Marvin Solomon
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin -- Madison
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706-1685
Phone: (608) 263-2844 or (608) 262-1204
Fax: (608) 262-9777
Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 11-12
Research Interests:
- Object-oriented database systems,
- Software development support environments,
- Distributed operating systems,
- Computer networks,
- Design and implementation of programming languages,
- Programming language theory.
Other points of interest
Recent Publications
Vclusters: A Flexible, Fine-Grained Object Clustering Mechanism
OOPSLA '98 -- ACM Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications,
October 18--21, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mark L. McAuliffe,
Michael J. Carey, and
Marvin Solomon.
Matchmaking: Distributed Resource Management for High Throughput
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed
Rajesh Raman,
Miron Livny, and
Marvin Solomon.
Towards Effective and Efficient Free Space Management.
Proc. 1996 ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data, June, 1996.
Mark L. McAuliffe,
Michael J. Carey, and
Marvin Solomon.
The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence.
Proc. Conf. on Very Large Databases, September, 1994.
Odysseas Tsatalos,
Marvin Solomon, and
Yannis Ioannidis.
Expanded version appears in
The VLDB Journal
v. 5, n. 2 (April 1996)
Shoring Up Persistent Applications.
Proc. 1994 ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data, June, 1994.
Michael J. Carey,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Nancy E. Hall,
Mark L. McAuliffe,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Daniel T. Schuh,
Marvin H. Solomon,
C. K. Tan,
Odysseas G. Tsatalos,
Seth J. White, and
Michael J. Zwilling
Available as
Tech Report 1222.
An Overview of the CAPITL Software Development Environment
Fourth International Workshop on Software Configuration Management
Paul Adams and
Marvin H. Solomon,
Available as
Tech Report 1143.
An updated version
is to appear in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science .
POL: Persistent Objects with Logic
Paul Adams and
Marvin H. Solomon,
Available as
Tech Report 1158.