Shravan Rayanchu

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences
Microsoft Research PhD Fellow

Contact: s [DOT] rayanchu [AT] gmail [DOT] com
I've graduated and have joined Google. My thesis is available here.

My CV is available here
(updated: Aug 2012).

Invited to be on the PC, CellNet 2013
My thesis was nominated for 2012 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award by CS UW Madison
Received the 2012 outstanding graduate student research award for my PhD thesis research
Our work on securing cloud VMs has been accepted to EuroSys 2012
WiFiNet accepted for publication at NSDI 2012
Dataset used in the IMC paper is available for download
Airshark appears in Network World, and is slashdotted
Presented FLUID at MobiCom 2011, Las Vegas, NV. Slides available here
AirTrack selected for the first prize at the ACM SRC
FLUID nominated for MobiCom 2011 best paper, fast-tracked to IEEE TMC
(Older news ..)

About Me

I am currently at Google. I graduated with a PhD in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison. During my graduate years, I mostly worked on improving the performance and usability of wireless networks. I worked with Prof. Suman Banerjee in Wisconsin Wireless and NetworkinG Systems (WiNGS) Lab. My research work has been supported by a Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship (2009-2011).

Select Projects

Non-WiFi Interference Management (Airshark, AirTrack, WiFiNet)
Passive Interference Estimation for WLANs (PIE)
Flexible Channelization for WLANs (FLUID)
Coupling Mobile Application Analytics with Network Measurements (Insight)
Centralized Scheduling in WLANs (Centaur)

Project Demos/Data/Apps

Airshark Demo: Using a WiFi card, we are able to detect RF devices like Bluetooth, ZigBee, analog/frequency hopping cordless phones, microwave ovens, video cameras, and Xbox controllers. Check out the video of Airshark in action!

Dataset: IMC 2011 Non-WiFi device usage dataset [link]
PIE Demo: Demo shows how PIE is able to detect interference between the links in real time, and shows how PIE's input can be used to reduce the impact of interference.
PIE (Passive Interference Estimator)
Centaur Demo: Demo of Centaur's base case showing the benefits of centralized scheduling in presence of hidden terminals.
Insight data and apps:
Snapshot of cellular network performance results can be found at the NetworkTest website.
Check out the NetworkTest iPhone and Android applications:

App Store badge Android Market logo


[pdf] The Anatomy of a Large Mobile Massively Multiplayer Online Game
Ashish Patro, Shravan Rayanchu, Michael Griepentrog, Yadi Ma, Suman Banerjee
Workshop on Mobile Gaming (MobiGame), ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Awarded best paper
[pdf] Delusional Boot: Securing Cloud Hypervisors without Massive Re-engineering
Anh M. Nguyen, Himanshu Raj, Shravan Rayanchu, Stefan Saroiu, Alec Wolman
ACM EuroSys 2012
Catching Whales and Minnows using WiFiNet: Deconstructing Non-WiFi Interference using WiFi Hardware
Shravan Rayanchu, Ashish Patro, Suman Banerjee

Airshark: Detecting Non-WiFi RF Devices using Commodity WiFi Hardware
Shravan Rayanchu, Ashish Patro, Suman Banerjee
ACM IMC 2011
Media coverage: Network World, Slashdot, CRA Highlight of the week, PC Magazine, The Register, BoingBoing, ...
Dataset: IMC 2011 Non-WiFi device usage dataset [link]
[pdf] [slides]
FLUID: Improving Throughputs in Enterprise Wireless LANs through Flexible Channelization
Shravan Rayanchu, Vivek Shrivastava, Suman Banerjee, Ranveer Chandra
ACM MobiCom 2011 Best paper nominee. Fast-tracked to IEEE TMC
Script for changing channel width on AR5212 cards is here.
AirTrack: Locating Non-WiFi Interferers using Commodity WiFi Hardware (student poster)
Ashish Patro, Shravan Rayanchu, Suman Banerjee
ACM MobiCom 2011 First place in ACM student research competition
PIE in the Sky: Online Passive Interference Estimation for Enterprise WLANs
Vivek Shrivastava, Shravan Rayanchu, Suman Banerjee, Dina Papagiannaki
Network Coding Aware Routing in Wireless Networks
Sudipta Sengupta, Shravan Rayanchu, Suman Banerjee
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2010
NAPman: Network-Assisted Power Management for WiFi Devices
Eric Rozner, Vishnu Navda, Ramachandran Ramjee, Shravan Rayanchu
ACM MobiSys 2010
Media coverage: MIT Tech Review and CNN
[pdf] [slides]
CENTAUR: Realizing the Full Potential of Centralized WLANs through a Hybrid Data Path
Vivek Shrivastava, Nabeel Ahmed, Shravan Rayanchu, Suman Banerjee, Srinivasan Keshav, Dina Papagiannaki, Arunesh Mishra.
ACM MobiCom 2009 Awarded best paper
[pdf] [slides]
802.11n Under the Microscope
Vivek Shrivastava, Shravan Rayanchu, Jongwon Yoon, Suman Banerjee.
ACM IMC 2008
[pdf] [slides] A Measurement Study of a Commercial-grade Urban WiFi Mesh
Vladimir Brik, Shravan Rayanchu, Sharad Saha, Sayandeep Sen, Vivek Shrivastava, Suman Banerjee.
ACM IMC 2008
Loss-Aware Network Coding for Unicast Wireless Sessions: Design, Implementation, and Performance Evaluation
Shravan Rayanchu, Sayandeep Sen, Jianming Wu, Suman Banerjee, Sudipta Sengupta
ACM Sigmetrics 2008
Diagnosing Wireless Packet Losses in 802.11: Separating Collision from Weak Signal
Shravan Rayanchu, Arunesh Mishra, Dheeraj Agrawal, Sharad Saha, Suman Banerjee
IEEE Infocom 2008
Supporting Continuous Mobility through Multi-rate Wireless Packetization
Arunesh Mishra, Shravan Rayanchu, Dheeraj Agrawal, Suman Banerjee
HotMobile 2008
Deconstructing Wireless Errors : Collision or 'Bad' Channel? (student poster)
Shravan Rayanchu, Arunesh Mishra, Dheeraj Agrawal, Sharad Saha, Suman Banerjee
ACM MobiCom 2007 First place in ACM student research competition
An Analysis of Wireless Network Coding for Unicast Sessions: The Case for Coding-Aware Routing
Sudipta Sengupta, Shravan Rayanchu, Suman Banerjee
IEEE Infocom 2007
Towards Robust Localization Using Wireless Congruity
Arunesh Mishra, Shravan Rayanchu, Ashutosh Shukla, Suman Banerjee
HotMobile 2007
TRAC: An Architecture for Real-Time Dissemination of Vehicular Traffic Information
Shravan Rayanchu, Sulabh Agarwal, Arunesh Mishra, Suman Banerjee, Samrat Ganguly
ACM MobiCom 2006 (student poster)


Microsoft Research, Redmond.
Worked with Stefan Saroiu and Alec Wolman on improving the security of cloud hypervisors.
Media coverage: ZDNet
Microsoft Research, Bangalore.
Worked with Ram Ramjee, Vishnu Navda and Venkat Padmanabhan on improving the battery consumption of smartphones.
Media coverage: MIT Tech Review and CNN
Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, NJ.
Worked with Sudipta Sengupta on improving the throughput of mesh networks using network coding.

Wordle view of my work


Last Modified: August, 2012