EPS: example-anchor.eps

Script: make-example-anchor.tcl

# source the library
source zplot-import.tcl

# define the canvas
PsCanvas -title "example-anchor.eps" -width 200 -height 60

set y 10
set s 20

set x 10
PsText -coord $x,$y -anchor l,l -text "Anchor Is l,l"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -anchor l,c -text "Anchor Is l,c"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -anchor l,h -text "Anchor Is l,h"

PsCircle -coord $x,$y -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red

set x 100
PsText -coord $x,$y -anchor c,l -text "Anchor Is c,l"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -anchor c,c -text "Anchor Is c,c"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -anchor c,h -text "Anchor Is c,h"

PsCircle -coord $x,$y -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red

set x 190
PsText -coord $x,$y -anchor r,l -text "Anchor Is r,l"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -anchor r,c -text "Anchor Is r,c"
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -anchor r,h -text "Anchor Is r,h"

PsCircle -coord $x,$y -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red
PsCircle -coord $x,[expr $y+$s+$s] -linecolor red -fill t -fillcolor red

# all done
PsRender -file "example-anchor.eps"