PEER REVIEW FORM Your group needs to produce one peer review form for each other group. You need to fill in the rating number in (), as well as write down your comments as a group. To get a high score as a reviewer, it is very important that you give as many constructive comments as possible. GROUP BEING REVIEWED: ( ) Rating Guide 1 -- Absolutely unacceptable, incorrect, etc. (really bad) 2 -- Maybe correct, but totally uninteresting. 3 -- Very weak, far below our expectation 4 -- Has some merits, but doesn't meet our expectation 5 -- Neutral score, on the threshold. 6 -- Fair, above threshold 7 -- Typical good 8 -- Very good, top 3 9 -- Outstanding, top 1 or 2 10 -- Breakthrough (really good) Content ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPACT: ( ) Your comments on the significance of this project and its claimed contributions. Does the project offer useful outcome of general interest? If possible, explain specific ways in which the significance of the work described could be increased. Comments: ORIGINALITY: ( ) Is the project novel and interesting? Are there similar systems online? Use the Internet to search for 3 similar work that the group did not cite. List the links. How difficult is the problem being attacked? Comments: SOUNDNESS: ( ) Does the group use appropriate AI technique? What specific suggestions do you have? Comments: CLARITY: ( ) Your comments on completeness, organization, and writing. Does the group describe their methods and experiments in sufficient detail for someone to follow the work? If necessary, make specific suggestions for improving the writing. Comments: Presentation ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATION: ( ) Did the speaker clearly convey their project? Do you know what they are trying to do by listening to the talk? Comments: TIMING: ( ) Did the speaker pace the talk nicely? Did the talk go over time? Comments: STYLE: ( ) Was the slides crowded? Fonts big enough to see? Speaker loud enough? Speaker looking at the audience? Comments: Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL: ( ) Comments: