Finding Differentially Covarying Needles in a Temporally Evolving Haystack: A Scan Statistics Perspective

Ronak Mehta, Hyunwoo Kim, Shulei Wang, Sterling Johnson, Ming Yuan, Vikas Singh


Recent results in coupled or temporal graphical models offer schemes for estimating the relationship structure between features when the data come from related (but distinct) longitudinal sources. A novel application of these ideas is for analyzing group-level differences, i.e., in identifying if the trends of the estimated objects (e.g., covariance or precision matrices) are different across disparate conditions (e.g., gender or disease). Often, poor effect sizes make detecting the differential signal over the full set of features difficult: for example, dependencies between only a subset of features may manifest differently across groups, as we will find in data from a unique longitudinally followed (since 2001) cohort of healthy individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this work, we first give a parametric model for estimating trends in the space of SPD matrices as a function of one or more covariates. We then generalize scan statistics to graph structures, to search over distinct subsets of features (graph partitions) whose temporal dependency structure may show statistically significant group-wise differences. We theoretically analyze the Family Wise Error Rate (FWER) and bounds on Type 1 and Type 2 error. On a cohort of "young elderly" individuals with risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (but otherwise cognitively healthy), we find scientifically interesting group differences where the default analysis, i.e., models estimated on the full graph, do not survive reasonable significance thresholds.

Babynames Trajectory Results





This research was supported in part by NIH grants R01 AG040396, AG021155, EB022883 and NSF grants DMS 1265202 and CAREER award 1252725. The authors were also supported by the UW Center for Predictive Computational Phenotyping (via BD2K award AI117924) and the Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (AG033514). Mehta was supported by a fellowship via training grant award T32LM012413.