John Piefer

UW Alumni with BS in Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison

View my resume (MS Word format) - click here
View a project I completed which used a neural network approach to predicting stock performance - Powerpoint Presentation, Download Report

Courses I completed towards a CS degree

Other relevant courses

A Little Bit About Myself

Thank you for visiting my page. I graduated in May/2001 so I'm not sure how you stumbled across it, but I do maintain a permanent alumni account hosted by the computer science department. I keep a semi-updated resume here and some contact information, just in case someone is looking for me. I am currently working in the Dallas, Texas area as a software engineer and have been here since July/2001. It's a great area with plenty to do, but it doesn't have the excellent college town atmosphere of Madison, so I am back several times a year.

In case you're interested, here's a little bit about myself.  I was born in Wisconsin and lived there until July/2001 when I moved to Dallas. I have a BS in computer sciences from the UW earned in May/2001, as you know. I am a big sports fan, particularly WI teams. I particularly enjoy watching Wisconsin Badger football and basketball, Green Bay Packer football, and Milwaukee Bucks basketball. Despite rarely being broadcast here, I follow the Wisconsin teams very closely (glad internet radio is around). I enjoy playing tennis, golf, basketball, and badminton. I also enjoy playing computer and video games, an activity that has kept my interest since the days of Ms. Pac-Man.  I own most of the major consoles that have been released in the last 10 years as well as a computer.  Some of my favorite games over the years include, but are certainly not limited to, Halo, GoldenEye 007, Streets of Rage 2, Tetris, Phantasy Star, SimCity 3000, Starcraft, Shenmue 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2, and many more. My favorite TV shows include The Simpsons, Seinfeld reruns, and 24. I enjoy hard rock or metal music, particularly German rock - I am a big Rammstein fan. If the current music trends in the US aren't your thing, check out some of the music that is coming out of Germany, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of it.  And of course, I enjoy working with computers.  Surfing the net, e-mail, programming, designing web-pages, photo editing, etc.

Well, now you know a little about me.  Thank you again for visiting and please e-mail me with any inquiries.  Bye for now.