Pilot: An Operating System for a PC

David D. Redell, et ell @ Xerox Business Systems

CACM 1980

Note: this note has been reproduced from class note by Remzi, our beloved instructor


How to design an OS for a personal computer?


Emphasis not on sharing (= fair allocation of resources) or security, but on serving the PC user

Resource Allocation - efficiency rather than fairness

Security - errors are more serious than maliciousness

User convenience like PnP & automount is important - volume

More aggressive hint from the user can be used - space

More freedom for user to use system resources - direct device access

We can't expect hardware level reliability for PC. How about more fault-tolerant file system - each block is absolute and inode becomes hint

1. Introduction

Personal computer operating system
Single user system, and support a single language: Mesa
Close coupling to the Mesa programming language 
Pilot is written in Mesa language
Pilot is the powerful runtime support for Mesa
Pilot has Mesa's OO-like interfaces
Separation between interface and implementation -- early OO influence
Strong type checking
Resource management: focus not on fairness but on effectiveness
Defensive protection, not absolute
Claim: errors are more serious than maliciousness
Depends on Mesa type checking

2. Pilot Interfaces

Two types of interfaces: public (for client) & private (for internal use)

Representative public interfaces: file, virtual memory, streams, network communication, etc.

Each interface has named items

Four types of items: type, procedure, constant, error signal

Denoted as interface.item

For example:

File.Capability, File.Create, File.maxPagePerFile, File.Unknown

2.1 Files


Standard containers for data

Rather low level file system with the expectation of higher level file system on top of it

Flat-file structure (no directory hierarchy - ouch!)

Few attributes: no creation time, owner, etc.

264 files, max file size is 232 bytes

File.Create( ) - create a file and return a capability

Capability: 64-bit unique id - unique across all pilot machines

Works well with removable volumes (e.g. floppy disk)

Supports only Memory-mapped I/O

Few attributes: type, size, permanence, immutable

Size: Adjustable in page-sized units(512 bytes)

Type: 16-bit tag, but not interpreted within Pilot

Permanent and Temporary Files


Permanently read only file - never changed in any circumstances

Make possible to have multiple copies (=replica) with the same file id


Represents a media (e.g., magnetic disk) where files are stored

Very similar to partition in DOS, but

single volume - multiple physical media and

multiple volumes - single physical medium are possible

PnP & Automount?

Pilot knows coming and going of physical volumes and make the corresponding logical volume accessible

Of course when a logical volume spans multiple physical volumes, it becomes accessible only when all those physical volumes have come 

2.2 Virtual Memory: Space Interface

Underlying Virtual Memory System

Linear virtual memory of up to 232 16-bit words

All computations run in the same address space

Pilot's Spaces on top of underlying VM

Address space is partitioned into spaces

Spaces is like segments in Unix

multiple pages per space

the unit of protection

Space is a (public) interface

Allocation of spaces: by Space.Create

The set of all spaces in Pilot forms a tree by containment

The root space corresponds the whole virtual memory

New space can only be created as a subspace of existing space

Mapping to file pages: by Space.Map -- remember that only mmap in Pilot

Map associates a space with a run of pages in a file

A page in VM may only be accessed if exactly one of the nested spaces containing it is mapped

The protection to the file is automatically propagated to the mapped space

Swapping in and out: hinted by Space.Activate, Space.Deactivate, and Space.Kill

The lowest (i.e., the smallest) space of the missing page is swapped in or out

Programmer can use spaces to put pages together whose access patterns are similar

Hints to OS

Space.Activate - the space will be used soon, so please swap it in

Space.Deactivate - the space will not be used for a while

Space.Kill - the contents of the space is no longer of interest, so don't even bother swap it out

Tight coupling between files and spaces

Spaces are the only access path to the contents of files, and files are the only backing store for spaces

Good idea? Claim:

decouples buffer allocation from disk scheduling

easy and uniform protection: propagation of file protection to spaces

advice to OS becomes possible: Activate, Deactivate, Kill

can simulate read/write on map, but read/write can't do reverse

Space.ForceOut: blocking sync( ) in Unix

2.3 Streams and I/O Devices

Three ways to access I/O devices: implicit, direct, indirect


Pilot provides procedure calls, which are just (Mesa) wrapper functions of device-specific I/O operations

Reasonable, because Pilot is the OS for PC!


Direct access are not allowed for some devices, e.g., disk

For these devices, pilot provides high level abstraction for I/O: file, etc.

Indirect: Stream

Direct access is very difficult for most devices

Pilot provides Stream interface which is pretty much like Java I/O stream

Transducer converts I/O device interface into a Stream interface

Filter converts a Stream interface into another Stream interface

A transducer and a series of filters form a pipeline with the transducer being attached to I/O device

2.4 Communications

Distinction between "tightly-coupled" processes and "loosely-coupled" processes

Tight - should use shared-memory to communicate (e.g., single-machine parallel program)

Mesa supports monitor and condition variable

Loose - should use Pilot communication interfaces (e.g., print server)

All machines in "Pilot internet" are Pilot machines, even routers

Protocol stacks are pretty much like TCP/IP stack

Layer 0 - link layer

Layer 1 - IP layer

Layer 2 - Transport layer


Socket - Layer 1 interface: support datagram service

NetworkStream - Layer 2 interface: support stream service

a transducer which converts socket device into a Stream


NetworkStream.Listen - listen in TCP

NetworkStream.Handle - accept in TCP

NetworkStream.Delete - close in TCP

actually no tear-down process

just delete data structures allocated

parties should agree when to terminate communication

2.5 Mesa Language Support

Mesa language features: recursion, coroutine, concurrent processes, signal, etc.

Procedure call: Pilot only handles traps which occur when space for activation records are exhausted

Coroutine: Pilot gets involved during initialization

Concurrent processes: Pilot creates processes and handles the termination

World-swap - actually two different machine exist at the same time in Pilot: one for normal execution and one for debugging

Two worlds are different in:

contents of memory

version of Pilot

accessible volumes

even micro code

Swap between two worlds

save the context of the current world in a boot-file

resume the execution of the other world by reading the saved context

3. Implementation

Pilot is composed of components, which in turn are composed of Mesa modules

Hierarchical structure - they called "manager/kernel" structure with high-level manager being on top of kernel

3.1 Layering of the Storage System Implementation

Storage system is comprised of file-system and VM

Both systems maintains DBs which are too big to fit in memory. So file-system needs VM, and VM needs file-system and VM again. What a knot!

Solution? Layering!

Kernel: swapper & filer

is small enough to fit in memory

provides basic but powerful enough functions for full-fledged storage system

handles majority of application's requests

Manager: file manager & VM manager

implements more powerful functions using functions provided by swapper and filer

Interaction between kernel & manager

Manager-to-kernel interaction is obvious

Kernel-to-manger interaction

Kernel works only with pages and/or special files resident in memory--cache of VM

When it can't work with the cache, it punts to manager. Manager fixes the problem, possibly using another function of kernel, then kernel retries the operation

Indirect recursion or circular dependency, huh?

3.2 Cached Databases of the Virtual Memory Implementation


DB to implement space

Maintained by VM manager

Holds records per space: size, base page #, mapping info, etc.

Not fit in memory

Swapper uses resident "space cache" to track swapping info. What if info about a space is not in memory? Interaction between kernel & manager in 3.1

Swap unit cache

Maintained by swapper

Swap unit: smallest set of pages moved between memory and backing store

Logical cache of Projection

Indexed by page #

page fault for a page, then swap in the swap unit containing the page


Another swappable DB of all swap units

Maintained by VM manager

3.3 Process Implementation

Implementation splits roughly equal among Mesa, underlying machine, and Pilot

Basic monitors and condition variables are implemented by Mesa and machine

Pilot's concurrency support is implemented using those monitors and condition variables

3.4 File System Robustness

Each file page has a label--separate record that gives info about the page

Which file it belongs to, etc.

Scavenger periodically scans entire volumes and construct map

Map is just redundant fast-lookup database for volumes


Pilot works with maps

I/O devices compares map records passed by Pilot against page label

Mismatch of map record and page label indicates the need to scavenge

Any page damage just means the lost of the page. Remaining pages of the file is still OK!

Luxurious options like RAID are not common for PC. Then reliability at the OS level. Great Idea!

High-level robustness

Scavenger can callback client software for application-specific checking. For example DB integrity check

Volumes of old Pilot can be easily migrated to newer Pilot

New scavenger generates new version of map from old volume structure

New pilot uses the new map generated!

3.5 Communication Implementation

Routers - software switches

3.6 The Implementation Experience

Small group (6-8 people), 18 months

24,000 lines of Mesa


Understand the difference between time-sharing system and PC
Debugger is neat - any error pops you into it auto-magically
Powerful VM
Can give advice to OS
Security - connected to network, but claim is that security is not a big deal. True?
Mesa everywhere, Pilot everywhere
Design is quite different for PC versus minicomputer - what does this say about Linux?