From: (
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 13:33:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Redefining our relationship

I read with no small amount of shock of a disturbing development that took
place last weekend which has given me pause to think about our relationship.
 No, I am not referring to the Lady Di(e) matter, but to the fact that Pete
Rose Sr. hugged his son, 27 year old "Petey", in public on Monday.  Well,
that's it, then.  For the past several years, I have been trying to emulate
my old hero, Pete Rose in the way I have been raising you.  Since I thought
public displays of affection were frowned by "Charlie Hustle" as being
unmanly, I haven't hugged you much, because I thought that's the way Pete
would have wanted it.  And now this.  Be prepared for a big wet kiss from
your old Dad when we get together for that first Badger football game.  I
know I'm looking forward to it, and I expect you are, too.  Pete Rose - a man
of the 90's. 

Your loving Dad 

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