Assignment 4

CS/ECE 354-2, Fall 1998

due Monday Nov. 9, before 5pm



This program is intended to provide understanding in the area of procedure/function implementation.

Program Statement

Write a Pentium program that calculates and prints out (in a nice form) the first derivative of a simple polynomial.

Sample program run:

Enter degree of polynomial: 3
Enter coefficient of x^3: 2
Enter coefficient of x^2: -7
Enter coefficient of x^1: 0
Enter coefficient of x^0: 25

The polynomial entered is

The first derivative is


The first derivative of a polynomial is easy to calculate. The derivative of a sum of terms is the sum of the derivatives of the terms. So, each term in the derivative of the polynomial is calculated separately. For a term in the polynomial, a*x^n, its first derivative will be a*n*x^(n-1).
Examples: The first derivative of -2*x^6 + 3*x^4 + 8*x^3
is -12*x^5 + 12*x^3 + 24*x^2
The first derivative of 1*x^5 + 12*x^4 + 3*x^2 + 58
is 5*x^4 + 48*x^3 + 6*x^1


  1. For this program, a legal integer as input will be 1 or more digits (0-9), optionally proceded by a sign (+ or -), and optionally surrounded by spaces or tabs. A newline character ends the legal input. If the program gets illegal input, have it print out an appropriate error message and exit.
    Some examples of legal decimal integers:

    Some examples of illegal decimal integers:
    -123.34       <- value is -123, the '.' terminates the int
    12:45 PM      <- value of 1st int is 12, the ':' terminates the int
      +000123    <- octal int in C, can't have leading zero
    - 123         <- sign needs to be next to 1st digit
    0x123              <- a hex int, also, 'x' is not a digit
  2. The maximum degree of polynomial will be 5. Have the program print out an error message and exit if the user enters a degree larger than 5.
  3. The following procedures/functions must be implemented and used:
    get_poly -- a procedure that gets and places in an array the coefficients of the user entered polynomial. The input parameter to the procedure is the address of the array. This procedure calls function get_int to get the coefficients from the user.
    put_poly -- a procedure that prints out a polynomial in a nice form. The input parameter to the procedure is the address of the array containing the polynomial. This procedure calls procedure print_int to print out the coefficients of the polynomial.
    get_int -- a function, which returns a flag indicating an error detected in user input. The single parameter to this procedure is the address of an integer variable. The function uses the address as the location to place the integer it gets.
    print_int -- a procedure which prints out an integer passed to the procedure.
    derivative -- a procedure which calculates the derivative. The procedure receives one parameter: the address of the array containing the coefficients.
  4. Write the program such that it runs once, and then exits. Do not incorporate a loop to execute the program more than once.
  5. Comment your program appropriately. Every procedure/function needs a header stating its function and its parameters. The contents of the activation record for any procedure is also helpful.


    1. If we limit ourselves to polynomials of degree 5, with integer coefficients, a nice implementation of the program uses a 6 element array of integers to hold the coefficients of the polynomial terms. An array index (starting numbering with 0) is the degree of the term.
    2. You may start with the code given at the end of Chapter 11 (the gcd program) if you like. The program contains procedures for both get_int and print_int.
    3. Good advice is to implement get_poly and put_poly first, before implementing the derivative procedure.

      Handing In the Program

      Follow the guidelines in how to turn in assignments. For this program, you will need to turn in your source code (the .asm extension) and your makefile (the .mak extension). No printout will be turned in.


      There is NO homework with this assignment. The program will keep you busy enough!