CS 564 – Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation
Lectures: MW 2:30-3:45pm @ 108 Plant
Discussions: F 2:30-3:45pm @ 108 Plant
Instructor: Paris Koutris
Teaching assistants
Class Mailing List: compsci564-1-f15@lists.wisc.edu
Piazza: signup link is here
Sample final exams from previous years can be found here.
The deadline for Project 4 is now December 13th, and for Homework 2 December 15th!
The fourth (and final!) project (B+ tree) is out! The deadline is December 6 (Sunday).
The third project (Buffer Manager) is out! The deadline is November 22 (Sunday).
The midterm is this Friday, October 23rd at 2:30pm. Some sample midterm exams from previous years:
The second project (SQL queries) is out! The deadline is October 30th.
The first homework is out! The deadline is October 16th.
The first project is out. The deadline is October 4th.
There will be a discussion on Friday 09/18. Don't miss it!
There will be no discussion on Friday 09/11.
The first class is Wednesday 09/02.
There will be no class on Monday 09/07 (Labor day); instead there will be a
lecture on Friday 09/04.