Network Flows

Lectures: TR 9:30- 10:45, 1207 CS

Text: D. Bertsekas, Network Optimization--Continuous and Discrete Models

Lecturer:Robert Meyer
4387 Computer Sciences (262)-7870
Office Hours: TR 4-5pm

Teaching Assistant: Kelly Sorensen
6388 CS&S
E-mail: kjs@cs.wisc.edu
Office Hours: tba

What's this course all about?

Course description

Homework Assignments from previous years

Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
A GAMS model for use in hw5
Course Grades

Useful links

INFORMS Bibiliographic database of 34,000 entries (searchable by topic)

Presentation schedule from 2000

Some network-related research papers in CS

A shortest path approach to grid-graph partition
An application of nonlinear assignment to brachytherapy
An application of assignment to data caching
Another paper on the data caching application
A shorter update of the preceding paper
A GAMS model for the application in this paper
A relaxation method for separable nonlinear network optimization
Intensity matching (see paper on "Minimizing beam-on time...")

Software Links:

This page maintained by Robert Meyer