Synchronizing clocks across computers over the Internet is an interesting problem. Much advancements has been made in this area due to the efforts of Mills et al. My research goal is to understand the usage of NTP and other clock synchronization protocols and also enhance the time synchronization of clocks over wireless links. I have developed frameworks that use the NTP data opportunistically, to understand one-way delay characteristics across the Internet [HotNets' 15]. In my current research, I'm working on improving time synchronization across a range of mobile and wireless devices, with an objective of developing protocols that improve accuracy without being resource intensive.
An Architecture for IoT Clock Synchronization (paper) (arXiv'18)
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
(To Appear) In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Internet of Things, October, 2018.
TimeWeaver: Opportunistic One Way Delay Measurement via NTP (paper)
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Paul Barford, Rob Nowak and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ITC 30, Vienna, Austria, September 2018.
Wrinkles in Time: Detecting Internet-wide Events via NTP (paper)
Meenakshi Syamkumar, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of IFIP Networking’18, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
MNTP: Enhancing Time Synchronization for Mobile Devices (paper)
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'16, Santa Monica, CA, USA, November 2016.
Time's Forgotten: Using NTP to Understand Internet Latency (paper)
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Joel Sommers and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM HotNets'15, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2015.
Detecting high availability readiness of a distributed computing system
Senthil Kumar Veluswamy, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Shubham Tagra
US Patent #9,454,416 (link)
Department of Computer Sciences
1210, W. Dayton St.,
Madison, WI - 53715.