EPS: infokernel.eps

Script: make-infokernel.tcl

# source the library
source zplot-import.tcl

# define the canvas
PsCanvas -title "infokernel.eps" -width 2in -height 3.4in

set stacks {misc sim refresh check}
set colors {black lightgray white darkgray}

# make two drawables, one for the upper graph, one for the lower
Drawable -drawable lo -xrange "-0.5,3.5" -yrange "0,5" \
-coord .4in,0.4in -dimensions 1.4in,1.375in
Drawable -drawable hi -xrange "-0.5,3.5" -yrange "96,101" \
-coord 0.4in,1.775in -dimensions 1.4in,1.375in

# load data and plot the graphs (on both drawables)
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $stacks]} {incr i} {
set t [lindex $stacks $i]
set c [lindex $colors $i]
Table -table $t -file "infokernel/times.$t"
PlotVerticalBars -drawable hi -table $t -xfield c0 -yfield c1 \
-barwidth 0.7 -yloval 0 -fill t -fillcolor $c -fillstyle solid
PlotVerticalBars -drawable lo -table $t -xfield c0 -yfield c1 \
-barwidth 0.7 -yloval 0 -fill t -fillcolor $c -fillstyle solid \
-legend [string toupper $t 0 0]

# axes (again, one for each drawable)
AxesTicsLabels -drawable lo -xaxisposition 0 -yauto 0,4,2 \
-xmanual "0,FIFO : 1,LRU : 2,MRU : 3,LFU " \
-xtitle "Target Replacement Algorithm" \
-ytitle "Time per Read (us)" -fontsize 8.0 \
-ytitleshift -5,50 -xtitleshift -5,0
AxesTicsLabels -drawable hi -style y -fontsize 8.0 \
-title "InfoReplace Overheads" -titleshift 0,5 -yauto 97,101,2

# draw some breaks on the graph
GraphBreak -drawable lo -coord -0.5,5 -elements 6 -linewidth 0.5
GraphBreak -drawable lo -coord 3,5 -elements 8 -linewidth 0.5

# draw a legend
Legend -drawable canvas -coord 65,215 -height 10 -width 10 -fontsize 8.0 -style left

# and finally, render it all
PsRender -file "infokernel.eps"

Data: infokernel/times.$t