Project Topics

As stated in the project assignment, you are encouraged to come up with your own topic.

The text and the papers we've read point to many papers. See also Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Proceedings of the High-Performance Computer Architecture, Proceedings of the conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Microprocessor Report, IEEE Transactions on Computers, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, IEEE Computer, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, etc. You can find many of these references online. For more sources, click Text & References in the menu on the far left.

UW CS has a subscription to the ACM archives. Just go to their website from any domain and you should be able to access the web archives. The Wendt Library Electronic Journal page also has links for electronic subscriptions to many journals, including those in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. You can access these from anywhere on campus, or even off campus with your student ID.  This is makes doing research much easier.  From the Electronic Journal List, I find it easiest to browse by collection (i.e. IEEE Xplore), since that way you don't have to guess how the library may have abbreviated or reordered the title of the journal you are trying to find.

Also look for ideas from recent conferences, e.g., ISCA, Micro, ASPLOS, and HPCA. Use Google (or another search engine) with keywords "ASPLOS 2005", go to the conference home page, select the advanced/final program, select a paper, search for the home page of a co-author, and usually find the paper in their publications list.

To help you with topics, a list of example projects follows.


Previous Projects

The following is a sampling of projects done in previous offerings of this course. Though titles alone convey little meaningful information, this should give you an idea of what you might want to pursue.