Computer Science 740: Advanced Computer Networks

Fall, 2018

Classroom and Meeting Times

Tuesday, Thursday 1:00pm - 2:15pm, Computer Science Building, room 1257

The list of technical papers that form the basis for the class can be found here.


Paul Barford
Office Hrs: Tuesday, Thursday 2:30am - 3:30pm and by appointment.
Office: 7393 Comp. Sci and Stat. Bldg.
Tel: (608) 262-6609

Recommended Reference

Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Fifth Edition, Morgan Kauffmann, 2011, ISBN: 978-0123850591


W. Richard Stevens UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003, ISBN: 0131411551

Additional References


Class Mailing List

The class mailing list is

Grading Criteria

Technical paper reviews/class participation 10%
Programming Project 40%
First midterm exam 25%
Second midterm exam 25%

Course Overview

This graduate-level course is focused on understanding technical details in a number of areas of networking through reading and discussion of important research papers in the field. The topics which will be covered may include but are not limited to:


Students will be expected to read all of the papers assigned from the course readling list Not all papers on the list may be assigned and others may be added based on class interest. Students will have to write at least two reviews of papers on the reading list. These will be submitted at the beginning of class. Students submitting reviews for a paper will be expected to be active in the discussion of that paper.

This course will also focus on investigating new ideas in networking research through semester long research projects. A set of possible project topics will be presented however students are encouraged to be creative and develop their own ideas for projects. Students will be required to submit a written project plan, to review their progress with the instructor during the semester and to submit a written project summary at the end of the semester. An oral presentation of the project results will also be required.

Class Policies

Prerequisites: CS 640 or consent of instructor.

Incompletes: No Incompletes will be given

Last modified: 9/5/18: Paul Barford