What is Makefile?
A textfile that can run executables based on the target name.
This tool can help save your time when you
need to run multiple commands repeatedly.
- Make a file called Makefile. Do not change the name in any way
- In this file, make a target. This name can be anything you want it to be. Add a colon at the end
- Hit enter. If you go to the next line, make sure you always hit tab or else the target wont work
- In the next line, choose the command you want to execute, if these files depend on other files,
feel free to add them beside the target. This is not necessary tho
and is an unappreciated beauty of Makefile
- When you are finished adding your lines, open a terminal and head to the directory where this Makefile exists
- Now type in make "your target"
Here's a link about information related to Makefile
Here's a personal makefile I made that takes in user input: