CS 744 Big Data Systems - UW Madison, Fall 2020
This class will introduce key concepts and state-of-the-art in big data systems.
After covering the basics of modern hardware and software infrastructures that these systems leverage, we
will explore the systems themselves from the ground up.
Specifically, topics we cover will include:
- Cluster architecture
- Big Data stacks: Hadoop, Spark
- Scheduling and Resource Management
- Machine learning
- Batch and stream analytics
- Graph processing
- Serverless platforms
Course Learning Objectives
At the end of the course you will be able to
- Explain the design and architecture of systems used for big data processing
- Compare, contrast and evaluate research papers in the field of big data systems
- Develop and deploy applications on a cluster of machines using existing big data frameworks
- Design, articulate and report new research and development ideas in topics related to big data systems.
- Course Number: CS 744, Fall 2020, UW Madison
- Instructor: Shivaram Venkataraman
- Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30AM - 10:45AM
- Location: Online
- Teaching Assistant: Saurabh Agarwal
- Office hours:
- Shivaram Venkataraman - Tue 11am-12pm, Online
- Saurabh Agarwal - Wed 3pm-4pm, Online
- Discussion: We will be using Piazza for outside-class Q&A and to discuss papers. The system is highly
catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, and myself. Rather than emailing
questions to the teaching staff, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza.
- Text: There is no required text for this course. The lectures will be based on discussing research
Course prerequisites: The prerequisites for this course are Database Systems (CS 564 or CS 764) and Operating Systems (CS 537 or CS 736), or equivalent courses.
- Class Participation: 10%
- Paper reviews: 10%
- Assignments: 20% (2 @ 10% each)
- Two Midterms: 15% each
- Final Project (in groups): 30%