public office JOBBING present participle of job JOBLESS adj having no job JOBNAME n pl. -S a computer code for a job instruction JOCK n pl. -S an athletic supporter JOCKETTE n pl. -S a woman who rides horses in races JOCKEY v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS to maneuver for an advantage JOCKO n pl. JOCKOS a monkey JOCOSE adj humorous JOCOSELY adv JOCOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being jocose JOCULAR adj given to joking JOCUND adj cheerful JOCUNDLY adv JODHPUR n pl. -S a type of boot JOE n pl. -S a fellow JOEY n pl. -EYS a young kangaroo JOG v JOGGED, JOGGING, JOGS to run at a slow, steady pace JOGGER n pl. -S one that jogs JOGGING n pl. -S the practice of running at a slow, steady pace JOGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to shake slightly JOGGLER n pl. -S one that joggles JOHANNES n pl. JOHANNES a Portuguese coin JOHN n pl. -S a toilet JOHNBOAT n pl. -S a narrow square-ended boat JOHNNY n pl. -NIES a sleeveless hospital gown JOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to unite JOINABLE adj JOINDER n pl. -S a joining of parties in a lawsuit JOINER n pl. -S a carpenter JOINERY n pl. -ERIES the trade of a joiner JOINING n pl. -S a juncture JOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to fit together by means of a junction JOINTER n pl. -S one that joints JOINTLY adv together JOINTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to set aside property as an inheritance JOIST v -ED, -ING, -S to support with horizontal beams JOJOBA n pl. -S a small tree JOKE v JOKED, JOKING, JOKES to say something amusing JOKER n pl. -S one that jokes JOKESTER n pl. -S a practical joker JOKEY adj JOKIER, JOKIEST amusing JOKILY adv JOKIER comparative of jokey JOKIEST superlative of jokey JOKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being jokey JOKING present participle of joke JOKINGLY adv in a joking manner JOKY adj JOKIER, JOKIEST jokey JOLE n pl. -S jowl JOLLIED past tense of jolly JOLLIER comparative of jolly JOLLIES present 3d person sing. of jolly JOLLIEST superlative of jolly JOLLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make jolly JOLLITY n pl. -TIES mirth JOLLY adj -LIER, -LIEST cheerful JOLLILY adv JOLLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to put in a good humor for one's own purposes JOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to jar or shake roughly JOLTER n pl. -S one that jolts JOLTY adj JOLTIER, JOLTIEST marked by a jolting motion JOLTILY adv JONES n pl. JONESES a drug addiction JONGLEUR n pl. -S a minstrel JONQUIL n pl. -S a perennial herb JORAM n pl. -S jorum JORDAN n pl. -S a type of container JORUM n pl. -S a large drinking bowl JOSEPH n pl. -S a woman's long cloak JOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to tease JOSHER n pl. -S one that joshes JOSS n pl. -ES a Chinese idol JOSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to bump or push roughly JOSTLER n pl. -S one that jostles JOT v JOTTED, JOTTING, JOTS to write down quickly JOTA n pl. -S a Spanish dance JOTTER n pl. -S one that jots JOTTING n pl. -S a brief note JOTTY adj written down quickly JOUAL n pl. -S a dialect of Canadian French JOUK v -ED, -ING, -S to dodge JOULE n pl. -S a unit of energy JOUNCE v JOUNCED, JOUNCING, JOUNCES to move roughly up and down JOUNCY adj JOUNCIER, JOUNCIEST marked by a jouncing motion JOURNAL n pl. -S a record of daily events JOURNEY v -ED, -ING, -S to travel JOUST v -ED, -ING, -S to engage in personal combat JOUSTER n pl. -S one that jousts JOVIAL adj good-humored JOVIALLY adv JOVIALTY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being jovial JOW v -ED, -ING, -S to toll JOWAR n pl. -S a durra grown in India JOWL n pl. -S the fleshy part under the lower jaw JOWLED adj JOWLY adj JOWLIER, JOWLIEST having prominent jowls JOY v -ED, -ING, -S to rejoice JOYANCE n pl. -S gladness JOYFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST happy JOYFULLY adv JOYLESS adj being without gladness JOYOUS adj joyful JOYOUSLY adv JOYPOP v -POPPED, -POPPING, -POPS to use habit-forming drugs occasionally JOYRIDE v -RODE, -RIDDEN, -RIDING, -RIDES to take an automobile ride for pleasure JOYRIDER n pl. -S one that joyrides JOYSTICK n pl. -S the control stick in an airplane JUBA n pl. -S a lively dance JUBBAH n pl. -S a loose outer garment JUBE n pl. -S a platform in a church JUBHAH n pl. -S jubbah JUBILANT adj exultant JUBILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to exult JUBILE n pl. -S jubilee JUBILEE n pl. -S a celebration JUDAS n pl. -ES a peephole JUDDER v -ED, -ING, -S to vibrate JUDGE v JUDGED, JUDGING, JUDGES to decide on critically JUDGER n pl. -S one that judges JUDGMENT n pl. -S an authoritative opinion JUDICIAL adj pertaining to courts of law JUDO n pl. -DOS a form of jujitsu JUDOIST n pl. -S one skilled in judo JUDOKA n pl. -S a judoist JUG v JUGGED, JUGGING, JUGS to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) JUGA a pl. of jugum JUGAL adj pertaining to the cheek or cheekbone JUGATE adj occurring in pairs JUGFUL n pl. JUGFULS or JUGSFUL as much as a jug will hold JUGGED past tense of jug JUGGING present participle of jug JUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to perform feats of manual dexterity JUGGLER n pl. -S one that juggles JUGGLERY n pl. -GLERIES the art of a juggler JUGGLING n pl. -S jugglery JUGHEAD n pl. -S a dolt JUGSFUL a pl. of jugful JUGULA pl. of jugulum JUGULAR n pl. -S a vein of the neck JUGULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to suppress a disease by extreme measures JUGULUM n pl. -LA a part of a bird's neck JUGUM n pl. -GA or -GUMS a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf JUICE v JUICED, JUICING, JUICES to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from JUICER n pl. -S a juice extractor JUICY adj JUICIER, JUICIEST full of juice JUICILY adv JUJITSU n pl. -S a Japanese art of self-defense JUJU n pl. -S an object regarded as having magical power JUJUBE n pl. -S a fruit-flavored candy JUJUISM n pl. -S the system of beliefs connected with jujus JUJUIST n pl. -S a follower of jujuism JUJUTSU n pl. -S jujitsu JUKE v JUKED, JUKING, JUKES to fake out of position JUKEBOX n pl. -ES a coin-operated phonograph JULEP n pl. -S a sweet drink JULIENNE v -ENNED, -ENNING, -ENNES to cut food into long thin strips JUMBAL n pl. -S a ring-shaped cookie JUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to mix in a disordered manner JUMBLER n pl. -S one that jumbles JUMBO n pl. -BOS a very large specimen of its kind JUMBUCK n pl. -S a sheep JUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to spring off the ground JUMPER n pl. -S one that jumps JUMPOFF n pl. -S a starting point JUMPSUIT n pl. -S a one-piece garment JUMPY adj JUMPIER, JUMPIEST nervous JUMPILY adv JUN n pl. JUN a coin of North Korea JUNCO n pl. -COS or -COES a small finch JUNCTION n pl. -S a place where things join JUNCTURE n pl. -S the act of joining JUNGLE n pl. -S land covered with dense tropical vegetation JUNGLED adj JUNGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST resembling a jungle JUNIOR n pl. -S a person who is younger than another JUNIPER n pl. -S an evergreen tree JUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to discard as trash JUNKER n pl. -S something ready for junking JUNKET v -ED, -ING, -S to banquet JUNKETER n pl. -S one that junkets JUNKIE n pl. -S a drug addict JUNKMAN n pl. -MEN one who buys and sells junk JUNKY adj JUNKIER, JUNKIEST worthless JUNKYARD n pl. -S a place where junk is stored JUNTA n pl. -S a political or governmental council JUNTO n pl. -TOS a political faction JUPE n pl. -S a woman's jacket JUPON n pl. -S a tunic JURA pl. of jus JURAL adj pertaining to law JURALLY adv JURANT n pl. -S one that takes an oath JURAT n pl. -S a statement on an affidavit JURATORY adj pertaining to an oath JUREL n pl. -S a food fish JURIDIC adj pertaining to the law JURIST n pl. -S one versed in the law JURISTIC adj JUROR n pl. -S a member of a jury JURY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to select material for exhibition JURYMAN n pl. -MEN a juror JUS n pl. JURA a legal right JUSSIVE n pl. -S a word used to express command JUST adj JUSTER, JUSTEST acting in conformity with what is morally good JUST v -ED, -ING, -S to joust JUSTER n pl. -S jouster JUSTICE n pl. -S a judge JUSTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to show to be just, right, or valid JUSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to jostle JUSTLY adv in a just manner JUSTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being just JUT v JUTTED, JUTTING, JUTS to protrude JUTE n pl. -S a strong, coarse fiber JUTTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to jut JUVENAL n pl. -S a young bird's plumage JUVENILE n pl. -S a young person KA n pl. -S the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion KAAS n pl. KAAS kas KAB n pl. -S an ancient Hebrew unit of measure KABAB n pl. -S kabob KABAKA n pl. -S a Ugandan emperor KABALA n pl. -S cabala KABAR n pl. -S caber KABAYA n pl. -S a cotton jacket KABBALA n pl. -S cabala KABBALAH n pl. -S cabala KABELJOU n pl. -S a large food fish KABIKI n pl. -S a tropical tree KABOB n pl. -S cubes of meat cooked on a skewer KABUKI n pl. -S a form of Japanese theater KACHINA n pl. -S an ancestral spirit KADDISH n pl. -DISHIM a Jewish prayer KADI n pl. -S cadi KAE n pl. -S a bird resembling a crow KAF n pl. -S kaph KAFFIR n pl. -S kafir KAFFIYEH n pl. -S a large, square kerchief KAFIR n pl. -S a cereal grass KAFTAN n pl. -S caftan KAGU n pl. -S a flightless bird KAHUNA n pl. -S a medicine man KAIAK n pl. -S kayak KAIF n pl. -S kef KAIL n pl. -S kale KAILYARD n pl. -S kaleyard KAIN n pl. -S a tax paid in produce or livestock KAINIT n pl. -S kainite KAINITE n pl. -S a mineral salt KAISER n pl. -S an emperor KAISERIN n pl. -S a kaiser's wife KAJEPUT n pl. -S cajuput KAKA n pl. -S a parrot KAKAPO n pl. -POS a flightless parrot KAKEMONO n pl. -NOS a Japanese scroll KAKI n pl. -S a Japanese tree KAKIEMON n pl. -S a Japanese porcelain KALAM n pl. -S a type of Muslim theology KALE n pl. -S a variety of cabbage KALENDS n pl. KALENDS calends KALEWIFE n pl. -WIVES a female vegetable vendor KALEYARD n pl. -S a kitchen garden KALIAN n pl. -S a hookah KALIF n pl. -S caliph KALIFATE n pl. -S califate KALIMBA n pl. -S an African musical instrument KALIPH n pl. -S caliph KALIUM n pl. -S potassium KALLIDIN n pl. -S a hormone KALMIA n pl. -S an evergreen shrub KALONG n pl. -S a fruit-eating bat KALPA n pl. -S a period of time in Hindu religion KALPAK n pl. -S calpac KALYPTRA n pl. -S a thin veil KAMAAINA n pl. -S a longtime resident of Hawaii KAMACITE n pl. -S an alloy of nickel and iron KAMALA n pl. -S an Asian tree KAME n pl. -S a mound of detrital material KAMI n pl. KAMI a sacred power or force KAMIK n pl. -S a type of boot KAMIKAZE n pl. -S a plane to be flown in a suicide crash on a target KAMPONG n pl. -S a small village KAMSEEN n pl. -S khamsin KAMSIN n pl. -S khamsin KANA n pl. -S the Japanese syllabic script KANBAN n pl. -S a manufacturing strategy wherein parts are delivered only as needed KANE n pl. -S kain KANGAROO n pl. -ROOS an Australian mammal KANJI n pl. -S a system of Japanese writing KANTAR n pl. -S a unit of weight KANTELE n pl. -S a type of harp KAOLIANG n pl. -S an Asian sorghum KAOLIN n pl. -S a fine white clay KAOLINIC adj KAOLINE n pl. -S kaolin KAON n pl. -S a type of meson KAPA n pl. -S a coarse cloth KAPH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter KAPOK n pl. -S a mass of silky fibers KAPPA n pl. -S a Greek letter KAPUT adj ruined KAPUTT adj kaput KARAKUL n pl. -S an Asian sheep KARAOKE n pl. -S a musical device to which a user sings along KARAT n pl. -S a unit of quality for gold KARATE n pl. -S a Japanese art of self-defense KARMA n pl. -S the force generated by a person's actions KARMIC adj KARN n pl. -S cairn KAROO n pl. KAROOS karroo KAROSS n pl. -ES an African garment KARROO n pl. -ROOS a dry plateau KARST n pl. -S a limestone region KARSTIC adj KART n pl. -S a small motor vehicle KARTING n pl. -S the sport of racing karts KARYOTIN n pl. -S the nuclear material of a cell KAS n pl. KAS a large cupboard KASBAH n pl. -S casbah KASHA n pl. -S a cooked cereal KASHER v -ED, -ING, -S to kosher KASHMIR n pl. -S cashmere KASHRUT n pl. -S kashruth KASHRUTH n pl. -S the Jewish dietary laws KAT n pl. -S an evergreen shrub KATA n pl. -S an exercise of set movements KATAKANA n pl. -S a Japanese syllabic symbol KATCHINA n pl. -S kachina KATCINA n pl. -S kachina KATHODE n pl. -S cathode KATHODAL, KATHODIC adj KATION n pl. -S cation KATYDID n pl. -S a grasshopper KAURI n pl. -S a timber tree KAURY n pl. -RIES kauri KAVA n pl. -S a tropical shrub KAVAKAVA n pl. -S kava KAVASS n pl. -ES a Turkish policeman KAY n pl. KAYS the letter K KAYAK v -ED, -ING, -S to travel in a kayak (an Eskimo canoe) KAYAKER n pl. -S one that rides in a kayak KAYAKING n pl. -S the act or skill of managing a kayak KAYLES n/pl a British game KAYO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to knock out KAZACHOK n pl. -ZACHKI a Russian folk dance KAZATSKI n pl. -ES kazachok KAZATSKY n pl. -SKIES kazachok KAZOO n pl. -ZOOS a toy musical instrument KBAR n pl. -S a kilobar KEA n pl. -S a parrot KEBAB n pl. -S kabob KEBAR n pl. -S caber KEBBIE n pl. -S a rough walking stick KEBBOCK n pl. -S kebbuck KEBBUCK n pl. -S a whole cheese KEBLAH n pl. -S kiblah KEBOB n pl. -S kabob KECK v -ED, -ING, -S to retch KECKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to wind with rope to prevent chafing KEDDAH n pl. -S an enclosure for elephants KEDGE v KEDGED, KEDGING, KEDGES to move a vessel with the use of an anchor KEDGEREE n pl. -S a food in India KEEF n pl. -S kef KEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to peep KEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to capsize KEELAGE n pl. -S the amount paid to keep a boat in a harbor KEELBOAT n pl. -S a freight boat KEELHALE v -HALED, -HALING, -HALES to keelhaul KEELHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to rebuke severely KEELLESS adj having no keel (the main structural part of a ship) KEELSON n pl. -S a beam in a ship KEEN adj KEENER, KEENEST enthusiastic KEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to wail loudly over the dead KEENER n pl. -S one that keens KEENLY adv in a keen manner KEENNESS n pl. -ES sharpness KEEP v KEPT, KEEPING, KEEPS to continue to possess KEEPABLE adj KEEPER n pl. -S one that keeps KEEPING n pl. -S custody KEEPSAKE n pl. -S a memento KEESHOND n pl. -HONDS or -HONDEN a small, heavy-coated dog KEESTER n pl. -S keister KEET n pl. -S a young guinea fowl KEEVE n pl. -S a tub or vat KEF n pl. -S hemp smoked to produce euphoria KEFFIYEH n pl. -S kaffiyeh KEFIR n pl. -S a fermented beverage made from cow's milk KEG n pl. -S a small barrel KEGELER n pl. -S kegler KEGLER n pl. -S a bowler KEGLING n pl. -S bowling KEIR n pl. -S kier KEISTER n pl. -S the buttocks KEITLOA n pl. -S a rhinoceros KELEP n pl. -S a stinging ant KELIM n pl. -S kilim KELLY n pl. -LIES a bright green color KELOID n pl. -S a scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue KELOIDAL adj KELP v -ED, -ING, -S to burn a type of seaweed KELPIE n pl. -S a water sprite KELPY n pl. -PIES kelpie KELSON n pl. -S keelson KELTER n pl. -S kilter KELVIN n pl. -S a unit of temperature KEMP n pl. -S a champion KEMPT adj neatly kept KEN v KENNED KENT, KENNING, KENS to know KENAF n pl. -S an East Indian plant KENCH n pl. -ES a bin for salting fish KENDO n pl. -DOS a Japanese sport KENNED a past tense of ken KENNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to keep in a shelter for dogs KENNING n pl. -S a metaphorical compound word or phrase KENO n pl. -NOS a game of chance KENOSIS n pl. -SISES the incarnation of Christ KENOTIC adj KENOTRON n pl. -S a type of diode KENT a past tense of ken KEP v KEPPED, KEPPEN or KIPPEN, KEPPING, KEPS to catch KEPHALIN n pl. -S cephalin KEPI n pl. -S a type of cap KEPPED past tense of kep KEPPEN a past participle of kep KEPPING present participle of kep KEPT past tense of keep KERAMIC n pl. -S ceramic KERATIN n pl. -S a fibrous protein KERATOID adj horny KERATOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a skin disease KERATOSE adj of or resembling horny tissue KERB v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with curbing KERCHIEF n pl. -CHIEFS or -CHIEVES a cloth worn as a head covering KERCHOO interj ahchoo KERF v -ED, -ING, -S to make an incision with a cutting tool KERMES n pl. KERMES a red dye KERMESS n pl. -ES kermis KERMESSE n pl. -S kermis KERMIS n pl. -MISES a festival KERN v -ED, -ING, -S to be formed with a projecting typeface KERNE n pl. -S a medieval foot soldier KERNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to envelop as a kernel (the inner part of a nut) KERNITE n pl. -S a mineral KEROGEN n pl. -S a substance found in shale KEROSENE n pl. -S a fuel oil KEROSINE n pl. -S kerosene KERPLUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to fall or drop with a heavy sound KERRIA n pl. -S a Chinese shrub KERRY n pl. -RIES one of an Irish breed of cattle KERSEY n pl. -SEYS a woolen cloth KERYGMA n pl. -MATA the preaching of the gospel KESTREL n pl. -S a small falcon KETCH n pl. -ES a sailing vessel KETCHUP n pl. -S a spicy tomato sauce KETENE n pl. -S a toxic gas KETO adj of or pertaining to ketone KETOL n pl. -S a chemical compound KETONE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound KETONIC adj KETOSE n pl. -S a simple sugar KETOSIS n pl. -TOSES a buildup of ketones in the body KETOTIC adj KETTLE n pl. -S a vessel for boiling liquids KEV n pl. KEV a unit of energy KEVEL n pl. -S a belaying cleat or peg KEVIL n pl. -S kevel KEX n pl. -ES a dry, hollow stalk KEY v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) KEYBOARD v -ED, -ING, -S to operate a machine by means of a keyset KEYCARD n pl. -S a coded card for operating a device KEYHOLE n pl. -S a hole for a key KEYLESS adj being without a key KEYNOTE v -NOTED, -NOTING, -NOTES to deliver the main speech at a function KEYNOTER n pl. -S one that keynotes KEYPAD n pl. -S a small keyboard KEYPUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to perforate with a machine KEYSET n pl. -S a system of finger levers KEYSTER n pl. -S keister KEYSTONE n pl. -S the central stone of an arch KEYWAY n pl. -WAYS a slot for a key KEYWORD n pl. -S a significant word KHADDAR n pl. -S a cotton cloth KHADI n pl. -S khaddar KHAF n pl. -S kaph KHAKI n pl. -S a durable cloth KHALIF n pl. -S caliph KHALIFA n pl. -S caliph KHAMSEEN n pl. -S khamsin KHAMSIN n pl. -S a hot, dry wind KHAN n pl. -S an Asian ruler KHANATE n pl. -S the domain of a khan KHAPH n pl. -S kaph KHAT n pl. -S kat KHAZEN n pl. -ZENS or -ZENIM hazzan KHEDA n pl. -S keddah KHEDAH n pl. -S keddah KHEDIVE n pl. -S a Turkish viceroy KHEDIVAL adj KHET n pl. -S heth KHETH n pl. -S heth KHI n pl. -S chi KHIRKAH n pl. -S a patchwork garment KHOUM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Mauritania KIANG n pl. -S a wild ass KIAUGH n pl. -S trouble; worry KIBBE n pl. -S a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur KIBBEH n pl. -S kibbe KIBBI n pl. -S kibbe KIBBITZ v -ED, -ING, -ES kibitz KIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to grind coarsely KIBBUTZ n pl. -BUTZIM a collective farm in Israel KIBE n pl. -S a sore caused by exposure to cold KIBEI n pl. -S one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents and educated in Japan KIBITZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to meddle KIBITZER n pl. -S one that kibitzes KIBLA n pl. -S kiblah KIBLAH n pl. -S the direction toward which Muslims face while praying KIBOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stop KICK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike out with the foot or feet KICKABLE adj KICKBACK n pl. -S a strong reaction KICKBALL n pl. -S baseball using an inflated ball that is kicked KICKER n pl. -S one that kicks KICKIER comparative of kicky KICKIEST superlative of kicky KICKOFF n pl. -S the kick that begins play in football KICKSHAW n pl. -S a trifle or trinket KICKUP n pl. -S a noisy argument KICKY adj KICKIER, KICKIEST exciting KID v KIDDED, KIDDING, KIDS to tease KIDDER n pl. -S one that kids KIDDIE n pl. -S a small child KIDDIES pl. of kiddy KIDDING present participle of kid KIDDISH adj childish KIDDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES -- used as a form of familiar address KIDDUSH n pl. -ES a Jewish prayer KIDDY n pl. -DIES kiddie KIDLIKE adj resembling a child KIDNAP v -NAPED, -NAPING, -NAPS or -NAPPED, -NAPPING, -NAPS to take a person by force and often for ransom KIDNAPEE n pl. -S one that is kidnaped KIDNAPER n pl. -S one that kidnaps KIDNAPPER n pl. -S kidnaper KIDNAPPING present participle of kidnap KIDNEY n pl. -NEYS a bodily organ KIDSKIN n pl. -S a type of leather KIDVID n pl. -S television programs for children KIEF n pl. -S kef KIELBASA n pl. -BASAS, -BASI, or -BASY a smoked sausage KIER n pl. -S a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics KIESTER n pl. -S keister KIF n pl. -S kef KILIM n pl. -S an oriental tapestry KILL v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to die KILLDEE n pl. -S killdeer KILLDEER n pl. -S a wading bird KILLER n pl. -S one that kills KILLICK n pl. -S a small anchor KILLIE n pl. -S a freshwater fish KILLING n pl. -S a sudden notable success KILLJOY n pl. -JOYS one who spoils the fun of others KILLOCK n pl. -S killick KILN v -ED, -ING, -S to bake in a type of oven KILO n pl. KILOS a kilogram or kilometer KILOBAR n pl. -S a unit of atmospheric pressure KILOBASE n pl. -S unit of measure of a nucleic-acid chain KILOBAUD n pl. -S a unit of data transmission speed KILOBIT n pl. -S a unit of computer information KILOBYTE n pl. -S 1,024 bytes KILOGRAM n pl. -S a unit of mass and weight KILOMOLE n pl. -S one thousand moles KILORAD n pl. -S a unit of nuclear radiation KILOTON n pl. -S a unit of weight KILOVOLT n pl. -S a unit of electromotive force KILOWATT n pl. -S a unit of power KILT v -ED, -ING, -S to make creases or pleats in KILTER n pl. -S good condition KILTIE n pl. -S one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt) KILTING n pl. -S an arrangement of kilt pleats KILTY n pl. KILTIES kiltie KIMCHEE n pl. -S kimchi KIMCHI n pl. -S a spicy Korean dish of pickled cabbage KIMONO n pl. -NOS a loose robe KIMONOED adj KIN n pl. -S a group of persons of common ancestry KINA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea KINASE n pl. -S an enzyme KIND adj KINDER, KINDEST having a gentle, giving nature KIND n pl. -S a class of similar or related objects or individuals KINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to cause to burn KINDLER n pl. -S one that kindles KINDLESS adj lacking kindness KINDLING n pl. -S material that is easily ignited KINDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST kind KINDNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being kind KINDRED n pl. -S a natural grouping KINE n pl. -S a type of television tube KINEMA n pl. -S cinema KINESIC adj pertaining to kinesics KINESICS n/pl the study of body motion in relation to communication KINESIS n pl. -NESES a type of movement KINETIC adj pertaining to motion KINETICS n/pl a branch of science dealing with motion KINETIN n pl. -S a substance that increases plant growth KINFOLK n/pl relatives KINFOLKS n/pl kinfolk KING v -ED, -ING, -S to reign as king (a male monarch) KINGBIRD n pl. -S an American bird KINGBOLT n pl. -S a kingpin KINGCUP n pl. -S a marsh plant KINGDOM n pl. -S the area ruled by a king KINGFISH n pl. -ES a marine food fish KINGHOOD n pl. -S the office of a king KINGLESS adj having no king KINGLET n pl. -S a king who rules over a small area KINGLIKE adj resembling a king KINGLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a king KINGPIN n pl. -S a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle KINGPOST n pl. -S a supporting structure of a roof KINGSHIP n pl. -S the power or position of a king KINGSIDE n pl. -S a part of a chessboard KINGWOOD n pl. -S a hardwood tree KININ n pl. -S a hormone KINK v -ED, -ING, -S to form a tight curl or bend in KINKAJOU n pl. -S an arboreal mammal KINKY adj KINKIER, KINKIEST tightly curled KINKILY adv KINO n pl. -NOS a gum resin KINSFOLK n/pl kinfolk KINSHIP n pl. -S relationship KINSMAN n pl. -MEN a male relative KIOSK n pl. -S an open booth KIP v KIPPED, KIPPING, KIPS to sleep KIPPEN a past participle of kep KIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to cure fish by salting and smoking KIPPERER n pl. -S one that kippers KIPPING present participle of kip KIPSKIN n pl. -S an animal hide that has not been tanned KIR n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage KIRIGAMI n pl. -S the Japanese art of folding paper KIRK n pl. -S a church KIRKMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a church KIRMESS n pl. -ES kermis KIRN v -ED, -ING, -S to churn KIRSCH n pl. -ES a kind of brandy KIRTLE n pl. -S a man's tunic or coat KIRTLED adj KISHKA n pl. -S kishke KISHKE n pl. -S a sausage KISMAT n pl. -S kismet KISMET n pl. -S destiny KISMETIC adj KISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch with the lips as a sign of affection KISSABLE adj KISSABLY adv KISSER n pl. -S one that kisses KISSY adj inclined to kiss KIST n pl. -S a chest, box, or coffin KISTFUL n pl. -S as much as a kist can hold KIT v KITTED, KITTING, KITS to equip KITCHEN n pl. -S a room where food is cooked KITE v KITED, KITING, KITES to obtain money or credit fraudulently KITELIKE adj resembling a kite (a light, covered frame flown in the wind) KITER n pl. -S one that kites KITH n pl. -S one's friends and neighbors KITHARA n pl. -S cithara KITHE v KITHED, KITHING, KITHES to make known KITING present participle of kite KITLING n pl. -S a young animal KITSCH n pl. -ES faddish art or literature KITSCHY adj KITTED past tense of kit KITTEL n pl. KITTEL a Jewish ceremonial robe KITTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to bear kittens (young cats) KITTIES pl. of kitty KITTING present participle of kit KITTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST ticklish KITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to tickle KITTY n pl. -TIES a kitten or cat KIVA n pl. -S an underground ceremonial chamber KIWI n pl. -S a flightless bird KLATCH n pl. -ES a social gathering KLATSCH n pl. -ES klatch KLAVERN n pl. -S a local branch of the Ku Klux Klan KLAXON n pl. -S a low-pitched horn KLEAGLE n pl. -S an official in the Ku Klux Klan KLEPHT n pl. -S a Greek guerrilla KLEPHTIC adj KLEZMER n pl. -MORIM a Jewish folk musician KLISTER n pl. -S a wax for skis KLONG n pl. -S a canal KLOOF n pl. -S a ravine KLUDGE n pl. -S a system composed of ill-fitting components KLUGE n pl. -S kludge KLUTZ n pl. -ES a clumsy person KLUTZY adj KLUTZIER, KLUTZIEST clumsy KLYSTRON n pl. -S a type of electron tube KNACK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike sharply KNACKER n pl. -S one that buys old livestock KNACKERY n pl. -ERIES the place of business of a knacker KNAP v KNAPPED, KNAPPING, KNAPS to strike sharply KNAPPER n pl. -S one that knaps KNAPSACK n pl. -S a bag carried on the back KNAPWEED n pl. -S a meadow plant KNAR n pl. -S a bump on a tree KNARRED, KNARRY adj KNAUR n pl. -S knar KNAVE n pl. -S a dishonest person KNAVISH adj KNAVERY n pl. -ERIES trickery KNAWEL n pl. -S a Eurasian plant KNEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to work into a uniform mixture with the hands KNEADER n pl. -S one that kneads KNEE v KNEED, KNEEING, KNEES to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) KNEECAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to maim by shooting in the kneecap (a bone at the front of the knee) KNEEHOLE n pl. -S a space for the knees KNEEL v KNELT KNEELED, KNEELING, KNEELS to rest on the knees KNEELER n pl. -S one that kneels KNEEPAD n pl. -S a covering for a knee KNEEPAN n pl. -S the kneecap KNEESOCK n pl. -S a sock reaching up to the knee KNELL v -ED, -ING, -S to sound a bell KNELT a past tense of kneel KNESSET n pl. -S the Israeli parliament KNEW past tense of know KNICKERS n/pl loose-fitting pants gathered at the knee KNIFE n pl. KNIVES a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting KNIFE v KNIFED, KNIFING, KNIFES to cut with a knife KNIFER n pl. -S one that knifes KNIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a knight (a medieval gentleman-soldier) of KNIGHTLY adj of or befitting a knight KNISH n pl. -ES dough stuffed with filling and fried KNIT v KNITTED, KNITTING, KNITS to make a fabric or garment by joining loops of yarn KNITTER n pl. -S one that knits KNITTING n pl. -S work done by a knitter KNITWEAR n pl. -S knitted clothing KNIVES pl. of knife KNOB n pl. -S a rounded protuberance KNOBBED, KNOBLIKE adj KNOBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST having very small knobs KNOBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST full of knobs KNOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike sharply KNOCKER n pl. -S one that knocks KNOCKOFF n pl. -S a copy that sells for less than the original KNOCKOUT n pl. -S a blow that induces unconsciousness KNOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to knell KNOLLER n pl. -S one that knolls KNOLLY adj hilly KNOP n pl. -S a knob KNOPPED adj KNOSP n pl. -S a knob KNOT v KNOTTED, KNOTTING, KNOTS to tie in a knot (a closed loop) KNOTHOLE n pl. -S a hole in a plank KNOTLESS adj having no knots KNOTLIKE adj resembling a knot KNOTTED past tense of knot KNOTTER n pl. -S one that knots KNOTTING n pl. -S a fringe made of knotted threads KNOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST full of knots KNOTTILY adv KNOTWEED n pl. -S a common weed KNOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to flog with a leather whip KNOW v KNEW, KNOWN, KNOWING, KNOWS to have a true understanding of KNOWABLE adj KNOWER n pl. -S one that knows KNOWING adj -INGER, -INGEST astute KNOWING n pl. -S knowledge KNOWN n pl. -S a mathematical quantity whose value is given KNUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST nubby KNUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to hit with the knuckles (the joints of the fingers) KNUCKLER n pl. -S a type of baseball pitch KNUCKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST having prominent knuckles KNUR n pl. -S a bump on a tree KNURL v -ED, -ING, -S to make grooves or ridges in KNURLY adj KNURLIER, KNURLIEST gnarly KOA n pl. -S a timber tree KOALA n pl. -S an Australian mammal KOAN n pl. -S a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks KOB n pl. -S a reddish brown antelope KOBO n pl. KOBO a monetary unit of Nigeria KOBOLD n pl. -S an elf KOEL n pl. -S an Australian bird KOHL n pl. -S a type of eye makeup KOHLRABI n pl. -ES a variety of cabbage KOI n pl. KOI a large and colorful fish KOINE n pl. -S a type of dialect KOKANEE n pl. -S a food fish KOLA n pl. -S cola KOLACKY n pl. KOLACKY a kind of pastry KOLBASI n pl. -S kielbasa KOLBASSI n pl. -S kielbasa KOLHOZ n pl. -HOZY or -HOZES kolkhoz KOLINSKI n pl. -ES kolinsky KOLINSKY n pl. -SKIES an Asian mink KOLKHOS n pl. -KHOSY or -KHOSES kolkhoz KOLKHOZ n pl. -KHOZY or -KHOZES a collective farm in Russia KOLKOZ n pl. -KOZY or -KOZES kolkhoz KOLO n pl. -LOS a European folk dance KOMATIK n pl. -S an Eskimo sledge KOMONDOR n pl. -DORS, -DOROK, or -DOROCK a large, shaggy-coated dog KONK v -ED, -ING, -S conk KOODOO n pl. -DOOS kudu KOOK n pl. -S an eccentric person KOOKIE adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST kooky KOOKY adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST eccentric KOP n pl. -S a hill KOPECK n pl. -S a Russian coin KOPEK n pl. -S kopeck KOPH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter KOPJE n pl. -S a small hill KOPPA n pl. -S a Greek letter KOPPIE n pl. -S kopje KOR n pl. -S a Hebrew unit of measure KORAT n pl. -S a cat having a silver-blue coat KORE n pl. -RAI an ancient Greek statue of a young woman KORUNA n pl. KORUNAS, KORUNY, or KORUN a monetary unit of the Czech Republic KOS n pl. KOS a land measure in India KOSHER v -ED, -ING, -S to make fit to be eaten according to Jewish dietary laws KOSS n pl. KOSS kos KOTO n pl. -TOS a musical instrument KOTOW v -ED, -ING, -S to kowtow KOTOWER n pl. -S one that kotows KOUMIS n pl. -MISES koumiss KOUMISS n pl. -ES a beverage made from camel's milk KOUMYS n pl. -ES koumiss KOUMYSS n pl. -ES koumiss KOUPREY n pl. -PREYS a short-haired ox KOUROS n pl. -ROI an ancient Greek statue of a young man KOUSSO n pl. -SOS cusso KOWTOW v -ED, -ING, -S to behave in a servile manner KOWTOWER n pl. -S one that kowtows KRAAL v -ED, -ING, -S to pen in a type of enclosure KRAFT n pl. -S a strong paper KRAIT n pl. -S a venomous snake KRAKEN n pl. -S a legendary sea monster KRATER n pl. -S a type of vase KRAUT n pl. -S sauerkraut KREEP n pl. -S a basaltic lunar rock KREMLIN n pl. -S a Russian citadel KREPLACH n pl. KREPLACH dumplings filled with ground meat or cheese KREUTZER n pl. -S a former monetary unit of Austria KREUZER n pl. -S kreutzer KRILL n pl. -S an aggregate of small marine crustaceans KRIMMER n pl. -S a kind of fur KRIS n pl. -ES a short sword KRONA n pl. KRONOR a monetary unit of Sweden KRONA n pl. KRONUR a monetary unit of Iceland KRONE n pl. KRONEN a former monetary unit of Austria KRONE n pl. KRONER a monetary unit of Denmark KRONOR pl. of krona KRONUR pl. of krona KROON n pl. KROONS or KROONI a former monetary unit of Estonia KRUBI n pl. -S a tropical plant KRUBUT n pl. -S krubi KRULLER n pl. -S cruller KRUMHORN n pl. -S crumhorn KRYOLITE n pl. -S cryolite KRYOLITH n pl. -S cryolite KRYPTON n pl. -S a gaseous element KUCHEN n pl. KUCHEN a coffee cake KUDO n pl. -DOS award; honor KUDU n pl. -S a large antelope KUDZU n pl. -S an Asian vine KUE n pl. -S the letter Q KUGEL n pl. -S a baked pudding of potatoes or noodles KUKRI n pl. -S a long, curved knife of Nepal KULAK n pl. -LAKS or -LAKI a rich Russian peasant KULTUR n pl. -S culture; civilization KUMISS n pl. -ES koumiss KUMMEL n pl. -S a type of liqueur KUMQUAT n pl. -S a citrus fruit KUMYS n pl. -ES koumiss KUNZITE n pl. -S a mineral KURBASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to flog with a leather whip KURGAN n pl. -S a mound of earth over a grave KURTA n pl. -S a shirt worn in India KURTOSIS n pl. -SISES the relative degree of curvature in a statistical curve KURU n pl. -S a disease of the nervous system KUSSO n pl. -SOS cusso KUVASZ n pl. -VASZOK a large dog having a white coat KVAS n pl. -ES kvass KVASS n pl. -ES a Russian beer KVETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to complain KVETCHY adj KVETCHIER, KVETCHIEST habitually complaining KWACHA n pl. KWACHA a monetary unit of Zambia KWANZA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Angola KYACK n pl. -S a packsack KYAK n pl. -S a kayak (an Eskimo canoe) KYANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to kyanize KYANITE n pl. -S cyanite KYANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to treat wood with a type of preservative KYAR n pl. -S coir KYAT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Myanmar KYBOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to kibosh KYLIX n pl. -LIKES a drinking vessel KYMOGRAM n pl. -S a record of fluid pressure KYPHOSIS n pl. -PHOSES abnormal curvature of the spine KYPHOTIC adj KYRIE n pl. -S a religious petition for mercy KYTE n pl. -S the stomach KYTHE v KYTHED, KYTHING, KYTHES to kithe LA n pl. -S the sixth tone of the diatonic musical scale LAAGER v -ED, -ING, -S to form a defensive encampment LAARI n pl. LAARI a monetary unit of the Maldives LAB n pl. -S a laboratory LABARUM n pl. -RA or -RUMS an ecclesiastical banner LABDANUM n pl. -S a fragrant resin LABEL v -BELED, -BELING, -BELS or -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS to describe or designate LABELER n pl. -S one that labels LABELLA pl. of labellum LABELLED a past tense of label LABELLER n pl. -S labeler LABELLING a present participle of label LABELLUM n pl. -LA the lower petal of an orchid LABIA pl. of labium LABIAL n pl. -S a labially produced sound LABIALLY adv by means of the lips LABIATE n pl. -S a labiated plant LABIATED adj having corollas that are divided into two liplike parts LABILE adj likely to change LABILITY n pl. -TIES the state of being labile LABIUM n pl. -BIA a fold of the vulva LABOR v -ED, -ING, -S to work LABORER n pl. -S one that labors LABORITE n pl. -S a supporter of labor interests LABOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to labor LABOURER n pl. -S laborer LABRA a pl. of labrum LABRADOR n pl. -S a hunting dog LABRET n pl. -S an ornament worn in a perforation of the lip LABROID n pl. -S a marine fish LABRUM n pl. -BRA or -BRUMS a lip or liplike structure LABRUSCA adj designating a fox grape LABURNUM n pl. -S an ornamental tree LAC n pl. -S a resinous substance secreted by certain insects LACE v LACED, LACING, LACES to fasten by means of a lace (a cord for drawing together two edges) LACELESS adj lacking lace LACELIKE adj resembling lace LACER n pl. -S one that laces LACERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to tear roughly LACERTID n pl. -S a type of lizard LACEWING n pl. -S a winged insect LACEWOOD n pl. -S an Australian tree LACEWORK n pl. -S a delicate openwork fabric LACEY adj LACIER, LACIEST lacy LACHES n pl. LACHES undue delay in asserting a legal right LACIER comparative of lacy LACIEST superlative of lacy LACILY adv in a lacy manner LACINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being lacy LACING n pl. -S a contrasting marginal band of color LACK v -ED, -ING, -S to be without LACKADAY interj -- used to express regret LACKER v -ED, -ING, -S to lacquer LACKEY v -ED, -ING, -S to act in a servile manner LACONIC adj using a minimum of words LACONISM n pl. -S brevity of expression LACQUER v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with a glossy substance LACQUEY v -ED, -ING, -S to lackey LACRIMAL n pl. -S a type of vase LACROSSE n pl. -S a type of ball game LACTAM n pl. -S a chemical compound LACTARY adj pertaining to milk LACTASE n pl. -S an enzyme LACTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to secrete milk LACTEAL n pl. -S a lymphatic vessel LACTEAN adj lacteous LACTEOUS adj resembling milk LACTIC adj derived from milk LACTONE n pl. -S any of a group of esters LACTONIC adj LACTOSE n pl. -S a lactic sugar LACUNA n pl. -NAE or -NAS an empty space or missing part LACUNAL, LACUNARY, LACUNATE adj LACUNAR n pl. -NARS or -NARIA a ceiling with recessed panels LACUNE n pl. -S lacuna LACUNOSE adj marked by shallow depressions LACY adj LACIER, LACIEST resembling lacework LAD n pl. -S a boy or youth LADANUM n pl. -S labdanum LADDER v -ED, -ING, -S to cause a run in a stocking LADDIE n pl. -S a lad LADE v LADED, LADEN, LADING, LADES to load with a cargo LADEN v -ED, -ING, -S to lade LADER n pl. -S one that lades LADIES pl. of lady LADING n pl. -S cargo; freight LADINO n pl. -NOS a fast-growing clover LADLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to lift out with a ladle (a type of spoon) LADLEFUL n pl. -S as much as a ladle will hold LADLER n pl. -S one that ladles LADLING present participle of ladle LADRON n pl. -S ladrone LADRONE n pl. -S a thief LADY n pl. -DIES a woman of refinement and gentle manners LADYBIRD n pl. -S a ladybug LADYBUG n pl. -S a small beetle LADYFISH n pl. -ES a bonefish LADYHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a lady LADYISH adj somewhat ladylike LADYKIN n pl. -S a small lady LADYLIKE adj resembling or suitable to a lady LADYLOVE n pl. -S a sweetheart LADYPALM n pl. -S a palm tree LADYSHIP n pl. -S the condition of being a lady LAETRILE n pl. -S a drug derived from apricot pits LAEVO adj levo LAG v LAGGED, LAGGING, LAGS to stay or fall behind LAGAN n pl. -S goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recovery LAGEND n pl. -S lagan LAGER v -ED, -ING, -S to laager LAGGARD n pl. -S one that lags LAGGED past tense of lag LAGGER n pl. -S a laggard LAGGING n pl. -S an insulating material LAGNAPPE n pl. -S a small gift given to a customer with his purchase LAGOON n pl. -S a shallow body of water LAGOONAL adj LAGUNA n pl. -S lagoon LAGUNE n pl. -S lagoon LAHAR n pl. -S a flowing mass of volcanic debris LAIC n pl. -S a layman LAICAL adj LAICALLY adv LAICH n pl. -S laigh LAICISE v -ICISED, -ICISING, -ICISES to laicize LAICISM n pl. -S a political system free from clerical control LAICIZE v -ICIZED, -ICIZING, -ICIZES to free from clerical control LAID a past tense of lay LAIGH n pl. -S a lowland LAIN past participle of lie LAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to live in a lair (a wild animal's resting or dwelling place) LAIRD n pl. -S the owner of a landed estate LAIRDLY adj LAITANCE n pl. -S a milky deposit on the surface of fresh concrete LAITH adj loath LAITHLY adv LAITY n pl. -ITIES the nonclerical membership of a religious faith LAKE n pl. -S a sizable inland body of water LAKELIKE adj LAKED adj subjected to the process of laking LAKEPORT n pl. -S a city located on the shore of a lake LAKER n pl. -S a lake fish LAKESIDE n pl. -S the land along the edge of a lake LAKH n pl. -S the sum of one hundred thousand LAKING n pl. -S the reddening of blood plasma by the release of hemoglobin from the red corpuscles LAKY adj LAKIER, LAKIEST of the color of blood LALL v -ED, -ING, -S to articulate the letter r as l LALLAN n pl. -S a lowland LALLAND n pl. -S a lowland LALLYGAG v -GAGGED, -GAGGING, -GAGS to dawdle LAM v LAMMED, LAMMING, LAMS to flee hastily LAMA n pl. -S a Buddhist monk LAMASERY n pl. -SERIES a monastery of lamas LAMB v -ED, -ING, -S to give birth to a lamb (a young sheep) LAMBAST v -ED, -ING, -S to lambaste LAMBASTE v -BASTED, -BASTING, -BASTES to beat severely LAMBDA n pl. -S a Greek letter LAMBDOID adj LAMBENCY n pl. -CIES the quality or an instance of being lambent LAMBENT adj flickering lightly and gently over a surface LAMBER n pl. -S a ewe that is lambing LAMBERT n pl. -S a unit of brightness LAMBIE n pl. -S a lambkin LAMBIER comparative of lamby LAMBIEST superlative of lamby LAMBKILL n pl. -S an evergreen shrub LAMBKIN n pl. -S a small lamb LAMBLIKE adj resembling a lamb LAMBSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a lamb LAMBY adj LAMBIER, LAMBIEST resembling a lamb LAME adj LAMER, LAMEST physically disabled LAME v LAMED, LAMING, LAMES to make lame LAMED n pl. -S a Hebrew letter LAMEDH n pl. -S lamed LAMELLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a thin plate, scale, or membrane LAMELLAR adj LAMELY adv in a lame manner LAMENESS n pl. -ES the state of being lame LAMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to express sorrow or regret for LAMENTER n pl. -S one that laments LAMER comparative of lame LAMEST superlative of lame LAMIA n pl. -MIAS or -MIAE a female demon LAMINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a thin plate, scale, or layer LAMINAL, LAMINAR, LAMINARY adj LAMINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to compress into a thin plate LAMING present participle of lame LAMINOSE adj composed of laminae LAMINOUS adj laminose LAMISTER n pl. -S lamster LAMMED past tense of lam LAMMING present participle of lam LAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to look at LAMPAD n pl. -S a candlestick LAMPAS n pl. -ES inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth LAMPERS n pl. -ES lampas LAMPION n pl. -S a type of light-generating device LAMPOON v -ED, -ING, -S to ridicule in a satirical composition LAMPPOST n pl. -S a post supporting a streetlight LAMPREY n pl. -PREYS an eellike fish LAMPYRID n pl. -S any of a family of beetles LAMSTER n pl. -S a fugitive LANAI n pl. -S a veranda LANATE adj covered with wool LANATED adj lanate LANCE v LANCED, LANCING, LANCES to pierce with a lance (a spearlike weapon) LANCELET n pl. -S a small marine organism LANCER n pl. -S a cavalryman armed with a lance LANCET n pl. -S a narrow, pointed arch LANCETED adj LANCIERS n pl. LANCIERS a French dance LANCING present participle of lance LAND v -ED, -ING, -S to set down upon land (solid ground) LANDAU n pl. -S a type of carriage LANDER n pl. -S one that lands LANDFALL n pl. -S a sighting or approach to land LANDFILL n pl. -S a system of waste disposal LANDFORM n pl. -S a natural feature of the earth's surface LANDGRAB n pl. -S a swift and often fraudulent seizure of land LANDING n pl. -S a place for discharging or taking on passengers or cargo LANDLADY n pl. -DIES a female landlord LANDLER n pl. -S a slow Austrian dance LANDLESS adj owning no land LANDLINE n pl. -S a line of communication on land LANDLORD n pl. -S one who owns and rents out real estate LANDMAN n pl. -MEN one who lives and works on land LANDMARK n pl. -S an object that marks a boundary line LANDMASS n pl. -ES a large area of land LANDMEN pl. of landman LANDSIDE n pl. -S a part of a plow LANDSKIP n pl. -S landscape LANDSLEIT pl. of landsman LANDSLID past tense of landslide (to win an election by an overwhelming majority) LANDSLIP n pl. -S the fall of a mass of earth LANDSMAN n pl. -MEN landman LANDSMAN n pl. LANDSLEIT a fellow Jew coming from one's own section of Eastern Europe LANDWARD adv toward the land LANE n pl. -S a narrow passageway LANELY adj lonely LANEWAY n pl. -WAYS a lane LANG adj long LANGLAUF n pl. -S a cross-country ski run LANGLEY n pl. -LEYS a unit of illumination LANGRAGE n pl. -S a shot formerly used in naval warfare LANGREL n pl. -S langrage LANGSHAN n pl. -S any of a breed of large domestic fowl LANGSYNE n pl. -S time long past LANGUAGE n pl. -S a body of words and systems serving as a means of communication LANGUE n pl. -S a type of language LANGUET n pl. -S a tonguelike part LANGUID adj lacking in vigor or vitality LANGUISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to lose vigor or vitality LANGUOR n pl. -S the state of being languid LANGUR n pl. -S an Asian monkey LANIARD n pl. -S lanyard LANIARY n pl. -ARIES a cuspid LANITAL n pl. -S a woollike fiber LANK adj LANKER, LANKEST long and slender LANKLY adv LANKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lank LANKY adj LANKIER, LANKIEST ungracefully tall and thin LANKILY adv LANNER n pl. -S a falcon of Europe and Asia LANNERET n pl. -S a male lanner LANOLIN n pl. -S a fatty substance obtained from wool LANOLINE n pl. -S lanolin LANOSE adj lanate LANOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being lanose LANTANA n pl. -S a tropical shrub LANTERN n pl. -S a protective case for a light LANTHORN n pl. -S a lantern LANUGO n pl. -GOS fine, soft hair LANYARD n pl. -S a fastening rope on a ship LAP v LAPPED, LAPPING, LAPS to fold over or around something LAPBOARD n pl. -S a flat board used as a table or desk LAPDOG n pl. -S a small dog LAPEL n pl. -S an extension of the collar of a garment LAPELED, LAPELLED adj LAPFUL n pl. -S as much as the lap can hold LAPIDARY n pl. -DARIES one who works with precious stones LAPIDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to hurl stones at LAPIDES pl. of lapis LAPIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to turn to stone LAPIDIST n pl. -S a lapidary LAPILLUS n pl. -LI a small fragment of lava LAPIN n pl. -S a rabbit LAPIS n pl. -PISES a mineral LAPIS n pl. LAPIDES a stone LAPPED past tense of lap LAPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to lopper LAPPET n pl. -S a decorative flap on a garment LAPPETED adj LAPPING present participle of lap LAPSE v LAPSED, LAPSING, LAPSES to fall from a previous standard LAPSABLE, LAPSIBLE adj LAPSER n pl. -S one that lapses LAPSUS n pl. LAPSUS a mistake LAPTOP n pl. -S a small computer for use on one's lap LAPWING n pl. -S a shore bird LAR n pl. -ES or -S a tutelary god or spirit of an ancient Roman household LARBOARD n pl. -S the left-hand side of a ship LARCENER n pl. -S one that commits larceny LARCENY n pl. -NIES the felonious taking and removal of another's personal goods LARCH n pl. -ES a coniferous tree LARD v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with lard (the melted fat of hogs) LARDER n pl. -S a place where food is stored LARDIER comparative of lardy LARDIEST superlative of lardy LARDLIKE adj resembling lard LARDON n pl. -S a thin slice of bacon or pork LARDOON n pl. -S lardon LARDY adj LARDIER, LARDIEST resembling lard LAREE n pl. -S lari LARES a pl. of lar LARGANDO adj becoming gradually slower -- used as a musical direction LARGE adj LARGER, LARGEST of considerable size or quantity LARGELY adv LARGE n pl. -S generosity LARGESS n pl. -ES generosity LARGESSE n pl. -S largess LARGEST superlative of large LARGISH adj somewhat large LARGO n pl. -GOS a slow musical movement LARI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Maldives LARIAT v -ED, -ING, -S to lasso LARINE adj resembling a gull LARK v -ED, -ING, -S to behave playfully LARKER n pl. -S one that larks LARKIER comparative of larky LARKIEST superlative of larky LARKISH adj playful LARKSOME adj playful LARKSPUR n pl. -S a flowering plant LARKY adj LARKIER, LARKIEST playful LARRIGAN n pl. -S a type of moccasin LARRIKIN n pl. -S a rowdy LARRUP v -ED, -ING, -S to beat or thrash LARRUPER n pl. -S one that larrups LARUM n pl. -S an alarm LARVA n pl. -VAE or -VAS the immature form of various insects and animals when newly hatched LARVAL adj LARYNX n pl. LARYNGES or LARYNXES an organ of the respiratory tract LARYNGAL adj LASAGNA n pl. -S an Italian baked dish LASAGNE n pl. -S lasagna LASCAR n pl. -S an East Indian sailor LASE v LASED, LASING, LASES to function as a laser LASER n pl. -S a device that amplifies light waves LASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike with a whip LASHER n pl. -S one that lashes LASHING n pl. -S a flogging LASHINS n/pl an abundance LASHKAR n pl. -S lascar LASING present participle of lase LASS n pl. -ES a young woman LASSIE n pl. -S a lass LASSO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to catch with a lasso (a long rope with a running noose) LASSOER n pl. -S one that lassos LAST v -ED, -ING, -S to continue in existence LASTER n pl. -S one that lasts LASTING n pl. -S a durable fabric LASTLY adv in conclusion LAT n pl. LATS or LATI a former monetary unit of Latvia LATAKIA n pl. -S a variety of Turkish tobacco LATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to close with a type of fastening device LATCHET n pl. -S a thong used to fasten a shoe LATCHKEY n pl. -KEYS a key for opening a latched door LATE adj LATER, LATEST coming or occurring after the expected time LATED adj belated LATEEN n pl. -S a sailing vessel LATEENER n pl. -S a lateen LATELY adv not long ago LATEN v -ED, -ING, -S to become late LATENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being present but not manifest LATENESS n pl. -ES the state of being late LATENT n pl. -S a barely visible fingerprint that can be developed for study LATENTLY adv dormantly LATER comparative of late LATERAD adv toward the side LATERAL v -ED, -ING, -S to throw a sideward pass in football LATERITE n pl. -S a type of soil LATERIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to convert to laterite LATEST n pl. -S the most recent development LATEWOOD n pl. -S a part of an annual ring of wood LATEX n pl. LATICES or LATEXES a milky liquid of certain plants LATH v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with laths (thin strips of wood) LATHE v LATHED, LATHING, LATHES to cut or shape on a type of machine LATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with lather (a light foam) LATHERER n pl. -S one that lathers LATHERY adj covered with lather LATHI n pl. -S a heavy stick of bamboo and iron in India LATHIER comparative of lathy LATHIEST superlative of lathy LATHING n pl. -S work made of or using laths LATHWORK n pl. -S lathing LATHY adj LATHIER, LATHIEST long and slender LATI a pl. of lat LATICES a pl. of latex LATIGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a strap used to fasten a saddle LATINITY n pl. -TIES a manner of writing or speaking Latin LATINIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to translate into Latin LATINO n pl. -NOS a Latin American LATISH adj somewhat late LATITUDE n pl. -S freedom from narrow restrictions LATKE n pl. -S a potato pancake LATOSOL n pl. -S a tropical soil LATRIA n pl. -S the supreme worship given to God only, in Roman Catholicism LATRINE n pl. -S a type of toilet LATTEN n pl. -S a brass-like alloy LATTER adj being the second mentioned of two LATTERLY adv lately LATTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to form a structure consisting of interlaced strips of material LATTIN n pl. -S latten LAUAN n pl. -S a Philippine timber LAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to praise LAUDABLE adj worthy of praise LAUDABLY adv LAUDANUM n pl. -S a type of opium preparation LAUDATOR n pl. -S a lauder LAUDER n pl. -S one that lauds LAUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to express emotion, typically mirth, by a series of inarticulate sounds LAUGHER n pl. -S one that laughs LAUGHING n pl. -S laughter LAUGHTER n pl. -S the act or sound of one that laughs LAUNCE n pl. -S a marine fish LAUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to set in motion LAUNCHER n pl. -S a launching device LAUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to wash clothes LAUNDRY n pl. -DRIES a collection of clothes to be washed LAURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE a type of monastery LAUREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to laurel LAUREL v -RELED, -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves LAUWINE n pl. -S an avalanche LAV n pl. -S a lavatory LAVA n pl. -S molten rock that issues from a volcano LAVABO n pl. -BOES or -BOS a ceremonial washing in certain Christian churches LAVAGE n pl. -S a washing LAVALAVA n pl. -S a Polynesian garment LAVALIER n pl. -S a pendant worn on a chain around the neck LAVALIKE adj resembling lava LAVATION n pl. -S the acting of washing LAVATORY n pl. -RIES a room equipped with washing and toilet facilities LAVE v LAVED, LAVING, LAVES to wash LAVEER v -ED, -ING, -S to sail against the wind LAVENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to sprinkle with a type of perfume LAVER n pl. -S a vessel used for ancient Hebrew ceremonial washings LAVEROCK n pl. -S a songbird LAVING present participle of lave LAVISH adj -ISHER, -ISHEST expending or giving in great amounts LAVISHLY adv LAVISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expend or give in great amounts LAVISHER n pl. -S one that lavishes LAVROCK n pl. -S laverock LAW v -ED, -ING, -S to take a complaint to court for settlement LAWBOOK n pl. -S a book containing or dealing with laws LAWFUL adj allowed by law (the body of rules governing the affairs of a community) LAWFULLY adv LAWGIVER n pl. -S one who institutes a legal system LAWINE n pl. -S lauwine LAWING n pl. -S a bill for food or drink in a tavern LAWLESS adj having no system of laws LAWLIKE adj being like the law LAWMAKER n pl. -S a legislator LAWMAN n pl. -MEN a law-enforcement officer LAWN n pl. -S an area of grass-covered land LAWNY adj LAWSUIT n pl. -S a legal action LAWYER v -ED, -ING, -S to work as a member of the legal profession LAWYERLY adj befitting a member of the legal profession LAX adj LAXER, LAXEST not strict or stringent LAXATION n pl. -S the act of relaxing LAXATIVE n pl. -S a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels LAXITY n pl. -ITIES the state of being lax LAXLY adv in a lax manner LAXNESS n pl. -ES laxity LAY v LAID or LAYED, LAYING, LAYS to deposit as a wager LAYABOUT n pl. -S a lazy person LAYAWAY n pl. -AWAYS an item that has been reserved with a down payment LAYER v -ED, -ING, -S to form a layer (a single thickness, coating, or covering) LAYERAGE n pl. -S a method of plant propagation LAYERING n pl. -S layerage LAYETTE n pl. -S an outfit of clothing and equipment for a newborn child LAYMAN n pl. -MEN a member of the laity LAYOFF n pl. -S the suspension or dismissal of employees LAYOUT n pl. -S an arrangement or plan LAYOVER n pl. -S a stopover LAYUP n pl. -S a shot in basketball LAYWOMAN n pl. -WOMEN a female member of the laity LAZAR n pl. -S a beggar afflicted with a loathsome disease LAZARET n pl. -S a hospital treating contagious diseases LAZE v LAZED, LAZING, LAZES to pass time lazily LAZIED past tense of lazy LAZIER comparative of lazy LAZIES present 3d person sing. of lazy LAZIEST superlative of lazy LAZILY adv in a lazy manner LAZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being lazy LAZING present participle of laze LAZULI n pl. -S a mineral LAZULITE n pl. -S a mineral LAZURITE n pl. -S a mineral LAZY adj LAZIER, LAZIEST disinclined toward work or exertion LAZY v LAZIED, LAZYING, LAZIES to move or lie lazily LAZYISH adj somewhat lazy LEA n pl. -S a meadow LEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to subject to the filtering action of a liquid LEACHATE n pl. -S a solution obtained by leaching LEACHER n pl. -S one that leaches LEACHY adj LEACHIER, LEACHIEST porous LEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with lead (a heavy metallic element) LEAD v LED, LEADING, LEADS to show the way to by going in advance LEADEN adj oppressively heavy LEADENLY adv LEADER n pl. -S one that leads or guides LEADIER comparative of leady LEADIEST superlative of leady LEADING n pl. -S a covering or border of lead LEADLESS adj having no lead LEADMAN n pl. -MEN a worker in charge of other workers LEADOFF n pl. -S an opening play or move LEADSMAN n pl. -MEN a seaman who measures the depth of water LEADWORK n pl. -S something made of lead LEADWORT n pl. -S a tropical plant LEADY adj LEADIER, LEADIEST resembling lead LEAF n pl. LEAVES a usually green, flattened organ of vascular plants LEAF v -ED, -ING, -S to turn pages rapidly LEAFAGE n pl. -S foliage LEAFIER comparative of leafy LEAFIEST superlative of leafy LEAFLESS adj having no leaves LEAFLET v -LETED, -LETING, -LETS or -LETTED, -LETTING, -LETS to distribute printed sheets of paper LEAFLIKE adj resembling a leaf LEAFWORM n pl. -S a moth larva that feeds on leaves LEAFY adj LEAFIER, LEAFIEST covered with leaves LEAGUE v LEAGUED, LEAGUING, LEAGUES to come together for a common purpose LEAGUER v -ED, -ING, -S to besiege LEAK v -ED, -ING, -S to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw LEAKAGE n pl. -S the act or an instance of leaking LEAKER n pl. -S one that leaks LEAKLESS adj designed not to leak LEAKY adj LEAKIER, LEAKIEST tending to leak LEAKILY adv LEAL adj loyal LEALLY adv LEALTY n pl. -TIES loyalty LEAN adj LEANER, LEANEST having little fat LEANLY adv LEAN v LEANED or LEANT, LEANING, LEANS to deviate from a vertical position LEANER n pl. -S one that leans LEANING n pl. -S a tendency LEANNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lean LEANT a past tense of lean LEAP v LEAPED or LEAPT or LEPT, LEAPING, LEAPS to spring off the ground LEAPER n pl. -S one that leaps LEAPFROG v -FROGGED, -FROGGING, -FROGS to jump over with the legs wide apart LEAPT a past tense of leap LEAR n pl. -S learning LEARIER comparative of leary LEARIEST superlative of leary LEARN v LEARNED or LEARNT, LEARNING, LEARNS to gain knowledge by experience, instruction, or study LEARNER n pl. -S one that learns LEARNING n pl. -S acquired knowledge LEARNT a past tense of learn LEARY adj LEARIER, LEARIEST leery LEASE v LEASED, LEASING, LEASES to grant temporary use of in exchange for rent LEASABLE adj LEASER n pl. -S one that leases LEASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to restrain an animal with a line or thong LEASING n pl. -S a falsehood LEAST n pl. -S something that is smallest in size or degree LEATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with leather (the dressed or tanned hide of an animal) LEATHERN adj made of leather LEATHERY adj resembling leather LEAVE v LEFT, LEAVING, LEAVES to go away from LEAVED adj having a leaf or leaves LEAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to produce fermentation in LEAVER n pl. -S one that leaves LEAVES pl. of leaf LEAVING n pl. -S a leftover LEAVY adj LEAVIER, LEAVIEST leafy LEBEN n pl. -S a type of liquid food LECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to engage in lechery LECHAYIM n pl. -S lehayim LECHER v -ED, -ING, -S to engage in lechery LECHERY n pl. -ERIES excessive sexual indulgence LECHWE n pl. -S an African antelope LECITHIN n pl. -S any of a group of fatty substances found in plant and animal tissues LECTERN n pl. -S a reading desk LECTIN n pl. -S a protein that binds to a sugar molecule LECTION n pl. -S a portion of sacred writing read in a church service LECTOR n pl. -S a reader of the lessons in a church service LECTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to expound on a specific subject LECTURER n pl. -S one that lectures LECYTHIS adj designating a family of tropical shrubs LECYTHUS n pl. -THI lekythos LED past tense of lead LEDGE n pl. -S a narrow, shelflike projection LEDGER n pl. -S an account book of final entry LEDGY adj LEDGIER, LEDGIEST abounding in ledges LEE n pl. -S shelter from the wind LEEBOARD n pl. -S a board attached to a sailing vessel to prevent leeway LEECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cling to and feed upon or drain LEEK n pl. -S an herb used in cookery LEER v -ED, -ING, -S to look with a sideways glance LEERY adj LEERIER, LEERIEST suspicious LEERILY adv LEET n pl. -S a former English court for petty offenses LEEWARD n pl. -S the direction toward which the wind is blowing LEEWAY n pl. -WAYS the lateral drift of a ship LEFT adj LEFTER, LEFTEST pertaining to the side of the body to the north when one faces east LEFT n pl. -S the left side or hand LEFTIES pl. of lefty LEFTISH adj inclined to be a leftist LEFTISM n pl. -S a liberal political philosophy LEFTIST n pl. -S an advocate of leftism LEFTOVER n pl. -S an unused or unconsumed portion LEFTWARD adv toward the left LEFTWING adj favoring leftism LEFTY n pl. LEFTIES a left-handed person LEG v LEGGED, LEGGING, LEGS to move with the legs (appendages that serve as a means of support and locomotion) LEGACY n pl. -CIES something bequeathed LEGAL n pl. -S an authorized investment that may be made by investors such as savings banks LEGALESE n pl. -S the specialized language of lawyers LEGALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to legalize LEGALISM n pl. -S strict conformity to the law LEGALIST n pl. -S an adherent of legalism LEGALITY n pl. -TIES the condition of being lawful LEGALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make lawful LEGALLY adv in a lawful manner LEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to bequeath LEGATEE n pl. -S the inheritor of a legacy LEGATINE adj pertaining to an official envoy LEGATING present participle of legate LEGATION n pl. -S the sending of an official envoy LEGATO n pl. -TOS a smooth and flowing musical style LEGATOR n pl. -S one that legates LEGEND n pl. -S an unverified story from earlier times LEGENDRY n pl. -RIES a collection of legends LEGER n pl. -S fishing bait made to lie on the bottom LEGERITY n pl. -TIES quickness of the mind or body LEGES pl. of lex LEGGED past tense of leg LEGGIER comparative of leggy LEGGIERO adv in a light or graceful manner -- used as a musical direction LEGGIEST superlative of leggy LEGGIN n pl. -S legging LEGGING n pl. -S a covering for the leg LEGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST having long legs LEGHORN n pl. -S a smooth, plaited straw LEGIBLE adj capable of being read LEGIBLY adv LEGION n pl. -S a large military force LEGIST n pl. -S one learned or skilled in the law LEGIT n pl. -S legitimate drama LEGLESS adj having no legs LEGLIKE adj resembling a leg LEGMAN n pl. -MEN a newspaperman assigned to gather information LEGONG n pl. -S a Balinese dance LEGROOM n pl. -S space in which to extend the legs LEGUME n pl. -S a type of plant LEGUMIN n pl. -S a plant protein LEGWORK n pl. -S work that involves extensive walking LEHAYIM n pl. -S a traditional Jewish toast LEHR n pl. -S a type of oven LEHUA n pl. -S a tropical tree LEI n pl. -S a wreath of flowers LEISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to spear with a three-pronged fishing implement LEISURE n pl. -S freedom from the demands of work or duty LEISURED adj LEK n pl. LEKS or LEKE or LEKU a monetary unit of Albania LEKVAR n pl. -S a prune butter LEKYTHOS n pl. -THOI an oil jar used in ancient Greece LEKYTHUS n pl. -THI lekythos LEMAN n pl. -S a lover LEMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of proposition in logic LEMMING n pl. -S a mouselike rodent LEMNISCI n/pl bands of nerve fibers LEMON n pl. -S a citrus fruit LEMONISH, LEMONY adj LEMONADE n pl. -S a beverage LEMPIRA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Honduras LEMUR n pl. -S an arboreal mammal related to the monkeys LEMURES n/pl the ghosts of the dead in ancient Roman religion LEMURINE adj pertaining to a lemur LEMUROID n pl. -S a lemur LEND v LENT, LENDING, LENDS to give the temporary use of LENDABLE adj LENDER n pl. -S one that lends LENES pl. of lenis LENGTH n pl. -S the longer or longest dimension of an object LENGTHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become longer LENGTHY adj LENGTHIER, LENGTHIEST very long LENIENCE n pl. -S leniency LENIENCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being lenient LENIENT adj gently tolerant LENIS n pl. LENES a speech sound pronounced with little or no aspiration LENITION n pl. -S a change in articulation LENITIVE n pl. -S a soothing medicine LENITY n pl. -TIES leniency LENO n pl. -NOS a style of weaving LENS n pl. -ES a piece of transparent material used in changing the convergence of light rays LENSLESS adj LENS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a film of LENSE n pl. -S lens LENSMAN n pl. -MEN a photographer LENT past tense of lend LENTANDO adv becoming slower -- used as a musical direction LENTEN adj meager LENTIC adj pertaining to still water LENTICEL n pl. -S a mass of cells on a plant stem LENTIGO n pl. -TIGINES a freckle LENTIL n pl. -S a Eurasian annual plant LENTISK n pl. -S an evergreen tree LENTO n pl. -TOS a slow musical movement LENTOID adj lens-shaped LEONE n pl. -S a monetary unit of Sierra Leone LEONINE adj pertaining to a lion LEOPARD n pl. -S a large, carnivorous feline mammal LEOTARD n pl. -S a close-fitting garment LEPER n pl. -S one affected with leprosy LEPIDOTE adj covered with small scales LEPORID n pl. -RIDS or -RIDAE a gnawing mammal LEPORINE adj resembling a rabbit or hare LEPROSE adj leprous LEPROSY n pl. -SIES a chronic disease characterized by skin lesions and deformities LEPROTIC adj leprous LEPROUS adj affected with leprosy LEPT a past tense of leap LEPTON n pl. -S an subatomic particle LEPTONIC adj LEPTON n pl. -TA a monetary unit of Greece LESBIAN n pl. -S a female homosexual LESION n pl. -S an abnormal change in the structure of an organ or tissue LESIONED adj LESS adj LESSER, LEAST not as great in quantity or degree LESSEE n pl. -S one to whom a lease is granted LESSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become less LESSER adj not as large or important LESSON v -ED, -ING, -S to instruct LESSOR n pl. -S one that grants a lease LEST conj for fear that LET v LETTED, LETTING, LETS to hinder LETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES lech LETDOWN n pl. -S a decrease LETHAL n pl. -S a death-causing genetic defect LETHALLY adv in a deadly manner LETHARGY n pl. -GIES drowsiness; sluggishness LETHE n pl. -S forgetfulness LETHEAN adj LETTED past tense of let LETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with letters (written symbols representing speech sounds) LETTERER n pl. -S one that letters LETTING present participle of let LETTUCE n pl. -S an herb cultivated as a salad plant LETUP n pl. -S a lessening or relaxation LEU n pl. LEI a monetary unit of Romania LEUCEMIA n pl. -S leukemia LEUCEMIC adj LEUCIN n pl. -S leucine LEUCINE n pl. -S an amino acid LEUCITE n pl. -S a mineral LEUCITIC adj LEUCOMA n pl. -S leukoma LEUD n pl. -S or -ES a feudal vassal LEUKEMIA n pl. -S a disease of the blood-forming organs LEUKEMIC n pl. -S one affected with leukemia LEUKOMA n pl. -S an opacity of the cornea LEUKON n pl. -S a bodily organ consisting of the white blood cells LEUKOSIS n pl. -KOSES leukemia LEUKOTIC adj LEV n pl. LEVA a monetary unit of Bulgaria LEVANT v -ED, -ING, -S to avoid a debt LEVANTER n pl. -S an easterly Mediterranean wind LEVATOR n pl. -ES or -S a muscle that raises an organ or part LEVEE v LEVEED, LEVEEING, LEVEES to provide with an embankment LEVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to make even LEVELER n pl. -S one that levels LEVELLER n pl. -S leveler LEVELLING a present participle of level LEVELLY adv in an even manner LEVER v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a lever (a rigid body used to lift weight) LEVERAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to provide with a type of economic advantage LEVERET n pl. -S a young hare LEVIABLE adj liable to be levied LEVIED past tense of levy LEVIER n pl. -S one that levies LEVIES present 3d person sing. of levy LEVIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to reduce to a fine powder LEVIN n pl. -S lightning LEVIRATE n pl. -S the custom of marrying the widow of one's brother LEVITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to rise and float in the air LEVITY n pl. -TIES conduct characterized by a lack of seriousness LEVO adj turning toward the left LEVODOPA n pl. -S a form of dopa LEVOGYRE adj turning toward the left LEVULIN n pl. -S a chemical compound LEVULOSE n pl. -S a very sweet sugar LEVY v LEVIED, LEVYING, LEVIES to impose or collect by legal authority LEWD adj LEWDER, LEWDEST obscene LEWDLY adv LEWDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lewd LEWIS n pl. -ISES a hoisting device LEWISITE n pl. -S a vesicant liquid LEWISSON n pl. -S lewis LEX n pl. LEGES law LEXEME n pl. -S a linguistic unit LEXEMIC adj LEXICAL adj pertaining to the words of a language LEXICON n pl. -CA or -CONS a dictionary LEXIS n pl. LEXES the vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field LEY n pl. LEYS lea LI n pl. -S a Chinese unit of distance LIABLE adj subject or susceptible to something possible or likely LIAISE v LIAISED, LIAISING, LIAISES to establish liaison LIAISON n pl. -S a means for maintaining communication LIANA n pl. -S a tropical vine LIANE n pl. -S liana LIANG n pl. -S a Chinese unit of weight LIANOID adj pertaining to a liana LIAR n pl. -S one that speaks falsely LIARD n pl. -S a former silver coin of France LIB n pl. -S liberation LIBATION n pl. -S a ceremonial pouring of a liquid LIBECCIO n pl. -CIOS a southwest wind LIBEL v -BELED, -BELING, -BELS or -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS to make or publish a defamatory statement about LIBELANT n pl. -S a plaintiff in a type of lawsuit LIBELEE n pl. -S a defendant in a type of lawsuit LIBELER n pl. -S one that libels LIBELIST n pl. -S a libeler LIBELLED a past tense of libel LIBELLEE n pl. -S libelee LIBELLER n pl. -S libeler LIBELLING a present participle of libel LIBELOUS adj defamatory LIBER n pl. LIBRI or LIBERS a book of public records LIBERAL n pl. -S a person favorable to progress or reform LIBERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to set free LIBERTY n pl. -TIES the state of being free LIBIDO n pl. -DOS the energy derived from instinctual biological drives LIBLAB n pl. -S a person supporting a coalition of liberal and labor groups LIBRA n pl. -BRAE an ancient Roman unit of weight LIBRA n pl. -S a former gold coin of Peru LIBRARY n pl. -BRARIES a place where literary materials are kept for reading and reference LIBRATE v -BRATED, -BRATING, -BRATES to move from side to side LIBRETTO n pl. -TOS or -TI the text of an opera LIBRI a pl. of liber LICE pl. of louse LICENCE v -CENCED, -CENCING, -CENCES to license LICENCEE n pl. -S licensee LICENCER n pl. -S licenser LICENSE v -CENSED, -CENSING, -CENSES to issue or grant authoritative permission to LICENSEE n pl. -S one that is licensed LICENSER n pl. -S one that licenses LICENSOR n pl. -S licenser LICENTE n pl. LICENTI lisente LICH n pl. -ES a corpse LICHEE n pl. -S litchi LICHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with lichens (flowerless plants) LICHENIN n pl. -S a chemical compound LICHI n pl. -S litchi LICHT v -ED, -ING, -S to light LICHTLY adv lightly LICIT adj lawful LICITLY adv LICK v -ED, -ING, -S to pass the tongue over the surface of LICKER n pl. -S one that licks LICKING n pl. -S a thrashing or beating LICKSPIT n pl. -S a fawning person LICORICE n pl. -S a perennial herb LICTOR n pl. -S a magistrate's attendant in ancient Rome LID v LIDDED, LIDDING, LIDS to provide with a lid (a movable cover) LIDAR n pl. -S an electronic locating device LIDLESS adj having no lid LIDO n pl. -DOS a fashionable beach resort LIE v LAY, LAIN, LYING, LIES to be in or get into a horizontal position LIE v LIED, LYING, LIES to speak falsely LIED n pl. LIEDER a German song LIEF adj LIEFER, LIEFEST willing LIEFLY adv LIEGE n pl. -S a feudal lord LIEGEMAN n pl. -MEN a feudal vassal LIEN n pl. -S a legal right to hold or sell a debtor's property LIENABLE adj capable of being subjected to a lien LIENAL adj pertaining to the spleen LIENTERY n pl. -TERIES a form of diarrhea LIER n pl. -S one that lies or reclines LIERNE n pl. -S a connecting part in Gothic vaulting LIEU n pl. -S place; stead LIEVE adv LIEVER, LIEVEST gladly LIFE n pl. LIVES the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter LIFEBOAT n pl. -S a small rescue boat LIFEFUL adj full of life LIFELESS adj having no life LIFELIKE adj resembling a living thing LIFELINE n pl. -S a rope used to aid a person in distress LIFELONG adj lasting for a lifetime LIFER n pl. -S a prisoner serving a life sentence LIFETIME n pl. -S the period of living existence LIFEWAY n pl. -WAYS a way of living LIFEWORK n pl. -S the major work of one's lifetime LIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to move to a higher position LIFTABLE adj LIFTER n pl. -S one that lifts LIFTGATE n pl. -S a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward LIFTMAN n pl. -MEN an elevator operator LIFTOFF n pl. -S the vertical takeoff of a rocket LIGAMENT n pl. -S a band of firm, fibrous tissue LIGAN n pl. -S lagan LIGAND n pl. -S a type of ion or molecule LIGASE n pl. -S an enzyme LIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to bind LIGATION n pl. -S the act of ligating LIGATIVE adj LIGATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to ligate LIGER n pl. -S the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger LIGHT adj LIGHTER, LIGHTEST having little weight LIGHT v LIGHTED or LIT, LIGHTING, LIGHTS to illuminate LIGHTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce the weight of LIGHTER v -ED, -ING, -S to convey in a type of barge LIGHTFUL adj brightly illuminated LIGHTING n pl. -S illumination LIGHTISH adj somewhat light LIGHTLY adv to a moderate degree LIGNEOUS adj of or resembling wood LIGNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into wood LIGNIN n pl. -S an essential part of woody tissue LIGNITE n pl. -S a type of coal LIGNITIC adj LIGROIN n pl. -S a flammable liquid LIGROINE n pl. -S ligroin LIGULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a strap-shaped organ or part LIGULAR, LIGULATE, LIGULOID adj LIGULE n pl. -S a strap-shaped plant part LIGURE n pl. -S a precious stone LIKABLE adj pleasant LIKE adj LIKER, LIKEST possessing the same or almost the same characteristics LIKE v LIKED, LIKING, LIKES to find pleasant LIKEABLE adj likable LIKED past tense of like LIKELY adj -LIER, -LIEST probable LIKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to represent as similar LIKENESS n pl. -ES a pictorial representation LIKER n pl. -S one that likes LIKEST superlative of like LIKEWISE adv in a similar manner LIKING n pl. -S a feeling of attraction or affection LIKUTA n pl. MAKUTA a monetary unit of Zaire LILAC n pl. -S a flowering shrub LILIED adj covered with lilies LILIES pl. of lily LILLIPUT n pl. -S a very small person LILT v -ED, -ING, -S to sing or speak rhythmically LILY n pl. LILIES a flowering plant LILYLIKE adj LIMA n pl. -S the edible seed of a tropical American plant LIMACINE adj resembling a type of mollusk LIMACON n pl. -S a type of geometric curve LIMAN n pl. -S a lagoon LIMB v -ED, -ING, -S to cut off the arms or legs of LIMBA n pl. -S an African tree LIMBATE adj having an edge of a different color LIMBECK n pl. -S alembic LIMBER adj -BERER, -BEREST flexible LIMBERLY adv LIMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to make flexible LIMBI a pl. of limbus LIMBIC adj pertaining to a system of the brain LIMBIER comparative of limby LIMBIEST superlative of limby LIMBLESS adj having no arms or legs LIMBO n pl. -BOS a condition of oblivion or neglect LIMBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BI a distinctive border LIMBY adj LIMBIER, LIMBIEST having many large branches LIME v LIMED, LIMING, LIMES to treat with lime (a calcium compound) LIMEADE n pl. -S a beverage LIMEKILN n pl. -S a furnace in which shells are burned to produce lime LIMELESS adj having no lime LIMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA a sensory threshold LIMERICK n pl. -S a humorous verse LIMES n pl. LIMITES a fortified boundary LIMEY n pl. -EYS a British sailor LIMIER comparative of limy LIMIEST superlative of limy LIMINA a pl. of limen LIMINAL adj pertaining to the limen LIMINESS n pl. -ES the state of being limy LIMING present participle of lime LIMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to restrict LIMITARY adj limiting LIMITED n pl. -S a train or bus making few stops LIMITER n pl. -S one that limits LIMITES pl. of limes LIMMER n pl. -S a scoundrel LIMN v -ED, -ING, -S to depict by painting or drawing LIMNER n pl. -S one that limns LIMNETIC adj pertaining to the open water of a lake or pond LIMNIC adj limnetic LIMO n pl. LIMOS a limousine LIMONENE n pl. -S a chemical compound LIMONITE n pl. -S a major ore of iron LIMP adj LIMPER, LIMPEST lacking rigidity LIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to walk lamely LIMPA n pl. -S rye bread made with molasses LIMPER n pl. -S one that limps LIMPET n pl. -S a type of mollusk LIMPID adj transparent LIMPIDLY adv LIMPKIN n pl. -S a wading bird LIMPLY adv in a limp manner LIMPNESS n pl. -ES the state of being limp LIMPSEY adj -SIER, -SIEST limpsy LIMPSY adj -SIER, -SIEST lacking strength or vigor LIMULOID n pl. -S a horseshoe crab LIMULUS n pl. -LI a horseshoe crab LIMY adj LIMIER, LIMIEST resembling or containing lime LIN n pl. -S linn LINABLE adj lineable LINAC n pl. -S a device for imparting high velocities to charged particles LINAGE n pl. -S the number of lines of printed material LINALOL n pl. -S linalool LINALOOL n pl. -S a fragrant alcohol LINCHPIN n pl. -S a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft LINDANE n pl. -S an insecticide LINDEN n pl. -S a tall forest tree LINDY n pl. -DIES a lively dance LINE v LINED, LINING, LINES to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) LINEABLE adj lying in a straight line LINEAGE n pl. -S direct descent from an ancestor LINEAL adj being directly descended from an ancestor LINEALLY adv LINEAR adj of or resembling a straight line LINEARLY adv LINEATE adj marked with lines LINEATED adj lineate LINEBRED adj produced by interbreeding within a particular line of descent LINECUT n pl. -S a type of printing plate LINED past tense of line LINELESS adj having no lines LINELIKE adj resembling a line LINEMAN n pl. -MEN one who installs or repairs telephone wires LINEN n pl. -S a fabric woven from the fibers of flax LINENY adj LINER n pl. -S a commercial ship or airplane LINESMAN n pl. -MEN a football official LINEUP n pl. -S a row of persons LINEY adj LINIER, LINIEST liny LING n pl. -S a heath plant LINGA n pl. -S lingam LINGAM n pl. -S a Hindu phallic symbol LINGCOD n pl. -S a marine food fish LINGER v -ED, -ING, -S to delay leaving LINGERER n pl. -S one that lingers LINGERIE n pl. -S women's underwear LINGIER comparative of lingy LINGIEST superlative of lingy LINGO n pl. -GOES strange or incomprehensible language LINGUA n pl. -GUAE the tongue or a tonguelike part LINGUAL n pl. -S a sound articulated with the tongue LINGUINE n pl. -S linguini LINGUINI n pl. -S a type of pasta LINGUIST n pl. -S a person skilled in several languages LINGY adj LINGIER, LINGIEST covered with heaths LINIER comparative of liney and liny LINIEST superlative of liney and liny LINIMENT n pl. -S a medicinal liquid LININ n pl. -S a substance in the nucleus of a cell LINING n pl. -S an inner layer LINK v -ED, -ING, -S to connect LINKABLE adj LINKAGE n pl. -S the act of linking LINKBOY n pl. -BOYS a man or boy hired to carry a torch to light the way along dark streets LINKER n pl. -S one that links LINKMAN n pl. -MEN a linkboy LINKSMAN n pl. -MEN a golfer LINKUP n pl. -S something that serves as a linking device LINKWORK n pl. -S something composed of interlocking rings LINKY adj full of interlocking rings LINN n pl. -S a waterfall LINNET n pl. -S a European songbird LINO n pl. -NOS linoleum LINOCUT n pl. -S a print made from a design cut into linoleum LINOLEUM n pl. -S a durable material used as a floor covering LINSANG n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal LINSEED n pl. -S flaxseed LINSEY n pl. -SEYS a coarse fabric LINSTOCK n pl. -S a stick having one end divided to hold a match LINT n pl. -S an accumulation of bits of fiber LINTEL n pl. -S a horizontal supporting beam LINTER n pl. -S a machine for removing fibers from cotton seeds LINTIER comparative of linty LINTIEST superlative of linty LINTLESS adj free from lint LINTOL n pl. -S lintel LINTY adj LINTIER, LINTIEST covered with lint LINUM n pl. -S a plant of the flax family LINURON n pl. -S a herbicide LINY adj LINIER, LINIEST resembling a line LION n pl. -S a large, carnivorous feline mammal LIONESS n pl. -ES a female lion LIONFISH n pl. -ES a tropical fish LIONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to lionize LIONISER n pl. -S one that lionises LIONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to treat or regard as a celebrity LIONIZER n pl. -S one that lionizes LIONLIKE adj resembling a lion LIP v LIPPED, LIPPING, LIPS to touch with the lips (the folds of flesh around the mouth) LIPASE n pl. -S an enzyme LIPID n pl. -S any of a class of fatty substances LIPIDIC adj LIPIDE n pl. -S lipid LIPIN n pl. -S a lipid LIPLESS adj having no lips LIPLIKE adj resembling a lip LIPOCYTE n pl. -S a fat-producing cell LIPOID n pl. -S a lipid LIPOIDAL adj LIPOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of fatty tissue LIPOSOME n pl. -S a microscopic globule composed of lipids LIPPED past tense of lip LIPPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to trust LIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to ripple LIPPING n pl. -S a liplike outgrowth of bone LIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST impudent LIPSTICK n pl. -S a cosmetic used to color the lips LIQUATE v -QUATED, -QUATING, -QUATES to purify metal by heating LIQUEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make or become liquid LIQUEUR n pl. -S a sweetened alcoholic beverage LIQUID n pl. -S a substance that flows freely LIQUIDLY adv in a free-flowing manner LIQUIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to liquefy LIQUOR v -ED, -ING, -S to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) LIRA n pl. LIRE or LIRAS a monetary unit of Italy LIRA n pl. LIRI a monetary unit of Malta LIRA n pl. LIROTH or LIROT a former monetary unit of Israel LIRIPIPE n pl. -S a long scarf LISENTE pl. of sente LISLE n pl. -S a fine, tightly twisted cotton thread LISP v -ED, -ING, -S to pronounce the letters s and z imperfectly LISPER n pl. -S one that lisps LISSOM adj lissome LISSOMLY adv LISSOME adj lithe LIST v -ED, -ING, -S to write down in a particular order LISTABLE adj LISTEE n pl. -S one that is on a list LISTEL n pl. -S a narrow molding LISTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make conscious use of the sense of hearing LISTENER n pl. -S one that listens LISTER n pl. -S a type of plow LISTING n pl. -S something that is listed LISTLESS adj languid LIT n pl. -S the litas LITANY n pl. -NIES a ceremonial form of prayer LITAS n pl. LITAI or LITU a former monetary unit of Lithuania LITCHI n pl. -S the edible fruit of a Chinese tree LITE adj lower in calories or having less of some ingredient LITER n pl. -S a unit of capacity LITERACY n pl. -CIES the ability to read and write LITERAL n pl. -S a small error in printing or writing LITERARY adj of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of books and writings LITERATE n pl. -S one who can read and write LITERATI n/pl scholars collectively LITHARGE n pl. -S a monoxide of lead LITHE adj LITHER, LITHEST bending easily LITHELY adv LITHEMIA n pl. -S an excess of uric acid in the blood LITHEMIC adj LITHIA n pl. -S an oxide of lithium LITHIC adj pertaining to lithium LITHIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to petrify LITHIUM n pl. -S a metallic element LITHO v -ED, -ING, -S to make prints by lithography LITHOID adj resembling stone LITHOSOL n pl. -S a type of soil LITIGANT n pl. -S one who is engaged in a lawsuit LITIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to subject to legal proceedings LITMUS n pl. -ES a blue coloring matter LITORAL adj pertaining to a coastal region LITOTES n pl. LITOTES a figure of speech in which an assertion is made by the negation of its opposite LITOTIC adj LITRE n pl. -S liter LITTEN adj lighted LITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to scatter rubbish about LITTERER n pl. -S one that litters LITTERY adj covered with rubbish LITTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST small LITTLE n pl. -S a small amount LITTLISH adj somewhat little LITTORAL n pl. -S a coastal region LITU a pl. of litas LITURGY n pl. -GIES a prescribed system of public worship LITURGIC adj LIVABLE adj suitable for living in LIVE adj LIVER, LIVEST having life LIVE v LIVED, LIVING, LIVES to function as an animal or plant LIVEABLE adj livable LIVELONG adj long in passing LIVELY adj -LIER, -LIEST full of energy LIVELILY adv LIVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make lively LIVENER n pl. -S one that livens LIVENESS n pl. -ES the state of being live LIVER n pl. -S a secreting organ LIVERIED adj wearing a livery LIVERISH adj having a liver disorder LIVERY n pl. -ERIES a uniform worn by servants LIVES pl. of life LIVEST superlative of live LIVETRAP v -TRAPPED, -TRAPPING, -TRAPS to capture in a type of animal trap LIVID adj having the skin abnormally discolored LIVIDLY adv LIVIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being livid LIVIER n pl. -S livyer LIVING n pl. -S a means of subsistence LIVINGLY adv realistically LIVRE n pl. -S a former monetary unit of France LIVYER n pl. -S a permanent resident of Newfoundland LIXIVIUM n pl. -IA or -IUMS a solution obtained by leaching LIXIVIAL adj LIZARD n pl. -S any of a suborder of reptiles LLAMA n pl. -S a ruminant mammal LLANO n pl. -NOS an open, grassy plain LO interj -- used to attract attention or to express surprise LOACH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish LOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to place in or on a means of conveyance LOADER n pl. -S one that loads LOADING n pl. -S a burden LOADSTAR n pl. -S lodestar LOAF n pl. LOAVES a shaped mass of bread LOAF v -ED, -ING, -S to pass time idly LOAFER n pl. -S one that loafs LOAM v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with loam (a type of soil) LOAMLESS adj having no loam LOAMY adj LOAMIER, LOAMIEST resembling loam LOAN v -ED, -ING, -S to lend LOANABLE adj LOANER n pl. -S one that loans LOANING n pl. -S a lane LOANWORD n pl. -S a word taken from another language LOATH adj unwilling LOATHE v LOATHED, LOATHING, LOATHES to detest greatly LOATHER n pl. -S one that loathes LOATHFUL adj repulsive LOATHING n pl. -S extreme dislike LOATHLY adj repulsive LOAVES pl. of loaf LOB v LOBBED, LOBBING, LOBS to throw or hit in a high arc LOBAR adj pertaining to a lobe LOBATE adj having lobes LOBATELY adv LOBATED adj lobate LOBATION n pl. -S the formation of lobes LOBBED past tense of lob LOBBER n pl. -S one that lobs LOBBING present participle of lob LOBBY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to attempt to influence legislators LOBBYER n pl. -S a lobbyist LOBBYGOW n pl. -S an errand boy LOBBYISM n pl. -S the practice of lobbying LOBBYIST n pl. -S one who lobbies LOBE n pl. -S a rounded, projecting anatomical part LOBED adj LOBEFIN n pl. -S a bony fish LOBELIA n pl. -S a flowering plant LOBELINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid LOBLOLLY n pl. -LIES a pine tree LOBO n pl. -BOS the timber wolf LOBOTOMY n pl. -MIES a type of surgical operation LOBSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to fish for lobsters (marine crustaceans) LOBSTICK n pl. -S a tree with its lower branches trimmed LOBULE n pl. -S a small lobe LOBULAR, LOBULATE, LOBULOSE adj LOBWORM n pl. -S a lugworm LOCA a pl. of locus LOCAL n pl. -S a train or bus making all stops LOCALE n pl. -S a locality LOCALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to localize LOCALISM n pl. -S a custom or mannerism peculiar to a locality LOCALIST n pl. -S one who is strongly concerned with the matters of a locality LOCALITE n pl. -S a resident of a locality LOCALITY n pl. -TIES an area or neighborhood LOCALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to confine to a particular area LOCALLY adv in a particular area LOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to determine the position of LOCATER n pl. -S one that locates LOCATION n pl. -S the place where something is at a given moment LOCATIVE n pl. -S a type of grammatical case LOCATOR n pl. -S locater LOCH n pl. -S a lake LOCHAN n pl. -S a small lake LOCHIA n pl. LOCHIA a vaginal discharge following childbirth LOCHIAL adj LOCI a pl. of locus LOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to secure by means of a mechanical fastening device LOCKABLE adj LOCKAGE n pl. -S a toll on a ship passing through a canal LOCKBOX n pl. -ES a box that locks LOCKDOWN n pl. -S the confinement of prisoners to their cells LOCKER n pl. -S an enclosure that may be locked LOCKET n pl. -S a small ornamental case LOCKJAW n pl. -S a form of tetanus LOCKNUT n pl. -S a nut which keeps another from loosening LOCKOUT n pl. -S a closing of a business to coerce employees to agree to terms LOCKRAM n pl. -S a coarse, linen fabric LOCKSTEP n pl. -S a mode of marching in close file LOCKUP n pl. -S a jail LOCO n pl. -COS or -COES locoweed LOCO v -ED, -ING, -S to poison with locoweed LOCOFOCO n pl. -COS a type of friction match LOCOISM n pl. -S a disease of livestock LOCOMOTE v -MOTED, -MOTING, -MOTES to move about LOCOWEED n pl. -S a plant that causes poisoning when eaten by livestock LOCULAR adj having or divided into loculi LOCULATE adj locular LOCULE n pl. -S loculus LOCULED adj LOCULUS n pl. -LI a small, cell-like chamber LOCUM n pl. -S a temporary substitute LOCUS n pl. LOCI or LOCA a place LOCUST n pl. -S a migratory grasshopper LOCUSTA n pl. -TAE a spikelet LOCUSTAL adj LOCUTION n pl. -S a particular form of expression LOCUTORY n pl. -RIES a room in a monastery LODE n pl. -S a deposit of ore LODEN n pl. -S a thick, woolen fabric LODESTAR n pl. -S a star used as a point of reference LODGE v LODGED, LODGING, LODGES to furnish with temporary quarters LODGER n pl. -S one that resides in rented quarters LODGING n pl. -S a temporary place to live LODGMENT n pl. -S a lodging LODICULE n pl. -S a scale at the base of the ovary of a grass LOESS n pl. -ES a soil deposit LOESSAL, LOESSIAL adj LOFT v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a loft (an upper room) LOFTER n pl. -S a type of golf club LOFTIER comparative of lofty LOFTIEST superlative of lofty LOFTILY adv in a lofty manner LOFTLESS adj having no loft LOFTLIKE adj resembling a loft LOFTY adj LOFTIER, LOFTIEST extending high in the air LOG v LOGGED, LOGGING, LOGS to cut down trees for timber LOGAN n pl. -S a stone balanced to permit easy movement LOGANIA adj designating a family of flowering plants LOGBOOK n pl. -S a record book of a ship or aircraft LOGE n pl. -S a small compartment LOGGATS n/pl loggets LOGGED past tense of log LOGGER n pl. -S one that logs LOGGETS n/pl an old English throwing game LOGGIA n pl. -GIAS or -GIE an open gallery LOGGING n pl. -S the business of cutting down trees for timber LOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST logy LOGIA a pl. of logion LOGIC n pl. -S the science of reasoning LOGICAL adj pertaining to logic LOGICIAN n pl. -S one who is skilled in logic LOGICISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to logicize LOGICIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to reason LOGIER comparative of logy LOGIEST superlative of logy LOGILY adv in a logy manner LOGINESS n pl. -ES the state of being logy LOGION n pl. -GIA or -GIONS a saying attributed to Jesus LOGISTIC n pl. -S symbolic logic LOGJAM n pl. -S a tangled mass of logs LOGO n pl. LOGOS an identifying symbol LOGOGRAM n pl. -S a symbol used to represent an entire word LOGOMACH n pl. -S one given to arguing about words LOGOS n pl. LOGOI the rational principle that governs the universe in ancient Greek philosophy LOGOTYPE n pl. -S a piece of type bearing a syllable, word, or words LOGOTYPY n pl. -TYPIES the use of logotypes LOGROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain passage of by exchanging political favors LOGWAY n pl. -WAYS a ramp used in logging LOGWOOD n pl. -S a tropical tree LOGY adj -GIER, -GIEST sluggish LOIN n pl. -S a part of the side and back between the ribs and the hipbone LOITER v -ED, -ING, -S to stand idly about LOITERER n pl. -S one that loiters LOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to lounge LOLLER n pl. -S one that lolls LOLLIES pl. of lolly LOLLIPOP n pl. -S a piece of candy on the end of a stick LOLLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to loll LOLLY n pl. -LIES a lollipop LOLLYGAG v -GAGGED, -GAGGING, -GAGS to lallygag LOLLYPOP n pl. -S lollipop LOMEIN n pl. -S a Chinese dish of noodles, meat, and vegetables LOMENT n pl. -S a type of plant pod LOMENTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS loment LONE adj having no companions LONELY adj -LIER, -LIEST sad from lack of companionship LONELILY adv LONENESS n pl. -ES the state of being lone LONER n pl. -S one that avoids others LONESOME n pl. -S self LONG adj LONGER, LONGEST extending for a considerable distance LONG v -ED, -ING, -S to desire strongly LONGAN n pl. -S the edible fruit of a Chinese tree LONGBOAT n pl. -S the largest boat carried by a sailing vessel LONGBOW n pl. -S a type of archery bow LONGE v LONGED, LONGEING, LONGES to guide a horse by means of a long rope LONGER n pl. -S one that longs LONGERON n pl. -S a longitudinal support of an airplane LONGHAIR n pl. -S an intellectual LONGHAND n pl. -S ordinary handwriting LONGHEAD n pl. -S a person having a long skull LONGHORN n pl. -S one of a breed of long-horned cattle LONGIES n/pl long underwear LONGING n pl. -S a strong desire LONGISH adj somewhat long LONGLEAF n pl. -LEAVES an evergreen tree LONGLINE n pl. -S a type of fishing line LONGLY adv for a considerable distance LONGNESS n pl. -ES the state of being long LONGSHIP n pl. -S a medieval ship LONGSOME adj tediously long LONGSPUR n pl. -S a long-clawed finch LONGTIME adj of long duration LONGUEUR n pl. -S a dull and tedious section LONGWAYS adv longwise LONGWISE adv lengthwise LOO v -ED, -ING, -S to subject to a forfeit at loo (a card game) LOOBY n pl. -BIES a large, awkward person LOOEY n pl. -EYS looie LOOF n pl. -S the palm of the hand LOOFA n pl. -S loofah LOOFAH n pl. -S a tropical vine LOOIE n pl. -S a lieutenant of the armed forces LOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to use one's eyes in seeing LOOKDOWN n pl. -S a marine fish LOOKER n pl. -S one that looks LOOKOUT n pl. -S one engaged in keeping watch LOOKUP n pl. -S the process of looking something up LOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to appear in an enlarged and indistinct form LOON n pl. -S a diving waterfowl LOONEY adj -NIER, -NIEST loony LOONEY n pl. -EYS loony LOONY adj -NIER, -NIEST crazy LOONY n pl. -NIES a loony person LOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to form loops (circular or oval openings) LOOPER n pl. -S one that loops LOOPHOLE v -HOLED, -HOLING, -HOLES to make small openings in LOOPY adj LOOPIER, LOOPIEST full of loops LOOSE adj LOOSER, LOOSEST not firm, taut, or rigid LOOSELY adv LOOSE v LOOSED, LOOSING, LOOSES to set free LOOSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make looser LOOSENER n pl. -S one that loosens LOOSER comparative of loose LOOSEST superlative of loose LOOSING present participle of loose LOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to plunder LOOTER n pl. -S one that loots LOP v LOPPED, LOPPING, LOPS to cut off branches or twigs from LOPE v LOPED, LOPING, LOPES to run with a steady, easy gait LOPER n pl. -S one that lopes LOPPED past tense of lop LOPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to curdle LOPPING present participle of lop LOPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST hanging limply LOPSIDED adj leaning to one side LOPSTICK n pl. -S lobstick LOQUAT n pl. -S a small evergreen tree LORAL adj pertaining to the space between the eye and bill of a bird LORAN n pl. -S a type of navigational system LORD v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with the power of a lord (a person having dominion over others) LORDING n pl. -S a lordling LORDLESS adj having no lord LORDLIER comparative of lordly LORDLIEST superlative of lordly LORDLIKE adj lordly LORDLING n pl. -S a young or unimportant lord LORDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a lord LORDOMA n pl. -S lordosis LORDOSIS n pl. -DOSES a curvature of the spinal column LORDOTIC adj LORDSHIP n pl. -S the power of a lord LORE n pl. -S traditional knowledge or belief LOREAL adj loral LORGNON n pl. -S a pair of eyeglasses with a handle LORICA n pl. -CAE a protective covering or shell LORICATE n pl. -S an animal having a lorica LORIES pl. of lory LORIKEET n pl. -S a small parrot LORIMER n pl. -S a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles LORINER n pl. -S lorimer LORIS n pl. -RISES an Asian lemur LORN adj abandoned LORNNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lorn LORRY n pl. -RIES a type of wagon or truck LORY n pl. -RIES a small parrot LOSE v LOST, LOSING, LOSES to come to be without and be unable to find LOSABLE adj LOSEL n pl. -S a worthless person LOSER n pl. -S one that loses LOSING n pl. -S a loss LOSINGLY adv in a manner characterized by defeat LOSS n pl. -ES the act of one that loses LOSSY adj causing dissipation of electrical energy LOST adj not to be found or recovered LOSTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lost LOT v LOTTED, LOTTING, LOTS to distribute proportionately LOTA n pl. -S lotah LOTAH n pl. -S a small water vessel used in India LOTH adj loath LOTHARIO n pl. -IOS a seducer of women LOTHSOME adj repulsive LOTI n pl. MALOTI a monetary unit of Lesotho LOTIC adj pertaining to moving water LOTION n pl. -S a liquid preparation for external application LOTOS n pl. -ES lotus LOTTE n pl. -S a monkfish LOTTED past tense of lot LOTTERY n pl. -TERIES a type of gambling game LOTTING present participle of lot LOTTO n pl. -TOS a game of chance LOTUS n pl. -ES an aquatic plant LOUCHE adj not reputable LOUD adj LOUDER, LOUDEST strongly audible LOUDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become louder LOUDISH adj somewhat loud LOUDLY adv -LIER, -LIEST in a loud manner LOUDNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being loud LOUGH n pl. -S a lake LOUIE n pl. -S looie LOUIS n pl. LOUIS a former gold coin of France LOUNGE v LOUNGED, LOUNGING, LOUNGES to recline or lean in a relaxed, lazy manner LOUNGER n pl. -S one that lounges LOUNGY adj suitable for lounging LOUP v LOUPED, LOUPEN, LOUPING, LOUPS to leap LOUPE n pl. -S a small magnifying glass LOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to lower LOURY adj lowery LOUSE n pl. LICE a parasitic insect LOUSE v LOUSED, LOUSING, LOUSES to spoil or bungle LOUSY adj LOUSIER, LOUSIEST mean or contemptible LOUSILY adv LOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to bow in respect LOUTISH adj clumsy LOUVER n pl. -S a type of window LOUVERED adj LOUVRE n pl. -S louver LOVABLE adj having qualities that attract love LOVABLY adv LOVAGE n pl. -S a perennial herb LOVAT n pl. -S a chiefly green color mixture in fabrics LOVE v LOVED, LOVING, LOVES to feel great affection for LOVEABLE adj lovable LOVEABLY adv LOVEBIRD n pl. -S a small parrot LOVEBUG n pl. -S a small black fly that swarms along highways LOVED past tense of love LOVELESS adj feeling no love LOVELIER comparative of lovely LOVELIES pl. of lovely LOVELIEST superlative of lovely LOVELILY adv in a lovely manner LOVELOCK n pl. -S a lock of hair hanging separately LOVELORN adj not loved LOVELY adj -LIER, -LIEST beautiful LOVELY n pl. -LIES a beautiful woman LOVER n pl. -S one that loves another LOVERLY adj LOVESICK adj languishing with love LOVESOME adj lovely LOVEVINE n pl. -S a twining herb LOVING adj affectionate LOVINGLY adv in a loving manner LOW adj LOWER, LOWEST having relatively little upward extension LOW v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the sound characteristic of cattle LOWBALL v -ED, -ING, -S to give a customer a deceptively low price LOWBORN adj of humble birth LOWBOY n pl. -BOYS a low chest of drawers LOWBRED adj lowborn LOWBROW n pl. -S an uncultivated person LOWDOWN n pl. -S the whole truth LOWE v LOWED, LOWING, LOWES to blaze LOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to appear dark and threatening LOWERY adj dark and threatening LOWING n pl. -S the sound characteristic of cattle LOWISH adj somewhat low LOWLAND n pl. -S an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country LOWLIFE n pl. -LIFES or -LIVES a despicable person LOWLIFER n pl. -S a lowlife LOWLIGHT n pl. -S an unpleasant event, detail, or part LOWLY adj -LIER, -LIEST low in position or rank LOWN adj peaceful LOWNESS n pl. -ES the state of being low LOWRIDER n pl. -S a car having a lowered suspension LOWSE adj loose LOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) LOYAL adj -ALER, -ALEST faithful to one's allegiance LOYALISM n pl. -S loyalty LOYALIST n pl. -S one who is loyal LOYALLY adv in a loyal manner LOYALTY n pl. -TIES the state of being loyal LOZENGE n pl. -S a small, often medicated candy LUAU n pl. -S a Hawaiian feast LUBBER n pl. -S a clumsy person LUBBERLY adj LUBE n pl. -S a lubricant LUBRIC adj slippery LUBRICAL adj lubric LUCARNE n pl. -S a type of window LUCE n pl. -S a freshwater fish LUCENCE n pl. -S lucency LUCENCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being lucent LUCENT adj giving off light LUCENTLY adv LUCERN n pl. -S lucerne LUCERNE n pl. -S alfalfa LUCES a pl. of lux LUCID adj easily understood LUCIDLY adv LUCIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being lucid LUCIFER n pl. -S a friction match LUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to succeed by chance or good fortune LUCKIE n pl. -S an old woman LUCKLESS adj unlucky LUCKY adj LUCKIER, LUCKIEST having good fortune LUCKILY adv LUCRE n pl. -S monetary gain LUCULENT adj lucid LUDE n pl. -S a methaqualone pill LUDIC adj aimlessly playful LUES n pl. LUES syphilis LUETIC n pl. -S one infected with syphilis LUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to steer a sailing vessel nearer into the wind LUFFA n pl. -S loofah LUG v LUGGED, LUGGING, LUGS to carry or pull with effort LUGE v LUGED, LUGEING, LUGES to race on a luge (a small sled) LUGER n pl -S one that luges LUGGAGE n pl. -S articles containing a traveler's belongings LUGGED past tense of lug LUGGER n pl. -S a small sailing vessel LUGGIE n pl. -S a small wooden dish or pail LUGGING present participle of lug LUGSAIL n pl. -S a type of sail LUGWORM n pl. -S a burrowing marine worm LUKEWARM adj moderately warm LULL v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to sleep or rest LULLABY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to lull with a soothing song LULU n pl. -S something remarkable LUM n pl. -S a chimney LUMBAGO n pl. -GOS pain in the lower back LUMBAR n pl. -S an anatomical part situated near the loins LUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to cut down and prepare timber for market LUMBERER n pl. -S one that lumbers LUMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA the inner passage of a tubular organ LUMENAL, LUMINAL adj LUMINARY n pl. -NARIES a body that gives light LUMINISM n pl. -S a style of painting LUMINIST n pl. -S a painter who uses the effects of light LUMINOUS adj giving off light LUMMOX n pl. -ES a clumsy person LUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to make into lumps (shapeless masses) LUMPEN n pl. -S an uprooted individual LUMPER n pl. -S a laborer employed to load and unload ships LUMPFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish LUMPISH adj stupid LUMPY adj LUMPIER, LUMPIEST full of lumps LUMPILY adv LUNA n pl. -S an alchemical designation for silver LUNACY n pl. -CIES insanity LUNAR n pl. -S an observation of the moon taken for navigational purposes LUNARIAN n pl. -S a supposed inhabitant of the moon LUNATE adj crescent-shaped LUNATELY adv LUNATED adj lunate LUNATIC n pl. -S an insane person LUNATION n pl. -S the interval between two successive new moons LUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to eat a noonday meal LUNCHEON n pl. -S a noonday meal LUNCHER n pl. -S one that lunches LUNE n pl. -S a crescent-shaped figure LUNET n pl. -S lunette LUNETTE n pl. -S a crescent-shaped object LUNG n pl. -S a respiratory organ LUNGAN n pl. -S longan LUNGE v LUNGED, LUNGING, LUNGES to make a forceful forward movement LUNGEE n pl. -S lungi LUNGER n pl. -S one that lunges LUNGFISH n pl. -ES a type of fish LUNGFUL n pl. -S as much as the lungs can hold LUNGI n pl. -S a loincloth worn by men in India LUNGING present participle of lunge LUNGWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm LUNGWORT n pl. -S a European herb LUNGYI n pl. -S lungi LUNIER comparative of luny LUNIES pl. of luny LUNIEST superlative of luny LUNK n pl. -S a lunkhead LUNKER n pl. -S a large game fish LUNKHEAD n pl. -S a stupid person LUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to emit smoke LUNULA n pl. -LAE a small crescent-shaped structure LUNULAR, LUNULATE adj LUNULE n pl. -S lunula LUNY adj -NIER, -NIEST loony LUNY n pl. -NIES a loony LUPANAR n pl. -S a brothel LUPIN n pl. -S lupine LUPINE n pl. -S a flowering plant LUPOUS adj pertaining to lupus LUPULIN n pl. -S a medicinal powder obtained from the hop plant LUPUS n pl. -ES a skin disease LURCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to sway abruptly LURCHER n pl. -S one that lurks or prowls LURDAN n pl. -S a lazy or stupid person LURDANE n pl. -S lurdan LURE v LURED, LURING, LURES to attract with something desirable LURER n pl. -S one that lures LURID adj causing shock or horror LURIDLY adv LURING present participle of lure LURK v -ED, -ING, -S to wait in concealment LURKER n pl. -S one that lurks LUSCIOUS adj having a very pleasing taste or smell LUSH adj LUSHER, LUSHEST abounding in vegetation LUSHLY adv LUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to drink to excess LUSHNESS n pl. -ES the state of being lush LUST v -ED, -ING, -S to have an intense desire LUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become lustrous LUSTFUL adj marked by excessive sexual desire LUSTIER comparative of lusty LUSTIEST superlative of lusty LUSTILY adv in a lusty manner LUSTRA a pl. of lustrum LUSTRAL adj pertaining to a lustrum LUSTRATE v -TRATED, -TRATING, -TRATES to purify ceremonially LUSTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to luster LUSTRING n pl. -S a glossy silk fabric LUSTROUS adj reflecting light evenly and efficiently LUSTRUM n pl. -TRUMS or -TRA a ceremonial purification of the population in ancient Rome LUSTY adj LUSTIER, LUSTIEST full of vigor LUSUS n pl. -ES an abnormality LUTANIST n pl. -S one who plays the lute LUTE v LUTED, LUTING, LUTES to play a lute (a stringed musical instrument) LUTEA pl. of luteum LUTEAL adj pertaining to the luteum LUTECIUM n pl. -S lutetium LUTED past tense of lute LUTEFISK n pl. -S dried codfish LUTEIN n pl. -S a yellow pigment LUTENIST n pl. -S lutanist LUTEOLIN n pl. -S a yellow pigment LUTEOUS adj light to moderate greenish yellow in color LUTETIUM n pl. -S a metallic element LUTEUM n pl. -TEA a hormone-secreting body LUTHERN n pl. -S a type of window LUTHIER n pl. -S one who makes stringed instruments LUTING n pl. -S a substance used as a sealant LUTIST n pl. -S a lutanist LUTZ n pl. -ES a jump in figure skating LUV n pl. -S a sweetheart LUX n pl. LUXES or LUCES a unit of illumination LUXATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to put out of joint LUXATION n pl. -S the act of luxating LUXE n pl. -S luxury LUXURY n pl. -RIES free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort LWEI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Angola LYARD adj streaked with gray LYART adj lyard LYASE n pl. -S an enzyme LYCEE n pl. -S a French secondary school LYCEUM n pl. -CEUMS or -CEA a hall for public lectures or discussions LYCHEE n pl. -S litchi LYCHNIS n pl. -NISES a flowering plant LYCOPENE n pl. -S a red pigment LYCOPOD n pl. -S an evergreen plant LYDDITE n pl. -S an explosive LYE n pl. -S a solution used in making soap LYING n pl. -S the act of telling lies LYINGLY adv falsely LYMPH n pl. -S a body fluid containing white blood cells LYMPHOID adj LYMPHOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor LYNCEAN adj of or resembling a lynx LYNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put to death without legal sanction LYNCHER n pl. -S one that lynches LYNCHING n pl. -S the act of one who lynches LYNCHPIN n pl. -S linchpin LYNX n pl. -ES a short-tailed wildcat LYOPHILE adj pertaining to a type of colloid LYRATE adj having the shape of a lyre LYRATELY adv LYRATED adj lyrate LYRE n pl. -S an ancient harp-like instrument LYREBIRD n pl. -S an Australian bird LYRIC n pl. -S a lyrical poem LYRICAL adj having the form of a song LYRICISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to lyricize LYRICISM n pl. -S the quality of being lyrics LYRICIST n pl. -S one who writes the words for songs LYRICIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to write lyrics LYRIFORM adj lyrate LYRISM n pl. -S lyricism LYRIST n pl. -S one who plays the lyre LYSATE n pl. -S a product of lysis LYSE v LYSED, LYSING, LYSES to cause to undergo lysis LYSIN n pl. -S a substance capable of disintegrating blood cells or bacteria LYSINE n pl. -S an amino acid LYSING present participle of lyse LYSIS n pl. LYSES the disintegration of cells by lysins LYSOGEN n pl. -S a type of antigen LYSOGENY n pl. -NIES the state of being like a lysogen LYSOSOME n pl. -S a saclike part of a cell LYSOZYME n pl. -S an enzyme LYSSA n pl. -S rabies LYTIC adj pertaining to lysis LYTTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a fibrous band in the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals MA n pl. -S mother MAAR n pl. -S a volcanic crater MABE n pl. -S a cultured pearl MAC n pl. -S a raincoat MACABER adj macabre MACABRE adj gruesome MACACO n pl. -COS a lemur MACADAM n pl. -S a type of pavement MACAQUE n pl. -S a short-tailed monkey MACARONI n pl. -NIS or -NIES a tubular pasta MACAROON n pl. -S a type of cookie MACAW n pl. -S a large parrot MACCABAW n pl. -S maccaboy MACCABOY n pl. -BOYS a type of snuff MACCHIA n pl. -CHIE a dense growth of small trees and shrubs MACCOBOY n pl. -BOYS maccaboy MACE v MACED, MACING, MACES to attack with a clublike weapon MACER n pl. -S an official who carries a ceremonial staff MACERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to soften by soaking in liquid MACH n pl. -S a number indicating the ratio of the speed of a body to the speed of sound MACHE n pl. -S a European herb MACHETE n pl. -S a large, heavy knife MACHINE v -CHINED, -CHINING, -CHINES to process by machine (a mechanical device) MACHISMO n pl. -MOS strong masculinity MACHO n pl. -CHOS a person who exhibits machismo MACHREE n pl. -S dear MACHZOR n pl. -ZORIM or -ZORS mahzor MACING present participle of mace MACK n pl. -S mac MACKEREL n pl. -S a marine food fish MACKINAW n pl. -S a woolen fabric MACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to blur in printing MACLE n pl. -S a spot or discoloration in a mineral MACLED adj MACON n pl. -S a red or white French wine MACRAME n pl. -S a trimming of knotted thread or cord MACRO n pl. -ROS a type of computer instruction MACRON n pl. -S a symbol placed over a vowel to show that it has a long sound MACRURAL adj pertaining to macruran MACRURAN n pl. -S any of a suborder of crustaceans MACULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a spot MACULAR adj MACULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to mark with spots MACULE v -ULED, -ULING, -ULES to mackle MACUMBA n pl. -S a religion practiced in Brazil MAD adj MADDER, MADDEST insane MAD v MADDED, MADDING, MADS to madden MADAM n pl. -S a woman who manages a brothel MADAME n pl. -S madam MADAME n pl. MESDAMES the French title of respect for a married woman MADCAP n pl. -S an impulsive person MADDED past tense of mad MADDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become mad MADDER n pl. -S a perennial herb MADDEST superlative of mad MADDING present participle of mad MADDISH adj somewhat mad MADE past tense of make MADEIRA n pl. -S a white wine MADHOUSE n pl. -S an insane asylum MADLY adv in a mad manner MADMAN n pl. -MEN a man who is insane MADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being mad MADONNA n pl. -S a former Italian title of respect for a woman MADRAS n pl. -ES a cotton fabric MADRE n pl. -S mother MADRIGAL n pl. -S a short lyric poem MADRONA n pl. -S an evergreen tree MADRONE n pl. -S madrona MADRONO n pl. -NOS madrona MADURO n pl. -ROS a dark-colored, relatively strong cigar MADWOMAN n pl. -WOMEN a woman who is insane MADWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant MADZOON n pl. -S matzoon MAE n pl. -S more MAENAD n pl. -S or -ES a female participant in ancient Greek orgies MAENADIC adj MAESTOSO n pl. -SOS a stately musical passage MAESTRO n pl. -STROS or -STRI a master of an art MAFFIA n pl. -S mafia MAFFICK v -ED, -ING, -S to celebrate boisterously MAFIA n pl. -S a secret criminal organization MAFIC adj pertaining to minerals rich in magnesium and iron MAFIOSO n pl. -SI a member of the mafia MAFTIR n pl. -S the concluding section of a parashah MAG n pl. -S a magazine MAGAZINE n pl. -S a type of periodical publication MAGDALEN n pl. -S a reformed prostitute MAGE n pl. -S a magician MAGENTA n pl. -S a purplish red dye MAGGOT n pl. -S the legless larva of certain insects MAGGOTY adj MAGI pl. of magus MAGIAN n pl. -S a magus MAGIC v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS to affect by magic (sorcery) MAGICAL adj resembling magic MAGICIAN n pl. -S one skilled in magic MAGICKED past tense of magic MAGICKING present participle of magic MAGILP n pl. -S megilp MAGISTER n pl. -S a master or teacher MAGLEV adj pertaining to a railroad system using magnets to move a train above the tracks MAGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA the molten matter from which igneous rock is formed MAGMATIC adj MAGNATE n pl. -S a powerful or influential person MAGNESIA n pl. -S a medicinal compound MAGNESIC adj MAGNET n pl. -S a body that possesses the property of attracting iron MAGNETIC n pl. -S a magnet MAGNETO n pl. -TOS a type of electric generator MAGNETON n pl. -S a unit of magnetic moment MAGNIFIC adj magnificent MAGNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to increase the perceived size of MAGNOLIA n pl. -S a flowering shrub or tree MAGNUM n pl. -S a large wine bottle MAGOT n pl. -S a tailless ape MAGPIE n pl. -S a corvine bird MAGUEY n pl. -GUEYS a tropical plant MAGUS n pl. -GI a magician MAHARAJA n pl. -S a king or prince in India MAHARANI n pl. -S the wife of a maharaja MAHATMA n pl. -S a Hindu sage MAHIMAHI n pl. MAHIMAHI a food fish in Hawaii MAHJONG n pl. -S a game of Chinese origin MAHJONGG n pl. -S mahjong MAHOE n pl. -S a tropical tree MAHOGANY n pl. -NIES a tropical tree MAHONIA n pl. -S a flowering shrub MAHOUT n pl. -S the keeper and driver of an elephant MAHUANG n pl. -S an Asian plant MAHZOR n pl. -ZORIM or -ZORS a Jewish prayer book MAID n pl. -S a maiden MAIDISH adj MAIDEN n pl. -S a young unmarried woman MAIDENLY adj MAIDHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a maiden MAIEUTIC adj pertaining to a method of eliciting knowledge MAIGRE adj containing neither flesh nor its juices MAIHEM n pl. -S mayhem MAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to send by a governmental postal system. MAILABLE adj MAILBAG n pl. -S a bag for carrying mail (postal material) MAILBOX n pl. -ES a box for depositing mail MAILE n pl. -S a Pacific island vine MAILER n pl. -S one that mails MAILING n pl. -S a rented farm MAILL n pl. -S a payment MAILLESS adj having no armor MAILLOT n pl. -S a woman's one-piece bathing suit MAILMAN n pl. -MEN a man who carries and delivers mail MAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to injure so as to cause lasting damage MAIMER n pl. -S one that maims MAIN n pl. -S the principal part MAINLAND n pl. -S a principal land mass MAINLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to inject a narcotic into a major vein MAINLY adv for the most part MAINMAST n pl. -S the principal mast of a vessel MAINSAIL n pl. -S the principal sail of a vessel MAINSTAY n pl. -STAYS a principal support MAINTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to keep in proper condition MAINTOP n pl. -S a platform at the head of a mainmast MAIOLICA n pl. -S majolica MAIR n pl. -S more MAIST n pl. -S most MAIZE n pl. -S an American cereal grass MAJAGUA n pl. -S a tropical tree MAJESTIC adj having majesty MAJESTY n pl. -TIES regal dignity MAJOLICA n pl. -S a type of pottery MAJOR v -ED, -ING, -S to pursue a specific principal course of study MAJORITY n pl. -TIES the greater number or part MAJORLY adv mainly MAKAR n pl. -S a poet MAKE v MADE, MAKING, MAKES to cause to exist MAKABLE, MAKEABLE adj MAKEBATE n pl. -S one that encourages quarrels MAKEFAST n pl. -S an object to which a boat is tied MAKEOVER n pl. -S a changing of appearance MAKER n pl. -S one that makes MAKEUP n pl. -S the way in which the parts or ingredients of something are put together MAKIMONO n pl. -NOS a Japanese ornamental scroll MAKING n pl. -S material from which something can be developed MAKO n pl. -KOS a large shark MAKUTA pl. of likuta MALACCA n pl. -S the cane of an Asian rattan palm MALADY n pl. -DIES an illness MALAISE n pl. -S a feeling of vague discomfort MALAMUTE n pl. -S an Alaskan sled dog MALANGA n pl. -S a yautia MALAPERT n pl. -S an impudent person MALAPROP n pl. -S a humorous misuse of a word MALAR n pl. -S the cheekbone MALARIA n pl. -S an infectious disease MALARIAL, MALARIAN adj MALARKEY n pl. -KEYS nonsense MALARKY n pl. -KIES malarkey MALAROMA n pl. -S a malodor MALATE n pl. -S a chemical salt MALE n pl. -S an individual that begets young by fertilizing the female MALEATE n pl. -S a chemical salt MALEDICT v -ED, -ING, -S to curse MALEFIC adj producing or causing evil MALEMIUT n pl. -S malamute MALEMUTE n pl. -S malamute MALENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being a male MALFED adj badly fed MALGRE prep in spite of MALIC adj pertaining to apples MALICE n pl. -S a desire to injure another MALIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to speak evil of MALIGNER n pl. -S one that maligns MALIGNLY adv in an evil manner MALIHINI n pl. -S a newcomer to Hawaii MALINE n pl. -S a delicate net used for veils MALINGER v -ED, -ING, -S to feign illness in order to avoid duty or work MALISON n pl. -S a curse MALKIN n pl. -S an untidy woman MALL v -ED, -ING, -S to maul MALLARD n pl. -S a wild duck MALLEE n pl. -S an evergreen tree MALLEI pl. of malleus MALLEOLI n/pl bony protuberances of the ankle MALLET n pl. -S a type of hammer MALLEUS n pl. -LEI a bone of the middle ear MALLOW n pl. -S a flowering plant MALM n pl. -S a soft, friable limestone MALMSEY n pl. -SEYS a white wine MALMY adj MALMIER, MALMIEST resembling malm MALODOR n pl. -S an offensive odor MALOTI pl. of loti MALPOSED adj being in the wrong position MALT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat or combine with malt (germinated grain) MALTASE n pl. -S an enzyme MALTED n pl. -S a sweet beverage MALTHA n pl. -S a natural tar MALTIER comparative of malty MALTIEST superlative of malty MALTOL n pl. -S a chemical compound MALTOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar MALTREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat badly MALTSTER n pl. -S one that makes malt MALTY adj MALTIER, MALTIEST resembling malt MALVASIA n pl. -S malmsey MAMA n pl. -S mother MAMALIGA n pl. -S a cornmeal porridge MAMBA n pl. -S a venomous snake MAMBO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to perform a ballroom dance MAMELUKE n pl. -S a slave in Muslim countries MAMEY n pl. MAMEYS or MAMEYES a tropical tree MAMIE n pl. -S mamey MAMLUK n pl. -S mameluke MAMMA n pl. -MAE a milk-secreting organ MAMMA n pl. -S mama MAMMAL n pl. -S any of a class of warm-blooded vertebrates MAMMARY adj pertaining to the mammae MAMMATE adj having mammae MAMMATUS n pl. -TI a type of cloud MAMMEE n pl. -S mamey MAMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to hesitate MAMMET n pl. -S maumet MAMMEY n pl. -MEYS mamey MAMMIE n pl. -S mammy MAMMIES pl. of mammy MAMMILLA n pl. -LAE a nipple MAMMITIS n pl. -MITIDES mastitis MAMMOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to shred MAMMON n pl. -S material wealth MAMMOTH n pl. -S an extinct elephant MAMMY n pl. -MIES mother MAN n pl. MEN an adult human male MAN v MANNED, MANNING, MANS to supply with men MANA n pl. -S a supernatural force in certain Pacific island religions MANACLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to handcuff MANAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to control or direct MANAGER n pl. -S one that manages MANAKIN n pl. -S a tropical bird MANANA n pl. -S tomorrow MANATEE n pl. -S an aquatic mammal MANATOID adj MANCHE n pl. -S a heraldic design MANCHET n pl. -S a small loaf of fine white bread MANCIPLE n pl. -S an officer authorized to purchase provisions MANDALA n pl. -S a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe MANDALIC adj MANDAMUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to command by means of writ issued by a superior court MANDARIN n pl. -S a citrus fruit MANDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to authorize or decree MANDATOR n pl. -S one that mandates MANDIBLE n pl. -S the bone of the lower jaw MANDIOCA n pl. -S manioc MANDOLA n pl. -S an ancient lute MANDOLIN n pl. -S a stringed musical instrument MANDRAKE n pl. -S a European herb MANDREL n pl. -S a shaft on which a tool is mounted MANDRIL n pl. -S mandrel MANDRILL n pl. -S a large baboon MANE n pl. -S the long hair growing on and about the neck of some animals MANED, MANELESS adj MANEGE n pl. -S the art of training and riding horses MANEUVER v -ED, -ING, -S to change the position of for a specific purpose MANFUL adj courageous MANFULLY adv MANGABEY n pl. -BEYS a long-tailed monkey MANGABY n pl. -BIES mangabey MANGANIC adj containing manganese (a metallic element) MANGE n pl. -S a skin disease of domestic animals MANGEL n pl. -S a variety of beet MANGER n pl. -S a trough or box from which horses or cattle eat MANGEY adj MANGIER, MANGIEST mangy MANGIER comparative of mangy MANGIEST superlative of mangy MANGILY adv in a mangy manner MANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to cut, slash, or crush so as to disfigure MANGLER n pl. -S one that mangles MANGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS an edible tropical fruit MANGOLD n pl. -S mangel MANGONEL n pl. -S a medieval military device for hurling stones MANGROVE n pl. -S a tropical tree or shrub MANGY adj MANGIER, MANGIEST affected with mange MANHOLE n pl. -S a hole providing entrance to an underground or enclosed structure MANHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a man MANHUNT n pl. -S an intensive search for a person MANIA n pl. -S an excessive interest or enthusiasm MANIAC n pl. -S an insane person MANIACAL adj MANIC n pl. -S one that is affected with mania MANICURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to trim and polish the fingernails of MANIFEST v -ED, -ING, -S to show clearly MANIFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to make several copies of MANIHOT n pl. -S a tropical plant MANIKIN n pl. -S an anatomical model of the human body MANILA n pl. -S a strong paper MANILLA n pl. -S manila MANILLE n pl. -S the second highest trump in certain card games MANIOC n pl. -S a tropical plant MANIOCA n pl. -S manioc MANIPLE n pl. -S a silk band worn on the left arm as a vestment MANITO n pl. -TOS manitou MANITOU n pl. -S an Algonquian Indian deity MANITU n pl. -S manitou MANKIND n pl. MANKIND the human race MANLESS adj destitute of men MANLIKE adj resembling a man MANLY adj -LIER, -LIEST having the qualities of a man MANLILY adv MANMADE adj made by man MANNA n pl. -S divinely supplied food MANNAN n pl. -S a type of sugar MANNED past tense of man MANNER n pl. -S a way of acting MANNERED adj MANNERLY adj polite MANNIKIN n pl. -S manikin MANNING present participle of man MANNISH adj resembling or characteristic of a man MANNITE n pl. -S mannitol MANNITIC adj MANNITOL n pl. -S an alcohol MANNOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar MANO n pl. -NOS a stone used for grinding foods MANOR n pl. -S a landed estate or territorial unit MANORIAL adj MANPACK adj designed to be carried by one person MANPOWER n pl. -S the number of men available for service MANQUE adj frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations MANROPE n pl. -S a rope used as a handrail MANSARD n pl. -S a type of roof MANSE n pl. -S a clergyman's house MANSION n pl. -S a large, impressive house MANTA n pl. -S a cotton fabric MANTEAU n pl. -TEAUS or -TEAUX a loose cloak MANTEL n pl. -S a shelf above a fireplace MANTELET n pl. -S a mobile screen used to protect soldiers MANTES a pl. of mantis MANTIC adj having powers of prophecy MANTID n pl. -S mantis MANTILLA n pl. -S a woman's scarf MANTIS n pl. -TISES or -TES a predatory insect MANTISSA n pl. -S the decimal part of a logarithm MANTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to cloak MANTLET n pl. -S mantelet MANTLING n pl. -S an ornamental cloth MANTRA n pl. -S a mystical formula of prayer or incantation in Hinduism MANTRIC adj MANTRAP n pl. -S a trap for catching men MANTUA n pl. -S a woman's gown MANUAL n pl. -S a small reference book MANUALLY adv by means of the hands MANUARY adj involving the hands MANUBRIA n/pl handle-shaped anatomical parts MANUMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to free from slavery MANURE v -NURED, -NURING, -NURES to fertilize with manure (animal excrement) MANURER n pl. -S one that manures MANURIAL adj of or pertaining to manure MANURING present participle of manure MANUS n pl. MANUS the end of the forelimb in vertebrates MANWARD adv toward man MANWARDS adv manward MANWISE adv in a manner characteristic of man MANY adj MORE, MOST consisting of or amounting to a large number MANYFOLD adv by many times MAP v MAPPED, MAPPING, MAPS to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) MAPLE n pl. -S a hardwood tree MAPLIKE adj resembling a map MAPMAKER n pl. -S one that makes maps MAPPABLE adj capable of being mapped MAPPED past tense of map MAPPER n pl. -S one that maps MAPPING n pl. -S a mathematical correspondence MAQUETTE n pl. -S a small preliminary model MAQUI n pl. -S maquis MAQUIS n pl. MAQUIS a thick underbrush MAR v MARRED, MARRING, MARS to detract from the perfection or wholeness of MARABOU n pl. -S an African stork MARABOUT n pl. -S a marabou MARACA n pl. -S a percussion instrument MARANTA n pl. -S a tropical plant MARASCA n pl. -S a wild cherry MARASMUS n pl. -ES a wasting away of the body MARASMIC adj MARATHON n pl. -S a long-distance race MARAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to rove in search of booty MARAUDER n pl. -S one that marauds MARAVEDI n pl. -S a former coin of Spain MARBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to give a mottled appearance to MARBLER n pl. -S one that marbles MARBLING n pl. -S an intermixture of fat and lean in meat MARBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST mottled MARC n pl. -S the residue remaining after a fruit has been pressed MARCATO adv with strong accentuation -- used as a musical direction MARCEL v -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to make a deep, soft wave in the hair MARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to walk in a formal military manner MARCHEN n pl. MARCHEN a folktale MARCHER n pl. -S one that marches MARCHESA n pl. -CHESE the wife or widow of a marchese MARCHESE n pl. -CHESI an Italian nobleman MARE n pl. -RIA a dark area on the surface of the moon or Mars MARE n pl. -S a mature female horse MAREMMA n pl. -REMME a marshy coastal region MARENGO adj served with a sauce of mushrooms, tomatoes, oil, and wine MARGARIC adj pearly MARGARIN n pl. -S a butter substitute MARGAY n pl. -GAYS a small American wildcat MARGE n pl. -S a margin MARGENT v -ED, -ING, -S to margin MARGIN v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a margin (a border) MARGINAL adj of or pertaining to a margin MARGRAVE n pl. -S the military governor of a medieval German border province MARIA pl. of mare MARIACHI n pl. -S a Mexican musical band MARIGOLD n pl. -S a flowering plant MARIMBA n pl. -S a percussion instrument MARINA n pl. -S a docking area for small boats MARINADE v -NADED, -NADING, -NADES to marinate MARINARA n pl. -S a seasoned tomato sauce MARINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to soak in a seasoned liquid before cooking MARINE n pl. -S a soldier trained for service at sea and on land MARINER n pl. -S a sailor MARIPOSA n pl. -S a flowering plant MARISH n pl. -ES a marsh MARITAL adj pertaining to marriage MARITIME adj pertaining to navigation or commerce on the sea MARJORAM n pl. -S fragrant herb MARK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a visible impression on MARKDOWN n pl. -S a reduction in price MARKEDLY adv in an evident manner MARKER n pl. -S one that marks MARKET v -ED, -ING, -S to offer for sale MARKETER n pl. -S one that markets MARKHOOR n pl. -S markhor MARKHOR n pl. -S a wild goat MARKING n pl. -S a pattern of marks MARKKA n pl. -KAA or -KAS a monetary unit of Finland MARKSMAN n pl. -MEN a person skillful at hitting a target MARKUP n pl. -S an increase in price MARL v -ED, -ING, -S to fertilize with marl (an earthy deposit containing lime, clay, and sand) MARLIER comparative of marly MARLIEST superlative of marly MARLIN n pl. -S a marine game fish MARLINE n pl. -S a rope used on a ship MARLING n pl. -S marline MARLITE n pl. -S a type of marl MARLITIC adj MARLY adj MARLIER, MARLIEST abounding with marl MARMITE n pl. -S a large soup kettle MARMOSET n pl. -S a small monkey MARMOT n pl. -S a burrowing rodent MAROCAIN n pl. -S a light crinkled fabric MAROON v -ED, -ING, -S to abandon in an isolated place MARPLOT n pl. -S one that ruins a plan by meddling MARQUE n pl. -S reprisal MARQUEE n pl. -S a rooflike structure projecting over an entrance MARQUESS n pl. -ES marquis MARQUIS n pl. -ES a European nobleman MARQUISE n pl. -S the wife or widow of a marquis MARRAM n pl. -S a beach grass MARRANO n pl. -NOS a Jew in Spain who professed Christianity to avoid persecution MARRED past tense of mar MARRER n pl. -S one that mars MARRIAGE n pl. -S the legal union of a man and woman MARRIED n pl. -S one who has entered into marriage MARRIER n pl. -S one that marries MARRIES present 3d person sing. of marry MARRING present participle of mar MARRON n pl. -S a variety of chestnut MARROW v -ED, -ING, -S to marry MARROWY adj pithy MARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to enter into marriage MARSALA n pl. -S a Sicilian wine MARSE n pl. -S master MARSH n pl. -ES a tract of low, wet land MARSHAL v -ED, -ING, -S to put in proper order MARSHALL v -ED, -ING, -S to marshal MARSHY adj MARSHIER, MARSHIEST resembling a marsh MARSUPIA n/pl abdominal pouches of certain mammals MART v -ED, -ING, -S to market MARTAGON n pl. -S a flowering plant MARTELLO n pl. -LOS a circular fort MARTEN n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal MARTIAL adj pertaining to war MARTIAN n pl. -S a supposed inhabitant of the planet Mars MARTIN n pl. -S a small bird MARTINET n pl. -S one who demands rigid adherence to rules MARTINI n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage MARTLET n pl. -S a martin MARTYR v -ED, -ING, -S to put to death for adhering to a belief MARTYRLY adj resembling a martyr MARTYRY n pl. -TYRIES a shrine erected in honor of a martyred person MARVEL v -VELED, -VELING, -VELS or -VELLED, -VELLING, -VELS to be filled with wonder or astonishment MARVY adj marvelous MARYJANE n pl. -S marijuana MARZIPAN n pl. -S an almond candy MASCARA v -ED, -ING, -S to color the eyelashes or eyebrows with a cosmetic MASCON n pl. -S a concentration of dense mass beneath the moon's surface MASCOT n pl. -S a person, animal, or object believed to bring good luck MASER n pl. -S a device for amplifying electrical impulses MASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to reduce to a pulpy mass MASHER n pl. -S one that mashes MASHIE n pl. -S a golf club MASHY n pl. MASHIES mashie MASJID n pl. -S a mosque MASK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a mask (a covering used to disguise the face) MASKABLE adj MASKEG n pl. -S muskeg MASKER n pl. -S one that wears a mask MASKING n pl. -S a piece of scenery used to conceal parts of a stage from the audience MASKLIKE adj suggestive of a mask MASON v -ED, -ING, -S to build with stone or brick MASONIC adj pertaining to masonry MASONRY n pl. -RIES a structure built of stone or brick MASQUE n pl. -S a dramatic entertainment formerly popular in England MASQUER n pl. -S masker MASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to assemble in a mass (a body of coherent matter) MASSA n pl. -S master MASSACRE v -CRED, -CRING, -CRES to kill indiscriminately MASSAGE v -SAGED, -SAGING, -SAGES to manipulate parts of the body for remedial or hygienic purposes MASSAGER n pl. -S one that massages MASSCULT n pl. -S culture as popularized by the mass media MASSE n pl. -S a type of shot in billiards MASSEDLY adv in a massed manner MASSETER n pl. -S a muscle that raises the lower jaw MASSEUR n pl. -S a man who massages MASSEUSE n pl. -S a woman who massages MASSICOT n pl. -S a yellow pigment MASSIER comparative of massy MASSIEST superlative of massy MASSIF n pl. -S a principal mountain mass MASSIVE adj of considerable size MASSLESS adj having no mass MASSY adj MASSIER, MASSIEST massive MAST v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a mast (a long pole on a ship that supports the sails and rigging) MASTABA n pl. -S an ancient Egyptian tomb MASTABAH n pl. -S mastaba MASTER v -ED, -ING, -S to become skilled in MASTERLY adj very skillful MASTERY n pl. -TERIES superior knowledge or skill MASTHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to raise to the top of a mast MASTIC n pl. -S an aromatic resin MASTICHE n pl. -S mastic MASTIFF n pl. -S a large, short-haired dog MASTITIS n pl. -TITIDES inflammation of the breast MASTITIC adj MASTIX n pl. -ES mastic MASTLESS adj having no mast MASTLIKE adj resembling a mast MASTODON n pl. -S an extinct elephant-like mammal MASTOID n pl. -S the rear portion of the temporal bone MASURIUM n pl. -S a metallic element MAT v MATTED, MATTING, MATS to pack down so as to form a dense mass MATADOR n pl. -S the bullfighter who kills the bull in a bullfight MATAMBALA a pl. of tambala MATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to set in competition or opposition MATCHBOX n pl. -ES a small box MATCHER n pl. -S one that matches MATCHUP n pl. -S a setting of two players against each other MATE v MATED, MATING, MATES to join as mates (partners in a union) MATELESS adj having no mate MATELOT n pl. -S sailor MATELOTE n pl. -S a fish stew MATER n pl. MATERS or MATRES mother MATERIAL n pl. -S the substance of which anything is or may be composed MATERIEL n pl. -S the aggregate of equipment and supplies used by an organization MATERNAL adj pertaining to a mother MATESHIP n pl. -S the state of being a mate MATEY n pl. -EYS a friend MATH n pl. -S mathematics MATILDA n pl. -S a hobo's bundle MATIN n pl. -S a morning song, as of birds MATINAL adj pertaining to the morning MATINEE n pl. -S a daytime performance MATINESS n pl. -ES friendliness MATING n pl. -S the period during which a seasonal-breeding animal can mate MATLESS adj having no mats (small floor coverings) MATRASS n pl. -ES a long-necked glass vessel MATRES a pl. of mater MATRIX n pl. -TRICES or -TRIXES something within which something else originates or develops MATRON n pl. -S a married woman of established social position MATRONAL, MATRONLY adj MATSAH n pl. -S matzo MATT v -ED, -ING, -S to matte MATTE v MATTED, MATTING, MATTES to produce a dull finish on MATTED past tense of mat, matt, and matte MATTEDLY adv in a tangled manner MATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to be of importance MATTERY adj producing pus MATTIN n pl. -S matin MATTING n pl. -S a woven fabric used as a floor covering MATTOCK n pl. -S a digging tool MATTOID n pl. -S a mentally unbalanced person MATTRASS n pl. -ES matrass MATTRESS n pl. -ES a large pad filled with resilient material used on or as a bed MATURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to mature MATURE adj -TURER, -TUREST fully developed MATURELY adv MATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to make or become mature MATURITY n pl. -TIES the state of being mature MATZA n pl. -S matzo MATZAH n pl. -S matzo MATZO n pl. -ZOS, -ZOT, or -ZOTH an unleavened bread MATZOH n pl. -S matzo MATZOON n pl. -S a food made from milk MATZOT a pl. of matzo MATZOTH a pl. of matzo MAUD n pl. -S a Scottish gray and black plaid MAUDLIN adj excessively emotional MAUGER prep maugre MAUGRE prep in spite of MAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to injure by beating MAULER n pl. -S one that mauls MAUMET n pl. -S an idol MAUMETRY n pl. -RIES idolatry MAUN v must -- MAUN is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated MAUND n pl. -S an Asian unit of weight MAUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk incoherently MAUNDY n pl. -DIES the religious ceremony of washing the feet of the poor MAUSOLEA n/pl large, stately tombs MAUT n pl. -S malt MAUVE n pl. -S a purple color MAVEN n pl. -S 1. mavin 2. this game's artificial intelligence, by Brian Sheppard MAVERICK n pl. -S an unbranded range animal MAVIE n pl. -S mavis MAVIN n pl. -S an expert MAVIS n pl. -VISES a songbird MAW v MAWED, MAWN, MAWING, MAWS to mow MAWKISH adj offensively sentimental MAX n pl. -ES maximum MAXI n pl. -S a long skirt or coat MAXICOAT n pl. -S a long coat MAXILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS the upper jaw or jawbone MAXIM n pl. -S a brief statement of a general truth or principle MAXIMA a pl. of maximum MAXIMAL n pl. -S an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other MAXIMIN n pl. -S the maximum of a set of minima MAXIMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to maximize MAXIMITE n pl. -S a powerful explosive MAXIMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to make as great as possible MAXIMUM n pl. -MUMS or -MA the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree MAXIXE n pl. -S a Brazilian dance MAXWELL n pl. -S a unit of magnetic flux MAY v -ED, -ING, -S to gather flowers in the spring MAY v present 2d person sing. MAY, MAYEST, or MAYST, past tense MIGHT -- used as an auxiliary to express permission MAYA n pl. -S the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy MAYAN adj MAYAPPLE n pl. -S a perennial herb MAYBE n pl. -S an uncertainty MAYBUSH n pl. -ES a flowering shrub MAYDAY n pl. -DAYS a radio distress call MAYEST a present 2d person sing. of may MAYFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insect MAYHAP adv maybe MAYHEM n pl. -S the offense of willfully maiming a person MAYING n pl. -S the gathering of spring flowers MAYO n pl. -YOS mayonnaise MAYOR n pl. -S the chief executive official of a city or borough MAYORAL adj MAYORESS n pl. -ES a female mayor MAYPOLE n pl. -S a decorated pole used in a spring celebration MAYPOP n pl. -S a flowering vine MAYST a present 2d person sing. of may MAYVIN n pl. -S mavin MAYWEED n pl. -S a malodorous weed MAZAEDIA n/pl spore-producing organs of certain lichens MAZARD n pl. -S the head or face MAZE v MAZED, MAZING, MAZES to bewilder MAZEDLY adv MAZELIKE adj mazy MAZER n pl. -S a large drinking bowl MAZIER comparative of mazy MAZIEST superlative of mazy MAZILY adv in a mazy manner MAZINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being mazy MAZING present participle of maze MAZOURKA n pl. -S mazurka MAZUMA n pl. -S money MAZURKA n pl. -S a Polish dance MAZY adj MAZIER, MAZIEST full of confusing turns and passages MAZZARD n pl. -S a wild cherry MBIRA n pl. -S an African musical instrument ME pron the objective case of the pronoun I MEAD n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage MEADOW n pl. -S a tract of grassland MEADOWY adj MEAGER adj deficient in quantity or quality MEAGERLY adv MEAGRE adj meager MEAGRELY adv MEAL n pl. -S the food served and eaten in one sitting MEALIE n pl. -S an ear of corn MEALIER comparative of mealy MEALIEST superlative of mealy MEALLESS adj lacking a meal MEALTIME n pl. -S the usual time for a meal MEALWORM n pl. -S the destructive larva of certain beetles MEALY adj MEALIER, MEALIEST soft, dry, and friable MEALYBUG n pl. -S a destructive insect MEAN adj MEANER, MEANEST inferior in grade, quality, or character MEAN v MEANT, MEANING, MEANS to intend MEANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to wander MEANER n pl. -S one that means MEANIE n pl. -S a nasty person MEANIES pl. of meany MEANING n pl. -S something that one intends to convey by language MEANLY adv in a mean manner MEANNESS n pl. -ES the state of being mean MEANT past tense of mean MEANTIME n pl. -S the intervening time MEANY n pl. MEANIES meanie MEASLE n pl. -S a tapeworm larva MEASLED adj MEASLY adj -SLIER, -SLIEST meager MEASURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to ascertain the dimensions, quantity, or capacity of MEASURER n pl. -S one that measures MEAT n pl. -S animal flesh used as food MEATED adj MEATAL adj pertaining to a meatus MEATBALL n pl. -S a small ball of chopped meat MEATHEAD n pl. -S a dolt MEATIER comparative of meaty MEATIEST superlative of meaty MEATILY adv in a meaty manner MEATLESS adj having no meat MEATLOAF n pl. -LOAVES a baked loaf of ground meat MEATMAN n pl. -MEN a vendor of meat MEATUS n pl. -ES a natural body passage MEATY adj MEATIER, MEATIEST full of meat MECCA n pl. -S a place visited by many people MECHANIC n pl. -S a person who works with machines MECONIUM n pl. -S the first fecal excretion of a newborn child MED adj medical MEDAKA n pl. -S a Japanese fish MEDAL v -ALED, -ALING, -ALS or -ALLED, -ALLING, -ALS to honor with a medal (a commemorative piece of metal) MEDALIST n pl. -S a person to whom a medal has been awarded MEDALLIC adj of or pertaining to a medal MEDALLING a present participle of medal MEDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to interest oneself in what is not one's concern MEDDLER n pl. -S one that meddles MEDEVAC v -VACKED, -VACKING, -VACS to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter MEDFLY n pl. -FLIES a Mediterranean fruit fly MEDIA n pl. -DIAE the middle layer of a blood or lymph vessel MEDIA n pl. -S a channel of communication MEDIACY n pl. -CIES the act of mediating MEDIAD adv toward the middle of a body or part MEDIAL n pl. -S a sound, syllable, or letter in the middle of a word MEDIALLY adv in a central manner MEDIAN n pl. -S a central part MEDIANLY adv medially MEDIANT n pl. -S a type of musical tone MEDIATE pl. of media MEDIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement MEDIATOR n pl. -S one that mediates MEDIC n pl. -S one engaged in medical work MEDICAID n pl. -S a type of governmental health program MEDICAL n pl. -S a physical examination MEDICARE n pl. -S a type of governmental health program MEDICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to treat with medicine MEDICINE v -CINED, -CINING, -CINES to administer medicine (a substance used in the treatment of disease) to MEDICK n pl. -S a flowering plant MEDICO n pl. -COS a doctor or medical student MEDIEVAL n pl. -S a person belonging to the Middle Ages MEDII pl. of medius MEDINA n pl. -S the native quarter of a North African city MEDIOCRE adj neither good nor bad MEDITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to ponder MEDIUM n pl. -DIA or -DIUMS a surrounding environment in which something functions and thrives MEDIUS n pl. -DII the middle finger MEDLAR n pl. -S a Eurasian tree MEDLEY n pl. -LEYS a mixture MEDULLA n pl. -LAS or -LAE the central tissue in the stems of certain plants MEDULLAR adj MEDUSA n pl. -SAE or -SAS a jellyfish MEDUSAL adj MEDUSAN n pl. -S medusa MEDUSOID n pl. -S medusa MEED n pl. -S a deserved reward MEEK adj MEEKER, MEEKEST lacking in spirit and courage MEEKLY adv MEEKNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being meek MEERKAT n pl. -S an African mongoose MEET v MET, MEETING, MEETS to come into the company or presence of MEETER n pl. -S one that meets MEETING n pl. -S an assembly for a common purpose MEETLY adv suitably MEETNESS n pl. -ES suitability MEGABAR n pl. -S a unit of pressure MEGABIT n pl. -S a unit of computer information MEGABUCK n pl. -S one million dollars MEGABYTE n pl. -S 1,048,576 bytes MEGACITY n pl. -CITIES a very large city MEGADEAL n pl. -S a business deal involving a lot of money MEGADOSE n pl. -S an abnormally large dose MEGADYNE n pl. -S a unit of force MEGAHIT n pl. -S something extremely successful MEGALITH n pl. -S a huge stone used in prehistoric monuments MEGALOPS n pl. -LOPSES a larval stage of most crabs MEGAPOD n pl. -S megapode MEGAPODE n pl. -S a large-footed bird MEGASS n pl. -ES a bagasse MEGASSE n pl. -S megass MEGASTAR n pl. -S an extremely successful performer MEGATON n pl. -S a unit of explosive force MEGAVOLT n pl. -S a unit of electromotive force MEGAWATT n pl. -S a unit of power MEGILLAH n pl. -S a long, involved story MEGILP n pl. -S a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting MEGILPH n pl. -S megilp MEGOHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistance MEGRIM n pl. -S a migraine MEIKLE adj large MEINIE n pl. -S meiny MEINY n pl. -NIES a retinue MEIOSIS n pl. -OSES a type of cell division MEIOTIC adj MEL n pl. -S honey MELAMED n pl. -LAMDIM a teacher in a Jewish school MELAMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound MELANGE n pl. -S a mixture MELANIAN adj pertaining to dark pigmentation MELANIC n pl. -S one who is affected with melanism MELANIN n pl. -S a dark pigment MELANISM n pl. -S abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin MELANIST n pl. -S a melanic MELANITE n pl. -S a black variety of garnet MELANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to make dark MELANOID n pl. -S a dark pigment MELANOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a darkly pigmented tumor MELANOUS adj having dark skin and hair MELD v -ED, -ING, -S to blend MELDER n pl. -S the amount of grain ground at one time MELEE n pl. -S a confused struggle MELIC adj pertaining to song MELILITE n pl. -S a mineral group MELILOT n pl. -S a flowering plant MELINITE n pl. -S a powerful explosive MELISMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA melodic embellishment MELL v -ED, -ING, -S to mix MELLIFIC adj producing honey MELLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST soft and full-flavored from ripeness MELLOWLY adv MELLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become mellow MELODEON n pl. -S a musical instrument MELODIA n pl. -S a type of organ stop MELODIC adj pertaining to melody MELODICA n pl. -S a harmonica with a small keyboard at one end MELODIES pl. of melody MELODISE v -DISED, -DISING, -DISES to melodize MELODIST n pl. -S a composer of melodies MELODIZE v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES to compose a melody MELODY n pl. -DIES an agreeable succession of musical sounds MELOID n pl. -S a type of beetle MELON n pl. -S any of various gourds MELT v -ED, -ING, -S to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat MELTABLE adj MELTAGE n pl. -S the process of melting MELTDOWN n pl. -S the melting of the core of a nuclear reactor MELTER n pl. -S one that melts MELTON n pl. -S a heavy woolen fabric MEM n pl. -S a Hebrew letter MEMBER n pl. -S a distinct part of a whole MEMBERED adj MEMBRANE n pl. -S a thin, pliable layer of tissue MEMENTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES something that serves as a reminder of the past MEMO n pl. MEMOS a note designating something to be remembered MEMOIR n pl. -S a biography MEMORIAL n pl. -S something that serves as a remembrance of a person or event MEMORISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES memorize MEMORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to commit to memory MEMORY n pl. -RIES the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience MEMSAHIB n pl. -S a European woman living in colonial India MEN pl. of man MENACE v -ACED, -ACING, -ACES to theaten MENACER n pl. -S one that menaces MENAD n pl. -S maenad MENAGE n pl. -S a household MENARCHE n pl. -S the first occurrence of menstruation MENAZON n pl. -S an insecticide MEND v -ED, -ING, -S to repair MENDABLE adj MENDER n pl. -S one that mends MENDIGO n pl. -GOS a freshwater fish MENDING n pl. -S an accumulation of articles to be mended MENFOLK n/pl the men of a family or community MENFOLKS n/pl menfolk MENHADEN n pl. -S a marine fish MENHIR n pl. -S a prehistoric monument MENIAL n pl. -S a domestic servant MENIALLY adv in a servile manner MENINX n pl. -NINGES any of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord MENISCUS n pl. -CI or -CUSES a crescent-shaped body MENISCAL adj MENO adv less -- used as a musical direction MENOLOGY n pl. -GIES an ecclesiastical calendar MENORAH n pl. -S a candleholder used in Jewish worship MENSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE the grinding surface of a tooth MENSAL adj pertaining to or used at the table MENSCH n pl. MENSCHES or MENSCHEN an admirable person MENSE v MENSED, MENSING, MENSES to do honor to MENSEFUL adj proper MENSTRUA n/pl solvents MENSURAL adj pertaining to measure MENSWEAR n pl. -S clothing for men MENTA pl. of mentum MENTAL adj pertaining to the mind MENTALLY adv MENTHENE n pl. -S a liquid hydrocarbon MENTHOL n pl. -S an alcohol MENTION v -ED, -ING, -S to refer to in a casual manner MENTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as a friend and teacher to MENTUM n pl. -TA the chin MENU n pl. -S a list of the dishes available in a restaurant MEOU v -ED, -ING, -S meow MEOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make the crying sound of a cat MEPHITIS n pl. -TISES an offensive odor MEPHITIC adj MERCAPTO adj containing a particular chemical group MERCER n pl. -S a dealer in textiles MERCERY n pl. -CERIES a mercer's shop MERCHANT v -ED, -ING, -S to buy and sell goods for profit MERCIES pl. of mercy MERCIFUL adj full of mercy MERCURY n pl. -RIES a metallic element MERCURIC adj MERCY n pl. -CIES compassion shown to an offender or enemy MERE adj MERER, MEREST being nothing more than MERELY adv MERE n pl. -S a pond or lake MERENGUE n pl. -S a ballroom dance MERGE v MERGED, MERGING, MERGES to combine MERGENCE n pl. -S the act of merging MERGER n pl. -S the union of two or more businesses into a single enterprise MERGING present participle of merge MERIDIAN n pl. -S a circle around the earth passing through both poles MERINGUE n pl. -S a topping for pastries MERINO n pl. -NOS a fine wool MERISIS n pl. MERISES growth MERISTEM n pl. -S formative plant tissue MERISTIC adj made up of segments MERIT v -ED, -ING, -S to earn MERK n pl. -S a former coin of Scotland MERL n pl. -S merle MERLE n pl. -S a blackbird MERLIN n pl. -S a European falcon MERLON n pl. -S the solid part of an indented parapet MERLOT n pl. -S a dry red wine MERMAID n pl. -S a legendary marine creature MERMAN n pl. -MEN a legendary marine creature MEROPIA n pl. -S partial blindness MEROPIC adj MERRY adj -RIER, -RIEST cheerful MERRILY adv MESA n pl. -S a land formation having a flat top and steep sides MESALLY adv medially MESARCH adj originating in a mesic habitat MESCAL n pl. -S a cactus MESDAMES pl. of madame MESEEMS v MESEEMED, MESEEMETH, MESEEMS past tense MESEEMED present 3d person sing. MESEEMETH it seems to me -- MESEEMS is an impersonal verb and is used only in the 3d person sing. MESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to entangle MESHIER comparative of meshy MESHIEST superlative of meshy MESHUGA adj crazy MESHUGAH adj meshuga MESHUGGA adj meshuga MESHUGGE adj meshuga MESHWORK n pl. -S a network MESHY adj MESHIER, MESHIEST netty MESIAL adj situated in the middle MESIALLY adv MESIAN adj mesial MESIC adj characterized by a medium supply of moisture MESMERIC adj pertaining to hypnotism MESNALTY n pl. -TIES a type of feudal estate MESNE n pl. -S a feudal lord holding land from a superior MESOCARP n pl. -S the middle layer of a pericarp MESODERM n pl. -S the middle germ layer of an embryo MESOGLEA n pl. -S a gelatinous material in sponges MESOMERE n pl. -S an embryonic segment MESON n pl. -S a subatomic particle MESONIC adj MESOPHYL n pl. -S the soft tissue of a leaf MESOSOME n pl. -S a specialized cellular part MESOTRON n pl. -S a meson MESQUIT n pl. -S mesquite MESQUITE n pl. -S a spiny tree or shrub MESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make dirty or untidy MESSAGE v -SAGED, -SAGING, -SAGES to send as a message (an oral, written, or signaled communication) MESSAN n pl. -S a lapdog MESSIAH n pl. -S an expected liberator MESSIER comparative of messy MESSIEST superlative of messy MESSIEURS pl. of monsieur MESSILY adv in a messy manner MESSMAN n pl. -MEN a serviceman who works in a dining facility MESSMATE n pl. -S a person with whom one eats regularly MESSUAGE n pl. -S a dwelling house with its adjacent buildings and land MESSY adj MESSIER, MESSIEST dirty or untidy MESTEE n pl. -S mustee MESTESO n pl. -SOS or -SOES mestizo MESTINO n pl. -NOS or -NOES mestizo MESTIZA n pl. -S a female mestizo MESTIZO n pl. -ZOS or -ZOES a person of mixed ancestry MET past tense of meet META adj pertaining to positions in a benzene ring separated by one carbon atom METAGE n pl. -S an official measurement of weight or contents METAL v -ALED, -ALING, -ALS or -ALLED, -ALLING, -ALS to cover with metal (any of various ductile, fusible, and lustrous substances) METALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to metalize METALIST n pl. -S one who works with metals METALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to treat with metal METALLED a past tense of metal METALLIC n pl. -S a fabric or yarn made of or coated with metal METALLING a present participle of metal METAMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound METAMERE n pl. -S a somite METAPHOR n pl. -S a type of figure of speech METATE n pl. -S a stone used for grinding grains METAZOAN n pl. -S any of a major division of multicellular animals METAZOAL, METAZOIC adj METAZOON n pl. -ZOA a metazoan METE v METED, METING, METES to distribute by measure METEOR n pl. -S a small celestial body that enters the earth's atmosphere METEORIC adj METEPA n pl. -S a chemical compound METER v -ED, -ING, -S to measure by mechanical means METERAGE n pl. -S the process of metering METH n pl. -S a stimulant drug METHADON n pl. -S a narcotic drug METHANE n pl. -S a flammable gas METHANOL n pl. -S a toxic alcohol METHINKS v past tense METHOUGHT it seems to me -- METHINKS is an impersonal verb and is used only in the 3d person sing. METHOD n pl. -S a means of procedure METHODIC adj systematic METHOUGHT past tense of methinks METHOXY adj containing a certain chemical group METHOXYL adj methoxy METHYL n pl. -S a univalent radical METHYLIC adj METHYLAL n pl. -S a flammable liquid METICAL n pl. -CAIS or -CALS a monetary unit of Mozambique METIER n pl. -S a vocation METING present participle of mete METIS n pl. METIS a person of mixed ancestry METISSE n pl. -S a female metis METONYM n pl. -S a word used in metonymy METONYMY n pl. -MIES a type of figure of speech METOPE n pl. -PES or -PAE a space between two triglyphs METOPIC adj pertaining to the forehead METOPON n pl. -S a narcotic drug METRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to meter METRIC n pl. -S a standard of measurement METRICAL adj pertaining to or composed in a system of arranged and measured rhythm METRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to compose in metrical form METRING present participle of metre METRIST n pl. -S one who metrifies METRITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the uterus METRO n pl. -ROS a subway METTLE n pl. -S quality of character METTLED adj METUMP n pl. -S a tumpline MEUNIERE adj cooked in browned butter MEW v -ED, -ING, -S to confine MEWL v -ED, -ING, -S to whimper MEWLER n pl. -S one that mewls MEZCAL n pl. -S mescal MEZE n pl. -S a Greek or Middle Eastern appetizer MEZEREON n pl. -S a flowering shrub MEZEREUM n pl. -S mezereon MEZQUIT n pl. -S mesquite MEZQUITE n pl. -S mesquite MEZUZA n pl. -S mezuzah MEZUZAH n pl. -ZAHS, -ZOT, or -ZOTH a Judaic scroll MEZZO n pl. -ZOS a female voice of a full, deep quality MHO n pl. MHOS a unit of electrical conductance MI n pl. -S the third tone of the diatonic musical scale MIAOU v -ED, -ING, -S to meow MIAOW v -ED, -ING, -S to meow MIASM n pl. -S miasma MIASMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a noxious vapor MIASMAL, MIASMIC adj MIAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to meow MIB n pl. -S a type of playing marble MICA n pl. -S a mineral MICAWBER n pl. -S a person who remains hopeful despite adversity MICE pl. of mouse MICELL n pl. -S micelle MICELLA n pl. -LAE micelle MICELLE n pl. -S a coherent strand or structure in a fiber MICELLAR adj MICHE v MICHED, MICHING, MICHES to skulk MICKEY n pl. -EYS a drugged drink MICKLE adj -LER, -LEST large MICKLE n pl. -S a large amount MICRA a pl. of micron MICRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make small MICRO adj very small MICRO n pl. -S microcomputer MICROBAR n pl. -S a unit of atmospheric pressure MICROBE n pl. -S a minute life form MICROBIC adj MICROBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a small bus MICRODOT n pl. -S a copy of printed matter reduced to the size of a dot MICROHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistance MICROLUX n pl. -LUXES or -LUCES a unit of illumination MICROMHO n pl. -S a unit of electrical conductance MICRON n pl. -CRONS or -CRA a unit of length MICRURGY n pl. -GIES the use of minute tools under high magnification MID n pl. -S the middle MIDAIR n pl. -S a region in the middle of the air MIDBRAIN n pl. -S the middle region of the brain MIDCULT n pl. -S middle-class culture MIDDAY n pl. -DAYS the middle of the day MIDDEN n pl. -S a dunghill MIDDIES pl. of middy MIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to place in the middle (the area or point equidistant from extremes or limits) MIDDLER n pl. -S a student in an intermediate grade MIDDLING n pl. -S a cut of pork MIDDY n pl. -DIES a loosely fitting blouse MIDFIELD n pl. -S the middle portion of a playing field MIDGE n pl. -S a small winged insect MIDGET n pl. -S a very small person MIDGUT n pl. -S the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract MIDI n pl. -S a skirt or coat that extends to the middle of the calf MIDIRON n pl. -S a golf club MIDLAND n pl. -S the middle part of a country MIDLEG n pl. -S the middle of the leg MIDLIFE n pl. -LIVES middle age MIDLINE n pl. -S a median line MIDMONTH n pl. -S the middle of the month MIDMOST n pl. -S a part exactly in the middle MIDNIGHT n pl. -S the middle of the night MIDNOON n pl. -S midday MIDPOINT n pl. -S a point at the middle MIDRANGE n pl. -S the middle of a range MIDRASH n pl. -RASHIM or -RASHOTH an early Jewish interpretation of a biblical text MIDRIB n pl. -S the central vein of a leaf MIDRIFF n pl. -S the middle part of the body MIDSHIP adj pertaining to the middle of a ship MIDSHIPS adv toward the middle of a ship MIDSIZE adj of intermediate size MIDSIZED adj midsize MIDSOLE n pl. -S a middle layer of the sole of a shoe MIDSPACE n pl. -S the middle of a space MIDST n pl. -S the middle MIDSTORY n pl. -RIES the middle of a story MIDTERM n pl. -S an examination given in the middle of an academic semester MIDTOWN n pl. -S the central part of a city MIDWATCH n pl. -ES a watch on a ship between midnight and 4 A.M. MIDWAY n pl. -WAYS an avenue at a fair or carnival for concessions and amusements MIDWEEK n pl. -S the middle of the week MIDWIFE v -WIFED, -WIFING, -WIFES or -WIVED, -WIVING, -WIVES to assist a woman in childbirth MIDYEAR n pl. -S the middle of the year MIEN n pl. -S demeanor MIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to annoy MIFFY adj MIFFIER, MIFFIEST easily annoyed MIG n pl. -S a type of playing marble MIGG n pl. -S mig MIGGLE n pl. -S a mig MIGHT n pl. -S strength MIGHTY adj MIGHTIER, MIGHTIEST strong MIGHTILY adv MIGNON n pl. -S a cut of beef MIGNONNE adj daintily small MIGRAINE n pl. -S a severe headache MIGRANT n pl. -S one that migrates MIGRATE v -GRATED, -GRATING, -GRATES to move from one region to another MIGRATOR n pl. -S a migrant MIHRAB n pl. -S a niche in a mosque MIJNHEER n pl. -S mynheer MIKADO n pl. -DOS an emperor of Japan MIKE v MIKED, MIKING, MIKES to amplify or record by use of a microphone MIKRON n pl. -KRONS or -KRA micron MIKVAH n pl. -VAHS or -VOTH a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews MIKVEH n pl. -S mikvah MIL n pl. -S a unit of length MILADI n pl. -S milady MILADY n pl. -DIES an English gentlewoman MILAGE n pl. -S mileage MILCH adj giving milk MILCHIG adj made of or derived from milk MILD adj MILDER, MILDEST not harsh or rough MILDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become mild MILDEW v -ED, -ING, -S to affect with mildew (a whitish growth produced by fungi) MILDEWY adj affected with or resembling mildew MILDLY adj in a mild manner MILDNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being mild MILE n pl. -S a unit of distance MILEAGE n pl. -S total distance expressed in miles MILEPOST n pl. -S a post indicating distance in miles MILER n pl. -S one that runs a mile race MILESIMO n pl. -MOS a former monetary unit of Chile MILFOIL n pl. -S a perennial herb MILIA pl. of milium MILIARIA n pl. -S a skin disease MILIARY adj made up of many small projections MILIEU n pl. -LIEUS or -LIEUX environment MILITANT n pl. -S a person who is aggressively engaged in a cause MILITARY n pl. -TARIES armed forces MILITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to have influence or effect MILITIA n pl. -S a citizen army MILIUM n pl. -IA a small, whitish lump in the skin MILK v -ED, -ING, -S to draw milk (a whitish, nutritious liquid) from the udder of MILKER n pl. -S one that milks MILKFISH n pl. -ES a marine food fish MILKIER comparative of milky MILKIEST superlative of milky MILKILY adv in a milky manner MILKMAID n pl. -S a woman who milks cows MILKMAN n pl. -MEN a man who sells or delivers milk MILKSHED n pl. -S a region supplying milk to a particular community MILKSOP n pl. -S an effeminate man MILKWEED n pl. -S a plant that secretes a milky juice MILKWOOD n pl. -S a tropical tree MILKWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant MILKY adj MILKIER, MILKIEST resembling or suggestive of milk MILL v -ED, -ING, -S to grind by mechanical means MILLABLE adj MILLAGE n pl. -S a type of monetary rate MILLCAKE n pl. -S a residue from pressed linseed MILLDAM n pl. -S a dam built to form a millpond MILLE n pl. -S a thousand MILLEPED n pl. -S milliped MILLER n pl. -S one that mills MILLET n pl. -S a cereal grass MILLIARD n pl. -S a billion MILLIARE n pl. -S a unit of area MILLIARY n pl. -ARIES an ancient Roman milestone MILLIBAR n pl. -S a unit of atmospheric pressure MILLIEME n pl. -S unit of value of Egypt and Sudan MILLIER n pl. -S a unit of weight MILLIGAL n pl. -S a unit of acceleration MILLILUX n pl. -LUXES or -LUCES a unit of illumination MILLIME n pl. -S a coin of Tunisia MILLIMHO n pl. -MHOS a unit of electrical conductance MILLINE n pl. -S a unit of advertising space MILLINER n pl. -S one who makes or sells women's hats MILLING n pl. -S a corrugated edge on a coin MILLIOHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistance MILLION n pl. -S a number MILLIPED n pl. -S a multi-legged arthropod MILLIREM n pl. -S a quantity of ionizing radiation MILLPOND n pl. -S a pond for supplying water to run a mill wheel (a type of waterwheel) MILLRACE n pl. -S the current of water that drives a mill wheel MILLRUN n pl. -S a millrace MILLWORK n pl. -S woodwork produced by milling MILNEB n pl. -S a fungicide MILO n pl. -LOS a cereal grass MILORD n pl. -S an English gentleman MILPA n pl. -S a field that is cleared from a jungle for farming purposes MILREIS n pl. MILREIS a former monetary unit of Portugal MILT v -ED, -ING, -S to impregnate with milt (fish sperm) MILTER n pl. -S a male fish at breeding time MILTY adj MILTIER, MILTIEST full of milt MIM adj primly demure MIMBAR n pl. -S a pulpit in a mosque MIME v MIMED, MIMING, MIMES to mimic MIMEO v -ED, -ING, -S to make copies of by use of a mimeograph MIMER n pl. -S one that mimes MIMESIS n pl. -SISES mimicry MIMETIC adj MIMETITE n pl. -S an ore of lead MIMIC v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS to imitate closely MIMICAL adj of the nature of mimicry MIMICKER n pl. -S one that mimics MIMICKING present participle of mimic MIMICRY n pl. -RIES an instance of mimicking MIMING present participle of mime MIMOSA n pl. -S a tropical plant MINA n pl. -NAS or -NAE an ancient unit of weight and value MINABLE adj capable of being mined MINACITY n pl. -TIES the state of being threatening MINAE a pl. of mina MINARET n pl. -S a slender tower attached to a mosque MINATORY adj threatening MINCE v MINCED, MINCING, MINCES to cut into very small pieces MINCER n pl. -S one that minces MINCY adj MINCIER, MINCIEST affectedly dainty MIND v -ED, -ING, -S to heed MINDER n pl. -S one that minds MINDFUL adj heedful MINDLESS adj lacking intelligence MINDSET n pl. -S a fixed mental attitude MINE v MINED, MINING, MINES to dig into for valuable materials MINEABLE adj minable MINER n pl. -S one that mines MINERAL n pl. -S a naturally occurring inorganic substance having a characteristic set of physical properties MINGIER comparative of mingy MINGIEST superlative of mingy MINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to mix together MINGLER n pl. -S one that mingles MINGY adj -GIER, -GIEST mean and stingy MINI n pl. -S something distinctively smaller than others of its kind MINIBIKE n pl. -S a small motorcycle MINIBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a small bus MINICAB n pl. -S a small taxicab MINICAMP n pl. -S a short training camp for football players MINICAR n pl. -S a small automobile MINIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make small or smaller MINIKIN n pl. -S a small or dainty creature MINILAB n pl. -S a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development MINIM n pl. -S a unit of liquid measure MINIMA a pl. of minimum MINIMAL n pl. -S an element of a mathematical set that precedes all others MINIMAX n pl. -ES the minimum of a set of maxima MINIMILL n pl. -S a small-scale steel mill MINIMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to minimize MINIMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to make as small as possible MINIMUM n pl. -MUMS or -MA the least possible amount, quantity, or degree MINING n pl. -S the process or business of working mines (excavations in the earth) MINION n pl. -S a servile follower MINIPARK n pl. -S a small city park MINISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to diminish MINISKI n pl. -S a short ski MINISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to give aid or service MINISTRY n pl. -TRIES the act of ministering MINIUM n pl. -S a red pigment MINIVAN n pl. -S a small van MINIVER n pl. -S a white fur MINK n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal MINKE n pl. -S a small whale MINNOW n pl. -S a small fish MINNY n pl. -NIES minnow MINOR v -ED, -ING, -S to pursue a specific subordinate course of study MINORCA n pl. -S any of a breed of large domestic fowls MINORITY n pl. -TIES the smaller number or part MINSTER n pl. -S a large or important church MINSTREL n pl. -S a medieval musician MINT v -ED, -ING, -S to produce by stamping metal, as coins MINTAGE n pl. -S the act of minting MINTER n pl. -S one that mints MINTY adj MINTIER, MINTIEST having the flavor mint (an aromatic herb) MINUEND n pl. -S a number from which another is to be subtracted MINUET n pl. -S a slow, stately dance MINUS n pl. -ES a negative quantity MINUTE adj -NUTER, -NUTEST very small MINUTELY adv MINUTE v -UTED, -UTING, -UTES to make a brief note of MINUTIA n pl. -TIAE a small detail MINUTIAL adj MINUTING present participle of minute MINX n pl. -ES a pert girl MINXISH adj MINYAN n pl. -YANS or -YANIM the minimum number required to be present for the conduct of a Jewish service MIOSIS n pl. -OSES excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye MIOTIC n pl. -S an agent that causes miosis MIQUELET n pl. -S a former Spanish or French soldier MIR n pl. MIRS or MIRI a Russian peasant commune MIRACLE n pl. -S an event ascribed to supernatural or divine origin MIRADOR n pl. -S an architectural feature designed to afford an extensive view MIRAGE n pl. -S a type of optical illusion MIRE v MIRED, MIRING, MIRES to cause to stick in swampy ground MIREX n pl. -ES an insecticide MIRI a pl. of mir MIRIER comparative of miry MIRIEST superlative of miry MIRINESS n pl. -ES the state of being miry MIRING present participle of mire MIRK adj MIRKER, MIRKEST murk MIRK n pl. -S murk MIRKY adj MIRKIER, MIRKIEST murky MIRKILY adv MIRLITON n pl. -S a chayote MIRROR v -ED, -ING, -S to reflect an image of MIRTH n pl. -S spirited gaiety MIRTHFUL adj MIRY adj MIRIER, MIRIEST swampy MIRZA n pl. -S a Persian title of honor MISACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act badly MISADAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to adapt wrongly MISADD v -ED, -ING, -S to add incorrectly MISAGENT n pl. -S a bad agent MISAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to aim badly MISALIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to align improperly MISALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to ally badly MISALTER v -ED, -ING, -S to alter wrongly MISANDRY n pl. -DRIES hatred of men MISAPPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to apply wrongly MISASSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to attempt unsuccessfully MISATE past tense of miseat MISATONE v -ATONED, -ATONING, -ATONES to atone wrongly MISAVER v -AVERRED, -AVERRING, -AVERS to speak erroneously MISAWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to award wrongly MISBEGIN v -GAN, -GUN, -GINNING, -GINS to begin wrongly MISBEGOT adj born out of wedlock MISBIAS v -ASED, -ASING, -ASES or -ASSED, -ASSING, -ASSES to bias wrongly MISBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to bill wrongly MISBIND v -BOUND, -BINDING, -BINDS to bind imperfectly MISBRAND v -ED, -ING, -S to brand incorrectly MISBUILD v -BUILT, -BUILDING, -BUILDS to build imperfectly MISCALL v -ED, -ING, -S to call by a wrong name MISCARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to be unsuccessful MISCAST v -CAST, -CASTING, -CASTS to cast in an unsuitable role MISCHIEF n pl. -S action that causes irritation, harm, or trouble MISCIBLE adj capable of being mixed MISCITE v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES to misquote MISCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to claim wrongfully MISCLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to put in the wrong class MISCODE v -CODED, -CODING, -CODES to code wrongly MISCOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to coin improperly MISCOLOR v -ED, -ING, -S to color incorrectly MISCOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to cook badly MISCOPY v -COPIED, -COPYING, -COPIES to copy incorrectly MISCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to count incorrectly MISCUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to make a faulty stroke in billiards MISCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut incorrectly MISDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to date incorrectly MISDEAL v -DEALT, -DEALING, -DEALS to deal cards incorrectly MISDEED n pl. -S an evil act MISDEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to judge unfavorably MISDIAL v -DIALED, -DIALING, -DIALS or -DIALLED, -DIALLING, -DIALS to dial wrongly MISDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES to do wrongly MISDOER n pl. -S one that misdoes MISDOING n pl. -S an instance of doing wrong MISDONE past participle of misdo MISDOUBT v -ED, -ING, -S to doubt MISDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS to draw incorrectly MISDRIVE v -DROVE, -DRIVEN, -DRIVING, -DRIVES to drive wrongly or improperly MISE n pl. -S an agreement or settlement MISEASE n pl. -S discomfort MISEAT v -ATE, -EATEN, -EATING, -EATS to eat improperly MISEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to edit incorrectly MISENROL v -ROLLED, -ROLLING, -ROLS to misenroll MISENROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to enroll improperly MISENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to enter erroneously MISENTRY n pl. -TRIES an erroneous entry MISER n pl. -S one who hoards money greedily MISERERE n pl. -S a part of a church seat MISERLY adj characteristic of a miser MISERY n pl. -ERIES a state of great suffering MISEVENT n pl. -S a mishap MISFAITH n pl. -S lack of faith; disbelief MISFIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to field badly MISFILE v -FILED, -FILING, -FILES to file in the wrong place MISFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES to fail to fire MISFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to fit badly MISFOCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to focus badly MISFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to misshape MISFRAME v -FRAMED, -FRAMING, -FRAMES to frame badly MISGAUGE v -GAUGED, -GAUGING, -GAUGES to gauge wrongly or inaccurately MISGIVE v -GAVE, -GIVEN, -GIVING, -GIVES to make doubtful or fearful MISGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES to grade incorrectly MISGRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to graft wrongly MISGROW v -GREW, -GROWN, -GROWING, -GROWS to grow abnormally MISGUESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to guess wrongly MISGUIDE v -GUIDED, -GUIDING, -GUIDES to guide wrongly MISHAP n pl. -S an unfortunate accident MISHEAR v -HEARD, -HEARING, -HEARS to hear incorrectly MISHIT v -HIT, -HITTING, -HITS to hit poorly MISHMASH n pl. -ES a confused mixture MISHMOSH n pl. -ES mishmash MISINFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to infer wrongly MISINTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to inter improperly MISJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to join improperly MISJUDGE v -JUDGED, -JUDGING, -JUDGES to judge wrongly MISKAL n pl. -S an Oriental unit of weight MISKEEP v -KEPT, -KEEPING, -KEEPS to keep wrongly MISKICK v -ED, -ING, -S to kick badly MISKNOW v -KNEW, -KNOWN, -KNOWING, -KNOWS to fail to understand or recognize MISLABEL v -BELED, -BELING, -BELS or -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS to label incorrectly or falsely MISLABOR v -ED, -ING, -S to labor badly MISLAIN past participle of mislie MISLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to put in a forgotten place MISLAYER n pl. -S one that mislays MISLEAD v -LED, -LEADING, -LEADS to lead astray MISLEARN v -LEARNED or -LEARNT, -LEARNING, -LEARNS to learn wrongly MISLIE v -LAY, -LAIN, -LYING, -LIES to lie in a wrong position MISLIGHT v -LIGHTED or -LIT, -LIGHTING, -LIGHTS to lead astray by its light MISLIKE v -LIKED, -LIKING, -LIKES to dislike MISLIKER n pl. -S one that mislikes MISLIT a past tense of mislight MISLIVE v -LIVED, -LIVING, -LIVES to live a bad life MISLODGE v -LODGED, -LODGING, -LODGES to lodge in a wrong place MISLYING present participle of mislie MISMAKE v -MADE, -MAKING, -MAKES to make incorrectly MISMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark wrongly MISMATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to match badly MISMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to mate unsuitably MISMEET v -MET, -MEETING, -MEETS to meet under unfortunate circumstances MISMOVE v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES to move wrongly MISNAME v -NAMED, -NAMING, -NAMES to call by a wrong name MISNOMER n pl. -S a name wrongly used MISO n pl. -SOS a type of food paste MISOGAMY n pl. -MIES a hatred of marriage MISOGYNY n pl. -NIES a hatred of women MISOLOGY n pl. -GIES a hatred of debate or reasoning MISORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to order incorrectly MISPAGE v -PAGED, -PAGING, -PAGES to page incorrectly MISPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to paint wrongly MISPARSE v -PARSED, -PARSING, -PARSES to parse incorrectly MISPART v -ED, -ING, -S to part badly MISPATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to patch badly MISPEN v -PENNED, -PENNING, -PENS to write incorrectly MISPLACE v -PLACED, -PLACING, -PLACES to put in a wrong place MISPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS to plan badly MISPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to plant wrongly MISPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to make a bad play in a game MISPLEAD v -PLEADED or -PLED, -PLEADING, -PLEADS to plead wrongly or falsely MISPOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to point improperly MISPOISE v -POISED, -POISING, -POISES to poise incorrectly MISPRICE v PRICED, -PRICING, PRICES to price incorrectly MISPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to print incorrectly MISPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to despise MISQUOTE v -QUOTED, -QUOTING, -QUOTES to quote incorrectly MISRAISE v -RAISED, -RAISING, -RAISES to raise wrongly MISRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to rate incorrectly MISREAD v -READ, -READING, -READS to read incorrectly MISREFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to refer incorrectly MISRELY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to rely wrongly MISROUTE v -ROUTED, -ROUTING, -ROUTES to route incorrectly MISRULE v -RULED, -RULING, -RULES to rule unwisely or unjustly MISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to fail to make contact with MISSABLE adj able to be missed MISSAL n pl. -S a prayer book MISSAY v -SAID, -SAYING, -SAYS to say incorrectly MISSEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to seat wrongly MISSEL n pl. -S a European thrush MISSEND v -SENT, -SENDING, -SENDS to send incorrectly MISSENSE n pl. -S a form of genetic mutation MISSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to set incorrectly MISSHAPE v -SHAPED, -SHAPEN, -SHAPING, -SHAPES to shape badly MISSHOD adj improperly shod MISSIES pl. of missy MISSILE n pl. -S an object or weapon that is thrown or projected MISSILRY n pl. -RIES the science of designing and operating guided missiles MISSION v -ED, -ING, -S to send to perform a specific task MISSIS n pl. -SISES a wife MISSIVE n pl. -S a written communication MISSORT v -ED, -ING, -S to sort badly or improperly MISSOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to sound wrongly MISSOUT n pl. -S a losing throw of dice MISSPACE v -SPACED, -SPACING, -SPACES to space incorrectly MISSPEAK v -SPOKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS to speak incorrectly MISSPELL v -SPELLED or -SPELT, -SPELLING, -SPELLS to spell incorrectly MISSPEND v -SPENT, -SPENDING, -SPENDS to spend wrongly MISSPOKE past tense of misspeak MISSPOKEN past participle of misspeak MISSTART v -ED, -ING, -S to start off badly MISSTATE v -STATED, -STATING, -STATES to state wrongly MISSTEER v -ED, -ING, -S to steer wrongly MISSTEP n pl. -S a false step MISSTOP v -STOPPED, -STOPPING, -STOPS to stop wrongly MISSTYLE v -STYLED, -STYLING, -STYLES to style or call wrongly MISSUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to suit badly MISSUS n pl. -ES missis MISSY n pl. MISSIES a young girl MIST v -ED, -ING, -S to become blurry MISTAKE v -TOOK or -TEUK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to interpret wrongly MISTAKER n pl. -S one that mistakes MISTBOW n pl. -S a fogbow MISTEACH v -TAUGHT, -TEACHING, -TEACHES to teach wrongly or badly MISTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to tend to improperly MISTER n pl. -S sir MISTERM v -ED, -ING, -S to call by a wrong name MISTEUK a past tense of mistake MISTHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS to think wrongly MISTHROW v -THREW, -THROWN, -THROWING, -THROWS to throw errantly MISTIER comparative of misty MISTIEST superlative of misty MISTILY adv in a misty manner MISTIME v -TIMED, -TIMING, -TIMES to time wrongly MISTITLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to call by a wrong title MISTOOK a past tense of mistake MISTOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch improperly MISTRACE v -TRACED, -TRACING, -TRACES to trace wrongly MISTRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to train improperly MISTRAL n pl. -S a cold, dry wind MISTREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat badly MISTRESS n pl. -ES a woman in a position of authority MISTRIAL n pl. -S a trial made invalid because of some error in procedure MISTRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to distrust MISTRUTH n pl. -S a lie MISTRYST v -ED, -ING, -S to fail to keep an appointment with MISTUNE v -TUNED, -TUNING, -TUNES to tune incorrectly MISTUTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to instruct or bring up badly MISTY adj MISTIER, MISTIEST blurry MISTYPE v -TYPED, -TYPING, -TYPES to type incorrectly MISUNION n pl. -S a bad union MISUSAGE n pl. -S incorrect use MISUSE v -USED, -USING, -USES to use incorrectly MISUSER n pl. -S one that misuses MISVALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to value incorrectly MISWORD v -ED, -ING, -S to word wrongly MISWRITE v -WROTE or -WRIT, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES to write incorrectly MISYOKE v -YOKED, -YOKING, -YOKES to yoke improperly MITE n pl. -S a small arachnid MITER v -ED, -ING, -S to raise to the rank of a bishop MITERER n pl. -S one that miters MITHER n pl. -S mother MITICIDE n pl. -S a substance used to kill mites MITIER comparative of mity MITIEST superlative of mity MITIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to make less severe MITIS n pl. -TISES a type of wrought iron MITOGEN n pl. -S a substance that induces mitosis MITOSIS n pl. -TOSES a type of cell division MITOTIC adj MITRAL adj pertaining to a valve of the heart MITRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to miter MITSVAH n pl. -VAHS or -VOTH mitzvah MITT n pl. -S a type of baseball glove MITTEN n pl. -S a type of covering for the hand MITTIMUS n pl. -ES a warrant committing a person to prison MITY adj MITIER, MITIEST infested with mites MITZVAH n pl. -VAHS or -VOTH a commandment of Jewish law MIX v MIXED or MIXT, MIXING, MIXES to put together into one mass MIXABLE, MIXIBLE adj MIXER n pl. -S one that mixes MIXOLOGY n pl. -GIES the art of making mixed drinks MIXT a past tense of mix MIXTURE n pl. -S something produced by mixing MIXUP n pl. -S a state of confusion MIZEN n pl. -S mizzen MIZZEN n pl. -S a type of sail MIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to rain in fine droplets MIZZLY adj characterized by a fine rain MM interj -- used to express assent or satisfaction MNEMONIC n pl. -S a device to assist the memory MO n pl. MOS a moment MOA n pl. -S an extinct flightless bird MOAN v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a low, mournful sound MOANER n pl. -S one that moans MOANFUL adj moaning MOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) MOATLIKE adj suggestive of a moat MOB v MOBBED, MOBBING, MOBS to crowd about MOBBER n pl. -S one that mobs MOBBISH adj characteristic of a mob (a disorderly crowd of people) MOBCAP n pl. -S a woman's cap MOBILE n pl. -S a form of sculpture MOBILISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to mobilize MOBILITY n pl. -TIES the ability to move MOBILIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to put into movement MOBLED adj wrapped in or as if in a hood MOBOCRAT n pl. -S a supporter of mob rule MOBSTER n pl. -S a gangster MOC n pl. -S a moccasin MOCCASIN n pl. -S a type of shoe MOCHA n pl. -S a choice, pungent coffee MOCHILA n pl. -S a leather covering for a saddle MOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to ridicule MOCKABLE adj MOCKER n pl. -S one that mocks MOCKERY n pl. -ERIES the act of mocking MOCKUP n pl. -S a full-sized model MOD n pl. -S one who wears boldly stylish clothes MODAL adj pertaining to a mode MODALLY adv MODALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being modal MODE n pl. -S a method of doing or acting MODEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to plan or form after a pattern MODELER n pl. -S one that models MODELING n pl. -S the treatment of volume in sculpture MODELIST n pl. -S one who makes models MODELLED a past tense of model MODELLER n pl. -S modeler MODELLING a present participle of model MODEM n pl. -S a device for converting signals from one form to another MODERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make less extreme MODERATO n pl. -TOS a musical passage played at a medium tempo MODERN adj -ERNER, -ERNEST pertaining to present or recent time MODERNLY adv MODERN n pl. -S a person of modern times or views MODERNE adj pretentiously modern MODEST adj -ESTER, -ESTEST having a moderate regard for oneself MODESTLY adv MODESTY n pl. -TIES the quality of being modest MODI pl. of modus MODICUM n pl. -CA or -CUMS a small amount MODIFIER n pl. -S one that modifies MODIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to change in form or character MODIOLUS n pl. -LI a bony shaft of the inner ear MODISH adj stylish MODISHLY adv MODISTE n pl. -S a dealer in stylish women's clothing MODULAR adj pertaining to a module MODULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to adjust to a certain proportion MODULE n pl. -S a standard of measurement MODULO adv with respect to a modulus MODULUS n pl. -LI a number that produces the same remainder when divided into each of two numbers MODUS n pl. -DI a mode MOFETTE n pl. -S a noxious emanation from a fissure in the earth MOFFETTE n pl. -S mofette MOG v MOGGED, MOGGING, MOGS to move away MOGGIE n pl. -S moggy MOGGY n pl. -GIES a cat MOGUL n pl. -S an important person MOHAIR n pl. -S the long, silky hair of the Angora goat MOHEL n pl. -HALIM, -HELIM, -HELM or -HELS a person who performs Jewish ritual circumcisions MOHUR n pl. -S a former gold coin of India MOIDORE n pl. -S a former gold coin of Portugal MOIETY n pl. -ETIES a half MOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to work hard MOILER n pl. -S one that moils MOIRA n pl. -RAI fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion MOIRE n pl. -S a fabric having a wavy pattern MOIST adj MOISTER, MOISTEST slightly wet MOISTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become moist MOISTFUL adj moist MOISTLY adv in a moist manner MOISTURE n pl. -S condensed or diffused liquid MOJARRA n pl. -S a marine fish MOJO n pl. -JOS or -JOES a magic charm MOKE n pl. -S a donkey MOL n pl. -S mole MOLA n pl. -S a marine fish MOLAL adj pertaining to a mole MOLALITY n pl. -TIES the number of moles of solute per liter of solvent MOLAR n pl. -S a grinding tooth MOLARITY n pl. -TIES the number of moles of solute per liter of solution MOLASSES n pl. -LASSESES a thick syrup MOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to work into a particular shape MOLDABLE adj MOLDER v -ED, -ING, -S to turn to dust by natural decay MOLDIER comparative of moldy MOLDIEST superlative of moldy MOLDING n pl. -S a long, narrow strip used to decorate a surface MOLDWARP n pl. -S a burrowing mammal MOLDY adj MOLDIER, MOLDIEST musty MOLE n pl. -S the quantity of a compound that has a weight equal to the compound's molecular weight MOLECULE n pl. -S the smallest physical unit of an element MOLEHILL n pl. -S a small mound of earth MOLESKIN n pl. -S a cotton fabric MOLEST v -ED, -ING, -S to disturb or annoy MOLESTER n pl. -S one that molests MOLIES pl. of moly MOLINE adj having arms forked and curved at the ends -- used of a heraldic cross MOLL n pl. -S a gangster's girlfriend MOLLAH n pl. -S mullah MOLLIE n pl. -S a tropical fish MOLLIES pl. of molly MOLLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to soothe MOLLUSC n pl. -S mollusk MOLLUSK n pl. -S any of a phylum of soft-bodied invertebrates MOLLY n pl. -LIES mollie MOLOCH n pl. -S a spiny lizard MOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to cast off an outer covering MOLTEN adj made liquid by heat MOLTENLY adv MOLTER n pl. -S one that molts MOLTO adv very -- used in musical directions MOLY n pl. -LIES a wild garlic MOLYBDIC adj pertaining to a certain metallic element MOM n pl. -S mother MOME n pl. -S a fool MOMENT n pl. -S a brief period of time MOMENTA a pl. of momentum MOMENTLY adv from moment to moment MOMENTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES memento MOMENTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS force of movement MOMI a pl. of momus MOMISM n pl. -S an excessive dependence on mothers MOMMA n pl. -S mother MOMMY n pl. -MIES mother MOMSER n pl. -S a bastard MOMUS n pl. -MUSES or -MI a carping person MOMZER n pl. -S momser MON n pl. MEN man MONACHAL adj pertaining to monks MONACID n pl. -S monoacid MONAD n pl. -S a single-celled organism MONADAL, MONADIC adj MONADES pl. of monas MONADISM n pl. -S a philosophical doctrine MONANDRY n pl. -DRIES the condition of having one husband at a time MONARCH n pl. -S an absolute ruler MONARCHY n pl. -CHIES rule by a monarch MONARDA n pl. -S an aromatic herb MONAS n pl. MONADES a monad MONASTIC n pl. -S a monk MONAURAL adj pertaining to sound transmission, recording, or reproduction involving a single transmission path MONAXIAL adj having one axis MONAXON n pl. -S a straight spicule in sponges MONAZITE n pl. -S a mineral MONDE n pl. -S the world MONDO n pl. -DOS a rapid question and answer technique employed in Zen Buddhism MONECIAN adj having both male and female sex organs in the same individual MONELLIN n pl. -S a protein extracted from a West African red berry MONERAN n pl. -S a cellular organism that does not have a distinct nucleus MONETARY adj pertaining to money MONETISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to monetize MONETIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to coin into money MONEY n pl. MONEYS or MONIES an official medium of exchange and measure of value MONEYBAG n pl. -S a bag for holding money MONEYED adj having much money MONEYER n pl. -S one that coins money MONEYMAN n pl. -MEN a person who invests large sums of money MONGEESE a pl. of mongoose MONGER v -ED, -ING, -S to peddle MONGO n pl. -GOS mungo MONGOE n pl. -S mungo MONGOL n pl. -S a person affected with a form of mental deficiency MONGOOSE n pl. -GOOSES or -GEESE a carnivorous mammal MONGREL n pl. -S an animal or plant of mixed breed MONGST prep amongst MONICKER n pl. -S moniker MONIE adj many MONIED adj moneyed MONIES a pl. of money MONIKER n pl. -S a name MONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to warn MONISM n pl. -S a philosophical theory MONIST n pl. -S an adherent of monism MONISTIC adj MONITION n pl. -S a warning MONITIVE adj giving warning MONITOR v -ED, -ING, -S to keep track of MONITORY n pl. -RIES a letter of warning MONK n pl. -S a man who is a member of a secluded religious order MONKERY n pl. -ERIES the mode of life of monks MONKEY v -ED, -ING, -S to mimic MONKFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish MONKHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a monk MONKISH adj pertaining to monks MONO n pl. MONOS an infectious disease MONOACID n pl. -S a type of acid MONOCARP n pl. -S a plant that yields fruit only once before dying MONOCLE n pl. -S an eyeglass for one eye MONOCLED adj MONOCOT n pl. -S a type of seed plant MONOCRAT n pl. -S an autocrat MONOCYTE n pl. -S a type of white blood cell MONODIST n pl. -S one who writes monodies MONODY n pl. -DIES an elegy performed by one person MONODIC adj MONOECY n pl. -CIES the condition of being monecian MONOFIL n pl. -S a single filament of synthetic fiber MONOFUEL n pl. -S a type of rocket propellant MONOGAMY n pl. -MIES marriage with one person at a time MONOGENY n pl. -NIES asexual reproduction MONOGERM adj being a fruit that produces a single plant MONOGLOT n pl. -S a person speaking or writing only one language MONOGRAM v -GRAMED, -GRAMING, -GRAMS or -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to mark with a design of one's initials MONOGYNY n pl. -NIES the condition of having one wife at a time MONOHULL n pl. -S a vessel with a single hull MONOLITH n pl. -S a large block of stone MONOLOG n pl. -S a lengthy speech by one person MONOLOGY n pl. -GIES the act of uttering a monolog MONOMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound MONOMIAL n pl. -S an algebraic expression consisting of a single term MONOPODE n pl. -S a creature having one foot MONOPODY n pl. -DIES a measure consisting of a single metrical foot MONOPOLE n pl. -S a type of radio antenna MONOPOLY n pl. -LIES exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market MONORAIL n pl. -S a single rail serving as a track for a wheeled vehicle MONOSOME n pl. -S an unpaired chromosome MONOSOMY n pl. -MIES a condition of having one unpaired chromosome MONOTINT n pl. -S a painting done in different shades of one color MONOTONE n pl. -S a vocal utterance in one unvaried tone MONOTONY n pl. -NIES tedious sameness MONOTYPE n pl. -S the only representative of its group MONOXIDE n pl. -S a type of oxide MONS n pl. MONTES a protuberance of the body MONSIEUR n pl. MESSIEURS a French title of courtesy for a man MONSOON n pl. -S a seasonal wind MONSTER n pl. -S a strange or terrifying creature MONSTERA n pl. -S a tropical American plant MONTAGE v -TAGED, -TAGING, -TAGES to combine into a composite picture MONTANE n pl. -S the lower vegetation belt of a mountain MONTE n pl. -S a card game MONTEITH n pl. -S a large punch bowl MONTERO n pl. -ROS a type of cap MONTES pl. of mons MONTH n pl. -S a period of approximately 30 days MONTHLY n pl. -LIES a publication issued once a month MONUMENT n pl. -S a structure built as a memorial MONURON n pl. -S an herbicide MONY adj many MOO v -ED, -ING, -S to make the deep, moaning sound of a cow MOOCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to obtain without paying MOOCHER n pl. -S one that mooches MOOD n pl. -S a person's emotional state at a particular moment MOODY adj MOODIER, MOODIEST given to changing moods MOODILY adv MOOL n pl. -S soft soil MOOLA n pl. -S moolah MOOLAH n pl. -S money MOOLEY n pl. -EYS muley MOON v -ED, -ING, -S to spend time idly MOONBEAM n pl. -S a ray of light from the moon (the earth's natural satellite) MOONBOW n pl. -S a rainbow formed by light from the moon MOONCALF n pl. -CALVES a foolish person MOONDUST n pl. -S dust on the moon MOONEYE n pl. -S a freshwater fish MOONFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish MOONIER comparative of moony MOONIEST superlative of moony MOONILY adv in a moony manner MOONISH adj fickle MOONLESS adj lacking the light of the moon MOONLET n pl. -S a small satellite MOONLIKE adj resembling the moon MOONLIT adj lighted by the moon MOONPORT n pl. -S a facility for launching spacecraft to the moon MOONRISE n pl. -S the rising of the moon above the horizon MOONSAIL n pl. -S a light, square sail MOONSEED n pl. -S a climbing plant MOONSET n pl. -S the setting of the moon below the horizon MOONSHOT n pl. -S the launching of a spacecraft to the moon MOONWALK n pl. -S an instance of walking on the moon MOONWARD adv toward the moon MOONWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant MOONY adj MOONIER, MOONIEST resembling the moon MOOR v -ED, -ING, -S to secure a vessel by means of cables MOORAGE n pl. -S the act of mooring MOORCOCK n pl. -S the male moorfowl MOORFOWL n pl. -S a game bird MOORHEN n pl. -S the female moorfowl MOORIER comparative of moory MOORIEST superlative of moory MOORING n pl. -S a place where a vessel may be moored MOORISH adj marshy MOORLAND n pl. -S a tract of marshy land MOORWORT n pl. -S a marsh plant MOORY adj MOORIER, MOORIEST marshy MOOSE n pl. MOOSE a ruminant mammal MOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring up for discussion MOOTER n pl. -S one that moots MOP v MOPPED, MOPPING, MOPS to wipe with a mop (an implement for cleaning floors) MOPBOARD n pl. -S a board at the base of a wall MOPE v MOPED, MOPING, MOPES to act in a dejected or gloomy manner MOPED n pl. -S a type of motorbike MOPER n pl. -S one that mopes MOPERY n pl. -PERIES an act of dawdling MOPEY adj MOPIER, MOPIEST dejected MOPIER comparative of mopy MOPIEST superlative of mopy MOPING present participle of mope MOPINGLY adv in a moping manner MOPISH adj given to moping MOPISHLY adv MOPOKE n pl. -S an Australian bird MOPPED past tense of mop MOPPER n pl. -S one that mops MOPPET n pl. -S a child MOPPING present participle of mop MOPY adj MOPIER, MOPIEST mopey MOQUETTE n pl. -S a woolen fabric MOR n pl. -S a forest humus MORA n pl. -RAE or -RAS a unit of metrical time in prosody MORAINE n pl. -S an accumulation of debris deposited by a glacier MORAINAL, MORAINIC adj MORAL adj pertaining to principles of right and wrong MORALLY adv MORALE n pl. -S the state of the spirits of an individual or group MORALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to moralize MORALISM n pl. -S the practice of moralizing MORALIST n pl. -S a teacher of morality MORALITY n pl. -TIES conformity to the rules of right conduct MORALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to explain in a moral sense MORALS n/pl rules of conduct with respect to right and wrong MORASS n pl. -ES a marsh MORASSY adj MORATORY adj authorizing delay of payment MORAY n pl. -RAYS a tropical eel MORBID adj gruesome MORBIDLY adv MORBIFIC adj causing disease MORBILLI n/pl a virus disease MORCEAU n pl. -CEAUX a short literary or musical composition MORDANCY n pl. -CIES a sarcastic quality MORDANT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with a caustic substance MORDENT n pl. -S a melodic embellishment MORE n pl. -S a greater amount MOREEN n pl. -S a heavy fabric MOREL n pl. -S an edible mushroom MORELLE n pl. -S a flowering plant MORELLO n pl. -LOS a variety of sour cherry MOREOVER adv in addition MORESQUE n pl. -S an ancient decorative style MORGAN n pl. -S a unit of distance between genes MORGEN n pl. -S a Dutch unit of land area MORGUE n pl. -S a place where dead bodies are kept for identification MORIBUND adj being about to die MORION n pl. -S a type of helmet MORN n pl. -S morning MORNING n pl. -S the early part of the day MOROCCO n pl. -COS a soft leather MORON n pl. -S a mentally deficient person MORONIC adj MORONISM n pl. -S the condition of being a moron MORONITY n pl. -TIES moronism MOROSE adj sullen MOROSELY adv MOROSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being morose MORPH n pl. -S a type of phoneme MORPHEME n pl. -S a linguistic unit MORPHIA n pl. -S morphine MORPHIC adj pertaining to form MORPHIN n pl. -S morphine MORPHINE n pl. -S a narcotic alkaloid MORPHO n pl. -PHOS a tropical butterfly MORRION n pl. -S morion MORRIS n pl. -RISES an English folk dance MORRO n pl. -ROS a rounded elevation MORROW n pl. -S the next day MORSE adj designating a code used in telegraphy MORSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to divide into small pieces MORT n pl. -S a note sounded on a hunting horn to announce the killing of an animal MORTAL n pl. -S a human being MORTALLY adv fatally MORTAR v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with mortar (a type of cement) MORTARY adj containing or resembling mortar MORTGAGE v -GAGED, -GAGING, -GAGES to pledge to a creditor as security MORTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to mortise MORTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to humiliate MORTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to join or fasten securely MORTISER n pl. -S one that mortises MORTMAIN n pl. -S perpetual ownership of land MORTUARY n pl. -ARIES a place where dead bodies are kept until burial MORULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS an embryonic mass of cells MORULAR adj MOSAIC v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS to form into a mosaic (a type of inlaid surface decoration) MOSASAUR n pl. -S an extinct lizard MOSCHATE adj musky MOSEY v -ED, -ING, -S to saunter MOSHAV n pl. -SHAVIM a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel MOSK n pl. -S mosque MOSQUE n pl. -S a Muslim house of worship MOSQUITO n pl. -TOES or -TOS a winged insect MOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with moss (a growth of small, leafy-stemmed plants) MOSSBACK n pl. -S a large, old fish MOSSER n pl. -S one that gathers or works with moss MOSSIER comparative of mossy MOSSIEST superlative of mossy MOSSLIKE adj resembling moss MOSSO adv rapidly -- used as a musical direction MOSSY adj MOSSIER, MOSSIEST covered with moss MOST n pl. -S the greatest amount MOSTE past tense of mote MOSTEST n pl. -S most MOSTLY adv mainly MOT n pl. -S a witty saying MOTE n pl. -S a small particle MOTE v past tense MOSTE may MOTEL n pl. -S a roadside hotel MOTET n pl. -S a type of choral composition MOTEY adj full of motes MOTH n pl. -S a winged insect MOTHBALL v -ED, -ING, -S to put into storage MOTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to give birth to MOTHERLY adj maternal MOTHERY adj slimy MOTHLIKE adj resembling a moth MOTHY adj MOTHIER, MOTHIEST full of moths MOTIF n pl. -S a recurring thematic element in an artistic work MOTIFIC adj MOTILE n pl. -S one whose mental imagery consists chiefly of inner feelings of action MOTILITY n pl. -TIES the ability to move MOTION v -ED, -ING, -S to signal by a bodily movement MOTIONAL adj pertaining to movement MOTIONER n pl. -S one that motions MOTIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to provide with an incentive MOTIVE v -TIVED, -TIVING, -TIVES to motivate MOTIVIC adj pertaining to a musical motif MOTIVITY n pl. -TIES the ability to move MOTLEY adj -LEYER, -LEYEST or -LIER, -LIEST composed of diverse elements MOTLEY n pl. -LEYS a garment of various colors MOTMOT n pl. -S a tropical bird MOTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by automobile MOTORBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a bus MOTORCAR n pl. -S an automobile MOTORDOM n pl. -S the motor vehicle industry MOTORIC adj pertaining to muscular movement MOTORING n pl. -S the recreation of traveling by automobile MOTORISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to motorize MOTORIST n pl. -S one who travels by automobile MOTORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to equip with motor vehicles MOTORMAN n pl. -MEN one who operates an electric streetcar or subway train MOTORWAY n pl. -WAYS a type of highway MOTT n pl. -S motte MOTTE n pl. -S a small growth of trees on a prairie MOTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to mark with spots or streaks of different colors MOTTLER n pl. -S one that mottles MOTTO n pl. -TOES or -TOS a short expression of a guiding principle MOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mooch MOUCHOIR n pl. -S a small handkerchief MOUE n pl. -S a pouting grimace MOUFFLON n pl. -S mouflon MOUFLON n pl. -S a wild sheep MOUILLE adj pronounced with the front of the tongue against the palate MOUJIK n pl. -S muzhik MOULAGE n pl. -S the making of a cast or mold of a mark for use in a criminal investigation MOULD v -ED, -ING, -S to mold MOULDER v -ED, -ING, -S to molder MOULDING n pl. -S molding MOULDY adj MOULDIER, MOULDIEST moldy MOULIN n pl. -S a vertical cavity in a glacier MOULT v -ED, -ING, -S to molt MOULTER n pl. -S molter MOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to pile MOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to get up on MOUNTAIN n pl. -S a large, natural elevation of the earth's surface MOUNTER n pl. -S one that mounts MOUNTING n pl. -S something that provides a backing or appropriate setting for something else MOURN v -ED, -ING, -S to feel or express grief or sorrow MOURNER n pl. -S one that mourns MOURNFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST expressing grief or sorrow MOURNING n pl. -S an outward sign of grief MOUSE n pl. MICE a small rodent MOUSE v MOUSED, MOUSING, MOUSES to catch mice MOUSER n pl. -S an animal that catches mice MOUSEY adj MOUSIER, MOUSIEST mousy MOUSIER comparative of mousy MOUSIEST superlative of mousy MOUSILY adv in a mousy manner MOUSING n pl. -S a wrapping around the shank end of a hook MOUSSAKA n pl. -S a Middle Eastern dish of meat and eggplant MOUSSE v MOUSSED, MOUSSING, MOUSSES to style with mousse (foamy preparation used in styling hair) MOUSY adj MOUSIER, MOUSIEST resembling a mouse MOUTH v -ED, -ING, -S to put into the mouth MOUTHER n pl. -S a speaker MOUTHFUL n pl. -S as much as the mouth can hold MOUTHY adj MOUTHIER, MOUTHIEST very talkative MOUTHILY adv MOUTON n pl. -S sheepskin processed to resemble seal or beaver MOVABLE n pl. -S something that can be moved MOVABLY adv so as to be capable of being moved MOVE v MOVED, MOVING, MOVES to change from one position to another MOVEABLE n pl. -S movable MOVEABLY adv movably MOVED past tense of move MOVELESS adj incapable of movement MOVEMENT n pl. -S the act of moving MOVER n pl. -S one that moves MOVIE n pl. -S a motion picture MOVIEDOM n pl. -S filmdom MOVIEOLA n pl. -S a device for viewing and editing film MOVING present participle of move MOVINGLY adv so as to affect the emotions MOVIOLA n pl. -S movieola MOW v MOWED, MOWN, MOWING, MOWS to cut down standing herbage MOWER n pl. -S one that mows MOWING n pl. -S the act of cutting down standing herbage MOXA n pl. -S a Chinese plant MOXIE n pl. -S spirit or courage MOZETTA n pl. -TAS or -TE mozzetta MOZO n pl. -ZOS a manual laborer MOZZETTA n pl. -TAS or -TE a hooded cape worn by bishops MRIDANGA n pl. -S a drum of India MU n pl. -S a Greek letter MUCH n pl. -ES a great amount MUCHACHO n pl. -CHOS a young man MUCHLY adv very much MUCHNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being great MUCID adj musty MUCIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being mucid MUCILAGE n pl. -S an adhesive substance MUCIN n pl. -S a protein secreted by the mucous membranes MUCINOID, MUCINOUS adj MUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to fertilize with manure MUCKER n pl. -S a vulgar person MUCKIER comparative of mucky MUCKIEST superlative of mucky MUCKILY adv in a mucky manner MUCKLE n pl. -S a large amount MUCKLUCK n pl. -S mukluk MUCKRAKE v -RAKED, -RAKING, -RAKES to search for and expose corruption MUCKWORM n pl. -S a worm found in manure MUCKY adj MUCKIER, MUCKIEST filthy MUCLUC n pl. -S mukluk MUCOID n pl. -S a complex protein MUCOIDAL adj MUCOR n pl. -S a type of fungus MUCOSA n pl. -SAE or -SAS a mucous membrane MUCOSAL adj MUCOSE adj mucous MUCOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being mucous MUCOUS adj secreting or containing mucus MUCRO n pl. -CRONES a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs MUCUS n pl. -ES a viscid bodily fluid MUD v MUDDED, MUDDING, MUDS to cover with mud (soft, wet earth) MUDCAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to cover an explosive with mud before detonating MUDCAT n pl. -S a type of catfish MUDDER n pl. -S a racehorse that runs well on a muddy track MUDDIED past tense of muddy MUDDIER comparative of muddy MUDDIES present 3d person sing. of muddy MUDDIEST superlative of muddy MUDDILY adv in a muddy manner MUDDING present participle of mud MUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to mix in a disordered manner MUDDLER n pl. -S one that muddles MUDDLY adj disordered MUDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST covered or filled with mud MUDDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to make or become muddy MUDFISH n pl. -ES a fish found in mud or muddy water MUDFLAT n pl. -S a level tract alternately covered and left bare by the tide MUDFLOW n pl. -S a moving mass of mud MUDGUARD n pl. -S a fender MUDHOLE n pl. -S a hole or hollow place full of mud MUDLARK n pl. -S a street urchin MUDPACK n pl. -S cosmetic paste for the face MUDPUPPY n pl. -PIES a large salamander MUDRA n pl. -S a hand gesture in East Indian classical dancing MUDROCK n pl. -S pelite MUDROOM n pl. -S a room for shedding muddy clothing or footwear MUDSILL n pl. -S the lowest supporting timber of a structure MUDSLIDE n pl. -S a mudflow down a slope MUDSTONE n pl. -S a type of rock MUEDDIN n pl. -S muezzin MUENSTER n pl. -S a mild cheese MUESLI n pl. -S a breakfast cereal MUEZZIN n pl. -S a Muslim crier who calls the faithful to prayer MUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to bungle MUFFIN n pl. -S a small, round bread MUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to wrap with something to deaden sound MUFFLER n pl. -S a device for deadening sound MUFTI n pl. -S a judge who interprets Muslim religious law MUG v MUGGED, MUGGING, MUGS to assault with intent to rob MUGFUL n pl. -S as much as a mug can hold MUGG v -ED, -ING, -S to make funny faces MUGGAR n pl. -S mugger MUGGED past tense of mug MUGGEE n pl. -S one who is mugged MUGGER n pl. -S a large Asian crocodile MUGGIER comparative of muggy MUGGIEST superlative of muggy MUGGILY adv in a muggy manner MUGGING n pl. -S a street assault or beating MUGGINS n pl. MUGGINS a card game MUGGUR n pl. -S mugger MUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST warm and humid MUGWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant MUGWUMP n pl. -S a political independent MUHLY n pl. MUHLIES a perennial grass MUJIK n pl. -S muzhik MUKLUK n pl. -S a soft boot worn by Eskimos MUKTUK n pl. -S whale skin used for food MULATTO n pl. -TOES or -TOS the offspring of one white and one black parent MULBERRY n pl. -RIES a tree bearing an edible, berrylike fruit MULCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to provide with a protective covering for the soil MULCT v -ED, -ING, -S to defraud MULE v MULED, MULING, MULES to strike from dies belonging to two different issues, as a coin MULETA n pl. -S a red cloth used by a matador MULETEER n pl. -S one who drives mules (hoofed work animals) MULEY n pl. MULEYS a hornless cow MULING present participle of mule MULISH adj stubborn MULISHLY adv MULL v -ED, -ING, -S to ponder MULLA n pl. -S mullah MULLAH n pl. -S a Muslim religious leader or teacher MULLEIN n pl. -S a Eurasian herb MULLEN n pl. -S mullein MULLER n pl. -S a grinding implement MULLET n pl. -S an edible fish MULLEY n pl. -LEYS muley MULLIGAN n pl. -S a stew of various meats and vegetables MULLION v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with vertical dividing strips MULLITE n pl. -S a mineral MULLOCK n pl. -S waste earth or rock from a mine MULLOCKY adj MULTIAGE adj including people of various ages MULTICAR adj owning or involving several cars MULTIFID adj divided into many parts MULTIJET adj having more than two jets MULTIPED n pl. -S an animal having many feet MULTIPLE n pl. -S the product of a quantity by an integer MULTIPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to increase in number MULTITON adj weighing many tons MULTIUSE adj having many uses MULTURE n pl. -S a fee paid to a miller for grinding grain MUM v MUMMED, MUMMING, MUMS to act in a disguise MUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to speak unclearly MUMBLER n pl. -S one that mumbles MUMBLY adj given to mumbling MUMM v -ED, -ING, -S to mum MUMMED past tense of mum and mumm MUMMER n pl. -S one that mums MUMMERY n pl. -MERIES a performance by mummers MUMMIED past tense of mummy MUMMIES present 3d person sing. of mummy MUMMIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to preserve by embalming MUMMING present participle of mum MUMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to mummify MUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to beg MUMPER n pl. -S one that mumps MUMU n pl. -S muumuu MUN n pl. -S man; fellow MUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to chew with a crackling sound MUNCHER n pl. -S one that munches MUNCHIES n/pl hunger pangs MUNCHKIN n pl. -S a small friendly person MUNDANE adj ordinary MUNDUNGO n pl. -GOS a foul-smelling tobacco MUNGO n pl. -GOS a low-quality wool MUNGOOSE n pl. -S mongoose MUNI n pl. -S a security issued by a state or local government MUNIMENT n pl. -S a means of defense MUNITION v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with war materiel MUNNION n pl. -S a muntin MUNSTER n pl. -S muenster MUNTIN n pl. -S a dividing strip for window panes MUNTING n pl. -S muntin MUNTJAC n pl. -S a small Asian deer MUNTJAK n pl. -S muntjac MUON n pl. -S a subatomic particle MUONIC adj MUONIUM n pl. -S an electron and a positive muon bound together MURA n pl. -S a Japanese village MURAENID n pl. -S a moray MURAL n pl. -S a painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling MURALIST n pl. -S a painter of murals MURDER v -ED, -ING, -S to kill unlawfully with premediated malice MURDEREE n pl. -S one that is murdered MURDERER n pl. -S one that murders MURE v MURED, MURING, MURES to immure MUREIN n pl. -S a type of polymer MUREX n pl. -RICES or -REXES a marine mollusk MURIATE n pl. -S chloride MURIATED adj pickled MURICATE adj covered with short, sharp points MURICES a pl. of murex MURID n pl. -S a murine MURINE n pl. -S any of a family of small rodents MURING present participle of mure MURK adj MURKER, MURKEST dark MURKLY adv MURK n pl. -S darkness MURKY adj MURKIER, MURKIEST dark MURKILY adv MURMUR v -ED, -ING, -S to speak unclearly MURMURER n pl. -S one that murmurs MURPHY n pl. -PHIES a potato MURR n pl. -S murre MURRA n pl. -S a substance used to make fine vases and cups in ancient Rome MURRAIN n pl. -S a disease of cattle MURRE n pl. -S a diving bird MURRELET n pl. -S a small diving bird MURREY n pl. -REYS a dark purple color MURRHA n pl. -S murra MURRHINE adj MURRINE adj pertaining to murra MURRY n pl. -RIES a moray MURTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to murder MUSCA n pl. -CAE any of a genus of flies MUSCADEL n pl. -S muscatel MUSCADET n pl. -S a dry white French wine MUSCAT n pl. -S a sweet, white grape MUSCATEL n pl. -S a wine made from muscat grapes MUSCID n pl. -S musca MUSCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to proceed by force MUSCLY adj composed of muscle (tissue that produces bodily movement) MUSCULAR adj pertaining to muscle MUSE v MUSED, MUSING, MUSES to ponder MUSEFUL adj pensive MUSER n pl. -S one that muses MUSETTE n pl. -S a small bagpipe MUSEUM n pl. -S a place where objects of lasting interest or value are cared for and exhibited MUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to travel over snow with a dog sled MUSHER n pl. -S one that mushes MUSHROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to grow or spread rapidly MUSHY adj MUSHIER, MUSHIEST pulpy MUSHILY adv MUSIC n pl. -S vocal or instrumental sounds organized to produce a unified composition MUSICAL n pl. -S a play in which dialogue is interspersed with songs and dances MUSICALE n pl. -S a program of music performed at a social gathering MUSICIAN n pl. -S one who performs or composes music MUSING n pl. -S contemplation MUSINGLY adv in a pensive manner MUSJID n pl. -S a mosque MUSK n pl. -S a strongly odorous substance secreted by certain animals MUSKEG n pl. -S a marsh MUSKET n pl. -S a type of firearm MUSKETRY n pl. -RIES the technique of firing small arms MUSKIE n pl. -S a freshwater fish MUSKIER comparative of musky MUSKIEST superlative of musky MUSKILY adv in a musky manner MUSKIT n pl. -S mesquite MUSKRAT n pl. -S an aquatic rodent MUSKY adj MUSKIER, MUSKIEST resembling musk MUSLIN n pl. -S a cotton fabric MUSPIKE n pl. -S a freshwater fish MUSQUASH n pl. -ES the muskrat MUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to mess MUSSEL n pl. -S a bivalve mollusk MUSSY adj MUSSIER, MUSSIEST messy MUSSILY adv MUST v -ED, -ING, -S to become musty MUSTACHE n pl. -S a growth of hair on the upper lip MUSTANG n pl. -S a wild horse MUSTARD n pl. -S a pungent seasoning MUSTARDY adj resembling mustard MUSTEE n pl. -S an octoroon MUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to summon or assemble MUSTH n pl. -S a state of frenzy occurring in male elephants MUSTY adj MUSTIER, MUSTIEST having a stale odor MUSTILY adv MUT n pl. -S mutt MUTABLE adj capable of change MUTABLY adv MUTAGEN n pl. -S a substance that causes biological mutation MUTANT n pl. -S something that undergoes mutation MUTASE n pl. -S an enzyme MUTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to undergo mutation MUTATION n pl. -S the act of changing MUTATIVE adj MUTCH n pl. -ES a close-fitting cap MUTCHKIN n pl. -S a Scottish unit of liquid measure MUTE adj MUTER, MUTEST characterized by an absence of speech MUTELY adv MUTE v MUTED, MUTING, MUTES to deaden the sound of MUTEDLY adv MUTENESS n pl. -ES the state of being mute MUTER comparative of mute MUTEST superlative of mute MUTICOUS adj lacking a point MUTILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to deprive of a limb or other essential part MUTINE v -TINED, -TINING, -TINES to mutiny MUTINEER v -ED, -ING, -S to mutiny MUTING present participle of mute MUTINIED past tense of mutiny MUTINIES present 3d person sing. of mutiny MUTINING present participle of mutine MUTINOUS adj disposed to mutiny MUTINY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to revolt against constituted authority MUTISM n pl. -S muteness MUTON n pl. -S a unit of nucleic acid MUTT n pl. -S a mongrel dog MUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak unclearly MUTTERER n pl. -S one that mutters MUTTON n pl. -S the flesh of sheep used as food MUTTONY adj MUTUAL adj shared in common MUTUALLY adv MUTUEL n pl. -S a system of betting on races MUTULE n pl. -S an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture MUTULAR adj MUUMUU n pl. -S a long, loose dress MUZHIK n pl. -S a Russian peasant MUZJIK n pl. -S muzhik MUZZIER comparative of muzzy MUZZIEST superlative of muzzy MUZZILY adv in a muzzy manner MUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to put a covering over the mouth of to prevent biting or eating MUZZLER n pl. -S one that muzzles MUZZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST confused MY pron the possessive form of the pronoun I MYALGIA n pl. -S muscular pain MYALGIC adj MYASIS n pl. MYASES myiasis MYCELE n pl. -S mycelium MYCELIUM n pl. -LIA the vegetative portion of a fungus MYCELIAL, MYCELIAN, MYCELOID adj MYCETOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a fungous infection MYCOLOGY n pl. -GIES the branch of botany dealing with fungi MYCOSIS n pl. -COSES a disease caused by a fungus MYCOTIC adj MYELIN n pl. -S a fatty substance that encases certain nerve fibers MYELINIC adj MYELINE n pl. -S myelin MYELITIS n pl. -LITIDES inflammation of the bone marrow MYELOID adj pertaining to bone marrow MYELOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of the bone marrow MYIASIS n pl. MYIASES infestation of human tissue by fly maggots MYLONITE n pl. -S a type of rock MYNA n pl. -S an Asian bird MYNAH n pl. -S myna MYNHEER n pl. -S a Dutch title of courtesy for a man MYOBLAST n pl. -S a cell capable of giving rise to muscle cells MYOGENIC adj originating in muscle tissue MYOGRAPH n pl. -S an instrument for recording muscular contractions MYOID adj resembling muscle MYOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of muscles MYOLOGIC adj MYOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor composed of muscle tissue MYOPATHY n pl. -THIES a disorder of muscle tissue MYOPE n pl. -S one who is affected with myopia MYOPIA n pl. -S a visual defect MYOPIC adj MYOPY n pl. -PIES myopia MYOSCOPE n pl. -S an instrument for observing muscular contractions MYOSIN n pl. -S a protein found in muscle tissue MYOSIS n pl. MYOSES miosis MYOSITIS n pl. -TISES muscular pain from infection MYOSOTE n pl. -S myosotis MYOSOTIS n pl. -TISES a flowering plant MYOTIC n pl. -S miotic MYOTOME n pl. -S a portion of an embryonic somite MYOTONIA n pl. -S temporary muscular rigidity MYOTONIC adj MYRIAD n pl. -S a very large number MYRIAPOD n pl. -S a multi-legged arthropod MYRICA n pl. -S a medicinal tree bark MYRIOPOD n pl. -S myriapod MYRMIDON n pl. -S a loyal follower MYRRH n pl. -S an aromatic gum resin MYRRHIC adj MYRTLE n pl. -S an evergreen shrub MYSELF pron a form of the 1st person sing. pronoun MYSID n pl. -S a small crustacean MYSOST n pl. -S a mild cheese MYSTAGOG n pl. -S a teacher of religious mysteries MYSTERY n pl. -TERIES something that is not or cannot be known, understood, or explained MYSTIC n pl. -S one who professes to have had mystical experiences MYSTICAL adj spiritually significant or symbolic MYSTICLY adv in a mystical manner MYSTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to perplex MYSTIQUE n pl. -S an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular person or thing MYTH n pl. -S a type of traditional story MYTHIC adj mythical MYTHICAL adj based on or described in a myth MYTHOS n pl. -THOI a myth MYTHY adj MYTHIER, MYTHIEST resembling myth MYXEDEMA n pl. -S a disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland MYXOCYTE n pl. -S a large cell found in mucous tissue MYXOID adj containing mucus MYXOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor composed of mucous tissue NA adv no; not NAAN n pl. -S nan NAB v NABBED, NABBING, NABS to capture or arrest NABBER n pl. -S one that nabs NABE n pl. -S a neighborhood movie theater NABIS n pl. NABIS a group of French artists NABOB n pl. -S one who becomes rich and prominent NABOBISH adj NABOBERY n pl. -ERIES the state of being a nabob NABOBESS n pl. -ES a female nabob NABOBISM n pl. -S great wealth and luxury NACELLE n pl. -S a shelter on an aircraft NACHAS n pl. NACHAS pride in another's accomplishments NACHES n pl. NACHES nachas NACHO n pl. -CHOS a tortilla chip topped with cheese and a savory mixture and broiled NACRE n pl. -S the pearly internal layer of certain shells NACRED, NACREOUS adj NADA n pl. -S nothing NADIR n pl. -S a point on the celestial sphere NADIRAL adj NAE adv no; not NAETHING n pl. -S nothing NAEVUS n pl. -VI nevus NAEVOID adj NAG v NAGGED, NAGGING, NAGS to find fault incessantly NAGANA n pl. -S a disease of horses in Africa NAGGER n pl. -S one that nags NAGGING present participle of nag NAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST given to nagging NAH adv no NAIAD n pl. -S or -ES a water nymph NAIF n pl. -S a naive person NAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a nail (a slender piece of metal) NAILER n pl. -S one that nails NAILFOLD n pl. -S a fold of skin around the fingernail NAILHEAD n pl. -S the top of a nail NAILSET n pl. -S a steel rod for driving a nail into something NAINSOOK n pl. -S a cotton fabric NAIRA n pl. NAIRA a monetary unit of Nigeria NAIVE adj NAIVER, NAIVEST lacking sophistication NAIVELY adv NAIVE n pl. -S a naive person NAIVETE n pl. -S the quality of being naive NAIVETY n pl. -TIES naivete NAKED adj -KEDER, -KEDEST being without clothing or covering NAKEDLY adv NALED n pl. -S an insecticide NALOXONE n pl. -S a chemical compound NAM a past tense of nim NAME v NAMED, NAMING, NAMES to give a title to NAMABLE, NAMEABLE adj NAMELESS adj lacking distinction or fame NAMELY adv that is to say NAMER n pl. -S one that names NAMESAKE n pl. -S one who is named after another NAMETAG n pl. -S a tag bearing one's name worn for identification NAMING present participle of name NAN n pl. -S a round flat bread NANA n pl. -S a grandmother NANDIN n pl. -S an evergreen shrub NANDINA n pl. -S an Asian shrub NANISM n pl. -S abnormal smallness NANKEEN n pl. -S a cotton fabric NANKIN n pl. -S nankeen NANNIE n pl. -S nanny NANNY n pl. -NIES a children's nurse NANOGRAM n pl. -S a unit of mass and weight NANOWATT n pl. -S a unit of power NAOS n pl. NAOI an ancient temple NAP v NAPPED, NAPPING, NAPS to sleep briefly NAPALM v -ED, -ING, -S to assault with a type of incendiary bomb NAPE n pl. -S the back of the neck NAPERY n pl. -PERIES table linen NAPHTHA n pl. -S a volatile liquid NAPHTHOL n pl. -S a chemical compound NAPHTHYL n pl. -S a radical derived from naphthalene NAPHTOL n pl. -S naphthol NAPIFORM adj shaped like a turnip NAPKIN n pl. -S a piece of material used to wipe the hands and mouth NAPLESS adj threadbare NAPOLEON n pl. -S a type of pastry NAPPE n pl. -S a type of rock formation NAPPED past tense of nap NAPPER n pl. -S one that naps NAPPIE n pl. -S a diaper NAPPING present participle of nap NAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST kinky NARC n pl. -S an undercover drug agent NARCEIN n pl. -S narceine NARCEINE n pl. -S an opium derivative NARCISM n pl. -S excessive love of oneself NARCISSI n/pl bulbous flowering plants NARCIST n pl. -S one given to narcism NARCO n pl. -COS narc NARCOSE adj characterized by stupor NARCOSIS n pl. -COSES a drug-induced stupor NARCOTIC n pl. -S a drug that dulls the senses NARD n pl. -S a fragrant ointment NARDINE adj NARES pl. of naris NARGHILE n pl. -S a hookah NARGILE n pl. -S narghile NARGILEH n pl. -S narghile NARIS n pl. NARES a nostril NARIAL, NARIC, NARINE adj NARK v -ED, -ING, -S to spy or inform NARKY adj irritable NARRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to tell a story NARRATER n pl. -S narrator NARRATOR n pl. -S one that narrates NARROW adj -ROWER, -ROWEST of little width NARROWLY adv NARROW v -ED, -ING, -S to make narrow NARTHEX n pl. -ES a vestibule in a church NARWAL n pl. -S narwhal NARWHAL n pl. -S an arctic aquatic mammal NARWHALE n pl. -S narwhal NARY adj not one NASAL n pl. -S a sound uttered through the nose NASALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to nasalize NASALITY n pl. -TIES the quality or an instance of being produced nasally NASALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to produce sounds nasally NASALLY adv through the nose NASCENCE n pl. -S nascency NASCENCY n pl. -CIES birth; origin NASCENT adj coming into existence NASION n pl. -S a point in the skull NASIAL adj NASTIC adj pertaining to an automatic response of plants NASTY adj -TIER, -TIEST offensive to the senses NASTILY adv NASTY n pl. -TIES something that is nasty NATAL adj pertaining to one's birth NATALITY n pl. -TIES birth rate NATANT adj floating or swimming NATANTLY adv NATATION n pl. -S the act of swimming NATATORY adj pertaining to swimming NATCH adv naturally NATES n/pl the buttocks NATHLESS adv nevertheless NATION n pl. -S a politically organized people who share a territory, customs, and history NATIONAL n pl. -S a citizen of a nation NATIVE n pl. -S an original inhabitant of an area NATIVELY adv in an inborn manner NATIVISM n pl. -S a policy of favoring the interests of native inhabitants NATIVIST n pl. -S an advocate of nativism NATIVITY n pl. -TIES the process of being born NATRIUM n pl. -S sodium NATRON n pl. -S a chemical compound NATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to chatter NATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST neatly dressed NATTILY adv NATURAL n pl. -S a type of musical note NATURE n pl. -S the essential qualities of a person or thing NATURED adj NATURISM n pl. -S nudism NATURIST n pl. -S a nudist NAUGHT n pl. -S a zero NAUGHTY adj -TIER, -TIEST disobedient NAUMACHY n pl. -CHIES a mock sea battle NAUPLIUS n pl. -PLII a form of certain crustaceans NAUPLIAL adj NAUSEA n pl. -S a stomach disturbance NAUSEANT n pl. -S an agent that induces nausea NAUSEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to affect with nausea NAUSEOUS adj affected with nausea NAUTCH n pl. -ES a dancing exhibition in India NAUTICAL adj pertaining to ships NAUTILUS n pl. -LUSES or -LI a spiral-shelled mollusk NAVAID n pl. -S a navigational device NAVAL adj pertaining to ships NAVALLY adv NAVAR n pl. -S a system of air navigation NAVE n pl. -S the main part of a church NAVEL n pl. -S a depression in the abdomen NAVETTE n pl. -S a gem cut in a pointed oval form NAVICERT n pl. -S a document permitting a vessel passage through a naval blockade NAVIES pl. of navy NAVIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to plan and control the course of NAVVY n pl. -VIES a manual laborer NAVY n pl. -VIES a nation's warships NAW adv no NAWAB n pl. -S a nabob NAY n pl. NAYS a negative vote NAYSAYER n pl. -S one that denies or opposes something NAZI n pl. -S a type of fascist NAZIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause to be like a nazi NE adj born with the name of NEAP n pl. -S a tide of lowest range NEAR adj NEARER, NEAREST situated within a short distance NEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to approach NEARBY adj near NEARLY adv -LIER, -LIEST with close approximation NEARNESS n pl. -ES the state of being near NEARSIDE n pl. -S the left side NEAT adj NEATER, NEATEST being in a state of cleaniness and order NEAT n pl. -S a bovine NEATEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make neat NEATH prep beneath NEATHERD n pl. -S a cowherd NEATLY adv in a neat manner NEATNESS n pl. -ES the state of being neat NEB n pl. -S the beak of a bird NEBBISH n pl. -ES a meek person NEBBISHY adj NEBULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a cloud-like interstellar mass NEBULAR adj NEBULE adj composed of successive short curves NEBULISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to nebulize NEBULIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to reduce to a fine spray NEBULOSE adj nebulous NEBULOUS adj unclear NEBULY adj nebule NECK v -ED, -ING, -S to kiss and caress in lovemaking NECKBAND n pl. -S a band worn around the neck (the part of the body joining the head to the trunk) NECKER n pl. -S one that necks NECKING n pl. -S a small molding near the top of a column NECKLACE n pl. -S an ornament worn around the neck NECKLESS adj having no neck NECKLIKE adj resembling the neck NECKLINE n pl. -S the line formed by the neck opening of a garment NECKTIE n pl. -S a strip of fabric worn around the neck NECKWEAR n pl. -S something that is worn around the neck NECROPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to perform an autopsy on NECROSE v -CROSED, -CROSING, -CROSES to affect with necrosis NECROSIS n pl. -CROSES the death of living tissue NECROTIC adj NECTAR n pl. -S a delicious drink NECTARY n pl. -TARIES a plant gland NEE adj born with the name of NEED v -ED, -ING, -S to have an urgent or essential use for NEEDER n pl. -S one that needs NEEDFUL n pl. -S something that is needed NEEDIER comparative of needy NEEDIEST superlative of needy NEEDILY adv in a needy manner NEEDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to sew with a slender, pointed instrument NEEDLER n pl. -S one that needles NEEDLESS adj not necessary NEEDLING n pl. -S the act of one who needles NEEDY adj NEEDIER, NEEDIEST in a state of poverty NEEM n pl. -S an East Indian tree NEEP n pl. -S a turnip NEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to nullify NEGATER n pl. -S one that negates NEGATION n pl. -S the act of negating NEGATIVE v -TIVED, -TIVING, -TIVES to veto NEGATON n pl. -S negatron NEGATOR n pl. -S negater NEGATRON n pl. -S an electron NEGLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to fail to pay attention to NEGLIGE n pl. -S negligee NEGLIGEE n pl. -S a woman's dressing gown NEGROID n pl. -S member of the black race NEGRONI n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage NEGUS n pl. -ES an alcoholic beverage NEIF n pl. -S nieve NEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the cry of a horse NEIGHBOR v -ED, -ING, -S to live close to NEIST adj next NEITHER adj not one or the other NEKTON n pl. -S free-swimming marine animals NEKTONIC adj NELLIE n pl. -S an effeminate male NELLY n pl. -LIES nellie NELSON n pl. -S a wrestling hold NELUMBO n pl. -BOS an aquatic herb NEMA n pl. -S a nematode NEMATIC adj pertaining to a phase of a liquid crystal NEMATODE n pl. -S a kind of worm NEMESIS n pl. NEMESES an unbeatable opponent NENE n pl. NENE a Hawaiian goose NEOLITH n pl. -S an ancient stone implement NEOLOGY n pl. -GIES a new word or phrase NEOLOGIC adj NEOMORPH n pl. -S a type of biological structure NEOMYCIN n pl. -S an antibiotic drug NEON n pl. -S a gaseous element NEONED adj NEONATE n pl. -S a newborn child NEONATAL adj NEOPHYTE n pl. -S a novice NEOPLASM n pl. -S a tumor NEOPRENE n pl. -S a synthetic rubber NEOTENY n pl. -NIES attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage NEOTENIC adj NEOTERIC n pl. -S a modern author NEOTYPE n pl. -S a specimen of a species NEPENTHE n pl. -S a drug that induces forgetfulness NEPHEW n pl. -S a son of one's brother or sister NEPHRIC adj renal NEPHRISM n pl. -S ill health caused by a kidney disease NEPHRITE n pl. -S a mineral NEPHRON n pl. -S an excretory unit of a kidney NEPOTISM n pl. -S favoritism shown to a relative NEPOTIC adj NEPOTIST n pl. -S one who practices nepotism NERD n pl. -S a socially inept person NERDISH adj NERDY adj NERDIER, NERDIEST socially inept NEREID n pl. -S a sea nymph NEREIS n pl. -REIDES a marine worm NERITIC adj pertaining to shallow water NEROL n pl. -S a fragrant alcohol NEROLI n pl. -S a fragrant oil NERTS interj -- used to express defiance or disgust NERTZ interj nerts NERVATE adj having veins NERVE v NERVED, NERVING, NERVES to give courage to NERVIER comparative of nervy NERVIEST superlative of nervy NERVILY adv in a nervy manner NERVINE n pl. -S a soothing medicine NERVING n pl. -S a type of veterinary operation NERVOUS adj easily excited NERVULE n pl. -S nervure NERVURE n pl. -S a vascular ridge on a leaf NERVY adj NERVIER, NERVIEST impudent NESCIENT n pl. -S one who is ignorant NESS n pl. -ES a headland NEST v -ED, -ING, -S to build a nest (a structure for holding bird eggs) NESTABLE adj capable of being fitted closely within another container NESTER n pl. -S one that nests NESTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to lie snugly NESTLER n pl. -S one that nestles NESTLIKE adj resembling a nest NESTLING n pl. -S a young bird NESTOR n pl. -S a wise old man NET v NETTED, NETTING, NETS to catch in a net (a type of openwork fabric) NETHER adj situated below NETLESS adj having no net NETLIKE adj resembling a net NETOP n pl. -S friend; companion NETSUKE n pl. -S a button-like fixture on Japanese clothing NETT v -ED, -ING, -S to net NETTABLE adj capable of being netted NETTED past tense of net, nett NETTER n pl. -S one that nets NETTIER comparative of netty NETTIEST superlative of netty NETTING n pl. -S a net NETTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make angry NETTLER n pl. -S one that nettles NETTLY adj -TLIER, -TLIEST prickly NETTY adj -TIER, -TIEST resembling a net NETWORK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with or as if with crossing lines NEUK n pl. -S nook NEUM n pl. -S neume NEUME n pl. -S a sign used in musical notation NEUMATIC, NEUMIC adj NEURAL adj pertaining to the nervous system NEURALLY adv NEURAXON n pl. -S a part of a neuron NEURINE n pl. -S a ptomaine poison NEURITIC n pl. -S one affected with neuritis NEURITIS n pl. -RITIDES or -RITISES inflammation of a nerve NEUROID adj resembling a nerve NEUROMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor NEURON n pl. -S the basic cellular unit of the nervous system NEURONAL, NEURONIC adj NEURONE n pl. -S neuron NEUROSIS n pl. -ROSES a type of emotional disturbance NEUROSAL adj NEUROTIC n pl. -S one affected with a neurosis NEURULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a vertebrate embryo NEUSTON n pl. -S an aggregate of small aquatic organisms NEUTER v -ED, -ING, -S to castrate NEUTRAL n pl. -S one that is impartial NEUTRINO n pl. -NOS a subatomic particle NEUTRON n pl. -S a subatomic particle NEVE n pl. -S a granular snow NEVER adv at no time NEVUS n pl. -VI a birthmark NEVOID adj NEW adj NEWER, NEWEST existing only a short time NEW n pl. -S something that is new NEWBORN n pl. -S a recently born infant NEWCOMER n pl. -S one that has recently arrived NEWEL n pl. -S a staircase support NEWFOUND adj newly found NEWIE n pl. -S something new NEWISH adj somewhat new NEWLY adv recently NEWLYWED n pl. -S a person recently married NEWMOWN adj recently mown NEWNESS n pl. -ES the state of being new NEWS n/pl a report of recent events NEWSBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who delivers or sells newspapers NEWSCAST n pl. -S a news broadcast NEWSHAWK n pl. -S a newspaper reporter NEWSIE n pl. -S newsy NEWSIER comparative of newsy NEWSIES pl. of newsy NEWSIEST superlative of newsy NEWSLESS adj having no news NEWSMAN n pl. -MEN a news reporter NEWSPEAK n pl. -S a deliberately ambiguous language NEWSREEL n pl. -S a short movie presenting current events NEWSROOM n pl. -S a room where the news is gathered NEWSY adj NEWSIER, NEWSIEST full of news NEWSY n pl. NEWSIES a newsboy NEWT n pl. -S a small salamander NEWTON n pl. -S a unit of force NEXT adj coming immediately after; adjoining NEXTDOOR adj located in the next building or room NEXUS n pl. -ES a connection or link NGULTRUM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Bhutan NGWEE n pl. NGWEE a monetary unit of Zambia NIACIN n pl. -S a B vitamin NIB v NIBBED, NIBBING, NIBS to provide with a penpoint NIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to eat with small bites NIBBLER n pl. -S one that nibbles NIBLICK n pl. -S a golf club NIBLIKE adj resembling a penpoint NICAD n pl. -S nickel cadmium NICE adj NICER, NICEST pleasing to the senses NICELY adv NICENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being nice NICETY n pl. -TIES a fine point or distinction NICHE v NICHED, NICHING, NICHES to place in a receding space or hollow NICK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a shallow cut in NICKEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to plate with nickel (a metallic element) NICKELIC adj pertaining to or containing nickel NICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to neigh NICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES nickel NICKNACK n pl. -S a trinket NICKNAME v -NAMED, -NAMING, -NAMES to give an alternate name to NICOL n pl. -S a type of prism NICOTIN n pl. -S nicotine NICOTINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid in tobacco NICTATE n -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to wink NIDAL adj pertaining to a nidus NIDE n NIDED, NIDING, NIDES to nest NIDERING n pl. -S a coward NIDGET n pl. -S an idiot NIDI a pl. of nidus NIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to nest NIDING present participle of nide NIDUS n pl. NIDI or NIDUSES a nest or breeding place NIECE n pl. -S a daughter of one's brother or sister NIELLIST n pl. -S one that niellos NIELLO n pl. -LI or -LOS a black metallic substance NIELLO v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with niello NIEVE n pl. -S the fist or hand NIFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to barter NIFTY adj -TIER, -TIEST stylish; pleasing NIFTILY adv NIFTY n pl. -TIES something that is nifty NIGGARD v -ED, -ING, -S to act stingily NIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to worry over petty details NIGGLER n pl. -S one that niggles NIGGLING n pl. -S petty or meticulous work NIGH adj NIGHER, NIGHEST near NIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to approach NIGHNESS n pl. -ES the state of being nigh NIGHT n pl. -S the period from sunset to sunrise NIGHTCAP n pl. -S a cap worn to bed NIGHTIE n pl. -S a nightgown NIGHTIES pl. of nighty NIGHTJAR n pl. -S a nocturnal bird NIGHTLY adv every night; at night NIGHTY n pl. NIGHTIES nightie NIGRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make black NIGROSIN n pl. -S a type of dye NIHIL n pl. -S nothing NIHILISM n pl. -S a doctrine that denies traditional values NIHILIST n pl. -S an adherent of nihilism NIHILITY n pl. -TIES the state of being nothing NIL n pl. -S nothing NILGAI n pl. -S a large antelope NILGAU n pl. -S nilgai NILGHAI n pl. -S nilgai NILGHAU n pl. -S nilgai NILL v -ED, -ING, -S to be unwilling NIM v NAM or NIMMED, NIMMING, NIMS to steal NIMBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST agile NIMBLY adv NIMBUS n pl. -BI or -BUSES a luminous cloud NIMBUSED adj NIMIETY n pl. -ETIES excess NIMIOUS adj NIMMED past tense of nim NIMMING present participle of nim NIMROD n pl. -S a hunter NINE n pl. -S a number NINEBARK n pl. -S a flowering shrub NINEFOLD adj nine times as great NINEPIN n pl. -S a wooden pin used in a bowling game NINETEEN n pl. -S a number NINETY n pl. -TIES a number NINJA n pl. -S a feudal Japanese warrior NINNY n pl. -NIES a fool NINNYISH adj NINON n pl. -S a sheer fabric NINTH n pl. -S one of nine equal parts NINTHLY adv in the ninth place NIOBATE n pl. -S a chemical salt NIOBIUM n pl. -S a metallic element NIOBIC, NIOBOUS adj NIP v NIPPED, NIPPING, NIPS to pinch NIPA n pl. -S a palm tree NIPPER n pl. -S one that nips NIPPIER comparative of nippy NIPPIEST superlative of nippy NIPPILY adv in a nippy manner NIPPING present participle of nip NIPPLE n pl. -S a protuberance on the breast NIPPLED adj NIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST sharp or biting NIRVANA n pl. -S a blessed state in Buddhism NIRVANIC adj NISEI n pl. -S one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents NISI adj not yet final NISUS n pl. NISUS an effort NIT n pl. -S the egg of a parasitic insect NITE n pl. -S night NITER n pl. -S a chemical salt NITERIE n pl. -S nitery NITERY n pl. -ERIES a nightclub NITID adj bright NITINOL n pl. -S an alloy of nickel and titanium NITON n pl. -S radon NITPICK v -ED, -ING, -S to fuss over petty details NITPICKY adj -PICKIER, -PICKIEST tending to nitpick NITRATE v -TRATED, -TRATING, -TRATES to treat with nitric acid NITRATOR n pl. -S one that nitrates NITRE n pl. -S niter NITRIC adj containing nitrogen NITRID n pl. -S nitride NITRIDE v -TRIDED, -TRIDING, -TRIDES to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) NITRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to combine with nitrogen NITRIL n pl. -S nitrile NITRILE n pl. -S a chemical compound NITRITE n pl. -S a salt of nitrous acid NITRO n pl. -TROS a nitrated product NITROGEN n pl. -S a gaseous element NITROLIC adj pertaining to a class of acids NITROSO adj containing nitrosyl NITROSYL n pl. -S a univalent radical NITROUS adj containing nitrogen NITTY adj -TIER, -TIEST full of nits NITWIT n pl. -S a stupid person NIVAL adj pertaining to snow NIVEOUS adj resembling snow NIX n pl. NIXES or NIXE a water sprite NIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to veto NIXIE n pl. -S a female water sprite NIXY n pl. NIXIES an undeliverable piece of mail NIZAM n pl. -S a former sovereign of India NIZAMATE n pl. -S the territory of a nizam NO n pl. NOS or NOES a negative reply NOB n pl. -S a wealthy person NOBBIER comparative of nobby NOBBIEST superlative of nobby NOBBILY adv in a nobby manner NOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to disable a racehorse NOBBLER n pl. -S one that nobbles NOBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST elegant NOBELIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element NOBILITY n pl. -TIES the social class composed of nobles NOBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST possessing qualities of excellence NOBLE n pl. -S a person of high birth, rank, or title NOBLEMAN n pl. -MEN a noble NOBLER comparative of noble NOBLESSE n pl. -S the nobility NOBLEST superlative of noble NOBLY adv in a noble manner NOBODY n pl. -BODIES an unimportant person NOCENT adj harmful NOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to notch a bow or arrow NOCTUID n pl. -S a night-flying moth NOCTUOID adj NOCTULE n pl. -S a large bat NOCTURN n pl. -S a religious service NOCTURNE n pl. -S a musical composition NOCUOUS adj harmful NOD v NODDED, NODDING, NODS to briefly lower the head forward NODAL adj of the nature of a node NODALLY adv NODALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being nodal NODDED past tense of nod NODDER n pl. -S one that nods NODDIES pl. of noddy NODDING present participle of nod NODDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to nod frequently NODDY n pl. -DIES a fool NODE n pl. -S a swollen enlargement NODI pl. of nodus NODICAL adj pertaining to an astronomical point NODOSE adj having nodes NODOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being nodose NODOUS adj nodose NODULE n pl. -S a small node NODULAR, NODULOSE, NODULOUS adj NODUS n pl. -DI a difficulty NOEL n pl. -S a Christmas carol NOES a pl. of no NOESIS n pl. -SISES the process of reason NOETIC adj pertaining to reason NOG v NOGGED, NOGGING, NOGS to fill in a space in a wall with bricks NOGG n pl. -S a strong ale NOGGIN n pl. -S a small cup NOGGING n pl. -S a type of masonry NOH n pl. NOH the classical drama of Japan NOHOW adv in no manner NOIL n pl. -S a kind of short fiber NOILY adj NOIR n pl. -S a bleak type of crime fiction NOIRISH adj NOISE v NOISED, NOISING, NOISES to spread as a rumor or report NOISETTE n pl. -S a small round piece of meat NOISOME adj disgusting; harmful NOISY adj NOISIER, NOISIEST making loud sounds NOISILY adv NOLO n pl. -LOS a type of legal plea NOM n pl. -S a name NOMA n pl. -S a severe inflammation of the mouth NOMAD n pl. -S a wanderer NOMADIC adj NOMADISM n pl. -S the mode of life of a nomad NOMARCH n pl. -S the head of a nome NOMARCHY n pl. -ARCHIES a nome NOMBLES n/pl numbles NOMBRIL n pl. -S a point on a heraldic shield NOME n pl. -S a province of modern Greece NOMEN n pl. -MINA the second name of an ancient Roman NOMINAL n pl. -S a word functioning as a noun NOMINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to name as a candidate NOMINEE n pl. -S one that is nominated NOMISM n pl. -S strict adherence to moral law NOMISTIC adj NOMOGRAM n pl. -S a type of graph NOMOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of law NOMOS n pl. NOMOI law NONA n pl. -S a virus disease NONACID n pl. -S a substance that is not an acid NONACTOR n pl. -S a person who is not an actor NONADULT n pl. -S a person who is not an adult NONAGE n pl. -S a period of immaturity NONAGON n pl. -S a nine-sided polygon NONART n pl. -S something that is not art NONBANK n pl. -S a business that is not a bank, but offers similar services NONBASIC adj not basic NONBEING n pl. -S lack of being NONBLACK n pl. -S one that is not black NONBODY n pl. -BODIES a person's nonphysical nature NONBOOK n pl. -S a book of little literary merit NONBRAND adj lacking a brand name NONCASH adj other than cash NONCE n pl. -S the present occasion NONCLASS n pl. -ES a lack of class NONCLING adj not clinging NONCOLA adj being a drink that is not a cola NONCOLOR n pl. -S a lack of color NONCOM n pl. -S a noncommissioned officer NONCRIME n pl. -S something that is not a crime NONDAIRY adj having no milk products NONDANCE n pl. -S an unrhythmic dance NONDRUG adj not involving drugs NONE n pl. -S one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion NONEGO n pl. -GOS all that is not part of the ego NONELECT adj not chosen NONELITE adj not belonging to an elite group NONEMPTY adj not empty NONENTRY n pl. -TRIES the fact of not entering NONEQUAL n pl. -S one that is not equal NONESUCH n pl. -ES a person or thing without an equal NONET n pl. -S a composition for nine instruments or voices NONEVENT n pl. -S an expected event that does not occur NONFACT n pl. -S a statement not based on fact NONFAN n pl. -S a person who is not a fan (an enthusiast) NONFARM adj not pertaining to the farm NONFAT adj having no fat solids NONFATAL adj not fatal NONFATTY adj not fatty NONFINAL adj not being the last NONFLUID n pl. -S a substance that is not a fluid NONFOCAL adj not focal NONFOOD adj pertaining to something other than food NONFUEL adj not used as a fuel NONGAME adj not hunted for food, sport, or fur NONGAY n pl. -S a person who is not a homosexual NONGLARE adj that does not glare NONGREEN adj not green NONGUEST n pl. -S one who is not a guest NONGUILT n pl. -S the absence of guilt NONHARDY adj not hardy NONHEME adj not containing iron that is bound like that of heme NONHERO n pl. -ROES an antihero NONHOME adj not taking place in the home NONHUMAN adj not human NONIDEAL adj not ideal NONIMAGE adj not having an image NONIONIC adj not ionic NONIRON adj not needing to be ironed NONISSUE n pl. -S a topic that is not controversial NONJUROR n pl. -S one who refuses to take a required oath NONJURY adj not involving a jury NONLABOR adj not pertaining to labor NONLEAFY adj not having leaves NONLEGAL adj not legal NONLIFE n pl. -LIVES the absence of life NONLOCAL n pl. -S one that is not local NONMAJOR n pl. -S a student who is not majoring in a specified subject NONMAN n pl. -MEN a being that is not a man NONMEAT adj not containing meat NONMETAL n pl. -S an element that lacks metallic properties NONMETRO adj not metropolitan NONMODAL adj not modal NONMONEY adj not involving money NONMORAL adj not pertaining to morals NONMUSIC n pl. -S inferior music NONNAVAL adj not naval NONNEWS adj not being news NONNOVEL n pl. -S a literary work that is not a novel NONOBESE adj not obese NONOHMIC adj not measured in ohms NONOILY adj not oily NONOWNER n pl. -S one who is not the owner NONPAGAN n pl. -S one who is not a pagan NONPAID adj not paid NONPAPAL adj not papal NONPAR adj being a stock that has no face value NONPARTY adj not affiliated with any political party NONPAST n pl. -S a verb form that lacks an inflection for a past tense NONPEAK adj being a time when something is not at its highest level NONPLAY n pl. -PLAYS a theatrical work that is not a play NONPLUS v -PLUSED, -PLUSING, -PLUSES or -PLUSSED, -PLUSSING, -PLUSSES to baffle NONPOINT adj not occurring at a definite single site NONPOLAR adj not polar NONPOOR adj not being poor NONPRINT adj not involving printed material NONPROS v -PROSSED, -PROSSING, -PROSSES to enter a judgment against a plaintiff who fails to prosecute NONQUOTA adj not included in or subject to a quota NONRATED adj not rated NONRIGID adj not rigid NONRIVAL n pl. -S an unimportant rival NONROYAL adj not royal NONRURAL adj not rural NONSELF n pl. -SELVES foreign material in a body NONSENSE n pl. -S behavior or language that is meaningless or absurd NONSKED n pl. -S an airline without scheduled flying times NONSKID adj designed to inhibit skidding NONSKIER n pl. -S one that does not ski NONSLIP adj designed to prevent slipping NONSOLAR adj not solar NONSOLID n pl. -S a substance that is not a solid NONSTICK adj allowing of easy removal of cooked food particles NONSTOP adj making no stops NONSTORY n pl. -RIES an insignificant news story NONSTYLE n pl. -S a style that is not identifiable NONSUCH n pl. -ES nonesuch NONSUGAR n pl. -S a substance that is not a sugar NONSUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to dismiss the lawsuit of NONTAX n pl. -ES a tax of little consequence NONTIDAL adj not tidal NONTITLE adj pertaining to an athletic contest in which a title is not at stake NONTONAL adj lacking tonality NONTOXIC adj not toxic NONTRUMP adj not having a trump NONTRUTH n pl. -S something that is not true NONUNION n pl. -S failure of a broken bone to heal NONUPLE n pl. -S a number nine times as great as another NONURBAN adj not urban NONUSE n pl. -S failure to use NONUSER n pl. -S one that is not a user NONUSING adj not using NONVALID adj not valid NONVIRAL adj not viral NONVOCAL adj not vocal NONVOTER n pl. -S one that does not vote NONWAR n pl. -S a war that is not officially declared NONWHITE n pl. -S a person who is not of the white race NONWOODY adj not woody NONWORD n pl. -S a word that has no meaning NONWORK adj not involving work NONWOVEN n pl. -S a fabric not made by weaving NONYL n pl. -S an alkyl radical NONZERO adj having a value other than zero NOO adv now NOODGE v NOODGED, NOODGING, NOODGES to nag NOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to play idly on a musical instrument NOOK n pl. -S a corner, as in a room NOOKLIKE adj NOON n pl. -S midday NOONDAY n pl. -DAYS noon NOONING n pl. -S a meal eaten at noon NOONTIDE n pl. -S noon NOONTIME n pl. -S noon NOOSE v NOOSED, NOOSING, NOOSES to secure with a type of loop NOOSER n pl. -S one that nooses NOPAL n pl. -S a cactus NOPE adv no NOR conj and not NORDIC adj pertaining to cross-country ski racing and ski jumping NORI n pl. -S dried seaweed pressed into sheets NORIA n pl. -S a type of waterwheel NORITE n pl. -S a granular rock NORITIC adj NORLAND n pl. -S a region in the north NORM n pl. -S a standard regarded as typical for a specific group NORMAL n pl. -S the usual or expected state or form NORMALCY n pl. -CIES conformity with the norm NORMALLY adv as a rule; usually NORMANDE adj prepared with foods associated with Normandy NORMED adj having a norm NORMLESS adj having no norm NORTH n pl. -S a point of the compass NORTHER n pl. -S a wind or storm from the north NORTHERN n pl. -S a person living in the north NORTHING n pl. -S movement toward the north NOSE v NOSED, NOSING, NOSES to sniff with the nose (the organ of smell) NOSEBAG n pl. -S a feedbag NOSEBAND n pl. -S a part of a horse's bridle NOSED past tense of nose NOSEDIVE n pl. -S a steep downward plunge NOSEGAY n pl. -GAYS a bouquet NOSELESS adj having no nose NOSELIKE adj resembling a nose NOSEY adj NOSIER, NOSIEST nosy NOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to eat snacks between meals NOSHER n pl. -S one that noshes NOSIER comparative of nosy, nosey NOSIEST superlative of nosy, nosey NOSILY adv in a nosy manner NOSINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being nosy NOSING n pl. -S a projecting edge NOSOLOGY n pl. -GIES a classification of diseases NOSTOC n pl. -S a freshwater alga NOSTRIL n pl. -S an external opening of the nose NOSTRUM n pl. -S a medicine of one's own invention NOSY adj NOSIER, NOSIEST unduly curious NOT adv in no way NOTA pl. of notum NOTABLE n pl. -S a person of distinction NOTABLY adv in a distinguished manner NOTAL adj pertaining to a notum NOTARIAL adj pertaining to a notary NOTARIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to certify through a notary NOTARY n pl. -RIES a public officer who certifies documents NOTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to put into notation NOTATION n pl. -S a system of symbols NOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make an angular cut in NOTCHER n pl. -S one that notches NOTE v NOTED, NOTING, NOTES to write down NOTEBOOK n pl. -S a book in which to write NOTECASE n pl. -S a billfold NOTED past tense of note NOTEDLY adv in a famous manner NOTELESS adj undistinguished NOTEPAD n pl. -S a number of sheets of paper glued together at one end NOTER n pl. -S one that notes NOTHER adj different NOTHING n pl. -S the absence of all quantity or magnitude NOTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to become aware of NOTICER n pl. -S one that notices NOTIFIER n pl. -S one that notifies NOTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to inform NOTING present participle of note NOTION n pl. -S a general idea NOTIONAL adj NOTORNIS n pl. NOTORNIS a flightless bird NOTTURNO n pl. -NI a nocturne NOTUM n pl. -TA a part of the thorax of an insect NOUGAT n pl. -S a chewy candy NOUGHT n pl. -S naught NOUMENON n pl. -MENA an object of intellectual intuition NOUMENAL adj NOUN n pl. -S a word used to denote the name of something NOUNAL, NOUNLESS adj NOUNALLY adv NOURISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to sustain with food NOUS n pl. -ES mind, reason, or intellect NOUVEAU adj newly arrived or developed NOUVELLE adj pertaining to a form of French cooking NOVA n pl. -VAS or -VAE a type of star NOVALIKE adj NOVATION n pl. -S the substitution of a new legal obligation for an old one NOVEL n pl. -S a fictional prose narrative NOVELISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to novelize NOVELIST n pl. -S a writer of novels NOVELIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to put into the form of a novel NOVELLA n pl. -LAS or -LE a short novel NOVELLY adv in a new or unusual manner NOVELTY n pl. -TIES something new or unusual NOVENA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a religious devotion lasting nine days NOVERCAL adj pertaining to a stepmother NOVICE n pl. -S a person new to any field or activity NOW n pl. -S the present time NOWADAYS adv in these times NOWAY adv in no way NOWAYS adv noway NOWHERE n pl. -S a nonexistent place NOWISE adv not at all NOWNESS n pl. -ES the state of existing at the present time NOWT n pl. -S naught NOXIOUS adj harmful to health NOYADE n pl. -S an execution by drowning NOZZLE n pl. -S a projecting spout NTH adj pertaining to an indefinitely large ordinal number NU n pl. -S a Greek letter NUANCE n pl. -S a slight variation NUANCED adj NUB n pl. -S a protuberance or knob NUBBIER comparative of nubby NUBBIEST superlative of nubby NUBBIN n pl. -S an undeveloped fruit NUBBLE n pl. -S a small nub NUBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST having nubbles NUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST having nubs NUBIA n pl. -S a woman's scarf NUBILE adj suitable for marriage NUBILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being nubile NUBILOSE adj nubilous NUBILOUS adj cloudy NUCELLUS n pl. -LI the essential part of a plant ovule NUCELLAR adj NUCHA n pl. -CHAE the nape of the neck NUCHAL n pl. -S an anatomical part lying in the region of the nape NUCLEAL adj nuclear NUCLEAR adj pertaining to a nucleus NUCLEASE n pl. -S an enzyme NUCLEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to form into a nucleus NUCLEI a pl. of nucleus NUCLEIN n pl. -S a protein found in nuclei NUCLEOID n pl. -S the DNA-containing area of certain cells NUCLEOLE n pl. -S a part of a nucleus NUCLEOLI n/pl nucleoles NUCLEON n pl. -S a subatomic particle NUCLEUS n pl. -CLEI or -CLEUSES an essential part of a cell NUCLIDE n pl. -S a species of atom NUCLIDIC adj NUDE adj NUDER, NUDEST being without clothing or covering NUDELY adv NUDE n pl. -S a nude figure NUDENESS n pl. -ES nudity NUDER comparative of nude NUDEST superlative of nude NUDGE v NUDGED, NUDGING, NUDGES to push gently NUDGER n pl. -S one that nudges NUDICAUL adj having leafless stems NUDIE n pl. -S a movie featuring nude performers NUDISM n pl. -S the practice of going nude NUDIST n pl. -S an advocate of nudism NUDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being nude NUDNICK n pl. -S nudnik NUDNIK n pl. -S an annoying person NUDZH v -ED, -ING, -ES to noodge NUGATORY adj having no power NUGGET n pl. -S a mass of solid matter NUGGETY adj NUISANCE n pl. -S a source of annoyance NUKE v NUKED, NUKING, NUKES to attack with nuclear weapons NULL v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to nothing NULLAH n pl. -S a ravine NULLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make useless or ineffective NULLITY n pl. -TIES something of no legal force NUMB adj NUMBER, NUMBEST lacking sensation NUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to make numb NUMBAT n pl. -S a small Australian mammal NUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to count NUMBERER n pl. -S one that numbers NUMBFISH n pl. -ES a fish capable of emitting electric shocks NUMBLES n/pl animal entrails NUMBLY adv in a numb manner NUMBNESS n pl. -ES the state of being numb NUMEN n pl. -MINA a deity NUMERACY n pl. -CIES the ability to understand basic mathematics NUMERAL n pl. -S a symbol that expresses a number NUMERARY adj pertaining to numbers NUMERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to count NUMERIC n pl. -S a numeral NUMEROUS adj many NUMINA pl. of numen NUMINOUS n pl. -ES the presence or revelation of the numen NUMMARY adj pertaining to coins NUMMULAR adj shaped like a coin NUMSKULL n pl. -S a dunce NUN n pl. -S a woman belonging to a religious order NUNATAK n pl. -S a mountain peak completely surrounded by glacial ice NUNCHAKU n pl. -S a Japanese weapon NUNCIO n pl. -CIOS an ambassador from the pope NUNCLE n pl. -S an uncle NUNLIKE adj resembling a nun NUNNERY n pl. -NERIES a religious house for nuns NUNNISH adj of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a nun NUPTIAL n pl. -S a wedding NURD n pl. -S nerd NURL n -ED, -ING, -S to knurl NURSE v NURSED, NURSING, NURSES to care for the sick or infirm NURSER n pl. -S a baby's bottle NURSERY n pl. -ERIES a room for young children NURSING n pl. -S the profession of one who nurses NURSLING n pl. -S an infant NURTURAL adj pertaining to the process of nurturing NURTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to nourish NURTURER n pl. -S one that nurtures NUT v NUTTED, NUTTING, NUTS to gather nuts (hard-shelled dry fruits) NUTANT adj drooping NUTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to exhibit nutation NUTATION n pl. -S an oscillatory movement of the axis of a rotating body NUTBROWN adj of a dark brown NUTCASE n pl. -S a crazy person NUTGALL n pl. -S a gallnut NUTGRASS n pl. -ES a perennial herb NUTHATCH n pl. -ES a small bird NUTHOUSE n pl. -S an insane asylum NUTLET n pl. -S a small nut NUTLIKE adj resembling a nut NUTMEAT n pl. -S the edible kernel of a nut NUTMEG n pl. -S an aromatic seed used as a spice NUTPICK n pl. -S a device for extracting the kernels from nuts NUTRIA n pl. -S the coypu NUTRIENT n pl. -S a nourishing substance NUTSEDGE n pl. -S nutgrass NUTSHELL n pl. -S the shell of a nut NUTSY adj NUTSIER, NUTSIEST crazy NUTTED past tense of nut NUTTER n pl. -S one that gathers nuts NUTTING n pl. -S the act of gathering nuts NUTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST silly; crazy NUTTILY adv NUTWOOD n pl. -S a nut-bearing tree NUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to push with the nose NUZZLER n pl. -S one that nuzzles NYALA n pl. -S an antelope NYLGHAI n pl. -S nilgai NYLGHAU n pl. -S nilgai NYLON n pl. -S a synthetic material NYMPH n pl. -S a female spirit NYMPHAL, NYMPHEAN adj NYMPHA n pl. -PHAE a fold of the vulva NYMPHET n pl. -S a young nymph NYMPHO n pl. -PHOS a woman obsessed by sexual desire NYSTATIN n pl. -S an antibiotic OAF n pl. OAFS or OAVES a clumsy, stupid person OAFISH adj OAFISHLY adv OAK n pl. -S a hardwood tree or shrub OAKEN, OAKLIKE adj OAKMOSS n pl. -ES a lichen that grows on oak trees OAKUM n pl. -S loosely twisted hemp fiber OAR v -ED, -ING, -S to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) OARFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish OARLESS adj having no oars OARLIKE adj resembling an oar OARLOCK n pl. -S a device for holding an oar in place OARSMAN n pl. -MEN a person who rows a boat OASIS n pl. OASES a green area in a desert region OAST n pl. -S a type of kiln OAT n pl. -S a cereal grass OATCAKE n pl. -S a cake made of oatmeal OATEN adj pertaining to oats OATER n pl. -S a cowboy movie OATH n pl. -S a formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge OATLIKE adj resembling oats OATMEAL n pl. -S meal made from oats OAVES a pl. of oaf OBCONIC adj conical with the apex below OBDURACY n pl. -CIES the quality or an instance of being obdurate OBDURATE adj stubborn OBE n pl. -S obeah OBEAH n pl. -S a form of sorcery of African origin OBEAHISM n pl. -S the use of obeah OBEDIENT adj obeying or willing to obey OBEISANT adj showing reverence or respect OBELI pl. of obelus OBELIA n pl. -S a marine hydroid OBELISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to obelize OBELISK n pl. -S a four-sided shaft of stone with a pyramidal top OBELISM n pl. -S the act of obelizing OBELIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to mark with an obelus OBELUS n pl. -LI a symbol used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a doubtful passage OBESE adj very fat OBESELY adv OBESITY n pl. -TIES the state or condition of being obese OBEY v -ED, -ING, -S to follow the commands or guidance of OBEYABLE adj OBEYER n pl. -S one that obeys OBI n pl. -S obeah OBIA n pl. -S obeah OBIISM n pl. -S obeahism OBIT n pl. -S an obituary OBITUARY n pl. -ARIES a published notice of a death OBJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to argue in opposition OBJECTOR n pl. -S one that objects OBJET n pl. -S curio OBLAST n pl. -LASTS or -LASTI an administrative division of Russia OBLATE n pl. -S a layman residing in a monastery OBLATELY adv elliptically OBLATION n pl. -S the act of making a religious offering OBLATORY adj OBLIGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to oblige OBLIGATO n pl. -TI or -TOS an important musical part OBLIGE v OBLIGED, OBLIGING, OBLIGES to put in one's debt by a favor or service OBLIGEE n pl. -S one that is obliged OBLIGER n pl. -S one that obliges OBLIGING present participle of oblige OBLIGOR n pl. -S one who places himself under a legal obligation OBLIQUE v OBLIQUED, OBLIQUING, OBLIQUES to slant OBLIVION n pl. -S the state of being forgotten; the act of forgetting OBLONG n pl. -S something that is oblong (elongated) OBLONGLY adv in an oblong manner OBLOQUY n pl. -QUIES abusive language OBOE n pl. -S a woodwind instrument OBOIST n pl. -S one who plays the oboe OBOL n pl. -S a coin of ancient Greece OBOLE n pl. -S a coin of medieval France OBOLUS n pl. -LI an obol OBOVATE adj ovate with the narrow end at the base OBOVOID adj ovoid with the narrow end at the base OBSCENE adj -SCENER, -SCENEST indecent OBSCURE adj -SCURER, -SCUREST dark or indistinct OBSCURE v -SCURED, -SCURING, -SCURES to make obscure OBSEQUY n pl. -QUIES a funeral rite OBSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to look attentively OBSERVER n pl. -S one that observes OBSESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to dominate the thoughts of OBSESSOR n pl. -S something that obsesses OBSIDIAN n pl. -S a volcanic glass OBSOLETE v -LETED, -LETING, -LETES to make out-of-date OBSTACLE n pl. -S something that obstructs OBSTRUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to get in the way of OBTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to gain possession of OBTAINER n pl. -S one that obtains OBTECT adj covered by a hardened secretion OBTECTED adj obtect OBTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to beseech OBTRUDE v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES to thrust forward OBTRUDER n pl. -S one that obtrudes OBTUND v -ED, -ING, -S to deaden OBTURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to close or stop up OBTUSE adj -TUSER, -TUSEST dull OBTUSELY adv OBTUSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being obtuse OBVERSE n pl. -S the side of a coin bearing the main design OBVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn so as to show a different surface OBVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to prevent or eliminate by effective measures OBVIABLE adj OBVIATOR n pl. -S one that obviates OBVIOUS adj easily perceived or understood OBVOLUTE adj rolled or tuned in OCA n pl. -S a South American herb OCARINA n pl. -S a wind instrument OCCASION v -ED, -ING, -S to cause OCCIDENT n pl. -S the west OCCIPUT n pl. -PITA or -PUTS the back part of the skull OCCLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to close or stop up OCCLUSAL adj pertaining to the biting surface of a tooth OCCULT v -ED, -ING, -S to conceal OCCULTER n pl. -S one that occults OCCULTLY adv secretly OCCUPANT n pl. -S a resident OCCUPIER n pl. -S one that occupies OCCUPY v -PIED, -PYING, -PIES to engage the attention or energies of OCCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS to take place OCEAN n pl. -S the vast body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface OCEANIC adj OCEANAUT n pl. -S an aquanaut OCELLAR adj pertaining to an ocellus OCELLATE adj having ocelli OCELLUS n pl. -LI a minute simple eye OCELOT n pl. -S an American wildcat OCELOID adj OCHER v -ED, -ING, -S to color with ocher (a red or yellow iron ore used as a pigment) OCHEROUS adj containing or resembling ocher OCHERY adj ocherous OCHONE interj -- used to express grief OCHRE v OCHRED, OCHRING, OCHRES to ocher OCHREA n pl. -REAE ocrea OCHREOUS adj ocherous OCHRING present participle of ochre OCHROID adj ocherous OCHROUS adj ocherous OCHRY adj ochery OCKER n pl. -S a boorish person OCOTILLO n pl. -LOS a Mexican shrub OCREA n pl. -REAE a sheathing plant part OCREATE adj having ocreae OCTAD n pl. -S a group of eight OCTADIC adj OCTAGON n pl. -S an eight-sided polygon OCTAL adj pertaining to a number system with a base of eight OCTAN n pl. -S a fever recurring every eighth day OCTANE n pl. -S a liquid hydrocarbon OCTANGLE n pl. -S an octagon OCTANOL n pl. -S an alcohol OCTANT n pl. -S an eighth of a circle OCTANTAL adj OCTARCHY n pl. -TARCHIES a government by eight persons OCTAVE n pl. -S a type of musical interval OCTAVAL adj OCTAVO n pl. -VOS a page size OCTET n pl. -S a group of eight OCTETTE n pl. -S octet OCTONARY n pl. -NARIES a stanza of eight lines OCTOPOD n pl. -S any of an order of eight-armed mollusks OCTOPUS n pl. -PUSES, -PI, or -PODES a nocturnal octopod OCTOROON n pl. -S a person of one-eighth black ancestry OCTROI n pl. -S a tax on certain articles brought into a city OCTUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to multiply by eight OCTUPLET n pl. -S a group of eight related items OCTUPLEX adj being eight times as great OCTUPLING present participle of octuple OCTUPLY adv to eight times the degree OCTYL n pl. -S a univalent radical OCULAR n pl. -S an eyepiece OCULARLY adv by means of the eyes or sight OCULIST n pl. -S a physician who treats diseases of the eye OCULUS n pl. -LI a circular window OD n pl. -S a hypothetical force of natural power ODALISK n pl. -S a female slave in a harem ODD adj ODDER, ODDEST unusual ODD n pl. -S one that is odd ODDBALL n pl. -S an eccentric person ODDISH adj somewhat odd ODDITY n pl. -TIES one that is odd ODDLY adv in an odd manner ODDMENT n pl. -S a remnant ODDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being odd ODE n pl. -S a lyric poem ODEON n pl. -S odeum ODEUM n pl. ODEA or ODEUMS a theater or concert hall ODIC adj pertaining to an ode ODIOUS adj deserving or causing hatred ODIOUSLY adv ODIST n pl. -S one who writes odes ODIUM n pl. -S hatred ODOGRAPH n pl. -S an odometer ODOMETER n pl. -S a device for measuring distance traveled ODOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the process of using an odometer ODONATE n pl. -S any of an order of predacious insects ODONTOID n pl. -S a toothlike vertebral projection ODOR n pl. -S the property of a substance that affects the sense of smell ODORED, ODORFUL adj ODORANT n pl. -S an odorous substance ODORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make odorous ODORLESS adj having no odor ODOROUS adj having an odor ODOUR n pl. -S odor ODOURFUL adj ODYL n pl. -S an od ODYLE n pl. -S odyl ODYSSEY n pl. -SEYS a long, wandering journey OE n pl. -S a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands OECOLOGY n pl. -GIES ecology OEDEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA edema OEDIPAL adj pertaining to the libidinal feelings in a child toward the parent of the opposite sex OEDIPEAN adj oedipal OEILLADE n pl. -S an amorous look OENOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of wines OENOMEL n pl. -S an ancient Greek beverage of wine and honey OERSTED n pl. -S a unit of magnetic intensity OESTRIN n pl. -S estrin OESTRIOL n pl. -S estriol OESTRONE n pl. -S estrone OESTROUS adj estrous OESTRUM n pl. -S estrum OESTRUS n pl. -ES estrus OEUVRE n pl. -S a work of art OF prep coming from OFF v -ED, -ING, -S to go away OFFAL n pl. -S waste material OFFBEAT n pl. -S an unaccented beat in a musical measure OFFCAST n pl. -S a castoff OFFCUT n pl. -S something that is cut off OFFENCE n pl. -S offense OFFEND v -ED, -ING, -S to commit an offense OFFENDER n pl. -S one that offends OFFENSE n pl. -S a violation of a moral or social code OFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to present for acceptance or rejection OFFERER n pl. -S one that offers OFFERING n pl. -S a contribution OFFEROR n pl. -S offerer OFFHAND adv without preparation OFFICE n pl. -S a position of authority OFFICER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with officers (persons holding positions of authority) OFFICIAL n pl. -S one that holds a position of authority OFFING n pl. -S the near future OFFISH adj aloof OFFISHLY adv OFFKEY adj pitched higher or lower than the correct musical tone OFFLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to unload OFFPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to reprint an excerpt OFFRAMP n pl. -S a road leading off an expressway OFFSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to compensate for OFFSHOOT n pl. -S a lateral shoot from a main stem OFFSHORE adv away from the shore OFFSIDE n pl. -S an improper football play OFFSTAGE n pl. -S a part of a stage not visible to the audience OFFTRACK adj away from a racetrack OFT adv OFTER, OFTEST often OFTEN adv -ENER, -ENEST frequently OFTTIMES adv often OGAM n pl. -S ogham OGDOAD n pl. -S a group of eight OGEE n pl. -S an S-shaped molding OGHAM n pl. -S an Old Irish alphabet OGHAMIC adj OGHAMIST n pl. -S one who writes in ogham OGIVE n pl. -S a pointed arch OGIVAL adj OGLE v OGLED, OGLING, OGLES to stare at OGLER n pl. -S one that ogles OGRE n pl. -S a monster OGREISH adj resembling an ogre OGREISM n pl. -S the state of being ogreish OGRESS n pl. -ES a female ogre OGRISH adj ogreish OGRISHLY adv OGRISM n pl. -S ogreism OH v -ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire OHIA n pl. -S lehua OHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistance OHMIC adj OHMAGE n pl. -S electrical resistance expressed in ohms OHMMETER n pl. -S an instrument for measuring ohmage OHO interj -- used to express surprise or exultation OIDIUM n pl. OIDIA a type of fungus OIL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) OILBIRD n pl. -S a tropical bird OILCAMP n pl. -S a living area for workers at an oil well OILCAN n pl. -S a can for applying lubricating oil OILCLOTH n pl. -S a waterproof fabric OILCUP n pl. -S a closed cup for supplying lubricant OILER n pl. -S one that oils OILHOLE n pl. -S a hole through which lubricating oil is injected OILIER comparative of oily OILIEST superlative of oily OILILY adv in an oily manner OILINESS n pl. -ES the state of being oily OILMAN n pl. -MEN one who owns or operates oil wells OILPAPER n pl. -S a water-resistant paper OILPROOF adj impervious to oil OILSEED n pl. -S a seed from which oil is pressed out OILSKIN n pl. -S a waterproof fabric OILSTONE n pl. -S a stone for sharpening tools OILTIGHT adj being so tight as to prevent the passage of oil OILWAY n pl. -WAYS a channel for the passage of oil OILY adj OILIER, OILIEST covered or soaked with oil OINK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the natural grunt of a hog OINOLOGY n pl. -GIES oenology OINOMEL n pl. -S oenomel OINTMENT n pl. -S a viscous preparation applied to the skin as a medicine or cosmetic OITICICA n pl. -S a South American tree OKA n pl. -S a Turkish unit of weight OKAPI n pl. -S an African ruminant mammal OKAY v -ED, -ING, -S to approve OKE n pl. -S oka OKEH n pl. -S approval OKEYDOKE adj perfectly all right OKRA n pl. -S a tall annual herb OLD adj OLDER, OLDEST or ELDER, ELDEST living or existing for a relatively long time OLD n pl. -S an individual of a specified age OLDEN adj pertaining to a bygone era OLDIE n pl. -S a popular song of an earlier day OLDISH adj somewhat old OLDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being old OLDSQUAW n pl. -S a sea duck OLDSTER n pl. -S an old person OLDSTYLE n pl. -S a style of printing type OLDWIFE n pl. -WIVES a marine fish OLDY n pl. OLDIES oldie OLE n pl. -S a shout of approval OLEA pl. of oleum OLEANDER n pl. -S a flowering shrub OLEASTER n pl. -S a flowering shrub OLEATE n pl. -S a chemical salt OLEFIN n pl. -S an alkene OLEFINIC adj OLEFINE n pl. -S olefin OLEIC adj pertaining to oil OLEIN n pl. -S the liquid portion of a fat OLEINE n pl. -S olein OLEO n pl. OLEOS margarine OLEUM n pl. -S a corrosive liquid OLEUM n pl. OLEA oil OLIBANUM n pl. -S a fragrant resin OLIGARCH n pl. -S a ruler in a government by the few OLIGOMER n pl. -S a type of polymer OLIGURIA n pl. -S reduced excretion of urine OLIO n pl. OLIOS a miscellaneous collection OLIVARY adj shaped like an olive OLIVE n pl. -S the small oval fruit of a Mediterranean tree OLIVINE n pl. -S a mineral OLIVINIC adj OLLA n pl. -S a wide-mouthed pot or jar OLOGIST n pl. -S an expert in a particular ology OLOGY n pl. -GIES a branch of knowledge OLOROSO n pl. -SOS a dark sherry OLYMPIAD n pl. -S a celebration of the Olympic Games OM n pl. -S a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality OMASUM n pl. -SA the third stomach of a ruminant OMBER n pl. -S ombre OMBRE n pl. -S a card game OMEGA n pl. -S a Greek letter OMELET n pl. -S a dish of beaten eggs cooked and folded around a filling OMELETTE n pl. -S omelet OMEN v -ED, -ING, -S to be an omen (a prophetic sign) of OMENTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS a fold in an abdominal membrane OMENTAL adj OMER n pl. -S a Hebrew unit of dry measure OMICRON n pl. -S a Greek letter OMIKRON n pl. -S omicron OMINOUS adj portending evil OMISSION n pl. -S something left undone OMISSIVE adj marked by omission OMIT v OMITTED, OMITTING, OMITS to leave out OMITTER n pl. -S one that omits OMNIARCH n pl. -S an almighty ruler OMNIBUS n pl. -ES a bus OMNIFIC adj unlimited in creative power OMNIFORM adj of all forms OMNIMODE adj of all modes OMNIVORA n/pl omnivores OMNIVORE n pl. -S an animal that eats all kinds of food OMOPHAGY n pl. -GIES the eating of raw flesh OMPHALOS n pl. -LI a central point ON n pl. -S the side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket ONAGER n pl. -GERS or -GRI a wild ass of central Asia ONANISM n pl. -S coitus deliberately interrupted to prevent insemination ONANIST n pl. -S one who practices onanism ONBOARD adj carried aboard a vehicle ONCE n one single time ONCIDIUM n pl. -S a tropical orchid ONCOGENE n pl. -S a gene that causes a cell to become cancerous ONCOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of tumors ONCOMING n pl. -S an approach ONDOGRAM n pl. -S a graph of electric wave forms ONE n pl. -S a number ONEFOLD adj constituting a single, undivided whole ONEIRIC adj pertaining to dreams ONENESS n pl. -ES unity ONEROUS adj burdensome or oppressive ONERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST ornery ONESELF pron a person's self ONETIME adj former ONGOING adj continuing without interruption ONION n pl. -S the edible bulb of a cultivated herb ONIONY adj ONIUM adj characterized by a complex cation ONLOOKER n pl. -S a spectator ONLY adv with nothing or no one else ONRUSH n pl. -ES a forward rush or flow ONSET n pl. -S a beginning ONSHORE adv toward the shore ONSIDE adj not offside ONSTAGE adj being on a part of the stage visible to the audience ONSTREAM adv in or into production ONTIC adj having real being or existence ONTO prep to a position upon ONTOGENY n pl. -NIES the development of an individual organism ONTOLOGY n pl. -GIES the branch of philosophy that deals with being ONUS n pl. -ES a burden or responsibility ONWARD adv toward a point ahead or in front ONWARDS adv onward ONYX n pl. -ES a variety of quartz OOCYST n pl. -S a zygote OOCYTE n pl. -S an egg before maturation OODLES n pl. OODLES a large amount OODLINS n pl. OODLINS oodles OOGAMETE n pl. -S a female gamete of certain protozoa OOGAMOUS adj having structurally dissimilar gametes OOGAMY n pl. -MIES the state of being oogamous OOGENY n pl. -NIES the development of ova OOGONIUM n pl. -NIA or -NIUMS a female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi OOGONIAL adj OOH v -ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise OOLACHAN n pl. -S eulachon OOLITE n pl. -S a variety of limestone OOLITIC adj OOLITH n pl. -S oolite OOLOGIST n pl. -S an expert in oology OOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of birds' eggs OOLOGIC adj OOLONG n pl. -S a dark Chinese tea OOMIAC n pl. -S umiak OOMIACK n pl. -S umiak OOMIAK n pl. -S umiak OOMPAH v -ED, -ING, -S to play a repeated rhythmic bass accompaniment OOMPH n pl. -S spirited vigor OOPHYTE n pl. -S a stage of development in certain plants OOPHYTIC adj OOPS interj -- used to express mild apology, surprise, or dismay OORALI n pl. -S curare OORIE adj ourie OOSPERM n pl. -S a fertilized egg OOSPHERE n pl. -S an unfertilized egg within an oogonium OOSPORE n pl. -S a fertilized egg within an oogonium OOSPORIC adj OOT n pl. -S out OOTHECA n pl. -CAE an egg case of certain insects OOTHECAL adj OOTID n pl. -S one of the four sections into which a mature ovum divides OOZE v OOZED, OOZING, OOZES to flow or leak out slowly OOZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being oozy OOZY adj OOZIER, OOZIEST containing or resembling soft mud or slime OOZILY adv OP n pl. -S a style of abstract art OPACIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make opaque OPACITY n pl. -TIES something that is opaque OPAH n pl. -S a marine fish OPAL n pl. -S a mineral OPALESCE v -ESCED, -ESCING, -ESCES to emit an iridescent shimmer of colors OPALINE n pl. -S an opaque white glass OPAQUE adj OPAQUER, OPAQUEST impervious to light OPAQUELY adv OPAQUE v OPAQUED, OPAQUING, OPAQUES to make opaque OPE v OPED, OPING, OPES to open OPEN adj OPENER, OPENEST affording unobstructed access, passage, or view OPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to become open OPENABLE adj OPENCAST adj worked from a surface open to the air OPENER n pl. -S one that opens OPENING n pl. -S a vacant or unobstructed space OPENLY adv in an open manner OPENNESS n pl. -ES the state of being open OPENWORK n pl. -S ornamental or structural work containing numerous openings OPERA n pl. -S a form of musical drama OPERABLE adj usable OPERABLY adv OPERAND n pl. -S a quantity on which a mathematical operation is performed OPERANT n pl. -S one that operates OPERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to perform a function OPERATIC n pl. -S the technique of staging operas OPERATOR n pl. -S a symbol that represents a mathematical function OPERCELE n pl. -S opercule OPERCULA n/pl opercules OPERCULE n pl. -S an anatomical part that serves as a lid or cover OPERETTA n pl. -S a light musical drama with spoken dialogue OPERON n pl. -S a type of gene cluster OPEROSE adj involving great labor OPHIDIAN n pl. -S a snake OPHITE n pl. -S an igneous rock OPHITIC adj OPIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to treat with opium OPINE v OPINED, OPINING, OPINES to hold or state as an opinion OPING present participle of ope OPINION n pl. -S a conclusion or judgment one holds to be true OPIOID n pl. -S a peptide that acts like opium OPIUM n pl. -S an addictive narcotic OPIUMISM n pl. -S opium addiction OPOSSUM n pl. -S an arboreal mammal OPPIDAN n pl. -S a townsman OPPILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to obstruct OPPILANT adj OPPONENT n pl. -S one that opposes another OPPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to be in contention or conflict with OPPOSER n pl. -S one that opposes OPPOSITE n pl. -S one that is radically different from another in some related way OPPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to burden by abuse of power or authority OPPUGN v -ED, -ING, -S to assail with argument OPPUGNER n pl. -S one that oppugns OPSIN n pl. -S a type of protein OPSONIC adj pertaining to opsonin OPSONIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to opsonize OPSONIN n pl. -S an antibody of blood serum OPSONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to form opsonins in OPT v -ED, -ING, -S to choose OPTATIVE n pl. -S a mood of verbs that expresses a wish or desire OPTIC n pl. -S an eye OPTICAL adj pertaining to sight OPTICIAN n pl. -S one who makes or deals in optical goods OPTICIST n pl. -S one engaged in the study of light and vision OPTIMA a pl. of optimum OPTIMAL adj most desirable OPTIME n pl. -S an honor student in mathematics at Cambridge University OPTIMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to optimize OPTIMISM n pl. -S a disposition to look or the favorable side of things OPTIMIST n pl. -S one who exhibits optimism OPTIMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to make as perfect, useful, or effective as possible OPTIMUM n pl. -MA or -MUMS the most favorable condition for obtaining a given result OPTION v -ED, -ING, -S to grant an option (a right to buy or sell something at a specified price within a specified time) on OPTIONAL n pl. -S an elective course of study OPTIONEE n pl. -S one who holds a legal option OPULENCE n pl. -S wealth OPULENCY n pl. -CIES opulence OPULENT adj wealthy OPUNTIA n pl. -S an American cactus OPUS n pl. OPERA or OPUSES a literary of musical work OPUSCULA n/pl opuscules OPUSCULE n pl. -S a minor work OQUASSA n pl. -S a small lake trout OR n pl. -S the heraldic color gold ORA pl. of os ORACH n pl. -ES a cultivated plant ORACHE n pl. -S orach ORACLE n pl. -S a person through whom a deity is believed to speak ORACULAR adj ORAD adv toward the mouth ORAL n pl. -S an examination requiring spoken answers ORALISM n pl. -S the use of oral methods of teaching the deaf ORALIST n pl. -S an advocate of oralism ORALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being produced orally ORALLY adv through the mouth ORANG n pl. -S a large ape ORANGE n pl. -S a citrus fruit ORANGERY n pl. -RIES a place where orange trees are cultivated ORANGEY adj -ANGIER, -ANGIEST orangy ORANGISH adj of a somewhat orange color ORANGY adj -ANGIER, -ANGIEST resembling or suggestive of an orange ORATE v ORATED, ORATING, ORATES to speak formally ORATION n pl. -S a formal speech ORATOR n pl. -S one that orates ORATORIO n pl. -RIOS a type of musical composition ORATORY n pl. -RIES the art of public speaking ORATRESS n pl. -ES oratrix ORATRIX n pl. -TRICES a female orator ORB v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a circle or sphere ORBIER comparative of orby ORBIEST superlative of orby ORBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to move or revolve around ORBITAL n pl. -S a subdivision of a nuclear shell ORBITER n pl. -S one that orbits ORBY adj ORBIER, ORBIEST resembling a circle or sphere ORC n pl. -S a marine mammal ORCA n pl. -S orc ORCEIN n pl. -S a reddish brown dye ORCHARD n pl. -S an area for the cultivation of fruit trees ORCHID n pl. -S a flowering plant ORCHIL n pl. -S a purple dye ORCHIS n pl. -CHISES an orchid ORCHITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the testicle ORCHITIC adj ORCIN n pl. -S orcinol ORCINOL n pl. -S a chemical compound ORDAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with holy authority ORDAINER n pl. -S one that ordains ORDEAL n pl. -S a severely difficult or painful experience ORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to give a command or instruction to ORDERER n pl. -S one that orders ORDERLY n pl. -LIES a male attendant ORDINAL n pl. -S a number designating position in a series ORDINAND n pl. -S a person about to be ordained ORDINARY adj -NARIER, -NARIEST of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events ORDINARY n pl. -NARIES something that is ordinary ORDINATE n pl. -S a particular geometric coordinate ORDINES a pl. of ordo ORDNANCE n pl. -S artillery; a cannon ORDO n pl. -DINES or -DOS a calendar of religious directions ORDURE n pl. -S manure ORE n pl. -S a mineral or rock containing a valuable metal OREAD n pl. -S a mountain nymph in Greek mythology ORECTIC adj pertaining to appetites or desires ORECTIVE adj orectic OREGANO n pl. -NOS an aromatic herb used as a seasoning OREIDE n pl. -S oroide ORFRAY n pl. -FRAYS orphrey ORGAN n pl. -S a differentiated part of an organism performing a specific function ORGANA a pl. of organon and organum ORGANDIE n pl. -S organdy ORGANDY n pl. -DIES a cotton fabric ORGANIC n pl. -S a substance of animal or vegetable origin ORGANISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to organize ORGANISM n pl. -S any form of animal or plant life ORGANIST n pl. -S one who plays the organ (a keyboard musical instrument) ORGANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to form into an orderly whole ORGANON n pl. -GANA or -GANONS a system of rules for scientific investigation ORGANUM n pl. -GANA or -GANUMS organon ORGANZA n pl. -S a sheer fabric ORGASM n pl. -S the climax of sexual excitement ORGASMIC, ORGASTIC adj ORGEAT n pl. -S an almond-flavored syrup ORGIAC adj of the nature of an orgy ORGIC adj orgiac ORGONE n pl. -S a postulated energy pervading the universe ORGULOUS adj proud ORGY n pl. -GIES a party marked by unrestrained sexual indulgence ORIBATID n pl. -S any of a family of eyeless mites ORIBI n pl. -S an African antelope ORIEL n pl. -S a type of projecting window ORIENT v -ED, -ING, -S to adjust in relation to something else ORIENTAL n pl. -S an inhabitant of an eastern country ORIFICE n pl. -S a mouth or mouthlike opening ORIGAMI n pl. -S the Japanese art of paper folding ORIGAN n pl. -S marjoram ORIGANUM n pl. -S an aromatic herb ORIGIN n pl. -S a coming into being ORIGINAL n pl. -S the first form of something ORINASAL n pl. -S a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose ORIOLE n pl. -S an American songbird ORISON n pl. -S a prayer ORLE n pl. -S a heraldic border ORLOP n pl. -S the lowest deck of a ship ORMER n pl. -S an abalone ORMOLU n pl. -S an alloy used to imitate gold ORNAMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate ORNATE adj elaborately or excessively ornamented ORNATELY adv ORNERY adj -NERIER, -NERIEST stubborn and mean-spirited ORNIS n pl. ORNITHES avifauna ORNITHIC adj pertaining to birds OROGENY n pl. -NIES the process of mountain formation OROGENIC adj OROIDE n pl. -S an alloy used to imitate gold OROLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of mountains OROMETER n pl. -S a type of barometer OROTUND adj full and clear in sound ORPHAN v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of both parents ORPHIC adj mystical ORPHICAL adj orphic ORPHREY n pl. -PHREYS an ornamental band or border ORPIMENT n pl. -S a yellow dye ORPIN n pl. -S orpine ORPINE n pl. -S a perennial herb ORRA adj occasional ORRERY n pl. -RERIES a mechanical model of the solar system ORRICE n pl. -S orris ORRIS n pl. -RISES a flowering plant ORT n pl. -S a scrap of food ORTHICON n pl. -S a type of television camera tube ORTHO adj pertaining to reproduction in a photograph of the full range of colors in nature ORTHODOX n pl. -ES one holding traditional beliefs ORTHOEPY n pl. -EPIES the study of correct pronunciation ORTHOSIS n pl. -THOSES an orthotic ORTHOTIC n pl. -S a brace for weak joints or muscles ORTOLAN n pl. -S a European bird ORYX n pl. -ES an African antelope ORZO n pl. -ZOS rice-shaped pasta OS n pl. ORA an orifice OS n pl. OSAR an esker OS n pl. OSSA a bone OSCINE n pl. -S any of a family of songbirds OSCININE adj OSCITANT adj yawning OSCULA pl. of osculum OSCULANT adj adhering closely OSCULAR adj pertaining to the mouth OSCULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to kiss OSCULE n pl. -S osculum OSCULUM n pl. -LA an opening in a sponge OSE n pl. -S an esker OSIER n pl. -S a European tree OSMATIC adj depending mainly on the sense of smell OSMICS n/pl the study of the sense of smell OSMIUM n pl. -S a metallic element OSMIC, OSMIOUS adj OSMOL n pl. -S a unit of osmotic pressure OSMOLAL adj OSMOLAR adj osmotic OSMOLE n pl. -S osmol OSMOSE v -MOSED, -MOSING, -MOSES to undergo osmosis OSMOSIS n pl. -MOSES a form of diffusion of a fluid through a membrane OSMOTIC adj pertaining to osmosis OSMOUS adj containing osmium OSMUND n pl. -S any of a genus of large ferns OSMUNDA n pl. -S osmund OSNABURG n pl. -S a cotton fabric OSPREY n pl. -PREYS an American hawk OSSA pl. of os OSSEIN n pl. -S a protein substance in bone OSSEOUS adj resembling bone OSSIA conj or else -- used as a musical direction OSSICLE n pl. -S a small bone OSSIFIC adj pertaining to the formation of bone OSSIFIER n pl. -S one that ossifies OSSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into bone OSSUARY n pl. -ARIES a receptacle for the bones of the dead OSTEAL adj osseous OSTEITIS n pl. -ITIDES inflammation of bone OSTEITIC adj OSTEOID n pl. -S uncalcified bone matrix OSTEOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of bone tissue OSTEOSIS n pl. -OSES or -OSISES the formation of bone OSTIA pl. of ostium OSTIARY n pl. -ARIES a doorkeeper at a church OSTINATO n pl. -TOS a constantly recurring musical phrase OSTIOLE n pl. -S a small bodily opening OSTIOLAR adj OSTIUM n pl. OSTIA an opening in a bodily organ OSTLER n pl. -S hostler OSTMARK n pl. -S a former East German monetary unit OSTOMY n pl. -MIES a type of surgical operation OSTOSIS n pl. -TOSES or -TOSISES the formation of bone OSTRACOD n pl. -S a minute freshwater crustacean OSTRACON n pl. -CA a fragment containing an inscription OSTRICH n pl. -ES a large, flightless bird OTALGIA n pl. -S pain in the ear OTALGIC adj OTALGY n pl. -GIES otalgia OTHER n pl. -S one that remains of two or more OTIC adj pertaining to the ear OTIOSE adj lazy OTIOSELY adv OTIOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being otiose OTITIS n pl. OTITIDES inflammation of the ear OTITIC adj OTOCYST n pl. -S an organ of balance in many invertebrates OTOLITH n pl. -S a hard mass that forms in the inner ear OTOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of the ear OTOSCOPE n pl. -S an instrument for examining the ear OTOSCOPY n pl. -PIES the use of an otoscope OTOTOXIC adj adversely affecting hearing or balance OTTAR n pl. -S attar OTTAVA n pl. -S an octave OTTER n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal OTTO n pl. -TOS attar OTTOMAN n pl. -S a type of sofa OUABAIN n pl. -S a cardiac stimulant OUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to ornament with ouches (settings for precious stones) OUD n pl. -S a stringed instrument of northern Africa OUGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to owe OUGUIYA n pl. OUGUIYA a monetary unit of Mauritania OUISTITI n pl. -S a South American monkey OUNCE n pl. -S a unit of weight OUPH n pl. -S ouphe OUPHE n pl. -S an elf OUR pron a possessive form of the pronoun we OURANG n pl. -S orang OURARI n pl. -S curare OUREBI n pl. -S oribi OURIE adj shivering with cold OURS pron a possessive form of the pronoun we OURSELF pron myself -- used in formal or regal contexts OUSEL n pl. -S ouzel OUST v -ED, -ING, -S to expel or remove from a position or place OUSTER n pl. -S the act of ousting OUT v -ED, -ING, -S to be revealed OUTACT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in acting OUTADD v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in adding OUTAGE n pl. -S a failure or interruption in use or functioning OUTARGUE v -GUED, -GUING, -GUES to get the better of by arguing OUTASK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in asking OUTATE past tense of outeat OUTBACK n pl. -S isolated rural country OUTBAKE v -BAKED, -BAKING, -BAKES to surpass in baking OUTBARK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in barking OUTBAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in bawling OUTBEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in beaming OUTBEG v -BEGGED, -BEGGING, -BEGS to surpass in begging OUTBID v -BID, -BIDDEN, -BIDDING, -BIDS to bid higher than OUTBITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in bitching OUTBLAZE v -BLAZED, -BLAZING, -BLAZES to surpass in brilliance of light OUTBLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in bleating OUTBLESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in blessing OUTBLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in blooming OUTBLUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in bluffing OUTBLUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in blushing OUTBOARD n pl. -S a type of motor OUTBOAST v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in boasting OUTBOUGHT past tense of outbuy OUTBOUND adj outward bound OUTBOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in boxing OUTBRAG v -BRAGGED, -BRAGGING, -BRAGS to surpass in bragging OUTBRAVE v -BRAVED, -BRAVING, -BRAVES to surpass in courage OUTBRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in brawling OUTBREAK n pl. -S a sudden eruption OUTBREED v -BRED, -BREEDING, -BREEDS to interbreed relatively unrelated stocks OUTBRIBE v -BRIBED, -BRIBING, -BRIBES to surpass in bribing OUTBUILD v -BUILT, -BUILDING, -BUILDS to surpass in building OUTBULK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in bulking OUTBULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to surpass in bullying OUTBURN v -BURNED or -BURNT, -BURNING, -BURNS to burn longer than OUTBURST n pl. -S a sudden and violent outpouring OUTBUY v -BOUGHT, -BUYING, -BUYS to surpass in buying OUTBY adv outdoors OUTBYE adv outby OUTCAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in capering OUTCAST n pl. -S one that is cast out OUTCASTE n pl. -S a Hindu who has been expelled from his caste OUTCATCH v -CAUGHT, -CATCHING, -CATCHES to surpass in catching OUTCAVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to surpass in caviling OUTCHARM v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in charming OUTCHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in cheating OUTCHIDE v -CHIDED or -CHID, -CHIDDEN, -CHIDING, -CHIDES to surpass in chiding OUTCLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass so decisively as to appear of a higher class OUTCLIMB v -CLIMBED or -CLOMB, -CLIMBING, -CLIMBS to surpass in climbing OUTCOACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in coaching OUTCOME n pl. -S a result OUTCOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in cooking OUTCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in counting OUTCRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in crawling OUTCRIED past tense of outcry OUTCRIES present 3d person sing. of outcry OUTCROP v -CROPPED, -CROPPING, -CROPS to protrude above the soil OUTCROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cross with a relatively unrelated individual OUTCROW v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in crowing OUTCRY v -CRIED, -CRYING, -CRIES to cry louder than OUTCURSE v -CURSED, -CURSING, -CURSES to surpass in cursing OUTCURVE n pl. -S a type of pitch in baseball OUTDANCE v -DANCED, -DANCING, -DANCES to surpass in dancing OUTDARE v -DARED, -DARING, -DARES to surpass in daring OUTDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to make out-of-date OUTDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES o exceed in performance OUTDODGE v -DODGED, -DODGING, -DODGES to surpass in dodging OUTDOER n pl. -S one that outdoes OUTDONE past participle of outdo OUTDOOR adj pertaining to the open air OUTDOORS adv in the open air OUTDRAG v -DRAGGED, DRAGGING, -DRAGS to surpass in drag racing OUTDRANK past tense of outdrink OUTDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS o attract a larger audience than OUTDREAM v -DREAMED or -DREAMT, -DREAMING, -DREAMS to surpass in dreaming OUTDRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in dressing OUTDREW past tense of outdraw OUTDRINK v -DRANK, -DRUNK, -DRINKING, -DRINKS o surpass in drinking OUTDRIVE v -DROVE, -DRIVEN, -DRIVING, -DRIVES o drive a golf ball farther than OUTDROP v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS to surpass in dropping OUTDRUNK past participle of outdrink OUTDUEL v -DUELED, -DUELING, -DUELS or -DUELLED, -DUELLING, -DUELS to surpass in dueling OUTEARN v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in earning OUTEAT v -ATE, -EATEN, -EATING, -EATS o surpass in eating OUTECHO v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in echoing OUTER n pl. -S a part of a target OUTFABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to surpass in fabling OUTFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to confront unflinchingly OUTFALL n pl. -S the outlet of a body of water OUTFAST v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in fasting OUTFAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in fawning OUTFEAST v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in feasting OUTFEEL v -FELT, -FEELING, -FEELS to surpass in feeling OUTFIELD n pl. -S a part of a baseball field OUTFIGHT v -FOUGHT, -FIGHTING, -FIGHTS to defeat OUTFIND v -FOUND, -FINDING, -FINDS to surpass in finding OUTFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES to surpass in firing OUTFISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in fishing OUTFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to equip OUTFLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to gain a tactical advantage over OUTFLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to flow out OUTFLY v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES o surpass in speed of flight OUTFOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in fooling OUTFOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in speed OUTFOUGHT past tense of outfight OUTFOUND past tense of outfind OUTFOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to outwit OUTFROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to frown more than OUTGAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to gain more than OUTGAS v -GASSED, -GASSING, -GASSES to remove gas from OUTGIVE v -GAVE, -GIVEN, -GIVING, -GIVES o give more than OUTGLARE v -GLARED, -GLARING, -GLARES to surpass in glaring OUTGLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in glowing OUTGNAW v -GNAWED, -GNAWN, -GNAWING, -GNAWS o surpass in gnawing OUTGO v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES o go beyond OUTGOING n pl. -S a departure OUTGREW past tense of outgrow OUTGRIN v -GRINNED, -GRINNING, -GRINS to surpass in grinning OUTGROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in gross earnings OUTGROUP n pl. -S a group of people outside one's own group OUTGROW v -GREW, -GROWN, -GROWING, -GROWS o grow too large for OUTGUESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to anticipate the actions of OUTGUIDE v -GUIDED, -GUIDING, -GUIDES to surpass in guiding OUTGUN v -GUNNED, -GUNNING, -GUNS to surpass in firepower OUTGUSH n pl. -ES a gushing out OUTHAUL n pl. -S a rope for extending a sail along a spar OUTHEAR v -HEARD, -HEARING, -HEARS to surpass in hearing OUTHIT v -HIT, -HITTING, -HITS to get more hits than OUTHOMER v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in hitting home runs OUTHOUSE n pl. -S a toilet housed in a small structure OUTHOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in howling OUTHUMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in humoring OUTHUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in hunting OUTING n pl. -S a short pleasure trip OUTJINX v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in jinxing OUTJUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in jumping OUTJUT v -JUTTED, -JUTTING, -JUTS to stick out OUTKEEP v -KEPT, -KEEPING, -KEEPS to surpass in keeping OUTKICK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in kicking OUTKILL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in killing OUTKISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in kissing OUTLAID past tense of outlay OUTLAIN past participle of outlie OUTLAND n pl. -S a foreign land OUTLAST v -ED, -ING, -S to last longer than OUTLAUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in laughing OUTLAW v -ED, -ING, -S to prohibit OUTLAWRY n pl. -RIES habitual defiance of the law OUTLAY n -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to pay out OUTLEAP v -LEAPED or -LEAPT, -LEAPING, -LEAPS to surpass in leaping OUTLEARN v -LEARNED or -LEARNT, -LEARNING, -LEARNS to surpass in learning OUTLET n pl. -S a passage for escape or discharge OUTLIE v -LAY, -LAIN, -LYING, -LIES o lie beyond OUTLIER n pl. -S an outlying area or portion OUTLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to indicate the main features or different parts of OUTLINER n pl. -S one that outlines OUTLIVE v -LIVED, -LIVING, -LIVES to live longer than OUTLIVER n pl. -S one that outlives OUTLOOK n pl. -S a point of view OUTLOVE v -LOVED, -LOVING, -LOVES to surpass in loving OUTLYING present participle of outlie OUTMAN v -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to surpass in manpower OUTMARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in marching OUTMATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to outdo OUTMODE v -MODED, -MODING, -MODES to outdate OUTMOST adj farthest out OUTMOVE v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES to move faster or farther than OUTPACE v -PACED, -PACING, -PACES to surpass in speed OUTPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in painting OUTPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to excel in passing a football OUTPITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in pitching OUTPITY v -PITIED, -PITYING, -PITIES to surpass in pitying OUTPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS to surpass in planning OUTPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to excel or defeat in a game OUTPLOD v -PLODDED, -PLODDING, -PLODS to surpass in plodding OUTPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to surpass in plotting OUTPOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to score more points than OUTPOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to get more votes than OUTPORT n pl. -S a port of export or departure OUTPOST n pl. -S a body of troops stationed at a distance from the main body OUTPOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to pour out OUTPOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in power OUTPRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in praying OUTPREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in preening OUTPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in pressing OUTPRICE v -PRICED, -PRICING, -PRICES to surpass in pricing OUTPULL v -ED, -ING, -S to attract a larger audience or following than OUTPUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in punching OUTPUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in pushing OUTPUT v -PUTTED, -PUTTING, -PUTS to produce OUTQUOTE v -QUOTED, -QUOTING, -QUOTES to surpass in quoting OUTRACE v -RACED, -RACING, -RACES to run faster or farther than OUTRAGE v -RAGED, -RAGING, -RAGES to arouse anger or resentment in OUTRAISE v -RAISED, -RAISING, -RAISES to surpass in raising OUTRAN past tense of outrun OUTRANCE n pl. -S the last extremity OUTRANG past tense of outring OUTRANGE v -RANGED, -RANGING, -RANGES to surpass in range OUTRANK v -ED, -ING, -S to rank higher than OUTRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to surpass in a rating OUTRAVE v -RAVED, -RAVING, -RAVES to surpass in raving OUTRE adj deviating from what is usual or proper OUTREACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to reach beyond OUTREAD v -READ, -READING, -READS to surpass in reading OUTRIDE v -RODE, -RIDDEN, -RIDING, -RIDES o ride faster or better than OUTRIDER n pl. -S a mounted attendant who rides before or beside a carriage OUTRIGHT adj being without limit or reservation OUTRING v -RANG, -RUNG, -RINGING, -RINGS o ring louder than OUTRIVAL v -VALED, -VALING, -VALS or -VALLED, -VALLING, -VALS to outdo in a competition or rivalry OUTROAR v -ED, -ING, -S to roar louder than OUTROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in rocking OUTRODE past tense of outride OUTROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to roll out OUTROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to pull up by the roots OUTROW v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in rowing OUTRUN v -RAN, -RUNNING, -RUNS to run faster than OUTRUNG past participle of outring OUTRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in rushing OUTSAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to sail faster than OUTSANG past tense of outsing OUTSAT past tense of outsit OUTSAVOR v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in a distinctive taste or smell OUTSAW past tense of outsee OUTSCOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in scolding OUTSCOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in scooping OUTSCORE v -SCORED, -SCORING, -SCORES to score more points than OUTSCORN v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in scorning OUTSEE v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES o see beyond OUTSELL v -SOLD, -SELLING, -SELLS to sell more than OUTSERT n pl. -S a folded sheet placed around a folded section of printed matter OUTSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to surpass in serving OUTSET n pl. -S a beginning OUTSHAME v -SHAMED, -SHAMING, -SHAMES to surpass in shaming OUTSHINE v -SHONE or -SHINED, -SHINING, -SHINES to shine brighter than OUTSHOOT v -SHOT, -SHOOTING, -SHOOTS to shoot better than OUTSHOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to shout louder than OUTSIDE n pl. -S the outer side, surface, or part OUTSIDER n pl. -S one that does not belong to a particular group OUTSIGHT n pl. -S the power of perceiving external things OUTSIN v -SINNED, -SINNING, -SINS to surpass in sinning OUTSING v -SANG, -SUNG, -SINGING, -SINGS o surpass in singing OUTSIT v -SAT, -SITTING, -SITS to remain sitting or in session longer than OUTSIZE n pl. -S an unusual size OUTSIZED adj OUTSKATE v -SKATED, -SKATING, -SKATES to surpass in skating OUTSKIRT n pl. -S an outlying area OUTSLEEP v -SLEPT, -SLEEPING, -SLEEPS to sleep later than OUTSLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to get the better of by trickery or cunning OUTSMART v -ED, -ING, -S to outwit OUTSMILE v -SMILED, -SMILING, -SMILES to surpass in smiling OUTSMOKE v -SMOKED, -SMOKING, -SMOKES to surpass in smoking OUTSNORE v -SNORED, -SNORING, -SNORES to surpass in snoring OUTSOAR v -ED, -ING, -S to soar beyond OUTSOLD past tense of outsell OUTSOLE n pl. -S the outer sole of a boot or shoe OUTSPAN v -SPANNED, -SPANNING, -SPANS to unharness a draft animal OUTSPEAK v -SPOKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS o outdo in speaking OUTSPEED v -SPED or -SPEEDED, -SPEEDING, -SPEEDS to go faster than OUTSPELL v -SPELLED or -SPELT, -SPELLING, -SPELLS to surpass in spelling OUTSPEND v -SPENT, -SPENDING, -SPENDS to exceed the limits of in spending OUTSPOKE past tense of outspeak OUTSPOKEN past participle of outspeak OUTSTAND v -STOOD, -STANDING, -STANDS to endure beyond OUTSTARE v -STARED, -STARING, -STARES to outface OUTSTART v -ED, -ING, -S to get ahead of at the start OUTSTATE v -STATED, -STATING, -STATES to surpass in stating OUTSTAY v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in staying power OUTSTEER v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in steering OUTSTOOD past tense of outstand OUTSTRIP v -STRIPPED, -STRIPPING, -STRIPS to go faster or farther than OUTSTUDY v -STUDIED, -STUDYING, -STUDIES to surpass in studying OUTSTUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in stunting OUTSULK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in sulking OUTSUNG past participle of outsing OUTSWEAR v -SWORE or -SWARE, -SWORN, -SWEARING, -SWEARS to surpass in swearing OUTSWIM v -SWAM, -SWUM, -SWIMMING, -SWIMS o swim faster or farther than OUTTAKE n pl. -S a passage outwards OUTTALK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in talking OUTTASK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in tasking OUTTELL v -TOLD, -TELLING, -TELLS to say openly OUTTHANK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in thanking OUTTHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS to get the better of by thinking OUTTHROB v -THROBBED, -THROBBING, -THROBS to surpass in throbbing OUTTHROW v -THREW, -THROWN, -THROWING, -THROWS o throw farther or more accurately than OUTTOLD past tense of outtell OUTTOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to tower above OUTTRADE v -TRADED, -TRADING, -TRADES to get the better of in a trade OUTTRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to get the better of by trickery OUTTROT v -TROTTED, -TROTTING, -TROTS to surpass in trotting OUTTRUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to outplay OUTTURN n pl. -S a quantity produced OUTVALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to be worth more than OUTVAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in vaunting OUTVIE v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to surpass in a competition OUTVOICE v -VOICED, -VOICING, -VOICES to surpass in loudness of voice OUTVOTE v -VOTED, -VOTING, -VOTES to defeat by a majority of votes OUTVYING present participle of outvie OUTWAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to exceed in patience OUTWALK v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in walking OUTWAR v -WARRED, -WARRING, -WARS to surpass in warring OUTWARD adv toward the outside OUTWARDS adv outward OUTWARRED past tense of outwar OUTWARRING present participle of outwar OUTWASH n pl. -ES detritus washed from a glacier OUTWASTE v -WASTED, -WASTING, -WASTES to surpass in wasting OUTWATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to watch longer than OUTWEAR v -WORE, -WORN, -WEARING, -WEARS o last longer than OUTWEARY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to surpass in wearying OUTWEEP v -WEPT, -WEEPING, -WEEPS to weep more than OUTWEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to weigh more than OUTWENT past tense of outgo OUTWEPT past tense of outweep OUTWHIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in whirling OUTWILE v -WILED, -WILING, -WILES to surpass in wiling OUTWILL v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in willpower OUTWIND v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to be out of breath OUTWISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to surpass in wishing OUTWIT v -WITTED, -WITTING, -WITS to get the better of by superior cleverness OUTWORE past tense of outwear OUTWORK v -WORKED or -WROUGHT, -WORKING, -WORKS to work faster or better than OUTWORN past participle of outwear OUTWRITE v -WROTE or -WRIT, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES to write better than OUTWROUGHT a past tense of outwork OUTYELL v -ED, -ING, -S to yell louder than OUTYELP v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in yelping OUTYIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to surpass in yield OUZEL n pl. -S a European bird OUZO n pl. -ZOS a Greek liqueur OVA pl. of ovum OVAL n pl. -S an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object OVALITY n pl. -TIES ovalness OVALLY adv in the shape of an oval OVALNESS n pl. -ES the state of being oval OVARIAL adj ovarian OVARIAN adj pertaining to an ovary OVARIES pl. of ovary OVARIOLE n pl. -S one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed OVARITIS n pl. -RITIDES inflammation of an ovary OVARY n pl. -RIES a female reproductive gland OVATE adj egg-shaped OVATELY adv OVATION n pl. -S an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim OVEN n pl. -S an enclosed compartment in which substances are heated OVENLIKE adj OVENBIRD n pl. -S an American songbird OVENWARE n pl. -S heat-resistant dishes for baking and serving food OVER v -ED, -ING, -S to leap above and to the other side of OVERABLE adj excessively able OVERACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act with exaggeration OVERAGE n pl. -S an amount in excess OVERAGED adj too old to be useful OVERALL n pl. -S a loose outer garment OVERAPT adj excessively apt OVERARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to form an arch over OVERARM adj done with the arm above the shoulder OVERATE past tense of overeat OVERAWE v -AWED, -AWING, -AWES to subdue by inspiring awe OVERBAKE v -BAKED, -BAKING, -BAKES to bake too long OVERBEAR v -BORE, -BORNE or -BORN, -BEARING, -BEARS to bring down by superior weight or force OVERBEAT v -BEAT, -BEATEN, -BEATING, -BEATS o beat too much OVERBED adj spanning a bed OVERBET v -BET or -BETTED, -BETTING, -BETS to bet too much OVERBID v -BID, -BID or -BIDDEN, -BIDDING, -BIDS to bid higher than OVERBIG adj too big OVERBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to bill too much OVERBITE n pl. -S a faulty closure of the teeth OVERBLOW v -BLEW, -BLOWN, -BLOWING, -BLOWS o give excessive importance to OVERBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to boil too long OVERBOLD adj excessively bold or forward OVERBOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to issue reservations in excess of the space available OVERBORE past tense of overbear OVERBORN a past participle of overbear OVERBORNE a past participle of overbear OVERBOUGHT past tense of overbuy OVERBRED adj bred too finely or to excess OVERBURN v -BURNED or -BURNT, -BURNING, -BURNS to burn too long OVERBUSY adj too busy OVERBUY v -BOUGHT, -BUYING, -BUYS to buy in quantities exceeding need or demand OVERCALL v -ED, -ING, -S to overbid OVERCAME past tense of overcome OVERCAST v -CAST or -CASTED, -CASTING, -CASTS to become cloudy or dark OVERCOAT n pl. -S a warm coat worn over indoor clothing OVERCOLD adj too cold OVERCOME v -CAME, -COMING, -COMES to get the better of OVERCOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to cook too long OVERCOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to make too cool OVERCOY adj too coy OVERCRAM v -CRAMMED, -CRAMMING, -CRAMS to stuff or cram to excess OVERCROP v -CROPPED, -CROPPING, -CROPS to exhaust the fertility of by cultivating to excess OVERCURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to cure too long OVERCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut too much OVERDARE v -DARED, -DARING, -DARES to become too daring OVERDEAR adj too dear; too costly OVERDECK v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn extravagantly OVERDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES o do to excess OVERDOER n pl. -S one that overdoes OVERDOG n pl. -S one that is dominant or victorious OVERDOSE v -DOSED, -DOSING, -DOSES to give an excessive dose to OVERDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS o draw checks on in excess of the balance OVERDRY v -DRIED, -DRYING, -DRIES to dry too much OVERDUB v -DUBBED, -DUBBING, -DUBS to add sound to an existing recording OVERDUE adj not paid when due OVERDYE v -DYED, -DYEING, -DYES to dye with too much color OVEREASY adj too easy OVEREAT v -ATE, -EATEN, -EATING, -EATS o eat to excess OVEREDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to edit more than necessary OVERFAR adj too great in distance, extent, or degree OVERFAST adj too fast OVERFAT adj too fat OVERFEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to fear too much OVERFEED v -FED, -FEEDING, -FEEDS to feed too much OVERFILL v -ED, -ING, -S to fill to overflowing OVERFISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to deplete the supply of fish in an area by fishing to excess OVERFLOW v -FLOWED, -FLOWN, -FLOWING, -FLOWS o flow over the top of OVERFLY v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES o fly over OVERFOND adj too fond or affectionate OVERFOUL adj too foul OVERFREE adj too free OVERFULL adj too full OVERFUND v -ED, -ING, -S to fund more than required OVERGILD v -GILDED or -GILT, -GILDING, -GILDS to gild over OVERGIRD v -GIRDED or -GIRT, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to gird to excess OVERGLAD adj too glad OVERGOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to goad too much OVERGROW v -GREW, -GROWN, -GROWING, -GROWS o grow over OVERHAND v -ED, -ING, -S to sew with short, vertical stitches OVERHANG v -HUNG, -HANGING, -HANGS to hang or project over OVERHARD adj too hard OVERHATE v -HATED, -HATING, -HATES to hate to excess OVERHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to examine carefully for needed repairs OVERHEAD n pl. -S the general cost of running a business OVERHEAP v -ED, -ING, -S to heap up or accumulate to excess OVERHEAR v -HEARD, -HEARING, -HEARS to hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention OVERHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to heat to excess OVERHIGH adj too high OVERHOLD v -HELD, -HOLDING, -HOLDS to rate too highly OVERHOLY adj too holy OVERHOPE v -HOPED, -HOPING, -HOPES to hope exceedingly OVERHOT adj too hot OVERHUNG past tense of overhang OVERHUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to deplete the supply of game in an area by hunting to excess OVERHYPE v -HYPED, -HYPING, -HYPES to hype to excess OVERIDLE adj too idle OVERJOY v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with great joy OVERJUST adj too just OVERKEEN adj too keen OVERKILL v -ED, -ING, -S to destroy with more nuclear force than required OVERKIND adj too kind OVERLADE v -LADED, -LADEN, -LADING, -LADES o load with too great a burden OVERLAID past tense of overlay OVERLAIN past participle of overlie OVERLAND n pl. -S a train or stagecoach that travels over land OVERLAP v -LAPPED, -LAPPING, -LAPS to extend over and cover a part of OVERLATE adj too late OVERLAX adj too lax OVERLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to lay over OVERLEAF adv on the other side of the page OVERLEAP v -LEAPED or -LEAPT, -LEAPING, -LEAPS to leap over OVERLEND v -LENT, -LENDING, -LENDS to lend too much OVERLET v -LET, -LETTING, -LETS to let to excess OVERLEWD adj too lewd OVERLIE v -LAY, -LAIN, -LYING, -LIES o lie over OVERLIT a past tense of overlight OVERLIVE v -LIVED, -LIVING, -LIVES to outlive OVERLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to load to excess OVERLONG adj too long OVERLOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to fail to notice OVERLORD v -ED, -ING, -S to rule tyrannically OVERLOUD adj too loud OVERLOVE v -LOVED, -LOVING, -LOVES to love to excess OVERLUSH adj excessively lush OVERLY adv to an excessive degree OVERLYING present participle of overlie OVERMAN n pl. -MEN a foreman OVERMAN v -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to provide with more men than are needed OVERMANY adj too many OVERMEEK adj excessively meek OVERMELT v -ED, -ING, -S to melt too much OVERMEN pl. of overman OVERMILD adj too mild OVERMILK v -ED, -ING, -S to milk to excess OVERMINE v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES to mine to excess OVERMIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to mix too much OVERMUCH n pl. -ES an excess OVERNEAR adj too near OVERNEAT adj too neat OVERNEW adj too new OVERNICE adj excessively nice OVERPASS v -PASSED or -PAST, -PASSING, -PASSES to pass over OVERPAY v -PAID, -PAYING, -PAYS to pay too much OVERPERT adj too pert OVERPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS to plan to excess OVERPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to exaggerate OVERPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to devise an overly complex plot for OVERPLUS n pl. -ES a surplus OVERPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to ply to excess; overwork OVERPUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to pump to excess OVERRAN past tense of overrun OVERRANK adj too luxuriant in growth OVERRASH adj too rash OVERRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to rate too highly OVERRICH adj too rich OVERRIDE v -RODE, -RIDDEN, -RIDING, -RIDES o ride over OVERRIFE adj too rife OVERRIPE adj too ripe OVERRODE past tense of override OVERRUDE adj excessively rude OVERRUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to trump with a higher trump card than has already been played OVERRULE v -RULED, -RULING, -RULES to disallow the arguments of OVERRUN v -RAN, -RUNNING, -RUNS to spread or swarm over OVERSAD adj excessively sad OVERSALE n pl. -S the act of overselling OVERSALT v -ED, -ING, -S to salt to excess OVERSAVE v -SAVED, -SAVING, -SAVES to save too much OVERSAW past tense of oversee OVERSEA adv overseas OVERSEAS adv beyond or across the sea OVERSEE v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES o watch over and direct OVERSEED v -ED, -ING, -S to seed to excess OVERSEER n pl. -S one that oversees OVERSELL v -SOLD, -SELLING, -SELLS to sell more of than can be delivered OVERSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to turn or tip over OVERSEW v -SEWED, -SEWN, -SEWING, -SEWS o overhand OVERSHOE n pl. -S a protective outer shoe OVERSHOT n pl. -S a type of fabric weave OVERSICK adj too sick OVERSIDE n pl. -S the other side of a phonograph record OVERSIZE n pl. -S an unusually large size OVERSLIP v -SLIPPED or -SLIPT, -SLIPPING, -SLIPS to leave out OVERSLOW adj too slow OVERSOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to soak too much OVERSOFT adj too soft OVERSOLD past tense of oversell OVERSOON adv too soon OVERSOUL n pl. -S a supreme reality or mind in transcendentalism OVERSPIN n pl. -S a forward spin imparted to a ball OVERSTAY v -ED, -ING, -S to stay beyond the limits or duration of OVERSTEP v -STEPPED, -STEPPING, -STEPS to go beyond OVERSTIR v -STIRRED, -STIRRING, -STIRS to stir too much OVERSUDS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form an excessive amount of suds OVERSUP v -SUPPED, -SUPPING, -SUPS to sup to excess OVERSURE adj too sure OVERT adj open to view OVERTAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES o catch up with OVERTALK v -ED, -ING, -S to talk to excess OVERTAME adj too tame OVERTART adj too tart OVERTASK v -ED, -ING, -S to task too severely OVERTAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to tax too heavily OVERTHIN adj too thin OVERTIME v -TIMED, -TIMING, -TIMES to exceed the desired timing for OVERTIP v -TIPPED, -TIPPING, -TIPS to tip more than what is customary OVERTIRE v -TIRED, -TIRING, -TIRES to tire excessively OVERTLY adj in an overt manner OVERTOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to wear out or exhaust by excessive toil OVERTONE n pl. -S a higher partial tone OVERTOOK past tense of overtake OVERTOP v -TOPPED, -TOPPING, -TOPS to rise above the top of OVERTRIM v -TRIMMED, -TRIMMING, -TRIMS to trim too much OVERTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to propose OVERTURN v -ED, -ING, -S to turn over OVERURGE v -URGED, -URGING, -URGES to urge too much OVERUSE v -USED, -USING, -USES to use too much OVERVIEW n pl. -S a summary OVERVOTE v -VOTED, -VOTING, -VOTES to defeat by a majority of votes OVERWARM v -ED, -ING, -S to warm too much OVERWARY adj too wary OVERWEAK adj too weak OVERWEAR v -WORE, -WORN, -WEARING, -WEARS o wear out OVERWEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to be arrogant OVERWET v -WETTED, -WETTING, -WETS to wet too much OVERWIDE adj too wide OVERWILY adj too wily OVERWIND v -WOUND, -WINDING, -WINDS to wind too much, as a watch OVERWISE adj too wise OVERWORD n pl. -S a word or phrase repeated at intervals in a song OVERWORE past tense of overwear OVERWORK v -WORKED or -WROUGHT, -WORKING, -WORKS to cause to work too hard OVERWORN past participle of overwear OVERWOUND past tense of overwind OVERWROUGHT a past tense of overwork OVERZEAL n pl. -S excess of zeal OVIBOS n pl. OVIBOS a wild ox OVICIDE n pl. -S an agent that kills eggs OVICIDAL adj OVIDUCT n pl. -S a tube through which ova travel from an ovary OVIDUCAL adj OVIFORM adj shaped like an egg OVINE n pl. -S a sheep or a closely related animal OVIPARA n/pl egg-laying animals OVIPOSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to lay eggs OVISAC n pl. -S a sac containing an ovum or ova OVOID n pl. -S an egg-shaped body OVOIDAL adj OVOLO n pl. -LI or -LOS a convex molding OVONIC n pl. -S an electronic device OVULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to produce ova OVULE n pl. -S a rudimentary seed OVULAR, OVULARY adj OVUM n pl. OVA the female reproductive cell of animals OW interj -- used to express sudden pain OWE v OWED, OWING, OWES to be under obligation to pay or repay OWL n pl. -S a nocturnal bird OWLET n pl. -S a young owl OWLISH adj resembling an owl OWLISHLY adv OWLLIKE adj owlish OWN v -ED, -ING, -S to have as a belonging OWNABLE adj OWNER n pl. -S one that owns OWSE n pl. OWSEN ox OX n pl. -ES a clumsy person OX n pl. OXEN a hoofed mammal OXALATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) OXALIS n pl. -ALISES a flowering plant OXALIC adj OXAZEPAM n pl. -S a tranquilizing drug OXAZINE n pl. -S a chemical compound OXBLOOD n pl. -S a deep red color OXBOW n pl. -S a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke OXCART n pl. -S an ox-drawn cart OXEN pl. of ox OXEYE n pl. -S a flowering plant OXFORD n pl. -S a type of shoe OXHEART n pl. -S a variety of sweet cherry OXID n pl. -S oxide OXIDABLE adj capable of being oxidized OXIDANT n pl. -S an oxidizing agent OXIDASE n pl. -S an oxidizing enzyme OXIDASIC adj OXIDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to oxidize OXIDE n pl. -S a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical OXIDIC adj OXIDISE v -DISED, -DISING, -DISES to oxidize OXIDISER n pl. -S oxidizer OXIDIZE v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES to combine with oxygen OXIDIZER n pl. -S an oxidant OXIM n pl. -S oxime OXIME n pl. -S a chemical compound OXLIP n pl. -S a flowering plant OXO adj containing oxygen OXPECKER n pl. -S an African bird OXTAIL n pl. -S the tail of an ox OXTER n pl. -S the armpit OXTONGUE n pl. -S a European herb OXY adj containing oxygen OXYACID n pl. -S an acid that contains oxygen OXYGEN n pl. -S a gaseous element OXYGENIC adj OXYMORON n pl. -MORA a combination of contradictory or incongruous words OXYPHIL n pl. -S oxyphile OXYPHILE n pl. -S an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment OXYSALT n pl. -S a salt of an oxyacid OXYSOME n pl. -S a structural unit of cellular cristae OXYTOCIC n pl. -S a drug that hastens the process of childbirth OXYTOCIN n pl. -S a pituitary hormone OXYTONE n pl. -S a word having heavy stress on the last syllable OY interj -- used to express dismay or pain OYER n pl. -S a type of legal writ OYES n pl. OYESSES oyez OYEZ n pl. OYESSES a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law OYSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to gather oysters (edible mollusks) OYSTERER n pl. -S one that gathers or sells oysters OZONATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to treat or combine with ozone OZONE n pl. -S a form of oxygen OZONIC adj OZONIDE n pl. -S a compound of ozone OZONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to ozonize OZONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to convert into ozone OZONIZER n pl. -S a device for converting oxygen into ozone OZONOUS adj pertaining to ozone PA n pl. -S a father PABLUM n pl. -S something insipid, simplistic or bland PABULUM n pl. -S food PABULAR adj PAC n pl. -S a shoe patterned after a moccasin PACA n pl. -S a large rodent PACE v PACED, PACING, PACES to walk with a regular step PACER n pl. -S a horse whose gait is a pace PACHA n pl. -S pasha PACHADOM n pl. -S pashadom PACHALIC n pl. -S pashalik PACHINKO n pl. -KOS a Japanese pinball game PACHISI n pl. -S a board game of India PACHOULI n pl. -S an East Indian herb PACHUCO n pl. -COS a flashy Mexican-American youth PACIFIC adj peaceful PACIFIED past tense of pacify PACIFIER n pl. -S one that pacifies PACIFIES present 3d person sing. of pacify PACIFISM n pl. -S opposition to war or violence PACIFIST n pl. -S an advocate of pacifism PACIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make peaceful PACING present participle of pace PACK v -ED, -ING, -S to put into a receptacle for transportation or storage PACKABLE adj PACKAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to make into a package (a wrapped or boxed object) PACKAGER n pl. -S one that packages PACKER n pl. -S one that packs PACKET v -ED, -ING, -S to make into a small package PACKING n pl. -S material used to pack PACKLY adv intimately PACKMAN n pl. -MEN a peddler PACKNESS n pl. -ES intimacy PACKSACK n pl. -S a carrying bag to be worn on the back PACKWAX n pl. -ES paxwax PACT n pl. -S an agreement PACTION n pl. -S a pact PAD v PADDED, PADDING, PADS to line or stuff with soft material PADAUK n pl. -S a tropical tree PADDER n pl. -S one that pads PADDIES pl. of paddy PADDING n pl. -S material with which to pad PADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to propel with a broad-bladed implement PADDLER n pl. -S one that paddles PADDLING n pl. -S the act of one who paddles PADDOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to confine in an enclosure for horses PADDY n pl. -DIES a rice field PADI n pl. -S paddy PADISHAH n pl. -S a sovereign PADLE n pl. -S a hoe PADLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with a type of lock PADNAG n pl. -S a horse that moves along at an easy pace PADOUK n pl. -S padauk PADRE n pl. PADRES or PADRI a Christian clergyman PADRONE n pl. -NES or -NI a master PADSHAH n pl. -S padishah PADUASOY n pl. -SOYS a strong silk fabric PAEAN n pl. -S a song of joy PAEANISM n pl. -S the chanting of a paean PAELLA n pl. -S a saffron-flavored stew PAEON n pl. -S a metrical foot of four syllables PAESAN n pl. -S paesano PAESANO n pl. -NI or -NOS a fellow countryman PAGAN n pl. -S an irreligious person PAGANDOM n pl. -S the realm of pagans PAGANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to paganize PAGANISH adj resembling a pagan PAGANISM n pl. -S an irreligious attitude PAGANIST n pl. -S a pagan PAGANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make irreligious PAGE v PAGED, PAGING, PAGES to summon by calling out the name of PAGEANT n pl. -S an elaborate public spectacle PAGEBOY n pl. -BOYS a woman's hairstyle PAGED past tense of page PAGER n pl. -S a beeper PAGINAL adj pertaining to the pages of a book PAGINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to number the pages of PAGING n pl. -S a transfer of computer pages PAGOD n pl. -S pagoda PAGODA n pl. -S a Far Eastern temple PAGURIAN n pl. -S a hermit crab PAGURID n pl. -S pagurian PAH interj -- used as an exclamation of disgust PAHLAVI n pl. -S a former coin of Iran PAHOEHOE n pl. -S smooth solidified lava PAID a past tense of pay PAIK v -ED, -ING, -S to beat or strike PAIL n pl. -S a watertight cylindrical container PAILFUL n pl. PAILFULS or PAILSFUL as much as a pail can hold PAILLARD n pl. -S a slice of meat pounded thin and grilled PAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to cause pain (suffering or distress) PAINCH n pl. -ES paunch PAINFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST causing pain PAINLESS adj not causing pain PAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances) PAINTER n pl. -S one that paints PAINTING n pl. -S a picture made with paints PAINTY adj PAINTIER, PAINTIEST covered with paint PAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in sets of two PAIRING n pl. -S a matching of two opponents in a tournament PAISA n pl. PAISE or PAISAS a coin of Pakistan PAISAN n pl. -S paisano PAISANA n pl. -S a female compatriot PAISANO n pl. -NOS a fellow countryman PAISE a pl. of paisa PAISLEY n pl. -LEYS a patterned wool fabric PAJAMA n pl. -S a garment for sleeping or lounging PAJAMAED adj wearing pajamas PAKEHA n pl. -S a person who is not of Maori descent PAL v PALLED, PALLING, PALS to associate as friends PALABRA n pl. -S a word PALACE n pl. -S a royal residence PALACED adj PALADIN n pl. -S a knightly champion PALAIS n pl. PALAIS a palace PALATAL n pl. -S a bone of the palate PALATE n pl. -S the roof of the mouth PALATIAL adj resembling a palace PALATINE n pl. -S a high officer of an empire PALAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to chatter PALAZZO n pl. -ZI an impressive building PALAZZOS n/pl wide-legged pants for women PALE adj PALER, PALEST lacking intensity of color PALE v PALED, PALING, PALES to make or become pale PALEA n pl. -LEAE a small bract PALEAL adj PALEFACE n pl. -S a white person PALELY adv in a pale manner PALENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being pale PALEOSOL n pl. -S a layer of ancient soil PALER comparative of pale PALEST superlative of pale PALESTRA n pl. -TRAS or -TRAE a school for athletics in ancient Greece PALET n pl. -S a palea PALETOT n pl. -S a loose overcoat PALETTE n pl. -S a board on which an artist mixes colors PALEWAYS adv palewise PALEWISE adv vertically PALFREY n pl. -FREYS a riding horse PALIER comparative of paly PALIEST superlative of paly PALIKAR n pl. -S a Greek soldier PALIMONY n pl. -NIES an allowance paid to one member of an unmarried couple who have separated PALING n pl. -S a picket fence PALINODE n pl. -S a formal retraction PALISADE v -SADED, -SADING, -SADES to fortify with a heavy fence PALISH adj somewhat pale PALL v -ED, -ING, -S to become insipid PALLADIA n/pl safeguards PALLADIC adj pertaining to the metallic element palladium PALLED past tense of pal PALLET n pl. -S a bed or mattress of straw PALLETTE n pl. -S a piece of armor protecting the armpit PALLIA a pl. of pallium PALLIAL adj pertaining to a part of the brain PALLIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to conceal the seriousness of PALLID adj pale PALLIDLY adv PALLIER comparative of pally PALLIEST superlative of pally PALLING present participle of pal PALLIUM n pl. -LIA or -LIUMS a cloak worn in ancient Rome PALLOR n pl. -S paleness PALLY adj -LIER, -LIEST marked by close friendship PALM v -ED, -ING, -S to touch with the palm (inner surface) of the hand PALMAR adj pertaining to the palm PALMARY adj worthy of praise PALMATE adj resembling an open hand PALMATED adj palmate PALMER n pl. -S a religious pilgrim PALMETTE n pl. -S a type of ornament PALMETTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES a tropical tree PALMIER comparative of palmy PALMIEST superlative of palmy PALMIST n pl. -S a fortune-teller PALMITIN n pl. -S a chemical compound PALMLIKE adj resembling a palm tree PALMY adj PALMIER, PALMIEST marked by prosperity PALMYRA n pl. -S a tropical tree PALOMINO n pl. -NOS a slender-legged horse PALOOKA n pl. -S an inferior boxer PALP n pl. -S a palpus PALPABLE adj capable of being felt PALPABLY adv PALPAL adj pertaining to a palpus PALPATE v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES to examine by touch PALPATOR n pl. -S one that palpates PALPEBRA n pl. -BRAE an eyelid PALPUS n pl. -PI a sensory organ of an arthropod PALSHIP n pl. -S the relation existing between close friends PALSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to paralyze PALTER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk or act insincerely PALTERER n pl. -S one that palters PALTRY adj -TRIER, -TRIEST petty PALTRILY adv PALUDAL adj pertaining to a marsh PALUDISM n pl. -S malaria PALY adj PALIER, PALIEST somewhat pale PAM n pl. -S the jack of clubs in certain card games PAMPA n pl. -S a grassland of South America PAMPEAN n pl. -S a native of the pampas PAMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with extreme or excessive indulgence PAMPERER n pl. -S one that pampers PAMPERO n pl. -ROS a cold, dry wind PAMPHLET n pl. -S a printed work with a paper cover PAN v PANNED, PANNING, PANS to criticize harshly PANACEA n pl. -S a remedy for all diseases or ills PANACEAN adj PANACHE n pl. -S an ornamental tuft of feathers PANADA n pl. -S a thick sauce PANAMA n pl. -S a lightweight hat PANATELA n pl. -S a long, slender cigar PANBROIL v -ED, -ING, -S to fry in a pan with little or no fat PANCAKE v -CAKED, -CAKING, -CAKES to land an airplane in a certain manner PANCETTA n pl. -S unsmoked Italian bacon PANCHAX n pl. -ES a tropical fish PANCREAS n pl. -ES a large gland PANDA n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal PANDANUS n pl. -NI or -NUSES a tropical plant PANDECT n pl. -S a complete body of laws PANDEMIC n pl. -S a widespread disease PANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide gratification for others' desires PANDERER n pl. -S one that panders PANDIED past tense of pandy PANDIES present 3d person sing. of pandy PANDIT n pl. -S a wise or learned man in India PANDOOR n pl. -S pandour PANDORA n pl. -S bandore PANDORE n pl. -S bandore PANDOUR n pl. -S a marauding soldier PANDOWDY n pl. -DIES an apple dessert PANDURA n pl. -S bandore PANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to punish by striking the hand PANE n pl. -S a sheet of glass for a window PANED adj PANEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to decorate with thin sheets of material PANELING n pl. -S material with which to panel PANELIST n pl. -S a member of a discussion or advisory group PANELLED a past tense of panel PANELLING a present participle of panel PANETELA n pl. -S panatela PANFISH n pl. -ES any small fish that can be fried whole PANFRY v -FRIED, -FRYING, -FRIES to fry in a frying pan PANFUL n pl. -S as much as a pan will hold PANG v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to have spasms of pain PANGA n pl. -S a large knife PANGEN n pl. -S a hypothetical heredity-controlling particle of protoplasm PANGENE n pl. -S pangen PANGOLIN n pl. -S a toothless mammal PANHUMAN adj pertaining to all humanity PANIC v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS to be overwhelmed by fear PANICKY adj -ICKIER, -ICKIEST tending to panic PANICLE n pl. -S a loosely branched flower cluster PANICLED adj PANICUM n pl. -S a grass PANIER n pl. -S pannier PANMIXIA n pl. -S random mating within a breeding population PANMIXIS n pl. -MIXES panmixia PANNE n pl. -S a lustrous velvet PANNED past tense of pan PANNIER n pl. -S a large basket PANNIKIN n pl. -S a small saucepan PANNING present participle of pan PANOCHA n pl. -S a coarse Mexican sugar PANOCHE n pl. -S panocha PANOPLY n pl. -PLIES a suit of armor PANOPTIC adj including everything visible in one view PANORAMA n pl. -S a complete view PANPIPE n pl. -S a musical instrument PANSOPHY n pl. -PHIES universal knowledge PANSY n pl. -SIES a flowering plant PANT v -ED, -ING, -S to breathe quickly and with difficulty PANTHEON n pl. -S a temple dedicated to all the gods PANTHER n pl. -S a leopard PANTIE n pl. -S a woman's or child's undergarment PANTIES pl. of panty PANTILE n pl. -S a roofing tile PANTILED adj PANTO n pl. -TOS a pantomime PANTOFLE n pl. -S a slipper PANTOUM n pl. -S a verse form PANTRY n pl. -TRIES a closet or room for storing kitchen utensils PANTSUIT n pl. -S a type of woman's suit PANTY n pl. PANTIES pantie PANZER n pl. -S an armored combat vehicle PAP n pl. -S a soft food for infants PAPA n pl. -S a father PAPACY n pl. -CIES the office of the pope PAPAIN n pl. -S an enzyme PAPAL adj pertaining to the pope PAPALLY adv PAPAW n pl. -S a fleshy fruit PAPAYA n pl. -S a melon-like fruit PAPAYAN adj PAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover or wrap with paper (a thin sheet material made of cellulose pulp) PAPERBOY n pl. -BOYS a newsboy PAPERER n pl. -S one that papers PAPERY adj resembling paper PAPHIAN n pl. -S a prostitute PAPILLA n pl. -LAE a nipple-like projection PAPILLAR adj PAPILLON n pl. -S a small dog having large ears PAPOOSE n pl. -S an American Indian baby PAPPI a pl. of pappus PAPPIER comparative of pappy PAPPIES pl. of pappy PAPPIEST superlative of pappy PAPPOOSE n pl. -S papoose PAPPUS n pl. -PI a tuft of bristles on the achene of certain plants PAPPOSE, PAPPOUS adj PAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST resembling pap PAPPY n pl. -PIES a father PAPRICA n pl. -S paprika PAPRIKA n pl. -S a seasoning made from red peppers PAPULA n pl. -LAE papule PAPULE n pl. -S a pimple PAPULAR, PAPULOSE adj PAPYRUS n pl. -RUSES or -RI a tall aquatic plant PAPYRAL, PAPYRIAN, PAPYRINE adj PAR v PARRED, PARRING, PARS to shoot in a standard number of strokes in golf PARA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Yugoslavia PARABLE n pl. -S a simple story conveying a moral or religious lesson PARABOLA n pl. -S a conic section PARACHOR n pl. -S a mathematical constant that relates molecular volume to surface tension PARADE v -RADED, -RADING, -RADES to march in a public procession PARADER n pl. -S one that parades PARADIGM n pl. -S a pattern or example PARADING present participle of parade PARADISE n pl. -S a place of extreme beauty or delight PARADOR n pl. -S a government-owned hotel in Spain PARADOS n pl. -ES a protective embankment PARADOX n pl. -ES a statement seemingly contradictory or absurd yet perhaps true PARADROP v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS to deliver by parachute PARAFFIN v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with a waxy substance PARAFORM n pl. -S a substance used as an antiseptic PARAGOGE n pl. -S the addition of a sound or sounds at the end of a word PARAGON v -ED, -ING, -S to compare with PARAKEET n pl. -S a small parrot PARAKITE n pl. -S a parachute kite for towing a person through the air by a motorboat PARALLAX n pl. -ES an apparent optical displacement of an object PARALLEL v -LELED, -LELING, -LELS or -LELLED, -LELLING, -LELS to be similar or analogous to PARALYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to paralyze PARALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to render incapable of movement PARAMENT n pl. -MENTS or -MENTA an ornamental vestment PARAMO n pl. -MOS a plateau region of South America PARAMOUR n pl. -S an illicit lover PARANG n pl. -S a heavy knife PARANOEA n pl. -S paranoia PARANOIA n pl. -S a mental disorder PARANOIC n pl. -S a paranoid PARANOID n pl. -S one affected with paranoia PARAPET n pl. -S a protective wall PARAPH n pl. -S a flourish at the end of a signature PARAQUAT n pl. -S a weed killer PARAQUET n pl. -S parakeet PARASANG n pl. -S a Persian unit of distance PARASHAH n pl. -SHOTH or -SHIOTH a passage in Jewish scripture PARASITE n pl. -S an organism that lives and feeds on or in another organism PARASOL n pl. -S a small, light umbrella PARAVANE n pl. -S an underwater device used to cut cables PARAWING n pl. -S a winglike parachute PARAZOAN n pl. -S any of a major division of multicellular animals PARBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cook partially by boiling for a short time PARCEL v -CELED, -CELING, -CELS or -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to divide into parts or shares PARCENER n pl. -S a joint heir PARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make very dry PARCHESI n pl. -S pachisi PARCHISI n pl. -S pachisi PARD n pl. -S a leopard PARDAH n pl. -S purdah PARDEE interj pardi PARDI interj -- used as a mild oath PARDIE interj pardi PARDINE adj pertaining to a leopard PARDNER n pl. -S chum; friend PARDON v -ED, -ING, -S to release from liability for an offense PARDONER n pl. -S one that pardons PARDY interj pardi PARE v PARED, PARING, PARES to cut off the outer covering of PARECISM n pl. -S the state of having the male and female sexual organs beside or near each other PAREIRA n pl. -S a medicinal plant root PARENT v -ED, -ING, -S to exercise the functions of a parent (a father or mother) PARENTAL adj pertaining to a parent PAREO n pl. -REOS pareu PARER n pl. -S one that pares PARERGON n pl. -GA a composition derived from a larger work PARESIS n pl. -RESES partial loss of the ability to move PARETIC n pl. -S one affected with paresis PAREU n pl. -S a Polynesian garment PAREVE adj parve PARFAIT n pl. -S a frozen dessert PARFLESH n pl. -ES a rawhide soaked in lye to remove the hair and dried PARFOCAL adj having lenses with the corresponding focal points in the same plane PARGE v PARGED, PARGING, PARGES to parget PARGET v -GETED, -GETING, -GETS or -GETTED, -GETTING, -GETS to cover with plaster PARGING n pl. -S a thin coat of mortar or plaster for sealing masonry PARGO n pl. -GOS a food fish PARHELIA n/pl bright circular spots appearing on a solar halo PARHELIC adj pertaining to parhelia PARIAH n pl. -S a social outcast PARIAN n pl. -S a hard, white porcelain PARIES n pl. PARIETES the wall of an organ PARIETAL n pl. -S a bone of the skull PARING n pl. -S something pared off PARIS n pl. -ISES a European herb PARISH n pl. -ES an ecclesiastical district PARITY n pl. -TIES equality PARK v -ED, -ING, -S to leave a vehicle in a location for a time PARKA n pl. -S a hooded garment PARKER n pl. -S one that parks PARKING n pl. -S an area in which vehicles may be left PARKLAND n pl. -S a grassland region with isolated or grouped trees PARKLIKE adj resembling an outdoor recreational area PARKWAY n pl. -WAYS a wide highway PARLANCE n pl. -S a manner of speaking PARLANDO adj sung in a manner suggestive of speech PARLANTE adj parlando PARLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to bet an original wager and its winnings on a subsequent event PARLE v PARLED, PARLING, PARLES to parley PARLEY v -LEYED, -LEYING, -LEYS to discuss terms with an enemy PARLEYER n pl. -S one that parleys PARLING present participle of parle PARLOR n pl. -S a room for the entertainment of visitors PARLOUR n pl. -S parlor PARLOUS adj dangerous PARODIC adj comically imitative PARODIED past tense of parody PARODIES present 3d person sing. of parody PARODIST n pl. -S one who parodies PARODOS n pl. -DOI an ode sung in ancient Greek drama PARODY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to imitate a serious literary work for comic effect PAROL n pl. -S an utterance PAROLE v -ROLED, -ROLING, -ROLES to release from prison before completion of the imposed sentence PAROLEE n pl. -S one who is paroled PARONYM n pl. -S a word having the same root as another PAROQUET n pl. -S parakeet PAROTIC adj situated near the ear PAROTID n pl. -S a salivary gland PAROTOID n pl. -S a gland of certain toads and frogs PAROUS adj having produced offspring PAROXYSM n pl. -S a sudden fit or attack PARQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a floor of inlaid design PARR n pl. -S a young salmon PARRAL n pl. -S parrel PARRED past tense of par PARREL n pl. -S a sliding loop of rope or chain used on a ship PARRIDGE n pl. -S porridge PARRIED past tense of parry PARRIES present 3d person sing. of parry PARRING present participle of par PARRITCH n pl. -ES porridge PARROKET n pl. -S parakeet PARROT v -ED, -ING, -S to repeat or imitate without thought or understanding PARROTER n pl. -S one that parrots PARROTY adj resembling a parrot (a hook-billed tropical bird) PARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to ward off a blow PARSE v PARSED, PARSING, PARSES to describe and analyze grammatically PARSABLE adj PARSEC n pl. -S a unit of astronomical distance PARSER n pl. -S one that parses PARSING present participle of parse PARSLEY n pl. -LEYS a cultivated herb PARSLEYED, PARSLIED adj PARSNIP n pl. -S a European herb PARSON n pl. -S a clergyman PARSONIC adj PART v -ED, -ING, -S to divide or break into separate pieces PARTAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to participate PARTAKER n pl. -S one that partakes PARTAN n pl. -S an edible crab PARTERRE n pl. -S a section of a theater PARTIAL n pl. -S a simple component of a complex tone PARTIBLE adj divisible PARTICLE n pl. -S a very small piece or part PARTIED past tense of party PARTIER n pl. -S partyer PARTIES present 3d person sing. of party PARTING n pl. -S a division or separation PARTISAN n pl. -S a firm supporter of a person, party, or cause PARTITA n pl. -S a set of related instrumental pieces PARTITE adj divided into parts PARTIZAN n pl. -S partisan PARTLET n pl. -S a woman's garment PARTLY adv in some measure or degree PARTNER v -ED, -ING, -S to associate with in some activity of common interest PARTON n pl. -S a hypothetical atomic particle PARTOOK past tense of partake PARTWAY adv to some extent PARTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to attend a social gathering PARTYER n pl. -S one that parties PARURA n pl. -S parure PARURE n pl. -S a set of matched jewelry PARVE adj made without milk or meat PARVENU n pl. -S one who has suddenly risen above his class PARVENUE adj characteristic of a parvenu PARVIS n pl. -VISES an enclosed area in front of a church PARVISE n pl. -S parvis PARVO n pl. -VOS a contagious disease of dogs PARVOLIN n pl. -S an oily liquid obtained from fish PAS n pl. PAS a dance step PASCAL n pl. -S a unit of pressure PASCHAL n pl. -S a candle used in certain religious ceremonies PASE n pl. -S a movement of a matador's cape PASEO n pl. -SEOS a leisurely stroll PASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike violently PASHA n pl. -S a former Turkish high official PASHADOM n pl. -S the rank of a pasha PASHALIC n pl. -S pashalik PASHALIK n pl. -S the territory of a pasha PASQUIL n pl. -S a satire or lampoon PASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go by PASSABLE adj fairly good or acceptable PASSABLY adv PASSADE n pl. -S a turn of a horse backward or forward on the same ground PASSADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES a forward thrust in fencing PASSAGE v -SAGED, -SAGING, -SAGES to make a voyage PASSANT adj walking with the farther forepaw raised -- used of a heraldic animal PASSBAND n pl. -S a frequency band that permits transmission with maximum efficiency PASSBOOK n pl. -S a bankbook PASSE adj outmoded PASSEE adj passe PASSEL n pl. -S a large quantity or number PASSER n pl. -S one that passes PASSERBY n pl. PASSERSBY one who passes by PASSIBLE adj capable of feeling or suffering PASSIM adv here and there PASSING n pl. -S a death PASSION n pl. -S an intense emotion PASSIVE n pl. -S a verb form PASSKEY n pl. -KEYS a key that opens several different locks PASSLESS adj incapable of being traveled over or through PASSOVER n pl. -S the lamb eaten at the feast of a Jewish holiday PASSPORT n pl. -S a document allowing travel from one country to another PASSUS n pl. -ES a section of a story or poem PASSWORD n pl. -S a secret word that must be spoken to gain admission PAST n pl. -S time gone by PASTA n pl. -S a food made of dough PASTE v PASTED, PASTING, PASTES to fasten with a sticky mixture PASTEL n pl. -S a soft, delicate hue PASTER n pl. -S one that pastes PASTERN n pl. -S a part of a horse's foot PASTEUP n pl. -S a finished copy to be photographed for making a printing plate PASTICCI n/pl pastiches PASTICHE n pl. -S an artistic work made of fragments from various sources PASTIE n pl. -S pasty PASTIER comparative of pasty PASTIES pl. of pasty PASTIEST superlative of pasty PASTIL n pl. -S pastille PASTILLE n pl. -S a lozenge PASTIME n pl. -S a recreational activity PASTINA n pl. -S a type of macaroni PASTING present participle of paste PASTIS n pl. -TISES a French liqueur PASTLESS adj having no past PASTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being past or gone by PASTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as the spiritual overseer of PASTORAL n pl. -S a literary or artistic work that depicts country life PASTRAMI n pl. -S a highly seasoned smoked beef PASTROMI n pl. -S pastrami PASTRY n pl. -TRIES a sweet baked food PASTURAL adj pertaining to a pasture PASTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to put in a pasture (a grazing area) PASTURER n pl. -S one that pastures livestock PASTY adj PASTIER, PASTIEST pale and unhealthy in appearance PASTY n pl. PASTIES a meat pie PAT v PATTED, PATTING, PATS to touch lightly PATACA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Macao PATAGIAL adj pertaining to a patagium PATAGIUM n pl. -GIA a wing membrane of a bat PATAMAR n pl. -S a sailing vessel PATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mend or cover a hole or weak spot in PATCHER n pl. -S one that patches PATCHY adj PATCHIER, PATCHIEST uneven in quality PATCHILY adv PATE n pl. -S the top of the head PATED adj PATELLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS the flat movable bone at the front of the knee PATELLAR adj PATEN n pl. -S a plate PATENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being obvious PATENT v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain a patent (a government grant protecting the rights of an inventor) on PATENTEE n pl. -S one that holds a patent PATENTLY adv obviously PATENTOR n pl. -S one that grants a patent PATER n pl. -S a father PATERNAL adj pertaining to a father PATH n pl. -S a trodden way or track PATHETIC adj arousing pity PATHLESS adj having no path PATHOGEN n pl. -S any disease-producing organism PATHOS n pl. -ES a quality that arouses feelings of pity or compassion PATHWAY n pl. -WAYS a path PATIENCE n pl. -S the quality of being patient PATIENT adj -TIENTER, -TIENTEST able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint PATIENT n pl. -S one who is under medical treatment PATIN n pl. -S paten PATINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a green film that forms on bronze PATINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to give a patina to PATINE v -TINED, -TINING, -TINES to cover with a patina PATINIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to patinate PATIO n pl. -TIOS an outdoor paved area adjoining a house PATLY adv suitably PATNESS n pl. -ES suitability PATOIS n pl. PATOIS a dialect PATRIOT n pl. -S one who loves his country PATROL v -TROLLED, -TROLLING, -TROLS to pass through an area for the purposes of observation or security PATRON n pl. -S a regular customer PATRONAL, PATRONLY adj PATROON n pl. -S a landowner granted manorial rights under old Dutch law PATSY n pl. -SIES a person who is easily fooled PATTAMAR n pl. -S patamar PATTED past tense of pat PATTEE adj paty PATTEN n pl. -S a shoe having a thick wooden sole PATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk glibly or rapidly PATTERER n pl. -S one that patters PATTERN v -ED, -ING, -S to make according to a prescribed design PATTIE n pl. -S patty PATTING present participle of pat PATTY n pl. -TIES a small, flat cake of chopped food PATTYPAN n pl. -S a pan in which patties are baked PATULENT adj patulous PATULOUS adj spreading; open PATY adj formee PATZER n pl. -S an inept chess player PAUCITY n pl. -TIES smallness of number or quantity PAUGHTY adj arrogant PAULDRON n pl. -S a piece of armor for the shoulder PAULIN n pl. -S a sheet of waterproof material PAUNCH n pl. -ES the belly or abdomen PAUNCHED adj PAUNCHY adj PAUNCHIER, PAUNCHIEST having a protruding belly PAUPER v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to poverty PAUSAL adj pertaining to a break or rest in speaking or writing PAUSE v PAUSED, PAUSING, PAUSES to stop temporarily PAUSER n pl. -S one that pauses PAVAN n pl. -S a slow, stately dance PAVANE n pl. -S pavan PAVE v PAVED, PAVING, PAVES to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface PAVEED adj set close together to conceal a metal base PAVEMENT n pl. -S a paved surface PAVER n pl. -S one that paves PAVID adj timid PAVILION v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a large tent PAVILLON n pl. -S the bell of a wind instrument PAVIN n pl. -S pavan PAVING n pl. -S pavement PAVIOR n pl. -S a paver PAVIOUR n pl. -S a paver PAVIS n pl. -ISES a large medieval shield PAVISE n pl. -S pavis PAVISER n pl. -S a soldier carrying a pavis PAVLOVA n pl. -S a meringue dessert PAVONINE adj resembling a peacock PAW v -ED, -ING, -S to strike or scrape with a beating motion PAWER n pl. -S one that paws PAWKY adj PAWKIER, PAWKIEST sly PAWKILY adv PAWL n pl. -S a hinged mechanical part PAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to give as security for something borrowed PAWNABLE adj PAWNAGE n pl. -S an act of pawning PAWNEE n pl. -S one to whom something is pawned PAWNER n pl. -S one that pawns something PAWNOR n pl. -S pawner PAWNSHOP n pl. -S a place where things are pawned PAWPAW n pl. -S papaw PAX n pl. -ES a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity PAXWAX n pl. -ES the nuchal ligament of a quadruped PAY v PAID or PAYED, PAYING, PAYS to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services PAYABLE adj profitable PAYABLY adv PAYABLES n/pl accounts payable PAYBACK n pl. -S a return on an investment equal to the original capital outlay PAYCHECK n pl. -S a check in payment of wages or salary PAYDAY n pl. -DAYS the day on which wages are paid PAYEE n pl. -S one to whom money is paid PAYER n pl. -S one that pays PAYGRADE n pl. -S the grade of military personnel according to a base pay scale PAYLOAD n pl. -S the part of a cargo producing income PAYMENT n pl. -S something that is paid PAYNIM n pl. -S a pagan PAYOFF n pl. -S the act of distributing gains PAYOLA n pl. -S a secret payment for favors PAYOR n pl. -S payer PAYOUT n pl. -S money that is paid out PAYROLL n pl. -S a list of employees entitled to payment PAZAZZ n pl. -ES pizazz PE n pl. -S a Hebrew letter PEA n pl. -S the edible seed of an annual herb PEACE v PEACED, PEACING, PEACES to be or become silent PEACEFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST undisturbed; calm PEACENIK n pl. -S one who demonstrates against a war PEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to inform against someone PEACHER n pl. -S one that peaches PEACHY adj PEACHIER, PEACHIEST dandy PEACING present participle of peace PEACOAT n pl. -S a heavy woolen jacket PEACOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to strut vainly PEACOCKY adj -COCKIER, -COCKIEST vain PEAFOWL n pl. -S a large pheasant PEAG n pl. -S wampum PEAGE n pl. -S peag PEAHEN n pl. -S a female peafowl PEAK v -ED, -ING, -S to reach a maximum PEAKIER comparative of peaky PEAKIEST superlative of peaky PEAKISH adj somewhat sickly PEAKLESS adj having no peak (a pointed top) PEAKLIKE adj resembling a peak PEAKY adj PEAKIER, PEAKIEST sickly PEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to ring out PEALIKE adj resembling a pea PEAN n pl. -S paean PEANUT n pl. -S the nutlike seed or pod of an annual vine PEAR n pl. -S a fleshy fruit PEARL v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with pearls (smooth, rounded masses formed in certain mollusks) PEARLASH n pl. -ES an alkaline compound PEARLER n pl. -S one that dives for pearls PEARLITE n pl. -S a cast-iron alloy PEARLY adj PEARLIER, PEARLIEST resembling a pearl PEARMAIN n pl. -S a variety of apple PEART adj PEARTER, PEARTEST lively PEARTLY adv PEASANT n pl. -S a person of inferior social rank PEASCOD n pl. -S peasecod PEASE n pl. PEASEN or PEASES a pea PEASECOD n pl. -S a pea pod PEAT n pl. -S a substance composed of partially decayed vegetable matter PEATY adj PEATIER, PEATIEST resembling or containing peat PEAVEY n pl. -VEYS a lever used to move logs PEAVY n pl. -VIES peavey PEBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to cover with pebbles (small, rounded stones) PEBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST resembling pebbles PEC n pl. -S a chest muscle PECAN n pl. -S a nut-bearing tree PECCABLE adj liable to sin PECCANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being peccant PECCANT adj sinful PECCARY n pl. -RIES a hoofed mammal PECCAVI n pl. -S a confession of sin PECH v -ED, -ING, -S to pant PECHAN n pl. -S the stomach PECK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with the beak or something pointed PECKER n pl. -S one that pecks PECKISH adj irritable PECKY adj PECKIER, PECKIEST marked by decay caused by fungi PECORINI n pl. -S PECORINO n pl. -NOS -NI a hard cheese made from sheep's milk PECS n/pl pectoral muscles PECTASE n pl. -S an enzyme PECTATE n pl. -S a chemical salt PECTEN n pl. -TENS or -TINES a comblike anatomical part PECTIN n pl. -S a carbohydrate derivative PECTIC adj PECTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to change into a jelly PECTORAL n pl. -S something worn on the breast PECULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to embezzle PECULIAR n pl. -S something belonging exclusively to a person PECULIUM n pl. -LIA private property PED n pl. -S a natural soil aggregate PEDAGOG n pl. -S a teacher PEDAGOGY n pl. -GIES the work of a teacher PEDAL v -ALED, -ALING, -ALS or -ALLED, -ALLING, -ALS to operate by means of foot levers PEDALFER n pl. -S a type of soil PEDALIER n pl. -S the pedal keyboard of an organ PEDALLED a past tense of pedal PEDALLING a present participle of pedal PEDALO n pl. -LOS a paddleboat powered by pedals PEDANT n pl. -S one who flaunts his knowledge PEDANTIC adj PEDANTRY n pl. -RIES ostentatious display of knowledge PEDATE adj resembling a foot PEDATELY adv PEDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to travel about selling wares PEDDLER n pl. -S one that peddles PEDDLERY n pl. -RIES the trade of a peddler PEDDLING present tense of peddle PEDERAST n pl. -S a man who engages in sexual activities with boys PEDES pl. of pes PEDESTAL v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS to provide with an architectural support or base PEDICAB n pl. -S a passenger vehicle that is pedaled PEDICEL n pl. -S a slender basal part of an organism PEDICLE n pl. -S pedicel PEDICLED adj PEDICURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to administer a cosmetic treatment to the feet and toenails PEDIFORM adj shaped like a foot PEDIGREE n pl. -S a line of ancestors PEDIMENT n pl. -S a triangular architectural part PEDIPALP n pl. -S an appendage of an arachnid PEDLAR n pl. -S peddler PEDLARY n pl. -LARIES peddlery PEDLER n pl. -S peddler PEDLERY n pl. -LERIES peddlery PEDOCAL n pl. -S a type of soil PEDOLOGY n pl. -GIES the scientific study of the behavior and development of children PEDRO n pl. -DROS a card game PEDUNCLE n pl. -S a flower stalk PEE n pl. -S the letter P PEEBEEN n pl. -S a large hardwood evergreen tree PEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to look furtively or quickly PEEKABOO n pl. -BOOS a children's game PEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to strip off an outer covering of PEELABLE adj PEELER n pl. -S one that peels PEELING n pl. -S a piece or strip that has been peeled off PEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to beat with the non-flat end of a hammerhead PEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a short, shrill cry PEEPER n pl. -S one that peeps PEEPHOLE n pl. -S a small opening through which one may look PEEPSHOW n pl. -S an exhibition viewed through a small opening PEEPUL n pl. -S pipal PEER v -ED, -ING, -S to look narrowly or searchingly PEERAGE n pl. -S the rank of a nobleman PEERESS n pl. -ES a noblewoman PEERIE n pl. -S peery PEERLESS adj having no equal PEERY n pl. PEERIES a child's toy PEESWEEP n pl. -S a lapwing PEETWEET n pl. -S a wading bird PEEVE v PEEVED, PEEVING, PEEVES to annoy PEEVISH adj irritable PEEWEE n pl. -S an unusually small person or thing PEEWIT n pl. -S pewit PEG v PEGGED, PEGGING, PEGS to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) PEGBOARD n pl. -S a board with holes for pegs PEGBOX n pl. -ES a part of a stringed instrument PEGGED past tense of peg PEGGING present participle of peg PEGLESS adj lacking a peg PEGLIKE adj resembling a peg PEH n pl. -S pe PEIGNOIR n pl. -S a woman's gown PEIN v -ED, -ING, -S to peen PEISE v PEISED, PEISING, PEISES to weigh PEKAN n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal PEKE n pl. -S a small, long-haired dog PEKIN n pl. -S a silk fabric PEKOE n pl. -S a black tea PELAGE n pl. -S the coat or covering of a mammal PELAGIAL adj PELAGIC adj oceanic PELE n pl. -S a medieval fortified tower PELERINE n pl. -S a woman's cape PELF n pl. -S money or wealth PELICAN n pl. -S a large, web-footed bird PELISSE n pl. -S a long outer garment PELITE n pl. -S a rock composed of fine fragments PELITIC adj PELLAGRA n pl. -S a niacin-deficiency disease PELLET v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with pellets (small rounded masses) PELLETAL adj resembling a pellet PELLICLE n pl. -S a thin skin or film PELLMELL n pl. -S a jumbled mass PELLUCID adj transparent PELMET n pl. -S a decorative cornice PELON adj hairless PELORIA n pl. -S abnormal regularity of a flower form PELORIAN, PELORIC adj PELORUS n pl. -ES a navigational instrument PELOTA n pl. -S a court game of Spanish origin PELT v -ED, -ING, -S to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles PELTAST n pl. -S a soldier of ancient Greece PELTATE adj shaped like a shield PELTER v -ED, -ING, -S to pelt PELTRY n pl. -RIES an animal skin PELVIC n pl. -S a bone of the pelvis PELVIS n pl. -VES or -VISES a part of the skeleton PEMBINA n pl. -S a variety of cranberry PEMICAN n pl. -S pemmican PEMMICAN n pl. -S a food prepared by North American Indians PEMOLINE n pl. -S a drug used as a stimulant PEMPHIX n pl. -ES a skin disease PEN v PENNED, PENNING, PENS to write with a pen (an instrument for writing with fluid ink) PENAL adj pertaining to punishment PENALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to penalize PENALITY n pl. -TIES liability to punishment PENALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to subject to a penalty PENALLY adv in a penal manner PENALTY n pl. -TIES a punishment imposed for violation of a law, rule, or agreement PENANCE v -ANCED, -ANCING, -ANCES to impose a type of punishment upon PENANG n pl. -S a cotton fabric PENATES n/pl the Roman gods of the household PENCE a pl. of penny PENCEL n pl. -S a small flag PENCHANT n pl. -S a strong liking for something PENCIL v -CILED, -CILING, -CILS or -CILLED, -CILLING, -CILS to produce by using a pencil (a writing and drawing implement) PENCILER n pl. -S one that pencils PEND v -ED, -ING, -S to remain undecided or unsettled PENDANT n pl. -S a hanging ornament PENDENCY n pl. -CIES a pending state PENDENT n pl. -S pendant PENDULUM n pl. -S a type of free swinging body PENDULAR adj PENES a pl. of penis PENGO n pl. -GOS a former monetary unit of Hungary PENGUIN n pl. -S a flightless, aquatic bird PENICIL n pl. -S a small tuft of hairs PENIS n pl. -NES or -NISES the male organ of copulation PENIAL, PENILE adj PENITENT n pl. -S a person who repents his sins PENKNIFE n pl. -KNIVES a small pocketknife PENLIGHT n pl. -S a small flashlight PENLITE n pl. -S penlight PENMAN n pl. -MEN an author PENNA n pl. -NAE any of the feathers that determine a bird's shape PENNAME n pl. -S a name used by an author instead of his real name PENNANT n pl. -S a long, narrow flag PENNATE adj having wings or feathers PENNATED adj pennate PENNE n pl. PENNE short tubular pasta PENNED past tense of pen PENNER n pl. -S one that pens PENNI n pl. -NIA or -NIS a Finnish coin PENNIES a pl. of penny PENNINE n pl. -S a mineral PENNING present participle of pen PENNON n pl. -S a pennant PENNONED adj PENNY n pl. PENNIES or PENCE a coin of the United Kingdom PENOCHE n pl. -S penuche PENOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of the punishment of crime PENONCEL n pl. -S a small pennon PENPOINT n pl. -S the point of a pen PENSEE n pl. -S a thought PENSIL n pl. -S pencel PENSILE adj hanging loosely PENSION v -ED, -ING, -S to grant a retirement allowance to PENSIONE n pl. -S a boarding house PENSIVE adj engaged in deep thought PENSTER n pl. -S a writer PENSTOCK n pl. -S a conduit for conveying water to a waterwheel PENT adj confined PENTACLE n pl. -S a five-pointed star PENTAD n pl. -S a group of five PENTAGON n pl. -S a five-sided polygon PENTANE n pl. -S a volatile liquid PENTANOL n pl. -S an alcohol PENTARCH n pl. -S one of five joint rulers PENTENE n pl. -S a liquid hydrocarbon PENTODE n pl. -S a type of electron tube PENTOMIC adj made up of five battle groups PENTOSAN n pl. -S a complex carbohydrate PENTOSE n pl. -S a sugar having five carbon atoms per molecule PENTYL n pl. -S amyl PENUCHE n pl. -S a fudge-like candy PENUCHI n pl. -S penuche PENUCHLE n pl. -S pinochle PENUCKLE n pl. -S pinochle PENULT n pl. -S the next to last syllable in a word PENUMBRA n pl. -BRAE or -BRAS a partial shadow PENURY n pl. -RIES extreme poverty PEON n pl. -S or -ES an unskilled laborer PEONAGE n pl. -S the condition of being a peon PEONISM n pl. -S peonage PEONY n pl. -NIES a flowering plant PEOPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to furnish with inhabitants PEOPLER n pl. -S one that peoples PEP v PEPPED, PEPPING, PEPS to fill with energy PEPERONI n pl. -S a highly seasoned sausage PEPLOS n pl. -ES a garment worn by women in ancient Greece PEPLUM n pl. -LUMS or -LA a short section attached to the waistline of a garment PEPLUMED adj PEPLUS n pl. -ES peplos PEPO n pl. -POS a fruit having a fleshy interior and a hard rind PEPONIDA n pl. -S pepo PEPONIUM n pl. -S pepo PEPPED past tense of pep PEPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to season with pepper (a pungent condiment) PEPPERER n pl. -S one that peppers PEPPERY adj resembling pepper PEPPING present participle of pep PEPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST full of energy PEPPILY adv PEPSIN n pl. -S a digestive enzyme of the stomach PEPSINE n pl. -S pepsin PEPTIC n pl. -S a substance that promotes digestion PEPTID n pl. -S peptide PEPTIDE n pl. -S a combination of amino acids PEPTIDIC adj PEPTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to increase the colloidal dispersion of PEPTIZER n pl. -S one that peptizes PEPTONE n pl. -S a protein compound PEPTONIC adj PER prep for each PERACID n pl. -S a type of acid PERCALE n pl. -S a cotton fabric PERCEIVE v -CEIVED, -CEIVING, -CEIVES to become aware of through the senses PERCENT n pl. -S one part in a hundred PERCEPT n pl. -S something that is perceived PERCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to sit or rest on an elevated place PERCHER n pl. -S one that perches PERCOID n pl. -S a spiny-finned fish PERCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike with force PERDIE interj pardi PERDU n pl. -S a soldier sent on a dangerous mission PERDUE n pl. -S perdu PERDURE v -DURED, -DURING, -DURES to continue to exist PERDY interj pardi PEREGRIN n pl. -S a swift falcon much used in falconry PEREION n pl. -REIA the thorax of some crustaceans PEREON n pl. -REA pereion PEREOPOD n pl. -S an appendage of the pereion PERFECT adj -FECTER, -FECTEST lacking fault or defect; of an extreme kind PERFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to make perfect PERFECTA n pl. -S a system of betting PERFECTO n pl. -TOS a medium-sized cigar PERFIDY n pl. -DIES deliberate breach of faith or trust PERFORCE adv of necessity PERFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to begin and carry through to completion PERFUME v -FUMED, -FUMING, -FUMES to fill with a fragrant odor PERFUMER n pl. -S one that perfumes PERFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to spread over or through something PERGOLA n pl. -S a shaded shelter or passageway PERHAPS n pl. -ES something open to doubt or conjecture PERI n pl. -S a supernatural being of Persian mythology PERIANTH n pl. -S an outer covering of a flower PERIAPT n pl. -S an amulet PERIBLEM n pl. -S a region of plant tissue PERICARP n pl. -S the wall of a ripened plant ovary or fruit PERICOPE n pl. -PES or -PAE a selection from a book PERIDERM n pl. -S an outer layer of plant tissue PERIDIUM n pl. -IA the covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi PERIDIAL adj PERIDOT n pl. -S a mineral PERIGEE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the earth PERIGEAL, PERIGEAN adj PERIGON n pl. -S an angle equal to 360 degrees PERIGYNY n pl. -NIES the state of being situated on a cuplike organ surrounding the pistil PERIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to imperil PERILLA n pl. -S an Asian herb PERILOUS adj dangerous PERILUNE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the moon PERINEUM n pl. -NEA a region of the body at the lower end of the trunk PERINEAL adj PERIOD n pl. -S a portion of time PERIODIC adj recurring at regular intervals PERIODID n pl. -S an iodide PERIOTIC adj surrounding the ear PERIPETY n pl. -TIES a sudden change in a course of events PERIPTER n pl. -S a structure with a row of columns around all sides PERIQUE n pl. -S a dark tobacco PERISARC n pl. -S a protective covering of certain hydrozoans PERISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to die PERIWIG n pl. -S a wig PERJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to make a perjurer of PERJURER n pl. -S one guilty of perjury PERJURY n pl. -RIES the willful giving of false testimony under oath in a judicial proceeding PERK v -ED, -ING, -S to carry oneself jauntily PERKISH adj somewhat perky PERKY adj PERKIER, PERKIEST jaunty PERKILY adv PERLITE n pl. -S a volcanic glass PERLITIC adj PERM v -ED, -ING, -S to give hair a permanent wave PERMEANT adj that permeates PERMEASE n pl. -S a catalyzing agent PERMEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to spread through PERMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to allow PERMUTE v -MUTED, -MUTING, -MUTES to change the order of PERONEAL adj pertaining to the fibula PERORAL adj occurring through the mouth PERORATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to make a lengthy speech PEROXID n pl. -S peroxide PEROXIDE v -IDED, -IDING, -IDES to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) PEROXY adj containing the bivalent group O;i2 PERPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to ponder PERPENT n pl. -S a large building stone PERPLEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to make mentally uncertain PERRON n pl. -S an outdoor stairway PERRY n pl. -RIES a beverage of pear juice often fermented PERSALT n pl. -S a chemical salt PERSE n pl. -S a blue color PERSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to continue resolutely in some activity PERSON n pl. -S a human being PERSONA n pl. -NAE a character in a literary work PERSONA n pl. -S the public role that a person assumes PERSONAL n pl. -S a brief, private notice in a newspaper PERSPIRE v -SPIRED, -SPIRING, -SPIRES to give off moisture through the pores of the skin PERSPIRY adj PERSUADE v -SUADED, -SUADING, -SUADES to cause to do something by means of argument, reasoning, or entreaty PERT adj PERTER, PERTEST impudent PERTLY adv PERTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to have reference or relation PERTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being pert PERTURB v -ED, -ING, -S to disturb greatly PERUKE n pl. -S a wig PERUKED adj PERUSAL n pl. -S the act of perusing PERUSE v -RUSED, -RUSING, -RUSES to read PERUSER n pl. -S one that peruses PERVADE v -VADED, -VADING, -VADES to spread through every part of PERVADER n pl. -S one that pervades PERVERSE adj willfully deviating from desired or expected conduct PERVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn away from the right course of action PERVIOUS adj capable of being penetrated PES n pl. PEDES a foot or footlike part PESADE n pl. -S the position of a horse when rearing PESETA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Spain PESEWA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Ghana PESKY adj -KIER, -KIEST annoying PESKILY adv PESO n pl. -SOS a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries PESSARY n pl. -RIES a contraceptive device worn in the vagina PEST n pl. -S an annoying person or thing PESTER v -ED, -ING, -S to bother PESTERER n pl. -S one that pesters PESTHOLE n pl. -S a place liable to epidemic disease PESTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to crush with a club-shaped hand tool PESTO n pl. -TOS a sauce of basil, garlic, and olive oil PESTY n -IER, -IEST irritating PET v PETTED, PETTING, PETS to caress with the hand PETAL n pl. -S a leaflike part of a corolla PETALED, PETALLED adj PETALINE adj resembling a petal PETALODY n pl. -DIES the metamorphosis of various floral organs into petals PETALOID adj resembling a petal PETALOUS adj having petals PETARD n pl. -S an explosive device PETASOS n pl. -ES petasus PETASUS n pl. -ES a broad-brimmed hat worn in ancient Greece PETCOCK n pl. -S a small valve or faucet PETECHIA n pl. -CHIAE a small hemorrhagic spot on a body surface PETER v -ED, -ING, -S to diminish gradually PETIOLAR adj pertaining to a petiole PETIOLE n pl. -S the stalk of a leaf PETIOLED adj PETIT adj small; minor PETITE n pl. -S a clothing size for short women PETITION v -ED, -ING, -S to make a formal request PETNAP v -NAPPED, -NAPPING, -NAPS to steal a pet for profit PETREL n pl. -S a small seabird PETRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into stone or a stony substance PETROL n pl. -S gasoline PETROLIC adj derived from petroleum PETRONEL n pl. -S a portable firearm PETROSAL adj petrous PETROUS adj resembling stone in hardness PETSAI n pl. -S Chinese cabbage PETTED past tense of pet PETTEDLY adv peevishly PETTER n pl. -S one that pets PETTI pl. of petto PETTIER comparative of petty PETTIEST superlative of petty PETTIFOG v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS to quibble PETTILY adv in a petty manner PETTING n pl. -S amorous caressing and kissing PETTISH adj peevish PETTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to caress PETTO n pl. -TI the breast PETTY adj -TIER, -TIEST insignificant PETULANT adj peevish PETUNIA n pl. -S a tropical herb PETUNTSE n pl. -S a mineral PETUNTZE n pl. -S petuntse PEW n pl. -S a bench for seating people in church PEWEE n pl. -S a small bird PEWIT n pl. -S the lapwing PEWTER n pl. -S a tin alloy PEWTERER n pl. -S one that makes articles of pewter PEYOTE n pl. -S a cactus PEYOTL n pl. -S peyote PEYTRAL n pl. -S a piece of armor for the breast of a horse PEYTREL n pl. -S peytral PFENNIG n pl. -NIGS or -NIGE a bronze coin of Germany PFFT interj -- used to express a sudden ending PFUI interj phooey PHAETON n pl. -S a light carriage PHAGE n pl. -S an organism that destroys bacteria PHALANGE n pl. -S any bone of a finger or toe PHALANX n pl. -ES a formation of infantry in ancient Greece PHALLI a pl. of phallus PHALLIC adj pertaining to a phallus PHALLISM n pl. -S worship of the phallus as symbolic of nature's creative power PHALLIST n pl. -S one who practices phallism PHALLUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES the penis PHANTASIED past tense of phantasy PHANTASIES present 3d person sing. of phantasy PHANTASM n pl. -S a creation of the imagination PHANTAST n pl. -S fantast PHANTASY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to fantasy PHANTOM n pl. -S something existing in appearance only PHARAOH n pl. -S a ruler of ancient Egypt PHARISEE n pl. -S a hypocritically self-righteous person PHARMACY n pl. -CIES a drugstore PHAROS n pl. -ES a lighthouse or beacon to guide seamen PHARYNX n pl. -YNGES or -YNXES a section of the digestive tract PHASE v PHASED, PHASING, PHASES to plan or carry out by phases (distinct stages of development) PHASEAL, PHASIC adj PHASEOUT n pl. -S a gradual stopping of operations PHASIS n pl. PHASES a phase PHASMID n pl. -S a tropical insect PHAT adj susceptible of easy and rapid typesetting PHATIC adj sharing feelings rather than ideas PHEASANT n pl. -S a large, long-tailed bird PHELLEM n pl. -S a layer of plant cells PHELONIA n/pl liturgical vestments PHENATE n pl. -S a salt of carbolic acid PHENAZIN n pl. -S a chemical compound PHENETIC adj pertaining to a type of classificatory system PHENETOL n pl. -S a volatile liquid PHENIX n pl. -ES phoenix PHENOL n pl. -S a caustic compound PHENOLIC n pl. -S a synthetic resin PHENOM n pl. -S a person of extraordinary ability or promise PHENOXY adj containing a radical derived from phenol PHENYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical PHENYLIC adj PHEW interj -- used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust PHI n pl. -S a Greek letter PHIAL n pl. -S a vial PHILABEG n pl. -S filibeg PHILIBEG n pl. -S filibeg PHILOMEL n pl. -S a songbird PHILTER v -ED, -ING, -S to put under the spell of a love potion PHILTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to philter PHILTRUM n pl. -TRA the indentation between the upper lip and the nose PHIMOSIS n pl. -MOSES the abnormal constriction of the opening of the prepuce PHIMOTIC adj PHIZ n pl. -ES a face or facial expression PHLEGM n pl. -S a thick mucus secreted in the air passages PHLEGMY adj PHLEGMIER, PHLEGMIEST resembling phlegm PHLOEM n pl. -S a complex plant tissue PHLOX n pl. -ES a flowering plant PHOBIA n pl. -S an obsessive or irrational fear PHOBIC n pl. -S one affected with a phobia PHOCINE adj pertaining to seals PHOEBE n pl. -S a small bird PHOEBUS n pl. -ES the sun PHOENIX n pl. -ES a mythical bird PHON n pl. -S a unit of loudness PHONAL adj pertaining to speech sounds PHONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to produce speech sounds PHONE v PHONED, PHONING, PHONES to telephone PHONEME n pl. -S a unit of speech PHONEMIC adj PHONETIC adj pertaining to speech sounds PHONEY adj -NIER, -NIEST phony PHONEY v -ED, -ING, -S to phony PHONIC adj pertaining to the nature of sound PHONICS n/pl the science of sound PHONIED past tense of phony PHONIER comparative of phoney and phony PHONIES present 3d person sing. of phony PHONIEST superlative of phoney and phony PHONILY adv in a phony manner PHONING present participle of phone PHONO n pl. -NOS a record player PHONON n pl. -S a quantum of vibrational energy PHONY adj -NIER, -NIEST not genuine or real PHONY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to alter so as to make appear genuine PHOOEY interj -- used as an exclamation of disgust or contempt PHORATE n pl. -S an insecticide PHORONID n pl. -S a wormlike marine animal PHOSGENE n pl. -S a poisonous gas PHOSPHID n pl. -S a chemical compound PHOSPHIN n pl. -S a poisonous gas PHOSPHOR n pl. -S a substance that will emit light when exposed to radiation PHOT n pl. -S a unit of illumination PHOTIC adj pertaining to light PHOTICS n/pl the science of light PHOTO v -ED, -ING, -S to photograph PHOTOG n pl. -S one who takes photographs PHOTOMAP v -MAPPED, -MAPPING, -MAPS to map by means of aerial photography PHOTON n pl. -S an elementary particle PHOTONIC adj PHOTOPIA n pl. -S vision in bright light PHOTOPIC adj PHOTOSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to prepare for printing by photographic means PHPHT interj pht PHRASAL adj pertaining to a group of two or more associated words PHRASE v PHRASED, PHRASING, PHRASES to express in words PHRASING n pl. -S manner or style of verbal expression PHRATRY n pl. -TRIES a tribal unit among primitive peoples PHRATRAL, PHRATRIC adj PHREATIC adj pertaining to underground waters PHRENIC adj pertaining to the mind PHRENSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to frenzy PHT interj -- used as an expression of mild anger or annoyance PHTHALIC adj pertaining to a certain acid PHTHALIN n pl. -S a chemical compound PHTHISIC n pl. -S phthisis PHTHISIS n pl. PHTHISES a disease of the lungs PHUT n pl. -S a dull, abrupt sound PHYLA pl. of phylon and phylum PHYLAE pl. of phyle PHYLAR adj pertaining to a phylum PHYLAXIS n pl. -AXISES an inhibiting of infection by the body PHYLE n pl. -LAE a political subdivision in ancient Greece PHYLIC adj PHYLESIS n pl. -LESES or -LESISES the course of evolutionary development PHYLETIC adj PHYLLARY n pl. -RIES a bract of certain plants PHYLLITE n pl. -S a foliated rock PHYLLO n pl. -LOS very thin pastry dough PHYLLODE n pl. -S a flattened petiole that serves as a leaf PHYLLOID n pl. -S a leaflike plant part PHYLLOME n pl. -S a leaf of a plant PHYLON n pl. -LA a genetically related group PHYLUM n pl. -LA a taxonomic division PHYSED n pl. -S physical education PHYSES pl. of physis PHYSIC v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS to treat with medicine PHYSICAL n pl. -S a medical examination of the body PHYSIQUE n pl. -S the form or structure of the body PHYSIS n pl. PHYSES the principle of growth or change in nature PHYTANE n pl. -S a chemical compound PHYTOID adj resembling a plant PHYTOL n pl. -S an alcohol PHYTON n pl. -S a structural unit of a plant PHYTONIC adj PI n pl. -S a Greek letter PI v PIED, PIEING or PIING, PIES to jumble or disorder PIA n pl. -S a membrane of the brain PIACULAR adj atoning PIAFFE v PIAFFED, PIAFFING, PIAFFES to perform a piaffer PIAFFER n pl. -S a movement in horsemanship PIAL adj pertaining to a pia PIAN n pl. -S a tropical disease PIANIC adj PIANISM n pl. -S performance on the piano PIANIST n pl. -S one who plays the piano PIANO n pl. -NOS a musical instrument PIASABA n pl. -S piassava PIASAVA n pl. -S piassava PIASSABA n pl. -S piassava PIASSAVA n pl. -S a coarse, stiff fiber PIASTER n pl. -S a monetary unit of several Arab countries PIASTRE n pl. -S piaster PIAZZA n pl. -ZAS or -ZE a public square in an Italian town PIBAL n pl. -S a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind PIBROCH n pl. -S a musical piece played on the bagpipe PIC n pl. -S a photograph PICA n pl. -S a craving for unnatural food PICACHO n pl. -CHOS an isolated peak of a hill PICADOR n pl. -ES or -S a horseman in a bullfight PICAL adj resembling a pica PICARA n pl. -S a female picaro PICARO n pl. -ROS a vagabond PICAROON v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a pirate PICAYUNE n pl. -S a former Spanish-American coin PICCOLO n pl. -LOS a small flute PICE n pl. PICE a former coin of India and Pakistan PICEOUS adj glossy-black in color PICIFORM adj pertaining to an order of birds PICK v -ED, -ING, -S to select PICKADIL n pl. -S a type of collar PICKAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces) PICKAXE v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES to pickax PICKEER v -ED, -ING, -S to skirmish in advance of an army PICKER n pl. -S one that picks PICKEREL n pl. -S a freshwater fish PICKET v -ED, -ING, -S to stand outside of some location, as a business, to publicize one's grievances against it PICKETER n pl. -S one who pickets PICKIER comparative of picky PICKIEST superlative of picky PICKING n pl. -S the act of one that picks PICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to preserve or flavor in a solution of brine or vinegar PICKLOCK n pl. -S a tool for opening locks PICKOFF n pl. -S a play in baseball PICKUP n pl. -S a small truck PICKWICK n pl. -S a device for raising wicks in oil lamps PICKY adj PICKIER, PICKIEST fussy PICLORAM n pl. -S an herbicide PICNIC v -NICKED, -NICKING, -NICS to go on a picnic (an outdoor excursion with food) PICNICKY adj pertaining to a picnic PICOGRAM n pl. -S one trillionth of a gram PICOLIN n pl. -S picoline PICOLINE n pl. -S a chemical compound PICOMOLE n pl. -S one trillionth of a mole PICOT v -ED, -ING, -S to edge with ornamental loops PICOTEE n pl. -S a variety of carnation PICQUET n pl. -S piquet PICRATE n pl. -S a chemical salt PICRATED adj PICRIC adj having a very bitter taste PICRITE n pl. -S an igneous rock PICRITIC adj PICTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to make a visual representation of PICUL n pl. -S an Asian unit of weight PIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to waste time PIDDLER n pl. -S one that piddles PIDDLY adj insignificant PIDDOCK n pl. -S a bivalve mollusk PIDGIN n pl. -S a mixed language PIE v PIED, PIEING, PIES to pi PIEBALD n pl. -S a spotted animal PIECE v PIECED, PIECING, PIECES to join into a whole PIECER n pl. -S one that pieces PIECING n pl. -S material to be sewn together PIECRUST n pl. -S the crust of a pie PIED past tense of pie PIEDFORT n pl. -S piefort PIEDMONT n pl. -S an area lying at the foot of a mountain PIEFORT n pl. -S an unusually thick coin PIEING a present participle of pi PIEPLANT n pl. -S a rhubarb PIER n pl. -S a structure extending from land out over water PIERCE v PIERCED, PIERCING, PIERCES to cut or pass into or through PIERCER n pl. -S one that pierces PIEROGI n pl. -ES a small dumpling with a filling PIERROT n pl. -S a clown PIETA n pl. -S a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of Christ PIETIES pl. of piety PIETISM n pl. -S piety PIETIST n pl. -S a pious person PIETY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being pious PIFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to babble PIG v PIGGED, PIGGING, PIGS to bear pigs (cloven-hoofed mammals) PIGBOAT n pl. -S a submarine PIGEON n pl. -S a short-legged bird PIGFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish PIGGED past tense of pig PIGGERY n pl. -GERIES a pigpen PIGGIE n pl. -S piggy PIGGIER comparative of piggy PIGGIES pl. of piggy PIGGIEST superlative of piggy PIGGIN n pl. -S a small wooden pail PIGGING present participle of pig PIGGISH adj greedy or dirty PIGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST piggish PIGGY n pl. -GIES a small pig PIGLET n pl. -S a small pig PIGLIKE adj resembling a pig PIGMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to add a coloring matter to PIGMY n pl. -MIES pygmy PIGNOLI n pl. -S pignolia PIGNOLIA n pl. -S the edible seed of nut pines PIGNUS n pl. -NORA property held as security for a debt PIGNUT n pl. -S a hickory nut PIGOUT n pl. -S an instance of eating to excess PIGPEN n pl. -S a place where pigs are kept PIGSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a pig PIGSNEY n pl. -NEYS a darling PIGSTICK v -ED, -ING, -S to hunt for wild boar PIGSTY n pl. -STIES a pigpen PIGTAIL n pl. -S a tight braid of hair PIGWEED n pl. -S a weedy plant PIING a present participle of pi PIKA n pl. -S a small mammal PIKAKE n pl. -S an East Indian vine PIKE v PIKED, PIKING, PIKES to pierce with a pike (a long spear) PIKEMAN n pl. -MEN a soldier armed with a pike PIKER n pl. -S a stingy person PIKI n pl. -S thin blue cornmeal bread PIKING present participle of pike PILAF n pl. -S a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat PILAFF n pl. -S pilaf PILAR adj pertaining to hair PILASTER n pl. -S a rectangular column PILAU n pl. -S pilaf PILAW n pl. -S pilaf PILCHARD n pl. -S a small marine fish PILE v PILED, PILING, PILES to lay one upon the other PILEA pl. of pileum PILEATE adj having a pileus PILEATED adj pileate PILED past tense of pile PILEI pl. of pileus PILELESS adj not having a raised surface of yarn PILEOUS adj pilose PILEUM n pl. -LEA the top of a bird's head PILEUP n pl. -S a collision involving several motor vehicles PILEUS n pl. -LEI the umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom PILEWORT n pl. -S a medicinal plant PILFER v -ED, -ING, -S to steal PILFERER n pl. -S one that pilfers PILGRIM n pl. -S a traveler or wanderer PILI n pl. -S a Philippine tree PILIFORM adj resembling a hair PILING n pl. -S a structure of building supports PILL v -ED, -ING, -S to dose with pills (small, rounded masses of medicine) PILLAGE v -LAGED, -LAGING, -LAGES to plunder PILLAGER n pl. -S one that pillages PILLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with vertical building supports PILLBOX n pl. -ES a small box for pills PILLION n pl. -S a pad or cushion for an extra rider on a horse or motorcycle PILLORY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to expose to public ridicule or abuse PILLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to rest on a pillow (a cushion for the head) PILLOWY adj resembling a pillow PILOSE adj covered with hair PILOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being pilose PILOT v -ED, -ING, -S to control the course of PILOTAGE n pl. -S the act of piloting PILOTING n pl. -S a branch of navigation PILOUS adj pilose PILSENER n pl. -S pilsner PILSNER n pl. -S a light beer PILULE n pl. -S a small pill PILULAR adj PILUS n pl. -LI a hair or hairlike structure PILY adj divided into a number of wedge-shaped heraldic designs PIMA n pl. -S a strong, high-grade cotton PIMENTO n pl. -TOS pimiento PIMIENTO n pl. -TOS a sweet pepper PIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to solicit clients for a prostitute PIMPLE n pl. -S an inflamed swelling of the skin PIMPLED adj PIMPLY adj -PLIER, -PLIEST covered with pimples PIN v PINNED, PINNING, PINS to fasten with a pin (a slender, pointed piece of metal) PINA n pl. -S a pineapple PINAFORE n pl. -S a child's apron PINANG n pl. -S a palm tree PINASTER n pl. -S a pine tree PINATA n pl. -S a pottery jar used in a Mexican game PINBALL n pl. -S an electric game PINBONE n pl. -S the hipbone PINCER n pl. -S one of the two pivoted parts of a grasping tool PINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squeeze between two edges or surfaces PINCHBUG n pl. -S a large beetle PINCHECK n pl. -S a fabric design PINCHER n pl. -S one that pinches PINDER n pl. -S an official who formerly impounded stray animals PINDLING adj puny or sickly PINE v PINED, PINING, PINES to yearn intensely PINEAL adj shaped like a pinecone PINECONE n pl. -S a cone-shaped fruit of a pine tree PINED past tense of pine PINELAND n pl. -S land forested with pine PINELIKE adj resembling a pine (an evergreen tree) PINENE n pl. -S the main constituent of turpentine PINERY n pl. -ERIES an area where pineapples are grown PINESAP n pl. -S a fragrant herb PINETUM n pl. -TA a plantation of pine trees PINEWOOD n pl. -S the wood of a pine tree PINEY adj PINIER, PINIEST piny PINFISH n pl. -ES a small marine fish PINFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to confine in an enclosure for stray animals PING v -ED, -ING, -S to produce a brief, high-pitched sound PINGER n pl. -S a device for producing pulses of sound PINGO n pl. -GOS a hill forced up by the effects of frost PINGRASS n pl. -ES a European weed PINGUID adj greasy PINHEAD n pl. -S the head of a pin PINHOLE n pl. -S a small hole made by a pin PINIER comparative of piney and piny PINIEST superlative of piney and piny PINING present participle of pine PINION v -ED, -ING, -S to remove or bind the wing feathers of to prevent flight PINITE n pl. -S a mineral PINITOL n pl. -S an alcohol PINK adj PINKER, PINKEST of a pale reddish hue PINK v -ED, -ING, -S to cut a saw-toothed edge on cloth PINKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to become pink PINKER n pl. -S one that pinks PINKEY n pl. -EYS a ship with a narrow overhanging stern PINKEYE n pl. -S an inflammation of the eye PINKIE n pl. -S the little finger PINKIES pl. of pinky PINKING n pl. -S a method of cutting or decorating PINKISH adj somewhat pink PINKLY adv with a pink hue PINKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being pink PINKO n pl. PINKOS or PINKOES a person who holds somewhat radical political views PINKROOT n pl. -S a medicinal plant root PINKY n pl. PINKIES pinkie PINNA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a feather, wing, or winglike part PINNACE n pl. -S a small sailing ship PINNACLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to place on a summit PINNAE a pl. of pinna PINNAL adj pertaining to a pinna PINNATE adj resembling a feather PINNATED adj pinnate PINNED past tense of pin PINNER n pl. -S one that pins PINNIES pl. of pinny PINNING present participle of pin PINNIPED n pl. -S a mammal with limbs modified into flippers PINNULA n pl. -LAE pinnule PINNULAR adj PINNULE n pl. -S a pinnate part or organ PINNY n pl. -NIES a pinafore PINOCHLE n pl. -S a card game PINOCLE n pl. -S pinochle PINOLE n pl. -S a finely ground flour PINON n pl. -S or -ES a pine tree PINOT n pl. -S a red or white grape PINPOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to locate precisely PINPRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to puncture with a pin PINSCHER n pl. -S a large, short-haired dog PINT n pl. -S a liquid and dry measure of capacity PINTA n pl. -S a skin disease PINTADA n pl. -S pintado PINTADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES a large food fish PINTAIL n pl. -S a river duck PINTANO n pl. -NOS a tropical fish PINTLE n pl. -S a pin on which something turns PINTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES a spotted horse PINTSIZE adj small PINUP n pl. -S a picture that may be pinned up on a wall PINWALE n pl. -S a type of fabric PINWEED n pl. -S a perennial herb PINWHEEL n pl. -S a child's toy resembling a windmill PINWORK n pl. -S a type of embroidery PINWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm PINY adj PINIER, PINIEST suggestive of or covered with pine trees PINYIN n a system for transliterating Chinese ideograms into the Latin alphabet PINYON n pl. -S pinon PIOLET n pl. -S an ice ax PION n pl. -S a subatomic particle PIONIC adj PIONEER v -ED, -ING, -S to take part in the beginnings of PIOSITY n pl. -TIES an excessive show of piety PIOUS adj marked by religious reverence PIOUSLY adv PIP v PIPPED, PIPPING, PIPS to break through the shell of an egg PIPAGE n pl. -S a system of pipes PIPAL n pl. -S a fig tree of India PIPE v PIPED, PIPING, PIPES to convey by means of a pipe (a hollow cylinder) PIPEAGE n pl. -S pipage PIPEFISH n pl. -ES a slender fish PIPEFUL n pl. -S a quantity sufficient to fill a tobacco pipe PIPELESS adj having no pipe PIPELIKE adj resembling a pipe PIPELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to convey by a line of pipe PIPER n pl. -S one that plays on a tubular musical instrument PIPERINE n pl. -S a chemical compound PIPESTEM n pl. -S the stem of a tobacco pipe PIPET v -PETTED, -PETTING, -PETS to pipette PIPETTE v -PETTED, -PETTING, -PETTES to measure liquid with a calibrated tube PIPIER comparative of pipy PIPIEST superlative of pipy PIPINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being pipy PIPING n pl. -S a system of pipes PIPINGLY adv shrilly PIPIT n pl. -S a songbird PIPKIN n pl. -S a small pot PIPPED past tense of pip PIPPIN n pl. -S any of several varieties of apple PIPPING present participle of pip PIPY adj PIPIER, PIPIEST shrill PIQUANCE n pl. -S piquancy PIQUANCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being piquant PIQUANT adj having an agreeably sharp taste PIQUE v PIQUED, PIQUING, PIQUES to arouse anger or resentment in PIQUET n pl. -S a card game PIRACY n pl. -CIES robbery on the high seas PIRAGUA n pl. -S a dugout canoe PIRANA n pl. -S piranha PIRANHA n pl. -S a voracious fish PIRARUCU n pl. -S a large food fish PIRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to commit piracy PIRATIC adj pertaining to piracy PIRAYA n pl. -S piranha PIRIFORM adj pyriform PIRN n pl. -S a spinning-wheel bobbin PIROG n pl. -ROGEN, -ROGHI or -ROGI a large Russian pastry PIROGI n pl. -ES pierogi PIROGUE n pl. -S piragua PIROQUE n pl. -S piragua PIROZHOK n pl. -ROZHKI, -ROSHKI or -ROJKI a small Russian pastry PISCARY n pl. -RIES a place for fishing PISCATOR n pl. -S a fisherman PISCINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a basin used in certain church ceremonies PISCINAL adj PISCINE adj pertaining to fish PISCO n pl. -COS a Peruvian brandy PISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to express contempt PISHOGE n pl. -S pishogue PISHOGUE n pl. -S an evil spell PISIFORM n pl. -S a small bone of the wrist PISMIRE n pl. -S an ant PISO n pl. -SOS the Philippine peso PISOLITE n pl. -S a limestone PISSANT n pl. -S a type of ant PISSOIR n pl. -S a public urinal PISTACHE n pl. -S a shade of green PISTE n pl. -S a downhill ski trail PISTIL n pl. -S the seed-bearing organ of flowering plants PISTOL v -TOLED, -TOLING, -TOLS or -TOLLED, -TOLLING, -TOLS to shoot with a small firearm PISTOLE n pl. -S a former European gold coin PISTON n pl. -S a part of an engine PIT v PITTED, PITTING, PITS to mark with cavities or depressions PITA n pl. -S a strong fiber PITAPAT v -PATTED, -PATTING, -PATS to make a repeated tapping sound PITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to throw PITCHER n pl. -S a container for holding and pouring liquids PITCHIER comparative of pitchy PITCHIEST superlative of pitchy PITCHILY adv in a very dark manner PITCHMAN n pl. -MEN a salesman of small wares PITCHOUT n pl. -S a type of pitch in baseball PITCHY adj PITCHIER, PITCHIEST tarry PITEOUS adj pitiful PITFALL n pl. -S a hidden danger or difficulty PITH v -ED, -ING, -S to sever the spinal cord of PITHEAD n pl. -S a mine entrance PITHLESS adj lacking force PITHY adj PITHIER, PITHIEST concise PITHILY adv PITIABLE adj pitiful PITIABLY adv PITIED past tense of pity PITIER n pl. -S one that pities PITIES present 3d person sing. of pity PITIFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST arousing pity PITILESS adj having no pity PITMAN n pl. -MEN a mine worker PITMAN n pl. -S a connecting rod PITON n pl. -S a metal spike used in mountain climbing PITSAW n pl. -S a large saw for cutting logs PITTANCE n pl. -S a small allowance of money PITTED past tense of pit PITTING n pl. -S an arrangement of cavities or depressions PITY v PITIED, PITYING, PITIES to feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) PIU adv more -- used as a musical direction PIVOT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn on a shaft or rod PIVOTAL adj critically important PIVOTMAN n pl. -MEN a center on a basketball team PIX n pl. -ES pyx PIXEL n pl. -S a basic unit of a video image PIXIE n pl. -S pixy PIXIEISH adj PIXINESS n pl. -ES the state of being playfully mischievous PIXY n pl. PIXIES a playfully mischievous fairy or elf PIXYISH adj PIZAZZ n pl. -ES the quality of being exciting or attractive PIZAZZY adj having pizazz PIZZA n pl. -S an Italian open pie PIZZERIA n pl. -S a place where pizzas are made and sold PIZZLE n pl. -S the penis of an animal PLACABLE adj capable of being placated PLACABLY adv PLACARD v -ED, -ING, -S to publicize by means of posters PLACATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to soothe or mollify PLACATER n pl. -S one that placates PLACE v PLACED, PLACING, PLACES to set in a particular position PLACEBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a substance containing no medication that is given for its psychological effect PLACEMAN n pl. -MEN a political appointee to a public office PLACENTA n pl. -TAS or -TAE a vascular organ in most mammals PLACER n pl. -S one that places PLACET n pl. -S a vote of assent PLACID adj calm or peaceful PLACIDLY adv PLACING present participle of place PLACK n pl. -S a former coin of Scotland PLACKET n pl. -S a slit in a garment PLACOID n pl. -S a fish having platelike scales PLAFOND n pl. -S an elaborately decorated ceiling PLAGAL adj designating a medieval musical mode PLAGE n pl. -S a bright region on the sun PLAGIARY n pl. -RIES the act of passing off another's work as one's own PLAGUE v PLAGUED, PLAGUING, PLAGUES to harass or torment PLAGUER n pl. -S one that plagues PLAGUEY adj plaguy PLAGUING present participle of plague PLAGUY adj troublesome PLAGUILY adv PLAICE n pl. -S a European flatfish PLAID n pl. -S a woolen scarf of a checkered pattern PLAIDED adj PLAIN adj PLAINER, PLAINEST evident PLAINLY adv PLAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to complain PLAINT n pl. -S a complaint PLAISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to plaster PLAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to braid PLAITER n pl. -S one that plaits PLAITING n pl. -S something that is plaited PLAN v PLANNED, PLANNING, PLANS to formulate a plan (a method for achieving an end) PLANAR adj flat PLANARIA n pl. -S an aquatic flatworm PLANATE adj having a flat surface PLANCH n pl. -ES a plank PLANCHE n pl. -S planch PLANCHET n pl. -S a flat piece of metal for stamping into a coin PLANE v PLANED, PLANING, PLANES to make smooth or even PLANER n pl. -S one that planes PLANET n pl. -S a celestial body PLANFORM n pl. -S the contour of an object as viewed from above PLANGENT adj resounding loudly PLANING present participle of plane PLANISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to toughen and smooth by hammering lightly PLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with planks (long, flat pieces of lumber) PLANKING n pl. -S covering made of planks PLANKTER n pl. -S any organism that is an element of plankton PLANKTON n pl. -S the minute animal and plant life of a body of water PLANLESS adj having no plan PLANNED past tense of plan PLANNER n pl. -S one that plans PLANNING n pl. -S the establishment of goals or policies PLANOSOL n pl. -S a type of soil PLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to place in the ground for growing PLANTAIN n pl. -S a short-stemmed herb PLANTAR adj pertaining to the sole of the foot PLANTER n pl. -S one that plants PLANTING n pl. -S an area where plants are grown PLANTLET n pl. -S a small plant PLANULA n pl. -LAE the free-swimming larva of certain organisms PLANULAR adj PLAQUE n pl. -S an ornamental plate or disk PLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to weave together PLASHER n pl. -S one that plashes PLASHY adj PLASHIER, PLASHIEST marshy PLASM n pl. -S plasma PLASMA n pl. -S the liquid part of blood PLASMIC adj PLASMID n pl. -S a hereditary structure of a cell PLASMIN n pl. -S an enzyme PLASMOID n pl. -S a type of high energy particle PLASMON n pl. -S a determinant of inheritance believed to exist in cells PLASTER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with plaster (a mixture of lime, sand, and water) PLASTERY adj resembling plaster PLASTIC n pl. -S any of a group of synthetic or natural moldable materials PLASTID n pl. -S a structure in plant cells PLASTRON n pl. -S a part of the shell of a turtle PLASTRAL adj PLASTRUM n pl. -S plastron PLAT v PLATTED, PLATTING, PLATS to plait PLATAN n pl. -S a large tree PLATANE n pl. -S platan PLATE v PLATED, PLATING, PLATES to coat with a thin layer of metal PLATEAU n pl. -TEAUS or -TEAUX a level stretch of elevated land PLATEAU v -ED, -ING, -S to reach a period or condition of stability PLATED past tense of plate PLATEFUL n pl. PLATEFULS or PLATESFUL the quantity that fills a plate (a shallow dish) PLATELET n pl. -S a small, flattened body PLATEN n pl. -S the roller of a typewriter PLATER n pl. -S one that plates PLATESFUL a pl. of plateful PLATFORM n pl. -S a raised floor or flat surface PLATIER comparative of platy PLATIES a pl. of platy PLATIEST superlative of platy PLATINA n pl. -S platinum PLATING n pl. -S a thin layer of metal PLATINIC adj pertaining to platinum PLATINUM n pl. -S a metallic element PLATONIC adj purely spiritual and free from sensual desire PLATOON v -ED, -ING, -S to alternate with another player at the same position PLATTED past tense of plat PLATTER n pl. -S a large, shallow dish PLATTING present participle of plat PLATY adj PLATIER, PLATIEST split into thin, flat pieces PLATY n pl. PLATYS or PLATIES a small tropical fish PLATYPUS n pl. -PUSES or -PI an aquatic mammal PLAUDIT n pl. -S an expression of praise PLAUSIVE adj expressing praise PLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to engage in amusement or sport PLAYABLE adj PLAYA n pl. -S the bottom of a desert basin PLAYACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take part in a theatrical performance PLAYBACK n pl. -S the act of replaying a newly made recording PLAYBILL n pl. -S a program for a theatrical performance PLAYBOOK n pl. -S a book containing one or more literary works for the stage PLAYBOY n pl. -BOYS a man devoted to pleasurable activities PLAYDATE n pl. -S the scheduled date for showing a theatrical production PLAYDAY n pl. -DAYS a holiday PLAYDOWN n pl. -S a playoff PLAYER n pl. -S one that plays PLAYFUL adj frolicsome PLAYGIRL n pl. -S a women devoted to pleasurable activities PLAYGOER n pl. -S one who attends the theater PLAYLAND n pl. -S a recreational area PLAYLESS adj lacking playfulness PLAYLET n pl. -S a short theatrical performance PLAYLIKE adj resembling a theatrical performance PLAYLIST n pl. -S a list of recordings to be played on the air PLAYMATE n pl. -S a companion in play PLAYOFF n pl. -S a series of games played to determine a championship PLAYPEN n pl. -S an enclosure in which a young child may play PLAYROOM n pl. -S a recreation room PLAYSUIT n pl. -S a sports outfit for women and children PLAYTIME n pl. -S a time for play or amusement PLAYWEAR n pl. -S clothing worn for leisure activities PLAZA n pl. -S a public square PLEA n pl. -S an entreaty PLEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to weave together PLEAD v PLEADED or PLED, PLEADING, PLEADS to ask for earnestly PLEADER n pl. -S one that pleads PLEADING n pl. -S an allegation in a legal action PLEASANT adj -ANTER, -ANTEST pleasing PLEASE v PLEASED, PLEASING, PLEASES to give enjoyment or satisfaction to PLEASER n pl. -S one that pleases PLEASURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to please PLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to fold in an even manner PLEATER n pl. -S one that pleats PLEB n pl. -S a commoner PLEBE n pl. -S a freshman at a military or naval academy PLEBEIAN n pl. -S a commoner PLECTRON n pl. -TRONS or -TRA plectrum PLECTRUM n pl. -TRUMS or -TRA an implement used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument PLED a past tense of plead PLEDGE v PLEDGED, PLEDGING, PLEDGES to give as security for something borrowed PLEDGEE n pl. -S one to whom something is pledged PLEDGEOR n pl. -S pledger PLEDGER n pl. -S one that pledges something PLEDGET n pl. -S a pad of absorbent cotton PLEDGING present participle of pledge PLEDGOR n pl. -S pledger PLEIAD n pl. -S or -ES a group of seven illustrious persons PLENA a pl. of plenum PLENARY adj complete in every respect PLENCH n pl. -ES a tool serving as pliers and a wrench PLENISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to fill up PLENISM n pl. -S the doctrine that space is fully occupied by matter PLENIST n pl. -S an advocate of plenism PLENTY n pl. -TIES a sufficient or abundant amount PLENUM n pl. -NUMS or -NA space considered as fully occupied by matter PLEONASM n pl. -S the use of needless words PLEOPOD n pl. -S an appendage of crustaceans PLESSOR n pl. -S plexor PLETHORA n pl. -S an excess PLEURA n pl. -RAE or -RAS a membrane that envelops the lungs PLEURAL adj PLEURISY n pl. -SIES inflammation of the pleura PLEURON n pl. -RA a part of a thoracic segment of an insect PLEUSTON n pl. -S aquatic vegetation PLEW n pl. -S a beaver skin PLEXAL adj pertaining to a plexus PLEXOR n pl. -S a small, hammer-like medical instrument PLEXUS n pl. -ES an interlacing of parts PLIABLE adj easily bent PLIABLY adv PLIANCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being pliant PLIANT adj easily bent PLIANTLY adv PLICA n pl. -CAE a fold of skin PLICAL adj PLICATE adj pleated PLICATED adj plicate PLIE n pl. -S a movement in ballet PLIED past tense of ply PLIER n pl. -S one that plies PLIES present 3d person sing. of ply PLIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to promise or bind by a solemn pledge PLIGHTER n pl. -S one that plights PLIMSOL n pl. -S plimsoll PLIMSOLE n pl. -S plimsoll PLIMSOLL n pl. -S a rubber-soled cloth shoe PLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to shoot at random targets PLINKER n pl. -S one that plinks PLINTH n pl. -S a stone or slab upon which a column or pedestal rests PLIOTRON n pl. -S a type of vacuum tube PLISKIE n pl. -S a practical joke PLISKY n pl. -KIES pliskie PLISSE n pl. -S a puckered texture of cloth PLOD v PLODDED, PLODDING, PLODS to walk heavily PLODDER n pl. -S one that plods PLOIDY n pl. -DIES the extent of repetition of the basic number of chromosomes PLONK v -ED, -ING, -S to plunk PLOP v PLOPPED, PLOPPING, PLOPS to drop or fall heavily PLOSION n pl. -S a release of breath after the articulation of certain consonants PLOSIVE n pl. -S a sound produced by plosion PLOT v PLOTTED, PLOTTING, PLOTS to plan secretly PLOTLESS adj planless PLOTLINE n pl. -S the main story of a book PLOTTAGE n pl. -S an area of land PLOTTED past tense of plot PLOTTER n pl. -S one that plots PLOTTIER comparative of plotty PLOTTIES pl. of plotty PLOTTING present participle of plot PLOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST full of intrigue, as a novel PLOTTY n pl. -TIES a hot, spiced beverage PLOTZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to be overwhelmed by an emotion PLOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to plow PLOUGHER n pl. -S one that ploughs PLOVER n pl. -S a shore bird PLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) PLOWABLE adj PLOWBACK n pl. -S a reinvestment of profits in a business PLOWBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who leads a plow team PLOWER n pl. -S one that plows PLOWHEAD n pl. -S the clevis of a plow PLOWLAND n pl. -S land suitable for cultivation PLOWMAN n pl. -MEN a man who plows PLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to move from a line into column PLUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to pull out or off PLUCKER n pl. -S one that plucks PLUCKY adj PLUCKIER, PLUCKIEST brave and spirited PLUCKILY adv PLUG v PLUGGED, PLUGGING, PLUGS to seal or close with a plug (a piece of material used to fill a hole) PLUGGER n pl. -S one that plugs PLUGLESS adj having no plug PLUGOLA n pl. -S free incidental advertising on radio or television PLUGUGLY n pl. -LIES a hoodlum PLUM n pl. -S a fleshy fruit PLUMAGE n pl. -S the feathers of a bird PLUMAGED adj PLUMATE adj resembling a feather PLUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the depth of PLUMBAGO n pl. -GOS graphite PLUMBER n pl. -S one who installs and repairs plumbing PLUMBERY n pl. -ERIES the work of a plumber PLUMBIC adj containing lead PLUMBING n pl. -S the pipe system of a building PLUMBISM n pl. -S lead poisoning PLUMBOUS adj containing lead PLUMBUM n pl. -S lead PLUME v PLUMED, PLUMING, PLUMES to cover with feathers PLUMELET n pl. -S a small feather PLUMERIA n pl. -S a flowering shrub PLUMIER comparative of plumy PLUMIEST superlative of plumy PLUMING present participle of plume PLUMIPED n pl. -S a bird having feathered feet PLUMLIKE adj resembling a plum PLUMMET v -ED, -ING, -S to drop straight down PLUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST full of plums PLUMOSE adj having feathers PLUMP adj PLUMPER, PLUMPEST well-rounded and full in form PLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to make plump PLUMPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to plump PLUMPER n pl. -S a heavy fall PLUMPISH adj somewhat plump PLUMPLY adv in a plump way PLUMULE n pl. -S the primary bud of a plant embryo PLUMULAR adj PLUMY adj PLUMIER, PLUMIEST covered with feathers PLUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to rob of goods by force PLUNGE v PLUNGED, PLUNGING, PLUNGES to throw or thrust suddenly or forcibly into something PLUNGER n pl. -S one that plunges PLUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to fall or drop heavily PLUNKER n pl. -S one that plunks PLURAL n pl. -S a word that expresses more than one PLURALLY adv in a manner or form that expresses more than one PLUS n pl. PLUSES or PLUSSES an additional quantity PLUSH adj PLUSHER, PLUSHEST luxurious PLUSHLY adv PLUSH n pl. -ES a fabric with a long pile PLUSHY adj PLUSHIER, PLUSHIEST luxurious PLUSHILY adv PLUSSAGE n pl. -S an amount over and above another PLUSSES a pl. of plus PLUTEUS n pl. -TEI the larva of a sea urchin PLUTON n pl. -S a formation of igneous rock PLUTONIC adj PLUVIAL n pl. -S a prolonged period of wet climate PLUVIAN adj characterized by much rain PLUVIOSE adj pluvious PLUVIOUS adj pertaining to rain PLY v PLIED, PLYING, PLIES to supply with or offer repeatedly PLYINGLY adv PLYER n pl. -S plier PLYWOOD n pl. -S a building material PNEUMA n pl. -S the soul or spirit POACEOUS adj pertaining to plants of the grass family POACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to trespass for the purpose of taking game or fish POACHER n pl. -S one that poaches POACHY adj POACHIER, POACHIEST swampy POCHARD n pl. -S a sea duck POCK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) POCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a pouch sewed into a garment POCKETER n pl. -S one that pockets POCKMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with scars caused by an eruptive disease POCKY adj POCKIER, POCKIEST covered with pocks POCKILY adv POCO adv a little -- used as a musical direction POCOSIN n pl. -S an upland swamp POD v PODDED, PODDING, PODS to produce seed vessels PODAGRA n pl. -S gout in the foot PODAGRAL, PODAGRIC adj PODESTA n pl. -S an Italian magistrate PODGY adj PODGIER, PODGIEST pudgy PODGILY adv PODIA a pl. of podium PODIATRY n pl. -TRIES the study and treatment of the human foot PODITE n pl. -S a limb segment of an arthropod PODITIC adj PODIUM n pl. -DIUMS or -DIA a small platform PODLIKE adj resembling a pod (a seed vessel) PODOCARP adj designating a family of evergreen trees PODOMERE n pl. -S a podite PODSOL n pl. -S podzol PODSOLIC adj PODZOL n pl. -S an infertile soil PODZOLIC adj POECHORE n pl. -S a semiarid region POEM n pl. -S a composition in verse POESY n pl. -ESIES poetry POET n pl. -S one who writes poems POETESS n pl. -ES a female poet POETIC adj pertaining to poetry POETICAL adj poetic POETICS n/pl poetic theory or practice POETISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to poetize POETISER n pl. -S poetizer POETIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to write poetry POETIZER n pl. -S one that poetizes POETLESS adj lacking a poet POETLIKE adj resembling a poet POETRY n pl. -RIES literary work in metrical form POGEY n pl. -GEYS any form of government relief POGIES pl. of pogy POGONIA n pl. -S a small orchid POGONIP n pl. -S a dense fog of suspended ice particles POGROM v -ED, -ING, -S to massacre systematically POGY n pl. -GIES a marine fish POH interj -- used to express disgust POI n pl. -S a Hawaiian food POIGNANT adj emotionally distressing POILU n pl. -S a French soldier POIND v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and sell the property of to satisfy a debt POINT v -ED, -ING, -S to indicate direction with the finger POINTE n pl. -S a ballet position POINTER n pl. -S one that points POINTMAN n pl. -MEN a certain player in hockey POINTY adj POINTIER, POINTIEST coming to a sharp, tapering end POISE v POISED, POISING, POISES to hold in a state of equilibrium POISER n pl. -S one that poises POISHA n pl. POISHA the paisa of Bangladesh POISON v -ED, -ING, -S to administer a harmful substance to POISONER n pl. -S one that poisons POITREL n pl. -S peytral POKE v POKED, POKING, POKES to push or prod POKER n pl. -S one that pokes POKEROOT n pl. -S pokeweed POKEWEED n pl. -S a perennial herb POKEY n pl. -KEYS poky POKIER comparative of poky POKIES pl. of poky POKIEST superlative of poky POKILY adv in a poky manner POKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being poky POKING present participle of poke POKY adj POKIER, POKIEST slow POKY n pl. POKIES a jail POL n pl. -S a politician POLAR n pl. -S a straight line related to a point POLARISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to polarize POLARITY n pl. -TIES the possession of two opposite qualities POLARIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to give polarity to POLARON n pl. -S a type of electron POLDER n pl. -S a tract of low land reclaimed from a body of water POLE v POLED, POLING, POLES to propel with a pole (a long, thin piece of wood or metal) POLEAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike with an axlike weapon POLEAXE v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES to poleax POLECAT n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal POLED past tense of pole POLEIS pl. of polis POLELESS adj having no pole POLEMIC n pl. -S a controversial argument POLEMIST n pl. -S one who engages in polemics POLEMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to engage in polemics POLENTA n pl. -S a thick mush of cornmeal POLER n pl. -S one that poles POLESTAR n pl. -S a guiding principle POLEWARD adv in the direction of either extremity of the earth's axis POLEYN n pl. -S a protective piece of leather for the knee POLICE v POLICED, POLICING, POLICES to make clean or orderly POLICY n pl. -CIES an action or a procedure considered with reference to prudence or expediency POLING present participle of pole POLIO n pl. -LIOS an infectious virus disease POLIS n pl. -LEIS an ancient Greek city-state POLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make smooth and lustrous by rubbing POLISHER n pl. -S one that polishes POLITE adj -LITER, -LITEST showing consideration for others POLITELY adv POLITIC adj shrewd POLITICK v -ED, -ING, -S to engage in politics POLITICO n pl. -COS or -COES one who politicks POLITICS n/pl the art or science of government POLITY n pl. -TIES a form or system of government POLKA v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a lively dance POLL v -ED, -ING, -S to question for the purpose of surveying public opinion POLLACK n pl. -S a marine food fish POLLARD v -ED, -ING, -S to cut the top branches of a tree back to the trunk POLLEE n pl. -S one who is polled POLLEN v -ED, -ING, -S to convey pollen (the fertilizing element in a seed plant) to POLLER n pl. -S one that polls POLLEX n pl. -LICES the innermost digit of the forelimb POLLICAL adj POLLINIA n/pl masses of pollen grains POLLINIC adj pertaining to pollen POLLIST n pl. -S a poller POLLIWOG n pl. -S a tadpole POLLOCK n pl. -S pollack POLLSTER n pl. -S a poller POLLUTE v -LUTED, -LUTING, -LUTES to make unclean or impure POLLUTER n pl. -S one that pollutes POLLYWOG n pl. -S polliwog POLO n pl. -LOS a game played on horseback POLOIST n pl. -S a polo player POLONIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element POLTROON n pl. -S a base coward POLY n pl. POLYS a type of white blood cell POLYBRID n pl. -S a type of hybrid plant POLYCOT n pl. -S a type of plant POLYENE n pl. -S a chemical compound POLYENIC adj POLYGALA n pl. -S a flowering plant POLYGAMY n pl. -MIES the condition of having more than one spouse at the same time POLYGENE n pl. -S a type of gene POLYGLOT n pl. -S one that speaks or writes several languages POLYGON n pl. -S a closed plane figure bounded by straight lines POLYGONY n pl. -NIES an herb POLYGYNY n pl. -NIES the condition of having more than one wife at the same time POLYMATH n pl. -S a person of great and varied learning POLYMER n pl. -S a complex chemical compound POLYNYA n pl. -YAS or -YI an area of open water surrounded by sea ice POLYOMA n pl. -S a type of virus POLYP n pl. -S an invertebrate POLYPARY n pl. -ARIES the common supporting structure of a polyp colony POLYPI a pl. of polypus POLYPIDE n pl. -S a polyp POLYPNEA n pl. -S rapid breathing POLYPOD n pl. -S a many-footed organism POLYPODY n pl. -DIES a fern POLYPOID adj resembling a polyp POLYPORE n pl. -S a type of fungus POLYPOUS adj pertaining to a polyp POLYPUS n pl. -PI or -PUSES a growth protruding from the mucous lining of an organ POLYSEMY n pl. -MIES diversity of meanings POLYSOME n pl. -S a cluster of protein particles POLYTENE adj having chromosomes of a certain type POLYTENY n pl. -NIES the state of being polytene POLYTYPE n pl. -S a crystal structure POLYURIA n pl. -S excessive urination POLYURIC adj POLYZOAN n pl. -S a bryozoan POLYZOIC adj composed of many zooids POMACE n pl. -S the pulpy residue of crushed fruits POMADE v -MADED, -MADING, -MADES to apply a perfumed hair dressing to POMANDER n pl. -S a mixture of aromatic substances POMATUM n pl. -S a perfumed hair dressing POME n pl. -S a fleshy fruit with a core POMELO n pl. -LOS a grapefruit POMFRET n pl. -S a marine fish POMMEE adj having arms with knoblike ends -- used of a heraldic cross POMMEL v -MELED, -MELING, -MELS or -MELLED, -MELLING, -MELS to strike with the fists POMOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of fruits POMP n pl. -S stately or splendid display POMPANO n pl. -NOS a marine food fish POMPOM n pl. -S an antiaircraft cannon POMPON n pl. -S an ornamental tuft or ball POMPOUS adj marked by exaggerated self-importance PONCE v PONCED, PONCING, PONCES to pimp PONCHO n pl. -CHOS a type of cloak POND v -ED, -ING, -S to collect into a pond (a small body of water) PONDER v -ED, -ING, -S to consider something deeply and thoroughly PONDERER n pl. -S one that ponders PONDWEED n pl. -S an aquatic plant PONE n pl. -S a corn bread PONENT adj affirmative PONG v -ED, -ING, -S to stink PONGEE n pl. -S a type of silk PONGID n pl. -S an anthropoid ape PONIARD v -ED, -ING, -S to stab with a dagger PONIED past tense of pony PONIES present 3d person sing. of pony PONS n pl. PONTES a band of nerve fibers in the brain PONTIFEX n pl. -FICES an ancient Roman priest PONTIFF n pl. -S a pope or bishop PONTIFIC adj pertaining to a pope or bishop PONTIFICES pl. of pontifex PONTIL n pl. -S a punty PONTINE adj pertaining to bridges PONTON n pl. -S pontoon PONTOON n pl. -S a flat-bottomed boat PONY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to prepare lessons with the aid of a literal translation PONYTAIL n pl. -S a hairstyle POOCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bulge POOD n pl. -S a Russian unit of weight POODLE n pl. -S a heavy-coated dog POOF interj -- used to indicate an instantaneous occurrence POOH v -ED, -ING, -S to express contempt for POOL v -ED, -ING, -S to combine in a common fund POOLHALL n pl. -S a poolroom POOLROOM n pl. -S an establishment for the playing of billiards POOLSIDE n pl. -S the area surrounding a swimming pool POON n pl. -S an East Indian tree POOP v -ED, -ING, -S to tire out POOR adj POORER, POOREST lacking the means of support POORI n pl. -S a light, flat wheat cake POORISH adj somewhat poor POORLY adv in a poor manner POORNESS n pl. -ES the state of being poor POORTITH n pl. -S poverty POP v POPPED, POPPING, POPS to make a sharp, explosive sound POPCORN n pl. -S a variety of corn POPE n pl. -S the head of the Roman Catholic Church POPELESS, POPELIKE adj POPEDOM n pl. -S the office of a pope POPEYED adj having bulging eyes POPGUN n pl. -S a toy gun POPINJAY n pl. -JAYS a vain person POPLAR n pl. -S a fast-growing tree POPLIN n pl. -S a durable fabric POPLITIC adj pertaining to the part of the leg behind the knee POPOVER n pl. -S a very light egg muffin POPPA n pl. -S papa POPPED past tense of pop POPPER n pl. -S one that pops POPPET n pl. -S a mechanical valve POPPIED adj covered with poppies POPPIES pl. of poppy POPPING present participle of pop POPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to move in a bubbling or rippling manner POPPY n pl. -PIES a flowering plant POPSIE n pl. -S popsy POPSY n pl. -SIES a girlfriend POPULACE n pl. -S the common people POPULAR adj liked by many people POPULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to inhabit POPULISM n pl. -S populists' doctrines POPULIST n pl. -S a member of a party which represents the common people POPULOUS adj containing many inhabitants PORCH n pl. -ES a covered structure at the entrance to a building PORCINE adj pertaining to swine PORCINO n pl. -NI an edible mushroom PORE v PORED, PORING, PORES to gaze intently PORGY n pl. -GIES a marine food fish PORISM n pl. -S a type of mathematical proposition PORK n pl. -S the flesh of swine used as food PORKER n pl. -S a pig PORKIER comparative of porky PORKIES pl. of porky PORKIEST superlative of porky PORKPIE n pl. -S a man's hat PORKWOOD n pl. -S a tropical tree PORKY adj PORKIER, PORKIEST resembling pork PORKY n pl. -KIES a porcupine PORN n pl. -S pornography PORNO n pl. -NOS pornography PORNY adj PORNIER, PORNIEST pornographic POROSE adj porous POROSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being porous POROUS adj having minute openings POROUSLY adv PORPHYRY n pl. -RIES an igneous rock PORPOISE n pl. -S an aquatic mammal PORRECT adj extended forward PORRIDGE n pl. -S a soft food PORRIDGY adj PORT v -ED, -ING, -S to shift to the left side PORTABLE n pl. -S something that can be carried PORTABLY adv so as to be capable of being carried PORTAGE v -TAGED, -TAGING, -TAGES to transport from one navigable waterway to another PORTAL n pl. -S a door, gate, or entrance PORTALED adj PORTANCE n pl. -S demeanor PORTAPAK n pl. -S a portable combined video recorder and camera PORTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as an omen of PORTENT n pl. -S an omen PORTER v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a porter (one who carries luggage) PORTHOLE n pl. -S a small window in a ship's side PORTICO n pl. -COS or -COES a type of porch PORTIERE n pl. -S a curtain for a doorway PORTION v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into shares for distribution PORTLESS adj having no place for ships to load or unload PORTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST rather heavy or fat PORTRAIT n pl. -S a likeness of a person PORTRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to represent pictorially PORTRESS n pl. -ES a female doorkeeper POSADA n pl. -S an inn POSE v POSED, POSING, POSES to assume a fixed position POSER n pl. -S one that poses POSEUR n pl. -S an affected or insincere person POSH adj POSHER, POSHEST stylish or elegant POSHLY adv POSHNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being posh POSIES pl. of posy POSING present participle of pose POSINGLY adv in a posing manner POSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to place POSITION v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a particular location POSITIVE adj -TIVER, -TIVEST certain POSITIVE n pl. -S a quantity greater than zero POSITRON n pl. -S a subatomic particle POSOLOGY n pl. -GIES a branch of medicine that deals with drug dosages POSSE n pl. -S a body of men summoned to aid a peace officer POSSESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to have as property POSSET n pl. -S a hot, spiced drink POSSIBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST capable of happening or proving true POSSIBLY adv POSSUM n pl. -S opossum POST v -ED, -ING, -S to affix in a public place POSTAGE n pl. -S the charge for mailing an item POSTAL n pl. -S a postcard POSTALLY adv in a manner pertaining to the mails POSTANAL adj situated behind the anus POSTBAG n pl. -S a mailbag POSTBASE adj following a base word POSTBOX n pl. -ES a mailbox POSTBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who carries mail POSTBURN adj following a burn POSTCARD n pl. -S a card for use in the mail POSTCAVA n pl. -VAE a vein in higher vertebrates POSTCODE n pl. -S a code of numbers and letters used in a mailing address POSTCOUP adj following a coup POSTDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to give a date later than the actual date to POSTDIVE adj following a dive POSTDOC n pl. -S one engaged in postdoctoral study POSTDRUG adj following the taking of a drug POSTEEN n pl. -S an Afghan outer garment POSTER n pl. -S a printed or written notice for posting POSTERN n pl. -S a rear door or gate POSTFACE n pl. -S a brief note placed at the end of a publication POSTFIRE adj after a fire POSTFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to affix at the end of something POSTFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to shape subsequently POSTGAME adj following a game POSTHEAT n pl. -S heat applied to a metal after welding POSTHOLE n pl. -S a hole dug to secure a fence post POSTICHE n pl. -S an imitation POSTIN n pl. -S posteen POSTING n pl. -S the act of transferring to a ledger POSTIQUE n pl. -S postiche POSTLUDE n pl. -S a closing musical piece POSTMAN n pl. -MEN a mailman POSTMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to stamp mail with an official mark POSTORAL adj situated behind the mouth POSTPAID adv with the postage prepaid POSTPONE v -PONED, -PONING, -PONES to put off to a future time POSTRACE adj following a race POSTRIOT adj following a riot POSTSHOW adj after a show POSTSYNC v -ED, -ING, -S to add sound to a film after a scene has been photographed POSTTAX adj after taxes have been taken out POSTTEEN adj occurring after one's teenage years POSTTEST n pl. -S a test given after the completion of an instructional program POSTURAL adj pertaining to the position of the body POSTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to assume a particular position POSTURER n pl. -S one that postures POSTWAR adj occurring or existing after a war POSY n pl. -SIES a flower or bouquet POT v POTTED, POTTING, POTS to put in a pot (a round, fairly deep container) POTABLE n pl. -S a liquid suitable for drinking POTAGE n pl. -S a thick soup POTAMIC adj pertaining to rivers POTASH n pl. -ES an alkaline compound POTASSIC adj pertaining to potassium (a metallic element) POTATION n pl. -S the act of drinking POTATO n pl. -TOES the edible tuber of a cultivated plant POTATORY adj pertaining to drinking POTBELLY n pl. -LIES a protruding abdominal region POTBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to produce a literary or artistic work of poor quality POTBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who serves customers in a tavern POTEEN n pl. -S Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully POTENCE n pl. -S potency POTENCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being potent POTENT adj powerful POTENTLY adv POTFUL n pl. -S as much as a pot can hold POTHEAD n pl. -S one who smokes marijuana POTHEEN n pl. -S poteen POTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to trouble POTHERB n pl. -S any herb used as a food or seasoning POTHOLE n pl. -S a deep hole in a road POTHOLED adj POTHOOK n pl. -S a hook for lifting or hanging pots POTHOUSE n pl. -S a tavern POTICHE n pl. -S a type of vase POTION n pl. -S a magical or medicinal drink POTLACH n pl. -ES a ceremonial feast POTLACHE n pl. -S potlach POTLATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to hold a ceremonial feast for POTLIKE adj resembling a pot POTLINE n pl. -S a row of electrolytic cells POTLUCK n pl. -S food which is incidentally available POTMAN n pl. -MEN a man who serves customers in a tavern POTPIE n pl. -S a deep-dish pie containing meat and vegetables POTSHARD n pl. -S potsherd POTSHERD n pl. -S a fragment of broken pottery POTSHOT v -SHOT, -SHOTTING, -SHOTS to shoot randomly at POTSIE n pl. -S potsy POTSTONE n pl. -S a variety of steatite POTSY n pl. -SIES a children's game POTTAGE n pl. -S a thick soup POTTED past tense of pot POTTEEN n pl. -S poteen POTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to putter POTTERER n pl. -S one that potters POTTERY n pl. -TERIES ware molded from clay and hardened by heat POTTIER comparative of potty POTTIES pl. of potty POTTIEST superlative of potty POTTING present participle of pot POTTLE n pl. -S a drinking vessel POTTO n pl. -TOS a lemur of tropical Africa POTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST of little importance POTTY n pl. -TIES a small toilet seat POTZER n pl. -S patzer POUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put in a pouch (a small, flexible receptacle) POUCHY adj POUCHIER, POUCHIEST resembling a pouch POUF n pl. -S a loose roll of hair POUFED adj POUFF n pl. -S pouf POUFFED adj POUFFE n pl. -S pouf POULARD n pl. -S a spayed hen POULARDE n pl. -S poulard POULT n pl. -S a young domestic fowl POULTER n pl. -S one that deals in poultry POULTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to apply a healing substance to POULTRY n pl. -TRIES domestic fowls kept for eggs or meat POUNCE v POUNCED, POUNCING, POUNCES to make a sudden assault or approach POUNCER n pl. -S one that pounces POUND v -ED, -ING, -S to strike heavily and repeatedly POUNDAGE n pl. -S the act of impounding POUNDAL n pl. -S a unit of force POUNDER n pl. -S one that pounds POUR v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to flow POURABLE adj POURER n pl. -S one that pours POUSSIE n pl. -S pussy POUT v -ED, -ING, -S to protrude the lips in ill humor POUTER n pl. -S one that pouts POUTFUL adj pouty POUTY adj POUTIER, POUTIEST tending to pout POVERTY n pl. -TIES the state of being poor POW n pl. -S an explosive sound POWDER v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to powder (matter in a finely divided state) POWDERER n pl. -S one that powders POWDERY adj resembling powder POWER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with means of propulsion POWERFUL adj possessing great force POWTER n pl. -S a domestic pigeon POWWOW v -ED, -ING, -S to hold a conference POX v -ED, -ING, -ES to infect with syphilis POXVIRUS n pl. -ES a type of virus POYOU n pl. -S an armadillo of Argentina POZZOLAN n pl. -S a finely divided material used to make cement PRAAM n pl. -S pram PRACTIC adj practical PRACTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to perform often so as to acquire skill PRACTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to practice PRAECIPE n pl. -S a legal writ PRAEDIAL adj pertaining to land PRAEFECT n pl. -S prefect PRAELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to prelect PRAETOR n pl. -S an ancient Roman magistrate PRAHU n pl. -S prau PRAIRIE n pl. -S a tract of grassland PRAISE v PRAISED, PRAISING, PRAISES to express approval or admiration of PRAISER n pl. -S one that praises PRALINE n pl. -S a confection made of nuts cooked in sugar PRAM n pl. -S a flat-bottomed boat PRANCE v PRANCED, PRANCING, PRANCES to spring forward on the hind legs PRANCER n pl. -S one that prances PRANDIAL adj pertaining to a meal PRANG v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to crash PRANK v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn gaudily PRANKISH adj mischievous PRAO n pl. PRAOS prau PRASE n pl. -S a mineral PRAT n pl. -S the buttocks PRATE v PRATED, PRATING, PRATES to chatter PRATER n pl. -S one that prates PRATFALL n pl. -S a fall on the buttocks PRATING present participle of prate PRATIQUE n pl. -S clearance given a ship by the health authority of a port PRATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to babble PRATTLER n pl. -S one that prattles PRAU n pl. -S a swift Malaysian sailing vessel PRAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to fish for prawns (edible shellfish) PRAWNER n pl. -S one that prawns PRAXIS n pl. PRAXISES or PRAXES practical use of a branch of learning PRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to address prayers to PRAYER n pl. -S a devout petition to a deity PREACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to advocate or recommend urgently PREACHER n pl. -S one that preaches PREACHY adj PREACHIER, PREACHIEST tending to preach PREACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act beforehand PREADAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to adapt beforehand PREADMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to admit beforehand PREADOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to adopt beforehand PREADULT adj preceding adulthood PREAGED adj previously aged PREALLOT v -LOTTED, -LOTTING, -LOTS to allot beforehand PREAMBLE n pl. -S an introductory statement PREAMP n pl. -S an amplifier PREANAL adj situated in front of the anus PREARM v -ED, -ING, -S to arm beforehand PREAUDIT n pl. -S an audit made prior to a final settlement of a transaction PREAVER v -VERRED, -VERRING, -VERS to aver or assert beforehand PREAXIAL adj situated in front of an axis PREBAKE v -BAKED, -BAKING, -BAKES to bake in advance PREBASAL adj situated in front of a base PREBEND n pl. -S a clergyman's stipend PREBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to bill beforehand PREBIND v -BOUND, -BINDING, -BINDS to bind in durable materials for library use PREBLESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to bless beforehand PREBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to boil beforehand PREBOOK n -ED, -ING, -S to book in advance PREBOOM adj preceding a sudden expansion of business PREBOUND past tense of prebind PRECAST v -CAST, -CASTING, -CASTS to cast and finish before placing into position PRECAVA n pl. -VAE a vein in higher vertebrates PRECAVAL adj PRECEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to go before PRECENT v -ED, -ING, -S to lead a church choir in singing PRECEPT n pl. -S a rule of conduct PRECESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to rotate with a complex motion PRECHECK v -ED, -ING, -S to check beforehand PRECHILL v -ED, -ING, -S to chill beforehand PRECIEUX adj excessively refined PRECINCT n pl. -S a subdivision of a city or town PRECIOUS n pl. -ES a darling PRECIPE n pl. -S praecipe PRECIS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a concise summary of PRECISE adj -CISER, -CISEST sharply and clearly defined or stated PRECITED adj previously cited PRECLEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to clean beforehand PRECLEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to clear beforehand PRECLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to make impossible by previous action PRECODE v -CODED, -CODING, -CODES to code beforehand PRECOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to cook beforehand PRECOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to cool beforehand PRECOUP adj preceding a coup PRECRASH adj preceding a crash PRECURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to cure beforehand PRECUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut beforehand PREDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to date before the actual or a specified time PREDATOR n pl. -S one that plunders PREDAWN n pl. -S the time just before dawn PREDIAL adj praedial PREDICT v -ED, -ING, -S to tell of or about in advance PREDIVE adj preceding a dive PREDRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to drill beforehand PREDUSK n pl. -S the time just before dusk PREE v PREED, PREEING, PREES to test by tasting PREEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to edit beforehand PREELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to elect or choose beforehand PREEMIE n pl. -S an infant born prematurely PREEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to acquire by prior right PREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to smooth or clean with the beak or tongue PREENACT v -ED, -ING, -S to enact beforehand PREENER n pl. -S one that preens PREERECT v -ED, -ING, -S to erect beforehand PREEXIST v -ED, -ING, -S to exist before PREFAB v -FABBED, -FABBING, -FABS to construct beforehand PREFACE v -ACED, -ACING, -ACES to provide with an introductory statement PREFACER n pl. -S one that prefaces PREFADE v -FADED, -FADING, -FADES to fade beforehand PREFECT n pl. -S an ancient Roman official PREFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to hold in higher regard or esteem PREFIGHT adj preceding a fight PREFILE v -FILED, -FILING, -FILES to file beforehand PREFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES to fire beforehand PREFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) PREFIXAL adj pertaining to or being a prefix PREFLAME adj preceding a flame PREFOCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to focus beforehand PREFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to form beforehand PREFRANK v -ED, -ING, -S to frank beforehand PREFREEZE v -FROZE, -FROZEN, -FREEZING, -FREEZES to freeze beforehand PREGAME adj preceding a game PREGGERS adj pregnant PREGNANT adj carrying a developing fetus in the uterus PREHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to heat beforehand PREHUMAN n pl. -S a prototype of man PREJUDGE v -JUDGED, -JUDGING, -JUDGES to judge beforehand PRELACY n pl. -CIES the office of a prelate PRELATE n pl. -S a high-ranking clergyman PRELATIC adj PRELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to lecture PRELEGAL adj occurring before the commencement of studies in law PRELIFE n pl. -LIVES a life conceived as lived before one's earthly life PRELIM n pl. -S a minor match preceding the main event PRELIMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to limit beforehand PRELUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to play a musical introduction PRELUDER n pl. -S one that preludes PRELUNCH adj preceding lunch PREMADE adj made in advance PREMAN n pl. -MEN a hypothetical ancestor of man PREMEAL adj preceding a meal PREMED n pl. -S a student preparing for the study of medicine PREMEDIC n pl. -S a premed PREMEET adj preceding a meet PREMEN pl. of preman PREMIE n pl. -S preemie PREMIER n pl. -S a prime minister PREMIERE v -MIERED, -MIERING, -MIERES to present publicly for the first time PREMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to state in advance PREMISS n pl. -ES a proposition in logic PREMIUM n pl. -S an additional payment PREMIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to mix before use PREMOLAR n pl. -S a tooth PREMOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to mold beforehand PREMOLT adj preceding a molt PREMORAL adj preceding the development of a moral code PREMORSE adj ending abruptly, as if bitten off PREMUNE adj resistant to a disease PRENAME n pl. -S a forename PRENATAL adj prior to birth PRENOMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA the first name of an ancient Roman PRENOON adj preceding noon PRENTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to place with an employer for instruction in a trade PREORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to order beforehand PREP v PREPPED, PREPPING, PREPS to attend a preparatory school PREPACK v -ED, -ING, -S to package before retail distribution PREPAID past tense of prepay PREPARE v -PARED, -PARING, -PARES to put in proper condition or readiness PREPARER n pl. -S one that prepares PREPASTE v -PASTED, -PASTING, -PASTES to paste beforehand PREPAY v -PAID, -PAYING, -PAYS to pay in advance PREPENSE adj planned in advance PREPILL adj preceding the development of a contraceptive pill PREPLACE v -PLACED, -PLACING, -PLACES to place beforehand PREPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS to plan in advance PREPLANT adj occurring before planting PREPPED past tense of prep PREPPIE n pl. -S one who preps PREPPING present participle of prep PREPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST associated with the style and behavior of preparatory school students PREPPILY adv PREPREG n pl. -S reinforcing material already impregnated with a synthetic resin PREPRICE v -PRICED, -PRICING, -PRICES to price beforehand PREPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to print in advance PREPUCE n pl. -S a fold of skin covering the penis PREPUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to punch in advance PREPUPAL adj preceding the pupal stage PREQUEL n pl. -S a book whose story precedes that of an earlier work PRERACE adj preceding a race PRERENAL adj situated in front of the kidney PRERINSE n pl. -S a rinsing beforehand PRERIOT adj preceding a riot PREROCK adj preceding the development of rock music PRESA n pl. -SE a musical symbol PRESAGE v -SAGED, -SAGING, -SAGES to foretell PRESAGER n pl. -S one that presages PRESALE adj preceding a sale PRESCIND v -ED, -ING, -S to consider separately PRESCORE v -SCORED, -SCORING, -SCORES to record the sound of before filming PRESE pl. of presa PRESELL v -SOLD, -SELLING, -SELLS to promote a product not yet being sold to the public PRESENCE n pl. -S close proximity PRESENT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into the presence of someone PRESERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to keep free from harm or danger PRESET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to set beforehand PRESHAPE v -SHAPED, -SHAPING, -SHAPES to shape beforehand PRESHOW v -SHOWED, -SHOWN, -SHOWING, -SHOWS to show beforehand PRESIDE v -SIDED, -SIDING, -SIDES to occupy the position of authority PRESIDER n pl. -S one that presides PRESIDIA n/pl Soviet executive committees PRESIDIO n pl. -DIOS a Spanish fort PRESIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to sift beforehand PRESLEEP adj preceding sleep PRESLICE v -SLICED, -SLICING, -SLICES to slice beforehand PRESOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to soak beforehand PRESOLD past tense of presell PRESONG adj preceding a song PRESORT v -ED, -ING, -S to sort beforehand PRESPLIT adj preceding a split PRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to act upon with steady force PRESSER n pl. -S one that presses PRESSING n pl. -S an instance of stamping with a press PRESSMAN n pl. -MEN a printing press operator PRESSOR n pl. -S a substance that raises blood pressure PRESSRUN n pl. -S a continuous operation of a printing press PRESSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to apply force to PREST n pl. -S a loan PRESTAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to stamp beforehand PRESTER n pl. -S a priest PRESTIGE n pl. -S distinction or reputation in the eyes of people PRESTO n pl. -TOS a musical passage played in rapid tempo PRESUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to take for granted PRESUMER n pl. -S one that presumes PRETAPE v -TAPED, -TAPING, -TAPES to tape beforehand PRETASTE v -TASTED, -TASTING, -TASTES to taste beforehand PRETAX adj existing before provision for taxes PRETEEN n pl. -S a child under the age of thirteen PRETENCE n pl. -S pretense PRETEND v -ED, -ING, -S to assume or display a false appearance of PRETENSE n pl. -S the act of pretending PRETERIT n pl. -S a past tense in grammar PRETERM adj pertaining to premature birth PRETEST v -ED, -ING, -S to give a preliminary test to PRETEXT v -ED, -ING, -S to allege as an excuse PRETOR n pl. -S praetor PRETRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to train beforehand PRETREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat beforehand PRETRIAL n pl. -S a proceeding that precedes a trial PRETRIM v -TRIMMED, -TRIMMING, -TRIMS to trim beforehand PRETTIED past tense of pretty PRETTIER comparative of pretty PRETTIES present 3d person sing. of pretty PRETTIEST superlative of pretty PRETTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make pretty PRETTY adj -TIER, -TIEST pleasing to the eye PRETTILY adv PRETTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to make pretty PRETYPE v -TYPED, -TYPING, -TYPES to type beforehand PRETZEL n pl. -S a glazed, salted cracker PREUNION n pl. -S a union beforehand PREUNITE v -UNITED, -UNITING, -UNITES to unite beforehand PREVAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to triumph PREVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep from happening PREVIEW v -ED, -ING, -S to view or exhibit in advance PREVIOUS adj coming or occurring before in time or order PREVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to foresee PREVISOR n pl. -S one that previses PREVUE v -VUED, -VUING, -VUES to preview PREWAR adj occurring or existing before a war PREWARM v -ED, -ING, -S to warm beforehand PREWARN v -ED, -ING, -S to warn in advance PREWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wash beforehand PREWORK adj preceding work PREWRAP v -WRAPPED, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to wrap beforehand PREX n pl. -ES prexy PREXY n pl. PREXIES a president PREY v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and devour animals for food PREYER n pl. -S one that preys PREZ n pl. -ES a president PRIAPEAN adj priapic PRIAPI a pl. of priapus PRIAPIC adj phallic PRIAPISM n pl. -S a persistent erection of the penis PRIAPUS n pl. -PUSES or -PI a representation of the phallus PRICE v PRICED, PRICING, PRICES to set a value on PRICER n pl. -S one that prices PRICEY adj PRICIER, PRICIEST expensive PRICIER comparative of pricey and pricy PRICIEST superlative of pricey and pricy PRICING present participle of price PRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to puncture slightly PRICKER n pl. -S one that pricks PRICKET n pl. -S a spike for holding a candle upright PRICKIER comparative of pricky PRICKIEST superlative of pricky PRICKING n pl. -S a prickly feeling PRICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to prick PRICKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST having many sharp points PRICKY adj PRICKIER, PRICKIEST prickly PRICY adj PRICIER, PRICIEST pricey PRIDE v PRIDED, PRIDING, PRIDES to feel pride (a feeling of self-esteem) PRIDEFUL adj full of pride PRIED past tense of pry PRIEDIEU n pl. -DIEUS or -DIEUX a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer PRIER n pl. -S one that pries PRIES present 3d person sing. of pry PRIEST v -ED, -ING, -S to ordain as a priest (one authorized to perform religious rites) PRIESTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST characteristic of or befitting a priest PRIG v PRIGGED, PRIGGING, PRIGS to steal PRIGGERY n pl. -GERIES priggism PRIGGISH adj marked by priggism PRIGGISM n pl. -S prim adherence to convention PRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to convert into pellets PRIM adj PRIMMER, PRIMMEST formally precise or proper PRIM v PRIMMED, PRIMMING, PRIMS to give a prim expression to PRIMA n pl. -S primo PRIMACY n pl. -CIES the state of being first PRIMAGE n pl. -S an amount paid as an addition to freight charges PRIMAL adj being at the beginning or foundation PRIMARY n pl. -RIES a preliminary election PRIMATAL n pl. -S a primate PRIMATE n pl. -S any of an advanced order of mammals PRIME v PRIMED, PRIMING, PRIMES to make ready PRIMELY adv excellently PRIMER n pl. -S a book that covers the basics of a subject PRIMERO n pl. -ROS a card game PRIMEVAL adj pertaining to the earliest ages PRIMI a pl. of primo PRIMINE n pl. -S the outer covering of an ovule PRIMING n pl. -S the act of one that primes PRIMLY adv in a prim manner PRIMMED past tense of prim PRIMMER comparative of prim PRIMMEST superlative of prim PRIMMING present participle of prim PRIMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being prim PRIMO n pl. -MOS or -MI the main part in a musical piece PRIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to dress or adorn carefully PRIMROSE n pl. -S a perennial herb PRIMSIE adj prim PRIMULA n pl. -S primrose PRIMUS n pl. -ES the head bishop of Scotland PRINCE n pl. -S a non-reigning male member of a royal family PRINCELY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a prince PRINCESS n pl. -ES a non-reigning female member of a royal family PRINCIPE n pl. -PI a prince PRINCOCK n pl. -S a coxcomb PRINCOX n pl. -ES princock PRINK v -ED, -ING, -S to dress or adorn in a showy manner PRINKER n pl. -S one that prinks PRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to produce by pressed type on a surface PRINTER n pl. -S one that prints PRINTERY n pl. -ERIES a place where printing is done PRINTING n pl. -S a reproduction from a printing surface PRINTOUT n pl. -S the printed output of a computer PRION n pl. -S a protein particle PRIOR n pl. -S an officer in a monastery PRIORATE n pl. -S the office of a prior PRIORESS n pl. -ES a nun corresponding in rank to a prior PRIORIES pl. of priory PRIORITY n pl. -TIES precedence established by importance PRIORLY adv previously PRIORY n pl. -RIES a religious house PRISE v PRISED, PRISING, PRISES to raise or force with a lever PRISERE n pl. -S a succession of vegetational stages PRISM n pl. -S a solid which disperses light into a spectrum PRISMOID n pl. -S a geometric solid PRISON v -ED, -ING, -S to imprison PRISONER n pl. -S one that is imprisoned PRISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to act in a prissy manner PRISSY adj -SIER, -SIEST excessively or affectedly proper PRISSILY adv PRISSY n pl. -SIES one who is prissy PRISTANE n pl. -S a chemical compound PRISTINE adj pertaining to the earliest time or state PRITHEE interj -- used to express a wish or request PRIVACY n pl. -CIES the state of being private PRIVATE adj -VATER, -VATEST secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others PRIVATE n pl. -S a soldier of lower rank PRIVET n pl. -S an ornamental shrub PRIVIER comparative of privy PRIVIES pl. of privy PRIVITY n pl. -TIES private knowledge PRIVY adj PRIVIER, PRIVIEST private PRIVILY adv PRIVY n pl. PRIVIES an outhouse PRIZE v PRIZED, PRIZING, PRIZES to value highly PRIZER n pl. -S one who vies for a reward PRO n pl. PROS an argument or vote in favor of something PROA n pl. -S prau PROBABLE adj likely to occur or prove true PROBABLY adv PROBAND n pl. -S one whose reactions or responses are studied PROBANG n pl. -S a surgical rod PROBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to establish the validity of PROBE v PROBED, PROBING, PROBES to investigate or examine thoroughly PROBER n pl. -S one that probes PROBIT n pl. -S a unit of statistical probability PROBITY n pl. -TIES complete and confirmed integrity PROBLEM n pl. -S a perplexing question or situation PROCAINE n pl. -S a compound used as a local anesthetic PROCARP n pl. -S a female sexual organ in certain algae PROCEED v -ED, -ING, -S to go forward or onward PROCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to treat or prepare by a special method PROCHAIN adj prochein PROCHEIN adj nearest in time, relation, or degree PROCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to make known publicly or officially PROCTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to supervise PROCURAL n pl. -S the act of procuring PROCURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to obtain by effort PROCURER n pl. -S one that procures PROD v PRODDED, PRODDING, PRODS to jab with something pointed PRODDER n pl. -S one that prods PRODIGAL n pl. -S one who spends lavishly and foolishly PRODIGY n pl. -GIES a child having exceptional talent or ability PRODROME n pl. -DROMES or -DROMATA a sign of impending disease PRODUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to bring into existence PRODUCER n pl. -S one that produces PRODUCT n pl. -S something produced by labor or effort PROEM n pl. -S an introductory statement PROEMIAL adj PROETTE n pl. -S a female professional athlete PROF n pl. -S a professor PROFANE v -FANED, -FANING, -FANES to treat with irreverence or abuse PROFANER n pl. -S one that profanes PROFESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to affirm openly PROFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to present for acceptance PROFILE v -FILED, -FILING, -FILES to draw an outline of PROFILER n pl. -S one that profiles PROFIT v -ED, -ING, -S to gain an advantage or benefit PROFITER n pl. -S one that profits PROFOUND adj -FOUNDER, -FOUNDEST intellectually deep and penetrating PROFOUND n pl. -S something that is very deep PROFUSE adj pouring forth generously PROG v PROGGED, PROGGING, PROGS to prowl about for food or plunder PROGENY n pl. -NIES a descendant or offspring PROGERIA n pl. -S premature aging PROGGER n pl. -S one that progs PROGGING present participle of prog PROGNOSE v -NOSED, -NOSING, -NOSES to forecast the probable course of a disease PROGRADE adj pertaining to the orbital motion of a body PROGRAM v -GRAMED, -GRAMING, -GRAMS or -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to arrange in a plan of proceedings PROGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to move forward or onward PROHIBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to forbid by authority PROJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to extend outward PROJET n pl. -S a plan or outline PROLABOR adj favoring organized labor PROLAMIN n pl. -S a simple protein PROLAN n pl. -S a sex hormone PROLAPSE v -LAPSED, -LAPSING, -LAPSES to fall or slip out of place PROLATE adj extended lengthwise PROLE n pl. -S a member of the working class PROLEG n pl. -S an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae PROLIFIC adj producing abundantly PROLINE n pl. -S an amino acid PROLIX adj tediously long and wordy PROLIXLY adv PROLOG v -ED, -ING, -S to prologue PROLOGUE v -LOGUED, -LOGUING, -LOGUES to preface PROLONG v -ED, -ING, -S to lengthen in duration PROLONGE n pl. -S a rope used for pulling a gun carriage PROM n pl. -S a formal dance PROMINE n pl. -S a substance that promotes growth PROMISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to make a declaration of assurance PROMISEE n pl. -S one who is promised something PROMISER n pl. -S promisor PROMISING present participle of promise PROMISOR n pl. -S one that promises PROMO n pl. -MOS a promotional presentation PROMOTE v -MOTED, -MOTING, -MOTES to contribute to the progress of PROMOTER n pl. -S one that promotes PROMPT adj PROMPTER, PROMPTEST quick to act or respond PROMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to induce to action PROMPTER n pl. -S one that prompts PROMPTLY adv in a prompt manner PROMULGE v -MULGED, -MULGING, -MULGES to proclaim PRONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to turn the palm downward or backward PRONATOR n pl. -S or -ES a forearm or forelimb muscle PRONE adj lying with the front or face downward PRONELY adv PRONG v -ED, -ING, -S to pierce with a pointed projection PRONOTUM n pl. -NOTA a hard outer plate of an insect PRONOUN n pl. -S a word that may be used in place of a noun PRONTO adv quickly PROOF v -ED, -ING, -S to examine for errors PROOFER n pl. -S one that proofs PROP v PROPPED, PROPPING, PROPS to keep from falling PROPANE n pl. -S a flammable gas PROPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to cause to move forward or onward PROPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to have a tendency toward PROPENE n pl. -S a flammable gas PROPENOL n pl. -S a flammable liquid PROPENSE adj tending toward PROPENYL adj pertaining to a certain chemical group PROPER adj -ERER, -EREST suitable PROPERLY adv PROPER n pl. -S a portion of the Mass PROPERTY n pl. -TIES something owned PROPHAGE n pl. -S a form of virus PROPHASE n pl. -S the first stage in mitosis PROPHECY n pl. -CIES a prediction PROPHESY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to predict PROPHET n pl. -S one who predicts PROPINE v -PINED, -PINING, -PINES to offer as a gift PROPJET n pl. -S a type of airplane PROPMAN n pl. -MEN a man in charge of stage properties PROPOLIS n pl. -LISES a resinous substance used as a cement by bees PROPONE v -PONED, -PONING, -PONES to propose PROPOSAL n pl. -S something that is proposed PROPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to put forward for consideration or acceptance PROPOSER n pl. -S one that proposes PROPOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to propose PROPPED past tense of prop PROPPING present participle of prop PROPYL n pl. -S a univalent radical PROPYLIC adj PROPYLON n pl. -LA an entrance to a temple PRORATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to divide proportionately PROROGUE v -ROGUED, -ROGUING, -ROGUES to discontinue a session of PROSAIC adj pertaining to prose PROSAISM n pl. -S a prosaic style PROSAIST n pl. -S a writer of prose PROSE v PROSED, PROSING, PROSES to write prose (writing without metrical structure) PROSECT v -ED, -ING, -S to dissect PROSER n pl. -S a prosaist PROSIER comparative of prosy PROSIEST superlative of prosy PROSILY adv in a prosy manner PROSING present participle of prose PROSIT interj -- used as a drinking toast PROSO n pl. -SOS millet PROSODY n pl. -DIES the study of poetical forms PROSODIC adj PROSOMA n pl. -S the front region of the body of an invertebrate PROSOMAL adj PROSPECT v -ED, -ING, -S to explore for mineral deposits PROSPER v -ED, -ING, -S to be successful or fortunate PROSS n pl. -ES a prostitute PROSSIE n pl. -S a prostitute PROST interj prosit PROSTATE n pl. -S a gland in male mammals PROSTIE n pl. -S a prostitute PROSTYLE n pl. -S a building having a row of columns across the front only PROSY adj PROSIER, PROSIEST prosaic PROTAMIN n pl. -S a simple protein PROTASIS n pl. -ASES the introductory part of a classical drama PROTATIC adj PROTEA n pl. -S an evergreen shrub PROTEAN n pl. -S a type of protein PROTEASE n pl. -S an enzyme PROTECT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep from harm, attack, or injury PROTEGE n pl. -S one whose career is promoted by an influential person PROTEGEE n pl. -S a female protege PROTEI pl. of proteus PROTEID n pl. -S protein PROTEIDE n pl. -S proteid PROTEIN n pl. -S a nitrogenous organic compound PROTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to extend PROTEOSE n pl. -S a water-soluble protein PROTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to express strong objection PROTEUS n pl. -ES one that readily changes his appearance or principles PROTEUS n pl. -TEI any of a genus of aerobic bacteria PROTIST n pl. -S any of a group of unicellular organisms PROTIUM n pl. -S an isotope of hydrogen PROTOCOL v -COLED, -COLING, -COLS or -COLLED, -COLLING, -COLS to form a preliminary draft of an official document PROTON n pl. -S a subatomic particle PROTONIC adj PROTOPOD n pl. -S a part of a crustacean appendage PROTOXID n pl. -S an oxide PROTOZOA n/pl unicellular microscopic organisms PROTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to prolong PROTRUDE v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES to extend beyond the main portion PROTYL n pl. -S protyle PROTYLE n pl. -S a hypothetical substance from which all the elements are supposedly derived PROUD adj PROUDER, PROUDEST having or displaying pride PROUDLY adv PROUDFUL adj prideful PROUNION adj favoring labor unions PROVE v PROVED, PROVEN, PROVING, PROVES to establish the truth or validity of PROVABLE adj PROVABLY adv PROVENLY adv without doubt PROVER n pl. -S one that proves PROVERB v -ED, -ING, -S to make a byword of PROVIDE v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES to supply PROVIDER n pl. -S one that provides PROVINCE n pl. -S an administrative division of a country PROVING present participle of prove PROVIRUS n pl. -ES a form of virus PROVIRAL adj PROVISO n pl. -SOS or -SOES a clause in a document introducing a condition or restriction PROVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES to incite to anger or resentment PROVOKER n pl. -S one that provokes PROVOST n pl. -S a high-ranking university official PROW adj PROWER, PROWEST brave PROW n pl. -S the forward part of a ship PROWAR adj favoring war PROWESS n pl. -ES exceptional ability PROWL v -ED, -ING, -S to move about stealthily PROWLER n pl. -S one that prowls PROXEMIC adj pertaining to a branch of environmental study PROXIES pl. of proxy PROXIMAL adj located near the point of origin PROXIMO adj of or occurring in the following month PROXY n pl. PROXIES a person authorized to act for another PRUDE n pl. -S a prudish person PRUDENCE n pl. -S the quality of being prudent PRUDENT adj having, showing, or exercising good judgment PRUDERY n pl. -ERIES excessive regard for propriety, modesty, or morality PRUDISH adj marked by prudery PRUINOSE adj having a powdery covering PRUNE v PRUNED, PRUNING, PRUNES to cut off branches or parts from PRUNABLE adj PRUNELLA n pl. -S a strong woolen fabric PRUNELLE n pl. -S a plum-flavored liqueur PRUNELLO n pl. -LOS prunella PRUNER n pl. -S one that prunes PRUNING present participle of prune PRUNUS n pl. -ES a flowering tree PRURIENT adj having lustful thoughts or desires PRURIGO n pl. -GOS a skin disease PRURITUS n pl. -ES intense itching PRURITIC adj PRUSSIC adj pertaining to a type of acid PRUTA n pl. PRUTOT prutah PRUTAH n pl. PRUTOTH a monetary unit of Israel PRY v PRIED, PRYING, PRIES to inquire impertinently into private matters PRYINGLY adv PRYER n pl. -S prier PRYTHEE interj prithee PSALM v -ED, -ING, -S to praise in psalms (sacred songs) PSALMIC adj of or pertaining to a psalm PSALMIST n pl. -S a writer of psalms PSALMODY n pl. -DIES the use of psalms in worship PSALTER n pl. -S a book of psalms PSALTERY n pl. -TERIES an ancient stringed musical instrument PSALTRY n pl. -TRIES psaltery PSAMMITE n pl. -S a fine-grained rock PSAMMON n pl. -S a group of microorganisms living in waterlogged sands PSCHENT n pl. -S a crown worn by ancient Egyptian kings PSEPHITE n pl. -S a rock composed of small pebbles PSEUD n pl. -S a person pretending to be an intellectual PSEUDO n pl. PSEUDOS a pseud PSHAW v -ED, -ING, -S to utter an expression of disapproval PSI n pl. -S a Greek letter PSILOCIN n pl. -S a hallucinogenic drug PSILOSIS n pl. -LOSES a tropical disease PSILOTIC adj PSOAS n pl. PSOAI or PSOAE a muscle of the loin PSOATIC adj PSOCID n pl. -S a minute winged insect PSORALEA n pl. -S a plant of the bean family PSORALEN n pl. -S a drug used to treat psoriasis PSST interj -- used to attract someone's attention PSYCH v -ED, -ING, -S to put into the proper frame of mind PSYCHE n pl. -S the mental structure of a person PSYCHIC n pl. -S one sensitive to extrasensory phenomena PSYCHO n pl. -CHOS a mentally unstable person PSYLLA n pl. -S any of various plant lice PSYLLID n pl. -S psylla PSYLLIUM n pl. -S the seed of a fleawort PSYWAR n pl. -S psychological warfare PTERIN n pl. -S a chemical compound PTEROPOD n pl. -S a type of mollusk PTERYGIA n/pl fleshy growths over the cornea PTERYLA n pl. -LAE a feathered area on the skin of a bird PTISAN n pl. -S a tea of herbs or barley PTOMAIN n pl. -S ptomaine PTOMAINE n pl. -S a compound produced by the decomposition of protein PTOSIS n pl. PTOSES a drooping of the upper eyelid PTOTIC adj PTYALIN n pl. -S a salivary enzyme PTYALISM n pl. -S an excessive flow of saliva PUB n pl. -S a tavern PUBERTY n pl. -TIES a period of sexual maturation PUBERAL, PUBERTAL adj PUBES n pl. PUBES the lower part of the abdomen PUBIC adj pertaining to the pubes or pubis PUBIS n pl. PUBES the forward portion of either of the hipbones PUBLIC n pl. -S the community or the people as a whole PUBLICAN n pl. -S one who owns or manages a pub PUBLICLY adv by the public PUBLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to print and issue to the public PUCCOON n pl. -S an herb that yields a red dye PUCE n pl. -S a dark red color PUCK n pl. -S a rubber disk used in ice hockey PUCKA adj pukka PUCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to gather into small wrinkles or folds PUCKERER n pl. -S one that puckers PUCKERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST having a tendency to pucker PUCKISH adj impish PUD n pl. -S pudding PUDDING n pl. -S a thick, soft dessert PUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to strew with puddles (small pools of water) PUDDLER n pl. -S one who subjects iron to puddling PUDDLING n pl. -S the process of converting pig iron to wrought iron PUDDLY adj -DLIER, -DLIEST full of puddles PUDENCY n pl. -CIES modesty PUDENDUM n pl. -DA the external genital organs of a woman PUDENDAL adj PUDGY adj PUDGIER, PUDGIEST short and fat PUDGILY adv PUDIBUND adj prudish PUDIC adj to the pudendum PUEBLO n pl. -LOS a communal dwelling of certain Indian tribes PUERILE adj childish PUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to blow in short gusts PUFFBALL n pl. -S any of various globular fungi PUFFER n pl. -S one that puffs PUFFERY n pl. -ERIES excessive public praise PUFFIN n pl. -S a sea bird PUFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST swollen PUFFILY adv PUG v PUGGED, PUGGING, PUGS to fill in with clay or mortar PUGAREE n pl. -S pugree PUGGAREE n pl. -S pugree PUGGED past tense of pug PUGGIER comparative of puggy PUGGIEST superlative of puggy PUGGING present participle of pug PUGGISH adj somewhat stubby PUGGREE n pl. -S pugree PUGGRY n pl. -GRIES pugree PUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST puggish PUGH interj -- used to express disgust PUGILISM n pl. -S the art or practice of fighting with the fists PUGILIST n pl. -S one who fights with his fists PUGMARK n pl. -S a footprint PUGREE n pl. -S a cloth band wrapped around a hat PUISNE n pl. -S one of lesser rank PUISSANT adj powerful PUJA n pl. -S a Hindu prayer ritual PUJAH n pl. -S puja PUKE v PUKED, PUKING, PUKES to vomit PUKKA adj genuine PUL n pl. PULS or PULI a coin of Afghanistan PULA n pl. PULA a monetary unit of Botswana PULE v PULED, PULING, PULES to whine PULER n pl. -S one that pules PULI n pl. -LIK or -LIS a long-haired sheepdog PULICENE adj pertaining to fleas PULICIDE n pl. -S an agent used for destroying fleas PULIK a pl. of puli PULING n pl. -S a plaintive cry PULINGLY adv in a whining manner PULL v -ED, -ING, -S to exert force in order to cause motion toward the force PULLBACK n pl. -S a restraint or drawback PULLER n pl. -S one that pulls PULLET n pl. -S a young hen PULLEY n pl. -LEYS a device used for lifting weight PULLMAN n pl. -S a railroad sleeping car PULLOUT n pl. -S a withdrawal PULLOVER n pl. -S a garment that is put on by being drawn over the head PULLUP n pl. -S the act of raising oneself while hanging by the hands PULMONIC adj pertaining to the lungs PULMOTOR n pl. -S a respiratory device PULP v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to pulp (a soft, moist mass of matter) PULPAL adj pertaining to pulp PULPALLY adv PULPER n pl. -S one that pulps PULPIER comparative of pulpy PULPIEST superlative of pulpy PULPILY adv in a pulpy manner PULPIT n pl. -S a platform in a church PULPITAL adj PULPLESS adj having no pulp PULPOUS adj pulpy PULPWOOD n pl. -S soft wood used in making paper PULPY adj PULPIER, PULPIEST resembling pulp PULQUE n pl. -S a fermented Mexican beverage PULSANT adj pulsating PULSAR n pl. -S a celestial source of radio waves PULSATE v -SATED, -SATING, -SATES to expand and contract rhythmically PULSATOR n pl. -S something that pulsates PULSE v PULSED, PULSING, PULSES to pulsate PULSEJET n pl. -S a type of engine PULSER n pl. -S a device that causes pulsations PULSING present participle of pulse PULSION n pl. -S propulsion PULSOJET n pl. -S pulsejet PULVILLI n/pl pads between the claws of an insect's foot PULVINUS n pl. -NI a swelling at the base of a leaf PULVINAR adj PUMA n pl. -S a cougar PUMELO n pl. -LOS pomelo PUMICE v -ICED, -ICING, -ICES to polish with a porous volcanic rock PUMICER n pl. -S one that pumices PUMICITE n pl. -S a porous volcanic rock PUMMEL v -MELED, -MELING, -MELS or -MELLED, -MELLING, -MELS to pommel PUMMELO n pl. -LOS a shaddock PUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to flow by means of a pump (a device for moving fluids) PUMPER n pl. -S one that pumps PUMPKIN n pl. -S a large, edible fruit PUMPLESS adj lacking a pump PUMPLIKE adj resembling a pump PUN v PUNNED, PUNNING, PUNS to make a pun (a play on words) PUNA n pl. -S a cold, arid plateau PUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to perforate with a type of tool PUNCHEON n pl. -S a vertical supporting timber PUNCHER n pl. -S one that punches PUNCHY adj PUNCHIER, PUNCHIEST dazed PUNCHILY adv PUNCTATE adj covered with dots PUNCTUAL adj being on time PUNCTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to pierce with a pointed object PUNDIT n pl. -S a Hindu scholar PUNDITIC adj PUNDITRY n pl. -RIES the learning of pundits PUNG n pl. -S a box-shaped sleigh PUNGENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being pungent PUNGENT adj sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell PUNGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to contribute PUNIER comparative of puny PUNIEST superlative of puny PUNILY adv in a puny manner PUNINESS n pl. -ES the state of being puny PUNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to impose a penalty on in requital for wrongdoing PUNISHER n pl. -S one that punishes PUNITION n pl. -S the act of punishing; punishment PUNITIVE adj inflicting punishment PUNITORY adj punitive PUNK adj PUNKER, PUNKEST of inferior quality PUNK n pl. -S dry, decayed wood used as tinder PUNKA n pl. -S a ceiling fan used in India PUNKAH n pl. -S punka PUNKER n pl. -S a punk rock musician PUNKEY n pl. -KEYS punkie PUNKIE n pl. -S a biting gnat PUNKIN n pl. -S pumpkin PUNKISH adj pertaining to a style inspired by punk rock PUNKY adj PUNKIER, PUNKIEST resembling punk PUNNED past tense of pun PUNNER n pl. -S a punster PUNNET n pl. -S a small basket PUNNING present participle of pun PUNNY adj -NIER, -NIEST being or involving a pun PUNSTER n pl. -S one who is given to punning PUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to propel through water with a pole PUNTER n pl. -S one that punts PUNTO n pl. -TOS a hit or thrust in fencing PUNTY n pl. -TIES an iron rod used in glassmaking PUNY adj PUNIER, PUNIEST of inferior size, strength, or significance PUP v PUPPED, PUPPING, PUPS to give birth to puppies PUPA n pl. -PAS or -PAE an intermediate stage of a metamorphic insect PUPAL adj PUPARIUM n pl. -IA a pupal shell PUPARIAL adj PUPATE v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES to pass through the pupal stage PUPATION n pl. -S the act of pupating PUPFISH n pl. -ES a small, freshwater fish PUPIL n pl. -S a student under the close supervision of a teacher PUPILAGE n pl. -S the state of being a pupil PUPILAR adj pertaining to a part of the eye PUPILARY adj pupilar PUPPED past tense of pup PUPPET n pl. -S a small figure, as of a person or animal, manipulated by the hand PUPPETRY n pl. -RIES the art of making or manipulating puppets PUPPING present participle of pup PUPPY n pl. -PIES a young dog PUPPYISH adj PUPPYDOM n pl. -S the world of puppies PUR v PURRED, PURRING, PURS to purr PURANA n pl. -S a Hindu scripture PURANIC adj PURBLIND adj partially blind PURCHASE v -CHASED, -CHASING, -CHASES to acquire by the payment of money PURDA n pl. -S purdah PURDAH n pl. -S a curtain used in India to seclude women PURE adj PURER, PUREST free from anything different, inferior, or contaminating PUREBRED n pl. -S an animal of unmixed stock PUREE v -REED, -REEING, -REES to reduce to a thick pulp by cooking and sieving PURELY adv in a pure manner PURENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being pure PURER comparative of pure PUREST superlative of pure PURFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to decorate the border of PURFLING n pl. -S an ornamental border PURGE v PURGED, PURGING, PURGES to purify PURGER n pl. -S one that purges PURGING n pl. -S the act of purifying PURI n pl. -S poori PURIFIER n pl. -S one that purifies PURIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to free from impurities PURIN n pl. -S purine PURINE n pl. -S a chemical compound PURISM n pl. -S strict adherence to traditional correctness PURIST n pl. -S one who practices purism PURISTIC adj PURITAN n pl. -S a rigorously moral or religious person PURITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being pure PURL v -ED, -ING, -S to knit with a particular stitch PURLIEU n pl. -S an outlying or neighboring area PURLIN n pl. -S a horizontal supporting timber PURLINE n pl. -S purlin PURLOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to steal PURPLE adj -PLER, -PLEST of a color intermediate between red and blue PURPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to make purple PURPLISH adj somewhat purple PURPLY adj purplish PURPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to profess or claim PURPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to resolve to perform or accomplish PURPURA n pl. -S a disease characterized by purple spots on the skin PURPURE n pl. -S the heraldic color purple PURPURIC adj pertaining to purpura PURPURIN n pl. -S a reddish dye PURR v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a low, vibrant sound PURRED past tense of pur and purr PURRING present participle of pur and purr PURSE v PURSED, PURSING, PURSES to pucker PURSER n pl. -S an officer in charge of a ship's accounts PURSIER comparative of pursy PURSIEST superlative of pursy PURSILY adv in a pursy manner PURSING present participle of purse PURSLANE n pl. -S a common garden herb PURSUANT adv in accordance PURSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES to follow in order to overtake or capture PURSUER n pl. -S one that pursues PURSUIT n pl. -S the act of pursuing PURSY adj PURSIER, PURSIEST short of breath PURULENT adj secreting pus PURVEY v -ED, -ING, -S to supply PURVEYOR n pl. -S one that purveys PURVIEW n pl. -S the extent of operation, authority, or concern PUS n pl. -ES a viscous fluid formed in infected tissue PUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to exert force in order to cause motion away from the force PUSHBALL n pl. -S a type of ball game PUSHCART n pl. -S a light cart pushed by hand PUSHDOWN n pl. -S a store of computer data PUSHER n pl. -S one that pushes PUSHFUL adj pushy PUSHIER comparative of pushy PUSHIEST superlative of pushy PUSHILY adv in a pushy manner PUSHOVER n pl. -S an easily defeated person or team PUSHPIN n pl. -S a large-headed pin PUSHROD n pl. -S a rod for operating the valves in an engine PUSHUP n pl. -S a type of exercise PUSHY adj PUSHIER, PUSHIEST offensively aggressive PUSLEY n pl. -LEYS pussley PUSLIKE adj resembling pus PUSS n pl. -ES a cat PUSSIER comparative of pussy PUSSIES pl. of pussy PUSSIEST superlative of pussy PUSSLEY n pl. -LEYS purslane PUSSLIKE adj catlike PUSSLY n pl. -LIES pussley PUSSY adj -SIER, -SIEST full of pus PUSSY n pl. PUSSIES a cat PUSSYCAT n pl. -S a cat PUSTULE n pl. -S a small elevation of the skin containing pus PUSTULAR, PUSTULED adj PUT v PUT, PUTTING, PUTS to place in a particular position PUTAMEN n pl. -MINA the hard covering of the kernel of certain fruits PUTATIVE adj generally regarded as such PUTLOG n pl. -S a horizontal supporting timber PUTOFF n pl. -S an excuse PUTON n pl. -S a hoax or deception PUTOUT n pl. -S an act of causing an out in baseball PUTREFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make or become putrid PUTRID adj being in a decomposed, foul-smelling state PUTRIDLY adv PUTSCH n pl. -ES a suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government PUTT v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with a light stroke in golf PUTTEE n pl. -S a strip of cloth wound around the leg PUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner PUTTERER n pl. -S one that putters PUTTI pl. of putto PUTTIED past tense of putty PUTTIER n pl. -S one that putties PUTTING present participle of put PUTTO n pl. -TI an infant boy in art PUTTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to fill with a type of cement PUTZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to waste time PUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to cause uncertainty and indecision in PUZZLER n pl. -S something that puzzles PYA n pl. -S a copper coin of Burma PYAEMIA n pl. -S pyemia PYAEMIC adj PYCNIDIA n/pl spore-bearing organs of certain fungi PYCNOSIS n pl. -NOSES pyknosis PYCNOTIC adj pyknotic PYE n pl. -S a book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre-Reformation English church PYELITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the pelvis or the kidney PYELITIC adj PYEMIA n pl. -S the presence of pus in the blood PYEMIC adj PYGIDIUM n pl. -IA the posterior region of certain invertebrates PYGIDIAL adj PYGMY n pl. -MIES a small person PYGMAEAN, PYGMEAN, PYGMOID, PYGMYISH adj PYGMYISM n pl. -S a stunted or dwarfish condition PYIC adj pertaining to pus PYIN n pl. -S a protein compound contained in pus PYJAMAS n pl. PYJAMAS pajamas PYKNIC n pl. -S a person having a broad, stocky build PYKNOSIS n pl. -NOSES a shrinking and thickening of a cell nucleus PYKNOTIC adj exhibiting pyknosis PYLON n pl. -S a tall structure marking an entrance or approach PYLORUS n pl. -RI or -RUSES the opening between the stomach and the duodenum PYLORIC adj PYODERMA n pl. -S a pus-causing skin disease PYOGENIC adj producing pus PYOID adj puslike PYORRHEA n pl. -S a discharge of pus PYOSIS n pl. -OSES the formation of pus PYRALID n pl. -S a long-legged moth PYRAMID v -ED, -ING, -S to raise or increase by adding amounts gradually PYRAN n pl. -S a chemical compound PYRANOID adj PYRANOSE n pl. -S a simple sugar PYRE n pl. -S a pile of combustible material PYRENE n pl. -S a putamen PYRENOID n pl. -S a protein body of certain lower organisms PYRETIC adj pertaining to fever PYREXIA n pl. -S fever PYREXIAL, PYREXIC adj PYRIC adj pertaining to burning PYRIDINE n pl. -S a flammable liquid PYRIDIC adj PYRIFORM adj pear-shaped PYRITE n pl. -S a metallic sulfide PYRITIC, PYRITOUS adj PYROGEN n pl. -S a substance that produces fever PYROLA n pl. -S a perennial herb PYROLOGY n pl. -GIES the scientific examination of materials by heat PYROLYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to affect compounds by the application of heat PYRONE n pl. -S a chemical compound PYRONINE n pl. -S a dye PYROPE n pl. -S a variety of garnet PYROSIS n pl. -SISES heartburn PYROSTAT n pl. -S a thermostat PYROXENE n pl. -S any of a group of minerals common in igneous rocks PYRRHIC n pl. -S a type of metrical foot PYRROL n pl. -S pyrrole PYRROLE n pl. -S a chemical compound PYRROLIC adj PYRUVATE n pl. -S a chemical salt PYTHON n pl. -S a large snake PYTHONIC adj PYURIA n pl. -S the presence of pus in the urine PYX n pl. -ES a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept PYXIDES pl. of pyxis PYXIDIUM n pl. -IA a type of seed vessel PYXIE n pl. -S an evergreen shrub PYXIS n pl. PYXIDES a pyxidium QAID n pl. -S caid QANAT n pl. -S a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East QAT n pl. -S kat QINDAR n pl. -DARS or -DARKA qintar QINTAR n pl. -S a monetary unit of Albania QIVIUT n pl. -S the wool of a musk-ox QOPH n pl. -S koph QUA adv in the capacity of QUAALUDE n pl. -S a sedative drug QUACK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the characteristic cry of a duck QUACKERY n pl. -ERIES fraudulent practice QUACKISH adj fraudulent QUACKISM n pl. -S quackery QUAD v QUADDED, QUADDING, QUADS to space out by means of quadrats QUADPLEX n pl. -ES a building having four units QUADRANS n pl. -RANTES an ancient Roman coin QUADRANT n pl. -S a quarter section of a circle QUADRAT n pl. -S a piece of type metal used for filling spaces QUADRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to correspond or agree QUADRIC n pl. -S a type of geometric surface QUADRIGA n pl. -GAE a chariot drawn by four horses QUADROON n pl. -S a person of one-quarter black ancestry QUAERE n pl. -S a question QUAESTOR n pl. -S an ancient Roman magistrate QUAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to drink deeply QUAFFER n pl. -S one that quaffs QUAG n pl. -S a quagmire QUAGGA n pl. -S an extinct zebralike mammal QUAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST marshy QUAGMIRE n pl. -S an area of marshy ground QUAGMIRY adj -MIRIER, -MIRIEST marshy QUAHAUG n pl. -S quahog QUAHOG n pl. -S an edible clam QUAI n pl. -S quay QUAICH n pl. -ES or -S a small drinking vessel QUAIGH n pl. -S quaich QUAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cower QUAINT adj QUAINTER, QUAINTEST pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar QUAINTLY adv QUAKE v QUAKED, QUAKING, QUAKES to shake or vibrate QUAKER n pl. -S one that quakes QUAKY adj QUAKIER, QUAKIEST tending to quake QUAKILY adv QUALE n pl. -LIA a property considered apart from things having the property QUALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make suitable or capable QUALITY n pl. -TIES a characteristic or attribute QUALM n pl. -S a feeling of doubt or misgiving QUALMISH adj having qualms QUALMY adj QUALMIER, QUALMIEST qualmish QUAMASH n pl. -ES camass QUANDANG n pl. -S quandong QUANDARY n pl. -RIES a dilemma QUANDONG n pl. -S an Australian tree QUANGO n pl. -GOS a public administrative board QUANT v -ED, -ING, -S to propel through water with a pole QUANTA pl. of quantum QUANTAL adj pertaining to a quantum QUANTIC n pl. -S a type of mathematical function QUANTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to determine the quantity of QUANTILE n pl. -S any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution QUANTITY n pl. -TIES a specified or indefinite amount or number QUANTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to limit the possible values of to a discrete set QUANTONG n pl. -S quandong QUANTUM n pl. -TA a fundamental unit of energy QUARE adj queer QUARK n pl. -S a hypothetical atomic particle QUARREL v -RELED, -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS to engage in an angry dispute QUARRIER n pl. -S one that quarries QUARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to dig stone from an excavation QUART n pl. -S a liquid measure of capacity QUARTAN n pl. -S a recurrent malarial fever QUARTE n pl. -S a fencing thrust QUARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into four equal parts QUARTERN n pl. -S one-fourth of something QUARTET n pl. -S a group of four QUARTIC n pl. -S a type of mathematical function QUARTILE n pl. -S a portion of a frequency distribution QUARTO n pl. -TOS the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet QUARTZ n pl. -ES a mineral QUASAR n pl. -S a distant celestial object emitting strong radio waves QUASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to suppress completely QUASHER n pl. -S one that quashes QUASI adj similar but not exactly the same QUASS n pl. -ES kvass QUASSIA n pl. -S a tropical tree QUASSIN n pl. -S a medicinal compound obtained from the wood of a quassia QUATE adj quiet QUATORZE n pl. -S a set of four cards of the same denomination scoring fourteen points QUATRAIN n pl. -S a stanza of four lines QUATRE n pl. -S the four at cards or dice QUAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to quiver QUAVERER n pl. -S one that quavers QUAVERY adj quivery QUAY n pl. QUAYS a wharf QUAYLIKE adj QUAYAGE n pl. -S a charge for the use of a quay QUAYSIDE n pl. -S the area adjacent to a quay QUEAN n pl. -S a harlot QUEASY adj -SIER, -SIEST easily nauseated QUEASILY adv QUEAZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST queasy QUEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make a queen (a female monarch) of QUEENDOM n pl. -S the area ruled by a queen QUEENLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a queen QUEER adj QUEERER, QUEEREST deviating from the expected or normal QUEER v -ED, -ING, -S to spoil the effect or success of QUEERISH adj somewhat queer QUEERLY adv in a queer manner QUELL v -ED, -ING, -S to suppress QUELLER n pl. -S one that quells QUENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put out or extinguish QUENCHER n pl. -S one that quenches QUENELLE n pl. -S a type of dumpling QUERCINE adj pertaining to oaks QUERIDA n pl. -S a female sweetheart QUERIED past tense of query QUERIER n pl. -S a querist QUERIES present 3d person sing. of query QUERIST n pl. -S one who queries QUERN n pl. -S a hand-turned grain mill QUERY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to question QUEST v -ED, -ING, -S to make a search QUESTER n pl. -S one that quests QUESTION v -ED, -ING, -S to put a question (an inquiry) to QUESTOR n pl. -S quaestor QUETZAL n pl. -S or -ES a tropical bird QUEUE v QUEUED, QUEUING QUEUEING, QUEUES to line up QUEUER n pl. -S one that queues QUEY n pl. QUEYS a young cow QUEZAL n pl. -S or -ES quetzal QUIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to argue over trivialities QUIBBLER n pl. -S one that quibbles QUICHE n pl. -S a custard-filled pastry QUICK adj QUICKER, QUICKEST acting or capable of acting with speed QUICK n pl. -S a sensitive area of flesh QUICKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to speed up QUICKIE n pl. -S something done quickly QUICKLY adv in a quick manner QUICKSET n pl. -S a plant suitable for hedges QUID n pl. -S a portion of something to be chewed QUIDDITY n pl. -TIES the true nature of a thing QUIDNUNC n pl. -S a nosy person QUIET adj -ETER, -ETEST making little or no noise QUIET v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to be quiet QUIETEN v -ED, -ING, -S to quiet QUIETER n pl. -S one that quiets QUIETISM n pl. -S a form of religious mysticism QUIETIST n pl. -S an advocate of quietism QUIETLY adv in a quiet manner QUIETUDE n pl. -S a state of tranquillity QUIETUS n pl. -ES a final settlement QUIFF n pl. -S a forelock QUILL v -ED, -ING, -S to press small ridges in QUILLAI n pl. -S an evergreen tree QUILLAIA n pl. -S a quillai QUILLAJA n pl. -S a quillai QUILLET n pl. -S a trivial distinction QUILLING n pl. -S material that is quilled QUILT v -ED, -ING, -S to stitch together with padding in between QUILTER n pl. -S one that quilts QUILTING n pl. -S material that is used for making quilts QUIN n pl. -S a quintuplet QUINARY n pl. -RIES a group of five QUINATE adj arranged in groups of five QUINCE n pl. -S an apple-like fruit QUINCUNX n pl. -ES an arrangement of five objects QUINELA n pl. -S quinella QUINELLA n pl. -S a type of bet in horse racing QUINIC adj pertaining to quinine QUINIELA n pl. -S quinella QUININ n pl. -S quinine QUININA n pl. -S quinine QUININE n pl. -S a medicinal alkaloid QUINNAT n pl. -S a food fish QUINOA n pl. -S a weedy plant QUINOID n pl. -S a chemical compound QUINOL n pl. -S a chemical compound QUINOLIN n pl. -S a chemical compound QUINONE n pl. -S a chemical compound QUINSY n pl. -SIES an inflammation of the tonsils QUINT n pl. -S a group of five QUINTA n pl. -S a country estate in Portugal or Latin America QUINTAIN n pl. -S an object used as a target in a medieval sport QUINTAL n pl. -S a unit of weight QUINTAN n pl. -S a recurrent fever QUINTAR n pl. -S qintar QUINTE n pl. -S a position in fencing QUINTET n pl. -S a group of five QUINTIC n pl. -S a type of mathematical function QUINTILE n pl. -S a portion of a frequency distribution QUINTIN n pl. -S a fine linen QUIP v QUIPPED, QUIPPING, QUIPS to make witty remarks QUIPPER n pl. -S one that quips QUIPPISH adj witty QUIPPU n pl. -S quipu QUIPSTER n pl. -S one that quips QUIPU n pl. -S an ancient calculating device QUIRE v QUIRED, QUIRING, QUIRES to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four QUIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to twist QUIRKISH adj quirky QUIRKY adj QUIRKIER, QUIRKIEST peculiar QUIRKILY adv QUIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a riding whip QUISLING n pl. -S a traitor who aids the invaders of his country QUIT v QUITTED, QUITTING, QUITS to end one's engagement in or occupation with QUITCH n pl. -ES a perennial grass QUITE adv to the fullest extent QUITRENT n pl. -S a fixed rent due from a socage tenant QUITTED past tense of quit QUITTER n pl. -S one that quits QUITTING present participle of quit QUITTOR n pl. -S an inflammation of an animal's hoof QUIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to shake with a slight but rapid motion QUIVERER n pl. -S one that quivers QUIVERY adj marked by quivering QUIXOTE n pl. -S a quixotic person QUIXOTIC adj extremely idealistic QUIXOTRY n pl. -TRIES quixotic action or thought QUIZ v QUIZZED, QUIZZING, QUIZZES to test the knowledge of by asking questions QUIZZER n pl. -S one that quizzes QUOD n pl. -S a prison QUOHOG n pl. -S quahog QUOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with a type of wedge QUOIT v -ED, -ING, -S to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss QUOKKA n pl. -S a short-tailed wallaby QUOMODO n pl. -DOS a means or manner QUONDAM adj that once was QUORUM n pl. -S a particularly chosen group QUOTA n pl. -S a proportional part or share QUOTE v QUOTED, QUOTING, QUOTES to repeat the words of QUOTABLE adj QUOTABLY adv QUOTER n pl. -S one that quotes QUOTH v said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated QUOTHA interj -- used to express surprise or sarcasm QUOTIENT n pl. -S the number resulting from the division of one number by another QUOTING present participle of quote QURSH n pl. -ES a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia QURUSH n pl. -ES qursh QWERTY n pl. -S a standard typewriter keyboard RABAT n pl. -S a dickey attached to a clerical collar RABATO n pl. -TOS a wide, lace-edged collar RABBET v -ED, -ING, -S to cut a groove in RABBI n pl. -S or -ES a Jewish spiritual leader RABBIN n pl. -S rabbi RABBINIC adj pertaining to rabbis RABBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to hunt rabbits (rodent-like mammals) RABBITER n pl. -S one that rabbits RABBITRY n pl. -RIES a place where rabbits are kept RABBITY adj resembling a rabbit RABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to mob RABBLER n pl. -S an iron bar used in puddling RABBONI n pl. -S master; teacher -- used as a Jewish title of respect RABIC adj pertaining to rabies RABID adj affected with rabies RABIDLY adv RABIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rabid RABIES n pl. RABIES an infectious virus disease RABIETIC adj RACCOON n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal RACE v RACED, RACING, RACES to compete in a contest of speed RACEMATE n pl. -S a chemical salt RACEME n pl. -S a mode of arrangement of flowers along an axis RACEMED adj RACEMIC adj pertaining to a racemate RACEMISM n pl. -S the state of being racemic RACEMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to convert into a racemic compound RACEMOID adj pertaining to a raceme RACEMOSE adj having the form of a raceme RACEMOUS adj racemose RACER n pl. -S one that races RACEWAY n pl. -WAYS a channel for conducting water RACHET n pl. -S ratchet RACHILLA n pl. -LAE the central stalk of a grass spikelet RACHIS n pl. -CHISES or -CHIDES the spinal column RACHIAL adj RACHITIS n pl. -TIDES rickets RACHITIC adj RACIAL adj pertaining to an ethnic group RACIALLY adv RACIER comparative of racy RACIEST superlative of racy RACILY adv in a racy manner RACINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being racy RACING n pl. -S the sport of engaging in contests of speed RACISM n pl. -S a doctrine of racial superiority RACIST n pl. -S an advocate of racism RACK v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a type of framework RACKER n pl. -S one that racks RACKET v -ED, -ING, -S to make a loud noise RACKETY adj -ETIER, -ETIEST noisy RACKFUL n pl. -S as much as a rack can hold RACKLE adj impetuous; rash RACKWORK n pl. -S a type of mechanism RACLETTE n pl. -S a cheese dish RACON n pl. -S a type of radar transmitter RACOON n pl. -S raccoon RACQUET n pl. -S a lightweight implement used in various ball games RACY adj RACIER, RACIEST bordering on impropriety or indecency RAD v RADDED, RADDING, RADS to fear RADAR n pl. -S an electronic locating device RADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to weave together RADIABLE adj capable of radiating RADIAL n pl. -S a part diverging from a center RADIALE n pl. -LIA a bone of the carpus RADIALLY adv in a diverging manner RADIAN n pl. -S a unit of angular measure RADIANCE n pl. -S brightness RADIANCY n pl. -CIES radiance RADIANT n pl. -S a point from which rays are emitted RADIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to emit rays RADIATOR n pl. -S a heating device RADICAL n pl. -S a group of atoms that acts as a unit in chemical compounds RADICAND n pl. -S a quantity in mathematics RADICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to cause to take root RADICEL n pl. -S a rootlet RADICES a pl. of radix RADICLE n pl. -S a part of a plant embryo RADII a pl. of radius RADIO v -ED, -ING, -S to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) RADIOMAN n pl. -MEN a radio operator or technician RADISH n pl. -ES a pungent, edible root RADIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element RADIUS n pl. -DII or -DIUSES a straight line from the center of a circle to the circumference RADIX n pl. -DICES or -DIXES the root of a plant RADOME n pl. -S a domelike device used to shelter a radar antenna RADON n pl. -S a radioactive element RADULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a tonguelike organ of mollusks RADULAR adj RADWASTE n pl. -S radioactive waste RAFF n pl. -S riffraff RAFFIA n pl. -S a palm tree RAFFISH adj tawdry RAFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to dispose of by a form of lottery RAFFLER n pl. -S one that raffles RAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) RAFTER n pl. -S a supporting beam RAFTERED adj furnished with rafters RAFTSMAN n pl. -MEN one who manages a raft RAG v RAGGED, RAGGING, RAGS to scold RAGA n pl. -S a Hindu musical form RAGBAG n pl. -S a bag for storing scraps of cloth RAGE v RAGED, RAGING, RAGES to act or speak with violent anger RAGEE n pl. -S ragi RAGGED adj -GEDER, -GEDEST tattered RAGGEDLY adv RAGGEDY adj somewhat ragged RAGGEE n pl. -S ragi RAGGIES pl. of raggy RAGGING present participle of rag RAGGLE n pl. -S a groove cut in masonry RAGGY n pl. -GIES ragi RAGI n pl. -S an East Indian cereal grass RAGING present participle of rage RAGINGLY adv in a furious manner RAGLAN n pl. -S a type of overcoat RAGMAN n pl. -MEN one who gathers and sells scraps of cloth RAGOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to make into a highly seasoned stew RAGTAG n pl. -S riffraff RAGTIME n pl. -S a style of American dance music RAGTOP n pl. -S a convertible automobile RAGWEED n pl. -S a weedy herb RAGWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant RAH interj -- used to cheer on a team or player RAIA n pl. -S rayah RAID v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sudden assault on RAIDER n pl. -S one that raids RAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to scold in abusive or insolent language RAILBIRD n pl. -S a racing enthusiast RAILBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a passenger car equipped for operation on rails RAILCAR n pl. -S a railroad car RAILER n pl. -S one that rails RAILHEAD n pl. -S the end of a railroad line RAILING n pl. -S a fence-like barrier RAILLERY n pl. -LERIES good-natured teasing RAILROAD v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by railroad (a type of road on which locomotives are run) RAILWAY n pl. -WAYS a railroad RAIMENT n pl. -S clothing RAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to fall like rain (drops of water condensed from atmospheric vapor) RAINBAND n pl. -S a dark band in the solar spectrum RAINBIRD n pl. -S a type of bird RAINBOW n pl. -S an arc of spectral colors formed in the sky RAINCOAT n pl. -S a waterproof coat RAINDROP n pl. -S a drop of rain RAINFALL n pl. -S a fall of rain RAINIER comparative of rainy RAINIEST superlative of rainy RAINILY adv in a rainy manner RAINLESS adj having no rain RAINOUT n pl. -S atomic fallout occurring in precipitation RAINWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wash material downhill by rain RAINWEAR n pl. -S waterproof clothing RAINY adj RAINIER, RAINIEST marked by rain RAISE v RAISED, RAISING, RAISES to move to a higher position RAISABLE adj RAISER n pl. -S one that raises RAISIN n pl. -S a dried grape RAISINY adj RAISING n pl. -S an elevation RAISONNE adj arranged systematically RAJ n pl. -ES dominion; sovereignty RAJA n pl. -S rajah RAJAH n pl. -S a king or prince in India RAKE v RAKED, RAKING, RAKES to gather with a toothed implement RAKEE n pl. -S raki RAKEHELL n pl. -S a man lacking in moral restraint RAKEOFF n pl. -S a share of profits RAKER n pl. -S one that rakes RAKI n pl. -S a Turkish liqueur RAKING present participle of rake RAKISH adj dapper RAKISHLY adv RALE n pl. -S an abnormal respiratory sound RALLIED past tense of rally RALLIER n pl. -S one that rallies RALLINE adj pertaining to a family of marsh birds RALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to call together for a common purpose RALLYE n pl. -S a type of automobile race RALLYING n pl. -S the sport of driving in rallyes RALLYIST n pl. -S a participant in a rallye RALPH v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit RAM v RAMMED, RAMMING, RAMS to strike with great force RAMATE adj having branches RAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to wander RAMBLER n pl. -S one that rambles RAMBUTAN n pl. -S the edible fruit of a Malayan tree RAMEE n pl. -S ramie RAMEKIN n pl. -S a cheese dish RAMENTUM n pl. -TA a scale formed on the surface of leaves RAMEQUIN n pl. -S ramekin RAMET n pl. -S an independent member of a clone RAMI pl. of ramus RAMIE n pl. -S an Asian shrub RAMIFORM adj shaped like a branch RAMIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to divide into branches RAMILIE n pl. -S ramillie RAMILLIE n pl. -S a type of wig RAMJET n pl. -S a type of engine RAMMED past tense of ram RAMMER n pl. -S one that rams RAMMIER comparative of rammy RAMMIEST superlative of rammy RAMMING present participle of ram RAMMISH adj resembling a ram (a male sheep) RAMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST rammish RAMOSE adj having many branches RAMOSELY adv RAMOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being ramose RAMOUS adj ramose RAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to rise or stand on the hind legs RAMPAGE v -PAGED, -PAGING, -PAGES to move about wildly or violently RAMPAGER n pl. -S one that rampages RAMPANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being rampant RAMPANT adj unrestrained RAMPART v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a fortifying embankment RAMPIKE n pl. -S a standing dead tree RAMPION n pl. -S a European plant RAMPOLE n pl. -S rampike RAMROD v -RODDED, -RODDING, -RODS to supervise RAMSHORN n pl. -S a snail used as an aquarium scavenger RAMSON n pl. -S a broad-leaved garlic RAMTIL n pl. -S a tropical plant RAMULOSE adj having many small branches RAMULOUS adj ramulose RAMUS n pl. -MI a branch-like part of a structure RAN past tense of run and rin RANCE n pl. -S a variety of marble RANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to work on a ranch (an establishment for raising livestock) RANCHER n pl. -S one that owns or works on a ranch RANCHERO n pl. -ROS a rancher RANCHMAN n pl. -MEN a rancher RANCHO n pl. -CHOS a ranch RANCID adj having an unpleasant odor or taste RANCIDLY adv RANCOR n pl. -S bitter and vindictive enmity RANCORED adj RANCOUR n pl. -S rancor RAND n pl. -S a strip of leather at the heel of a shoe RANDAN n pl. -S a boat rowed by three persons RANDIER comparative of randy RANDIES pl. of randy RANDIEST superlative of randy RANDOM n pl. -S a haphazard course RANDOMLY adv in a haphazard manner RANDY adj -DIER, -DIEST lustful RANDY n pl. RANDIES a rude person RANEE n pl. -S rani RANG past tense of ring RANGE v RANGED, RANGING, RANGES to place in a particular order RANGER n pl. -S an officer supervising the care of a forest RANGY adj RANGIER, RANGIEST tall and slender RANI n pl. -S the wife of a rajah RANID n pl. -S any of a large family of frogs RANK adj RANKER, RANKEST strong and disagreeable in odor or taste RANK v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the relative position of RANKER n pl. -S an enlisted soldier RANKING n pl. -S a listing of ranked individuals RANKISH adj somewhat rank RANKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to cause irritation or resentment in RANKLY adv in a rank manner RANKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being rank RANPIKE n pl. -S rampike RANSACK v -ED, -ING, -S to search thoroughly RANSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain the release of by paying a demanded price RANSOMER n pl. -S one that ransoms RANT v -ED, -ING, -S to speak in a loud or vehement manner RANTER n pl. -S one that rants RANULA n pl. -S a cyst formed under the tongue RAP v RAPPED, RAPPING, RAPS to strike sharply RAPACITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being ravenous RAPE v RAPED, RAPING, RAPES to force to submit to sexual intercourse RAPER n pl. -S a rapist RAPESEED n pl. -S the seed of a European herb RAPHE n pl. RAPHAE or RAPHES a seamlike ridge between two halves of an organ or part RAPHIA n pl. -S raffia RAPHIDE n pl. -S a needle-shaped crystal occurring in plant cells RAPHIS n pl. -PHIDES raphide RAPID adj -IDER, -IDEST moving or acting with great speed RAPIDLY adv RAPID n pl. -S a fast-moving part of a river RAPIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rapid RAPIER n pl. -S a long, slender sword RAPIERED adj RAPINE n pl. -S the taking of property by force RAPING present participle of rape RAPINI n pl. -S broccoli rabe (a vegetable related to the turnip) RAPIST n pl. -S one who rapes RAPPAREE n pl. -S a plunderer RAPPED past tense of rap RAPPEE n pl. -S a strong snuff RAPPEL v RAPPELLED RAPPELED, RAPPELLING RAPPELING, RAPPELS to descend from a steep height by means of a rope RAPPEN n pl. RAPPEN a monetary unit of Switzerland RAPPER n pl. -S one that raps RAPPING present participle of rap RAPPINI n/pl immature turnip plants RAPPORT n pl. -S a harmonious relationship RAPT adj deeply engrossed RAPTLY adv RAPTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being rapt RAPTOR n pl. -S a bird of prey RAPTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to fill with great joy RARE adj RARER, RAREST occurring infrequently RARE v RARED, RARING, RARES to be enthusiastic RAREBIT n pl. -S a cheese dish RAREFIER n pl. -S one that rarefies RAREFY v -EFIED, -EFYING, -EFIES to make less dense RARELY adv not often RARENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being rare RARER comparative of rare RARERIPE n pl. -S a fruit that ripens early RAREST superlative of rare RARIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to rarefy RARING adj full of enthusiasm RARITY n pl. -TIES rareness RAS n pl. -ES an Ethiopian prince RASBORA n pl. -S a tropical fish RASCAL n pl. -S an unscrupulous or dishonest person RASCALLY adj characteristic of a rascal RASE v RASED, RASING, RASES to raze RASER n pl. -S one that rases RASH adj RASHER, RASHEST acting without due caution or forethought RASH n pl. -ES a skin eruption RASHLIKE adj RASHER n pl. -S a thin slice of meat RASHLY adv in a rash manner RASHNESS n pl. -ES the state of being rash RASING present participle of rase RASORIAL adj habitually scratching the ground for food RASP v -ED, -ING, -S to rub with something rough RASPER n pl. -S one that rasps RASPISH adj irritable RASPY adj RASPIER, RASPIEST rough RASSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to wrestle RASTER n pl. -S the area reproducing images on the picture tube of a television set RASURE n pl. -S erasure RAT v RATTED, RATTING, RATS to hunt rats (long-tailed rodents) RATABLE adj capable of being rated RATABLY adv RATAFEE n pl. -S ratafia RATAFIA n pl. -S an almond-flavored liqueur RATAL n pl. -S an amount on which rates are assessed RATAN n pl. -S rattan RATANY n pl. -NIES rhatany RATAPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS to make a rapidly repeating sound RATATAT n pl. -S a quick, sharp rapping sound RATBAG n pl. -S an eccentric or disagreeable person RATCH n pl. -ES a ratchet RATCHET n pl. -S a mechanism which allows motion in one direction only RATE v RATED, RATING, RATES to estimate the value of RATEABLE adj ratable RATEABLY adv RATEL n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal RATER n pl. -S one that rates RATFINK n pl. -S a contemptible person RATFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish RATH adj rathe RATHE adj appearing or ripening early RATHER adv preferably RATHOLE n pl. -S a hole made by a rat RATICIDE n pl. -S a substance for killing rats RATIFIER n pl. -S one that ratifies RATIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to approve and sanction formally RATINE n pl. -S a heavy fabric RATING n pl. -S relative estimate or evaluation RATIO n pl. -TIOS a proportional relationship RATION v -ED, -ING, -S to distribute in fixed portions RATIONAL n pl. -S a number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers RATITE n pl. -S a flightless bird RATLIKE adj resembling a rat RATLIN n pl. -S ratline RATLINE n pl. -S one of the ropes forming the steps of a rope ladder on a ship RATO n pl. -TOS a rocket-assisted airplane takeoff RATOON v -ED, -ING, -S to sprout from a root planted the previous year RATOONER n pl. -S a plant that ratoons RATSBANE n pl. -S rat poison RATTAIL n pl. -S a marine fish RATTAN n pl. -S a palm tree RATTED past tense of rat RATTEEN n pl. -S a coarse woolen fabric RATTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to harass RATTENER n pl. -S one that rattens RATTER n pl. -S an animal used for catching rats RATTIER comparative of ratty RATTIEST superlative of ratty RATTING present participle of rat RATTISH adj ratlike RATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make a quick succession of short, sharp sounds RATTLER n pl. -S one that rattles RATTLING n pl. -S ratline RATTLY adj tending to rattle RATTON n pl. -S a rat RATTOON v -ED, -ING, -S to ratoon RATTRAP n pl. -S a trap for catching rats RATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST infested with rats RAUCITY n pl. -TIES the state of being raucous RAUCOUS adj loud and unruly RAUNCH n pl. -ES vulgarity RAUNCHY adj -CHIER, -CHIEST slovenly RAVAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to destroy RAVAGER n pl. -S one that ravages RAVE v RAVED, RAVING, RAVES to speak irrationally or incoherently RAVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to separate the threads of RAVELER n pl. -S one that ravels RAVELIN n pl. -S a type of fortification RAVELING n pl. -S a loose thread RAVELLED a past tense of ravel RAVELLER n pl. -S raveler RAVELLING n pl. -S raveling RAVELLY adj tangled RAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to eat in a ravenous manner RAVENER n pl. -S one that ravens RAVENING n pl. -S rapacity RAVENOUS adj extremely hungry RAVER n pl. -S one that raves RAVIGOTE n pl. -S a spiced vinegar sauce RAVIN v -ED, -ING, -S to raven RAVINE n pl. -S a narrow, steep-sided valley RAVING n pl. -S irrational, incoherent speech RAVINGLY adv in a delirious manner RAVIOLI n pl. -S an Italian pasta dish RAVISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to seize and carry off by force RAVISHER n pl. -S one that ravishes RAW adj RAWER, RAWEST uncooked RAW n pl. -S a sore or irritated spot RAWBONED adj having little flesh RAWHIDE v -HIDED, -HIDING, -HIDES to beat with a type of whip RAWIN n pl. -S a wind measurement made by tracking a balloon with radar RAWISH adj somewhat raw RAWLY adv in a raw manner RAWNESS n pl. -ES the state of being raw RAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to stretch out RAY v -ED, -ING, -S to emit rays (narrow beams of light) RAYA n pl. -S rayah RAYAH n pl. -S a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey RAYGRASS n pl. -ES ryegrass RAYLESS adj having no rays RAYLIKE adj resembling a narrow beam of light RAYON n pl. -S a synthetic fiber RAZE v RAZED, RAZING, RAZES to tear down or demolish RAZEE v -ZEED, -ZEEING, -ZEES to make lower by removing the upper deck, as a ship RAZER n pl. -S one that razes RAZING present participle of raze RAZOR v -ED, -ING, -S to shave or cut with a sharp-edged instrument RAZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to deride RE n pl. -S the second tone of the diatonic musical scale REABSORB v -ED, -ING, -S REACCEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES REACCENT v -ED, -ING, -S REACCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S REACCUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES REACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stretch out or put forth REACHER n pl. -S one that reaches REACT v -ED, -ING, -S to respond to a stimulus REACTANT n pl. -S one that reacts REACTION n pl. -S the act of reacting REACTIVE adj tending to react REACTOR n pl. -S one that reacts READ v READ, READING, READS to look at so as to take in the meaning of, as something written or printed READABLE adj READABLY adv READAPT v -ED, -ING, -S READD v -ED, -ING, -S READDICT v -ED, -ING, -S READER n pl. -S one that reads READERLY adj typical of a reader READIED past tense of ready READIER comparative of ready READIES present 3d person sing. of ready READIEST superlative of ready READILY adv in a ready manner READING n pl. -S material that is read READJUST v -ED, -ING, -S READMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS READOPT v -ED, -ING, -S READORN v -ED, -ING, -S READOUT n pl. -S a presentation of computer data READY adj READIER, READIEST prepared READY v READIED, READYING, READIES to make ready REAFFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S REAFFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES REAGENT n pl. -S a substance used in a chemical reaction to ascertain the nature or composition of another REAGIN n pl. -S a type of antibody REAGINIC adj REAL adj REALER, REALEST having actual existence REAL n pl. -S or -ES a former monetary unit of Spain REAL n pl. REIS a former monetary unit of Portugal and Brazil REALGAR n pl. -S a mineral REALIA n/pl objects used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living REALIGN v -ED, -ING, -S REALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to realize REALISER n pl. -S one that realises REALISM n pl. -S concern with fact or reality REALIST n pl. -S one who is concerned with fact or reality REALITY n pl. -TIES something that is real REALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to understand completely REALIZER n pl. -S one that realizes REALLOT v -LOTTED, -LOTTING, -LOTS REALLY adv actually REALM n pl. -S a kingdom REALNESS n pl. -ES the state of being real REALTER v -ED, -ING, -S REALTY n pl. -TIES property in buildings and land REAM v -ED, -ING, -S to enlarge with a reamer REAMER n pl. -S a tool used to enlarge holes REANNEX v -ED, -ING, -ES REANOINT v -ED, -ING, -S REAP v -ED, -ING, -S to cut for harvest REAPABLE adj REAPER n pl. -S one that reaps REAPHOOK n pl. -S an implement used in reaping REAPPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S REAPPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES REAR v -ED, -ING, -S to lift upright REARER n pl. -S one that rears REARGUE v -GUED, -GUING, -GUES REARM v -ED, -ING, -S REARMICE n/pl reremice REARMOST adj coming or situated last REAROUSE v -AROUSED, -AROUSING, -AROUSES REARREST v -ED, -ING, -S REARWARD n pl. -S the rearmost division of an army REASCEND v -ED, -ING, -S REASCENT n pl. -S a new or second ascent REASON v -ED, -ING, -S to derive inferences or conclusions from known or presumed facts REASONER n pl. -S one that reasons REASSAIL v -ED, -ING, -S REASSERT v -ED, -ING, -S REASSESS v -ED, -ING, -ES REASSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S REASSORT v -ED, -ING, -S REASSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES REASSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES REATA n pl. -S riata REATTACH v -ED, -ING, -ES REATTACK v -ED, -ING, -S REATTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S REAVAIL v -ED, -ING, -S REAVE v REAVED or REFT, REAVING, REAVES to plunder REAVER n pl. -S one that reaves REAVOW v -ED, -ING, -S REAWAKE v -AWAKED or -AWOKE, -AWOKEN, -AWAKING, -AWAKES REAWAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S REB n pl. -S a Confederate soldier REBAIT v -ED, -ING, -S REBAR n pl. -S a steel rod for use in reinforced concrete REBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to deduct or return from a payment or bill REBATER n pl. -S one that rebates REBATO n pl. -TOS rabato REBBE n pl. -S a rabbi REBEC n pl. -S an ancient stringed instrument REBECK n pl. -S rebec REBEGIN v -GAN, -GUN, -GINNING, -GINS REBEL v -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS to oppose the established government of one's land REBELDOM n pl. -S an area controlled by rebels REBID v -BID, -BIDDEN, -BIDDING, -BIDS REBILL v -ED, -ING, -S REBIND v -BOUND, -BINDING, -BINDS REBIRTH n pl. -S a new or second birth REBLEND v -ED, -ING, -S REBLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S REBOANT adj resounding loudly REBOARD v -ED, -ING, -S REBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES REBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S REBOOK v -ED, -ING, -S REBOOT v -ED, -ING, -S REBOP n pl. -S a type of music REBORE v -BORED, -BORING, -BORES REBORN adj born again REBOTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES REBOUGHT past tense of rebuy REBOUND past tense of rebind REBOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to spring back REBOZO n pl. -ZOS a long scarf REBRANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to form secondary branches REBREED v -BRED, -BREEDING, -BREEDS REBUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to reject or refuse curtly REBUILD v -BUILT or -BUILDED, -BUILDING, -BUILDS REBUKE v -BUKED, -BUKING, -BUKES to criticize sharply REBUKER n pl. -S one that rebukes REBURIAL n pl. -S a second burial REBURY v -BURIED, -BURYING, -BURIES REBUS n pl. -ES a type of puzzle REBUT v -BUTTED, -BUTTING, -BUTS to refute REBUTTAL n pl. -S argument or proof that rebuts REBUTTER n pl. -S one that rebuts REBUTTING present participle of rebut REBUTTON v -ED, -ING, -S REBUY v -BOUGHT, -BUYING, -BUYS REC n pl. -S recreation RECALL v -ED, -ING, -S to call back RECALLER n pl. -S one that recalls RECAMIER n pl. -S a backless couch RECANE v -CANED, -CANING, -CANES RECANT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a formal retraction or disavowal of RECANTER n pl. -S one that recants RECAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to review by a brief summary RECARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES RECAST v -CAST, -CASTING, -CASTS RECCE n pl. -S a recon RECEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to move back or away RECEIPT v -ED, -ING, -S to mark as having been paid RECEIVE v -CEIVED, -CEIVING, -CEIVES to come into possession of RECEIVER n pl. -S one that receives RECENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being recent RECENT adj -CENTER, -CENTEST of or pertaining to a time not long past RECENTLY adv RECEPT n pl. -S a type of mental image RECEPTOR n pl. -S a nerve ending specialized to receive stimuli RECESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to place in a receding space or hollow RECHANGE v -CHANGED, -CHANGING, -CHANGES RECHARGE v -CHARGED, -CHARGING, -CHARGES RECHART v -ED, -ING, -S RECHEAT n pl. -S a hunting call RECHECK v -ED, -ING, -S RECHEW v -ED, -ING, -S RECHOOSE v -CHOSE, -CHOSEN, -CHOOSING, -CHOOSES RECIPE n pl. -S a set of instructions for making something RECIRCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES RECISION n pl. -S a cancellation RECITAL n pl. -S a detailed account RECITE v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES to declaim or say from memory RECITER n pl. -S one that recites RECK v -ED, -ING, -S to be concerned about RECKLESS adj foolishly heedless of danger RECKON v -ED, -ING, -S to count or compute RECKONER n pl. -S one that reckons RECLAD a past tense of reclothe RECLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to make suitable for cultivation or habitation RECLAME n pl. -S publicity RECLASP v -ED, -ING, -S RECLEAN v -ED, -ING, -S RECLINE v -CLINED, -CLINING, -CLINES to lean or lie back RECLINER n pl. -S one that reclines RECLOTHE v -CLOTHED or -CLAD, -CLOTHING, -CLOTHES RECLUSE n pl. -S one who lives in solitude and seclusion RECOAL v -ED, -ING, -S RECOCK v -ED, -ING, -S RECODE v -CODED, -CODING, -CODES RECODIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES RECOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to draw back in fear or disgust RECOILER n pl. -S one that recoils RECOIN v -ED, -ING, -S RECOLOR v -ED, -ING, -S RECOMB v -ED, -ING, -S RECOMMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS RECON n pl. -S a preliminary survey RECONVEY v -ED, -ING, -S to convey back to a previous position RECOOK v -ED, -ING, -S RECOPY v -COPIED, -COPYING, -COPIES RECORD v -ED, -ING, -S to set down for preservation RECORDER n pl. -S one that records RECORK v -ED, -ING, -S RECOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to relate in detail RECOUP v -ED, -ING, -S to get back the equivalent of RECOUPE adj divided twice RECOUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES RECOURSE n pl. -S a turning or applying to someone or something for aid RECOVER v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain again after losing RECOVERY n pl. -ERIES an economic upturn RECRATE v -CRATED, -CRATING, -CRATES RECREANT n pl. -S a coward RECREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to refresh mentally or physically RECROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES RECROWN v -ED, -ING, -S RECRUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to engage for military service RECTA a pl. of rectum RECTAL adj pertaining to the rectum RECTALLY adv RECTI pl. of rectus RECTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to correct RECTO n pl. -TOS a right-hand page of a book RECTOR n pl. -S a clergyman in charge of a parish RECTORY n pl. -RIES a rector's dwelling RECTRIX n pl. -TRICES a feather of a bird's tail RECTUM n pl. -TUMS or -TA the terminal portion of the large intestine RECTUS n pl. -TI a straight muscle RECUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS to happen again RECURVE v -CURVED, -CURVING, -CURVES to curve backward or downward RECUSAL n pl. -S the act of recusing RECUSANT n pl. -S one who refuses to accept established authority RECUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES to disqualify or challenge as judge in a particular case RECUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS RECYCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to process in order to extract useful materials RECYCLER n pl. -S one that recycles RED adj REDDER, REDDEST of the color of blood RED v REDDED, REDDING, REDS to redd REDACT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare for publication REDACTOR n pl. -S one that redacts REDAMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES REDAN n pl. -S a type of fortification REDARGUE v -GUED, -GUING, -GUES to disprove REDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES REDBAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to denounce as Communist REDBAY n pl. -BAYS a small tree REDBIRD n pl. -S a bird with red plummage REDBONE n pl. -S a hunting dog REDBRICK n pl. -S a modern British university REDBUD n pl. -S a small tree REDBUG n pl. -S a chigger REDCAP n pl. -S a porter REDCOAT n pl. -S a British soldier during the American Revolution REDD v -ED, -ING, -S to put in order REDDED past tense of red and redd REDDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become red REDDER n pl. -S one that redds REDDEST superlative of red REDDING present participle of red and redd REDDISH adj somewhat red REDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to ruddle REDE v REDED, REDING, REDES to advise REDEAR n pl. -S a common sunfish REDECIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES REDEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to buy back REDEEMER n pl. -S one that redeems REDEFEAT v -ED, -ING, -S REDEFECT v -ED, -ING, -S REDEFINE v -FINED, -FINING, -FINES REDEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REDEMAND v -ED, -ING, -S REDENY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES REDEPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S REDESIGN v -ED, -ING, -S REDEYE n pl. -S a railroad danger signal REDFIN n pl. -S a freshwater fish REDFISH n pl. -ES an edible rockfish REDHEAD n pl. -S a person with red hair REDHORSE n pl. -S a freshwater fish REDIA n pl. -DIAE or -DIAS the larva of certain flatworms REDIAL adj REDIAL v -DIALED, -DIALING, -DIALS or -DIALLED, -DIALLING, -DIALS REDID past tense of redo REDIGEST v -ED, -ING, -S REDING present participle of rede REDIP v -DIPPED or -DIPT, -DIPPING, -DIPS REDIRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to change the course or direction of REDIVIDE v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES REDLEG n pl. -S a bird with red legs REDLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods REDLY adv with red color REDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being red REDO n pl. -DOS something that is done again REDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES REDOCK v -ED, -ING, -S REDOLENT adj fragrant REDON v -DONNED, -DONNING, -DONS REDONE past participle of redo REDOUBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to double REDOUBT n pl. -S an enclosed fortification REDOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to have an effect or consequence REDOUT n pl. -S a condition in which blood is driven to the head REDOWA n pl. -S a lively dance REDOX n pl. -ES a type of chemical reaction REDPOLL n pl. -S a small finch REDRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to make a revised copy of REDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS REDRAWER n pl. -S one that redraws REDREAM v -DREAMED or -DREAMT, -DREAMING, -DREAMS REDRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to set right REDRIED past tense of redry REDRIES present 3d person sing. of redry REDRILL v -ED, -ING, -S REDRIVE v -DROVE, -DRIVEN, -DRIVING, -DRIVES REDROOT n pl. -S a perennial herb REDRY v -DRIED, -DRYING, -DRIES REDSHANK n pl. -S a shore bird REDSHIFT n pl. -S a displacement of the spectrum of a celestial body toward the longer wavelengths REDSHIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep a college athlete out of varsity play in order to extend his eligibility REDSTART n pl. -S a small songbird REDTOP n pl. -S a type of grass REDUB v -DUBBED, -DUBBING, -DUBS REDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to diminish REDUCER n pl. -S one that reduces REDUCTOR n pl. -S an apparatus for the reduction of metallic ions in solution REDUVIID n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect REDUX adj brought back REDWARE n pl. -S an edible seaweed REDWING n pl. -S a European thrush REDWOOD n pl. -S a very tall evergreen tree REDYE v -DYED, -DYEING, -DYES REE n pl. -S the female Eurasian sandpiper REEARN v -ED, -ING, -S REECHO v -ED, -ING, -ES REECHY adj REECHIER, REECHIEST foul, rancid REED v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with reeds (the stalks of tall grasses) REEDBIRD n pl. -S the bobolink REEDBUCK n pl. -S an African antelope REEDIER comparative of reedy REEDIEST superlative of reedy REEDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to rebuild REEDILY adv with a thin, piping sound REEDING n pl. -S a convex molding REEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S REEDLIKE adj resembling a reed REEDLING n pl. -S a marsh bird REEDMAN n pl. -MEN one who plays a reed instrument REEDY adj REEDIER, REEDIEST abounding in reeds REEF v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce the area of a sail REEFABLE adj REEFER n pl. -S one that reefs REEFY adj REEFIER, REEFIEST abounding in ridges of rock REEJECT v -ED, -ING, -S REEK v -ED, -ING, -S to give off a strong, unpleasant odor REEKER n pl. -S one that reeks REEKY adj REEKIER, REEKIEST reeking REEL v -ED, -ING, -S to wind on a type of rotary device REELABLE adj REELECT v -ED, -ING, -S REELER n pl. -S one that reels REEMBARK v -ED, -ING, -S REEMBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES REEMERGE v -EMERGED, -EMERGING, -EMERGES REEMIT v -EMITTED, -EMITTING, -EMITS REEMPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S REENACT v -ED, -ING, -S REENDOW v -ED, -ING, -S REENGAGE v -GAGED, -GAGING, -GAGES REENJOY v -ED, -ING, -S REENLIST v -ED, -ING, -S REENROLL v -ED, -ING, -S REENTER v -ED, -ING, -S REENTRY n pl. -TRIES a new or second entry REEQUIP v -EQUIPPED, -EQUIPPING, -EQUIPS REERECT v -ED, -ING, -S REEST v -ED, -ING, -S to balk REEVE v REEVED or ROVE, ROVEN, REEVING, REEVES to fasten by passing through or around something REEVOKE v -EVOKED, -EVOKING, -EVOKES REEXPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS REEXPORT v -ED, -ING, -S REEXPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES REF v REFFED, REFFING, REFS to referee REFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to repair the outer surface of REFALL v -FELL, -FALLEN, -FALLING, -FALLS REFASTEN v -ED, -ING, -S REFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to refresh with food and drink REFEED v REFED, -FEEDING, -FEEDS REFEEL v -FELT, -FEELING, -FEELS REFEL v -FELLED, -FELLING, -FELS to reject REFELL past tense of refall REFENCE v -FENCED, -FENCING, -FENCES REFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to direct to a source for help or information REFEREE v -EED, -EEING, -EES to supervise the play in certain sports REFERENT n pl. -S something referred to REFERRAL n pl. -S one that is referred REFERRED past tense of refer REFERRER n pl. -S one that refers REFERRING present participle of refer REFFED past tense of ref REFFING present participle of ref REFIGHT v -FOUGHT, -FIGHTING, -FIGHTS REFIGURE v -URED, -URING, -URES REFILE v -FILED, -FILING, -FILES REFILL v -ED, -ING, -S REFILM v -ED, -ING, -S REFILTER v -ED, -ING, -S REFIND v -FOUND, -FINDING, -FINDS REFINE v -FINED, -FINING, -FINES to free from impurities REFINER n pl. -S one that refines REFINERY n pl. -ERIES a place where crude material is refined REFINING present participle of refine REFINISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to give a new surface to REFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES REFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to prepare and equip for additional use REFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES REFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to inflate again REFLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn or throw back from a surface REFLET n pl. -S special brilliance of surface REFLEW past tense of refly REFLEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bend back REFLEXLY adv in a reflexed manner REFLIES present 3d person sing. of refly REFLOAT v -ED, -ING, -S REFLOOD v -ED, -ING, -S REFLOW v -ED, -ING, -S REFLOWER v -ED, -ING, -S REFLUENT adj flowing back REFLUX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause to flow back REFLY v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES REFOCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES REFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S REFOREST v -ED, -ING, -S to replant with trees REFORGE v -FORGED, -FORGING, -FORGES REFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to change to a better state REFORMAT v -MATTED, -MATTING, -MATS REFORMER n pl. -S one that reforms REFOUGHT past tense of refight REFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S REFRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light REFRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to keep oneself back REFRAME v -FRAMED, -FRAMING, -FRAMES REFREEZE v -FROZE, -FROZEN, -FREEZING, -FREEZES REFRESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to restore the well-being and vigor of REFRONT v -ED, -ING, -S REFRY v -FRIED, -FRYING, -FRIES REFT a past tense of reave REFUEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS REFUGE v -UGED, -UGING, -UGES to give or take shelter REFUGEE n pl. -S one who flees for safety REFUGIUM n pl. -GIA a stable area during a period of continental climactic change REFUND v -ED, -ING, -S to give back REFUNDER n pl. -S one that refunds REFUSAL n pl. -S the act of refusing REFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to express oneself as unwilling to accept, do, or comply with REFUSER n pl. -S one that refuses REFUSNIK n pl. -S a Soviet citizen who is refused permission to emigrate REFUTAL n pl. -S the act of refuting REFUTE v -FUTED, -FUTING, -FUTES to prove to be false or erroneous REFUTER n pl. -S one that refutes REG n pl. -S a regulation REGAIN v -ED, -ING, -S REGAINER n pl. -S one that regains REGAL adj of or befitting a king REGALE v -GALED, -GALING, -GALES to delight REGALER n pl. -S one that regales REGALIA n/pl the rights and privileges of a king REGALITY n pl. -TIES regal authority REGALLY adv in a regal manner REGARD v -ED, -ING, -S to look upon with a particular feeling REGATHER v -ED, -ING, -S REGATTA n pl. -S a boat race REGAUGE v -GAUGED, -GAUGING, -GAUGES REGAVE past tense of regive REGEAR v -ED, -ING, -S REGELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to refreeze ice by reducing the pressure REGENCY n pl. -CIES the office of a regent REGENT n pl. -S one who rules in the place of a sovereign REGENTAL adj REGES pl. of rex REGGAE n pl. -S a form of popular Jamaican music REGICIDE n pl. -S the killing of a king REGILD v -GILDED or -GILT, -GILDING, -GILDS REGIME n pl. -S a system of government REGIMEN n pl. -S a systematic plan REGIMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to form into military units REGINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS queen REGINAL adj REGION n pl. -S an administrative area or division REGIONAL n pl. -S something that serves as a region REGISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to record officially REGISTRY n pl. -TRIES the act of registering REGIUS adj holding a professorship founded by the sovereign REGIVE v -GAVE, -GIVEN, -GIVING, -GIVES REGLAZE v -GLAZED, -GLAZING, -GLAZES REGLET n pl. -S a flat, narrow molding REGLOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES REGLOW v -ED, -ING, -S REGLUE v -GLUED, -GLUING, -GLUES REGMA n pl. -MATA a type of fruit REGNA pl. of regnum REGNAL adj pertaining to a king or his reign REGNANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being regnant REGNANT adj reigning REGNUM n pl. -NA dominion REGOLITH n pl. -S a layer of loose rock REGORGE v -GORGED, -GORGING, -GORGES to vomit REGOSOL n pl. -S a type of soil REGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES REGRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S REGRANT v -ED, -ING, -S REGRATE v -GRATED, -GRATING, -GRATES to buy up in order to sell for a higher price in the same area REGREEN v -ED, -ING, -S REGREET v -ED, -ING, -S to greet in return REGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go back REGRET v -GRETTED, -GRETTING, -GRETS to look back upon with sorrow or remorse REGREW past tense of regrow REGRIND v -GROUND, -GRINDING, -GRINDS REGROOM v -ED, -ING, -S REGROOVE v -GROOVED, -GROOVING, -GROOVES REGROUND past tense of regrind REGROUP v -ED, -ING, -S REGROW v -GREW, -GROWN, -GROWING, -GROWS REGROWTH n pl. -S a new or second growth REGULAR n pl. -S an habitual customer REGULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to control according to rule REGULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace REGULINE adj REHAB v -HABBED, -HABBING, -HABS to restore to a good condition REHABBER n pl. -S one that rehabs REHAMMER v -ED, -ING, -S REHANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES REHANG v -HUNG or -HANGED, -HANGING, -HANGS REHARDEN v -ED, -ING, -S REHASH v -ED, -ING, -ES REHEAR v -HEARD, -HEARING, -HEARS REHEARSE v -HEARSED, -HEARSING, -HEARSES to practice in preparation for a public appearance REHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S REHEATER n pl. -S one that reheats REHEEL v -ED, -ING, -S REHEM v -HEMMED, -HEMMING, -HEMS REHINGE v -HINGED, -HINGING, -HINGES REHIRE v -HIRED, -HIRING, -HIRES REHOBOAM n pl. -S a wine bottle REHOUSE v -HOUSED, -HOUSING, -HOUSES to establish in a new housing unit REHUNG a past tense of rehang REI n pl. -S an erroneous English form for a former Portuguese coin REIF n pl. -S robbery REIFIER n pl. -S one that reifies REIFY v -IFIED, -IFYING, -IFIES to regard as real or concrete REIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to exercise sovereign power REIGNITE v -NITED, -NITING, -NITES REIMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES REIMPORT v -ED, -ING, -S REIMPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES REIN v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain REINCITE v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES REINCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS REINDEER n pl. -S a large deer REINDEX v -ED, -ING, -ES REINDICT v -ED, -ING, -S REINDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES REINDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S REINFECT v -ED, -ING, -S REINFORM v -ED, -ING, -S REINFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES REINJECT v -ED, -ING, -S REINJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES REINJURY n pl. -RIES a second injury REINK v -ED, -ING, -S REINLESS adj unrestrained REINSERT v -ED, -ING, -S REINSMAN n pl. -MEN a skilled rider of horses REINSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES REINTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS REINVADE v -VADED, -VADING, -VADES REINVENT v -ED, -ING, -S REINVEST v -ED, -ING, -S REINVITE v -VITED, -VITING, -VITES REINVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES REIS pl. of real REISSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES REISSUER n pl. -S one that reissues REITBOK n pl. -S the reedbuck REIVE v REIVED, REIVING, REIVES to plunder REIVER n pl. -S one that reives REJACKET v -ED, -ING, -S REJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to refuse to accept, consider, or make use of REJECTEE n pl. -S one that is rejected REJECTER n pl. -S one that rejects REJECTOR n pl. -S rejecter REJIGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to alter REJOICE v -JOICED, -JOICING, -JOICES to feel joyful REJOICER n pl. -S one that rejoices REJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S REJUDGE v -JUDGED, -JUDGING, -JUDGES REJUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES REKEY v -ED, -ING, -S REKINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES REKNIT v -KNITTED, -KNITTING, -KNITS RELABEL v -BELED, -BELING, -BELS or -BELLED, -BELLING, -BELS RELACE v -LACED, -LACING, -LACES RELAPSE v -LAPSED, -LAPSING, -LAPSES to fall or slip back into a former state RELAPSER n pl. -S one that relapses RELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to give an account of RELATER n pl. -S one that relates RELATION n pl. -S a significant association between two or more things RELATIVE n pl. -S one who is connected with another by blood or marriage RELATOR n pl. -S relater RELAUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES RELAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to make less tense or rigid RELAXANT n pl. -S a drug that relieves muscular tension RELAXER n pl. -S one that relaxes RELAXIN n pl. -S a female hormone RELAY v -ED, -ING, -S to send along by using fresh sets to replace tired ones RELAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS RELEARN v -LEARNED or -LEARNT, -LEARNING, -LEARNS RELEASE v -LEASED, -LEASING, -LEASES to set free RELEASER n pl. -S one that releases RELEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to assign RELEND v -LENT, -LENDING, -LENDS RELENT v -ED, -ING, -S to become less severe RELET v -LET, -LETTING, -LETS RELETTER v -ED, -ING, -S RELEVANT adj pertaining to the matter at hand RELEVE n pl. -S a raising onto the toe in ballet RELIABLE n pl. -S one that can be relied on RELIABLY adv in a manner that can be relied on RELIANCE n pl. -S confident or trustful dependence RELIANT adj showing reliance RELIC n pl. -S a surviving memorial of something past RELICT n pl. -S an organism surviving in a changed environment RELIED past tense of rely RELIEF n pl. -S aid in the form of money or necessities RELIER n pl. -S one that relies RELIES present 3d person sing. of rely RELIEVE v -LIEVED, -LIEVING, -LIEVES to lessen or free from pain or discomfort RELIEVER n pl. -S one that relieves RELIEVO n pl. -VOS the projection of figures or forms from a flat background RELIGHT v -LIGHTED or -LIT, -LIGHTING, -LIGHTS RELIGION n pl. -S the worship of a god or the supernatural RELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES RELINK v -ED, -ING, -S RELIQUE n pl. -S relic RELISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to enjoy RELIST v -ED, -ING, -S RELIT a past tense of relight RELIVE v -LIVED, -LIVING, -LIVES to experience again RELOAD v -ED, -ING, -S RELOADER n pl. -S one that reloads RELOAN v -ED, -ING, -S RELOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to establish in a new place RELOCK v -ED, -ING, -S RELOOK v -ED, -ING, -S RELUCENT adj reflecting light RELUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to show opposition RELUME v -LUMED, -LUMING, -LUMES to light again RELUMINE v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES to relume RELY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to place trust or confidence REM n pl. -S a quantity of ionizing radiation REMAIL v -ED, -ING, -S REMAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to continue in the same state REMAKE v -MADE, -MAKING, -MAKES REMAKER n pl. -S one that remakes REMAN v -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to furnish with a fresh supply of men REMAND v -ED, -ING, -S to send back REMANENT adj remaining REMANNED past tense of reman REMANNING present participle of reman REMAP v -MAPPED, -MAPPING, -MAPS REMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to say or write briefly or casually REMARKER n pl. -S one that remarks REMARKET v -ED, -ING, -S REMARQUE n pl. -S a mark made in the margin of an engraved plate REMARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES REMASTER v -ED, -ING, -S REMATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES REMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES REMEDIAL adj intended to correct something REMEDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to relieve or cure REMEET v -MET, -MEETING, -MEETS REMELT v -ED, -ING, -S REMEMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to bring to mind again REMEND v -ED, -ING, -S REMERGE v -MERGED, -MERGING, -MERGES REMET past tense of remeet REMET past tense of remeet REMEX n pl. REMIGES a flight feather of a bird's wing REMIGIAL adj REMIND v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to remember REMINDER n pl. -S one that reminds REMINT v -ED, -ING, -S to melt down and make into new coin REMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to give up a claim to REMISS adj careless REMISSLY adv REMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to send money in payment REMITTAL n pl. -S the act of remitting REMITTER n pl. -S one that remits REMITTING present participle of remit REMITTOR n pl. -S remitter REMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES REMNANT n pl. -S something remaining REMODEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to make over REMODIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REMOLADE n pl. -S a piquant sauce REMOLD v -ED, -ING, -S REMORA n pl. -S a type of marine fish REMORID adj REMORSE n pl. -S deep anguish caused by a sense of guilt REMOTE adj -MOTER, -MOTEST situated far away REMOTELY adv REMOTE n pl. -S a broadcast originating outside a studio REMOTION n pl. -S the act of removing REMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S REMOVAL n pl. -S the act of removing REMOVE v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES to take or move away REMOVER n pl. -S one that removes REMUDA n pl. -S a herd of horses RENAIL v -ED, -ING, -S RENAL adj pertaining to the kidneys RENAME v -NAMED, -NAMING, -NAMES RENATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to restore natural qualities REND v RENT or RENDED, RENDING, RENDS to tear apart forcibly RENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to be or become RENDERER n pl. -S one that renders RENDIBLE adj capable of being rent RENDZINA n pl. -S a type of soil RENEGADE v -GADED, -GADING, -GADES to become a traitor RENEGADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES a traitor RENEGE v -NEGED, -NEGING, -NEGES to fail to carry out a promise or commitment RENEGER n pl. -S one that reneges RENEST v -ED, -ING, -S RENEW v -ED, -ING, -S to make new or as if new again RENEWAL n pl. -S the act of renewing RENEWER n pl. -S one that renews RENIFORM adj kidney-shaped RENIG v -NIGGED, -NIGGING, -NIGS to renege RENIN n pl. -S an enzyme RENITENT adj resisting physical pressure RENMINBI n pl. RENMINBI currency in the People's Republic of China RENNASE n pl. -S rennin RENNET n pl. -S a lining membrane in the stomach of certain young animals RENNIN n pl. -S an enzyme RENOGRAM n pl. -S a photographic depiction of the course of renal excretion RENOTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES RENOUNCE v -NOUNCED, -NOUNCING, -NOUNCES to disown RENOVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to make like new RENOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to make famous RENT v -ED, -ING, -S to obtain temporary use of in return for compensation RENTABLE adj RENTAL n pl. -S an amount paid or collected as rent RENTE n pl. -S annual income under French law RENTER n pl. -S one that rents RENTIER n pl. -S one that receives a fixed income RENUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S RENVOI n pl. -S the expulsion by a government of an alien REOBJECT v -ED, -ING, -S REOBTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S REOCCUPY v -PIED, -PYING, -PIES REOCCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS REOFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to offer for public sale REOIL v -ED, -ING, -S REOPEN v -ED, -ING, -S REOPPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES REORDAIN v -ED, -ING, -S REORDER v -ED, -ING, -S REORIENT v -ED, -ING, -S REOUTFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS REOVIRUS n pl. -ES a type of virus REP n pl. -S a cross-ribbed fabric REPACIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REPACK v -ED, -ING, -S REPAID past tense of repay REPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S REPAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to restore to good condition REPAIRER n pl. -S one that repairs REPAND adj having a wavy margin REPANDLY adv REPANEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS REPAPER v -ED, -ING, -S REPARK v -ED, -ING, -S REPARTEE n pl. -S a quick, witty reply REPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES REPAST v -ED, -ING, -S to eat or feast REPATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES REPAVE v -PAVED, -PAVING, -PAVES REPAY v -PAID, -PAYING, -PAYS to pay back REPEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to revoke REPEALER n pl. -S one that repeals REPEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to say or do again REPEATER n pl. -S one that repeats REPEG v -PEGGED, -PEGGING, -PEGS REPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to drive back REPELLER n pl. -S one that repels REPENT v -ED, -ING, -S to feel remorse or self-reproach for a past action REPENTER n pl. -S one that repents REPEOPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES REPERK v -ED, -ING, -S REPETEND n pl. -S a phrase or sound that is repeated REPHRASE v -PHRASED, -PHRASING, PHRASES REPIN v -PINNED, -PINNING, -PINS REPINE v -PINED, -PINING, -PINES to express discontent REPINER n pl. -S one that repines REPLACE v -PLACED, -PLACING, -PLACES to take the place of REPLACER n pl. -S one that replaces REPLAN v -PLANNED, -PLANNING, -PLANS REPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S REPLATE v -PLATED, -PLATING, -PLATES REPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S REPLEAD v -PLEADED or -PLED, -PLEADING, -PLEADS REPLEDGE v -PLEDGED, -PLEDGING, -PLEDGES REPLETE adj abundantly supplied REPLEVIN v -ED, -ING, -S to replevy REPLEVY v -PLEVIED, -PLEVYING, -PLEVIES to regain possession of by legal action REPLICA n pl. -S a close copy or reproduction REPLICON n pl. -S a section of nucleic acid that replicates as a unit REPLIER n pl. -S one that replies REPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS REPLUMB v -ED, -ING, -S REPLUNGE v -PLUNGED, -PLUNGING, -PLUNGES REPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to answer REPO n pl. -POS something repossessed REPOLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES REPOLL v -ED, -ING, -S REPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to give an account of REPORTER n pl. -S one that reports REPOSAL n pl. -S the act of reposing REPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to lie at rest REPOSER n pl. -S one that reposes REPOSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to put away REPOT v -POTTED, -POTTING, -POTS REPOUR v -ED, -ING, -S REPOUSSE n pl. -S a raised design hammered in metal REPOWER v -ED, -ING, -S REPP n pl. -S rep REPPED adj resembling rep REPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to keep under control REPRICE v -PRICED, -PRICING, -PRICES REPRIEVE v -PRIEVED, -PRIEVING, -PRIEVES to postpone the punishment of REPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S REPRISAL n pl. -S an act of retaliation REPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to take back by force REPRO n pl. -PROS a trial sheet of printed material suitable for photographic reproduction REPROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to find fault with REPROBE v -PROBED, -PROBING, -PROBES REPROOF n pl. -S criticism for a fault REPROVAL n pl. -S reproof REPROVE v -PROVED, -PROVING, -PROVES to rebuke REPROVER n pl. -S one that reproves REPTANT adj creeping or crawling REPTILE n pl. -S any of a class of cold-blooded, air-breathing vertebrates REPUBLIC n pl. -S a constitutional form of government REPUGN v -ED, -ING, -S to oppose REPULSE v -PULSED, -PULSING, -PULSES to drive back REPULSER n pl. -S one that repulses REPUMP v -ED, -ING, -S REPURIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REPURSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES REPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to consider to be as specified REQUEST v -ED, -ING, -S to express a desire for REQUIEM n pl. -S a musical composition for the dead REQUIN n pl. -S a voracious shark REQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to have need of REQUIRER n pl. -S one that requires REQUITAL n pl. -S something given in return, compensation, or retaliation REQUITE v -QUITED, -QUITING, -QUITES to make equivalent return for REQUITER n pl. -S one that requites RERACK v -ED, -ING, -S RERAISE v -RAISED, -RAISING, -RAISES RERAN past tense of rerun REREAD v -READ, -READING, -READS RERECORD v -ED, -ING, -S REREDOS n pl. -ES an ornamental screen behind an altar REREMICE n/pl bats (flying mammals) REREMIND v -ED, -ING, -S REREPEAT v -ED, -ING, -S REREVIEW v -ED, -ING, -S REREWARD n pl. -S rearward RERIG v -RIGGED, -RIGGING, -RIGS RERISE v -ROSE, -RISEN, -RISING, -RISES REROLL v -ED, -ING, -S REROLLER n pl. -S one that rerolls REROOF v -ED, -ING, -S REROSE past tense of rerise REROUTE v -ROUTED, -ROUTING, -ROUTES RERUN v -RAN, -RUNNING, -RUNS to present a repetition of a recorded performance RES n pl. RES a particular thing or matter RESADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES RESAID past tense of resay RESAIL v -ED, -ING, -S RESALE n pl. -S the act of selling again RESALUTE v -LUTED, -LUTING, -LUTES RESAMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES RESAW v -SAWED, -SAWN, -SAWING, -SAWS RESAY v -SAID, -SAYING, -SAYS RESCALE v -SCALED, -SCALING, -SCALES to plan on a new scale RESCHOOL v -ED, -ING, -S RESCIND v -ED, -ING, -S to annul RESCORE v -SCORED, -SCORING, -SCORES RESCREEN v -ED, -ING, -S RESCRIPT n pl. -S something rewritten RESCUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to free from danger RESCUER n pl. -S one that rescues RESCULPT v -ED, -ING, -S RESEAL v -ED, -ING, -S RESEARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to investigate thoroughly RESEASON v -ED, -ING, -S RESEAT v -ED, -ING, -S RESEAU n pl. -SEAUS or -SEAUX a filter screen for making color films RESECT v -ED, -ING, -S to excise part of an organ or structure surgically RESECURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES RESEDA n pl. -S a flowering plant RESEE v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES RESEED v -ED, -ING, -S RESEEK v -SOUGHT, -SEEKING, -SEEKS RESEEN past participle of resee RESEIZE v -SEIZED, -SEIZING, -SEIZES RESELL v -SOLD, -SELLING, -SELLS RESELLER n pl. -S one that resells RESEMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to be similar to RESEND v -SENT, -SENDING, -SENDS RESENT v -ED, -ING, -S to feel or express annoyance or ill will at RESERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to keep back for future use RESERVER n pl. -S one that reserves RESET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS RESETTER n pl. -S one that resets RESETTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES RESEW v -SEWED, -SEWN, -SEWING, -SEWS RESH n pl. -ES a Hebrew letter RESHAPE v -SHAPED, -SHAPING, -SHAPES RESHAPER n pl. -S one that reshapes something RESHAVE v -SHAVED, -SHAVEN, -SHAVING, -SHAVES RESHINE v -SHONE or -SHINED, -SHINING, -SHINES RESHIP v -SHIPPED, -SHIPPING, -SHIPS RESHOE v -SHOD, -SHOEING, -SHOES RESHONE a past tense of reshine RESHOOT v -SHOT, -SHOOTING, -SHOOTS RESHOW v -SHOWED, -SHOWN, -SHOWING, -SHOWS RESID n pl. -S a type of fuel oil RESIDE v -SIDED, -SIDING, -SIDES to dwell permanently or continuously RESIDENT n pl. -S one who resides RESIDER n pl. -S a resident RESIDUA a pl. of residuum RESIDUAL n pl. -S something left over RESIDUE n pl. -S something remaining after the removal of a part RESIDUUM n pl. -SIDUA or -SIDUUMS residue RESIFT v -ED, -ING, -S RESIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S RESIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to give up one's office or position RESIGNER n pl. -S one that resigns RESILE v -SILED, -SILING, -SILES to spring back RESILVER v -ED, -ING, -S RESIN v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with resin (a viscous substance obtained from certain plants) RESINATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to resin RESINIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into resin RESINOID n pl. -S a resinous substance RESINOUS adj resembling resin RESINY adj resinous RESIST v -ED, -ING, -S to strive against RESISTER n pl. -S one that resists RESISTOR n pl. -S a device in an electric circuit RESITE v -SITED, -SITING, -SITES RESIZE v -SIZED, -SIZING, -SIZES RESKETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES RESLATE v -SLATED, -SLATING, -SLATES RESMELT v -ED, -ING, -S RESMOOTH v -ED, -ING, -S RESOAK v -ED, -ING, -S RESOD v -SODDED, -SODDING, -SODS RESOJET n pl. -S a pulsejet RESOLD past tense of resell RESOLDER v -ED, -ING, -S RESOLE v -SOLED, -SOLING, -SOLES RESOLUTE adj -LUTER, -LUTEST characterized by firmness or determination RESOLUTE n pl. -S one who is resolute RESOLVE v -SOLVED, -SOLVING, -SOLVES to make a firm decision about RESOLVER n pl. -S one that resolves RESONANT n pl. -S a resounding sound RESONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to resound RESORB v -ED, -ING, -S to absorb again RESORCIN n pl. -S a chemical compound RESORT v -ED, -ING, -S to go frequently or habitually RESORTER n pl. -S one that resorts RESOUGHT past tense of reseek RESOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to make a loud, long, or echoing sound RESOURCE n pl. -S an available supply RESOW v -SOWED, -SOWN, -SOWING, -SOWS RESPACE v -SPACED, -SPACING, -SPACES RESPADE v -SPADED, -SPADING, -SPADES RESPEAK v -SPOKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS RESPECT v -ED, -ING, -S to have a high regard for RESPELL v -SPELLED or -SPELT, -SPELLING, -SPELLS RESPIRE v -SPIRED, -SPIRING, -SPIRES to breathe RESPITE v -SPITED, -SPITING, -SPITES to relieve temporarily RESPLICE v -SPLICED, -SPLICING, -SPLICES RESPLIT v -SPLIT, -SPLITTING, -SPLITS RESPOKE past tense of respeak RESPOKEN past participle of respeak RESPOND v -ED, -ING, -S to say or act in return RESPONSA n/pl written rabbinic decisions RESPONSE n pl. -S a reply or reaction RESPOT v -SPOTTED, -SPOTTING, -SPOTS RESPRANG a past tense of respring RESPRAY v -ED, -ING, -S RESPREAD v -SPREAD, -SPREADING, -SPREADS RESPRING v -SPRANG or -SPRUNG, -SPRINGING, -SPRINGS RESPROUT v -ED, -ING, -S REST v -ED, -ING, -S to refresh oneself by ceasing work or activity RESTACK v -ED, -ING, -S RESTAFF v -ED, -ING, -S RESTAGE v -STAGED, -STAGING, -STAGES RESTAMP v -ED, -ING, -S RESTART v -ED, -ING, -S RESTATE v -STATED, -STATING, -STATES RESTER n pl. -S one that rests RESTFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST tranquil RESTITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES RESTIVE adj difficult to control RESTLESS adj unable or disinclined to remain at rest RESTOCK v -ED, -ING, -S RESTOKE v -STOKED, -STOKING, -STOKES RESTORAL n pl. -S the act of restoring RESTORE v -STORED, -STORING, -STORES to bring back to a former or original condition RESTORER n pl. -S one that restores RESTRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hold back from action RESTRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES RESTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep within certain boundaries RESTRIKE v -STRUCK, -STRICKEN, -STRIKING, -STRIKES RESTRING v -STRUNG, -STRINGING, -STRINGS RESTRIVE v -STROVE, -STRIVEN, -STRIVING, -STRIVES RESTROOM n pl. -S a room furnished with toilets and sinks RESTRUCK past tense of restrike RESTRUNG past tense of restring RESTUDY v -STUDIED, -STUDYING, -STUDIES RESTUFF v -ED, -ING, -S RESTYLE v -STYLED, -STYLING, -STYLES RESUBMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS RESULT v -ED, -ING, -S to occur as a consequence RESUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to take up again after interruption RESUMER n pl. -S one that resumes RESUMMON v -ED, -ING, -S RESUPINE adj lying on the back RESUPPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES RESURGE v -SURGED, -SURGING, -SURGES to rise again RESURVEY v -ED, -ING, -S RET v RETTED, RETTING, RETS to soak in order to loosen the fiber from the woody tissue RETABLE n pl. -S a raised shelf above an altar RETACK v -ED, -ING, -S RETACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES RETAG v -TAGGED, -TAGGING, -TAGS RETAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to sell in small quantities RETAILER n pl. -S one that retails RETAILOR v -ED, -ING, -S RETAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to keep possession of RETAINER n pl. -S one that retains RETAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to take back RETAKER n pl. -S one that retakes RETAPE v -TAPED, -TAPING, -TAPES RETARD v -ED, -ING, -S to slow the progress of RETARDER n pl. -S one that retards RETARGET v -ED, -ING, -S RETASTE v -TASTED, -TASTING, -TASTES RETAX v -ED, -ING, -ES RETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make an effort to vomit RETE n pl. -TIA an anatomical mesh or network RETEACH v -TAUGHT, -TEACHING, -TEACHES RETEAM v -ED, -ING, -S RETEAR v -TORE, -TORN, -TEARING, -TEARS RETELL v -TOLD, -TELLING, -TELLS RETEM n pl. -S a desert shrub RETEMPER v -ED, -ING, -S RETENE n pl. -S a chemical compound RETEST v -ED, -ING, -S RETHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS RETHREAD v -ED, -ING, -S RETIA pl. of rete RETIAL adj pertaining to a rete RETIARII n/pl ancient Roman gladiators RETIARY adj resembling a net RETICENT adj tending to be silent RETICLE n pl. -S a network of lines in the eyepiece of an optical instrument RETICULA n/pl netlike structures RETICULE n pl. -S a woman's handbag RETIE v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES RETIFORM adj arranged like a net RETILE v -TILED, -TILING, -TILES RETIME v -TIMED, -TIMING, -TIMES RETINA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a membrane of the eye RETINAL n pl. -S retinene RETINE n pl. -S a substance in cells that retards growth and cell division RETINENE n pl. -S a pigment in the retina RETINITE n pl. -S a fossil resin RETINOID n pl. -S a compound analogous to vitamin A RETINOL n pl. -S a liquid hydrocarbon RETINT v -ED, -ING, -S RETINUE n pl. -S a group of attendants RETINUED adj RETINULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye RETIRANT n pl. -S a retiree RETIRE v -TIRED, -TIRING, -TIRES to go away or withdraw RETIREE n pl. -S one who has retired from his vocation RETIRER n pl. -S one that retires RETIRING adj shy RETITLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES RETOLD past tense of retell RETOOK past tense of retake RETOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to reequip with tools RETORE past tense of retear RETORN past participle of retear RETORT v -ED, -ING, -S to answer back sharply RETORTER n pl. -S one that retorts RETOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to add new details or touches to RETRACE v -TRACED, -TRACING, -TRACES to go back over RETRACK v -ED, -ING, -S RETRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take back RETRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S RETRAL adj situated toward the back RETRALLY adv RETREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a new tread RETREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to go back or backward RETRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to curtail RETRIAL n pl. -S a second trial RETRIEVE v -TRIEVED, -TRIEVING, -TRIEVES to get back RETRIM v -TRIMMED, -TRIMMING, -TRIMS RETRO n pl. -ROS a rocket on a spacecraft that produces thrust in a direction opposite to the line of flight RETROACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act in return RETROFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to furnish with new parts not originally available RETRORSE adj bent backward RETRY v -TRIED, -TRYING, -TRIES RETSINA n pl. -S a resin-flavored Greek wine RETTED past tense of ret RETTING present participle of ret RETUNE v -TUNED, -TUNING, -TUNES RETURN v -ED, -ING, -S to come or go back RETURNEE n pl. -S one that has returned RETURNER n pl. -S one that returns RETUSE adj having a rounded apex with a shallow notch -- used of leaves RETWIST v -ED, -ING, -S RETYING present participle of retie RETYPE v -TYPED, -TYPING, -TYPES REUNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REUNION n pl. -S a reuniting of persons after separation REUNITE v -UNITED, -UNITING, -UNITES REUNITER n pl. -S one that reunites REUSABLE adj capable of being used again REUSE v -USED, -USING, -USES REUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S REV v REVVED, REVVING, REVS to increase the speed of REVALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES REVAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to make over REVAMPER n pl. -S one that revamps REVANCHE n pl. -S a political policy designed to regain lost territory REVEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to make known REVEALER n pl. -S one that reveals REVEHENT adj carrying back REVEILLE n pl. -S a morning bugle call REVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to engage in revelry REVELER n pl. -S one that revels REVELLER n pl. -S reveler REVELLING present participle of revel REVELRY n pl. -RIES noisy merrymaking REVENANT n pl. -S one that returns REVENGE v -VENGED, -VENGING, -VENGES to inflict injury in return for REVENGER n pl. -S one that revenges REVENUE n pl. -S the income of a government REVENUAL, REVENUED adj REVENUER n pl. -S a revenue officer REVERB v -ED, -ING, -S to continue in a series of echoes REVERE v -VERED, -VERING, -VERES to regard with great respect REVEREND n pl. -S a clergyman REVERENT adj deeply respectful REVERER n pl. -S one that reveres REVERIE n pl. -S a daydream REVERIES pl. of revery REVERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES REVERING present participle of revere REVERS n pl. REVERS a part of a garment turned back to show the inside REVERSAL n pl. -S the act of reversing REVERSE v -VERSED, -VERSING, -VERSES to turn or move in the opposite direction REVERSER n pl. -S one that reverses REVERSO n pl. -VERSOS verso REVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to return to a former state REVERTER n pl. -S one that reverts REVERY n pl. -ERIES reverie REVEST v -ED, -ING, -S REVET v -VETTED, -VETTING, -VETS to face with masonry REVIEW v -ED, -ING, -S REVIEWAL n pl. -S the act of reviewing REVIEWER n pl. -S one that reviews REVILE v -VILED, -VILING, -VILES to denounce with abusive language REVILER n pl. -S one that reviles REVISAL n pl. -S a revision REVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to make a new or improved version of REVISER n pl. -S one that revises REVISION n pl. -S a revised version REVISIT v -ED, -ING, -S REVISOR n pl. -S reviser REVISORY adj pertaining to revision REVIVAL n pl. -S renewed attention to or interest in something REVIVE v -VIVED, -VIVING, -VIVES to bring back to life or consciousness REVIVER n pl. -S one that revives REVIVIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to give new life to REVIVING present participle of revive REVOICE v -VOICED, -VOICING, -VOICES REVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES to annul by taking back REVOKER n pl. -S one that revokes REVOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to rise up against authority REVOLTER n pl. -S one that revolts REVOLUTE adj rolled backward or downward REVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to turn about an axis REVOLVER n pl. -S a type of handgun REVOTE v -VOTED, -VOTING, -VOTES REVUE n pl. -S a type of musical show REVUIST n pl. -S a writer of revues REVULSED adj affected with revulsion REVVED past tense of rev REVVING present participle of rev REWAKE v -WAKED or -WOKE, -WOKEN, -WAKING, -WAKES REWAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S REWAN a past tense of rewin REWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to give recompense to for worthy behavior REWARDER n pl. -S one that rewards REWARM v -ED, -ING, -S REWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES REWAX v -ED, -ING, -ES REWEAVE v -WOVE or -WEAVED, -WOVEN, -WEAVING, -WEAVES REWED v -WEDDED, -WEDDING, -WEDS REWEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S REWELD v -ED, -ING, -S REWET v -WETTED, -WETTING, -WETS REWIDEN v -ED, -ING, -S REWIN v -WON or -WAN, -WINNING, -WINS REWIND v -WOUND or -WINDED, -WINDING, -WINDS REWINDER n pl. -S one that rewinds REWIRE v -WIRED, -WIRING, -WIRES REWOKE a past tense of rewake REWOKEN past participle of rewake REWON a past tense of rewin REWORD v -ED, -ING, -S to state again in other words REWORK v -WORKED or -WROUGHT, -WORKING, -WORKS REWOUND a past tense of rewind REWOVE a past tense of reweave REWOVEN past participle of reweave REWRAP v -WRAPPED or -WRAPT, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS REWRITE v -WROTE, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES REWRITER n pl. -S one that rewrites REWROUGHT a past tense of rework REX n pl. -ES an animal with a single wavy layer of hair REX n pl. REGES king REYNARD n pl. -S a fox REZONE v -ZONED, -ZONING, -ZONES RHABDOM n pl. -S a rodlike structure in the retinula RHABDOME n pl. -S rhabdom RHACHIS n pl. -CHISES or -CHIDES rachis RHAMNOSE n pl. -S a sugar found in plants RHAMNUS n pl. -ES a thorny tree or shrub RHAPHE n pl. -PHAE or -PHES raphe RHAPSODE n pl. -S a reciter of epic poetry in ancient Greece RHAPSODY n pl. -DIES an exalted expression of feeling RHATANY n pl. -NIES a South American shrub RHEA n pl. -S a flightless bird RHEBOK n pl. -S a large antelope RHEMATIC adj pertaining to a verb RHENIUM n pl. -S a metallic element RHEOBASE n pl. -S the smallest amount of electricity required to stimulate a nerve RHEOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of matter in the fluid state RHEOPHIL adj living in flowing water RHEOSTAT n pl. -S a resistor used to control electric current RHESUS n pl. -ES an Asian monkey RHETOR n pl. -S a teacher of rhetoric RHETORIC n pl. -S the study of effective speech and writing RHEUM n pl. -S a watery discharge from the eyes or nose RHEUMIC adj RHEUMY adj RHEUMIER, RHEUMIEST marked by rheum RHINAL adj pertaining to the nose RHINITIS n pl. RHINITIDES inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose RHINO n pl. -NOS a rhinoceros RHIZOBIA n/pl rod-shaped bacteria RHIZOID n pl. -S a rootlike structure RHIZOMA n pl. -MATA rhizome RHIZOME n pl. -S a rootlike, underground stem RHIZOMIC adj RHIZOPOD n pl. -S any of a class of protozoans RHIZOPUS n pl. -PI or -PUSES any of a genus of mold fungi RHO n pl. RHOS a Greek letter RHODAMIN n pl. -S a red dye RHODIUM n pl. -S a metallic element RHODIC adj RHODORA n pl. -S a flowering shrub RHOMB n pl. -S a rhombus RHOMBI a pl. of rhombus RHOMBIC adj having the shape of a rhombus RHOMBOID n pl. -S a type of geometric figure RHOMBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BI a type of geometric figure RHONCHUS n pl. -CHI a rattling respiratory sound RHONCHAL adj RHUBARB n pl. -S a perennial herb RHUMB n pl. -S a point of the mariner's compass RHUMBA v -ED, -ING, -S to rumba RHUS n pl. -ES any of a genus of shrubs and trees RHYME v RHYMED, RHYMING, RHYMES to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds RHYMER n pl. -S one that rhymes RHYOLITE n pl. -S a volcanic rock RHYTA pl. of rhyton RHYTHM n pl. -S movement or procedure with uniform recurrence of strong and weak elements RHYTHMIC n pl. -S the science of rhythm RHYTON n pl. -TA an ancient Greek drinking horn RIA n pl. -S a long, narrow inlet RIAL n pl. -S a monetary unit of Iran RIALTO n pl. -TOS a marketplace RIANT adj cheerful RIANTLY adv RIATA n pl. -S a lasso RIB v RIBBED, RIBBING, RIBS to poke fun at RIBALD n pl. -S one who uses crude language RIBALDLY adv crudely RIBALDRY n pl. -RIES crude language RIBAND n pl. -S a ribbon RIBBAND n pl. -S a long, narrow strip used in shipbuilding RIBBED past tense of rib RIBBER n pl. -S one that ribs RIBBIER comparative of ribby RIBBIEST superlative of ribby RIBBING n pl. -S the act of one that ribs RIBBON v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with ribbons (narrow strips of fine fabric) RIBBONY adj resembling ribbon RIBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST marked by prominent ribs (curved bony rods in the body) RIBES n pl. RIBES a flowering shrub RIBGRASS n pl. -ES a weedy plant RIBIER n pl. -S a large, black grape RIBLESS adj having no ribs RIBLET n pl. -S the rib end in a breast of lamb or veal RIBLIKE adj resembling a rib RIBOSE n pl. -S a pentose sugar RIBOSOME n pl. -S a particle composed of protein and ribonucleic acid RIBWORT n pl. -S ribgrass RICE v RICED, RICING, RICES to press through a ricer RICEBIRD n pl. -S the bobolink RICER n pl. -S a kitchen utensil consisting of a container perforated with small holes RICERCAR n pl. -S an instrumental composition RICH adj RICHER, RICHEST having wealth RICHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make rich RICHES n/pl wealth RICHLY adv in a rich manner RICHNESS n pl. -ES the state of being rich RICHWEED n pl. -S a flowering plant RICIN n pl. -S a poisonous protein RICING present participle of rice RICINUS n pl. -ES a large-leaved plant RICK v -ED, -ING, -S to pile hay in stacks RICKETS n/pl a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency RICKETY adj -ETIER, -ETIEST likely to fall or collapse RICKEY n pl. -EYS an alcoholic beverage containing lime juice, sugar, and soda water RICKRACK n pl. -S a flat braid used as a trimming RICKSHA n pl. -S rickshaw RICKSHAW n pl. -S a small, two-wheeled passenger vehicle RICOCHET v -CHETED, -CHETING, -CHETS or -CHETTED, -CHETTING, -CHETS to rebound from a surface RICOTTA n pl. -S an Italian cheese RICRAC n pl. -S rickrack RICTUS n pl. -ES the expanse of the open mouth RICTAL adj RID v RID or RIDDED, RIDDING, RIDS to free from something objectionable RIDABLE adj capable of being ridden RIDDANCE n pl. -S deliverance RIDDED a past tense of rid RIDDEN past participle of ride RIDDER n pl. -S one that rids RIDDING present participle of rid RIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to pierce with many holes RIDDLER n pl. -S one that riddles RIDE v RODE, RIDDEN, RIDING, RIDES to sit on, control, and be conveyed by an animal or machine RIDEABLE adj ridable RIDENT adj laughing RIDER n pl. -S one that rides RIDGE v RIDGED, RIDGING, RIDGES to form into ridges (long, narrow elevations) RIDGEL n pl. -S a ridgling RIDGIER comparative of ridgy RIDGIEST superlative of ridgy RIDGIL n pl. -S a ridgling RIDGING present participle of ridge RIDGLING n pl. -S a male animal with undescended testicles RIDGY adj RIDGIER, RIDGIEST having ridges RIDICULE v -CULED, -CULING, -CULES to make fun of RIDING n pl. -S the act of one that rides RIDLEY n pl. -LEYS a sea turtle RIDOTTO n pl. -TOS a public musical entertainment in 18th century England RIEL n pl. -S a monetary unit of Cambodia RIESLING n pl. -S a white Rhine wine RIEVER n pl. -S reaver RIF v RIFFED, RIFFING, RIFS to dismiss from employment RIFAMPIN n pl. -S an antibiotic RIFE adj RIFER, RIFEST abundant RIFELY adv RIFENESS n pl. -ES the state of being rife RIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to riffle RIFFED past tense of rif RIFFING present participle of rif RIFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to flip through hastily RIFFLER n pl. -S a filing and scraping tool RIFFRAFF n pl. -S the disreputable element of society RIFLE v RIFLED, RIFLING, RIFLES to search through and rob RIFLEMAN n pl. -MEN a soldier armed with a rifle (a type of firearm) RIFLER n pl. -S one that rifles RIFLERY n pl. -RIES the practice of shooting at targets with a rifle RIFLING n pl. -S the system of grooves in a gun barrel RIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to form rifts (clefts) RIFTLESS adj having no rift RIG v RIGGED, RIGGING, RIGS to put in proper condition for use RIGADOON n pl. -S a lively dance RIGATONI n pl. -S a tubular pasta RIGAUDON n pl. -S rigadoon RIGGED past tense of rig RIGGER n pl. -S one that rigs RIGGING n pl. -S the system of lines, chains, and tackle used aboard a ship RIGHT adj RIGHTER, RIGHTEST being in accordance with what is good, proper, or just RIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to put in proper order or condition RIGHTER n pl. -S one that rights RIGHTFUL adj just or proper RIGHTIES pl. of righty RIGHTISM n pl. -S a conservative political philosophy RIGHTIST n pl. -S an advocate of rightism RIGHTLY adv in a right manner RIGHTO interj -- used to express cheerful consent RIGHTY n pl. RIGHTIES a right-handed person RIGID adj not flexible RIGIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make rigid RIGIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rigid RIGIDLY adv in a rigid manner RIGOR n pl. -S strictness or severity RIGORISM n pl. -S strictness or severity in conduct or attitude RIGORIST n pl. -S one that professes rigorism RIGOROUS adj characterized by rigor RIGOUR n pl. -S rigor RIKISHA n pl. -S rickshaw RIKSHAW n pl. -S rickshaw RILE v RILED, RILING, RILES to anger RILEY adj angry RILIEVO n pl. -VI relievo RILING present participle of rile RILL v -ED, -ING, -S to flow like a rill (a small brook) RILLE n pl. -S a valley on the moon's surface RILLET n pl. -S a small rill RIM v RIMMED, RIMMING, RIMS to provide with a rim (an outer edge) RIME v RIMED, RIMING, RIMES to rhyme RIMER n pl. -S one that rimes RIMESTER n pl. -S a rimer RIMFIRE n pl. -S a cartridge having the primer set in the rim of the shell RIMIER comparative of rimy RIMIEST superlative of rimy RIMINESS n pl. -ES the condition of being rimy RIMING present participle of rime RIMLAND n pl. -S an outlying area RIMLESS adj having no rim RIMMED past tense of rim RIMMER n pl. -S a reamer RIMMING present participle of rim RIMOSE adj marked by cracks RIMOSELY adv RIMOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rimose RIMOUS adj rimose RIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinkle RIMROCK n pl. -S a type of rock formation RIMY adj RIMIER, RIMIEST frosty RIN v RAN, RINNING, RINS to run or melt RIND n pl. -S a thick and firm outer covering RINDED adj RING v -ED, -ING, -S to form a ring (a circular band) around RING v RANG, RUNG, RINGING, RINGS to give forth a clear, resonant sound RINGBARK v -ED, -ING, -S to make an encircling cut through the bark of RINGBOLT n pl. -S a type of eyebolt RINGBONE n pl. -S a bony growth on a horse's foot RINGDOVE n pl. -S a European pigeon RINGENT adj having open liplike parts RINGER n pl. -S one that rings RINGGIT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Malaysia RINGHALS n pl. -ES a venomous snake RINGLET n pl. -S a small ring RINGLIKE adj resembling a ring RINGNECK n pl. -S a bird having a ring of color around the neck RINGSIDE n pl. -S the area just outside a boxing or wrestling ring (a square enclosure) RINGTAIL n pl. -S an animal having a tail with ringlike markings RINGTAW n pl. -S a game of marbles RINGTOSS n pl. -ES a game in which the object is to toss a ring onto an upright stick RINGWORM n pl. -S a skin disease RINK n pl. -S a surface of ice for skating RINNING present participle of rin RINSE v RINSED, RINSING, RINSES to cleanse with clear water RINSABLE, RINSIBLE adj RINSER n pl. -S one that rinses RINSING n pl. -S the act of one that rinses RIOJA n pl. -S a dry red Spanish wine RIOT v -ED, -ING, -S to take part in a violent public disturbance RIOTER n pl. -S one that riots RIOTOUS adj characterized by rioting RIP v RIPPED, RIPPING, RIPS to tear or cut apart roughly RIPARIAN adj pertaining to the bank of a river RIPCORD n pl. -S a cord pulled to release a parachute RIPE adj RIPER, RIPEST fully developed RIPELY adv RIPE v RIPED, RIPING, RIPES to cleanse RIPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to become ripe RIPENER n pl. -S one that ripens RIPENESS n pl. -ES the state of being ripe RIPER comparative of ripe RIPEST superlative of ripe RIPIENO n pl. -NI or -NOS tutti RIPING present participle of ripe RIPOFF n pl. -S an instance of stealing RIPOST v -ED, -ING, -S to riposte RIPOSTE v -POSTED, -POSTING, -POSTES to make a return thrust in fencing RIPPABLE adj capable of being ripped RIPPED past tense of rip RIPPER n pl. -S one that rips RIPPING adj excellent RIPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to form ripples (small waves) RIPPLER n pl. -S a toothed tool for cleaning flax fiber RIPPLET n pl. -S a small ripple RIPPLING present participle of ripple RIPPLY adj -PLIER, -PLIEST marked by ripples RIPRAP v -RAPPED, -RAPPING, -RAPS to strengthen with a foundation of broken stones RIPSAW n pl. -S a type of saw RIPSTOP n pl. -S a fabric woven so that small tears do not spread RIPTIDE n pl. -S a tide that opposes other tides RISE v ROSE, RISEN, RISING, RISES to move upward RISER n pl. -S one that rises RISHI n pl. -S a Hindu sage RISIBLE adj inclined to laugh RISIBLY adv RISIBLES n/pl a sense of the ridiculous RISING n pl. -S the act of one that rises RISK v -ED, -ING, -S to expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss) RISKER n pl. -S one that risks RISKLESS adj free of risk RISKY adj RISKIER, RISKIEST dangerous RISKILY adv RISOTTO n pl. -TOS a rice dish RISQUE adj bordering on impropriety or indecency RISSOLE n pl. -S a small roll filled with meat or fish RISUS n pl. -ES a grin or laugh RITARD n pl. -S a musical passage with a gradual slackening in tempo RITE n pl. -S a ceremonial act or procedure RITTER n pl. -S a knight RITUAL n pl. -S a system of rites RITUALLY adv ceremonially RITZ n pl. -ES pretentious display RITZY adj RITZIER, RITZIEST elegant RITZILY adv RIVAGE n pl. -S a coast, shore, or bank RIVAL v -VALED, -VALING, -VALS or -VALLED, -VALLING, -VALS to strive to equal or surpass RIVALRY n pl. -RIES competition RIVE v RIVED, RIVEN, RIVING, RIVES to tear apart RIVER n pl. -S a large, natural stream of water RIVERBED n pl. -S the area covered or once covered by a river RIVERINE adj pertaining to a river RIVET v -ETED, -ETING, -ETS or -ETTED, -ETTING, -ETS to fasten with a type of metal bolt RIVETER n pl. -S one that rivets RIVIERA n pl. -S a coastal resort area RIVIERE n pl. -S a necklace of precious stones RIVING present participle of rive RIVULET n pl. -S a small stream RIVULOSE adj having narrow, winding lines RIYAL n pl. -S a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia ROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause to arch ROAD n pl. -S an open way for public passage ROADBED n pl. -S the foundation for a railroad track ROADEO n pl. -EOS a competition for truck drivers ROADIE n pl. -S a person who works for traveling entertainers ROADKILL n pl. -S an animal that has been killed on a road ROADLESS adj having no roads ROADSHOW n pl. -S a theatrical show on tour ROADSIDE n pl. -S the area along the side of a road ROADSTER n pl. -S a light, open automobile ROADWAY n pl. -WAYS a road ROADWORK n pl. -S outdoor running as a form of physical conditioning ROAM v -ED, -ING, -S to move about without purpose or plan ROAMER n pl. -S one that roams ROAN n pl. -S an animal having a coat sprinkled with white or gray ROAR v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a loud, deep sound ROARER n pl. -S one that roars ROARING n pl. -S a loud, deep sound ROAST v -ED, -ING, -S to cook with dry heat ROASTER n pl. -S one that roasts ROB v ROBBED, ROBBING, ROBS to take property from illegally ROBALO n pl. -LOS a marine food fish ROBAND n pl. -S a piece of yarn used to fasten a sail ROBBED past tense of rob ROBBER n pl. -S one that robs ROBBERY n pl. -BERIES the act of one who robs ROBBIN n pl. -S a roband ROBBING present participle of rob ROBE v ROBED, ROBING, ROBES to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) ROBIN n pl. -S a songbird ROBLE n pl. -S an oak tree ROBORANT n pl. -S an invigorating drug ROBOT n pl. -S a humanlike machine that performs various functions ROBOTIC adj ROBOTICS n/pl a field of interest concerned with robots ROBOTISM n pl. -S the state of being a robot ROBOTIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make automatic ROBOTRY n pl. -RIES the science of robots ROBUST adj -BUSTER, -BUSTEST strong and healthy ROBUSTLY adv ROBUSTA n pl. -S a coffee grown in Africa ROC n pl. -S a legendary bird of prey ROCAILLE n pl. -S rococo ROCHET n pl. -S a linen vestment ROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to move back and forth ROCKABY n pl. -BIES a song used to lull a child to sleep ROCKABYE n pl. -S rockaby ROCKAWAY n pl. -WAYS a light carriage ROCKER n pl. -S a rocking chair ROCKERY n pl. -ERIES a rock garden ROCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to convey by means of a rocket (a device propelled by the reaction of escaping gases) ROCKETER n pl. -S one that designs or launches rockets ROCKETRY n pl. -RIES the science of rockets ROCKFALL n pl. -S a mass of fallen rocks ROCKFISH n pl. -ES a fish living around rocks ROCKIER comparative of rocky ROCKIEST superlative of rocky ROCKLESS adj having no rocks ROCKLIKE adj resembling a rock (a large mass of stone) ROCKLING n pl. -S a marine fish ROCKOON n pl. -S a small rocket ROCKROSE n pl. -S a flowering plant ROCKWEED n pl. -S a brown seaweed ROCKWORK n pl. -S a natural mass of rocks ROCKY adj ROCKIER, ROCKIEST unsteady ROCOCO n pl. -COS a style of architecture and decoration ROD v RODDED, RODDING, RODS to provide with a rod (a straight, slender piece of wood, metal, or other material) RODE past tense of ride RODENT n pl. -S a gnawing mammal RODEO v RODEOED, RODEOING, RODEOS to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) RODLESS adj having no rod RODLIKE adj resembling a rod RODMAN n pl. -MEN a surveyor's assistant RODSMAN n pl. -MEN rodman ROE n pl. -S the mass of eggs within a female fish ROEBUCK n pl. -S the male of a small Eurasian deer ROENTGEN n pl. -S a unit of radiation dosage ROGATION n pl. -S the proposal of a law in ancient Rome ROGATORY adj requesting information ROGER n pl. -S the pirate flag bearing the skull and crossbones ROGUE v ROGUED, ROGUEING or ROGUING, ROGUES to defraud ROGUERY n pl. -ERIES roguish conduct ROGUISH adj dishonest ROIL v -ED, -ING, -S to make muddy ROILY adj ROILIER, ROILIEST muddy ROISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to revel ROLAMITE n pl. -S a nearly frictionless mechanical device ROLE n pl. -S a part played by an actor ROLF v -ED, -ING, -S to practice a system of muscle massage ROLFER n pl. -S one who rolfs ROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to move along by repeatedly turning over ROLLAWAY adj mounted on rollers for easy movement ROLLBACK n pl. -S a return to a lower level of prices or wages ROLLER n pl. -S a cylindrical device that rolls or rotates ROLLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic ROLLICKY adj given to rollicking ROLLING n pl. -S the act of one that rolls ROLLMOP n pl. -S a fillet of herring ROLLOUT n pl. -S a type of play in football ROLLOVER n pl. -S a motor vehicle accident in which the vehicle overturns ROLLTOP adj having a flexible, sliding cover ROLLWAY n pl. -WAYS an incline for rolling logs ROM n pl. -S a Gypsy man or boy ROMAINE n pl. -S a variety of lettuce ROMAN n pl. -S a metrical narrative of medieval France ROMANCE v -MANCED, -MANCING, -MANCES to woo ROMANCER n pl. -S one that romances ROMANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to romanize ROMANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to write in the Roman alphabet ROMANO n pl. -NOS an Italian cheese ROMANTIC n pl. -S a fanciful person ROMAUNT n pl. -S a long, medieval narrative ROMEO n pl. -MEOS a male lover ROMP v -ED, -ING, -S to play boisterously ROMPER n pl. -S one that romps ROMPISH adj inclined to romp RONDEAU n pl. -DEAUX a short poem of fixed form RONDEL n pl. -S a rondeau of 14 lines RONDELET n pl. -S a rondeau of 5 or 7 lines RONDELLE n pl. -S rondel RONDO n pl. -DOS a type of musical composition RONDURE n pl. -S a circle or sphere RONION n pl. -S a mangy animal or person RONNEL n pl. -S an insecticide RONTGEN n pl. -S roentgen RONYON n pl. -S ronion ROOD n pl. -S a crucifix ROOF v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) ROOFER n pl. -S one that builds or repairs roofs ROOFING n pl. -S material for a roof ROOFLESS adj having no roof ROOFLIKE adj resembling a roof ROOFLINE n pl. -S the profile of a roof ROOFTOP n pl. -S a roof ROOFTREE n pl. -S a horizontal timber in a roof ROOK v -ED, -ING, -S to swindle ROOKERY n pl. -ERIES a colony of rooks (European crows) ROOKIE n pl. -S a novice ROOKY adj ROOKIER, ROOKIEST abounding in rooks ROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to occupy a room (a walled space within a building) ROOMER n pl. -S a lodger ROOMETTE n pl. -S a small room ROOMFUL n pl. -S as much as a room can hold ROOMIE n pl. -S a roommate ROOMMATE n pl. -S one with whom a room is shared ROOMY adj ROOMIER, ROOMIEST spacious ROOMILY adv ROORBACH n pl. -S roorback ROORBACK n pl. -S a false story used for political advantage ROOSE v ROOSED, ROOSING, ROOSES to praise ROOSER n pl. -S one that rooses ROOST v -ED, -ING, -S to settle down for rest or sleep ROOSTER n pl. -S a male chicken ROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to put forth a root (an underground portion of a plant) ROOTAGE n pl. -S a system of roots ROOTER n pl. -S one that gives encouragement or support ROOTHOLD n pl. -S the embedding of a plant to soil through the growing of roots ROOTIER comparative of rooty ROOTIEST superlative of rooty ROOTLESS adj having no roots ROOTLET n pl. -S a small root ROOTLIKE adj resembling a root ROOTY adj ROOTIER, ROOTIEST full of roots ROPE v ROPED, ROPING, ROPES to bind with a rope (a thick line of twisted fibers) ROPABLE adj ROPELIKE adj resembling a rope ROPER n pl. -S one that ropes ROPERY n pl. -ERIES a place where ropes are made ROPEWALK n pl. -S a long path where ropes are made ROPEWAY n pl. -WAYS an aerial cable used to transport freight ROPEY adj ROPIER, ROPIEST ropy ROPIER comparative of ropy ROPIEST superlative of ropy ROPILY adv in a ropy manner ROPINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being ropy ROPING present participle of rope ROPY adj ROPIER, ROPIEST resembling a rope or ropes ROQUE n pl. -S a form of croquet ROQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet RORQUAL n pl. -S a large whale ROSARIAN n pl. -S a cultivator of roses ROSARIUM n pl. -IA or -IUMS a rose garden ROSARY n pl. -RIES a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church ROSCOE n pl. -S a pistol ROSE v ROSED, ROSING, ROSES to make the color of a rose (a reddish flower) ROSEATE adj rose-colored ROSEBAY n pl. -BAYS an evergreen shrub ROSEBUD n pl. -S the bud of a rose ROSEBUSH n pl. -ES a shrub that bears roses ROSED past tense of rose ROSEFISH n pl. -ES a marine food fish ROSELIKE adj resembling a rose ROSELLE n pl. -S a tropical plant ROSEMARY n pl. -MARIES an evergreen shrub ROSEOLA n pl. -S a rose-colored skin rash ROSEOLAR adj ROSEROOT n pl. -S a perennial herb ROSERY n pl. -ERIES a place where roses are grown ROSESLUG n pl. -S a larval sawfly that eats rose leaves ROSET n pl. -S resin ROSETTE n pl. -S an ornament resembling a rose ROSEWOOD n pl. -S a tropical tree ROSIER comparative of rosy ROSIEST superlative of rosy ROSILY adv in a rosy manner ROSIN v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with rosin (a brittle resin) ROSINESS n pl. -ES the state of being rosy ROSING present participle of rose ROSINOL n pl. -S rosin oil ROSINOUS adj resembling rosin ROSINY adj rosinous ROSOLIO n pl. -LIOS a liqueur made from raisins and brandy ROSTELLA n/pl small, beaklike structures ROSTER n pl. -S a list of names ROSTRA a pl. of rostrum ROSTRAL adj pertaining to a rostrum ROSTRATE adj having a rostrum ROSTRUM n pl. -TRA or -TRUMS a beaklike process or part ROSULATE adj arranged in the form of a rosette ROSY adj ROSIER, ROSIEST rose-colored ROT v ROTTED, ROTTING, ROTS to decompose ROTA n pl. -S a roster ROTARY n pl. -RIES a rotating part or device ROTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to turn about an axis ROTATION n pl. -S the act or an instance of rotating ROTATIVE adj ROTATOR n pl. -ES a muscle serving to rotate a part of the body ROTATOR n pl. -S one that rotates ROTATORY adj pertaining to rotation ROTCH n pl. -ES rotche ROTCHE n pl. -S a seabird ROTE n pl. -S mechanical routine ROTENONE n pl. -S an insecticide ROTGUT n pl. -S inferior liquor ROTI n pl. -S an unleavened bread ROTIFER n pl. -S a microscopic aquatic organism ROTIFORM adj shaped like a wheel ROTL n pl. ROTLS or ARTAL a unit of weight in Muslim countries ROTO n pl. -TOS a type of printing process ROTOR n pl. -S a rotating part of a machine ROTOTILL v -ED, -ING, -S to till soil with a type of farming implement ROTTE n pl. -S a medieval stringed instrument ROTTED past tense of rot ROTTEN adj -TENER, -TENEST being in a state of decay ROTTENLY adv ROTTER n pl. -S a scoundrel ROTTING present participle of rot ROTUND adj marked by roundness ROTUNDLY adv ROTUNDA n pl. -S a round building ROTURIER n pl. -S a commoner ROUBLE n pl. -S ruble ROUCHE n pl. -S ruche ROUE n pl. -S a lecherous man ROUEN n pl. -S any of a breed of domestic ducks ROUGE v ROUGED, ROUGING, ROUGES to color with a red cosmetic ROUGH adj ROUGHER, ROUGHEST having an uneven surface ROUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to make rough ROUGHAGE n pl. -S coarse, bulky food ROUGHDRY v -DRIED, -DRYING, -DRIES to dry without ironing, as washed clothes ROUGHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make rough ROUGHER n pl. -S one that roughs ROUGHHEW v -HEWED, -HEWN, -HEWING, -HEWS to shape roughly ROUGHISH adj somewhat rough ROUGHLEG n pl. -S a large hawk ROUGHLY adv in a rough manner ROUGING present participle of rouge ROUILLE n pl. -S a peppery garlic sauce ROULADE n pl. -S a musical embellishment ROULEAU n pl. -LEAUX or -LEAUS a roll of coins wrapped in paper ROULETTE v -LETTED, -LETTING, -LETTES to make tiny slits in ROUND adj ROUNDER, ROUNDEST shaped like a sphere ROUND v -ED, -ING, -S to make round ROUNDEL n pl. -S a round figure or object ROUNDER n pl. -S a tool for rounding ROUNDISH adj somewhat round ROUNDLET n pl. -S a small circle ROUNDLY adv in a round manner ROUNDUP n pl. -S the driving together of cattle scattered over a range ROUP v -ED, -ING, -S to auction ROUPET adj roupy ROUPY adj ROUPIER, ROUPIEST hoarse ROUPILY adv ROUSE v ROUSED, ROUSING, ROUSES to bring out of a state of sleep or inactivity ROUSER n pl. -S one that rouses ROUSSEAU n pl. -S fried pemmican ROUST v -ED, -ING, -S to arouse and drive out ROUSTER n pl. -S a wharf laborer and deckhand ROUT v -ED, -ING, -S to defeat overwhelmingly ROUTE v ROUTED, ROUTING, ROUTES to send on a particular course ROUTEMAN n pl. -MEN one who conducts business on a customary course ROUTER n pl. -S a scooping tool ROUTEWAY n pl. -WAYS an established course of travel ROUTH n pl. -S an abundance ROUTINE n pl. -S a regular course of procedure ROUTING present participle of route ROUX n pl. ROUX a mixture of butter and flour ROVE v ROVED, ROVING, ROVES to roam ROVEN a past participle of reeve ROVER n pl. -S one that roves ROVING n pl. -S a roll of textile fibers ROVINGLY adv in a roving manner ROW v -ED, -ING, -S to propel by means of oars ROWABLE adj ROWAN n pl. -S a Eurasian tree ROWBOAT n pl. -S a small boat designed to be rowed ROWDY adj -DIER, -DIEST disorderly in behavior ROWDILY adv ROWDY n pl. -DIES a rowdy person ROWDYISH adj tending to be rowdy ROWDYISM n pl. -S disorderly behavior ROWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to prick with a spiked wheel in order to urge forward ROWEN n pl. -S a second growth of grass ROWER n pl. -S one that rows ROWING n pl. -S the sport of racing in light, long, and narrow rowboats ROWLOCK n pl. -S an oarlock ROWTH n pl. -S routh ROYAL n pl. -S a size of printing paper ROYALISM n pl. -S support of a monarch or monarchy ROYALIST n pl. -S a supporter of a monarch or monarchy ROYALLY adv in a kingly manner ROYALTY n pl. -TIES the status or power of a monarch ROYSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to roister ROZZER n pl. -S a policeman RUANA n pl. -S a woolen poncho RUB v RUBBED, RUBBING, RUBS to move along the surface of a body with pressure RUBABOO n pl. -BOOS a type of soup RUBACE n pl. -S rubasse RUBAIYAT n pl. RUBAIYAT four-lined stanzas in Persian poetry RUBASSE n pl. -S a variety of quartz RUBATO n pl. -TOS a fluctuation of speed within a musical phrase RUBBABOO n pl. -BOOS rubaboo RUBBED past tense of rub RUBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to stretch one's neck in looking at something RUBBERY adj resembling rubber (an elastic substance) RUBBING n pl. -S an image produced by rubbing RUBBISH n pl. -ES worthless, unwanted matter RUBBISHY adj RUBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to reduce to rubble (broken pieces) RUBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST abounding in rubble RUBDOWN n pl. -S a brisk rubbing of the body RUBE n pl. -S a rustic RUBELLA n pl. -S a virus disease RUBEOLA n pl. -S a virus disease RUBEOLAR adj RUBICUND adj ruddy RUBIDIUM n pl. -S a metallic element RUBIDIC adj RUBIED past tense of ruby RUBIER comparative of ruby RUBIES present 3d person sing. of ruby RUBIEST superlative of ruby RUBIGO n pl. -GOS red iron oxide RUBIOUS adj ruby-colored RUBLE n pl. -S a monetary unit of the Soviet Union RUBOFF n pl. -S a deep impression made by close contact RUBOUT n pl. -S an instance of obliterating something RUBRIC n pl. -S a part of a manuscript or book that appears in red RUBRICAL adj RUBUS n pl. RUBUS a plant of the rose family RUBY adj -BIER, -BIEST of a deep-red color RUBY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red precious stone) RUBYLIKE adj resembling a ruby RUCHE n pl. -S a pleated strip of fine fabric RUCHED adj trimmed with a ruche RUCHING n pl. -S a ruche RUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to wrinkle or crease RUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to ruck RUCKSACK n pl. -S a knapsack RUCKUS n pl. -ES a noisy disturbance RUCTION n pl. -S a ruckus RUCTIOUS adj quarrelsome RUDD n pl. -S a freshwater fish RUDDER n pl. -S a vertical blade used to direct the course of a vessel RUDDIER comparative of ruddy RUDDIEST superlative of ruddy RUDDILY adv in a ruddy manner RUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to color with a red dye RUDDOCK n pl. -S a European bird RUDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST having a healthy, reddish color RUDE adj RUDER, RUDEST discourteous or impolite RUDELY adv RUDENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being rude RUDERAL n pl. -S a plant growing in poor land RUDESBY n pl. -BIES a rude person RUDEST superlative of rude RUDIMENT n pl. -S a basic principle or element RUE v RUED, RUING, RUES to feel sorrow or remorse for RUEFUL adj feeling sorrow or remorse RUEFULLY adv RUER n pl. -S one that rues RUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to trump RUFFE n pl. -S a freshwater fish RUFFIAN n pl. -S a tough, lawless person RUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to destroy the smoothness of RUFFLER n pl. -S one that ruffles RUFFLIER comparative of ruffly RUFFLIEST superlative of ruffly RUFFLIKE adj resembling a ruff (a pleated collar) RUFFLING present participle of ruffle RUFFLY adj -FLIER, -FLIEST not smooth RUFIYAA n pl. RUFIYAA a monetary unit of the Maldives RUFOUS adj reddish RUG v RUGGED, RUGGING, RUGS to tear roughly RUGA n pl. -GAE an anatomical fold or wrinkle RUGAL, RUGATE adj RUGBY n pl. -BIES a form of football RUGGED adj -GEDER, -GEDEST having an uneven surface RUGGEDLY adv RUGGER n pl. -S rugby RUGGING present participle of rug RUGLIKE adj resembling a rug (a thick fabric used as a floor covering) RUGOLA n pl. -S a pungent salad herb RUGOSA n pl. -S a variety of garden rose RUGOSE adj full of wrinkles RUGOSELY adv RUGOSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rugose RUGOUS adj rugose RUGULOSE adj having small wrinkles RUIN v -ED, -ING, -S to destroy RUINABLE adj RUINATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to ruin RUINER n pl. -S one that ruins RUING present participle of rue RUINOUS adj destructive RULE v RULED, RULING, RULES to exercise control over RULABLE adj RULELESS adj not restrained or regulated by law RULER n pl. -S one that rules RULING n pl. -S an authoritative decision RULY adj RULIER, RULIEST orderly RUM adj RUMMER, RUMMEST odd RUM n pl. -S an alcoholic liquor RUMAKI n pl. -S chicken liver wrapped together with water chestnuts in a bacon slice RUMBA v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a ballroom dance RUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to make a deep, thunderous sound RUMBLER n pl. -S one that rumbles RUMBLING n pl. -S a deep, thunderous sound RUMBLY adj tending to rumble RUMEN n pl. -MINA or -MENS a part of the stomach of a ruminant RUMINAL adj RUMINANT n pl. -S a hoofed, even-toed mammal RUMINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to chew again RUMMAGE v -MAGED, -MAGING, -MAGES to search thoroughly through RUMMAGER n pl. -S one that rummages RUMMER n pl. -S a large drinking glass RUMMEST superlative of rum RUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST odd RUMMY n pl. -MIES a card game RUMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to spread by hearsay RUMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to rumor RUMP n pl. -S the lower and back part of the trunk RUMPLESS adj RUMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinkle RUMPLY adj -PLIER, -PLIEST rumpled RUMPUS n pl. -ES a noisy disturbance RUN v RAN, RUNNING, RUNS to move by rapid steps RUNABOUT n pl. -S a small, open auto RUNAGATE n pl. -S a deserter RUNAWAY n pl. -AWAYS one that runs away RUNBACK n pl. -S a type of run in football RUNDLE n pl. -S a rung RUNDLET n pl. -S a small barrel RUNDOWN n pl. -S a summary RUNE n pl. -S a letter of an ancient alphabet RUNELIKE adj RUNG n pl. -S a crosspiece forming a step of a ladder RUNGLESS adj RUNIC adj pertaining to a rune RUNKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to wrinkle RUNLESS adj scoring no runs in baseball RUNLET n pl. -S a small stream RUNNEL n pl. -S a small stream RUNNER n pl. -S one that runs RUNNING n pl. -S a race RUNNY adj -NIER, -NIEST tending to drip RUNOFF n pl. -S rainfall that is not absorbed by the soil RUNOUT n pl. -S the end of a film strip RUNOVER n pl. -S matter for publication that exceeds the allotted space RUNROUND n pl. -S evasive action RUNT n pl. -S a small person or animal RUNTISH adj RUNTY adj RUNTIER, RUNTIEST small RUNWAY n pl. -WAYS a landing and takeoff strip for aircraft RUPEE n pl. -S a monetary unit of India RUPIAH n pl. -S a monetary unit of Indonesia RUPTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to burst RURAL adj pertaining to the country RURALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to ruralize RURALISM n pl. -S the state of being rural RURALIST n pl. -S one who lives in the country RURALITE n pl. -S a ruralist RURALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being rural RURALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make rural RURALLY adv in a rural manner RURBAN adj partially rural and urban RUSE n pl. -S a deception RUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move swiftly RUSHEE n pl. -S a college student seeking admission to a fraternity or sorority RUSHER n pl. -S one that rushes RUSHIER comparative of rushy RUSHIEST superlative of rushy RUSHING n pl. -S yardage gained in football by running plays RUSHLIKE adj resembling a rush (a grasslike marsh plant) RUSHY adj RUSHIER, RUSHIEST abounding in rushes RUSINE adj pertaining to a genus of deer RUSK n pl. -S a sweetened biscuit RUSSET n pl. -S a reddish or yellowish brown color RUSSETY adj RUSSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make Russian RUST v -ED, -ING, -S to form rust (a reddish coating that forms on iron) RUSTABLE adj RUSTIC n pl. -S one who lives in the country RUSTICAL n pl. -S a rustic RUSTICLY adv in a rural manner RUSTIER comparative of rusty RUSTIEST superlative of rusty RUSTILY adv in a rusty manner RUSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make a succession of slight, soft sounds RUSTLER n pl. -S one that rustles RUSTLESS adj free from rust RUSTLING present participle of rustle RUSTY adj RUSTIER, RUSTIEST covered with rust RUT v RUTTED, RUTTING, RUTS to make ruts (grooves) in RUTABAGA n pl. -S a plant having a thick, edible root RUTH n pl. -S compassion RUTHENIC adj pertaining to a rare, metallic element RUTHFUL adj full of compassion RUTHLESS adj having no compassion RUTILANT adj having a reddish glow RUTILE n pl. -S a mineral RUTIN n pl. -S a chemical compound RUTTED past tense of rut RUTTIER comparative of rutty RUTTIEST superlative of rutty RUTTILY adv in a rutty manner RUTTING present participle of rut RUTTISH adj lustful RUTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST marked by ruts RYA n pl. -S a Scandinavian handwoven rug RYE n pl. -S a cereal grass RYEGRASS n pl. -ES a European grass RYKE v RYKED, RYKING, RYKES to reach RYND n pl. -S an iron support RYOKAN n pl. -S a Japanese inn RYOT n pl. -S a tenant farmer in India SAB v SABBED, SABBING, SABS to sob SABATON n pl. -S a piece of armor for the foot SABAYON n pl. -S a sauce of whipped egg yolks, sugar, and wine SABBAT n pl. -S an assembly of demons and witches SABBATH n pl. -S sabbat SABBATIC adj bringing a period of rest SABBED past tense of sab SABBING present participle of sab SABE v SABED, SABEING, SABES to savvy SABER v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a saber (a type of sword) SABIN n pl. -S a unit of sound absorption SABINE n pl. -S savin SABIR n pl. -S a French-based pidgin language SABLE n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal SABOT n pl. -S a wooden shoe SABOTAGE v -TAGED, -TAGING, -TAGES to destroy maliciously SABOTEUR n pl. -S one who sabotages SABRA n pl. -S a native Israeli SABRE v -BRED, -BRING, -BRES to saber SABULOSE adj sabulous SABULOUS adj sandy SAC n pl. -S a pouchlike structure in an animal or plant SACATON n pl. -S a perennial grass SACBUT n pl. -S sackbut SACCADE n pl. -S a rapid, jerky movement of the eye SACCADIC adj SACCATE adj having a sac SACCULAR adj resembling a sac SACCULE n pl. -S a small sac SACCULUS n pl. -LI saccule SACHEM n pl. -S a North American Indian chief SACHEMIC adj SACHET n pl. -S a small bag containing perfumed powder SACHETED adj SACK v -ED, -ING, -S to put into a sack (a large bag) SACKBUT n pl. -S a medieval trombone SACKER n pl. -S one that sacks SACKFUL n pl. SACKFULS or SACKSFUL as much as a sack can hold SACKING n pl. -S material for making sacks SACKLIKE adj resembling a sack SACKSFUL a pl. of sackful SACLIKE adj resembling a sac SACQUE n pl. -S a loose-fitting dress SACRA pl. of sacrum SACRAL n pl. -S a vertebra or nerve situated near the sacrum SACRARIA n/pl ancient Roman shrines SACRED adj dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity SACREDLY adv SACRING n pl. -S the consecration of bread and wine of the Eucharist SACRIST n pl. -S a person in charge of a sacristy SACRISTY n pl. -TIES a room in which sacred vessels and vestments are kept SACRUM n pl. -CRA or -CRUMS a bone of the pelvis SAD adj SADDER, SADDEST unhappy SADDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make sad SADDHU n pl. -S sadhu SADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to put a saddle (a leather seat for a rider) on SADDLER n pl. -S one that makes, repairs, or sells saddles SADDLERY n pl. -DLERIES the shop of a saddler SADDLING present participle of saddle SADE n pl. -S a Hebrew letter SADHE n pl. -S sade SADHU n pl. -S a Hindu holy man SADI n pl. -S sade SADIRON n pl. -S a heavy flatiron SADISM n pl. -S a tendency to take delight in inflicting pain SADIST n pl. -S one marked by sadism SADISTIC adj SADLY adv in a sad manner SADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being sad SAE adv so SAFARI v -ED, -ING, -S to go on a hunting expedition SAFE adj SAFER, SAFEST free from danger SAFELY adv SAFE n pl. -S a metal receptacle for storing valuables SAFENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being safe SAFER comparative of safe SAFEST superlative of safe SAFETY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to protect against failure, breakage, or accident SAFFRON n pl. -S a flowering plant SAFRANIN n pl. -S a red dye SAFROL n pl. -S safrole SAFROLE n pl. -S a poisonous liquid SAG v SAGGED, SAGGING, SAGS to bend or sink downward from weight or pressure SAGA n pl. -S a medieval Scandinavian narrative SAGACITY n pl. -TIES wisdom SAGAMAN n pl. -MEN a writer of sagas SAGAMORE n pl. -S an Algonquian Indian chief SAGANASH n pl. -ES a white man -- an Algonquian Indian term SAGBUT n pl. -S sackbut SAGE adj SAGER, SAGEST wise SAGELY adv SAGE n pl. -S an aromatic herb used as seasoning SAGENESS n pl. -ES wisdom SAGER comparative of sage SAGEST superlative of sage SAGGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to bake in a saggar (a protective clay casing) SAGGARD n pl. -S a saggar SAGGED past tense of sag SAGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to saggar SAGGING present participle of sag SAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST characterized by sagging SAGIER comparative of sagy SAGIEST superlative of sagy SAGITTAL adj resembling an arrow or arrowhead SAGO n pl. -GOS a tropical tree SAGUARO n pl. -ROS a tall cactus SAGUM n pl. -GA a cloak worn by ancient Roman soldiers SAGY adj SAGIER, SAGIEST flavored with sage SAHIB n pl. -S sir; master -- used as a term of respect in colonial India SAHIWAL n pl. -S any of a breed of humped dairy cattle SAHUARO n pl. -ROS saguaro SAICE n pl. -S syce SAID n pl. -S sayyid SAIGA n pl. -S a small antelope SAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to move across the surface of water by the action of wind SAILABLE adj SAILBOAT n pl. -S a boat that sails SAILER n pl. -S a vessel that sails SAILFISH n pl. -ES a large marine fish SAILING n pl. -S the act of one that sails SAILOR n pl. -S a member of a ship's crew SAILORLY adj SAIMIN n pl. -S a Hawaiian noodle soup SAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to make the sign of the cross on SAINFOIN n pl. -S a perennial herb SAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to declare to be a saint (a person of exceptional holiness) SAINTDOM n pl. -S the condition of being a saint SAINTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a saint SAITH a present 3d person sing. of say SAITHE n pl. SAITHE a marine food fish SAIYID n pl. -S sayyid SAJOU n pl. -S a capuchin SAKE n pl. -S benefit, interest, or advantage SAKER n pl. -S a Eurasian falcon SAKI n pl. -S a Japanese liquor SAL n pl. -S salt SALAAM v -ED, -ING, -S to greet with a low bow SALABLE adj capable of being or fit to be sold SALABLY adv SALACITY n pl. -TIES lewdness SALAD n pl. -S a dish of green, raw vegetables SALADANG n pl. -S a wild ox SALAL n pl. -S a small shrub SALAMI n pl. -S a seasoned sausage SALARIAT n pl. -S the class of salaried persons SALARY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to pay a periodic, fixed compensation to SALCHOW n pl. -S a figure-skating jump SALE n pl. -S the act or an instance of selling SALEABLE adj salable SALEABLY adv SALEP n pl. -S a starchy meal ground from the roots of certain orchids SALEROOM n pl. -S a room in which goods are displayed for sale SALESMAN n pl. -MEN a man who sells merchandise SALIC adj pertaining to a group of igneous rocks SALICIN n pl. -S a chemical compound SALICINE n pl. -S salicin SALIENCE n pl. -S a projecting feature or detail SALIENCY n pl. -CIES salience SALIENT n pl. -S the part of a fortification projecting closest to the enemy SALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to combine with a salt SALINA n pl. -S a pond, marsh, or lake containing salt water SALINE n pl. -S a salt solution SALINITY n pl. -TIES a concentration of salt SALINIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to treat with salt SALIVA n pl. -S a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth SALIVARY adj SALIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to secrete saliva SALL v shall -- SALL is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated SALLET n pl. -S a light medieval helmet SALLIED past tense of sally SALLIER n pl. -S one that sallies SALLIES present 3d person sing. of sally SALLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST of a sickly yellowish color SALLOWLY adv SALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make sallow SALLOWY adj abounding in willow trees SALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to rush out suddenly SALMI n pl. -S a dish of roasted game birds SALMON n pl. -S a food fish SALMONID n pl. -S a fish of the salmon family SALOL n pl. -S a chemical compound SALON n pl. -S a large room in which guests are received SALOON n pl. -S a tavern SALOOP n pl. -S a hot drink made from an infusion of aromatic herbs SALP n pl. -S salpa SALPA n pl. -PAE or -PAS a free-swimming tunicate SALPIAN n pl. -S salpa SALPID n pl. -S salpa SALPINX n pl. -PINGES an anatomical tube SALSA n pl. -S a spicy sauce of tomatoes, onions, and peppers SALSIFY n pl. -FIES a European herb SALSILLA n pl. -S a tropical plant SALT adj SALTER, SALTEST salty SALT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with salt (a crystalline compound used as a seasoning and preservative) SALTANT adj jumping or dancing SALTBOX n pl. -ES a type of house SALTBUSH n pl. -ES a salt-tolerant plant SALTER n pl. -S one that salts SALTERN n pl. -S a place where salt is produced SALTIE n pl. -S a deep-sea vessel sailing the Great Lakes SALTIER n pl. -S saltire SALTIEST superlative of salty SALTILY adv in a salty manner SALTINE n pl. -S a salted cracker SALTING n pl. -S land regularly flooded by tides SALTIRE n pl. -S a heraldic design SALTISH adj somewhat salty SALTLESS adj having no salt SALTLIKE adj resembling salt SALTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being salty SALTPAN n pl. -S a large pan for making salt by evaporation SALTWORK n pl. -S a saltern SALTWORT n pl. -S a seaside herb SALTY adj SALTIER, SALTIEST tasting of or containing salt SALUKI n pl. -S a tall, slender dog SALUTARY adj producing a beneficial effect SALUTE v -LUTED, -LUTING, -LUTES to greet with a sign of welcome or respect SALUTER n pl. -S one that salutes SALVABLE adj capable of being saved SALVABLY adv SALVAGE v -VAGED, -VAGING, -VAGES to save from loss or destruction SALVAGEE n pl. -S one in whose favor salvage has been effected SALVAGER n pl. -S one that salvages SALVAGING present participle of salvage SALVE v SALVED, SALVING, SALVES to soothe SALVER n pl. -S a tray or serving platter SALVIA n pl. -S a flowering plant SALVIFIC adj having the power to save SALVING present participle of salve SALVO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to discharge firearms simultaneously SALVOR n pl. -S a salvager SAMARA n pl. -S a dry, one-seeded fruit SAMARIUM n pl. -S a metallic element SAMBA v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a Brazilian dance SAMBAR n pl. -S a large Asian deer SAMBHAR n pl. -S sambar SAMBHUR n pl. -S sambar SAMBO n pl. -BOS a Latin American of mixed black and Indian ancestry SAMBUCA n pl. -S an ancient stringed instrument SAMBUKE n pl. -S sambuca SAMBUR n pl. -S sambar SAME adj resembling in every relevant respect SAMECH n pl. -S samek SAMEK n pl. -S a Hebrew letter SAMEKH n pl. -S samek SAMENESS n pl. -ES lack of change or variety SAMIEL n pl. -S the simoom SAMISEN n pl. -S a Japanese stringed instrument SAMITE n pl. -S a silk fabric SAMIZDAT n pl. -S a system in the Soviet Union for printing and distributing unauthorized literature SAMLET n pl. -S a young salmon SAMOSA n pl. -S a filled pastry turnover SAMOVAR n pl. -S a metal urn for heating water SAMP n pl. -S coarsely ground corn SAMPAN n pl. -S a flat-bottomed Chinese skiff SAMPHIRE n pl. -S a European herb SAMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to test a representative portion of a whole SAMPLER n pl. -S one that samples SAMPLING n pl. -S a small part selected for analysis SAMSARA n pl. -S the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Buddhism SAMSHU n pl. -S a Chinese liquor SAMURAI n pl. -S a Japanese warrior SANATIVE adj having the power to cure or heal SANCTA a pl. of sanctum SANCTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make holy SANCTION v -ED, -ING, -S to authorize SANCTITY n pl. -TIES holiness SANCTUM n pl. -TUMS or -TA a sacred place SAND v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with sand (a loose, granular rock material) SANDAL v -DALED, -DALING, -DALS or -DALLED, -DALLING, -DALS to provide with sandals (light, open shoes) SANDARAC n pl. -S an aromatic resin SANDBAG v -BAGGED, -BAGGING, -BAGS to surround with bags of sand SANDBANK n pl. -S a large mass of sand SANDBAR n pl. -S a ridge of sand formed in a river or sea SANDBOX n pl. -ES a box containing sand for children to play in SANDBUR n pl. -S an annual herb SANDBURR n pl. -S sandbur SANDDAB n pl. -S a small flatfish SANDER n pl. -S one that sands SANDFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish SANDFLY n pl. -FLIES a biting fly SANDHI n pl. -S a process of phonetic modification SANDHOG n pl. -S a worker who digs or works in sand SANDIER comparative of sandy SANDIEST superlative of sandy SANDLIKE adj resembling sand SANDLING n pl. -S a marine fish SANDLOT n pl. -S a vacant lot SANDMAN n pl. -MEN a mythical person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes SANDPEEP n pl. -S a wading bird SANDPILE n pl. -S a pile of sand SANDPIT n pl. -S a pit dug in sandy soil SANDSHOE n pl. -S a lightweight sneaker SANDSOAP n pl. -S a type of soap SANDSPUR n pl. -S a sandbur SANDWICH v -ED, -ING, -ES to place between two layers or objects SANDWORM n pl. -S a sand-dwelling worm SANDWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant SANDY adj SANDIER, SANDIEST containing or covered with sand SANE adj SANER, SANEST mentally sound SANELY adv SANE v SANED, SANING, SANES to sain SANENESS n pl. -ES sanity SANER comparative of sane SANEST superlative of sane SANG past tense of sing SANGA n pl. -S sangar SANGAR n pl. -S a temporary fortification for two or three men SANGAREE n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage SANGER n pl. -S sangar SANGH n pl. -S an association promoting unity between the different groups in Hinduism SANGRIA n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage SANGUINE n pl. -S a red color SANICLE n pl. -S a medicinal herb SANIES n pl. SANIES a fluid discharged from wounds SANIOUS adj SANING present participle of sane SANITARY n pl. -TARIES a public urinal SANITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to sanitize SANITIES pl. of sanity SANITISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to sanitize SANITIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to guard against infection or disease by cleaning or sterilizing SANITY n pl. -TIES the state of being sane SANJAK n pl. -S an administrative district of Turkey SANK past tense of sink SANNOP n pl. -S sannup SANNUP n pl. -S a married male American Indian SANNYASI n pl. -S a Hindu monk SANS prep without SANSAR n pl. -S sarsar SANSEI n pl. -S a grandchild of Japanese immigrants to the United States SANSERIF n pl. -S a typeface without serifs SANTALIC adj pertaining to sandalwood SANTALOL n pl. -S sandalwood oil SANTIMS n pl. -TIMI a former coin of Latvia SANTIR n pl. -S a Persian dulcimer SANTO n pl. -TOS a wooden image of a saint SANTOL n pl. -S a tropical tree SANTONIN n pl. -S a chemical compound SANTOUR n pl. -S santir SANTUR n pl. -S santir SAP v SAPPED, SAPPING, SAPS to deplete or weaken gradually SAPAJOU n pl. -S a capuchin SAPHEAD n pl. -S a foolish, stupid, or gullible person SAPHENA n pl. -NAE a vein of the leg SAPID adj pleasant to the taste SAPIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being sapid SAPIENCE n pl. -S wisdom SAPIENCY n pl. -CIES sapience SAPIENS adj pertaining to recent man SAPIENT adj wise SAPLESS adj lacking vitality SAPLING n pl. -S a young tree SAPONIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into soap SAPONIN n pl. -S a soapy substance obtained from plants SAPONINE n pl. -S saponin SAPONITE n pl. -S a mineral found in veins and cavities of rocks SAPOR n pl. -S flavor SAPOROUS adj SAPOTA n pl. -S an evergreen tree SAPOTE n pl. -S a tropical American tree SAPOUR n pl. -S sapor SAPPED past tense of sap SAPPER n pl. -S a military engineer SAPPHIC n pl. -S a type of verse form SAPPHIRE n pl. -S a blue gem SAPPHISM n pl. -S lesbianism SAPPHIST n pl. -S a lesbian SAPPING present participle of sap SAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST silly SAPPILY adv SAPREMIA n pl. -S a form of blood poisoning SAPREMIC adj SAPROBE n pl. -S an organism that derives its nourishment from decaying organic matter SAPROBIC adj SAPROPEL n pl. -S mud consisting chiefly of decaying organic matter SAPSAGO n pl. -GOS a hard green cheese SAPWOOD n pl. -S the newly formed outer wood of a tree SARABAND n pl. -S a stately Spanish dance SARAN n pl. -S a thermoplastic resin SARAPE n pl. -S serape SARCASM n pl. -S a sharply mocking or contemptuous remark SARCENET n pl. -S a silk fabric SARCOID n pl. -S a disease of horses SARCOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor SARCOUS adj composed of flesh or muscle SARD n pl. -S a variety of quartz SARDANA n pl. -S a Spanish folk dance SARDAR n pl. -S sirdar SARDINE n pl. -S a small food fish SARDIUS n pl. -ES sard SARDONIC adj mocking SARDONYX n pl. -ES a variety of quartz SAREE n pl. -S sari SARGASSO n pl. -GASSOS a brownish seaweed SARGE n pl. -S sergeant SARI n pl. -S an outer garment worn by Hindu women SARIN n pl. -S a toxic gas SARK n pl. -S a shirt SARKY adj SARKIER, SARKIEST sarcastic SARMENT n pl. -S a type of plant stem SARMENTA n/pl sarments SAROD n pl. -S a lute of northern India SARODE n pl. -S sarod SARODIST n pl. -S one who plays the sarod SARONG n pl. -S an outer garment worn in the Pacific islands SAROS n pl. -ES the eclipse cycle of the sun and moon SARSAR n pl. -S a cold, whistling wind SARSEN n pl. -S a large sandstone block SARSENET n pl. -S sarcenet SARTOR n pl. -S a tailor SARTORII n/pl flat, narrow thigh muscles SASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to furnish with a frame in which glass is set SASHAY v -ED, -ING, -S to flounce SASHIMI n pl. -S a Japanese dish of sliced raw fish SASIN n pl. -S an antelope of India SASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to talk impudently to SASSABY n pl. -BIES an African antelope SASSIER comparative of sassy SASSIES pl. of sassy SASSIEST superlative of sassy SASSILY adv in a sassy manner SASSWOOD n pl. -S an African tree SASSY adj SASSIER, SASSIEST impudent SASSY n pl. -SIES sasswood SASTRUGA n pl. -GI a ridge of snow formed by the wind in polar regions SAT past tense of sit SATANG n pl. -S a monetary unit of Thailand SATANIC adj extremely evil SATANISM n pl. -S worship of the powers of evil SATANIST n pl. -S one who practices satanism SATARA n pl. -S a woolen fabric SATAY n pl. -TAYS marinated meat that is skewered and broiled and dipped in peanut sauce SATCHEL n pl. -S a small carrying bag SATE v SATED, SATING, SATES to satiate SATEEN n pl. -S a cotton fabric SATEM adj pertaining to a group of Indo-European languages SATI n pl. -S suttee SATIABLE adj capable of being satiated SATIABLY adv SATIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to satisfy to or beyond capacity SATIETY n pl. -ETIES the state of being satiated SATIN n pl. -S a smooth fabric SATINET n pl. -S a thin satin SATING present participle of sate SATINPOD n pl. -S a flowering plant SATINY adj resembling satin SATIRE n pl. -S the use of derisive wit to attack folly or wickedness SATIRIC adj SATIRISE v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES to satirize SATIRIST n pl. -S one who satirizes SATIRIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to subject to satire SATISFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to provide fully with what is desired, expected, or needed SATORI n pl. -S the illumination of spirit sought by Zen Buddhists SATRAP n pl. -S a governor of a province in ancient Persia SATRAPY n pl. -PIES the territory of a satrap SATSUMA n pl. -S a variety of orange SATURANT n pl. -S a substance used to saturate SATURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to fill completely with something that permeates SATYR n pl. -S a woodland deity of Greek mythology SATYRIC adj SATYRID n pl. -S a brownish butterfly SAU n pl. SAU xu SAUCE v SAUCED, SAUCING, SAUCES to season with sauce (a flavorful liquid dressing) SAUCEBOX n pl. -ES a saucy person SAUCEPAN n pl. -S a cooking utensil SAUCER n pl. -S a small, shallow dish SAUCH n pl. -S saugh SAUCING present participle of sauce SAUCY adj SAUCIER, SAUCIEST impudent SAUCILY adv SAUGER n pl. -S a freshwater fish SAUGH n pl. -S a willow tree SAUGHY adj SAUL n pl. -S soul SAULT n pl. -S a waterfall SAUNA n pl. -S a Finnish steam bath SAUNTER v -ED, -ING, -S to walk in a leisurely manner SAUREL n pl. -S a marine fish SAURIAN n pl. -S any of a suborder of reptiles SAUROPOD n pl. -S any of a suborder of large dinosaurs SAURY n pl. -RIES a marine fish SAUSAGE n pl. -S finely chopped and seasoned meat stuffed into a casing SAUTE v -TEED or -TED, -TEING, -TES to fry in a small amount of fat SAUTERNE n pl. -S a sweet white wine SAUTOIR n pl. -S a saltire SAUTOIRE n pl. -S sautoir SAVABLE adj capable of being saved SAVAGE adj -AGER, -AGEST fierce SAVAGELY adv SAVAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to attack or treat brutally SAVAGERY n pl. -RIES the quality of being savage SAVAGEST superlative of savage SAVAGING present participle of savage SAVAGISM n pl. -S savagery SAVANNA n pl. -S a flat, treeless grassland SAVANNAH n pl. -S savanna SAVANT n pl. -S a man of profound learning SAVARIN n pl. -S a yeast cake baked in a ring mold SAVATE n pl. -S a pugilistic sport SAVE v SAVED, SAVING, SAVES to rescue from danger, injury, or loss SAVEABLE adj SAVELOY n pl. -LOYS a highly seasoned sausage SAVER n pl. -S one that saves SAVIN n pl. -S an evergreen shrub SAVINE n pl. -S savin SAVING n pl. -S the act or an instance of saving SAVINGLY adv in a thrifty manner SAVIOR n pl. -S one that saves SAVIOUR n pl. -S savior SAVOR v -ED, -ING, -S to taste or smell with pleasure SAVORER n pl. -S one that savors SAVORIER comparative of savory SAVORIES pl. of savory SAVOROUS adj savory SAVORY adj -VORIER, -VORIEST pleasant to the taste or smell SAVORILY adv SAVORY n pl. -VORIES a savory dish served before or after a meal SAVOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to savor SAVOURER n pl. -S savorer SAVOURY adj -VOURIER, -VOURIEST savory SAVOURY n pl. -VOURIES a savory SAVOY n pl. -VOYS a variety of cabbage SAVVY adj -VIER, -VIEST shrewd SAVVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to understand SAW v SAWED, SAWN, SAWING, SAWS to cut or divide with a saw (a type of cutting tool) SAWBILL n pl. -S a tropical bird SAWBONES n pl. -BONESES a surgeon SAWBUCK n pl. -S a sawhorse SAWDUST n pl. -S small particles of wood produced in sawing SAWER n pl. -S one that saws SAWFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish SAWFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insect SAWHORSE n pl. -S a rack used to support a piece of wood being sawed SAWLIKE adj resembling a saw SAWLOG n pl. -S a log large enough to saw into boards SAWMILL n pl. -S a place where logs are sawed SAWN a past participle of saw SAWNEY n pl. -NEYS a foolish person SAWTOOTH n pl. -TEETH a cutting edge on a saw SAWYER n pl. -S one that saws wood for a living SAX n pl. -ES a saxophone SAXATILE adj living or growing among rocks SAXHORN n pl. -S a brass wind instrument SAXONY n pl. -NIES a woolen fabric SAXTUBA n pl. -S a bass saxhorn SAY v SAID, SAYING, present sing. 2d person SAY, SAYEST, or SAYST, 3d person SAYS or SAITH to utter SAYABLE adj SAYER n pl. -S one that says SAYID n pl. -S sayyid SAYING n pl. -S a maxim SAYONARA n pl. -S goodby SAYST a present 2d person sing. of say SAYYID n pl. -S lord; sir -- used as a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary SCAB v SCABBED, SCABBING, SCABS to become covered with a scab (a crust that forms over a healing wound) SCABBARD v -ED, -ING, -S to put into a sheath, as a sword SCABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to shape roughly SCABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST covered with scabs SCABBILY adv SCABIES n pl. SCABIES a skin disease SCABIOSA n pl. -S scabious SCABIOUS n pl. -ES a flowering plant SCABLAND n pl. -S rocky land with little soil cover SCABLIKE adj resembling a scab SCABROUS adj roughened with small projections SCAD n pl. -S a marine fish SCAFFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a scaffold (a temporary platform for workmen) SCAG n pl. -S heroin SCALABLE adj capable of being scaled SCALABLY adv SCALADE n pl. -S an act of scaling the walls of a fortification SCALADO n pl. -DOS scalade SCALAGE n pl. -S a percentage deduction to compensate for shrinkage SCALAR n pl. -S a mathematical quantity possessing only magnitude SCALARE n pl. -S a tropical fish SCALAWAG n pl. -S a rascal SCALD v -ED, -ING, -S to burn with hot liquid or steam SCALDIC adj skaldic SCALE v SCALED, SCALING, SCALES to climb up or over SCALENE adj designating a triangle having no two sides equal SCALENUS n pl. -NI a muscle of the neck SCALEPAN n pl. -S a pan on a weighing scale SCALER n pl. -S one that scales SCALEUP n pl. -S an increase based on a fixed ratio SCALIER comparative of scaly SCALIEST superlative of scaly SCALING present participle of scale SCALL n pl. -S a scaly eruption of the skin SCALLION n pl. -S an onion-like plant SCALLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to bake in a sauce topped with bread crumbs SCALP v -ED, -ING, -S to remove an upper part from SCALPEL n pl. -S a small surgical knife SCALPER n pl. -S one that scalps SCALY adj SCALIER, SCALIEST peeling off in flakes SCAM v SCAMMED, SCAMMING, SCAMS to cheat or swindle SCAMMONY n pl. -NIES a climbing plant SCAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to perform in a hasty or careless manner SCAMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to run playfully about SCAMPI n pl. SCAMPI or SCAMPIES large shrimp used in Italian cooking SCAMPISH adj rascally SCAN v SCANNED, SCANNING, SCANS to examine closely SCANDAL v -DALED, -DALING, -DALS or -DALLED, -DALLING, -DALS to defame SCANDENT adj climbing, as a plant SCANDIA n pl. -S an oxide of scandium SCANDIUM n pl. -S a metallic element SCANDIC adj SCANNED past tense of scan SCANNER n pl. -S one that scans SCANNING n pl. -S close examination SCANSION n pl. -S the analysis of verse into metrical feet and rhythm patterns SCANT adj SCANTER, SCANTEST meager SCANT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a meager portion SCANTIER comparative of scanty SCANTIES n/pl brief panties for women SCANTLY adv in a scant manner SCANTY adj SCANTIER, SCANTIEST meager SCANTILY adv SCAPE v SCAPED, SCAPING, SCAPES to escape SCAPHOID n pl. -S a bone of the wrist SCAPOSE adj bearing a leafless stalk SCAPULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a bone of the shoulder SCAPULAR n pl. -S a sleeveless outer garment worn by monks SCAR v SCARRED, SCARRING, SCARS to form a scar (a mark left by the healing of injured tissue) SCARAB n pl. -S a large, black beetle SCARCE adj SCARCER, SCARCEST infrequently seen or found SCARCELY adv by a narrow margin SCARCITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being scarce SCARE v SCARED, SCARING, SCARES to frighten SCARER n pl. -S one that scares SCAREY adj SCARIER, SCARIEST scary SCARF n pl. SCARFS or SCARVES a piece of cloth worn for warmth or protection SCARF v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a scarf SCARFPIN n pl. -S a tiepin SCARIER comparative of scarey and scary SCARIEST superlative of scarey and scary SCARIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make superficial cuts in SCARILY adv in a scary manner SCARING present participle of scare SCARIOSE adj scarious SCARIOUS adj thin, dry, and membranous SCARLESS adj having no scars SCARLET n pl. -S a red color SCARP v -ED, -ING, -S to cut or make into a steep slope SCARPER v -ED, -ING, -S to flee SCARPH v -ED, -ING, -S to unite by means of a type of joint SCARRED past tense of scar SCARRING present participle of scar SCARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST marked with scars SCART v -ED, -ING, -S to scratch SCARVES a pl. of scarf SCARY adj SCARIER, SCARIEST frightening SCAT v SCATTED, SCATTING, SCATS to leave hastily SCATBACK n pl. -S a type of player in football SCATHE v SCATHED, SCATHING, SCATHES to criticize severely SCATT n pl. -S a tax SCATTED past tense of scat SCATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to go or send in various directions SCATTING present participle of scat SCATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST crazy SCAUP n pl. -S a sea duck SCAUPER n pl. -S an engraving tool SCAUR n pl. -S a protruding, isolated rock SCAVENGE v -ENGED, -ENGING, -ENGES to search through rubbish for usable items SCENA n pl. -S an elaborate composition for a single voice SCENARIO n pl. -IOS a summary of the plot of a dramatic work SCEND v -ED, -ING, -S to rise upward, as a ship on a wave SCENE n pl. -S the place where some action or event occurs SCENERY n pl. -ERIES a picturesque landscape or view SCENIC adj pertaining to scenery SCENICAL adj scenic SCENT v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with an odor SCEPTER v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with royal authority SCEPTIC n pl. -S skeptic SCEPTRAL adj pertaining to royal authority SCEPTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to scepter SCHAPPE n pl. -S a silk fabric SCHAV n pl. -S a chilled soup SCHEDULE v -ULED, -ULING, -ULES to assign to a certain date or time SCHEMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS a generalized diagram or plan SCHEME v SCHEMED, SCHEMING, SCHEMES to plan or plot SCHEMER n pl. -S one that schemes SCHERZO n pl. -ZOS or -ZI a lively musical movement SCHILLER n pl. -S a brownish luster occurring on certain minerals SCHISM n pl. -S a division into opposing parties SCHIST n pl. -S a rock that readily splits into parallel layers SCHIZIER comparative of schizy SCHIZIEST superlative of schizy SCHIZO n pl. SCHIZOS a schizoid SCHIZOID n pl. -S a person affected with a type of psychotic disorder SCHIZONT n pl. -S an organism that reproduces by a form of asexual reproduction SCHIZY adj SCHIZIER, SCHIZIEST affected with schizophrenia SCHIZZY adj SCHIZZIER, SCHIZZIEST schizy SCHLEP v SCHLEPPED, SCHLEPPING, SCHLEPS to lug or drag SCHLEPP v -ED, -ING, -S to schlep SCHLIERE n pl. -REN a small streak in an igneous rock SCHLOCK n pl. -S inferior merchandise SCHLOCKY adj of inferior quality SCHLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to go about lazily or sloppily dressed SCHMALTZ n pl. -ES excessive sentimentality SCHMALZ n pl. -ES schmaltz SCHMALZY adj SCHMALZIER, SCHMALZIEST characterized by schmaltz SCHMEAR n pl. -S an aggregate of related things SCHMEER v -ED, -ING, -S to bribe SCHMELZE n pl. -S a type of decorative glass SCHMO n pl. SCHMOES or SCHMOS a stupid person SCHMOE n pl. -S schmo SCHMOOS v -ED, -ING, -ES to schmooze SCHMOOSE v SCHMOOSED, SCHMOOSING, SCHMOOSES to schmooze SCHMOOZE v SCHMOOZED, SCHMOOZING, SCHMOOZES to gossip SCHMUCK n pl. -S a foolish or clumsy person SCHNAPPS n pl. SCHNAPPS a strong liquor SCHNAPS n pl. SCHNAPS schnapps SCHNECKE n pl. -KEN a sweet roll SCHNOOK n pl. -S an easily deceived person SCHNOZ n pl. SCHNOZZES the nose SCHNOZZ n pl. -ES schnoz SCHOLAR n pl. -S a learned person SCHOLIUM n pl. -LIA or -LIUMS an explanatory marginal note SCHOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to educate in an institution of learning SCHOONER n pl. -S a sailing vessel SCHORL n pl. -S a mineral SCHRIK n pl. -S sudden fright SCHROD n pl. -S scrod SCHTICK n pl. -S shtick SCHTIK n pl. -S shtick SCHUIT n pl. -S a Dutch sailing vessel SCHUL n pl. SCHULN shul SCHUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a fast, straight run in skiing SCHUSSER n pl. -S one that schusses SCHWA n pl. -S a type of vowel sound SCIAENID n pl. -S a carnivorous fish SCIATIC n pl. -S a nerve, vein, or artery situated near the hip SCIATICA n pl. -S a painful disorder of the hip and adjoining areas SCIENCE n pl. -S a department of systematized knowledge SCILICET adv namely SCILLA n pl. -S a flowering plant SCIMETAR n pl. -S scimitar SCIMITAR n pl. -S a curved Oriental sword SCIMITER n pl. -S scimitar SCINCOID n pl. -S one of a family of smooth, short-limbed lizards SCIOLISM n pl. -S superficial knowledge SCIOLIST n pl. -S one whose knowledge is superficial SCION n pl. -S a child or descendant SCIROCCO n pl. -COS sirocco SCIRRHUS n pl. -RHI or -RHUSES a hard tumor SCISSILE adj capable of being cut or split easily SCISSION n pl. -S the act of cutting or splitting SCISSOR v -ED, -ING, -S to cut with a two-bladed cutting implement SCISSURE n pl. -S a lengthwise cut SCIURID n pl. -S a sciurine SCIURINE n pl. -S a rodent of the squirrel family SCIUROID adj resembling a squirrel SCLAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to strike the ground with the club before hitting the ball in golf SCLAFFER n pl. -S one that sclaffs SCLERA n pl. -RAS or -RAE the white, fibrous outer coat of the eyeball SCLERAL adj SCLEREID n pl. -S a type of plant cell SCLERITE n pl. -S one of the hard plates forming the outer covering of an arthropod SCLEROID adj sclerous SCLEROMA n pl. -MATA a hardened patch of cellular tissue SCLEROSE v -ROSED, -ROSING, -ROSES to become hard, as tissue SCLEROUS adj hardened SCOFF v -ED, -ING, -S to express rude doubt or derision SCOFFER n pl. -S one that scoffs SCOFFLAW n pl. -S an habitual law violator SCOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to rebuke harshly SCOLDER n pl. -S one that scolds SCOLDING n pl. -S a harsh reproof SCOLEX n pl. -LECES or -LICES the knoblike head of a tapeworm SCOLIOMA n pl. -S abnormal curvature of the spine SCOLLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to scallop SCONCE v SCONCED, SCONCING, SCONCES to fine SCONE n pl. -S a flat, round cake SCOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to take up with a scoop (a spoonlike utensil) SCOOPER n pl. -S one that scoops SCOOPFUL n pl. SCOOPFULS or SCOOPSFUL as much as a scoop will hold SCOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to go quickly SCOOTER n pl. -S a two-wheeled vehicle SCOP n pl. -S an Old English poet SCOPE v SCOPED, SCOPING, SCOPES to look at in order to evaluate SCOPULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a dense tuft of hairs SCORCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to burn slightly so as to alter the color or taste SCORCHER n pl. -S one that scorches SCORE v SCORED, SCORING, SCORES to make a point in a game or contest SCOREPAD n pl. -S a pad on which scored points are recorded SCORER n pl. -S one that scores SCORIA n pl. -RIAE the refuse of a smelted metal or ore SCORIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to reduce to scoria SCORING present participle of score SCORN v -ED, -ING, -S to treat or regard with contempt SCORNER n pl. -S one that scorns SCORNFUL adj feeling or expressing contempt SCORPION n pl. -S a stinging arachnid SCOT n pl. -S a tax SCOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put a definite end to SCOTER n pl. -S a sea duck SCOTIA n pl. -S a concave molding SCOTOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a blind spot in the field of vision SCOTOPIA n pl. -S vision in dim light SCOTOPIC adj SCOTTIE n pl. -S a short-legged terrier SCOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing SCOURER n pl. -S one that scours SCOURGE v SCOURGED, SCOURGING, SCOURGES to punish severely SCOURGER n pl. -S one that scourges SCOURING n pl. -S material removed by scouring SCOUSE n pl. -S a type of meat stew SCOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to observe for the purpose of obtaining information SCOUTER n pl. -S one that scouts SCOUTH n pl. -S plenty SCOUTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to scorch SCOUTING n pl. -S the act of one that scouts SCOW v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by scow (a flat-bottomed boat) SCOWDER v -ED, -ING, -S to scouther SCOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to frown angrily SCOWLER n pl. -S one that scowls SCRABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to claw or grope about frantically SCRABBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST raspy SCRAG v SCRAGGED, SCRAGGING, SCRAGS to wring the neck of SCRAGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST uneven SCRAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST scrawny SCRAICH v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a shrill cry SCRAIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to scraich SCRAM v SCRAMMED, SCRAMMING, SCRAMS to leave quickly SCRAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to move or climb hurriedly SCRAMJET n pl. -S a type of aircraft engine SCRANNEL n pl. -S a thin person SCRAP v SCRAPPED, SCRAPPING, SCRAPS to discard SCRAPE v SCRAPED, SCRAPING, SCRAPES to rub so as to remove an outer layer SCRAPER n pl. -S one that scrapes SCRAPIE n pl. -S a disease of sheep SCRAPING n pl. -S something scraped off SCRAPPED past tense of scrap SCRAPPER n pl. -S a fighter SCRAPPIER comparative of scrappy SCRAPPIEST superlative of scrappy SCRAPPING present participle of scrap SCRAPPLE n pl. -S a seasoned mixture of ground meat and cornmeal SCRAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST marked by fighting spirit SCRATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a thin, shallow cut or mark on SCRATCHY adj SCRATCHIER, SCRATCHIEST made by scratching SCRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to write hastily or illegibly SCRAWLER n pl. -S one that scrawls SCRAWLY adj SCRAWLIER, SCRAWLIEST written hastily or illegibly SCRAWNY adj -NIER, -NIEST extremely thin SCREAK v -ED, -ING, -S to screech SCREAKY adj screechy SCREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a prolonged, piercing cry SCREAMER n pl. -S one that screams SCREE n pl. -S a mass of rocks at the foot of a slope SCREECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to utter a harsh, shrill cry SCREECHY adj SCREECHIER, SCREECHIEST screaching SCREED v -ED, -ING, -S to shred SCREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a screen (a device designed to divide, conceal, or protect) SCREENER n pl. -S one that screens SCREW v -ED, -ING, -S to attach with a screw (a type of metal fastener) SCREWER n pl. -S one that screws SCREWUP n pl. -S an instance of bungling SCREWY adj SCREWIER, SCREWIEST crazy SCRIBAL adj pertaining to a public clerk or secretary SCRIBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to write hastily or carelessly SCRIBE v SCRIBED, SCRIBING, SCRIBES to mark with a scriber SCRIBER n pl. -S a pointed instrument used for marking off material to be cut SCRIED past tense of scry SCRIES present 3d person sing. of scry SCRIEVE v SCRIEVED, SCRIEVING, SCRIEVES to move along swiftly and smoothly SCRIM n pl. -S a cotton fabric SCRIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to be very or overly thrifty SCRIMPER n pl. -S one that scrimps SCRIMPIT adj meager SCRIMPY adj SCRIMPIER, SCRIMPIEST meager SCRIP n pl. -S a small piece of paper SCRIPT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare a written text for, as a play or motion picture SCRIPTER n pl. -S one that scripts SCRIVE v SCRIVED, SCRIVING, SCRIVES to engrave SCROD n pl. -S a young cod SCROFULA n pl. -S a disease of the lymph glands SCROGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST of stunted growth SCROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to move text across a display screen SCROOCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to crouch SCROOGE n pl. -S a miserly person SCROOP v -ED, -ING, -S to make a harsh, grating sound SCROOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to scrooch SCROTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS the pouch of skin that contains the testes SCROTAL adj SCROUGE v SCROUGED, SCROUGING, SCROUGES to crowd SCROUNGE v SCROUNGED, SCROUNGING, SCROUNGES to gather by foraging SCROUNGY adj SCROUNGIER, SCROUNGIEST dirty SCRUB v SCRUBBED, SCRUBBING, SCRUBS to rub hard in order to clean SCRUBBER n pl. -S one that scrubs SCRUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST inferior in size or quality SCRUFF n pl. -S the back of the neck SCRUFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST shabby SCRUM v SCRUMMED, SCRUMMING, SCRUMS to engage in a scrummage (a formation around the ball in rugby) SCRUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to crush SCRUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to hesitate because of ethical considerations SCRUTINY n pl. -NIES a close examination SCRY v SCRIED, SCRYING, SCRIES to engage in crystal gazing SCUBA n pl. -S an underwater breathing device SCUD v SCUDDED, SCUDDING, SCUDS to run or move swiftly SCUDO n pl. -DI a former Italian coin SCUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to walk without lifting the feet SCUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to struggle in a rough, confused manner SCUFFLER n pl. -S one that scuffles SCULK v -ED, -ING, -S to skulk SCULKER n pl. -S skulker SCULL v -ED, -ING, -S to propel with a type of oar SCULLER n pl. -S one that sculls SCULLERY n pl. -LERIES a room in which kitchen utensils are cleaned and stored SCULLION n pl. -S a kitchen servant who does menial work SCULP v -ED, -ING, -S to sculpt SCULPIN n pl. -S a freshwater fish SCULPT v -ED, -ING, -S to form an image or representation of from solid material SCULPTOR n pl. -S one that sculpts SCUM v SCUMMED, SCUMMING, SCUMS to remove the scum (impure or extraneous matter) from SCUMBAG n pl. -S a dirtbag SCUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to soften the outlines or colors of by rubbing lightly SCUMLIKE adj resembling scum SCUMMED past tense of scum SCUMMER n pl. -S one that scums SCUMMING present participle of scum SCUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST covered with scum SCUNNER v -ED, -ING, -S to feel loathing or disgust SCUP n pl. -S a marine food fish SCUPPAUG n pl. -S scup SCUPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to ambush SCURF n pl. -S scaly or shredded dry skin SCURFY adj SCURFIER, SCURFIEST covered with scurf SCURRIED past tense of scurry SCURRIES present 3d person sing. of scurry SCURRIL adj scurrile SCURRILE adj expressed in coarse and abusive language SCURRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to move hurriedly SCURVY adj -VIER, -VIEST base or contemptible SCURVILY adv SCURVY n pl. -VIES a disease resulting from vitamin C deficiency SCUT n pl. -S a short tail, as of a rabbit SCUTA pl. of scutum SCUTAGE n pl. -S a tax exacted by a feudal lord in lieu of military service SCUTATE adj shaped like a shield SCUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to separate the woody fiber from by beating SCUTCHER n pl. -S one that scutches SCUTE n pl. -S a horny plate or scale SCUTELLA n/pl small, scutate organs or parts SCUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to scurry SCUTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to scurry SCUTUM n pl. -TA scute SCUZZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST dirty or shabby SCYPHATE adj shaped like a cup SCYPHUS n pl. -PHI a Greek cup with two handles SCYTHE v SCYTHED, SCYTHING, SCYTHES to cut with a scythe (a single-bladed cutting implement) SEA n pl. -S the ocean SEABAG n pl. -S a bag used by a sailor SEABEACH n pl. -ES a beach lying along the sea SEABED n pl. -S a seafloor SEABIRD n pl. -S a bird frequenting the ocean or seacoast SEABOARD n pl. -S the seacoast SEABOOT n pl. -S a waterproof boot SEABORNE adj carried on or over the sea SEACOAST n pl. -S land bordering on the sea SEACOCK n pl. -S a valve in a ship's hull SEACRAFT n pl. -S skill in sea navigation SEADOG n pl. -S a fogbow SEADROME n pl. -S an airport in the sea SEAFARER n pl. -S a sailor SEAFLOOR n pl. -S the bottom of a sea SEAFOOD n pl. -S edible fish or shellfish from the sea SEAFOWL n pl. -S a seabird SEAFRONT n pl. -S an area along the edge of the sea SEAGIRT adj surrounded by the sea SEAGOING adj designed for use on the sea SEAGULL n pl. -S a gull frequenting the sea SEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to close or make secure against access, leakage, or passage SEALABLE adj SEALANT n pl. -S a sealing agent SEALER n pl. -S one that seals SEALERY n pl. -ERIES the occupation of hunting seals SEALLIKE adj resembling a seal (an aquatic mammal) SEALSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a seal SEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to join with a seam (a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together) SEAMAN n pl. -MEN a sailor SEAMANLY adj SEAMARK n pl. -S a landmark serving as a navigational guide to mariners SEAMER n pl. -S one that seams SEAMIER comparative of seamy SEAMIEST superlative of seamy SEAMLESS adj having no seam SEAMLIKE adj resembling a seam SEAMOUNT n pl. -S an undersea mountain SEAMSTER n pl. -S a person whose occupation is sewing SEAMY adj SEAMIER, SEAMIEST unpleasant SEANCE n pl. -S a meeting of persons seeking spiritualistic messages SEAPIECE n pl. -S a seascape SEAPLANE n pl. -S an airplane designed to take off from or land on the water SEAPORT n pl. -S a harbor or town accessible to seagoing ships SEAQUAKE n pl. -S an undersea earthquake SEAR adj SEARER, SEAREST sere SEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to burn the surface of SEARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to look through or over carefully in order to find something SEARCHER n pl. -S one that searches SEAROBIN n pl. -S a marine fish SEASCAPE n pl. -S a picture of the sea SEASCOUT n pl. -S a boy scout trained in water activities SEASHELL n pl. -S the shell of a marine mollusk SEASHORE n pl. -S land bordering on the sea SEASICK adj affected with nausea caused by the motion of a vessel at sea SEASIDE n pl. -S the seashore SEASON v -ED, -ING, -S to heighten or improve the flavor of by adding savory ingredients SEASONAL adj occurring at a certain time of the year SEASONER n pl. -S one that seasons SEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to place on a seat (something on which one sits) SEATER n pl. -S one that seats SEATING n pl. -S material for covering seats SEATLESS adj having no seat SEATMATE n pl. -S one with whom one shares a seat SEATRAIN n pl. -S a ship equipped to carry railroad cars SEATWORK n pl. -S work done at one's seat SEAWALL n pl. -S a wall to protect a shoreline from erosion SEAWAN n pl. -S wampum SEAWANT n pl. -S seawan SEAWARD n pl. -S the direction toward the open sea SEAWARE n pl. -S seaweed used as fertilizer SEAWATER n pl. -S water from the sea SEAWAY n pl. -WAYS the headway made by a ship SEAWEED n pl. -S a plant growing in the sea SEBACIC adj derived from a certain acid SEBASIC adj sebacic SEBUM n pl. -S a fatty matter secreted by certain glands of the skin SEC n pl. -S secant SECALOSE n pl. -S a complex carbohydrate SECANT n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle SECANTLY adv in an intersecting manner SECATEUR n pl. -S a pruning tool SECCO n pl. -COS the art of painting on dry plaster SECEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to withdraw formally from an alliance or association SECEDER n pl. -S one that secedes SECERN v -ED, -ING, -S to discern as separate SECLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to remove or set apart from others SECOND v -ED, -ING, -S to give support or encouragement to SECONDE n pl. -S a position in fencing SECONDER n pl. -S one that seconds SECONDLY adv in the next place after the first SECONDO n pl. -DI the lower part in a piano duet SECPAR n pl. -S a parsec SECRECY n pl. -CIES the condition of being secret SECRET adj -CRETER, -CRETEST kept from knowledge or view SECRET n pl. -S something kept from the knowledge of others SECRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to generate and separate out from cells or bodily fluids SECRETIN n pl. -S a hormone SECRETLY adv in a secret manner SECRETOR n pl. -S one that secretes SECT n pl. -S a group of people united by common beliefs or interests SECTARY n pl. -RIES a member of a sect SECTILE adj capable of being cut smoothly SECTION v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into sections (distinct parts) SECTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into sectors (sections) SECTORAL adj of or pertaining to a sector SECULAR n pl. -S a layman SECUND adj having the parts or organs arranged on one side only SECUNDLY adv SECUNDUM adv according to SECURE adj -CURER, -CUREST free from danger SECURELY adv SECURE v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES to make firm or tight SECURER n pl. -S one that secures SECUREST superlative of secure SECURING present participle of secure SECURITY n pl. -TIES the state of being secure SEDAN n pl. -S a type of automobile SEDARIM a pl. of seder SEDATE adj -DATER, -DATEST calm SEDATELY adv SEDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to administer a sedative to SEDATION n pl. -S the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives SEDATIVE n pl. -S a drug that induces a calm state SEDER n pl. -DARIM or -DERS a Jewish ceremonial dinner SEDERUNT n pl. -S a prolonged sitting SEDGE n pl. -S a marsh plant SEDGY adj SEDGIER, SEDGIEST abounding in sedge SEDILE n pl. -LIA one of the seats in a church for the use of the officiating clergy SEDILIUM n pl. -LIA sedile SEDIMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to settle to the bottom of a liquid SEDITION n pl. -S incitement of rebellion against a government SEDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to lead astray SEDUCIVE adj SEDUCER n pl. -S one that seduces SEDULITY n pl. -TIES the state of being sedulous SEDULOUS adj diligent SEDUM n pl. -S a flowering plant SEE v SAW, SEEN, SEEING, SEES to perceive with the eyes SEEABLE adj SEECATCH n pl. -CATCHIE an adult male fur seal SEED v -ED, -ING, -S to plant seeds (propagative plant structures) in SEEDBED n pl. -S land prepared for seeding SEEDCAKE n pl. -S a sweet cake containing aromatic seeds SEEDCASE n pl. -S a pericarp SEEDER n pl. -S one that seeds SEEDIER comparative of seedy SEEDIEST superlative of seedy SEEDILY adv in a seedy manner SEEDLESS adj having no seeds SEEDLIKE adj resembling a seed SEEDLING n pl. -S a young plant SEEDMAN n pl. -MEN seedsman SEEDPOD n pl. -S a type of seed vessel SEEDSMAN n pl. -MEN a dealer in seeds SEEDTIME n pl. -S the season for sowing seeds SEEDY adj SEEDIER, SEEDIEST containing seeds; inferior in condition or quality SEEING n pl. -S the act of one that sees SEEK v SOUGHT, SEEKING, SEEKS to go in search of SEEKER n pl. -S one that seeks SEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to stitch closed the eyes of, as a falcon during training SEELY adj frail SEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to give the impression of being SEEMER n pl. -S one that seems SEEMING n pl. -S outward appearance SEEMLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of pleasing appearance SEEN past participle of see SEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to pass slowly through small openings SEEPAGE n pl. -S the quantity of fluid that has seeped SEEPY adj SEEPIER, SEEPIEST soaked or oozing with water SEER n pl. -S a prophet SEERESS n pl. -ES a female seer SEESAW v -ED, -ING, -S to move up and down or back and forth SEETHE v SEETHED, SEETHING, SEETHES to surge or foam as if boiling SEG n pl. -S one who advocates racial segregation SEGETAL adj growing in fields of grain SEGGAR n pl. -S a saggar SEGMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into sections SEGNO n pl. -GNI or -GNOS a musical sign SEGO n pl. -GOS a perennial herb SEGUE v -GUED, -GUEING, -GUES to proceed without pause from one musical theme to another SEI n pl. -S a rorqual SEICENTO n pl. -TOS the seventeenth century SEICHE n pl. -S an oscillation of the surface of a lake or landlocked sea SEIDEL n pl. -S a large beer glass SEIF n pl. -S a long, narrow sand dune SEIGNEUR n pl. -S seignior SEIGNIOR n pl. -S a feudal lord SEIGNORY n pl. -GNORIES the power of a seignior SEINE v SEINED, SEINING, SEINES to catch fish with a large, vertically hanging net SEINER n pl. -S one that seines SEISE v SEISED, SEISING, SEISES to seize SEISABLE adj SEISER n pl. -S seizer SEISIN n pl. -S seizin SEISING n pl. -S seizing SEISM n pl. -S an earthquake SEISMAL, SEISMIC adj SEISMISM n pl. -S the natural activity involved in earthquakes SEISOR n pl. -S seizor SEISURE n pl. -S seizure SEIZE v SEIZED, SEIZING, SEIZES to take hold of suddenly and forcibly SEIZABLE adj SEIZER n pl. -S one that seizes SEIZIN n pl. -S legal possession of land SEIZING n pl. -S the act of one that seizes SEIZOR n pl. -S one that takes seizin SEIZURE n pl. -S the act of seizing SEJANT adj represented in a sitting position -- used of a heraldic animal SEJEANT adj sejant SEL n pl. -S self SELADANG n pl. -S saladang SELAH n pl. -S a word of unknown meaning often marking the end of a verse in the Psalms SELAMLIK n pl. -S the portion of a Turkish house reserved for men SELCOUTH adj unusual SELDOM adj infrequent SELDOMLY adv SELECT v -ED, -ING, -S to choose SELECTEE n pl. -S one that is selected SELECTLY adv by selection SELECTOR n pl. -S one that selects SELENATE n pl. -S a chemical salt SELENIC adj pertaining to selenium SELENIDE n pl. -S a compound of selenium SELENITE n pl. -S a variety of gypsum SELENIUM n pl. -S a nonmetallic element SELENOUS adj SELF n pl. SELVES the total, essential, or particular being of one person SELF v -ED, -ING, -S to inbreed SELFDOM n pl. -S selfhood SELFHEAL n pl. -S a perennial herb SELFHOOD n pl. -S the state of being an individual person SELFISH adj concerned chiefly or only with oneself SELFLESS adj unselfish SELFNESS n pl. -ES selfhood SELFSAME adj identical SELFWARD adv toward oneself SELL v SOLD, SELLING, SELLS to give up to another for money or other valuable consideration SELLABLE adj SELLE n pl. -S a saddle SELLER n pl. -S one that sells SELLOUT n pl. -S a performance for which all seats have been sold SELSYN n pl. -S a type of remote-control device SELTZER n pl. -S carbonated mineral water SELVA n pl. -S a tropical rain forest SELVAGE n pl. -S the edge of a woven fabric finished to prevent raveling SELVAGED adj SELVEDGE n pl. -S selvage SELVES pl. of self SEMANTIC adj pertaining to meaning SEMATIC adj serving as a warning SEME n pl. -S a type of ornamental pattern SEMEME n pl. -S the meaning of a morpheme SEMEMIC adj SEMEN n pl. -MINA or -MENS a fluid produced in the male reproductive organs SEMESTER n pl. -S a period constituting half of an academic year SEMI n pl. -S a freight trailer SEMIARID adj characterized by light rainfall SEMIBALD adj partly bald SEMICOMA n pl. -S a coma from which a person can be aroused SEMIDEAF adj partly deaf SEMIDOME n pl. -S a half dome SEMIDRY adj moderately dry SEMIFIT adj conforming somewhat to the lines of the body SEMIGALA adj somewhat gala SEMIHARD adj moderately hard SEMIHIGH adj moderately high SEMIHOBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a person having some of the characteristics of a hobo SEMILOG adj having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic SEMIMAT adj having a slight luster SEMIMATT adj semimat SEMIMUTE adj having partially lost the faculty of speech SEMINA a pl. of semen SEMINAL adj pertaining to semen SEMINAR n pl. -S an advanced study group at a college or university SEMINARY n pl. -NARIES a school for the training of priests, ministers, or rabbis SEMINUDE adj partly nude SEMIOSIS n pl. -OSES a process in which something functions as a sign to an organism SEMIOTIC n pl. -S a general theory of signs and symbolism SEMIPRO n pl. -PROS one who is engaged in some field or sport for pay on a part-time basis SEMIRAW adj somewhat raw SEMIS n pl. -MISES a coin of ancient Rome SEMISOFT adj moderately soft SEMITIST n pl. -S one who favors Jewish interests SEMITONE n pl. -S a type of musical tone SEMIWILD adj somewhat wild SEMOLINA n pl. -S a granular product of wheat used for pasta SEMPLE adj of humble birth SEMPLICE adj simple -- used as a musical direction SEMPRE adv in the same manner throughout -- used as a musical direction SEN n pl. SEN a monetary unit of Japan SENARIUS n pl. -NARII a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet SENARY adj pertaining to the number six SENATE n pl. -S an assembly having high deliberative and legislative functions SENATOR n pl. -S a member of a senate SEND v -ED, -ING, -S to scend SEND v SENT, SENDING, SENDS to cause to go SENDABLE adj SENDAL n pl. -S a silk fabric SENDER n pl. -S one that sends SENDOFF n pl. -S a farewell celebration SENDUP n pl. -S a parody SENE n pl. SENE a monetary unit of Western Samoa SENECA n pl. -S senega SENECIO n pl. -CIOS a flowering plant SENEGA n pl. -S a medicinal plant root SENGI n pl. SENGI a monetary unit of Zaire SENHOR n pl. -S or -ES a Portuguese or Brazilian gentleman SENHORA n pl. -S a married Portuguese or Brazilian woman SENILE n pl. -S one who exhibits senility SENILELY adv in a senile manner SENILITY n pl. -TIES mental and physical infirmity due to old age SENIOR n pl. -S a person who is older than another SENITI n pl. SENITI a monetary unit of Tonga SENNA n pl. -S a medicinal plant SENNET n pl. -S a call sounded on a trumpet signaling the entrance or exit of actors SENNIGHT n pl. -S a week SENNIT n pl. -S braided straw used in making hats SENOPIA n pl. -S an improvement of near vision SENOR n pl. -S or -ES a Spanish gentleman SENORA n pl. -S a married Spanish woman SENORITA n pl. -S an unmarried Spanish girl or woman SENRYU n pl. SENRYU a Japanese poem SENSA pl. of sensum SENSATE v -SATED, -SATING, -SATES to sense SENSE v SENSED, SENSING, SENSES to perceive by the senses (any of certain agencies through which an individual receives impressions of the external world) SENSEFUL adj sensible SENSIBLE adj -BLER, -BLEST having or showing good judgment SENSIBLY adv SENSIBLE n pl. -S something that can be sensed SENSILLA n pl. -LAE a simple sense organ SENSING present participle of sense SENSOR n pl. -S a device that receives and responds to a stimulus SENSORIA n/pl the parts of the brain concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli SENSORY adj pertaining to the senses or sensation SENSUAL adj pertaining to the physical senses SENSUM n pl. -SA an object of perception or sensation SENSUOUS adj pertaining to or derived from the senses SENT past tense of send (to cause to go) SENTE n pl. LICENTE or LISENTE a monetary unit of Lesotho SENTENCE v -TENCED, -TENCING, -TENCES to declare judicially the extent of punishment to be imposed SENTI n pl. SENTI a former monetary unit of Tanzania SENTIENT n pl. -S a person or thing capable of sensation SENTIMO n pl. -MOS a monetary unit of the Philippines SENTINEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to stand guard SENTRY n pl. -TRIES one who stands guard SEPAL n pl. -S one of the individual leaves of a calyx SEPALED, SEPALINE, SEPALLED, SEPALOID, SEPALOUS adj SEPARATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to set or keep apart SEPIA n pl. -S a brown pigment SEPIC adj SEPOY n pl. -POYS a native of India serving in the British army SEPPUKU n pl. -S a Japanese form of suicide SEPSIS n pl. SEPSES bacterial invasion of the body SEPT n pl. -S a clan SEPTA pl. of septum SEPTAL adj pertaining to a septum SEPTARIA n/pl limestone nodules SEPTATE adj having a septum SEPTET n pl. -S a group of seven SEPTETTE n pl. -S septet SEPTIC n pl. -S an agent producing sepsis SEPTICAL adj SEPTIME n pl. -S a position in fencing SEPTUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS a dividing membrane or partition SEPTUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to make seven times as great SEQUEL n pl. -S something that follows and serves as a continuation SEQUELA n pl. -QUELAE an abnormal condition resulting from a preceding disease SEQUENCE v -QUENCED, -QUENCING, -QUENCES to arrange in consecutive order SEQUENCY n pl. -CIES the following of one thing after another SEQUENT n pl. -S something that follows SEQUIN n pl. -S a shiny ornamental disk SEQUINED adj SEQUITUR n pl. -S the conclusion of an inference SEQUOIA n pl. -S a large evergreen tree SER n pl. -S a unit of weight of India SERA a pl. of serum SERAC n pl. -S a large mass of ice broken off of a glacier SERAGLIO n pl. -GLIOS a harem SERAI n pl. -S a Turkish palace SERAIL n pl. -S a seraglio SERAL adj pertaining to a series of ecological changes SERAPE n pl. -S a colorful woolen shawl SERAPH n pl. -APHS, -APHIM, or -APHIN a winged celestial being SERAPHIC adj SERAPHIM n pl. -S seraph SERDAB n pl. -S a chamber within an ancient Egyptian tomb SERE adj SERER, SEREST withered; dry SERE v SERED, SERING, SERES to sear SEREIN n pl. -S a fine rain falling from an apparently clear sky SERENADE v -NADED, -NADING, -NADES to perform an honorific evening song for SERENATA n pl. -TAS or -TE a dramatic cantata SERENE adj SERENER, SERENEST calm; tranquil SERENELY adv SERENE n pl. -S a serene condition or expanse SERENITY n pl. -TIES the state of being serene SERER comparative of sere SEREST superlative of sere SERF n pl. -S a feudal slave SERFAGE n pl. -S serfdom SERFDOM n pl. -S the state of being a serf SERFHOOD n pl. -S serfdom SERFISH adj characteristic of a serf SERFLIKE adj serfish SERGE n pl. -S a twilled fabric SERGEANT n pl. -S a noncommissioned military officer SERGING n pl. -S a process of finishing the raw edges of a fabric SERIAL n pl. -S a literary or dramatic work presented in successive installments SERIALLY adv in the manner or form of a serial SERIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to put into a series SERIATIM adv serially SERICIN n pl. -S a kind of protein SERIEMA n pl. -S a Brazilian bird SERIES n pl. SERIES an arrangement of one after another SERIF n pl. -S a fine line used to finish off the main stroke of a letter SERIFED, SERIFFED adj SERIN n pl. -S a European finch SERINE n pl. -S an amino acid SERING present participle of sere SERINGA n pl. -S a Brazilian tree SERIOUS adj thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner SERJEANT n pl. -S sergeant SERMON n pl. -S a religious discourse SERMONIC adj SEROLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of serums SEROSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE a thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities SEROSAL adj SEROSITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being serous SEROTINE n pl. -S a European bat SEROTYPE n pl. -S a group of closely related organisms distinguished by a common set of antigens SEROUS adj of or resembling serum SEROW n pl. -S an Asian antelope SERPENT n pl. -S a snake SERPIGO n pl. -GOES or -GINES a spreading skin eruption SERRANID n pl. -S a marine fish SERRANO n pl. -NOS a small hot pepper SERRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to furnish with toothlike projections SERRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to crowd together SERUM n pl. -RUMS or -RA the watery portion of whole blood SERUMAL adj SERVABLE adj capable of serving or being served SERVAL n pl. -S an African wildcat SERVANT n pl. -S one that serves others SERVE v SERVED, SERVING, SERVES to work for SERVER n pl. -S one that serves another SERVICE v -VICED, -VICING, -VICES to repair SERVICER n pl. -S one that services SERVILE adj slavishly submissive SERVING n pl. -S a portion of food SERVITOR n pl. -S a male servant SERVO n pl. -VOS an automatic device used to control another mechanism SESAME n pl. -S an East Indian plant SESAMOID n pl. -S a nodular mass of bone or cartilage SESSILE adj permanently attached SESSION n pl. -S a meeting of a legislative or judicial body for the transaction of business SESSPOOL n pl. -S cesspool SESTERCE n pl. -S a coin of ancient Rome SESTET n pl. -S a stanza of six lines SESTINA n pl. -S a type of verse form SESTINE n pl. -S sestina SET v SET, SETTING, SETS to put in a particular position SETA n pl. -TAE a coarse, stiff hair SETAL adj SETBACK n pl. -S a defeat SETENANT n pl. -S a postage stamp that differs in design from others in the same sheet SETIFORM adj having the form of a seta SETLINE n pl. -S a strong fishing line SETOFF n pl. -S something that offsets something else SETON n pl. -S a type of surgical thread SETOSE adj covered with setae SETOUS adj setose SETOUT n pl. -S a display SETSCREW n pl. -S a type of screw SETT n pl. -S the burrow of a badger SETTEE n pl. -S a long seat with a high back SETTER n pl. -S one that sets SETTING n pl. -S the scenery used in a dramatic production SETTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to place in a desired state or order SETTLER n pl. -S one that settles SETTLING n pl. -S sediment SETTLOR n pl. -S one that makes a legal settlement SETULOSE adj covered with seta SETULOUS adj setulose SETUP n pl. -S the way something is arranged SEVEN n pl. -S a number SEVENTH n pl. -S one of seven equal parts SEVENTY n pl. -TIES a number SEVER v -ED, -ING, -S to divide or cut into parts SEVERAL n pl. -S a few persons or things SEVERE adj -VERER, -VEREST unsparing in the treatment of others SEVERELY adv SEVERITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being severe SEVICHE n pl. -S a dish of raw fish SEW v SEWED, SEWN, SEWING, SEWS to mend or fasten with a needle and thread SEWABLE adj SEWAGE n pl. -S the waste matter carried off by sewers SEWAN n pl. -S seawan SEWAR n pl. -S a medieval servant SEWER v -ED, -ING, -S to clean or maintain sewers (underground conduits for waste) SEWERAGE n pl. -S sewage SEWING n pl. -S material that has been or is to be sewed SEWN a past participle of sew SEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of SEXIER comparative of sexy SEXIEST superlative of sexy SEXILY adv in a sexy manner SEXINESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being sexy SEXISM n pl. -S prejudice or discrimination against women SEXIST n pl. -S one that practices sexism SEXLESS adj lacking sexual characteristics SEXOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of human sexual behavior SEXPOT n pl. -S a sexually attractive woman SEXT n pl. -S one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion SEXTAIN n pl. -S a stanza of six lines SEXTAN n pl. -S a recurrent malarial fever SEXTANT n pl. -S an instrument for measuring angular distances SEXTARII n/pl ancient Roman units of liquid measure SEXTET n pl. -S a group of six SEXTETTE n pl. -S sextet SEXTILE n pl. -S the position of two celestial bodies when they are sixty degrees apart SEXTO n pl. -TOS sixmo SEXTON n pl. -S a maintenance worker of a church SEXTUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to make six times as great SEXTUPLY adv to six times as much or as many SEXUAL adj pertaining to sex SEXUALLY adv SEXY adj SEXIER, SEXIEST arousing sexual desire SFERICS n/pl an electronic detector of storms SFORZATO n pl. -TOS the playing of a tone or chord with sudden force SFUMATO n pl. -TOS a technique used in painting SH interj -- used to urge silence SHA interj -- used to urge silence SHABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST ragged SHABBILY adv SHACK n pl. -S a shanty SHACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to confine with metal fastenings placed around the wrists or ankles SHACKLER n pl. -S one that shackles SHACKO n pl. -KOS or -KOES shako SHAD n pl. -S a food fish SHADBLOW n pl. -S a shadbush SHADBUSH n pl. -ES a flowering tree or shrub SHADCHAN n pl. -CHANIM or -CHANS a Jewish marriage broker SHADDOCK n pl. -S a citrus fruit SHADE v SHADED, SHADING, SHADES to screen from light or heat SHADER n pl. -S one that shades SHADFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insect SHADIER comparative of shady SHADIEST superlative of shady SHADILY adv in a shady manner SHADING n pl. -S protection against light or heat SHADOOF n pl. -S a device used in Egypt for raising water for irrigation SHADOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make dark or gloomy SHADOWER n pl. -S one that shadows SHADOWY adj -OWIER, -OWIEST dark SHADRACH n pl. -S a mass of unfused material in the hearth of a blast furnace SHADUF n pl. -S shadoof SHADY adj SHADIER, SHADIEST shaded SHAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to push or propel with a pole SHAFTING n pl. -S a system of rods for transmitting motion or power SHAG v SHAGGED, SHAGGING, SHAGS to make shaggy SHAGBARK n pl. -S a hardwood tree SHAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST covered with long, coarse hair SHAGGILY adv SHAGREEN n pl. -S the rough skin of certain sharks SHAH n pl. -S an Iranian ruler SHAHDOM n pl. -S the territory ruled by a shah SHAIRD n pl. -S shard SHAIRN n pl. -S sharn SHAITAN n pl. -S an evil spirit SHAKE v SHOOK, SHAKEN, SHAKING, SHAKES to move to and fro with short, rapid movements SHAKABLE adj SHAKEOUT n pl. -S a minor economic recession SHAKER n pl. -S one that shakes SHAKEUP n pl. -S a total reorganization SHAKIER comparative of shaky SHAKIEST superlative of shaky SHAKILY adv in a shaky manner SHAKING present participle of shake SHAKO n pl. -KOS or -KOES a type of military hat SHAKY adj SHAKIER, SHAKIEST shaking SHALE n pl. -S a fissile rock SHALED adj having a shell or husk SHALEY adj SHALIER, SHALIEST shaly SHALIER comparative of shaly SHALIEST superlative of shaly SHALL v present sing. 2d person SHALL or SHALT, past sing. 2d person SHOULD, SHOULDST, or SHOULDEST -- used as an auxiliary to express futurity, inevitability, or command SHALLOON n pl. -S a woolen fabric SHALLOP n pl. -S a small, open boat SHALLOT n pl. -S a plant resembling an onion SHALLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST having little depth SHALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make shallow SHALOM n pl. -S a word used as a Jewish greeting or farewell SHALT a present 2d person sing. of shall SHALY adj SHALIER, SHALIEST resembling shale SHAM v SHAMMED, SHAMMING, SHAMS to feign SHAMABLE adj capable of being shamed SHAMAN n pl. -S a medicine man among certain North American Indians SHAMANIC adj SHAMAS n pl. -MOSIM shammes SHAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to walk awkwardly SHAME v SHAMED, SHAMING, SHAMES to cause to feel a painful sense of guilt or degradation SHAMEFUL adj disgraceful SHAMES n pl. -MOSIM shammes SHAMING present participle of shame SHAMMAS n pl. -MASIM shammes SHAMMASH n pl. -MASHIM shammes SHAMMED past tense of sham SHAMMER n pl. -S one that shams SHAMMES n pl. -MOSIM a minor official of a synagogue SHAMMIED past tense of shammy SHAMMIES present 3d person sing. of shammy SHAMMING present participle of sham SHAMMOS n pl. -MOSIM shammes SHAMMOSIM pl. of shammes SHAMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to chamois SHAMOIS n pl. SHAMOIS chamois SHAMOS n pl. -MOSIM shammes SHAMOSIM pl. of shames SHAMOY v -ED, -ING, -S to chamois SHAMPOO v -ED, -ING, -S to cleanse with a special preparation SHAMROCK n pl. -S a three-leaved plant SHAMUS n pl. -ES a private detective SHANDY n pl. -DIES an alcoholic drink SHANGHAI v -ED, -ING, -S to kidnap for service aboard a ship SHANK v -ED, -ING, -S to hit sharply to the right, as a golf ball SHANNY n pl. -NIES a marine fish SHANTEY n pl. -TEYS chantey SHANTI n pl. -S peace SHANTIES pl. of shanty SHANTIH n pl. -S shanti SHANTUNG n pl. -S a silk fabric SHANTY n pl. -TIES a small, crudely built dwelling SHAPE v SHAPED, SHAPEN, SHAPING, SHAPES to give shape (outward form) to SHAPABLE adj SHAPELY adj -LIER, -LIEST having a pleasing shape SHAPER n pl. -S one that shapes SHAPEUP n pl. -S a system of hiring a work crew SHAPING present participle of shape SHARD n pl. -S a fragment of broken pottery SHARE v SHARED, SHARING, SHARES to have, get, or use in common with another or others SHARABLE adj SHARER n pl. -S one that shares SHARIF n pl. -S sherif SHARING present participle of share SHARK v -ED, -ING, -S to live by trickery SHARKER n pl. -S one that sharks SHARN n pl. -S cow dung SHARNY adj SHARP adj SHARPER, SHARPEST suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing SHARP v -ED, -ING, -S to raise in pitch, as a musical tone SHARPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make sharp SHARPER n pl. -S a swindler SHARPIE n pl. -S a very alert person SHARPLY adv in a sharp manner SHARPY n pl. SHARPIES sharpie SHASHLIK n pl. -S kabob SHASLIK n pl. -S shashlik SHATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to break into pieces SHAUGH n pl. -S a thicket SHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to shoal SHAVE v SHAVED, SHAVEN, SHAVING, SHAVES to sever the hair close to the roots SHAVABLE adj SHAVER n pl. -S one that shaves SHAVIE n pl. -S a trick or prank SHAVING n pl. -S something shaved off SHAW v SHAWED, SHAWN, SHAWING, SHAWS to show SHAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to wrap in a shawl (a piece of cloth worn as a covering) SHAWM n pl. -S an early woodwind instrument SHAWN past participle of shaw SHAY n pl. SHAYS a chaise SHE n pl. -S a female person SHEA n pl. -S an African tree SHEAF v -ED, -ING, -S to sheave SHEAL n pl. -S shealing SHEALING n pl. -S a shepherd's hut SHEAR v SHEARED or SHORE, SHORN, SHEARING, SHEARS to cut the hair or wool from SHEARER n pl. -S one that shears SHEARING n pl. -S an instance of cutting hair or wool SHEATH v -ED, -ING, -S to sheathe SHEATHE v SHEATHED, SHEATHING, SHEATHES to put into a protective case SHEATHER n pl. -S one that sheathes SHEAVE v SHEAVED, SHEAVING, SHEAVES to gather into a bundle SHEBANG n pl. -S a situation, organization, or matter SHEBEAN n pl. -S shebeen SHEBEEN n pl. -S a place where liquor is sold illegally SHED v SHEDDED, SHEDDING, SHEDS to house in a shed (a small, low structure) SHEDABLE adj capable of being cast off SHEDDER n pl. -S one that casts off something SHEDDING present participle of shed SHEDLIKE adj resembling a shed SHEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to shine SHEENFUL adj shining SHEENY adj SHEENIER, SHEENIEST shining SHEEP n pl. SHEEP a ruminant mammal SHEEPCOT n pl. -S an enclosure for sheep SHEEPDOG n pl. -S a dog trained to guard and herd sheep SHEEPISH adj embarrassed SHEEPMAN n pl. -MEN a person who raises sheep SHEER adj SHEERER, SHEEREST of very thin texture SHEERLY adv SHEER v -ED, -ING, -S to swerve SHEET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a sheet (a thin, rectangular piece of material) SHEETER n pl. -S one that sheets SHEETFED adj pertaining to a type of printing press SHEETING n pl. -S material in the form of sheets SHEEVE n pl. -S a grooved pulley wheel SHEIK n pl. -S an Arab chief SHEIKDOM n pl. -S the area ruled by a sheik SHEIKH n pl. -S sheik SHEILA n pl. -S a young woman SHEITAN n pl. -S shaitan SHEKEL n pl. -S an ancient unit of weight and money SHELDUCK n pl. -S a European duck SHELF n pl. SHELVES a flat rigid structure used to support articles SHELFFUL n pl. -S as much as a shelf can hold SHELL v -ED, -ING, -S to divest of a shell (a hard outer covering) SHELLAC v -LACKED, -LACKING, -LACS to cover with a thin varnish SHELLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to shellac SHELLER n pl. -S one that shells SHELLY adj SHELLIER, SHELLIEST abounding in seashells SHELTA n pl. -S an esoteric jargon of Gaelic SHELTER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide cover or protection for SHELTIE n pl. -S a small, shaggy pony SHELTY n pl. -TIES sheltie SHELVE v SHELVED, SHELVING, SHELVES to place on a shelf SHELVER n pl. -S one that shelves SHELVES pl. of shelf SHELVING n pl. -S material for shelves SHELVY adj SHELVIER, SHELVIEST inclining gradually SHEND v SHENT, SHENDING, SHENDS to disgrace SHEOL n pl. -S hell SHEPHERD v -ED, -ING, -S to watch over carefully SHEQEL n pl. SHEQALIM shekel SHERBERT n pl. -S sherbet SHERBET n pl. -S a frozen fruit-flavored mixture SHERD n pl. -S shard SHEREEF n pl. -S sherif SHERIF n pl. -S an Arab ruler SHERIFF n pl. -S a law-enforcement officer of a county SHERLOCK n pl. -S a detective SHEROOT n pl. -S cheroot SHERPA n pl. -S a soft fabric for linings SHERRIS n pl. -RISES sherry SHERRY n pl. -RIES a type of wine SHETLAND n pl. -S a wool yarn SHEUCH n pl. -S sheugh SHEUGH n pl. -S a ditch SHEW v SHEWED, SHEWN, SHEWING, SHEWS to show SHEWER n pl. -S one that shews SHH interj sh SHIATSU n pl. -S a massage using finger pressure SHIATZU n pl. -S shiatsu SHIBAH n pl. -S shiva SHICKER n pl. -S a drunkard SHIED past tense of shy SHIEL n pl. -S shieling SHIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a protective cover or shelter SHIELDER n pl. -S one that shields SHIELING n pl. -S shealing SHIER n pl. -S a horse having a tendency to shy SHIES present 3d person sing. of shy SHIEST a superlative of shy SHIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to move from one position to another SHIFTER n pl. -S one that shifts SHIFTY adj SHIFTIER, SHIFTIEST tricky SHIFTILY adv SHIGELLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS any of a genus of aerobic bacteria SHIITAKE n pl. -S a dark Oriental mushroom SHIKAR v -KARRED, -KARRING, -KARS to hunt SHIKAREE n pl. -S a big game hunter SHIKARI n pl. -S shikaree SHIKARRED past tense of shikar SHIKARRING present participle of shikar SHIKKER n pl. -S shicker SHILINGI n pl. SHILINGI a monetary unit of Tanzania SHILL v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a decoy SHILLALA n pl. -S a short, thick club SHILLING n pl. -S a former monetary unit of Great Britain SHILPIT adj sickly SHILY adv in a shy manner SHIM v SHIMMED, SHIMMING, SHIMS to fill out or level by inserting a thin wedge SHIMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to glimmer SHIMMERY adj shimmering SHIMMING present participle of shim SHIMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to vibrate or wobble SHIN v SHINNED, SHINNING, SHINS to climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs SHINBONE n pl. -S the tibia SHINDIG n pl. -S an elaborate dance or party SHINDY n pl. -DYS or -DIES a shindig SHINE v SHONE or SHINED, SHINING, SHINES to emit light SHINER n pl. -S one that shines SHINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to cover with shingles (thin, oblong pieces of building material) SHINGLER n pl. -S one that shingles SHINGLY adj covered with small, loose stones SHINIER comparative of shiny SHINIEST superlative of shiny SHINILY adv in a shiny manner SHINING adj emitting or reflecting light SHINLEAF n pl. -LEAFS or -LEAVES a perennial herb SHINNED past of shin SHINNERY n pl. -NERIES a dense growth of small trees SHINNEY v -ED, -ING, -S to play a form of hockey SHINNING present participle of shin SHINNY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to shin SHINY adj SHINIER, SHINIEST filled with light SHIP v SHIPPED, SHIPPING, SHIPS to transport by ship (a vessel suitable for navigation in deep water) SHIPLAP n pl. -S an overlapping joint used in carpentry SHIPLOAD n pl. -S as much as a ship can carry SHIPMAN n pl. -MEN a sailor SHIPMATE n pl. -S a fellow sailor SHIPMENT n pl. -S something that is shipped SHIPPED past tense of ship SHIPPEN n pl. -S a cowshed SHIPPER n pl. -S one that ships SHIPPING n pl. -S the business of one that ships SHIPPON n pl. -S shippen SHIPSIDE n pl. -S the area alongside a ship SHIPWAY n pl. -WAYS a canal deep enough to serve ships SHIPWORM n pl. -S a wormlike mollusk SHIPYARD n pl. -S a place where ships are built or repaired SHIRE n pl. -S a territorial division of Great Britain SHIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to avoid work or duty SHIRKER n pl. -S one that shirks SHIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to draw into three or more parallel rows, as cloth SHIRRING n pl. -S a shirred arrangement of cloth SHIRT n pl. -S a garment for the upper part of the body SHIRTING n pl. -S fabric used for making shirts SHIRTY adj SHIRTIER, SHIRTIEST angry SHIST n pl. -S schist SHITAKE n pl. -S shiitake SHITTAH n pl. -S a hardwood tree SHITTIM n pl. -S the wood of the shittah SHIV n pl. -S a knife SHIVA n pl. -S a period of mourning SHIVAH n pl. -S shiva SHIVAREE v -REED, -REEING, -REES to chivaree SHIVE n pl. -S a thin fragment SHIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to tremble with fear or cold SHIVERER n pl. -S one that shivers SHIVERY adj shivering SHLEMIEL n pl. -S an unlucky bungler SHLEP v SHLEPPED, SHLEPPING, SHLEPS to schlep SHLEPP v -ED, -ING, -S to schlep SHLOCK n pl. -S schlock SHLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to schlump SHLUMPY adj slovenly SHMALTZ n pl. -ES schmaltz SHMALTZY adj SHMALTZIER, SHMALTZIEST schmalzy SHMEAR n pl. -S schmear SHMO n pl. SHMOES schmo SHMOOZE v SHMOOZED, SHMOOZING, SHMOOZES to schmooze SHMUCK n pl. -S schmuck SHNAPS n pl. SHNAPS schnapps SHNOOK n pl. -S schnook SHOAL adj SHOALER, SHOALEST shallow SHOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to become shallow SHOALY adj SHOALIER, SHOALIEST full of shallow areas SHOAT n pl. -S a young hog SHOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with great surprise, horror, or disgust SHOCKER n pl. -S one that shocks SHOD a past tense of shoe SHODDEN a past participle of shoe SHODDY adj -DIER, -DIEST of inferior quality SHODDILY adv SHODDY n pl. -DIES a low-quality wool SHOE n pl. SHOES or SHOON a covering for the foot SHOE v SHOD or SHOED, SHODDEN, SHOEING, SHOES to provide with shoes SHOEBILL n pl. -S a wading bird SHOEHORN v -ED, -ING, -S to force into a small space SHOELACE n pl. -S a lace for fastening a shoe SHOELESS adj having no shoe SHOEPAC n pl. -S a waterproof boot SHOEPACK n pl. -S shoepac SHOER n pl. -S one that shoes horses SHOETREE n pl. -S a device shaped like a foot that is inserted into a shoe to preserve its shape SHOFAR n pl. SHOFARS or SHOFROTH a ram's-horn trumpet blown in certain Jewish rituals SHOG v SHOGGED, SHOGGING, SHOGS to move along SHOGUN n pl. -S a former military leader of Japan SHOGUNAL adj SHOJI n pl. -S a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house SHOLOM n pl. -S shalom SHONE a past tense of shine SHOO v -ED, -ING, -S to drive away SHOOFLY n pl. -FLIES a child's rocker SHOOK n pl. -S a set of parts for assembling a barrel or packing SHOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to shovel SHOON a pl. of shoe SHOOT v SHOT, SHOOTING, SHOOTS to hit, wound, or kill with a missile discharged from a weapon SHOOTER n pl. -S one that shoots SHOOTING n pl. -S the act of one that shoots SHOOTOUT n pl. -S a battle fought with handguns or rifles SHOP v SHOPPED, SHOPPING, SHOPS to examine goods with intent to buy SHOPBOY n pl. -BOYS a salesclerk SHOPGIRL n pl. -S a salesgirl SHOPHAR n pl. -PHARS or -PHROTH shofar SHOPLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to steal goods from a store SHOPMAN n pl. -MEN one who owns or operates a small store SHOPPE n pl. -S a small store SHOPPED past tense of shop SHOPPER n pl. -S one that shops SHOPPING n pl. -S the act of one that shops SHOPTALK n pl. -S conversation concerning one's business or occupation SHOPWORN adj worn out from being on display in a store SHORAN n pl. -S a type of navigational system SHORE v SHORED, SHORING, SHORES to prop with a supporting timber SHORING n pl. -S a system of supporting timbers SHORL n pl. -S schorl SHORN a past participle of shear SHORT adj SHORTER, SHORTEST having little length SHORT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause a type of electrical malfunction in SHORTAGE n pl. -S an insufficient supply or amount SHORTCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to take a shorter or quicker way SHORTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become shorter SHORTIA n pl. -S a perennial herb SHORTIE n pl. -S shorty SHORTIES pl. of shorty SHORTISH adj somewhat short SHORTLY adv in a short time SHORTY n pl. SHORTIES one that is short SHOT v SHOTTED, SHOTTING, SHOTS to load with shot (small lead or steel pellets) SHOTE n pl. -S shoat SHOTGUN v -GUNNED, -GUNNING, -GUNS to shoot with a type of gun SHOTT n pl. -S chott SHOTTED past tense of shot SHOTTEN adj having spawned -- used of a fish SHOTTING present participle of shot SHOULD past tense of shall SHOULDER v -ED, -ING, -S to assume the burden or responsibility of SHOULDEST a 2d person sing. past tense of shall SHOULDST a 2d person sing. past tense of shall SHOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter loudly SHOUTER n pl. -S one that shouts SHOVE v SHOVED, SHOVING, SHOVES to push roughly SHOVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to take up with a shovel (a digging implement) SHOVELER n pl. -S one that shovels SHOVER n pl. -S one that shoves SHOVING present participle of shove SHOW v SHOWED, SHOWN, SHOWING, SHOWS to cause or permit to be seen SHOWABLE adj SHOWBIZ n pl. -BIZZES show business SHOWBOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to show off SHOWCASE v -CASED, -CASING, -CASES to exhibit SHOWDOWN n pl. -S an event that forces the conclusion of an issue SHOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to bathe in a spray of water SHOWERER n pl. -S one that showers SHOWERY adj abounding with brief periods of rain SHOWGIRL n pl. -S a chorus girl SHOWIER comparative of showy SHOWIEST superlative of showy SHOWILY adv in a showy manner SHOWING n pl. -S an exhibition or display SHOWMAN n pl. -MEN a theatrical producer SHOWN past participle of show SHOWOFF n pl. -S one given to pretentious display SHOWRING n pl. -S a ring where animals are displayed SHOWROOM n pl. -S a room used for the display of merchandise SHOWY adj SHOWIER, SHOWIEST making a great or brilliant display SHOYU n pl. -S soy sauce SHRANK past tense of shrink SHRAPNEL n pl. SHRAPNEL fragments from an exploding bomb, mine, or shell SHRED v SHREDDED, SHREDDING, SHREDS to tear into small strips SHREDDER n pl. -S one that shreds SHREW v -ED, -ING, -S to curse SHREWD adj SHREWDER, SHREWDEST having keen insight SHREWDLY adv SHREWDIE n pl. -S a shrewd person SHREWISH adj ill-tempered SHRI n pl. -S sri SHRIEK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a shrill cry SHRIEKER n pl. -S one that shrieks SHRIEKY adj SHRIEKIER, SHRIEKIEST shrill SHRIEVAL adj pertaining to a sheriff SHRIEVE v SHRIEVED, SHRIEVING, SHRIEVES to shrive SHRIFT n pl. -S the act of shriving SHRIKE n pl. -S a predatory bird SHRILL adj SHRILLER, SHRILLEST having a high-pitched and piercing quality SHRILLY adv SHRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a shrill sound SHRIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to catch shrimps (small marine decapods) SHRIMPER n pl. -S a shrimp fisher SHRIMPY adj SHRIMPIER, SHRIMPIEST abounding in shrimp SHRINE v SHRINED, SHRINING, SHRINES to place in a shrine (a receptacle for sacred relics) SHRINK v SHRANK, SHRUNK or SHRUNKEN, SHRINKING, SHRINKS to contract or draw back SHRINKER n pl. -S one that shrinks SHRIVE v SHROVE or SHRIVED, SHRIVEN, SHRIVING, SHRIVES to hear the confession of and grant absolution to SHRIVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to contract into wrinkles SHRIVER n pl. -S one that shrives SHRIVING present participle of shrive SHROFF v -ED, -ING, -S to test the genuineness of, as a coin SHROUD v -ED, -ING, -S to wrap in burial clothing SHROVE a past tense of shrive SHRUB n pl. -S a low, woody plant SHRUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST covered with shrubs SHRUG v SHRUGGED, SHRUGGING, SHRUGS to raise and contract the shoulders SHRUNK a past tense of shrink SHRUNKEN a past participle of shrink SHTETEL n pl. SHTETLACH or SHTETELS a Jewish village SHTETL n pl. SHTETLACH or SHTETLS shtetel SHTICK n pl. -S an entertainment routine SHTIK n pl. -S shtick SHUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the husk or shell from SHUCKER n pl. -S one that shucks SHUCKING n pl. -S the act of one that shucks SHUDDER v -ED, -ING, -S to tremble SHUDDERY adj shuddering SHUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to walk without lifting the feet SHUFFLER n pl. -S one that shuffles SHUL n pl. SHULN or SHULS a synagogue SHUN v SHUNNED, SHUNNING, SHUNS to avoid SHUNNER n pl. -S one that shuns SHUNPIKE v -PIKED, -PIKING, -PIKES to travel on side roads to avoid expressways SHUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn aside SHUNTER n pl. -S one that shunts SHUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to silence SHUT v SHUT, SHUTTING, SHUTS to close SHUTDOWN n pl. -S a temporary closing of an industrial plant SHUTE v SHUTED, SHUTING, SHUTES to chute SHUTEYE n pl. -S sleep SHUTOFF n pl. -S a device that shuts something off SHUTOUT n pl. -S a game in which one team fails to score SHUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with shutters (hinged window covers) SHUTTING present participle of shut SHUTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to move or travel back and forth SHWANPAN n pl. -S swanpan SHY adj SHIER, SHIEST or SHYER, SHYEST timid SHY v SHIED, SHYING, SHIES to move suddenly back or aside, as in fear SHYER n pl. -S shier SHYLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to lend money at high interest rates SHYLY adv in a shy manner SHYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being shy SHYSTER n pl. -S an unscrupulous lawyer or politician SI n pl. -S ti SIAL n pl. -S a type of rock formation SIALIC adj SIALID n pl. -S an alderfly SIALIDAN n pl. -S sialid SIALOID adj resembling saliva SIAMANG n pl. -S a large, black gibbon SIAMESE n pl. -S a water pipe with a connection for two hoses SIB n pl. -S a sibling SIBB n pl. -S sib SIBILANT n pl. -S a speech sound produced by the fricative passage of breath through a narrow orifice SIBILATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to hiss SIBLING n pl. -S one having the same parents as another SIBYL n pl. -S a female prophet SIBYLIC, SIBYLLIC adj SIC v SICCED, SICCING, SICS to urge to attack SICCAN adj such SICE n pl. -S syce SICK adj SICKER, SICKEST affected with disease or ill health SICK v -ED, -ING, -S to sic SICKBAY n pl. -BAYS a ship's hospital SICKBED n pl. -S a sick person's bed SICKEE n pl. -S sickie SICKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make sick SICKENER n pl. -S one that sickens SICKERLY adv securely SICKIE n pl. -S an emotionally sick person SICKISH adj somewhat sick SICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to cut with an agricultural implement having a single blade SICKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST appearing as if sick SICKLILY adv SICKLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to make sickly SICKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being sick SICKO n pl. SICKOS sickie SICKOUT n pl. -S an organized absence of workers claiming to be sick SICKROOM n pl. -S a room occupied by a sick person SIDDUR n pl. -DURIM or -DURS a Jewish prayer book SIDE v SIDED, SIDING, SIDES to agree with or support SIDEARM adj thrown with a sideways sweep of the arm SIDEBAND n pl. -S a band of radio frequencies SIDEBAR n pl. -S a short news story accompanying a major story SIDECAR n pl. -S a passenger car attached to a motorcycle SIDED past tense of side SIDEHILL n pl. -S a hillside SIDEKICK n pl. -S a close friend SIDELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to put out of action SIDELING adj sloping SIDELONG adj directed to one side SIDEMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a jazz band SIDEREAL adj pertaining to the stars SIDERITE n pl. -S a mineral SIDESHOW n pl. -S a small show offered in addition to a main attraction SIDESLIP v -SLIPPED, -SLIPPING, -SLIPS to slip to one side SIDESPIN n pl. -S a type of spin imparted to a ball SIDESTEP v -STEPPED, -STEPPING, -STEPS to step to one side SIDEWALK n pl. -S a paved walk for pedestrians SIDEWALL n pl. -S a side surface of a tire SIDEWARD adv toward one side SIDEWAY adv sideways SIDEWAYS adv toward or from one side SIDEWISE adv sideways SIDING n pl. -S material used for surfacing a frame building SIDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to move sideways SIDLER n pl. -S one that sidles SIEGE v SIEGED, SIEGING, SIEGES to attempt to capture or gain SIEMENS n pl. SIEMENS a unit of electrical conductance SIENITE n pl. -S syenite SIENNA n pl. -S a brown pigment SIEROZEM n pl. -S a type of soil SIERRA n pl. -S a mountain range SIERRAN adj SIESTA n pl. -S an afternoon nap or rest SIEUR n pl. -S an old French title of respect for a man SIEVE v SIEVED, SIEVING, SIEVES to pass through a sieve (a utensil for separating the coarse parts from the fine parts of loose matter) SIFAKA n pl. -S a lemur of Madagascar SIFFLEUR n pl. -S an animal that makes a whistling noise SIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to sieve SIFTER n pl. -S one that sifts SIFTING n pl. -S the work of a sifter SIGANID n pl. -S any of a family of fishes SIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to let out a sigh (a deep, audible breath) SIGHER n pl. -S one that sighs SIGHLESS adj uttering no sigh SIGHLIKE adj resembling a sigh SIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to observe or notice SIGHTER n pl. -S one that sights SIGHTING n pl. -S an observation SIGHTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pleasing to look at SIGHTSEE v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES to visit and view places of interest SIGIL n pl. -S an official seal SIGLOS n pl. -LOI an ancient Persian coin SIGMA n pl. -S a Greek letter SIGMATE adj SIGMOID n pl. -S an S-shaped curve in a bodily part SIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to write one's name on SIGNAGE n pl. -S a system of signs in a community SIGNAL v -NALED, -NALING, -NALS or -NALLED, -NALLING, -NALS to notify by a means of communication SIGNALER n pl. -S one that signals SIGNALLY adv notably SIGNEE n pl. -S a signer of a document SIGNER n pl. -S one that signs SIGNET v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with an official seal SIGNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make known SIGNIOR n pl. -GNIORI or -GNIORS signor SIGNIORY n pl. -GNIORIES signory SIGNOR n pl. -GNORI or -GNORS an Italian title of courtesy for a man SIGNORA n pl. -GNORE or -GNORAS an Italian title of courtesy for a married woman SIGNORE n pl. -GNORI signor SIGNORY n pl. -GNORIES seignory SIGNPOST v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with signposts (posts bearing signs) SIKE n pl. -S syke SIKER adj secure SILAGE n pl. -S fodder that has been preserved in a silo SILANE n pl. -S a chemical compound SILD n pl. -S a young herring SILENCE v -LENCED, -LENCING, -LENCES to make silent SILENCER n pl. -S one that silences SILENI pl. of silenus SILENT adj -LENTER, -LENTEST making no sound or noise SILENTLY adv SILENTS n/pl silent movies SILENUS n pl. -NI a woodland deity of Greek mythology SILESIA n pl. -S a cotton fabric SILEX n pl. -ES silica SILICA n pl. -S a form of silicon SILICATE n pl. -S a chemical salt SILICIC adj pertaining to silicon SILICIDE n pl. -S a silicon compound SILICIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into silica SILICIUM n pl. -S silicon SILICLE n pl. -S a short, flat silique SILICON n pl. -S a nonmetallic element SILICONE n pl. -S a silicon compound SILICULA n pl. -LAE a silicle SILIQUA n pl. -QUAE silique SILIQUE n pl. -LIQUES a type of seed vessel SILK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with silk (a soft, lustrous fabric) SILKEN adj made of silk SILKIER comparative of silky SILKIEST superlative of silky SILKILY adv in a silky manner SILKLIKE adj resembling silk SILKWEED n pl. -S milkweed SILKWORM n pl. -S a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers SILKY adj SILKIER, SILKIEST resembling silk SILL n pl. -S the horizontal piece that bears the upright portion of a frame SILLABUB n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage or dessert SILLER n pl. -S silver SILLIBUB n pl. -S sillabub SILLY adj -LIER, -LIEST showing a lack of good sense SILLILY adv SILLY n pl. -LIES a silly person SILO v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a silo (a tall, cylindrical structure) SILOXANE n pl. -S a chemical compound SILT v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with silt (a sedimentary material) SILTY adj SILTIER, SILTIEST full of silt SILURID n pl. -S any of a family of catfishes SILUROID n pl. -S a silurid SILVA n pl. -VAS or -VAE sylva SILVAN n pl. -S sylvan SILVER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with silver (a metallic element) SILVERER n pl. -S one that silvers SILVERLY adv with a silvery appearance SILVERN adj silvery SILVERY adj resembling silver SILVEX n pl. -ES an herbicide SILVICAL adj pertaining to silvics SILVICS n/pl the study of forest trees SIM n pl. -S simulation SIMA n pl. -S an igneous rock SIMAR n pl. -S a woman's light jacket or robe SIMARUBA n pl. -S a tropical tree SIMAZINE n pl. -S an herbicide SIMIAN n pl. -S an ape or monkey SIMILAR adj being like but not completely identical to SIMILE n pl. -S a figure of speech SIMIOID adj simious SIMIOUS adj pertaining to simians SIMITAR n pl. -S scimitar SIMLIN n pl. -S cymling SIMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to cook below or just at the boiling point SIMNEL n pl. -S a crisp bread SIMOLEON n pl. -S a dollar SIMONIAC n pl. -S one who practices simony SIMONIES pl. of simony SIMONIST n pl. -S a simoniac SIMONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to polish with wax SIMONY n pl. -NIES the buying or selling of a church office SIMOOM n pl. -S a hot, dry desert wind SIMOON n pl. -S simoom SIMP n pl. -S a foolish person SIMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to smile in a silly manner SIMPERER n pl. -S one that simpers SIMPLE adj SIMPLER, SIMPLEST not complex or complicated SIMPLE n pl. -S something that is simple SIMPLEX n pl. -PLEXES, -PLICES, or -PLICIA a simple word SIMPLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make simple SIMPLISM n pl. -S the tendency to oversimplify an issue or problem SIMPLIST n pl. -S a person given to simplism SIMPLY adv in a simple manner SIMULANT n pl. -S one that simulates SIMULAR n pl. -S a simulant SIMULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to take on the appearance of SIN v SINNED, SINNING, SINS to commit a sin (an offense against religious or moral law) SINAPISM n pl. -S a pasty mixture applied to an irritated part of the body SINCE adv from then until now SINCERE adj -CERER, -CEREST free from hypocrisy or falseness SINCIPUT n pl. -CIPUTS or -CIPITA the forehead SINE n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle SINECURE n pl. -S an office or position requiring little or no work SINEW v -ED, -ING, -S to strengthen SINEWY adj lean and muscular SINFONIA n pl. -NIE a symphony SINFUL adj marked by sin SINFULLY adv SING v SANG, SUNG, SINGING, SINGS to utter with musical inflections of the voice SINGABLE adj SINGE v SINGED, SINGEING, SINGES to burn slightly SINGER n pl. -S one that sings SINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to select from a group SINGLET n pl. -S a man's undershirt or jersey SINGLY adv without the company of others SINGSONG n pl. -S monotonous cadence in speaking or reading SINGULAR n pl. -S a word form that denotes one person or thing SINH n pl. -S a hyperbolic function of an angle SINICIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to modify by Chinese influence SINISTER adj threatening or portending evil SINK v SANK, SUNK or SUNKEN, SINKING, SINKS to move to a lower level SINKABLE adj SINKAGE n pl. -S the act, process, or degree of sinking SINKER n pl. -S one that sinks SINKHOLE n pl. -S a natural depression in a land surface SINLESS adj free from sin SINNED past tense of sin SINNER n pl. -S one that sins SINNING present participle of sin SINOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the Chinese SINOPIA n pl. -PIAS or -PIE a red pigment SINSYNE adv since SINTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make cohesive by the combined action of heat and pressure SINUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to curve in and out SINUOUS adj characterized by curves, bends, or turns SINUS n pl. -ES a cranial cavity SINUSOID n pl. -S a mathematical curve SIP v SIPPED, SIPPING, SIPS to drink in small quantities SIPE v SIPED, SIPING, SIPES to seep SIPHON v -ED, -ING, -S to draw off through a siphon (a type of tube) SIPHONAL adj of or pertaining to a siphon SIPHONIC adj siphonal SIPING present participle of sipe SIPPED past tense of sip SIPPER n pl. -S one that sips SIPPET n pl. -S a small piece of bread soaked in gravy SIPPING present participle of sip SIR n pl. -S a respectful form of address used to a man SIRDAR n pl. -S a person of rank in India SIRE v SIRED, SIRING, SIRES to beget SIREE n pl. -S sirree SIREN n pl. -S a device that produces a penetrating warning sound SIRENIAN n pl. -S any of an order of aquatic mammals SIRING present participle of sire SIRLOIN n pl. -S a cut of beef SIROCCO n pl. -COS a hot, dry wind SIRRA n pl. -S sirrah SIRRAH n pl. -S a form of address used to inferiors SIRREE n pl. -S sir SIRUP n pl. -S syrup SIRUPY adj SIRVENTE n pl. -S a satirical medieval song or poem SIS n pl. SISES sister SISAL n pl. -S a strong fiber used for rope SISKIN n pl. -S a Eurasian finch SISSY adj SISSIER, SISSIEST sissyish SISSY n pl. -SIES an effeminate man or boy SISSYISH adj resembling a sissy SISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to treat like a sister (a female sibling) SISTERLY adj of or resembling a sister SISTROID adj included between the convex sides of two intersecting curves SISTRUM n pl. -TRUMS or -TRA an ancient Egyptian percussion instrument SIT v SAT, SAT or SITTEN, SITTING, SITS to rest on the buttocks SITAR n pl. -S a lute of India SITARIST n pl. -S one who plays the sitar SITCOM n pl. -S a television comedy series with continuing characters SITE v SITED, SITING, SITES to place in position for operation SITH adv since SITHENCE adv since SITHENS adv since SITING present participle of site SITOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of nutrition and diet SITTEN a past participle of sit SITTER n pl. -S one that sits SITTING n pl. -S a meeting or session SITUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to place in a certain position SITUP n pl. -S an exercise in which one moves from a lying to a sitting position SITUS n pl. -TUSES a position or location SITZMARK n pl. -S a mark left in the snow by a skier who has fallen backward SIVER n pl. -S a sewer SIX n pl. -ES a number SIXFOLD adj being six times as great as SIXMO n pl. -MOS a paper size SIXPENCE n pl. -S a British coin worth six pennies SIXPENNY adj worth sixpence SIXTE n pl. -S a fencing parry SIXTEEN n pl. -S a number SIXTH n pl. -S one of six equal parts SIXTHLY adv in the sixth place SIXTIETH n pl. -S one of sixty equal parts SIXTY n pl. -TIES a number SIXTYISH adj being about sixty years old SIZABLE adj of considerable size SIZABLY adv SIZAR n pl. -S a British student who receives financial assistance from his college SIZE v SIZED, SIZING, SIZES to arrange according to size (physical proportions) SIZEABLE adj sizable SIZEABLY adv SIZER n pl. -S sizar SIZIER comparative of sizy SIZIEST superlative of sizy SIZINESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being sizy SIZING n pl. -S a substance used as a glaze or filler for porous materials SIZY adj SIZIER, SIZIEST viscid SIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to burn or fry with a hissing sound SIZZLER n pl. -S a very hot day SJAMBOK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a whip used in South Africa SKA n pl. -S a popular music of Jamaica SKAG n pl. -S heroin SKALD n pl. -S an ancient Scandinavian poet SKALDIC adj SKAT n pl. -S a card game SKATE v SKATED, SKATING, SKATES to glide over ice or the ground on skates (shoes fitted with runners or wheels) SKATER n pl. -S one that skates SKATING n pl. -S the sport of gliding on skates SKATOL n pl. -S skatole SKATOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound SKEAN n pl. -S a type of dagger SKEANE n pl. -S a length of yarn wound in a loose coil SKEE v SKEED, SKEEING, SKEES to ski SKEEN n pl. -S skean SKEET n pl. -S the sport of shooting at clay pigeons hurled in the air by spring traps SKEETER n pl. -S a skeet shooter SKEG n pl. -S a timber that connects the keel and sternpost of a ship SKEIGH adj proud SKEIN v -ED, -ING, -S to wind into long, loose coils SKELETON n pl. -S the supporting or protective framework of a human or animal body SKELETAL adj SKELLUM n pl. -S a rascal SKELM n pl. -S skellum SKELP v SKELPED or SKELPIT, SKELPING, SKELPS to slap SKELTER v -ED, -ING, -S to scurry SKENE n pl. -S skean SKEP n pl. -S a beehive SKEPSIS n pl. -SISES the attitude or outlook of a skeptic SKEPTIC n pl. -S a person who doubts generally accepted ideas SKERRY n pl. -RIES a small, rocky island SKETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a rough, hasty drawing of SKETCHER n pl. -S one that sketches SKETCHY adj SKETCHIER, SKETCHIEST lacking in completeness or clearness SKEW v -ED, -ING, -S to turn aside SKEWBACK n pl. -S a sloping surface against which the end of an arch rests SKEWBALD n pl. -S a horse having patches of brown and white SKEWER v -ED, -ING, -S to pierce with a long pin, as meat SKEWNESS n pl. -ES lack of symmetry SKI v -ED, -ING, -S to travel on skis (long, narrow strips of wood or metal) SKIABLE adj capable of being skied over SKIAGRAM n pl. -S a picture made up of shadows or outlines SKIBOB n pl. -S a vehicle used for traveling over snow SKID v SKIDDED, SKIDDING, SKIDS to slide sideways as a result of a loss of traction SKIDDER n pl. -S one that skids SKIDDOO v -ED, -ING, -S to go away SKIDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST likely to cause skidding SKIDOO v -ED, -ING, -S to skiddoo SKIDWAY n pl. -WAYS a platform on which logs are piled for loading or sawing SKIED past tense of ski and sky SKIER n pl. -S one that skis SKIES present 3d person sing. of sky SKIEY adj skyey SKIFF n pl. -S a small, open boat SKIFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to play a particular style of music SKIING n pl. -S the sport of traveling on skis SKIJORER n pl. -S a skier who is drawn over snow by a horse or vehicle SKILFUL adj skillful SKILL n pl. -S the ability to do something well SKILLED adj SKILLESS adj having no skill SKILLET n pl. -S a frying pan SKILLFUL adj having skill SKILLING n pl. -S a former coin of Scandinavian countries SKIM v SKIMMED, SKIMMING, SKIMS to remove floating matter from the surface of SKIMMER n pl. -S one that skims SKIMMING n pl. -S something that is skimmed from a liquid SKIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to scrimp SKIMPY adj SKIMPIER, SKIMPIEST scanty SKIMPILY adv SKIN v SKINNED, SKINNING, SKINS to strip or deprive of skin (the membranous tissue covering the body of an animal) SKINFUL n pl. -S as much as a skin container can hold SKINHEAD n pl. -S one whose hair is cut very short SKINK v -ED, -ING, -S to pour out or serve, as liquor SKINKER n pl. -S one that skinks SKINLESS adj having no skin SKINLIKE adj resembling skin SKINNED past tense of skin SKINNER n pl. -S one that skins SKINNING present participle of skin SKINNY adj -NIER, -NIEST very thin SKINT adj having no money SKIORING n pl. -S a form of skiing SKIP v SKIPPED, SKIPPING, SKIPS to move with light springing steps SKIPJACK n pl. -S a marine fish SKIPLANE n pl. -S an airplane designed to take off from or land on snow SKIPPED past tense of skip SKIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to act as master or captain of SKIPPET n pl. -S a small box for protecting an official seal SKIPPING present participle of skip SKIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to produce a shrill sound SKIRMISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to engage in a minor battle SKIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to move rapidly SKIRRET n pl. -S an Asian herb SKIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to go or pass around SKIRTER n pl. -S one that skirts SKIRTING n pl. -S a board at the base of a wall SKIT n pl. -S a short dramatic scene SKITE v SKITED, SKITING, SKITES to move away quickly SKITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to move lightly or rapidly along a surface SKITTERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST skittish SKITTISH adj easily frightened SKITTLE n pl. -S a wooden pin used in a bowling game SKIVE v SKIVED, SKIVING, SKIVES to pare SKIVER n pl. -S one that skives SKIVVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to work as a female servant SKIWEAR n pl. -S clothing suitable for wear while skiing SKLENT v -ED, -ING, -S to slant SKOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to drink to the health of SKOOKUM adj excellent SKOSH n pl. -ES a small amount SKREEGH v -ED, -ING, -S to screech SKREIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to screech SKUA n pl. -S a predatory seabird SKULK v -ED, -ING, -S to move about stealthily SKULKER n pl. -S one that skulks SKULL n pl. -S the framework of the head SKULLED adj SKULLCAP n pl. -S a close-fitting cap SKUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to defeat overwhelmingly SKY v SKIED or SKYED, SKYING, SKIES to hit or throw toward the sky (the upper atmosphere) SKYBORNE adj airborne SKYBOX n pl. -ES an enclosure of seats situated high in a stadium SKYCAP n pl. -S a porter at an airport SKYDIVE v -DIVED or -DOVE, -DIVING, -DIVES to parachute from an airplane for sport SKYDIVER n pl. -S one that skydives SKYEY adj resembling the sky SKYHOOK n pl. -S a hook conceived as being suspended from the sky SKYJACK v -ED, -ING, -S to hijack an airplane SKYLARK v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic SKYLIGHT n pl. -S a window in a roof or ceiling SKYLINE n pl. -S the horizon SKYLIT adj having a skylight SKYMAN n pl. -MEN an aviator SKYPHOS n pl. -PHOI a drinking vessel used in ancient Greece SKYSAIL n pl. -S a type of sail SKYWALK n pl. -S an elevated walkway between two buildings SKYWARD adv toward the sky SKYWARDS adv skyward SKYWAY n pl. -WAYS an elevated highway SKYWRITE v -WROTE, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES to write in the sky by releasing a visible vapor from an airplane SLAB v SLABBED, SLABBING, SLABS to cover with slabs (broad, flat pieces of solid material) SLABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to slobber SLABBERY adj slobbery SLABBING present participle of slab SLABLIKE adj resembling a slab SLACK adj SLACKER, SLACKEST not tight or taut SLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to slacken SLACKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make less tight or taut SLACKER n pl. -S a shirker SLACKLY adv in a slack manner SLAG v SLAGGED, SLAGGING, SLAGS to convert into slag (the fused residue of a smelted ore) SLAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST resembling slag SLAIN past participle of slay SLAINTE interj -- used to toast one's health SLAKE v SLAKED, SLAKING, SLAKES to quench SLAKABLE adj SLAKER n pl. -S one that slakes SLALOM v -ED, -ING, -S to ski in a zigzag course SLAM v SLAMMED, SLAMMING, SLAMS to shut forcibly and noisily SLAMMER n pl. -S a jail SLANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to defame SLANG v -ED, -ING, -S to use slang (extremely informal or vulgar language) SLANGY adj SLANGIER, SLANGIEST being or containing slang SLANGILY adv SLANK a past tense of slink SLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to deviate from the horizontal or vertical SLANTY adj deviating from the horizontal or vertical SLAP v SLAPPED, SLAPPING, SLAPS to strike with the open hand SLAPDASH n pl. -ES careless work SLAPJACK n pl. -S a pancake SLAPPED past tense of slap SLAPPER n pl. -S one that slaps SLAPPING present participle of slap SLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cut with violent sweeping strokes SLASHER n pl. -S one that slashes SLASHING n pl. -S the act of one that slashes SLAT v SLATTED, SLATTING, SLATS to provide with slats (narrow strips of wood or metal) SLATCH n pl. -ES a calm between breaking waves SLATE v SLATED, SLATING, SLATES to cover with slate (a roofing material) SLATER n pl. -S one that slates SLATEY adj SLATIER, SLATIEST slaty SLATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to spread thickly SLATIER comparative of slaty SLATIEST superlative of slaty SLATING n pl. -S the act of one that slates SLATTED past tense of slat SLATTERN n pl. -S a slovenly woman SLATTING n pl. -S material for making slats SLATY adj SLATIER, SLATIEST resembling slate SLAVE v SLAVED, SLAVING, SLAVES to work like a slave (one who is owned by another) SLAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to drool SLAVERER n pl. -S one that slavers SLAVERY n pl. -ERIES ownership of one person by another SLAVEY n pl. -EYS a female servant SLAVING present participle of slave SLAVISH adj pertaining to or characteristic of a slave SLAW n pl. -S coleslaw SLAY v SLAYED, SLAIN, SLAYING, SLAYS to amuse overwhelmingly SLAY v SLEW, SLAIN, SLAYING, SLAYS to kill violently SLAYER n pl. -S one that slays SLEAVE v SLEAVED, SLEAVING, SLEAVES to separate into filaments SLEAZE n pl. -S a sleazy quality SLEAZO adj sleazy SLEAZY adj SLEAZIER, SLEAZIEST shoddy SLEAZILY adv SLED v SLEDDED, SLEDDING, SLEDS to convey on a sled (a vehicle for carrying people or loads over snow or ice) SLEDDER n pl. -S one that sleds SLEDDING n pl. -S the act of one that sleds SLEDGE v SLEDGED, SLEDGING, SLEDGES to convey on a type of sled SLEEK adj SLEEKER, SLEEKEST smooth and glossy SLEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to make sleek SLEEKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to sleek SLEEKIER comparative of sleeky SLEEKIEST superlative of sleeky SLEEKIT adj sleek SLEEKLY adv in a sleek manner SLEEKY adj SLEEKIER, SLEEKIEST sleek SLEEP v SLEPT, SLEEPING, SLEEPS to be in a natural, periodic state of rest SLEEPER n pl. -S one that sleeps SLEEPING n pl. -S the act of one that sleeps SLEEPY adj SLEEPIER, SLEEPIEST ready or inclined to sleep SLEEPILY adv SLEET v -ED, -ING, -S to shower sleet (frozen rain) SLEETY adj SLEETIER, SLEETIEST resembling sleet SLEEVE v SLEEVED, SLEEVING, SLEEVES to furnish with a sleeve (the part of a garment covering the arm) SLEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to ride in a sled SLEIGHER n pl. -S one that sleighs SLEIGHT n pl. -S deftness SLENDER adj -DERER, -DEREST thin SLEPT past tense of sleep SLEUTH v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a detective SLEW v -ED, -ING, -S to slue SLICE v SLICED, SLICING, SLICES to cut into thin, flat pieces SLICER n pl. -S one that slices SLICK adj SLICKER, SLICKEST smooth and slippery SLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to make slick SLICKER n pl. -S an oilskin raincoat SLICKLY adv in a slick manner SLIDE v SLID, SLIDDEN, SLIDING, SLIDES to move smoothly along a surface SLIDABLE adj SLIDER n pl. -S one that slides SLIDEWAY n pl. -WAYS a route along which something slides SLIDING present participle of slide SLIER a comparative of sly SLIEST a superlative of sly SLIGHT adj SLIGHTER, SLIGHTEST small in size or amount SLIGHTLY adv SLIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with disregard SLILY adv in a sly manner SLIM adj SLIMMER, SLIMMEST slender SLIM v SLIMMED, SLIMMING, SLIMS to make slim SLIME v SLIMED, SLIMING, SLIMES to cover with slime (viscous mud) SLIMIER comparative of slimy SLIMIEST superlative of slimy SLIMILY adv in a slimy manner SLIMING present participle of slime SLIMLY adv in a slim manner SLIMMED past tense of slim SLIMMER comparative of slim SLIMMER n pl. -S one who slims SLIMMEST superlative of slim SLIMMING present participle of slim SLIMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being slim SLIMPSY adj -SIER, -SIEST slimsy SLIMSY adj -SIER, -SIEST flimsy SLIMY adj SLIMIER, SLIMIEST resembling slime SLING v SLUNG, SLINGING, SLINGS to throw with a sudden motion SLINGER n pl. -S one that slings SLINK v SLUNK or SLANK or SLINKED, SLINKING, SLINKS to move stealthily SLINKY adj SLINKIER, SLINKIEST stealthy SLINKILY adv SLIP v SLIPPED or SLIPT, SLIPPING, SLIPS to slide suddenly and accidentally SLIPCASE n pl. -S a protective box for a book SLIPE v SLIPED, SLIPING, SLIPES to peel SLIPFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to construct with the use of a mold in which concrete is placed to set SLIPKNOT n pl. -S a type of knot SLIPLESS adj free from errors SLIPOUT n pl. -S an insert in a newspaper SLIPOVER n pl. -S a pullover SLIPPAGE n pl. -S a falling off from a standard or level SLIPPED a past tense of slip SLIPPER n pl. -S a light, low shoe SLIPPERY adj -PERIER, -PERIEST causing or tending to cause slipping SLIPPING present participle of slip SLIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST slippery SLIPSHOD adj carelessly done or made SLIPSLOP n pl. -S watery food SLIPSOLE n pl. -S a thin insole SLIPT a past tense of slip SLIPUP n pl. -S a mistake SLIPWARE n pl. -S a type of pottery SLIPWAY n pl. -WAYS an area sloping toward the water in a shipyard SLIT v SLITTED, SLITTING, SLITS to make a slit (a long, narrow cut) in SLITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to slide from side to side SLITHERY adj slippery SLITLESS adj having no slits SLITTED past tense of slit SLITTER n pl. -S one that slits SLITTING present participle of slit SLIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to cut into long, thin pieces SLIVERER n pl. -S one that slivers SLIVOVIC n pl. -ES a plum brandy SLOB n pl. -S a slovenly or boorish person SLOBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to drool SLOBBERY adj slobbering SLOBBISH adj resembling a slob SLOBBY adj SLOBBIER, SLOBBIEST characteristic of a slob SLOE n pl. -S a plumlike fruit SLOG v SLOGGED, SLOGGING, SLOGS to plod SLOGAN n pl. -S a motto adopted by a group SLOGGER n pl. -S one that slogs SLOGGING present participle of slog SLOID n pl. -S sloyd SLOJD n pl. -S sloyd SLOOP n pl. -S a type of sailing vessel SLOP v SLOPPED, SLOPPING, SLOPS to spill or splash SLOPE v SLOPED, SLOPING, SLOPES to slant SLOPER n pl. -S one that slopes SLOPPED past tense of slop SLOPPING present participle of slop SLOPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST messy SLOPPILY adv SLOPWORK n pl. -S the manufacture of cheap clothing SLOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move with a splashing motion SLOSHY adj SLOSHIER, SLOSHIEST slushy SLOT v SLOTTED, SLOTTING, SLOTS to cut a long, narrow opening in SLOTBACK n pl. -S a type of football player SLOTH n pl. -S a slow-moving arboreal mammal SLOTHFUL adj sluggish SLOTTED past tense of slot SLOTTING present participle of slot SLOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to sit, stand, or move with a drooping posture SLOUCHER n pl. -S one that slouches SLOUCHY adj SLOUCHIER, SLOUCHIEST slouching SLOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to cast off SLOUGHY adj SLOUGHIER, SLOUGHIEST miry SLOVEN n pl. -S a slovenly person SLOVENLY adj -LIER, -LIEST habitually untidy or unclean SLOW adj SLOWER, SLOWEST moving with little speed SLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to lessen the speed of SLOWDOWN n pl. -S a lessening of pace SLOWISH adj somewhat slow SLOWLY adv in a slow manner SLOWNESS n pl. -ES the state of being slow SLOWPOKE n pl. -S a slow individual SLOWWORM n pl. -S a European lizard having no legs SLOYD n pl. -S a Swedish system of manual training SLUB v SLUBBED, SLUBBING, SLUBS to draw out and twist slightly SLUBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to stain or dirty SLUBBING n pl. -S a slightly twisted roll of textile fibers SLUDGE n pl. -S a muddy deposit SLUDGY adj SLUDGIER, SLUDGIEST covered with sludge SLUE v SLUED, SLUING, SLUES to cause to move sideways SLUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to discard a card or cards SLUG v SLUGGED, SLUGGING, SLUGS to strike heavily SLUGABED n pl. -S one inclined to stay in bed out of laziness SLUGFEST n pl. -S a vigorous fight SLUGGARD n pl. -S an habitually lazy person SLUGGED past tense of slug SLUGGER n pl. -S one that slugs SLUGGING present participle of slug SLUGGISH adj displaying little movement or activity SLUICE v SLUICED, SLUICING, SLUICES to wash with a sudden flow of water SLUICY adj falling in streams SLUING present participle of slue SLUM v SLUMMED, SLUMMING, SLUMS to visit slums (squalid urban areas) SLUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to sleep SLUMBERY adj sleepy SLUMGUM n pl. -S the residue remaining after honey is extracted from a honeycomb SLUMISM n pl. -S the prevalence of slums SLUMLORD n pl. -S a landlord of slum property SLUMMED past tense of slum SLUMMER n pl. -S one that slums SLUMMING present participle of slum SLUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST resembling a slum SLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to fall or sink suddenly SLUNG past tense of sling SLUNK a past tense of slink SLUR v SLURRED, SLURRING, SLURS to pass over lightly or carelessly SLURB n pl. -S a poorly planned suburban area SLURBAN adj SLURP v -ED, -ING, -S to eat or drink noisily SLURRED past tense of slur SLURRING present participle of slur SLURRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to convert into a type of watery mixture SLUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to splash with slush (partly melted snow) SLUSHY adj SLUSHIER, SLUSHIEST resembling slush SLUSHILY adv SLUT n pl. -S a slovenly woman SLUTTISH adj SLUTTY adj SLUTTIER, SLUTTIEST characteristic of a slut SLY adj SLIER, SLIEST or SLYER, SLYEST crafty SLYLY adv SLYBOOTS n pl. SLYBOOTS a sly person SLYNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being sly SLYPE n pl. -S a narrow passage in an English cathedral SMACK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike sharply SMACKER n pl. -S one that smacks SMALL adj SMALLER, SMALLEST of limited size or quantity SMALL n pl. -S a small part SMALLAGE n pl. -S a wild celery SMALLISH adj somewhat small SMALLPOX n pl. -ES a virus disease SMALT n pl. -S a blue pigment SMALTI a pl. of smalto SMALTINE n pl. -S smaltite SMALTITE n pl. -S a mineral SMALTO n pl. -TOS or -TI colored glass used in mosaics SMARAGD n pl. -S an emerald SMARAGDE n pl. -S smaragd SMARM n pl. -S trite sentimentality SMARMY adj SMARMIER, SMARMIEST marked by excessive flattery SMARMILY adv SMART adj SMARTER, SMARTEST characterized by mental acuity SMART v -ED, -ING, -S to cause a sharp, stinging pain SMARTASS n pl. -ES a smarty SMARTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to improve in appearance SMARTIE n pl. -S smarty SMARTLY adv in a smart manner SMARTY n pl. SMARTIES an obnoxiously conceited person SMASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to shatter violently SMASHER n pl. -S one that smashes SMASHUP n pl. -S a collision of motor vehicles SMATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak with little knowledge SMAZE n pl. -S an atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze SMEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance SMEARER n pl. -S one that smears SMEARY adj SMEARIER, SMEARIEST smeared SMECTIC adj pertaining to a phase of a liquid crystal SMECTITE n pl. -S a clayey mineral SMEDDUM n pl. -S ground malt powder SMEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to smoke SMEGMA n pl. -S sebum SMELL v SMELLED or SMELT, SMELLING, SMELLS to perceive by means of the olfactory nerves SMELLER n pl. -S one that smells SMELLY adj SMELLIER, SMELLIEST having an unpleasant odor SMELT v -ED, -ING, -S to melt or fuse, as ores SMELTER n pl. -S one that smelts SMELTERY n pl. -ERIES a place for smelting SMERK v -ED, -ING, -S to smirk SMEW n pl. -S a Eurasian duck SMIDGE n pl. -S a smidgen SMIDGEN n pl. -S a very small amount SMIDGEON n pl. -S smidgen SMIDGIN n pl. -S smidgen SMILAX n pl. -ES a twining plant SMILE v SMILED, SMILING, SMILES to upturn the corners of the mouth in pleasure SMILER n pl. -S one that smiles SMILEY adj exhibiting a smile (a facial expression) SMIRCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to soil SMIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to smile in an affected or smug manner SMIRKER n pl. -S one that smirks SMIRKY adj SMIRKIER, SMIRKIEST smirking SMITE v SMOTE, SMIT or SMITTEN, SMITING, SMITES to strike heavily SMITER n pl. -S one that smites SMITH n pl. -S a worker in metals SMITHERS n/pl small fragments SMITHERY n pl. -ERIES the trade of a smith SMITHY n pl. SMITHIES the workshop of a smith SMITING present participle of smite SMITTEN a past participle of smite SMOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a smock (a loose outer garment) SMOCKING n pl. -S a type of embroidery SMOG n pl. -S an atmospheric mixture of smoke and fog SMOGLESS adj SMOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST filled with smog SMOKE v SMOKED, SMOKING, SMOKES to emit smoke (the gaseous product of burning materials) SMOKABLE adj SMOKEPOT n pl. -S a container for giving off smoke SMOKER n pl. -S one that smokes SMOKEY adj SMOKIER, SMOKIEST smoky SMOKING present participle of smoke SMOKY adj SMOKIER, SMOKIEST filled with smoke SMOKILY adv SMOLDER v -ED, -ING, -S to burn with no flame SMOLT n pl. -S a young salmon SMOOCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to kiss SMOOCHY adj smudgy SMOOTH adj SMOOTHER, SMOOTHEST having a surface that is free from irregularities SMOOTH v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to make smooth SMOOTHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to smooth SMOOTHER n pl. -S one that smooths SMOOTHIE n pl. -S a person with polished manners SMOOTHLY adv in a smooth manner SMOOTHY n pl. SMOOTHIES smoothie SMOTE past tense of smite SMOTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to prevent from breathing SMOTHERY adj tending to smother SMOULDER v -ED, -ING, -S to smolder SMUDGE v SMUDGED, SMUDGING, SMUDGES to smear or dirty SMUDGY adj SMUDGIER, SMUDGIEST smudged SMUDGILY adv SMUG adj SMUGGER, SMUGGEST highly self-satisfied SMUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to import or export illicitly SMUGGLER n pl. -S one that smuggles SMUGLY adv in a smug manner SMUGNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being smug SMUT v SMUTTED, SMUTTING, SMUTS to soil SMUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to smudge SMUTCHY adj SMUTCHIER, SMUTCHIEST smudgy SMUTTED past tense of smut SMUTTING present participle of smut SMUTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST obscene SMUTTILY adv SNACK v -ED, -ING, -S to eat a light meal SNAFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to obtain by devious means SNAFU v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into a state of confusion SNAG v SNAGGED, SNAGGING, SNAGS to catch on a snag (a jagged protuberance) SNAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST full of snags SNAGLIKE adj resembling a snag SNAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to move slowly SNAKE v SNAKED, SNAKING, SNAKES to move like a snake (a limbless reptile) SNAKEBIT adj unlucky SNAKEY adj SNAKIER, SNAKIEST snaky SNAKY adj SNAKIER, SNAKIEST resembling a snake SNAKILY adv SNAP v SNAPPED, SNAPPING, SNAPS to make a sharp cracking sound SNAPBACK n pl. -S a sudden rebound or recovery SNAPLESS adj lacking a snap (a type of fastening device) SNAPPED past tense of snap SNAPPER n pl. -S one that snaps SNAPPIER comparative of snappy SNAPPIEST superlative of snappy SNAPPILY adv in a snappy manner SNAPPING present participle of snap SNAPPISH adj tending to speak in an impatient or irritable manner SNAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST snappish SNAPSHOT v -SHOTTED, -SHOTTING, -SHOTS to photograph informally and quickly SNAPWEED n pl. -S a flowering plant SNARE v SNARED, SNARING, SNARES to trap SNARER n pl. -S one that snares SNARK n pl. -S an imaginary animal SNARKY adj SNARKIER, SNARKIEST snappish SNARL v -ED, -ING, -S to growl viciously SNARLER n pl. -S one that snarls SNARLY adj SNARLIER, SNARLIEST tangled SNASH n pl. -ES abusive language SNATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to seize suddenly SNATCHER n pl. -S one that snatches SNATCHY adj SNATCHIER, SNATCHIEST occurring irregularly SNATH n pl. -S the handle of a scythe SNATHE n pl. -S snath SNAW v -ED, -ING, -S to snow SNAZZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST very stylish SNEAK v SNEAKED or SNUCK, SNEAKING, SNEAKS to move stealthily SNEAKER n pl. -S one that sneaks SNEAKY adj SNEAKIER, SNEAKIEST deceitful SNEAKILY adv SNEAP v -ED, -ING, -S to chide SNECK n pl. -S a latch SNED v SNEDDED, SNEDDING, SNEDS to prune SNEER v -ED, -ING, -S to curl the lip in contempt SNEERER n pl. -S one that sneers SNEERFUL adj given to sneering SNEESH n pl. -ES snuff SNEEZE v SNEEZED, SNEEZING, SNEEZES to make a sudden, involuntary expiration of breath SNEEZER n pl. -S one that sneezes SNEEZY adj SNEEZIER, SNEEZIEST tending to sneeze SNELL adj SNELLER, SNELLEST keen SNELL v -ED, -ING, -S to attach a short line to a fishhook SNIB v SNIBBED, SNIBBING, SNIBS to latch SNICK v -ED, -ING, -S to nick SNICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a partly stifled laugh SNICKERY adj tending to snicker SNIDE adj SNIDER, SNIDEST maliciously derogatory SNIDELY adv SNIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to inhale audibly through the nose SNIFFER n pl. -S one that sniffs SNIFFIER comparative of sniffy SNIFFIEST superlative of sniffy SNIFFILY adv in a sniffy manner SNIFFISH adj haughty SNIFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to sniff repeatedly SNIFFLER n pl. -S one that sniffles SNIFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST sniffish SNIFTER n pl. -S a pear-shaped liquor glass SNIGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to snicker SNIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to fish for eels SNIGGLER n pl. -S one that sniggles SNIP v SNIPPED, SNIPPING, SNIPS to cut with a short, quick stroke SNIPE v SNIPED, SNIPING, SNIPES to shoot at individuals from a concealed place SNIPER n pl. -S one that snipes SNIPPED past tense of snip SNIPPER n pl. -S one that snips SNIPPET n pl. -S a small piece snipped off SNIPPETY adj -PETIER, -PETIEST snippy SNIPPING present participle of snip SNIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST snappish SNIPPILY adv SNIT n pl. -S a state of agitation SNITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to tattle SNITCHER n pl. -S one that snitches SNIVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to cry or whine with sniffling SNIVELER n pl. -S one that snivels SNOB n pl. -S one who tends to avoid or rebuff those regarded as inferior SNOBBERY n pl. -BERIES snobbish behavior SNOBBIER comparative of snobby SNOBBIEST superlative of snobby SNOBBILY adv in a snobby manner SNOBBISH adj characteristic of a snob SNOBBISM n pl. -S snobbery SNOBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST snobbish SNOG v SNOGGED, SNOGGING, SNOGS to kiss SNOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with a snood (a net or fabric cap for the hair) SNOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to sniff SNOOKER v -ED, -ING, -S to trick SNOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to yield meekly SNOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to pry about SNOOPER n pl. -S one that snoops SNOOPY adj SNOOPIER, SNOOPIEST given to snooping SNOOPILY adv SNOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with disdain SNOOTY adj SNOOTIER, SNOOTIEST snobbish SNOOTILY adv SNOOZE v SNOOZED, SNOOZING, SNOOZES to sleep lightly SNOOZER n pl. -S one that snoozes SNOOZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to nuzzle SNOOZY adj SNOOZIER, SNOOZIEST drowsy SNORE v SNORED, SNORING, SNORES to breathe loudly while sleeping SNORER n pl. -S one that snores SNORKEL v -ED, -ING, -S to swim underwater with a type of breathing device SNORT v -ED, -ING, -S to exhale noisily through the nostrils SNORTER n pl. -S one that snorts SNOT n pl. -S nasal mucus SNOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST arrogant SNOTTILY adv SNOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a nozzle SNOUTISH adj snouty SNOUTY adj SNOUTIER, SNOUTIEST resembling a long, projecting nose SNOW v -ED, -ING, -S to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) SNOWBALL v -ED, -ING, -S to increase at a rapidly accelerating rate SNOWBANK n pl. -S a mound of snow SNOWBELL n pl. -S a flowering shrub SNOWBELT n pl. -S a region that receives an appreciable amount of snow each year SNOWBIRD n pl. -S a small bird SNOWBUSH n pl. -ES a flowering shrub SNOWCAP n pl. -S a covering of snow SNOWDROP n pl. -S a European herb SNOWFALL n pl. -S a fall of snow SNOWIER comparative of snowy SNOWIEST superlative of snowy SNOWILY adv in a snowy manner SNOWLAND n pl. -S an area marked by a great amount of snow SNOWLESS adj having no snow SNOWLIKE adj resembling snow SNOWMAN n pl. -MEN a figure of a person that is made of snow SNOWMELT n pl. -S water produced by the melting of snow SNOWMOLD n pl. -S a fungus disease of grasses near the edge of melting snow SNOWPACK n pl. -S an accumulation of packed snow SNOWPLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to execute a type of skiing maneuver SNOWSHED n pl. -S a structure built to provide protection against snow SNOWSHOE v -SHOED, -SHOEING, -SHOES to walk on snowshoes (oval frames that allow a person to walk on deep snow) SNOWSUIT n pl. -S a child's garment for winter wear SNOWY adj SNOWIER, SNOWIEST abounding in snow SNUB v SNUBBED, SNUBBING, SNUBS to treat with contempt or neglect SNUBBER n pl. -S one that snubs SNUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST blunt SNUBNESS n pl. -ES bluntness SNUCK a past tense of sneak SNUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to use or inhale snuff (powdered tobacco) SNUFFBOX n pl. -ES a box for holding snuff SNUFFER n pl. -S one that snuffs SNUFFIER comparative of snuffy SNUFFIEST superlative of snuffy SNUFFILY adv in a snuffy manner SNUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to sniffle SNUFFLER n pl. -S one that snuffles SNUFFLY adj -FLIER, -FLIEST tending to snuffle SNUFFY adj SNUFFIER, SNUFFIEST dingy SNUG adj SNUGGER, SNUGGEST warmly comfortable SNUG v SNUGGED, SNUGGING, SNUGS to make snug SNUGGERY n pl. -GERIES a snug place SNUGGEST superlative of snug SNUGGIES n/pl women's long underwear SNUGGING present participle of snug SNUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to lie or press closely SNUGLY adv in a snug manner SNUGNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being snug SNYE n pl. -S a side channel in a river or creek SO n pl. SOS sol SOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to saturate thoroughly in liquid SOAKAGE n pl. -S the act of soaking SOAKER n pl. -S one that soaks SOAP v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with soap (a cleansing agent) SOAPBARK n pl. -S a tropical tree SOAPBOX n pl. -ES a box for soap SOAPER n pl. -S a serial melodrama on radio or television SOAPIER comparative of soapy SOAPIEST superlative of soapy SOAPILY adv in a soapy manner SOAPLESS adj having no soap SOAPLIKE adj resembling soap SOAPSUDS n/pl suds (soapy water) SOAPWORT n pl. -S a perennial herb SOAPY adj SOAPIER, SOAPIEST containing or resembling soap SOAR v -ED, -ING, -S to fly at a great height SOARER n pl. -S one that soars SOARING n pl. -S the sport of flying in a heavier-than-air craft without power SOAVE n pl. -S an Italian wine SOB v SOBBED, SOBBING, SOBS to cry with a convulsive catching of the breath SOBBER n pl. -S one that sobs SOBEIT conj provided that SOBER adj SOBERER, SOBEREST having control of one's faculties SOBER v -ED, -ING, -S to make sober SOBERIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to sober SOBERLY adv in a sober manner SOBFUL adj given to sobbing SOBRIETY n pl. -ETIES the quality or state of being sober SOCAGE n pl. -S a form of feudal land tenure SOCAGER n pl. -S a tenant by socage SOCCAGE n pl. -S socage SOCCER n pl. -S a type of ball game SOCIABLE n pl. -S a social SOCIABLY adv in a friendly manner SOCIAL n pl. -S a friendly gathering SOCIALLY adv with respect to society SOCIETY n pl. -ETIES an organized group of persons SOCIETAL adj SOCK n pl. SOCKS or SOX a knitted or woven covering for the foot SOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike forcefully SOCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a socket (an opening for receiving something) SOCKEYE n pl. -S a food fish SOCKLESS adj having no socks SOCKMAN n pl. -MEN socman SOCKO adj strikingly impressive SOCLE n pl. -S a block used as a base for a column or pedestal SOCMAN n pl. -MEN a socager SOD v SODDED, SODDING, SODS to cover with sod (turf) SODA n pl. -S a type of chemical compound SODALESS adj SODALIST n pl. -S a member of a sodality SODALITE n pl. -S a mineral SODALITY n pl. -TIES a society SODAMIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound SODDED past tense of sod SODDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make soggy SODDENLY adv in a soggy manner SODDING present participle of sod SODDY n pl. -DIES a house built of sod SODIUM n pl. -S a metallic element SODIC adj SODOM n pl. -S a place notorious for vice and corruption SODOMIST n pl. -S a sodomite SODOMITE n pl. -S one who practices sodomy SODOMIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to engage in sodomy with SODOMY n pl. -OMIES unnatural copulation SOEVER adv at all SOFA n pl. -S a long, upholstered seat SOFAR n pl. -S a system for locating underwater explosions SOFFIT n pl. -S the underside of an architectural structure SOFT adj SOFTER, SOFTEST yielding readily to pressure SOFT n pl. -S a soft object or part SOFTA n pl. -S a Muslim theological student SOFTBACK n pl. -S a book bound in a flexible paper cover SOFTBALL n pl. -S a type of ball SOFTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make soft SOFTENER n pl. -S one that softens SOFTHEAD n pl. -S a foolish person SOFTIE n pl. -S softy SOFTIES pl. of softy SOFTISH adj somewhat soft SOFTLY adv in a soft manner SOFTNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being soft SOFTWARE n pl. -S written or printed data used in computer operations SOFTWOOD n pl. -S the soft wood of various trees SOFTY n pl. SOFTIES a sentimental person SOGGED adj soggy SOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST heavy with moisture SOGGILY adv SOIGNE adj carefully done SOIGNEE adj soigne SOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to make dirty SOILAGE n pl. -S green crops for feeding animals SOILLESS adj carried on without soil (finely divided rock mixed with organic matter) SOILURE n pl. -S a stain or smudge SOIREE n pl. -S an evening party SOJA n pl. -S the soybean SOJOURN v -ED, -ING, -S to stay temporarily SOKE n pl. -S a feudal right to administer justice within a certain territory SOKEMAN n pl. -MEN socman SOKOL n pl. -S an international group promoting physical fitness SOL n pl. -S the fifth tone of the diatonic musical scale SOLA a pl. of solum SOLACE v -LACED, -LACING, -LACES to console SOLACER n pl. -S one that solaces SOLAN n pl. -S a gannet SOLAND n pl. -S solan SOLANDER n pl. -S a protective box for library materials SOLANIN n pl. -S solanine SOLANINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid SOLANO n pl. -NOS a strong, hot wind SOLANUM n pl. -S any of a genus of herbs and shrubs SOLAR adj pertaining to the sun SOLARIA a pl. of solarium SOLARISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to solarize SOLARISM n pl. -S an interpretation of folk tales as concepts of the nature of the sun SOLARIUM n pl. -IA or -IUMS a room exposed to the sun SOLARIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to expose to sunlight SOLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to change to a fluid colloidal system SOLATION n pl. -S the act of solating SOLATIUM n pl. -TIA a compensation given for damage to the feelings SOLD past tense of sell SOLDAN n pl. -S a Muslim ruler SOLDER v -ED, -ING, -S to join closely together SOLDERER n pl. -S one that solders SOLDI pl. of soldo SOLDIER v -ED, -ING, -S to perform military service SOLDIERY n pl. -DIERIES the military profession SOLDO n pl. -DI a former coin of Italy SOLE v SOLED, SOLING, SOLES to furnish with a sole (the bottom surface of a shoe or boot) SOLECISE v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES to solecize SOLECISM n pl. -S an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence SOLECIST n pl. -S one who solecizes SOLECIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to use solecisms SOLED past tense of sole SOLEI pl. of soleus SOLELESS adj having no sole SOLELY adv singly SOLEMN adj -EMNER, -EMNEST serious SOLEMNLY adv SOLENESS n pl. -ES the state of being the only one SOLENOID n pl. -S a type of electric coil SOLERET n pl. -S solleret SOLEUS n pl. -LEI a leg muscle SOLFEGE n pl. -S a type of singing exercise SOLFEGGI n/pl solfeges SOLGEL adj involving some changes in the state of a colloidal system SOLI a pl. of solo SOLICIT v -ED, -ING, -S to ask for earnestly SOLID adj -IDER, -IDEST having definite shape and volume SOLID n pl. -S a solid substance SOLIDAGO n pl. -GOS a flowering plant SOLIDARY adj united SOLIDI pl. of solidus SOLIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make solid SOLIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being solid SOLIDLY adv in a solid manner SOLIDUS n pl. -DI a coin of ancient Rome SOLING present participle of sole SOLION n pl. -S an electronic detecting and amplifying device SOLIQUID n pl. -S a fluid colloidal system SOLITARY n pl. -TARIES one who lives alone SOLITON n pl. -S a solitary wave in physics SOLITUDE n pl. -S the state of being alone SOLLERET n pl. -S a sabaton SOLO n pl. -LOS or -LI a musical composition for a single voice or instrument SOLO v -ED, -ING, -S to perform alone SOLOIST n pl. -S one that performs a solo SOLON n pl. -S a wise lawgiver SOLONETS n pl. -ES solonetz SOLONETZ n pl. -ES a type of soil SOLSTICE n pl. -S the time of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator SOLUBLE n pl. -S something that is soluble (capable of being dissolved) SOLUBLY adv in a soluble manner SOLUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a soil layer SOLUS adj alone SOLUTE n pl. -S a dissolved substance SOLUTION n pl. -S a homogeneous liquid mixture SOLVABLE adj capable of being solved SOLVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to convert into a type of ion SOLVE v SOLVED, SOLVING, SOLVES to find the answer or explanation for SOLVENCY n pl. -CIES the ability to pay all debts SOLVENT n pl. -S a substance capable of dissolving others SOLVER n pl. -S one that solves SOLVING present participle of solve SOMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS the body of an organism SOMATIC adj SOMBER adj gloomy SOMBERLY adv SOMBRE adj somber SOMBRELY adv SOMBRERO n pl. -ROS a broad-brimmed hat SOMBROUS adj somber SOME adj being an unspecified number or part SOMEBODY n pl. -BODIES an important person SOMEDAY adv at some future time SOMEDEAL adv to some degree SOMEHOW adv by some means SOMEONE n pl. -S a somebody SOMERSET v -SETED, -SETING, -SETS or -SETTED, -SETTING, -SETS to roll the body in a complete circle, head over heels SOMETIME adv at some future time SOMEWAY adv somehow SOMEWAYS adv someway SOMEWHAT n pl. -S an unspecified number or part SOMEWHEN adv sometime SOMEWISE adv somehow SOMITE n pl. -S a longitudinal segment of the body of some animals SOMITAL, SOMITIC adj SON n pl. -S a male child SONANCE n pl. -S sound SONANT n pl. -S a sound uttered with vibration of the vocal cords SONANTAL, SONANTIC adj SONAR n pl. -S an underwater locating device SONARMAN n pl. -MEN a person who operates sonar equipment SONATA n pl. -S a type of musical composition SONATINA n pl. -TINAS or -TINE a short sonata SONDE n pl. -S a device for observing atmospheric phenomena SONDER n pl. -S a class of small yachts SONE n pl. -S a unit of loudness SONG n pl. -S a musical composition written or adapted for singing SONGBIRD n pl. -S a bird that utters a musical call SONGBOOK n pl. -S a book of songs SONGFEST n pl. -S an informal gathering for group singing SONGFUL adj melodious SONGLESS adj incapable of singing SONGLIKE adj resembling a song SONGSTER n pl. -S a singer SONHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a son SONIC adj pertaining to sound SONICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to disrupt with sound waves SONICS n/pl the science dealing with the practical applications of sound SONLESS adj having no son SONLIKE adj resembling a son SONLY adj pertaining to a son SONNET v -NETED, -NETING, -NETS or -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS to compose a sonnet (a type of poem) SONNY n pl. -NIES a small boy SONOBUOY n pl. -BUOYS a buoy that detects and transmits underwater sounds SONOGRAM n pl. -S an image produced by ultrasound SONORANT n pl. -S a type of voiced sound SONORITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being sonorous SONOROUS adj characterized by a full and loud sound SONOVOX n pl. -ES a sound effects device SONSHIP n pl. -S the state of being a son SONSIE adj -SIER, -SIEST sonsy SONSY adj -SIER, -SIEST comely SOOCHONG n pl. -S souchong SOOEY interj -- used in calling pigs SOOK n pl. -S souk SOON adv SOONER, SOONEST in the near future SOONER n pl. -S one who settles on government land before it is officially opened for settlement SOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with soot (a black substance produced by combustion) SOOTH adj SOOTHER, SOOTHEST true SOOTH n pl. -S truth SOOTHE v SOOTHED, SOOTHING, SOOTHES to restore to a quiet or normal state SOOTHER n pl. -S one that soothes SOOTHLY adv in truth SOOTHSAY v -SAID, -SAYING, -SAYS to predict SOOTY adj SOOTIER, SOOTIEST covered with soot SOOTILY adv SOP v SOPPED, SOPPING, SOPS to dip or soak in a liquid SOPH n pl. -S a sophomore SOPHIES pl. of sophy SOPHISM n pl. -S a plausible but fallacious argument SOPHIST n pl. -S one that uses sophisms SOPHY n pl. -PHIES a ruler of Persia SOPITE v -PITED, -PITING, -PITES to put to sleep SOPOR n pl. -S an abnormally deep sleep SOPPED past tense of sop SOPPING adj very wet SOPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST very wet SOPRANO n pl. -NOS or -NI the highest singing voice SORA n pl. -S a marsh bird SORB v -ED, -ING, -S to take up and hold by absorption or adsorption SORBABLE adj SORBATE n pl. -S a sorbed substance SORBENT n pl. -S a substance that sorbs SORBET n pl. -S sherbet SORBIC adj pertaining to a type of fruit SORBITOL n pl. -S a chemical compound SORBOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar SORCERER n pl. -S one who practices sorcery SORCERY n pl. -CERIES alleged use of supernatural powers SORD n pl. -S a flight of mallards SORDID adj filthy SORDIDLY adv SORDINE n pl. -S a device used to muffle the tone of a musical instrument SORDINO n pl. -NI sordine SORDOR n pl. -S a sordid state SORE adj SORER, SOREST painfully sensitive to the touch SORE n pl. -S a sore area on the body SOREHEAD n pl. -S a person who is easily angered or offended SOREL n pl. -S sorrel SORELY adv in a sore manner SORENESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being sore SORER comparative of sore SOREST superlative of sore SORGHO n pl. -GHOS sorgo SORGHUM n pl. -S a cereal grass SORGO n pl. -GOS a variety of sorghum SORI pl. of sorus SORICINE adj belonging to the shrew family of mammals SORING n pl. -S the practice of making a horse's front feet sore to force high stepping SORITES n pl. SORITES a type of argument used in logic SORITIC adj SORN v -ED, -ING, -S to force oneself on others for food and lodging SORNER n pl. -S one that sorns SOROCHE n pl. -S mountain sickness SORORAL adj sisterly SORORATE n pl. -S the marriage of a man usually with his deceased wife's sister SORORITY n pl. -TIES a social club for women SOROSIS n pl. -ROSES or -ROSISES a women's club or society SORPTION n pl. -S the act or process of sorbing SORPTIVE adj SORREL n pl. -S a reddish brown color SORRIER comparative of sorry SORRIEST superlative of sorry SORRILY adv in a sorry manner SORROW v -ED, -ING, -S to grieve SORROWER n pl. -S one that sorrows SORRY adj -RIER, -RIEST feeling grief or penitence SORT v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange according to kind, class, or size SORTABLE adj SORTABLY adv SORTER n pl. -S one that sorts SORTIE v -TIED, -TIEING, -TIES to attack suddenly from a defensive position SORUS n pl. -RI a cluster of plant reproductive bodies SOT n pl. -S an habitual drunkard SOTH n pl. -S sooth SOTOL n pl. -S a flowering plant SOTTED adj besotted SOTTISH adj resembling a sot SOU n pl. -S a former French coin SOUARI n pl. -S a tropical tree SOUBISE n pl. -S a sauce of onions and butter SOUCAR n pl. -S a Hindu banker SOUCHONG n pl. -S a Chinese tea SOUDAN n pl. -S soldan SOUFFLE n pl. -S a light, baked dish SOUFFLED adj made puffy by beating and baking SOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to make a moaning or sighing sound SOUGHT past tense of seek SOUK n pl. -S a marketplace in northern Africa and the Middle East SOUL n pl. -S the spiritual aspect of human beings SOULED, SOULLESS, SOULLIKE adj SOULFUL adj full of emotion SOUND adj SOUNDER, SOUNDEST being in good health or condition SOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sound (something that stimulates the auditory receptors) SOUNDBOX n pl. -ES a resonant cavity in a musical instrument SOUNDER n pl. -S one that sounds SOUNDING n pl. -S a sampling or test of opinions SOUNDLY adv in a sound manner SOUNDMAN n pl. -MEN a person who controls the quality of sound being recorded SOUP v -ED, -ING, -S to increase the power or efficiency of SOUPCON n pl. -S a minute amount SOUPY adj SOUPIER, SOUPIEST foggy SOUR adj SOURER, SOUREST sharp or biting to the taste SOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become sour SOURBALL n pl. -S a sour candy SOURCE v -CED, -CING, -CES to originate SOURDINE n pl. -S sordine SOURISH adj somewhat sour SOURLY adv in a sour manner SOURNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being sour SOURPUSS n pl. -ES a grouchy person SOURSOP n pl. -S a tropical tree SOURWOOD n pl. -S a flowering tree SOUSE v SOUSED, SOUSING, SOUSES to immerse SOUTACHE n pl. -S a flat, narrow braid SOUTANE n pl. -S a cassock SOUTER n pl. -S a shoemaker SOUTH v -ED, -ING, -S to move toward the south (a cardinal point of the compass) SOUTHER n pl. -S a wind or storm from the south SOUTHERN n pl. -S a person living in the south SOUTHING n pl. -S movement toward the south SOUTHPAW n pl. -S a left-handed person SOUTHRON n pl. -S a southern SOUVENIR n pl. -S a memento SOUVLAKI n pl. -S a Greek shish kebab SOVIET n pl. -S a legislative body in a Communist country SOVKHOZ n pl. -KHOZES or -KHOZY a state-owned farm in the Soviet Union SOVRAN n pl. -S a monarch SOVRANLY adv supremely SOVRANTY n pl. -TIES a monarchy SOW v SOWED, SOWN, SOWING, SOWS to scatter over land for growth, as seed SOWABLE adj SOWANS n pl. SOWANS sowens SOWAR n pl. -S a mounted native soldier in India SOWBELLY n pl. -LIES pork cured in salt SOWBREAD n pl. -S a flowering plant SOWCAR n pl. -S soucar SOWENS n pl. SOWENS porridge made from oat husks SOWER n pl. -S one that sows SOWN past participle of sow SOX a pl. of sock SOY n pl. SOYS the soybean SOYA n pl. -S soy SOYBEAN n pl. -S the seed of a cultivated Asian herb SOYMILK n pl. -S a milk substitute made from soybeans SOYUZ n pl. -ES a Soviet manned spacecraft SOZIN n pl. -S a type of protein SOZINE n pl. -S sozin SOZZLED adj drunk SPA n pl. -S a mineral spring SPACE v SPACED, SPACING, SPACES to set some distance apart SPACEMAN n pl. -MEN an astronaut SPACER n pl. -S one that spaces SPACEY adj SPACIER, SPACIEST weird in behavior SPACIAL adj spatial SPACING n pl. -S the distance between any two objects SPACIOUS adj vast or ample in extent SPACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to fill cracks or holes in a surface with paste SPACY adj SPACIER, SPACIEST spacey SPADE v SPADED, SPADING, SPADES to take up with a spade (a digging implement) SPADEFUL n pl. -S as much as a spade can hold SPADER n pl. -S one that spades SPADICES pl. of spadix SPADILLE n pl. -S the highest trump in certain card games SPADING present participle of spade SPADIX n pl. -DICES or -DIXES a flower cluster SPADO n pl. -DONES a castrated man or animal SPAE v SPAED, SPAEING, SPAES to foretell SPAEING n pl. -S the act of foretelling SPAETZLE n/pl tiny dumplings SPAGYRIC n pl. -S a person skilled in alchemy SPAHEE n pl. -S spahi SPAHI n pl. -S a Turkish cavalryman SPAIL n pl. -S spale SPAIT n pl. -S spate SPAKE a past tense of speak SPALE n pl. -S a splinter or chip SPALL v -ED, -ING, -S to break up into fragments SPALLER n pl. -S one that spalls SPALPEEN n pl. -S a rascal SPAN v SPANNED, SPANNING, SPANS to extend over or across SPANCEL v -CELED, -CELING, -CELS or -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to bind or fetter with a rope SPANDEX n pl. -ES a synthetic elastic fiber SPANDREL n pl. -S a space between two adjoining arches SPANDRIL n pl. -S spandrel SPANG adv directly SPANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to adorn with spangles (bits of sparkling metal) SPANGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST covered with spangles SPANIEL n pl. -S a dog with silky hair SPANK v -ED, -ING, -S to slap on the buttocks SPANKER n pl. -S one that spanks SPANKING n pl. -S the act of one that spanks SPANLESS adj having no extent SPANNED past tense of span SPANNER n pl. -S one that spans SPANNING present participle of span SPANWORM n pl. -S an inchworm SPAR v SPARRED, SPARRING, SPARS to provide with spars (stout poles used to support rigging) SPARABLE n pl. -S a type of nail SPARE adj SPARER, SPAREST meager SPARELY adv SPARE v SPARED, SPARING, SPARES to refrain from punishing, harming, or destroying SPARER n pl. -S one that spares SPARERIB n pl. -S a cut of pork SPAREST adj superlative of spare SPARGE v SPARGED, SPARGING, SPARGES to sprinkle SPARGER n pl. -S one that sparges SPARID n pl. -S any of a family of marine fishes SPARING present participle of spare SPARK v -ED, -ING, -S to give off sparks (small fiery particles) SPARKER n pl. -S something that sparks SPARKIER comparative of sparky SPARKIEST superlative of sparky SPARKILY adv in a lively manner SPARKISH adj jaunty SPARKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to give off or reflect flashes of light SPARKLER n pl. -S something that sparkles SPARKLY adj -KLIER, -KLIEST tending to sparkle SPARKY adj SPARKIER, SPARKIEST lively SPARLIKE adj resembling a spar SPARLING n pl. -S a young herring SPAROID n pl. -S a sparid SPARRED past tense of spar SPARRIER comparative of sparry SPARRIEST superlative of sparry SPARRING present participle of spar SPARROW n pl. -S a small bird SPARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST resembling spar (a lustrous mineral) SPARSE adj SPARSER, SPARSEST thinly distributed SPARSELY adv SPARSITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being sparse SPARTAN adj marked by avoidance of luxury and comfort SPASM n pl. -S an abnormal, involuntary muscular contraction SPASTIC n pl. -S one suffering from spastic paralysis (a paralysis with muscle spasms) SPAT v SPATTED, SPATTING, SPATS to strike lightly SPATE n pl. -S a freshet SPATHE n pl. -S a leaflike organ of certain plants SPATHAL, SPATHED, SPATHOSE adj SPATHIC adj sparry SPATIAL adj of or pertaining to space SPATTED past tense of spat SPATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to scatter in drops SPATTING present participle of spat SPATULA n pl. -S a mixing implement SPATULAR adj SPATZLE n/pl spaetzle SPAVIE n pl. -S spavin SPAVIET adj SPAVIN n pl. -S a disease of horses SPAVINED adj SPAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to deposit eggs SPAWNER n pl. -S one that spawns SPAY v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the ovaries of SPAZ n pl. -ZES a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person SPEAK v SPOKE or SPAKE, SPOKEN, SPEAKING, SPEAKS to utter words SPEAKER n pl. -S one that speaks SPEAKING n pl. -S a speech or discourse SPEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to wean SPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to pierce with a spear (a long, pointed weapon) SPEARER n pl. -S one that spears SPEARGUN n pl. -S a gun that shoots a spear SPEARMAN n pl. -MEN a person armed with a spear SPEC v SPECCED, SPECCING, SPECS to write specifications for SPECIAL adj -CIALER, -CIALEST of a distinct or particular kind or character SPECIAL n pl. -S a special person or thing SPECIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to undergo a type of evolutionary process SPECIE n pl. -S coined money SPECIFIC n pl. -S a remedy intended for a particular disease SPECIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to state in detail SPECIMEN n pl. -S a part or individual representative of a group or whole SPECIOUS adj having a false look of truth or authenticity SPECK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with small spots SPECKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to speck SPECS n/pl eyeglasses SPECTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to attend and view SPECTER n pl. -S a visible disembodied spirit SPECTRA a pl. of spectrum SPECTRAL adj resembling a specter SPECTRE n pl. -S specter SPECTRUM n pl. -TRA or -TRUMS an array of the components of a light wave SPECULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a medical instrument SPECULAR adj SPEECH n pl. -ES the faculty or act of speaking SPEED v SPED or SPEEDED, SPEEDING, SPEEDS to move swiftly SPEEDER n pl. -S one that speeds SPEEDIER comparative of speedy SPEEDIEST superlative of speedy SPEEDILY adv in a speedy manner SPEEDING n pl. -S the act of driving faster than the law allows SPEEDO n pl. SPEEDOS a speedometer SPEEDUP n pl. -S an acceleration of production without an increase in pay SPEEDWAY n pl. -WAYS a road designed for rapid travel SPEEDY adj SPEEDIER, SPEEDIEST swift SPEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to climb SPEER v -ED, -ING, -S to inquire SPEERING n pl. -S inquiry SPEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to speel SPEIR v -ED, -ING, -S to speer SPEISE n pl. -S speiss SPEISS n pl. -ES a metallic mixture obtained in smelting certain ores SPELAEAN adj spelean SPELEAN adj living in caves SPELL v SPELLED or SPELT, SPELLING, SPELLS to name or write the letters of in order SPELLER n pl. -S one that spells words SPELLING n pl. -S a sequence of letters composing a word SPELT n pl. -S a variety of wheat SPELTER n pl. -S zinc in the form of ingots SPELTZ n pl. -ES spelt SPELUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to explore caves SPENCE n pl. -S a pantry SPENCER n pl. -S a trysail SPEND v SPENT, SPENDING, SPENDS to pay out SPENDER n pl. -S one that spends SPENSE n pl. -S spence SPENT past tense of spend SPERM n pl. -S a male gamete SPERMIC adj SPERMARY n pl. -RIES an organ in which sperms are formed SPERMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound SPERMOUS adj resembling or made up of sperms SPEW v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit SPEWER n pl. -S one that spews SPHAGNUM n pl. -S a grayish moss SPHENE n pl. -S a mineral SPHENIC adj shaped like a wedge SPHENOID n pl. -S a bone of the skull SPHERAL adj of, pertaining to, or having the form of a sphere SPHERE v SPHERED, SPHERING, SPHERES to form into a sphere (a type of geometric solid) SPHERIC adj spheral SPHERICS n/pl the geometry of figures on the surface of a sphere SPHERIER comparative of sphery SPHERIEST superlative of sphery SPHERING present participle of sphere SPHEROID n pl. -S a type of geometric solid SPHERULE n pl. -S a small sphere SPHERY adj SPHERIER, SPHERIEST resembling a sphere SPHINGES a pl. of sphinx SPHINGID n pl. -S the hawkmoth SPHINX n pl. SPHINXES or SPHINGES a monster in Egyptian mythology SPHYGMUS n pl. -ES the pulse SPHYGMIC adj SPICA n pl. -CAE or -CAS an ear of grain SPICATE, SPICATED adj SPICCATO n pl. -TOS a method of playing a stringed instrument SPICE v SPICED, SPICING, SPICES to season with a spice (an aromatic vegetable substance) SPICER n pl. -S one that spices SPICERY n pl. -ERIES a spicy quality SPICEY adj SPICIER, SPICIEST spicy SPICIER comparative of spicy SPICIEST superlative of spicy SPICILY adv in a spicy manner SPICING present participle of spice SPICULA n pl. -LAE spicule SPICULAR adj SPICULE n pl. -S a needlelike structure SPICULUM n pl. -LA spicule SPICY adj SPICIER, SPICIEST containing spices SPIDER n pl. -S a type of arachnid SPIDERY adj -DERIER, -DERIEST resembling a spider SPIED past tense of spy SPIEGEL n pl. -S a type of cast iron SPIEL v -ED, -ING, -S to talk at length SPIELER n pl. -S one that spiels SPIER v -ED, -ING, -S to speer SPIES present 3d person sing. of spy SPIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to make spiffy SPIFFING adj spiffy SPIFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST stylish SPIFFILY adv SPIGOT n pl. -S a faucet SPIKE v SPIKED, SPIKING, SPIKES to fasten with a spike (a long, thick nail) SPIKELET n pl. -S a type of flower cluster SPIKER n pl. -S one that spikes SPIKEY adj SPIKIER, SPIKIEST spiky SPIKING present participle of spike SPIKY adj SPIKIER, SPIKIEST resembling a spike SPIKILY adv SPILE v SPILED, SPILING, SPILES to stop up with a wooden plug SPILIKIN n pl. -S a strip of wood used in a game SPILING n pl. -S a piling SPILL v SPILLED or SPILT, SPILLING, SPILLS to cause to run out of a container SPILLAGE n pl. -S something that is spilled SPILLER n pl. -S one that spills SPILLWAY n pl. -WAYS a channel for surplus water in a reservoir SPILT a past tense of spill SPILTH n pl. -S spillage SPIN v SPUN, SPINNING, SPINS to draw out and twist into threads SPINACH n pl. -ES a cultivated herb SPINACHY adj SPINAGE n pl. -S spinach SPINAL n pl. -S an injection of an anesthetic into the spinal cord SPINALLY adv with respect to the spine SPINATE adj bearing thorns SPINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to impale on a slender rod SPINDLER n pl. -S one that spindles SPINDLY adj -DLIER, -DLIEST long and slender SPINE n pl. -S the vertebral column SPINED adj SPINEL n pl. -S a mineral SPINELLE n pl. -S spinel SPINET n pl. -S a small piano SPINIER comparative of spiny SPINIEST superlative of spiny SPINIFEX n pl. -ES an Australian grass SPINLESS adj having no rotation SPINNER n pl. -S one that spins SPINNERY n pl. -NERIES a spinning mill SPINNEY n pl. -NEYS a thicket SPINNING n pl. -S the act of one that spins SPINNY n pl. -NIES spinney SPINOFF n pl. -S a new application or incidental result SPINOR n pl. -S a type of mathematical vector SPINOSE adj spiny SPINOUS adj spiny SPINOUT n pl. -S a rotational skid by an automobile SPINSTER n pl. -S an unmarried woman who is past the usual age for marrying SPINTO n pl. -TOS a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic SPINULA n pl. -LAE spinule SPINULE n pl. -S a small thorn SPINY adj SPINIER, SPINIEST bearing or covered with thorns SPIRACLE n pl. -S an orifice through which breathing occurs SPIRAEA n pl. -S spirea SPIRAL v -RALED, -RALING, -RALS or -RALLED, -RALLING, -RALS to move like a spiral (a type of plane curve) SPIRALLY adv in a spiral manner SPIRANT n pl. -S a speech sound produced by the forcing of breath through a narrow passage SPIRE v SPIRED, SPIRING, SPIRES to rise in a tapering manner SPIREA n pl. -S a flowering shrub SPIREM n pl. -S spireme SPIREME n pl. -S a filament forming part of a cell nucleus during mitosis SPIRIER comparative of spiry SPIRIEST superlative of spiry SPIRILLA n/pl spirally twisted, aerobic bacteria SPIRING present participle of spire SPIRIT v -ED, -ING, -S to carry off secretly SPIROID adj resembling a spiral SPIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to spurt SPIRULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a spiral-shelled mollusk SPIRY adj SPIRIER, SPIRIEST tall, slender, and tapering SPIT v SPITTED, SPITTING, SPITS to impale on a spit (a pointed rod on which meat is turned) SPITAL n pl. -S a hospital SPITBALL n pl. -S a type of pitch in baseball SPITE v SPITED, SPITING, SPITES to treat with malice SPITEFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST malicious SPITFIRE n pl. -S a quick-tempered person SPITING present participle of spite SPITTED past tense of spit SPITTER n pl. -S a spitball SPITTING present participle of spit SPITTLE n pl. -S saliva SPITTOON n pl. -S a receptacle for saliva SPITZ n pl. -ES a dog having a heavy coat SPIV n pl. -S a petty criminal SPLAKE n pl. -S a freshwater fish SPLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to scatter a liquid about SPLASHER n pl. -S one that splashes SPLASHY adj SPLASHIER, SPLASHIEST showy SPLAT v SPLATTED, SPLATTING, SPLATS to flatten on impact SPLATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to spatter SPLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to spread out SPLEEN n pl. -S a ductless organ of the body SPLEENY adj SPLEENIER, SPLEENIEST peevish SPLENDID adj -DIDER, -DIDEST magnificent SPLENDOR n pl. -S magnificence SPLENIA pl. of splenium SPLENIAL adj pertaining to the splenius SPLENIC adj pertaining to the spleen SPLENIUM n pl. -NIA a surgical bandage SPLENIUS n pl. -NII a muscle of the neck SPLENT n pl. -S a splint SPLICE v SPLICED, SPLICING, SPLICES to join at the ends SPLICER n pl. -S one that splices SPLIFF n pl. -S a marijuana cigarette SPLINE v SPLINED, SPLINING, SPLINES to provide with a spline (a key that connects two rotating mechanical parts) SPLINT v -ED, -ING, -S to brace with a splint (a thin piece of wood) SPLINTER v -ED, -ING, -S to split into sharp, slender pieces SPLIT v SPLIT, SPLITTING, SPLITS to separate lengthwise SPLITTER n pl. -S one that splits SPLODGE v SPLODGED, SPLODGING, SPLODGES to splotch SPLORE n pl. -S a carousal SPLOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to splash SPLOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mark with large, irregular spots SPLOTCHY adj SPLOTCHIER, SPLOTCHIEST splotched SPLURGE v SPLURGED, SPLURGING, SPLURGES to spend money lavishly SPLURGER n pl. -S one that splurges SPLURGY adj SPLURGIER, SPLURGIEST tending to splurge SPLUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak rapidly and confusedly SPODE n pl. -S a fine china SPOIL v SPOILED or SPOILT, SPOILING, SPOILS to impair the value or quality of SPOILAGE n pl. -S something that is spoiled or wasted SPOILER n pl. -S one that spoils SPOILT a past tense of spoil SPOKE v SPOKED, SPOKING, SPOKES to provide with spokes (rods that support the rim of a wheel) SPOKEN past participle of speak SPOLIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to plunder SPONDAIC n pl. -S a spondee SPONDEE n pl. -S a type of metrical foot SPONGE v SPONGED, SPONGING, SPONGES to wipe with a sponge (a mass of absorbent material) SPONGER n pl. -S one that sponges SPONGIER comparative of spongy SPONGIEST superlative of spongy SPONGILY adv in a spongy manner SPONGIN n pl. -S a fibrous material SPONGING present participle of sponge SPONGY adj SPONGIER, SPONGIEST resembling a sponge SPONSAL adj pertaining to marriage SPONSION n pl. -S the act of sponsoring SPONSON n pl. -S a projection from the side of a ship SPONSOR v -ED, -ING, -S to make oneself responsible for SPONTOON n pl. -S a spear-like weapon SPOOF v -ED, -ING, -S to ridicule in fun SPOOFER n pl. -S one that spoofs SPOOFERY n pl. -ERIES good-natured ridicule SPOOFY adj humorously satiric SPOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to scare SPOOKERY n pl. -ERIES something spooky SPOOKISH adj spooky SPOOKY adj SPOOKIER, SPOOKIEST scary SPOOKILY adv SPOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to wind on a small cylinder SPOOLING n pl. -S the temporary storage of data for later output SPOON v -ED, -ING, -S to take up with a spoon (a type of eating utensil) SPOONEY adj SPOONIER, SPOONIEST spoony SPOONEY n pl. -EYS a spoony SPOONFUL n pl. SPOONFULS or SPOONSFUL as much as a spoon can hold SPOONIER comparative of spooney SPOONIES pl. of spoony SPOONIEST superlative of spooney SPOONSFUL a pl. of spoonful SPOONY adj SPOONIER, SPOONIEST overly sentimental SPOONILY adv SPOONY n pl. SPOONIES a spoony person SPOOR v -ED, -ING, -S to track SPORADIC adj occurring at irregular intervals SPORAL adj of, pertaining to, or resembling a spore SPORE v SPORED, SPORING, SPORES to produce spores (asexual, usually single-celled reproductive bodies) SPOROID adj resembling a spore SPOROZOA n/pl parasitic one-celled animals SPORRAN n pl. -S a large purse worn by Scottish Highlanders SPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic SPORTER n pl. -S one that sports SPORTFUL adj sportive SPORTIF adj sporty SPORTIVE adj playful SPORTY adj SPORTIER, SPORTIEST showy SPORTILY adv SPORULE n pl. -S a small spore SPORULAR adj SPOT v SPOTTED, SPOTTING, SPOTS to mark with spots (small, roundish discolorations) SPOTLESS adj perfectly clean SPOTLIT a past tense of spotlight SPOTTER n pl. -S one that spots SPOTTING present participle of spot SPOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST marked with spots SPOTTILY adv SPOUSAL n pl. -S marriage SPOUSE v SPOUSED, SPOUSING, SPOUSES to marry SPOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to eject in a rapid stream SPOUTER n pl. -S one that spouts SPRADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to straddle SPRAG n pl. -S a device used to prevent a vehicle from rolling backward SPRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to weaken by a sudden and violent twisting or wrenching SPRANG n pl. -S a weaving technique to form an openwork mesh SPRAT n pl. -S a small herring SPRATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to struggle SPRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to stretch out ungracefully SPRAWLER n pl. -S one that sprawls SPRAWLY adj SPRAWLIER, SPRAWLIEST tending to sprawl SPRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to disperse in fine particles SPRAYER n pl. -S one that sprays SPREAD v SPREAD, SPREADING, SPREADS to open or expand over a larger area SPREADER n pl. -S one that spreads SPREE n pl. -S an unrestrained indulgence in an activity SPRENT adj sprinkled over SPRIER a comparative of spry SPRIEST a superlative of spry SPRIG v SPRIGGED, SPRIGGING, SPRIGS to fasten with small, thin nails SPRIGGER n pl. -S one that sprigs SPRIGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST having small branches SPRIGHT n pl. -S sprite SPRING v SPRANG or SPRUNG, SPRINGING, SPRINGS to move upward suddenly and swiftly SPRINGAL n pl. -S a young man SPRINGE v SPRINGED, SPRINGEING, SPRINGES to catch with a type of snare SPRINGER n pl. -S one that springs SPRINGY adj SPRINGIER, SPRINGIEST resilient SPRINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to scatter drops or particles on SPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to run at top speed SPRINTER n pl. -S one that sprints SPRIT n pl. -S a ship's spar SPRITE n pl. -S an elf or fairy SPRITZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to spray SPRITZER n pl. -S a beverage of white wine and soda water SPROCKET n pl. -S a toothlike projection that engages with the links of a chain SPROUT v -ED, -ING, -S to begin to grow SPRUCE adj SPRUCER, SPRUCEST neat and trim in appearance SPRUCELY adv SPRUCE v SPRUCED, SPRUCING, SPRUCES to make spruce SPRUCY adj SPRUCIER, SPRUCIEST spruce SPRUE n pl. -S a tropical disease SPRUG n pl. -S a sparrow SPRUNG a past tense of spring SPRY adj SPRYER, SPRYEST or SPRIER, SPRIEST nimble SPRYLY adv SPRYNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being spry SPUD v SPUDDED, SPUDDING, SPUDS to remove with a spade-like tool SPUDDER n pl. -S a tool for removing bark from trees SPUE v SPUED, SPUING, SPUES to spew SPUME v SPUMED, SPUMING, SPUMES to foam SPUMIER comparative of spumy SPUMIEST superlative of spumy SPUMING present participle of spume SPUMONE n pl. -S an Italian ice cream SPUMONI n pl. -S spumone SPUMOUS adj spumy SPUMY adj SPUMIER, SPUMIEST foamy SPUN past tense of spin SPUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to begin to burn SPUNKIE n pl. -S a light caused by the combustion of marsh gas SPUNKY adj SPUNKIER, SPUNKIEST plucky SPUNKILY adv SPUR v SPURRED, SPURRING, SPURS to urge on with a spur (a horseman's goad) SPURGALL v -ED, -ING, -S to injure with a spur SPURGE n pl. -S a tropical plant SPURIOUS adj not genuine SPURN v -ED, -ING, -S to reject with contempt SPURNER n pl. -S one that spurns SPURRED past tense of spur SPURRER n pl. -S one that spurs SPURREY n pl. -REYS spurry SPURRIER n pl. -S one that makes spurs SPURRING present participle of spur SPURRY n pl. -RIES a European weed SPURT v -ED, -ING, -S to gush forth SPURTLE n pl. -S a stick for stirring porridge SPUTA pl. of sputum SPUTNIK n pl. -S a Soviet artificial earth satellite SPUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to eject particles in short bursts SPUTUM n pl. -TA saliva SPY v SPIED, SPYING, SPIES to watch secretly SPYGLASS n pl. -ES a small telescope SQUAB n pl. -S a young pigeon SQUABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to quarrel SQUABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST short and fat SQUAD v SQUADDED, SQUADDING, SQUADS to form into squads (small organized groups) SQUADRON v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in squadrons (units of military organization) SQUALENE n pl. -S a chemical compound SQUALID adj -IDER, -IDEST marked by filthiness caused by neglect or poverty SQUALL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry or scream loudly SQUALLER n pl. -S one that squalls SQUALLY adj SQUALLIER, SQUALLIEST gusty SQUALOR n pl. -S the quality or state of being squalid SQUAMA n pl. -MAE a scale SQUAMATE, SQUAMOSE, SQUAMOUS adj SQUANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to spend wastefully SQUARE adj SQUARER, SQUAREST having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional SQUARE v SQUARED, SQUARING, SQUARES to make square SQUARELY adv in a direct manner SQUARER n pl. -S one that squares SQUAREST superlative of square SQUARING present participle of square SQUARISH adj somewhat square SQUASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to press into a pulp or flat mass SQUASHER n pl. -S one that squashes SQUASHY adj SQUASHIER, SQUASHIEST soft and moist SQUAT adj SQUATTER, SQUATTEST short and thick SQUATLY adv SQUAT v SQUATTED, SQUATTING, SQUATS to sit on one's heels SQUATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to move through water SQUATTING present participle of squat SQUATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST squat SQUAW n pl. -S an American Indian woman SQUAWK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a loud, harsh cry SQUAWKER n pl. -S one that squawks SQUEAK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sharp, high-pitched sound SQUEAKER n pl. -S one that squeaks SQUEAKY adj SQUEAKIER, SQUEAKIEST tending to squeak SQUEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a sharp, shrill cry SQUEALER n pl. -S one that squeals SQUEEGEE v -GEED, -GEEING, -GEES to wipe with a squeegee (an implement for removing water from a surface) SQUEEZE v SQUEEZED, SQUEEZING, SQUEEZES to press hard upon SQUEEZER n pl. -S one that squeezes SQUEG v SQUEGGED, SQUEGGING, SQUEGS to oscillate in an irregular manner SQUELCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squash SQUELCHY adj SQUELCHIER, SQUELCHIEST squashy SQUIB v SQUIBBED, SQUIBBING, SQUIBS to lampoon SQUID v SQUIDDED, SQUIDDING, SQUIDS to fish for squid (ten-armed marine mollusks) SQUIFFED adj drunk SQUIFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST squiffed SQUIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to wriggle SQUIGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST wriggly SQUILGEE v -GEED, -GEEING, -GEES to squeegee SQUILL n pl. -S a Eurasian herb SQUILLA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a burrowing crustacean SQUINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squint SQUINNY adj -NIER, -NIEST squinty SQUINNY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to squint SQUINT adj SQUINTER, SQUINTEST cross-eyed SQUINT v -ED, -ING, -S to look with the eyes partly closed SQUINTER n pl. -S one that squints SQUINTY adj SQUINTIER, SQUINTIEST marked by squinting SQUIRE v SQUIRED, SQUIRING, SQUIRES to serve as a squire (an escort) SQUIREEN n pl. -S an owner of a small estate SQUIRISH adj of, resembling, or befitting a squire SQUIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to wriggle SQUIRMER n pl. -S one that squirms SQUIRMY adj SQUIRMIER, SQUIRMIEST wriggly SQUIRREL v -RELED, -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS to store up for future use SQUIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to eject in a thin, swift stream SQUIRTER n pl. -S one that squirts SQUISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squash SQUISHY adj SQUISHIER, SQUISHIEST squashy SQUOOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squash SQUOOSHY adj SQUOOSHIER, SQUOOSHIEST squashy SQUUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to squash SRADDHA n pl. -S sradha SRADHA n pl. -S a Hindu ceremonial offering SRI n pl. -S mister; sir -- used as a Hindu title of respect STAB v STABBED, STABBING, STABS to pierce with a pointed weapon STABBER n pl. -S one that stabs STABILE n pl. -S a stationary abstract sculpture STABLE adj -BLER, -BLEST resistant to sudden change or position or condition STABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to put in a stable (a shelter for domestic animals) STABLER n pl. -S one that keeps a stable STABLEST superlative of stable STABLING n pl. -S accommodation for animals in a stable STABLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to establish STABLY adv in a stable manner STACCATO n pl. -TOS or -TI a musical passage marked by the short, clear-cut playing of tones STACK v -ED, -ING, -S to pile STACKER n pl. -S one that stacks STACKUP n pl. -S an arrangement of circling airplanes over an airport waiting to land STACTE n pl. -S a spice used by the ancient Jews in making incense STADDLE n pl. -S a platform on which hay is stacked STADE n pl. -S an ancient Greek unit of length STADIA n pl. -S a method of surveying distances STADIUM n pl. -S a structure in which athletic events are held STAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a staff (a body of assistants) STAFFER n pl. -S a member of a staff STAG v STAGGED, STAGGING, STAGS to attend a social function without a female companion STAGE v STAGED, STAGING, STAGES to produce for public view STAGEFUL n pl. -S as much or as many as a stage can hold STAGER n pl. -S an experienced person STAGEY adj STAGIER, STAGIEST stagy STAGGARD n pl. -S a full-grown male red deer STAGGART n pl. -S staggard STAGGED past tense of stag STAGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to walk or stand unsteadily STAGGERY adj unsteady STAGGIE n pl. -S a colt STAGGING present participle of stag STAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST having the appearance of a mature male STAGIER comparative of stagey and stagy STAGIEST superlative of stagey and stagy STAGILY adv in a stagy manner STAGING n pl. -S a temporary platform STAGNANT adj not moving or flowing STAGNATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to become stagnant STAGY adj STAGIER, STAGIEST having a theatrical quality STAID adj STAIDER, STAIDEST sober and sedate STAIDLY adv STAIG n pl. -S a colt STAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to discolor or dirty STAINER n pl. -S one that stains STAIR n pl. -S a rest for the foot used in going from one level to another STAIRWAY n pl. -WAYS a flight of stairs STAITHE n pl. -S a wharf equipped for transferring coal from railroad cars into ships STAKE v STAKED, STAKING, STAKES to fasten with a stake (a pointed piece of wood or metal) STAKEOUT n pl. -S a surveillance of an area especially by the police STALAG n pl. -S a German prisoner-of-war camp STALE adj STALER, STALEST not fresh STALELY adv STALE v STALED, STALING, STALES to become stale STALK v -ED, -ING, -S to pursue stealthily STALKER n pl. -S one that stalks STALKY adj STALKIER, STALKIEST long and slender STALKILY adv STALL v -ED, -ING, -S to stop the progress of STALLION n pl. -S an uncastrated male horse STALWART n pl. -S an unwavering partisan STAMEN n pl. -S the pollen-bearing organ of flowering plants STAMINA n pl. -S endurance STAMINAL adj STAMMEL n pl. -S a red color STAMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak with involuntary breaks and pauses STAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to bring the foot down heavily STAMPEDE v -PEDED, -PEDING, -PEDES to cause to run away in headlong panic STAMPER n pl. -S one that stamps STANCE n pl. -S a manner of standing STANCH adj STANCHER, STANCHEST staunch STANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stop the flow of blood from STANCHER n pl. -S one that stanches STANCHLY adv in a stanch manner STAND v STOOD, STANDING, STANDS to assume or maintain an upright position STANDARD n pl. -S an established measure of comparison STANDBY n pl. -BYS one that can be relied on STANDEE n pl. -S one who stands because of the lack of seats STANDER n pl. -S one that stands STANDING n pl. -S a position or condition in society STANDISH n pl. -ES a receptacle for pens and ink STANDOFF n pl. -S a tie or draw, as in a game STANDOUT n pl. -S one that shows marked superiority STANDPAT adj resisting or opposing change STANDUP adj having an upright position STANE v STANED, STANING, STANES to stone STANG v -ED, -ING, -S to sting STANHOPE n pl. -S a light, open carriage STANINE n pl. -S one of the nine classes into which a set of scores are divided STANING present participle of stane STANK n pl. -S a pond STANNARY n pl. -RIES a tin-mining region STANNIC adj pertaining to tin STANNITE n pl. -S an ore of tin STANNOUS adj pertaining to tin STANNUM n pl. -S tin STANZA n pl. -S a division of a poem STANZAED, STANZAIC adj STAPEDES pl. of stapes STAPELIA n pl. -S an African plant STAPES n pl. -PEDES a bone of the middle ear STAPH n pl. -S any of various spherical bacteria STAPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to fasten by means of a U-shaped metal loop STAPLER n pl. -S a stapling device STAR v STARRED, STARRING, STARS to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) STARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to treat with starch (a solid carbohydrate) STARCHY adj STARCHIER, STARCHIEST containing starch STARDOM n pl. -S the status of a preeminent performer STARDUST n pl. -S a romantic quality STARE v STARED, STARING, STARES to gaze fixedly STARER n pl. -S one that stares STARETS n pl. STARTSY a spiritual adviser in the Eastern Orthodox Church STARFISH n pl. -ES a star-shaped marine animal STARGAZE v -GAZED, -GAZING, -GAZES to gaze at the stars STARING present participle of stare STARK adj STARKER, STARKEST harsh in appearance STARKLY adv STARKERS adj naked STARLESS adj having no stars STARLET n pl. -S a small star STARLIKE adj resembling a star STARLING n pl. -S a European bird STARLIT adj lighted by the stars STARNOSE n pl. -S a burrowing mammal STARRED past tense of star STARRING present participle of star STARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST abounding with stars STARSHIP n pl. -S a spaceship for interstellar travel START v -ED, -ING, -S to set out STARTER n pl. -S one that starts STARTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to frighten or surprise suddenly STARTLER n pl. -S one that startles STARTSY pl. of starets STARTUP n pl. -S the act of starting something STARVE v STARVED, STARVING, STARVES to die from lack of food STARVER n pl. -S one that starves STARWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant STASES pl. of stasis STASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to store in a secret place STASIMON n pl. -MA a choral ode in ancient Greek drama STASIS n pl. STASES a stoppage of the normal flow of bodily fluids STAT n pl. -S a statistic STATABLE adj capable of being stated STATAL adj pertaining to a national government STATANT adj standing with all feet on the ground -- used of a heraldic animal STATE v STATED, STATING, STATES to set forth in words STATEDLY adv regularly STATELY adj -LIER, -LIEST dignified STATER n pl. -S one that states STATIC n pl. -S random noise produced in a radio or television receiver STATICAL adj STATICE n pl. -S a flowering plant STATICKY adj marked by static STATING present participle of state STATION v -ED, -ING, -S to assign to a position STATISM n pl. -S a theory of government STATIST n pl. -S an adherent of statism STATIVE n pl. -S a verb that expresses a condition STATOR n pl. -S the part of a machine about which the rotor revolves STATUARY n pl. -ARIES a group of statues STATUE n pl. -S a three-dimensional work of art STATUED adj STATURE n pl. -S the natural height of a human or animal body STATUS n pl. -ES relative position STATUSY adj conferring prestige STATUTE n pl. -S a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government STAUMREL n pl. -S a dolt STAUNCH adj STAUNCHER, STAUNCHEST firm and dependable STAUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stanch STAVE v STAVED or STOVE, STAVING, STAVES to drive or thrust away STAW a past tense of steal STAY v STAYED or STAID, STAYING, STAYS to continue in a place or condition STAYER n pl. -S one that stays STAYSAIL n pl. -S a type of sail STEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to be of advantage to STEADIED past tense of steady STEADIER n pl. -S one that steadies STEADIES present 3d person sing. of steady STEADING n pl. -S a small farm STEADY adj STEADIER, STEADIEST firm in position STEADILY adv STEADY v STEADIED, STEADYING, STEADIES to make steady STEAK n pl. -S a slice of meat STEAL v STOLE or STAW, STOLEN, STEALING, STEALS to take without right or permission STEALAGE n pl. -S theft STEALER n pl. -S one that steals STEALING n pl. -S the act of one that steals STEALTH n pl. -S stealthy procedure STEALTHY adj STEALTHIER, STEALTHIEST intended to escape observation STEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to expose to steam (water in the form of vapor) STEAMER v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by steamship STEAMY adj STEAMIER, STEAMIEST marked by steam STEAMILY adv STEAPSIN n pl. -S an enzyme STEARATE n pl. -S a chemical salt STEARIN n pl. -S the solid portion of a fat STEARIC adj STEARINE n pl. -S stearin STEATITE n pl. -S a variety of talc STEDFAST adj staunch STEED n pl. -S a horse STEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to shut STEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with steel (a tough iron alloy) STEELIE n pl. -S a steel playing marble STEELY adj STEELIER, STEELIEST resembling steel STEENBOK n pl. -S an African antelope STEEP adj STEEPER, STEEPEST inclined sharply STEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to soak in a liquid STEEPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make steep STEEPER n pl. -S one that steeps STEEPISH adj somewhat steep STEEPLE n pl. -S a tapering structure on a church tower STEEPLED adj STEEPLY adv in a steep manner STEER v -ED, -ING, -S to direct the course of STEERAGE n pl. -S the act of steering STEERER n pl. -S one that steers STEEVE v STEEVED, STEEVING, STEEVES to stow in the hold of a ship STEEVING n pl. -S the angular elevation of a bowsprit from a ship's keel STEGODON n pl. -S an extinct elephant-like mammal STEIN n pl. -S a beer mug STEINBOK n pl. -S steenbok STELA n pl. -LAE or -LAI an inscribed slab used as a monument STELAR, STELENE adj STELE n pl. -S the central portion of vascular tissue in a plant stem STELIC adj STELLA n pl. -S a former coin of the United States STELLAR adj pertaining to the stars STELLATE adj shaped like a star STELLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into a star STEM v STEMMED, STEMMING, STEMS to remove stems (ascending axes of a plant) from STEMLESS adj having no stem STEMLIKE adj resembling a stem STEMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a scroll recording the genealogy of a family in ancient Rome STEMMED past tense of stem STEMMER n pl. -S one that removes stems STEMMERY n pl. -MERIES a place where tobacco leaves are stripped STEMMING present participle of stem STEMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST abounding in stems STEMSON n pl. -S a supporting timber of a ship STEMWARE n pl. -S a type of glassware STENCH n pl. -ES a foul odor STENCHY adj STENCHIER, STENCHIEST having a stench STENCIL v -CILED, -CILING, -CILS or -CILLED, -CILLING, -CILS to mark by means of a perforated sheet of material STENGAH n pl. -S a mixed drink STENO n pl. STENOS a stenographer STENOKY n pl. -KIES the ability of an organism to live only under a narrow range of conditions STENOSED adj affected with stenosis STENOSIS n pl. -NOSES a narrowing of a bodily passage STENOTIC adj STENTOR n pl. -S a person having a very loud voice STEP v STEPPED, STEPPING, STEPS to move by lifting the foot and setting it down in another place STEPDAME n pl. -S a stepmother STEPLIKE adj resembling a stair STEPPE n pl. -S a vast treeless plain STEPPED past tense of step STEPPER n pl. -S one that steps STEPPING present participle of step STEPSON n pl. -S a son of one's spouse by a former marriage STEPWISE adj marked by a gradual progression STERE n pl. -S a unit of volume STEREO v -ED, -ING, -S to make a type of printing plate STERIC adj pertaining to the spatial relationships of atoms in a molecule STERICAL adj steric STERIGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a spore-bearing stalk of certain fungi STERILE adj incapable of producing offspring STERLET n pl. -S a small sturgeon STERLING n pl. -S British money STERN adj STERNER, STERNEST unyielding STERN n pl. -S the rear part of a ship STERNA a pl. of sternum STERNAL adj pertaining to the sternum STERNITE n pl. -S a somitic sclerite STERNLY adv in a stern manner STERNSON n pl. -S a reinforcing post of a ship STERNUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates STERNWAY n pl. -WAYS the backward movement of a vessel STEROID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound STEROL n pl. -S a type of solid alcohol STERTOR n pl. -S a deep snoring sound STET v STETTED, STETTING, STETS to cancel a previously made printing correction STEW v -ED, -ING, -S to cook by boiling slowly STEWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to manage STEWBUM n pl. -S a drunken bum STEWPAN n pl. -S a pan used for stewing STEY adj steep STHENIA n pl. -S excessive energy STHENIC adj STIBIAL adj pertaining to stibium STIBINE n pl. -S a poisonous gas STIBIUM n pl. -S antimony STIBNITE n pl. -S an ore of antimony STICH n pl. -S a line of poetry STICHIC adj STICK v -ED, -ING, -S to support with slender pieces of wood STICK v STUCK, STICKING, STICKS to pierce with a pointed object STICKER n pl. -S an adhesive label STICKFUL n pl. -S an amount of set type STICKIER comparative of sticky STICKIEST superlative of sticky STICKILY adv in a sticky manner STICKIT adj unsuccessful STICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to argue stubbornly STICKLER n pl. -S one that stickles STICKMAN n pl. -MEN one who supervises the play at a dice table STICKOUT n pl. -S one that is conspicuous STICKPIN n pl. -S a decorative tiepin STICKUM n pl. -S a substance that causes adhesion STICKUP n pl. -S a robbery at gunpoint STICKY adj STICKIER, STICKIEST tending to adhere STICTION n pl. -S the force required to begin to move a body that is in contact with another body STIED a past tense of sty STIES present 3d person sing. of sty STIFF adj STIFFER, STIFFEST difficult to bend or stretch STIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to cheat someone by not paying STIFFEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make stiff STIFFISH adj somewhat stiff STIFFLY adv in a stiff manner STIFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to smother STIFLER n pl. -S one that stifles STIGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a mark of disgrace STIGMAL adj STILBENE n pl. -S a chemical compound STILBITE n pl. -S a mineral STILE n pl. -S a series of steps for passing over a fence or wall STILETTO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to stab with a stiletto (a short dagger) STILL adj STILLER, STILLEST free from sound or motion STILL v -ED, -ING, -S to make still STILLMAN n pl. -MEN one who operates a distillery STILLY adj STILLIER, STILLIEST still STILT v -ED, -ING, -S to raise on stilts (long, slender poles) STIME n pl. -S a glimpse STIMULUS n pl. -LI something that causes a response STIMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to stymie STING v STUNG, STINGING, STINGS to prick painfully STINGER n pl. -S one that stings STINGIER comparative of stingy STINGIEST superlative of stingy STINGILY adv in a stingy manner STINGO n pl. -GOS a strong ale or beer STINGRAY n pl. -RAYS a flat-bodied marine fish STINGY adj -GIER, -GIEST unwilling to spend or give STINK v STANK or STUNK, STINKING, STINKS to emit a foul odor STINKARD n pl. -S a despicable person STINKBUG n pl. -S an insect that emits a foul odor STINKER n pl. -S one that stinks STINKIER comparative of stinky STINKIEST superlative of stinky STINKO adj drunk STINKPOT n pl. -S a jar containing foul-smelling combustibles formerly used in warfare STINKY adj STINKIER, STINKIEST emitting a foul odor STINT v -ED, -ING, -S to limit STINTER n pl. -S one that stints STIPE n pl. -S a slender supporting part of a plant STIPED adj STIPEL n pl. -S a small stipule STIPEND n pl. -S a fixed sum of money paid periodically STIPES n pl. STIPITES a stipe STIPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to draw, paint, or engrave by means of dots or short touches STIPPLER n pl. -S one that stipples STIPULE n pl. -S an appendage at the base of a leaf in certain plants STIPULAR, STIPULED adj STIR v STIRRED, STIRRING, STIRS to pass an implement through in circular motions STIRK n pl. -S a young cow STIRP n pl. -S lineage STIRPS n pl. STIRPES a family or branch of a family STIRRED past tense of stir STIRRER n pl. -S one that stirs STIRRING present participle of stir STIRRUP n pl. -S a support for the foot of a horseman STITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to join by making in-and-out movements with a threaded needle STITCHER n pl. -S one that stitches STITHY v STITHIED, STITHYING, STITHIES to forge on an anvil STIVER n pl. -S a former Dutch coin STOA n pl. STOAE, STOAI, or STOAS an ancient Greek covered walkway STOAT n pl. -S a weasel with a black-tipped tail STOB v STOBBED, STOBBING, STOBS to stab STOCCADO n pl. -DOS a thrust with a rapier STOCCATA n pl. -S stoccado STOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to keep for future sale or use STOCKADE v -ADED, -ADING, -ADES to build a type of protective fence around STOCKCAR n pl. -S a boxcar for carrying livestock STOCKER n pl. -S a young animal suitable for being fattened for market STOCKIER comparative of stocky STOCKIEST superlative of stocky STOCKILY adv in a stocky manner STOCKING n pl. -S a knitted or woven covering for the foot and leg STOCKISH adj stupid STOCKIST n pl. -S one who stocks goods STOCKMAN n pl. -MEN one who owns or raises livestock STOCKPOT n pl. -S a pot in which broth is prepared STOCKY adj STOCKIER, STOCKIEST having a short, thick body STODGE v STODGED, STODGING, STODGES to stuff full with food STODGY adj STODGIER, STODGIEST boring STODGILY adv STOGEY n pl. -GEYS stogy STOGIE n pl. -S stogy STOGY n pl. -GIES a long, slender cigar STOIC n pl. -S one who is indifferent to pleasure or pain STOICAL adj STOICISM n pl. -S indifference to pleasure or pain STOKE v STOKED, STOKING, STOKES to supply a furnace with fuel STOKER n pl. -S one that stokes STOKESIA n pl. -S a perennial herb STOKING present participle of stoke STOLE n pl. -S a long-wide scarf STOLED adj STOLEN past participle of steal STOLID adj -IDER, -IDEST showing little or no emotion STOLIDLY adv STOLLEN n pl. -S a sweet bread STOLON n pl. -S a type of plant stem STOLONIC adj STOLPORT n pl. -S an airport for aircraft needing comparatively short runways STOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a minute opening in the epidermis of a plant organ STOMACH v -ED, -ING, -S to tolerate STOMACHY adj paunchy STOMAL adj stomatal STOMATA a pl. of stoma STOMATAL adj pertaining to a stoma STOMATE n pl. -S a stoma STOMATIC adj pertaining to the mouth STOMODEA n/pl embryonic oral cavities STOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to tread heavily STOMPER n pl. -S one that stomps STONE v STONED, STONING, STONES to pelt with stones (pieces of concreted earthy or mineral matter) STONABLE adj STONEFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insect STONER n pl. -S one that stones STONEY adj STONIER, STONIEST stony STONIER comparative of stony STONIEST superlative of stony STONILY adv in a stony manner STONING present participle of stone STONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to astonish STONY adj STONIER, STONIEST abounding in stones STOOD past tense of stand STOOGE v STOOGED, STOOGING, STOOGES to act as a comedian's straight man STOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to stack upright in a field for drying, as bundles of grain STOOKER n pl. -S one that stooks STOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to defecate STOOLIE n pl. -S an informer STOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to bend the body forward and down STOOPER n pl. -S one that stoops STOP v STOPPED or STOPT, STOPPING, STOPS to discontinue the progress or motion of STOPBANK n pl. -S an embankment along a river STOPCOCK n pl. -S a type of faucet STOPE v STOPED, STOPING, STOPES to excavate in layers, as ore STOPER n pl. -S one that stopes STOPGAP n pl. -S a temporary substitute STOPING present participle of stope STOPOVER n pl. -S a brief stop in the course of a journey STOPPAGE n pl. -S the act of stopping STOPPED a past tense of stop STOPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to plug STOPPING present participle of stop STOPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to stopper STOPT a past tense of stop STORABLE n pl. -S something that can be stored STORAGE n pl. -S a place for storing STORAX n pl. -ES a fragrant resin STORE v STORED, STORING, STORES to put away for future use STOREY n pl. -REYS a horizontal division of a building STOREYED adj STORIED past tense of story STORIES present 3d person sing. of story STORING present participle of store STORK n pl. -S a wading bird STORM v -ED, -ING, -S to blow violently STORMY adj STORMIER, STORMIEST storming STORMILY adv STORY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to relate as a story (an account of an event or series of events) STOSS adj facing the direction from which a glacier moves STOTINKA n pl. -KI a monetary unit of Bulgaria STOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to ache STOUP n pl. -S a basin for holy water STOUR n pl. -S dust STOURE n pl. -S stour STOURIE adj stoury STOURY adj dusty STOUT adj STOUTER, STOUTEST fat STOUT n pl. -S a strong, dark ale STOUTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make stout STOUTISH adj somewhat stout STOUTLY adv in a stout manner STOVE n pl. -S a heating apparatus STOVER n pl. -S coarse food for cattle STOW v -ED, -ING, -S to pack STOWABLE adj STOWAGE n pl. -S goods in storage STOWAWAY n pl. -AWAYS one who hides aboard a conveyance to obtain free passage STOWP n pl. -S stoup STRADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to sit, stand, or walk with the legs wide apart STRAFE v STRAFED, STRAFING, STRAFES to attack with machine-gun fire from an airplane STRAFER n pl. -S one that strafes STRAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to stray STRAGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST irregularly spread out STRAIGHT adj STRAIGHTER, STRAIGHTEST extending uniformly in one direction without bends or irregularities STRAIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to make straight STRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to exert to the utmost STRAINER n pl. -S a utensil used to separate liquids from solids STRAIT adj STRAITER, STRAITEST narrow STRAITLY adv STRAIT n pl. -S a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water STRAITEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make strait STRAKE n pl. -S a line of planking extending along a ship's hull STRAKED adj STRAMASH n pl. -ES an uproar STRAMONY n pl. -NIES a poisonous weed STRAND v -ED, -ING, -S to leave in an unfavorable situation STRANDER n pl. -S a machine that twists fibers into rope STRANG adj strong STRANGE adj STRANGER, STRANGEST unusual or unfamiliar STRANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to estrange STRANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to choke to death STRAP v STRAPPED, STRAPPING, STRAPS to fasten with a strap (a narrow strip of flexible material) STRAPPER n pl. -S one that straps STRASS n pl. -ES a brilliant glass used in making imitation gems STRATA n pl. -S a stratum STRATAL adj pertaining to a stratum STRATEGY n pl. -GIES a plan for obtaining a specific goal STRATH n pl. -S a wide river valley STRATI pl. of stratus STRATIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to form or arrange in layers STRATOUS adj stratal STRATUM n pl. -TA or -TUMS a layer of material STRATUS n pl. -TI a type of cloud STRAVAGE v -VAGED, -VAGING, -VAGES to stroll STRAVAIG v -ED, -ING, -S to stravage STRAW v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with straw (stalks of threshed grain) STRAWHAT adj pertaining to a summer theater situated in a resort area STRAWY adj STRAWIER, STRAWIEST resembling straw STRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to wander from the proper area or course STRAYER n pl. -S one that strays STREAK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with streaks (long, narrow marks) STREAKER n pl. -S one that streaks STREAKY adj STREAKIER, STREAKIEST covered with streaks STREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to flow in a steady current STREAMER n pl. -S a long, narrow flag STREAMY adj STREAMIER, STREAMIEST streaming STREEK v -ED, -ING, -S to stretch STREEKER n pl. -S one that streeks STREEL v -ED, -ING, -S to saunter STREET n pl. -S a public thoroughfare STRENGTH n pl. -S capacity for exertion or endurance STREP n pl. -S any of various spherical or oval bacteria STRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to place emphasis on STRESSOR n pl. -S a type of stimulus STRETCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to draw out or open to full length STRETCHY adj STRETCHIER, STRETCHIEST having a tendency to stretch STRETTA n pl. -TE or -TAS stretto STRETTO n pl. -TI or -TOS a concluding musical passage played at a faster tempo STREUSEL n pl. -S a topping for coffee cakes STREW v STREWED, STREWN, STREWING, STREWS to scatter about STREWER n pl. -S one that strews STRIA n pl. STRIAE a thin groove, stripe, or streak STRIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to mark with striae STRICK n pl. -S a bunch of flax fibers STRICKEN adj strongly affected or afflicted STRICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to shape or smooth with a strickle (an instrument for leveling off grain) STRICT adj STRICTER, STRICTEST kept within narrow and specific limits STRICTLY adv STRIDE v STRODE or STRID, STRIDDEN, STRIDING, STRIDES to walk with long steps STRIDENT adj shrill STRIDER n pl. -S one that strides STRIDING present participle of stride STRIDOR n pl. -S a strident sound STRIFE n pl. -S bitter conflict or dissension STRIGIL n pl. -S a scraping instrument STRIGOSE adj covered with short, stiff hairs STRIKE v STRUCK or STROOK, STRICKEN or STRUCKEN, STRIKING, STRIKES to come or cause to come into contact with STRIKER n pl. -S one that strikes STRING v STRUNG or STRINGED, STRINGING, STRINGS to provide with strings (slender cords) STRINGER n pl. -S one that strings STRINGY adj STRINGIER, STRINGIEST resembling a string or strings STRIP v STRIPPED or STRIPT, STRIPPING, STRIPS to remove the outer covering from STRIPE v STRIPED, STRIPING, STRIPES to mark with stripes (long, distinct bands) STRIPER n pl. -S a food and game fish STRIPIER comparative of stripy STRIPIEST superlative of stripy STRIPING n pl. -S the stripes marked or painted on something STRIPPED a past tense of strip STRIPPER n pl. -S one that strips STRIPPING present participle of strip STRIPT a past tense of strip STRIPY adj STRIPIER, STRIPIEST marked with stripes STRIVE v STROVE or STRIVED, STRIVEN, STRIVING, STRIVES to exert much effort or energy STRIVER n pl. -S one that strives STROBE n pl. -S a device that produces brief, high-intensity flashes of light STROBIC adj spinning STROBIL n pl. -S strobile STROBILA n pl. -LAE the entire body of a tapeworm STROBILE n pl. -S the conical, multiple fruit of certain trees STROBILI n/pl strobiles STRODE a past tense of stride STROKE v STROKED, STROKING, STROKES to rub gently STROKER n pl. -S one that strokes STROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to walk in a leisurely manner STROLLER n pl. -S one that strolls STROMA n pl. -MATA the substance that forms the framework of an organ or cell STROMAL adj STRONG adj STRONGER, STRONGEST having great strength STRONGLY adv STRONGYL n pl. -S a parasitic worm STRONTIA n pl. -S a chemical compound STRONTIC adj STROOK a past tense of strike STROP v STROPPED, STROPPING, STROPS to sharpen on a strip of leather STROPHE n pl. -S a part of an ancient Greek choral ode STROPHIC adj STROPPER n pl. -S one that strops STROPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST unruly STROUD n pl. -S a coarse woolen blanket STROVE a past tense of strive STROW v STROWED, STROWN, STROWING, STROWS to strew STROY v -ED, -ING, -S to destroy STROYER n pl. -S one that stroys STRUCK a past tense of strike STRUCKEN a past participle of strike STRUDEL n pl. -S a type of pastry STRUGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to make strenuous efforts against opposition STRUM v STRUMMED, STRUMMING, STRUMS to play a stringed instrument by running the fingers lightly across the strings STRUMA n pl. -MAE or -MAS scrofula STRUMMER n pl. -S one that strums STRUMMING present participle of strum STRUMOSE adj having a struma STRUMOUS adj having or pertaining to a struma STRUMPET n pl. -S a prostitute STRUNG a past tense of string STRUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to strut STRUT v STRUTTED, STRUTTING, STRUTS to walk with a pompous air STRUTTER n pl. -S one that struts STUB v STUBBED, STUBBING, STUBS to strike accidentally against a projecting object STUBBIER comparative of stubby STUBBIEST superlative of stubby STUBBILY adv in a stubby manner STUBBING present participle of stub STUBBLE n pl. -S a short, rough growth of beard STUBBLED adj STUBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST covered with stubble STUBBORN adj unyielding STUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST short and thick STUCCO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to coat with a type of plaster STUCCOER n pl. -S one that stuccoes STUCK past tense of stick STUD v STUDDED, STUDDING, STUDS to set thickly with small projections STUDBOOK n pl. -S a record of the pedigree of purebred animals STUDDIE n pl. -S an anvil STUDDING n pl. -S the framework of a wall STUDENT n pl. -S a person formally engaged in learning STUDFISH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish STUDIED past tense of study STUDIER n pl. -S one that studies STUDIES present 3d person sing. of study STUDIO n pl. -DIOS an artist's workroom STUDIOUS adj given to study STUDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST muscular and attractive STUDWORK n pl. -S studding STUDY v STUDIED, STUDYING, STUDIES to apply the mind to the acquisition of knowledge STUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to fill or pack tightly STUFFER n pl. -S one that stuffs STUFFING n pl. -S material with which something is stuffed STUFFY adj STUFFIER, STUFFIEST poorly ventilated STUFFILY adv STUIVER n pl. -S stiver STULL n pl. -S a supporting timber in a mine STULTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause to appear absurd STUM v STUMMED, STUMMING, STUMS to increase the fermentation of by adding grape juice STUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to miss one's step in walking or running STUMBLER n pl. -S one that stumbles STUMMED past tense of stum STUMMING present participle of stum STUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to baffle STUMPAGE n pl. -S uncut marketable timber STUMPER n pl. -S a baffling question STUMPY adj STUMPIER, STUMPIEST short and thick STUN v STUNNED, STUNNING, STUNS to render senseless or incapable of action STUNG past tense of sting STUNK a past tense of stink STUNNED past tense of stun STUNNER n pl. -S one that stuns STUNNING adj strikingly beautiful or attractive STUNSAIL n pl. -S a type of sail STUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to hinder the normal growth of STUNTMAN n pl. -MEN a person who substitutes for an actor in scenes involving dangerous activities STUPA n pl. -S a Buddhist shrine STUPE n pl. -S a medicated cloth to be applied to a wound STUPEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to dull the senses of STUPID adj -PIDER, -PIDEST mentally slow STUPIDLY adv STUPID n pl. -S a stupid person STUPOR n pl. -S a state of reduced sensibility STURDY adj -DIER, -DIEST strong and durable STURDILY adv STURDY n pl. -DIES a disease of sheep STURDIED adj STURGEON n pl. -S an edible fish STURT n pl. -S contention STUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak with spasmodic repetition STY v STIED or STYED, STYING, STIES to keep in a pigpen STYE n pl. -S an inflamed swelling of the eyelid STYGIAN adj gloomy STYLAR adj pertaining to a stylus STYLATE adj bearing a stylet STYLE v STYLED, STYLING, STYLES to name STYLER n pl. -S one that styles STYLET n pl. -S a small, stiff organ or appendage of certain animals STYLI a pl. of stylus STYLING n pl. -S the way in which something is styled STYLISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to stylize STYLISER n pl. -S one that stylises STYLISH adj fashionable STYLISING present participle of stylise STYLIST n pl. -S one who is a master of a literary or rhetorical style STYLITE n pl. -S an early Christian ascetic STYLITIC adj STYLIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make conventional STYLIZER n pl. -S one that stylizes STYLOID adj slender and pointed STYLUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a pointed instrument for writing, marking, or engraving STYMIE v -MIED, -MIEING, -MIES to thwart STYMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to stymie STYPSIS n pl. -SISES the use of a styptic STYPTIC n pl. -S a substance used to check bleeding STYRAX n pl. -ES storax STYRENE n pl. -S a liquid hydrocarbon SUABLE adj capable of being sued SUABLY adv SUASION n pl. -S persuasion SUASIVE, SUASORY adj SUAVE adj SUAVER, SUAVEST smoothly affable and polite SUAVELY adv SUAVITY n pl. -TIES the state of being suave SUB v SUBBED, SUBBING, SUBS to act as a substitute SUBA n pl. -S subah SUBABBOT n pl. -S a subordinate abbot SUBACID adj slightly sour SUBACRID adj somewhat acrid SUBACUTE adj somewhat acute SUBADAR n pl. -S subahdar SUBADULT n pl. -S an individual approaching adulthood SUBAGENT n pl. -S a subordinate agent SUBAH n pl. -S a province of India SUBAHDAR n pl. -S a governor of a subah SUBALAR adj somewhat alar SUBAREA n pl. -S a subdivision of an area SUBARID adj somewhat arid SUBATOM n pl. -S a component of an atom SUBAXIAL adj somewhat axial SUBBASE n pl. -S the lowest part of a base SUBBASIN n pl. -S a section of an area drained by a river SUBBASS n pl. -ES a pedal stop producing the lowest tones of an organ SUBBED past tense of sub SUBBING n pl. -S a thin coating on the support of a photographic film SUBBLOCK n pl. -S a subdivision of a block SUBBREED n pl. -S a distinguishable strain within a breed SUBCASTE n pl. -S a subdivision of a caste SUBCAUSE n pl. -S a subordinate cause SUBCELL n pl. -S a subdivision of a cell SUBCHIEF n pl. -S a subordinate chief SUBCLAN n pl. -S a subdivision of a clan SUBCLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to place in a subdivision of a class SUBCLERK n pl. -S a subordinate clerk SUBCODE n pl. -S a subdivision of a code SUBCOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to cool below the freezing point without solidification SUBCULT n pl. -S a subdivision of a cult SUBCUTIS n pl. -CUTES or -CUTISES the deeper part of the dermis SUBDEAN n pl. -S a subordinate dean SUBDEB n pl. -S a girl the year before she becomes a debutante SUBDEPOT n pl. -S a military depot that operates under the jurisdiction of another depot SUBDUAL n pl. -S the act of subduing SUBDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to take away SUBDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to subduce SUBDUE v -DUED, -DUING, -DUES to bring under control SUBDUER n pl. -S one that subdues SUBDURAL adj situated under the dura mater SUBECHO n pl. -ECHOES an inferior echo SUBEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to act as the assistant editor of SUBENTRY n pl. -TRIES an entry made under a more general entry SUBEPOCH n pl. -S a subdivision of an epoch SUBER n pl. -S phellem SUBERECT adj nearly erect SUBERIC adj pertaining to cork SUBERIN n pl. -S a substance found in cork cells SUBERISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to suberize SUBERIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to convert into cork tissue SUBEROSE adj corky SUBEROUS adj suberose SUBFIELD n pl. -S a subset of a mathematical field that is itself a field SUBFILE n pl. -S a subdivision of a file SUBFIX n pl. -ES a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character SUBFLOOR n pl. -S a rough floor laid as a base for a finished floor SUBFLUID adj somewhat fluid SUBFRAME n pl. -S a frame for the attachment of a finish frame SUBFUSC adj dark in color SUBGENRE n pl. -S a subdivision of a genre SUBGENUS n pl. -GENERA or -GENUSES a subdivision of a genus SUBGOAL n pl. -S a subordinate goal SUBGRADE n pl. -S a surface on which a pavement is placed SUBGRAPH n pl. -S a graph contained within a larger graph SUBGROUP n pl. -S a distinct group within a group SUBGUM n pl. -S a Chinese dish of mixed vegetables SUBHEAD n pl. -S the heading of a subdivision SUBHUMAN n pl. -S one that is less than human SUBHUMID adj somewhat humid SUBIDEA n pl. -S an inferior idea SUBINDEX n pl. -DEXES or -DICES a subfix SUBITEM n pl. -S an item that forms a subdivision of a larger topic SUBITO adv quickly -- used as a musical direction SUBJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to experience SUBJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to add at the end SUBLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to cancel SUBLEASE v -LEASED, -LEASING, -LEASES to sublet SUBLET v -LET, -LETTING, -LETS to rent leased property to another SUBLEVEL n pl. -S a lower level SUBLIME adj -LIMER, -LIMEST of elevated or noble quality SUBLIME v -LIMED, -LIMING, -LIMES to make sublime SUBLIMER n pl. -S one that sublimes SUBLIMEST superlative of sublime SUBLIMING present participle of sublime SUBLINE n pl. -S an inbred line within a strain SUBLOT n pl. -S a subdivision of a lot SUBLUNAR adj pertaining to the earth SUBMENU n pl. -S a secondary list of options for a computer SUBMERGE v -MERGED, -MERGING, -MERGES to place below the surface of a liquid SUBMERSE v -MERSED, -MERSING, -MERSES to submerge SUBMISS adj inclined to submit SUBMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to yield to the power of another SUBNASAL adj situated under the nose SUBNET n pl. -S a system of interconnections within a communications system SUBNICHE n pl. -S a subdivision of a habitat SUBNODAL adj situated under a node SUBOPTIC adj situated under the eyes SUBORAL adj situated under the mouth SUBORDER n pl. -S a category of related families within an order SUBORN v -ED, -ING, -S to induce to commit perjury SUBORNER n pl. -S one that suborns SUBOVAL adj nearly oval SUBOVATE adj nearly ovate SUBOXIDE n pl. -S an oxide containing relatively little oxygen SUBPANEL n pl. -S a subdivision of a panel SUBPAR adj below par SUBPART n pl. -S a subdivision of a part SUBPENA v -ED, -ING, -S to subpoena SUBPHASE n pl. -S a subdivision of a phase SUBPHYLA n/pl divisions within a phylum SUBPLOT n pl. -S a secondary literary plot SUBPOENA v -ED, -ING, -S to summon with a type of judicial writ SUBPOLAR adj situated just outside the polar circles SUBPUBIC adj situated under the pubis SUBRACE n pl. -S a subdivision of a race SUBRENT n pl. -S rent from a subtenant SUBRING n pl. -S a subset of a mathematical ring that is itself a ring SUBRULE n pl. -S a subordinate rule SUBSALE n pl. -S a resale of purchased goods SUBSCALE n pl. -S a subdivision of a scale SUBSEA adj situated below the surface of the sea SUBSECT n pl. -S a sect directly derived from another SUBSENSE n pl. -S a subdivision of a sense SUBSERE n pl. -S a type of ecological succession SUBSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to serve to promote SUBSET n pl. -S a mathematical set contained within a larger set SUBSHAFT n pl. -S a shaft that is beneath another shaft SUBSHELL n pl. -S one of the orbitals making up an electron shell of an atom SUBSHRUB n pl. -S a low shrub SUBSIDE v -SIDED, -SIDING, -SIDES to sink to a lower or normal level SUBSIDER n pl. -S one that subsides SUBSIDY n pl. -DIES a grant or contribution of money SUBSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to continue to exist SUBSITE n pl. -S a subdivision of a site SUBSKILL n pl. -S an subordinate skill SUBSOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to plow so as to turn up the subsoil (the layer of earth beneath the surface soil) SUBSOLAR adj situated directly beneath the sun SUBSONIC adj moving at a speed less than that of sound SUBSPACE n pl. -S a subset of a mathematical space SUBSTAGE n pl. -S a part of a microscope for supporting accessories SUBSTATE n pl. -S a subdivision of a state SUBSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to classify within a larger category SUBTASK n pl. -S a subordinate task SUBTAXON n pl. -TAXA or -TAXONS a subdivision of a taxon SUBTEEN n pl. -S a person approaching the teenage years SUBTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to extend under or opposite to SUBTEST n pl. -S a subdivision of a test SUBTEXT n pl. -S written or printed matter under a more general text SUBTHEME n pl. -S a subordinate theme SUBTILE adj -TILER, -TILEST subtle SUBTILIN n pl. -S an antibiotic SUBTILTY n pl. -TIES subtlety SUBTITLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to give a secondary title to SUBTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST so slight as to be difficult to detect SUBTLY adv SUBTLETY n pl. -TIES the state of being subtle SUBTONE n pl. -S a low or subdued tone SUBTONIC n pl. -S a type of musical tone SUBTOPIA n pl. -S the suburbs of a city SUBTOPIC n pl. -S a secondary topic SUBTOTAL v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS to total a portion of SUBTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take away SUBTREND n pl. -S a subordinate trend SUBTRIBE n pl. -S a subdivision of a tribe SUBTUNIC n pl. -S a tunic worn under another tunic SUBTYPE n pl. -S a type that is subordinate to or included in another type SUBULATE adj slender and tapering to a point SUBUNIT n pl. -S a unit that is a part of a larger unit SUBURB n pl. -S a residential area adjacent to a city SUBURBED adj SUBURBAN n pl. -S one who lives in a suburb SUBURBIA n pl. -S the suburbs of a city SUBVENE v -VENED, -VENING, -VENES to arrive or occur as a support or relief SUBVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to destroy completely SUBVICAR n pl. -S a subordinate vicar SUBVIRAL adj pertaining to a part of a virus SUBVOCAL adj mentally formulated as words SUBWAY v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by an underground railroad SUBWORLD n pl. -S a subdivision of a sphere of interest or activity SUBZERO adj registering less than zero SUBZONE n pl. -S a subdivision of a zone SUCCAH n pl. -CAHS or -COTH sukkah SUCCEED v -ED, -ING, -S to accomplish something desired or intended SUCCESS n pl. -ES the attainment of something desired or intended SUCCINCT adj -CINCTER, -CINCTEST clearly expressed in few words SUCCINIC adj pertaining to amber SUCCINYL n pl. -S a univalent radical SUCCOR v -ED, -ING, -S to go to the aid of SUCCORER n pl. -S one that succors SUCCORY n pl. -RIES chicory SUCCOTH a pl. of succah SUCCOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to succor SUCCUBA n pl. -BAE a succubus SUCCUBUS n pl. -BI or -BUSES a female demon SUCCUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to yield to superior force SUCCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to shake violently SUCH adj of that kind SUCHLIKE adj of a similar kind SUCHNESS n pl. -ES essential or characteristic quality SUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to draw in by establishing a partial vacuum SUCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to strip of lower shoots or branches SUCKFISH n pl. -ES a remora SUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to give milk to from the breast SUCKLER n pl. -S one that suckles SUCKLESS adj having no juice SUCKLING n pl. -S a young mammal that has not been weaned SUCRASE n pl. -S an enzyme SUCRE n pl. -S a monetary unit of Ecuador SUCROSE n pl. -S a type of sugar SUCTION n pl. -S the act of sucking SUDARIUM n pl. -IA a cloth for wiping the face SUDARY n pl. -RIES sudarium SUDATION n pl. -S excessive sweating SUDATORY n pl. -RIES a hot-air bath for inducing sweating SUDD n pl. -S a floating mass of vegetation SUDDEN adj happening quickly and without warning SUDDENLY adv SUDDEN n pl. -S a sudden occurrence SUDOR n pl. -S sweat SUDORAL adj SUDS v -ED, -ING, -ES to wash in soapy water SUDSER n pl. -S one that sudses SUDSLESS adj having no suds SUDSY adj SUDSIER, SUDSIEST foamy SUE v SUED, SUING, SUES to institute legal proceedings against SUEDE v SUEDED, SUEDING, SUEDES to finish leather with a soft, napped surface SUER n pl. -S one that sues SUET n pl. -S the hard, fatty tissue around the kidneys of cattle and sheep SUETY adj SUFFARI n pl. -S a safari SUFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to feel pain or distress SUFFERER n pl. -S one that suffers SUFFICE v -FICED, -FICING, -FICES to be adequate SUFFICER n pl. -S one that suffices SUFFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) SUFFIXAL adj pertaining to or being a suffix SUFFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to inflate SUFFRAGE n pl. -S the right to vote SUFFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to spread through or over SUGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with sugar (a sweet carbohydrate) SUGARY adj -ARIER, -ARIEST containing or resembling sugar SUGGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to bring or put forward for consideration SUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to sough SUICIDAL adj self-destructive SUICIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES to kill oneself intentionally SUING present participle of sue SUINT n pl. -S a natural grease found in the wool of sheep SUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to be appropriate to SUITABLE adj appropriate SUITABLY adv SUITCASE n pl. -S a flat, rectangular piece of luggage SUITE n pl. -S a series of things forming a unit SUITER n pl. -S a suitcase holding a specified number of suits (sets of garments) SUITING n pl. -S fabric for making suits SUITLIKE adj resembling a suit (a set of garments) SUITOR n pl. -S one that is courting a woman SUKIYAKI n pl. -S a Japanese dish SUKKAH n pl. -KAHS or -KOTH or -KOT a temporary shelter in which meals are eaten during a Jewish festival SULCATE adj having long, narrow furrows SULCATED adj sulcate SULCUS n pl. -CI a narrow furrow SULCAL adj SULDAN n pl. -S soldan SULFA n pl. -S a bacteria-inhibiting drug SULFATE v -FATED, -FATING, -FATES to treat with sulfuric acid SULFID n pl. -S sulfide SULFIDE n pl. -S a sulfur compound SULFINYL n pl. -S a bivalent radical SULFITE n pl. -S a chemical salt SULFITIC adj SULFO adj sulfonic SULFONE n pl. -S a sulfur compound SULFONIC adj containing a certain univalent radical SULFONYL n pl. -S a bivalent radical SULFUR v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with sulfur (a nonmetallic element) SULFURET v -RETED, -RETING, -RETS or -RETTED, -RETTING, -RETS to treat with sulfur SULFURIC adj pertaining to sulfur SULFURY adj resembling sulfur SULFURYL n pl. -S sulfonyl SULK v -ED, -ING, -S to be sulky SULKER n pl. -S one that sulks SULKY adj SULKIER, SULKIEST sullenly aloof or withdrawn SULKILY adv SULKY n pl. SULKIES a light horse-drawn vehicle SULLAGE n pl. -S sewage SULLEN adj -LENER, -LENEST showing a brooding ill humor or resentment SULLENLY adv SULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to soil SULPHA n pl. -S sulfa SULPHATE v -PHATED, -PHATING, -PHATES to sulfate SULPHID n pl. -S sulfide SULPHIDE n pl. -S sulfide SULPHITE n pl. -S sulfite SULPHONE n pl. -S sulfone SULPHUR v -ED, -ING, -S to sulfur SULPHURY adj sulfury SULTAN n pl. -S the ruler of a Muslim country SULTANIC adj SULTANA n pl. -S a sultan's wife SULTRY adj -TRIER, -TRIEST very hot and humid SULTRILY adv SULU n pl. -S a Melanesian skirt SUM v SUMMED, SUMMING, SUMS to add into one total SUMAC n pl. -S a flowering tree or shrub SUMACH n pl. -S sumac SUMLESS adj too large for calculation SUMMA n pl. -MAE or -MAS a comprehensive work covering a specific subject SUMMABLE adj capable of being summed SUMMAND n pl. -S an addend SUMMARY n pl. -RIES a condensation of the substance of a larger work SUMMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to sum SUMMED past tense of sum SUMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to pass the summer (the warmest season of the year) SUMMERLY adj summery SUMMERY adj -MERIER, -MERIEST characteristic of summer SUMMING present participle of sum SUMMIT n pl. -S the highest point SUMMITAL adj SUMMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to participate in a high-level conference SUMMITRY n pl. -RIES the use of conferences between chiefs of state for international negotiation SUMMON v -ED, -ING, -S to order to appear SUMMONER n pl. -S one that summons SUMMONS v -ED, -ING, -ES to summon with a court order SUMO n pl. -MOS a Japanese form of wrestling SUMP n pl. -S a low area serving as a drain or receptacle for liquids SUMPTER n pl. -S a pack animal SUMPWEED n pl. -S a marsh plant SUN v SUNNED, SUNNING, SUNS to expose to the sun (the star around which the earth revolves) SUNBACK adj cut low to expose the back to sunlight SUNBAKED adj baked by the sun SUNBATH n pl. -S an exposure to sunlight SUNBATHE v -BATHED, -BATHING, -BATHES to take a sunbath SUNBEAM n pl. -S a beam of sunlight SUNBEAMY adj SUNBELT n pl. -S the southern and southwestern states of the U.S. SUNBIRD n pl. -S a tropical bird SUNBLOCK n pl. -S a preparation to protect the skin from the sun's rays SUNBOW n pl. -S an arc of spectral colors formed by the sun shining through a mist SUNBURN v -BURNED or -BURNT, -BURNING, -BURNS to burn or discolor from exposure to the sun SUNBURST n pl. -S a burst of sunlight SUNCHOKE n pl. -S a type of sunflower SUNDAE n pl. -S a dish of ice cream served with a topping SUNDECK n pl. -S a deck that is exposed to the sun SUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to break apart SUNDERER n pl. -S one that sunders SUNDEW n pl. -S a marsh plant SUNDIAL n pl. -S a type of time-telling device SUNDOG n pl. -S a small rainbow SUNDOWN n pl. -S sunset SUNDRESS n pl. -ES a dress with an abbreviated bodice SUNDRIES n/pl miscellaneous items SUNDROPS n pl. SUNDROPS a flowering plant SUNDRY adj miscellaneous SUNFAST adj resistant to fading by the sun SUNFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish SUNG past participle of sing SUNGLASS n pl. -ES a lens for concentrating the sun's rays in order to produce heat SUNGLOW n pl. -S a glow in the sky caused by the sun SUNK a past participle of sink SUNKEN a past participle of sink SUNKET n pl. -S a tidbit SUNLAMP n pl. -S a lamp that radiates ultraviolet rays SUNLAND n pl. -S an area marked by a great amount of sunshine SUNLESS adj having no sunlight SUNLIGHT n pl. -S the light of the sun SUNLIKE adj resembling the sun SUNLIT adj lighted by the sun SUNN n pl. -S an East Indian shrub SUNNA n pl. -S the body of traditional Muslim law SUNNAH n pl. -S sunna SUNNED past tense of sun SUNNING present participle of sun SUNNY adj -NIER, -NIEST filled with sunlight SUNNILY adv SUNPORCH n pl. -ES a porch that admits much sunlight SUNPROOF adj resistant to damage by sunlight SUNRISE n pl. -S the ascent of the sun above the horizon in the morning SUNROOF n pl. -S an automobile roof having an openable panel SUNROOM n pl. -S a room built to admit a great amount of sunlight SUNSCALD n pl. -S an injury of woody plants caused by the sun SUNSET n pl. -S the descent of the sun below the horizon in the evening SUNSHADE n pl. -S something used as a protection from the sun SUNSHINE n pl. -S the light of the sun SUNSHINY adj SUNSPOT n pl. -S a dark spot on the surface of the sun SUNSTONE n pl. -S a variety of quartz SUNSUIT n pl. -S an outfit worn for sunbathing SUNTAN n pl. -S a brown color on the skin produced by exposure to the sun SUNUP n pl. -S sunrise SUNWARD adv toward the sun SUNWARDS adv sunward SUNWISE adv from left to right SUP v SUPPED, SUPPING, SUPS to eat supper SUPE n pl. -S an actor without a speaking part SUPER v -ED, -ING, -S to reinforce with a thin cotton mesh, as a book SUPERADD v -ED, -ING, -S to add further SUPERB adj -PERBER, -PERBEST of excellent quality SUPERBLY adv SUPERBAD adj exceedingly bad SUPERCAR n pl. -S a superior car SUPERCOP n pl. -S a superior police officer SUPEREGO n pl. -EGOS a part of the psyche SUPERFAN n pl. -S an exceedingly devoted enthusiast SUPERFIX n pl. -ES a recurrent pattern of stress in speech SUPERHIT n pl. -S something exceedingly successful SUPERHOT adj pl. -S very hot SUPERIOR n pl. -S one of higher rank, quality, or authority than another SUPERJET n pl. -S a type of jet airplane SUPERLIE v -LAY, -LAIN, -LYING, -LIES to lie above SUPERMAN n pl. -MEN a hypothetical superior man SUPERMOM n pl. -S a superior mom SUPERNAL adj pertaining to the sky SUPERPRO n pl. -PROS a superior professional SUPERSEX n pl. -ES a type of sterile organism SUPERSPY n pl. -SPIES a superior spy SUPERTAX n pl. -ES an additional tax SUPINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to turn so that the palm is facing upward SUPINE n pl. -S a Latin verbal noun SUPINELY adv in an inactive manner SUPPED past tense of sup SUPPER n pl. -S an evening meal SUPPING present participle of sup SUPPLANT v -ED, -ING, -S to take the place of SUPPLE adj -PLER, -PLEST pliant SUPPLELY adv SUPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to make supple SUPPLIER n pl. -S one that supplies SUPPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to furnish with what is needed SUPPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to hold up or add strength to SUPPOSAL n pl. -S something supposed SUPPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to assume to be true SUPPOSER n pl. -S one that supposes SUPPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to put an end to forcibly SUPRA adv above SUPREME adj -PREMER, -PREMEST highest in power or authority SUPREMO n pl. -MOS one who is highest in authority SUQ n pl. -S souk SURA n pl. -S a chapter of the Koran SURAH n pl. -S a silk fabric SURAL adj pertaining to the calf of the leg SURBASE n pl. -S a molding or border above the base of a structure SURBASED adj SURCEASE v -CEASED, -CEASING, -CEASES to cease SURCOAT n pl. -S an outer coat or cloak SURD n pl. -S a voiceless speech sound SURE adj SURER, SUREST free from doubt SUREFIRE adj sure to meet expectations SURELY adv certainly SURENESS n pl. -ES the state of being sure SURER comparative of sure SUREST superlative of sure SURETY n pl. -TIES sureness SURF v -ED, -ING, -S to ride breaking waves on a long, narrow board SURFABLE adj SURFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to apply an outer layer to SURFACER n pl. -S one that surfaces SURFBIRD n pl. -S a shore bird SURFBOAT n pl. -S a strong rowboat SURFEIT v -ED, -ING, -S to supply to excess SURFER n pl. -S one that surfs SURFFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish SURFIER comparative of surfy SURFIEST superlative of surfy SURFING n pl. -S the act or sport of riding the surf (breaking waves) SURFLIKE adj resembling breaking waves SURFY adj SURFIER, SURFIEST abounding in breaking waves SURGE v SURGED, SURGING, SURGES to move in a swelling manner SURGEON n pl. -S one who practices surgery SURGER n pl. -S one that surges SURGERY n pl. -GERIES the treatment of medical problems by operation SURGICAL adj pertaining to surgery SURGING present participle of surge SURGY adj surging SURICATE n pl. -S a burrowing mammal SURIMI n pl. SURIMI an inexpensive fish product SURLY adj -LIER, -LIEST sullenly rude SURLILY adv SURMISE v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES to infer with little evidence SURMISER n pl. -S one that surmises SURMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to get over or across SURNAME v -NAMED, -NAMING, -NAMES to give a family name to SURNAMER n pl. -S one that surnames SURPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go beyond SURPLICE n pl. -S a loose-fitting vestment SURPLUS n pl. -ES an excess SURPRINT v -ED, -ING, -S to print over something already printed SURPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to come upon unexpectedly SURPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to surprise SURRA n pl. -S a disease of domestic animals SURREAL adj having dreamlike qualities SURREY n pl. -REYS a light carriage SURROUND v -ED, -ING, -S to extend completely around SURROYAL n pl. -S the topmost prong of a stag's antler SURTAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to assess with an extra tax SURTOUT n pl. -S a close-fitting overcoat SURVEIL v -VEILLED, -VEILLING, -VEILS to watch closely SURVEY v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the boundaries, area, or elevations of by measuring angles and distances SURVEYOR n pl. -S one that surveys land SURVIVAL n pl. -S a living or continuing longer than another person or thing SURVIVE v -VIVED, -VIVING, -VIVES to remain in existence SURVIVER n pl. -S survivor SURVIVOR n pl. -S one that survives SUSHI n pl. -S a dish of cold rice cakes topped with strips of raw fish SUSLIK n pl. -S a Eurasian rodent SUSPECT v -ED, -ING, -S to think guilty on slight evidence SUSPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to stop for a period SUSPENSE n pl. -S a state of mental uncertainty or excitement SUSPIRE v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES to sigh SUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to figure out SUSTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to maintain by providing with food and drink SUSURRUS n pl. -ES a soft rustling sound SUTLER n pl. -S one that peddles goods to soldiers SUTRA n pl. -S a Hindu aphorism SUTTA n pl. -S sutra SUTTEE n pl. -S a Hindu widow cremated on her husband's funeral pile to show her devotion to him SUTURAL adj pertaining to the line of junction between two bones SUTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to unite by sewing SUZERAIN n pl. -S a feudal lord SVARAJ n pl. -ES swaraj SVEDBERG n pl. -S a unit of time SVELTE adj SVELTER, SVELTEST gracefully slender SVELTELY adv SWAB v SWABBED, SWABBING, SWABS to clean with a large mop SWABBER n pl. -S one that swabs SWABBIE n pl. -S a sailor SWABBING present participle of swab SWABBY n pl. -BIES swabbie SWACKED adj drunk SWADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to wrap in bandages SWAG v SWAGGED, SWAGGING, SWAGS to sway SWAGE v SWAGED, SWAGING, SWAGES to shape with a hammering tool SWAGER n pl. -S one that swages SWAGGED past tense of swag SWAGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to walk with a pompous air SWAGGIE n pl. -S a swagman SWAGGING present participle of swag SWAGING present participle of swage SWAGMAN n pl. -MEN a hobo SWAIL n pl. -S swale SWAIN n pl. -S a country boy SWAINISH adj SWALE n pl. -S a tract of low, marshy ground SWALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to take through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach SWAM past tense of swim SWAMI n pl. -S a Hindu religious teacher SWAMIES pl. of swamy SWAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to inundate SWAMPER n pl. -S one that lives in a swampy area SWAMPISH adj swampy SWAMPY adj SWAMPIER, SWAMPIEST marshy SWAMY n pl. -MIES swami SWAN v SWANNED, SWANNING, SWANS to swear SWANG a past tense of swing SWANHERD n pl. -S one who tends swans (large aquatic birds) SWANK adj SWANKER, SWANKEST imposingly elegant SWANK v -ED, -ING, -S to swagger SWANKY adj SWANKIER, SWANKIEST swank SWANKILY adv SWANLIKE adj resembling a swan SWANNED past tense of swan SWANNERY n pl. -NERIES a place where swans are raised SWANNING present participle of swan SWANPAN n pl. -S a Chinese abacus SWANSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a swan SWAP v SWAPPED, SWAPPING, SWAPS to trade SWAPPER n pl. -S one that swaps SWARAJ n pl. -ES self-government in British India SWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with turf SWARE a past tense of swear SWARF n pl. -S material removed by a cutting tool SWARM v -ED, -ING, -S to move in a large group SWARMER n pl. -S one that swarms SWART adj swarthy SWARTH n pl. -S turf SWARTHY adj -THIER, -THIEST having a dark complexion SWARTY adj swarthy SWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to swagger SWASHER n pl. -S one that swashes SWASTICA n pl. -S swastika SWASTIKA n pl. -S a geometrical figure used as a symbol or ornament SWAT v SWATTED, SWATTING, SWATS to hit sharply SWATCH n pl. -ES a sample piece of cloth SWATH n pl. -S a row of cut grass or grain SWATHE v SWATHED, SWATHING, SWATHES to wrap in bandages SWATHER n pl. -S one that swathes SWATTED past tense of swat SWATTER n pl. -S one that swats SWATTING present participle of swat SWAY v -ED, -ING, -S to move slowly back and forth SWAYABLE adj SWAYBACK n pl. -S an abnormal sagging of the back SWAYER n pl. -S one that sways SWAYFUL adj capable of influencing SWEAR v SWORE or SWARE, SWORN, SWEARING, SWEARS to utter a solemn oath SWEARER n pl. -S one that swears SWEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to perspire SWEATBOX n pl. -ES a small enclosure in which one is made to sweat SWEATER n pl. -S a knitted outer garment SWEATY adj SWEATIER, SWEATIEST covered with perspiration SWEATILY adv SWEDE n pl. -S a rutabaga SWEENY n pl. -NIES atrophy of the shoulder muscles in horses SWEEP v SWEPT, SWEEPING, SWEEPS to clear or clean with a brush or broom SWEEPER n pl. -S one that sweeps SWEEPING n pl. -S the act of one that sweeps SWEEPY adj SWEEPIER, SWEEPIEST of wide range or scope SWEER adj lazy SWEET adj SWEETER, SWEETEST pleasing to the taste SWEET n pl. -S something that is sweet SWEETEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make sweet SWEETIE n pl. -S darling SWEETING n pl. -S a sweet apple SWEETISH adj somewhat sweet SWEETLY adv in a sweet manner SWEETSOP n pl. -S a tropical tree SWELL adj SWELLER, SWELLEST stylish SWELL v SWELLED, SWOLLEN, SWELLING, SWELLS to increase in size or volume SWELLING n pl. -S something that is swollen SWELTER v -ED, -ING, -S to suffer from oppressive heat SWELTRY adj -TRIER, -TRIEST oppressively hot SWEPT past tense of sweep SWERVE v SWERVED, SWERVING, SWERVES to turn aside suddenly from a straight course SWERVER n pl. -S one that swerves SWEVEN n pl. -S a dream or vision SWIDDEN n pl. -S an agricultural plot produced by burning off the vegetative cover SWIFT adj SWIFTER, SWIFTEST moving with a great rate of motion SWIFT n pl. -S a fast-flying bird SWIFTER n pl. -S a rope on a ship SWIFTLET n pl. -S a cave-dwelling swift SWIFTLY adv in a swift manner SWIG v SWIGGED, SWIGGING, SWIGS to drink deeply or rapidly SWIGGER n pl. -S one that swigs SWILL v -ED, -ING, -S to swig SWILLER n pl. -S one that swills SWIM v SWAM, SWUM, SWIMMING, SWIMS to propel oneself in water by natural means SWIMMER n pl. -S one that swims SWIMMING n pl. -S the act of one that swims SWIMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST dizzy SWIMMILY adv SWIMSUIT n pl. -S a bathing suit SWIMWEAR n pl. -S garments made for swimming SWINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to take money or property from by fraudulent means SWINDLER n pl. -S one that swindles SWINE n pl. SWINE a domestic pig SWINEPOX n pl. -ES a disease of swine SWING v SWUNG or SWANG, SWINGING, SWINGS to move freely back and forth SWINGBY n pl. -BYS a mission in which a spacecraft uses a planet's gravitational pull for making course changes SWINGE v SWINGED, SWINGEING, SWINGES to flog SWINGER n pl. -S one that swings SWINGIER comparative of swingy SWINGIEST superlative of swingy SWINGING adj -INGEST lively and hip SWINGING n pl. -S the practice of swapping sex partners SWINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to scutch SWINGMAN n pl. -MEN a basketball player who can play guard or forward SWINGY adj SWINGIER, SWINGIEST marked by swinging SWINISH adj resembling or befitting swine SWINK v -ED, -ING, -S to toil SWINNEY n pl. -NEYS sweeny SWIPE v SWIPED, SWIPING, SWIPES to strike with a sweeping blow SWIPLE n pl. -S a part of a threshing device SWIPPLE n pl. -S swiple SWIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a whirling motion SWIRLY adj SWIRLIER, SWIRLIEST swirling SWISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move with a prolonged hissing sound SWISHER n pl. -S one that swishes SWISHY adj SWISHIER, SWISHIEST swishing SWISS n pl. -ES a cotton fabric SWITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to beat with a flexible rod SWITCHER n pl. -S one that switches SWITH adv quickly SWITHE adv swith SWITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to doubt SWITHLY adv swith SWIVE v SWIVED, SWIVING, SWIVES to copulate with SWIVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to turn on a pivoted support SWIVET n pl. -S a state of nervous excitement SWIVING present participle of swive SWIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to drink excessively SWIZZLER n pl. -S one that swizzles SWOB v SWOBBED, SWOBBING, SWOBS to swab SWOBBER n pl. -S swabber SWOLLEN past participle of swell SWOON v -ED, -ING, -S to faint SWOONER n pl. -S one that swoons SWOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sudden descent SWOOPER n pl. -S one that swoops SWOOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move with a rustling sound SWOP v SWOPPED, SWOPPING, SWOPS to swap SWORD n pl. -S a weapon having a long blade for cutting or thrusting SWORDMAN n pl. -MEN one skilled in the use of a sword SWORE a past tense of swear SWORN past participle of swear SWOT v SWOTTED, SWOTTING, SWOTS to swat SWOTTER n pl. -S one that swots SWOUN v -ED, -ING, -S to swoon SWOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to swoon SWUM past participle of swim SWUNG a past tense of swing SYBARITE n pl. -S a person devoted to pleasure and luxury SYBO n pl. -BOES the cibol SYCAMINE n pl. -S the mulberry tree SYCAMORE n pl. -S a North American tree SYCE n pl. -S a male servant in India SYCEE n pl. -S fine uncoined silver formerly used in China as money SYCOMORE n pl. -S sycamore SYCONIUM n pl. -NIA a fleshy multiple fruit SYCOSIS n pl. -COSES an inflammatory disease of the hair follicles SYENITE n pl. -S an igneous rock SYENITIC adj SYKE n pl. -S a small stream SYLI n pl. -S a former monetary unit of Guinea SYLLABI a pl. of syllabus SYLLABIC n pl. -S a speech sound of high sonority SYLLABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to pronounce syllables (units of spoken language) SYLLABUB n pl. -S sillabub SYLLABUS n pl. -BI or -BUSES an outline of a course of study SYLPH n pl. -S a slender, graceful girl or woman SYLPHIC, SYLPHISH, SYLPHY adj SYLPHID n pl. -S a young sylph SYLVA n pl. -VAS or -VAE the forest trees of an area SYLVAN n pl. -S one that lives in a forest SYLVATIC adj pertaining to a forest SYLVIN n pl. -S sylvite SYLVINE n pl. -S sylvite SYLVITE n pl. -S an ore of potassium SYMBION n pl. -S symbiont SYMBIONT n pl. -S an organism living in close association with another SYMBIOT n pl. -S symbiont SYMBIOTE n pl. -S symbiont SYMBOL v -BOLED, -BOLING, -BOLS or -BOLLED, -BOLLING, -BOLS to serve as a symbol (a representation) of SYMBOLIC adj pertaining to a symbol SYMMETRY n pl. -TRIES an exact correspondence between the opposite halves of a figure SYMPATHY n pl. -THIES a feeling of compassion for another's suffering SYMPATRY n pl. -RIES the state of occupying the same area without loss of identity from interbreeding SYMPHONY n pl. -NIES an orchestral composition SYMPODIA n/pl plant stems made up of a series of superposed branches SYMPOSIA n/pl conferences for the purpose of discussion SYMPTOM n pl. -S an indication of something SYN adv syne SYNAGOG n pl. -S a building for Jewish worship SYNANON n pl. -S a method of group therapy for drug addicts SYNAPSE v -APSED, -APSING, -APSES to come together in synapsis SYNAPSID n pl. -S one of a group of extinct reptiles SYNAPSIS n pl. -APSES the point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another SYNAPTIC adj SYNC v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to operate in unison SYNCARP n pl. -S a fleshy multiple fruit SYNCARPY n pl. -PIES the state of being a syncarp SYNCH v -ED, -ING, -S to sync SYNCHRO n pl. -CHROS a selsyn SYNCLINE n pl. -S a type of rock formation SYNCOM n pl. -S a type of communications satellite SYNCOPE n pl. -S the contraction of a word by omitting one or more sounds from the middle SYNCOPAL, SYNCOPIC adj SYNCYTIA n/pl masses of protoplasm resulting from cell fusion SYNDESIS n pl. -DESES or -DESISES synapsis SYNDET n pl. -S a synthetic detergent SYNDETIC adj serving to connect SYNDIC n pl. -S a business agent SYNDICAL adj SYNDROME n pl. -S a group of symptoms that characterize a particular disorder SYNE adv since SYNECTIC adj pertaining to a system of problem solving SYNERGIA n pl. -S synergy SYNERGID n pl. -S a cell found in the embryo sac of a seed plant SYNERGY n pl. -GIES combined action SYNERGIC adj SYNESIS n pl. -SISES a type of grammatical construction SYNFUEL n pl. -S a fuel derived from fossil fuels SYNGAMY n pl. -MIES the union of two gametes SYNGAMIC adj SYNGAS n pl. -GASES or -GASSES a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen used in chemical synthesis SYNOD n pl. -S a church council SYNODAL, SYNODIC adj SYNONYM n pl. -S a word having the same meaning as another SYNONYME n pl. -S synonym SYNONYMY n pl. -MIES equivalence of meaning SYNOPSIS n pl. -OPSES a summary SYNOPTIC adj SYNOVIA n pl. -S a lubricating fluid secreted by certain membranes SYNOVIAL adj SYNTAGMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a syntactic element SYNTAX n pl. -ES the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences SYNTH n pl. -S a synthesizer SYNTONY n pl. -NIES the tuning of transmitters and receivers with each other SYNTONIC adj SYNURA n pl. -RAE any of a genus of protozoa SYPH n pl. -S syphilis SYPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to overlap so as to make an even surface, as beveled plank edges SYPHILIS n pl. -LISES a venereal disease SYPHON v -ED, -ING, -S to siphon SYREN n pl. -S siren SYRINGA n pl. -S an ornamental shrub SYRINGE v -RINGED, -RINGING, -RINGES to cleanse or treat with injected fluid SYRINX n pl. -INGES or -INXES the vocal organ of a bird SYRPHIAN n pl. -S syrphid SYRPHID n pl. -S a winged insect SYRUP n pl. -S a thick, sweet liquid SYRUPY adj SYSOP n pl. -S the administrator of a computer bulletin board SYSTEM n pl. -S a group of interacting elements forming a unified whole SYSTEMIC n pl. -S a type of pesticide SYSTOLE n pl. -S the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart SYSTOLIC adj SYZYGY n pl. -GIES the configuration of the earth, moon, and sun lying in a straight line SYZYGAL, SYZYGIAL adj TA n pl. -S an expression of gratitude TAB v TABBED, TABBING, TABS to name or designate TABANID n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect TABARD n pl. -S a sleeveless outer garment TABARDED adj TABARET n pl. -S a silk fabric TABBED past tense of tab TABBIED past tense of tabby TABBIES present 3d person sing. of tabby TABBING present participle of tab TABBIS n pl. -BISES a silk fabric TABBY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to give a wavy appearance to TABER v -ED, -ING, -S to tabor TABES n pl. TABES a syphilitic disease TABETIC n pl. -S one affected with tabes TABID adj affected with tabes TABLA n pl. -S a small drum TABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to place on a table (a piece of furniture having a flat upper surface) TABLEAU n pl. -LEAUX or -LEAUS a picture TABLEFUL n pl. TABLEFULS or TABLESFUL as much as a table can hold TABLET v -LETED, -LETING, -LETS or -LETTED, -LETTING, -LETS to inscribe on a small, flat surface TABLETOP n pl. -S the top of a table TABLING present participle of table TABLOID n pl. -S a small newspaper TABOO v -ED, -ING, -S to exclude from use, approach, or mention TABOOLEY n pl. -LEYS tabouli TABOR v -ED, -ING, -S to beat on a small drum TABORER n pl. -S one that tabors TABORET n pl. -S a small drum TABORIN n pl. -S taborine TABORINE n pl. -S a taboret TABOULI n pl. -S a Lebanese salad containing bulgur wheat, tomatoes, parsley, onions, and mint TABOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to tabor TABOURER n pl. -S taborer TABOURET n pl. -S taboret TABU v -ED, -ING, -S to taboo TABULAR adj of or pertaining to a list TABULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to arrange in a list TABULI n pl. -S tabouli TABUN n pl. -S a chemical compound TACE n pl. -S tasse TACET interj be silent -- used as a musical direction TACH n pl. -S a device for indicating speed of rotation TACHE n pl. -S a clasp or buckle TACHINID n pl. -S a grayish fly TACHISM n pl. -S action painting TACHISME n pl. -S tachism TACHIST n pl. -S an action painter TACHISTE n pl. -S tachist TACHYON n pl. -S a theoretical subatomic particle TACIT adj unspoken TACITLY adv TACITURN adj habitually silent TACK v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with tacks (short, sharp-pointed nails) TACKER n pl. -S one that tacks TACKET n pl. -S a hobnail TACKEY adj TACKIER, TACKIEST tacky TACKIER comparative of tacky TACKIEST superlative of tacky TACKIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make tacky TACKILY adv in a tacky manner TACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to seize and throw to the ground TACKLER n pl. -S one that tackles TACKLESS adj having no tacks TACKLING n pl. -S equipment TACKY adj TACKIER, TACKIEST adhesive TACNODE n pl. -S a point of contact between two curves TACO n pl. -COS a tortilla folded around a filling TACONITE n pl. -S a low-grade iron ore TACT n pl. -S skill in dealing with delicate situations TACTFUL adj having tact TACTIC n pl. -S a maneuver for gaining an objective TACTICAL adj TACTILE adj pertaining to the sense of touch TACTION n pl. -S the act of touching TACTLESS adj lacking tact TACTUAL adj tactile TAD n pl. -S a small boy TADPOLE n pl. -S the aquatic larva of an amphibian TAE prep to TAEL n pl. -S a Chinese unit of weight TAENIA n pl. -NIAE or -NIAS a headband worn in ancient Greece TAFFAREL n pl. -S taffrail TAFFEREL n pl. -S taffrail TAFFETA n pl. -S a lustrous fabric TAFFIA n pl. -S tafia TAFFRAIL n pl. -S a rail around the stern of a ship TAFFY n pl. -FIES a chewy candy TAFIA n pl. -S an inferior rum TAG v TAGGED, TAGGING, TAGS to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) TAGALONG n pl. -S one that follows another TAGBOARD n pl. -S a material for making shipping tags TAGGED past tense of tag TAGGER n pl. -S one that tags TAGGING present participle of tag TAGLIKE adj resembling a tag TAGMEME n pl. -S the smallest unit of meaningful grammatical relation TAGMEMIC adj pertaining to a grammar in which a tagmeme is the basic unit TAGRAG n pl. -S riffraff TAHINI n pl. -S a paste of sesame seeds TAHR n pl. -S a goatlike mammal TAHSIL n pl. -S a district in India TAIGA n pl. -S a subarctic evergreen forest TAIGLACH n pl. TAIGLACH teiglach TAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a tail (a hindmost part) TAILBACK n pl. -S a member of the backfield in some football formations TAILBONE n pl. -S the coccyx TAILCOAT n pl. -S a man's coat TAILER n pl. -S one that secretly follows another TAILFAN n pl. -S a fanlike swimming organ at the rear of some crustaceans TAILGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to drive dangerously close behind another vehicle TAILING n pl. -S the part of a projecting stone or brick that is inserted into a wall TAILLAMP n pl. -S a light at the rear of a vehicle TAILLE n pl. -S a former French tax TAILLESS adj having no tail TAILLEUR n pl. -S a woman's tailored suit TAILLIKE adj resembling a tail TAILOR v -ED, -ING, -S to fit with clothes TAILPIPE n pl. -S an exhaust pipe TAILRACE n pl. -S a part of a millrace TAILSKID n pl. -S a support on which the tail of an airplane rests TAILSPIN n pl. -S the spiral descent of a stalled airplane TAILWIND n pl. -S a wind coming from behind a moving vehicle TAIN n pl. -S a thin plate TAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to touch or affect slightly with something bad TAIPAN n pl. -S a venomous snake TAJ n pl. -ES a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries TAKA n pl. TAKA a monetary unit of Bangladesh TAKAHE n pl. -S a flightless bird TAKE v TOOK, TAKEN, TAKING, TAKES to get possession of TAKABLE, TAKEABLE adj TAKEAWAY adj designating prepared food that is sold for consumption elsewhere TAKEDOWN n pl. -S an article that can be taken apart easily TAKEOFF n pl. -S the act of rising in flight TAKEOUT n pl. -S the act of removing TAKEOVER n pl. -S the act of assuming control TAKER n pl. -S one that takes TAKEUP n pl. -S the act of taking something up TAKIN n pl. -S a goatlike mammal TAKING n pl. -S a seizure TAKINGLY adv in an attractive manner TALA n pl. -S a traditional rhythmic pattern of music in India TALAPOIN n pl. -S a small African monkey TALAR n pl. -S a long cloak TALARIA n/pl winged sandals worn by various figures of classical mythology TALC v TALCKED, TALCKING, TALCS or TALCED, TALCING, TALCS to treat with talc (a soft mineral with a soapy texture) TALCKY, TALCOSE, TALCOUS adj TALCUM n pl. -S a powder made from talc TALE n pl. -S a story TALENT n pl. -S a special natural ability TALENTED adj TALER n pl. -S a former German coin TALESMAN n pl. -MEN a person summoned to fill a vacancy on a jury TALEYSIM a pl. of tallith TALI pl. of talus TALION n pl. -S a retaliation for a crime TALIPED n pl. -S a person afflicted with clubfoot TALIPES n pl. TALIPES clubfoot TALIPOT n pl. -S a tall palm tree TALISMAN n pl. -S an object believed to possess magical powers TALK v -ED, -ING, -S to communicate by speaking TALKABLE adj able to be talked about TALKER n pl. -S one that talks TALKIE n pl. -S a moving picture with synchronized sound TALKING n pl. -S conversation TALKY adj TALKIER, TALKIEST tending to talk a great deal TALL adj TALLER, TALLEST having great height TALLAGE v -LAGED, -LAGING, -LAGES to tax TALLAISIM a pl. of tallith TALLBOY n pl. -BOYS a highboy TALLIED past tense of tally TALLIER n pl. -S one that tallies TALLIES present 3d person sing. of tally TALLIS n pl. -LISIM tallith TALLISH adj somewhat tall TALLIT n pl. -LITIM tallith TALLITH n pl. TALLITHES, TALLITHIM, TALLITOTH, TALEYSIM, or TALLAISIM a Jewish prayer shawl TALLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being tall TALLOL n pl. -S a resinous liquid TALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to smear with tallow (a mixture of animal fats) TALLOWY adj resembling tallow TALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to count TALLYHO v -ED, -ING, -S to make an encouraging shout to hunting hounds TALLYMAN n pl. -MEN a person who tallies TALMUDIC adj pertaining to the body of Jewish civil and religious law TALON n pl. -S a claw of a bird of prey TALONED adj TALOOKA n pl. -S taluk TALUK n pl. -S an estate in India TALUKA n pl. -S taluk TALUS n pl. -ES a slope formed by an accumulation of rock debris TALUS n pl. -LI a bone of the foot TAM n pl. -S a tight-fitting Scottish cap TAMABLE adj capable of being tamed TAMAL n pl. -S tamale TAMALE n pl. -S a Mexican dish TAMANDU n pl. -S tamandua TAMANDUA n pl. -S an arboreal anteater TAMARACK n pl. -S a timber tree TAMARAO n pl. -RAOS tamarau TAMARAU n pl. -S a small buffalo of the Philippines TAMARI n pl. -S a Japanese soy sauce TAMARIN n pl. -S a South American monkey TAMARIND n pl. -S a tropical tree TAMARISK n pl. -S an evergreen shrub TAMASHA n pl. -S a public entertainment in India TAMBAC n pl. -S tombac TAMBAK n pl. -S tombac TAMBALA n pl. -S or MATAMBALA a monetary unit of Malawi TAMBOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to embroider on a round wooden frame TAMBOURA n pl. -S tambura TAMBUR n pl. -S tambura TAMBURA n pl. -S a stringed instrument TAME adj TAMER, TAMEST gentle or docile TAME v TAMED, TAMING, TAMES to make tame TAMEABLE adj tamable TAMEIN n pl. -S a garment worn by Burmese women TAMELESS adj not capable of being tamed TAMELY adv in a tame manner TAMENESS n pl. -ES the state of being tame TAMER n pl. -S one that tames TAMEST superlative of tame TAMING present participle of tame TAMIS n pl. -ISES a strainer made of cloth mesh TAMMIE n pl. -S tammy TAMMY n pl. -MIES a fabric of mixed fibers TAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to pack down by tapping TAMPALA n pl. -S an annual herb TAMPAN n pl. -S a biting insect TAMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to interfere in a harmful manner TAMPERER n pl. -S one that tampers TAMPION n pl. -S a plug for the muzzle of a cannon TAMPON v -ED, -ING, -S to plug with a cotton pad TAN adj TANNER, TANNEST brown from the sun's rays TAN v TANNED, TANNING, TANS to convert hide into leather by soaking in chemicals TANAGER n pl. -S a brightly colored bird TANBARK n pl. -S a tree bark used as a source of tannin TANDEM n pl. -S a bicycle built for two TANDOOR n pl. -DOORI a clay oven TANG v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a pungent flavor TANGELO n pl. -LOS a citrus fruit TANGENCE n pl. -S tangency TANGENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being in immediate physical contact TANGENT n pl. -S a straight line in contact with a curve at one point TANGIBLE n pl. -S something palpable TANGIBLY adv palpably TANGIER comparative of tangy TANGIEST superlative of tangy TANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to bring together in intricate confusion TANGLER n pl. -S one that tangles TANGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST tangled TANGO v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a Latin-American dance TANGRAM n pl. -S a Chinese puzzle TANGY adj TANGIER, TANGIEST pungent TANIST n pl. -S the heir apparent to a Celtic chief TANISTRY n pl. -RIES the system of electing a tanist TANK v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a tank (a container usually for liquids) TANKA n pl. -S a Japanese verse form TANKAGE n pl. -S the capacity of a tank TANKARD n pl. -S a tall drinking vessel TANKER n pl. -S a ship designed to transport liquids TANKFUL n pl. -S the amount a tank can hold TANKLIKE adj resembling a tank TANKSHIP n pl. -S a tanker TANNABLE adj capable of being tanned TANNAGE n pl. -S the process of tanning TANNATE n pl. -S a chemical salt TANNED past tense of tan TANNER n pl. -S one that tans TANNERY n pl. -NERIES a place where hides are tanned TANNEST superlative of tan TANNIC adj pertaining to tannin TANNIN n pl. -S a chemical compound used in tanning TANNING n pl. -S the process of converting hides into leather TANNISH adj somewhat tan TANREC n pl. -S tenrec TANSY n pl. -SIES a perennial herb TANTALUM n pl. -S a metallic element TANTALIC adj TANTALUS n pl. -ES a case for wine bottles TANTARA n pl. -S the sound of a trumpet or horn TANTIVY n pl. -TIVIES a hunting cry TANTO adv so much -- used as a musical direction TANTRA n pl. -S one of a class of Hindu religious writings TANTRIC adj TANTRUM n pl. -S a fit of rage TANUKI n pl. -S the fur of a raccoon dog TANYARD n pl. -S the section of a tannery containing the vats TAO n pl. -S the path of virtuous conduct according to a Chinese philosophy TAP v TAPPED, TAPPING, TAPS to strike gently TAPA n pl. -S a cloth made from tree bark TAPADERA n pl. -S a part of a saddle TAPADERO n pl. -ROS tapadera TAPALO n pl. -LOS a scarf worn in Latin-American countries TAPE v TAPED, TAPING, TAPES to fasten with tape (a long, narrow strip or band) TAPELESS adj being without tape TAPELIKE adj resembling tape TAPELINE n pl. -S a tape for measuring distances TAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to become gradually narrower toward one end TAPERER n pl. -S one that carries a candle in a religious procession TAPESTRY v -TRIED, -TRYING, -TRIES to decorate with woven wall hangings TAPETUM n pl. -TA a layer of cells in some plants TAPETAL adj TAPEWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm TAPHOLE n pl. -S a hole in a blast furnace TAPHOUSE n pl. -S a tavern TAPING present participle of tape TAPIOCA n pl. -S a starchy food TAPIR n pl. -S a hoofed mammal TAPIS n pl. -PISES material used for wall hangings and floor coverings TAPPED past tense of tap TAPPER n pl. -S one that taps TAPPET n pl. -S a sliding rod that causes another part of a mechanism to move TAPPING n pl. -S the process or means by which something is tapped TAPROOM n pl. -S a barroom TAPROOT n pl. -S the main root of a plant TAPSTER n pl. -S one that dispenses liquor in a barroom TAR v TARRED, TARRING, TARS to cover with tar (a black viscous liquid) TARAMA n pl. -S a Greek paste of fish roe, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil TARANTAS n pl. -ES a Russian carriage TARBOOSH n pl. -ES a cap worn by Muslim men TARBUSH n pl. -ES tarboosh TARDIER comparative of tardy TARDIES pl. of tardy TARDO adj slow -- used as a musical direction TARDY adj TARDIER, TARDIEST late TARDILY adv TARDY n pl. -DIES an instance of being late TARDYON n pl. -S a subatomic particle that travels slower than the speed of light TARE v TARED, TARING, TARES to determine the weight of a container holding goods TARGE n pl. -S a small, round shield TARGET v -ED, -ING, -S to make a goal of TARIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to tax imported or exported goods TARING present participle of tare TARLATAN n pl. -S a cotton fabric TARLETAN n pl. -S tarlatan TARMAC n pl. -S an asphalt road TARN n pl. -S a small mountain lake TARNAL adj damned TARNALLY adv TARNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dull the luster of TARO n pl. -ROS a tropical plant TAROC n pl. -S tarok TAROK n pl. -S a card game TAROT n pl. -S any of a set of playing cards used for fortune-telling TARP n pl. -S a protective canvas covering TARPAN n pl. -S an Asian wild horse TARPAPER n pl. -S a heavy paper coated with tar TARPON n pl. -S a marine game fish TARRAGON n pl. -S a perennial herb TARRE v TARRED, TARRING, TARRES to urge to action TARRED past tense of tar TARRIED past tense of tarry TARRIER n pl. -S one that tarries TARRIES present 3d person sing. of tarry TARRIEST superlative of tarry TARRING present participle of tar and tarre TARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST resembling tar TARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to delay or be slow in acting or doing TARSAL n pl. -S a bone of the foot TARSI pl. of tarsus TARSIA n pl. -S intarsia TARSIER n pl. -S a nocturnal primate TARSUS n pl. TARSI a part of the foot TART adj TARTER, TARTEST having a sharp, sour taste TART v -ED, -ING, -S to dress up TARTAN n pl. -S a patterned woolen fabric TARTANA n pl. -S a Mediterranean sailing vessel TARTAR n pl. -S a crust on the teeth TARTARIC adj TARTISH adj somewhat tart TARTLET n pl. -S a small pie TARTLY adv in a tart manner TARTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being tart TARTRATE n pl. -S a chemical salt TARTUFE n pl. -S tartuffe TARTUFFE n pl. -S a hypocrite TARTY adj resembling a prostitute TARWEED n pl. -S a flowering plant TARZAN n pl. -S a person of superior strength and agility TASK v -ED, -ING, -S to assign a job to TASKWORK n pl. -S hard work TASS n pl. -ES a drinking cup TASSE n pl. -S tasset TASSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to adorn with dangling ornaments TASSET n pl. -S a piece of plate armor for the upper thigh TASSIE n pl. -S tass TASTE v TASTED, TASTING, TASTES to perceive the flavor of by taking into the mouth TASTABLE adj TASTEFUL adj tasty TASTER n pl. -S one that tastes TASTING present participle of taste TASTY adj TASTIER, TASTIEST pleasant to the taste TASTILY adv TAT v TATTED, TATTING, TATS to make tatting TATAMI n pl. -S straw matting used as a floor covering TATAR n pl. -S a ferocious person TATE n pl. -S a tuft of hair TATER n pl. -S a potato TATOUAY n pl. -AYS a South American armadillo TATTED past tense of tat TATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to become torn and worn TATTIE n pl. -S a potato TATTIER comparative of tatty TATTIEST superlative of tatty TATTILY adv in a tatty manner TATTING n pl. -S delicate handmade lace TATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to reveal the activities of another TATTLER n pl. -S one that tattles TATTOO v -ED, -ING, -S to mark the skin with indelible pigments TATTOOER n pl. -S one that tattoos TATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST shabby TAU n pl. -S a Greek letter TAUGHT past tense of teach TAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to challenge or reproach sarcastically TAUNTER n pl. -S one that taunts TAUPE n pl. -S a dark gray color TAURINE n pl. -S a chemical compound TAUT adj TAUTER, TAUTEST fully stretched, so as not to be slack TAUT v -ED, -ING, -S to tangle TAUTAUG n pl. -S tautog TAUTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make taut TAUTLY adv in a taut manner TAUTNESS n pl. -ES the state of being taut TAUTOG n pl. -S a marine fish TAUTOMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound TAUTONYM n pl. -S a type of taxonomic designation TAV n pl. -S a Hebrew letter TAVERN n pl. -S a place where liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises TAVERNA n pl. -S a cafe in Greece TAVERNER n pl. -S one that runs a tavern TAW v -ED, -ING, -S to convert into white leather by the application of minerals TAWDRY adj -DRIER, -DRIEST gaudy TAWDRILY adv TAWDRY n pl. -DRIES gaudy finery TAWER n pl. -S one that taws TAWIE adj docile TAWNEY n pl. -NEYS tawny TAWNY adj -NIER, -NIEST light brown TAWNILY adv TAWNY n pl. -NIES a light brown color TAWPIE n pl. -S a foolish young person TAWSE v TAWSED, TAWSING, TAWSES to flog TAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on TAXA a pl. of taxon TAXABLE adj subject to tax TAXABLY adv TAXABLE n pl. -S a taxable item TAXATION n pl. -S the process of taxing TAXEME n pl. -S a minimum grammatical feature of selection TAXEMIC adj TAXER n pl. -S one that taxes TAXI v TAXIED, TAXIING or TAXYING, TAXIS or TAXIES to travel in a taxicab TAXICAB n pl. -S an automobile for hire TAXIMAN n pl. -MEN the operator of a taxicab TAXINGLY adv in an onerous manner TAXITE n pl. -S a volcanic rock TAXITIC adj TAXIWAY n pl. -WAYS a paved strip at an airport TAXLESS adj free from taxation TAXMAN n pl. -MEN one who collects taxes TAXON n pl. TAXA or TAXONS a unit of scientific classification TAXONOMY n pl. -MIES the study of scientific classification TAXPAID adj paid for by taxes TAXPAYER n pl. -S one that pays taxes TAXUS n pl. TAXUS an evergreen tree or shrub TAXWISE adj pertaining to taxes TAXYING a present participle of taxi TAZZA n pl. -ZAS or -ZE an ornamental bowl TEA n pl. -S a beverage made by infusing dried leaves in boiling water TEABERRY n pl. -RIES a North American shrub TEABOARD n pl. -S a tray for serving tea TEABOWL n pl. -S a teacup having no handle TEABOX n pl. -ES a box for tea leaves TEACAKE n pl. -S a small cake served with tea TEACART n pl. -S a wheeled table used in serving tea TEACH v TAUGHT, TEACHING, TEACHES to impart knowledge or skill to TEACHER n pl. -S one that teaches TEACHING n pl. -S a doctrine TEACUP n pl. -S a cup in which tea is served TEAHOUSE n pl. -S a public establishment serving tea TEAK n pl. -S an East Indian tree TEAKWOOD n pl. -S the wood of the teak TEAL n pl. -S a river duck TEALIKE adj resembling tea TEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to form a team (a group of persons associated in a joint action) TEAMAKER n pl. -S one that makes tea TEAMMATE n pl. -S a member of the same team TEAMSTER n pl. -S a truck driver TEAMWORK n pl. -S cooperative effort to achieve a common goal TEAPOT n pl. -S a vessel used in making and serving tea TEAPOY n pl. -POYS a small table used in serving tea TEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by a gland of the eye) TEAR v TORE, TORN, TEARING, TEARS to pull apart or into pieces TEARABLE adj TEARAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a rebellious person TEARDOWN n pl. -S the process of disassembling TEARDROP n pl. -S a tear TEARER n pl. -S one that tears or rips TEARFUL adj full of tears TEARGAS v -GASSED, -GASSING, -GASES or -GASSES to subject to a gas that irritates the eyes TEARIER comparative of teary TEARIEST superlative of teary TEARILY adv in a teary manner TEARLESS adj being without tears TEAROOM n pl. -S a restaurant serving tea TEARY adj TEARIER, TEARIEST tearful TEASE v TEASED, TEASING, TEASES to make fun of TEASEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to raise a soft surface on fabric with a bristly flower head TEASELER n pl. -S one that teasels TEASER n pl. -S one that teases TEASHOP n pl. -S a tearoom TEASING present participle of tease TEASPOON n pl. -S a small spoon TEAT n pl. -S a mammary gland TEATED adj TEATIME n pl. -S the customary time for tea TEAWARE n pl. -S a tea service TEAZEL v -ZELED, -ZELING, -ZELS or -ZELLED, -ZELLING, -ZELS to teasel TEAZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to teasel TECHED adj crazy TECHIE n pl. -S a technician TECHNIC n pl. -S technique TECHY adj TECHIER, TECHIEST tetchy TECHILY adv TECTA pl. of tectum TECTAL adj pertaining to a tectum TECTITE n pl. -S tektite TECTONIC adj pertaining to construction TECTRIX n pl. -TRICES a small feather of a bird's wing TECTUM n pl. -TA a bodily structure resembling or serving as a roof TED v TEDDED, TEDDING, TEDS to spread for drying TEDDER n pl. -S one that teds TEDDY n pl. -DIES a woman's undergarment TEDIOUS adj causing weariness TEDIUM n pl. -S the state of being tedious TEE v TEED, TEEING, TEES to place a golf ball on a small peg TEEL n pl. -S sesame TEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to be full to overflowing TEEMER n pl. -S one that teems TEEN n pl. -S a teenager TEENAGE adj pertaining to teenagers TEENAGED adj teenage TEENAGER n pl. -S a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen TEENER n pl. -S a teenager TEENFUL adj filled with grief TEENIER comparative of teeny TEENIEST superlative of teeny TEENSY adj -SIER, -SIEST tiny TEENTSY adj -SIER, -SIEST tiny TEENY adj -NIER, -NIEST tiny TEENYBOP adj pertaining to a young teenager TEEPEE n pl. -S tepee TEETER v -ED, -ING, -S to move unsteadily TEETH pl. of tooth TEETHE v TEETHED, TEETHING, TEETHES to cut teeth TEETHER n pl. -S an object for a baby to bite on during teething TEETHING n pl. -S the first growth of teeth TEETOTAL v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS to abstain completely from alcoholic beverages TEETOTUM n pl. -S a spinning toy TEFF n pl. -S a cereal grass TEFILLIN n/pl the phylacteries worn by Jews TEG n pl. -S a yearling sheep TEGMEN n pl. -MINA a covering TEGMENTA n/pl anatomical coverings TEGMINAL adj pertaining to a tegmen TEGUA n pl. -S a type of moccasin TEGULAR adj resembling a tile TEGUMEN n pl. -MINA tegmen TEGUMENT n pl. -S a covering TEIGLACH n pl. TEIGLACH a confection consisting of balls of dough boiled in honey TEIID n pl. -S a tropical American lizard TEIND n pl. -S a tithe TEKTITE n pl. -S a glassy body believed to be of meteoritic origin TEKTITIC adj TEL n pl. -S an ancient mound in the Middle East TELA n pl. -LAE an anatomical tissue TELAMON n pl. -ES a male figure used as a supporting column TELE n pl. -S a television set TELECAST v -ED, -ING, -S to broadcast by television TELEDU n pl. -S a carnivorous mammal TELEFILM n pl. -S a motion picture made for television TELEGA n pl. -S a Russian wagon TELEGONY n pl. -NIES the supposed influence of a previous sire on the offspring of later matings of the mother with other males TELEGRAM v -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to send a message by telegraph TELEMAN n pl. -MEN a naval officer TELEMARK n pl. -S a type of turn in skiing TELEOST n pl. -S a bony fish TELEPATH n pl. -S one who can communicate with another by some means other than the senses TELEPLAY n pl. -PLAYS a play written for television TELEPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by a process that involves no physical means TELERAN n pl. -S a system of air navigation TELESIS n pl. TELESES planned progress TELESTIC n pl. -S a type of acrostic TELETEXT n pl. -S a communications system in which printed matter is telecast to subscribers TELETHON n pl. -S a fund-raising television program TELEVIEW v -ED, -ING, -S to observe by means of television TELEVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to broadcast by television (an electronic system of transmitting images and sound) TELEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to send a message by a type of telegraphic system TELFER v -ED, -ING, -S to telpher TELFORD n pl. -S a road made of stones TELIA pl. of telium TELIAL adj pertaining to a telium TELIC adj directed toward a goal TELIUM n pl. -LIA a sorus on the host plant of a rust fungus TELL v TOLD, TELLING, TELLS to give a detailed account of TELLABLE adj TELLER n pl. -S a bank employee who receives and pays out money TELLIES pl. of telly TELLTALE n pl. -S a tattler TELLURIC adj pertaining to the earth TELLY n pl. -LIES or -LYS a television set TELOME n pl. -S a structural unit of a vascular plant TELOMIC adj TELOMERE n pl. -S the natural end of a chromosome TELOS n pl. TELOI an ultimate end TELPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by a system of aerial cable cars TELSON n pl. -S the terminal segment of an arthropod TELSONIC adj TEMBLOR n pl. -S or -ES an earthquake TEMERITY n pl. -TIES foolish boldness TEMP n pl. -S a temporary worker TEMP v -ED, -ING, -S to work in a temporary position TEMPEH n pl. -S an Asian food TEMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to moderate by adding a counterbalancing agent TEMPERA n pl. -S a technique of painting TEMPERER n pl. -S one that tempers TEMPEST v -ED, -ING, -S to agitate violently TEMPI a pl. of tempo TEMPLAR n pl. -S a lawyer or student of law in London TEMPLATE n pl. -S a pattern used as a guide in making something TEMPLE n pl. -S a house of worship TEMPLED adj TEMPLET n pl. -S template TEMPO n pl. -PI or -POS the rate of speed of a musical piece TEMPORAL n pl. -S a bone of the skull TEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to entice to commit an unwise or immoral act TEMPTER n pl. -S one that tempts TEMPURA n pl. -S a Japanese dish TEN n pl. -S a number TENABLE adj capable of being held TENABLY adv TENACE n pl. -S a combination of two high cards in some card games TENACITY n pl. -TIES perseverance or persistence TENACULA n/pl hooked surgical instruments TENAIL n pl. -S tenaille TENAILLE n pl. -S an outer defense TENANCY n pl. -CIES the temporary occupancy of something that belongs to another TENANT v -ED, -ING, -S to inhabit TENANTRY n pl. -RIES tenancy TENCH n pl. -ES a freshwater fish TEND v -ED, -ING, -S to be disposed or inclined TENDANCE n pl. -S watchful care TENDENCE n pl. -S tendance TENDENCY n pl. -CIES an inclination to act or think in a particular way TENDER adj -DERER, -DEREST soft or delicate TENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to present for acceptance TENDERER n pl. -S one that tenders TENDERLY adv in a tender manner TENDON n pl. -S a band of tough, fibrous tissue TENDRIL n pl. -S a leafless organ of climbing plants TENEBRAE n/pl a religious service TENEMENT n pl. -S an apartment house TENESMUS n pl. -ES an urgent but ineffectual effort to defecate or urinate TENESMIC adj TENET n pl. -S a principle, belief, or doctrine held to be true TENFOLD n pl. -S an amount ten times as great as a given unit TENIA n pl. -NIAE or -NIAS a tapeworm TENIASIS n pl. -SISES infestation with tapeworms TENNER n pl. -S a ten-dollar bill TENNIES n/pl low-cut sneakers TENNIS n pl. -NISES an outdoor ball game TENNIST n pl. -S a tennis player TENON v -ED, -ING, -S to unite by means of a tenon (a projection on the end of a piece of wood) TENONER n pl. -S one that tenons TENOR n pl. -S a high male singing voice TENORIST n pl. -S one who sings tenor or plays a tenor instrument TENORITE n pl. -S a mineral TENOTOMY n pl. -MIES the surgical division of a tendon TENOUR n pl. -S tenor TENPENCE n pl. -S the sum of ten pennies TENPENNY adj worth tenpence TENPIN n pl. -S a bowling pin TENREC n pl. -S a mammal that feeds on insects TENSE adj TENSER, TENSEST taut TENSELY adv TENSE v TENSED, TENSING, TENSES to make tense TENSIBLE adj capable of being stretched TENSIBLY adv TENSILE adj tensible TENSING present participle of tense TENSION v -ED, -ING, -S to make tense TENSITY n pl. -TIES the state of being tense TENSIVE adj causing tensity TENSOR n pl. -S a muscle that stretches a body part TENT v -ED, -ING, -S to live in a tent (a type of portable shelter) TENTACLE n pl. -S an elongated, flexible appendage of some animals TENTAGE n pl. -S a supply of tents TENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to stretch on a type of frame TENTH n pl. -S one of ten equal parts TENTHLY adv in the tenth place TENTIE adj TENTIER, TENTIEST tenty TENTIER comparative of tenty TENTIEST superlative of tenty TENTLESS adj having no tent TENTLIKE adj resembling a tent TENTY adj TENTIER, TENTIEST watchful TENUIS n pl. -UES a voiceless phonetic stop TENUITY n pl. -ITIES lack of substance or strength TENUOUS adj having little substance or strength TENURE n pl. -S the holding of something TENURED, TENURIAL adj TENUTO n pl. -TI or -TOS a musical note or chord held longer than its normal duration TEOCALLI n pl. -S an Aztec temple TEOPAN n pl. -S a teocalli TEOSINTE n pl. -S an annual grass TEPA n pl. -S a chemical compound TEPAL n pl. -S a division of a perianth TEPEE n pl. -S a conical tent of some North American Indians TEPEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make tepid TEPHRA n pl. -S solid material ejected from a volcano TEPHRITE n pl. -S a volcanic rock TEPID adj moderately warm TEPIDLY adv TEPIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being tepid TEPOY n pl. -POYS teapoy TEQUILA n pl. -S a Mexican liquor TERAI n pl. -S a sun hat with a wide brim TERAOHM n pl. -S one trillion ohms TERAPH n pl. -APHIM an image of a Semitic household god TERATISM n pl. -S a malformed fetus TERATOID adj TERATOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumor TERAWATT n pl. -S one trillion watts TERBIA n pl. -S an oxide of terbium TERBIUM n pl. -S a metallic element TERBIC adj TERCE n pl. -S tierce TERCEL n pl. -S a male falcon TERCELET n pl. -S tercel TERCET n pl. -S a group of three lines of verse TEREBENE n pl. -S a mixture of terpenes TEREBIC adj pertaining to an acid derived from oil of turpentine TEREDO n pl. -DOS or -DINES a bivalve mollusk TEREFAH adj tref TERETE adj cylindrical and slightly tapering TERGA pl. of tergum TERGAL adj pertaining to a tergum TERGITE n pl. -S a tergum TERGUM n pl. -GA a back part of a segment of an arthropod TERIYAKI n pl. -S a Japanese food TERM v -ED, -ING, -S to give a name to TERMER n pl. -S a prisoner serving a specified sentence TERMINAL n pl. -S an end or extremity TERMINUS n pl. -NI or -NUSES a terminal TERMITE n pl. -S an insect resembling an ant TERMITIC adj TERMLESS adj having no limits TERMLY adv periodically TERMOR n pl. -S one that holds land for a certain number of years TERMTIME n pl. -S the time when a school or court is in session TERN n pl. -S a seabird TERNARY n pl. -RIES a group of three TERNATE adj arranged in groups of three TERNE n pl. -S an alloy of lead and tin TERNION n pl. -S a group of three TERPENE n pl. -S a chemical compound TERPENIC adj TERPINOL n pl. -S a fragrant liquid TERRA n pl. -RAE earth; land TERRACE v -RACED, -RACING, -RACES to provide with a terrace (a raised embankment) TERRAIN n pl. -S a tract of land TERRANE n pl. -S a rock formation TERRAPIN n pl. -S a North American tortoise TERRARIA n/pl glass enclosures for plants or small animals TERRAS n pl. -ES trass TERRAZZO n pl. -ZOS a mosaic flooring TERREEN n pl. -S terrine TERRELLA n pl. -S a spherical magnet TERRENE n pl. -S a land area TERRET n pl. -S a metal ring on a harness TERRIBLE adj very bad TERRIBLY adv TERRIER n pl. -S a small, active dog TERRIES pl. of terry TERRIFIC adj very good; fine TERRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to fill with terror TERRINE n pl. -S an earthenware jar TERRIT n pl. -S terret TERROR n pl. -S intense fear TERRY n pl. -RIES an absorbent fabric TERSE adj TERSER, TERSEST succinct TERSELY adv TERTIAL n pl. -S a flight feather of a bird's wing TERTIAN n pl. -S a recurrent fever TERTIARY n pl. -ARIES a tertial TESLA n pl. -S a unit of magnetic induction TESSERA n pl. -SERAE a small square used in mosaic work TEST v -ED, -ING, -S to subject to an examination TESTABLE adj TESTA n pl. -TAE the hard outer coating of a seed TESTACY n pl. -CIES the state of being testate TESTATE n pl. -S a testator TESTATOR n pl. -S one that makes a will TESTEE n pl. -S one that is tested TESTER n pl. -S one that tests TESTES pl. of testis TESTICLE n pl. -S a testis TESTIER comparative of testy TESTIEST superlative of testy TESTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make a declaration of truth under oath TESTILY adv in a testy manner TESTIS n pl. TESTES a male reproductive gland TESTON n pl. -S a former French coin TESTOON n pl. -S teston TESTUDO n pl. -DINES or -DOS a portable screen used as a shield by the ancient Romans TESTY adj TESTIER, TESTIEST irritable TET n pl. -S teth TETANAL adj pertaining to tetanus TETANIC n pl. -S a drug capable of causing convulsions TETANIES pl. of tetany TETANISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to tetanize TETANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to affect with convulsions TETANUS n pl. -ES an infectious disease TETANOID adj TETANY n pl. -NIES a condition marked by painful muscular spasms TETCHED adj crazy TETCHY adj TETCHIER, TETCHIEST irritable TETCHILY adv TETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter TETHER v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten to a fixed object with a rope TETOTUM n pl. -S teetotum TETRA n pl. -S a tropical fish TETRACID n pl. -S a type of acid TETRAD n pl. -S a group of four TETRADIC adj TETRAGON n pl. -S a four-sided polygon TETRAMER n pl. -S a type of polymer TETRAPOD n pl. -S a four-footed animal TETRARCH n pl. -S one of four joint rulers TETRODE n pl. -S a type of electron tube TETROXID n pl. -S a type of oxide TETRYL n pl. -S a chemical compound TETTER n pl. -S a skin disease TEUCH adj teugh TEUGH adj tough TEUGHLY adv TEW v -ED, -ING, -S to work hard TEXAS n pl. -ES the uppermost structure on a steamboat TEXT n pl. -S the main body of a written or printed work TEXTBOOK n pl. -S a book used in the study of a subject TEXTILE n pl. -S a woven fabric TEXTLESS adj having no text TEXTUAL adj pertaining to a text TEXTUARY n pl. -ARIES a specialist in the study of the Scriptures TEXTURAL adj pertaining to the surface characteristics of something TEXTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to make by weaving THACK v -ED, -ING, -S to thatch THAE adj these; those THAIRM n pl. -S tharm THALAMUS n pl. -MI a part of the brain THALAMIC adj THALER n pl. -S taler THALLIUM n pl. -S a metallic element THALLIC, THALLOUS adj THALLUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a plant body without true root, stem, or leaf THALLOID adj THAN conj -- used to introduce the second element of a comparison THANAGE n pl. -S the land held by a thane THANATOS n pl. -ES an instinctual desire for death THANE n pl. -S a man holding land by military service in Anglo-Saxon England THANK v -ED, -ING, -S to express gratitude to THANKER n pl. -S one that thanks THANKFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST feeling gratitude THARM n pl. -S the belly THAT pron pl. THOSE the one indicated THATAWAY adv in that direction THATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with thatch (plant stalks or foliage) THATCHER n pl. -S one that thatches THATCHY adj THATCHIER, THATCHIEST resembling thatch THAW v -ED, -ING, -S to melt THAWER n pl. -S one that thaws THAWLESS adj never thawing THE definite article -- used to specify or make particular THEARCHY n pl. -CHIES rule by a god THEATER n pl. -S a building for dramatic presentations THEATRIC adj THEATRE n pl. -S theater THEBAINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid THEBE n pl. THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana THECA n pl. -CAE a protective anatomical covering THECAL, THECATE adj THEE pron the objective case of the pronoun thou THEELIN n pl. -S estrone THEELOL n pl. -S estriol THEFT n pl. -S the act of stealing THEGN n pl. -S thane THEGNLY adj THEIN n pl. -S theine THEINE n pl. -S caffeine THEIR pron a possessive form of the pronoun they THEIRS pron a possessive form of the pronoun they THEISM n pl. -S belief in the existence of a god THEIST n pl. -S one who belives in the existence of a god THEISTIC adj THELITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the nipple THEM pron the objective case of the pronoun they THEMATIC n pl. -S a stamp collected according to its subject THEME v THEMED, THEMING, THEMES to plan something according to a central subject THEN n pl. -S that time THENAGE n pl. -S thanage THENAL adj pertaining to the palm of the hand THENAR n pl. -S the palm of the hand THENCE adv from that place THEOCRAT n pl. -S a person who rules as a representative of a god THEODICY n pl. -CIES a defense of God's goodness in respect to the existence of evil THEOGONY n pl. -NIES an account of the origin of the gods THEOLOG n pl. -S a student of theology THEOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of religion THEONOMY n pl. -MIES rule by a god THEORBO n pl. -BOS a stringed musical instrument THEOREM n pl. -S a proposition that is demonstrably true or is assumed to be so THEORIES pl. of theory THEORISE v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES to theorize THEORIST n pl. -S one that theorizes THEORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to form theories THEORY n pl. -RIES a group of propositions used to explain a class of phenomena THERAPY n pl. -PIES the treatment of illness or disability THERE n pl. -S that place THEREAT adv at that place or time THEREBY adv by that means THEREFOR adv for that THEREIN adv in that place THEREMIN n pl. -S a musical instrument THEREOF adv of that THEREON adv on that THERETO adv to that THERIAC n pl. -S molasses THERIACA n pl. -S theriac THERM n pl. -S a unit of quantity of heat THERMAE n/pl hot springs THERMAL n pl. -S a rising mass of warm air THERME n pl. -S therm THERMEL n pl. -S a device for temperature measurement THERMIC adj pertaining to heat THERMION n pl. -S an ion emitted by a heated body THERMITE n pl. -S a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited THERMOS n pl. -ES a container used to keep liquids either hot or cold THEROID adj resembling a beast THEROPOD n pl. -S a carnivorous dinosaur THESAURI n/pl dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms THESE pl. of this THESIS n pl. THESES a proposition put forward for discussion THESPIAN n pl. -S an actor or actress THETA n pl. -S a Greek letter THETIC adj arbitrary THETICAL adj thetic THEURGY n pl. -GIES divine intervention in human affairs THEURGIC adj THEW n pl. -S a well-developed muscle THEWLESS adj weak THEWY adj THEWIER, THEWIEST brawny THEY pron the 3d person pl. pronoun in the nominative case THIAMIN n pl. -S thiamine THIAMINE n pl. -S a B vitamin THIAZIDE n pl. -S a drug used to treat high blood pressure THIAZIN n pl. -S thiazine THIAZINE n pl. -S a chemical compound THIAZOL n pl. -S thiazole THIAZOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound THICK adj THICKER, THICKEST having relatively great extent from one surface to its opposite THICK n pl. -S the thickest part THICKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make thick THICKET n pl. -S a dense growth of shrubs or small trees THICKETY adj THICKISH adj somewhat thick THICKLY adv in a thick manner THICKSET n pl. -S a thicket THIEF n pl. THIEVES one that steals THIEVE v THIEVED, THIEVING, THIEVES to steal THIEVERY n pl. -ERIES the act or practice of stealing THIEVES pl. of thief THIEVING present participle of thieve THIEVISH adj given to stealing THIGH n pl. -S a part of the leg THIGHED adj THILL n pl. -S a shaft of a vehicle THIMBLE n pl. -S a cap used to protect the fingertip during sewing THIN adj THINNER, THINNEST having relatively little density or thickness THIN v THINNED, THINNING, THINS to make thin THINCLAD n pl. -S a runner on a track team THINDOWN n pl. -S a lessening in the number of atomic particles and cosmic rays passing through the earth's atmosphere THINE pron a possessive form of the pronoun thou THING n pl. -S an inanimate object THINK v THOUGHT, THINKING, THINKS to formulate in the mind THINKER n pl. -S one that thinks THINKING n pl. -S an opinion or judgment THINLY adv in a thin manner THINNED past tense of thin THINNER n pl. -S one that thins THINNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being thin THINNEST superlative of thin THINNING present participle of thin THINNISH adj somewhat thin THIO adj containing sulfur THIOL n pl. -S a sulfur compound THIOLIC adj THIONATE n pl. -S a chemical salt THIONIC adj pertaining to sulfur THIONIN n pl. -S a violet dye THIONINE n pl. -S thionin THIONYL n pl. -S sulfinyl THIOPHEN n pl. -S a chemical compound THIOTEPA n pl. -S a chemical compound THIOUREA n pl. -S a chemical compound THIR pron these THIRAM n pl. -S a chemical compound THIRD n pl. -S one of three equal parts THIRDLY adv in the third place THIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to thrill THIRLAGE n pl. -S an obligation requiring feudal tenants to grind grain at a certain mill THIRST v -ED, -ING, -S to feel a desire or need to drink THIRSTER n pl. -S one that thirsts THIRSTY adj THIRSTIER, THIRSTIEST feeling a desire or need to drink THIRTEEN n pl. -S a number THIRTY n pl. -TIES a number THIS pron pl. THESE the person or thing just mentioned THISTLE n pl. -S a prickly plant THISTLY adj -TLIER, -TLIEST prickly THITHER adv in that direction THO conj though THOLE v THOLED, THOLING, THOLES to endure THOLEPIN n pl. -S a pin that serves as an oarlock THOLOS n pl. -LOI a circular, underground tomb THONG n pl. -S a narrow strip of leather used for binding THONGED adj THORAX n pl. -RACES or -RAXES the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen THORACAL, THORACIC adj THORIA n pl. -S an oxide of thorium THORIC adj pertaining to thorium THORITE n pl. -S a thorium ore THORIUM n pl. -S a metallic element THORN v -ED, -ING, -S to prick with a thorn (a sharp, rigid projection on a plant) THORNY adj THORNIER, THORNIEST full of thorns THORNILY adv THORO adj thorough THORON n pl. -S a radioactive isotope of radon THOROUGH adj THOROUGHER, THOROUGHEST complete in all respects THORP n pl. -S a small village THORPE n pl. -S thorp THOSE pl. of that THOU v -ED, -ING, -S to address as ``thou'' (the 2d person sing. pronoun in the nominative case) THOUGH conj despite the fact that THOUGHT n pl. -S a product of thinking THOUSAND n pl. -S a number THOWLESS adj listless THRALDOM n pl. -S servitude THRALL v -ED, -ING, -S to enslave THRASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to beat THRASHER n pl. -S one that thrashes THRAVE n pl. -S a unit of measure for grain THRAW v -ED, -ING, -S to twist THRAWART adj stubborn THRAWN adj twisted THRAWNLY adv THREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to pass a thread (a very slender cord) through THREADER n pl. -S one that threads THREADY adj THREADIER, THREADIEST resembling a thread THREAP v -ED, -ING, -S to dispute THREAPER n pl. -S one that threaps THREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to threaten THREATEN v -ED, -ING, -S to be a source of danger to THREE n pl. -S a number THREEP v -ED, -ING, -S to threap THRENODE n pl. -S a threnody THRENODY n pl. -DIES a song of lamentation THRESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to separate the grain or seeds from a plant mechanically THRESHER n pl. -S one that threshes THREW past tense of throw THRICE adv three times THRIFT n pl. -S care and wisdom in the management of one's resources THRIFTY adj THRIFTIER, THRIFTIEST displaying thrift THRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to excite greatly THRILLER n pl. -S one that thrills THRIP n pl. -S a British coin THRIVE v THROVE or THRIVED, THRIVEN, THRIVING, THRIVES to grow vigorously THRIVER n pl. -S one that thrives THRO prep through THROAT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter in a hoarse voice THROATY adj THROATIER, THROATIEST hoarse THROB v THROBBED, THROBBING, THROBS to pulsate THROBBER n pl. -S one that throbs THROE n pl. -S a violent spasm of pain THROMBIN n pl. -S an enzyme THROMBUS n pl. -BI a clot occluding a blood vessel THRONE v THRONED, THRONING, THRONES to place on a throne (a royal chair) THRONG v -ED, -ING, -S to crowd into THROSTLE n pl. -S a songbird THROTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to strangle THROUGH prep by way of THROVE a past tense of thrive THROW v THREW, THROWN, THROWING, THROWS to propel through the air with a movement of the arm THROWER n pl. -S one that throws THRU prep through THRUM v THRUMMED, THRUMMING, THRUMS to play a stringed instrument idly or monotonously THRUMMER n pl. -S one that thrums THRUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST shaggy THRUPUT n pl. -S the amount of raw material processed within a given time THRUSH n pl. -ES a songbird THRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to push forcibly THRUSTER n pl. -S one that thrusts THRUSTOR n pl. -S thruster THRUWAY n pl. -WAYS an express highway THUD v THUDDED, THUDDING, THUDS to make a dull, heavy sound THUG n pl. -S a brutal ruffian or assassin THUGGEE n pl. -S thuggery in India THUGGERY n pl. -GERIES thuggish behavior THUGGISH adj characteristic of a thug THUJA n pl. -S an evergreen tree or shrub THULIA n pl. -S an oxide of thulium THULIUM n pl. -S a metallic element THUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to leaf through with the thumb (the short, thick digit of the human hand) THUMBKIN n pl. -S a screw that is turned by the thumb and fingers THUMBNUT n pl. -S a nut that is turned by the thumb and fingers THUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to strike so as to make a dull, heavy sound THUMPER n pl. -S one that thumps THUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to produce a loud, resounding sound THUNDERY adj accompanied with thunder THUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sudden, muffled sound THURIBLE n pl. -S a censer THURIFER n pl. -S one who carries a thurible in a religious ceremony THURL n pl. -S the hip joint in cattle THUS adv in this manner THUSLY adv thus THUYA n pl. -S thuja THWACK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with something flat THWACKER n pl. -S one that thwacks THWART v -ED, -ING, -S to prevent the accomplishment of THWARTER n pl. -S one that thwarts THWARTLY adv athwart THY pron a possessive form of the pronoun thou THYME n pl. -S an aromatic herb THYMEY adj THYMIER, THYMIEST thymy THYMI a pl. of thymus THYMIC adj pertaining to thyme THYMIER comparative of thymey and thymy THYMIEST superlative of thymey and thymy THYMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound THYMOL n pl. -S a chemical compound THYMOSIN n pl. -S a hormone secreted by the thymus THYMUS n pl. -MI or -MUSES a glandular structure in the body THYMY adj THYMIER, THYMIEST abounding in thyme THYREOID adj pertaining to the thyroid THYROID n pl. -S an endocrine gland THYROXIN n pl. -S an amino acid THYRSE n pl. -S thyrsus THYRSUS n pl. -SI a type of flower cluster THYRSOID adj THYSELF pron yourself TI n pl. -S the seventh tone of the diatonic musical scale TIARA n pl. -S a jeweled headpiece worn by women TIARAED adj TIBIA n pl. -IAE or -IAS a bone of the leg TIBIAL adj TIC n pl. -S an involuntary muscular contraction TICAL n pl. -S a former Thai unit of weight TICK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a recurrent clicking sound TICKER n pl. -S one that ticks TICKET v -ED, -ING, -S to attach a tag to TICKING n pl. -S a strong cotton fabric TICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to touch lightly so as to produce a tingling sensation TICKLER n pl. -S one that tickles TICKLISH adj sensitive to tickling TICKSEED n pl. -S a flowering plant TICKTACK v -ED, -ING, -S to ticktock TICKTOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to make the ticking sound of a clock TICTAC v -TACKED, -TACKING, -TACS to ticktack TICTOC v -TOCKED, -TOCKING, -TOCS to ticktock TIDAL adj pertaining to the tides TIDALLY adv TIDBIT n pl. -S a choice bit of food TIDDLER n pl. -S a small fish TIDDLY adj slightly drunk TIDE v TIDED, TIDING, TIDES to flow like the tide (the rise and fall of the ocean's waters) TIDELAND n pl. -S land alternately covered and uncovered by the tide TIDELESS adj lacking a tide TIDELIKE adj resembling a tide TIDEMARK n pl. -S a mark showing the highest or lowest point of a tide TIDERIP n pl. -S a riptide TIDEWAY n pl. -WAYS a tidal channel TIDIED past tense of tidy TIDIER n pl. -S one that tidies TIDIES present 3d person sing. of tidy TIDIEST superlative of tidy TIDILY adv in a tidy manner TIDINESS n pl. -ES the state of being tidy TIDING n pl. -S a piece of news TIDY adj -DIER, -DIEST neat and orderly TIDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to make tidy TIDYTIPS n pl. TIDYTIPS an annual herb TIE v TIED, TYING or TIEING, TIES to fasten with a cord or rope TIEBACK n pl. -S a loop for holding a curtain back to one side TIECLASP n pl. -S a clasp for securing a necktie TIED past tense of tie TIELESS adj having no necktie TIEPIN n pl. -S a pin for securing a necktie TIER v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in tiers (rows placed one above another) TIERCE n pl. -S one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion TIERCED adj divided into three equal parts TIERCEL n pl. -S tercel TIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to have a petty quarrel TIFFANY n pl. -NIES a thin, mesh fabric TIFFIN v -ED, -ING, -S to lunch TIGER n pl. -S a large feline mammal TIGEREYE n pl. -S a gemstone TIGERISH adj resembling a tiger TIGHT adj TIGHTER, TIGHTEST firmly or closely fixed in place TIGHTLY adv TIGHTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make tight TIGHTS n/pl a close-fitting garment TIGHTWAD n pl. -S a miser TIGLON n pl. -S the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion TIGON n pl. -S tiglon TIGRESS n pl. -ES a female tiger TIGRISH adj tigerish TIKE n pl. -S tyke TIKI n pl. -S a wood or stone image of a Polynesian god TIL n pl. -S the sesame plant TILAK n pl. -S a mark worn on the forehead by Hindus TILAPIA n pl. -S an African fish TILBURY n pl. -BURIES a carriage having two wheels TILDE n pl. -S a mark placed over a letter to indicate its sound TILE v TILED, TILING, TILES to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) TILEFISH n pl. -ES a marine food fish TILELIKE adj resembling a tile TILER n pl. -S one that tiles TILING n pl. -S a surface of tiles TILL v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare land for crops by plowing TILLABLE adj TILLAGE n pl. -S cultivated land TILLER v -ED, -ING, -S to put forth stems from a root TILLITE n pl. -S rock made up of consolidated clay, sand, gravel, and boulders TILT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to slant TILTABLE adj TILTER n pl. -S one that tilts TILTH n pl. -S tillage TILTYARD n pl. -S an area for jousting contests TIMARAU n pl. -S tamarau TIMBAL n pl. -S a large drum TIMBALE n pl. -S a pastry shell shaped like a drum TIMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with timber (wood used as a building material) TIMBRE n pl. -S the quality given to a sound by its overtones TIMBRAL adj TIMBREL n pl. -S a percussion instrument TIME v TIMED, TIMING, TIMES to determine the speed or duration of TIMECARD n pl. -S a card for recording an employee's times of arrival and departure TIMELESS adj having no beginning or end TIMELINE n pl. -S a schedule of events TIMELY adj -LIER, -LIEST occurring at the right moment TIMEOUS adj timely TIMEOUT n pl. -S a brief suspension of activity TIMER n pl. -S one that times TIMEWORK n pl. -S work paid for by the hour or by the day TIMEWORN adj showing the effects of long use or wear TIMID adj -IDER, -IDEST lacking courage or self-confidence TIMIDLY adv TIMIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being timid TIMING n pl. -S the selection of the proper moment for doing something TIMOLOL n pl. -S a drug used to treat glaucoma TIMOROUS adj fearful TIMOTHY n pl. -THIES a European grass TIMPANO n pl. -NI a kettledrum TIMPANUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS tympanum TIN v TINNED, TINNING, TINS to coat with tin (a metallic element) TINAMOU n pl. -S a South American game bird TINCAL n pl. -S crude borax TINCT v -ED, -ING, -S to tinge TINCTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to tinge TINDER n pl. -S readily combustible material TINDERY adj TINE v TINED, TINING, TINES to lose TINEA n pl. -S a fungous skin disease TINEAL adj TINEID n pl. -S one of a family of moths TINFOIL n pl. -S a thin metal sheeting TINFUL n pl. -S as much as a tin container can hold TING v -ED, -ING, -S to emit a high-pitched metallic sound TINGE v TINGED, TINGEING or TINGING, TINGES to apply a trace of color to TINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to cause a prickly, stinging sensation TINGLER n pl. -S one that tingles TINGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST tingling TINHORN n pl. -S a showily pretentious person TINIER comparative of tiny TINIEST superlative of tiny TINILY adv in a tiny manner TININESS n pl. -ES the quality of being tiny TINING present participle of tine TINKER v -ED, -ING, -S to repair in an unskilled or experimental manner TINKERER n pl. -S one that tinkers TINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to make slight, sharp, metallic sounds TINKLER n pl. -S one that tinkles TINKLING n pl. -S the sound made by something that tinkles TINKLY adj -KLIER, -KLIEST producing a tinkling sound TINLIKE adj resembling tin TINMAN n pl. -MEN a tinsmith TINNED past tense of tin TINNER n pl. -S a tin miner TINNIER comparative of tinny TINNIEST superlative of tinny TINNILY adv in a tinny manner TINNING present participle of tin TINNITUS n pl. -ES a ringing sound in the ears TINNY adj -NIER, -NIEST of or resembling tin TINPLATE n pl. -S thin sheet iron coated with tin TINSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to give a showy or gaudy appearance to TINSELLY adj cheaply gaudy TINSMITH n pl. -S one who works with tin TINSTONE n pl. -S a tin ore TINT v -ED, -ING, -S to color slightly or delicately TINTER n pl. -S one that tints TINTING n pl. -S the process of one that tints TINTLESS adj lacking color TINTYPE n pl. -S a kind of photograph TINWARE n pl. -S articles made of tinplate TINWORK n pl. -S something made of tin TINY adj TINIER, TINIEST very small TIP v TIPPED, TIPPING, TIPS to tilt TIPCART n pl. -S a type of cart TIPCAT n pl. -S a game resembling baseball TIPI n pl. -S tepee TIPLESS adj having no point or extremity TIPOFF n pl. -S a hint or warning TIPPABLE adj capable of being tipped TIPPED past tense of tip TIPPER n pl. -S one that tips TIPPET n pl. -S a covering for the shoulders TIPPIER comparative of tippy TIPPIEST superlative of tippy TIPPING present participle of tip TIPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to drink alcoholic beverages TIPPLER n pl. -S one that tipples TIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST unsteady TIPPYTOE v -TOED, -TOEING, -TOES to tiptoe TIPSIER comparative of tipsy TIPSIEST superlative of tipsy TIPSILY adv in a tipsy manner TIPSTAFF n pl. -STAFFS or -STAVES an attendant in a court of law TIPSTER n pl. -S one that sells information to gamblers TIPSTOCK n pl. -S a part of a gun TIPSY adj -SIER, -SIEST slightly drunk TIPTOE v -TOED, -TOEING, -TOES to walk on the tips of one's toes TIPTOP n pl. -S the highest point TIRADE n pl. -S a long, vehement speech TIRAMISU n pl. -S a dessert made with ladyfingers, mascarpone, chocolate, and espresso TIRE v TIRED, TIRING, TIRES to grow tired TIRED adj TIREDER, TIREDEST sapped of strength TIREDLY adv TIRELESS adj seemingly incapable of tiring TIRESOME adj tedious TIRING present participle of tire TIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to make a vibrating sound TIRO n pl. -ROS tyro TIRRIVEE n pl. -S a tantrum TISANE n pl. -S a ptisan TISSUAL adj pertaining to tissue TISSUE v -SUED, -SUING, -SUES to weave into tissue (a fine sheer fabric) TISSUEY adj resembling tissue TISSULAR adj affecting an organism's tissue (structural material) TIT n pl. -S a small bird TITAN n pl. -S a person of great size TITANATE n pl. -S a chemical salt TITANESS n pl. -ES a female titan TITANIA n pl. -S a mineral TITANIC adj of great size TITANISM n pl. -S revolt against social conventions TITANITE n pl. -S a mineral TITANIUM n pl. -S a metallic element TITANOUS adj pertaining to titanium TITBIT n pl. -S tidbit TITER n pl. -S the strength of a chemical solution TITFER n pl. -S a hat TITHABLE adj subject to the payment of tithes TITHE v TITHED, TITHING, TITHES to pay a tithe (a small tax) TITHER n pl. -S one that tithes TITHING n pl. -S the act of levying tithes TITHONIA n pl. -S a tall herb TITI n pl. -S an evergreen shrub or tree TITIAN n pl. -S a reddish brown color TITIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to dress smartly TITLARK n pl. -S a songbird TITLE v TITLED, TITLING, TITLES to furnish with a title (a distinctive appellation) TITLIST n pl. -S a sports champion TITMAN n pl. -MEN the smallest of a litter of pigs TITMOUSE n pl. -MICE a small bird TITRABLE adj capable of being titrated TITRANT n pl. -S the reagent used in titration TITRATE v -TRATED, -TRATING, -TRATES to determine the strength of a solution by adding a reagent until a desired reaction occurs TITRATOR n pl. -S one that titrates TITRE n pl. -S titer TITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a restrained, nervous laugh TITTERER n pl. -S one that titters TITTIE n pl. -S a sister TITTIES pl. of titty TITTLE n pl. -S a very small mark in writing or printing TITTUP v -TUPED, -TUPING, -TUPS or -TUPPED, -TUPPING, -TUPS to move in a lively manner TITTUPPY adj shaky; unsteady TITTY n pl. -TIES a teat TITULAR n pl. -S one who holds a title TITULARY n pl. -LARIES a titular TIVY adv with great speed TIZZY n pl. -ZIES a state of nervous confusion TMESIS n pl. TMESES the separation of the parts of a compound word by an intervening word or words TO prep in the direction of TOAD n pl. -S a tailless, jumping amphibian TOADFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish TOADFLAX n pl. -ES a perennial herb TOADIED past tense of toady TOADIES present 3d person sing. of toady TOADISH adj resembling a toad TOADLESS adj having no toads TOADLIKE adj resembling a toad TOADY v TOADIED, TOADYING, TOADIES to engage in servile flattering TOADYISH adj characteristic of one that toadies TOADYISM n pl. -S toadyish behavior TOAST v -ED, -ING, -S to brown by exposure to heat TOASTER n pl. -S a device for toasting TOASTY adj TOASTIER, TOASTIEST comfortably warm TOBACCO n pl. -COS or -COES an annual herb cultivated for its leaves TOBOGGAN v -ED, -ING, -S to ride on a long, narrow sled TOBY n pl. -BIES a type of drinking mug TOCCATA n pl. -TAS or -TE a musical composition usually for an organ TOCHER v -ED, -ING, -S to give a dowry to TOCOLOGY n pl. -GIES the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth TOCSIN n pl. -S an alarm sounded on a bell TOD n pl. -S a British unit of weight TODAY n pl. -DAYS the present day TODDIES pl. of toddy TODDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to walk unsteadily TODDLER n pl. -S one that toddles TODDY n pl. -DIES an alcoholic beverage TODY n pl. TODIES a West Indian bird TOE v TOED, TOEING, TOES to touch with the toe (one of the terminal members of the foot) TOEA n pl. TOEA a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea TOECAP n pl. -S a covering for the tip of a shoe or boot TOEHOLD n pl. -S a space that supports the toes in climbing TOELESS adj having no toes TOELIKE adj resembling a toe TOENAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with obliquely driven nails TOEPIECE n pl. -S a piece of a shoe designed to cover the toes TOEPLATE n pl. -S a metal tab attached to the tip of a shoe TOESHOE n pl. -S a dance slipper without a heel TOFF n pl. -S a dandy TOFFEE n pl. -S a chewy candy TOFFY n pl. -FIES toffee TOFT n pl. -S a hillock TOFU n pl. -S a soft Oriental cheese made from soybean milk TOG v TOGGED, TOGGING, TOGS to clothe TOGA n pl. -GAS or -GAE an outer garment worn in ancient Rome TOGAED adj TOGATE adj pertaining to ancient Rome TOGATED adj wearing a toga TOGETHER adv into a union or relationship TOGGED past tense of tog TOGGERY n pl. -GERIES clothing TOGGING present participle of tog TOGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to fasten with a type of pin or short rod TOGGLER n pl. -S one that toggles TOGUE n pl. -S a freshwater fish TOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to work strenuously TOILE n pl. -S a sheer linen fabric TOILER n pl. -S one that toils TOILET v -ED, -ING, -S to dress and groom oneself TOILETRY n pl. -TRIES an article used in dressing and grooming oneself TOILETTE n pl. -S the act of dressing and grooming oneself TOILFUL adj toilsome TOILSOME adj demanding much exertion TOILWORN adj worn by toil TOIT v -ED, -ING, -S to saunter TOKAMAK n pl. -S a doughnut-shaped nuclear reactor TOKAY n pl. -KAYS a Malaysian gecko TOKE v TOKED, TOKING, TOKES to take a puff on a marijuana cigarette TOKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as a sign of TOKENISM n pl. -S the policy of making only a superficial effort TOKER n pl. -S one that tokes TOKING present participle of toke TOKOLOGY n pl. -GIES tocology TOKOMAK n pl. -S tokamak TOKONOMA n pl. -S a small alcove in a Japanese house TOLA n pl. -S a unit of weight used in India TOLAN n pl. -S a chemical compound TOLANE n pl. -S tolan TOLBOOTH n pl. -S a prison TOLD past tense of tell TOLE v TOLED, TOLING, TOLES to allure TOLEDO n pl. -DOS a finely tempered sword TOLERANT adj inclined to tolerate TOLERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to allow without active opposition TOLIDIN n pl. -S tolidine TOLIDINE n pl. -S a chemical compound TOLING present participle of tole TOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to collect or impose a toll (a fixed charge for a service or privilege) TOLLAGE n pl. -S a toll TOLLBAR n pl. -S a tollgate TOLLER n pl. -S a collector of tolls TOLLGATE n pl. -S a gate where a toll is collected TOLLMAN n pl. -MEN a toller TOLLWAY n pl. -WAYS a road on which tolls are collected TOLU n pl. -S a fragrant resin TOLUATE n pl. -S a chemical salt TOLUENE n pl. -S a flammable liquid TOLUIC adj pertaining to any of four isomeric acids derived from toluene TOLUID n pl. -S toluide TOLUIDE n pl. -S an amide TOLUIDIN n pl. -S an amine TOLUOL n pl. -S toluene TOLUOLE n pl. -S toluol TOLUYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical TOLYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical TOM n pl. -S the male of various animals TOMAHAWK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with a light ax TOMALLEY n pl. -LEYS the liver of a lobster TOMAN n pl. -S a coin of Iran TOMATO n pl. -TOES the fleshy, edible fruit of a perennial plant TOMATOEY adj TOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a tomb (a burial vault or chamber) TOMBAC n pl. -S an alloy of copper and zinc TOMBACK n pl. -S tombac TOMBAK n pl. -S tombac TOMBAL adj pertaining to a tomb TOMBLESS adj having no tomb TOMBLIKE adj resembling a tomb TOMBOLA n pl. -S a gambling game TOMBOLO n pl. -LOS a sandbar connecting an island to the mainland TOMBOY n pl. -BOYS a girl who prefers boyish activities TOMCAT v -CATTED, -CATTING, -CATS to engage in sexually promiscuous behavior -- used of a male TOMCOD n pl. -S a marine fish TOME n pl. -S a large book TOMENTUM n pl. -TA a network of small blood vessels TOMFOOL n pl. -S a foolish person TOMMY n pl. -MIES a loaf of bread TOMMYROT n pl. -S nonsense TOMOGRAM n pl. -S a photograph made with X rays TOMORROW n pl. -S the day following today TOMPION n pl. -S tampion TOMTIT n pl. -S a small bird TON n pl. -S a unit of weight TONAL adj pertaining to tone TONALLY adv TONALITY n pl. -TIES a system of tones TONDO n pl. -DI or -DOS a circular painting TONE v TONED, TONING, TONES to give a particular tone (a sound of definite pitch and vibration) to TONEARM n pl. -S the pivoted part of a record player that holds the needle TONELESS adj lacking in tone TONEME n pl. -S a tonal unit of speech TONEMIC adj TONER n pl. -S one that tones TONETICS n/pl the phonetic study of tone in language TONETIC adj TONETTE n pl. -S a simple flute TONEY adj TONIER, TONIEST tony TONG v -ED, -ING, -S to lift with a type of grasping device TONGA n pl. -S a light cart used in India TONGER n pl. -S one that tongs TONGMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a Chinese secret society TONGUE v TONGUED, TONGUING, TONGUES to touch with the tongue (an organ of the mouth) TONGUING n pl. -S the use of the tongue in articulating notes on a wind instrument TONIC n pl. -S something that invigorates or refreshes TONICITY n pl. -TIES normal, healthy bodily condition TONIER comparative of tony TONIEST superlative of tony TONIGHT n pl. -S the present night TONING present participle of tone TONISH adj stylish TONISHLY adv TONLET n pl. -S a skirt of plate armor TONNAGE n pl. -S total weight in tons TONNE n pl. -S a unit of weight TONNEAU n pl. -NEAUS or -NEAUX the rear seating compartment of an automobile TONNER n pl. -S an object having a specified tonnage TONNISH adj tonish TONSIL n pl. -S a lymphoid organ TONSILAR adj TONSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to shave the head of TONTINE n pl. -S a form of collective life insurance TONUS n pl. -ES a normal state of tension in muscle tissue TONY adj TONIER, TONIEST stylish TOO adv in addition TOOK past tense of take TOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to form or finish with a tool (an implement used in manual work) TOOLBOX n pl. -ES a box for tools TOOLER n pl. -S one that tools TOOLHEAD n pl. -S a part of a machine TOOLING n pl. -S ornamentation done with tools TOOLLESS adj having no tools TOOLROOM n pl. -S a room where tools are stored TOOLSHED n pl. -S a building where tools are stored TOOM adj empty TOON n pl. -S an East Indian tree TOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to sound a horn or whistle in short blasts TOOTER n pl. -S one that toots TOOTH n pl. TEETH one of the hard structures attached in a row to each jaw TOOTH v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with toothlike projections TOOTHY adj TOOTHIER, TOOTHIEST having or showing prominent teeth TOOTHILY adv TOOTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to toot softly or repeatedly TOOTLER n pl. -S one that tootles TOOTS n pl. -ES a woman or girl -- usually used as a form of address TOOTSIE n pl. -S tootsy TOOTSY n pl. -SIES a foot TOP v TOPPED, TOPPING, TOPS to cut off the top (the highest part, point, or surface) of TOPAZ n pl. -ES a mineral TOPAZINE adj TOPCOAT n pl. -S a lightweight overcoat TOPCROSS n pl. -ES a cross between a purebred male and inferior female stock TOPE v TOPED, TOPING, TOPES to drink liquor to excess TOPEE n pl. -S topi TOPER n pl. -S one that topes TOPFUL adj topfull TOPFULL adj full to the top TOPH n pl. -S tufa TOPHE n pl. -S tufa TOPHUS n pl. -PHI a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint TOPI n pl. -S a sun helmet TOPIARY n pl. -ARIES the art of trimming shrubs into shapes TOPIC n pl. -S a subject of discourse TOPICAL adj TOPING present participle of tope TOPKICK n pl. -S a first sergeant TOPKNOT n pl. -S an ornament for the hair TOPLESS adj having no top TOPLINE n pl. -S the outline of the top of an animal's body TOPLOFTY adj -LOFTIER, -LOFTIEST haughty TOPMAST n pl. -S a mast of a ship TOPMOST adj highest TOPNOTCH adj excellent TOPOI pl. of topos TOPOLOGY n pl. -GIES a branch of mathematics TOPONYM n pl. -S the name of a place TOPONYMY n pl. -MIES the study of toponyms TOPOS n pl. -POI a stock rhetorical theme TOPOTYPE n pl. -S a specimen selected from a locality typical of a species TOPPED past tense of top TOPPER n pl. -S one that tops TOPPING n pl. -S something that forms a top TOPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to fall forward TOPSAIL n pl. -S a sail of a ship TOPSIDE n pl. -S the upper portion of a ship TOPSIDER n pl. -S one who is at the highest level of authority TOPSOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the surface layer of soil from TOPSPIN n pl. -S a forward spin imparted to a ball TOPSTONE n pl. -S the stone at the top of a structure TOPWORK v -ED, -ING, -S to graft scions of another variety of plant on the main branches of TOQUE n pl. -S a close-fitting woman's hat TOQUET n pl. -S toque TOR n pl. -S a high, craggy hill TORA n pl. -S torah TORAH n pl. -RAHS, -ROTH, or -ROTH the body of Jewish law TORC n pl. -S a metal collar or necklace TORCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to set on fire TORCHERE n pl. -S a type of electric lamp TORCHIER n pl. -S torchere TORCHON n pl. -S a coarse lace TORCHY adj TORCHIER, TORCHIEST characteristic of a torch song TORE n pl. -S a torus TOREADOR n pl. -S a bullfighter TORERO n pl. -ROS a bullfighter TOREUTIC adj pertaining to a type of metalwork TORI pl. of torus TORIC adj pertaining to a torus TORIES pl. of tory TORII n pl. TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple TORMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to inflict with great bodily or mental suffering TORN past participle of tear TORNADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS a violent windstorm TORNADIC adj TORNILLO n pl. -LOS a flowering shrub TORO n pl. -ROS a bull TOROID n pl. -S a type of geometric surface TOROIDAL adj TOROSE adj cylindrical and swollen at intervals TOROSITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being torose TOROT a pl. of torah TOROTH a pl. of torah TOROUS adj torose TORPEDO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to damage or sink with an underwater missile TORPID n pl. -S a racing boat TORPIDLY adv in a sluggish manner TORPOR n pl. -S mental or physical inactivity TORQUATE adj having a torques TORQUE v TORQUED, TORQUING, TORQUES to cause to twist TORQUER n pl. -S one that torques TORQUES n pl. -QUESES a band of feathers, hair, or coloration around the neck TORQUING present participle of torque TORR n pl. TORR a unit of pressure TORREFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to subject to intense heat TORRENT n pl. -S a rapid stream of water TORRID adj -RIDER, -RIDEST extremely hot TORRIDLY adv TORRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to torrefy TORSADE n pl. -S a twisted cord TORSE n pl. -S a wreath of twisted silks TORSI a pl. of torso TORSION n pl. -S the act of twisting TORSK n pl. -S a marine food fish TORSO n pl. -SI or -SOS the trunk of the human body TORT n pl. -S a civil wrong TORTE n pl. TORTEN or TORTES a rich cake TORTILE adj twisted; coiled TORTILLA n pl. -S a round, flat cake of unleavened cornmeal TORTIOUS adj of the nature of a tort TORTOISE n pl. -S any of an order of reptiles having the body enclosed in a bony shell TORTONI n pl. -S a type of ice cream TORTRIX n pl. -ES a small moth TORTUOUS adj marked by repeated turns or bends TORTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to subject to severe physical pain TORTURER n pl. -S one that tortures TORULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a type of fungus TORUS n pl. -RI a large convex molding TORY n pl. -RIES a political conservative TOSH n pl. -ES nonsense TOSS v TOSSED or TOST, TOSSING, TOSSES to throw lightly TOSSER n pl. -S one that tosses TOSSPOT n pl. -S a drunkard TOSSUP n pl. -S an even choice or chance TOST a past tense of toss TOSTADA n pl. -S a tortilla fried in deep fat TOSTADO n pl. -DOS tostada TOT v TOTTED, TOTTING, TOTS to total TOTABLE adj capable of being toted TOTAL v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS to ascertain the entire amount of TOTALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to totalize TOTALISM n pl. -S centralized control by an autocratic authority TOTALIST n pl. -S one who tends to regard things as a unified whole TOTALITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being complete TOTALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make complete TOTALLED a past tense of total TOTALLING a present participle of total TOTALLY adv completely TOTE v TOTED, TOTING, TOTES to carry by hand TOTEM n pl. -S a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan TOTEMIC adj TOTEMISM n pl. -S a system of tribal division according to totems TOTEMIST n pl. -S a specialist in totemism TOTEMITE n pl. -S a totemist TOTER n pl. -S one that totes TOTHER pron the other TOTING present participle of tote TOTTED past tense of tot TOTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to walk unsteadily TOTTERER n pl. -S one that totters TOTTERY adj shaky TOTTING present participle of tot TOUCAN n pl. -S a tropical bird TOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to be in or come into contact with TOUCHE interj -- used to acknowledge a hit in fencing TOUCHER n pl. -S one that touches TOUCHUP n pl. -S an act of finishing by adding minor improvements TOUCHY adj TOUCHIER, TOUCHIEST overly sensitive TOUCHILY adv TOUGH adj TOUGHER, TOUGHEST strong and resilient TOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to endure hardship TOUGHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make tough TOUGHIE n pl. -S a tough TOUGHIES pl. of toughy TOUGHISH adj somewhat tough TOUGHLY adv in a tough manner TOUGHY n pl. TOUGHIES toughie TOUPEE n pl. -S a wig worn to cover a bald spot TOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to travel from place to place TOURACO n pl. -COS an African bird TOURER n pl. -S a large, open automobile TOURING n pl. -S cross-country skiing for pleasure TOURISM n pl. -S the practice of touring for pleasure TOURIST n pl. -S one who tours for pleasure TOURISTY adj TOURNEY v -ED, -ING, -S to compete in a tournament TOUSE v TOUSED, TOUSING, TOUSES to tousle TOUSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to dishevel TOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to solicit brazenly TOUTER n pl. -S one that touts TOUZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to tousle TOVARICH n pl. -ES comrade TOVARISH n pl. -ES tovarich TOW v -ED, -ING, -S to pull by means of a rope or chain TOWAGE n pl. -S the price paid for towing TOWARD prep in the direction of TOWARDLY adj favorable TOWARDS prep toward TOWAWAY n pl. -AWAYS the act of towing away a vehicle TOWBOAT n pl. -S a tugboat TOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to wipe with a towel (an absorbent cloth) TOWELING n pl. -S material used for towels TOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to rise to a great height TOWERY adj -ERIER, -ERIEST very tall TOWHEAD n pl. -S a head of light blond hair TOWHEE n pl. -S a common finch TOWIE n pl. -S a form of contract bridge for three players TOWLINE n pl. -S a line used in towing TOWMOND n pl. -S a year TOWMONT n pl. -S towmond TOWN n pl. -S a center of population smaller than a city TOWNEE n pl. -S a townsman TOWNFOLK n/pl the inhabitants of a town TOWNHOME n pl. -S one of a series of contiguous houses of two or three stories TOWNIE n pl. -S a nonstudent who lives in a college town TOWNIES pl. of towny TOWNISH adj characteristic of a town TOWNLESS adj having no towns TOWNLET n pl. -S a small town TOWNSHIP n pl. -S an administrative division of a county TOWNSMAN n pl. -MEN a resident of a town TOWNWEAR n pl. -S apparel that is suitable for wear in the city TOWNY n pl. TOWNIES townie TOWPATH n pl. -S a path along a river that is used by animals towing boats TOWROPE n pl. -S a rope used in towing TOWY adj resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber TOXAEMIA n pl. -S toxemia TOXAEMIC adj TOXEMIA n pl. -S the condition of having toxins in the blood TOXEMIC adj TOXIC n pl. -S toxin TOXICAL adj TOXICANT n pl. -S a poisonous substance TOXICITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being poisonous TOXIN n pl. -S a poisonous substance TOXINE n pl. -S toxin TOXOID n pl. -S a type of toxin TOY v -ED, -ING, -S to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) TOYER n pl. -S one that toys TOYISH adj frivolous TOYLESS adj having no toy TOYLIKE adj resembling a toy TOYO n pl. -YOS a smooth straw used in making hats TOYON n pl. -S an ornamental evergreen shrub TOYSHOP n pl. -S a shop where toys are sold TRABEATE adj constructed with horizontal beams TRACE v TRACED, TRACING, TRACES to follow the course of TRACER n pl. -S one that traces TRACERY n pl. -ERIES ornamental work of interlaced lines TRACHEA n pl. -CHEAE or -CHEAS the passage for conveying air to the lungs TRACHEAL adj TRACHEID n pl. -S a long, tubular plant cell TRACHLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to draggle TRACHOMA n pl. -S a disease of the eye TRACHYTE n pl. -S a light-colored igneous rock TRACING n pl. -S something that is traced TRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to follow the marks left by an animal, a person, or a vehicle TRACKAGE n pl. -S the track system of a railroad TRACKER n pl. -S one that tracks TRACKING n pl. -S the placement of students within a curriculum TRACKMAN n pl. -MEN a railroad worker TRACKWAY n pl. -WAYS a trodden path TRACT n pl. -S an expanse of land TRACTATE n pl. -S a treatise TRACTILE adj capable of being drawn out in length TRACTION n pl. -S the act of pulling or drawing over a surface TRACTIVE adj TRACTOR n pl. -S a motor vehicle used in farming TRAD adj traditional TRADE v TRADED, TRADING, TRADES to give in exchange for another commodity TRADABLE adj TRADEOFF n pl. -S a giving up of one thing in return for another TRADER n pl. -S one that trades TRADITOR n pl. -ES a traitor among the early Christians TRADUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to defame TRADUCER n pl. -S one that traduces TRAFFIC v -FICKED, -FICKING, -FICS to engage in buying and selling TRAGEDY n pl. -DIES a disastrous event TRAGI pl. of tragus TRAGIC n pl. -S the element of a drama that produces tragedy TRAGICAL adj of the nature of a tragedy TRAGOPAN n pl. -S an Asian pheasant TRAGUS n pl. -GI a part of the external opening of the ear TRAIK v -ED, -ING, -S to trudge TRAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to drag along a surface TRAILER v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by means of a trailer (a vehicle drawn by another) TRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to instruct systematically TRAINEE n pl. -S a person receiving training TRAINER n pl. -S one that trains TRAINFUL n pl. -S as much as a railroad train can hold TRAINING n pl. -S systematic instruction TRAINMAN n pl. -MEN a railroad employee TRAINWAY n pl. -WAYS a railway TRAIPSE v TRAIPSED, TRAIPSING, TRAIPSES to walk about in an idle or aimless manner TRAIT n pl. -S a distinguishing characteristic TRAITOR n pl. -S one who betrays another TRAJECT v -ED, -ING, -S to transmit TRAM v TRAMMED, TRAMMING, TRAMS to convey in a tramcar TRAMCAR n pl. -S a streetcar TRAMEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to trammel TRAMELL v -ED, -ING, -S to trammel TRAMLESS adj having no tramcar TRAMLINE n pl. -S a streetcar line TRAMMED past tense of tram TRAMMEL v -MELED, -MELING, -MELS or -MELLED, -MELLING, -MELS to hinder TRAMMING present participle of tram TRAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to walk with a firm, heavy step TRAMPER n pl. -S one that tramps TRAMPISH adj resembling a vagabond TRAMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to tread on heavily TRAMPLER n pl. -S one that tramples TRAMROAD n pl. -S a railway in a mine TRAMWAY n pl. -WAYS a tramline TRANCE v TRANCED, TRANCING, TRANCES to put into a trance (a semiconscious state) TRANCHE n pl. -S a portion TRANGAM n pl. -S a gewgaw TRANK n pl. -S a drug that tranquilizes TRANQ n pl. -S trank TRANQUIL adj -QUILER, -QUILEST or -QUILLER, -QUILLEST free from disturbance TRANS adj characterized by the arrangement of different atoms on opposite sides of the molecule TRANSACT v -ED, -ING, -S to carry out TRANSECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut across TRANSEPT n pl. -S a major transverse part of the body of a church TRANSFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to convey from one source to another TRANSFIX v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES to impale TRANSHIP v -SHIPPED, -SHIPPING, -SHIPS to transfer from one conveyance to another TRANSIT v -ED, -ING, -S to pass across or through TRANSMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to send from one place or person to another TRANSOM n pl. -S a small window above a door or another window TRANSUDE v -SUDED, -SUDING, -SUDES to pass through a membrane TRAP v TRAPPED or TRAPT, TRAPPING, TRAPS to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals) TRAPAN v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS to trepan TRAPBALL n pl. -S a type of ball game TRAPDOOR n pl. -S a lifting or sliding door covering an opening TRAPES v -ED, -ING, -ES to traipse TRAPEZE n pl. -S a gymnastic apparatus TRAPEZIA n/pl four-sided polygons having no parallel sides TRAPLIKE adj resembling a trap TRAPLINE n pl. -S a series of traps TRAPNEST v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the productivity of hens with a type of nest TRAPPEAN adj pertaining to traprock TRAPPED a past tense of trap TRAPPER n pl. -S one that traps TRAPPING n pl. -S a covering for a horse TRAPPOSE adj trappean TRAPPOUS adj trappean TRAPROCK n pl. -S an igneous rock TRAPT a past tense of trap TRAPUNTO n pl. -TOS a decorative quilted design TRASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to free from trash (worthless or waste matter) TRASHMAN n pl. -MEN a person who removes trash TRASHY adj TRASHIER, TRASHIEST resembling trash TRASHILY adv TRASS n pl. -ES a volcanic rock TRAUCHLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to trachle TRAUMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a severe emotional shock TRAVAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to toil TRAVE n pl. -S a frame for confining a horse TRAVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to go from one place to another TRAVELER n pl. -S one that travels TRAVELOG n pl. -S a lecture or film on traveling TRAVERSE v -VERSED, -VERSING, -VERSES to pass across or through TRAVESTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to parody TRAVOIS n pl. -ES a type of sled TRAVOISE n pl. -S travois TRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to fish by dragging a net along the sea bottom TRAWLER n pl. -S a boat used for trawling TRAWLEY n pl. -LEYS a small truck or car for conveying material TRAWLNET n pl. -S the large net used in trawling TRAY n pl. TRAYS a flat, shallow receptacle TRAYFUL n pl. -S as much as a tray will hold TREACLE n pl. -S molasses TREACLY adj TREAD v TROD, TRODE, or TREADED, TRODDEN, TREADING, TREADS to walk on, over, or along TREADER n pl. -S one that treads TREADLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to work a foot lever TREADLER n pl. -S one that treadles TREASON n pl. -S violation of allegiance toward one's country TREASURE v -URED, -URING, -URES to value highly TREASURY n pl. -URIES a place where funds are received, kept, and disbursed TREAT v -ED, -ING, -S to behave in a particular way toward TREATER n pl. -S one that treats TREATISE n pl. -S a formal and systematic written account of a subject TREATY n pl. -TIES a formal agreement between two or more nations TREBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to triple TREBLY adv triply TRECENTO n pl. -TOS the fourteenth century TREDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to treadle TREE v TREED, TREEING, TREES to drive up a tree (a tall, woody plant) TREELAWN n pl. -S the strip of lawn between the street and the sidewalk TREELESS adj having no tree TREELIKE adj resembling a tree TREEN n pl. -S an article made from wood TREENAIL n pl. -S a wooden peg used for fastening timbers TREETOP n pl. -S the top of a tree TREF adj unfit for use according to Jewish law TREFAH adj tref TREFOIL n pl. -S a plant having ternate leaves TREHALA n pl. -S a sweet, edible substance forming the pupal case of certain weevils TREK v TREKKED, TREKKING, TREKS to make a slow or arduous journey TREKKER n pl. -S one that treks TRELLIS v -ED, -ING, -ES to provide with a trellis (a frame used as a support for climbing plants) TREMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to shake involuntarily TREMBLER n pl. -S one that trembles TREMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST marked by trembling TREMOLO n pl. -LOS a vibrating musical effect TREMOR n pl. -S a shaking movement TRENAIL n pl. -S treenail TRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dig a long, narrow excavation in the ground TRENCHER n pl. -S a wooden platter for serving food TREND v -ED, -ING, -S to take a particular course TRENDY adj TRENDIER, TRENDIEST very fashionable TRENDILY adv TRENDY n pl. TRENDIES a trendy person TREPAN v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS to trephine TREPANG n pl. -S a marine animal TREPHINE v -PHINED, -PHINING, -PHINES to operate on with a surgical saw TREPID adj timorous TRESPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to enter upon the land of another unlawfully TRESS n pl. -ES a long lock of hair TRESSED adj TRESSEL n pl. -S trestle TRESSIER comparative of tressy TRESSIEST superlative of tressy TRESSOUR n pl. -S tressure TRESSURE n pl. -S a type of heraldic design TRESSY adj TRESSIER, TRESSIEST abounding in tresses TRESTLE n pl. -S a framework for supporting a bridge TRET n pl. -S an allowance formerly paid to purchasers for waste incurred in transit TREVET n pl. -S trivet TREWS n/pl close-fitting tartan trousers TREY n pl. TREYS a three in cards, dice, or dominoes TRIABLE adj subject to judicial examination TRIAC n pl. -S an electronic device used to control power TRIACID n pl. -S a type of acid TRIAD n pl. -S a group of three TRIADIC n pl. -S a member of a triad TRIADISM n pl. -S the quality or state of being a triad TRIAGE v -GED, -GING, -GES to allocate treatment to patients TRIAL n pl. -S a judicial examination TRIANGLE n pl. -S a polygon having three sides TRIARCHY n pl. -CHIES government by three persons TRIAXIAL adj having three axes TRIAZIN n pl. -S triazine TRIAZINE n pl. -S a chemical compound TRIAZOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound TRIBADE n pl. -S a lesbian TRIBADIC adj TRIBAL adj pertaining to a tribe TRIBALLY adv TRIBASIC adj having three replaceable hydrogen atoms TRIBE n pl. -S a group of people sharing a common ancestry, language, and culture TRIBRACH n pl. -S a type of metrical foot TRIBUNAL n pl. -S a court of justice TRIBUNE n pl. -S a defender of the rights of the people TRIBUTE n pl. -S something given to show respect, gratitude, or admiration TRICE v TRICED, TRICING, TRICES to haul up with a rope TRICEPS n pl. -ES an arm muscle TRICHINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a parasitic worm TRICHITE n pl. -S a minute mineral body found in volcanic rocks TRICHOID adj hairlike TRICHOME n pl. -S a hairlike outgrowth TRICING present participle of trice TRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to deceive TRICKER n pl. -S one that tricks TRICKERY n pl. -ERIES deception TRICKIE adj TRICKIER, TRICKIEST tricky TRICKIER comparative of tricky TRICKIEST superlative of tricky TRICKILY adv in a tricky manner TRICKISH adj tricky TRICKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to flow or fall in drops TRICKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST marked by trickling TRICKSY adj -SIER, -SIEST mischievous TRICKY adj TRICKIER, TRICKIEST characterized by deception TRICLAD n pl. -S an aquatic flatworm TRICOLOR n pl. -S a flag having three colors TRICORN n pl. -S a hat with the brim turned up on three sides TRICORNE n pl. -S tricorn TRICOT n pl. -S a knitted fabric TRICTRAC n pl. -S a form of backgammon TRICYCLE n pl. -S a vehicle having three wheels TRIDENT n pl. -S a spear having three prongs TRIDUUM n pl. -S a period of three days of prayer TRIED past tense of try TRIENE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound TRIENNIA n/pl periods of three years TRIENS n pl. -ENTES a coin of ancient Rome TRIER n pl. -S one that tries TRIES present 3d person sing. of try TRIETHYL adj containing three ethyl groups TRIFECTA n pl. -S a system of betting TRIFID adj divided into three parts TRIFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to waste time TRIFLER n pl. -S one that trifles TRIFLING n pl. -S a waste of time TRIFOCAL n pl. -S a type of lens TRIFOLD adj having three parts TRIFORIA n/pl galleries in a church TRIFORM adj having three forms TRIG adj TRIGGER, TRIGGEST neat TRIG v TRIGGED, TRIGGING, TRIGS to make trig TRIGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to actuate TRIGGEST superlative of trig TRIGGING present participle of trig TRIGLY adv in a trig manner TRIGLYPH n pl. -S an architectural ornament TRIGNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being trig TRIGO n pl. -GOS wheat TRIGON n pl. -S an ancient stringed instrument TRIGONAL adj shaped like a triangle TRIGRAM n pl. -S a cluster of three successive letters TRIGRAPH n pl. -S a group of three letters representing one sound TRIHEDRA n/pl figures having three plane surfaces meeting at a point TRIJET n pl. -S an airplane powered by three jet engines TRIKE n pl. -S a tricycle TRILBY n pl. -BIES a soft felt hat TRILL v -ED, -ING, -S to sing or play with a vibrating effect TRILLER n pl. -S one that trills TRILLION n pl. -S a number TRILLIUM n pl. -S a flowering plant TRILOBAL adj trilobed TRILOBED adj having three lobes TRILOGY n pl. -GIES a group of three related literary works TRIM adj TRIMMER, TRIMMEST neat and orderly TRIM v TRIMMED, TRIMMING, TRIMS to make trim by cutting TRIMARAN n pl. -S a sailing vessel TRIMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound TRIMERIC adj TRIMETER n pl. -S a verse of three metrical feet TRIMLY adv in a trim manner TRIMMED past tense of trim TRIMMER n pl. -S one that trims TRIMMEST superlative of trim TRIMMING n pl. -S something added as a decoration TRIMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being trim TRIMORPH n pl. -S a substance existing in three forms TRIMOTOR n pl. -S an airplane powered by three engines TRINAL adj having three parts TRINARY adj consisting of three parts TRINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to trundle TRINE v TRINED, TRINING, TRINES to place in a particular astrological position TRINITY n pl. -TIES a group of three TRINKET v -ED, -ING, -S to deal secretly TRINKUMS n/pl small ornaments TRINODAL adj having three nodes TRIO n pl. TRIOS a group of three TRIODE n pl. -S a type of electron tube TRIOL n pl. -S a type of chemical compound TRIOLET n pl. -S a short poem of fixed form TRIOSE n pl. -S a simple sugar TRIOXID n pl. -S trioxide TRIOXIDE n pl. -S a type of oxide TRIP v TRIPPED, TRIPPING, TRIPS to stumble TRIPACK n pl. -S a type of film pack TRIPART adj divided into three parts TRIPE n pl. -S a part of the stomach of a ruminant that is used as food TRIPEDAL adj having three feet TRIPHASE adj having three phases TRIPLANE n pl. -S a type of airplane TRIPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to make three times as great TRIPLET n pl. -S a group of three of one kind TRIPLEX n pl. -ES an apartment having three floors TRIPLING present participle of triple TRIPLITE n pl. -S a mineral TRIPLOID n pl. -S a cell having a chromosome number that is three times the basic number TRIPLY adv in a triple degree, manner, or number TRIPOD n pl. -S a stand having three legs TRIPODAL, TRIPODIC adj TRIPODY n pl. -DIES a verse of three metrical feet TRIPOLI n pl. -S a soft, friable rock TRIPOS n pl. -ES a tripod TRIPPED past tense of trip TRIPPER n pl. -S one that trips TRIPPET n pl. -S a part of a mechanism designed to strike another part TRIPPING n pl. -S the act of one that trips TRIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST suggesting a trip on psychedelic drugs TRIPTANE n pl. -S a chemical compound TRIPTYCA n pl. -S a triptych TRIPTYCH n pl. -S an ancient writing tablet TRIPWIRE n pl. -S a low-placed hidden wire that sets off an alarm or a trap TRIREME n pl. -S an ancient Greek or Roman warship TRISCELE n pl. -S triskele TRISECT v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into three equal parts TRISEME n pl. -S a type of metrical foot TRISEMIC adj TRISHAW n pl. -S a pedicab TRISKELE n pl. -S a figure consisting of three branches radiating from a center TRISMUS n pl. -ES lockjaw TRISMIC adj TRISOME n pl. -S an organism having one chromosome in addition to the usual diploid number TRISOMIC n pl. -S a trisome TRISOMY n pl. -MIES the condition of being a trisome TRISTATE adj pertaining to an area made up of three adjoining states TRISTE adj sad TRISTEZA n pl. -S a disease of citrus trees TRISTFUL adj sad TRISTICH n pl. -S a stanza of three lines TRITE adj TRITER, TRITEST used so often as to be made commonplace TRITELY adv TRITHING n pl. -S an administrative division in England TRITICUM n pl. -S a cereal grass TRITIUM n pl. -S an isotope of hydrogen TRITOMA n pl. -S an African herb TRITON n pl. -S a marine mollusk TRITONE n pl. -S a musical interval of three whole tones TRIUMPH v -ED, -ING, -S to be victorious TRIUMVIR n pl. -VIRS or -VIRI one of a ruling body of three in ancient Rome. TRIUNE n pl. -S a trinity TRIUNITY n pl. -TIES a trinity TRIVALVE n pl. -S a type of shell TRIVET n pl. -S a small stand having three legs TRIVIA n/pl insignificant matters TRIVIAL adj insignificant TRIVIUM n pl. -IA a group of studies in medieval schools TROAK v -ED, -ING, -S to troke TROCAR n pl. -S a surgical instrument TROCHAIC n pl. -S a trochee TROCHAL adj shaped like a wheel TROCHAR n pl. -S trocar TROCHE n pl. -S a medicated lozenge TROCHEE n pl. -S a type of metrical foot TROCHIL n pl. -S an African bird TROCHILI n/pl trochils TROCHLEA n pl. -LEAE or -LEAS an anatomical structure resembling a pulley TROCHOID n pl. -S a type of geometric curve TROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to troke TROD a past tense of tread TRODDEN past participle of tread TRODE a past tense of tread TROFFER n pl. -S a fixture for fluorescent lighting TROGON n pl. -S a tropical bird TROIKA n pl. -S a Russian carriage TROILISM n pl. -S sexual relations involving three persons TROILITE n pl. -S a mineral TROILUS n pl. -ES a large butterfly TROIS n pl. TROIS the number three TROKE v TROKED, TROKING, TROKES to exchange TROLAND n pl. -S a unit of measurement of retinal response to light TROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to fish with a slowly trailing line TROLLER n pl. -S one that trolls TROLLEY v -ED, -ING, -S to convey by streetcar TROLLIED past tense of trolly TROLLIES present 3d person sing. of trolly TROLLING n pl. -S the act of one that trolls TROLLOP n pl. -S a prostitute TROLLOPY adj TROLLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to trolley TROMBONE n pl. -S a brass wind instrument TROMMEL n pl. -S a screen used for sifting rock, ore, or coal TROMP v -ED, -ING, -S to tramp TROMPE n pl. -S a device used for supplying air to a furnace TRONA n pl. -S a mineral TRONE n pl. -S a weighing device TROOP v -ED, -ING, -S to move or gather in crowds TROOPER n pl. -S a cavalryman TROOPIAL n pl. -S troupial TROOZ n/pl trews TROP adv too much TROPE n pl. -S the figurative use of a word TROPHIC adj pertaining to nutrition TROPHY v -PHIED, -PHYING, -PHIES to honor with a trophy (a symbol of victory) TROPIC n pl. -S either of two circles of the celestial sphere on each side of the equator TROPICAL adj TROPIN n pl. -S tropine TROPINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid TROPISM n pl. -S the involuntary response of an organism to an external stimulus TROPONIN n pl. -S a protein of muscle TROT v TROTTED, TROTTING, TROTS to go at a gait between a walk and a run TROTH v -ED, -ING, -S to betroth TROTLINE n pl. -S a strong fishing line TROTTED past tense of trot TROTTER n pl. -S a horse that trots TROTTING present participle of trot TROTYL n pl. -S an explosive TROUBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to distress TROUBLER n pl. -S one that troubles TROUGH n pl. -S a long, narrow receptacle TROUNCE v TROUNCED, TROUNCING, TROUNCES to beat severely TROUNCER n pl. -S one that trounces TROUPE v TROUPED, TROUPING, TROUPES to tour with a theatrical company TROUPER n pl. -S a member of a theatrical company TROUPIAL n pl. -S a tropical bird TROUPING present participle of troupe TROUSER adj pertaining to trousers TROUSERS n/pl a garment for the lower part of the body TROUT n pl. -S a freshwater fish TROUTY adj TROUTIER, TROUTIEST abounding in trout TROUVERE n pl. -S a medieval poet TROUVEUR n pl. -S trouvere TROVE n pl. -S a valuable discovery TROVER n pl. -S a type of legal action TROW v -ED, -ING, -S to suppose TROWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to smooth with a trowel (a hand tool having a flat blade) TROWELER n pl. -S one that trowels TROWSERS n/pl trousers TROWTH n pl. -S truth TROY n pl. TROYS a system of weights TRUANCY n pl. -CIES an act of truanting TRUANT v -ED, -ING, -S to stay out of school without permission TRUANTRY n pl. -RIES truancy TRUCE v TRUCED, TRUCING, TRUCES to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement TRUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by truck (an automotive vehicle designed to carry loads) TRUCKAGE n pl. -S transportation of goods by trucks TRUCKER n pl. -S a truck driver TRUCKFUL n pl. -S as much as a truck can hold TRUCKING n pl. -S truckage TRUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to yield weakly TRUCKLER n pl. -S one that truckles TRUCKMAN n pl. -MEN a trucker TRUDGE v TRUDGED, TRUDGING, TRUDGES to walk tiredly TRUDGEN n pl. -S a swimming stroke TRUDGEON n pl. -S trudgen TRUDGER n pl. -S one that trudges TRUDGING present participle of trudge TRUE adj TRUER, TRUEST consistent with fact or reality TRUE v TRUED, TRUING or TRUEING, TRUES to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement TRUEBLUE n pl. -S a person of unwavering loyalty TRUEBORN adj genuinely such by birth TRUEBRED adj designating an animal of unmixed stock TRUED past tense of true TRUELOVE n pl. -S a sweetheart TRUENESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being true TRUER comparative of true TRUEST superlative of true TRUFFE n pl. -S truffle TRUFFLE n pl. -S an edible fungus TRUFFLED adj TRUG n pl. -S a gardener's basket TRUING a present participle of true TRUISM n pl. -S an obvious truth TRUISTIC adj TRULL n pl. -S a prostitute TRULY adv in conformity with fact or reality TRUMEAU n pl. -MEAUX a column supporting part of a doorway TRUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to outdo TRUMPERY n pl. -ERIES worthless finery TRUMPET v -ED, -ING, -S to sound on a trumpet (a brass wind instrument) TRUNCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to shorten by cutting off a part TRUNDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to propel by causing to rotate TRUNDLER n pl. -S one that trundles TRUNK n pl. -S the main stem of a tree TRUNKED adj TRUNKFUL n pl. -S as much as a trunk (a storage box) can hold TRUNNEL n pl. -S treenail TRUNNION n pl. -S a pin or pivot on which something can be rotated TRUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to secure tightly TRUSSER n pl. -S one that trusses TRUSSING n pl. -S the framework of a structure TRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to place confidence in TRUSTEE v -TEED, -TEEING, -TEES to commit to the care of an administrator TRUSTER n pl. -S one that trusts TRUSTFUL adj inclined to trust TRUSTOR n pl. -S one that trustees his property TRUSTY adj TRUSTIER, TRUSTIEST worthy of trust TRUSTILY adv TRUSTY n pl. TRUSTIES one worthy of trust TRUTH n pl. -S conformity to fact or reality TRUTHFUL adj telling the truth TRY v TRIED, TRYING, TRIES to attempt TRYINGLY adv in a distressing manner TRYMA n pl. -MATA a type of nut TRYOUT n pl. -S a test of ability TRYPSIN n pl. -S an enzyme TRYPTIC adj TRYSAIL n pl. -S a type of sail TRYST v -ED, -ING, -S to agree to meet TRYSTE n pl. -S a market TRYSTER n pl. -S one that trysts TRYWORKS n/pl a type of furnace TSADE n pl. -S sade TSADI n pl. -S sade TSAR n pl. -S czar TSARDOM n pl. -S czardom TSAREVNA n pl. -S czarevna TSARINA n pl. -S czarina TSARISM n pl. -S czarism TSARIST n pl. -S czarist TSARITZA n pl. -S czaritza TSETSE n pl. -S an African fly TSIMMES n pl. TSIMMES tzimmes TSK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter an exclamation of annoyance TSKTSK v -ED, -ING, -S to tsk TSOORIS n pl. TSOORIS tsuris TSORES n pl. TSORES tsuris TSORIS n pl. TSORIS tsuris TSORRISS n pl. TSORRISS tsuris TSUBA n pl. TSUBA a part of a Japanese sword TSUNAMI n pl. -S a very large ocean wave TSUNAMIC adj TSURIS n pl. TSURIS a series of misfortunes TUATARA n pl. -S a large reptile TUATERA n pl. -S tuatara TUB v TUBBED, TUBBING, TUBS to wash in a tub (a round, open vessel) TUBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE a brass wind instrument TUBAIST n pl. -S a tuba player TUBAL adj pertaining to a tube TUBATE adj tubular TUBBABLE adj suitable for washing in a tub TUBBED past tense of tub TUBBER n pl. -S one that tubs TUBBING present participle of tub TUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST short and fat TUBE v TUBED, TUBING, TUBES to provide with a tube (a long, hollow cylinder) TUBELESS adj having no tube TUBELIKE adj resembling a tube TUBENOSE n pl. -S a bird having tubular nostrils TUBER n pl. -S a thick underground stem TUBERCLE n pl. -S a small, rounded swelling TUBEROID adj pertaining to a tuber TUBEROSE n pl. -S a Mexican herb TUBEROUS adj pertaining to a tuber TUBEWORK n pl. -S tubing TUBFUL n pl. -S as much as a tub will hold TUBIFEX n pl. -ES an aquatic worm TUBIFORM adj tubular TUBING n pl. -S material in the form of a tube TUBIST n pl. -S a tubaist TUBLIKE adj resembling a tub TUBULAR adj shaped like a tube TUBULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to form into a tube TUBULE n pl. -S a small tube TUBULIN n pl. -S a protein that polymerizes to form tiny tubules TUBULOSE adj tubular TUBULOUS adj tubular TUBULURE n pl. -S a short tubular opening TUCHUN n pl. -S a Chinese military governor TUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to fold under TUCKAHOE n pl. -S the edible root of certain arums TUCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to weary TUCKET n pl. -S a trumpet fanfare TUCKSHOP n pl. -S a confectioner's shop TUFA n pl. -S a porous limestone TUFF n pl. -S a volcanic rock TUFFET n pl. -S a clump of grass TUFOLI n pl. TUFOLI a large macaroni shell TUFT v -ED, -ING, -S to form into tufts (clusters of flexible outgrowths attached at the base) TUFTER n pl. -S one that tufts TUFTY adj TUFTIER, TUFTIEST abounding in tufts TUFTILY adv TUG v TUGGED, TUGGING, TUGS to pull with force TUGBOAT n pl. -S a boat built for towing TUGGER n pl. -S one that tugs TUGGING present participle of tug TUGHRIK n pl. -S tugrik TUGLESS adj being without a rope or chain with which to pull TUGRIK n pl. -S a monetary unit of Mongolia TUI n pl. -S a bird of New Zealand TUILLE n pl. -S a tasset TUITION n pl. -S a fee for instruction TULADI n pl. -S a freshwater fish TULE n pl. -S a tall marsh plant TULIP n pl. -S a flowering plant TULLE n pl. -S a silk material TULLIBEE n pl. -S a freshwater fish TUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to fall or roll end over end TUMBLER n pl. -S one that tumbles TUMBLING n pl. -S the sport of gymnastics TUMBREL n pl. -S a type of cart TUMBRIL n pl. -S tumbrel TUMEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to swell TUMID adj swollen TUMIDLY adv TUMIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being tumid TUMMLER n pl. -S an entertainer who encourages audience participation TUMMY n pl. -MIES the stomach TUMOR n pl. -S an abnormal swelling TUMORAL, TUMOROUS adj TUMOUR n pl. -S tumor TUMP n pl. -S tumpline TUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to tip over, especially accidentally TUMPLINE n pl. -S a strap for supporting a load on the back TUMULAR adj having the form of a mound TUMULI a pl. of tumulus TUMULOSE adj full of mounds TUMULOUS adj tumulose TUMULT n pl. -S a great din and commotion TUMULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a mound over a grave TUN v TUNNED, TUNNING, TUNS to store in a large cask TUNA n pl. -S a marine food fish TUNABLE adj capable of being tuned TUNABLY adv TUNDISH n pl. -ES a receptacle for molten metal TUNDRA n pl. -S a level, treeless expanse of arctic land TUNE v TUNED, TUNING, TUNES to put into the proper pitch TUNEABLE adj tunable TUNEABLY adv TUNEFUL adj melodious TUNELESS adj not tuneful TUNER n pl. -S one that tunes TUNEUP n pl. -S an adjustment to insure efficient operation TUNG n pl. -S a Chinese tree TUNGSTEN n pl. -S a metallic element TUNGSTIC adj TUNIC n pl. -S a loose-fitting garment TUNICA n pl. -CAE an enveloping membrane or layer of body tissue TUNICATE n pl. -S a small marine animal TUNICLE n pl. -S a type of vestment TUNING present participle of tune TUNNAGE n pl. -S tonnage TUNNED past tense of tun TUNNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to dig a tunnel (an underground passageway) TUNNELER n pl. -S one that tunnels TUNNING present participle of tun TUNNY n pl. -NIES a tuna TUP v TUPPED, TUPPING, TUPS to copulate with a ewe TUPELO n pl. -LOS a softwood tree TUPIK n pl. -S an Eskimo tent TUPPED past tense of tup TUPPENCE n pl. -S twopence TUPPENNY adj twopenny TUPPING present participle of tup TUQUE n pl. -S a knitted woolen cap TURACO n pl. -COS touraco TURACOU n pl. -S touraco TURBAN n pl. -S a head covering worn by Muslims TURBANED adj TURBARY n pl. -RIES a place where peat can be dug TURBETH n pl. -S turpeth TURBID adj thick or opaque with roiled sediment TURBIDLY adv TURBINAL n pl. -S a bone of the nasal passage TURBINE n pl. -S a type of engine TURBIT n pl. -S a domestic pigeon TURBITH n pl. -S turpeth TURBO n pl. -BOS a turbine TURBOCAR n pl. -S an auto powered by a gas turbine TURBOFAN n pl. -S a type of jet engine TURBOJET n pl. -S a type of jet engine TURBOT n pl. -S a European flatfish TURDINE adj belonging to a large family of singing birds TUREEN n pl. -S a large, deep bowl TURF n pl. TURFS or TURVES a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots TURF v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with turf TURFIER comparative of turfy TURFIEST superlative of turfy TURFLESS adj having no turf TURFLIKE adj resembling turf TURFMAN n pl. -MEN a person who is devoted to horse racing TURFSKI n pl. -S a type of ski TURFY adj TURFIER, TURFIEST covered with turf TURGENCY n pl. -CIES turgor TURGENT adj turgid TURGID adj swollen TURGIDLY adv TURGITE n pl. -S an iron ore TURGOR n pl. -S the quality or state of being turgid TURISTA n pl. -S intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country TURK n pl. -S a usually young dynamic person, eager for change TURKEY n pl. -KEYS a large American bird TURKOIS n pl. -ES turquois TURMERIC n pl. -S an East Indian herb TURMOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to throw into an uproar TURN v -ED, -ING, -S to move around a central point TURNABLE adj TURNCOAT n pl. -S a traitor TURNDOWN n pl. -S a rejection TURNER n pl. -S one that turns TURNERY n pl. -ERIES the process of shaping articles on a lathe TURNHALL n pl. -S a building where gymnasts practice TURNING n pl. -S a rotation about an axis TURNIP n pl. -S an edible plant root TURNKEY n pl. -KEYS a person who has charge of a prison's keys TURNOFF n pl. -S a road that branches off from a larger one TURNOUT n pl. -S an assemblage of people TURNOVER n pl. -S an upset or overthrow TURNPIKE n pl. -S a highway on which tolls are collected TURNSOLE n pl. -S a plant that turns with the sun TURNSPIT n pl. -S one that turns a roasting spit TURNUP n pl. -S a part of a garment that is turned up TURPETH n pl. -S a medicinal plant root TURPS n pl. TURPS turpentine TURQUOIS n pl. -ES a greenish blue gem TURRET n pl. -S a small tower TURRETED adj TURRICAL adj resembling a turret TURTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to catch turtles (tortoises) TURTLER n pl. -S one that turtles TURTLING n pl. -S the act of one that turtles TURVES a pl. of turf TUSCHE n pl. -S a liquid used in lithography TUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to tusk TUSHIE n pl. -S the buttocks TUSHY n pl. TUSHIES tushie TUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to gore with a tusk (a long, pointed tooth extending outside of the mouth) TUSKER n pl. -S an animal with tusks TUSKLESS adj having no tusk TUSKLIKE adj resembling a tusk TUSSAH n pl. -S an Asian silkworm TUSSAL adj pertaining to a cough TUSSAR n pl. -S tussah TUSSEH n pl. -S tussah TUSSER n pl. -S tussah TUSSIS n pl. -SISES a cough TUSSIVE adj TUSSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to struggle TUSSOCK n pl. -S a clump of grass TUSSOCKY adj TUSSOR n pl. -S tussah TUSSORE n pl. -S tussah TUSSUCK n pl. -S tussock TUSSUR n pl. -S tussah TUT v TUTTED, TUTTING, TUTS to utter an exclamation of impatience TUTEE n pl. -S one who is being tutored TUTELAGE n pl. -S the act of tutoring TUTELAR n pl. -S a tutelary TUTELARY n pl. -LARIES one who has the power to protect TUTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to instruct privately TUTORAGE n pl. -S tutelage TUTORESS n pl. -ES a female who tutors TUTORIAL n pl. -S a session of tutoring TUTOYER v -TOYERED or -TOYED, -TOYERING, -TOYERS to address familiarly TUTTED past tense of tut TUTTI n pl. -S a musical passage performed by all the performers TUTTING present participle of tut TUTTY n pl. -TIES an impure zinc oxide TUTU n pl. -S a short ballet skirt TUX n pl. -ES a tuxedo TUXEDO n pl. -DOES or -DOS a man's semiformal dinner coat TUXEDOED adj TUYER n pl. -S tuyere TUYERE n pl. -S a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace TWA n pl. -S two TWADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to talk foolishly TWADDLER n pl. -S one that twaddles TWAE n pl. -S two TWAIN n pl. -S a set of two TWANG v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sharp, vibrating sound TWANGER n pl. -S one that twangs TWANGIER comparative of twangy TWANGIEST superlative of twangy TWANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to twang TWANGLER n pl. -S one that twangles TWANGY adj TWANGIER, TWANGIEST twanging TWANKY n pl. -KIES a variety of green tea TWASOME n pl. -S twosome TWATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to twaddle TWEAK v -ED, -ING, -S to pinch and twist sharply TWEAKY adj TWEAKIER, TWEAKIEST twitchy TWEE adj affectedly cute or dainty TWEED n pl. -S a coarse woolen fabric TWEEDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to perform casually on a musical instrument TWEEDY adj TWEEDIER, TWEEDIEST resembling tweed TWEEN prep between TWEENY n pl. TWEENIES a housemaid TWEET v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp TWEETER n pl. -S a loudspeaker designed to reproduce high-pitched sounds TWEEZE v TWEEZED, TWEEZING, TWEEZES to pluck with a tweezer TWEEZER n pl. -S a pincerlike tool TWELFTH n pl. -S the number twelve in a series TWELVE n pl. -S a number TWELVEMO n pl. -MOS a page size TWENTY n pl. -TIES a number TWERP n pl. -S a small, impudent person TWIBIL n pl. -S a battle-ax with two cutting edges TWIBILL n pl. -S twibil TWICE adv two times TWIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to play idly with something TWIDDLER n pl. -S one that twiddles TWIDDLY adj -DLIER, -DLIEST having many turns TWIER n pl. -S tuyere TWIG v TWIGGED, TWIGGING, TWIGS to observe TWIGGEN adj made of twigs (small branches) TWIGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST twiglike TWIGLESS adj having no twigs TWIGLIKE adj resembling a twig TWILIGHT n pl. -S the early evening light TWILIT adj lighted by twilight TWILL v -ED, -ING, -S to weave so as to produce a diagonal pattern TWILLING n pl. -S a twilled fabric TWIN v TWINNED, TWINNING, TWINS to bring together in close association TWINBORN adj born at the same birth TWINE v TWINED, TWINING, TWINES to twist together TWINER n pl. -S one that twines TWINGE v TWINGED, TWINGING or TWINGEING, TWINGES to affect with a sharp pain TWINIER comparative of twiny TWINIEST superlative of twiny TWINIGHT adj pertaining to a baseball doubleheader that begins in the late afternoon TWINING present participle of twine TWINJET n pl. -S an aircraft with two jet engines TWINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to shine with a flickering or sparkling light TWINKLER n pl. -S one that twinkles TWINKLY adj twinkling TWINNED past tense of twin TWINNING n pl. -S the bearing of two children at the same birth TWINSET n pl. -S a matching pair of sweaters to be worn together TWINSHIP n pl. -S close similarity or association TWINY adj TWINIER, TWINIEST resembling twine (a strong string) TWIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to rotate rapidly TWIRLER n pl. -S one that twirls TWIRLY adj TWIRLIER, TWIRLIEST curved TWIRP n pl. -S twerp TWIST v -ED, -ING, -S to combine by winding together TWISTER n pl. -S one that twists TWISTING n pl. -S a form of trickery used in selling life insurance TWISTY adj TWISTIER, TWISTIEST full of curves TWIT v TWITTED, TWITTING, TWITS to ridicule TWITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move or pull with a sudden motion TWITCHER n pl. -S one that twitches TWITCHY adj TWITCHIER, TWITCHIEST fidgety TWITTED past tense of twit TWITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a succession of chirping sounds TWITTERY adj nervously agitated TWITTING present participle of twit TWIXT prep between TWO n pl. TWOS a number TWOFER n pl. -S something sold at the rate of two for the price of one TWOFOLD n pl. -S an amount twice as great as a given unit TWOPENCE n pl. -S a British coin worth two pennies TWOPENNY adj worth twopence TWOSOME n pl. -S a group of two TWYER n pl. -S tuyere TYCOON n pl. -S a wealthy and powerful business person TYE n pl. -S a chain on a ship TYEE n pl. -S a food fish TYER n pl. -S one that ties TYING a present participle of tie TYKE n pl. -S a small child TYLOSIN n pl. -S an antibiotic TYMBAL n pl. -S timbal TYMPAN n pl. -S a drum TYMPANA a pl. of tympanum TYMPANAL adj tympanic TYMPANIC adj pertaining to the tympanum TYMPANO n pl. -NI timpano TYMPANUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS the middle ear TYMPANY n pl. -NIES a swelling of the abdomen TYNE v TYNED, TYNING, TYNES to tine TYPAL adj typical TYPE v TYPED, TYPING, TYPES to write with a typewriter TYPABLE, TYPEABLE adj TYPEBAR n pl. -S a part of a typewriter TYPECASE n pl. -S a tray for holding printing type TYPECAST v -CAST, -CASTING, -CASTS to cast in an acting role befitting one's own nature TYPED past tense of type TYPEFACE n pl. -S the face of printing type TYPESET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to set in type TYPEY adj TYPIER, TYPIEST typy TYPHOID n pl. -S an infectious disease TYPHON n pl. -S a type of signal horn TYPHOON n pl. -S a tropical hurricane TYPHONIC adj TYPHOSE adj pertaining to typhoid TYPHUS n pl. -ES an infectious disease TYPHOUS adj TYPIC adj typical TYPICAL adj having the nature of a representative specimen TYPIER comparative of typey and typy TYPIEST superlative of typey and typy TYPIFIER n pl. -S one that typifies TYPIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to serve as a typical example of TYPING present participle of type TYPIST n pl. -S one who types TYPO n pl. -POS a typographical error TYPOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of classification according to common characteristics TYPP n pl. -S a unit of yarn size TYPY adj TYPIER, TYPIEST characterized by strict conformance to the characteristics of a group TYRAMINE n pl. -S a chemical compound TYRANNIC adj characteristic of a tyrant TYRANNY n pl. -NIES the rule of a tyrant TYRANT n pl. -S an absolute ruler TYRE v TYRED, TYRING, TYRES to furnish with a covering for a wheel TYRO n pl. -ROS a beginner TYRONIC adj TYROSINE n pl. -S an amino acid TYTHE v TYTHED, TYTHING, TYTHES to tithe TZADDIK n pl. -DIKIM zaddik TZAR n pl. -S czar TZARDOM n pl. -S czardom TZAREVNA n pl. -S czarevna TZARINA n pl. -S czarina TZARISM n pl. -S czarism TZARIST n pl. -S czarist TZARITZA n pl. -S czaritza TZETZE n pl. -S tsetse TZIGANE n pl. -S a gypsy TZIMMES n pl. TZIMMES a vegetable stew TZITZIS n/pl zizith TZITZIT n/pl zizith TZITZITH n/pl zizith TZURIS n pl. TZURIS tsuris UBIETY n pl. -ETIES the state of having a definite location UBIQUE adv everywhere UBIQUITY n pl. -TIES the state of being everywhere at the same time UDDER n pl. -S a mammary gland UDO n pl. UDOS a Japanese herb UDOMETER n pl. -S a rain gauge UDOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the measurement of rain UFOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of unidentified flying objects UGH n pl. -S the sound of a cough or grunt UGLIER comparative of ugly UGLIES pl. of ugly UGLIEST superlative of ugly UGLIFIER n pl. -S one that uglifies UGLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make ugly UGLINESS n pl. -ES the state of being ugly UGLY adj -LIER, -LIEST displeasing to the sight UGLILY adv UGLY n pl. -LIES one that is ugly UGSOME adj disgusting UH interj -- used to express hesitation UHLAN n pl. -S one of a body of Prussian cavalry UINTAITE n pl. -S a variety of asphalt UKASE n pl. -S an edict UKE n pl. -S ukelele UKELELE n pl. -S ukulele UKULELE n pl. -S a small guitar-like instrument ULAMA n pl. -S ulema ULAN n pl. -S uhlan ULCER v -ED, -ING, -S to affect with an ulcer (a type of lesion) ULCERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to ulcer ULCEROUS adj being or affected with an ulcer ULEMA n pl. -S a Muslim scholar ULEXITE n pl. -S a mineral ULLAGE n pl. -S the amount that a container lacks of being full ULLAGED adj ULNA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a bone of the forearm ULNAR adj ULNAD adv toward the ulna ULPAN n pl. -PANIM a school in Israel for teaching Hebrew ULSTER n pl. -S a long, loose overcoat ULTERIOR adj more remote ULTIMA n pl. -S the last syllable of a word ULTIMACY n pl. -CIES an ultimate ULTIMATA n/pl final proposals ULTIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to come to an end ULTIMO adj of or occurring in the preceding month ULTRA n pl. -S an ultraist ULTRADRY adj extremely dry ULTRAHIP v pl. -S really hep, like way cool, you dig? ULTRAHOT adj extremely hot ULTRAISM n pl. -S advocacy of extreme measures ULTRAIST n pl. -S an advocate of extreme measures ULTRALOW adj extremely low ULTRARED n pl. -S infrared ULU n pl. -S an Eskimo knife ULULANT adj howling ULULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to howl ULVA n pl. -S an edible seaweed UM interj -- used to indicate hesitation UMANGITE n pl. -S a mineral consisting of copper selenide UMBEL n pl. -S a type of flower cluster UMBELED, UMBELLAR, UMBELLED adj UMBELLET n pl. -S a small umbel UMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to color with a brown pigment UMBILICI n/pl navels UMBLES n/pl the entrails of a deer UMBO n pl. -BONES or -BOS the rounded elevation at the center of a shield UMBONAL, UMBONATE, UMBONIC adj UMBRA n pl. -BRAE or -BRAS a dark area UMBRAL adj UMBRAGE n pl. -S resentment UMBRELLA v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with an umbrella (a portable cover for protection from rain or sun) UMBRETTE n pl. -S a wading bird UMIAC n pl. -S umiak UMIACK n pl. -S umiak UMIAK n pl. -S an open Eskimo boat UMIAQ n pl. -S umiak UMLAUT v -ED, -ING, -S to modify a vowel sound by partial assimilation to a succeeding sound UMM interj um UMP v -ED, -ING, -S to umpire UMPIRAGE n pl. -S the function of an umpire UMPIRE v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES to act as umpire (a person appointed to rule on the plays in a game) UMPTEEN adj indefinitely numerous UMTEENTH adj being the last in an indefinitely numerous series UN pron pl. -S one UNABATED adj UNABLE adj UNABUSED adj UNACTED adj UNADULT adj UNAFRAID adj UNAGED adj UNAGEING adj UNAGILE adj UNAGING adj UNAI n pl. -S unau UNAIDED adj UNAIMED adj UNAIRED adj UNAKIN adj UNAKITE n pl. -S an igneous rock UNALIKE adj UNALLIED adj UNAMUSED adj UNANCHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to loosen from an anchor UNANELED adj UNAPT adj UNAPTLY adv UNARGUED adj UNARM v -ED, -ING, -S to disarm UNARTFUL adj UNARY adj consisting of a single element UNASKED adj UNATONED adj UNAU n pl. -S a two-toed sloth UNAVOWED adj UNAWAKED adj UNAWARE adj UNAWARES adv without warning UNAWED adj UNBACKED adj UNBAKED adj UNBAN v -BANNED, -BANNING, -BANS to remove a prohibition against UNBANNED adj UNBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to remove a bar from UNBARBED adj UNBASED adj UNBATED adj unabated UNBATHED adj UNBE v to cease to have being -- UNBE is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated UNBEAR v -BEARED, -BEARING, -BEARS to free from the pressure of a rein UNBEATEN adj UNBELIEF n pl. -S lack of belief UNBELT v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the belt of UNBEND v -BENT or -BENDED, -BENDING, -BENDS to make or allow to become straight UNBENIGN adj UNBIASED adj UNBID adj unbidden UNBIDDEN adj not invited UNBILLED adj UNBIND v -BOUND, -BINDING, -BINDS to free from bindings UNBITTED adj UNBITTEN adj UNBITTER adj UNBLAMED adj UNBLEST adj UNBLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to free from being blocked UNBLOODY adj UNBODIED adj having no body UNBOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to open by withdrawing a bolt (a metal bar) UNBONED adj UNBONNET v -ED, -ING, -S to uncover the head UNBORN adj UNBOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to reveal UNBOUGHT adj UNBOUNCY adj UNBOUND past tense of unbind UNBOWED adj UNBOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove from a box UNBRACE v -BRACED, -BRACING, -BRACES to free from braces UNBRAID v -ED, -ING, -S to separate the strands of UNBRAKE v -BRAKED, -BRAKING, -BRAKES to release a brake UNBRED adj UNBREECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove the breeches of UNBRIDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to set loose UNBRIGHT adj UNBROKE adj UNBROKEN adj UNBUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to loosen a buckle UNBUILD v -BUILT, -BUILDING, -BUILDS to demolish UNBULKY adj UNBUNDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to price separately UNBURDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to free from a burden UNBURIED adj UNBURNED adj UNBURNT adj UNBUSTED adj UNBUSY adj UNBUTTON v -ED, -ING, -S to unfasten the buttons of UNCAGE v -CAGED, -CAGING, -CAGES to release from a cage UNCAKE v -CAKED, -CAKING, -CAKES to break up a cake (a block of compacted matter) UNCALLED adj UNCANDID adj UNCANNY adj -NIER, -NIEST strange and inexplicable UNCAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to remove the cap from UNCARING adj UNCASE v -CASED, -CASING, -CASES to remove from a case UNCASHED adj UNCASKED adj UNCATCHY adj UNCAUGHT adj UNCAUSED adj UNCHAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to free by removing a chain UNCHANCY adj unlucky UNCHARGE v -CHARGED, -CHARGING, -CHARGES to acquit UNCHARY adj UNCHASTE adj UNCHEWED adj UNCHIC adj UNCHICLY adv UNCHOKE v -CHOKED, -CHOKING, -CHOKES to free from obstruction UNCHOSEN adj UNCHURCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expel from a church UNCI pl. of uncus UNCIA n pl. -CIAE a coin of ancient Rome UNCIAL n pl. -S a style of writing UNCIALLY adv in the uncial style UNCIFORM n pl. -S a bone of the wrist UNCINAL adj uncinate UNCINATE adj bent at the end like a hook UNCINUS n pl. -NI an uncinate structure UNCIVIL adj UNCLAD a past tense of unclothe UNCLAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to free from a clamp UNCLASP v -ED, -ING, -S to free from a clasp UNCLE n pl. -S the brother of one's father or mother UNCLEAN adj -CLEANER, -CLEANEST UNCLEAR adj -CLEARER, -CLEAREST UNCLENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to open from a clenched position UNCLINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to unclench UNCLIP v -CLIPPED, -CLIPPING, -CLIPS to remove a clip (a fastening device) from UNCLOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a cloak from UNCLOG v -CLOGGED, -CLOGGING, -CLOGS to free from a difficulty or obstruction UNCLOSE v -CLOSED, -CLOSING, -CLOSES to open UNCLOTHE v -CLOTHED or -CLAD, -CLOTHING, -CLOTHES to divest of clothing UNCLOUD v -ED, -ING, -S to free from clouds UNCLOYED adj UNCO n pl. -COS a stranger UNCOATED adj UNCOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a cocked position UNCODED adj UNCOFFIN v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a coffin UNCOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to release from a coiled position UNCOINED adj UNCOMBED adj UNCOMELY adj UNCOMIC adj UNCOMMON adj -MONER, -MONEST UNCOOKED adj UNCOOL adj UNCOOLED adj UNCORK v -ED, -ING, -S to draw the cork UNCOUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to disconnect UNCOUTH adj UNCOVER v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the covering from UNCOY adj UNCRATE v -CRATED, -CRATING, -CRATES to remove from a crate UNCRAZY adj UNCREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to deprive of existence UNCROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to change from a crossed position UNCROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of a crown UNCTION n pl. -S the act of anointing UNCTUOUS adj greasy UNCUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to remove handcuffs from UNCUFFED adj UNCURB v -ED, -ING, -S to remove restraints from UNCURED adj UNCURL v -ED, -ING, -S to straighten the curls of UNCURSED adj UNCUS n pl. -CI a hook-shaped anatomical part UNCUT adj UNCUTE adj UNDAMPED adj UNDARING adj UNDATED adj UNDE adj wavy UNDEAD n pl. UNDEAD a vampire UNDECKED adj UNDEE adj unde UNDENIED adj UNDER prep in a lower position than UNDERACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act subtly and with restraint UNDERAGE n pl. -S a shortage UNDERARM n pl. -S the armpit UNDERATE past tense of undereat UNDERBID v -BID, -BIDDING, -BIDS to bid lower than UNDERBUD v -BUDDED, -BUDDING, -BUDS to bud from beneath UNDERBUY v -BOUGHT, -BUYING, -BUYS to buy at a lower price than UNDERCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut under UNDERDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES to do insufficiently UNDERDOG n pl. -S one who is expected to lose UNDEREAT v -ATE, -EATEN, -EATING, -EATS to eat an insufficient amount UNDERFED adj fed an insufficient amount UNDERFUR n pl. -S the thick, soft fur beneath the outer coat of certain mammals UNDERGO v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES to be subjected to UNDERGOD n pl. -S a lesser god UNDERJAW n pl. -S the lower jaw UNDERLAID past tense of underlay UNDERLAIN past participle of underlie UNDERLAP v -LAPPED, -LAPPING, -LAPS to extend partly under UNDERLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to place under UNDERLET v -LET, -LETTING, -LETS to lease at less than the usual value UNDERLIE v -LAY, -LAIN, -LYING, -LIES to lie under UNDERLIP n pl. -S the lower lip UNDERLIT adj lacking adequate light UNDERLYING present participle of underlie UNDERPAY v -PAID, -PAYING, -PAYS to pay less than is deserved UNDERPIN v -PINNED, -PINNING, -PINS to support from below UNDERRUN v -RAN, -RUNNING, -RUNS to pass or extend under UNDERSEA adv beneath the surface of the sea UNDERSET n pl. -S a current below the surface of the ocean UNDERTAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to tax less than the usual amount UNDERTOW n pl. -S the seaward pull of receding waves breaking on a shore UNDERWAY adv in progress UNDERWENT past tense of undergo UNDEVOUT adj UNDID past tense of undo UNDIES n/pl underwear UNDIMMED adj UNDINE n pl. -S a female water spirit UNDO v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES to bring to ruin UNDOABLE adj UNDOCILE adj UNDOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to move away from a dock UNDOER n pl. -S one that undoes UNDOING n pl. -S a cause of ruin UNDONE past participle of undo UNDOTTED adj UNDOUBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to unfold UNDRAPE v -DRAPED, -DRAPING, -DRAPES to strip of drapery UNDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS to draw open UNDREAMT adj UNDRESS v -DRESSED or -DREST, -DRESSING, -DRESSES to remove one's clothing UNDRIED adj UNDRUNK adj not swallowed UNDUBBED adj UNDUE adj exceeding what is appropriate or normal UNDULANT adj undulating UNDULAR adj undulating UNDULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to move with a wavelike motion UNDULLED adj UNDULY adv in an undue manner UNDY adj unde UNDYED adj UNDYING adj not subject to death UNEAGER adj UNEARNED adj UNEARTH v -ED, -ING, -S to dig up UNEASE n pl. -S mental or physical discomfort UNEASY adj -EASIER, -EASIEST marked by mental or physical discomfort UNEASILY adv UNEATEN adj UNEDIBLE adj UNEDITED adj UNENDED adj UNENDING adj UNENVIED adj UNEQUAL n pl. -S one that is not equal to another UNERASED adj UNEROTIC adj UNERRING adj UNEVADED adj UNEVEN adj -EVENER, -EVENEST UNEVENLY adv UNEXOTIC adj UNEXPERT adj UNFADED adj UNFADING adj UNFAIR adj -FAIRER, -FAIREST UNFAIRLY adv UNFAITH n pl. -S lack of faith UNFAKED adj UNFALLEN adj UNFAMOUS adj UNFANCY adj UNFASTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to release from fastenings UNFAZED adj UNFEARED adj UNFED adj UNFELT adj UNFENCE v -FENCED, -FENCING, -FENCES to remove a fence from UNFETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to free from fetters UNFILIAL adj UNFILLED adj UNFILMED adj UNFIRED adj UNFISHED adj UNFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to make unsuitable UNFITLY adv in an unsuitable manner UNFIX v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES to unfasten UNFLASHY adj UNFLEXED adj UNFOILED adj UNFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to open something that is folded UNFOLDER n pl. -S one that unfolds UNFOND adj UNFORCED adj UNFORGED adj UNFORGOT adj not forgotten UNFORKED adj UNFORMED adj UNFOUGHT adj UNFOUND adj UNFRAMED adj UNFREE v -FREED, -FREEING, -FREES to deprive of freedom UNFREEZE v -FROZE, -FROZEN, -FREEZING, -FREEZES to cause to thaw UNFROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to divest of ecclesiastical authority UNFUNDED adj UNFUNNY adj UNFURL v -ED, -ING, -S to unroll UNFUSED adj UNFUSSY adj UNGAINLY adj -LIER, -LIEST awkward UNGALLED adj UNGENIAL adj UNGENTLE adj UNGENTLY adv UNGIFTED adj UNGIRD v -GIRDED or -GIRT, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to remove a belt from UNGLAZED adj UNGLOVE v -GLOVED, -GLOVING, -GLOVES to uncover by removing a glove UNGLUE v -GLUED, -GLUING, -GLUES to disjoin UNGODLY adj -LIER, -LIEST impious UNGOT adj ungotten UNGOTTEN adj not obtained UNGOWNED adj UNGRACED adj UNGRADED adj UNGREEDY adj UNGROUND adj UNGUAL adj pertaining to an unguis UNGUARD v -ED, -ING, -S to leave unprotected UNGUENT n pl. -S an ointment UNGUENTA n/pl ointments UNGUIDED adj UNGUIS n pl. -GUES a nail, claw, or hoof UNGULA n pl. -LAE an unguis UNGULAR adj UNGULATE n pl. -S a hoofed mammal UNHAILED adj UNHAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the hair from UNHALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to profane UNHALVED adj UNHAND v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the hand from UNHANDY adj -HANDIER, -HANDIEST difficult to handle UNHANG v -HUNG or -HANGED, -HANGING, -HANGS to detach from a hanging support UNHAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST UNHARMED adj UNHASTY adj UNHAT v -HATTED, -HATTING, -HATS to remove one's hat UNHEALED adj UNHEARD adj UNHEATED adj UNHEDGED adj UNHEEDED adj UNHELM v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the helmet of UNHELPED adj UNHEROIC adj UNHEWN adj UNHINGE v -HINGED, -HINGING, -HINGES to remove from hinges UNHIP adj UNHIRED adj UNHITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to free from being hitched UNHOLILY adv UNHOLY adj -LIER, -LIEST UNHOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a hood from UNHOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a hook UNHOPED adj not hoped for or expected UNHORSE v -HORSED, -HORSING, -HORSES to cause to fall from a horse UNHOUSE v -HOUSED, -HOUSING, -HOUSES to deprive of a protective shelter UNHUMAN adj UNHUNG adj UNHURT adj UNHUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the husk from UNIALGAL adj pertaining to a single algal cell UNIAXIAL adj having one axis UNICOLOR adj of one color UNICORN n pl. -S a mythical horselike creature UNICYCLE n pl. -S a one-wheeled vehicle UNIDEAED adj lacking ideas UNIDEAL adj UNIFACE n pl. -S a coin having a design on only one side UNIFIC adj unifying UNIFIED past tense of unify UNIFIER n pl. -S one that unifies UNIFIES present 3d person sing. of unify UNIFILAR adj having only one thread, wire, or fiber UNIFORM adj -FORMER, -FORMEST unchanging UNIFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to make uniform UNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make into a coherent whole UNILOBED adj having one lobe UNIMBUED adj UNION n pl. -S a number of persons, parties, or political entities united for a common purpose UNIONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to unionize UNIONISM n pl. -S the principle of forming a union UNIONIST n pl. -S an advocate of unionism UNIONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to form into a union UNIPOD n pl. -S a one-legged support UNIPOLAR adj showing only one kind of polarity UNIQUE adj UNIQUER, UNIQUEST existing as the only one of its kind; very unusual UNIQUELY adv UNIQUE n pl. -S something that is unique UNIRONED adj UNISEX n pl. -ES the condition of not being distinguishable as to sex UNISON n pl. -S complete agreement UNISONAL adj UNISSUED adj UNIT n pl. -S a specific quantity used as a standard of measurement UNITAGE n pl. -S amount in units UNITARD n pl. -S a leotard that also covers the legs UNITARY adj pertaining to a unit UNITE v UNITED, UNITING, UNITES to bring together so as to form a whole UNITEDLY adv UNITER n pl. -S one that unites UNITIES pl. of unity UNITING present participle of unite UNITIVE adj serving to unite UNITIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to divide into units UNITIZER n pl. -S one that unitizes UNITRUST n pl. -S a type of annuity trust UNITY n pl. -TIES the state of being one single entity UNIVALVE n pl. -S a mollusk having a single shell UNIVERSE n pl. -S the totality of all existing things UNIVOCAL n pl. -S a word having only one meaning UNJADED adj UNJOINED adj UNJOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to separate at a juncture UNJOYFUL adj UNJUDGED adj UNJUST adj UNJUSTLY adv UNKEMPT adj untidy UNKEND adj unkenned UNKENNED adj not known or recognized UNKENNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to release from a kennel UNKENT adj unkenned UNKEPT adj UNKIND adj -KINDER, -KINDEST UNKINDLY adv -LIER, -LIEST UNKINGLY adj UNKINK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove curls from UNKISSED adj UNKNIT v -KNITTED, -KNITTING, -KNITS to unravel UNKNOT v -KNOTTED, -KNOTTING, -KNOTS to undo a knot in UNKNOWN n pl. -S one that is not known UNKOSHER adj UNLACE v -LACED, -LACING, -LACES to unfasten the laces of UNLADE v -LADED, -LADEN, -LADING, -LADES to unload UNLAID past tense of unlay UNLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to untie the lashing (a type of binding) of UNLATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to open by lifting the latch (a fastening device) UNLAWFUL adj UNLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to untwist UNLEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the lead from UNLEARN v -LEARNED or -LEARNT, -LEARNING, -LEARNS to put out of one's knowledge or memory UNLEASED adj UNLEASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to free from a leash UNLED adj UNLESS conj except on the condition that UNLET adj not rented UNLETHAL adj UNLETTED adj UNLEVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to make uneven UNLEVIED adj UNLICKED adj UNLIKE adj UNLIKELY adj -LIER, -LIEST UNLIMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare for action UNLINED adj UNLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to unfasten the links (connecting devices) of UNLISTED adj UNLIT adj UNLIVE v -LIVED, -LIVING, -LIVES to live so as to make amends for UNLIVELY adj UNLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the load or cargo from UNLOADER n pl. -S one that unloads UNLOBED adj UNLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to unfasten the lock of UNLOOSE v -LOOSED, -LOOSING, -LOOSES to set free UNLOOSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to unloose UNLOVED adj UNLOVELY adj -LIER, -LIEST UNLOVING adj UNLUCKY adj -LUCKIER, -LUCKIEST UNMACHO adj UNMAKE v -MADE, -MAKING, -MAKES to destroy UNMAKER n pl. -S one that unmakes UNMAN v -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to deprive of courage UNMANFUL adj UNMANLY adj UNMAPPED adj UNMARKED adj UNMARRED adj UNMASK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a mask from UNMASKER n pl. -S one that unmasks UNMATED adj UNMATTED adj UNMEANT adj UNMEET adj improper UNMEETLY adv UNMELLOW adj UNMELTED adj UNMENDED adj UNMERRY adj UNMESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to disentangle UNMET adj UNMEW v -ED, -ING, -S to set free UNMILLED adj UNMINED adj UNMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to separate things that are mixed UNMITER v -ED, -ING, -S to depose from the rank of bishop UNMITRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to unmiter UNMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to separate from a mixture UNMIXED adj UNMIXT adj UNMODISH adj UNMOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a mold UNMOLTEN adj UNMOOR v -ED, -ING, -S to release from moorings UNMORAL adj amoral UNMOVED adj UNMOVING adj UNMOWN adj UNMUFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to free from something that muffles UNMUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to remove a muzzle from UNNAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the nails from UNNAMED adj UNNEEDED adj UNNERVE v -NERVED, -NERVING, -NERVES to deprive of courage UNNOISY adj UNNOTED adj UNOILED adj UNOPEN adj UNOPENED adj UNORNATE adj UNOWNED adj UNPACK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the contents of UNPACKER n pl. -S one that unpacks UNPAGED adj having no page numbers UNPAID adj UNPAIRED adj UNPARTED adj UNPAVED adj UNPAYING adj UNPEELED adj UNPEG v -PEGGED, -PEGGING, -PEGS to remove the pegs from UNPEN v -PENNED or -PENT, -PENNING, -PENS to release from confinement UNPEOPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to remove people from UNPERSON n pl. -S one who is removed completely from recognition UNPICK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the stitches from UNPILE v -PILED, -PILING, -PILES to take or disentangle from a pile UNPIN v -PINNED, -PINNING, -PINS to remove the pins from UNPITIED adj UNPLACED adj UNPLAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to undo the plaits of UNPLAYED adj UNPLIANT adj UNPLOWED adj UNPLUG v -PLUGGED, -PLUGGING, -PLUGS to take a plug out of UNPOETIC adj UNPOISED adj UNPOLITE adj UNPOLLED adj UNPOSED adj UNPOSTED adj UNPOTTED adj UNPRETTY adj UNPRICED adj UNPRIMED adj UNPRIZED adj UNPROBED adj UNPROVED adj UNPROVEN adj UNPRUNED adj UNPUCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the wrinkles from UNPURE adj UNPURGED adj UNPUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to work out the obscured meaning of UNQUIET adj -ETER, -ETEST UNQUIET n pl. -S a state of unrest UNQUOTE v -QUOTED, -QUOTING, -QUOTES to close a quotation UNRAISED adj UNRAKED adj UNRANKED adj UNRATED adj UNRAVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to separate the threads of UNRAZED adj UNREAD adj UNREADY adj -READIER, -READIEST UNREAL adj UNREALLY adv UNREASON v -ED, -ING, -S to disrupt the sanity of UNREEL v -ED, -ING, -S to unwind from a reel UNREELER n pl. -S one that unreels UNREEVE v -REEVED or -ROVE, -ROVEN, -REEVING, -REEVES to withdraw a rope from an opening UNRENT adj not torn UNRENTED adj UNREPAID adj UNREPAIR n pl. -S lack of repair UNREST n pl. -S a disturbed or uneasy state UNRESTED adj UNRHYMED adj UNRIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to solve UNRIFLED adj UNRIG v -RIGGED, -RIGGING, -RIGS to divest of rigging UNRIMED adj UNRINSED adj UNRIP v -RIPPED, -RIPPING, -RIPS to rip open UNRIPE adj -RIPER, -RIPEST not ripe UNRIPELY adv UNRISEN adj UNROBE v -ROBED, -ROBING, -ROBES to undress UNROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to open something that is rolled up UNROOF v -ED, -ING, -S to strip off the roof of UNROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to uproot UNROPED adj UNROUGH adj UNROUND v -ED, -ING, -S to articulate without rounding the lips UNROVE a past tense of unreeve UNROVEN a past participle of unreeve UNRULED adj UNRULY adj -LIER, -LIEST difficult to control UNRUSHED adj UNRUSTED adj UNSADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to remove the saddle from UNSAFE adj UNSAFELY adv UNSAFETY n pl. -TIES lack of safety UNSALTED adj UNSATED adj UNSAVED adj UNSAVORY adj UNSAWED adj UNSAWN adj UNSAY v -SAID, -SAYING, -SAYS to retract something said UNSCALED adj UNSCREW v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the screws from UNSEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the seal of UNSEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to open the seams of UNSEARED adj UNSEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a seat UNSEEDED adj UNSEEING adj UNSEEMLY adj -LIER, -LIEST UNSEEN adj UNSEIZED adj UNSENT adj UNSERVED adj UNSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to unsettle UNSETTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make unstable UNSEW v -SEWED, -SEWN, -SEWING, -SEWS to undo the sewing of UNSEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to deprive of sexual power UNSEXUAL adj UNSEXY adj UNSHADED adj UNSHAKEN adj UNSHAMED adj UNSHAPED adj UNSHAPEN adj UNSHARED adj UNSHARP adj UNSHAVED adj UNSHAVEN adj UNSHED adj UNSHELL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the shell from UNSHIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to release the shift key on a typewriter UNSHIP v -SHIPPED, -SHIPPING, -SHIPS to unload from a ship UNSHOD adj UNSHORN adj UNSHOWY adj UNSHRUNK adj UNSHUT adj UNSICKER adj unreliable UNSIFTED adj UNSIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to prevent from seeing UNSIGNED adj UNSILENT adj UNSINFUL adj UNSIZED adj UNSLAKED adj UNSLICED adj UNSLING v -SLUNG, -SLINGING, -SLINGS to remove from a slung position UNSMART adj UNSMOKED adj UNSNAP v -SNAPPED, -SNAPPING, -SNAPS to undo the snaps of UNSNARL v -ED, -ING, -S to untangle UNSOAKED adj UNSOBER adj UNSOCIAL adj UNSOILED adj UNSOLD adj UNSOLDER v -ED, -ING, -S to separate UNSOLID adj UNSOLVED adj UNSONCY adj unsonsie UNSONSIE adj unlucky UNSONSY adj unsonsie UNSORTED adj UNSOUGHT adj UNSOUND adj -SOUNDER, -SOUNDEST UNSOURED adj UNSOWED adj UNSOWN adj UNSPEAK v -SPOKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS to unsay UNSPENT adj UNSPHERE v -SPHERED, -SPHERING, -SPHERES to remove from a sphere UNSPILT adj UNSPLIT adj UNSPOILT adj UNSPRUNG adj UNSPUN adj UNSTABLE adj -BLER, -BLEST UNSTABLY adv UNSTACK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove from a stack UNSTATE v -STATED, -STATING, -STATES to deprive of status UNSTAYED adj not secured with ropes or wires UNSTEADY adj -STEADIER, -STEADIEST UNSTEADY v -STEADIED, -STEADYING, -STEADIES to make unsteady UNSTEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to make soft UNSTEP v -STEPPED, -STEPPING, -STEPS to remove from a socket UNSTICK v -STUCK, -STICKING, -STICKS to disjoin UNSTITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to remove the stitches from UNSTONED adj UNSTOP v -STOPPED, -STOPPING, -STOPS to remove a stopper from UNSTRAP v -STRAPPED, -STRAPPING, -STRAPS to remove a strap from UNSTRESS n pl. -ES a syllable having relatively weak stress UNSTRING v -STRUNG, -STRINGING, -STRINGS to remove from a string UNSTUCK past tense of unstick UNSTUFFY adj UNSTUNG adj UNSUBTLE adj UNSUBTLY adv UNSUITED adj UNSUNG adj UNSUNK adj UNSURE adj UNSURELY adv UNSWATHE v -SWATHED, -SWATHING, -SWATHES to unbind UNSWAYED adj UNSWEAR v -SWORE, -SWORN, -SWEARING, -SWEARS to retract something sworn UNSWEPT adj UNTACK v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a tack from UNTAGGED adj UNTAKEN adj UNTAME adj UNTAMED adj UNTANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to free from tangles UNTANNED adj UNTAPPED adj UNTASTED adj UNTAXED adj UNTEACH v -TAUGHT, -TEACHING, -TEACHES to cause to unlearn something UNTENDED adj UNTENTED adj not probed or attended to UNTESTED adj UNTETHER v -ED, -ING, -S to free from a tether UNTHAWED adj UNTHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS to dismiss from the mind UNTHREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to remove the thread from UNTHRONE v -THRONED, -THRONING, -THRONES to remove from a throne UNTIDILY adv UNTIDY adj -DIER, -DIEST UNTIDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to make untidy UNTIE v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to free from something that ties UNTIL prep up to the time of UNTILLED adj UNTILTED adj UNTIMELY adj -LIER, -LIEST UNTINGED adj UNTIPPED adj UNTIRED adj UNTIRING adj UNTITLED adj UNTO prep to UNTOLD adj UNTORN adj UNTOWARD adj unruly UNTRACED adj UNTREAD v -TROD, -TRODDEN, -TREADING, -TREADS to retrace UNTRENDY adj UNTRIED adj UNTRIM v -TRIMMED, -TRIMMING, -TRIMS to strip of trimming UNTRUE adj -TRUER, -TRUEST UNTRULY adv UNTRUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to free from a truss UNTRUSTY adj UNTRUTH n pl. -S something that is untrue UNTUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to release from being tucked up UNTUFTED adj UNTUNE v -TUNED, -TUNING, -TUNES to put out of tune UNTURNED adj UNTWINE v -TWINED, -TWINING, -TWINES to separate the twisted or tangled parts of UNTWIST v -ED, -ING, -S to untwine UNTYING present participle of untie UNUNITED adj UNURGED adj UNUSABLE adj UNUSED adj UNUSUAL adj UNVALUED adj UNVARIED adj UNVEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a covering from UNVEINED adj UNVERSED adj UNVEXED adj UNVEXT adj UNVIABLE adj UNVOCAL adj UNVOICE v -VOICED, -VOICING, -VOICES to deprive of voice or vocal quality UNWALLED adj UNWANING adj UNWANTED adj UNWARIER comparative of unwary UNWARIEST superlative of unwary UNWARILY adv UNWARMED adj UNWARNED adj UNWARPED adj UNWARY adj -WARIER, -WARIEST UNWASHED n pl. -S an ignorant or underprivileged group UNWASTED adj UNWAXED adj UNWEANED adj UNWEARY adj UNWEAVE v -WOVE, -WOVEN, -WEAVING, -WEAVES to undo something woven UNWED adj UNWEDDED adj UNWEEDED adj UNWEIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce the weight of UNWELDED adj UNWELL adj UNWEPT adj UNWETTED adj UNWHITE adj UNWIELDY adj -WIELDIER, -WIELDIEST UNWIFELY adj UNWILLED adj UNWIND v -WOUND, -WINDING, -WINDS to reverse the winding of UNWINDER n pl. -S one that unwinds UNWISDOM n pl. -S lack of wisdom UNWISE adj -WISER, -WISEST UNWISELY adv UNWISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cease to wish for UNWIT v -WITTED, -WITTING, -WITS to make insane UNWON adj UNWONTED adj unusual UNWOODED adj UNWOOED adj UNWORKED adj UNWORN adj UNWORTHY adj -THIER, -THIEST UNWORTHY n pl. -THIES an unworthy person UNWOUND past tense of unwind UNWOVE past tense of unweave UNWOVEN past participle of unweave UNWRAP v -WRAPPED, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to remove the wrapping from UNWRUNG adj UNYEANED adj unborn UNYOKE v -YOKED, -YOKING, -YOKES to free from a yoke UNYOUNG adj UNZIP v -ZIPPED, -ZIPPING, -ZIPS to open the zipper of UNZONED adj UP v UPPED, UPPING, UPS to raise UPAS n pl. -ES an Asian tree UPBEAR v -BORE, -BORNE, -BEARING, -BEARS to raise aloft UPBEARER n pl. -S one that upbears UPBEAT n pl. -S an unaccented beat in a musical measure UPBIND v -BOUND, -BINDING, -BINDS to bind completely UPBOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to boil up UPBORE past tense of upbear UPBORNE past participle of upbear UPBOUND past tense of upbind UPBOW n pl. -S a type of stroke in playing a bowed instrument UPBRAID v -ED, -ING, -S to reproach severely UPBUILD v -BUILT, -BUILDING, -BUILDS to build up UPBY adv upbye UPBYE adv a little farther on UPCAST v -CAST, -CASTING, -CASTS to cast up UPCHUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit UPCLIMB v -ED, -ING, -S to climb up UPCOAST adv up the coast UPCOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to coil up UPCOMING adj about to happen or appear UPCURL v -ED, -ING, -S to curl up UPCURVE v -CURVED, -CURVING, -CURVES to curve upward UPDART v -ED, -ING, -S to dart up UPDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to bring up to date UPDATER n pl. -S one that updates UPDIVE v -DIVED or -DOVE, -DIVING, -DIVES to spring upward UPDO n pl. -DOS an upswept hairdo UPDRAFT n pl. -S an upward movement of air UPDRY v -DRIED, -DRYING, -DRIES to dry completely UPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to set or stand on end UPFIELD adv into the part of the field toward which the offensive team is going UPFLING v -FLUNG, -FLINGING, -FLINGS to fling up UPFLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to flow up UPFOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to fold up UPFRONT adj honest; candid UPGATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to gather up UPGAZE v -GAZED, -GAZING, -GAZES to gaze up UPGIRD v -GIRDED or -GIRT, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to gird completely UPGOING adj going up UPGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES to raise to a higher grade or standard UPGROW v -GREW, -GROWN, -GROWING, -GROWS to grow up UPGROWTH n pl. -S the process of growing up UPHEAP v -ED, -ING, -S to heap up UPHEAVAL n pl. -S the act of upheaving UPHEAVE v -HEAVED or -HOVE, -HEAVING, -HEAVES to heave up UPHEAVER n pl. -S one that upheaves UPHELD past tense of uphold UPHILL n pl. -S an upward slope UPHOARD v -ED, -ING, -S to hoard up UPHOLD v -HELD, -HOLDING, -HOLDS to hold aloft UPHOLDER n pl. -S one that upholds UPHOVE a past tense of upheave UPHROE n pl. -S euphroe UPKEEP n pl. -S the cost of maintaining something in good condition UPLAND n pl. -S the higher land of a region UPLANDER n pl. -S an inhabitant of an upland UPLEAP v -LEAPED or -LEAPT, -LEAPING, -LEAPS to leap up UPLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to lift up UPLIFTER n pl. -S one that uplifts UPLIGHT v -LIGHTED or -LIT, -LIGHTING, -LIGHTS to light to a higher degree UPLINK n pl. -S a communications channel to a spacecraft UPLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer information from a small computer to a larger computer UPMARKET adj appealing to wealthy consumers UPMOST adj highest UPO prep upon UPON prep on UPPED past tense of up UPPER n pl. -S the part of a boot or shoe above the sole UPPERCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to strike an upward blow UPPILE v -PILED, -PILING, -PILES to pile up UPPING n pl. -S the process of marking young swans for identification purposes UPPISH adj uppity UPPISHLY adv UPPITY adj tending to be snobbish and arrogant UPPROP v -PROPPED, -PROPPING, -PROPS to prop up UPRAISE v -RAISED, -RAISING, -RAISES to raise up UPRAISER n pl. -S one that upraises UPRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to improve the power output of an engine UPREACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to reach up UPREAR v -ED, -ING, -S to upraise UPRIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to make vertical UPRISE v -ROSE, -RISEN, -RISING, -RISES to rise up UPRISER n pl. -S one that uprises UPRISING n pl. -S a revolt UPRIVER n pl. -S an area lying toward the source of a river UPROAR n pl. -S a state of noisy excitement and confusion UPROOT v -ED, -ING, -S to pull up by the roots UPROOTAL n pl. -S the act of uprooting UPROOTER n pl. -S one that uproots UPROSE past tense of uprise UPROUSE v -ROUSED, -ROUSING, -ROUSES to rouse up UPRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to rush up UPSCALE v -LED, -LING, -LES to change something so as to appeal to affluent consumers UPSEND v -SENT, -SENDING, -SENDS to send upward UPSET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to overturn UPSETTER n pl. -S one that upsets UPSHIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to shift an automotive vehicle into a higher gear UPSHOOT v -SHOT, -SHOOTING, -SHOOTS to shoot upward UPSHOT n pl. -S the final result UPSIDE n pl. -S a positive aspect UPSILON n pl. -S a Greek letter UPSOAR v -ED, -ING, -S to soar upward UPSPRING v -SPRANG or -SPRUNG, -SPRINGING, -SPRINGS to spring up UPSTAGE v -STAGED, -STAGING, -STAGES to outdo theatrically UPSTAIR adj pertaining to an upper floor UPSTAIRS adv up the stairs UPSTAND v -STOOD, -STANDING, -STANDS to stand up on one's feet UPSTARE v -STARED, -STARING, -STARES to stare upward UPSTART v -ED, -ING, -S to spring up suddenly UPSTATE n pl. -S the northern region of a state UPSTATER n pl. -S an inhabitant of an upstate region UPSTEP v -STEPPED, -STEPPING, -STEPS to step up UPSTIR v -STIRRED, -STIRRING, -STIRS to stir up UPSTOOD past tense of upstand UPSTREAM adv toward the source of a stream UPSTROKE n pl. -S an upward stroke UPSURGE v -SURGED, -SURGING, -SURGES to surge up UPSWEEP v -SWEPT, -SWEEPING, -SWEEPS to sweep upward UPSWELL v -SWELLED, -SWOLLEN, -SWELLING, -SWELLS to swell up UPSWING v -SWUNG, -SWINGING, -SWINGS to swing upward UPTAKE n pl. -S an upward ventilating shaft UPTEAR v -TORE, -TORN, -TEARING, -TEARS to tear out by the roots UPTHROW v -THREW, -THROWN, -THROWING, -THROWS to throw upward UPTHRUST v -THRUST, -THRUSTING, -THRUSTS to thrust up UPTICK n pl. -S an increase or rise UPTIGHT adj nervous UPTILT v -ED, -ING, -S to tilt upward UPTIME n pl. -S the time during which machinery is functioning UPTORE past tense of uptear UPTORN past participle of uptear UPTOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to toss upward UPTOWN n pl. -S the upper part of a city UPTOWNER n pl. -S one that lives uptown UPTREND n pl. -S a tendency upward or toward growth UPTURN v -ED, -ING, -S to turn up or over UPWAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to waft upward UPWARD adv toward a higher place or position UPWARDLY adv UPWARDS adv upward UPWELL v -ED, -ING, -S to well up UPWIND n pl. -S a wind that blows against one's course URACIL n pl. -S a chemical compound URAEMIA n pl. -S uremia URAEMIC adj URAEUS n pl. URAEI or URAEUSES the figure of the sacred serpent on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers URALITE n pl. -S a mineral URALITIC adj URANIA n pl. -S uranium dioxide URANIC adj pertaining to uranium URANIDE n pl. -S uranium URANISM n pl. -S homosexuality URANITE n pl. -S a mineral URANITIC adj URANIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element URANOUS adj pertaining to uranium URANYL n pl. -S a bivalent radical URANYLIC adj URARE n pl. -S curare URARI n pl. -S curare URASE n pl. -S urease URATE n pl. -S a chemical salt URATIC adj URB n pl. -S an urban area URBAN adj pertaining to a city URBANE adj -BANER, -BANEST refined and elegant URBANELY adv URBANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to urbanize URBANISM n pl. -S the lifestyle of city dwellers URBANIST n pl. -S a specialist in city planning URBANITE n pl. -S one who lives in a city URBANITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being urbane URBANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause to take on urban characteristics URBIA n pl. -S cities collectively URCHIN n pl. -S a mischievous boy URD n pl. -S an annual bean grown in India UREA n pl. -S a chemical compound UREAL adj UREASE n pl. -S an enzyme UREDIA pl. of uredium UREDIAL adj pertaining to a uredium UREDINIA n/pl uredia UREDIUM n pl. -DIA a spore-producing organ of certain fungi UREDO n pl. -DOS a skin irritation UREIC adj pertaining to urea UREIDE n pl. -S a chemical compound UREMIA n pl. -S an abnormal condition of the blood UREMIC adj URETER n pl. -S the duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder URETERAL, URETERIC adj URETHAN n pl. -S urethane URETHANE n pl. -S a chemical compound URETHRA n pl. -THRAE or -THRAS the duct through which urine is discharged from the bladder URETHRAL adj URETIC adj pertaining to urine URGE v URGED, URGING, URGES to force forward URGENCY n pl. -CIES the quality of being urgent URGENT adj requiring immediate attention URGENTLY adv URGER n pl. -S one that urges URGING present participle of urge URGINGLY adv in an urging manner URIAL n pl. -S a wild Asian sheep URIC adj pertaining to urine URIDINE n pl. -S a chemical compound URINAL n pl. -S a fixture used for urinating URINARY n pl. -NARIES a urinal URINATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to discharge urine URINE n pl. -S a liquid containing body wastes URINEMIA n pl. -S uremia URINEMIC adj URINOSE adj pertaining to urine URINOUS adj pertaining to urine URN n pl. -S a type of vase URNLIKE adj UROCHORD n pl. -S a rodlike structure in certain lower vertebrates URODELE n pl. -S a type of amphibian UROLITH n pl. -S a concretion in the urinary tract UROLOGY n pl. -GIES the branch of medicine dealing with the urinary tract UROLOGIC adj UROPOD n pl. -S an abdominal limb of an arthropod UROPODAL adj UROPYGIA n/pl the humps from which birds' tail feathers grow UROSCOPY n pl. -PIES analysis of the urine as a means of diagnosis UROSTYLE n pl. -S a part of the vertebral column of frogs and toads URSA n pl. -SAE a female bear URSIFORM adj having the form of a bear URSINE adj pertaining to a bear URTEXT n pl. -S the original text URTICANT n pl. -S an urticating substance URTICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to cause itching or stinging URUS n pl. -ES an extinct European ox URUSHIOL n pl. -S a toxic liquid US pron the objective case of the pronoun we USABLE adj capable of being used USABLY adv USAGE n pl. -S a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure USANCE n pl. -S usage USAUNCE n pl. -S usance USE v USED, USING, USES to put into service USEABLE adj usable USEABLY adv USEFUL adj serving a purpose USEFULLY adv USELESS adj serving no purpose USER n pl. -S one that uses USHER v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct to a place USING present participle of use USNEA n pl. -S any of a genus of lichens USQUABAE n pl. -S usquebae USQUE n pl. -S usquebae USQUEBAE n pl. -S whiskey USTULATE adj scorched USUAL n pl. -S something that is usual (ordinary) USUALLY adv ordinarily USUFRUCT n pl. -S the legal right to use another's property so long as it is not damaged or altered USURER n pl. -S one that practices usury USURIES pl. of usury USURIOUS adj practicing usury USURP v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and hold without legal authority USURPER n pl. -S one that usurps USURY n pl. -RIES the lending of money at an exorbitant interest rate UT n pl. -S the musical tone C in the French solmization system now replaced by do UTA n pl. -S any of a genus of large lizards UTENSIL n pl. -S a useful implement UTERUS n pl. UTERI or UTERUSES an organ of female mammals UTERINE adj UTILE adj useful UTILIDOR n pl. -S an insulated system of pipes for use in arctic regions UTILISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to utilize UTILISER n pl. -S utilizer UTILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being useful UTILIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to make use of UTILIZER n pl. -S one that utilizes UTMOST n pl. -S the greatest degree or amount UTOPIA n pl. -S a place of ideal perfection UTOPIAN n pl. -S one who believes in the perfectibility of human society UTOPISM n pl. -S the body of ideals or principles of a utopian UTOPIST n pl. -S a utopian UTRICLE n pl. -S a saclike cavity in the inner ear UTRICULI n/pl utricles UTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to give audible expression to UTTERER n pl. -S one that utters UTTERLY adv totally UVEA n pl. -S a layer of the eye UVEAL adj UVEITIS n pl. -ITISES inflammation of the uvea UVEITIC adj UVEOUS adj pertaining to the uvea UVULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS the pendent, fleshy portion of the soft palate UVULAR n pl. -S a uvularly produced sound UVULARLY adv with the use of the uvula UVULITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the uvula UXORIAL adj pertaining to a wife UXORIOUS adj excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife VAC n pl. -S a vacuum cleaner VACANCY n pl. -CIES the quality or state of being vacant VACANT adj empty VACANTLY adv VACATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to make vacant VACATION v -ED, -ING, -S to take a vacation (a period of time devoted to rest and relaxation) VACCINA n pl. -S vaccinia VACCINE n pl. -S a preparation given to produce immunity to a specific disease VACCINAL adj VACCINEE n pl. -S one that is vaccinated VACCINIA n pl. -S cowpox VACUA a pl. of vacuum VACUITY n pl. -ITIES an empty space VACUOLE n pl. -S a small cavity in organic tissue VACUOLAR adj VACUOUS adj empty VACUUM n pl. VACUUMS or VACUA a space entirely devoid of matter VACUUM v -ED, -ING, -S to use a device that cleans by suction VADOSE adj located above the permanent groundwater level VAGABOND v -ED, -ING, -S to live like a vagabond (a vagrant) VAGAL adj pertaining to the vagus nerve VAGALLY adv VAGARY n pl. -RIES a whim VAGI pl. of vagus VAGILE adj free to move about VAGILITY n pl. -TIES freedom of movement VAGINA n pl. -NAE or -NAS the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva VAGINAL adj VAGINATE adj enclosed in a sheath VAGOTOMY n pl. -MIES surgical division of the vagus nerve VAGRANCY n pl. -CIES the state of being a vagrant VAGRANT n pl. -S a wanderer with no apparent means of support VAGROM adj wandering VAGUE adj VAGUER, VAGUEST not clearly expressed or understood VAGUELY adv VAGUS n pl. -GI a cranial nerve VAHINE n pl. -S wahine VAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to lower VAIN adj VAINER, VAINEST filled with undue admiration for oneself VAINLY adv VAINNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being vain VAIR n pl. -S a fur used for lining and trimming medieval garments VAKEEL n pl. -S a native lawyer in India VAKIL n pl. -S vakeel VALANCE v -LANCED, -LANCING, -LANCES to furnish with a short drapery VALE n pl. -S a valley VALENCE n pl. -S the degree of combining power of an element or radical VALENCIA n pl. -S a woven fabric VALENCY n pl. -CIES valence VALERATE n pl. -S a chemical salt VALERIAN n pl. -S a perennial herb VALERIC adj VALET v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a personal servant to VALGUS n pl. -ES the position of a joint that is abnormally turned outward VALGOID adj VALIANCE n pl. -S valor VALIANCY n pl. -CIES valor VALIANT n pl. -S a courageous person VALID adj based on evidence that can be supported VALIDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to give legal force to VALIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being valid VALIDLY adv in a valid manner VALINE n pl. -S an amino acid VALISE n pl. -S a small piece of hand luggage VALKYR n pl. -S valkyrie VALKYRIE n pl. -S a maiden in Norse mythology VALLATE adj bordered by a raised edge VALLEY n pl. -LEYS a depression of the earth's surface VALONIA n pl. -S a substance obtained from dried acorn cups and used in tanning and dyeing VALOR n pl. -S courage VALORISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to valorize VALORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to establish and maintain the price of by governmental action VALOROUS adj courageous VALOUR n pl. -S valor VALSE n pl. -S a concert waltz VALUABLE n pl. -S a possession of value VALUABLY adv with value VALUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to appraise VALUATOR n pl. -S one that valuates VALUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to estimate the value (the quality that renders a thing useful or desirable) of VALUER n pl. -S one that values VALUTA n pl. -S the agreed or exchange value of a currency VALVAL adj resembling or pertaining to a valve VALVAR adj valval VALVATE adj having valves or parts resembling valves VALVE v VALVED, VALVING, VALVES to provide with a valve (a device for controlling the flow of a liquid or gas) VALVELET n pl. -S a small valve VALVULA n pl. -LAE valvule VALVULAR adj pertaining to a valve VALVULE n pl. -S a small valve VAMBRACE n pl. -S a piece of armor for the forearm VAMOOSE v -MOOSED, -MOOSING, -MOOSES to leave quickly VAMOSE v -MOSED, -MOSING, -MOSES to vamoose VAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to repair or patch VAMPER n pl. -S one that vamps VAMPIRE n pl. -S a reanimated corpse believed to feed on sleeping persons' blood VAMPIRIC adj VAMPISH adj seductive VAN v VANNED, VANNING, VANS to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) VANADATE n pl. -S a chemical salt VANADIUM n pl. -S a metallic element VANADIC, VANADOUS adj VANDA n pl. -S a tropical orchid VANDAL n pl. -S one who willfully destroys or defaces property VANDALIC adj VANDYKE n pl. -S a short, pointed beard VANDYKED adj VANE n pl. -S a device for showing the direction of the wind VANED adj VANG n pl. -S a rope on a ship VANGUARD n pl. -S the forefront of a movement VANILLA n pl. -S a flavoring extract VANILLIC adj VANILLIN n pl. -S a chemical compound used in flavoring VANISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to disappear VANISHER n pl. -S one that vanishes VANITORY n pl. -RIES a combined dressing table and basin VANITY n pl. -TIES inflated pride in oneself VANITIED adj VANMAN n pl. -MEN a person who drives a van VANNED past tense of van VANNER n pl. -S a person who owns a van VANNING present participle of van VANPOOL n pl. -S an arrangement whereby several commuters travel in one van VANQUISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to defeat in battle VANTAGE n pl. -S superiority over a competitor VANWARD adv toward the front VAPID adj insipid VAPIDLY adv VAPIDITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being vapid VAPOR v -ED, -ING, -S to emit vapor (visible floating moisture) VAPORER n pl. -S one that vapors VAPORING n pl. -S boastful talk VAPORISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to vaporize VAPORISH adj resembling vapor VAPORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to convert into vapor VAPOROUS adj vaporish VAPORY adj vaporish VAPOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to vapor VAPOURER n pl. -S vaporer VAPOURY adj vapory VAQUERO n pl. -ROS a cowboy VAR n pl. -S a unit of reactive power VARA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of length VARACTOR n pl. -S a capacitor with variable capacitance VARIA n/pl a collection of various literary works VARIABLE n pl. -S something that varies VARIABLY adv in a varying manner VARIANCE n pl. -S a license to perform an act contrary to the usual rule VARIANT n pl. -S a variable VARIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to vary VARICES pl. of varix VARICOSE adj abnormally swollen or dilated VARIED past tense of vary VARIEDLY adv in a varied manner VARIER n pl. -S one that varies VARIES present 3d person sing. of vary VARIETAL n pl. -S a wine designated by the variety of grape VARIETY n pl. -ETIES something differing from others of the same general kind VARIFORM adj having various forms VARIOLA n pl. -S smallpox VARIOLAR adj VARIOLE n pl. -S a foveola VARIORUM n pl. -S an edition containing various versions of a text VARIOUS adj of diverse kinds VARISTOR n pl. -S a type of electrical resistor VARIX n pl. VARICES a varicose vein VARLET n pl. -S a knave VARLETRY n pl. -RIES a group of common people VARMENT n pl. -S varmint VARMINT n pl. -S an animal considered to be a pest VARNA n pl. -S any of the four main Hindu social classes VARNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to give a glossy appearance to VARNISHY adj glossy VAROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to vroom VARSITY n pl. -TIES the principal team representing a university, college, or school in any activity VARUS n pl. -ES a malformation of a bone or joint VARVE n pl. -S a deposit of sedimentary material VARVED adj VARY v VARIED, VARYING, VARIES to become or make different VAS n pl. VASA an anatomical duct VASAL adj VASCULAR adj pertaining to ducts that convey body fluids VASCULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a box used to hold plant specimens VASE n pl. -S a rounded, decorative container VASELIKE adj VASIFORM adj having the form of a vase VASOTOMY n pl. -MIES a surgical cutting of the vas deferens VASSAL n pl. -S a person granted the use of land by a feudal lord in return for homage and allegiance VAST adj VASTER, VASTEST of great extent or size VAST n pl. -S a vast space VASTIER comparative of vasty VASTIEST superlative of vasty VASTITY n pl. -TIES vastness VASTLY adv to a vast extent or degree VASTNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being vast VASTY adj VASTIER, VASTIEST vast VAT v VATTED, VATTING, VATS to put into a vat (a large container for holding liquids) VATFUL n pl. -S as much as a vat can hold VATIC adj pertaining to a prophet VATICAL adj vatic VATICIDE n pl. -S the killing of a prophet VATTED past tense of vat VATTING present participle of vat VATU n pl. -S a monetary unit of Vanuatu VAU n pl. -S vav VAULT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a vault (an arched ceiling) VAULTER n pl. -S one that leaps VAULTING n pl. -S the structure forming a vault VAULTY adj VAULTIER, VAULTIEST resembling a vault VAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to brag VAUNTER n pl. -S one that vaunts VAUNTFUL adj boastful VAUNTIE adj boastful VAUNTY adj vauntie VAV n pl. -S a Hebrew letter VAVASOR n pl. -S a high-ranking vassal VAVASOUR n pl. -S vavasor VAVASSOR n pl. -S vavasor VAW n pl. -S vav VAWARD n pl. -S the foremost part VAWNTIE adj vaunty VEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to kill and prepare a calf for food VEALER n pl. -S a calf raised for food VEALY adj VEALIER, VEALIEST immature VECTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to guide in flight by means of radioed directions VEDALIA n pl. -S an Australian ladybug VEDETTE n pl. -S a small boat used for scouting VEE n pl. -S the letter V VEEJAY n pl. -JAYS an announcer on a program of music videos VEENA n pl. -S vina VEEP n pl. -S a vice president VEEPEE n pl. -S veep VEER v -ED, -ING, -S to change direction VEERY n pl. -RIES a songbird VEG n pl. VEG a vegetable VEGAN n pl. -S one that eats only plant products VEGANISM n pl. -S the practice of eating only plant products VEGETAL adj pertaining to plants VEGETANT adj characteristic of plant life VEGETATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to grow in the manner of a plant VEGETE adj healthy VEGETIST n pl. -S one that eats only plant products VEGETIVE adj growing or capable of growing VEGGIE n pl. -S a vegetable VEGIE n pl. -S veggie VEHEMENT adj ardent VEHICLE n pl. -S a device used as a means of conveyance VEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a veil (a piece of sheer fabric worn over the face) VEILEDLY adv in a disguised manner VEILER n pl. -S one that veils VEILING n pl. -S a veil VEILLIKE adj resembling a veil VEIN v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with veins (tubular blood vessels) VEINAL adj of or pertaining to the veins VEINER n pl. -S a tool used in wood carving VEINIER comparative of veiny VEINIEST superlative of veiny VEINING n pl. -S a network of veins VEINLESS adj having no veins VEINLET n pl. -S a small vein VEINLIKE adj resembling a vein VEINULE n pl. -S venule VEINULET n pl. -S venule VEINY adj VEINIER, VEINIEST full of veins VELA pl. of velum VELAMEN n pl. -MINA a velum VELAR n pl. -S a kind of speech sound VELARIUM n pl. -IA an awning over an ancient Roman theater VELARIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to pronounce with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate VELATE adj having a velum VELD n pl. -S veldt VELDT n pl. -S a grassland of southern Africa VELIGER n pl. -S a larval stage of certain mollusks VELITES n/pl foot soldiers of ancient Rome VELLEITY n pl. -ITIES a very low degree of desire VELLUM n pl. -S a fine parchment VELOCE adv rapidly -- used as a musical direction VELOCITY n pl. -TIES rapidity of motion VELOUR n pl. -S a fabric resembling velvet VELOUTE n pl. -S a type of sauce VELUM n pl. -LA a thin membranous covering or partition VELURE v -LURED, -LURING, -LURES to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat VELVERET n pl. -S a fabric resembling velvet VELVET n pl. -S a soft, smooth fabric VELVETED, VELVETY adj VENA n pl. -NAE a vein VENAL adj open to bribery VENALLY adv VENALITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being venal VENATIC adj pertaining to hunting VENATION n pl. -S an arrangement of veins VEND v -ED, -ING, -S to sell VENDABLE adj VENDACE n pl. -S a European fish VENDEE n pl. -S a buyer VENDER n pl. -S vendor VENDETTA n pl. -S a feud between two families VENDEUSE n pl. -S a saleswoman VENDIBLE n pl. -S a salable article VENDIBLY adv salably VENDOR n pl. -S a seller VENDUE n pl. -S a public sale VENEER v -ED, -ING, -S to overlay with thin layers of material VENEERER n pl. -S one that veneers VENENATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to poison VENENOSE adj poisonous VENERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to revere VENEREAL adj involving the genital organs VENERY n pl. -ERIES sexual intercourse VENETIAN n pl. -S a flexible window screen VENGE v VENGED, VENGING, VENGES to avenge VENGEFUL adj seeking to avenge VENIAL adj easily excused or forgiven VENIALLY adv VENIN n pl. -S a toxin found in snake venom VENINE n pl. -S venin VENIRE n pl. -S a type of judicial writ VENISON n pl. -S the edible flesh of a deer VENOGRAM n pl. -S a roentgenogram of a vein VENOM v -ED, -ING, -S to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) VENOMER n pl. -S one that venoms VENOMOUS adj poisonous VENOSE adj venous VENOSITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being venous VENOUS adj full of veins VENOUSLY adv VENT v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a vent (an opening for the escape of gas or liquid) VENTAGE n pl. -S a small opening VENTAIL n pl. -S the adjustable front of a medieval helmet VENTER n pl. -S the abdomen VENTLESS adj having no vent VENTRAL n pl. -S a fin located on the underside of a fish VENTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to risk VENTURER n pl. -S one that ventures VENTURI n pl. -S a device for measuring the flow of a fluid VENTURING present participle of venture VENUE n pl. -S the locale of an event VENULE n pl. -S a small vein VENULAR, VENULOSE, VENULOUS adj VERA adj very VERACITY n pl. -TIES conformity to truth VERANDA n pl. -S a type of porch VERANDAH n pl. -S veranda VERATRIA n pl. -S veratrin VERATRIN n pl. -S a poisonous mixture of alkaloids VERATRUM n pl. -S a poisonous herb VERB n pl. -S a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being VERBAL n pl. -S a word derived from a verb VERBALLY adv in a spoken manner VERBATIM adv word for word VERBENA n pl. -S a flowering plant VERBIAGE n pl. -S an excess of words VERBID n pl. -S a verbal VERBIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to use as a verb VERBILE n pl. -S one whose mental imagery consists of words VERBLESS adj lacking a verb VERBOSE adj wordy VERBOTEN adj forbidden VERDANCY n pl. -CIES the quality or state of being verdant VERDANT adj green with vegetation VERDERER n pl. -S an officer in charge of the royal forests of England VERDEROR n pl. -S verderer VERDICT n pl. -S the decision of a jury at the end of a legal proceeding VERDIN n pl. -S a small bird VERDITER n pl. -S a blue or green pigment VERDURE n pl. -S green vegetation VERDURED adj VERECUND adj shy VERGE v VERGED, VERGING, VERGES to come near VERGENCE n pl. -S a movement of one eye in relation to the other VERGER n pl. -S a church official VERGING present participle of verge VERGLAS n pl. -ES a thin coating of ice on rock VERIDIC adj truthful VERIER comparative of very VERIEST superlative of very VERIFIER n pl. -S one that verifies VERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to prove to be true VERILY adv in truth VERISM n pl. -S realism in art or literature VERISMO n pl. -MOS verism VERIST n pl. -S one who practices verism VERISTIC adj VERITAS n pl. -TATES truth VERITE n pl. -S the technique of filming so as to convey candid realism VERITY n pl. -TIES truth VERJUICE n pl. -S the juice of sour or unripe fruit VERMEIL n pl. -S a red color VERMES pl. of vermis VERMIAN adj pertaining to worms VERMIN n pl. VERMIN small, common, harmful, or objectionable animals VERMIS n pl. -MES a part of the brain VERMOULU adj eaten by worms VERMOUTH n pl. -S a liqueur VERMUTH n pl. -S vermouth VERNACLE n pl. -S vernicle VERNAL adj pertaining to spring VERNALLY adv VERNICLE n pl. -S veronica VERNIER n pl. -S an auxiliary scale used with a main scale to obtain fine measurements VERNIX n pl. -ES a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus VERONICA n pl. -S a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face VERRUCA n pl. -CAE a wart VERSAL adj entire VERSANT n pl. -S the slope of a mountain or mountain chain VERSE v VERSED, VERSING, VERSES to versify VERSEMAN n pl. -MEN one who versifies VERSER n pl. -S a verseman VERSET n pl. -S a versicle VERSICLE n pl. -S a short line of metrical writing VERSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to change from prose into metrical form VERSINE n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle VERSING present participle of verse VERSION n pl. -S an account or description from a particular point of view VERSO n pl. -SOS a left-hand page of a book VERST n pl. -S a Russian measure of distance VERSTE n pl. -S verst VERSUS prep against VERT n pl. -S the heraldic color green VERTEBRA n pl. -BRAE or -BRAS any of the bones or segments forming the spinal column VERTEX n pl. -TEXES or -TICES the highest point of something VERTICAL n pl. -S something that is vertical (extending up and down) VERTICIL n pl. -S a circular arrangement, as of flowers or leaves, about a point on an axis VERTIGO n pl. -GOES, -GOS, or -GINES a disordered state in which the individual or his surroundings seem to whirl dizzily VERTU n pl. -S virtu VERVAIN n pl. -S a flowering plant VERVE n pl. -S vivacity VERVET n pl. -S an African monkey VERY adj VERIER, VERIEST absolute VESICA n pl. -CAE a bladder VESICAL adj VESICANT n pl. -S a chemical warfare agent that induces blistering VESICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to blister VESICLE n pl. -S a small bladder VESICULA n pl. -LAE a vesicle VESPER n pl. -S an evening service, prayer, or song VESPERAL n pl. -S a covering for an altar cloth VESPIARY n pl. -ARIES a nest of wasps VESPID n pl. -S a wasp VESPINE adj pertaining to wasps VESSEL n pl. -S a craft for traveling on water VESSELED adj VEST v -ED, -ING, -S to place in the control of VESTA n pl. -S a short friction match VESTAL n pl. -S a chaste woman VESTALLY adv chastely VESTEE n pl. -S a garment worn under a woman's jacket or blouse VESTIARY n pl. -ARIES a dressing room VESTIGE n pl. -S a visible sign of something that is no longer in existence VESTIGIA n/pl vestiges VESTING n pl. -S the right of an employee to share in and withdraw from a pension fund without penalty VESTLESS adj being without a vest VESTLIKE adj resembling a vest (a short, sleeveless garment) VESTMENT n pl. -S one of the ceremonial garments of the clergy VESTRY n pl. -TRIES a room in which vestments are kept VESTRAL adj VESTURAL adj pertaining to clothing VESTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to clothe VESUVIAN n pl. -S a mineral VET v VETTED, VETTING, VETS to treat animals medically VETCH n pl. -ES a climbing plant VETERAN n pl. -S a former member of the armed forces VETIVER n pl. -S an Asian grass VETIVERT n pl. -S the essential oil of the vetiver VETO v -ED, -ING, -ES to forbid or prevent authoritatively VETOER n pl. -S one that vetoes VETTED past tense of vet VETTING present participle of vet VEX v VEXED or VEXT, VEXING, VEXES to annoy VEXATION n pl. -S a cause of trouble VEXEDLY adv in a vexed manner VEXER n pl. -S one that vexes VEXIL n pl. -S vexillum VEXILLUM n pl. -LA the web or vane of a feather VEXILLAR adj VEXINGLY adv in a vexing manner VEXT a past tense of vex VIA prep by way of VIABLE adj capable of living VIABLY adv VIADUCT n pl. -S a type of bridge VIAL v VIALED, VIALING, VIALS or VIALLED, VIALLING, VIALS to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) VIAND n pl. -S an article of food VIATIC adj pertaining to traveling VIATICAL adj viatic VIATICUM n pl. -CA or -CUMS an allowance for traveling expenses VIATOR n pl. -ES or -S a traveler VIBE n pl. -S a vibration VIBIST n pl. -S one who plays the vibraphone VIBRANCE n pl. -S vibrancy VIBRANCY n pl. -CIES the quality or state of being vibrant VIBRANT n pl. -S a sonant VIBRATE v -BRATED, -BRATING, -BRATES to move back and forth rapidly VIBRATO n pl. -TOS a tremulous or pulsating musical effect VIBRATOR n pl. -S something that vibrates VIBRIO n pl. -RIOS any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma VIBRIOID adj VIBRION n pl. -S vibrio VIBRISSA n pl. -SAE one of the stiff hairs growing about the mouth of certain mammals VIBRONIC adj pertaining to changes in molecular energy states resulting from vibrational energy VIBURNUM n pl. -S a flowering shrub VICAR n pl. -S a church official VICARAGE n pl. -S the office of a vicar VICARATE n pl. -S vicarage VICARIAL adj pertaining to a vicar VICARLY adj vicarial VICE v VICED, VICING, VICES to vise VICELESS adj having no immoral habits VICENARY adj pertaining to the number twenty VICEROY n pl. -ROYS one who rules as the representative of a sovereign VICHY n pl. -CHIES a type of mineral water VICINAGE n pl. -S vicinity VICINAL adj nearby VICING present participle of vice VICINITY n pl. -TIES the region near or about a place VICIOUS adj dangerously aggressive VICOMTE n pl. -S a French nobleman VICTIM n pl. -S one who suffers from a destructive or injurious action VICTOR n pl. -S one who defeats an adversary VICTORIA n pl. -S a light carriage VICTORY n pl. -RIES a successful outcome in a contest or struggle VICTRESS n pl. -ES a female victor VICTUAL v -UALED, -UALING, -UALS or -UALLED, -UALLING, -UALS to provide with food VICUGNA n pl. -S vicuna VICUNA n pl. -S a ruminant mammal VIDE v see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated VIDEO n pl. -EOS television VIDEOTEX n pl. -ES an electronic system for transmitting data to a subscriber's video screen VIDETTE n pl. -S vedette VIDICON n pl. -S a type of television camera tube VIDUITY n pl. -ITIES the quality or state of being a widow VIE v VIED, VYING, VIES to strive for superiority VIER n pl. -S one that vies VIEW v -ED, -ING, -S to look at VIEWABLE adj VIEWDATA n pl. VIEWDATA a videotex VIEWER n pl. -S one that views VIEWIER comparative of viewy VIEWIEST superlative of viewy VIEWING n pl. -S an act of seeing, watching, or looking VIEWLESS adj having no opinions VIEWY adj VIEWIER, VIEWIEST showy VIG n pl. -S a vigorish VIGA n pl. -S a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture VIGIL n pl. -S a period of watchfulness maintained during normal sleeping hours VIGILANT adj watchful VIGNERON n pl. -S a winegrower VIGNETTE v -GNETTED, -GNETTING, -GNETTES to describe briefly VIGOR n pl. -S active strength or force VIGORISH n pl. -ES a charge paid to a bookie on a bet VIGOROSO adv with emphasis and spirit -- used as a musical direction VIGOROUS adj full of vigor VIGOUR n pl. -S vigor VIKING n pl. -S a Scandinavian pirate VILAYET n pl. -S an administrative division of Turkey VILE adj VILER, VILEST physically repulsive VILELY adv VILENESS n pl. -ES the state of being vile VILIFIER n pl. -S one that vilifies VILIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to defame VILIPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to vilify VILL n pl. -S a village VILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS an agricultural estate of ancient Rome VILLADOM n pl. -S the world constituted by suburban residences and their occupants VILLAGE n pl. -S a small community in a rural area VILLAGER n pl. -S one who lives in a village VILLAIN n pl. -S a cruelly malicious person VILLAINY n pl. -LAINIES conduct characteristic of a villain VILLATIC adj rural VILLEIN n pl. -S a type of serf VILLUS n pl. -LI one of the hairlike projections found on certain membranes VILLOSE, VILLOUS adj VIM n pl. -S energy VIMEN n pl. -MINA a long, flexible branch of a plant VIMINAL adj VIN n pl. -S wine VINA n pl. -S a stringed instrument of India VINAL n pl. -S a synthetic textile fiber VINASSE n pl. -S a residue left after the distillation of liquor VINCA n pl. -S a flowering plant VINCIBLE adj capable of being conquered VINCIBLY adv VINCULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a unifying bond VINDALOO n pl. -LOOS a curried dish made with meat, garlic, and wine VINE v VINED, VINING, VINES to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) VINEAL adj vinous VINEGAR n pl. -S a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative VINEGARY adj VINERY n pl. -ERIES a place in which grapevines are grown VINEYARD n pl. -S an area planted with grapevines VINIC adj derived from wine VINIER comparative of viny VINIEST superlative of viny VINIFERA n pl. -S a European grape VINIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into wine by fermentation VINING present participle of vine VINO n pl. -NOS wine VINOSITY n pl. -TIES the character of a wine VINOUS adj pertaining to wine VINOUSLY adv VINTAGE n pl. -S a season's yield of wine from a vineyard VINTAGER n pl. -S one that harvests wine grapes VINTNER n pl. -S a wine merchant VINY adj VINIER, VINIEST covered with vines VINYL n pl. -S a type of plastic VINYLIC adj VIOL n pl. -S a stringed instrument VIOLA n pl. -S a stringed instrument VIOLABLE adj capable of being violated VIOLABLY adv VIOLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to break or disregard the terms or requirements of VIOLATER n pl. -S violator VIOLATOR n pl. -S one that violates VIOLENCE n pl. -S violent action VIOLENT adj marked by intense physical force or roughness VIOLET n pl. -S a flowering plant VIOLIN n pl. -S a stringed instrument VIOLIST n pl. -S one who plays the viol or viola VIOLONE n pl. -S a stringed instrument VIOMYCIN n pl. -S an antibiotic VIPER n pl. -S a venomous snake VIPERINE, VIPERISH, VIPEROUS adj VIRAGO n pl. -GOES or -GOS a noisy, domineering woman VIRAL adj pertaining to or caused by a virus VIRALLY adv VIRELAI n pl. -S virelay VIRELAY n pl. -LAYS a medieval French verse form VIREMIA n pl. -S the presence of a virus in the blood VIREMIC adj VIREO n pl. -EOS a small bird VIRES pl. of vis VIRGA n pl. -S wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground VIRGATE n pl. -S an early English measure of land area VIRGIN n pl. -S a person who has never had sexual intercourse VIRGINAL n pl. -S a musical instrument VIRGULE n pl. -S a diagonal printing mark used to separate alternatives VIRICIDE n pl. -S a substance that destroys viruses VIRID adj verdant VIRIDIAN n pl. -S a bluish-green pigment VIRIDITY n pl. -TIES verdancy VIRILE adj having masculine vigor VIRILELY adv VIRILISM n pl. -S the development of male secondary sex characteristics in a female VIRILITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being virile VIRION n pl. -S a virus particle VIRL n pl. -S a metal ring or cap put around a shaft to prevent splitting VIROID n pl. -S a viruslike plant pathogen VIROLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of viruses VIROSIS n pl. -ROSES infection with a virus VIRTU n pl. -S a love or taste for the fine arts VIRTUAL adj having the effect but not the actual form of what is specified VIRTUE n pl. -S moral excellence VIRTUOSA n pl. -SAS or -SE a female virtuoso VIRTUOSO n pl. -SOS or -SI a highly skilled artistic performer VIRTUOUS adj characterized by virtue VIRUCIDE n pl. -S viricide VIRULENT adj extremely poisonous VIRUS n pl. -ES any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens VIS n pl. VIRES force or power VISA v -ED, -ING, -S to put an official endorsement on, as a passport VISAGE n pl. -S the face or facial expression of a person VISAGED adj VISARD n pl. -S vizard VISCACHA n pl. -S a burrowing rodent VISCERA pl. of viscus VISCERAL adj pertaining to the internal organs VISCID adj thick and adhesive VISCIDLY adv VISCOID adj somewhat viscid VISCOSE n pl. -S a viscous solution VISCOUNT n pl. -S a British nobleman VISCOUS adj having relatively high resistance to flow VISCUS n pl. -CERA an internal organ VISE v VISED, VISING, VISES to hold in a vise (a clamping device) VISE v VISEED, VISEING, VISES to visa VISELIKE adj resembling a vise VISIBLE adj capable of being seen VISIBLY adv VISING present participle of vise VISION v -ED, -ING, -S to imagine VISIONAL adj imaginary VISIT v -ED, -ING, -S to go or come to see someone or something VISITANT n pl. -S a visitor VISITER n pl. -S visitor VISITOR n pl. -S one that visits VISIVE adj visible VISOR v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a visor (a projecting brim) VISTA n pl. -S a distant view VISTAED adj VISUAL n pl. -S something that illustrates by pictures or diagrams VISUALLY adv with regard to the sense of sight VITA n pl. VITAE a brief, autobiographical sketch VITAL adj necessary to life VITALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to vitalize VITALISM n pl. -S a philosophical doctrine VITALIST n pl. -S an advocate of vitalism VITALITY n pl. -TIES exuberant physical strength or mental vigor VITALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to give life to VITALLY adv in a vital manner VITALS n/pl vital organs VITAMER n pl. -S a type of chemical compound VITAMIN n pl. -S any of various organic substances essential to proper nutrition VITAMINE n pl. -S vitamin VITELLIN n pl. -S a protein found in egg yolk VITELLUS n pl. -ES the yolk of an egg VITESSE n pl. -S speed VITIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to impair the value or quality of VITIABLE adj VITIATOR n pl. -S one that vitiates VITILIGO n pl. -GOS a skin disease VITRAIN n pl. -S the material in the vitreous layers of banded bituminous coal VITREOUS adj resembling glass VITRIC adj pertaining to glass VITRICS n/pl the art of making or decorating glass articles VITRIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into glass VITRINE n pl. -S a glass showcase for art objects VITRIOL v -OLED, -OLING, -OLS or -OLLED, -OLLING, -OLS to treat with sulfuric acid VITTA n pl. -TAE a streak or band of color VITTATE adj VITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to victual VITULINE adj pertaining to a calf VIVA n pl. -S a shout or cry used to express approval VIVACE n pl. -S a musical passage played in a brisk spirited manner VIVACITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being lively VIVARIUM n pl. -IA or -IUMS a place for raising and keeping live animals VIVARY n pl. -RIES vivarium VIVE interj -- used as an exclamation of approval VIVERRID n pl. -S any of a family of small carnivorous mammals VIVERS n/pl food VIVID adj -IDER, -IDEST strikingly bright or intense VIVIDLY adv VIVIFIC adj vivifying VIVIFIER n pl. -S one that vivifies VIVIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to give life to VIVIPARA n/pl animals that bring forth living young VIVISECT v -ED, -ING, -S to dissect the living body of VIXEN n pl. -S a shrewish woman VIXENISH, VIXENLY adj VIZARD n pl. -S a mask VIZARDED adj VIZCACHA n pl. -S viscacha VIZIER n pl. -S a high official in some Muslim countries VIZIR n pl. -S vizier VIZIRIAL adj VIZIRATE n pl. -S the office of a vizir VIZOR v -ED, -ING, -S to visor VIZSLA n pl. -S a Hungarian breed of dog VOCABLE n pl. -S a word VOCABLY adv in a manner that may be voiced aloud VOCAL n pl. -S a sound produced with the voice VOCALIC n pl. -S a vowel sound VOCALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to vocalize VOCALISM n pl. -S the act of vocalizing VOCALIST n pl. -S a singer VOCALITY n pl. -TIES possession or exercise of vocal powers VOCALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to produce with the voice VOCALLY adv with the voice VOCATION n pl. -S the work in which a person is regularly employed VOCATIVE n pl. -S a grammatical case used in some languages VOCES pl. of vox VOCODER n pl. -S an electronic device used in transmitting speech signals VODKA n pl. -S a liquor VODOUN n pl. -S vodun VODUN n pl. -S a primitive religion of the West Indies VOE n pl. -S a small bay, creek, or inlet VOGIE adj vain VOGUE v VOGUED, VOGUING or VOGUEING, VOGUES to imitate poses of fashion models VOGUISH adj fashionable VOICE v VOICED, VOICING, VOICES to express or utter VOICEFUL adj sonorous VOICER n pl. -S one that voices VOICING present participle of voice VOID v -ED, -ING, -S to make void (of no legal force or effect) VOIDABLE adj VOIDANCE n pl. -S the act or process of voiding VOIDER n pl. -S one that voids VOIDNESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being void VOILA interj -- used to call attention to something VOILE n pl. -S a sheer fabric VOLANT adj flying or capable of flying VOLANTE adj moving with light rapidity -- used as a musical direction VOLAR adj pertaining to flight VOLATILE n pl. -S a winged creature VOLCANIC n pl. -S a rock produced by a volcano VOLCANO n pl. -NOES or -NOS an opening in the earth's crust through which molten rock and gases are ejected VOLE v VOLED, VOLING, VOLES to win all the tricks in a card game VOLERY n pl. -ERIES a large birdcage VOLITANT adj volant VOLITION n pl. -S the power of choosing or determining VOLITIVE adj pertaining to volition VOLLEY v -ED, -ING, -S to return a tennis ball before it touches the ground VOLLEYER n pl. -S one that volleys VOLOST n pl. -S an administrative district in Russia VOLPLANE v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES to glide in an airplane VOLT n pl. -S a unit of electromotive force VOLTA n pl. -TE a turning VOLTAGE n pl. -S electromotive force expressed in volts VOLTAISM n pl. -S electricity produced by chemical action VOLTAIC adj VOLTE n pl. -S a fencing movement VOLTI interj -- used to direct musicians to turn the page VOLUBLE adj talkative VOLUBLY adv VOLUME v -UMED, -UMING, -UMES to send or give out in large quantities VOLUTE n pl. -S a spiral architectural ornament VOLUTED adj VOLUTIN n pl. -S a granular substance that is common in microorganisms VOLUTION n pl. -S a spiral VOLVA n pl. -S a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms VOLVATE adj VOLVOX n pl. -ES any of a genus of freshwater protozoa VOLVULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction VOMER n pl. -S a bone of the skull VOMERINE adj VOMICA n pl. -CAE a cavity in the body containing pus VOMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth VOMITER n pl. -S one that vomits VOMITIVE n pl. -S an emetic VOMITO n pl. -TOS the black vomit of yellow fever VOMITORY n pl. -RIES an emetic VOMITOUS adj pertaining to vomiting VOMITUS n pl. -ES vomited matter VON prep of; from -- used in some surnames VOODOO v -ED, -ING, -S to hex VORACITY n pl. -TIES the quality or state of being ravenous VORLAGE n pl. -S a position in skiing VORTEX n pl. -TEXES or -TICES a whirling mass of fluid VORTICAL adj VOTABLE adj capable of being voted on VOTARESS n pl. -ES a female votary VOTARIST n pl. -S a votary VOTARY n pl. -RIES a person who is bound by religious vows VOTE v VOTED, VOTING, VOTES to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) VOTEABLE adj votable VOTELESS adj having no vote VOTER n pl. -S one that votes VOTING present participle of vote VOTIVE adj performed in fulfillment of a vow VOTIVELY adv VOTRESS n pl. -ES votaress VOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to give one's personal assurance or guarantee VOUCHEE n pl. -S one for whom another vouches VOUCHER v -ED, -ING, -S to establish the authenticity of VOUSSOIR n pl. -S a wedge-shaped building stone VOUVRAY n pl. -VRAYS a French white wine VOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make a vow (a solemn promise) VOWEL n pl. -S a type of speech sound VOWELIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to provide with symbols used to indicate vowels VOWER n pl. -S one that vows VOWLESS adj having made no vow VOX n pl. VOCES voice VOYAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to travel VOYAGER n pl. -S one that voyages VOYAGEUR n pl. -S a person employed by a fur company to transport goods between distant stations VOYEUR n pl. -S one who is sexually gratified by looking at sexual objects or acts VROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to run an engine at high speed VROUW n pl. -S a Dutch woman VROW n pl. -S vrouw VUG n pl. -S a small cavity in a rock or lode VUGG n pl. -S vug VUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST abounding in vugs VUGH n pl. -S vug VULCANIC adj pertaining to a volcano VULGAR adj -GARER, -GAREST crude VULGARLY adv VULGAR n pl. -S a common person VULGATE n pl. -S the common speech of a people VULGO adv commonly VULGUS n pl. -ES an exercise in Latin formerly required of pupils in some English public schools VULPINE adj pertaining to a fox VULTURE n pl. -S a bird of prey VULVA n pl. -VAE or -VAS the external genital organs of a female VULVAL, VULVAR, VULVATE adj VULVITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the vulva VYING present participle of vie VYINGLY adv in a vying manner WAB n pl. -S a web WABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to wobble WABBLER n pl. -S one that wabbles WABBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST wobbly WACK n pl. -S a wacky person WACKE n pl. -S a type of basaltic rock WACKO n pl. WACKOS a person who is wacky WACKY adj WACKIER, WACKIEST very irrational WACKILY adv WAD v WADDED, WADDING, WADS to form into a wad (a small mass of soft material) WADABLE adj wadeable WADDER n pl. -S one that wads WADDIE n pl. -S a cowboy WADDIED past tense of waddy WADDIES present 3d person sing. of waddy WADDING n pl. -S a wad WADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to walk with short, swaying steps WADDLER n pl. -S one that waddles WADDLY adj having or being a waddling gait WADDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to strike with a thick club WADE v WADED, WADING, WADES to walk through water WADEABLE adj capable of being passed through by wading WADER n pl. -S one that wades WADI n pl. -S the bed of a usually dry watercourse WADIES pl. of wady WADING present participle of wade WADMAAL n pl. -S wadmal WADMAL n pl. -S a thick woolen fabric WADMEL n pl. -S wadmal WADMOL n pl. -S wadmal WADMOLL n pl. -S wadmal WADSET v -SETTED, -SETTING, -SETS to mortgage WADY n pl. -DIES wadi WAE n pl. -S woe WAEFUL adj woeful WAENESS n pl. -ES woeness WAESUCK interj waesucks WAESUCKS interj -- used to express pity WAFER v -ED, -ING, -S to seal with an adhesive disk WAFERY adj resembling a wafer (a thin, crisp biscuit) WAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to wave WAFFIE n pl. -S a vagabond WAFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to talk vaguely or indecisively WAFFLER n pl. -S one that waffles WAFFLING n pl. -S an indecisive statement or position WAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to carry lightly over air or water WAFTAGE n pl. -S the act of wafting WAFTER n pl. -S one that wafts WAFTURE n pl. -S waftage WAG v WAGGED, WAGGING, WAGS to move briskly up and down or to and fro WAGE v WAGED, WAGING, WAGES to engage in or carry on WAGELESS adj unpaid WAGER v -ED, -ING, -S to risk on an uncertain outcome WAGERER n pl. -S one that wagers WAGGED past tense of wag WAGGER n pl. -S one that wags WAGGERY n pl. -GERIES waggish behavior WAGGING present participle of wag WAGGISH adj playfully humorous WAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to wag WAGGLY adj waggling WAGGON v -ED, -ING, -S to wagon WAGGONER n pl. -S wagoner WAGING present participle of wage WAGON v -ED, -ING, -S to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) WAGONAGE n pl. -S conveyance by wagon WAGONER n pl. -S one who drives a wagon WAGSOME adj waggish WAGTAIL n pl. -S a songbird WAHCONDA n pl. -S wakanda WAHINE n pl. -S a Hawaiian woman WAHOO n pl. -HOOS a flowering shrub WAIF v -ED, -ING, -S to throw away WAIFLIKE adj resembling a waif (a homeless child) WAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a long, mournful cry WAILER n pl. -S one that wails WAILFUL adj mournful WAILSOME adj wailful WAIN n pl. -S a large, open wagon WAINSCOT v -SCOTED, -SCOTING, -SCOTS -SCOTTED, -SCOTTING, -SCOTS to line the walls of with wooden paneling WAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to spend WAIST n pl. -S the part of the body between the ribs and the hips WAISTED adj WAISTER n pl. -S a seaman stationed in the middle section of a ship WAISTING n pl. -S a type of dressmaking material WAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to stay in expectation of WAITER n pl. -S one who serves food in a restaurant WAITING n pl. -S the act of one who waits WAITRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to work as a female server in a restaurant WAIVE v WAIVED, WAIVING, WAIVES to give up intentionally WAIVER n pl. -S the act of waiving something WAKANDA n pl. -S a supernatural force in Sioux beliefs WAKE v WAKED WOKE, WOKEN, WAKING, WAKES to rouse from sleep WAKEFUL adj not sleeping or able to sleep WAKELESS adj unbroken -- used of sleep WAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to wake WAKENER n pl. -S one that wakens WAKENING n pl. -S the act of one that wakens WAKER n pl. -S one that wakes WAKERIFE adj wakeful WAKIKI n pl. -S shell money of the South Sea Islands WAKING present participle of wake WALE v WALED, WALING, WALES to mark with welts WALER n pl. -S an Australian-bred saddle horse WALIES pl. of waly WALING present participle of wale WALK v -ED, -ING, -S to advance on foot WALKABLE adj WALKAWAY n pl. -AWAYS an easy victory WALKER n pl. -S one that walks WALKING n pl. -S the act of one that walks WALKOUT n pl. -S a strike by workers WALKOVER n pl. -S a walkaway WALKUP n pl. -S an apartment house having no elevator WALKWAY n pl. -WAYS a passage for walking WALKYRIE n pl. -S valkyrie WALL v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a wall (an upright structure built to enclose an area) WALLA n pl. -S wallah WALLABY n pl. -BIES a small kangaroo WALLAH n pl. -S a person engaged in a particular occupation or activity WALLAROO n pl. -ROOS a large kangaroo WALLET n pl. -S a flat folding case WALLEYE n pl. -S an eye having a white cornea WALLEYED adj WALLIE n pl. -S a valet WALLIES pl. of wally WALLOP v -ED, -ING, -S to beat soundly WALLOPER n pl. -S one that wallops WALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to roll about WALLOWER n pl. -S one that wallows WALLY n pl. -LIES waly WALNUT n pl. -S an edible nut WALRUS n pl. -ES a marine mammal WALTZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to perform a ballroom dance WALTZER n pl. -S one that waltzes WALY n pl. WALIES something visually pleasing WAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to move unsteadily WAMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST unsteady WAME n pl. -S the belly WAMEFOU n pl. -S a bellyful WAMEFUL n pl. -S wamefou WAMMUS n pl. -ES wamus WAMPISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to throw about WAMPUM n pl. -S a form of currency formerly used by North American Indians WAMPUS n pl. -ES wamus WAMUS n pl. -ES a heavy outer jacket WAN adj WANNER, WANNEST unnaturally pale WAN v WANNED, WANNING, WANS to become wan WAND n pl. -S a slender rod WANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to move about with no destination or purpose WANDERER n pl. -S one that wanders WANDEROO n pl. -ROOS an Asian monkey WANDLE adj supple WANE v WANED, WANING, WANES to decrease in size or extent WANEY adj WANIER, WANIEST wany WANGAN n pl. -S wanigan WANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to obtain or accomplish by contrivance WANGLER n pl. -S one that wangles WANGUN n pl. -S wanigan WANIER comparative of waney and wany WANIEST superlative of waney and wany WANIGAN n pl. -S a supply chest used in a logging camp WANING present participle of wane WANION n pl. -S vengeance WANLY adv in a wan manner WANNED past tense of wan WANNER comparative of wan WANNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being wan WANNEST superlative of wan WANNIGAN n pl. -S wanigan WANNING present participle of wan WANT v -ED, -ING, -S to have a desire for WANTAGE n pl. -S something that is lacking WANTER n pl. -S one that wants WANTON v -ED, -ING, -S to behave immorally WANTONER n pl. -S one that wantons WANTONLY adv immorally WANY adj WANIER, WANIEST waning in some parts WAP v WAPPED, WAPPING, WAPS to wrap WAPITI n pl. -S a large deer WAR v WARRED, WARRING, WARS to engage in war (a state of open, armed conflict) WARBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to sing with melodic embellishments WARBLER n pl. -S one that warbles WARCRAFT n pl. -S the art of war WARD v -ED, -ING, -S to turn aside WARDEN n pl. -S the chief officer of a prison WARDENRY n pl. -RIES the office of a warden WARDER n pl. -S a person who guards something WARDRESS n pl. -ES a female warden WARDROBE n pl. -S a collection of garments WARDROOM n pl. -S a recreation area on a warship WARDSHIP n pl. -S the state of being under a guardian WARE v WARED, WARING, WARES to beware of WAREROOM n pl. -S a room in which goods are displayed for sale WARFARE n pl. -S the act of engaging in war WARFARIN n pl. -S a chemical compound WARHEAD n pl. -S the front part of a missile containing the explosive WARHORSE n pl. -S a musical or dramatic work that has been performed to excess WARIER comparative of wary WARIEST superlative of wary WARILY adv in a wary manner WARINESS n pl. -ES the state of being wary WARING present participle of ware WARISON n pl. -S a call to attack WARK v -ED, -ING, -S to endure pain WARLESS adj free from war WARLIKE adj disposed to engage in war WARLOCK n pl. -S a sorcerer WARLORD n pl. -S a military leader of a warlike nation WARM adj WARMER, WARMEST moderately hot WARM v -ED, -ING, -S to make warm WARMAKER n pl. -S one that wars WARMER n pl. -S one that warms WARMISH adj somewhat warm WARMLY adv in a warm manner WARMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being warm WARMOUTH n pl. -S a freshwater fish WARMTH n pl. -S warmness WARMUP n pl. -S a preparatory exercise or procedure WARN v -ED, -ING, -S to make aware of impending or possible danger WARNER n pl. -S one that warns WARNING n pl. -S something that warns WARP v -ED, -ING, -S to turn or twist out of shape WARPAGE n pl. -S the act of warping WARPATH n pl. -S the route taken by attacking American Indians WARPER n pl. -S one that warps WARPLANE n pl. -S an airplane armed for combat WARPOWER n pl. -S the power to make war WARPWISE adv in a vertical direction WARRAGAL n pl. -S warrigal WARRANT v -ED, -ING, -S to give authority to WARRANTY n pl. -TIES the act of warranting WARRED past tense of war WARREN n pl. -S a place where rabbits live and breed WARRENER n pl. -S the keeper of a warren WARRIGAL n pl. -S a dingo WARRING present participle of war WARRIOR n pl. -S one engaged or experienced in warfare WARSAW n pl. -S a marine fish WARSHIP n pl. -S a ship armed for combat WARSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to wrestle WARSLER n pl. -S a wrestler WARSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to wrestle WARSTLER n pl. -S a wrestler WART n pl. -S a protuberance on the skin WARTED adj WARTHOG n pl. -S an African wild hog WARTIER comparative of warty WARTIEST superlative of warty WARTIME n pl. -S a time of war WARTLESS adj having no warts WARTLIKE adj resembling a wart WARTY adj WARTIER, WARTIEST covered with warts WARWORK n pl. -S work done during a war WARWORN adj showing the effects of war WARY adj WARIER, WARIEST watchful WAS 1st and 3d person sing. past indicative of be WASABI n pl. -S a pungent herb WASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid WASHABLE n pl. -S something that can be washed without damage WASHBOWL n pl. -S a bowl used for washing oneself WASHDAY n pl. -DAYS a day set aside for washing clothes WASHER n pl. -S one that washes WASHIER comparative of washy WASHIEST superlative of washy WASHING n pl. -S articles washed or to be washed WASHOUT n pl. -S an erosion of earth by the action of water WASHRAG n pl. -S a small cloth used for washing oneself WASHROOM n pl. -S a lavatory WASHTUB n pl. -S a tub used for washing clothes WASHUP n pl. -S the act of washing clean WASHY adj WASHIER, WASHIEST overly diluted WASP n pl. -S a stinging insect WASPISH, WASPLIKE adj WASPY adj WASPIER, WASPIEST resembling a wasp WASPILY adv WASSAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to drink to the health of WAST n pl. -S west WASTABLE adj capable of being wasted WASTAGE n pl. -S something that is wasted WASTE v WASTED, WASTING, WASTES to use thoughtlessly WASTEFUL adj tending to waste WASTELOT n pl. -S a vacant lot WASTER n pl. -S one that wastes WASTERIE n pl. -S wastry WASTERY n pl. -RIES wastry WASTEWAY n pl. -WAYS a channel for excess water WASTING present participle of waste WASTREL n pl. -S one that wastes WASTRIE n pl. -S wastry WASTRY n pl. -RIES reckless extravagance WAT adj WATTER, WATTEST wet WAT n pl. -S a hare WATAP n pl. -S a thread made from the roots of various trees WATAPE n pl. -S watap WATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to observe carefully WATCHCRY n pl. -CRIES a password WATCHDOG v -DOGGED, -DOGGING, -DOGS to act as a guardian for WATCHER n pl. -S one that watches WATCHEYE n pl. -S a walleye WATCHFUL adj closely observant or alert WATCHMAN n pl. -MEN a man employed to stand guard WATCHOUT n pl. -S the act of looking out for something WATER v -ED, -ING, -S to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) WATERAGE n pl. -S the conveyance of goods by water WATERBED n pl. -S a bed whose mattress is a plastic bag filled with water WATERDOG n pl. -S a large salamander WATERER n pl. -S one that waters WATERIER comparative of watery WATERIEST superlative of watery WATERILY adv in a watery manner WATERING n pl. -S the act of one that waters WATERISH adj watery WATERLOG v -LOGGED, -LOGGING, -LOGS to soak with water WATERLOO n pl. -LOOS a decisive defeat WATERMAN n pl. -MEN a boatman WATERWAY n pl. -WAYS a navigable body of water WATERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST containing water WATT n pl. -S a unit of power WATTAGE n pl. -S an amount of power in terms of watts WATTAPE n pl. -S watap WATTER comparative of wat WATTEST superlative of wat WATTHOUR n pl. -S a unit of energy WATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to weave into a network WATTLESS adj denoting a type of electric current WAUCHT v -ED, -ING, -S to waught WAUGH adj damp WAUGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to drink deeply WAUK v -ED, -ING, -S to wake WAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry like a cat WAUR adj worse WAVE v WAVED, WAVING, WAVES to move freely back and forth or up and down WAVEBAND n pl. -S a range of radio frequencies WAVEFORM n pl. -S a type of mathematical graph WAVELESS adj having no waves (moving ridges on the surface of a liquid) WAVELET n pl. -S a small wave WAVELIKE adj resembling a wave WAVEOFF n pl. -S the act of denying landing permission to an approaching aircraft WAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to move back and forth WAVERER n pl. -S one that wavers WAVERY adj wavering WAVEY n pl. -VEYS the snow goose WAVIER comparative of wavy WAVIES pl. of wavy WAVIEST superlative of wavy WAVILY adv in a wavy manner WAVINESS n pl. -ES the state of being wavy WAVING present participle of wave WAVY adj WAVIER, WAVIEST having waves WAVY n pl. -VIES wavey WAW n pl. -S vav WAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to waul WAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) WAXBERRY n pl. -RIES a berry with a waxy coating WAXBILL n pl. -S a tropical bird WAXEN adj covered with wax WAXER n pl. -S one that waxes WAXIER comparative of waxy WAXIEST superlative of waxy WAXILY adv in a waxy manner WAXINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being waxy WAXING n pl. -S the act of one that waxes WAXLIKE adj resembling wax WAXPLANT n pl. -S a tropical plant WAXWEED n pl. -S an annual herb WAXWING n pl. -S a type of passerine bird WAXWORK n pl. -S an effigy made of wax WAXWORM n pl. -S a moth that infests beehives WAXY adj WAXIER, WAXIEST resembling wax WAY n pl. WAYS a method of doing something WAYBILL n pl. -S a list of goods relative to a shipment WAYFARER n pl. -S a traveler WAYGOING n pl. -S the act of leaving WAYLAY v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS to ambush WAYLAYER n pl. -S one that waylays WAYLESS adj having no road or path WAYSIDE n pl. -S the side of a road WAYWARD adj willful WAYWORN adj fatigued by travel WE pron 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case WEAK adj WEAKER, WEAKEST lacking strength WEAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make weak WEAKENER n pl. -S one that weakens WEAKFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish WEAKISH adj somewhat weak WEAKLING n pl. -S a weak person WEAKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST weak and sickly WEAKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being weak WEAKSIDE n pl. -S the side of a basketball court with fewer players WEAL n pl. -S a welt WEALD n pl. -S a woodland WEALTH n pl. -S a great quantity of valuable material WEALTHY adj WEALTHIER, WEALTHIEST having wealth WEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment WEANER n pl. -S one that weans WEANLING n pl. -S a recently weaned child or animal WEAPON v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a weapon (an instrument used in combat) WEAPONRY n pl. -RIES an aggregate of weapons WEAR v WORE, WORN, WEARING, WEARS to have on one's person WEARABLE n pl. -S a garment WEARER n pl. -S one that wears something WEARIED past tense of weary WEARIER comparative of weary WEARIES present 3d person sing. of weary WEARIEST superlative of weary WEARIFUL adj tiresome WEARISH adj tasteless WEARY adj -RIER, -RIEST tired WEARILY adv WEARY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to make or become weary WEASAND n pl. -S the throat WEASEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to act evasively WEASELLY adj resembling a weasel (a small carnivorous mammal) WEASELY adj weaselly WEASON n pl. -S weasand WEATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to expose to atmospheric conditions WEAVE v WOVE WEAVED, WOVEN, WEAVING, WEAVES to form by interlacing threads WEAVER n pl. -S one that weaves WEAZAND n pl. -S weasand WEB v WEBBED, WEBBING, WEBS to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) WEBBING n pl. -S a woven strip of fiber WEBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST weblike WEBER n pl. -S a unit of magnetic flux WEBFED adj designed to print a continuous roll of paper WEBFOOT n pl. -FEET a foot having the toes joined by a membrane WEBLESS adj having no webs WEBLIKE adj resembling a web WEBSTER n pl. -S a weaver WEBWORK n pl. -S a weblike pattern or structure WEBWORM n pl. -S a web-spinning caterpillar WECHT n pl. -S weight WED v WEDDED, WEDDING, WEDS to marry WEDDER n pl. -S one that weds WEDDING n pl. -S a marriage ceremony WEDEL v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a wedeln WEDELN n pl. -S a skiing technique WEDGE v WEDGED, WEDGING, WEDGES to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) WEDGIE n pl. -S a type of woman's shoe WEDGY adj WEDGIER, WEDGIEST resembling a wedge WEDLOCK n pl. -S the state of being married WEE adj WEER, WEEST very small WEE n pl. -S a short time WEED v -ED, -ING, -S to remove weeds (undesirable plants) WEEDER n pl. -S one that weeds WEEDIER comparative of weedy WEEDIEST superlative of weedy WEEDILY adv in a weedy manner WEEDLESS adj having no weeds WEEDLIKE adj resembling a weed WEEDY adj WEEDIER, WEEDIEST resembling a weed WEEK n pl. -S a period of seven days WEEKDAY n pl. -DAYS any day of the week except Sunday WEEKEND v -ED, -ING, -S to spend the weekend (the end of the week) WEEKLONG adj continuing for a week WEEKLY n pl. -LIES a publication issued once a week WEEL adj well WEEN v -ED, -ING, -S to suppose WEENIE n pl. -S a wiener WEENSY adj -SIER, -SIEST tiny WEENY adj -NIER, -NIEST tiny WEEP v WEPT, WEEPING, WEEPS to express sorrow by shedding tears WEEPER n pl. -S one that weeps WEEPIE n pl. -S a very maudlin movie WEEPING n pl. -S the act of one that weeps WEEPY adj WEEPIER, WEEPIEST tending to weep WEER comparative of wee WEEST superlative of wee WEET v -ED, -ING, -S to know WEEVER n pl. -S a marine fish WEEVIL n pl. -S a small beetle WEEVILED, WEEVILLY, WEEVILY adj WEEWEE v -WEED, -WEEING, -WEES to urinate WEFT n pl. -S a woven fabric or garment WEFTWISE adv in a horizontal direction WEIGELA n pl. -S a flowering shrub WEIGELIA n pl. -S weigela WEIGH v -ED, -ING, -S to determine the weight of WEIGHER n pl. -S one that weighs WEIGHMAN n pl. -MEN one whose occupation is weighing goods WEIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to add weight (heaviness) to WEIGHTER n pl. -S one that weights WEIGHTY adj WEIGHTIER, WEIGHTIEST having great weight WEINER n pl. -S wiener WEIR n pl. -S a fence placed in a stream to catch fish WEIRD adj WEIRDER, WEIRDEST mysteriously strange WEIRD n pl. -S destiny WEIRDIE n pl. -S a very strange person WEIRDIES pl. of weirdy WEIRDLY adv in a weird manner WEIRDO n pl. WEIRDOES or WEIRDOS a weirdie WEIRDY n pl. WEIRDIES weirdie WEKA n pl. -S a flightless bird WELCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to welsh WELCHER n pl. -S one that welshes WELCOME v -COMED, -COMING, -COMES to greet cordially WELCOMER n pl. -S one that welcomes WELD v -ED, -ING, -S to join by applying heat WELDABLE adj WELDER n pl. -S one that welds WELDLESS adj having no welded joints WELDMENT n pl. -S a unit composed of welded pieces WELDOR n pl. -S welder WELFARE n pl. -S general well-being WELKIN n pl. -S the sky WELL v -ED, -ING, -S to rise to the surface and flow forth WELLADAY n pl. -DAYS wellaway WELLAWAY n pl. -WAYS an expression of sorrow WELLBORN adj of good birth or ancestry WELLCURB n pl. -S the stone ring around a well (a hole dug in the ground to obtain water) WELLDOER n pl. -S a doer of good deeds WELLHEAD n pl. -S the source of a spring or stream WELLHOLE n pl. -S the shaft of a well WELLIE n pl. -S a Wellington boot WELLIES pl. of welly WELLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being healthy WELLSITE n pl. -S a mineral WELLY n pl. -LIES wellie WELSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to fail to pay a debt WELSHER n pl. -S one that welshes WELT v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with welts (ridges or lumps raised on the skin) WELTER v -ED, -ING, -S to roll about WELTING n pl. -S a cord or strip used to reinforce a seam WEN n pl. -S a benign tumor of the skin WENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to consort with prostitutes WENCHER n pl. -S one that wenches WEND v -ED, -ING, -S to proceed along WENDIGO n pl. -GOS windigo WENNISH adj wenny WENNY adj -NIER, -NIEST resembling a wen WENT past tense of go WEPT past tense of weep WERE a pl. and 2d person sing. past indicative, and past subjunctive of be WEREGILD n pl. -S wergeld WEREWOLF n pl. -WOLVES a person capable of assuming the form of a wolf WERGELD n pl. -S a price paid for the taking of a man's life in Anglo-Saxon law WERGELT n pl. -S wergeld WERGILD n pl. -S wergeld WERT a 2d person sing. past tense of be WERWOLF n pl. -WOLVES werewolf WESKIT n pl. -S a vest WESSAND n pl. -S weasand WEST n pl. -S a cardinal point of the compass WESTER v -ED, -ING, -S to move toward the west WESTERLY n pl. -LIES a wind from the west WESTERN n pl. -S one who lives in the west WESTING n pl. -S a shifting west WESTMOST adj farthest west WESTWARD n pl. -S a direction toward the west WET adj WETTER, WETTEST covered or saturated with a liquid WET v WETTED, WETTING, WETS to make wet WETHER n pl. -S a gelded male sheep WETLAND n pl. -S land containing much soil moisture WETLY adv in a wet manner WETNESS n pl. -ES the state of being wet WETPROOF adj waterproof WETTABLE adj capable of being wetted WETTED past tense of wet WETTER n pl. -S one that wets WETTEST superlative of wet WETTING n pl. -S a liquid used in moistening something WETTISH adj somewhat wet WHA pron who WHACK v -ED, -ING, -S to strike sharply WHACKER n pl. -S one that whacks WHACKO n pl. WHACKOS wacko WHACKY adj WHACKIER, WHACKIEST wacky WHALE v WHALED, WHALING, WHALES to engage in the hunting of whales (large marine mammals) WHALEMAN n pl. -MEN a whaler WHALER n pl. -S a person engaged in whaling WHALING n pl. -S the industry of hunting and processing whales WHAM v WHAMMED, WHAMMING, WHAMS to hit with a loud impact WHAMMO interj -- used to indicate a startling event WHAMMY n pl. -MIES a supernatural spell bringing bad luck WHAMO interj whammo WHANG v -ED, -ING, -S to beat with a whip WHANGEE n pl. -S an Asian grass WHAP v WHAPPED, WHAPPING, WHAPS to whop WHAPPER n pl. -S whopper WHARF v -ED, -ING, -S to moor to a wharf (a docking place for vessels) WHARFAGE n pl. -S the use of a wharf WHARVE n pl. -S a round piece of wood used in spinning thread WHAT n pl. -S the true nature of something WHATEVER adj being what or who it may be WHATNESS n pl. -ES the true nature of something WHATNOT n pl. -S an ornamental set of shelves WHATSIS n pl. -SISES whatsit WHATSIT n pl. -S something whose name is unknown or forgotten WHAUP n pl. -S a European bird WHEAL n pl. -S a welt WHEAT n pl. -S a cereal grass WHEATEAR n pl. -S a small bird of northern regions WHEATEN n pl. -S a pale yellowish color WHEE interj -- used to express delight WHEEDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to attempt to persuade by flattery WHEEDLER n pl. -S one that wheedles WHEEL v -ED, -ING, -S to convey on wheels (circular frames designed to turn on an axis) WHEELER n pl. -S one that wheels WHEELIE n pl. -S a maneuver made on a wheeled vehicle WHEELING n pl. -S the condition of a road for vehicles WHEELMAN n pl. -MEN a helmsman WHEEN n pl. -S a fairly large amount WHEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to wheeple WHEEPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to give forth a prolonged whistle WHEEZE v WHEEZED, WHEEZING, WHEEZES to breathe with a whistling sound WHEEZER n pl. -S one that wheezes WHEEZY adj WHEEZIER, WHEEZIEST characterized by wheezing WHEEZILY adv WHELK n pl. -S a pustule WHELKY adj WHELKIER, WHELKIEST marked with whelks WHELM v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with water WHELP v -ED, -ING, -S to give birth to WHEN n pl. -S the time in which something is done or occurs WHENAS conj at which time WHENCE adv from what place WHENEVER adv at whatever time WHERE n pl. -S the place at or in which something is located or occurs WHEREAS n pl. -ES an introductory statement of a formal document WHEREAT adv at what WHEREBY adv by what WHEREIN adv in what WHEREOF adv of what WHEREON adv on what WHERETO adv to what WHEREVER adv in or to whatever place WHERRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to transport in a light rowboat WHERVE n pl. -S wharve WHET v WHETTED, WHETTING, WHETS to sharpen by friction WHETHER conj if it be the case that WHETTER n pl. -S one that whets WHETTING present participle of whet WHEW n pl. -S a whistling sound WHEY n pl. WHEYS the watery part of milk WHEYEY, WHEYISH adj WHEYFACE n pl. -S a pale, sallow face WHEYLIKE adj resembling whey WHICH pron what particular one or ones WHICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to whinny WHID v WHIDDED, WHIDDING, WHIDS to move rapidly and quietly WHIDAH n pl. -S whydah WHIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to blow or convey with slight gusts of air WHIFFER n pl. -S one that whiffs WHIFFET n pl. -S an insignificant person WHIFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to move or think erratically WHIFFLER n pl. -S one that whiffles WHIG n pl. -S one who interprets history as a continuing victory of progress over reactionary forces WHILE v WHILED, WHILING, WHILES to cause to pass pleasantly WHILOM adv formerly WHILST conj during the time that WHIM n pl. -S an impulsive idea WHIMBREL n pl. -S a shore bird WHIMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to cry with plaintive, broken sounds WHIMSEY n pl. -SEYS whimsy WHIMSY n pl. -SIES a whim WHIMSIED adj WHIN n pl. -S furze WHINCHAT n pl. -S a songbird WHINE v WHINED, WHINING, WHINES to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound WHINER n pl. -S one that whines WHINEY adj WHINIER, WHINIEST whiny WHINGE v WHINGED, WHINGEING WHINGING, WHINGES to whine WHINIER comparative of whiny WHINIEST superlative of whiny WHINING present participle of whine WHINNY adj -NIER, -NIEST abounding in whin WHINNY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to neigh in a low or gentle manner WHINY adj WHINIER, WHINIEST tending to whine WHIP v WHIPPED or WHIPT, WHIPPING, WHIPS to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) WHIPCORD n pl. -S a strong, twisted cord WHIPLASH n pl. -ES the lash of a whip WHIPLIKE adj resembling a whip WHIPPED a past tense of whip WHIPPER n pl. -S one that whips WHIPPET n pl. -S a small, swift dog WHIPPIER comparative of whippy WHIPPIEST superlative of whippy WHIPPING n pl. -S material used to whip WHIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST pertaining to or resembling a whip WHIPRAY n pl. -RAYS a stingray WHIPSAW v -SAWED, -SAWN, -SAWING, -SAWS to cut with a narrow, tapering saw WHIPT a past tense of whip WHIPTAIL n pl. -S a lizard having a long, slender tail WHIPWORM n pl. -S a parasitic worm WHIR v WHIRRED, WHIRRING, WHIRS to move with a buzzing sound WHIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to revolve rapidly WHIRLER n pl. -S one that whirls WHIRLY adj WHIRLIER, WHIRLIEST marked by a whirling motion WHIRLY n pl. WHIRLIES a small tornado WHIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to whir WHIRRED past tense of whir WHIRRING present participle of whir WHIRRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to hurry WHISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move with a hissing sound WHISHT v -ED, -ING, -S to hush WHISK v -ED, -ING, -S to move briskly WHISKER n pl. -S a hair on a man's face WHISKERY adj WHISKEY n pl. -KEYS a liquor WHISKY n pl. -KIES whiskey WHISPER v -ED, -ING, -S to speak softly WHISPERY adj resembling a whisper WHIST v -ED, -ING, -S to hush WHISTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make a shrill, clear musical sound WHISTLER n pl. -S one that whistles WHIT n pl. -S a particle WHITE adj WHITER, WHITEST of the color of pure snow WHITE v WHITED, WHITING, WHITES to whiten WHITECAP n pl. -S a wave with a crest of foam WHITEFLY n pl. -FLIES a small whitish insect WHITELY adv in a white manner WHITEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make white WHITENER n pl. -S one that whitens WHITEOUT n pl. -S an arctic weather condition WHITER comparative of white WHITEST superlative of white WHITEY adj whity WHITHER adv to what place WHITIER comparative of whity WHITIEST superlative of whity WHITING n pl. -S a marine food fish WHITISH adj somewhat white WHITLOW n pl. -S an inflammation of the finger or toe WHITRACK n pl. -S a weasel WHITTER n pl. -S a large draft of liquor WHITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to cut or shave bits from WHITTLER n pl. -S one that whittles WHITTRET n pl. -S a weasel WHITY adj WHITIER, WHITIEST whitish WHIZ v WHIZZED, WHIZZING, WHIZZES to move with a buzzing or hissing sound WHIZBANG n pl. -S a type of explosive shell WHIZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to whiz WHIZZED past tense of whiz WHIZZER n pl. -S one that whizzes WHIZZES present 3d person sing. of whiz WHIZZING present participle of whiz WHO pron what or which person or persons WHOA interj -- used to command an animal to stop WHODUNIT n pl. -S a mystery story WHOEVER pron whatever person WHOLE n pl. -S all the parts or elements entering into and making up a thing WHOLISM n pl. -S holism WHOLLY adv totally WHOM pron the objective case of who WHOMEVER pron the objective case of whoever WHOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to defeat decisively WHOMSO pron the objective case of whoso WHOOF v -ED, -ING, -S to make a deep snorting sound WHOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter loud cries WHOOPEE n pl. -S boisterous fun WHOOPER n pl. -S one that whoops WHOOPLA n pl. -S a noisy commotion WHOOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to move with a hissing sound WHOOSIS n pl. -SISES an object or person whose name is not known WHOP v WHOPPED, WHOPPING, WHOPS to strike forcibly WHOPPER n pl. -S something unusually large WHORE v WHORED, WHORING, WHORES to consort with prostitutes WHOREDOM n pl. -S prostitution WHORESON n pl. -S a bastard WHORING present participle of whore WHORISH adj lewd WHORL n pl. -S a circular arrangement of similar parts WHORLED adj WHORT n pl. -S an edible berry WHORTLE n pl. -S whort WHOSE pron the possessive case of who WHOSEVER pron the possessive case of whoever WHOSIS n pl. -SISES whoosis WHOSO pron whoever WHUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to thump WHY n pl. WHYS the reason or cause of something WHYDAH n pl. -S an African bird WICH n pl. -ES wych WICK n pl. -S a bundle of loosely twisted fibers in a candle or oil lamp WICKAPE n pl. -S wicopy WICKED adj -EDER, -EDEST evil WICKEDLY adv WICKER n pl. -S a slender, pliant twig or branch WICKET n pl. -S a small door or gate WICKING n pl. -S material for wicks WICKIUP n pl. -S an American Indian hut WICKYUP n pl. -S wickiup WICOPY n pl. -PIES a flowering shrub WIDDER n pl. -S a widow WIDDIE n pl. -S widdy WIDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to wriggle WIDDY n pl. -DIES a hangman's noose WIDE adj WIDER, WIDEST having great extent from side to side WIDELY adv WIDE n pl. -S a type of bowled ball in cricket WIDEBAND adj operating over a wide band of frequencies WIDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make wide or wider WIDENER n pl. -S one that widens WIDENESS n pl. -ES the state of being wide WIDEOUT n pl. -S a receiver in football WIDER comparative of wide WIDEST superlative of wide WIDGEON n pl. -S a river duck WIDGET n pl. -S a gadget WIDISH adj somewhat wide WIDOW v -ED, -ING, -S to deprive of a husband WIDOWER n pl. -S a man whose wife has died and who has not remarried WIDTH n pl. -S extent from side to side WIDTHWAY adv from side to side WIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to handle or use effectively WIELDER n pl. -S one that wields WIELDY adj WIELDIER, WIELDIEST easily wielded WIENER n pl. -S a frankfurter WIENIE n pl. -S a wiener WIFE n pl. WIVES a woman married to a man WIFE v WIFED, WIFING, WIFES to wive WIFEDOM n pl. -S the status or function of a wife WIFEHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a wife WIFELESS adj having no wife WIFELIKE adj wifely WIFELY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or befitting a wife WIFING present participle of wife WIFTY adj -TIER, -TIEST ditsy WIG v WIGGED, WIGGING, WIGS to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) WIGAN n pl. -S a stiff fabric WIGEON n pl. -S widgeon WIGGED past tense of wig WIGGERY n pl. -GERIES a wig WIGGIER comparative of wiggy WIGGIEST superlative of wiggy WIGGING n pl. -S a scolding WIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to move with short, quick movements from side to side WIGGLER n pl. -S one that wiggles WIGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST tending to wiggle WIGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST crazy WIGHT n pl. -S a living being WIGLESS adj having no wig WIGLET n pl. -S a small wig WIGLIKE adj resembling a wig WIGMAKER n pl. -S one that makes wigs WIGWAG v -WAGGED, -WAGGING, -WAGS to move back and forth WIGWAM n pl. -S an American Indian dwelling WIKIUP n pl. -S wickiup WILCO interj -- used to indicate that a message received will be complied with WILD adj WILDER, WILDEST living in a natural state WILD n pl. -S an uninhabited or uncultivated area WILDCAT v -CATTED, -CATTING, -CATS to search for oil in an area of doubtful productivity WILDER v -ED, -ING, -S to bewilder WILDFIRE n pl. -S a raging, destructive fire WILDFOWL n pl. -S a wild game bird WILDING n pl. -S a wild plant or animal WILDISH adj somewhat wild WILDLAND n pl. -S uncultivated land WILDLIFE n pl. WILDLIFE wild animals and vegetation WILDLING n pl. -S a wilding WILDLY adv in a wild manner WILDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being wild WILDWOOD n pl. -S natural forest land WILE v WILED, WILING, WILES to entice WILFUL adj willful WILFULLY adv WILIER comparative of wily WILIEST superlative of wily WILILY adv in a wily manner WILINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being wily WILING present participle of wile WILL v -ED, -ING, -S to decide upon WILLABLE adj WILL v past sing. 2d person WOULD, WOULDEST, or WOULDST -- used as an auxiliary followed by a simple infinitive to express futurity, inclination, likelihood, or requirement WILLER n pl. -S one that wills WILLET n pl. -S a shore bird WILLFUL adj bent on having one's own way WILLIED past tense of willy WILLIES present 3d person sing. of willy WILLING adj -INGER, -INGEST inclined or favorably disposed in mind WILLIWAU n pl. -S williwaw WILLIWAW n pl. -S a violent gust of cold wind WILLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to clean textile fibers with a certain machine WILLOWER n pl. -S one that willows WILLOWY adj -LOWIER, -LOWIEST pliant WILLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to willow WILLYARD adj willful WILLYART adj willyard WILLYWAW n pl. -S williwaw WILT v -ED, -ING, -S to become limp WILY adj WILIER, WILIEST crafty WIMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to bore with a hand tool WIMP n pl. -S a weak or ineffectual person WIMPISH adj wimpy WIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to pleat WIMPY adj WIMPIER, WIMPIEST weak, ineffectual WIN v WINNED, WINNING, WINS to winnow WIN v WON or WAN, WINNING, WINS to be victorious WINCE v WINCED, WINCING, WINCES to flinch WINCER n pl. -S one that winces WINCEY n pl. -CEYS a type of fabric WINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) WINCHER n pl. -S one that winches WINCING present participle of wince WIND v WOUND or WINDED, WINDING, WINDS to pass around an object or fixed center WINDABLE adj WINDAGE n pl. -S the effect of the wind (air in natural motion) on a projectile WINDBAG n pl. -S a talkative person WINDBURN v -BURNED or -BURNT, -BURNING, -BURNS to be affected with skin irritation caused by exposure to the wind WINDER n pl. -S one that winds WINDFALL n pl. -S a sudden and unexpected gain WINDFLAW n pl. -S a gust of wind WINDGALL n pl. -S a swelling on a horse's leg WINDIER comparative of windy WINDIEST superlative of windy WINDIGO n pl. -GOS an evil demon in Algonquian mythology WINDILY adv in a windy manner WINDING n pl. -S material wound about an object WINDLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to raise with a windlass (a hoisting machine) WINDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to wind WINDLESS adj being without wind WINDLING n pl. -S a bundle of straw WINDMILL v -ED, -ING, -S to rotate solely under the force of a passing airstream WINDOW v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a window (an opening in a wall to admit light and air) WINDPIPE n pl. -S the trachea WINDROW v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in long rows, as hay or grain WINDSOCK n pl. -S a device used to indicate wind direction WINDSURF v -ED, -ING, -S to sail on a sailboard WINDUP n pl. -S a conclusion WINDWARD n pl. -S the direction from which the wind blows WINDWAY n pl. -WAYS a passage for air WINDY adj WINDIER, WINDIEST marked by strong wind WINE v WINED, WINING, WINES to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) WINELESS adj having no wine WINERY n pl. -ERIES an establishment for making wine WINESHOP n pl. -S a shop where wine is sold WINESKIN n pl. -S a goatskin bag for holding wine WINESOP n pl. -S a food sopped in wine WINEY adj WINIER, WINIEST winy WING v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) WINGBACK n pl. -S a certain player in football WINGBOW n pl. -S a mark on the wing of a domestic fowl WINGDING n pl. -S a lively party WINGEDLY adv swiftly WINGER n pl. -S a certain player in soccer WINGIER comparative of wingy WINGIEST superlative of wingy WINGLESS adj having no wings WINGLET n pl. -S a small wing WINGLIKE adj resembling a wing WINGMAN n pl. -MEN a pilot behind the leader of a flying formation WINGOVER n pl. -S a flight maneuver WINGSPAN n pl. -S the distance from the tip of one of a pair of wings to that of the other WINGTIP n pl. -S a type of man's shoe WINGY adj WINGIER, WINGIEST swift WINIER comparative of winey and winy WINIEST superlative of winey and winy WINING present participle of wine WINISH adj winy WINK v -ED, -ING, -S to close and open one eye quickly WINKER n pl. -S one that winks WINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to displace, extract, or evict from a position WINLESS adj having no wins WINNABLE adj able to be won WINNED past tense of win (to winnow) WINNER n pl. -S one that wins WINNING n pl. -S money won in a game or competition WINNOCK n pl. -S a window WINNOW v -ED, -ING, -S to free grain from impurities WINNOWER n pl. -S one that winnows WINO n pl. WINOES or WINOS one who is habitually drunk on wine WINSOME adj -SOMER, -SOMEST charming WINTER v -ED, -ING, -S to pass the winter (the coldest season of the year) WINTERER n pl. -S one that winters WINTERLY adj wintry WINTERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST wintry WINTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to stagger WINTRY adj -TRIER, -TRIEST characteristic of winter WINTRILY adv WINY adj WINIER, WINIEST having the taste or qualities of wine WINZE n pl. -S a steeply inclined mine shaft WIPE v WIPED, WIPING, WIPES to rub lightly in order to clean or dry WIPEOUT n pl. -S a fall from a surfboard WIPER n pl. -S one that wipes WIPING present participle of wipe WIRE v WIRED, WIRING, WIRES to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) WIRABLE adj WIREDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS to draw into wire WIREHAIR n pl. -S a dog having a wiry coat WIRELESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to radio WIRELIKE adj resembling wire WIREMAN n pl. -MEN one who makes or works with wire WIRER n pl. -S one that wires WIRETAP v -TAPPED, -TAPPING, -TAPS to intercept messages by means of a concealed monitoring device WIREWAY n pl. -WAYS a tube for protecting electric wires WIREWORK n pl. -S an article made of wire WIREWORM n pl. -S a wirelike worm WIRIER comparative of wiry WIRIEST superlative of wiry WIRILY adv in a wiry manner WIRINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being wiry WIRING n pl. -S a system of electric wires WIRRA interj -- used to express sorrow WIRY adj WIRIER, WIRIEST resembling wire WIS v past tense WIST to know -- WIS and WIST are the only accepted forms of this verb; it cannot be conjugated further WISDOM n pl. -S the power of true and right discernment WISE adj WISER, WISEST having wisdom WISE v WISED, WISING, WISES to become aware or informed WISEACRE n pl. -S a pretentiously wise person WISEASS n pl. -ES a wiseacre WISED past tense of wise WISELY adv -LIER, -LIEST in a wise manner WISENESS n pl. -ES wisdom WISENT n pl. -S a European bison WISER comparative of wise WISEST superlative of wise WISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to feel an impulse toward attainment or possession of something WISHA interj -- used to express surprise WISHBONE n pl. -S a forked bone in front of a bird's breastbone WISHER n pl. -S one that wishes WISHFUL adj desirous WISHLESS adj not wishful WISING present participle of wise WISP v -ED, -ING, -S to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) WISPIER comparative of wispy WISPIEST superlative of wispy WISPILY adv in a wispy manner WISPISH adj wispy WISPLIKE adj wispy WISPY adj WISPIER, WISPIEST resembling a wisp WISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to wish WIST v -ED, -ING, -S to know WISTARIA n pl. -S wisteria WISTERIA n pl. -S a flowering shrub WISTFUL adj yearning WIT n pl. -S intelligence WIT v WIST, WITING or WITTING, present sing. 1st person WOT, 2d WOST, 3d WOT, present pl. WITE to know WITAN n/pl the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England WITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bewitch WITCHERY n pl. -ERIES sorcery WITCHING n pl. -S sorcery WITCHY adj WITCHIER, WITCHIEST malicious WITE v WITED, WITING, WITES to blame WITH prep in the company of WITHAL adv in addition WITHDRAW v -DREW, -DRAWN, -DRAWING, -DRAWS to move back or away WITHE v WITHED, WITHING, WITHES to bind with flexible twigs WITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to dry up and wilt WITHERER n pl. -S one that withers WITHHOLD v -HELD, -HOLDING, -HOLDS to hold back WITHIER comparative of withy WITHIES pl. of withy WITHIEST superlative of withy WITHIN n pl. -S an interior place or area WITHING present participle of withe WITHOUT n pl. -S an exterior place or area WITHY adj WITHIER, WITHIEST flexible and tough WITHY n pl. WITHIES a flexible twig WITING present participle of wit and wite WITLESS adj lacking intelligence WITLING n pl. -S one who considers himself witty WITLOOF n pl. -S chicory WITNESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to see or know by personal experience WITNEY n pl. -NEYS a heavy woolen fabric WITTED adj having intelligence WITTIER comparative of witty WITTIEST superlative of witty WITTILY adv in a witty manner WITTING n pl. -S knowledge WITTOL n pl. -S a man who tolerates his wife's infidelity WITTY adj -TIER, -TIEST humorously clever WIVE v WIVED, WIVING, WIVES to marry a woman WIVER n pl. -S wivern WIVERN n pl. -S a two-legged dragon WIVES pl. of wife WIVING present participle of wive WIZ n pl. -ES a very clever or skillful person WIZARD n pl. -S a sorcerer WIZARDLY adj WIZARDRY n pl. -RIES sorcery WIZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to shrivel WIZZEN n pl. -S weasand WO n pl. WOS woe WOAD n pl. -S a blue dye WOADED adj WOADWAX n pl. -ES an ornamental shrub WOALD n pl. -S a yellow pigment WOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to move unsteadily WOBBLER n pl. -S one that wobbles WOBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST unsteady WOBBLY n pl. -BLIES a member of the Industrial Workers of the World WOBEGONE adj affected with woe WODGE n pl. -S a chunk of something WOE n pl. -S tremendous grief WOEFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST full of woe WOEFULLY adv WOENESS n pl. -ES sadness WOESOME adj woeful WOFUL adj woeful WOFULLY adv WOK n pl. -S a cooking utensil WOKE a past tense of wake WOKEN a past participle of wake WOLD n pl. -S an elevated tract of open land WOLF n pl. WOLVES a carnivorous mammal WOLF v -ED, -ING, -S to devour voraciously WOLFER n pl. -S one who hunts wolves WOLFFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish WOLFISH adj wolflike WOLFLIKE adj resembling a wolf WOLFRAM n pl. -S tungsten WOLVER n pl. -S wolfer WOLVES pl. of wolf WOMAN n pl. WOMEN an adult human female WOMAN v -ED, -ING, -S to play the part of a woman WOMANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to womanize WOMANISH adj characteristic of a woman WOMANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make effeminate WOMANLY adj -LIER, -LIEST having the qualities of a woman WOMB n pl. -S the uterus WOMBED adj WOMBAT n pl. -S a nocturnal mammal WOMBY adj WOMBIER, WOMBIEST hollow WOMEN pl. of woman WOMERA n pl. -S a device used to propel spears WOMMERA n pl. -S womera WON v WONNED, WONNING, WONS to dwell WONDER v -ED, -ING, -S to have a feeling of curiosity or doubt WONDERER n pl. -S one that wonders WONDROUS adj marvelous WONK n pl. -S an overly studious student WONKY adj -KIER, -KIEST unsteady WONNED past tense of won WONNER n pl. -S a prodigy WONNING present participle of won WONT v -ED, -ING, -S to make accustomed to WONTEDLY adv in a usual manner WONTON n pl. -S a pork-filled dumpling used in Chinese cooking WOO v -ED, -ING, -S to seek the affection of WOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) WOODBIN n pl. -S a bin for holding firewood WOODBIND n pl. -S woodbine WOODBINE n pl. -S a European shrub WOODBOX n pl. -ES a woodbin WOODCHAT n pl. -S a European shrike WOODCOCK n pl. -S a game bird WOODCUT n pl. -S an engraved block of wood WOODEN adj -ENER, -ENEST resembling wood in stiffness WOODENLY adv WOODHEN n pl. -S the weka WOODIE n pl. -S woody WOODIER comparative of woody WOODIES pl. of woody WOODIEST superlative of woody WOODLAND n pl. -S land covered with trees WOODLARK n pl. -S a songbird WOODLESS adj having no wood WOODLORE n pl. -S knowledge of the forest WOODLOT n pl. -S an area restricted to the growing of forest trees WOODMAN n pl. -MEN woodsman WOODNOTE n pl. -S a song or call of a forest bird WOODPILE n pl. -S a pile of wood WOODRUFF n pl. -S an aromatic herb WOODSHED v -SHEDDED, -SHEDDING, -SHEDS to practice on a musical instrument WOODSIA n pl. -S a small fern WOODSMAN n pl. -MEN one who works or lives in the forest WOODSY adj WOODSIER, WOODSIEST suggestive of a forest WOODWAX n pl. -ES woadwax WOODWIND n pl. -S a musical wind instrument WOODWORK n pl. -S work made of wood WOODWORM n pl. -S a wood-boring worm WOODY adj WOODIER, WOODIEST containing or resembling wood WOODY n pl. WOODIES a wood-paneled station wagon WOOER n pl. -S one that woos WOOF v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a gruff barking sound WOOFER n pl. -S a loudspeaker designed to reproduce low-pitched sounds WOOINGLY adv attractively WOOL n pl. -S the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals WOOLED adj having wool of a specified kind WOOLEN n pl. -S a fabric made of wool WOOLER n pl. -S a domestic animal raised for its wool WOOLFELL n pl. -S woolskin WOOLHAT n pl. -S one who works a small farm WOOLIE n pl. -S a woolly WOOLIER comparative of wooly WOOLIES pl. of wooly WOOLIEST superlative of wooly WOOLLED adj wooled WOOLLEN n pl. -S woolen WOOLLIER comparative of woolly WOOLLIES pl. of woolly WOOLLIKE adj resembling wool WOOLLY adj -LIER, -LIEST consisting of or resembling wool WOOLLILY adv WOOLLY n pl. -LIES a garment made of wool WOOLMAN n pl. -MEN a dealer in wool WOOLPACK n pl. -S a bag for packing a bale of wool WOOLSACK n pl. -S a sack of wool WOOLSHED n pl. -S a building in which sheep are sheared WOOLSKIN n pl. -S a sheepskin with the wool still on it WOOLWORK n pl. -S needlework WOOLY adj WOOLIER, WOOLIEST woolly WOOLY n pl. WOOLIES a woolly WOOMERA n pl. -S womera WOOPS v -ED, -ING, -ES to vomit WOORALI n pl. -S curare WOORARI n pl. -S curare WOOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whoosh WOOZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST dazed WOOZILY adv WORD v -ED, -ING, -S to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) WORDAGE n pl. -S the number of words used WORDBOOK n pl. -S a dictionary WORDIER comparative of wordy WORDIEST superlative of wordy WORDILY adv in a wordy manner WORDING n pl. -S the act or style of expressing in words WORDLESS adj being without words WORDPLAY n pl. -PLAYS a witty exchange of words WORDY adj WORDIER, WORDIEST using many or too many words WORE past tense of wear WORK v WORKED or WROUGHT, WORKING, WORKS to exert one's powers of body or mind for some purpose WORKABLE adj capable of being done WORKADAY adj everyday WORKBAG n pl. -S a bag for holding work instuments and materials WORKBOAT n pl. -S a boat used for commercial purposes WORKBOOK n pl. -S an exercise book for a student WORKBOX n pl. -ES a box for holding work instruments and materials WORKDAY n pl. -DAYS a day on which work is done WORKER n pl. -S one that works WORKFARE n pl. -S a welfare program that requires recipients to perform public-service work WORKFOLK n/pl manual laborers WORKING n pl. -S a mining excavation WORKLESS adj unemployed WORKLOAD n pl. -S the amount of work assigned to an employee WORKMAN n pl. -MEN a male worker WORKMATE n pl. -S a fellow worker WORKOUT n pl. -S a period of physical exercise WORKROOM n pl. -S a room in which work is done WORKSHOP n pl. -S a workroom WORKUP n pl. -S an intensive diagnostic study WORKWEEK n pl. -S the number of hours worked in a week WORLD n pl. -S the earth and all its inhabitants WORLDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to the world WORM v -ED, -ING, -S to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) WORMER n pl. -S one that worms WORMHOLE n pl. -S a hole made by a burrowing worm WORMIER comparative of wormy WORMIEST superlative of wormy WORMIL n pl. -S a lump in the skin of an animal's back WORMISH adj wormlike WORMLIKE adj resembling a worm WORMROOT n pl. -S pinkroot WORMSEED n pl. -S a tropical plant WORMWOOD n pl. -S a European herb WORMY adj WORMIER, WORMIEST infested with worms WORN adj affected by wear or use WORNNESS n pl. -ES the state of being worn WORRIED past tense of worry WORRIER n pl. -S one that worries WORRIT v -ED, -ING, -S to worry WORRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to feel anxious and uneasy about something WORSE n pl. -S something that is worse (bad in a greater degree) WORSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become worse WORSER adj worse WORSET n pl. -S worsted WORSHIP v -SHIPED, -SHIPING, -SHIPS -SHIPPED, -SHIPPING, -SHIPS to honor and love as a divine being WORST v -ED, -ING, -S to defeat WORSTED n pl. -S a woolen yarn WORT n pl. -S a plant, herb, or vegetable WORTH v -ED, -ING, -S to befall WORTHFUL adj worthy WORTHY adj -THIER, -THIEST having value or merit WORTHILY adv WORTHY n pl. -THIES a worthy person WOST a present 2d person sing. of wit WOT v WOTTED, WOTTING, WOTS to know WOULD past tense of will WOULDEST a 2d person sing. past tense of will WOULDST a 2d person sing. past tense of will WOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to inflict an injury upon WOVE a past tense of weave WOVEN n pl. -S a woven fabric WOW v -ED, -ING, -S to excite to enthusiastic approval WOWSER n pl. -S a puritanical person WRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to wreck WRACKFUL adj destructive WRAITH n pl. -S a ghost WRANG n pl. -S a wrong WRANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to argue noisily WRANGLER n pl. -S one that wrangles WRAP v WRAPPED or WRAPT, WRAPPING, WRAPS to enclose in something wound or folded about WRAPPER n pl. -S one that wraps WRAPPING n pl. -S the material in which something is wrapped WRAPT a past tense of wrap WRASSE n pl. -S a marine fish WRASSLE v -SLED, -SLING, -SLES to wrastle WRASTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to wrestle WRATH v -ED, -ING, -S to make wrathful WRATHFUL adj extremely angry WRATHY adj WRATHIER, WRATHIEST wrathful WRATHILY adv WREAK v -ED, -ING, -S to inflict WREAKER n pl. -S one that wreaks WREATH n pl. -S a band of flowers WREATHY adj WREATHE v WREATHED, WREATHEN, WREATHING, WREATHES to shape into a wreath WRECK v -ED, -ING, -S to cause the ruin of WRECKAGE n pl. -S the act of wrecking WRECKER n pl. -S one that wrecks WRECKFUL adj destructive WRECKING n pl. -S the occupation of salvaging wrecked objects WREN n pl. -S a small songbird WRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to twist suddenly and forcibly WREST v -ED, -ING, -S to take away by force WRESTER n pl. -S one that wrests WRESTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to engage in a type of hand-to-hand contest WRESTLER n pl. -S one that wrestles WRETCH n pl. -ES a wretched person WRETCHED adj -EDER, -EDEST extremely unhappy WRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to wrench WRIED past tense of wry WRIER a comparative of wry WRIES present 3d person sing. of wry WRIEST a superlative of wry WRIGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to turn or twist in a sinuous manner WRIGGLER n pl. -S one that wriggles WRIGGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST wriggling WRIGHT n pl. -S one who constructs or creates WRING v WRUNG or WRINGED, WRINGING, WRINGS to twist so as to compress WRINGER n pl. -S one that wrings WRINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to make wrinkles (small ridges or furrows) in WRINKLY adj -KLIER, -KLIEST having wrinkles WRIST n pl. -S the junction between the hand and forearm WRISTLET n pl. -S a band worn around the wrist WRISTY adj WRISTIER, WRISTIEST using much wrist action WRIT n pl. -S a written legal order WRITE v WROTE, WRITTEN, WRITING, WRITES to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument WRITABLE adj WRITER n pl. -S one that writes WRITERLY adj characteristic of a writer WRITHE v WRITHED, WRITHING, WRITHES to squirm or twist in pain WRITHEN adj twisted WRITHER n pl. -S one that writhes WRITHING present participle of writhe WRITING n pl. -S a written composition WRITTEN past participle of write WRONG adj WRONGER, WRONGEST not according to what is right, proper, or correct WRONG v -ED, -ING, -S to treat injuriously or unjustly WRONGER n pl. -S one that wrongs WRONGFUL adj wrong WRONGLY adv in a wrong manner WROTE past tense of write WROTH adj very angry WROTHFUL adj wroth WROUGHT a past tense of work WRUNG a past tense of wring WRY adj WRIER, WRIEST WRYER, WRYEST contorted WRYLY adv WRY v WRIED, WRYING, WRIES to contort WRYNECK n pl. -S a European bird WRYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being wry WUD adj insane WURST n pl. -S sausage WURZEL n pl. -S a variety of beet WUSS n pl. -ES a wimp WUSSY adj WUSSIER, WUSSIEST wimpy WUSSY n pl. -SIES a wuss WUTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to blow with a dull roaring sound WYCH n pl. -ES a European elm WYE n pl. -S the letter Y WYLE v WYLED, WYLING, WYLES to beguile WYN n pl. -S wynn WYND n pl. -S a narrow street WYNN n pl. -S the rune for W WYTE v WYTED, WYTING, WYTES to wite WYVERN n pl. -S wivern XANTHAN n pl. -S a gum produced by bacterial fermentation XANTHATE n pl. -S a chemical salt XANTHEIN n pl. -S the water-soluble part of the coloring matter in yellow flowers XANTHENE n pl. -S a chemical compound XANTHIC adj tending to have a yellow color XANTHIN n pl. -S a yellow pigment XANTHINE n pl. -S a chemical compound XANTHOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a skin disease XANTHONE n pl. -S a chemical compound XANTHOUS adj yellow XEBEC n pl. -S a Mediterranean sailing vessel XENIA n pl. -S the effect of pollen on certain plant structures XENIAL adj XENIC adj pertaining to a type of culture medium XENOGAMY n pl. -MIES the transfer of pollen from one plant to another XENOGENY n pl. -NIES the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent XENOLITH n pl. -S a rock fragment included in another rock XENON n pl. -S a gaseous element XERARCH adj developing in a dry area XERIC adj requiring only a small amount of moisture XEROSERE n pl. -S a dry-land sere XEROSIS n pl. -ROSES abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue XEROTIC adj XEROX v -ED, -ING, -ES to copy on a xerographic copier XERUS n pl. -ES an African ground squirrel XI n pl. -S a Greek letter XIPHOID n pl. -S a part of the sternum XU n pl. XU a monetary unit of Vietnam XYLAN n pl. -S a substance found in cell walls of plants XYLEM n pl. -S a complex plant tissue XYLENE n pl. -S a flammable hydrocarbon XYLIDIN n pl. -S xylidine XYLIDINE n pl. -S a chemical compound XYLITOL n pl. -S an alcohol XYLOCARP n pl. -S a hard, woody fruit XYLOID adj resembling wood XYLOL n pl. -S xylene XYLOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar XYLOTOMY n pl. -MIES the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination XYLYL n pl. -S a univalent radical XYST n pl. -S xystus XYSTER n pl. -S a surgical instrument for scraping bones XYSTOS n pl. -TOI xystus XYSTUS n pl. -TI a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece YA pron you YABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to jabber YACHT v -ED, -ING, -S to sail in a yacht (a vessel used for pleasure cruising or racing) YACHTER n pl. -S one who sails a yacht YACHTING n pl. -S the sport of sailing in yachts YACHTMAN n pl. -MEN a yachter YACK v -ED, -ING, -S to yak YAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to bark YAGER n pl. -S jaeger YAGI n pl. -S a type of shortwave antenna YAH interj -- used as an exclamation of disgust YAHOO n pl. -HOOS a coarse, uncouth person YAHOOISM n pl. -S coarse, uncouth behavior YAHRZEIT n pl. -S an anniversary of the death of a family member observed by Jews YAIRD n pl. -S a garden YAK v YAKKED, YAKKING, YAKS to chatter YAKITORI n pl. -S marinated chicken pieces on skewers YAKKER n pl. -S one that yaks YALD adj yauld YAM n pl. -S a plant having an edible root YAMALKA n pl. -S yarmulke YAMEN n pl. -S the residence of a Chinese public official YAMMER v -ED, -ING, -S to whine or complain peevishly YAMMERER n pl. -S one that yammers YAMULKA n pl. -S yarmulke YAMUN n pl. -S yamen YANG n pl. -S the masculine active principle in Chinese cosmology YANK v -ED, -ING, -S to pull suddenly YANQUI n pl. -S a United States citizen YANTRA n pl. -S a geometrical diagram used in meditation YAP v YAPPED, YAPPING, YAPS to bark shrilly YAPOCK n pl. -S an aquatic mammal YAPOK n pl. -S yapock YAPON n pl. -S yaupon YAPPED past tense of yap YAPPER n pl. -S one that yaps YAPPING present participle of yap YAR adj yare YARD v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) YARDAGE n pl. -S the use of an enclosure for livestock at a railroad station YARDARM n pl. -S either end of a ship's spar YARDBIRD n pl. -S an army recruit YARDLAND n pl. -S an old English unit of land measure YARDMAN n pl. -MEN a man employed to do outdoor work YARDWAND n pl. -S a measuring stick YARDWORK n pl. -S the work of caring for a lawn YARE adj YARER, YAREST nimble YARELY adv YARMELKE n pl. -S yarmulke YARMULKE n pl. -S a skullcap worn by Jewish males YARN v -ED, -ING, -S to tell a long story YARNER n pl. -S one that yarns YARROW n pl. -S a perennial herb YASHMAC n pl. -S yashmak YASHMAK n pl. -S a veil worn by Muslim women YASMAK n pl. -S yashmak YATAGAN n pl. -S yataghan YATAGHAN n pl. -S a Turkish sword YATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk idly YAUD n pl. -S an old mare YAULD adj vigorous YAUP v -ED, -ING, -S to yawp YAUPER n pl. -S one that yaups YAUPON n pl. -S an evergreen shrub YAUTIA n pl. -S a tropical plant YAW v -ED, -ING, -S to deviate from an intended course YAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to yowl YAWMETER n pl. -S an instrument in an aircraft YAWN v -ED, -ING, -S to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation of air YAWNER n pl. -S one that yawns YAWP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a loud, harsh cry YAWPER n pl. -S one that yawps YAWPING n pl. -S a loud, harsh cry YAY n pl. YAYS yea YCLEPED adj yclept YCLEPT adj called; named YE pron you YEA n pl. -S an affirmative vote YEAH adv yes YEALING n pl. -S a person of the same age YEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to bear young YEANLING n pl. -S the young of a sheep or goat YEAR n pl. -S a period of time consisting of 365 or 366 days YEARBOOK n pl. -S a book published each year by a graduating class YEAREND n pl. -S the end of a year YEARLIES pl. of yearly YEARLING n pl. -S an animal past its first year and not yet two years old YEARLONG adj lasting through a year YEARLY n pl. -LIES a publication appearing once a year YEARN v -ED, -ING, -S to have a strong or deep desire YEARNER n pl. -S one that yearns YEARNING n pl. -S a strong or deep desire YEASAYER n pl. -S one that affirms something YEAST v -ED, -ING, -S to foam YEASTY adj YEASTIER, YEASTIEST foamy YEASTILY adv YECCH n pl. -S something disgusting YECH n pl. -S yecch YECHY adj disgusting YEELIN n pl. -S yealing YEGG n pl. -S a burglar YEGGMAN n pl. -MEN a yegg YEH adv yeah YELD adj not giving milk YELK n pl. -S yolk YELL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry out loudly YELLER n pl. -S one that yells YELLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST of a bright color like that of ripe lemons YELLOWLY adv YELLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to make or become yellow YELLOWY adj somewhat yellow YELP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a sharp, shrill cry YELPER n pl. -S one that yelps YEN v YENNED, YENNING, YENS to yearn YENTA n pl. -S a gossipy woman YENTE n pl. -S yenta YEOMAN n pl. -MEN an independent farmer YEOMANLY adj YEOMANRY n pl. -RIES the collective body of yeomen YEP adv yes YERBA n pl. -S a South American beverage resembling tea YERK v -ED, -ING, -S to beat vigorously YES v YESSED, YESSING, YESSES or YESES to give an affirmative reply to YESHIVA n pl. -VAS, -VOT, or -VOTH an orthodox Jewish school YESHIVAH n pl. -S yeshiva YESSED past tense of yes YESSES a 3d person sing. of yes YESSING present participle of yes YESTER adj pertaining to yesterday YESTERN adj yester YESTREEN n pl. -S the previous evening YET adv up to now YETI n pl. -S the abominable snowman YETT n pl. -S a gate YEUK v -ED, -ING, -S to itch YEUKY adj itchy YEW n pl. -S an evergreen tree or shrub YIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to give up YIELDER n pl. -S one that yields YIKES interj -- used to express fear or pain YILL n pl. -S ale YIN n pl. -S the feminine passive principle in Chinese cosmology YINCE adv once YIP v YIPPED, YIPPING, YIPS to yelp YIPE interj -- used to express fear or surprise YIPES interj yipe YIPPED past tense of yip YIPPEE interj -- used to express joy YIPPIE n pl. -S a politically radical hippie YIPPING present participle of yip YIRD n pl. -S earth YIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to snarl YIRTH n pl. -S yird YLEM n pl. -S hypothetical matter from which the elements are derived YO interj -- used to call attention or to express affirmation YOB n pl. -S a hooligan YOBBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a yob YOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to laugh boisterously YOD n pl. -S a Hebrew letter YODEL v -DELED, -DELING, -DELS or -DELLED, -DELLING, -DELS to sing with a fluctuating voice YODELER n pl. -S one that yodels YODELLER n pl. -S yodeler YODELLING a present participle of yodel YODH n pl. -S yod YODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to yodel YODLER n pl. -S yodeler YOGA n pl. -S a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines YOGEE n pl. -S yogi YOGH n pl. -S a Middle English letter YOGHOURT n pl. -S yogurt YOGHURT n pl. -S yogurt YOGI n pl. -S a person who practices yoga YOGIC adj pertaining to yoga YOGIN n pl. -S yogi YOGINI n pl. -S a female yogi YOGURT n pl. -S a food made from milk YOICKS interj -- used to encourage hunting hounds YOK n pl. -S a boisterous laugh YOKE v YOKED, YOKING, YOKES to fit with a yoke (a wooden frame for joining together draft animals) YOKEL n pl. -S a naive or gullible rustic YOKELESS adj having no yoke YOKELISH adj resembling a yokel YOKEMATE n pl. -S a companion in work YOKING present participle of yoke YOKOZUNA n pl. -S a champion sumo wrestler YOLK n pl. -S the yellow portion of an egg YOLKED adj YOLKY adj YOLKIER, YOLKIEST resembling a yolk YOM n pl. YOMIM day YON adv yonder YOND adv yonder YONDER adv over there YONI n pl. -S a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion YONIC adj YONKER n pl. -S younker YORE n pl. -S time past YOU pron the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun YOUNG adj YOUNGER, YOUNGEST being in the early period of life or growth YOUNG n pl. -S offspring YOUNGER n pl. -S an inferior in age YOUNGISH adj somewhat young YOUNKER n pl. -S a young gentleman YOUPON n pl. -S yaupon YOUR adj a possessive form of the pronoun you YOURN pron yours YOURS pron a possessive form of the pronoun you YOURSELF pron pl. -SELVES a form of the 2d person pronoun YOUSE pron you YOUTH n pl. -S a young person YOUTHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make youthful YOUTHFUL adj young YOW v -ED, -ING, -S to yowl YOWE n pl. -S a ewe YOWIE n pl. -S a small ewe YOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a loud, long, mournful cry YOWLER n pl. -S one that yowls YPERITE n pl. -S a poisonous gas YTTERBIA n pl. -S a chemical compound YTTERBIC adj YTTRIA n pl. -S a chemical compound YTTRIUM n pl. -S a metallic element YTTRIC adj YUAN n pl. -S a monetary unit of China YUCA n pl. -S cassava YUCCA n pl. -S a tropical plant YUCCH interj -- used to express disgust YUCH interj yucch YUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to yuk YUCKY adj YUCKIER, YUCKIEST disgusting YUGA n pl. -S an age of time in Hinduism YUK v YUKKED, YUKKING, YUKS to laugh loudly YULAN n pl. -S a Chinese tree YULE n pl. -S Christmas time YULETIDE n pl. -S yule YUM interj -- used to express pleasurable satisfaction YUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST delicious YUMMY n pl. -MIES something delicious YUP n pl. -S yuppie YUPON n pl. -S yaupon YUPPIE n pl. -S a young professional person working in a city YURT n pl. YURTA or YURTS a portable tent YWIS adv iwis ZABAIONE n pl. -S a dessert resembling custard ZABAJONE n pl. -S zabaione ZACATON n pl. -S a Mexican grass ZADDICK n pl. -DIKIM zaddik ZADDIK n pl. -DIKIM a virtuous person by Jewish religious standards ZAFFAR n pl. -S zaffer ZAFFER n pl. -S a blue ceramic coloring ZAFFIR n pl. -S zaffer ZAFFRE n pl. -S zaffer ZAFTIG adj full-bosomed ZAG v ZAGGED, ZAGGING, ZAGS to turn sharply ZAIBATSU n pl. ZAIBATSU a powerful family combine in Japan ZAIKAI n pl. -S the business community of Japan ZAIRE n pl. -S a monetary unit of Zaire ZAMARRA n pl. -S a sheepskin coat ZAMARRO n pl. -ROS zamarra ZAMIA n pl. -S a tropical plant ZAMINDAR n pl. -S a tax collector in precolonial India ZANANA n pl. -S zenana ZANDER n pl. -S a freshwater fish ZANIER comparative of zany ZANIES pl. of zany ZANINESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being zany ZANY adj ZANIER, ZANIEST ludicrously comical ZANILY adv ZANY n pl. -NIES a zany person ZANYISH adj somewhat zany ZANZA n pl. -S an African musical instrument ZAP v ZAPPED, ZAPPING, ZAPS to kill or destroy instantaneously ZAPATEO n pl. -TEOS a Spanish dance ZAPPER n pl. -S a device that zaps ZAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST zippy ZAPTIAH n pl. -S a Turkish policeman ZAPTIEH n pl. -S zaptiah ZARATITE n pl. -S a chemical compound ZAREBA n pl. -S an improvised stockade ZAREEBA n pl. -S zareba ZARF n pl. -S a metal holder for a coffee cup ZARIBA n pl. -S zareba ZARZUELA n pl. -S a Spanish operetta ZASTRUGA n pl. -GI sastruga ZAX n pl. -ES a tool for cutting roof slates ZAYIN n pl. -S a Hebrew letter ZAZEN n pl. -S meditation in Zen Buddhism ZEAL n pl. -S enthusiastic devotion ZEALOT n pl. -S one who is zealous ZEALOTRY n pl. -RIES excessive zeal ZEALOUS adj filled with zeal ZEATIN n pl. -S a chemical compound found in maize ZEBEC n pl. -S xebec ZEBECK n pl. -S xebec ZEBRA n pl. -S an African mammal that is related to the horse ZEBRAIC adj ZEBRASS n pl. -ES the offspring of a zebra and an ass ZEBRINE adj pertaining to a zebra ZEBROID adj zebrine ZEBU n pl. -S an Asian ox ZECCHIN n pl. -S zecchino ZECCHINO n pl. -NI or -NOS a former gold coin of Italy ZECHIN n pl. -S zecchino ZED n pl. -S the letter Z ZEDOARY n pl. -ARIES the medicinal root of a tropical plant ZEE n pl. -S the letter Z ZEIN n pl. -S a simple protein ZEK n pl. -S an inmate in a Soviet labor camp ZELKOVA n pl. -S a Japanese tree ZEMINDAR n pl. -S zamindar ZEMSTVO n pl. -VOS or -VA an elective council in czarist Russia ZENAIDA n pl. -S a wild dove ZENANA n pl. -S the section of a house in India reserved for women ZENITH n pl. -S the highest point ZENITHAL adj ZEOLITE n pl. -S a mineral ZEOLITIC adj ZEPHYR n pl. -S a gentle breeze ZEPPELIN n pl. -S a long, rigid airship ZERK n pl. -S a grease fitting ZERO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to aim at the exact center of a target ZEROTH adj being numbered zero in a series ZEST v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) ZESTER n pl. -S a utensil for peeling citrus rind ZESTFUL adj full of zest ZESTLESS adj lacking zest ZESTY adj ZESTIER, ZESTIEST marked by zest ZETA n pl. -S a Greek letter ZEUGMA n pl. -S the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense ZIBELINE n pl. -S a soft fabric ZIBET n pl. -S an Asian civet ZIBETH n pl. -S zibet ZIG v ZIGGED, ZIGGING, ZIGS to turn sharply ZIGGURAT n pl. -S an ancient Babylonian temple tower ZIGZAG v -ZAGGED, -ZAGGING, -ZAGS to proceed on a course marked by sharp turns ZIKKURAT n pl. -S ziggurat ZIKURAT n pl. -S ziggurat ZILCH n pl. -ES nothing ZILL n pl. -S one of a pair of finger cymbals ZILLAH n pl. -S an administrative district in India ZILLION n pl. -S an indeterminately large number ZIN n pl. -S a dry red wine ZINC v ZINCED, ZINCING, ZINCS or ZINCKED, ZINCKING, ZINCS to coat with zinc (a metallic element) ZINCATE n pl. -S a chemical salt ZINCIC adj pertaining to zinc ZINCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to coat with zinc ZINCITE n pl. -S an ore of zinc ZINCKED a past tense of zinc ZINCKING a present participle of zinc ZINCKY adj resembling zinc ZINCOID adj zincic ZINCOUS adj zincic ZINCY adj zincky ZINEB n pl. -S an insecticide ZING v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a high-pitched humming sound ZINGANO n pl. -NI zingaro ZINGARA n pl. -RE a female gypsy ZINGARO n pl. -RI a gypsy ZINGER n pl. -S a pointed witty retort or remark ZINGY adj ZINGIER, ZINGIEST enjoyably exciting ZINKIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to zincify ZINKY adj zincky ZINNIA n pl. -S a tropical plant ZIP v ZIPPED, ZIPPING, ZIPS to move with speed and vigor ZIPLESS adj lacking vigor or energy ZIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a zipper (a fastener consisting of two rows of interlocking teeth) ZIPPING present participle of zip ZIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST full of energy ZIRAM n pl. -S a chemical salt ZIRCON n pl. -S a mineral ZIRCONIA n pl. -S a chemical compound ZIRCONIC adj pertaining to a certain metallic element ZIT n pl. -S a pimple ZITHER n pl. -S a stringed instrument ZITHERN n pl. -S zither ZITI n pl. -S a tubular pasta ZIZIT n/pl zizith ZIZITH n/pl the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl ZIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to sizzle ZLOTY n pl. ZLOTYS, ZLOTE, ZLOTIES, or ZLOTYCH a monetary unit of Poland ZOA a pl. of zoon ZOARIUM n pl. -IA a colony of bryozoans ZOARIAL adj ZODIAC n pl. -S an imaginary belt encircling the celestial sphere ZODIACAL adj ZOEA n pl. ZOEAE or ZOEAS a larval form of certain crustaceans ZOEAL adj ZOECIUM n pl. -CIA zooecium ZOFTIG adj zaftig ZOIC adj pertaining to animals or animal life ZOISITE n pl. -S a mineral ZOMBI n pl. -S zombie ZOMBIE n pl. -S a will-less human capable only of automatic movement ZOMBIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to turn into a zombie ZOMBIISM n pl. -S the system of beliefs connected with a West African snake god ZONAL adj pertaining to a zone ZONALLY adv ZONARY adj zonal ZONATE adj arranged in zones ZONATED adj zonate ZONATION n pl. -S arrangement in zones ZONE v ZONED, ZONING, ZONES to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) ZONELESS adj having no zone or belt ZONER n pl. -S one that zones ZONETIME n pl. -S standard time used at sea ZONING present participle of zone ZONK v -ED, -ING, -S to stupefy ZONULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS zonule ZONULE n pl. -S a small zone ZONULAR adj ZOO n pl. ZOOS a place where animals are kept for public exhibition ZOOCHORE n pl. -S a plant dispersed by animals ZOOECIUM n pl. -CIA a sac secreted and lived in by an aquatic organism ZOOGENIC adj caused by animals or their activities ZOOGLEA n pl. -GLEAE or -GLEAS a jellylike mass of bacteria ZOOGLEAL adj ZOOGLOEA n pl. -GLOEAE or -GLOEAS zooglea ZOOID n pl. -S an organic cell or body capable of independent movement ZOOIDAL adj ZOOKS interj -- used as a mild oath ZOOLATER n pl. -S one that worships animals ZOOLATRY n pl. -TRIES the worship of animals ZOOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science that deals with animals ZOOLOGIC adj ZOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a loud humming sound ZOOMANIA n pl. -S an excessive interest in animals ZOOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the measurement of animals or animal parts ZOOMORPH n pl. -S something in the form of an animal ZOON n pl. ZOA or ZOONS the whole product of one fertilized egg ZOONAL adj ZOONOSIS n pl. -NOSES a disease that can be transmitted from animals to man ZOONOTIC adj ZOOPHILE n pl. -S a lover of animals ZOOPHILY n pl. -LIES a love of animals ZOOPHOBE n pl. -S one who fears or hates animals ZOOPHYTE n pl. -S an invertebrate animal ZOOSPERM n pl. -S the male fertilizing element of an animal ZOOSPORE n pl. -S a type of spore ZOOTOMY n pl. -MIES the dissection of animals ZOOTOMIC adj ZOOTY adj ZOOTIER, ZOOTIEST flashy in manner or style ZORI n pl. ZORI or ZORIS a type of sandal ZORIL n pl. -S a small African mammal ZORILLA n pl. -S zoril ZORILLE n pl. -S zoril ZORILLO n pl. -LOS zoril ZOSTER n pl. -S a virus disease ZOUAVE n pl. -S a French infantryman ZOUNDS interj -- used as a mild oath ZOWIE interj -- used to express surprise or pleasure ZOYSIA n pl. -S a perennial grass ZUCCHINI n pl. -S a vegetable ZWIEBACK n pl. -S a sweetened bread ZYDECO n pl. -COS popular music of southern Louisiana ZYGOID adj pertaining to a zygote ZYGOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA the cheekbone ZYGOSIS n pl. -GOSES the union of two gametes ZYGOSE adj ZYGOSITY n pl. -TIES the makeup of a particular zygote ZYGOTE n pl. -S a cell formed by the union of two gametes ZYGOTIC adj ZYGOTENE n pl. -S a stage in meiosis ZYMASE n pl. -S an enzyme ZYME n pl. -S an enzyme ZYMOGEN n pl. -S a substance that develops into an enzyme when suitably activated ZYMOGENE n pl. -S zymogen ZYMOGRAM n pl. -S a record of separated proteins after electrophoresis ZYMOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of fermentation ZYMOSAN n pl. -S an insoluble fraction of yeast cell walls ZYMOSIS n pl. -MOSES fermentation ZYMOTIC adj ZYMURGY n pl. -GIES a branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation ZYZZYVA n pl. -S a tropical weevil