Colombiana (2011)



Critic Consensus: Zoe Saldana has the chops but she's taken out by erratic and sloppy filmmaking.

Movie Info

In the action film Colombiana, Zoe Saldana plays Cataleya, a young woman who has grown up to be an assassin after witnessing the murder of her parents as a child. Turning herself into a professional killer and working for her uncle, she remains focused on her ultimate goal: to hunt down and get revenge on the mobster responsible for her parents' deaths. -- (C) Sony Pictures

Rating: PG-13 (for violence, disturbing images, intense sequences of action, sexuality and brief strong language)
Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense
Directed By:
Written By: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen
In Theaters:
On DVD: Dec 20, 2011
Box Office: $36.7M
Sony Pictures - Official Site


as Cataleya

as Danny Delanay

as Emilio Restrepo

as Marco

as Don Luis

as Richard

as William Woodward

as Head Marshall Warren

as Cat, Age 10

as Sergeant Bill Attwoo...

as Genarro Rizzo

as Marshall

as Principal

as Agent Robert William...

as American Embassy 1

as American Embassy 2

as Emilio's Man

as Fabio's Man

as Marco's Gun Man

as Michel Shino

as Nymphette

as Nymphette

as Guy (6th Floor)

as Ticket Agent

as Bureaucrat

as FBI Operator

as Old Man (Gardener)

as Head Bodyguard

as William's Servant

as Customs Officer

as FBI Mailman
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Critic Reviews for Colombiana

All Critics (94) | Top Critics (22)

A guilty pleasure film that is more fun than it deserves to be.

Full Review… | June 30, 2013
Big Hollywood

You keep wanting "Colombiana" to go all the way in one direction, or all the way in the other. Instead, it just sits there, content to give Saldana a lollypop.

Full Review… | June 22, 2013

Colombiana contains some thrilling scenes as well as an interesting sense of twisted humor, but there's not enough here to really keep us engaged.

Full Review… | February 28, 2013
We Got This Covered

Laugh out loud exploitation...See Zoe shoot. See Zoe kill. See Zoe strip (PG-13 style)

Full Review… | January 10, 2013
Tribune News Service

Colombiana is caught somewhere in the middle of an engaging character drama and a brainless action extravaganza.

Full Review… | October 2, 2012

With a tighter story and structure, most of the film's problems could have been easily fixed, resulting in a film that doesn't feel like a build-up of superfluous events.

Full Review… | September 19, 2012

Audience Reviews for Colombiana

The lone-wolf-getting-revenge type of movie. I liked it - sure it has no redeeming social message, but it is always fun to see the underdog get her revenge.

Red Lats

Super Reviewer

Trying not to compare too much to the classic hitman flick 'Leon' this female assassin flick tries too hard for its own good to raise emotion and thrills. Its not that its a bad film, far from it, its a solid action film and you must give the director and cast credit for making the film much better than it deserves to be but at the end of the day the film is very predictable and simply nothing new.

The cast are very good in this film with a strong brooding presence from Saldana who does actually come across as a capable killer but the Colombian bad guys are all pretty cliched with their stubble and shades. Performances from Curtis as the mentor/uncle, James as the 'always one step behind' FBI and a decent small role for McTavish as a Marshall with a very good US accent all add to a well rounded and understated cast that really do make the film quite times. I wonder who is the better young innocent pre-hitgirl? the young Stenberg or the young Portman? hard to decide really, the young 'Cataleya' is slightly unbelievable as she leaps and bounds over rooftops like a pro gymnast when the baddies go after her, after she sticks a henchman with a blade!. Not really how a young child would behave methinks but I guess she is suppose to be gifted, its just less realistic when watching.

One problem with the film is the forced emotional aspects which I found hard to accept, 'Emilio' the uncle and mentor of Cataleya is some kind of underground thug or mafia type who gunned down an innocent person in their car to prove a point to a young Cataleya and Cataleya's family from Columbia were all involved with drug trafficking, they had guns stashed around the house!! so really its kinda hard to feel for Cataleya and what she's doing as everyone she knows/has known is a criminal.

Also you wonder how she becomes an elite killer, who trained her? Emilio the uncle? was he some kind of super killer too? he merely comes across as a Colombian goodfella type. The film can't quite capture the close emotion of a certain Besson classic and like with all modern films ends up relying on flashy action set pieces to make up for it when a more subdued approach would have worked wonders, the final curtain for the main bad guy is also quite stupid.

Solid but nothing new to offer over other good female assassin flicks such as 'Nikita' and remake 'Point of No Return' aka 'The Assassin', but you have to wonder why Besson is so obsessed with assassin films that he keeps remaking the same thing over and over.

Phil Hubbs

Super Reviewer

The young daughter of a cartel enforcer is orphaned when her parents are murdered by his former boss and seeks sanctuary in the US where she grows to become an assassin sworn to avenge them. Luc Besson rehashes the formula of Nikita in this flashy but generic action thriller in his trademark style. He is joined by his co-writer of Taken and it shares the rather humourless approach, but the addition of some mainstream audience pleasing sentimentality in the form of a romantic interest and murdered family means it is rather less edgy and offbeat. Thanks to some glossy and well engineered set pieces, one of which is clearly influenced by Besson's classic Leon, Colombiana is always entertaining but it lacks the imagination and invention of his best films. Not bad at all, but it's not quite as good as the similar Haywire and there's nothing here you won't have seen at least a dozen times before.

xGary Xx

Super Reviewer

Colombiana Quotes

– Submitted by James W (3 years ago)
– Submitted by Nick S (3 years ago)
– Submitted by Alaa A (3 years ago)
– Submitted by Dennis L (3 years ago)

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