Rubin, Shai


Work Information

  Graduate Student in the Computer Science Department at the University of WisconsinMadison. Currently I'm working with Prof. Bart Miller and Prof. Somesh Jha.

Contact Information
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
West Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

(608) 890-0019 (Office)
(608) 262-1204 (Department)
(608) 262-9777 (Fax) 

Past Project

 Virtual Cache Lines

Current Projects


Biographical Information

1. Resume (pdf)

2. Journal papers

S. Rubin, S. Jha, B. P. Miller, “Using attack mutation to test a high-end NIDS,” In Information Security Bulletin, Volume 10, April, 2005.

S. Rubin, I. D. Alderman M. K. Vernon, “Foundation for intrusion prevention,” In PIK - Practice in Information Processing and Communication, 4(04), December,2004.


3. Refereed conference and workshop papers


S. Rubin, S. Jha, B. P. Miller, “Protomatching Network Traffic for High Throughput Network Intrusion Detection,” In the 13rd ACM Conference on computer and Communication Security, (Alexandria, 2006) (To appear).


S. Rubin, S. Jha, B. P. Miller, “On the Completeness of Attack Mutation Algorithms,” In the 19th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop  (Venice, Italy, July 2006) (pdf).


S. Rubin, M. Christodorescu, V. Ganapathy, J. Giffin, N. Kidd, L. Kruger, and H. Wang “Anomaly Detection as a Reputation System for Online Auctioning,” In the 12nd ACM Conference on computer and Communication Security, (Alexandria, 2005) (pdf).


S. Rubin, S. Jha, B. P. Miller, “Language-based generation and evaluation of NIDS signatures,” In the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland, CA, May 2005) (pdf).


S. Rubin, S. Jha, B. P. Miller, “Automatic generation and analysis of NIDS attacks,” In the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (Tucson, AZ, December 2004) (pdf). This paper won the Student Paper Award and the Best Paper Award in ACSAC 2004.


S. Rubin, I. D. Alderman, D. W. Parter M. K. Vernon, “Foundation for intrusion prevention (extended abstract),” In Workshop on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (Dortmund, Germany, July 2004) (pdf).


S. Rubin, R. Bodik, T. Chilimbi, “An efficient profile-analysis framework for data layout optimizations,” In the 29th Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Language  (Portland, OR, January 2002) (pdf).


Brian A. Fields, S. Rubin, R. Bodik, “Focusing Processor Policies via Critical-Path Prediction,” In  the 28th Annual Intl. Symposium on Computer Architecture (Göteborg, Sweden,  June 2001) (ps).


S. Rubin, D. Bernstein, M. Rodeh, “Virtual cache line: A new technique to improve cache exploitation for recursive data structures,”  In the 8th International Conference on Compiler Construction (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 1999) (pdf).


S. Rubin, M. Levinger, R. Pratt, W. Moore, “Fast construction of test-program generators for digital signal processors,”  In the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Phoenix, AZ, March 1999).


4. Technical Reports


S. Rubin, S. Jha, and B. P. Miller. Attack generation for NIDS testing using natural deduction.  Tech. Rep. 1496, University of Wisconsin, Madison, January 2004. (ps).



5. Online presentations


1. “Language-based generation and evaluation of NIDS signatures”, IEEE 2005.

2. “Automatic generation and analysis of NIDS attacks”, ACSAC 2004.

3. “Foundation for intrusion prevention”, DIMVA 2004.

4. “On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs”, Security Seminar Fall 2003

5. “Internet Worms: Reality or Hype”, Security Seminar Fall 2002

6. “An Efficient Profile-Analysis Framework for Data-Layout Optimizations”,  POPL 2002.

7. “Virtual cache line: A new technique to improve cache exploitation for recursive data structures” , Compiler Construction 1999

8. “Topological tools for understanding distributed computing “(Seminar in Computer Science 236806 - Winter 98/99)


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Jeannette M. Wing tips for an interview talk (probably appropriate for other talks/occasions too)