QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n -S] FAQIR {fakir=n} [n -S] ZOEAE [n] NERTZ {nerts=interj} [interj] ZAIRE a monetary unit of Zaire [n -S] QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj] QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v -ED, -ING, -S] ROQUE a form of croquet [n -S] QUERN a hand-turned grain mill [n -S] QUOTE to repeat the words of [v QUOTED, QUOTING, QUOTES] : QUOTABLE [adj], QUOTABLY [adv] QADIS [n] FIQUE a tropical plant [n -S] QUEAN a {harlot=n} [n -S] OIDIA [n] OURIE shivering with cold [adj] OORIE {ourie=adj} [adj] RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n -S] QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUOTA a proportional part or share [n -S] AUDIO sound reception or transmission [n -DIOS] UMIAQ {umiak=n} [n -S] AQUAE [n] JERID {jereed=n} [n -S] XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n -S] : XENIAL [adj] AIOLI garlic mayonnaise [n -S] QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj QUEERER, QUEEREST] / to spoil the effect or success of [v -ED, -ING, -S] JIVED [v] ZLOTE [n] QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v QUIRED, QUIRING, QUIRES] EQUID an animal of the horse family [n -S] FAUVE a {fauvist=n} [n -S] AZURE a blue color [n -S] JETON {jetton=n} [n -S] MIAOU to {meow=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZORIL a small African mammal [n -S] FRITZ a nonfunctioning state [n -ES] LOUIE {looie=n} [n -S] GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v -ED, -ING, -ES] VARIX a varicose vein [n VARICES] JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v -ED, -ING, -S] TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n -S] JIVER one that {jives=v} [n -S] VIGIA a warning on a navigational chart [n -S] HERTZ a unit of frequency [n -ES] VROUW a Dutch woman [n -S] VIZOR to {visor=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n -S] ZONAE [n] ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n -S] : ZOOIDAL [adj] AJIVA inanimate matter [n -S] ADIEU a farewell [n ADIEUS or ADIEUX] TROOZ {trews=n} [n] BORTZ {bort=n} [n -ES] YOWIE a small ewe [n -S] QUIET making little or no noise [adj -ETER, -ETEST] / to cause to be quiet [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZONER one that {zones=v} [n -S] QUBIT a quantum bit [n -S] WALTZ to perform a ballroom dance [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n -VEAE or -VEAS] : FOVEAL, FOVEATE, FOVEATED [adj] ZINEB an insecticide [n -S] JINGO a zealous patriot [n -GOES] : JINGOISH [adj] AZINE a type of chemical compound [n -S] FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n -GIOS] JOULE a unit of energy [n -S] ZONED [v] FOGIE {fogy=n} [n -S] REJIG to {rejigger=v} [v -JIGGED, -JIGGING, -JIGS] WAIVE to give up intentionally [v WAIVED, WAIVING, WAIVES] OGIVE a pointed arch [n -S] : OGIVAL [adj] MIAOW to {meow=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUAIL to {cower=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] AUREI [n] IXORA a flowering plant [n -S] QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v] AZIDO [adj] QUARE {queer=adj} [adj] VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n -S] ZIBET an Asian civet [n -S] AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n -S] : AZIDO [adj] ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n -S] QUERY to {question=v} [v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES] GAVOT a French dance [n -S] ZOEAL [adj] JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v JUICED, JUICING, JUICES] PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v -ED, -ING, -S] EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] / to be equal to [v EQUALED, EQUALING, EQUALS or EQUALLED, EQUALLING, EQUALS] TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n TORII] WINZE a steeply inclined mine shaft [n -S] TOPAZ a mineral [n -ES] : TOPAZINE [adj] BOVID a {bovine=n} [n -S] QUEUE to line up [v QUEUED, QUEUING or QUEUEING, QUEUES] OVOID an egg-shaped body [n -S] : OVOIDAL [adj] JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj JIVIER, JIVIEST] ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n -S] IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n -RIES] EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v EQUIPPED, EQUIPPING, EQUIPS] QUEST to make a search [v -ED, -ING, -S] DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj] BIJOU a jewel [n -JOUX or -JOUS] QUATE {quiet=adj} [adj] RADIX the root of a plant [n -DICES or -DIXES] VIEWY {showy=adj} [adj VIEWIER, VIEWIEST] DETOX to {detoxify=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BURQA {burka=n} [n -S] VOGIE {vain=adj} [adj] VIZIR {vizier=n} [n -S] : VIZIRIAL [adj] AZOTE {nitrogen=n} [n -S] : AZOTED [adj] XENON a gaseous element [n -S] HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n -ES] ADOZE dozing [adj] VOGUE to imitate poses of fashion models [v VOGUED, VOGUING or VOGUEING, VOGUES] SQUEG to oscillate in an irregular manner [v SQUEGGED, SQUEGGING, SQUEGS] POOVE {poof=n} [n -S] FJORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n -S] : FJORDIC [adj] GAUZE a transparent fabric [n -S] BEAUX [n] GADJO a non-Gypsy person -- an offensive term [n GADJE] JOWAR a durra grown in India [n -S] JUNTO a political faction [n -TOS] COOEE to cry out shrilly [v COOEED, COOEEING, COOEES] JIBED [v] VIREO a small bird [n -EOS] AALII a tropical tree [n -S] JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n -S] ZIRAM a chemical salt [n -S] ZITIS [n] VODUN a primitive religion of the West Indies [n -S] EERIE {weird=adj} [adj -RIER, -RIEST] : EERILY [adv] JINNI {jinn=n} [n -S] JIBER one that {jibes=v} [n -S] ZOOEY resembling a {zoo=n} [adj ZOOIER, ZOOIEST] AECIA [n] DIVOT a piece of turf [n -S] VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v -ED, -ING, -S] AVOID to keep away from [v -ED, -ING, -S] JNANA knowledge acquired through meditation [n -S] VODOU {vodun=n} [n -S] QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n -LIA] BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v -WIGGED, -WIGGING, -WIGS] QAIDS [n] JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n -S] ZAMIA a tropical plant [n -S] JAUNT to make a pleasure trip [v -ED, -ING, -S] AERIE a bird's nest built high on a mountain or cliff [n -S] : AERIED [adj] INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n INDEXES or INDICES] / to provide with an index [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ENVOY a representative [n -VOYS] MAQUI {maquis=n} [n -S] JERRY a German soldier [n -RIES] JAGER {jaeger=n} [n -S] JENNY a female {donkey=n} [n -NIES] JOYED [v] JOWED [v] QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v -ED, -ING, -S] VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n -EOS] ANNEX to add or attach [v -ED, -ING, -ES] IVIED covered with ivy [adj] VIRID {verdant=adj} [adj] AVION an {airplane=n} [n -S] DUVET a down-filled bed covering [n -S] EVITE to {avoid=v} [v EVITED, EVITING, EVITES] : EVITABLE [adj] JUROR a member of a jury [n -S] OVOLI [n] OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n -S] YOGEE {yogi=n} [n -S] VELDT a grassland of southern Africa [n -S] ZEINS [n] VULGO {commonly=adv} [adv] AWAIT to wait for [v -ED, -ING, -S] WOVEN a woven fabric [n -S] FIVER a five-dollar bill [n -S] QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v -ED, -ING, -S] RETAX [v -ED, -ING, -ES] VIGOR active strength or force [n -S] PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v -ED, -ING, -ES] JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n -S] FAVOR to regard with approval [v -ED, -ING, -S] OVATE egg-shaped [adj] : OVATELY [adv] FJELD a high, barren plateau [n -S] LOOIE a lieutenant of the armed forces [n -S] AXONE {axon=n} [n -S] HELIX something spiral in form [n -LIXES or -LICES] GROSZ a Polish coin [n GROSZY] JAWED [v] FAENA a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight [n -S] BANJO a musical instrument [n -JOS or -JOES] OXEYE a flowering plant [n -S] OUZEL a European bird [n -S] WIVED [v] NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n -S] AXITE a fiber of an axon [n -S] JANTY {jaunty=adj} [adj] WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] JEWEL to adorn or equip with jewels (precious stones) [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] VEGIE {veggie=n} [n -S] OBJET {curio=n} [n -S] BLITZ to subject to a sudden attack [v -ED, -ING, -ES] JUREL a food fish [n -S] WIFEY a {wife=n} [n WIFEYS] JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v -ED, -ING, -S] GUAVA a tropical shrub [n -S] VEINY full of veins [adj VEINIER, VEINIEST] XERIC requiring only a small amount of moisture [adj] PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v PIQUED, PIQUING, PIQUES] GINZO an Italian -- an offensive term [n -ES] TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n -S] UNWIT to make {insane=adj} [v -WITTED, -WITTING, -WITS] DITZY {ditsy=adj} [adj -ZIER, -ZIEST] QUITE to the fullest extent [adv] OZONE a form of oxygen [n -S] : OZONIC [adj] MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n -S] : MOTIFIC [adj] QUODS [n] GUIRO a percussion instrument [n -ROS] HIVED [v] ZINGY enjoyably exciting [adj ZINGIER, ZINGIEST] QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v QUAKED, QUAKING, QUAKES] JORAM {jorum=n} [n -S] IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n -S] : IDIOTIC [adj] AFOOT on foot [adv] VITAE [n] RITZY {elegant=adj} [adj RITZIER, RITZIEST] : RITZILY [adv] VODKA a liquor [n -S] BORAX a white crystalline compound [n -RAXES or -RACES] WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v WOVE, WEAVED, WOVEN, WEAVING, WEAVES] VITTA a streak or band of color [n -TAE] : VITTATE [adj] AZOIC pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life [adj] MAUVE a purple color [n -S] GADJE [n] JAPED [v] VAGUE not clearly expressed or understood [adj VAGUER, VAGUEST] : VAGUELY [adv] REDOX a type of chemical reaction [n -ES] VENUE the locale of an event [n -S] ORIBI an African antelope [n -S] OOTID one of the four sections into which a mature ovum divides [n -S] FEAZE to {faze=v} [v FEAZED, FEAZING, FEAZES] AZOTH {mercury=n} [n -S] VEENA {vina=n} [n -S] VAUNT to {brag=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZONAL pertaining to a zone [adj] : ZONALLY [adv] VOCAB a vocabulary [n -S] WIFED [v] EYRIE {aerie=n} [n -S] QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n -S] EJECT to throw out forcibly [v -ED, -ING, -S] JADED [v] VIOLA a stringed instrument [n -S] OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n -S] : OXIDIC [adj] VOLTI used to direct musicians to turn the page [interj] EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n -S] JALOP {jalap=n} [n -S] QUINT a group of five [n -S] AGAZE gazing [adj] JEWED [v] DEWAX to remove wax from [v -ED, -ING, -ES] QUIRK to {twist=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] UNZIP to open the zipper of [v -ZIPPED, -ZIPPING, -ZIPS] AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n -S] DJINN {jinni=n} [n -S] JETTY having the color jet black [adj -TIER, -TIEST] / to {jut=v} [v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES] KNAVE a dishonest person [n -S] : KNAVISH [adj] TUQUE a knitted woolen cap [n -S] HAUTE high-class [adj] ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n -S] : ZEBRAIC [adj] BAIZA a monetary unit of Oman [n -S] QUART a liquid measure of capacity [n -S] ZEBEC {xebec=n} [n -S] VARIA a miscellany of literary works [n -S] ZORIS [n] BEFOG to envelop in fog [v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS] VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v -ED, -ING, -S] WRUNG [v] JEBEL a {mountain=n} [n -S] TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v -ED, -ING, -ES] JORUM a large drinking bowl [n -S] QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v -ED, -ING, -S] NUDZH to {noodge=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HEAVY having much weight [adj HEAVIER, HEAVIEST] : HEAVILY [adv] / a {villain=n} [n HEAVIES] AJUGA a flowering plant [n -S] MAIZE an American cereal grass [n -S] FEDEX to send by Federal Express [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HADJI one who has made a hadj [n -S] QUELL to {suppress=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZOEAS [n] VACUA [n] JELLO a gelatin dessert usually with the flavor and color of fruit -- a trademark [n -S] JAGRA {jaggery=n} [n -S] JIVES [v] JAWAN a soldier of India [n -S] VIGIL a period of watchfulness maintained during normal sleeping hours [n -S] BEFIT to be suitable to [v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS] VOTED [v] QUOLL a small spotted marsupial [n -S] ZESTY marked by zest [adj ZESTIER, ZESTIEST] : ZESTILY [adv] LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n LATICES or LATEXES] MOVIE a motion picture [n -S] HEEZE to {hoist=v} [v HEEZED, HEEZING, HEEZES] JAPER one that {japes=v} [n -S] TEIID a tropical American lizard [n -S] QUASI similar but not exactly the same [adj] VOICE to express or utter [v VOICED, VOICING, VOICES] BRAVI [n] OVOLO a convex molding [n -LI or -LOS] VIVID strikingly bright or intense [adj -IDER, -IDEST] : VIVIDLY [adv] BAIZE a green, woolen fabric [n -S] ZETAS [n] GYVED [v] QURSH a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia [n -ES] VERTU {virtu=n} [n -S] FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v -ED, -ING, -S] CAPIZ a bivalve mollusk [n -ES] VOWED [v] PAVIN {pavan=n} [n -S] QUAGS [n] JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n -S] PUNJI a sharp bamboo stake placed and concealed so as to impale an enemy [n -S] SQUAW a American Indian woman -- an offensive term [n -S] REFIX [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n -S] VIXEN a shrewish woman [n -S] : VIXENISH, VIXENLY [adj] HEAVE to lift forcefully [v HEAVED, HOVE, HEAVING, HEAVES] QOPHS [n] CIVIE {civvy=n} [n -S] ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n ZLOTYS, ZLOTE, ZLOTIES, or ZLOTYCH] KAURI a timber tree [n -S] TWIXT {between=prep} [prep] FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n -S] REWAX [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EVOKE to call forth [v EVOKED, EVOKING, EVOKES] LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n -ES] HELIO a signaling mirror [n -LIOS] HIJAB a head covering worn by Muslim women [n -S] RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FATWA an Islamic legal decree [n -S] VINIC derived from wine [adj] FOLIA [n] BIFID divided into two parts [adj] : BIFIDLY [adv] JUDGE to decide on critically [v JUDGED, JUDGING, JUDGES] KANJI a system of Japanese writing [n -S] AZUKI {adzuki=n} [n -S] FAITH to believe or trust [v -ED, -ING, -S] FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v -ED, -ING, -S] AGAVE a tropical plant [n -S] AUXIN a substance used to regulate plant growth [n -S] : AUXINIC [adj] OUTGO to go beyond [v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES] VROOM to run an engine at high speed [v -ED, -ING, -S] SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [v SEIZED, SEIZING, SEIZES] : SEIZABLE [adj] JUNTA a political or governmental council [n -S] OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n -S] UNIFY to make into a coherent whole [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] GAZOO {wazoo=n} [n -S] DIXIT a statement [n -S] AZOLE a type of chemical compound [n -S] GIZMO {gismo=n} [n -MOS] XENIC pertaining to a type of culture medium [adj] CAREX a marsh plant [n CARICES] CUVEE a wine blended in casks [n -S] GUIDE to show the way to [v GUIDED, GUIDING, GUIDES] : GUIDABLE [adj] AREAE [n] JUICY full of juice [adj JUICIER, JUICIEST] : JUICILY [adv] UNBOX to remove from a box [v -ED, -ING, -ES] GLOZE to explain away [v GLOZED, GLOZING, GLOZES] JUPON a {tunic=n} [n -S] REDUX brought back [adj] AGLOW glowing [adj] KOINE a type of {dialect=n} [n -S] PAVID {timid=adj} [adj] JOLTY marked by a jolting motion [adj JOLTIER, JOLTIEST] : JOLTILY [adv] CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n -ES] ZINCY {zincky=adj} [adj] INDOW to {endow=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] TWICE two times [adv] UNMEW to set free [v -ED, -ING, -S] FAUNA the animal life of a particular region [n -NAS or -NAE] : FAUNAL [adj], FAUNALLY [adv] GHAZI a Muslim war hero [n -S or -ES] ZOOTY flashy in manner or style [adj ZOOTIER, ZOOTIEST] TAFIA an inferior rum [n -S] FROZE [v] HAVOC to {destroy=v} [v -OCKED, -OCKING, -OCS] HIJRA {hegira=n} [n -S] DIGIT a finger or toe [n -S] BEANO a form of bingo [n BEANOS] WAVEY the snow goose [n -VEYS] WOOER one that {woos=v} [n -S] QUAIS [n] KLUTZ a clumsy person [n -ES] WIFTY {ditsy=adj} [adj -TIER, -TIEST] AZLON a textile fiber [n -S] THIEF one that {steals=v} [n THIEVES] HIREE one that is hired [n -S] BOITE a nightclub [n -S] WITAN an Anglo-Saxon council to the king [n -S] DOWIE {dreary=adj} [adj] OVARY a female reproductive gland [n -RIES] BRAVO a hired killer [n -VOS or -VOES or -VI] / to applaud by shouting ``bravo'' [v -ED, -ING, -ES] YOGIC pertaining to {yoga=n} [adj] OVULE a rudimentary seed [n -S] : OVULAR, OVULARY [adj] GUACO a tropical plant [n -COS] HAVEN to {shelter=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] OXTER the {armpit=n} [n -S] URAEI [n] JEERS [v] VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n -S] JEHAD {jihad=n} [n -S] JUGAL pertaining to the cheek or cheekbone [adj] COZIE a cozy [n -S] FUZIL {fusil=n} [n -S] GYOZA a stuffed and fried pocket of dough [n -S] EVICT to expel by legal process [v -ED, -ING, -S] GOOEY sticky or viscid [adj GOOIER, GOOIEST] VEXIL {vexillum=n} [n -S] WIVER {wivern=n} [n -S] GENII [n] KEEVE a tub or vat [n -S] MIZEN {mizzen=n} [n -S] QUIPU an ancient calculating device [n -S] WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj] WAVED [v] VETCH a climbing plant [n -ES] WIZEN to {shrivel=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] UVULA the pendent, fleshy portion of the soft palate [n -LAE or -LAS] THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n -S] CODEX an ancient manuscript [n -DICES] JURAL pertaining to law [adj] : JURALLY [adv] GONEF {ganef=n} [n -S] KORAI [n] PILAW {pilaf=n} [n -S] BEIGE a tan color [n -S] MUREX a marine mollusk [n -RICES or -REXES] JEFES [n] GUANO the accumulated excrement of sea birds [n -NOS] JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj] VENIN a toxin found in snake venom [n -S] INFIX to {implant=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FAZED [v] QUARK a hypothetical atomic particle [n -S] ENVOI the closing of a poem or prose work [n -S] EXUDE to ooze forth [v -UDED, -UDING, -UDES] BIOME an ecological community [n -S] CUTIE a cute person [n -S] UPBOW a type of stroke in playing a bowed instrument [n -S] DAVIT a hoisting device on a ship [n -S] FANON a cape worn by the pope [n -S] UNITY the state of being one single entity [n -TIES] MIREX an insecticide [n -ES] MOVED [v] WAHOO a flowering shrub [n -HOOS] MAVIE {mavis=n} [n -S] FAUGH used to express disgust [interj] JOTTY written down quickly [adj] VANDA a tropical orchid [n -S] VIAND an article of food [n -S] FOGEY {fogy=n} [n -GEYS] : FOGEYISH [adj] DWARF extremely small [adj DWARFER, DWARFEST] / an extremely small person [n DWARFS or DWARVES] / to cause to appear small [v -ED, -ING, -S] VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n -MINA] : VIMINAL [adj] IDIOM an expression peculiar to a language [n -S] QUEYS [n] VISIT to go or come to see someone or something [v -ED, -ING, -S] AUDIT to examine with intent to verify [v -ED, -ING, -S] JULEP a sweet drink [n -S] EVENT something that occurs [n -S] KIBEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents and educated in Japan [n -S] NERVY {impudent=adj} [adj NERVIER, NERVIEST] AURAE [n] PIXIE {pixy=n} [n -S] : PIXIEISH [adj] ZEROS [v] MAFIA a secret criminal organization [n -S] JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj JOWLIER, JOWLIEST] JATOS [n] BEIGY of the color beige [adj] NIXIE a female water sprite [n -S] ZAXES [n] GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n -S] POORI a light, flat wheat cake [n -S] PRIVY {private=adj} [adj PRIVIER, PRIVIEST] : PRIVILY [adv] / an {outhouse=n} [n PRIVIES] ZEBUS [n] IODIC pertaining to {iodine=n} [adj] LOOEY {looie=n} [n -EYS] DEIFY to make a god of [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] FEUAR one granted land under Scottish feudal law [n -S] BONZE a Buddhist monk [n -S] PRIZE to value highly [v PRIZED, PRIZING, PRIZES] DOGIE a stray calf [n -S] VOWEL a type of speech sound [n -S] MATZO an unleavened bread [n -ZOS, -ZOT, or -ZOTH] GONZO bizarre [adj] GANEV {ganef=n} [n -S] IXTLE {istle=n} [n -S] HOOEY something false or nonsensical [n -EYS] DEVON one of a breed of small, hardy cattle [n -S] BAYOU a marshy body of water [n -S] FOLIO to number the pages of [v -ED, -ING, -S] DEITY a god or goddess [n -TIES] TAWIE {docile=adj} [adj] EXERT to put into action [v -ED, -ING, -S] FEEZE to {faze=v} [v FEEZED, FEEZING, FEEZES] BIGOT a prejudiced person [n -S] VYING [v] ALOOF distant in interest or feeling [adj] : ALOOFLY [adv] DIZEN to dress in fine clothes [v -ED, -ING, -S] CURIO an unusual art object [n -RIOS] JANES [n] GALAX an evergreen herb [n -ES] VAPID {insipid=adj} [adj] : VAPIDLY [adv] WEIGH to determine the weight of [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZARFS [n] MIRZA a Persian title of honor [n -S] PODIA [n] ZINGS [v] LIVID having the skin abnormally discolored [adj] : LIVIDLY [adv] HOMIE {homey=n} [n -S] EXING [v] BRIEF {short=adj} [adj BRIEFER, BRIEFEST] / to summarize [v -ED, -ING, -S] WAUGH {damp=adj} [adj] UNION a number of persons, parties, or political entities united for a common purpose [n -S] PEAVY {peavey=n} [n -VIES] TWIRP {twerp=n} [n -S] COVEY a flock of birds [n -EYS] FOOTY {paltry=adj} [adj -TIER, -TIEST] VENGE to {avenge=v} [v VENGED, VENGING, VENGES] BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n -S] AXIOM a self-evident truth [n -S] NAEVI [n] BEEFY {brawny=adj} [adj BEEFIER, BEEFIEST] WIRRA used to express sorrow [interj] GANEF a {thief=n} [n -S] ZEALS [n] IRONY the use of words to express the opposite of what is literally said [n -NIES] UNWET [adj] ZOMBI {zombie=n} [n -S] JAMBE a {jambeau=n} [n -S] DANIO an aquarium fish [n -NIOS] BUTEO a hawk [n -TEOS] PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n -VOS] SPITZ a dog having a heavy coat [n -ES] EXILE to banish from one's own country [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILES] : EXILABLE [adj] WITTY humorously clever [adj -TIER, -TIEST] VELUM a thin membranous covering or partition [n -LA] AVISO {advice=n} [n -SOS] NOVAE [n] KOTOW to {kowtow=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] FUNDI [n] UNJAM to undo things tightly crammed together [v -JAMMED, -JAMMING, -JAMS] JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS] NUBIA a woman's scarf [n -S] PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n -TIOS] REMEX a flight feather of a bird's wing [n REMIGES] : REMIGIAL [adj] TIBIA a bone of the leg [n -IAE or -IAS] : TIBIAL [adj] ZILCH {nothing=n} [n -ES] WINCE to {flinch=v} [v WINCED, WINCING, WINCES] EVERY each without exception [adj] XEBEC a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n -S] RADII [n] BOGIE {bogy=n} [n -S] WAXEN covered with wax [adj] GRIEF intense mental distress [n -S] ICIER [adj] IXIAS [n] TAUON an unstable lepton [n -S] WOULD [v] VOLTA a {turning=n} [n -TE] VATIC pertaining to a {prophet=n} [adj] UNFIX to {unfasten=v} [v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES] SOYUZ a Soviet manned spacecraft [n -ES] FRUIT to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) [v -ED, -ING, -S] PEEVE to {annoy=v} [v PEEVED, PEEVING, PEEVES] OPIUM an addictive narcotic [n -S] WOUND to inflict an injury upon [v -ED, -ING, -S] FEUED [v] POILU a French soldier [n -S] GAUZY resembling {gauze=n} [adj GAUZIER, GAUZIEST] : GAUZILY [adv] BIPOD a two-legged support [n -S] JOEYS [n] QUASH to suppress completely [v -ED, -ING, -ES] VINCA a flowering plant [n -S] VINYL a type of {plastic=n} [n -S] : VINYLIC [adj] FUZEE {fusee=n} [n -S] COVIN a conspiracy to defraud [n -S] JILTS [v] ODEON {odeum=n} [n -S] KANZU a long white garment worn in Africa [n -S] VOLVA a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms [n -S] : VOLVATE [adj] GEOID a hypothetical surface of the earth [n -S] : GEOIDAL [adj] ALIYA {aliyah=n} [n -S] JONES to have a strong craving for something [v -ED, -ING, -ES] AFOUL entangled [adj] PEWIT the {lapwing=n} [n -S] ADDAX a large antelope [n -ES] JETES [n] HAIRY covered with hair [adj HAIRIER, HAIRIEST] FIXIT involved with fixing things [adj] OKAPI an African ruminant mammal [n -S] YOUSE you [pron] ENNUI a feeling of weariness and discontent [n -S] BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] ABOON above [adv] JAILS [v] FUGUE to compose a fugue (a type of musical composition) [v FUGUED, FUGUING, FUGUES] FROWN to contract the brow in displeasure [v -ED, -ING, -S] HAZAN a {cantor=n} [n HAZANIM or HAZANS] WIDTH extent from side to side [n -S] VIRUS any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens [n -ES] HOAGY {hoagie=n} [n -GIES] JUNCO a small finch [n -COS or -COES] VEXED [v] WEDGY resembling a wedge [adj WEDGIER, WEDGIEST] ZINCS [v] GUISE to {disguise=v} [v GUISED, GUISING, GUISES] FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj FAWNIER, FAWNIEST] DHUTI {dhoti=n} [n -S] ZONES [v] WINEY {winy=adj} [adj WINIER, WINIEST] FOUNT a fountain [n -S] FIORD {fjord=n} [n -S] TOXIN a poisonous substance [n -S] AWOKE [v] SQUIB to {lampoon=v} [v SQUIBBED, SQUIBBING, SQUIBS] ABOUT approximately [adv] QUINS [n] YAHOO a coarse, uncouth person [n -HOOS] DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n -S] FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n -RIAS or -RIAE] : FERIAL [adj] GANOF {ganef=n} [n -S] OOZED [v] PIANO a musical instrument [n -NOS] COOEY to {cooee=v} [v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS] COLZA a plant of the cabbage family [n -S] AGITA a feeling of agitation [n -S] QUILL to press small ridges in [v -ED, -ING, -S] MAVIN an expert [n -S] YOURN {yours=pron} [pron] TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v TOADIED, TOADYING, TOADIES] HONAN a fine silk [n -S] JUTTY to {jut=v} [v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES] ABAFT toward the stern [adv] HYOID a bone of the tongue [n -S] : HYOIDAL, HYOIDEAN [adj] HAIKU a Japanese poem [n -S] TOGUE a freshwater fish [n -S] PILAF a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat [n -S] KENAF an East Indian plant [n -S] JALAP a Mexican plant [n -S] : JALAPIC [adj] EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [v EVADED, EVADING, EVADES] : EVADABLE, EVADIBLE [adj] IZARS [n] AFORE {before=adv} [adv] WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTOL to praise highly [v -TOLLED, -TOLLING, -TOLS] NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n -S] PAVED [v] JACAL a hut [n -ES or -S] BEVEL to cut at an angle [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] FELON a person who has committed a felony [n -S] OXIME a chemical compound [n -S] TZARS [n] GOPIK a monetary unit of Azerbaijan [n GOPIK] GETUP a costume [n -S] VOILE a sheer fabric [n -S] IONIC a style of type [n -S] WODGE a chunk of something [n -S] HAZED [v] ATAXY {ataxia=n} [n ATAXIES] CEIBA a tropical tree [n -S] AVIAN a bird [n -S] UNSEX to deprive of sexual power [v -ED, -ING, -ES] IODIN {iodine=n} [n -S] EXTRA something additional [n -S] RAZOR to shave or cut with a sharp-edged instrument [v -ED, -ING, -S] INION a part of the skull [n INIONS or INIA] JOKED [v] FREMD {strange=adj} [adj] ILIUM a bone of the pelvis [n ILIA] GEODE a type of rock [n -S] HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v -ED, -ING, -S] HELVE to provide with a handle [v HELVED, HELVING, HELVES] TWEAK to pinch and twist sharply [v -ED, -ING, -S] KEVIL {kevel=n} [n -S] HAOLE someone who is not a native Hawaiian -- an offensive term [n -S] FAIRY an imaginary supernatural being [n FAIRIES] WOFUL {woeful=adj} [adj -FULLER, -FULLEST] : WOFULLY [adv] COATI a tropical mammal [n -S] DEFOG to remove fog from [v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS] MEDII [n] JADES [v] ADOBO a Philippine dish of fish or meat [n -BOS] ADMIX to {mix=v} [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n -GOES] HENNA to dye with a reddish coloring [v -ED, -ING, -S] AROID a flowering plant [n -S] GIGUE a lively dance [n -S] SAJOU a {capuchin=n} [n -S] FURZE a spiny shrub [n -S] YOUTH a young person [n -S] WIPED [v] VALOR {courage=n} [n -S] JOUST to engage in personal combat [v -ED, -ING, -S] FEWER [adj] BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v BOOZED, BOOZING, BOOZES] MARVY marvelous [adj] NORIA a type of waterwheel [n -S] KAZOO a toy musical instrument [n -ZOOS] ZOONS [n] AMIGO a friend [n -GOS] TOPOI [n] CALIX a cup [n -LICES] VEGAN one that eats only plant products [n -S] HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v -EYED or -IED, -EYING, -EYS] GENOA a triangular sail [n -S] AXIAL pertaining to or forming an axis [adj] : AXIALLY [adv] OUTDO to exceed in performance [v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES] ILIAD a long poem [n -S] VOUCH to give one's personal assurance or guarantee [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CULEX a {mosquito=n} [n CULEXES or CULICES] BOHEA a black tea [n -S] JOINS [v] DEXIE a tablet of dex [n -S] HEFTY {heavy=adj} [adj HEFTIER, HEFTIEST] : HEFTILY [adv] MATZA {matzo=n} [n -S] SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n -S] PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n -S] EXURB a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n -S] : EXURBAN [adj] NOWAY in no way [adv] CURVY curved [adj CURVIER, CURVIEST] WAGON to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) [v -ED, -ING, -S] NAIAD a water nymph [n -S or -ES] ADOWN {downward=adv} [adv] KAROO {karroo=n} [n KAROOS] LAEVO {levo=adj} [adj] VALID based on evidence that can be supported [adj] BEGOT [v] GRAVY a sauce of the fat and juices from cooked meat [n -VIES] QUADS [v] BEDEW to wet with dew [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUAYS [n] FORAY to {raid=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] GONIF {ganef=n} [n -S] JAVAS [n] ODOUR {odor=n} [n -S] : ODOURFUL [adj] EXACT {precise=adj} [adj -ACTER, -ACTEST] / to force the payment or yielding of [v -ED, -ING, -S] FUZED [v] FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v -ED, -ING, -S] DEAVE to {deafen=v} [v DEAVED, DEAVING, DEAVES] PIETA a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of Christ [n -S] OCULI [n] XERUS an African ground squirrel [n -ES] CUTEY {cutie=n} [n -TEYS] FANUM {fanon=n} [n -S] FACIA {fascia=n} [n -CIAE or -CIAS] EXPAT an expatriate person [n -S] PLAZA a public square [n -S] FUJIS [n] WOOED [v] VAPOR to emit vapor (visible floating moisture) [v -ED, -ING, -S] VANED [adj] GIGOT a leg of lamb [n -S] JELLY to make into a jelly (a soft, semisolid substance) [v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES] KOALA an Australian mammal [n -S] IVIES [n] FETID having an offensive odor [adj] : FETIDLY [adv] VARVE a deposit of sedimentary material [n -S] : VARVED [adj] WIZES [n] WAVER to move back and forth [v -ED, -ING, -S] WATAP a thread made from the roots of various trees [n -S] COBIA a large game fish [n -S] BEEDI {bidi=n} [n -DIES] VAULT to provide with a vault (an arched ceiling) [v -ED, -ING, -S] WEEPY tending to weep [adj WEEPIER, WEEPIEST] PAVAN a slow, stately dance [n -S] FAYED [v] NOHOW in no manner [adv] VICED [v] DESEX to castrate or spay [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXIST to {be=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEGET to cause to exist [v -GOT or -GAT, -GOTTEN, -GETTING, -GETS] FAINT lacking strength or vigor [adj FAINTER, FAINTEST] / to lose consciousness [v -ED, -ING, -S] VIPER a venomous snake [n -S] : VIPERINE, VIPERISH, VIPEROUS [adj] VEXER one that {vexes=v} [n -S] GONOF {ganef=n} [n -S] IODID {iodide=n} [n -S] EXULT to rejoice greatly [v -ED, -ING, -S] DJINS [n] GUILE to {beguile=v} [v GUILED, GUILING, GUILES] VOLTE a fencing movement [n -S] AVANT culturally or stylistically new [adj] FIVES [n] OXLIP a flowering plant [n -S] MUFTI a judge who interprets Muslim religious law [n -S] WHARF to moor to a wharf (a docking place for vessels) [v -ED, -ING, -S] YINCE once [adv] WINDY marked by strong wind [adj WINDIER, WINDIEST] AUGUR to foretell from omens [v -ED, -ING, -S] UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] WOODY containing or resembling wood [adj WOODIER, WOODIEST] / a wood-paneled station wagon [n WOODIES] IGLOO an Eskimo dwelling [n -LOOS] VARNA any of the four main Hindu social classes [n -S] FAVUS a skin disease [n -ES] BINIT a unit of computer information [n -S] OLIVE the small oval fruit of a Mediterranean tree [n -S] WAGED [v] REVUE a type of musical show [n -S] AXILE {axial=adj} [adj] OFTEN frequently [adv -ENER, -ENEST] HALVA {halvah=n} [n -S] ICILY in an icy manner [adv] FENNY {marshy=adj} [adj FENNIER, FENNIEST] DEOXY having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived [adj] NAVVY a manual laborer [n -VIES] GAZAR silky sheer fabric [n -S] MAVEN {mavin=n} [n -S] FIERY intensely hot [adj -ERIER, -ERIEST] : FIERILY [adv] TONEY {tony=adj} [adj TONIER, TONIEST] NAIRU the lowest rate of unemployment at which there is no inflation [n -S] WITED [v] KNOUT to flog with a leather whip [v -ED, -ING, -S] SQUID to fish for squid (ten-armed marine mollusks) [v SQUIDDED, SQUIDDING, SQUIDS] PAGOD {pagoda=n} [n -S] BICEP {biceps=n} [n -S] QUICK acting or capable of acting with speed [adj QUICKER, QUICKEST] / a sensitive area of flesh [n -S] PAYEE one to whom money is paid [n -S] PILEI [n] FROND a type of {leaf=n} [n -S] : FRONDED, FRONDOSE [adj] AMAZE to overwhelm with surprise or wonder [v AMAZED, AMAZING, AMAZES] : AMAZEDLY [adv] DOURA {durra=n} [n -S] BEZIL {bezel=n} [n -S] MOXIE spirit or courage [n -S] VALUE to estimate the value (the quality that renders a thing useful or desirable) of [v -UED, -UING, -UES] KOPJE a small hill [n -S] ONIUM characterized by a complex cation [adj] PEAGE {peag=n} [n -S] OMEGA a Greek letter [n -S] AVOWS [v] GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v GLOVED, GLOVING, GLOVES] HENGE a circular Bronze Age structure in England [n -S] DIVAN a sofa or couch [n -S] LEONE a monetary unit of Sierra Leone [n -S] LITAI [n] VAGAL pertaining to the vagus nerve [adj] : VAGALLY [adv] CRAZE to make {insane=adj} [v CRAZED, CRAZING, CRAZES] MAJOR to pursue a specific principal course of study [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUIDS [n] GOYIM [n] PINEY {piny=adj} [adj PINIER, PINIEST] IMINO containing an imine [adj] SQUAD to form into squads (small organized groups) [v SQUADDED, SQUADDING, SQUADS] DIVVY to {divide=v} [v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES] WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v WROTE, WRITTEN, WRITING, WRITES] : WRITABLE [adj] ATONE to make amends or reparation [v ATONED, ATONING, ATONES] : ATONABLE [adj] BEAUT something beautiful [n -S] VICAR a church official [n -S] FUBAR disastrous -- usually taken to be offensive [adj] BAZOO the mouth [n -ZOOS] DWELT [v] POLIO an infectious virus disease [n -LIOS] WEENY {tiny=adj} [adj -NIER, -NIEST] FLOWN [v] UNWON [adj] RIGID not flexible [adj] WAFER to seal with an adhesive disk [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOUND to pursue relentlessly [v -ED, -ING, -S] CIVET a catlike mammal [n -S] TOXIC {toxin=n} [n -S] : TOXICAL [adj] ADZED [v] JOKER one that {jokes=v} [n -S] HEDGY abounding in hedges [adj HEDGIER, HEDGIEST] KITED [v] FIDGE to {fidget=v} [v FIDGED, FIDGING, FIDGES] FOAMY covered with foam [adj FOAMIER, FOAMIEST] EDIFY to enlighten [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] FATTY greasy; oily [adj -TIER, -TIEST] / one that is fat [n -TIES] ANODE a positively charged electrode [n -S] : ANODAL, ANODIC [adj], ANODALLY [adv] JUTES [n] AWARE having perception or knowledge [adj] CEILI {ceilidh=n} [n -S] AURIC pertaining to {gold=n} [adj] BELOW something that is beneath [n -S] YONIC [adj] FRAUD {trickery=n} [n -S] UTERI [n] FORTH onward in time, place, or order [adv] GOUGE to cut or scoop out [v GOUGED, GOUGING, GOUGES] DONEE a recipient of a gift [n -S] WIPER one that {wipes=v} [n -S] DOXIE {doxy=n} [n -S] URARI {curare=n} [n -S] TABOO to exclude from use, approach, or mention [v -ED, -ING, -S] TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj TWINIER, TWINIEST] BAITH {both=adj} [adj] JIBES [v] HYRAX a small, harelike mammal [n -RAXES or -RACES] SOOEY used in calling pigs [interj] TAIGA a subarctic evergreen forest [n -S] FYTTE a division of a poem or song [n -S] RAJAH a king or prince in India [n -S] JOLES [n] ATONY muscular weakness [n -NIES] TWERP a small, impudent person [n -S] BWANA master; boss [n -S] CROZE a tool used in barrel-making [n -S] WHOOF to make a deep snorting sound [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZINKY {zincky=adj} [adj] GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n -S] HABIT to clothe or dress [v -ED, -ING, -S] DITTO to {repeat=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] VINED [v] BIMAH {bema=n} [n -S] VERVE {vivacity=n} [n -S] WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v -ED, -ING, -S] JARLS [n] VISOR to provide with a visor (a projecting brim) [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUIFF a forelock [n -S] AGGIE a type of playing marble [n -S] SQUAB a young pigeon [n -S] GAZED [v] DROUK to {drench=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] FICIN an {enzyme=n} [n -S] NIEVE the fist or hand [n -S] VOWER one that {vows=v} [n -S] YURTA [n] ZILLS [n] YIRTH {yird=n} [n -S] URBIA cities collectively [n -S] COVET to desire greatly [v -ED, -ING, -S] UVEAL [adj] BIALI {bialy=n} [n -S] SQUAT short and thick [adj SQUATTER, SQUATTEST] : SQUATLY [adv] / to sit on one's heels [v SQUATTED, SQUATTING, SQUATS] NINTH one of nine equal parts [n -S] WOMEN [n] SAVOY a variety of cabbage [n -VOYS] VAKIL {vakeel=n} [n -S] HAZEL a {shrub=n} [n -S] YOWED [v] UMIAK an open Eskimo boat [n -S] CHIVE an herb used as a seasoning [n -S] IROKO a large African tree [n -KOS] OVERT open to view [adj] TWIRL to rotate rapidly [v -ED, -ING, -S] SILEX {silica=n} [n -ES] CIRRI [n] COVED [v] HYENA a wolflike mammal [n -S] : HYENIC, HYENINE, HYENOID [adj] FAXED [v] YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj YOUNGER, YOUNGEST] / offspring [n -S] ACINI [n] WYTED [v] MAHOE a tropical tree [n -S] RAZEE to make lower by removing the upper deck, as a ship [v -ZEED, -ZEEING, -ZEES] MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n -S] WOOZY dazed [adj -ZIER, -ZIEST] : WOOZILY [adv] HAPAX a word that occurs only once [n -ES] NEWIE something new [n -S] GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj GAUDIER, GAUDIEST] : GAUDILY [adv] / a {festival=n} [n -DIES] JUDAS a {peephole=n} [n -ES] ZERKS [n] WETLY in a wet manner [adv] JERKY characterized by jerking movements [adj JERKIER, JERKIEST] : JERKILY [adv] / dried meat [n -KIES] THUYA {thuja=n} [n -S] JEEPS [v] OXBOW a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n -S] TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n TAXA or TAXONS] CIMEX a {bedbug=n} [n -MICES] AXLED [adj] PYOID {puslike=adj} [adj] INVAR an iron-nickel alloy [n -S] FRANC a monetary unit of France [n -S] KNIFE a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting [n KNIVES] / to cut with a knife [v KNIFED, KNIFING, KNIFES] BRAVA a shout of approval [n -S] JOWLS [n] KITTY a kitten or cat [n -TIES] WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v WEDGED, WEDGING, WEDGES] HONOR to treat with respect [v -ED, -ING, -S] KIDDO used as a form of familiar address [n -DOS or -DOES] VILLI [n] RATIO a proportional relationship [n -TIOS] HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v HEDGED, HEDGING, HEDGES] BEZEL a slanted surface [n -S] BINDI a dot worn on the forehead by women in India [n -S] FONDU fondue [n -S] JEHUS [n] WOOLY {woolly=adj} [adj WOOLIER, WOOLIEST] / a {woolly=n} [n WOOLIES] SLOJD {sloyd=n} [n -S] ERUGO {aerugo=n} [n -GOS] LAZAR a beggar afflicted with a loathsome disease [n -S] WANEY {wany=adj} [adj WANIER, WANIEST] FOXED [v] COXAE [n] COZEN to {deceive=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BREVE a symbol used to indicate a short vowel [n -S] HOISE to {hoist=v} [v HOISED, HOISING, HOISES] FINNY having or characterized by fins [adj -NIER, -NIEST] GLAZE to fit windows with glass panes [v GLAZED, GLAZING, GLAZES] DULIA veneration of saints [n -S] WAIFS [v] TEENY {tiny=adj} [adj -NIER, -NIEST] DOZED [v] LEAVY {leafy=adj} [adj LEAVIER, LEAVIEST] XYSTI [n] HINNY to {whinny=v} [v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES] VASTY {vast=adj} [adj VASTIER, VASTIEST] FORUM a public meeting place [n -RUMS or -RA] ADAGE a traditional saying expressing a common observation [n -S] : ADAGIAL [adj] WOMAN an adult human female [n WOMEN] / to play the part of a woman [v -ED, -ING, -S] MAFIC pertaining to minerals rich in magnesium and iron [adj] CAGEY {shrewd=adj} [adj CAGIER, CAGIEST] DEPTH {deepness=n} [n -S] PIETY the quality or state of being pious [n -TIES] WRING to twist so as to compress [v WRUNG or WRINGED, WRINGING, WRINGS] FLINT to provide with flint (a spark-producing rock) [v -ED, -ING, -S] JUDOS [n] EMBOW to {arch=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BATIK to dye fabric by a particular process [v -ED, -ING, -S] TUTEE one who is being tutored [n -S] VOTER one that {votes=v} [n -S] AXING [v] POYOU an armadillo of Argentina [n -S] RHINO a rhinoceros [n -NOS] ROOTY full of roots [adj ROOTIER, ROOTIEST] QUITS [v] GOUTY affected with gout [adj GOUTIER, GOUTIEST] : GOUTILY [adv] QUAKY tending to quake [adj QUAKIER, QUAKIEST] : QUAKILY [adv] CIVIL pertaining to {citizens=n} [adj] CURVE to deviate from straightness [v CURVED, CURVING, CURVES] : CURVEDLY [adv] ENZYM {enzyme=n} [n -S] KRUBI a tropical plant [n -S] WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v -ED, -ING, -S] / mysteriously strange [adj WEIRDER, WEIRDEST] GREEK something unintelligible [n GREEK] BITTY fragmented [adj -TIER, -TIEST] AGORA a marketplace in ancient Greece [n -RAS or -RAE] / a monetary unit of Israel [n AGOROT or AGOROTH] HOGAN a Navaho Indian dwelling [n -S] FENCE to practice the art of fencing [v FENCED, FENCING, FENCES] ROUEN any of a breed of domestic ducks [n -S] FLUID a substance that tends to flow [n -S] : FLUIDAL [adj] CHIAO a monetary unit of China [n CHIAO] VIEWS [v] ALOUD {audibly=adv} [adv] WROTE [v] TEUGH {tough=adj} [adj] : TEUGHLY [adv] KNELT [v] IRONE an aromatic oil [n -S] AMITY friendship [n -TIES] DOULA a woman who assists another woman during childbirth [n -S] HUMID having much humidity [adj] LOOFA {loofah=n} [n -S] KENDO a Japanese sport [n -DOS] AWFUL extremely bad or unpleasant [adj -FULLER, -FULLEST] : AWFULLY [adv] ARROW to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) [v -ED, -ING, -S] KETOL a chemical compound [n -S] AGONE {ago=adv} [adv] KREWE a private group participating in the New Orleans Mardi Gras [n -S] TUPIK an Eskimo tent [n -S] ABAYA a long loose robe worn by Arab women [n -S] UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v UNITED, UNITING, UNITES] : UNITEDLY [adv] THEFT the act of stealing [n -S] PUJAH {puja=n} [n -S] DOZER one that {dozes=v} [n -S] DOZEN to {stun=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n -GA or -GUMS] IMIDO containing an imide [adj] FOLEY a process for creating sounds for films [n -LEYS] VITAL necessary to life [adj] CORIA [n] KYRIE a religious petition for mercy [n -S] FARAD a unit of electrical capacitance [n -S] MEINY a {retinue=n} [n -NIES] FORAM a marine rhizopod [n -S] RUANA a woolen poncho [n -S] WOALD a yellow pigment [n -S] BOINK to have sexual intercourse with -- usually taken to be offensive [v -ED, -ING, -S] MOTEY full of motes [adj] NIFTY stylish; pleasing [adj -TIER, -TIEST] : NIFTILY [adv] / something that is nifty [n -TIES] MAZED [v] HAINT a ghost [n -S] FILTH foul or dirty matter [n -S] BOULE {buhl=n} [n -S] FEASE to {faze=v} [v FEASED, FEASING, FEASES] TODAY the present day [n -DAYS] BAAED [v] JUMBO a very large specimen of its kind [n -BOS] AVAIL to be of use or advantage to [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOWED [v] AFIRE being on fire [adj] WEARY {tired=adj} [adj -RIER, -RIEST] : WEARILY [adv] / to make or become weary [v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES] LOGOI [n] ALOHA love -- used as a greeting or farewell [n -S] FUTON a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed [n -S] COVEN a group of witches [n -S] GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v GRAZED, GRAZING, GRAZES] : GRAZABLE [adj] VULVA the external genital organs of a female [n -VAE or -VAS] : VULVAL, VULVAR, VULVATE [adj] FURZY abounding in {furze=n} [adj FURZIER, FURZIEST] HAIKA [n] FURAN a flammable liquid [n -S] JIGGY pleasurably excited [adj -GIER, -GIEST] NGWEE a monetary unit of Zambia [n NGWEE] BLIND sightless [adj BLINDER, BLINDEST] / to make sightless [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUIPS [v] TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOOKA {hookah=n} [n -S] IMBUE to make thoroughly wet [v -BUED, -BUING, -BUES] BEGUM a Muslim lady of high rank [n -S] KITHE to make known [v KITHED, KITHING, KITHES] FUDGE to {falsify=v} [v FUDGED, FUDGING, FUDGES] HAUNT to visit frequently [v -ED, -ING, -S] ODIUM {hatred=n} [n -S] NAWAB a {nabob=n} [n -S] KEVEL a belaying cleat or peg [n -S] TOGAE [n] UNDUE exceeding what is appropriate or normal [adj] CILIA [n] FRITT to {frit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n -S] GRIFT to {swindle=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BAWTY {bawtie=n} [n -TIES] AZANS [n] HAZER one that {hazes=v} [n -S] ABACI [n] CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n -S] FRONT articulated at the front of the oral passage [adj FRONTER] / to provide with a front (a forward part) [v -ED, -ING, -S] VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n -S] FIGHT to attempt to defeat an adversary [v FOUGHT, FIGHTING, FIGHTS] PROOF to examine for errors [v -ED, -ING, -S] COUDE pertaining to a type of telescope [adj] NIECE a daughter of one's brother or sister [n -S] MAGOT a tailless ape [n -S] DAIRY an establishment dealing in milk products [n DAIRIES] FETOR an offensive odor [n -S] WURST {sausage=n} [n -S] DRIFT to move along in a current [v -ED, -ING, -S] OBOLI [n] FADGE to {succeed=v} [v FADGED, FADGING, FADGES] ADUNC bent inward [adj] SWIFT moving with a great rate of motion [adj SWIFTER, SWIFTEST] / a fast-flying bird [n -S] DHOTI a loincloth worn by Hindu men [n -S] OPINE to hold or state as an opinion [v OPINED, OPINING, OPINES] VENAE [n] POOED [v] DICEY dangerous [adj DICIER, DICIEST] BIPED a two-footed animal [n -S] : BIPEDAL [adj] LIEGE a feudal lord [n -S] HODAD a nonsurfer [n -S] HONDA a part of a lariat [n -S] CANOE to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) [v -NOED, -NOEING, -NOES] EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v EMOTED, EMOTING, EMOTES] MOOLA {moolah=n} [n -S] HEXAD a group of six [n -S] : HEXADIC [adj] BONEY {bony=adj} [adj BONIER, BONIEST or BONEYER, BONEYEST] MONTH a period of approximately 30 days [n -S] DELFT an earthenware [n -S] WIRER one that {wires=v} [n -S] TEGUA a type of {moccasin=n} [n -S] DECAF decaffeinated coffee [n -S] GROVE a small forested area [n -S] : GROVED [adj] KEDGE to move a vessel with the use of an anchor [v KEDGED, KEDGING, KEDGES] OUNCE a unit of weight [n -S] WORLD the earth and all its inhabitants [n -S] UNCOY [adj] ONION the edible bulb of a cultivated herb [n -S] : ONIONY [adj] BOOED [v] WAXED [v] GONIA [n] PIROG a large Russian pastry [n -ROGEN, -ROGHI or -ROGI] FORGO to refrain from [v -WENT, -GONE, -GOING, -GOES] WINGY {swift=adj} [adj WINGIER, WINGIEST] HAJIS [n] FORBY close by [prep] CRAZY {insane=adj} [adj -ZIER, -ZIEST] : CRAZILY [adv] / a crazy person [n -ZIES] AGAPE a communal meal of fellowship [n -PES or -PAE or -PAI] : AGAPEIC [adj] FUMET the odor of meat while cooking [n -S] DOBIE {adobe=n} [n -S] JINNS [n] POOFY [adj] VOLED [v] YENTA a gossipy woman [n -S] FETED [v] VUGGY abounding in {vugs=n} [adj -GIER, -GIEST] VERGE to come near [v VERGED, VERGING, VERGES] WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v WHINED, WHINING, WHINES] SWIVE to copulate with [v SWIVED, SWIVING, SWIVES] PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n -S] RENEW to make new or as if new again [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUACK to utter the characteristic cry of a duck [v -ED, -ING, -S] USQUE {usquebae=n} [n -S] WEEDY resembling a weed [adj WEEDIER, WEEDIEST] ACIDY {sour=adj} [adj] FRENA [n] EXALT to {raise=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] OWLET a young owl [n -S] JOKEY amusing [adj JOKIER, JOKIEST] : JOKILY [adv] AQUAS [n] WIGHT a living being [n -S] SOZIN a type of {protein=n} [n -S] NOVEL a fictional prose narrative [n -S] BIKIE {biker=n} [n -S] HENRY a unit of inductance [n -RIES or -RYS] LOVAT a chiefly green color mixture in fabrics [n -S] GLAZY covered with a smooth, glossy coating [adj GLAZIER, GLAZIEST] : GLAZILY [adv] ORGIC {orgiac=adj} [adj] INANE nonsensical [adj INANER, INANEST] : INANELY [adv] / empty space [n -S] UNHIP [adj] MACAW a large parrot [n -S] DUOMI [n] INURE to accustom to accept something undesirable [v -URED, -URING, -URES] ENOKI a small white edible mushroom [n -S] ETWEE {etui=n} [n -S] MILIA [n] KLOOF a {ravine=n} [n -S] FATED [v] UNSEW to undo the sewing of [v -SEWED, -SEWN, -SEWING, -SEWS] FIRTH an inlet of the sea [n -S] TAXED [v] OLEIC pertaining to oil [adj] BOUGH a tree branch [n -S] : BOUGHED [adj] UREIC pertaining to {urea=n} [adj] RIDGY having ridges [adj RIDGIER, RIDGIEST] OUTED [v] MONIE {many=adj} [adj] FANGA {fanega=n} [n -S] PUBIC pertaining to the pubes or pubis [adj] AMICI [n] DATTO a Philippine tribal chief [n -TOS] DOUGH a flour mixture [n -S] BECAP to put a cap on [v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS] AGRIA severe pustular eruption [n -S] ETUDE a piece of music for the practice of a point of technique [n -S] DOETH [v] BOXED [v] AGONY extreme pain [n -NIES] KENTE a colorful fabric made in Ghana [n -S] HIRER one that {hires=v} [n -S] EBOOK a device for reading books in electronic format [n -S] WEBER a unit of magnetic flux [n -S] GENUA [n] JEANS [n] ONERY {ornery=adj} [adj -ERIER, -ERIEST] KLONG a canal [n -S] APEAK in a vertical position [adv] GLUEY resembling glue [adj GLUIER, GLUIEST] : GLUILY [adv] URIAL a wild Asian sheep [n -S] ABODE to {forebode=v} [v ABODED, ABODING, ABODES] DIDIE {didy=n} [n -S] FUNNY causing laughter or amusement [adj -NIER, -NIEST] : FUNNILY [adv] / a comic strip [n -NIES] FLONG a sheet of a certain type of paper [n -S] COMIX comic books or strips [n] WHIPT [v] HEXER one that {hexes=v} [n -S] KLUGE to {kluge=v} [v KLUGED, KLUGING, KLUGES] YAPON {yaupon=n} [n -S] AUDAD {aoudad=n} [n -S] JIMPY {jimp=adj} [adj] BLINI [n] KALIF {caliph=n} [n -S] FOLIC derived from folic acid [adj] DOGEY {dogie=n} [n -GEYS] TELOI [n] PILAU {pilaf=n} [n -S] PYREX borosilicate glass and glassware resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity -- a trademark [n -ES] FIXED [v] DRINK to swallow liquid [v DRANK, DRUNK, DRINKING, DRINKS] DAUBY {smeary=adj} [adj DAUBIER, DAUBIEST] NITID {bright=adj} [adj] TAXOL a medicinal substance from a yew tree [n -S] KITER one that {kites=v} [n -S] AREIC pertaining to a region of the earth contributing little surface drainage [adj] LURID causing shock or horror [adj] : LURIDLY [adv] BOGEY to shoot in one stroke over par in golf [v -GEYED, -GEYING, -GEYS] HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v HALVED, HALVING, HALVES] FILMI music composed for Indian films [n -S] EXCEL to surpass others [v -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS] UNWED not wed [adj] COZEY a cozy [n -ZEYS] VALVE to provide with a valve (a device for controlling the flow of a liquid or gas) [v VALVED, VALVING, VALVES] JOLTS [v] TOKAY a Malaysian gecko [n -KAYS] GOOFY {silly=adj} [adj GOOFIER, GOOFIEST] : GOOFILY [adv] CAVIE a {hencoop=n} [n -S] VALET to act as a personal servant to [v -ED, -ING, -S] BENNI {benne=n} [n -S] DIWAN {dewan=n} [n -S] OATEN pertaining to {oats=n} [adj] MOIRA fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion [n -RAI] ALIBI to make excuses for oneself [v -BIED, -BIING, -BIES or -BIS] HAVER to hem and haw [v -ED, -ING, -S] FORTY a number [n -TIES] EYRIR a monetary unit of Iceland [n AURAR] WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj WHITER, WHITEST] / to {whiten=v} [v WHITED, WHITING, WHITES] DIODE a type of electron tube [n -S] BEGAT [v] MIRIN a sweet Japanese cooking wine [n -S] APEEK {apeak=adv} [adv] DONUT {doughnut=n} [n -S] CHIEF highest in authority [adj CHIEFER, CHIEFEST] / the person highest in authority [n -S] XYLEM a complex plant tissue [n -S] BLOND light-colored [adj BLONDER, BLONDEST] / a blond person [n -S] FIRRY abounding in {firs=n} [adj FIRRIER, FIRRIEST] RILEY {angry=adj} [adj] AURUM {gold=n} [n -S] HERON a wading bird [n -S] HALID {halide=n} [n -S] KVELL to exclaim joyfully [v -ED, -ING, -S] VEERY a {songbird=n} [n -RIES] BIRTH to originate [v -ED, -ING, -S] WRONG not according to what is right, proper, or correct [adj WRONGER, WRONGEST] / to treat injuriously or unjustly [v -ED, -ING, -S] KEMPT neatly kept [adj] YOGIN {yogi=n} [n -S] TWEET to {chirp=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] TAUPE a dark gray color [n -S] GECKO a small lizard [n GECKOS or GECKOES] GYBED [v] OUZOS [n] GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n -S] JOHNS [n] IAMBI [n] DWEEB an unattractive or inept person [n -S] : DWEEBISH [adj] MYOID resembling muscle [adj] FIEND a {demon=n} [n -S] KRAFT a strong paper [n -S] ANNOY to be troublesome to [v -ED, -ING, -S] POGEY any form of government relief [n -GEYS] FADDY {faddish=adj} [adj -DIER, -DIEST] ABIDE to accept without objection [v ABODE or ABIDED, ABIDING, ABIDES] GWINE [v] CHIVY to {chevy=v} [v CHIVIED, CHIVYING, CHIVIES] FUNGI [n] TORAH the body of Jewish law [n -RAHS, -ROTH, or -ROT] GLEEK to {gibe=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] AULIC pertaining to a royal court [adj] WARTY covered with warts [adj WARTIER, WARTIEST] AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj] WHINY tending to whine [adj WHINIER, WHINIEST] CORGI a short-legged dog [n -S] BUNDT a type of cake pan [n -S] UTILE {useful=adj} [adj] AORTA a main artery [n -TAS or -TAE] : AORTAL, AORTIC [adj] MATEY a friend [n -EYS] / companionable [adj MATIER, MATIEST] FORDO to {destroy=v} [v -DID, -DONE, -DOING, -DOES] FAERY {faerie=n} [n -ERIES] NOMOI [n] ALONE apart from others [adj] ABOIL boiling [adj] THIRD one of three equal parts [n -S] BLAWN [v] ADYTA [n] EPOXY to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v EPOXIED or EPOXYED, EPOXYING, EPOXIES] GUYED [v] AAHED [v] OUPHE an {elf=n} [n -S] VENAL open to bribery [adj] : VENALLY [adv] TABID affected with tabes [adj] UNFIT to make unsuitable [v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS] THEWY {brawny=adj} [adj THEWIER, THEWIEST] HOLEY full of holes [adj] YAWEY pertaining to yaws (an infectious disease) [adj] BLENT [v] FERNY abounding in {ferns=n} [adj FERNIER, FERNIEST] MUJIK {muzhik=n} [n -S] BRAWN muscular strength [n -S] WOWED [v] WHEAT a cereal grass [n -S] CYLIX {kylix=n} [n CYLICES] GEEKY socially awkward or unappealing [adj GEEKIER, GEEKIEST] FANNY the {buttocks=n} [n -NIES] YAIRD a garden [n -S] QUAFF to drink deeply [v -ED, -ING, -S] PHLOX a flowering plant [n -ES] TREND to take a particular course [v -ED, -ING, -S] GODET insert of cloth in a seam [n -S] DIENE a chemical compound [n -S] BRINY {salty=adj} [adj BRINIER, BRINIEST] / the {sea=n} [n BRINIES] WENNY resembling a {wen=n} [adj -NIER, -NIEST] GRAFT to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v -ED, -ING, -S] GRIOT a tribal entertainer in West Africa [n -S] DOTTY {crazy=adj} [adj -TIER, -TIEST] BATON a short rod [n -S] FAMED [v] FANCY ornamental [adj -CIER, -CIEST] : FANCILY [adv] / to take a liking to [v -CIED, -CYING, -CIES] WHAMO {whammo=interj} [interj] FLAWY full of flaws [adj FLAWIER, FLAWIEST] VINOS [n] KININ a {hormone=n} [n -S] GUTTA a drop of liquid [n -TAE] DEGUM to free from gum [v -GUMMED, -GUMMING, -GUMS] AUNTY {aunt=n} [n AUNTIES] BOURG a medieval town [n -S] FAKEY not genuine; phony [adj] VAMPY seductive [adj VAMPIER, VAMPIEST] HUGER [adj] BELIE to misrepresent [v BELIED, BELYING, BELIES] HOWDY to greet with the words ``how do you do'' [v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES] VIBES [n] BEDIM to make {dim=adj} [v -DIMMED, -DIMMING, -DIMS] RAINY marked by rain [adj RAINIER, RAINIEST] DOOZY {doozer=n} [n -ZIES] AHEAD at or to the front [adv] AIVER a draft horse [n -S] BHANG the hemp plant [n -S] GELEE a cosmetic gel [n -S] HEXED [v] AXMEN [n] YENTE {yenta=n} [n -S] BRAXY a fever of sheep [n BRAXIES] AZONS [n] VENDS [v] HONED [v] WHIRR to {whir=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] FICHU a woman's scarf [n -S] ATOPY a type of {allergy=n} [n -PIES] : ATOPIC [adj] BUILD to construct [v BUILT or BUILDED, BUILDING, BUILDS] BRITT {brit=n} [n -S] FERMI a unit of length [n -S] GADDI a {hassock=n} [n -S] BAWDY {obscene=adj} [adj BAWDIER, BAWDIEST] / obscene language [n BAWDIES] FAVES [n] HAWED [v] APHID any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects [n -S] TOWNY {townie=n} [n TOWNIES] BLEND to mix smoothly and inseparably together [v BLENDED or BLENT, BLENDING, BLENDS] NIHIL {nothing=n} [n -S] ELEGY a mournful poem for one who is dead [n -GIES] EPODE a type of {poem=n} [n -S] DOILY a small napkin [n -LIES] BENDY {okra=n} [n -DYS] / {flexible=adj} [adj BENDIER, BENDIEST] WRAPT [v] KHADI {khaddar=n} [n -S] HELOT a slave or serf [n -S] HEMIN a chloride of heme [n -S] OLEUM a corrosive liquid [n -S] / oil [n OLEA] WHAUP a European bird [n -S] FUSEE a large-headed friction match [n -S] HEAPY resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another) [adj] ANION a negatively charged ion [n -S] : ANIONIC [adj] OAKUM loosely twisted hemp fiber [n -S] ALOIN a {laxative=n} [n -S] DRUID one of an ancient Celtic order of priests [n -S] : DRUIDIC [adj] COUPE an automobile with two doors [n -S] ENURE to {inure=v} [v -URED, -URING, -URES] ELITE a socially superior group [n -S] REMIX [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] EYING [v] CURIE a unit of radioactivity [n -S] FUROR an {uproar=n} [n -S] WINCH to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DEVIL to prepare food with pungent seasoning [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS] BROWN of a dark color [adj BROWNER, BROWNEST] / to make {brown=adj} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ABATE to reduce in degree or intensity [v ABATED, ABATING, ABATES] : ABATABLE [adj] SIZAR a British student who receives financial assistance from his college [n -S] FATAL causing or capable of causing death [adj] BRAZA a Spanish unit of length [n -S] WIGGY {crazy=adj} [adj -GIER, -GIEST] ILIAC pertaining to the ilium [adj] HIDED [v] BAZAR {bazaar=n} [n -S] NIXED [v] DOGGO in hiding [adv] HOARY white with age [adj HOARIER, HOARIEST] FINCA an estate in Spanish America [n -S] NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj NEEDIER, NEEDIEST] UNARY consisting of a single element [adj] FUMED [v] BRUIN a bear [n -S] ZESTS [v] FAKED [v] TOYON an ornamental evergreen shrub [n -S] JAGGY {jagged=adj} [adj -GIER, -GIEST] VEALY immature [adj VEALIER, VEALIEST] BERTH to provide with a mooring [v -ED, -ING, -S] FREAK to streak with color [v -ED, -ING, -S] GUTTY marked by courage [adj -TIER, -TIEST] TINCT to {tinge=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] MOOED [v] CUBIT an ancient measure of length [n -S] : CUBITAL [adj] ABOMA a South American snake [n -S] WOKEN [v] GIVER one that {gives=v} [n -S] CUPID a naked, winged representation of the Roman god of love [n -S] KAURY {kauri=n} [n -RIES] TWAIN a set of two [n -S] FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n -LA] MIXUP a state of confusion [n -S] FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v -ETED, -ETING, -ETS or -ETTED, -ETTING, -ETS] INDIE a person who is independent [n -S] WORMY infested with worms [adj WORMIER, WORMIEST] FETCH to go after and bring back [v -ED, -ING, -ES] TILAK a mark worn on the forehead by Hindus [n -S] WICCA a form of nature-oriented witchcraft [n -S] WHITY {whitish=adj} [adj WHITIER, WHITIEST] / {whitey=n} [n WHITIES] THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n -S] GUYOT a flat-topped seamount [n -S] YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v -ED, -ING, -S] AGATE a variety of quartz [n -S] : AGATOID [adj] DONNA an Italian lady [n DONNAS or DONNE] KEFIR a fermented beverage made from cow's milk [n -S] KIWIS [n] BRUIT to spread news of [v -ED, -ING, -S] AWARD to grant as due or merited [v -ED, -ING, -S] AVERT to turn away [v -ED, -ING, -S] SKIVE to {pare=v} [v SKIVED, SKIVING, SKIVES] JAPES [v] WIMPY weak, ineffectual [adj WIMPIER, WIMPIEST] HERBY abounding in {herbs=n} [adj HERBIER, HERBIEST] DUOMO a cathedral [n -MOS or -MI] WIDDY a hangman's noose [n -DIES] CLEFT to insert a scion into the stock of a plant [v -ED, -ING, -S] TENTH one of ten equal parts [n -S] BLOWN [v] FLING to throw with force [v FLUNG, FLINGING, FLINGS] LINEY {liny=adj} [adj LINIER, LINIEST] KNEAD to work into a uniform mixture with the hands [v -ED, -ING, -S] WHIRL to revolve rapidly [v -ED, -ING, -S] IMAGE to {imagine=v} [v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES] UREDO a skin irritation [n -DOS] REIFY to regard as real or concrete [v -IFIED, -IFYING, -IFIES] ADOBE an unburnt, sun-dried brick [n -S] PEWEE a small bird [n -S] VATUS [n] JUKED [v] VERBS [n] HORNY hornlike in hardness [adj HORNIER, HORNIEST] HALON a compound of carbon and bromine [n -S] CRWTH an ancient stringed musical instrument [n -S] BRONC {bronco=n} [n -S] FADED [v] FAVAS [n] FRIAR a member of a religious order [n -S] : FRIARLY [adj] WRICK to {wrench=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] MAZER a large drinking bowl [n -S] DUNGY {filthy=adj} [adj DUNGIER, DUNGIEST] THEGN {thane=n} [n -S] : THEGNLY [adj] THREW [v] CROWD to press into an insufficient space [v -ED, -ING, -S] BIZES [n] HEWER one that {hews=v} [n -S] DIVED [v] DEICE to free from ice [v -ICED, -ICING, -ICES] KRAIT a venomous snake [n -S] HEWED [v] AGIOS [n] LAZED [v] OBELI [n] VROWS [n] CAHOW a sea bird [n -S] LOURY {lowery=adj} [adj] BLAZE to burn brightly [v BLAZED, BLAZING, BLAZES] WORRY to feel anxious and uneasy about something [v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES] OOHED [v] BRENT {brant=n} [n -S] DICTY {snobbish=adj} [adj -TIER, -TIEST] LAITY the nonclerical membership of a religious faith [n -ITIES] FIXER one that {fixes=v} [n -S] LAIGH a {lowland=n} [n -S] GRIPT [v] WIFES [v] TYIYN a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan [n TYIYN] WAXER one that {waxes=v} [n -S] AFRIT {afreet=n} [n -S] WHELM to cover with water [v -ED, -ING, -S] FOYER an entrance room or hall [n -S] BENNY an amphetamine tablet [n -NIES] UNLAY to {untwist=v} [v -LAID, -LAYING, -LAYS] ROILY {muddy=adj} [adj ROILIER, ROILIEST] GALAH a {cockatoo=n} [n -S] YAMUN {yamen=n} [n -S] GEMOT a public meeting in Anglo-Saxon England [n -S] FINCH a small bird [n -ES] ZINES [n] EXPEL to force out [v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS] BUNYA an evergreen tree [n -S] DAUBE a braised meat stew [n -S] CLOWN to act like a clown (a humorous performer) [v -ED, -ING, -S] INBYE {inby=adv} [adv] ENDOW to provide with something [v -ED, -ING, -S] KNAWE {knawel=n} [n -S] OCTAD a group of eight [n -S] : OCTADIC [adj] POIND to seize and sell the property of to satisfy a debt [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOARD to gather and store away [v -ED, -ING, -S] PAEAN a song of joy [n -S] KILIM an oriental tapestry [n -S] RIGOR strictness or severity [n -S] YAWED [v] ENEMY one that is antagonistic toward another [n -MIES] ACUTE marked by sharpness or severity [adj ACUTER, ACUTEST] : ACUTELY [adv] / a type of accent mark [n -S] UMIAC {umiak=n} [n -S] LEHUA a tropical tree [n -S] CIVVY a {civilian=n} [n -VIES] USURY the lending of money at an exorbitant interest rate [n -RIES] KIVAS [n] WIELD to handle or use effectively [v -ED, -ING, -S] GOODY a desirable food [n GOODIES] YETIS [n] WOMBY {hollow=adj} [adj WOMBIER, WOMBIEST] MIRTH spirited gaiety [n -S] : MIRTHFUL [adj] DOPEY lethargic; stupid [adj DOPIER, DOPIEST] : DOPILY [adv] PAREU a Polynesian garment [n -S] OWING [v] APIAN pertaining to {bees=n} [adj] COALA {koala=n} [n -S] SWUNG [v] FEIGN to {pretend=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] POUTY tending to pout [adj POUTIER, POUTIEST] AMOUR a love affair [n -S] AGENE a chemical compound used in bleaching flour [n -S] WHEEP to {wheeple=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] WIGAN a stiff fabric [n -S] CZARS [n] ATOMY a tiny particle [n -MIES] IMIDE a chemical compound [n -S] : IMIDIC [adj] BRUGH a {borough=n} [n -S] BRAZE to solder together [v BRAZED, BRAZING, BRAZES] CIVIC pertaining to a {city=n} [adj] GIGHE [n] PAREO {pareu=n} [n -REOS] NOILY [adj] CHEVY to chase about [v CHEVIED, CHEVYING, CHEVIES] ETAPE a warehouse [n -S] TYNED [v] FAULD a piece of armor below the breastplate [n -S] ANVIL to shape on an anvil (a heavy iron block) [v -VILED, -VILING, -VILS or -VILLED, -VILLING, -VILS] DOJOS [n] KRONA a monetary unit of Sweden [n KRONOR] / a monetary unit of Iceland [n KRONUR] YUPON {yaupon=n} [n -S] MOUTH to put into the mouth [v -ED, -ING, -S] GAZER one that {gazes=v} [n -S] WOMYN {women=n} [n] BOXER one that packs boxes [n -S] PENGO a former monetary unit of Hungary [n -GOS] LOXED [v] DOUBT to be uncertain about [v -ED, -ING, -S] WHANG to beat with a whip [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOPED [v] FLOOD to {inundate=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] DOUCE {sedate=adj} [adj] : DOUCELY [adv] WHEEN a fairly large amount [n -S] YAULD {vigorous=adj} [adj] ALIVE having life [adj] ZOUKS [n] BIGHT to fasten with a loop of rope [v -ED, -ING, -S] PIECE to join into a whole [v PIECED, PIECING, PIECES] DWINE to pine or waste away [v DWINED, DWINING, DWINES] ONLAY something laid over something else [n -S] JUCOS [n] WONKY {unsteady=adj} [adj -KIER, -KIEST] VEGES [v] MEWED [v] LIEVE {gladly=adv} [adv LIEVER, LIEVEST] ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n ODEA or ODEUMS] KORAT a cat having a silver-blue coat [n -S] REIVE to {plunder=v} [v REIVED, REIVING, REIVES] JOLLY {cheerful=adj} [adj -LIER, -LIEST] : JOLLILY [adv] / to put in a good humor for one's own purposes [v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES] VINAL a synthetic textile fiber [n -S] OCEAN the vast body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface [n -S] : OCEANIC [adj] DITTY a short, simple song [n -TIES] LOGIC the science of reasoning [n -S] COSIE a cozy [n -S] LEAFY covered with leaves [adj LEAFIER, LEAFIEST] GUILD an association of people of the same trade [n -S] CLIFT {cliff=n} [n -S] AKENE {achene=n} [n -S] PSOAI [n] MELEE a confused struggle [n -S] NISEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents [n -S] PEONY a flowering plant [n -NIES] BORIC pertaining to {boron=n} [adj] GROOM to clean and care for [v -ED, -ING, -S] HAYED [v] CAVED [v] BOWER to {embower=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] WRANG a wrong [n -S] TWINE to twist together [v TWINED, TWINING, TWINES] BOOTH a small enclosure [n -S] EXONS [n] TULIP a flowering plant [n -S] WREAK to {inflict=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] VOIDS [v] GAVEL to signal for attention or order by use of a gavel (a small mallet) [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] PETIT small; minor [adj] GENIE {jinni=n} [n -S] GOWAN a {daisy=n} [n -S] : GOWANED, GOWANY [adj] CURIA a court of justice [n -RIAE] : CURIAL [adj] DIGHT to {adorn=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] PYXIE an evergreen shrub [n -S] GYVES [v] BLIMP a nonrigid aircraft [n -S] : BLIMPISH [adj] FLOUT to treat with contempt [v -ED, -ING, -S] GIRTH to {encircle=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] WEFTS [n] UNCAP to remove the cap from [v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS] ABEAM at right angles to the keel of a ship [adv] WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v WHORED, WHORING, WHORES] TUTTI a musical passage performed by all the performers [n -S] GOLEM a legendary creature [n -S] MAXED [v] ERVIL a European vetch [n -S] ZONKS [v] RAWIN a wind measurement made by tracking a balloon with radar [n -S] KAFIR a cereal grass [n -S] HONGI to greet another by pressing noses together [v -GIED, -GIING, -GIES] BIONT a living organism [n -S] : BIONTIC [adj] NERVE to give courage to [v NERVED, NERVING, NERVES] FLUNG [v] JESSE to {jess=v} [v JESSED, JESSING, JESSES] FUDDY a fussy person [n -DIES] TONDO a circular painting [n -DI or -DOS] PULIK [n] HAYEY resembling hay [adj] MURID a {murine=n} [n -S] CELEB a celebrity; a famous person [n -S] VENTS [v] AIRTH to {airt=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] RUNNY tending to drip [adj -NIER, -NIEST] TOPEE {topi=n} [n -S] GIBED [v] TUFTY abounding in tufts [adj TUFTIER, TUFTIEST] : TUFTILY [adv] GALOP to dance a galop (a lively round dance) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ROWAN a Eurasian tree [n -S] TRUNK the main stem of a tree [n -S] : TRUNKED [adj] GOOSE a swimming bird [n GEESE] / to poke between the buttocks [v GOOSED, GOOSING, GOOSES] HOUSE to lodge in a house (a building in which people live) [v HOUSED, HOUSING, HOUSES] CUTUP a mischievous person [n -S] BEGUN [v] VOMER a bone of the skull [n -S] : VOMERINE [adj] BEAMY beaming [adj BEAMIER, BEAMIEST] JUBES [n] OARED [v] CLAVI [n] SHIVA a period of mourning [n -S] WRECK to cause the ruin of [v -ED, -ING, -S] RADIO to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) [v -ED, -ING, -S] PUDIC to the pudendum [adj] ELOPE to run off secretly to be married [v ELOPED, ELOPING, ELOPES] THINK to formulate in the mind [v THOUGHT, THINKING, THINKS] TOOTH one of the hard structures attached in a row to each jaw [n TEETH] / to furnish with toothlike projections [v -ED, -ING, -S] TWIER {tuyere=n} [n -S] GRIMY {dirty=adj} [adj GRIMIER, GRIMIEST] BUNCO to {swindle=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] DOGMA a principle or belief put forth as authoritative [n -MAS or -MATA] : DOGMATIC [adj] BUILT [v] IMINE a chemical compound [n -S] CHUFA a European sedge [n -S] NEUME a sign used in musical notation [n -S] : NEUMATIC, NEUMIC [adj] CALIF {caliph=n} [n -S] HOMEY {homelike=adj} [adj HOMIER, HOMIEST] / a person from one's own neighborhood [n HOMEYS] BENNE the sesame plant [n -S] MOVER one that {moves=v} [n -S] MIXED [v] HOOTY sounding like the cry of an owl [adj HOOTIER, HOOTIEST] KOJIS [n] HIDER one that {hides=v} [n -S] ROVEN [v] TROVE a valuable discovery [n -S] CADGY {cheerful=adj} [adj] CROFT a small tenant farm [n -S] JOCKO a monkey [n JOCKOS] COOED [v] TILTH {tillage=n} [n -S] EAVED [adj] OGHAM an Old Irish alphabet [n -S] : OGHAMIC [adj] GARTH a yard or garden [n -S] RINDY [adj] GONAD a sex gland [n -S] : GONADAL, GONADIAL, GONADIC [adj] ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v -ED, -ING, -S] ROGUE to {defraud=v} [v ROGUED, ROGUEING or ROGUING, ROGUES] KRAUT sauerkraut [n -S] VANGS [n] FARCI stuffed with finely chopped meat [adj] GIDDY {dizzy=adj} [adj -DIER, -DIEST] : GIDDILY [adv] / to make {giddy=adj} [v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES] DIKEY resembling a lesbian in nature or appearance -- an offensive term [adj] WHELK a {pustule=n} [n -S] MONEY an official medium of exchange and measure of value [n MONEYS or MONIES] GENOM {genome=n} [n -S] FITLY in a fit manner [adv] HAMZA an Arabic diacritical mark [n -S] KYLIX a drinking vessel [n -LIKES] SUAVE smoothly affable and polite [adj SUAVER, SUAVEST] : SUAVELY [adv] HEADY intoxicating [adj HEADIER, HEADIEST] EBONY a hard, heavy wood [n -NIES] KORUN [n] BLOOP to hit a short fly ball [v -ED, -ING, -S] CONEY {cony=n} [n -NEYS] SIZED [v] YIELD to give up [v -ED, -ING, -S] VOLTS [n] DEMOB to discharge from military service [v -MOBBED, -MOBBING, -MOBS] ZOOMS [v] ENATE a relative on the mother's side [n -S] : ENATIC [adj] BONGO a small drum [n -GOS or -GOES] MOWED [v] TIMID lacking courage or self-confidence [adj -IDER, -IDEST] : TIMIDLY [adv] PAWED [v] HOODY resembling a {hoodlum=n} [adj -IER, -IEST] UNCIA a coin of ancient Rome [n -CIAE] MIGHT {strength=n} [n -S] RAVIN to {raven=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] FINER [adj] MOGUL an important person [n -S] HORAH {hora=n} [n -S] PRINT to produce by pressed type on a surface [v -ED, -ING, -S] CYANO pertaining to {cyanogen=n} [adj] HILUM a small opening in a bodily organ [n HILA] KNOWN a mathematical quantity whose value is given [n -S] WOOFS [v] POXED [v] PARVE made without milk or meat [adj] BIGLY in a big manner [adv] OWNER one that {owns=v} [n -S] BUTUT a monetary unit of Gambia [n -S] VIRLS [n] LAUAN a Philippine timber [n -S] DRAFT to conscript for military service [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEADY resembling beads [adj BEADIER, BEADIEST] TOYED [v] PROVE to establish the truth or validity of [v PROVED, PROVEN, PROVING, PROVES] : PROVABLE [adj], PROVABLY [adv] THRIP a British coin [n -S] OHIAS [n] JINKS [v] KELIM {kilim=n} [n -S] ADEEM to take away [v -ED, -ING, -S] ANEAR to {approach=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] WITHE to bind with flexible twigs [v WITHED, WITHING, WITHES] FUGAL being in the style of a fugue [adj] : FUGALLY [adv] BOOTY a rich gain or prize [n -TIES] ENEMA a liquid injected into the rectum [n -MAS or -MATA] HORAL hourly [adj] EATEN [v] NAIRA a monetary unit of Nigeria [n -S] ORLON an acrylic fiber -- a trademark [n -S] JAGGS [v] PUDGY short and fat [adj PUDGIER, PUDGIEST] : PUDGILY [adv] GURRY fish offal [n -RIES] FISHY of or resembling fish [adj FISHIER, FISHIEST] GROWL to utter a deep, harsh sound [v -ED, -ING, -S] FRANK honest and unreserved in speech [adj FRANKER, FRANKEST] / to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v -ED, -ING, -S] FELID a {feline=n} [n -S] FRUMP a dowdy woman [n -S] : FRUMPISH [adj] LOTAH a small water vessel used in India [n -S] DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n -TA or -TUMS] HOICK to change directions abruptly [v -ED, -ING, -S] BUNKO to {bunco=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] MAWED [v] INDRI a short-tailed lemur [n -S] MOORY {marshy=adj} [adj MOORIER, MOORIEST] DOUMA {duma=n} [n -S] MARIA [n] FROCK to clothe in a long, loose outer garment [v -ED, -ING, -S] DRIPT [v] BENTO {obento=n} [n -TOS] DONGA a gully in a veldt [n -S] WHELP to give birth to [v -ED, -ING, -S] HILAR pertaining to a {hilum=n} [adj] PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n -S] TEETH [n] UNDID [v] LOOED [v] OAKEN [adj] FAGIN a person who instructs others in crime [n -S] BRAVE showing courage [adj BRAVER, BRAVEST] : BRAVELY [adv] / to face with courage [v BRAVED, BRAVING, BRAVES] JOTAS [n] PARGO a food fish [n -GOS] ELEMI a fragrant resin [n -S] GRIND to wear, smooth, or sharpen by friction [v GROUND or GRINDED, GRINDING, GRINDS] GROUP to arrange in a group (an assemblage of persons or things) [v -ED, -ING, -S] NEWEL a staircase support [n -S] BIDDY a {hen=n} [n -DIES] TAROK a card game [n -S] PENNY a coin of the United Kingdom [n PENNIES or PENCE] FUGLE to {lead=v} [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] FILET to {fillet=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] AROMA a pleasant odor [n -S] NETOP friend; companion [n -S] HOMED [v] DOWNY {soft=adj} [adj DOWNIER, DOWNIEST] PEKOE a black tea [n -S] OUTBY {outdoors=adv} [adv] NEATH {beneath=prep} [prep] NINON a sheer fabric [n -S] HANDY convenient for handling [adj HANDIER, HANDIEST] GRODY {sleazy=adj} [adj GRODIER, GRODIEST] BLAND soothing [adj BLANDER, BLANDEST] : BLANDLY [adv] THONG a narrow strip of leather used for binding [n -S] : THONGED [adj] YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v -DELED, -DELING, -DELS or -DELLED, -DELLING, -DELS] DONOR one that {donates=v} [n -S] PUNTO a hit or thrust in fencing [n -TOS] TALUK an estate in India [n -S] OPERA a form of musical drama [n -S] GRAPH to represent by means of a diagram [v -ED, -ING, -S] BATTU pertaining to a ballet movement [adj] URINE a liquid containing body wastes [n -S] PITTA a perching bird of Asia, Australia, and Africa [n -S] WENCH to consort with prostitutes [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ROUTH an abundance [n -S] FLUNK to fail an examination or course [v -ED, -ING, -S] PODGY {pudgy=adj} [adj PODGIER, PODGIEST] : PODGILY [adv] WUSHU Chinese martial arts [n WUSHU] PIOUS marked by religious reverence [adj] : PIOUSLY [adv] PUTTI [n] HYING [v] VIVAS [n] MINOR to pursue a specific subordinate course of study [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZYMES [n] MORAE [n] ADAPT to make {suitable=adj} [v -ED, -ING, -S] DROPT [v] RAZER one that {razes=v} [n -S] VEXES [v] GAUGE to measure precisely [v GAUGED, GAUGING, GAUGES] GENET a carnivorous mammal [n -S] IHRAM the garb worn by Muslim pilgrims [n -S] REINK [v -ED, -ING, -S] BRINK an extreme edge [n -S] MUNGO a low-quality wool [n -GOS or -GOES] KHEDA {keddah=n} [n -S] POTTO a lemur of tropical Africa [n -TOS] TOKED [v] ACARI [n] LIPID any of a class of fatty substances [n -S] : LIPIDIC [adj] KIANG a wild ass [n -S] EMPTY containing nothing [adj -TIER, -TIEST] / to remove the contents of [v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES] AMBIT the external boundary of something [n -S] TWIGS [v] AIDED [v] SOAVE an Italian wine [n -S] VICHY a type of mineral water [n -CHIES] AWAKE to wake up [v AWAKED or AWOKE, AWOKEN, AWAKING, AWAKES] RAXED [v] KILTY {kiltie=n} [n KILTIES] TOTEM a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan [n -S] : TOTEMIC [adj] FAGGY effeminate -- an offensive term [adj FAGGIER, FAGGIEST] PERVS [n] HEIGH used to attract attention [interj] FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [v FORCED, FORCING, FORCES] : FORCEDLY [adv] YAPOK {yapock=n} [n -S] AFFIX to {attach=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DEUCE to bring a tennis score to a tie [v DEUCED, DEUCING, DEUCES] YAGER {jaeger=n} [n -S] BEAKY resembling a {beak=n} [adj BEAKIER, BEAKIEST] CROWN to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BORON a nonmetallic element [n -S] : BORONIC [adj] CAWED [v] CARGO conveyed merchandise [n -GOS or -GOES] RAYAH a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n -S] HENCE consequently [adv] DUNAM a unit of land measure in Israel [n -S] FIBER a thread or threadlike object or structure [n -S] : FIBERED [adj] WACKO a person who is wacky [n WACKOS] EMERY a granular corundum [n -ERIES] TWILL to weave so as to produce a diagonal pattern [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOOZY {drunken=adj} [adj BOOZIER, BOOZIEST] : BOOZILY [adv] AGLEY {awry=adv} [adv] TURFY covered with turf [adj TURFIER, TURFIEST] DEBAG to remove the pants from someone [v -BAGGED, -BAGGING, -BAGS] RAZED [v] HURLY commotion [n -LIES] BROTH a thin clear soup [n -S] RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v RODEOED, RODEOING, RODEOS] OSTIA [n] DUROC a large red hog [n -S] ABAMP {abampere=n} [n -S] DELVE to search in depth [v DELVED, DELVING, DELVES] BLEEP to {blip=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] JAUPS [v] HEXYL a hydrocarbon radical [n -S] : HEXYLIC [adj] WALER an Australian-bred saddle horse [n -S] BORTY [adj] VUGHS [n] PITHY {concise=adj} [adj PITHIER, PITHIEST] : PITHILY [adv] FINAL the last examination of an academic course [n -S] FICHE a sheet of microfilm [n -S] ALGID {cold=adj} [adj] BIALY an onion roll [n -ALYS or -ALIES] BONNE a housemaid [n -S] AXMAN one who wields an ax [n AXMEN] OILED [v] DIRAM a monetary unit of Tajikistan [n -S] TUMID swollen [adj] : TUMIDLY [adv] LOGIA [n] HOKED [v] ULNAE [n] FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] GOOPY sticky, gooey [adj GOOPIER, GOOPIEST] JERKS [v] HAKIM a Muslim physician [n -S] ACETA [n] NONET a composition for nine instruments or voices [n -S] ILIAL {iliac=adj} [adj] DOTAL pertaining to a {dowry=n} [adj] ANIMI {anime=n} [n -S] HOKEY false; contrived [adj HOKIER, HOKIEST] : HOKILY [adv] DAISY a flowering plant [n -SIES] : DAISIED [adj] MEZES [n] NOISY making loud sounds [adj NOISIER, NOISIEST] : NOISILY [adv] BEERY affected by beer [adj BEERIER, BEERIEST] AGILE able to move quickly and easily [adj] : AGILELY [adv] TRUTH conformity to fact or reality [n -S] DIRTY {unclean=adj} [adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST] : DIRTILY [adv] / to make {dirty=adj} [v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES] CADGE to get by begging [v CADGED, CADGING, CADGES] FLEET {swift=adj} [adj FLEETER, FLEETEST] : FLEETLY [adv] / to move swiftly [v -ED, -ING, -S] JILLS [n] BEBOP a type of jazz [n -S] BOTHY a hut in Scotland [n BOTHIES] CEBID {ceboid=n} [n -S] TRIGO {wheat=n} [n -GOS] NORTH a point of the compass [n -S] BLINK to open and shut the eyes [v -ED, -ING, -S] YARER [adj] VISTA a distant view [n -S] : VISTAED [adj]