Indecent Proposal

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Perfect for readers of Susan Mallery and Rachel Gibson, Molly O’Keefe’s gritty and sensual tale of passion and politics features the brother of the heroine from the author’s beloved novel, Never Been Kissed. He’s a driven man who refuses to be distracted—until he meets a beautiful bartender who just may change his life.
With his chiseled jaw and thick blond hair, Harrison Montgomery was born to lead. Four generations of Montgomery men ...

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Perfect for readers of Susan Mallery and Rachel Gibson, Molly O’Keefe’s gritty and sensual tale of passion and politics features the brother of the heroine from the author’s beloved novel, Never Been Kissed. He’s a driven man who refuses to be distracted—until he meets a beautiful bartender who just may change his life.
With his chiseled jaw and thick blond hair, Harrison Montgomery was born to lead. Four generations of Montgomery men have served the state of Georgia, and now he’s next in line. Harrison, though, is driven to right wrongs: namely to clean up the political mess left by his father’s greed and corruption. But Harrison must first win his congressional bid, and nothing can get in his way—not even an angel who served him whiskey and gave him a shoulder to lean on and a body to love for a night. Problem is, she’s pregnant. Scandal is brewing, and there is only one solution: marriage.
Damage control? Ryan Kaminski can’t believe that a cold, calculating political animal now inhabits the body of the emotionally vulnerable stranger who gave her the most unforgettable night of her life. Really, she doesn’t want anything from Harrison, except to be left alone to have her baby in peace. But Ryan is broke, jobless, and essentially blackmailed by Harrison’s desperate family to accept this crazy marriage deal. For two years, she will have to act the role of caring, supportive wife. But what is Ryan supposed to do when she realizes that, deep in her heart, she’s falling in love?
Praise for Molly O’Keefe
“Molly O’Keefe is a unique, not-to-be-missed voice in romantic fiction.”New York Times bestselling author Susan Andersen

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Editorial Reviews

Publishers Weekly
★ 08/18/2014
Ryan Kaminski, former model turned New York City bartender, is yanked out of her squalid but safe world and into a whole other dimension in the stunning fourth Boys of Bishop contemporary (after Between the Sheets). Harrison Montgomery plans to continue his family legacy of civil service with a run for Congress. His life is old money, public faces, and iced-over private lives. Ryan’s is scraping by, fighting for what you’ve got, and a family who will stand with you through—almost—anything. A no-strings-attached tryst between the two leads to Ryan’s unexpected pregnancy. When reporters begin to harass Ryan’s family and the scandal threatens Harrison’s career, the lovers make a deal for a hasty wedding, a public show of young love, and a private business arrangement. When his cold front meets her fiery spirit, both characters display a remarkable amount of care, selflessness, and chemistry. Their emotional turmoil and mutual confusion feels real, immediate, and wrenching. This is a love story not to be missed. Agent: Pam Hopkins, Pamela A. Hopkins Agency. (Oct.)
From the Publisher
Praise for Molly O’Keefe
“Molly O’Keefe is a unique, not-to-be-missed voice in romantic fiction.”New York Times bestselling author Susan Andersen
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Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9780345549051
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
  • Publication date: 9/30/2014
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • Pages: 368
  • Sales rank: 55629
  • Product dimensions: 6.80 (w) x 4.10 (h) x 1.00 (d)

Meet the Author

Molly O’Keefe published her first Harlequin romance at age twenty-five and hasn’t looked back. She loves exploring each character’s road toward happily ever after. She’s won two Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice awards and the RITA for Best Novella in 2010. Originally from a small town outside of Chicago, she now lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband, two kids, and the largest heap of dirty laundry in North America.

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Read an Excerpt

Chapter 1

July 16, 2013


en Doll is back.”

Ryan Kaminski didn’t have to look to see who Lindsey was talking about.

Ken Doll had been Lindsey’s obsession for the last three nights.

“Yeah? What’s he doing?” Talking on his phone? Texting? Ignoring the rest of the world? She did not understand why people came to a bar to stare at their phones and ignore people. If they didn’t want to talk to people, they should just hide out in their apartments like she did. Ryan scooped ice into the martini shaker and then poured in vermouth, followed by high-end vodka that cost about a week’s worth of tips, and slid on the top before giving it all a good shake.

“Ken Doll looks sad,” Lindsey added.

That made Ryan look over her shoulder at the handsome blond man at the far corner of the bar. For three nights he’d been coming in, working on two different phones. Making calls. Sending texts—never looking up. Never acknowledging that he was actually in a room full of people.

He ordered beer—Corona in a bottle. Tipped double the bill and usually left every night without saying anything more than “Corona” and “thank you.”

Ken Doll would be totally unremarkable—there were plenty of men at The Cobalt Bar spending more time on their phones than actually talking to people, and wearing beautiful tailor-made suits that clung just right to their bodies while they did it.

But they were not nearly as interesting as Ken Doll.

Because Ken Doll was just so damn pretty.

His blond hair had a slight curl to it, just enough that you knew it probably made him crazy. Piercing blue eyes. Like they’d been computer enhanced, that’s how blue they were. In the soft, smooth plane of one cheek there was a dimple—she’d only seen it by accident when he smiled at a woman who asked to take the bar stool to his left the other day. But the real kicker—the show-stopper—was how he moved, efficient and graceful, like there was simply no time to waste, because he was A Man Who Got Things Done.

Watching him unbutton his jacket before sitting down was like watching a mission statement. A planted flag.


That’s what Ken Doll had that every other man in this bar was lacking.

But tonight he didn’t have his phones out. He sat there, hands pressed flat against the mahogany bar, as the raindrops caught in his blond hair gleamed red and blue under the moody lights. He was wearing a University of Georgia Bulldogs tee shirt under which his shoulders . . . oh, that slump, it told a very sad story indeed.

Ryan poured the martini into the chilled glass,  took a twist off the fresh lemon behind the bar, and  put the glass on a napkin before sliding the drink over to the woman who’d ordered it and collecting the twenty the woman had left on the bar.

These meaningless transactions made up her life. Over and over again.

“I want to ease Ken Doll’s pain.” Lindsey didn’t even pretend not to watch Ken Doll while pulling a draft for one of the guys working the couches. “Like. Really.”

Lindsey was well suited to that task. The bar’s uniform—the short leather shorts, the fishnets and tall boots—took on a whole new level of sexy with her. She was a twenty-one-year-old party girl from the Bronx who could take care of herself and anyone else who wanted to have a good time.

Next to her Ryan felt old, way older than thirty-two. She felt old and crotchety and like she was only days away from yelling at kids to get off her lawn. Not that she had a lawn.

Ryan should just get out of the way and let Lindsey take care of Ken Doll.

But she didn’t.

Once upon another lifetime she modeled, and she still did when she could get the work. When she couldn’t, she worked at an overpriced bar inside the very swanky Cobalt Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

She knew all kinds of pretty.

But there was something about pretty and sad that got her antenna up.

“Switch sides with me,” Lindsey said, referring to the neat-down-the-middle split between her side of the bar and Lindsey’s.


“Come on,” Lindsey pouted. “You hate the guys that come in here. He’s wasted on you.”

“This is true.” Ryan had a fervent dislike for the posing and the posturing, the manicured and manscaped version of masculinity that walked into this bar. She hated the ego and the way the men watched her body—admittedly on display—but when she caught their eyes, no one was home. Or they were constantly looking past her for someone else.

For something better.

“But he’s not like the other guys that come in here,” Ryan said.

This was so true; other people in the bar watched him out of the corner of their eyes, as if they knew he was different from the rest of them. Or he was familiar and they just couldn’t remember why.

She didn’t want to ease Ken Doll’s pain, at least not  in the way that Lindsey did. But she’d been serving him for three nights and she was dying to know his story. “And he’s on my side. Sorry, Linds.”

She tossed a black bar towel toward a scowling Lindsey and sauntered over to Ken Doll’s corner. There was a weird energy rolling off him tonight, and the air in this small part of the bar was electric and still. Humid, from the water burning up from the heat of his body.

“The usual?” she asked, waiting for him to look up at her so she could smile.

He ran a hand through his blond hair, sending water droplets into the air.

“I’ll have scotch. Neat.”

“Single malt?”

Finally, he looked up at her, and the distracted but polite distance she was used to seeing in his sky-blue eyes was replaced by a sizzling, terrible grief. Or anger. She couldn’t be sure. Not that it mattered, really.

Because tonight, Ken Doll burned.

“Whatever,” he said, his voice low and broken. “Just bring me whatever.”

She poured him Lagavulin, and she barely had the tumbler on the bar in front of him before he grabbed it and shot it back. “Another,” he said.

Two more shots later, she brought him a glass of water and a menu.

“Thank you,” he said, glancing at her through impossibly long eyelashes. But he pushed the menu away.

“My name is Ryan,” she said. “Apparently I’ll be the woman getting you drunk tonight.”

His laughter was dry, like wind through November trees, but he didn’t say anything.

“And your name?” she asked. “That’s usually how it works, in case you’re unfamiliar. I tell you my name, you tell me yours.”

“Harri- . . . Harry. You can call me Harry.” His voice was laced with traces of the South, pecans and sweet tea.

She held out her hand, and after a moment he shook it. “Nice to meet you, Harry,” she said.

There were no calluses on that hand, which wasn’t all that surprising in the land of his-and-hers manicures. But every time she shook a man’s hand she thought of her dad’s big palms, the blisters and cuts, the thick calluses—a working man’s hands.

Harry’s palms were smooth and supple, but his grip was sure and strong and he didn’t do anything skeevy—so points for him.

“You too, Ryan.”

“Everything okay?” she asked.

He blew out a long breath, laughing a little at the end, as if he just couldn’t believe how everything around him had turned to shit. “Have you ever done everything in your power and not have it be good enough? And not just a little bit, but have everything you are capable of be not even close to enough?”

“No idea,” she joked, deadpan. “Ever since I was a girl I dreamt of making overpriced martinis for men who only stare at my chest.”

It took him a second, the weighty stare of his checking to see if she was being serious or not, but finally he laughed. A weary humph that made her feel just a little victorious.

“Well, it’s a first for me.”

“It’s no fun, is it?”

He shook his head, the muscles of his shoulders flexing under his shirt like he was about to twitch out of his skin. Empathy, something she very rarely felt at work, swarmed her.

“I’m . . .” he trailed off, his hands on the bar curled into fists.

“Angry?” she supplied, watching his knuckles grow white.

He nodded slowly. “And sad. Mostly . . . sad.”

Inside, deep inside, a penny dropped and the complicated mechanism of her desire—of her elusive and rarely seen want—was engaged.

Well, shit, she thought. Maybe I will be easing his pain after all.

Later, she brought him the chicken and waffles,  because while he’d slowed down on the Lagavulin, he hadn’t stopped.

“I didn’t order this,” he said, looking down at their signature dish, guaranteed to soak up the alcohol in his stomach while making him thirsty enough for more.

“Comes with the scotch.”

“Speaking of which.” He held up his tumbler. At least he’d switched to scotch and water.

“Can I trust that your fancy New York City chef knows what he’s doing with chicken and waffles?” Harry asked, not quite smiling, but not quite looking like the world was going to crush him.

“Well, our chef is from Mobile, so she might know her way around.” She set the refilled tumbler back down in front of him. “It’s raining out?”

“Yeah . . . I stepped out to get some air and it’s cats and dogs out there.”

Cats and dogs? she thought, swallowing her smile. That’s just adorable.

Rain could go either way for business, and Lord knew she needed the money of a good night, but she was content at this quiet end of her bar.

“This is kind of you,” he said, contemplating the food.

“Well, you seem like a nice guy.”

“I’ve barely said two words to you.”

“Well, I have a sixth sense about these things, and those two words were serious and well-meaning.”

“Serious and well-meaning is exactly me.” He cocked his head, watching her from beneath long lashes. “Or a pet dog; I can’t be sure.”

She laughed, happy to see that he was getting into the spirit of the banter. “I have never had a well-meaning dog in my life. Thieves and layabouts, all of them.”

“I had one. As a kid. Daisey. She meant well.”

Oh God, he was walking down old-dead-dog memory lane.

“You are just all kinds of sad tonight, aren’t you?”

He spun his glass in a slow circle. “I guess so.”

“You know,” she said, “where I grew up there was this bar called The Sunset right down the street. A real dive bar. Guys went in after their shifts on Friday and didn’t come out until Sunday afternoon. Well, they got this new daytime bartender. A real soft touch. She fell for every hard-luck story that sat down in the corner. And then word got out that Ben Polecka came in there crying after his wife left and the bartender gave him free beers all afternoon. Soon, everyone was going in there pretending to cry to get free beer. And my sister, always a bit of an entrepreneur, decides she and I should go stand outside the bar and charge guys five dollars to kick them in the balls. You know, as a kind of guarantee of real tears.”

He laughed, which of course had been the idea, but it still came as a bit of a surprise.

“How much money did you make?”

“Five bucks,” she shrugged. “We were out there  for like three hours, and finally Bruce Dinkle took pity on us.”

“That was his real name?”


“And Bruce Dinkle paid you to kick him in the balls?”

“He did. We bought some ice cream, and it felt like we were on top of the world.”

His laughter faded and then the smile vanished, and then the weight of the world was rolled back up on his shoulders.

She leaned against the bar and crossed her arms over her chest, well aware that her breasts nearly spilled from the vest she wore, but Harry’s eye didn’t wander. They stayed glued to hers as if he didn’t even see the body beneath her chin. “Okay, you sad sack. Tell me. Who is your best not good enough for? A wife?”

“No wife.”


He shook his head, and she would be lying if she didn’t say she was relieved.

“A boss?”

“I’ve never had a boss.”

No boss? What planet is this guy from?

“Then who, my friend, is making you feel this way?”

“Why?” He smiled at her, looser than he’d been,  but not yet totally unwound. The guy could hold his booze; she’d give him that. “You going to give them a talking-to?”

“I just might.”

“What would you say?”

“I would probably say, listen . . .” She paused, waiting for him to fill in the blank.

He shook his head, that blond hair gleaming red  and then blue under the lights. “I’m afraid it’s . . .  complicated.”

Gary, her manager, glanced over from across the room, and Ryan reached for some unprepped garnishes under the bar and made a good show of stripping mint leaves off the stem for mojitos. “Give me the gist. You don’t have to spill state secrets, but you might feel better getting some of this off your chest.”

“You an expert on that too?”

“I’m a bartender, Harry. I am an expert on lots of things.” She chucked the mint stem into the trash under the bar. “Lay your burdens down, my friend.”

“It’s my sister. She’s in trouble.”

“Ah, oddly enough, this is a subject in which I have plenty of experience.”

“You have a sister who gets in trouble?”

“I am the sister who gets in trouble.” Something buzzed up the back of her neck. A warning to shut her mouth and walk on, perhaps send Lindsey over. But she ignored it, despite having gotten so much better at heeding those internal warnings. She grabbed more mint just so she’d have something to do with her hands.

“So, is she in big trouble or little trouble? Like if one is dating a jerk and ten is living on the streets, where does she fall?”

“She isn’t even on that spectrum.” Something in his voice made her realize the jokes were soon to become offensive. That there was no part of this he was going to find funny. And funny was a huge part of her armor. And without her armor she was just vulnerable and sympathetic—two things that had gotten her in more than her fair share of trouble.

Leave, she thought. Switch sides with Lindsey. Forget about Sad Ken Doll.

But that was impossible. His anger and grief were magnetic.

She put down the mint.

“I’m so sorry, Harry,” she told him sincerely.

“It’s fine.” His smile revealed the dimple, and for a moment she was distracted enough not to realize he was lying. But she had been a bartender for over a decade and she could smell a lie a mile away. And whatever the situation was with his sister, it was far from fine.

“That’s what you’ve been working on for the last few days. With the phones? Trying to help your sister?”

“I couldn’t stare at the walls of my room anymore. All day, every day, trying . . .”

He sighed, pushing away the plate with the half-eaten chicken on it. For a moment Ryan thought he was going to walk out; he was coiled, poised to just vanish.

And that would be for the best, she thought. For her. Maybe for him. Because the last thing he probably needed was a sister in trouble and a hangover in the morning. And the last thing she needed was this compassion—this empathy and curiosity, the rusted guts of her desire—making her decisions for her.

But then he relaxed back into his chair. Back into the moment with her.

She exhaled the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

“Not that it’s done much good. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to help her.”

There was an invisible barrier down the middle of the bar. This one and every other upscale bar in the five boroughs. The barrier was well documented not only in The Cobalt Bar employee handbook, but also in her own rule book: no fraternizing with the drinkers. A lesson she’d learned twice the hard way.

But she shoved her fist right through that barrier and put her hand over his. To her surprise, he grabbed her fingers and held them tight in his, like a lifeline he was terribly in need of.

“She’s . . . she’s my baby sister. And she hasn’t needed anything from me in so long and now . . . now that she does, now that she really needs me, I might not be able to help her. It’s killing me.”

Everything, the empathy and the desire and the shock of his touch, twisted and turned inside her, making  her ache. Making her wish there wasn’t a bar between them, that she could wrap her arms around him properly.

She squeezed his hand instead. “Do you have any other family?” she asked. “Someone else who can help you?”

“I am heading home tomorrow morning to talk to them.” His tone indicated that this was a bad, bad thing.

“They won’t be able to help?”

“Help or hurt—it could go either way. Smart money is on hurt.”

She stood there, silently bearing witness to his grief. Letting him grip her hand so hard their knuckles rubbed up against each other’s.

“It’s so crazy, and my mother . . . Mother is not going to handle this well. She’s never approved of my sister, and this is going to put her right over the edge.” He shot her a wry look and then sighed. “The one bright spot is, I think I know a guy who can help.”

“That’s good,” she said.

“Well, there is a decent chance that he will laugh in my face and tell me to go fuck myself. And then . . .” He hung his head, wiping his hand across his face. “Oh God, then I have no idea what I’m going to do.”

Screw the barrier. Screw the rule book. Screw the rest of the bar. She lifted her hand from his grip and touched his cheek, the perfect bone structure of his jaw. The fine scruff of his beard felt good against her palm.

The man needed some sympathy. Some human connection. He’d been wrestling with what seemed like a nightmare for the last three days. And she . . . maybe she, who lived behind a solid glass wall of rules created by shitty past experience, could use a little human connection, too.

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Customer Reviews

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  • Posted Tue Sep 30 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    more from this reviewer

    Barmaid, Ryan Kaminski has a one night stand with political hope

    Barmaid, Ryan Kaminski has a one night stand with political hopeful, Harrison Montgomery. It was suppose to be all about the sex but something about that night touches them both. Both walk away, but when there night leads to an expected pregnancy, Ryan must try to find the man that changed her life. Unfortunately, she doesn't have much to go one until the anonymity is broken when she sees Harrison appearance on TV. 

    Ryan is fine going it on her own but her family gets involved, contacting Harrison. In an attempt to save his political career, Harrison blackmails Ryan into a marriage. For two years, she will have to be his with wife. It is a reluctant truce that slowly develops into something much more.

    Molly O'Keefe created a heartwarming story about finding love in the most unexpected places. It was delightful watching Ryan and Harrison relationship bloom on the pages. 

    Ryan was a character that you could really get behind. I really enjoyed her interactions with Harrison's mother. 

    A great romance and wonderfully entertaining, Indecent Proposal is splendid read.

    1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.

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  • Posted Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    more from this reviewer

    I've wanted to know Harrison's story from the moment I first met

    I've wanted to know Harrison's story from the moment I first met him in Never Been Kissed.  Any man who was willing to ask someone he knew had a past with his sister for help in rescuing her is someone I want to know better.  I had no idea the woman who would complement him and bring out the best in him would be Ryan Kaminski, but they were wonderful together.

    I already liked Harrison when the book started and he retained my esteem for the most part.  I admired him for wanting to be more and better than his father. I really liked how his goal was to help others.  He may be the only politician I ever like and admire.  Of course when he treated Ryan unfairly I wasn't very happy with him.  There was only one person lying in that hotel room and it wasn't Ryan. 

    Ryan I absolutely adored.  She's a woman whose made mistakes, who just wants to do what's best for her and her unborn child.  She may not have a lot, but she's still independent and can hold her own.  I loved seeing her go toe to toe with Harrison's mother.  I wish more had been elucidated about what happened after Ryan had to leave her family home.  

    I think I was most surprised by the Montgomery elders.  I never expected to do anything but dislike them but I found myself feeling admiration in places for one or the other. I especially felt sorry for and admired Harrison's mother.  You'll see why when you read the book.  I love that Molly also brought Brody and Ashley into the story.  It was wonderful to see them together and doing so well.

    The chemistry between Ryan and Harrison was amazing and I hated to see them fight against it.  Granted their situation wasn't ideal, but it felt so wrong to see them so cold to each other when I and they knew they could be super hot together.  I'm really hoping this isn't the last book of the series.  As much as I enjoyed this book, I still have questions and would love to see everyone from Bishop in maybe a novella.  I'd like to see Harrison and Ryan with their child and see if Ryan's family dynamic has improved at all.  Molly O'Keefe has written another book with characters I don't want to let go of.  I can't wait to see what she writes next!

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  • Posted Wed Oct 08 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    5+++ Star Review Let me just say I loved this book!!! Finall

    5+++ Star Review

    Let me just say I loved this book!!! Finally a strong heroine I can wrap my brain around. Ryan is our heroine. She has had struggles in her life and has been ostracized from her family for the last six years. Everything changes the night she takes pity on the sexy guy who has been coming to the bar for the last three days looking broken, or at least like he is struggling. Ryan can't help herself, she feels the need to reach out to him and give him some comfort. She wasn't surprised after spending the night with him that she had already started to fall for him, she had always been one to feel things quickly. She was however surprised to find herself pregnant 8 weeks later, and worse. It only gets worse when she finds out the identity of the broken man.

    Harrison, or Harry as he introduced himself to Ryan is running for congress. Not only that but he comes from a long line of politicians. His eye is on the prize even if he can't get the sexy bartender out of his mind. Moreover, finding out she is pregnant reminds him a little too much of his father's mistakes and Harrison has got to make it right, he has an election to win.

    Along the way the couple becomes closer but one of them continues to put up roadblocks. What I loved is that it was not overly dramatic and it wasn't annoying. I found that I loved the characters so much that I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. The story is perfect in that it gives you a heroine you are truly rooting for. It makes you laugh at times as they deal with everyone in their lives and it even made me cry when Ryan finally finds her way back home. Wallace was great and he made me laugh, and even the characters which I initially hated came around some. Overall, this was a great story and I cannot wait to read more from O'Keefe.

    Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in exchage for an honest review

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  • Posted Mon Oct 06 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    WOW!!! This book grabs at all of your emotions and takes you on

    This book grabs at all of your emotions and takes you on a wonderful journey. There was something happening in every chapter that made me want to keep reading and flipping the pages until the late hours of the night. It also can be read as a stand-alone with no cliff-hanger and a happy ever-after.
    Ryan meets Harrison one night at the bar she works at. He has been coming in the last couple of nights, orders his beer and never looks up from his phone or speaks to anyone. Ryan decides to talk to him and one thing leads to another and at the end of her shift, she is heading up to his hotel room. Weeks later, she's in the hospital with a pissed off brother and finds out who Harrison really is. This one night stand between two lonely strangers also leads to an unexpected pregnancy and a marriage of convenience. The relationship that develops Ryan and Harrison is very hot and the sexual attraction is there and they constantly give into it and then they will pull back from each other to keep their hearts safe.
    This story was well written and if you are looking for a good contemporary romance to read then don’t look any further!

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  • Posted Sat Oct 04 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    Indecent Proposal is an excellent read from the first to the ve

    Indecent Proposal is an excellent read from the first to the very last page. I was completely hooked on this story. The characters and extras have depth and the details blew me away. This is a book I will be thinking about and replaying in my mind for a while.

    I am not sure how this book could be part of series. It is so complete and there were no character leftovers that seemed out of place, like there are usually in a series. The book made me swoon, seriously. I am gonna have to stop reading romances for a while so I can get over this one. What a great book!

    Indecent Proposal features a girl named Ryan. Ryan is a bartender who takes pity on a sad good-looking customer and offers herself to him. This guy Harry could be just the thing to break her 4 year dry spell. Harry and Ryan agree to be mostly anonymous. It was the perfect (sexy) encounter until she found out she was pregnant. Then she discovers that the father is none other than Harrison Montgomery, the man running for Congress in Georgia. The last thing his campaign needs is a scandal, so he asks Ryan to marry him. Just, ya know, for show. He asks her to be his wife for two years so he can get through the election and secure his place in politics.

    Ryan is in no way meant to be a politicians wife. She is a high school drop out who lives in shoe box apartment in NYC. I really liked watching her go through the transformation from bartender to Mrs. Montgomery. Ryan and Harrison have a strange courtship and the fact that she is growing ever more pregnant is like the elephant in the room. I was on edge wanting these two to get it together, but there was so much at stake. I mean having two people want to be together, but not want to be together, is a common scene in contemporary romance stories. The writing of this tale really set it apart from all the others I have read. We don’t just have them falling for each other, they are in agony over the prenuptial contract requiring no sex. Then there is all this campaigning to do, key players in the background with their own drama adding to story, trying to put on a good show for the press, and the looming pregnancy.

    I absolutely loved this tale. If this is what all Molly’s books are like, she just made herself a new fanatic out of me. I loved how the story felt so complete, yet left a bit to the imagination. It was the perfect romance. The sex was hot, but did not dominate the story. There was a real connection between these characters. I am still swooning over a love like that. Thanks Molly for such a delightful read! It was the perfect way to spend my day off.

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  • Posted Fri Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    more from this reviewer

    Whenever I finish a Molly O'Keefe book, I know I'm going to feel

    Whenever I finish a Molly O'Keefe book, I know I'm going to feel emotionally drained--very, very happy and satisfied, don't get me wrong--but drained. Because, oh my goodness, no one can put her characters--and readers--through an emotional wringer quite like Ms. O'Keefe.

    Where to begin? 

    First we have our hero, Harrison Montgomery, a fifth-generation politician in an old Southern family. Practically from the cradle, his life has been all about politics and putting the family's best face and image forward. His father, the governor of Georgia, has had a tenure marked by scandal and corruption, and Harrison needs to be without weakness as he strives to once again make the Montgomery name one to be proud of. His family life is pretty darn scary (except for his relationship with his sister--Ashley, the heroine of Never Been Kissed, but she's managed to distance herself from a lot of the family and public craziness as an adult) and he doesn't really have friends, outside from a decent but not-quite-close relationship with his campaign manager, Wallace. His political career is really all he's living for.

    And holy schmoly, is the guy wound tight.

    Next, our heroine, Ryan Kaminski. She's a former teen model working as a bartender at a swanky NYC hotel and living in a studio apartment that her brother describes as a "one-room closet". She hasn't been home in six years to see her father or two sisters--her brother Wes is the only family member she has had contact with beyond the electronic or post-office type in all that time. She's got hopes and dreams, though--going to college, getting a degree in psychology, somehow making up for past mistakes with her family...

    Getting pregnant thanks to a faulty condom during a one-night stand with a guy she picked up in her bar? Yeah, so not a part of the plan. Finding out said guy is Harrison-freaking-Montgomery? Well, maybe it could be worse. Or could it?

    Both Ryan and Harrison are just so...broken. It's devastating to see them not say the things to each other that you just know they want to say, the things that the other one really needs to hear. The bitterness, the anger, the hurt--I just wanted to reach into my e-reader and give them huge hugs. Or knock their heads together. Sometimes both. 

    They each messed everything up but good--over and over again--and were messed with even worse. Somehow Ms. O'Keefe brought them together in a way that makes you totally believe in their HEA, though, and thank goodness. If she hadn't? I don't know what I would have done. Seriously.

    The secondary characters here are amazing too--Wallace, Harrison's mother's assistant Noelle, Ryan's family--even Harrison's parents become human-like, sympathetic characters (mostly) by the book's end. When Wallace explained why he always wears such god-awful ties, I had tears in my eyes.

    Honest-to-goodness tears, I tell you. Over ties. Actually, the last 20% of the book had me tearing up pretty regularly. Keep tissues handy--you have been warned.

    In Indecent Proposal, Molly O'Keefe has written an amazing story about love and family--one I won't be forgetting soon.

    (Fourth in the series, it works okay as a stand-alone, especially since they're not actually in Bishop. There really isn't any connection at all to books one or three. There are spoilers--of a sort--for Ashley's book, but really I think they just serve to make you want to read it SOON, if you haven't already.)

    Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

    I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Posted Fri Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    My love for the Boys of Bishop is deep and abiding so abiding, s

    My love for the Boys of Bishop is deep and abiding so abiding, so adding this book to those ranks is high praise in deed.  O’Keefe has a talent for creating broken individuals and describing them with vivid words and actions.  Ryan and Harrison are as broken as the other hero/heroines in the Bishop series and their struggles magnified by the removal from the support of the town.  A positive role model or two would have been a great benefit to these two.  I really enjoyed watching Ryan and Harrison try to figure out how to be adults.  They are both struggling with their upbringing and decisions of the past.  Together they are able to move forward and become the best of themselves.  Not an easy feat for anyone and O’Keefe certainly doesn’t gloss over the effort needed to make such a journey.

    Harrison and Ryan are flawed and human and fascinating to watch.  They both carry the scars of their past like badges of honor.  Getting them to let go takes a huge leap of faith.  O’Keefe doesn’t make that leap of faith easy, but the imagery she uses to describe their differences alone is worth the read.  

    If I have one complaint it would be that the story doesn’t ever find its way to Bishop.  I think these characters would have benefited from the town; not to mention I’m always a fan of repeat visits from former characters.  I would love to see an epilogue from several years hence that gives us an update on the entire group of characters from this series.  I know their roads will never be easy, but it is certainly fun to watch them travel them.

    Indecent Proposal is definitely worth the time and effort.  You are in for quite a ride, but the payoff is well worth it.  Make sure you have some time on your calendar as you will be sucked in and have a hard time putting this one down.

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  • Posted Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2014

    more from this reviewer

    We met Ashley Montgomery¿s brother, Harrison in Never Been Kisse

    We met Ashley Montgomery’s brother, Harrison in Never Been Kissed (Boys of Bishop #2). So even if he isn’t exactly from Bishop he has ties there through Ashley and Brody.  That being said this book can be read stand-alone.  
    After a one night stand Ryan ends up pregnant with Harrison’s baby.  She didn’t know he was running for congress and he didn’t know she was pregnant until her brother informed him.  Now he isn’t sure what to think.  To save his campaign he makes Ryan an indecent proposal. Marry him and he will provide for her and the baby and pay off her debts.  Love was never in the deal.  Indecent Proposal is a story that brings together two souls from disparate backgrounds that might just be perfect for each other.  

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  • Anonymous

    Posted Sat Oct 04 00:00:00 EDT 2014

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